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Condition Report Summaries
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/2002
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML042940210 (78)


unlt c . ICa CR't4;iAO'ria m .iDu l I l 'inv.Crnol l Cisure IibAssal l vStatIs iM 31;2002l

, , '  : 4.ij, sLS.Evenus v.Actv [l Codes

^ims '.

1 102-01534#" 21 CA 104/12/021 06/27/02 . INO DBE 1Open I No JNo I I I l:1<:II1 05127/02 IRework 2'RC 5 Yes 6-044 .

OXIDATION AND MISSING PAINT AT PRESSURIZER LEVEL TAP HOW 0575 0576 0575 During wolkdown for IP-M-028. Alloy 600 Inspection Plan. It was noted that there was slight oxidation, missing paint/coating and faint trace of some previous leakage at the nozzle for the lower tap of the Pressurizer Level Tronsmitter. LT-RCC14-2. The root valve associated with this tap and adjacent to this top is RC14A.

There are no signs of active leakage. There are no signs of any boric acid.

The oxidation is on the surface of pressurizer in a narrow ring (perhaps 1/4") around the circumference of the nozzle penetration. (see attached picture) The reference to a fain trace of previous leakage refers to staining observed on the surface of the pressurizer paint below the nozzle. This cannot be readily seen In the attached picture.

This Inspection was done as part of the extent of condition for CR 2002-0891.

1 102-01582l . 21 CA l04/18/02 l 06/02/02 l No DBE Open NoINo I1 I-.OI06/02/02 r9-1 l No 051-01 CORE FLOOD TANK I ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION DISCREPENCIES HDW 750576 75 During wolkdown of the Core Flooding Tank 1-1 for Alloy 600 Extent of Condition per IP-M-028 several Issues were noted that required further reviewr CFT1-01. (Outlet Nozzle) Nozzle had numerous Indications of rust stains. Appears to be from elsewhere. No signs of leakage from the nozzle Itself.

CFTI-02 (CF3BI) Nozzle had small rust stain on top of nozzle. No sign of nozzle leaking.

CFT1-04 (Sample Connection) Rust stains on the nozzle and a rusted area on the tank at the 10 o'clock position. No signs of the nozzle leaking.

CFT1-05 (CF4B1) Minor white stains under the nozzle. Appears to be from elsewhere. No evidence of nozzle leaking.

CFT1 -06 (CF4B2) Signs of point or possibly old boron I a longitudinol line down the nozzle @1 aeclock position. It does not rub off or brush off. Also minor white stains under nozzle appears to be from elsewhere.

CFTl-07 (CF103) Signs of minor tank oxidation approximately 4" from nozzle.

Due to white stains being seen on several of the components, this CR needs to follow the requirements of NG-EN-00324, Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Contacted Jon Hook.

identified per Reactor Head Degradation extent of condition program.

1 02-01585.* .... 2 CA 04118102 06/02/02 l. No DBE Open No jNo I I I:I':0. 06102/021 gt9-2 . 3 Yes 0I51-01 CORE FLOOD TANK 2 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION DISCREPENCIES HDW 0575 0576 0575 During walkdown of the Core Flooding Tank 1-2 for Alloy 600 Extent of Condition per IP-M-028 several issues were noted that required further review:.

CFT2-1 (Outlet Nozzle) Nozzle hod streaks of white which appeared to be from elsewhere. It also had rust spots and sreaks which appear to be minor but are numerous.

CFT2-03 (CF3A2) Nozzle had streaks and spots of white. Appears to be from elsewhere.

CFT2-5 (CF4A1) Nozzle hod minor white stains under nozzle. Appears to be from elsewhere. Adjacent area of tank has a 8'high x 4" wide area of surface rust.

CF2.06 (CF4A2) Nozzle had streaks and spots of white. Appears to be from elsewhere. Bond of horizontal rust marks under the nozzle and run several feet in each direction around tank. Appear to be possibly from a band or strop on the tank in the past that scratched the coating.

CFT2-07 (CF100) Nozzle had minor streaks and spots of white. Appears to be from elsewhere.

Due to the white material being found. this CR needs to follow the requirements of NG-EN-00304. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

,Contacted Jon Hook.

Identified per Reactor Head DegradQtion extent of condition program.


1 102-01606,l 2 CA l 04/19/02 1 06/03/02 I NIo PE Open No. No I I I1 l0 1 06/03/02 l PCS 2 Hot Leg Yes 06442 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 FINDING ON INSULATION HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions where Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection for three nozzle located on the Number 2 Hot Leg.

HL2-5 (Pressure Tap PTAI near valve RC2A1) had surface boric acid crystals located on the upper horizontal surface of the hot leg insulation. This appears to be from the thermal well. which Isdirectly above this nozzle. Insulation has minor urface discoloration and the outer line Insulation (called a coffee can') has poor fit and form.

HL2-6 (Thermal Well Tap TWRC3A) and HL2-7 (Pressure Tap PTA2 near valve RC2A2) Insulation had minor surface discoloration. There was question If a coffee con cover was Installed at one time and Ismissing.

his CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan. which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall will comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

dditional Inspections will be required to determine source and corrective actions. These Inspections are detailed In the Extent of Condition plan. No active leakage was Identified.

dentified per Reactor Head Degradation extent of condition program.

1 02-01631 ' 1 1 CA 1 04/23/02 1 06/07/02 No DBE Open No INo I I I 1 l .-.. I 06/07/02 1 OTSG 2 Hot Leg No 0642 MISSING INSULATION ON OTSG 2 HOT LEG VENT AND FLOW TRANSMITTERS NOZZLES HDW 0575 0576 0575 e following misssing Insulation conditions where Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection for three nozzle ocated on the Number 2 Hot Leg. It appears that Insulation was Installed, however It Iscurrently missing.

1L2-1 0. Insulation Hot Leg 2 Upper Vent Nozzle near RC44 (OTSG 2) appears to be missing the north Insulation box. This ocated on the upper part of the hot leg.

HL2-3 and HL2-4. Insulation for Hot Leg 2 Flow transmitter at azimuth 337.5 degrees and 202.5 regrees are missing nsulation cover plates (pie pans). Located near RC1A and RC1AB isolation valves.

is CR Iswritten against configuration control of Insulation not being Installed or even Ifrequired. Request a etermination If this Insulation Is required and If so then have It replaced.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program.

Note, the only Issue Identified under this CR Ismissing Insulation. Since the missing insulation pieces are shown as installed on an "Approved status vendor drawing M-197-00040. It Isrecommended that this CR go to Maintenance to find or procure the missing Insulation and re-InstaL.

1 02-01635-l 2 CA l 04/23/02 06/07/02 No DBE Open No No I I .1 l 0 .06/07/021 "WRC3A1 4 Yes 64-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS. HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection for RCS Hot Let Thermowells TWRC3A1 and TWRC3A3.

inspection zone HL2-8 (IWRC3A1) had evidence of possible leakage 'trails' below and on the east side of the thermowell. In comparison to the general condition of the surrounding area, the mounting boss and adjacent area had been cleaned, but uncertain when this cleaning occurred. Discolordtion of the RTD nut and RTD. and at the 10:00 position around the thermowell was also noted. Reddish/brown oxidation was present on the underside of the RTD conduit coupling weld and a white deposit was present on the conduit. Reddish/brown oxidation was present on the hot'leg both above and below TWRC3A1. with heavier oxidation noted to the west and trailing down the hot leg.

Unable to determine with certainty the cause of the oxidation.

Inspection zone HL2-9 (1WRC3A3) had evidence of possible leakage in the form of minor reddish/brown oxidation on the hot leg piping below TWRC3A3. The mounting boss Itself was very cleari. but uncertain when cleaning occurred. Reddish/Brown oxidation was also present In the seam of the insulation piece below TWRC3A3 ond above TWRC3A.

dentified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program.

No active leakage Identified.

rhis Condition Report must comply with the requirements of NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Control Program.

1 -0201647e 2 CA 04/23/02 l 06/07/02 l .No PE pen NoNO l l 1I 0 1 06/07/021 l l/A 14 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 he following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection of RCP 2-1 Outlet UCL Temp. Conn.

C4A1 and TWRC4A3.

he target areas (28 ID RCS Pipe) for UCL Temp. Connections TWRC4AI has slight oxidation (rust) on the pipe and nozzle surfaces. Likewise, TWRC4A3 also has oxidation on the RCS pipe surrounding the nozzle however, to a lesser degree.

This CR iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program.

No active or Inactive leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition Plan will be needed. No immediate actions required.

1 102-01660 l .; 0 l CF 04/24/02 l 06/08/02 No PE Open Yes INo I I 1 3 1 0 1 06/08/02 l IN/A IN/A INo N/A I INSPECTION PLAN REQUIREMENT NOT INCLUDED IN INSPECTION CR ERO 2779 2775 Condition report 02-1635 was initiated to document an Extent of Condition Inspection finding.

Extent of Condition Inspection Plan IP-M-028 states that a CR shall be InItiated for any Indication of leakage or corrosion Identified during an Inspection. The plan also states that the CR shall include a statement Indicating the need to comply with NG-EN-0324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure'. This statement was not Included In CR 02-1635.

Based on the anticipated number of CRs that will be originated for this effort. consideration should be given to developing a boilerplate CR that will Include the minimum required information for this project.

Recommend category CF. CAQ because the Inspection plan procedure is a quality procedure, and quality related inspections/documentation are conducted IAW the Inspection plan. F because the cause Isunderstood.


  • I CA 1 04/26/02 1 06/10/02 1 1 INo PE Open No I 1 .- 0 . 06/10/02 Rework R2-RC 4 Yes 06-04 i INSPECTiON PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION - PZR-14 HDW 9999 0576 9999 During Inspection of the nozzle of RC13A a white streak/stain was noted on the nozzle. It appeared that something may have dripped on It In the post. The streak does not extend and Isnot seen on other portions of the nozzle. Can not confirm that It is boric acid.

This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Serial Number PZR-1 4 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

No Imnmediate actions required.

102I01658.1 II CA 04/24/02 1 06/08/02 l l No PE Open No Yes I 1 l 0 06/08/02 l lOTSG 2 Hot Leg es -02 DIRTY INSULATION ON OTSG 2 HOT LEG - IDENTIFIED DURING THE IP-M-028 PLAN HDW 105750576 0575 The following Insulation had reddish material and evidence of corrosion. This was Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection for two nozzle located on the SG 2 Hot Leg.

HL2-1 0. Insulation Hot Leg 2 Upper Vent Nozzle near RC44 (OTSG 2) has reddish particulate material located at base of hot leg insulation. This reddish material was found over most horizontal surfaces on the hot leg. Insulation cap appears to have surface corrosion material near Inner buckle. Unable to determine source or reason. Insulation material Is stainless steel and does not appear to be deteriorating. Form/fit and discoloration Ispresent. The location Ison the upper part of the number 2 hot leg.

HL2-3 Insulation for Hot Leg 2 Flow transmitter at azimuth 202.5 degrees. elevation 626 7" has a reddish material ocated on the Inner surface of the insulation penetration. This appears to be coming from the hot leg surface. The thermal well located directly above this penetration was leaking. Also there is the same reddish particulate material os found on top of the hot leg Insulation on the horizontal flow transmitter Isolation valve.

rhis CR Iswritten In accordance with the inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or LIdentified

orrosion. The CR complies with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be addressed In the evaluation of this CR.

1 02-01661* 1 CA 04/24102 06/08/02 No PE Open No fes I I I 1 I O l 06/08/02 l TWRC3B. RC2B21 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified while performing Inspections for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection program for package serial numbers Insulation Inspections foi HL -4. HL -5. H~l -6 and weld Inspections for HL -7 and HL -8.

Inspection zone HLI-4 Insulation (HL Temp Connection TWRC3B). The Insulation for HL1-4 has boron or white powder noted on the horizontal surface of the right Insulation panel as viewed looking at the thermal well. In a slightly recessed area to the right of the white powder locations a reddish brown discoloration Isevident.

Inspection Zone HL -5 Insulation (HI Pressure Tap Nozzle RC2B2 PTB2). The Insulation pertaining to HL -5 has standard hot leg mirror with a small can at the pressure top location and a box around the first valve. Reddish brown discoloration was present on the north side of the can and on the horizontal surface of the hot leg Insulation. White powder / discoloration Ispresent on the horizontal surface of both hot leg mirror panels and the West side of the box in a dented area or Indentation.

Inspection zone HI1-6 Insulation (HI Pressure Tap Nozzle RC2B1 PTB1). The Insulation for HL1-6 has boron or white powder noted on both top horizontal surfaces for both Insulation panels. Boron streaking Isheavy on the back half-outer surface of the left panel as viewed looking at HLI-6. Brownish red discoloration Ispresent on the right side panel storting about mid panel approximately 1 Inch below the top and extending nearly 12 Inches. Boron was noted In the vertical seam and resting around the bottom of the pipe penetration within the hot leg mirror.

Inspection zone HL1-7 Weld (HI RTE Mounting Boss Replaced TWRC3BI). Inspection Identified a white powder type material which looks like boron on the threaded connection at approximately the 5:00 area. Streaks of white were found below the threaded connection on the nozzle and past the weld. All match marks contained white powder (possibly developer) In the stamped area. A weld strike mark was Identified at about the 2:30 positIon. Minor rust was located on painted portion of piping where scratches has removed the paint and near the band that is around the piping.

Inspection zone HL1-8 Weld (HI RTE Mounting Boss Replaced TWRC3B3). Inspection of weld area was conducted with the following discrepancies: Entire area was covered with a white powder which Isbelieved to be developer from ISI eld Inspection, Boron deposits were found on the threaded connection from approximately 9:00 to the 11:30 position and at the 6:00 position. Reddish brown streaks of stained areas were Identified at 6:00 below weld. All atch marks are filled with white powder. Most all of the scratched surfaces In the painted area of the piping have ome corrosion and corrosion Isapparent under the band around pipe. Boron deposits were found near the bond round the piping (appears to be a previous location of the band Itself, located below the nozzle. The one deposit as located below and to the left of the nozzle (approximately 10 to 12 inches In length by 0.5 to 0.75 Inches In dth). two smaller deposits were noted below and to the right of the nozzle (each approximately 3 inches in length by 0.5 inches In width). A large corrosion spot was found on the hanger above where the point has scaled off.

his CR was written in accordance with the IP-M-028 Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shal comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure is was Identified per the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Conditon program. No active leakage was dentified. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be addressed In the evaluation of this CR.*

1 102-01704' l 1 CA l 04/26/02 l 06/10/02 l I lNo PE Open No INo I I 1 I 1- 06/10/021 E24-2 4 Yes 063-01.l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION - SG2-1 HDW 075 0576 0575 During inspection of Serial Number SG2-1 (Primary Drain Nozzle) signs of previous boric acid leakage from the manway was noted. Since the drain nozzle Islower than the monway, gravity would cause this leakage to run down to the drain nozzle area. The area between the manway and the drain nozzle shows minor areas where the original point Is missing and brownish color. No heavy rust or scale was noted.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection SG2-1 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered inthe evaluation of this CR.

No Immediate action required.

1 102-01705' 1 I CA l 04/26/02 06/10/02 No PE lopen I No INo I I I I I 0 1 06/10/02 1 E24-1 1 Yes 0301 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) - SG1 -1 HDW 0575 0576 0575 During inspection of Serial Number SGI -1 (Primary Drain Nozzle) faint signs/stains of whte con be seen around the nozzle (mostly In the north-east corner). It may be from some previous boric acid leakage. The source can not be determined the drain nozzle Islower than the nearbay manway. gravity would cause any other leakage to run down

to the drain nozzle area. The area between the manway and the drain nozzle does not show any streaks to indicate that this may have been the source where the leakage may hove been from.

There is also some slight rust colored surface In the same area since much of the original paint Isgone. There is no co;jibsion or loss of metal noted.

This condition report is generated based on Inspection SG] -1 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program.

No Immediate action required.

1 102-01711 .I: V0l NF l 04/27/02 l 06/26/02 [No PE Open No No I I 1 0 106/26/02 1 IN/A P/A No IN/A I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-4S FINDINGS ERO 0450 2779 3450 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection Area 585-4S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The equirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Full Inspection of serial 585-4 could not be completed due to presence of Insulation repair tent placed up against Containment Vessel and staged Insulation storage against D-rng wall.

This Ison administrative issue only and Isused to track uninspected areas. (reference IP-M-029 sections 6.4. 6.6 and 8.1)

Contacted Peter Mainhardt 1 102-01712w M 0 l CA l 04/27/02 l 06/11/02 lNo .PE Open No N I l0 I [lI ',Il_0 06/11/02 l (N/A (N/A No _N/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-4S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Conditlon Report Isgenerated based on Inspection Area 585-4S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN.00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of the CR.

floor elevation 603 -0" floor structural beam between northwest stairs and Containment Vessel has minor surface rust long flange edge.

he above CR Identifies a condition with minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not adversely affect the structural Integrity of the beam.

Contacted P. Malnhardt 1 02'-017?13j iio; CA 04/27/02 06/11/02 lNo PE Open No [No I Il1:;o 06/11/02 i/a N/A No Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-3S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 his Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection Area 585-3S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be consideed In the evaluation of this CR.

1. Rust stains evident on Containment vessel beneath mounting plates for conduit and cable troy supports. Back urfaces of plates have never been painted due to accessiblity and have surface rust. Typical for oil plates in area.

(photo file 585&3s-l.Jpg)

2. Surface rust on restraint components for valve CV501 OA Llmitorque actuator. (photo file 585-3s-6jpg)
3. Surface rust on mounting pad welds for Core Flood Tank No. 1. (photo file 585-3s-2.Jpg)
4. Pipe support clamps for 3/4 EBB-5 sample line have some surface rust. Supports are located on wall east of Core Flood Tank No. 1.
5. Rust staining on structural beam for elevation 603 floor. Location approximately one foot south and west of Core Flood Tank.
6. Underside of grating support angle for floor elevation 603-ehas surface rust. Grating is located between vessel and concrete floor area northwest of equipment hatch.
7. Pipe supports located in northeast corner of room 316 have boric acid deposits. The boric acid is white and appears to have originated due to condensing of vapor on 3' CC line above. (photo files 585-3s-4.jpg. 585-3s-5.jpg)

The above CR Identifies a condition with minor surface staining and surface rust. This minor surface staining / rust will not adversely 6ffect the structural Integrity of the Item.

Contacted P. Mainhordt

1 102-0171711 0 l CA l 04/27/02 l 06/11/02 I INO PE Open No [No I I I 1 I 0 l 06/11/02 l P/A IN/A No Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 FINDINGS FOR AREA 585-5S HDW 0575 0576 0575 his Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 585-5S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1. Rust colored staining Identified at joints In ceiing floor plugs. Staining extends to the flanges on some structural pport beams. Staining appears to be caused by unknown fluid leaking through joints. (See representative Photos #

5855-1 & 2)

2. Spotty corrosion and water spotting Identified on metal decking at ceiling. Corrosion appears to have begun to undermined the protective coating (blistering). (See representative Photos # 585-5S-3 & 15)

An unknown red powder identified on angle member support for small bore pipe. Support Islocated on south wall n front of CAC 1-1 at approximately El. 589'. No corrosion was Identified. (See Photo # 585-5S-4)

. Ught surface rust and staining Identified on Core Flood Tank No. 2 supports. (See representative Photo X585-5S-5)

5. Boric acid residue, staining and surface rust Identified on supports for small bore core flood line. Supports are located on east side of core flood tank (near valves CF100 & CFI5). Boric acid residue isfrom service water piping above. (See Photo # 585-5S-6)

. Wide spread boric acid residue (white and rust-colored) and corrosion identified on service water piping supports.

ny evidence of flaking appears to be limited to where the corrosion has began to blister the protective coating.

Some possible minor loss of material at comers of member flanges. (See representative Photos # 585-5S-7. 8, 9 & 20)

7. An area with very fight surface rust Identified on the containment vessel liner, located between the elevator and CAC 1-2. (See Photo # 585-5S-10)
8. Surface rust Identified on drain piping rod hanger supports. Supports located In overhead south of CAC 1-3. (See representative Photo # 585-5S-11)

MWde spread rust color staining of concrete floor, predominately beneath the service water piping and In the ctnity of the CACs. (See representative Photos t 585-SS-12 & 13)

10. Surface rust and rust-colored staining (typical) on CAC base anchorage. Paint isblistering, but there does not appear to be any material wastage on the nuts. (See representative Photos # 16 & 17)
11. Surface rust Identified (typical) on CAC drain fine supports located on floor. (See representative Photo #585-5S-18)
12. Staining, surface rust and fight boric acid residue Identified on small bore pipe supports. The supports are located off south wall near elevator at approximately El. 593'. below service water piping. (See Photo # 585-5S-19)

The above CR Identifies a condition with minor surface staining, surface rust, and some boric acid residue. This minor surface staining / rust and boric acid residue do not adversely affect the structural Integrity of the Item.

Contacted P. Malnhardt 1 l02-01718 r&0 CA l 04/27/02 06/11/02 No PE Open No INo I I I I I 0 l 06/11/02 1 iN/A IN/A No Varlous INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 FINDINGS FOR AREA 603-2-S HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 603-2-S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

I) The area around and above the Equipment Hatch shows signs of water streaking. however. no rust was noted. It' appears that the streaking may be the result of past deconning operations.

Note: The 'rust' color discoloration around the equipment hatch isnot the result of rust. It appears to be residue left over from tape that was applied to the equipment hatch Inpast outages.

See Photo #603-2-S-1

2) Directly In front of the equipment hatch are 6 vertical Service Water pipes. There Isa gang support for these pipes at the floor level. This pipe support shows varying signs of boric acid buildup as well as surface discoloration, and surface rust. No loose rust was noted.

See Photo #603-2-S-2 #603-2-S-3. and #603-2-S-4.

3) The 603 floor grating directly In front of the Item #2 above and the structural steel that supports the grating shows sigrs of boric acid deposits, surface staining, surface rust and In a few isolated location slight flaky rust. This appears in four locations.

See Photo #603-2-S-5 and #603-2-S-6.

4) Pipe support for a 1-1 /2 inch diameter pipe (Green) at elevation 603'8 near Item #2 above (by PT RC 2A1) shows signs of surface discoloration and slight surface rust.

See Photo #603-2-S-7.

5) Service Water Pipe Support H44 (@613'). Note, this Isthe first support north of the Equipment Hatch shows signs of boric acid deposits and surface rust at numerous locations at the pipe / support interface.

ee Photo #603-2-5-8 and #603-2-S-9.

6) The pipe support for the 1-1 /2 pipe (Green) above valve SW 391 shows discoloration and surface rust.

e Photo #603-2-S-10 and #603-2-S-l l

7) Service Water Pipe gong support (2-nd pipe support) shows signs of boric acid deposits at the pipe/support interface, and the shims of the support and surface discoloration and rust.

See Photo #603-2-S- 16. #603-2-S-17. X603-2-9-18. and #603-2-S-1 9

8) Structural Steel for floor grating and the grating itself (under JT 4904) shows signs of boric acid deposit and light surface staining and rust.

Note, this Iscommon to the grating under the Service Water Pipes.

See Photo # 603-2-S-20. which is a representative photo of the area.

9) The floor grating under the Service Water lines shows signs of surface staining and rust (near JT 4910)

See Photo #603-2-S-21

10) Service Water Pipe gang support (3-rd pipe support) shows signs of boric acid deposit at the pipe/support interface and fight surface discoloration and surface rust.

See Photo # 603-2-S-22 and #603-2-S-23.

11) Pipe support (angle support) for a 1-1 /2 Inch diameter pipe (Green) shows slight boric acid deposit at the pipe/support Interface, surface discoloration and surface rust as well as very minor material wastage (flaky) at the end of angle support.

See Photo #603-2-S-24

12) A 1-inch copper line above valve SW 391 has a U-boIt that shows signs of surface discoloration and surface rust.

See Photo # 603-2-S-25

13) A Tube Steel Support and Its baseplate, anchor bolts and nuts shows signs of surface rust and the nut shows slight material wastage.

NOTE: There Isno equipment currently mounted on this support.

See Photo X 603-2-S-26

14) The concrete floor directly under the Service Water pipes shows signs of surface discoloration and surface staining.

See Photo X 603-2-S-27 for a representative photo.

15) Service Water Pipe gong support (4-th pipe support) shows signs of boric acid deposit at the pipe/support interface, surface staining, and surface rust. This condition Isalso present on the brace for this support.

Psee Photo # 603-2-5-28. # 603-2-5-29, #603-2-S-30. #603-2-S-31. and #603-2-5-32.

16) The ISI 5034 Test Equipment (C. Daft) shows signs of surface rust and boric acid deposit.

jSee Photo # 603-2-5-33.

17) Service Water Pipe gong support (4-th pipe support identified as 47-H49) shows signs of boric acid deposit at the pipe/support interface but no staining or rust.

ISee Photo X603-2-S-34 and #603-2-S-35

18) The Pipe Whip Restraint Backing Plate / nut directly behind JT 3952 shows signs of surface staining and surface rust.

See Photo #603-2-S-36

19) Service Water Pipe gang support (5-th pipe support Identified as 41 -HBC-47-H29)

The baseplate shows signs of discoloration and surface staining.

See Photo # 603-2-S-37 The support adjacent to the Service Water Pipe shows signs of boric acid deposit at the pipe/support Interface.

surface staining and slight surface rusting.

See Photo # 603-2-S-38. #603-2-S-39. and #603-2-S-40

20) The pipe support for the 1-1 /2 pipe (Green) above the Pipe Whip Restraint shows signs of boric acid deposit.

surface discoloration and surface rust, and slight material wastage at the end.

See Photo #603-2-S-41

21) The floor grating Including the structural steel beams next to the outer D-Ring wall by the stairs shows signs of boric acid deposit. surface staining, and surface rust.

e Photo # 603-2-S-42. This is a representative photo of the area.

2) Service Water Pipe gang support (6-th pipe support north side of the outer D-ring wall) shows signs of boric acid eposit at the pipe/support interface, surface staining and surface rust.

See Photo #603-2-S-43 and #603-2-S-44

23) Service Water Pipe gang support (7-th pipe support 46-H23) shows signs of boric acid deposit at the pipe/support interface. surface staining and surface rust.

See Photo #603-2-S-45 and #603-2-S-46

24) Support for SP 12A1 A line shows signs of discoloration. surface staining, and surface rust.

e Photo #603-2-S-47

25) At the north boundary of Area 603-2 on the outer D-Rlng wall several small bore pipe supports shows signs of water droplets residue / discoloration. This does not appear to be rust related.

See Photo #603-2-S-48

26) Containment Vessel by the stairwell (general) shows signs of discoloration and streaking on the surface. There are no signs of boric acid deposits or rust.

See Photo #603-2-S-49

27) Service Water Pipe gang support (8-th pipe support) at elevation 602 shows signs of boric acid deposit, surface aining and surface rust.

See Photo #603-2-S-50 and #603-2-S-51.

28) Large diameter nut (4' bolt 7) located approximately 6-feet from the top of elevation 653 at the north end by the stairwell (next to cable troy BCCD-01) shows signs of surface staining.

Note: This Isthe only staining / rust Identified that Islocated above the Service Water Pipes.

See Photo #603-2-S-53 and #603-2-S-54.

The above CR Identifies a condition with minor surface staining. surface rust. and some boric acid residue and in a few cases minor material wastage. This minor surface staining / rust and boric acid residue as well as minor material wastage do not adversely affect the structural Integrity of the Item.

[ Contacted P. Mainhordt 1

I No No 02-01706,t I

0 CA l 04/26/02 l 06/10/02 I Il1 l 0 l 06/10/02 l IOTSG 1 Hot Leg No MAIN No Open 064-02 fMISSING/LOOSE INSULATION ON OTSG 1 FLOW TRANSMITTERS NOZZLE AND VENT LINE HDW 075 0576 0575 The missing insulation conditions where Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection for a nozzle located on-the Number 1 Hot Leg. It appears that Insulation was Installed, however It Iscurrently missing. HL1-3 Insulation for Hot Leg 1 Flow transmitter at RCIBBis missing coffee can insulation and Insulation box on RC1BB. RC1BB and RC1BBA appeorst6

'be new IHL1 -9 Insulation Hot Leg 1 Upper Vent Nozzle near RC42 (OTSG 1)and the 36 Inch line appears to be loose. requiring Ito be realigned and buckled. This Islocated on the upper part of the hot leg.

This CR is written against configuration control of Insulation not being Installed or If required. Request a determination if this insulation is required and If so then have It replaced. Insulation If Installed will be removed for further Alloy 600 inspections.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program.

Note, the only issue Identified under this CR Ismissing Insulation. Since the missing Insulation pieces are shown as

instaled on an 'Approvedc status vendor drawing M-197-00040. It Isrecommended that this CR go to Maintenance to rind or procure the missing Insulation and re-Install.

1- 02-01782. 1 CA 05/01/02 06/15/02 No PE Open No No 1 0 06/15/02 N /A es -02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: ICCA-20-FLANGE1-UP HDW 0575 0576 0575 During Inspection of inspection of 1CCA-20-FLANGE1 -UPPER two bright white stains were noted on one of the flange faces. This was the south half of the flange. Some Insignificant white stains noted on the bottom of the other half of the flange. These can not be confirmed to be boric acid as no crystals were noted. There was no extension noted and no wetness or corrossion noted.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 1CCA-20-FLANGE1 -UPPER performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-0324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

None 1 l02-01784' 1 l CA l 05/01/02 l 06/15/02 l lNo PE Open NolNo INO I 0106/15/021 /A Yes f02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: ICCA-20-FLANGE2-L HDW 05750576 0575 During the Inspection of 1CCA-20-Flange2-Lower there were small %ihitestains noted on the lower flange outer edge and several dark stains on the lower flange face (dark stains could be some type of thread lubiricant).

No boric acid crystals were noted. No corrosslon or active leakage was noted.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection ICCA-20-Flange2-Lower performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered Inthe evaluation of this CR.

None 1 r02-01788 l 1 I CA l 05/01/02 l 06/15/02 lNo PE pen No lNo I Il I I 0 1 06/15/02 l LTCF3A2 1 Yes 051-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-6 PIPING HDW 750576 0575 This condition report is generated based on Inspection LTCF3A2 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e stainless steel fitting that attaches valve K2 to the valve block has an accumulation of loose boric acid crystals.

digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-6P-LTCF3A2-K2-1 .JPG and 565-6P-3A2-LTCF3A2-K2-2.JPG Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition Program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition Program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be addressed In the evaluation of this CR.

102-01755" : 1 CA 04/30/02 06/14/02 No PE lOpen I NolNo I I 1 I:°.0; . 06/14/021 lrc2a 4 Yes 042 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 BOLTED CONNECTION FINDINGS HDW I075 0576 0575 is Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection RC2A Outlet and Pilot Bolted PRZR Pwr Relef VIv performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he stainless steel valve bonnet (on the top of and sides of the bonnet) and body has a white surface discoloration hat may be boric acid. (It may be paint or another substance.)

A digital photo was taken to document the inspection. RC 2A.Jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

l1 r02-01794 l 1 CA l 05/01/02 06/15/02 l IjNo PE 1Open j No INo [ I I 1 I 0 1 06/15/02 1 IPTCF4A2 14 [Yes p51-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-6 PIPING HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report isgenerated based on Inspection PTCF4A2 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

The left-rear top cover screw has an accumulation of loose boric acid crystals.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-6P-PTCF4A2-1.JPG

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition Program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition Program Plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 02-01795 II CA 05/0102 06/15/02 l lNo PE lOpen No No I I I 10 06/15102 l CF46 Yes 01-01 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-6 PIPING HDW 0750576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection CF46 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The equirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he valve packing area has an accumulation of loose boric acid crystals.

digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-6P-CF46-1 .JPG AND 565-6P-CF46-2.JPG Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition Program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition Program Plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 [02-01797'l 1 CA l 05/01/02 l 06/15/02 lNo PE Open No INo I I I 1 l0 1 06/15/021l ls858 l4 Yes 083-01 .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 CONTAINMENT AREA INSPECTIONS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection #565-6 Room 217 Core Flood Tank #2 Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this report.

MS858. SG 1-1 Vent Une Isolation Valve, has Indicated corrosIon of the yoke. This appears that It may not to be due to boric oid corrosion and only due to minor packing leakage onto the carbon steel yoke. This leak has been Identified under this Inspection program and should be evaluated with other.

digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-6P-MS 858-1.jpg. 565-6P-MS 858-2.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions area required.

1 l02-01798 il@.-1 I CA l 05/01/02 l 06/15/02 No PE Open No INo I I II 1I;O 1i06/15/02 1 1E24-2 . 1 Yes 06341 .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS. HDW 05750576 075 IsCondition Report Isbeing written as a result of Inspections performed at Serial Numbers Head Vent Flange 4' ange Conection at SG) and 'Head Vent Flange 5' (Flange Connection to SG 1-2) In accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this Condition Report.

rial Number 'Head Vent Flange 4': Extremely minor traces of boron at Interface of flex gasket and flange face over a small portion of the gasket circumference.

Serial Number 'Heod Vent Flange 5': Traces of boron residue on underside of flange and also above the flange on the Steam Generator Shell. Trailing marks are evident on the Steam Generator Shell that do not appear to contain boron and do not have the appearance of reddish/brown oxidation. Additional markings/discolorations noted on the Steam Generator Shell and/or the head vent line flange and associated piping.

Refer to Inspection Plan IP-M-028 data sheets for further details.

No active leakage noted.

1 02-01799. 1 CA 05/01/02 l 06/1502 'No PE .Open I No No -. .I I 0 1 06/.15/02 1MSED417 j Yes 020-10 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 CONTAINMENT AREA INSPECTIONS iHDW 10575 0576 10575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection #565-6 Room 217 Core Flood Tank #2 Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this report.

the floor drain piping coming from 585 to 565 has large traces of leakage from the above elevation. This Isdry buildup of some unknown substance. There Isalso a few small areas of rust at the first 'Y' above the 565 elevation. (About.7' off the floor.)

A digital photo was token to document the inspection. 565-6P-MSD 417-1.jpg. 565-6P-MSD 417-2.jpg. 565-6P-MSD 417-3.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate I jactions area required. 1-1 102-01800U, 0 NA 05/01/02 l 06/30/02 l lNo lPE lOpen No jNo I 1 l006/30/02 l V1RC INo 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN M-028 INCOMPLETE INSPECTION ERO 3450 2779 3450 Inspection Plan IP-M-028. Step 6.4 requires a Condition Report to be written for circumstances when an entire 360 degree Inspection was not performed. Attachment 3 of IP-M-028 requires Inspections to be performed at the following locations:

Serial Number Description Head Vent Flange 1 Flange Connection to RV CRD Head Vent Flange 2 Flange Connection at Service Structure Head Vent Flange 3 Flange Connection at D-Ring Wall The bolted flange connections associated with these Inspection points have been dismantled, and the associated spoolpieces have been removed. Therefore. Inspections at these bolted locations have not been performed.

Evaluation required In accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-028.

1 l02.0180110 1 l CA l 05/01/02 06/15/02 lNo PE Open No INO I I °- I 1 06/15/02 l l p9b3c3. sp9b3 IYes I63-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 CONTAINMENT AREA INSPECTIONS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection #565-5 Outside D-ring Between Rooms 215 and 217 Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this report.

Several OTSG level Instrument Isolation valves have have indicated corrosion on the yoke. This appears to not be due aboric acid corrosion and due to minor packing leakage onto the carbon steel yoke. This leak has been Identified under this Inspection program and should be evaluated with other deficiencies found In this area. The Isolation valves involved are: SP9B3BC. SP9B3AC, SP9B3BE. SP9B3AE. SP9B5BA. SP9B5AA. SP9B4BA. SP9B4AA SP9B2BA. SP982AA SP9B4BA. SP9B4AC. SP9B4BE, SP9B4AE.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspections. 565-5P-SP9B3BC-1.Jpg. 565-5P-SP9B3AC-l .Jpg. 565-5P-SP9B3BE-1.Jpg, 565-5P-SP9B3AE-1 Jpg. 565-5P-SP9B5BA-1 jpg. 565-5P-SP9BSAA-1 .Jpg. 56-S5P-SP9B4BA-1 .Jpg, 565-5P-SP9B4AA-1 .Jpg, 565-5P-SP9B2BA-1.Jpg. 565-5P-SP9B2AA-1.Jpg. 565-5P-SP9B4BA-1.jpg, 565-5P-SP9B4AC-1.Jpg, 565-5P-SP9B4BE-1.Jpg. 565-SP-SP9B4AE-1 .Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

dditional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions area required.

1 l02-01818. 1 CA 05/02/02 l 06/16/02 lNo PE pen No a l l 1 1 ':;0 .I 06/16/02 l IN/A es -02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION HDW 750576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection of the west d-ring RCS hot leg piping. This was a target examination of the hot leg after Insulation was removed from the lower horozontal portion of the pipe (approx. 587' to 575' elevations). IP-M-028 component serial # Is HLI1-1..

Patches (areas) of minor surface corrosion where paint Ismissing. Various locations within area Inspected.

Also, white residue was found on the east side of RCS pipe at the 575' level under restraint. This residue does not appear to origlonate from a RCS leak, and In my opinion Isdried up ultrasonic couplant.

Photo #'s HLI 1-1-5. 6. 11 & 12 document conditions This CR is written In accordance with the inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324, Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active or Inactive leakage was Identified.

Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required. Note that this was an 'inspection of opportunity' In that the surface of this portion of the Hot Leg became available for Inspection due to a Work Activity to replace damaged Insulation.


1 102-01819E o0 CA l 05/02/02 l 06/16102 l l INO PE, Open No [No I I 1 2 1 0 1 06/16/02 1 IN/A I No P055-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP M-029 FOR CRDESSV EXTENT OF CONDITION HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following obervations were made while performing the Inspection of serial number CRDESSV - CRDM Vent Fans/Ductwork External to the Service Structure:

1) A right layer of rust colored debris was found coating all of the fan blades of both fans. This Included rust colored debris near the fan access door where air had leaked by the access door gasket. It Ispostulated that the debris is ram the reactor head. No boric acid was evident internal to the fan. Digital pictures CRDESSV-P-20, 21 and 22 document this condition.
2) The fan/motor assemblies are mounted to the floor via steel framed painted platform. Grease from the fan/motor bearings has melted and dripped down to the platform creating a sticky surface. This surface has collected a right layer of rust colored debris. It Isbelieved that the rust colored debris was from the general CTMT environment. Digital pictures CRDESSV-P-05 and 06 document this condition. This was also Identified as part of Area Inspection 603-1s, reference CR 02-01749 item 2.

his Condition Report Isbeing generated based upon Inspection Serial Number CRDESSV performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition Program. No active or Inactive leakage was Identified.

Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition Plan will need to be developed. No Immediate actions required. Based on discussions with the Originator, the rust colored debris on the fan blades would not adversely Impact the functioning of these fans.

1 02-01821. : 1 CA 05/02/02 06/16/02 No PE Open No No I I 1 1: ., 0616/02 IN/A 4 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION HDW 0575 0576 0575 e following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection on the east d-ring RCS hot leg piping. This was a target examination of the hot leg after insulation was removed from the lower horozontal portion of the pipe (approx. 587' to 575' elevations). IP-M-028 component serial # IsHL21-1.

ere Isevidence of leakage (streaks and deposits) located on the Insulation, Insulation support ring, and the RCS piping at the 587' level. Small amounts of white and rust colored deposits (residue) on the pipe and Insulation (insul.

oints and OD surface). Source of leak could not be determined.

Iso, patches (areas) of minor surface corrosion where point Ismissing. Various locations within area Inspected.

Photo #s HL21-1-4. 5. 6. 7. 10, 11 document these conditions.

This CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan wil be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 l02-01825, - -.-1 CA l 05/02/02 l 06/16/02 . No PE Open I No No I I I 1 1 0:'.I06/16/02 h/a 4 Yes Various I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 CONTAINMENT AREA INSPECTION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-029 Containment Area Inspection of AREA 585-1 P(Rm 315 -

Incore Instrument Tank Area).

Steam Generator 1-2 Shell Sample line runs through Area 585-1. Paint Ismissing from most of the line. The line Is covered with surface rust. The rust is not loose or flaky. The source appears to be from general airborne accumulation

/ condensation.

CCW piping has evidence of rust colored water stains on lines directly below MU valves. The source appears to be the MU valves. The surface stain appears to be a discoloration of the surface only.

Both items are located inside the Incore Tank Room Door on 585. directly up.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection.

ihis CR is written In accordance with the Inspection plan. which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or

corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.


1. 102-01863 l 1 CA l 05/06/02 l 06/20/02 _ lNo PE Open NojNo I I I I Il0 1 06/20/02 1 lMU370 ves Y4 l I065-0 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: 565-4P HDW 0575 0576 0575 During area wolkdown, rustiboron was noted on the packing of MU370.

rhis condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-4P performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions area required.

1 lo02-01867. 1 I CA l05/06/02 l 06/20102 I INo PE Open No fNo I I I1 I 0 1 06/20102 1 NUIA 04 Yes 64-02 NSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection of the RC Letdown Cooler 1-1 Inlet Isolation valve MU 1A. This examination was performed with the Insulation removed. IP-M-028 component serial # IsMU1B Bolted.

Boric Acid Crystals was noted on the floor and surrounding components under RC Letdown Cooler 1-1 Inlet Isolation valve MU IA. No boric acid crystals were located on either the valve body or flange surfaces.

lso. orange (rusty) residue located on the top of the upper and lower flange surfaces observed. Appears to have originated from a packing leak above.

Photo IDs of above conditions are MU]A-3 and MUIA-4 This CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply wih NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

dentified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028. No active leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 102-01820, l 1l CA 1 05/03/02 l 06/17/02 l lNo DBE Open No INo I I I 1 -I 0;6.1 06/17/02 1 IDHI I Yes 9-02 0H1 1/DH12 VALVE YOKE CORROSION IDENTIFIED DURING RCS EXTENT OF CONDITION HDW 05750576 075 e following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600. Threaded/Bolted Class 1 Joints and Connections RCS Extent of Conditions Inspections of DH1 I Bolted and DHI2 Bolted Insulation connections.

HI 1. RCS TO DH SYSTEM. The Inspection Identified corrosion on the valve yoke and corrosion products / staining overing major areas of the valve body that were exposed. The valve appears to have had recent maintenance nd the as found Information would therefore be following any cleanup/deconning of the valve. This was an Insulation Inspection, however one section of Insulation was removed. Notice similar rust staining on body to bonnet gasket, lower edge. Gasket surface observed was clear of direct leakage. DH I1 Inspection with all Insulation removed will occur later.

DH1 2. RCS TO DH SYSTEM. The Inspection Identified corrosion on the valve yoke and corrosion products / staining covering major areas of the valve body that were exposed. This was an Insulation Inspection only. All insulation will be removed for the component Inspection. Valve yoke corrosion Issimilar to DH 11.however not as prevalent.

This CR was written In accordance wth the IP-M-028 inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for ani indicactions of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

This was Identified per the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition Program. No Active Leakage was identified.

1 102.01728. ° CA l 04/29/02 l 06/13/02 lNo 0 IDBE Open l No INo I 1 01 06/13/02 1 IN/A IN/A INo lVorious l INSPECTION PLAN IP.M-029 AREA 585-1 S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 p575 rhis condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 581-iS performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1)Concrete decking has corrosion throughout the ceiling of the room. Photo 585-1 S-1 2)Support on steam generator blow down tine Immediately below the east side room entrance has surface rust.

Photo 585-1S-2 Photo 585-1 S-2

3) Incore instrument tank anchor bolts have surface rust. Photo 585-1S-4 This CR Identifies components with minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not prevent them from performing their design function.

1 02-01861

  • I CA 05/06102 l 06/20/02 No PE Open No INo 1 I 0 l 06/20/02 l lCCIOO. CC371 _ Yes 016-04 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: 565-4P HDW 0575 0576 0575 During the area Inspection It was noted that there was light rust discoloration on CCW valves CCI 00 and CC37 12 and the CCW pipe to Letdown Cooler 1-2 has bright rust on the pipe where It enters/leaves the cooler.

his condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-4P performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions area required.

1 02-01907,l 1 1 CA l 05/07/02 l 06/21/02 No PE Open No [No I I I II 0 1 06/21/02 1 IN/A 14 Yes 06402 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection on the east d-rlng RCS hot eg piping. This was an Inspection of the Decay Heat Nozzle to Elbow weld off the hot leg after insulation was emoved. IP-M-028 component serial # IsHL2-1 Weld.

Possible leakage detected on the nozzle and elbow (evident by water streaking stains). The source Isunknow.

nsulation on RCS hot leg above nozzle covers the tracks.

Photo #'s HL2-IW-1 & HL2-1W-2 is CR Iswritten In accordance with the inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 l02-01915'# 1 CA 05/08/02 l 06/22/02 lNo PE Open No INo I Il1 Il 0l 06/22/02 I r'/A V! Yes 1064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection on the east D-ring RCP 2-

1. This examination covered the pump flange area, studs and the RCP pump bowl. The Insulation was removed in 2 locations and from the bottom nozzle. This examination was limited due to the restraint cables and drooping insulation. IP-M-028 component serial # IsRCP 2-1 CLS Cover/Studs.

Ite and rust colored streaks run down the side of RCP 2-1 bowl. These streaks extend past the suction nozzle onto he RCS piping. No signs of boric add crystals were noted on the RCP flange Minor surface corrosion wds noted on the RCP Studs and parts of the flange surfaces. Also, there Isquite a bit of debris on the top of the RCS bowl.

Photo #'s RCP21 CLS COVER&STUD-1 thru 10 document conditions This CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active was identified. Additional

evaluation of effected areas per.the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required. This
CR also needs to be evaluated with respect to the fact that a 100% inspection was not completed.

1.l.02-01917 l 1 CA 05/08/02 l 06/22/02 No . PE Open No No I l 1 0 106/22/021 IN/A Y4es 06442 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS . HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection on the East D-ring RCP 2-

2. This examination covered the pump flange area, studs and the RCP pump bowl OD. The Insulation was removed In 2 locations and from the bottom nozzle. This examination was limited due to the restraint cables and drooping insulation. IP-M-028 component serial # IsRCP 2-2 CLS Cover/Studs.

Slight white streaks/stains on side of RCP bowl and flange surface. Also a white ring around the RCP flange mating surface (resembles pipe dope In appearance).

Boron Crystals noted on the leak-off pipe flange (north side of RCP). Also a small pile of white/gray powder under the leak-off pipe on the RCP flange surface (It appears to be ashes).

Slight corrosion on some of the RCP studs. Some debris on the top of the RCP bowl.

Photo #VsRCP22CLS COVER&STUDS-1 thru 5 document conditions.

This CR is written In accordance with the inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or orroslon. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No immediate actions required. This R also needs to be evaluated with respect to the fact that a 100% inspection was not completed.

1 l02-01756i 1 CA  ! 04/30/02 l 06/14/02 T I lNo PE [Open No lNo I I II 0 l06/14/021 tc48 14 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection RC48 Bolted Presurizer Spray Manual Isolation Valve performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he stainless steel valve bonnet has a bonnet plug that has boric acid on the plug threaded connection. The side of e body to bonnet gasket also has boric acid residue.

digital photo was taken to document the inspection. RC 48.Jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

dditlonal evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate ctions are required.

1 102-01830 ..... l CA l05/03/02 06/17/02 ll.No PE Open No lNo 1 0 iJ 06/17/02 /NOa 4 Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 CONTAINMENT AREA INSPECTION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 e following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-029 Containment Area Inspectlon of AREA 585-3P (Room 316:

ore Flood Tank No. 1 Area).

Dry. White Boric Acid crystals were found on the component cooling line on the North wall of Rm 316. The total ccumulation amounts to Y2cup. The crystals originate on top of the pipe, continue around the pipe, drip down to a ructural angle pipe support. drip down onto conduit and finally to the floor. There was no corrosion present. The point on the CCW One was In good condition. The source of the Boric Acid can be traced to piping directly above -

hrough the ceiling, at the 603 elevation, near the equipment hatch. The entire One at valve CC625 Iscovered with a film of Boric Acid. The source appears to be from general airborne accumulation / condensation.

team Generator Shell Sample Une is covered with surface rust and most paint Isgone. The rust Isnot loose or flaky.

The source appears to be from general airborne accumulation / condensation.

CCW piping has evidence of rust colored water stains that originate from on top of the lines, source unknown. The paint on the line is In good condetion. The surface stain appears to be a discoloration of the surface only.

Digital photos were taken to document the inspection.

This CR is written in accordance with the inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

n/a 1 102-01834.l 1 CA 05/03/02 l 06/17/02 l INo DBE Open I No INo I I 1 0 1 06/17/02 1 -H12 4 yes 49-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 DHI2 BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 0576 075 This Condition Report isgenerated based on Inspection DH12.Bolted Connection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this report.

DH 12 has experienced packing leaks In the past and this has contributed to corrosion streaming on other components of this valve. While almost all parts of this valve ore stainless steel the yoke and actuator are made of carbon steel. The yoke Isthe primary source of the corrosion streaming. This streaming has accumulated on the body to bonnet gasket, the body top flange and the top of the bonnet flange. There Isalso corrslon on the yoke and the actuator bolting.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-1 0P-1 .jpg. 565-1 OP-2Jpg. 565-1 OP-3.Jpg. 565-1 OP-4.jpg. 565-1OP-5jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions area required.

1 02-01731.' 0 CA 04/29/02 06/13/02 No DBE Open i No INo I I I 1 l 0 1 06/13/02 1 IN/A IN/A No Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 636-1 FINDINGS ON STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS HDW 0575 0576 10575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 636-1 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1. Metal decking at ceiling In subject area has minor surface rust. (Reference representative picture(s): 636-is-1)
2. Surface rust on support above PORV. (Reference picture(s): 636- s-2) 3Abandoned Restraints have surface rust. (Reference representative picture(s): 636-1 s-3. -4) 4Rust on threads for struts - support 30-GCC-8-HI7. (Reference picture(s): 636-1 s-4. -5) 5Several support coatings chipped - misc. areas of surface rust. (Reference representative picture(s): 636-1 s-2. -7) 6Pipe clamp for snubber near RC2 has chipped coatings and surface rust. (Reference representative picture(s): 636-1s-6)
7. Abandoned/cut off supports were never pointed after being cut off. Surface rust evident. (Reference epresentative picture(s): 636-1s-8)
8. Rust on spring hanger can and snubber reservoirs In Southeast side of inspection area. (Reference representative Icture(s): 636-1s-9. -10)

. Rust on support plate, nut, and stud (various In Southeast side of Inspection area). (Reference representative icture(s): 636-1s-13. -14)

10. Rust on snubber rear bracket and associated support. (Reference picture(s): 636-is-15) e above CR Identifies a condition with minor surface staining/rust. This minor staining/rust will not adversley affect e structural Integrity of the SSC.

I 0201747,t' -2'0JCA 04/29/02 06/13/02 lNo DBE Open l NolNO I I I I - 0` -; 06/13/02 IN/A IN/A INo IN/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-7S FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inpection area 585-3S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Subject area Isrelatively clear of corrosion. No Boric acid nor material wastage was discovered.

1.Minor surface rust found on snubber spring can and Internal spring (East waol of subject area). (Reference picture 565-7s-2)

2. Structural support members In the area generally have several point chips. Very light surface rust on the exposed metal. (Reference representative pictures: 565-7s-. -2.-3)

The above CR Identifies a condition with very minor surface rust. This surface rust will not adversly affect the structural Integrety of the SSC.

1 02-01758.l 1 CA 04/30102 l 06/14/02 No PE pen No NO l 1l 0 1 06/14/02 1 PCIBA 14 Yes 064-02  ;

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection HL1-2 HL Flow Meter (Near RCIBA and RCIBAA) performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. This second Inspection was performed following insulation removal on RC1 BA. The

'equirements of NG-EN00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

lhe stainless steel valve body has accumulation of boric acid. This appears to be an old accumulation from packing eakage. No boric acid Iscurrently at the valve packing or packing follower area. Note: Both RC I BA and RC I BAA ore scheduled to be replaced this outage per WO 02.008430-00.

Adigital photo was taken to document the Inspection. RC 1BA.jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

lAdditional evaloution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate jactions are required.

1 102-01759w 1 CA l 04130/02 06/14/02 lNo PE Open No INo 7 1110 I 06/14/02 I rc262 4IYes p04-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 10575 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on Inspection RC262 Bolted Pressurizer Spray Valve Bypass performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e stainless steel bonnet for this valve has a brown discoloration. Also the nuts have brown discoloration. While this discoloration appears to be thermally induced, further evaluation Isnecessary. There Isminor loose boric acid crystals on the top of the valve fangs also.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. RC 262.jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-01835 1 CA 05/03/02 l 06/17/02 lNo DBE Open No No I I I 0 106/17/02 H11 4 Yes 049-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 DH II BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 075 0576 75 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection DH Il Bolted Connection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this report.

DH 11 has experienced packing leaks In the post and this has contributed to corrosion streaming on other components of this valve. While almost all parts of this valve are stainless steel the yoke and actuator are made of carbon steel. The yoke Isthe primary source of the corrosion streaming. This streaming has accumulated on the body o bonnet gasket, the body top flange and the top of the bonnett flange. There Isalso corrsion on the yoke.

digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-1OP-6.jpg, 565-10P-7jpg. 565-1OP-8.Jpg. 565-1OP-9.jpg, 565-lop-i0.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions area required.

1 102-01837. lI 11 CA l 05/03/02 l 06/17/02 INo l PE Open No [No I I 1I I 0 l 06/17/02 l pH50 4 Yes 049-02 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-10P HDW 99990576 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection #565-1 OP Decay Heat Valve Pit Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this report.

0H50. RCS TO DH SYSTEM LEAK TEST CONNECTION, has boric add residue on the yoke. This valve was identified on the Mode 5 walkdown as having a packing leak and has been adjusted. This component is all stainless steel except the handwheel which isnot affected by the leakage. This Is a cleanliness Issue only.

digital photo was token to document the inspection. 565-IOP-11.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

dditional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions area required.

1 l02-01845l 2 CA l 05/03/02 l 06/1 7/02 l lNo PE lOpen lI No INo I I II I 0 106/17/02 l jN/A 14 Yes 1049-02 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: AREA 548-1 P HDW 105750576 10575 During walkdown of the Care Flood Pipe Tunnel (East/West TunneD. an active leak was noted on the South wall of the tunnel. Wetness was seen on the wall and a puddle on the floor. There was a large amount of boric acid crystals on South wail, the floor and portions of the ceiling. The Decay Heat piping and valve bodies under the floor grating had a coating of rust particles, boric acid crystals and dust. It appeared that the piping and valve bodies were all stainless and not affected or corroded. The drain pump in the room has some light corrosion on the carbon steel base plate.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 548-1P performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.


1 l02-01937., 1 CA l 05/08/02 l 06/22/02 l l lNo PE Open No No l 1 l 0 l 06/22/02 l hIa PYes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 CONTAINMENT AREA INSPECTION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during on IP-M-029 Containment Area Inspection of AREA 565-2P' (West D-Ring).

Leakage was evidenced by surface rust from general airborne accumulation / condensation and dry / white boric cid deposits on valves and piping. Very little point Isleft on carbon steel Ones. Noted indications are Itemized below by digital picture file name:

Valves In West D-Ring from Top Elevation to 565' Pic Description 2P-1 .Jpg RC42 Boron / Rust @633' SE side of SG 2P-2Jpg RC43 Rust from RC42 directly above 52P-3jpg Flange between RC4841 A and RC4841B @633' SE side of SG has small amount of Boron 62P-4Jpg Rust on AFW Header Flanges @626'. typical all around SG 565-2P-5.jpg MS753 Old orange point, rusty valve @620' West Wall 565-2P-6.jpg SP9B4B Surface rust / corrosion at 603' SE of SG.

565-2P-7Jpg SP9B6DA Surface Rust @603 West wall 562P-8.Jpg MS859 Surface rust, possible boron residue, hand wheel replaced with Hex Nut @603' NW 2P-9jpg NN70. NN 1. NN83 rust, heat, poor condition @603' NW side of SG 2P-10.jpg MU289 Boron on packing @590' Eof SG 2P-1 1 Jpg CC4 134A & B surface rust covering valves 562P-12.Jpg CC1 86 surface rust mostly on follower 565-2P-13.Jpg CC4234A & Bsurface rust covering valves @580' East side of SG 565-2P-14jpg Piping to and from CC283 covered with surface rust @565' West side of SG no pic HP48 Rust and Boric Acid residue on valve bonnet @565' East side of SG no pIc RC38 Boron on pocking. rust on follower @565' East side of SG o pIc RC39 Rust on follower @565' East side of SG iping In West D-Ring from Top Elevation to 565' Plc Description 2P-1 5.jpg MS757 Old orange paint at 628' West Wall 5652P-1 6.jpg MS757 Old orange point, rust by pipe cop at 628' West Wall 565-2P-1 7.jpg Rust on pipe support, surface rust on AFW pipe @603' 565-2P-18.Jpg Hot Leg has Boron residue @635' with Insulation removed 565-2P-19.Jpg Hot Leg show streaks @603' with Insulation removed 565-2P-20.jpg Streaks on wail and rusty piping at 650' below MS75Z D-ring top entrance 565-2P-21 .jpg Streaks and rusty piping at 603' (North Wall).

5652P-22.jpg MS860 Flaky rust on pipe wall entering Steam Generator @603' SE 562P-23.jpg SG surface rust at SU LVL Source top (SP9B6D) @603' NW side of SG 2P-24.Ipg Surface rust on Ones running from SP9B38 and 981 B @603' looking down SW side SG 562P-25.Jpg Surface rust on fines and support near SP9B3B on 603' looking down SW side of SG 565-2P-26.jpg Piping surface rust @580' NW side of SG 565-2P-27.Jpg Rusty piping @565' West side of SG 56P-28.jpg Old Insulation or other material @565' NE side of SG (at floor) his CR is written In accordance with the Inspection plan. which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

n/o 1 02-01930'1 1 l CA 05/08/02 i 06/22/02 l l lNo PE Open I NO I l 0 INO 06/22102 fRework IRC39 4 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS. HDW 0575 0576 10575 This condition report Isbeing written as a result of Inspection performed at Serial Number 'RC39' n accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this Condition Report.

Inspection of RC39 revealed the following conditions: The yoke Iscorroded. Considerable loose rust Ispresent on top of the bonnet. Some boron/rust appears at the bonnet joint, which is also in contact with the studs and studholes.

The source of leakage appears to be the bonnet joint since there is no evidence of streaming from the packing gland area, but cannot discount the possibility of past packing leakage causing the observed condition. No signs of active leakage. Digital photographs were obtained. Refer to Inspection Plan IP-M-028 documentation for further details.

Note that WO 02-002428-000 IsIncluded In the 13RFO scope to repack RC39.

[No active leakage noted.

1 02 01927 .1 CA 05/08/02 06/22/02 lNo PE Open No INo I I I I I 0 1 06/22/02 1 EmergencySu l4 IYes 049-01 I INSPECTION PLAN IP M-029 AREA 585-l1 P FINDINGS HDW 99 0576 9999 his Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 585-11 P Emergency Sump Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he Emergency Sump has an excessive amount ot boric acid on the floor of the sump.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate ctions are required.

1 102-01924 l 1 CA 05/08/02 06/22/02 lNo DBE Open No INo l 1II 0 1 06/22/02 1 h/a 14 Yes 0644-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 636-1 P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 636-1 P- PORV Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-

29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

The pipe hanger upstream of RC1 1 has surface corrosion.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspections. 636-1 P-RC 11 Upstream Hanger.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

102-201922l. r-:a1 CA l05/08/02 l06/22/02 No PE Open No INo I I I 1 I POig 06122/02 l h/a 14 Yes 06-04 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 636-1 P FINDINGS HDW 75 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 636-1 P - PORV Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-

29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

RC2 and RC49 stainless steel bonnet has overall surface discoloration that appears to be rust. There is also a rust deposit on the floor.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspections. 636-1 P-RC 2-1 .jpg, 636-1 P-RC 49-1 .jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 [02-01749'. - 0 l CA l 04/30/02 l 06/14/02 lNo DBE Open .

No [No I I I 1 l Q1 06/14/021l lN/A IN/A No N/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-1 SFINDINGS . HDW 0575 0576 0575 X This condition report Is generated based on Inspection 603-Is performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029.

rhe requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1. Elevation 608'-0e and higher supports with spotted surface rust throughout area right outside of the elevator.

,Representative photo file 603-is-i.jpg)

2. Rust stain and evidence of surface rust on floor mounted fan motor assembly south east of head stand (photo file 503-1 s-2.jpg)
3. Rust stain on floor south of the water tanks. (photo file 603-1 s-3.jpg)

This CR identifies components with minor surface rust and staining. This minor surface rust and staining will not prevent them from performing their design function

( 1 0201760 1 CA 04/30/02 l 06/14/02 lNo PE Open No INO I I I 0 1 06/14/02 l rclo 14 fYes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection RC1 0 Bolted Pressurizer Spray Motor Isolation Valve performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

The stainless steel valve body flange has boric acid residue on the top of the flange.

digital photo was taken to document the inspection. RC 10.jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 l02-01761 1I CA l 04/30/02 l 06/14/02 No PE Open I NolINo I I I 110 1 06/14/021l ircso 14 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection RC50 Bolted Pressurizer Spray Manual Isolation Valve performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he stainless steel valve bonnet has boric acid surface residue. The body has lines of discoloration that appear to be ermally Induced. The is a small area of loose boric acid on the top of the valve body flonge.also.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. RC Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evolaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 102-01699 .. 0 I NC 05/01/02 l 06/30/02 lNo none Closed NA No INo I I 1 I'40 I 06/30/02 1 22RC I No 064-04 NONE INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) PZR-14 HDW 0963 0576 2500_ .

During Inspection of the nozzle of RC1 3A a white streak/stain was noted on the nozzle. It appeared that something may have dripped on It In the post. The streak does not extend and Isnot seen on other portions of the nozzle. Can ot confirm that It is boric acid.

is Condition Report Isgenerated based on Serial Number PZR-14 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

is Issue Isa duplication of the Issue Identified In CR02-01703. Due to problems experienced with the CREST database by the Originator. CR 02-01703 was Initiated. Therefore this CR is being closed.

1 102-01846Q ; I-2 CA 05/03/02 l 06/17/02 No PE Open No Io 1I10 06/17/02 lRework INIA 0 Yes 067-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: AREA 565-12P HDW 0575 0576 0575 During walkdown of the Transfer Tube Access Area on the 565 elev of Containment, boric acid was noted on the fuel ansfer tubes. This appeared to be from a previous leak In the North wall of the area. No active leakage was noted.

No corrosslon of the transfer tubes was noted.

is condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-1 2P performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he leak In the south wall of this area has been previously Identified In CR.02-01447:

1 102-01847'l .1 CA l 05/03/02 06f/17/02 l I 1No PE Open No INo I .I- I I I 0 106/17/02 1 iN/A. 14 Yes 1063-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: AREA 565-3P HDW 0575 0576 0575 Blowdown Une from Steam Generator 1-1 In Room 214 has a coating of rust over Its length in the room. This Islikely due to It belrig carbon steel with no type of coating on It. A portion of It has a blanket type of Insulation but no metal jacket. Metaliacketing may be required to protect it from a let impingement from other piping.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-12P performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.


1 02-01926, 1 CA 1 05/08/02 06/22/02 No PE Open No No I I III0 106/22/021 Inla4 Yes 0L4-04 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 636-IP FINDINGS HDW 9 0576 9999 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 636-1 P- PORV Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-

29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he pressurizer quench tank rupture disk common piping has some foreign material on It located about 2 above the floor.

Adigital photo was taken to document the inspections. 636-IP-Rupture Disk Common Piping 2 abvoe floor- .Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 l02-01923 . 1I CA l05/08/02 l 06/22/02 No PE Open No lNo I II I 0 1 06/22/02l h/a 14 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 636-1 PFINDINGS HDW 750576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 636-1P - PORV Area performed under Inspection Plon IP-M-The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Pressurizer Quench Tank Rupture Disk has boric acid residue and some corrosion on the flange gasket.

A digital photo was token to document the Inspections. 636-1 P-PORV Discharge Rupture Disk (Western most Rupture Disk-)lpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evolaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-01918 '] 1 I CA l05/08/02 l 06/22/02 lNo PE Open I No No I I1 0 106/22/02 h/a 4 Yes 063-01 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-9P FINDINGS HDW 05750576 10575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-9P. Room 220 - Incore Instrument Trench Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Carbon steel pipes, flanges and valves are unpainted and hove general surface corrosion. These are the pipes for penetrations 57 and 60. The valves affected are MS614 and 615. There are also two cleanout flanges that have rface corrosion along with rust on the closure bolting.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspections. 565-9P-1.Jpg, 565-9P-2.jpg. 565-9P-4.jpg. 565-9P-5.jpg. 565-9P-MS 614-1.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

dditional evoloution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actons are required.

1 l02-01919 *l 1 CA 05/08/02 l 06/22/02 . . No DBE 1Open -

No TNo I1 I 0 1 06/22/02 /

)NIA 4 Yes t74-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-9P FINDINGS HDW p575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-9P, Room 220 - Incore Instrument Trench Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-0324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

e pipe hanger for pipe 1 -HCB-164 located about 7 above valve NN63 (on some line) is corroded. Also the paint on the piping just below NN412 has been worn off and the pipe is corroded.

IAdigital photo was taken to document the Inspections. 565-9P-3.jpg. 565-9P-6.jpg.

1identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. .No immediate.

actions are required.

1 l02-01721.l 0 CA l 04/29/02 l 06/13/02 lNo DBE pen No- lNo I 1I I 0 l 06/13/02 /A /A No arious INSPECTION FINDINGS FOR IP-M-029 INSPECTION AREA 585-6S HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on Inspection Area 585-6s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

1. Structural support beams for grating on floor elevation 603'-0 have minor surface rust primarily on the top of the bottom flange and at the junction of the bottm flang and web. (Photo file 585-6s-8.Jpg)
2. Service Water piping supports located between D-ring wall and adjacent to elevator have surface rust and boric acid debris. (Photo file 585-6s-2.jpg)
3. Pipe support u-bolts hove surface rust. U-bolts on supports for instrument piping which Includes valves RC14AB and RC14BB and for support Identified as HI8. Supports are located on the outside surface of the northeast diagonal wall of the D-ring adjacent to the northeast stairway. Elevation of the supports Isbetween 590' and 595. (Photos 585-6s-1 .Jpg and 585-6s-3.jpg).
4. Surface rust observed on instrument piping protective cover adjacent to elevator on D-rlng wall and on adjacent pipe supports. (Photo 585-6s-9.jpg)
5. Surface rust on support bolting for H36. Support Islocated east of entrance to Incore tank at an elevation of approximately 590'-. (Photo 585-6s-6.Jpg)
6. Surface rust on support structural member. Support located on outer surface of east wall of east D-ring. (Photo file 585-6s-4.Jpg)

Surface rust is minor and has no Impact on structural adequacy of support structures.

1 l02-01722, 1 CA 04/29/02 l 06/13/02 lNo PE Open No No 1i .'°'l 06/13/02 l lCF29 Yes 1-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 FINDINGS HDW 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 & Threaded/Bolted Components Inspection of CF29 BOLTED (CFT 1-1 to Rx Check Valve).

he target area Includes the bolted flange, valve body and removed Insulation. The valve Islocated In the East / West tunnel CFT 1-1 area. The removed Insulation showed no evidence of bulges. boric acid crystals, corrosion or corrosion products. Approximately two table spoons of white boric acid crystals were found on the top surface of the bolted connection. The flange has 16 bolts. The crystals were located around one bolt. The bolt location Is175° CW from due North. There was no evidence of corrosion.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection.

This CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan. which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

N/A 1 02-01750 a 0 CA l 04/30/02 l 06/14/02 lNo DBE Open I No No I I 1 -106/14/02 1 lN/A fN/A INo IN/A I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-3S 1HDW 575 0576 l075 his condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 603-3s performed under Inspection plan IP.-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Wal plate and concrete has a surface stain likely coming from rust on an expansion, anchor bolt. Wall plate Is located near southwest corner of west D-ring at approximate elevation 608.Photo 603-3s-5.jpg.

2) Wall plate on containment vessel has rust stains leading from the back side of the plate. No signs of wastage of the plate. Photo 603-3s-l.jpg.
3) U-bolts on pipe supports near the southwest corner of the west D-ring between elevations 608' and 613' have surface rust. Photo 603-3s-4.jpg.
4) Uni-strut for a pipe support on the south wall of the east D-ring at approximate elevation 608- has surface rust.

Photo 603-3s-8.jpg.

This CR Identifies components with minor surface rust and rust stains. This minor surface rust and stains will not prevent them frorm performing their design function.

1 02-01751

  • 0 lCA 04/30/02 06/14/02 INo DBE Open No No . I I I 1 I 0 1 06/14/02 IRework fN/A IN/A No IN/A I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-3S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report is generated based on Inspection 565-3s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.
1. Surface rust on platform bracing on south end of room at elevation 618-V. (photo file 565-3s-1 jpg)
2. The ceiling decking throughout the room had minor surface rust. (representative photo file 565-3s-2.Jpg)
3. The base plate of the support for MU590 on the north end of the room had some minor surface rust. (photo file 565-3s-3.jpg)
4. The floor on the North end of the room had some rust staining. (photo file 565-3s-4.jpg)

This CR Identifies components with minor surface rust and staining. This minor rust will not prevent them from performing their design function.

1 102-01753 - 0 CA 04/30/02 06/14/02. No DBE Open No INo 11 - °O 06/14/02 1 /A A No Various I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-95 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection area 565-9S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

bject orea Isrelatively clear of corrosion. No boric acid or material wastage were discovered.

1) The pipe stanchions on pipe support 7-EBB-5-H3 and the adjacent support for the same pipe are unpainted and ave developed light surface rust. (Reference picture 565-9S-1 & 2)
2) The Internal surface of a tube steel member of pipe support M-1 147-H1 9 Isunpainted and open to the environment. It has developed right surface rust. (Reference picture 565-9S-3)
3) Concrete decking on the ceiling has minor bubbled paint and surface rust. (Reference picture 565-9S-4)
4) The pipe support for a 1 copper pipe located below valve NN-836 has surface rust and staining. Appears to be caused by a previous flange leak from the pipe directly above this support. (Reference Picture 565-9S-5)
5) A support base plate for the Incore support structure adjacent to the emergency sump screen has some surface stoning. (Reference Picture 565-9S-6)

) The tube steel member of pipe support M-1 147-H18 Isunpainted and has developed light surface rust.

(Reference picture similar to 565-9S-3)

The above CR Identifies conditions with minor surface rust. This surface rust will not adversely affect the structural integrity of the SSC.

1 102-01762- 1 CA 04/30/02 l 06/14/02 No PE pen No No I 1 [WO .j 06/14/02 l frclbaa Y4Yes l064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 BOLTED CONNECTION HDW 05750576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection HLI-2 HL Flow Meter (Near RC1BA and RC1BAA) performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. This second Inspection was performed following Insulation removal on RC1 BA. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

The stainless steel valve packing area has accumulation of boric acid. This appears to be an old accumulation from packing leakage. No boric acid Iscurrently on the packing follower area. Note: Both RCI BA and RCI BA are scheduled to be replaced this outage per WO 02-08430-00.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. RC 1BAAJpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Addfional evalaution of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

'1 102-01849' l:: 1 I CA l 05/03/02 l 06/17/02 lNo PE Open No INo I I .I 1 l -0 l 06/17/02 Emergency Su es 049-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: AREA 565-1 IP HDW 9999 0576 9999 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection X565-1 1P Emergency Sump Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this report.

The vortex breaker for the Decay Heat line that is associated with DH9A has boric acid residue on the upper part of Ithe flange area. This component isstainless steel and this Isa cleanliness Issue only.

{A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-1 l P-Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate

[actions area required.

I102-01848L- 1 I CA l 05/03/02 l 06/17/02 l No DBE Open No No Yes 1 0 06/17/02 N /A Yes 052-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: AREA 565-3P HDW 990576 9999 During a walkdown of Room 214. Core Flood Tank 1 area. It was noted that there is an HPI fine that has a rod hanger in the vicinity of HP46A (HPI LINE 1-1 ISOLATION VALVE LEAK TEST CONNECTION) that isnot connected and isrusted.

is condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-12P performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Based on review of the hanger with DEMS, It appears that this hanger was likely from construction and just never completely removed.

1 102-01921j a 1 CA 05/08/02 l 06/22/02 lNo IPE 1Open I No lNo I I I1 l0 l 06/22/02 rc74 Yes Y 064-02 1 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-9P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-9P. Room 220 - Incore Instrument Trench Area performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

RC74 has surface residue of boric acid on the stainless steel bonnet. nuts and valve body flange. The carbon steel oke also has pitting from past corrosion.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspections. 565-9P-7.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

ddlitional evalautlon of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-01681,::: 1 CA l 04/25/02 l 06/09/02 lNo JPE lOpen I No lYes I 1I I 0 1 06/09/02 1 N/A l4 Ies 64-04 .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 FINDINGS lHDW " 0576 PM The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M.028 Alloy 600 inspection of PZR-07 Insulation (Level Tap Nozle Near RC1 4D).

e target area Includes Insulation surrounding the pressure tap nozzle.

e Insulation showed no evidence of bulges. boric acid crystals. corrosion or corrosion products.

No conclusive evidence of leakage was present, however a white powder residue was found on Insulation In the surrounding area. The Immediate area was Inspected for potential sources of the powder. No source was Identified.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection. S:\eng\planteng\mech\lp-m-028 photos\

pzr.07-1 Ins.Jpg pzr-07-2 lns.Jpg his CR iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program.

inspection documented per IP-M-028.

1 102-01723 le.1 CA l 04/29/02 06/13/02 No PE Open No INo I l I I 0 l106/13/021l f3l 14 Yes 051-1 .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 0575 he following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600 & Threaded/Bolted Components Inspection of CF31 BOLTED (CFT 1-1 to Rx Check Valve).

The target area Includes the bolted flange, valve body and removed Insulation. The valve islocated In the East / West tunnel CFT 1-1 area. The removed insulation showed no evidence of bulges, boric acid crystals, corrosion or corrosion products. Less than one table spoon of white boric acid crystals were found around the seam of the bolted connection. There was no evidence of corrosion.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection.

This CR Iswritten inaccordance with the Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.


1 02-01730.l 1 CA l 04129/02 l 06/13/02 l l No DBE Open No No 1 0 06/13/02 N /A Yes Various INSPECTION FINDINGS FOR IP-M-029 INSPECTION AREA 565-6S HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection Area 565-6S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1. Surface rust observed on baseplate and Instrument piping restraint straps for support assembly located above manifold valve LTCF3AI. (Photo 565-65-1 Jpg)
2. Structural steel members located just below floor elevation 585-O and southeast of Core Tank. Members appear to have never been painted. (Photo 565-6S-2.jpg)
3. Ught surface rust on u-bolt for instrument pipe restraint adjacent to valve CC42018 and on top of unistut member.

(Photo 565-6S-3.Jpg).

4. Entire area north of CAC plenum has rust staining on concrete. general rusting of steel substrates and boric acid debris. (Photo 565-6s-9.jpg)
5. Severe corrosion of CAC plenum anchorage assemblies including anchor bolts. Photos 565-6s-1 Ojpg and 565-6s-11.jpg are representative of as-found corrosion.
6. Piping, supports, plenum surfaces are severely corroded. (Photos 565-6s-12.Jpg and 565-6s-14Jpg)
7. Corrosion has caused through wall holes In CAC plenum. (Photo 565-6s-13.jpg) During current cleaning process of interior surfaces water was observed dripping along bottom of plenum.
8. Rust staining on concrete beam/floor above plenum (Photo 565-6s-16.jpg).
9. Rust and boric acid debris at Interface of structural floor beam and concrete flooring (Photo 565-6s-15.Jpg)

In accordance with IP-M-029. Section 6.13.5. the Plant Engineering Manager or his designee was contacted concerning above Items 5. 6. and 7 as representing degraded conditons requiring further engineering evaluation.

The remaining Items concern minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not prevent the Items from performing their design function.

1 02-01807. 1 l CA 05/02/02 06/16/02 No DBE Open No No I I I II 0 106/16/021l l/A lN/A No IN/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-4S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-4s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The equirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Description of findings:

1)The metal decking for the floor above the Letdown Coolers has areas of flght surface rust. (Reference representative picture 565-4S-1)

2) The base plates and anchor bolts of the supports for PSH3712. PSH371 1. and the support between these two have right surface rust. (Reference picture 565-4s-2)
3) Pipe support CCA-1 8-Hi 0 has surface rust on the base plate and anchor bolts. and surface staining on the grout pad. There are signs of boric acid on the support. (Reference picture 565-4s-3)

) Pipe support CCA-1 8-H9 has surface rust near the connection to the process pipe. (Reference Picture 565-4s-4)

) Pipe support CCA-1 8-Hi2 has surface rust on the pipe strap and bolts. (Reference Picture 565-4s-6)

6) The two pipe supports that are approximately 5 north of pipe support CCA-1 8-Hi2 has surface rust. (Reference picture 565-4s-7) e above CR Identifies areas with surface rust. The surface rust will not adversely affect the structural integrity of the 1 02-01993
  • 0 CA 05/13/02 06/27/02 No PE Open LINSPECTION No No I II PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS.

0 106/27/021l TN/A 4 Yes HDW 02642 75 0576 0575 his Condition Report Isbeing written as a result of inspections performed at Serial Numbers 'RCPI 21N-1 (28 inlet Ipiping weld to SO degree bend for RCP 1-2). 'RCP121NI-1 (RCP 1-2 Inlet Pipe), and RCP120UTI-1 (RCP 1-2 Outlet Pipe and RCP 1-2) in accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered

.in the evaluation of this Condition Report.

Seraio RCPi2iN-1: Duct tape residue found on pump bowl. Some trace evidence of boron.on pump insulation and lsight reddish-brown oxidation of the Insulation support frame. A faint white coating was noted over some areas of ithe pump bowl. Several discolorations were noted on the underside of the pump bowl one of which has the jappeorance of a damp spot. No boron was evident in or around this possibly damp area. This is being classified as a potential active leak.

Seril 'RCP121N1-1: Light boron streaking evident on exposed piping (no apparent source). with minor streaking trails

on underside of Insulation. Minor reddish-brown trails evident on underside of piping and anchor lug welds are rusty.

Serial 'RCP1 201UTI-1: It was noted that a brass pipe plug was Installed Inspare TWRC4B2 and although this isa well type RTD. It was questioned whether the use of brass Isappropriate. Very minor traces of white and reddish-brown trailing noted on the piping. Minor reddish-brown and pale white streaks were noted on the face of the vane support penetrating the D-Ring wall and some steel associated with this support.

lRefer to Inspection Plan IP-M-028 Data Sheets for further Information.

1 02-01692. .1 CA 04125102 l 06/09/02 No PE Open No Yes I I 1 5 1 .1 06/09/021 IN/A 4 Yes 0)64-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified while performing Inspections for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection program for package serial numbers Insulation Inspections for RCP1 lIN-2Z RCP12IN-1 and RCP121N-2.

RCP11 IN-2 (Insulation. 2.5' drain nozzle weld CL1-2 0RC38) The inspection Identified some streaking of white down the cold leg Insulation to the drain fine on the east side. Insulation was generally dirty / dusty, but In good condition. Some minor spots of white were found that appear to be point.

RCP121N-1 Insulation RCP1-2 28' piping weld 90 deg. The Insulation for RCP12IN-1 has boron or white powder streak noted on the upper miror West collar section just West of the North position vertical seam. This isvery light and approximately I' wide by 6 ' long. Two oval spots of a white substance were noted on the under side of the upper collar In the NorthEast quadrant. Very light Indications of dried water accumulation and dripping were present Inthe south end underside upper collar.

RCP121N-2 Insulation RC40 2.5' droin Nozzle Weld CL1-2. The insulation for RCP121N-2 has fght boron orwhite powder streaking noted from the cold leg running to the upper collar for RCP1 21N-2. This streaking ispresent In multiple ocoitions noted from both the East and West views. The streaking Isheaviest above this Insulation on the cold leg. The material condition Inspection of the Insulation panels around RCI 21N-2 Identified poor material condition as the insulation fit was not fit up well and straight and the seams In multiple locations had less than desired fitup.

This CR was written Inaccordance with the IP-M-028 Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of

,leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure IThis was Identified per the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Conditon program. No active leakage was Identified.

1 02-01735. Y.O CA 04/29/02 06/13/02 No DBE Open I N Na 1 I 0Y 06/13/02.1 /NA INA No arilous INSPECTION FINDINGS FOR IP-M-029 INSPECTION AREA 565-5S HDW 075 0576 p575 1.Surtace rust observed on u-bolts for Instrument piping supports east of valves FIS4234 and FIS 4235. lypical for all supports associated with the piping for these valves. (Representative Photo 565-5S-l.Jpg)

. Minor surface rust on the end of W-section structural member for pipe support. Location Isadjacent to valves P9B4BC and SP9B4BC. (Photo 565-5S-2.jpg)

Rust observed on decking for floor elevation 585'-0/ceiling for Room 217. This a typical observation for all ceiling rea for Room 217. Due to location close Inspection to determine Categorization could not be verified. (Photo 565-5S-

.Jpg) his Condition Report Isgenerated based oo Inspection Area 565-SS performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

isCR Identifies components with minor surface rust and staining. This minor rust will not prevent the Items from performing their design function.

I 102-01997 '1 0 l CA i 05/13/02 i 06/27/02 lNo PE Open NotNO I I 1l 06/27/02 lo/a o 14 _Yes >various l NSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING. INTERIOR FINDIN HDW 05750576 9999 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-1. Room 216 - East D-ring. Complete Interior performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

There isan accumulation of boric on the southwest wagl on the 565 elevation that has dripped down on 2 stainless steel pipes. One pipe Isa Decay Heat Une that contains vent valve DH1O9. The other isa floor drain.

Digital photos were taken to document the inspection. 565-1 P- Piping Upstream of DH109 along South Wall - 1.jpg.

565-1 P-Piping Upstream of DH1 09 along South Wall - 2jpg, Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

dditionol evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate

[Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan wDIlbe needed. No immediate

[actions are required.

1 102-02004 l 0 CA l 05/13/02 l 06/27/02 l lNo lDBE 1Open I No INo I I I 1I I l 06/27/021 h/a 14 Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING, INTERIOR FINDIN HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-1. Room 216 - East D-ring. Complete Interior performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation f this CR.

Some of the supports for components In the east D-ring have surface corrosion. These are varied In nature and function. They Include Auxiliary Feedwater piping support. OTSG lower support shroud Insulation support, and nuts for the Pressurizer support.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection. 565-1 P-Loop 2 AFW Piping ESE side of OTSG 2 - 3jpg. 565-1 P42 OTSG Lower Support Shroud Insul Support-l .jpg. 565-1 P-Pressurizer Support just above heat bundles -1.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions ore required.

' 102-01781 1 I CA 05/01/02 l 06/15/02 lNo PE 1Open I No No I I 1 5AI  ?:1 06/15/021 T/A 14 IYes 06442 1 RCS LOOP COLD LEG DRAIN VALVE INSPECTIONS HDW 0575 0576 075 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 Alloy 600, Threaded/Bolted Class 1Joints and Connections P05 Extent of Conditions Inspections of RC32 Bolted. RC33 Bolted. RC34 Bolted. RC35 Insulation. RC38 Boated. RC39 Insulation. RC40 Bolted, and RC41 Insulation Connections.

P032 BOLTED Loop 2-1 Cold Leg Drain Isolation Valve Inspection. The Inspection Identified minor corrosion on the alve yoke and corrosion products / staining covering major areas of the valve body. Traces of boron was found In the packing gland area. The valve appears to have had recent maintenance and the as found Information would herefore be following any cleanup / deconning of the valve.

BOLTED Loop 2-1 Cold Leg Drain Stop Valve Inspection. The Inspection Identified minor Corrosion on the valve oke and packing gland area. Corrosion products / staining was found on a very small area of the valve body. No vlsible boron was found on the boltedJoint or the packing gland area. The valve appears to have had recent maintenance and the as found Information would therefore be following any cleanup / deconning of the valve.

RC34 BOLTED Loop 2-2 Cold Leg Drain Isolation Valve Inspection. The Inspection Identified corrosion products /

taining covering over most of the valve body. Visible boron was found In the packing gland area and on the east ide of the bolted body to bonnet joint. The valve appears to hove had recent maintenance and the as found nformation would therefore be following any cleanup / deconning of the valve.

RC35 INSULATED Loop 2-2 Cold Leg Drain Stop Valve Inspection. The Inspection Identified surface corrosion present on he Carbon Steel Yoke and R Ismoderately corroded In the packing gland area. Boron deposits were observed on he south side of the packing gland. White spots on the Northeast and the Southeast-corner of the Insulation box was present and could be evidence of boron.

RC38 BOLTED Loop 1-1 Cold Leg Drain Isolation Valve Inspection. The Inspection Identified surface corrosion present on the Carbon Steel Yoke. Corrosion products / staining was found over most of the valve body. Visible boron was found In the packing gland area. The valve appears to have had recent maintenance and the as found information would therefore be following any cleanup / deconning of the valve.

PC39 INSULATED Loop 1-1 Cold Leg Drain Stop Valve Inspection. This Inspection Identified minor corrosion on the Carbon Steel Yoke In the packing gland orea. No visible boron deposits were observed on either the valve or the insulation. Dust and dirt Ismoderate to heavy on top of the packing gland area and the Insulation box:

RC40 BOLTED Loop 1-2 Cold Leg Drain Isolation Valve Inspection. The Inspection Identified surface corrosion present on the Carbon Steel Yoke. Corrosion products / staining was found over most of the valve body. Visible boron stains streaming from the packing gland area. The valve appears to have had recent maintenance and the as found Information would therefore be following any cleanup / deconning of the valve.

INSULATED Loop 1-2 Cold Leg Drain Stop Valve inspection. This inspection Identified minor corrosion on the I041 Carbon Steel Yoke In the packing gland area. No visible boron deposits were observed on either the valve or the

insulation. Dust and dirt is moderate to heavy on top of the packing gland area and the Insulation box.

This CR was written in accordance with the IP-M-028 Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shal comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

This was Identified per the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition Program. No Active Leakage was Identified.

1 02-01693 1 CA 04/25/02 06/09102 .No PE Open No Yes 5 1 0 06/09/02 P36-1 _ Yes OM-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were identified while performing inspections for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection program for package serial numbers insulation Inspections for RCPI 1lN-lW (RCPI-i 28 inch piping weld. 90 degree bend. inlet) e inspection for RCPI1 IN-1W (RCP1-1 28 inch piping weld. 90 degree bend. Inlet) Identified what appears to be an active leak. The inspection of the weld Identified active leakage on the North / Northeast underside of the pump bowl originating from above. Streaks of boron could be seen coming down the bowl and piping which appeared to be wet. The weld Itself appeared to be in good condition with no evidence of leakage. Boron deposits could be een on the Insulation around the bowl. Boron streaks can be seen over top of the dye penetrant / developer on the East side. Northeast side, and the north side of the pump bowl.

This CR was written In accordance with the IP-M-028 Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure This was Identified per the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Active leakage was Identified.

1 02-02005 ' 0 CA 05/13102 06127/02 l lNo DBE Open NolNo o I I=-0 1 06/27102 1 ha _ Yes 050-03 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING. INTERIOR FINDIN HDW 0575 0576 0575 his Condition Report is generated based on Area Inspection 565-1. Room 216 - East D-ring, Complete Interior performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evoluation of this CR.

e Auxillary Feedwater Piping In the East D-ring has areas of general surface corrosion. Also the nozzle flanges have corrosion on the flange faces and on the closure bolting.

Digital photos were taken to document the InspectIon. 565-1 P-Loop 2 Aux Feed Nozzle flange - 1Jpg. 565-1 P-Loop 2 ux Feed Nozzle flange - 2.jpg. 565-1 P-Loop 2 Aux Feed Nozzle flange - 3.jpg . 565-1 P-Loop 2 AFW Piping just above main steam outlet - 1.Jpg. 565-1 P-Loop 2 AFW Piping east of main steam outlet -2.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condifton program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 02-01998  : 0 CA 05/13/02 l 06/27/02 No PE lOpen I NolNo _I I I I 0 1 06/27/021 a 4 Yes IVarlous l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING,'INTERIOR FINDIN HDW 0575057610575 This Condition Report Is generated based on Area Inspection 565-1, Room 216 - East D-ring. Complete Interior performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Several valves were found to have boric acid crystals on the packing or packing follower area. Two valves. RC55 and MU282. have already had their packing adjusted and only need to be further deconed. The other valves are as follows: RC508. RC509. RC18Al A. RC2068, RC607. RC608. MU472. MU40, MU282. MU473. HP82.

Digital photos were token to document the Inspection. 565-1P-RC 508-i Jpg. 565-IP-RC 509-1.jpg. 565-1P-RC 55-l.jpg, 565-1 P-RC 18AIA- .Jpg. 565-1 P-RC 206B-1.Jpg. 565-1 P-RC 607-1 jpg. 565-1 P-RC 608-1 jpg. 565-1 P-MU 408 and 408A -

1.Jpg. 565-1 P-MU 282 - 1jpg, 565-1 P-MU 473 - 1.)pg. 565-1 P-HP 82 - 1.jpg.

I[dentified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 102-01891.1 1 l CA l 05/07/02 l 06/21/02 lNo DBE Open No No lI 1 I 0 l 06/21/02 l lN/A N/A No Various l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report is generated based on Inspection 565-IS performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

hese Items exhibited signs of surface rust:

1. The upper steam generator support support has surface rust on the west end of the southwest leg at elevation 628'-

0*. (photo file 565-1s-].Jpg)

2. Hanger spring cans supports In subject Inspection area have minor surface rust on exterior of can. visible Internal components. and associated threaded connections. (representative photo file 565-ls-4.Jpg, -6.jpg, -18.Jpg, -19.jpg)
3. Whip restraint lug for the hot leg has surface rust at approximate elevation 635'-O'. (photo file 565-1s-5.jpg)
4. There Issurface rust on the support frame on top of the pressurizer. (photo file 565-ls-9Jpg)

. There Isevidence of surface rust In the form of bubbling point on the bottom flange of the top of the D-ring on the north end. (photo file 565-i s-I0.jpg)

6. There Is surface rust on northern support on the main steam One on the east wall near the top of the D-ring. on the bracket & pin. (photo file 565-is-1 2.jpg)
7. Grating. bolts, and clamp have surface rust this was typical on the platform west of steam generator at elevation 610'.O. (representative photo fie 565-Is-17.jpg. 565-Is-l ljpg.)
8. Support on east side of steam generator at approximate elevation 624'-0" has surface rust. (photo file 565-1 s-I3jpg)
9. Surface rust on support for small line 5' north and 5' below the support Identified In Item 8. (photo file 56.5-Is-14.jpg)
10. There was surface rust on what appears to be an abandoned reservoir at elevation 638'-O" on the north wall.

(photo file 565-is-7.jpg)

11. Platform support connection rusted on west side of steam generator near valve SP9A60 and near south west side of steam generator at elevation 61 0'-. (photo file 565-1 s-1 5.]pg)
12. Pressurizer support nuts rusted on the south end at elevation 603'-C. this Isa typical occurrence. (representative photo file 565-1 s-22.jpg)
13. Rust on snubber bracket C-208 located approx. 2' above finished floor (A.F.F.) at elevation 565'. North of Reactor Coolant Pump 1-2-2. (photo file 565-1 s-27.jpg)
14. Rust on Support 33C-CCB-2H27 located near North entrance to D-ring at floor elev. 565' approx. 2' A.F.F. (photo fle 565-1 s-23.jpg)
15. Rust on saddle support located near the North entrance to the D-ring at floor elev. 565' approx. 2' A.F.F. (photo fle 565-is-24jpg)
16. Rust on strap located In the overhead at floor elev. 565' In the northwest corner of the D-ring (photo file 565-Is-25.Jpg & -26.jpg)
17. Rusted pipe support located In the overhead at floor elev. 565'. southeast of the steam generator(photo file 565-1s-30.jpg)
18. Light surface rust on snubber clamp associated with the approx. 6' pipe that circles the Steam Generator and an approx. 2' line that branches from It. Located in the overhead at elev. 565' near the southeast side of steam generator of the D-ring (representative photo file 565-1 s-38.jpg)
19. Saddle support on an approx. 6' pipe that circles the Steam Generator has surface rust. Located in the overhead at elev. 565' just Inside east entrance of the D-ring at floor elev. 565' (photo file 565-1 s-33jpg)
20. Surface rust on welds and bracket plate for snubbers associated with the Main Feedwater line located In the South end of the D-ring. (photo file 565-ls-34.jpg)
21. Rusted U-bolts on approximately 3/4' S.S. lines. Located I platform up from floor elev. 565' at the south end of the 0-ring. Typical most U-bolts on these lines valve CC4334A Is on one of the Ones (representative photo file 565-1 s-35.jpg)
22. Piping support on some line and near valve SP9A5B has surface rust at approximate elevation 634'-O" south east of he steam generator. (photo file 565-1s-2.jpg)
23. Rusted snubber bracket near hot leg In overhead at floor elev. 565'. Associated pipeline Is steam generator 1-2 lowersheet drain. (photo file 565-1s-39Jpg)
4. Rusted support just Inside the east entrance in the overhead of the D-ring at floor elev. 565' (photo file 565- Is-36.jpg)
25. Rusted abandoned support In overhead of the D-ring at floor elev. 565' In Southwest corner(photo file: 565-1 s-40.jpg)
26. Rusted U-bolts associated with three copper Ones located In the overhead @ elevation 565'-0 near the east entrance of the D-ring. Une runs near east wall (representative photo file 565-1s-41.jpg)
27. Rusted support clamp near interface of southeast and east wall. Approximate elevation is 596'-0'. (photo file 565-I s-42.jpg)

The following have staining:

28. Stain on the wall at elevation 638'-0" west of the steam generator. (photo file 565-ls-3.jpg)
29. There Is on oil stain on the top flange of the beam supporting the grating at elevation 653'-0'. which Is typical of

subject inspection area. (photo file 565-1s-8.jpg)

30. Rust stain on support AI2K on the east side of the steam generator at approx. elevation 603i-0". (photo file 565-1'g)
31. Stain on grating beam at elevation 603 eO on the north side of the D-rlng. (photo file 565-1 s-32.jpg)
32. Stain on H3 support located near the North entrance to the D-Ring at floor elev. 565' approx. 1 A.F.F. (photo file 565-ls-28.jpg)
33. Stain on support under black box. Box has a shaft and a universal Joint that extends to valve MS889. Located in the overhead at elev. 565' near the east entrance of the D-ring at floor elev. 565' (photo file 565-1 s-31 .jpg)
34. Surface rust on unpainted interior surface of tube steel member of pipe support located approx. 10' above the pressureizer surge fline. (photo file 565-1 s-43)

This CR Identifies components with minor surface rust and staining. This minor surface rust and staining will not prevent the Items from performing their design function.

1 102-02000 l 0 CA l 05/13/02 06/27/02 l .No PE lOpen No lNo I I 11 106/27/02 1 b/a 14 Yes FVarious INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING, INTERIOR FINDIN HDW _0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-1. Room 216 - East D-fing. Complete Interior performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of N-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Several valves were found to have surface corrosion or discoloration on the packing follower, packing follower bolts body OR yoke. The valves found are as follows:

RC220B. RC501, RC260. RC31, RC32. RC33, MU407. MU407A. MU472. MU408, MU408A.

Digital photos were token to document the Inspection. 565-1 P-RC 220B -1.Jpg. 565-1 P-RC 501-1 .Jpg. 565-1 P-RC 260-1.Jpg. 565-1 P-RC 31 jpg, 565-1 P-RC 32-1 .jpg, 565-1 P-RC 33-1.jpg, 565-1 P-MU 407 and 407A - .Jpg. 5651 P-MU 472-1 .jpg.

5I5 1P-MU408 and 408A.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 l02-02002 -l ;: 0 l CA l 05/13/02 l 06/27/02 l I lNo PE Open I No No l l l 1 Oi 1 06/27/02 l h/a 14 Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING, INTERIOR FINDIN HDW 0575 0576 0575 his Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-1. Room 216 - East D-ring. Complete Interior performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation fthis CR.

Several secondary side valves were found to have surface corrosion or discoloration on the packing follower, packing follower bolts body OR yoke. The valves found are as follows: SP9A6A. SP9A1A. MS880. SP9A6B. SP9A6BA. SP9A3B, P9A1B. MS879. SP9A6D, SP9A48. SP9A6DA. CC321.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection. 565-1 P-SP9A6A -1.Jpg. 565-1 P-SP9A]A-1.Jpg. 565-1 P-MS 880-I .jpg.565-1 P-SP9A6B.jpg. 565-1 P-SP9A6BA-1.jpg. 565-1 P-SP9A3B and 1B-i.Jpg. 565-1 P-MS 879 - 11.jpg, 5651 P-SP9A6D-

.jpg. 565-1 P-SP9A48.jpg. 565-1 P-SP9A6DA and 565-1 P - CC321 .Jpg...

Identified during the Reactor Hedd Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 102-02126'l 0 NA l 05117/02 07/16/02 l lNo PE Open No No I I III 0 07/16/02 hna 4 IYes 037-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-5P FINDINGS HDW 750576 575 This Condition Report is generated based on Area Inspection 565-5P. Room 317 - Containment Hatch Area.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

Three Demineralized Water valves have corroded components. DW313. 312. 148. corroded Packing folfower. packing follower bolts and bonnet bolts.

Digital photos were taken to document the inspection.

585-5P-DW313 and DW312 (typlcol)-1.Jpg 585-5P-DW148-l.jpg dentified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-29.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required. J 1 102-02127-1* 0 CA l 05/17/02 07/01/02 lNo DBE Open I No [No I 1 l 0 07/01/02 l N/A Yes -!402 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 075 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified while performing inspections for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection program for package serial numbers weld Inspections HL2-4. HL2-6 and HL2-7 lnspection zone HL2-3 Weld (RC Loop 2 HL riowmeter Nozzle). No evidence of leakage was observed at either nozzle weld. Some rust colored streaking can also be seen coming from above and passing East of the nozzle. Some dusting of a white powdery residue can be seen covering the Nozzle and a white powder can be seen in all the stamp marks for the nozzle. Some minor corrosion products were present on the top of the horizontal portion of the nozzle.

inspection zone HL2-5 Weld (RC Loop 2 HL Press. Tap Nozzle PTA1). Unable to tell whether leakage existed at the Press. Tap to hot Leg weld. The Western two thirds of the nozzle base was completely covered with corrosion products which appear to be originating from above. Some reddish-brown deposits that appeared to be boron and corrosion products were present on the top portion of the nozzle near the hot leg. No evidence of leakage was found on the nozzle to piping weld.

inspection zone HL2-8 Weld (RC Loop 2 HIL RTE Mounting Boss). No evidence of leakage was found at the mounting boss welds. Two additional welds were found that were not on the identified drawing. One of these welds was not lend and white powder was found In this weld area and in the stamp marks on the piping and mounting boss. A light dusting of white powder residue Ison the mounting boss base and evidence of white streaking Ispresent. Some rust color staining Ispresent on mounting boss.

lnspection zone HL2-9 Weld (RC Loop 2 HIL RTE Mounting Boss). No evidence of leakage was found at the mounting boss welds. Two additional welds were found that were not on the Identified drawing. These welds were not blended nd white powder was found In the weld area and In the stamp marks on the piping and mounting boss. A very right dusting of white powder residue Ison the mounting boss base.

inspection zone HL2-10 Weld (RC Loop 2 HIL Vent Nozzle). No Leakage was found at the Vent nozzle welds. The welds appeared to be In good shape with a very fight dusting of white powder present located just above the nozzle nd on the horizontal piping. Some minor areas of what appears to be pitting of the base metal Ispresent In the radius of the nozzle on the South and Southwest side. On the Hot Leg piping. some rust colored powder Ispresent agaln on the South and Southwest side.

Inspection zone TWRC3A1 Bolted, (RC Loop 2 HL Thermowell). No evidence of leakage was observed at the readed connection on the Thermowell. Some traces of Boron were evident around/between the flange nut and the mounting boss. Area was free of corrosion and no boron deposits were found after the flange nut / mounting boss Interface.

Inspection zone TWRC3A3 Bolted. (RC Loop 2 HL Thermowell). No evidence of leakage was observed at the threaded connection on the Thermowell. Some traces of Boron were evident around/between the flange nut and the mounting boss. Area was free of corrosion and no boron deposits were found after the flange nut / mounting boss Interface.

Inspection zone HL21-1 (Loop 2 Hot Leg Target). The top of the Hot Leg looked good with now evidence of leakage down to the first hanger. Below the first hanger. the piping on the Southwest side was covered with moderately heavy rust streaks and corrosion deposits. The heavy corrosion debris and streaking continued down the piping past Pressure Tap PTAI and covered approximately 20 percent of the piping. The rust and corrosion streaks began to ecrease about 10 to 15 feet below this tap. The rust streaks moved more toward the East of the piping as it continued down and the streaking continued to decrease. The rust streaks were apparent nearly 360 degrees of piping where Isappears that strapping material went around the pipe. General condition of the piping was such that peeling paint existed throughout the piping below the top U bend with minor corrosion visible In areas where paint has peeled. The origin of the leakage down the piping could not be identified since It appeared to originate above he first nozzle but was not apparent at the top vent.

This CR was written In accordance with the IP-M-028 inspection plan. which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Note: The first paragraph under description of condition states that the conditions were identified under inspection serial numbers HL2-4, HL2-6 and H12-7. As con be seen from the specific observations, these conditions were actually Identified under inspection serial numbers HL2-3, HL2-5. HL2-8, HL2-9. HL2-1 0. TWRC3A1, T1WPC3A3 and HL21-1.

This leakage was Identified per Reactor Head Extent of Condition program. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need Ito be addressed In the evaluation of this CR.

1 l02-02003 l 0 CA 05/13/02 06/27/02 lNo PE Open I No lNo I 1 10 106/27102 1 h/a 4 Yes 063-01 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING. INTERIOR FINDIN HDW 0750576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-1. Room 216 - East D-ring, Complete Interior performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN400324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

econdary side small bore piping has general surface corrosion or discoloration In the east D-ring. Photos representative of the typical corrosion were taken. Two of these pipes are unknown as to their origin. The third isthe instrument line for SP9A1 A.

Digital photos were token to document the Inspection. 565-1 P-instrument Une SP9A1 A (Typical) - 1.Jpg. 565-1 P-OTSG 2 Secondary Sde Sample Une 15' above DH drop line (Typical for 3)-1 Jpg. 565-1 P- OTSG 2 Secondary Side Tube Sheet Drain at the top of RCP 2-1 East wall-i.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

I02-02103-1 0 CA 05117102 07101/02 No E Oe No No I I I .0 07/01/02 1 JIA 4 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified while performing Inspections for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 Inspection program for ackage serial numbers weld Inspections HL2-4. HL2-6 and HL2-7 nspection zone HL2-4 (Weld RC Loop 2 HL Flowmeter Nozle). The Flowmeter Nozzle has some rust colored streak Ich appears to originate at the hot leg to nozzle weld at the 6:00 position. Some rust colored streaking can also be een coming from above and passing East of the nozzle. Some right dusting of a white powdery residue con be seen covering the nozzle base from approximately 11:00 to 3:00 and a white powder con be seen In all the stomp marks for e nozzle. No evidence of leakage was observed at the nozzle to piping weld. however some rust colored staining as present on the horizontal portion of the nozzle mainly on the top. The buffed area of hot leg piping surrounding e nozzle also had rust colored streaks passing through the area that apparently originated from above.

inspection zone HL2-6 (Weld RC Loop 2 HL Temp Connection). Evidence of leakage was found at the base of the emp Connection. White streaking was evident below the tap that appeared to be originating from the base of the connections. There were no visible welds on the connection. A 'J. weld on the Inside of the hot leg Joins the connection and the other end of the connection has a threaded fitting. Rust color stain was found on the connection at the 12:00 position. A white powder residue from the 3:00 to 9:00 position was observed around the connection and streaking was observed trailing away from the connection. Some minor corrosion was observed on the hot leg piping around the top half of the connection. Some white streaking was also observed on the Hqt Leg Piping just to the East of the connection that appears to originate from above.

Inspbction zone HL2-7 (Weld RC Loop 2 HL Press. Tap PTA2). Evidence of leakage was found at the base of the Press.

Tap. White streaking was evident below the tap that appeared to be originating fram the top Itself not In the weld areas. White powder was found In the stomp marks and on the top. A lght rust color stain was found on the press.

top at the 12:00 posItion. Some minor white streaks were observed just north of the tap passing over the base.

This CR was written In accordance with the IP-M-028 inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-0324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

This leakage was Identified per Reactor Head Extent of Condition program. The requirements of NG-EN4)0324 need to be addressed In the evaluation of this CR.

1 l02-02135.l 0 l CAl 05/17/02 07/01/02 l lNO PE Open No INo I Il 2 l 0 1 07/01/02 l KLTRC14-].LTRC1 1 Yes 064-04 BORIC ACID RESIDUE ON LTRC14-1. LTRC14-3 PIPING, PT6365B PIPING & PTRC2B2 FLANHDW 05750576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on various RCS Pressure Boundary Tubing Inspections performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. Attachment 4. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

LTRC1 4-1 T

Boric Acid residue (white) Ispresent on the top of the housing for LTRC1 4-1 RC Pressurizer Level Transmitter. The source of the residue appears to be the test plugs on the top of the transmitter.

LTRC14-3T Boric acid residue is present on the LTRC14-3 RC Pressurizer level transmitter sensing line piping upstream of source alve RC14DB. near a socket weld connection. The socket weld is located In the piping, located outside the D-ring.

thatruns North -South. approximately 10 feet inthe overhead north of LTRC14-3. The residuesourceisnotknown, but may be either from the piping connection or from above the piping. The residue Ismainly white, but contains ome rusty residue.

PT6365T Boric acid residue (white) was observed on the source rine Tee fitting located below PT6365B RC EXTENDED RANGE PRESSURE TRANSMITTER. located on the outside of the west d-ring wall. 603 elev. The residue source Isnot known. The residue Isvery minor.

PTRC2B2T White boric acid residue was observed on the surface of a bolted Instrument piping flange located In the east D-ring.

The flange Islocated on the RCS Loop 1 pressure Instrumentation piping (common to PTRC2B2 and PTRC2B4 and PSHRC284) Identified between welds 17A and 17B on VDWG M-329-1139. The Boric acid Ison the western flange face, piping to flange weld area and flange bolting. The source of the residue appears to be from the flanged Joint.

It Isnot obvious If the residue may be from a current or prior flange leak. The flange and bolting materials were confirmed to be stainless based on the referenced vendor drawing.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspections.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 02-02137 l 0o NA l 05/17/02 l 07/16/02 I INo PE Open No o 1 .0 07/16/02 E 24-1 4 Yes 063-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: SG I UPPPER MANWA ERO 3450 0576 3450 Due to a temporary manway cover being Installed on the SG I-1 Upper Manway. a complete Inspection of the bolted connection can not be completed as required by Inspection Plan IP-M-028. step 6.4.

n accordance with that plan. when a complete Inspection can not be made a condition report Isto be generated.

This will be used to track the target until such lime that the Inspection can be completed.

None 1 [02-l38*i ° l CA I 05/17/02 07/01/02 I I INO PE lOpen I No No I I 1 l0 07/01/02 PC1B8B 4 Yes 05841 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-3P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 P575 This condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 603-3P. Room 41 OA - West Passage Penetration Area.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Several Reactor Coolant system Instrument Isolation valves have boric acid residue and discoloration on various parts of the valve. (Packing follower, packing follower bolts and nuts, and yoke.)


Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection:

603-3P-RCI BBB-1 .Jpg 603-3P-RCI BAE-1 .Jpg 603-3P-RC I BAD-i .Jpg 603-3P-RC1 BBD-1 .jpg 603-3P-RCI BBE-I .Jpg 503-3P-RCI B2B-1 .jpg 603-3P-RC 181-1 .Jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per thie Extent of Condition program will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-01866 11 CA l 05/06/02 l 06/20/02 l I - NO OBE lOpen i No lNo I I 1 I0 106/20/02 1 VW/A 14 Yes IVarious INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-4S FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 ,0575 This condition report isgenerated based on findings In Inspection Area 603-4S. performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1.Rusted U-bolt on a support and resulting rust stain down the edge of the support near the southeast corner of the pool at approx. 2- above finished floor (Photo: 603-4S-1) 2.Supports for the CCW line on the west side of the pool have boric acid run-off from condensation on the pipe. No evidence of corrosion or staining. (Photos:603-4S-2Z -3)

. Rusted bolt and rust stains on pads located near water level on the west side of the pool. (Representative photos:

603-4S-4, -6)

4. Rusted shaft on west end of the auxiliary refueling bridge. Typical all off the shafts near the corners of both refueling bridges. (Representative photo: 603-4s-5)

S.Rusted bolting and light surface rust on the skid, motor base, and associated bolting at the south end of the pool.

Rusted bolting Istypical of each of the skids. (Representative photo: 603-4s-7)

. Boron deposits on the supports for the winches located on the south end of the pool. No evidence of corrosion or aining. (Representative photo: 603-4s-8)

7. Rusted and stained base plate, angle, and bolting on the floor near the middle of the east edge of the pool.

(Photo: 603-4s-9) 8.Rust stain on painted diamond plate near southeast end on pool at floor level. (Photo: 603-4s-10)

The above CR Identifies a condition with minor surface rusting. staining, or evidence of boric acid. These findings currently do not affect the structural Integrety of the SSCs.

1 02-01885 ° CA l 05/06/02 06/20/02 0 No DBE Open  !

No INo I I I1 I .0.; 06/20/02 l - 'JIA l N/A No N/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 FINDINGS FOR INSPECTION AREA 565-6S HDW 0575 0576 0575 Surface rust on top of structural beam flange edge at floor plug. (Photo file 565-6s-1 2.jpg)

Surface rust on ceiling decking steel throughout entire Inspection area (Representative photo file 565-6s-13jpg)

Rust staining of concrete floor in inspection area. (Representative photo fie 565-6s- 4.Jpg)

This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection area 565-6s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Minor material degradation, but no immediate structural Integrity concerns. CR 02-01730 Isan associated CR for Inspection Area 565-6s.

-01886 .0 CAf 05/06/02 1 06/20/02 I 1 INO DBE 1Open I No IN 1I 0 . 06/20/02 lN/A IN/A No N/A I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 FINDINGS FOR INSPECTION AREA 565-8S HDW 0575 0576 0575 Surface rust on ceiling decking over entire inspection area. (Photo 5658-1 .Jpg)

This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection Area 565-8S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

IMinor material degradation, but no immediate structural Integrity issues.

1 02-01887 .1 ICA 05/06/02 06/20/02 INo DBE Open INoNo I Ij 1I 0 7 6 /20/02 IN/A 4 yes IN/A l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 FINDINGS FOR INSPECTION AREA 585-6S IHDW 10575 0576 0575 1.Rust stains ore present on concrete floor throughout Inspection area. No concrete degradation present.(Representative photo 585-6s-I OJpg)

2. Rust stains on vessel below condult/cable tray support plates which are welded to vessel. Plates were never pointed on the side facing the vessel due to Inaccessiblity. (Representative Photo file 585-6s-7.Jpg) 3.Rust stains and boric acid deposits found on conduit and associated support members adjacent to valve RC 146.

Boric acid deposts cover baseplates, wall just above wall/floor interface and on conduit. No rusting of components present. Approx. elevation 585 (Photo files 585-6s-5.jpg) 4.Rust stains on concrete column adjacent to stairs. (Photo 585-6s-1 1Jpg) 5.Rust stains on vessel below'penetrations marked 9. 10 and 11. (Representative Photo 585-6s- I2.jpg)

This Condition Report Isgenerated for Inspection Area 585-6S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

[Minor rust stains, there are no structural Integrity concerns.

lCR 02-01721 Isan associated CR for inspection area 585-6S 1 F02.0211I0* 0 CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 No PE ~pen No No 1 0 07/01/02 l h/a J4lYes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation f this CR.

pipes have boric acid residue and surface corrosion or staining.

  • Copper Instrument Air piping above the doorway to the Incore Instrument Tank.
  • Stainless steel Demineralized Water header.
  • Stainless steel Pressurizer level transmitter Instrument line (12' off of floor just outside elevator)

A digital photo was token to document the Inspections.

  • 585-6P-Copper Pipe above doorway to Incore Inst Tank-l Jpg
  • 585-6P-Demin Water Header (Typical)-1 .Jpg
  • 585-6P-Pzr Level Transmitter Inst Une 12 off ground just outside elevator (typical).Jpg.

dentified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additlonal evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 102-02111

  • l 0 CA l 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 lNo PE Open NoINo I I 1110 107/01/021 h/a Y4es 064-02 1 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW PM 0576 " I This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 317 and 315.

erformed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

here Issome surface contaminant on the piping between RC145 and RC 5007. This Islocated just to the left of the door going Into the Incore Instrument Tank area.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 585-6P-Pipe Elbow Between RC145 and RC5007-1.jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-02139' l 0 l NA l 05/17/02 l 07/16/02 l INO PE Open I No No I I 11100 07/16/02 E24-2 I Yes -01 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: SG 2 UPPER MANWAY ERG 450 2779J3450 Due to a temporary manway cover being Instialed on the SG 1-2 Upper Manway. a complete Inspection of the bolted connection can not be completed as required by Inspection Plan IP-M-028. step 6.4.

n accordance with that plan. when a complete Inspection can not be made a condition report Isto be generated.

[his will be used to track the target until such time that the Inspection con be completed.

1Jone 1 l02-02123.1 ol CA l 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 l INo (DBE 1Open I No No I I l 1 l 0 l 07/01/02 l rN/A INA No____riousI NSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 548-1 EFINDINGS HDW 10575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 heed to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

inspection Area 548-1 Eis the Core Flood Pipe Tunnel. Including access from elevation 565'. This inspection area contains conduit, lighting fixtures, a convenience outlet and a pump motor. Boric acid crystals and residue, stains and rust were Identified in this area. The source for the observed conditions appeared to be from leaks through the South wall of this area..

The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky. C - Material corrosion that Isloose. flaky.

pitted or Involves material wastage.

Photos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 548-1 Efor IP-M-029.

1. Photo 548-1 E-04 shows a lighting receptacle with Its outlet box covered with boric acid crystals. The outlet box is ocated on the South wall of the Core Flood Pipe Tunnel. Since the crystals are white It does not appear that material wastage is present. Category A.
2. Photos 548-1 E-05 and 548-1 E-06 show two views of the Refueling Canal Drain Pump Motor (MP2040). The actual motor Iscorrosion free. Rust and boric acid residue was observed on the base plate that supports the motor and pump. Although not clear In this photo, there was approximately Y2to V4 Inch of standing water In the area around he motor and pump. Category B. The source of the water appears to be through crocks In the South wall as orange stains and boric acid crystals are on that wall.

Photo 548-1 E-07 shows a convenience outlet located on the South wall In the tunnel. Boric acid crystals are seen on the wall; the conduit and outlet do not show any corrosion.

Photo 548-1 E-08 shows conduit with boric acid residue. The conduit's support base plant and bolts do not show corrosion. The conduit and support are located on the North wall of the tunnel. Category A

. Photo 548-1 E-09 shows a lighting receptacle, outlet box and conduit. The orange color on these components appears to be a stain and not active corrosion. The light box and conduit are located on the South wall In the small room above and at the end of the tunnel. The ladder used to access this room Isvisible In photo 548-1 E-05. Category A.

No immediate actions. material degradation minor In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent.

1 l02-01900 l 0 l CA l 05107102 l 06/21/02 l lNo DBE Open No No I I III 0 . 06/21/02 NA NA No N/A INSPECTION FINDINGS FOR IP-M-029 INSPECTION AREA 565-55 HDW 750576 75 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection area 565-5s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1) Rust staining was observed at several location on the floor In this area. (Representative Photo 565-Ss-5.jpg)

This CR Identifies minor surface staining. This staining will not prevent the floor from performing Its design function.

CR 02-01735 Isan associated CR for Inpsection area 565-5S.

f 1 102-01808' - 0 CA 05/02/02 06/16/02 I No DBE 1Open .

No INo I I I 0 .'-d06/16/02 1 H11 fr/A No I.

I99-11 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 653-2S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 653-2s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN.00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1. Surface rust was found on the roil bolts for the RX service crone, on the south end. (representative photo file 653-2s-l.jpg)
2. The deck was found to have oil staining and light surface rust. (representative photo file 653-2s-2.Jpg)

This CR identifies components with minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not prevent them from performing their design function 1 102-02112 l 0 CA l 05/17102 l 07/01/02 lNo PE Open I NoINo I I III 0 _07/01/02 h-/o -4 es 4-02 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW 10575 057610575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

Severot valves have boric acid residue around the packing. These valves also have surface corrosion on the valve components. (Packing follower, packing follower bolts. yoke, or valve body.) These valves are: RC14BB. RC14CB.

RC14FB. RC14EB. RC14AB. Iso valve for PTRC1BB2.

A digital photo was taken to document the inspections.

585-6P-RC1 4BB-1 .Jpg 585-6P-RC14CB-1.jpg 585-6P-RC14FB-I.Jpg 585-6P-RC14EB-1.Jpg 585-6P-RC1 4AB-1 .Jpg 585-6P-iso valve for PI - RC I 8B2-1.Ioa dentified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029. I

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate

[actions are required.

1 02-02113 I 0 CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 No PE Open No No I 0 07/01/02 fg4840 es 04 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW 75 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN.00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e Prz Vent Flow Gauge. FG4840 has boric acid residue around the flange gaskets and the closure bolts for the gauge glass Itself. Some of the flange nuts also have surface corrosion.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 585-6P-FG4840-1.Jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 l02-02141' . 0 CA I 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 lNo PE lOpen I No No I I I I I 0 1 07/01/02 1 h/a P Yes 016-04 _

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-3P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition Report is generated based on Area Inspection 603-3P. Room 41 OA - West Passage Penetration Area.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Two large bore pipes have a crust of boric acid residue on the surface. This appears to be from condensation and deposition of boric acid from the atmosphere around the pipes. These deposits are prevalent for about 30' of piping starting at the floor of the 603' elevation.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection:

603-3P-CC108-1.jpg 6033P-Large bore piping at CC61 I-1 .Jpg 603-3P-Large bore piping at CC611-2AJpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-02142t rEI NA l 05/17/02 l 07/16/02 l lNo PE lOpen I No No I I I.0 .1 07/16/02 F/a 2 Yes 018-01  :

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-3P FINDINGS HDW 0750576 0575 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-3P FINDINGS Iscondition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 603-3P. Room 41 OA - West Passage Penetration Area.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he Instrument ore piping elbows have corrosion on the elbosw and joints connecting the elbows and straight piping.

digital photo was taken to document the inspection:

603-3P-lnst Air Elbow Above Incore tank (typlcal)- .Jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029..

Additionbl evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-01868 l 0 I CA 05/06/02 I 06/20/02 lNo DBE 1Open I No [No I I I1 0 i 06/20/02 1 IN/A IN/A No IN/A I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 653-1S FINDINGS HDW 10575 0576 p575.

This conditon report Isgenerated based on Inspection 653-IS performed under Inspection plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation ofthis CR.

An area of surface rust was found on the handrail toe plate inside the southwest corner of the west D-ring. Photo 653-1s-1.JP_

This CR Identifies an tem with minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not prevent the item from performing its design function.

l 02-019061 0 CA 05/07/02 06/21/02 lNo DBE {Open No No I 1 l 0 06/21/02 l [N/A IN/A lNo arious INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-6 9 AREA 565-2S IHDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on Inspection 565-2S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he description of the findings, starting at the bottom of the West D-ring. in the north half are:

1) The U-Bolts on the support for a 1/2 diameter sample line (4 pipes per row, 2 rows), approximately 6 feet above the floor has light surface rust and surface staining at several locations.

(Reference representative photo 565-2S-1 Jpg)

2) The threaded end of the RCP pipe whip restraint (@565) shows signs of surface rust and staining. (Reference photo 565-2S-2.jpg)
3) The Inside of the pipe restraint for a 3/4 sample line (@ 569) in not painted and shows signs of surface rust and surface staining. Located on the east wail.

(Reference photo 565-2S-3.jpg)

4) The structural steel for the platform at elev. 577' shows signs of surface staining and surface rust at numerous locations around the platforrm.

(Reference photo 565-2S-4.Jpg and 565-2S-6.jpg)

5) The pipe clamp on a support near #4 above shows signs of surface staining and rust.

(Reference photo 565-2S-7.jpg)

6) Several support members attached to the platform steel (@577) were flame cut at the base and not pointed.

These areas show signs of surface rust and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-5jpg)

7) The supports for the 4' line for S89B5A located under the 577 platform shows signs of surface rust and surface staining whenever the pipe comes in contact with the support (Reference representative photo 565-2S-12jpg)
8) A general note on the condition of the support members at the bottom of the D-ring and the Steam Generator pit that the surface of these members have multiple chips and scrapes that result In light surface rust.

(Reference photo 565-2S-8.jpg for a general photo)

9) The pipe support stanchion for snubber C-251 shows signs of surface rust and surface discoloration resulted from being in contact with high temperature piping.

(Reference photo 565-2S-9.jpg)

10) The clamp and the stanchion for snubber C-250. shows signs of surface rust and surface staining resulting from being In contact with high temperature piping.

(Reference photo 565-2S-10.Jpg)

11) The clamp and the stanchion for snubber C-246 shows signs of surface rust and surface staining resulting from being In contact with high temperature piping.

(Reference photo 565-2S-11 .Jpg)

12) Platform steel in front of the Steam Generator manway opening at elev.

577 shows signs of surface rusting and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-25-1 3.jpg)

13) The clamps for the Usega snubbers (adjacent valve SS 674) shows signs of surface rust and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-14Jpg)

14) The Bolls on the Spring Can (adjacent valve SS 674) shows signs of surface rust and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2-I15.jpg)

15) The pipe clamp for snubber H23 shows surface rust and surface staining. This is typical of the other supports

ssociated with this line.

(Reference typical photo 565-2S-15 and 565-2S-16)

16) The stanchion for snubber C-248 and stanchions for vertical restraint shows signs of surface rust and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-16.jpg)

17) General Note: There are several uninsulated and unpainted pipes in the D-Ring that show signs of rust. The pipe supports that come in contact with these pipes also show signs of surface rust, surface staining, and or surface discoloration.
18) The bolts for the pipe support (clamp) directly above FT 4238 (@569) shows signs of surface staining and surface rust.

(Reference photo 565-2S-1 7.jpg)

19) The bolts for snubber C-245 shows signs of surface rust and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-18jpg)

20) The cold leg support at the bottom of the RCP shows signs of surface staining and surface rust.

(Reference photo 565-2S-19.jpg)

21) Flatform bolting between the S.G. and the Hot Leg (@592'-9 ) shows signs of slight surface rust and surface staining (Reference photo 565-2S-20.Jpg)
2) On the NW wall there are surface stains that are streaking down the wall. It appears It could come from the Main Steam line restraint above.

(Reference photo 565-2S-21 .jpg)

3) The vertical pipe with Its supports shows signs of surface staining on the nchors and base plate. It appears the staining Isfrom a restraint above.

(Reference photo 565-2S-22Jpg)

4) The end bracket for Main Steam restraint SR-9 shows signs of surface rust and surface staing.

(Reference photo 565-2S-23Jpg)

25) Directly above the Steam Generator, the main structural support beams for the 653 floor show signs of surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-24.jpg)

26) The main lateral support for the Steam Generator (near the top of the S.G.).

the bolts and nuts show signs of surface staining and surface rust.

(Reference photo 565-2S-25jpg)

27) The support for SP9B5B shows signs of surface staining and surface rust (Reference photo 565-2S-26jpg)
28) The support beam for a constant spring support near SR-9 (item 24) shows signs of surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-27jpg)

29) The web stiffener for a lateral brace on the Main Steam line restraint located directly west of the top of the Steam Generator shows signs of surface rust and point blistering.

(Reference photo 565-2S-28jpg)

30) The main lateral support for the upper Steam Generator beam shows signs of surface discoloration and paint pealing.

(Reference photo 565-2S-29.jpg)

31) The support channel for the platform at elevation 632'-3 shows signs of surface rust and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-30.jpg)

2) The top bolts for SR-32 and the lateral stiffener shows signs of surface staining and surface rust.

(Reference photo 565-2S-32 and 565-2S-33.jpg)

33) The concrete wall shows signs of surface staining resulting from an unpainted 2 Inch pipe.

(Reference photo 565-2S-31.Jpg)

34) The vertical support for main steam line constant spring support has surface staining and surface rust on the threaded rod and pipe clomp.

(Reference photo 565-2S-34.Jpg)

5) South side lateral support for the AFW pipe clomp bolt. there Issurface staining on the pipe clamp bolt (between the camp ears).

(Reference photo 565-2S-35.jpg)

36) The platform steel and channel (@621) above Items #34 shows signs of surface rust and surface staining.

(Reference photo 565-2S-36.1pg)

7) The vert spring support for the AFW (located below M 11 55 H3) has surface staining and surface rust on the pipe clamp bolt.

(Reference photo 565-2S-37.jpg)

38) The platform for the Hot Leg (@ 610) shows signs of surface staining and surface rust In an area that was cut out to make room for routing a pipe.

(Reference photo 565-2S-38Jpg)

39) The platform steel (vertical members on the underside of the platform @

Elev 596) shows signs of surface staining and surface rust on the bolted connectons.

(Reference photo 565-2S-39.jpg) 403 The source of the heavy wall staining (see Item 22) appears to be from a small valve MS 752. This One Isunpainted and adjacent to the concrete wall.

The surface rust starts at the top of this valve.

(Reference photo 565-2S-40.jpg)

The above CR Identifies areas with surface staining and surface rust. The surface staining and rust wil not adversely affect the structural Integrity of the SSC.

1 102-02114 l I-a CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 lNo PE Open I No [No I I I1 I o'I 0 07/01102 I TRC`14-1 14 .Yes 64-I I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS . HDW 75 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-rIng between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Pressurizer Level Transmitter LTRC14-1 has boric acid residue on top of the Instrument closure bolting and a foreign material on the DP cell casing.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 585-6P(LT-RC14-1)l.jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M.029.

kAdditional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate

.actions are required.

1 102.021115 0 l CA l 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 l INO PE Open No INo I I I 1 I 0 l 07/01/02 l lC145A VI Yes -04 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

2 valves have corrosion on the packing follower bolts. RC1 45A and RC1 98.

Adigtal photo was token to document the Inspection. 585-6P-RC145A-1 .jpg. 585-6P-RC198-1 .jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-02143j, 0 CA 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 1 No PE Open No INo I. 1I . 0 1 07/01/02 1 fN/A 14 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) inspection on the East D-ring RCP 2-2 suction nozzle weld. IP-M-028 component serial # IsRCP22IN-1.

ater streaks noted on the lower portion of the RCP bowl and across the suction nozzle weld. These streaks appeared Insignificent and were almost transparent In places. Also. white stains were noted on the pump bowl.

Photo #s RCP22IN-1 thru 3 document conditions his CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Conditlon plan will be needed. No immediate actions required.

1 02-021:16 &J 0 CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 No PE Open No INo I I I ro S07/01/02 1 PC18A1A 4 Yes 064-02 .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on Area Inspection 565-8P, Outside D-rng between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation fthis CR.

lC18A1A. RCP 2-1 2ND SEAL CAVITY PRESSURE SOURCE VALVE, has boric acid residue around the valve packing ollower. No corrosion has been noted.

digital photo was taken to document the inspection. 585-P-lso valve for PT-RC1 8AI-1 .Jpg.

dentified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

dditional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate ctions are required.

1 02-02117*-. '-0 CA 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 No PE Open No INo I I I 1 I -0 l 07/01/02 l S881 Yes -01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

MS881. STEAM GENERATOR 1-2 VENT VALVE TO CONTAINMENT VENT, corrosion on the packing follower.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 585-6P-MS881 -1.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-02147'il 0 l CA l 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 lNo PE Open

.NO -NO I I l 2 l 0 l 07/01102 l _RC14AB, RC14B Yes 064-04 MINOR SURFACE CORRSION ON RCS INSTRUMENT SUPPORTS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on various RCS Pressure Boundary Tubing Inspections performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29, Attachment 4. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be complied with in the evaluation of this CR.

LTRC14-2T RC14AB. LTRC1 4-2 MAINT ISO VLV, packing bushing has light rusty surface corrosion. Also. Its bonnet has light rust/discoloration around the circumference of the bonnet.

RC14BB .LTRCJ4-2 MAINT ISO VLV, bonnet has light rust/discoloration around the circumference of the bonnet..

LTRC14-3T RC14CB. LTRC 14-3 MAINT ISO VliV, packing bushing has light rusty surface corrosion. Also. its bonnet has light ust/discoloration around the circumference of the bonnet.

T6365BT The common Instrument piping for PT6365B. PTRC2B2. PTRC2B4. PSHRC2B4, located on Ctmt elevation 603. outside the D-ring. has corrosion/boric acid residue in the annular space between the piping and the piping support collar. The ource of the residue is unknown. The residue is a rusty color.

PTRC2B2T e PTRC2B2. RCP LOOP I HLG NR PRESSURE TRANSMITTER, RPS CHI. mounting bracket horizontal surface has a pile of oose corrosion/rust particles or residue. The transmitter Islocated on Ctmt 603 elev. outside the west D ring, near the d ring wafl. The source appears to be from either: 1) a motor operated valve support rod directly above the ransmitter by approximately four feet. or 2) threaded plug leakage on the top of the transmitter housing.

Also, there Isa dark fiber type residue adhering around the top surface of the common sensing fine piping Inside the

-ring near the flange with weld numbers 17A and 17B, (ref VDWG M-329- 1139). The residue appears to be from old ape and or a tog.

RC1B2T FIRC1 B2 has minor surface rust on the transmitter support channel. The rust appears to be located where a mounting bracket was previously Installed. The five valve manifold and edges of the support channel have light rusty staining.

Minor touchup may be desired fTRC B4T1 RC1 B4 has minor surface rust on the transmitter support channel. The rust appears to be located where a mounting acket was previously Installed. Minor touchup may be desired.

Digital photos were taken to document the inspections.

identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

dditional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate ctions are required.

1 l02-02152'j ° CA l 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 l 0 No DBE Open No No .I I 1 l 0 l 07/01/02 l N/A Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-IS FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition rep6rt is generated based on Inspection 565-1 Sperformed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NC-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Surface rust and boric acid residue has accumulated on the pipe whip restraint for the hot leg at elevation 606' (photo file 565-1 s44.jpg. 565-1 s-45.jpg and 565-1 s-46.Jpg).

Pressurizer support on the south side of the pressurizer has rusted bolts. This Isa typical occurrence. Representative photo 565-1 s-47.Ipg Minor surface rust was Identified and this will not prevent the items from performing their function.

1 102-01809L No No 0 CA l 05/02102 1 0 l 06/16/02 06/16/02 l I IN/A lNo IN/A DBE No Open N/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 671- S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 653-2s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

1. It was found that a few of the ceiling deck support angles and bolts have surface rust. (representative photo file 71 -1s-2.jpg. -3.jpg)
2. Ufting beam support brackets were found to have surface rust. (representative photo file 671-1 s-3.jpg)
3. The stairway on elevation 653 -0" going to the 671 -0" elevation elevator room was found to have rust staining on the stringer. (representative photo file 671-ls-i.jpg)

[his CR Identifies components with minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not prevent them from performing their design function 1 102-01864 I 0l CA l 05/06/02 l 06/20/02 I INo DBE pen No lNo I I I 1 I 0 l 06/20/02 l lN/A PN/A No N/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 653-3S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report is generated based on Inspection 653-3S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The equirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

hese Items have surface rust:

1. The missile shields have areas on the edge angles where the paint has chipped away and there Issurface rust.

(representative photo file 653-3s-1.Jpg. -3.jpg)

2. Steel sleeves for handrail on missile shields have surface rust. (653-3s-4jpg)

These Items have staining:

3. There is some staining on the side of missile shields.(representative photo file 653-3s-2.jpg)

This CR Identifies components with minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not prevent them from performing their design function 1 102-02118 f 0 CA I 05/17/02 07/01/02 l *No PE Open I No INo I I 1;0V1Ii 07/01/02 l lC240A It Yes 064-04 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6P FINDINGS HDW 05750576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 317 and 315.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-0324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

wo valves have discoloration on the body of the valve that appear to be corrosion related. (Although these are ainless steel valves.) Also. RC5007 has red tape around the top part of the body area of the valve.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 585-6P-RC24OA-I .Jpg. 585-6P-RC5007-1.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additlonal evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Conditlon program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 02-02153

  • 0 CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 No PE Open No INo _ I 2 l 0 I 07/01/02 rTRCOlA.SP124 IYes 011-01 5P12A2 PACKING LEAK HDW 05750576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on the inspection of Area 603-2 as prescibed by Inspection Plan IP-M-029 in Containment at elevation 603. The requirements of NG-EN-0324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection of Area 603-2 as prescribed by Inspection Plan IP-M-029 for PE revealed the following conditlbns. All evidence of Boric Acid noted below Isattributed to an airborne source. Inspection of the surrounding areas revealed no other source for the Boric Acid residue that could cause this condition.

The manual Isolation valve SP]2A2A shows signs of leakage from the packing gland. The leakage Isfree of Boric Acid residue and Inactive. The leakage Isrust colored streaking that has run down the adjoining piping to the pipe support below the valve. Minor Boric acid residue Isevident on the pipe support. The gland flange Isapproximately 40%

covered with surface rust..The valve stem is covered In surface rust and pitted (photo 603-2P-16).

The source of the leakage Isattributed to a packing leak on SP] 2A2A since this Isthe area where the streaking orininated.

INo acitive Boric Acid leakage was found on SPI 2A2A.

1 02-02140 I 0 CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 lNo PE Open NojNo l 1 0 07/01/02 SP12BIA Yes 083-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-3P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition Report is generated based on Area Inspection 603-3P. Room 41OA - West Passage Penetration Area.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

veral secondary side valves have corrosion on parts of the valve. (Packing follower, packing follower bolts and nuts. and yoke.)

1P2BI A. SP12B2A. CC626. CC611.

Digital photos were taken to document the inspection:

603-3P-SP12B]A-1 .Jpg 3P-SP1 2B2A-1 .Jpg 603-3P-CC626-1.lpg 603-3P-CC61 1-1 .Jpg Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program will be needed. No Immediate actions ore required.

1 102-02083'1 o: CA I 05/16/02 06/30/02 No DBE Open No [No l l 1I l /0 . l 06/30/02 l lN/A Yes Y4 Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-4E FINDINGS HDW 05750576 0575 his condition report Isgenerated based upon an inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 565-4E IsRoom 215 - Letdown Coolers Area and contains conduit, cable troy, electrical boxes and Instruments. White Indications. stains and rust were Identified In this area. No source for the observed conditions could be identified. The noted Indications In this area were minor.

e foflowing categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky.

Photos Identified below ore part of Data Package, Serial 565-4E for IP-M-029.

Inspection Area 565-4E Isdivided by yellow colored lead shielding. On the northeast side (delay coil side) of the shielding electrical components consist of conduit, motors and Instruments. On southwest side of the lead shielding e electrical components consist of conduit and boxes. Boric acid residue and surface rust was observed on both des of the shielding.

Observations for Inspection Area 565-4E:

1. The overhead conduit and supports show signs of boric acid residue and surface rust. The conduit Isover the area urrounded by the lead shielding, near the letdown coolers. The residue Isdispersed throughout the area. The drip K

pattems-could not be associated with a source. Category A and B. (Photo files 565-4E-01 Jpg. 565-4E-02.jpg)

. The overhead conduit and supports show signs of boric acid residue and surface rust. The conduit Isover the area surrounded by the lead shielding, near the letdown coolers. Category A and B. Condensation dripping from the eliow pipes can not explain all the boric acid residue seen in this area. (Photo files 565-4E-0.jpg. 565-4E.04.jpg. 565-4E-05.jpg)

3. There is an overhead box exhibiting boric acid residue and corrosion. The box Ismounted on a column. high In the overhead area just outside the shielding for the letdown coolers. The corrosion Isvisible In the photo files, which are different views of the box. Photo file 565-4E-08.jpg locates the box relative to walking Into the Inspection area.

Category A and B. (Photo files 565-4E-06.jpg. 565-4E-07.Jpg. 565-4E-08.Jpg)

4. The conduits, supports and boxes located against the containment vessel directly in front of the lead shielding for the letdown coolers, show signs of boric acid residue and surfoce rust. Category A and B. Photo file 565-4E-10.jpg shows the top of the boxes. (Photo files 565-4E-09jpg, 565-4E-lOjpg)
5. The pull box that Islocated just East of the components described in #4 above shows signs of surface rusting

Category B. (Photo file 565-4E-1 1.Jpg)

. The large flexible conduits going into the same box described in #3 above show rust stains. Category A. (Photo files 565-4E-12.jpg. 565-4E-13.jpg)

7. The bolt heads for the bracket for PS-4101 drain valve are rusty. Category B. (Photo file 565-4E-14.jpg)
8. The root valves for FIS-4133. 4. 5 and 6. located above the letdown coolers, are rusty. Category B. (Photo file 565-4E-I5.jpg)
9. The conduit support near south wall of the Letdown Cooler Room has surface rust. Category B. (Photo file 565-4E-16)
10. The conduit support near pipe support CCA-18-H10 has surface rust on the unistrut, base plate, anchor bolts and staining on the grout pod. Category B. (Photo file 565-4E-17jpg).

No immediate actions, material degradation minor in nature. No electrical or structural integrity issue apparent.

1 [02-02120'l 0 CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 l I [No PE Open No Yes I I 1 2 l 0 .:l 07/01/02 l UB011-01 13 Yes p11-01 DEGRADATION OF SERVICE WATER PIPING IN CONTAINMENT AT ELEV 603. HDW 05750576 0575 his Condition Report Is generated based on the Inspection of the Service Water piping in Containment at elevation 603 (Ref. Inspection file 603-2P) as prescribed by Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

lnspection of the Service Water (SW) Piping In Containment at elevation 603 revealed the following conditions. The xact location of each of these conditions is documented In the Inspection report maintained by SYME. Al evidence f Boric Acid noted below Isattributed to an airborne source that when combined with condensation from the SW piping. scrubbed the Boric Acid from the atmosphere and then may hove acted as a catalyst to cause the noted rusting. Inspection of the surrounding areas revealed no other source for the Boric Acid residue noted below.

1) Approximately 60% of the surface area of the piping Is covered by a light film of Boric Acid crystal (photos 603-2P-6, -

2 The point on the service water piping Iscracked, chipped, bubbling and peeling. Predominantly, the point is cracking along the length of the pipe and where point crocks are present, point Isbeginning to curl off of the piping.

eaving exposed areas of bare metal which are covered by surface rust. Chips In the painted surface where the bore Ipe Isexposed are also covered In a layer of surface rust. Some painted areas of the point are beginning to bubble ggesting rust Isbeneath the point and pushing the paint outward.(photos 603-2p-1. -2. -7. -8. -9. 12. -13. -14)

) Service Water piping located In the overhead just outside the personnel hatch revealed dried streaking of rust colored liquid flowing from the top surface of the piping and then wrapping around to the bottom of the pipe and onto the floor (photos 603-2P-2. -3. -6). Inspection of the upper surface of this piping could not be viewed due to tructural pipe supports blocking the Inspection by ladder. The rusty streaks are believed to be due to condensation of rvice Water piping where the piping Isnot painted or has degraded to a point where It no longer provides a protective barrier. (CR 02- 02108 written to document the obstructed view of the overhead piping).

) Several of the piping welds have evidence of surface rust that appear to be attributed to cracking of the painted urface (photo 603-2P-8).

The Service Water piping of drain valve SW363 iscovered In a layer of clumped Boric Acid crystal. The paint on a pproximately 30% of the piping surface area Ismissing and replaced with a thick layer of surface rust. (photo 603-2P-I4).*.:

6)The gland flanges. studs, nuts of the Service Water fire protection valves SW391, SW392 and SW393 are rusted a completely vold of any point. The worst rust Islocated on the flange gland, studs and nuts of SW392. The rusted urfaces of SW392 are also pitted with shards of rust beginning to separate from the base metal. Boric Acid crystal Is lIso present on SW392 at the Interface of the body/bonnet, Inside the packing gland flange, packing cavity and attached to the valve shaft Inside the cavity (photos 603-2P-5. 15).

7) Approxirnately 6 feet of Service Water pipJng directly adjoining SW393 Iscovered with a thin layer of surface rust hat appears to be due to a breakdown of the pointed surface or a lack of paint (photos 603-2P-10. -15).
8) Approximately 13-15 feet downstream of SW392 Is a blemish on the SW piping that Isbubbled and appears pitted.

This area should by examined by Ultrasonic wall thickness measurement to determine the extent of the pitting (photo 603-2P-1 4).

'Jo active Boric Acid leakage was noted In the inspection area.

1 l 02-02149:CA l 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 lI No DBE Open No No I 1 0 07/01/02 1 N/A /A No Various FINDINGS FOR AREA 585-4E FOR IP-M-029 HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 585-4E IsOutside D-Ring - Between Rooms 316 and 317 and contains conduit, cable tray, electrical boxes and Instruments. White Indications, stains and rust were identified in this area. No source for the observed onditions could be Identified. The noted Indications In this area were minor.

e following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky. C - Material corrosion that is loose, flaky, pitted or involves material wastage.

Photos identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 5854E for IP-M-029.

1. Trays 8LBP03 and BLPQ03 where the trays exit the DMRing show evidence of boric acid. Conduit and supports in that area also show evidence of boric acid. (Photos 585-4E-01 and 585-4E-02)
2. Trays BLBPO3 and BLPQ03 have white stains on the bottom, potentially boric acid. (Photo 585-4E-03)
3. Support for tubing for PT-SP-1 2B2 is corroded. Category B. (Photo 585-4E-04)

Conduit under trays BCBP01 and BLPQ01 show evidence of boric acid stains on bottom. (Photo 585-4E-05)

No immediate actions, material degradation minor In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity issue apparent.

1 l02-0211Stl: I0 1 CA l 05/17/02 l 07/01/02 l { lNo DBE Open No INo I I I 1 .Q -- 07/01/02 l Fi/A N/A No Various FINDINGS FOR INSPECTION AREA 653-4S FOR INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 HDW 0575 0576 075 Surface rust found on bolting on Polar Crane (Representative photo 653-4S-1 .Jpg. 653-4S-8.jpg) rface rust observed on pipe support for Containment Spray support 34-HCB-4-H39 (dual spring can configuration)

(Photos 653-4S-2.jpg & 653-45-4.Jpg).

pport for hand winches (west side) have surface rust on weld between support member and vessel plate.

Surface rust found on mounting blocks for west hand winches at approx. 735 elevation (Photo 653-4S-6jpg) urface rust on flanged Joints for Polar Crane winch assembly drive axle (Photo 653-4S-7.jpg) is Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 653-4S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The i requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Minor material surface rust. there Is no Immediate structural integrity concerns.

1 02-02269 l .0 I CA 05/24/02 07/08/02 l No PE open I No INo I I 1 2 I-,0fIl 07/08/02 l P37-2 13 Yes p011-01 I DEGRADED CONTAINME NTAIR COOLER #2 PIPING IN CONTAINM.1ENT AT ELEV 597 HDW 0575 0576 [M75 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on the Inspection of the Service Water piping in Containment at elevation 585 (Ref. Inspection file 585-6P) as prescribed by Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection of the Service Water (S) Piping in Containment at e evation 585 revealed the following condition. The, exact location of this condition Isdocumented In the inspection report maintained by SYME.

At elevation 597 (per M-241F) In Containment, approximately 2-3 feet of Service Water (SW) Containment Air Cooler

  1. 2 supply piping Isseverly rusted and pitted. The color of the rus- isred/brown and has all the hallmarks of Boric Acid corrosion on Carbon Steel. However, no evidence of Boric Acid appears present on this section of SW pipe nor in the surrounding area except directly over this section of pipe at approximately elevation 648. At approximately elevation 648. a Stainless Steel drain ine (used for floor drainage at elevation 653) is routed below the decking of elevation 653.

Exa~nination of this drain line using binoculars revealed localized white streaks are present around the circumference of the pipe directly over the section.of corroded SW piping as described above. It could not be determined if the drain One has a hole In It or liquid Isrunning along the top of the drain pipe and then dripping off the bottom at a possible low point that just happens to be directly over the Service Water piping. The affected section of SW pipe is ocoted just In front of and below the personnel hatch at elevation 597.

3YME recommends Containment Air Cooler #2Is Isolated to prevent possible leakage until the affected section of SW

ipe is Inspected by ultrasonic wall thickness measurements to assess the extent of the corrosion.

As a conservative measure. recommend OPS Isolate CAC #2 until ultrasonic wall thickness measurements con be Dbtdined and evaluated.

1 0F2-01862, 1I CA 05/06/02 06/20/02 l l No PE open No NO I I lI 1 06/20/021lUiU369 4 Yes 1065.01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 EXTENT OF CONDITION: 565-4P HDW 0575 0576 0575 During the area walkdown boron was found on the packing of the valve of MU369.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-4P performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

The referenced deficiency was previously Identified during the Mode 5 Boric Acid Corrosion Control (BACC) Program walkdowns. Following the Mode 5 BACC observation, the valve was confirmed to have had the packing adjusted and reported to have been deconned. This CR confirms that the valve still has BA residue present.

1 02-02099' 0 CA 05116/02 06/30/02 No DBE Open NolNo = I I I 0 1 06/30/021 IN/A 4 Yes jorious INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-12E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 565-12E IsTransfer Tube Access Area and contains conduit, cable tray, electrical boxes and Instruments. White Indications, stains and rust were Identified In this area. No source for the observed conditions could be Identified. The noted Indications In this area were rmnor.

e following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky.

Photos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 565-12E for IP-M-029.

Inspection Area 565-12E contains conduit and supports. The area Iscovered with boric acid crystals. popcom' and powder. Discoloration and surface rust was observed on bases of conduit support. Boric acid crystals and residue ere observed on conduit. Photo files 565-12E-01.jpg. 565-12E-02Jpg. 565-12E-03.Jpg No immediate actions, material degradation moderate In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent.

1 l02-020011l . ol CA l 05/16/02 l 06/30/02 lNo DBE Open NoINo I I I I 0 .106/30/021 l /A 1 Ies Iarious l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-3E FINDINGS HDW 75 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements f NG-EN-0324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 606-3E IsRoom 410A - West Passage Penetration Area and contains conduit cable tray, electrical boxes and Instruments. White Indications. stains and rust were Identified In this area. No source for the observed conditions could be Identified. The noted Indications In this area were minor.

he following categories are used to describe the discoloratIon or rust observed: A- surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B- Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky. Photos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 603-3E for IP-M-029.

The majority of electrical equipment located In 603-3 does not show any IndicatIons of boric acid corrosion. However, it is being noted that the outside bottoms of cable tray above the electrical penetrations exhibit a white film. Photo files 603-3E.01.jpg & 603-3E-02.Jpg are typical of this observation. It is not believed that this film Isboric acid because It has been observed outside containment, for example the cable tray bottoms in the spent fuel corridor (Room number 404). Photo file 603-3E-03.jpg of Room 404 cable tray bottoms depicts this condition.

Specific Observations in Area 603-3E:

1.A 1 field run conduit at elevation 613' on the west wall of West D-ring. 5 feet north of the ventilation duct. shows signs of rust. Appears that there may be condensation or liquid getting inside the conduit. Category B. Photo files 603-3E-04.jpg & 603-3E-05.Jpg.

2. The conduits just below the 653' elevation grating on the west wall of the West D-ring. show signs of staining. Cause of stains unknown. Photo files 603-3E-06jpg & 603-3E-07.jpg.
3. The tubing from LT-1627 has white specks on It. No source could be identified. Photo file 603-3E-08.jpg.
4. The tubing from PT-616. where It turns to go down to the next elevation. has a white substance on It. No source could be Identified. Photo file 603-3E-09.jpg.

S. A root valve for PDI-5055 Isrusty. Category B. Photo file 603-3E-10.Jpg.

No Immediate actions, material degradation minor In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent.

1 02-02124

  • 01 CA 05/17/02 07/01/02 l No PE Open NolNo I I1 0 07/01/021 . a Yes Y4 067-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-5P FINDINGS HDW 75 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-SP. Room 317 - Containment Hatch Area.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-0324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

veral Spent Fuel Skimmer Pump and Filter components have accumulated boric acid residue and corrosion.

  • The piping Just downstream of SF 107 has boric acid residue on the pipe.

Both flanges between SF101 and 102 has an accumulation of boric acid and has corrosion on the closure nuts..

SF101 has an accumulation of boric acid around the packing and packing follower.

  • SF102 has on accumulation of boric acid around the packing and packing follower.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection.

585-5P-Piping between SF107 and filter-i.Jpg

  • 585-5P-SF1I1 and flange-l .jpg
  • 585-5P-SF102-1 jpg.
  • 585-5P-SFI 02-2.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 l02-02125,. ;.0. I CA l 05/17/02 07/01/02 . No PE Open No INo I I 1I 1 07/01/02 CF10 4IYes 051-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-SP FINDINGS HDW 750576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-SR. Room 317 - Containment Hatch Area.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

veral Core Flood valves have corrosion residue or have corroded components.

  • CFIO, corroded packing follower bolts.
  • CF1 5. corrosion residue on the packing follower, packing follower bolts and nuts. yoke and handwheel.
  • CF1 00. corrosion residue on the packing follower, packing follower bolts and nuts. yoke and handwheel.
  • CF58. corrosion residue on the packing follower bolts.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection.

  • 585-SP-CF10-1.jpg 585-5P-CF15-1.jpg
  • 585-5P-CF100-1.jpg.
  • 585-5P-CF58-1.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition-program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

f 1 102-01916.1 0 CA 05/08/02 l 06/22/02 lNo PE Open No No I I 1 0 06/22/02 1 lH76 1 Yes 049-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 ThisCondition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection of DH76 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The pequirements of NG-EN.00324 need to be addressed In the evaluation of this CR.

This was an inpection of the Bolted Connection and surrounding Valve components and piping of Decay Heat 76. A very small Boric Acid deposit was found surrounding the packing leak Off plug on the valve. The boric acid was a white deposit left behind following evaporation of leaking coolant. The deposit Is 1cm or less In length from the plug.

it Is not thick.

Work Order 02-2527-00 has been Inititated to have the plug welded closed permanently.

jNo Immediate actions (work order was already In the system) 1 102-019661 0 CA 05/14/02 06/28/02 l INo IDBE Open I No [No I 11 l06/28/02 l 2-RC 14 Yes J64-04 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: PZR-07 HDW 0575 0576 0575 During extent of condition walkdown of the pressurizer nozzle near valve RC1 4D, It was noted that there was:

-rust colored area on PZR around nozzle where paint Ismissing

-white stains on nozzle e condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection PZR-05 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

None 1 102-02249' 0 l CA l 05/23/02 l 07/07/02 l lDJET 1Open No aN0 l l l 1 l i 0 1 07/07/02 1 IN/A 1 Yes lN/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-6E FINDINGS HDW 10575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 585-6E IsOutside D-Ring between Rooms 316 and 315 and contains conduit, cable troy, electrical boxes and Instruments. White stains, Boric Acid residue and crystals and rust were Identified In this area. The cause of e boric acid In this area appeared to be associated with the Service Water pipes routed through the area. Possibly due to condensation dripping from the pipes. It was also noted that sections of conduit below valve DH2735 showed boric acid residue and crystal. Compared to other IP-M-029 Inspection areas Involving electrical equipment, the degree of boric acid In 565-6 was significant. The degree of corrosion observed has not caused the evaluators to question the structural integrity of any electrical equipment..

e following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of urface only, no evidence of corrosion. B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky, C - Material corrosion that Isloose, flaky.

pitted or Involves material wastage.

Photos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serlal 585-6E for IP-M-029.

Unless noted otherwise, the paragraph numbers given below correspond to areas/items annotated on the boundary of the 585-6E Inspection Area. which Ison page 2.

1. Random white stains appear on the bottom of cable troy CLBF02 and CLBF03. Similar appearing white stains appeared on cable troy bottoms In both the Auxiliary and Turbine Buildings. For example, trays BLWD27 and 28.

urbine Building elevation 603 near C4301 show similar stains, therefore, we are hesitant to call them boric acid residue. No Category assigned. Typical stains are depicted on Photo 585-6E-1.

2. The several conduit In the conduit bank at approx. elevation 595'. near the containment wall on the south end of Isarea, exhibit white drip stains believed to be boric acid residue. The only source for these drips Isthrough the floor rating at elevation 603. Surface rust on the edges and surfaces of some unistrut conduit supports. Category A. The drip stains are visible In photos 585-6E-1. 585-6E-2 and 585-6E-3. photo 585-6E-2 shows the surface rust.
3. As the conduit bank. discussed in paragraph 2 proceeds northward; boric acid stains increase significantly. Several conduit exhibit crystgls (white and orange are visible), some conduit also show rust, see photo 585-6E-4. The conduit are below valve DH2735. Valve DH2735 could not be determined as the source of the boric acid residue and crystals. Category A and B.
4. The next 7 photos (585-6E:5 through 585-6E-1 1)document the condition of cable trays BCBDO2 and BLBE02 and conduit In vicinity. Both trays enter inspection area 585-6E from the east D-ring near the south boundary of 585-6E.

Both trays end In area 585-6E as there cables bnter penetrations boxes located along the containment vessel. Photo 585-6E-5 shows boron crystals escaping from seams In troy bottom. Photo 585-6E-6 Isclose up as tray enters D-ring.

Photo 585-6E-7 shows boric acid crystals inside tray, note that some cables are partialy encased In the boric acid crystal, Photo 585-6E-8 shows the first and second tray supp6rt. rust and boric. acid residue evident, otter trays exit D-ring. Also note the conduit In the area Iscovered with boric acid residue and corrosion. Photos 585-6E-9 and 585-6E-10 show. boric acid crystals and rusting on the tray and conduits. Photo 585-6E-1 1 shows both tray and conduit looking up to 603 elevation floor grating. Boric acid residue and crystals observed on these conduits. Category A, B and C.

5. The conduit entering top of C3921 show boric acid stains, crystals and surface rust. Category A and B. Photo 585-


6. The support base plates for JT3921 and two Instrument-tubing supports show surface rust and staining. Category A and B. Photo 585-6E-13.
7. The cover on cable tray CLBG02. behind C3921. has a layer of boric acid residue and large rust spot. This cable tray Isbelow Service Water pipes. Category A and B. Photo 585-6E-14 s
8. Close up picture (photo 585-6E-1 5) of conduit above cable tray BCBDO2 showing boric acid crystals and corrosion.

Category B.

9. Overhead conduit In the vicinity of C3021 show boric acid residue. and surface rust. Category A and B. Photos 85-6E-1 6 and 585-6E-1 7.
10. White stains and rust on the bottom of tray ACBE02 and boric acid residue on adjacent conduit. Photos 585-6E-18.

and 585-6E-1 9. Photo 585-6E-1 8 also shows brown/orange stains on containment wall, which are believed to be rust stains from conduit supports. Category A and B.

11. Photos 585-6E-20 and 585-6E-21 show rust stains on bottom of cable tray ALBDO2. Photo taken approximately 7 yards south of stairwell. Category B. Also visible In Photo 585-6E-20 isboric acid residue on conduit above tray ALBDO2.
12. Photo 585-6E-22 shows bank of conduit routed north-south. Conduits and supports show Boric acid residue and some surface rust. Photo taken approximately 4 yards south of stairwell looking toward elevator. Category A and B.
13. Photos 585-6E-23. 585-6E-24. and 585-6E-25 show conduit and supports with boric acid residue and surface rusting.

Photo 585-6E-23 top left shows tray ALBDO2 (see #11 above) with white stain and conduit bank (see #12). Photos 585-6E-24 and 585-6E-25 are close ups to more clearly show the degree of rust. Category A and B.

14. Photos 585-6E-26, 585-6E-27 and 585-6E-28 show conduit near the corner of the D-Ring right across from the elevator at Elevation 600'. with boric acid residue and surface rusting. Boric acid crystals are visible In photo 585-6E-28, which is a close-up of corrosion that can be seen in 585-6E-26. Category A and B.
15. Rust on root valve for PT-RC18A1 (Photo 585-6E-29) Category B.
16. The conduit and support above Service Water pipes In subarea A have areas of surface rust corrosion and boric acid residue. Photos 585-6E-30 and 585-6E-31. Photo 565-6E-31 Isa close up of the support surface rust. Category A. B and C.

No Immediate actions, no electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent.

1 l02-01920*e l 0 l NA l 05/09/02 07/08/02 lNo PE Open No INo I I 1 2 1 0..1 07/08/021 l UB060-05 I No I60-05 BORIC ACID EXTENT OF CONDITION INSPECTION OF THE CTMT RECIRC VENTILATION S HDW 075 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection CRSV performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

rn Inspection of the CTMT Recirc System Ventilation revealed the following deficiencies:

1) Fan C56-2 ductwork, horizontal run at elevation 624 and outside of the D-Ring East side, has rust colored stains on bottom of duct In several locations. It appears that these ore low spots where condensation accumulates and any air borne rust is collected. The ductwork has no signs of active corrosion and there are no Indications of active leakage in the area. The area Isshown In digital pictures numbered CRSV-P-01 through CRSV-P-05.
2) Fan C56-2 ductwork. horizontal run at elevation 600C (immediately below metal floor grating at El. 603). has corrosion that has created openings in the top of the ductwork. These openings are irregularly shaped and approximately 1/4 " to 3/4 'in diameter. This corrosion runs In a line of about 8 feet long directly below a service water line. It appears that condensate collected on the service water line and dripped onto the top surface of the ductwork. The damaged ductwork Isdepicted in digital pictures numbered CRSV-P-06 through CRSV-P-15 and CRSV-P-17 through CRSV-P-27.
3) Fan C56-2 ductwork. just upstream of Item 2 above, shows white traces streaking down the side of the ductwork.

There is no corrosion or Indications of active leakage. Again. It appears that condensation traveled along the ductwork until It found the lowest elevation and collected. This is pictured In picture CRSV-P-16.

14) Fan C56-1 ductwork. El. 6500 west side of CTMT outside of D-Ring, has two areas of rust colored stains along the sides and on the bottom of the ductwork. Both are at locations were the seismic duct hangers are attached. Again. they appear to be the low spots In the duct run. Condensation would collect on the top of the duct until It gathered In a sufficient amount to drip down the sides of the duct. Here It again collect on the bottom side of the ductwork. The airborne rust then collected on this wet surface. There Isno Indication of active leakage or corrosion In this area. This area Isshown In pictures CRSV-P-28 through CRSV-P-34.

The ductwork holes are near the exhaust register and have no Impact on the CRSV performing Its design function of mixing CTMT air. The system Isnon-Q.

1 02-01999 0 CA 05/13/02 06/27/02 No DBE Open No No I 1 l 0 06/27/02 IN/A Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-5E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 his condition report is generated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

inspection Area 565-5E isOutside D-Ring - Between Rooms 215 and 217. The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B-urface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose, flaky. pitted or Involves material wastage.

he photos are port of Data Package. Serial 565-5E for IP-M-029. The following adverse conditions were observed.

1. Instrument root valve RC28 shows signs of rust. Category B. (Photo 565-5E-01)
2. The tubing In the area as represented by the tubing going to PS-4201 shows sign of corrosion and has white stains.

(Photo 565-5E-02)

. The tubing and manifolds for LT-SP9B1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. & 7 al show signs of rust and white stains. Category B.(Photo 565-5E-03)

. The mounting brackets for LT-SPBI. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, & 7 all show signs of rust and white stains. Category B. (Photo 565-E-04)

5. The root valves for LT-SPB1, 2. 3.4. 5. 6 and 7 all show signs of rust. Category B(Photo 565-5E-OS 6.Conduit. condulet. support bracket and clamp and connection head for TE4693A show signs of rust and boric acid deposition. Category B. (Photo 565-5E-06)
7. Electrical outlet box In area shows signs of rust. Category B.(Photo 565-5E-06)

Conduit. condulets. Junction boxes. supports and clamps for LT-SPB1, 2 3.4. 5. 6 and 7 all show signs of rust and ite stains, possibly boric acid. Category B. (Photos 565-5E-06, 565-5E-07 and 565-5E-08)

N/A None of the defects appear to structurally significant.

1 02-02006 0 l CA l 05/13/02 06/27/02 No DEE Open No INo I I 1 l bossl 06/27/02 l JN/A I4 Yes NVrious .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-6E FINDINGS HDW 075 0576 0575 Inspection Area 565-6E is Room 217 - Core Flood Tank No. 2 Area.

his condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements f NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR. The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B-Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose, flaky. pitted or Involves material wastage. The photos re part of Data Package, serial 565-6E for IP-M-29. The following adverse conditions were observed.

1. Conduit box has rust stain and drain valve is rusty on FIS4236. (Photo 565-6E-01). Category A
2. Conduit and support under RC83 have rust and white stains on them. (Photo 565-6E-02) Category B
3. Conduit from JB2932 over-to CAC plenum In north-south portion at elevation 575' has white stains. (Photo 565-6E-03)

No corrosion.

4. Conduits and conduit box near CAC-2 have rust and boric acid deposits on them. (Photo 565-6E-04) Category B.
5. Conduits, conduit supports, clamps and conduit box near CAC-3 have rust and boric acid deposits on them. (Photo 565-6E-04) Category B. (Photo 565-6E-5 and Photo 565-6E-06)

.6. The root valves for FIS-4333, FIS-4334. FIS-4335, & FIS-4336 are rusty. (Photo 565-6E-07) Category B.

7. The root valves for FIS-4233. FIS-4234. FIS-4235. & Flt-4236 are rusty. (Photo 56-6E.08) Category B.

8 The manifold for FIS-4435 is.showing signs of rust and there Isparticle accumulation on It and other instrument

supports in the area. ( Photo 565-6E-0 Category B.

.9.Support straps for instrument.piping to LT-CF3AI were not painted otter Installation and are now showing signs of rust. (Photo 565-6E-10) Category B.

10. There is white particle accumulation on the manifold for LT-CF3A2. The manifold Isstainless steel. The accumulation appears to be boric acid crystals 'due to a leak. The crystals ore dry, white and flaky. It does not appear that the leak has dripped on items below, although some of the crystals hove fallen off onto items below. (Photo 565-6E-1 1)
11. The support for LT-CF3A2 has white particles which appear to have come from the Instrument manifold above.

(Photo 565-6E-1 2)

12. The reducing nipple into PT-CF4A1 shows signs of rust. Category B.(Photo 565-6E-13)
13. The tubing to Pi-640A and PT-640. located in front of the CAC's, has white boric acid residue. (Photo 565-6E-14 and Photo 565-6E-1 5)
14. The root valve for Pi-640A and PT-640 has boric acid residue and isshowing signs of rust. Category B. (Photo 565-6E-16)
15. The bolt heads for PS-4201 drain valve bracket are rusty. Category B. (Photo 565-6E-17)
16. The root valve for PS-4201 is rusty. Category B (Photo 565-6E-1 8).

N/A Initial evaluation of defects does not Indicate any impact on operability.

1 102-02088 l 0 1 CA l 05/16/02 l 06/30/02 l I jNo DBE lOpen No INo I I I Il 0 l 06/30/02 l IN/A k! Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-SE FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report is generated based upon an inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 585-5E is Room 317 - Containment Hatch Area and contains conduit, cable troy. electrical boxes and nstruments. White Indications. stains and rust were identified in this area. No source for the observed conditions could be identified. The noted Indications In this area were minor.

The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion, B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky, C - Material corrosion that is loose, flaky, pitted or involves material wastage.

Photos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 585-5E for IP-M-029.

The corrosion In this Inspection area Ismainly confined to over head conduit. The more severely corroded conduit will need cleaned/scraped to make a determination as to whether the structural integrity of the conduit is diminished by the corrosion. The source of corrosion In this Inspection area appears to be coming from Service Water pipes and possibly drippings from elevation 603.

The numbers below refer to 'sub-areas4 annotated on the outline of Containment Area Inspection 585-5E. (Scanned tlachment) Use the 'sub-area' numbers to locate the Htem(s) being discussed.

1. Conduits at approx. 595' and 599' show boric acid residue, staining and corrosion. Category A. B and C. Appears thE source of boric acid Isfrom Service Water (SW) pipes, which are above ceiling grating. Photo files 585-5E-01 .jpg &


2. Conduits along D-ring and West of SW pipes with corrosion. staining and boric acid residue. Source of boric acid is believed to be from SW pipes above grating. Category A. Band C. Photo files 585-5E-03jpg & 585-5E04.jpg.

Bank of conduits with corrosion and boric acid residue in this sub-area. These conduit are routed parallel to SW pipes. Category A & B. Photo file 585-5E-05.jpg.

Bank of conduits above the elevator with boric acid residue. Some minor corrosion Isevident on the cantilever upports. Category A & B. The bank of conduits above the elevator tie Into the bank of conduit In front of the containment air coolers described In paragraph 5 below. Photo files 585-5E-06.Jpg. & 585-5E-7.jpg.

5. Bank of conduits routed In front of and parallel to the containment air coolers exhibit boric acid crystals, boric acid residue, corrosion and rust. Photo file 585-E-09 shows the relationship between corrosion on electrical equipment and SW piping over head. Scaffolding and some corrosion removal is needed to determine structural soundness of these conduits. Photo file 585-5E-14 was token at the far end of CAC 1-1 to show that the boric acid corrosion on this conduit bank is limited to the area In from of the CACs. Category A. B. & C. Photo files 585-5E-08.jpg. 585-5E-09.jpg.

585-SE-1 0.Jpg. 585-5E-Il .jpg. 585-SE-1 2.jpg. 585-SE-1 3.jpg &.585-5E-14.Jpg.

d. There are a few conduits and electrical boxes behind the Containment Air Coolers. No indications of boric acid or corrosion were observed on these conduits and boxes. No photos of electrical components behind the CACs were taken.
7. There are conduits and cable trays in this area. No Indications of boric acid corrosion were observed in this sub area. -However, It was noted that the cable tray has white stains on the bottom that are similar to white stains observed on cable troy outside of containment such as Auxiliary Building Room A04 and Turbine Building Area 3 Elevation 603 Cable Trays BLWD27 and 28. Photo file 585-5E-15.Jpg
8. The tubing from PT-SP12AI ond 2 routes through the overhead across from the elevator, above the speaker. It shows signs of rust and white speckles. Also note that there Isa foreign object caught between the tubing runs.

Category B. Photo file 585-5E-16.jpg.

9. The termination box on TE-1 358. which is In front of the CAC's. Isrusty. Category B. Photo file 585-5E-1 7.jpg.
10. The manifolds, tubing tray and root valves for PDI-5056. PDI-5057. and PDI-5061. behind the CAC's show signs of boric acid residue and rust. Category B. Photo files 585-5E-1 8.jpg. 585-5E-1 9.jpg. & 585-5E-20.jpg.

No Immediate actions, material degradation moderate In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent.

1 02-02007 0 CA 05/13/02 1 06/27/02 No DBE Open NolNo I I Ii 0I106/27/021 jIT2901 es Y4 99-02 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-7E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Area 565-7E Isthe Upper Normal Sump Area (South of Room 217)

The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B-Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose.

flaky, pitted or Involves material wastage. The photo Ispart of Data Package. serial 565-7E for IP-M-029. The following adverse condition was observed; JT2901 exhibits minor surface corrosion around the edges of the cover. Category B.

(Photo 565-7E-01)

Te corrosion observed Isminor, structural integrity Isnot affected.

1 02-02010' .0 CA 05/13/02 06/27/02 INo DBE Open No INo I I I I I 0. 1 06/27/02 1 N/A 1 Yes various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-8E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

ea 565-8E IsOutside D-Ring - Between Rooms 217 and 220.

he following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of rface only, no evidence of corrosion. B- Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose.

flky, pitted or Involves material wastage. The photos are part of Data Package, serial 565-8E for IP-M-029. The flowing adverse conditions were observed.

1. There Isrust on valve bonnets for level transmitter root valves In this area. An example are the valves for LT-SP9A4 nd LT-225. Category B. (Photo 5685-E-01 and Photo 565-8E-02)
2. The piping to the above level Instruments Ispointed In the Inspection area. however, when It goes Into the D-ring.

e piping Isunpainted and Iscovered with surface rust. Category B. (Photo 565-8E-03)

The bracket supports for level Instruments LT-SP-9A1. LT-SP-9A2. LT-SP-9A3 and LT-SP-9A5 are covered with an accumulation of dust and particles and light corrosion. An example Isthe bracket for LT-SP9A3. (Photo 565-BE.04) and LT-SP-9A5 (Photo 565-8E-05)

The manifold for LT-SP9A1 shows signs of dirt and corrosion. (Photo 565-8E-06)

The bolt heads for LT-SP9A9 are rusty. Category B. (Photo 565-8E-07)

N/A Defects are minor In nature.

1 l02-01957' 0 1 CA l 05/09/02 06/23/02 l iNo PE Open Yes jNo I I 1 3 1 0 l06/23/02 l N/A IN/A No N/A l EXTENT OF CONDITION AREA EVALUATIONS/PRESERVATION ERO 2779 0576 12775 Efforts are ongoing to releose'the 603-2 Front Porch' area for decontamination ahd restoration/preservation. Key participants recently met to review evidence collected for area 603-2 in an effort to release the area for decon This CR is initiated to question whether all inspections are completed, documented and evaluated suctr that all evidence con be removed through decon and restoration process.

Area Inspection plan IP-M-029 specifies that each area Isto be Inspected by DEMS. DEEC. Plant Eng, a ventilation inspection and piping/tubing walkdown. Inspection results ore recorded on area data sheets and through Initiation of a CR for any leakage. residue, or corrosion. Currently one CR has been Initiated based on a structural walkdown of area 603-2. Inspections for electrical and ventilation (ref. CR 02-1920) in the area have been conducted, draft CRs written, but these CRs have not been Issued. Additionally, evidence has been collected through a plant engineering walkdown of the area. specifically service water piping, but the inspection results have not been documented on a CR. Also, of the 4 Inspections performed IAW IP-M-029 for area 603-2 (DEMS. DEEC. PE. VENT). only the DEMS

walkdown datasheet/evidence has been completed and approved by the supervisor.

e Inspection plan and supporting documents require completion of documentation and suggest evaluation of the condition (CR) prior to removal of the evidence. For example:

Inspection Plan 029. Containment Area Inspections, step 6.12 Record the inspection results on the data sheet step 6.13.4 Initiate a CR to (administratively track follow-up actions and remedial actions) step 6.13.6 Do not request or perform decon of area until authorized by the project manager, and.

A white paper on condition report processing for the extent of condition On draft) and a flow chart for CR resolution (n draft) differ In the sequence of events, but both start with a completed Inspection and CR documenting the condition. The white paper guidance on condition report processing states to conduct a cause evaluation followed by CAF to include: Inspecting corrosion for boric acid (if necessary), removal of deposits and restoration. None of the CRs pertaining to area 603-2 either Issued or in draft contain an evaluation or proposed CAs.


Determine whether documentation of Inspections and evidence, and evaluation of the condition Iscurrent and supports both the plan guidelines and efforts to remove the evidence.

Complete efforts and publish guidance for evaluating extent of condition Inspection discrepancies. Ensure guidance is consistent with Inspection Plans and NG-EN-00324, BACC Program Track area Inspection results and CR status In a spreadsheet similar to component Inspections (P-M-028). to ensure all evidence Isdocumented and evaluated prior to decon/restoratlon efforts.

Recommend processing as a CA.

Assigned organization agreed to take at CA level with the Aw allowing for evaluation of the recommendolions.

1 l02-02038 l 0 I CA l 05/14/02 l 06/28/02 l I No PE Open No INo I I II 1l; *0. - 06/28/02 1 l1P57 I No 05241 I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS COMPONENT HP57 HDW 0576 075 This Condition Report is generated based on Component Inspection HP57 under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

HP57. HPI LINE 2-1 STOP CHECK VALVE. has boric add residue on the stainless steel packing follower and some surface corrosion on the yoke.

A digital photo was token to document the inspection. HP 57 -1 .jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 02-02037i 0 CA 05/14/02 06/28/02 No PE Open I No No I I III 0 . 06/28/021 lC28 Yes Y4. 06442 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA FINDINGS . HDW 0575 0576 075 his Condition Report is generated based on Inspection Component LT 10596, performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-

29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

RC28, HLLMS/RV LVL LOW SIDE REF LEG DRAIN VALVE, has a corroded packing follower and packing follower bolting.

his was Identified during inspection of the Instrumentation piping for the transmitter that this valve is an Isolation for.

A digital photo was token to document the inspection. LT 10596 - RC 28 -

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 102-020895 ° CA I 05/16/02 l06/30/02 l 0 [No PE Open No INO I I 11 i 0 106/30/02 l N/A . IYes 0)64-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during on IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) inspection on the West D-ring RCP 1-

1. This examination covered the pump flange area, studs and the RCP pump bowl OD. The Insulation was removed In 2 locations and from the bottom nozle. IP-M-028 component serial # Is RCP 1-1 CLS Cover/Studs.

ite and rust colored streaks run down the side of RCP 1-1 bowl. These streaks extend post the suction nozzle onto the RCS piping. The pump flange joint (lower flange) which would be the expected source of this leakage showed no evidence of leaks. The upper flange surfaces (top and bottom surface) show evidence of past leaking. I believe the source of this leakage comes from the top of the upper flange and migrated to the bottom surfaces through the holes In the flange or by way of the stud holes or other Joints In the flange. Leakage detected mainly on the east side of the pump.

Also, rust colored deposits were noted on the bottom of the upper flange. These deposits may be boric acid crystals. These deposits take up approx. a 4' diameter area. Appear to be old. Located on the SE side of the pump.

Minor surface corrosion was noted on the upper flange surfaces and on stud/nut surfaces.

Photo X's RCPI ICLS COVER&STUD-1 thru 10 of above conditions.

is CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or orrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN4J0324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 [02-02086w l 0 l CA l 05/16/02 06/30/02 No PE Open NolNo I I I l 0 6/30/02 1 II INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: RCI 1 BOLTING Yes HDW 4-04 I 750576 0575 During the extent of condition Inspection of the botling of the bonnet of RC1 1 It was discovered that In the past there was a leak from the packing area that resulting In 1-2 drops of borated water to drip down onto the the Inlet nozzle of e valve. It was also noted that the washers on the packing pusher appear to have surface rust.

Iscondition report Isgenerated based on Inspection RC 11 Bolting performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

here Isno boric acid buildup In the packing area and thus this boric acid appears to be from a past leak. The packing and washers are already scheduled for replacement In the near future based on discussions with the MOV engineer.

1 02-02039, !]70l CA 05/14/02 1 06/28/02 No PE Open No iNo 1 l0.r 06/28/02 1 E24-2 Yes 1 UNIDENTIFIED RUST SOURCE ON OTSG 2-A HDW 0575 0576 0575 Red rust powder accumulation was observed on mirror Insulation directy below a steam Une penertation to the 2-A TSG. This condition requires Investigation.

is Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection OTSG-2 Target. performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028.

he requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR N/A 1 02-02040 *.l. 0 CA 05/14/02 06/28/02 No PE Open No No 1 I 1-I06/28/02 1 hpS6 4 Yes 052-01 e INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS COMPONENT HP56 HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Component Inspection HP56 under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

HP56. HPI LINE 2-2 STOP CHECK VALVE, has boric acid residue on the stainless steel packing follower and some surface corrosion on the yoke.

A digital photo was taken to document the Inspectlon. HP 56 - 1.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

I l02-02101 0 CA 05/16/02 /30/02 l . lNO DBE Open No No I I I 1 06/30/02 1 N/A Y4 Ies 164-04 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 636-1E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

nspection Area 63&1 EIsthe PORV Area and contains conduit. cable tray, electrical boxes and Instruments. White

indications and stains were Identified In this area. No source for the observed conditions could be Identified. The noted Indications In this area were minor.

The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion.

Photos Identified below are part of Data Package, Serial 636-1 Efor IP-M-029.

Boric acid residue was observed on a bank of conduit that is routed east-west and Includes conduit 49700A and Is near the cefling of the PORV room. The source of the residue could not be determined. Category A. Photo file 636-1 E-01.jpg No Immediate actions, material degradation minor In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent 1 02-01838 ,l 0 l CA l 05/03/02 06/17/02 l l INo DBE Open No No I I I 1 l- :0l 06/17/02 l IN/A IN/A No N/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 IS FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-1 I s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029.

The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Description of Identified Leakage or Corrosion (6.7-6.13):

1. Pipe support anchor bolts have surface rust on ends. Pipe support located on Northeast wall. (photo file 565-11 s-2.Jpg)

. The Northeast wall has rust staining. (photo file 565-1 Is-i .Jpg)

3. The missile shield grating has surface rust on the cut out corner where the point had scraped off. (photo file 565-1 is-3.jpg)

This CR Identifies components with minor surface rust. This minor surface rust will not prevent them from performing their function.

1 102-02026 ° CA l 05/14/02 l 06/28/02 lNo 0 DBE Open No INo I I I1 . I 06/28/02 N/A 4 es Irous I INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 537-2E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements f NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

is Inspection covered area 537-2E/Normal Sump Area, Including Vertical Passage as desribed In Inspection Plan IP-M-0n29.

he following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B-Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose.

aky. pitted or Involves material wastage. The photos are part of Data Package. serial 537-2E for IP-M-029. Except for he stainless components, most electrical components in this area showed evidence of rust. The following specific dverse conditions were observed.

1. LE4618 shows boric acid residue and surface rust. Category B. (Photo 537-2E-02)
2. Conduit 39177 shows boric acid residue on support, conduit fittings and box. Surface rust visible on bolts. Category B. (Photo 537-2E-03)
3. Conduit 491 73B shows boric acid residue and surface rust on conduit fittings and bolts. Category B. (Photo 537-2E-04).
4. LE4617 shows boric acid residue and surface stains. Surface rust Isvisible on bolt used to attach equipment ground conductor. Category B. (Photo 537-2E-05)
5. LSH 1546A shows boric acid residue. surface stain and surface rust. Category B. (Photo 537-2E-06)
6. There are surface stains, surface rust and boric acid residue on conduits 29072A and 29073A and associated connection boxes. Category B. (Photo 537-2E-07)
7. There Isrust on the bolts on the sensors for LT1546A and LT1546B. The sensors have rust stains apparently from rusted bolts. Category B. (Photos 537-2E-1 4 and 537-2E-08). There are white specks, possibly boric acid. on the transmitter case of LTI 546A. (Photo 537-2E-09)

odd residue isalso visible on 8.LSHI*546B has surface rust on switch housing, connection box and conduit fittings. Boric 3.LSHI-546B has surface rust on switch housing, connection box and conduit fittings. Boric acid residue isalso visible on the connection box and conduit fittings. Category B. (Photo 537-2E-10) 9.J84594 and JB4595 are heavily corroded. Category C. (Photos 537-2E-1 1 and 537-2E-12)

10. The conduit and support at Elevation 550. by the ladder In shaft leading to the normal sump area have boric acid residue and surface rust. Category B.(Photo 537-2E-13)
11. L-4612 and associated conduit hove surface rust. (Photo 537-2E-15)

NIA The rust observed Isnot significant enough to affect the Integrity of the components.

1 02-02019. o CA l 05/14/02 06/28/02 0 IlNO IPE lOpen No _No I0 I 06/28/02 1 14839 jYes l 06442 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 P. ROOM 216 - EAST D-RING. INTERIOR FINDIN HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-1 P. Room 216. East D-ring Interior Area performed under inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

he Loop 2 Hot Leg Vent Sight Glass flanges has boric acid residue on the flange gasket and on the closure bolting.

(It has some discoloration although this Isa stainless steel connection.

digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-1 P-Fl 4839 - 1.jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

dditlonal evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate ctions are required.

1 02-02090' 0 CA 05/16/02 l 06/30/02 l lNo PE lOpen No No I = 110 1 06/30/02 l lN/A I4 Yes 064-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) LIMITED EXAMINATION ERo 3450 0576 3450 This CR has been written to document Incomplete examinations per IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection plan. IP-M-028 component serial numbers are RCP 1-2 CLS. RCP 2-1 CLS & RCP 2-2 CLS Cover/Studs Bolted; e Insulation on RCP 1-2. 2-1 & 2-2 was removed In 2 locations around the flange area 180 degrees apart The extent of condition examination utilized a mirror on a pole to examin the areas of the flange where the direct line of site could not see Inbetween the stud. Due to the whip restraint cables and drooping Insulation sections only (approx.)

of the flange surface could be examined.

Note: RCP 1-1 was 100% Inspected. One of the whip restraint cables had been removed and the Insulation remained inplace.

The Inspection plan requires a CR to be Initeated for all visual examinations where 100% of the component Isnot examined.

Umited examination per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed No Immediate actions required.

1 02-01840. l 0 l CA 05/03/02 06/17/02 .No DBE Open No No - I I 1 lI I06/17/02lN/A

  • N/A .No *Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-1 S AND 565-IOE FINDINGS HDW 05750576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection 565-10s performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

565-1Os Findihgs:

1. Pipe clamp for support 33C-CCA-4H7 has flaking and surface rust. Snubber housing also has surface rust. .(photo flMe 565-lOs-1.jpg)
2. Anchor bolts for base plates and structural members have surface rust. This condition is typical for all piping supports in subject inspection area. (representative photo file 565-1 Os-2.jpg. -3.jpg)
3. Pipe support H6 has rust on the anchor bolts and nuts. (photo file 565-1 Os-4.jpg, -5.jpg)
4. Structural steel has corrosion throughout subject Inspection area all support steel for pit cover has surface rust on all members and member connections including bolting. (representative photo file 565-lOs-6.Jpg)
5. Pipe support near valve DH-49 has surface rust. (photo file 565-1 Os-9.jpg)
6. Blowing out of paint due to rust on pit cover support steel. (photo file 565-1Os- 0.Jpg)
7. Rust stains on walls. (representative photo file 565-lOs-7.jpg)

565-bE findings:

B.Surface rust on conduits. primarily on threaded portions.. (representative photo file 565-1GE-i.Jpg)

9. Surface rust on conduit support base plate. (representative photo file 565-1 OE-2.lpg)

This CR Identifies components with surface staining and rust. This minor staining and rust will not prevent them from performing their design function 1 02-01932' 01 CA 05/08/02 06/22/02 lNo DBE Open I.I NOI I I I 0_ 06/22/021 f/A fN/A No IN/A .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 FINDINGS FOR INSPECTION AREA 565-1 1E HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection Area 565-1 ]S. Emergency Sump performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

These Items hove surface rust:

1. Conduit support on Northeast wail has rust staining. Support has no observable surface rust. (Photo 565-11 E-1.jpg The above CR Identifies surface straining. This staining will not adversely affect the structrual integrity of the Iem.

1 F02-01933 ' 0 CA 05/08/02 1 06122/02 l INo DBE 1Open I No 1No 1 0 /A N/A No IN/A _

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 537-2S FINDINGS HDW 10575 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on Inspection Area 537-2S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN.00324 need to be considered In evaluation of this CR.

ite crystals. residue, and deposits are evident In various locations of the subject Inspection area. Note that this material looks like boric acid but may be ti-sodium phosphate.

I . Flaky and pitted U-bolt and support with a trace of white crystals. Typical of two, located at approx. 1' and 10' above grating. (Representative photo: 537-2S-1)

Surface rust on support and base plate. Located at opprox. 2' above grating. (Photo: 537-2S-2)

Flaky and pitted spring cans. Cat. C. Associated support, base plate and pipe clamp have surface rust. Al have a race of white crystals. Located at approx. 4' above grating. (Photos: 537-2S-3. -5)

4. Surface rust on supports associated with a vertical pipe with a trace of white crystals. Typical of 4 supports up the west wall. (Photo: 537-2S-4, -13)
5. Two supports near DW316 have surface rust (Cat. B) and another support approx. 15' above grating has flaky rust (Cat. C). Nearly every support In the subject area has some evidence of surface rust. (Representative photo: 537-2S-6, -10 &11)
6. Surface rust on and In spring can located approx. 8' above grating. Associated support has surface rust. Cat. B (Photo: 537-2S-7)
7. Stained wall and floor. Cot. A (Representative photo: 537-2S-8. -5. -6. -15)
8. Wall staining above door to access path to the reactor. Cat. A (Photo: 537-2S-1 2)
9. Minor surface rust on hanger and associated support approx. 8' above grating. Cat. B (Photo: 537-2S-14)
10. Stain and whte residue coming from a crack In the wall located approx. 4' above grating. Cat. A (Photo: 537-2S-15)
11. White deposit on lowest platform above elev. 537'. No evidence of corrosion or staining. (Photo: 537-2S-16)
12. Surface rust on support located above first platform above elev. 537'. Cat. B(Photo: 537-2S-1 7)
13. Surface rust on support base plate near highest platform above elev. 537'. Cat. B (Photo: 537-2S-18)
14. Surface rust on support near ladder. Cat. B (Photo: 537-2S-19)
15. Surface rust on pipe strop and support near the highest platform above elev. 537' on the west wall. Cat. B(Photo:


16. Supports and liner below the grating at elev. 537' and the grating appear to be stainless steel and subsequently.

do not show evidence of corrosion or staining. Howvever. they are coated with foreign material of which most is rust icolor. Typical for all supports located under the grating. (Representative photo:537-2S-21) 117. Deposits of boric acid on wall and drain pipe. Betvween 2nd and 3rd highest tri-sodium phosphate beds Inside the Isump area No evidence of corrosion. (Photo: 537-2S-22)

18. White deposits and residue on wall crock near 2nd and 3rd highest tri-sodium phosphate beds inside the sump larea. No evidence of corrosion. (Photo: 537-2S-23)

The above CR identifies a condition with rust, pitting. and staining. This condition Iscurrently not significant enough to ladversely affect the structural Integrety of the SSCs.

1 102-02036 0I CA 05/14/02 l 06/28/02 No PE Open No jNo I I I1 . 0 l 06/28/02 lRework [CF30 Yes 1-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS COMPONENT CF30 HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report is generated based on Component Inspection CF 30 Bolted Core Flood Tank 2 Outlet Check Valve. performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

CF 30, Core flood Tank 2 Outlet Check Valve, has boric acid residue on the body to bonnet gasket, bolting and some on the bottom of the flange. All these components are stainless steel.

A digital photo was taken to document the inspection. CF 30 - I.Jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

11 02-02041' 0 CA 05/14/02 06/28/02 No PE Open No No I I 1 1 06/28/021 p48 4 Yes 052-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS COMPONENT HP48 HDW 75 0576 075 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Component Inspection HP48 under Inspection Plan IP-M-28. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

HP48. HPI LINE 1-1 STOP CHECK VALVE. has some surface corrosion on the carbon steel yoke.

Adigital photo was taken to document the Inspection. HP 48 - 1.Jpg.

{Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-028.

lAdditional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate

!actions are required.

1 102-02098 i. 0 CA 05/16/02 06/30/02 No DBE Open No No 11IJ -I 06/30/02 /A es Various INSPECTION PLAN IP.M-029 AREA 565-9E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 iscondition report Is generated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The equirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 565-9E IsRoom 220 - Incore Instrument Trench Area and contains conduit, cable tray, electrical boxes and Instruments. White Indications, stains and rust were Identified In this area. No source for the observed conditions ould be Identified. The noted Indications In this area were minor.

The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B- Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky.

Photos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 565-9E for IP-M-029.

Inspection Area 565-9E contains conduit, boxes, cable tray, four Instruments, solenoids and free air cable. Evidence of boric acid residue and minor rusting was observed on electrical components In this area. The boric acid residue was ispersed throughout the South-east half of the room (half more toward containment vessel). A source for .the observed boric acid residue could not be determined. Our best guess Isthat boron entered through the grating Iseporoting elevations 565 and 585 or through the threshold to area 565-9.

Specific observation In Area 565-9E:

1. A bank of conduits that passes between a beam and the containment vessel shows traces of boric acid residue.

The conduit in the top center also shows surface rust. Category A and B. Photo file 565-9E-01.Jpg.

2. The conduits in the South-east corner of the room also show signs of boric acid residue. This isthe same bank of conduit shown in #1 above. Also there are two conduits routed below the grating (top right on photo), which show surface rust. Category A and B. Photo file 565-9E-02.jpg.

3 The large conduits and support (on left) entering the transfer tube access area (inspection Area 565-12). show rust colored staining. Category A. Photo file 565-9E-03.jpg.

k. The air tubing and Its channel near VI 773A have white spots. These were assumed to be boron however It could

also be point splatters. Surface rust is visible on the tubing channel. Category A and B. Photo file 565-9E-04.Jpg.

. Cable trays CLBF and CLBE show minor surface rust and white staining on bottoms. The white stains on these trays have been observed on other cable tray bottoms In Containment, the Auxiliary building and on the Turbine Building (Area 3. Elevation 603 Tray BLWD 27 & 28). Boric Acid was not observed inside the cable tray. Category A and B.

Photo file 565-9E-05.Jpg & 565-9E-06.jpg.

6. The free-air cables that hang above the Incore instrument tunnel show signs of boric acid residue. Boric acid residue on cable jackets Isnot one of the Attachment 5 categories. Photo file 565-9E-07.Jpg & 565-9E-08Jpg.

7The manifolds and brackets for FIS-4333. FIS-4334. FIS-4335 and FIS.4336 are caked with dust and particle matter.

Unable to determine If boric acid residue might be present. None of the Attachment 5 categories apply. Photo file 9E-09.jpg.

No Immediate actions, material degradation minor In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent.

1 02-02084 7. 0 CA 05/16/02 06/30/02 l No PE Open No No 1 0. - 06/30/02 lN/A Yes -6402 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) inspection In the east D-ring on valve RC-35 (Loop 2-2 cold leg drain line). IP-M-028 component serial # IsRC-35 Bolted.

ite Boron crystals detected at the packing gland area of valve. Also the threads of the studs are filled with whitish substance (could also be boron).

Rust colored stains from previous leakage noted on both flange surfaces and valve body.

e yoke of the valve Iscorroded.

Photo ID#'s of above condition are: RC36-BOLTED-1 through 7.

is CR Iswritten In accordance with the Inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 j02-01952Y'l >-en0 l CA l 05/09/02 06/23/02 l INo IDBE Open N lNoa 1 l' .iO' 06/23/02 l N/A IA No -07 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 OF AREA 671-1i HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection 671-is performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

1. The stairs to the elevator machine room have rust staining on the treads and rails. (Photo file 671-is- .jpg)
2. At the elevator shaft ceiling there are support members that are unpainted and have developed surface rust.

(Photo file 671-1s-4jpg and 671-1s-7.jpg)

3. At the elevator shaft ceiling there has been some torching that has burned off the coating and surface rust has developed. (Photo file 671-1 s-5.jpg)
4. A few of the anchor bolts for the elevator ceiling shaft metal deck have surface rust. (Representative photo file 671-I s-6.Jpg)
5. Typical for the'entire length of elevator shaft, there are embedded struts in the wall that have surface rust. and a few have some pitting. (Representative photo files 671-1s-8.Jpg and 671-is-iI.Jpg)
6. The counter weight assembly has 2 threaded tie rods that are unpainted and have surface rust.

(Photo file 671-is-9.jpg)

7. The lower side of the counter weight assembly has surface rust on the frame. tie rod. nut. and base plate. (Photo file 671-Is-1 0.Jpg)

B. There Isminor surface rust.along the entire length of the unpainted portion of the elevator rails. (Representative photo file 671-1s-1 2.jpg)

'. The underside the elevator cab has chipped paint with surface rust. (Photo file 671-ls-13.jpg)

10. The elevator has surface rust on the doors at the point of contact when closed. (Representative photo file 671-Is-14Jpg)
11. The support base of the counter weight has surface rust (Photo file 671-is- 5.Jpg)
12. The springs at the floor of the shat have surface rust. (Representative photo file 671-1s-16)

The areas of degradation are minor and are not an Immediate concern. -

1 02-02092 0 CA 05/16/02 l 06/30/02 i INO PE open No No I 0 06130102 N/A es 02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) inspection on the West D-ring RCP 1-

2. This examination covered the pump flange area, studs and the RCP pump bowl OD. The insulation was removed in 2 locations and from the bottom nozzle. This examination was limited due to the restraint cables and drooping insulation. IP-M-028 component serial # IsRCP 1-2 CLS Cover/Studs.

Evidence of minor leakage fund on the pump bowl (white streaks). Slight signs of leakage residue on flange surface. No signs of boric acid crystals were noted on the RCP flange Minor surface corrosion was noted on the RCP Studs and ports of the upper flange surfaces. Also. there Isdebris on the top of the RCS bowl.

Photo #5s RCPI -2CLS COVER&STUD-1 thru 10 document conditions This CR Iswritten In accordance with the inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 l02-02209!'. 0l CA l 05/22/02 07/06/02 lI No PE open No lNo i I :I.0 07/06/02( C561 4 Yes 0-06 ,

BORIC ACID EXTENT OF CONDITION INSPECTION OF THE CTMT RECIRC VENT SYSTEM HDW 075 0576 0575 This condition report is generated based upon Inspection Serial Number CRSV performed under Extent of Condition Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN.00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

an C56-1 ductwork hanger bolt was observed with surface rust. Hanger located on West side of CTMT and viewed from the Polar Crone.

The surface rust does not effect the ability of the system to perform Its design function. The ductwork Isnon-safety related but selsmically mounted.

1 02-01960, ZiZ0 CA 05/09/02 06/23/02 No PE pen NolYes l i = l 0 106/23/02 PRC47 Ives Y 06442 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS. HDW 75 0576 0575 This Condition Report isbeing written as a result of inspection performed at Serial Number RCP12OITi-1 (RCP 1-2 Outlet Pipe and RCP 1-2) In accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this Condition Report.

A pile of white boron crystals Ispresent on the piping leading to valve RC47 within the penetration of the RCP 1-2 discharge piping through the D-Ring wail. This accumulation Islimited to a small area of the piping within the penetration and IsIn the vicinity of a pipe strap. Rusting Isevident on the pipe strop and a stalactite of brown boric acid Ishanging below, which has created a deposit of crystals within the support. Although no evidence of liquid was oted. the deposits appeared fresh and this will be classified as a potential active leak.

Refer to Inspection Plan IP-M-028 data sheets for additional Information.

Source of leakage has not been identified but It may be from historical seal plate leakage. The affected pipe is a leakoff pipe for the RCP Inner gasket.

102-02068jl 0 CA o 05/15/02 06/29/02 lNo N. PE Open lNo No. I I I 0 06/29/02 e N/A I -NO 64-02 l QUESTION FUNCTION OF V-BLOCK ATTACHED TO LOOP 1 HIGH POINT VENT HDW ,450 0576 13450 While performing inspections for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 inspection program for package serial number HL1 -9 Weld (RCS Loop 1 Hot leg Vent Nozzle). A 'V-block' of approximate dimensions of 5 inches square by 3 Inches deep was found mounted as low as possible on the nozzle from the hot leg for the high point vent. This block Isfastened with two u-bolts. The function of this block is unknown.

Suggest evaluating the ability of removing this V-block.





[he Manager of Malptenance was requested by the Design Engineering Manager to put the cover over the reactor.

1 102-02100' . 0 CA l 05/16/02 l 06/30/02 l lNO PE Open No INo I I I 1 I0 1 06/30/02 l c195 l iYes -02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-8P FINDINGS HDW 75 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 217 and 220.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

RC1 95. SG1 -1 Secondary Vent to Containment Vent Header Vent Valve, has boric acid residue around the packing follower. Also the packing follower bolts are corroded.

digital photo was taken to document the Inspection. 565-8P-RC1 95-1 .jpg.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 102-020973 A CA 05/16/02 06/30/02 iNo PE Open I NolNo I II I 1ll 106/30/02 1 l N/A 1 Yes 064-02 1 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isbeing written as a result of inspections performed at Serial Numbers 'RCPI OUTn-i (RCP 1-1I Outlet Pipe and RCP 1-1). 'RCPI1 INI-1' (RCP 1-1 Inlet Pipe). 'RCP 1IN-2' (RC Piping Loop 1 2.5' Drain Nozzle Weld CL 1-1), 'RCP1 21N-2' (RCP 1-2 Inlet Pipe). and 'HL1-1 (Loop 1 Hot Leg Level Tap Nozzle) In accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this Condition Report.

rial HL1 -1: Faint pole coloration on nozzle that appears to be at Insulation juncture.

erial RCP1 21N-2: White writing on nozzle. Minor oxidation on nozzle.

rial RCP11 IN-2: White wrIting on nozzle. Minor trailing marks and oxidation on nozzle.

rial RCP1 1OUTH1: A brass pipe plug IsInstalled In the spare thermowell on the RCP 1-1 discharge piping. Although this Isa well type RTD. uncertain If the use of brass Isappropriate. White trails lead from the pump area onto the pump discharge piping. Debris Ispresent Inside the Insulation at the pump discharge. Minor paint peeling noted. The steel lner associated with the penetration support through the D-ring wall has separated slightly from the concrete. A loose bott Islying In the vanes of this support, but the support does not appear to be missing any bolting.

Serial RCPI1 INI-1: Bright orange rust spot on top of piping)ust Inside support skirt. Uncertain what created this spot. but may have been dripped on from above. Boric acid trails lead from this spot and travel down the piping to the underside of the pipe. There appears to be rusting, and possibly pitting at this bottom point. White Trails lead from the pump bowl area and extend onto the pump suction piping. Lug welds associated with the anchor for this piping section are rusty.

Refer to Inspection Plan IP-M-028 data sheets for additional Information.

None 1 l02-02102' 0 l CA  ! 05/16/02 !06/30/02 lNo PE Open No lNo I I l 1l 0 06/30102 l h/a 14 Yes 10631 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M.029 AREA 565.BP FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 10575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-8P. Outside D-ring between Rooms 217 and 220.

performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

Several secondary valves Instrument Isolation valves have corroded components including yoke, packing follower and packing follower bolting. The affected valves are: SP9A4BE, SP9A4AE. SP9A4BC. SP9A4BA. SP9A4AC. SP9A4AA, 3P9A2BA. SP9A2AA SP9A3BA. SP9A3AA, SP9A5BA. SP9A5AA SP9A1BA. SP9A1AA. SP9A3AE. SP9A3BA. SP9A3BC.

N A digital photo was token to document the Inspections. 565-BP-add specific valve number-i .Jp.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029.

Additional evoluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No immediate actions are required.

1 102-02158 'l 0 CA 05/19/02 l 07/03/02 l No {No I II 0 l 07/03/02 l N/A l

INo p

DJET Yes Open IN/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-2E FINDINGS HDW 575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The equirements of NG-EN4-0324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 565-2E Isthe West D-Ring and contains conduit. cable tray, electrical boxes. motors and instruments.

tains and rust were Identified in this area. No source for the observed conditions could be Identified. The stains and ust n this area were minor.

he following categories ore used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of urfoce only, no evidence of corrosion. B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky. C - Material corrosion that Isloose, flaky.

pitted or involves material wastage.

Photos Identified below ore part of Data Package. Serial 565-2E for IP-M-029.

1. Surface rust Ispresent on fittings and clomps for two conduit in Inspection Area 565-2E.These conduit are attached o a 'swing arm' which can be positioned over Reactor coolant pump motor MP362. The fittings attach rigid steel to flexible conduit. The clamps are the first attachment for the rigid steel conduit to swing arm support. Category C.

e conduit with rusty fittings and clamps are shown In photo 565-2E-01 jpg.

. Cable trays BCBPO4 and BLBQ04 ore solid-bottom open-top troy that route cables through the West D-Ring for MP362. Both trays have random brownish stains on the interior of their solid bottoms. Category A. Trays BCBPO4 and BLBQO4 are shown In Photo file 565-2E-02.jpg.

. Cable trays ALBNO4 and ACBNO3 are solid-bottom open-top tray that route cables through the West D-Ring from MP361. Both trays exhibit random rust colored stains on the Interior bottoms and side rails. The rust colored stains are also present on the cable Jackets. Category A and B. The cables and trays are.shown In photos 565-2E-03. 565-2E-04.

562E-05 and 565-2E-06.

No Immediate actions. material degradation minor In nature. No electrical or structural Integrity Issue apparent.

1 l02-02224, $-KO CF l 05/22/02 l 07/06/02 No MAIN pen INao Yes 2 l0 t 07/06/02 PARIOUS -No -02 GASKET AND FASTENER RELAXATION INSTRUCTION FOR VELAN BOLTED BONNET VALVE WM0 2200 2200 As part of the Boric Acid Extent of Condition for RC39 under IP-M-028. the Mechanical Maintenace Procedure. DB-MM-09133 was reviewed and found not to contain any torque checks or leveling posses (per EPRI Good Bolting Practices) o account for relaxation of the fasteners or body to bonett gasket.

Gasket and fastener relaxation Isa known Industry condition that can lead to loss of 'Preload' and result in leakage If he condition is not corrected through the use of torque checks or leveling passes.

part of the Corrective Action under the BA Extent of Condition prograrm the body to bonnet gaskets of certain Reactor Coolant drain valves will be replaced. Therefore this procedure needs to Incorporate Industry best practices for torquing the bolting to prevent recurrence of leakage.

Attempted to contact Andy Wilson.

1 002-02108xl 0 CA 05116102 l 06/30/02 l INO PE pen No INo I 2 1 0 1 06/30/02 l OUB011-01 _Yes 11-01 OBSTRUCTED VIEW OF SERVICE WATER PIPING HDW 575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on the Inspection of the Service Water piping in Containment at elevation .

(Ref. Inspection file 603-2P) as prescribed by Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection of the Service Water (SW) Piping In Containment at elevation 603 revealed the following condition. The exact location of this condition Isdocumented in the inspection report mointoined by SYME. All evidence of Boric Acid noted below IsattrIbuted to on airborne source that when combined with condensation on the SW piping.

allowed the condensation to scrub the Boric Acid from the atmosphere and then acted as a catalyst to cause the noted rusting. No other evidence of Boric Acid leakage from any other source in the area was found.

Service Water piping located In the overhead just outside the personnel hatch revealed dried rust colored streaking

that is flowing from the top surface of the piping, wrapping around to the bottom of the pipe and onto the floor (Ref.

603-2P inspection package and associated photos 603-2P-Z -3.-6). Inspection of the upper surface of the piping could not be viewed due to structural pipe supports blocking Inspection by ladder. The rusty streaks are attributed to either condensation of the Service Water piping that occurred at an area where the piping Isnot pointed or the protective point has degroded to a point where the point no longer provides a protective barrier and the pipe Is rusting out.

Recommend Installing scaffold to allow access to Inspect the above piping.

No immediate action required. SYME will inform Scheduling that scaffolding Is required to perform an Inspection of this area.

1 r02-02159l 0 CA 05/19/02 l 07/03/02 I N lNo DJET Open No INo I l I Il 1 07/03/02 1 lN/A _4 Yes IN/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 565-IE FINDINGS HDW 075 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based upon an inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

inspection Area 565-1 E Isthe East D-ring and contains conduit, cable tray, electrical boxes, motors and Instruments.

ite particles of an unknown nature and staining were observed In the Interiors of cable tray In this area e following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B - Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky. C - Material corrosion that is loose. flaky.

pitted or Involves material wastage.

Photos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 565-1 Efor IP-M-029.

1. Pressurizer heater cables are routed In solid-bottom, open-top cable trays APBBO1L APBBO2. BPBA02 and BPBAO1.

These trays are located at approximately elevation 598'. An trays contain bits of dirt and debris. It Issuspected that e dirt and debris falls from the various D-Ring gratings above the trays. Some of the debris particles are white. It was apparent that some of the white particles were paint chips or flakes, the nature of other white particles Isunknown.

Various stains are visible on the Inside of the troy bottoms. The colors of these stains range from yellow-green to rust.

e condition of these trays is shown In photos 565-1 E-01. 565-1 E-02. 565-1 E.03 and 565.1 E-04. Inspection Area Category A.

2. Cables for the Reactor Coolant pump and motor 1-2-2 are routed In cable trays ALBD04 and ACBEO4. These trays enter the East D-Ring at approximately elevation 597'. They make a 12' elevation change before distributing their ables to the pump and motor. Sections of tray that are horizontally routed contain bits of dirt and debris and near the motors have rust colored stains on the tray bottoms. It Issuspected that the dirt and debris falls from the various D-Ring gratings above the trays. Some of the debris in the tray bottoms Iswhite. Some of the white debris Ispaint chips he nature of other white particles is unknown. The condition of ALBDO4 and ACBE04 Isshown in photos 565-1 E-05. 565-1E-06. 565-1E-07. 565- E-08. 565-1E-09. 565- lE-I0 and565-lE-11. Photo 565-1E-09 shows white stains onthe outside bottom of a vertical section of ALBDO4. The nature of these white stains is unknown. These stains have been observed n the bottom of Containment. Auxiliary Building and Turbine Building cable tray. For example cable tray BLWD27 nd 28 In Turbine Building Area 3 elevation 603 has similar white stains. Inspection Area Category A.

Cables for the Reactor Coolant pump and motor 1-2-1 are touted In cable trays BCBD03 and BLBDO3. These trays enter the East D-rng at approximately elevation 595' and drop to approximately 585' near the Reactor Coolant Pump motor. Tray BCBDO3 Isover BLBDO3 for most of the route In the D-Ring. Small amounts of debris Including paper and spent tie-wraps were observed in BCBDO3. Some of the debris particles were white. It was apparent the some of these white particles were point splatters and chips. Randomly located faint brownish stains were observed in the bottom of BCBDO3. Category A. Tray BCBD03 Isshown In photos 565-IE-12 and 565-1E-13.

No Immediate actions, material degradation minor In nature. No electrical or structural integrity Issue apparent.

l1 02-02165 l 0! CA 05/20/02 1 07104/02 l No PE pen No ° i I 11 0 07/04/021 Ik-i 14 IYes 360-5 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA CACI V FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

The folowing observations were mode as port of the Boric Acid Extent of Condition Area Inspection Plan, IP-M-029 Serial I CAC IV.

Categorization of findings is defined as category A - surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of

corrosion, category B -Surface rust but not loose or flaky, category C - material corrosion that Isloose, flaky. pitted or involves material wastage.

1)The interior of the fan housing has multiple areas of Boron streaking and rust accumulation. The straightening vanes are covered in a thin Boron/rust colored residue. The power and thermocouple conduits show signs of surface rust and Boron. Motor support bracing has surface rust and Boron. Category A & B. Reference pictures CAC1V-P-76. The flexible joint collars are rusted. Category C. Source Isform Boron being washed from the coils and drawn Into the fan housing. Reference picture CACIV-P-71.

2)The exterior surface of the dropout register has an accumulation of Boron and rust. Category B. The interior surfaces of the dropout registers have Boron and surface rust. Source Isfrom water being drawn Into the fan housing during previous coil cleanings. Reference pictures CAC 1V-P-70 and 73. Category B 3)Top of the cooling coil housing has surface rust directly below the service water lines running overhead of the cooling coil housing. Source Isairborne Boron condensing on the service water piping and dripping onto the top of the coil housing. Category B. Reference pictures CAC1V-P-84 & 85.

4)The fan Inlet, blades, hub. and Interior of the coil housing has white/red residue from cleaning of the cooling coils.

erever the paint has been damaged. surface rust Ispresent. Hold down bolts are encased In crust of Boron/rust.

Reference pictures CAC 1V-P-86 through 96. Category B No active leakage was Identified.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan wOil be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 102-02172, l 0 l NA l 05/20/02 07/19/02 No PE Open No No = - 1l 0 07/19/021 IN/A Yes YA 0605 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA CAC1 V FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 his condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e following observations were made as part of the Boric Acid Extent of Condition Area Inspection Plan, IP-M-029 rial # CAC IV.

Categorization of findings Isdefined as category A - surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of orroslon. category B - Surface rust but not loose or flaky, category C - material corrosion that Isloose, flaky, pitted or nvolves materIal wastage.

1)Ductwork inside the D-rings findings

- White streaks along the top, sides, and bottom of ductwork Invarious places. Probable source Iswater running long the sides of the D-rings and dripping onto the ductwork. Category A. Reference pictures CACI V-P-1, 03. 05.,

07,1f 16. 20. 21. 22. 23 and 26

- All registers have rust colored dirt buildup. This debris extends Into the volume control dampers directly behind the registers. Wherever point Ismissing corrosion Ispresent. Category B. Reference pictures CAC1V-P-02. 04. 05,06. 19,

24. 27. 31, 32. 33. and 36.

- Some duct surfaces have a light coating of red colored debris that appears to have been airborne rust that collected on a wet surface. Category A. Reference pictures CACIV-P-17, 18, 21 and 26.

- Register located directly above the Quench tank, T3 appears to have been secured with carbon steel. hex head bolts. All bolt heads hove surface rust. Category B. Reference pictures CAC 1V-P-34 and 35.

2)Ductwork outside the D-Rings findings

-White streaks along the top. sides and bottorm of the ductwork In several places. The surface of oil the spot welds have minor corrosion where the galvanization was burned off. Category A & B. Reference pictures CACI V-P-41, 42,

43. 44, 45. 48. 49. 51, 52. 53. and 55.

- All of the registers have a rust colored dirt buildup. Debris islodged behind the registers. Where point ismissing. rust isevident on the registers. Reference pictures CACI V-P-46 and 47.

- Boron has collected on the bottom of the registers on the west side of CTMT. Category A. Reference pictures CACIV-P-54, 55 and 56.

- Ductwork Internals were inspected trough an access door downstream of the volume control damper. No lorrosion of the ductwork or Internal supports was evident. The top and sides of the duct have a light white coating MAth red rust particles. The bottom of the duct has very thin coating of material that iswhite/red Incolor. The surface f the volume control damper is also coated. Category A. Reference pictures CACI V-P-77 through 83 and CAC1V-P-

~7 through 105.

) Interior of the plenum findings

- Small hole approximately Y2 diameter In the southeast corner near the elevator. This has been previously identified n CR 02-01748 and CR 02-01139. Category C. Reference picture CACI V-P-1 36

-Portionsofthefloororeseverelycorroded. CategoryC. ReferencepicturesCACIV-P-113.114.115. 116.119,123.

124 and 127.

- Lower third of the plenum wall has moderate corrosion. Category B. Reference pictures CACI V-P-1 30 and 131.

-Middle section of the wall has slight corrosion. Category B. Reference picture CACIV-P-131.

- Lower turning vanes on the east and west ends are severely corroded and wastage on the lower vanes. Category C. Reference pictures CAC IV-P-i 06 through 112.

-Vertical supports hove moderate corrosion. Category B. Reference pictures CACI V-P-I 20. 121. 122 and 125.

-Top of the plenum has slight corrosion near the backdraft damper openings. Category B. Reference pictures CACIV-P-117 and 118.

) Plenum exterior findings

- Front and rear of the plenum have white/red residue form previous cleanings of the CAC cooling coils and several areas of surface corrosion. Category A and B. Reference pictures CACI V-P-132 through 140 and CAC V-P- I43 through 149.

- Plenum drain lines are severely corroded. Category C. Reference pictures CACI V-P-141 and 142.

- Top of the plenum Iscovered with rust and Boron. Surface rust Isevident on most bolting. Source of Boron from previous cleanings of the CAC cooling coils and water dripping through the floor grating and collecting on top of the plenum. Category A and B. Reference pictures CAC1V-P-60, 61, 63 through 69. and 71 through 75.

No active leakage was Identified.

Plenum and ductwork are non-Q and non-safety related.

identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 F02-021799 . ,0 CA 05/20/02 07/04/02 l No PE Open No lNo I I ::0. 107/04/02 l C1-3 I -No 0604 5 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA CAC3V INSPECTION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 075 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-0324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e following observations were made as part of the Boric Acid Extent of Condition Area Inspection Plan. IP-M-M29 ral # CAC3V.

Categorization of findings Isdefined as category A - surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. category B - Surface rust but not loose or flaky, category C - material corrosion that Isloose, flaky, pitted or nvolves material wastage.

1) The exterior of the fan housing has several white streaks. Boron has accumulated on top of the dropout registers. .

Probable source IsBoron from previous coll cleanings. Most unpainted surfaces show sign of rust. This Includes places where the paint Ismissing. Many nuts are covered with whIte/red debris. Category A & B. Reference pictures CAC3V-01. 12-19. 24, 25.

2) The Interior of the fan housing white streaks and Is rusted where point Ismissing. The conduit and motor support bracing has surface rust. Source Isfrom previous coil cleanings. The fan blades, straightening vanes and hub have hite residue and surface rust where the paint Ismissing. Category A & B. Reference pictures CAC3V-P-1 1. 20. 21. 22 and 23.
3) The top of the cooling coil housing Isrusted directly under the service water supply and return lines for the unit. The source is Boron from the atmosphere condensing on the service water piping and dripping on to the housing.

Category B. Reference pictures CAC3V-P-05 and 06.

4) The fan Inlet grating has minor surface rust and Boric acid deposits. Two hold down bolts were missing from the grating. The fan hold down bolts have rust and debris surrounding them. Source Isfrom previous coil cleanings.

Category A & B. Reference pictures CAC3V-P-04. 06. 07 and 10.

5) The backdraft damper has surface stains on the blades from previous coil cleanings- Category A. Reference picture CAC3V-P-1 9.
6) Interior of the dropout register has white residue and surface rust. Category A & B. Reference picture CAC3V-P-19.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected areas per he Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 102-01954 0 CA 05109/02 06123/02 No DBE Open No lNo I 1I 0 06/23/02 lN/A Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-2E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 Iscondition report Isgenerated based on inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 603-2E IsRoom 410-East Passage Penetration Area and contains conduit, cable troy, boxes, and Instruments. Boric acid residue, crystals and all categories of rust were observed in this area. Cable trays APCB01 and BPCAO1 in the vicinity of JT3952 and JT3952 exhibit significant amounts of boric acid corrosion. Corrosion and rust Is mainly confined to components close to the D-fring' wall. Equipment installed close to the containment vessel liner did not reveal corrosion. The source of the corrosion that was observed In this area is assumed to be from condensation dripping from Service Water (SW) in the area. It was noted that components above the SW pipes did ot show evidence of corrosion.

e following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B-Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose.

aky. pitted or involves material wastage. Photos Identified below are part of Data Package, Serial 603-2E for IP-M-29.

PECIFIC OBSERVATIONS IN AREA 603-2E 1.JT4904 has rust on top and right and bottom edges of front cover. JT4904 Islocated in area below Service Water S/) pipes. (Photo 603-2E-1). Category B.

2. There iscorrosion on painted 1 2-Inch conduit to JT3920 and support above JT4904. Condult and Cables In JT3920 re field routed so they have no IDs. Both conduit and support exhibit corrosion and boric acid accumulation.

ondult and supports are below SW pipes. (Photo 603-2E-2). The corrosion depicted In the photo extends over most of the conduit. Category B.

. Conduit 38089A. condulet and support 9755-41SME have rust on them. These are located below SW pipes. (Photo 603-2E-3). Category B.

. Oil-Rite boxes have stains and surface rust. White spots appear to be pain drippings vs. boric acid. The Oil-Rite boxes are below SW pipes. (Photo 603-2E-4). Category A and B.

U41OA has stains and rust around front cover edges, especially bolts and bolt-holes. Pointing to white-orange bstonce believed to be boric acid. U410A Isbelow SW pipes. (Photo 603-2E-5). Note, the red material appears to have been applied to block liquid from getting behind and Into this box. Category A and B.

. RE2389 and supports for conduit 2-4901 15A have boric acid residue and rust and corrosion. Located below SW ipes. (Photo 603-2E-6). Category A and B.

7. Cable trays APCB01 and BPCAOI (Photo 603-2E-7. Photo 603-2E-8. Photo 603-2E-9. Photo 603-2E-1 0 and Photo 6O3-E-1 1) have boric acid, corrosion and rust both Inside and outside of trays. Cables are routed in flexible conduit which appeor to be splattered with boric acid. (Photo 603-2E-7) shows how the troy bottom has pulled apart. These trays ore below SW pipes. (Photo 603-2E-1 1) shows the corrosion and rust on the flexible conduit exiting the trays and entering JT3954 and JT3953. Category A. B and C.

l.There Isrust on Conduit 2-91 1OA (to JT3954) and support. Below SW pipes. (Photo 603-2E-12). Category A. Band C.

JT3954 and JT3952 have corrosion on tops and support between JT3954 and JT3952. The tops of these boxes and the support appear structurally sound. Anchorage for these boxes was not visible. These boxes are located below SW lipes. (Photo 603-2E-1 3). Category A. Band C 1O. JT3953 and JT3951 hove corrosion on top and sides (Photos 603-2E-14 and 603-2E-23). Both boxes appear tructuratly sound. anchorage not visible. Below SW pipes. Category A. Band C.

I1. 3/4-Inch gaitronics conduit behind JT3953 and JT3952 has surface corrosion/rust visible. Conduit below SW pipes.

(Photo 603-2E-15). Category C

12. 1 2-inch and I -inch conduits have surface rust and boric acid crystals. These conduit are just north of JT3954.

(Photo 603-2E-16). Category A.

13. PT6365A has corrosion and boric acid residue. rust also on manifold below. (Photo 603-2E-1 7). Category C.
14. Local corrosion on conduit 49100A. Structurally sound. BeIowSW piping. (Photo 603-2E-18). Category C.
15. Corrosion on support and outlet box for exit lamp. Below SW pipes. (Photo 603-2E-19). Category C.
16. Support 13677-410-SE has rusted conduit clamp. (Photo 603-2E-20). Category C.
17. There are boric acid stains on cable troy BCCD0I and two conduit. The photos (603-2E-21 and 603-2E-22) were taken from stairs leading to PORV room. 2 landings below the PORV room. Category A.
18. White substance on case of PT-618. No indication as to source. (Photo 603-2E-24)
19. Rust on manifold for PT-618. Category B. (Photo 603-2E-25)

WNo Immediate actions. material dearadation moderate In nature. No electrical or structural intearitv Issue apparent.

I 02-01974'l 0 CB l 05/10102 l 06/24/02 No DOE Open No INO I I 1 0 1 06/24/02l IN/A 1 IYes lVsrious INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 548-1S FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 his Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection Area 548-1S performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In evaluation of this CR.

Description of findings for upper room in East/ West portion of tunnel (Valve CF31):

1. Active leakage with white boric acid crystals predominately at east end of the south wall. Leakage Initiates at the all-ceiling joint and extends down the wall. Boric acid residue also extends out along hairline cracks In concrete ceiling. (See representative Photos # 548-1S-5. 7 & 8)
2. Ught surface rust on wall embeds. (See representative Photo # 548-1S-6)

. Light surface staining/ rust on grating in southeast corner. (See Photo #548-1S-7)

Dscription of findings for lower pit in East/ West portion of tunnel (Valve DH92):

. Pipe support off north wall has heavy surface corrosion. (See Photos # 5481-1S-16 & 17)

5. Boric acid residue on south wall at pipe penetration, continuing to floor of pit. (See Photo # 548-1S-13)

Description of findings for main East/ West portion of tunnel:

. Active leakage with white boric acid crystals down south wall near ladder to upper room. Leakage is continuation f leakage from upper room. (See Photo # 548-1 S-1. 2 3 & 12)

7. Active leakage with white boric acid crystals along south wall. Leakage originates from horizontal wall crack approximately 4 above floor. (See Photo # 548-1 S-9 & 10)
8. Standing water and boric acid residue on floor near Refueling Canal Drain Pump. (See Photos # 548-1S-4. 11 & 12)

. Surface corrosion on base anchorage for Refueling Canal Drain Pump. (See Photo #548-1 S-1 1)

10. Surface rust on pipe support for Refueling Canal Drain Pump suction (near valve DHI104). (See Photo # 548-iS-11)
11. Surface rust on unpainted portion of pipe supports (Typ. 2) for Refueling Canal Drain Pump discharge (downstream of valve DH108). (See Photos # 548-1S-i & 3)
12. Surface rust on spring cans and threaded rod for pipe support CCA-6-H2. (See Photo # 548-IS-14)
13. Light surface staining/ rust on ladder to upper room. (See representative Photo # 548-1 S-4)

Description of findings for main North/ South portion of tunnel:

14. Horizontal wall crack continues from east/ west portion along east wall, across south end wall and back along est wall. Boric acid residue from leakage at various spots along east wall. Heavier residue at south wall, with active leakage In southeast corner. No leakage/ boric acid along west wal. (See Photos # 548-1 S-1 9 & 20)
15. Surface rust on pipe supports CCA-6-H4. H5 & CCB-5-H1. (See representative Photo #548-lS-18)
16. Surface rust on pipe support for small bore fne near valve CF39. (See Photo # 548-IS-20)

This CR Identifies minor material degradation but no Immediate structural Integrity concerns. The boric acid residue has been previously Identified under CR 02-01845. .

l 02-01987' 0 CA l05/13/02 06/27/02 No PE Open No No I 1 0. 06/27/02 IN/A. a Yes 0 64-02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION FINDINGS HDW " 0576 The following conditions were Identified during an IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection on the Pzr. spray fine nozzle to RCS pipe .(off RCP 2-2 discharge). IP-M-028 component serial # IsRCP22OUT-6 weld.

White point like substance adhered to side of nozzle. Photo # RCP22OUT .JPG documents condition.

This CR is written In accordance with the inspection plan which directs writing a CR for any indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324. Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

[Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. No active or Inactive leakage was identified.

Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan may be needed. No Immediate actions irequired.

1 02-01989 0 NA l 05/13/02 l 07/12/02 No PE Open NolNo 1 0 07/12/02 I/A es -02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 (EXTENT OF CONDITION) EXAMINATION ER 50 2779 3450 This CR hos been written to document an Incomplete examinaoton per IP-M-028 (Extent of Condition) Inspection plan. IP-M-028 component serial # IsMU-1 B Bolted.

Vle MU-1 B (RC Letdown Cooler 1-2 Inlet Isolation valve) Isdissassembled for maintance. The Inspection Plan requires CR be Initiated for all visual exams where 100% of the component Isnot examined.

Umited examination per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 l02-02054' 0 CA l 05/15/02 l 06/29/02 l l lNo PE _Open No INo I I l 2 : 0 l 06/29/02 l 1HeadtoHot-LeI No 0)64-02 1 UNEXPECTED DEPOSITS ON RCS PIPING HDW 9999 0576 9999 The head to hot leg vent lne has what appears to be melted plastic deposited on an area of the elbow near the faonge attachment to OTSG 2-A. These deposits may contain unacceptable contaminates.

his Condition Report Isgenerated based on Inspection OTSG-2 Target, performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028.

e requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR N/A 1 F02-02063l-:0 l CA 05/15/02 06/29/02 No PE Open NolNO I(1No1 1 06/29/02 1 TN/A l 4tYes PLA.4-02 .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 The following conditions were Identified while performing Inspections for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 inspection program for package serial numbers weld inspections for HL1 -2. HL1 -3. HL1-6. HL1 -9and target Inspection for HL1 1-1.

Inspection zone HLI -2 (RCS Loop 2 HL Flowmeter Nozzle). Indications of whIte streaking Isapparent through the nozzle weld area and running down the hot leg. This steaking does not appear to be originating from the nozzle or eld as It Ispresent above the hot leg nozzle weld and continues down the hot leg, White powder residue Is covering the nozzle and hot leg out too the outer nozzle weld. Reddish brown staining Ispresent on the upper portion of the nozzle approximately 3 inches from the hot leg. AN match marks are filled with white powder. Most all of the scratched surfaces In the pointed area of the piping have some corrosion present. General area cleanliness ssue with heavy dark brown grttly residue on transition from the hot leg to the horizontal surface of the nozzle and light Indications of same on the hot leg.

Inspection Zone HL1-3 (RCS Loop 1 Hot Leg Flowmeter Nozzle) Indications of white streaking isapparent through the .

nozzle weld area and running down the hot leg. This steaking does not appear to be originating from the nozzle or weld as It Ispresent above the nozzle weld and continues down the hot leg. White powder residue Ison the nozzle with a partial ring at the apporentjunction of the outer Insulation. Other miscellaneous residue locations are present on the nozzle. AU match marks are filled with dull white powder. Most all of the scratched surfaces In the painted rea of the piping have some corrosion present. General area cleanliness Issue with dark brown grItty residue on the horizontal surface of the nozzle.

Inspection zone HL1 -6Weld (RCS Loop 1 Hot leg Pressure Tap Nozzle PTBL. RC2B1) Indications of white streaking Is pparent through the nozzle weld area and running down the hot leg. This streaking does not appear to be originating from the nozzle or weld as It Ispresent above the nozzle weld and continues down the hot leg. White powder residue Iscovering the nozzle from the hot leg out too approximately 4 Inches. This again appears to be the result of the captive area Inside the Insulation. All match marks are filled with dull white powder. Most all of the cratched surfaces Inthe pointed area of the piping have some corrosion present. General area cleanliness Issue ith dark brown gritty residue on the horizontal surface of the nozzle and light Indications of some on the hot leg.

lnspection zone HL1-9 Weld (RCS Loop 1Hot leg Vent Nozzle) A streak of white residue Isrunning from the nozzle approximately 10 to 12 Inches down the north side of the hotleg. The general area around the nozzle appears to be intact however carryover boron or white powered ispresent on everything In the area. The powder appears to hove originated from lower on the hot leg away from the steam generator and moved up through the Insulation. At points the powder residue isgranular in appearance. Small sections of both light white and reddish brown-streoking were noted originating from the nozzle and running within the weld area. This appears to have run off a V-block on the nozzle. In the south west quadrant of the hot leg It looks like a couple small weld strikes or splatter ison the horizontal surface.

Inspection zone HLII-I (West Hot Leg Target. Partial Inspection of Upper Portion of HL1) The general condition of the

nsuiation was good, light dust /dirt present and boron residue was present on the end caps at the high point vent.

The insulation support ring on top of the steam generator had small flakes and some whitish residue in the small apening between the support and the lower Insulation section. A considerable amount of white powder was present on top of the hot leg to the east of the high point vent; this was very loose residue. Inspection of the Insulation dentifled on the north side, looking Inside the Insulation for the 90 going down the hot leg a large amount of free oose white powder was present. It appeared this had carried up the Inside of the Insulation and was deposited. due o convective air circulation and some exited out the high point vent opening and at the seams in the Insulation.

Moving down the hot leg the seismic support above the upper SG platform has point blistered on the north side, a general discoloration is present due to heating on all the supports. The Insulation is off above HL1 -8 and HL1 -9 just below the seisrnic restraint. It appears to be residue from tape Isrunning down the hot leg from the Insulation junction at the southeast and northeast locations. Only a very small streak of white Ispresent running down the north side from he Insulation above the SG upper platform.

The rest of the Inspection was bare pipe as the Insulation was removed to the 615-foot elevation. Above HL1-6 by approximately 10 to 12 inches on the northeast side of the hot leg a large amount of white powder residue is present with streaking trails running down the hot leg. This appears to be at a location a seam would be In the insulation. A bond Is also around the hot leg at this point and some locations of reddish brown corrosion / streaking Isalso present.

Multiple locations of the buildup and streaking are noted continuing down the hot leg to the 615-foot elevation.

General surface condition of the hot leg Ispoor In this area as any area the point has been scratched corrosion is present. Many locations of blistering hot leg paint were also noted. Some areas have more of a gritty multi colored from white to reddish brown texture to the residue on the side of the hot leg.

t the 615-foot elevation the hot leg was Insulated. At this point white and reddish brown streaking was still continuing into the Insulation In the north and west locations. The Insulation below appeared to have only surface dirt and dust present as no seepage through the seams was noted.

IsCR was written In accordance with the IP-M-028 inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure.

is leakage was Identified per Reactor Head Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified. The equirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be addressed in the evaluation of this CR.

1 l02-02053,k;,-f0 NA l 05/15/02 l 07/14/02 lNo PE Open No INo I I Il 1Il '1 07/14/02 l IN/A Yes Y 06003 .

INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA CPV FINDINGS HDW 750576 0575 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

The following observations were made as part of the Boric Acid Extent of Condition Area Inspection Plan. iP-M.029 Serial # CPV. Containment Purge Ventilation Ductwork and Supports.

1)White residue was found on the Containment Purge Supply duct. Residue Ison the duct elbow at the 565' elevation near CFT 1-1. No corrosion or active leakage was found. Source unknown. Reference picture CPV-P-5.JPG

2) White residue was found on the Containment Purge Supply duct downcomer located on the West side of containment. Residue was on the bottom of the duct on the 565' elevation as the duct branches north and south.

No active leakage was found. Source unknown. Reference pictures CPV-P-04.JPG and CPV-06.JPG.

3) White residue was found on the Containment Purge Exhaust ductwork on the 565' elevation near CFT 1-2. Duct is 71 diameter located near the ceiling. Probable source Iswater dripping down from 585' elevation during previous cleanings of the Containment Air Cooler coils. No active leakage was found. Reference picture CPV-01 -.JPG.

4)White powdery substance was found on the 7 diameter exhaust duct located at the 555 elevation next to the ladder leading down to the Containment Normal Sump. Duct support had minor surface rust. Small amount of rust residue is evident on the duct from the 555' elevation to 545 elevation. No active leakage was found. Source unknown. Reference picture CPV-P-02.JPG and CPV-P-07.JPG 5)White residue was found on the Containment Purge Exhaust duct on the 603' elevation near the tee just downstream. of CV5007. No active leakage was found. Source unknown. Reference picture CPV-P-03JPG.

5)The portion of the ductwork Inside the Incore Instrumentation tank was not accessible for Inspection.

The inspection findings do affect the ability of the system to perform Its design function. No immediate action is required.

1 102-02067.' 0 CA 05/15/02 l 06/29/02 lI jNO PE Open Np No I I i 0 l 06/29/02 I C41 1 Yes 06442 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M- 028 FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Is being written as a result of inspections performed at Serial Number RC4 1 In accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this Condition Report.

Heavy accumulation of boron Is present on valve RC41. The source of leakage appears to be the packing leakoff plug and the body to bonnet joint. Corrosion Isevident on the valve yoke. This Isbeing classified as an active leak.

Refer to Inspection Plan IP-M-028 for further details.

None 1 002-02065/l 0 1 CA 1 05/15/02 l 06/29/02 lNo PE Open I No jNo I 1 0 1 06/29/02 1 "C31 4 Yes -02 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 FINDINGS HDW 5750576 0575 The following was identified while performing a Inspection for IP-M-028 Alloy 600 inspection program for package serial number HLI-4 (RCS Loop I Hot Leg Temperature Connection TWRC3B).

ite residue Ispresent 360 degrees around the area of the TW nozzle penetration of the hot leg. The weld for this application Ison the ID of the pipe which leaves a non finished outer surface. The residue Ispresent In the annular space between the hot leg and the nozzle. Due to the prior white streaking on the hot leg the source of leakage can aot be Identified. Indications of white streaking Isapparent running down the hot leg In the area which had the paint removed around the TW nozzle. This streaking appears to be old and has previously been partially removed. Ught reddish brown corrosion Ispresent on the cleaned area of the hot leg and reddish brown staining or corrosion products are on the TW nozzle area which would be covered with insulation.

his CR was written In accordance with the IP-M-028 Inspection plan, which directs writing a CR for any Indications of leakage or corrosion. The CR shall comply with NG-EN-00324 Boric Acid Corrosion Procedure This leakage was Identified per the Reactor Head Extent of Condition program. No active leakage was Identified.

The requirements of NG-EN-0324 need to be addressed In the evaluation of this CR.

1 102-02046 l 0 l CA l 05/14/02 06(28/02 o O BE Open No INo I I I I I 0 I 06/28/02 l N/A h Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-1 E FINDINGS HDW 75 0576 0575 ThIs condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

he scope of this CR Isthe electrical equipment in Inspection Areo 585-1 E. Room 315- Incore Instrument Tank Area.

Defective piping was also Identified.

The following categories ore used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of urface only, no evidence of corrosion. B- Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose.

aky. pitted or Involves material wastage. The photos are port of Data Package, serial 585-1 Efor IP-M-029. The fllowing adverse conditions were observed.

he Ones to MU403 and MU416 and the conduit below them have boric acid stains and rust on them. Category B.

Photos 5851 E-01 and 585-1 E-02.

N/A The defects appear to be confined to the surface of the components.

1 l02-02048 l 0 l CA l 05/14/02 l 06/28/02 lNo lDBE Open No No I I III 0 1 06/28/021 IN/A 14 IYes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-3E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575

.This condition report isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements jof NG-EN-00324 need to be considered in the evaluation of this CR.

,The scope of this CR Isthe electrical equipment in Area 58-3E /Core Flood Tank No. 1 Area per IP-M-029.

The following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B-Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose.

flaky, pitted or involves material wastage. The photos are part of Data Package, serial 585-3E for IP-M-029. The following adverse conditions were observed.

1. Conduit and supports exhibit boric acid residue. White stains were observed on the bottom of cable trays. (Note:

The origin of these stains Isunknown, similar stains hove been observed on cable tray outside containment, specifically n Room 404.) Surface rust on a cable tray support Isalso visible. These observations were made above penetration boxes PAL2NI and PAP2PI. (Photo 585-3E-01)

2. The root valve for PT-RC1 8B2 Isrusty and there Iswhite popcorn around the valve stem. Category B. (Photo 585-3E-02)
3. The bolt heads on the bracket. which secures the PT-RC18B2 drain valve Isrusty. Category B.(Photo 5&5-3E-03)

N/A The defects observed do not appear to affect Integrity of equipment.

1 [02-02194'. 0 l CA l 05121102 l 07105102 o PE pen No jNo I I I 1 10°07105102 005C102 j Yes 10605 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA CAC2V FINDINGS DW 5750576 0575 This condition report is generated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e following observations were mode as part of the Boric Acid Extent of Condition Area Inspection Plan, IP-M-029 rial # CAC3V.

Categorization of findings is defined as category A - surface stain: discoloration of surface only. no evidence of orrosion. category B- Surface rust but not loose or flaky. category C - material corrosion that is loose, flaky, pitted or involves material wastage.

1) The dropout register housing has white streaks and Boron deposits. The dropout register bolting. hinges and fusible links have Boron residue and surface rust. Parts of the exterior of the dropolut register are beginning to rust. The Interior of the dropout registers has spots of surface rust and Boron buildup. Category A & B. Source Isfrom previous coil cleanings. Reference pictures CAC2V-P-01. 02. 03.07. 09. 10. 11 and 17.
2) The exterior of the fan housing has multiple areas of Boron. The flexible joint collar Isrusting. Wherever paint Is missing rust Ispresent. Boron deposits have accumulated on the ceding. Category A & B. Source Isfrom previous coil cleanings. Reference pictures CAC2V-P-03. 04. 05. 06. 08. 12. 13. 15 and 16.
3) Conduit and unistrut running behind the fan housing has surface rust. The conduit Interfaces with Junction box B3922. Category B. Reference pictures CAC2V-P-13 & 14.

The Interior of the fan housing has multiple streaks of Boron white/red In color. Wherever point Ismissing surface rust Ispresent. The Internal conduits, motor supports, fan blades and straightening vanes have surface rust and Boron present. Category A & B. Source of Boron Isfrom previous conl cleanings. Reference pictures CAC2V-P-1 8. 19 - 24.

5) The fan Inlet and grating have minor surface rust and Boron buildup. Wherever paint Ismissing on the coIl housing.

fan Inlet, grating and bolting: rust Ispresent. Category A and B. Source of Boron Isfrom previous coil cleanings.

Interior of the coil housing was not accessible for photos at this time. Photos will be token prior any work being performed. Previous observatons found the same conditions present In CAC#2 as were noted In CAC#1 and CAC#3.

Representative pictures are contained In CAC3V-P-04. 05. 06.07. 08. 09 and 10.

No active leakage was Identified.

Identified per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected areas per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 102-02047, 0 CA 05/14/02 l 06/28/02 l No DBE Open No No I I 1 .le 106/28/02 1 N/A 4 Yes Various INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 585-2E FINDINGS HDW 0575_0576 0575 This condition report is generated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

The area being covered by this CR is 585-1 E / Room 315 - Incore Instrument Tank Area.

The folowing categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A- Surface stain: discoloration of surface only. no evidence of corrosion. B- Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky and C- Material corrosion that ISloose.

flaky. pitted or Involves material wastage. The photos are port of Data Package, serial 585-2E for IP-M-029. The following adverse conditions were observed.

Surfacing rusting, boric acid residue and discoloration were observed on the conduit and conduit supports In the overhead conduit bank at elevation 595' - 600'. Photo files 585-2E-01 .jpg. 585-2E-02.jpg. 585-2E-03jpg and 585-2E- The source of the boric acid appears to be from a large pipe above the conduit.

NIA The adverse conditions appear to confined to the surface of the conduit.

1 l02-02196- 0o CA l 05/21/02 l 07/05/02 lNo PE Open Na No I I I 11 ° I 07/05/02 1 1E24-2 l Yes 063-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: OTSG-2 HDW 9999 0576 9 During target Inspection of Steam Generator 1-2 I was noted that there was a white stain on the outside of the mirror insulation under the feedwater nozzles on the north-east side (mirror Insulation panel No. SG-.1 B-1 AM). Inspection of the Inside of the mirror Insulation did not reveal any significant condition that would explain the large white stain on the outside.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection OTSG-2 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-028. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

None 1 102-02192 l 0 CA l 05/21/02 l 07/05/02 No PE Open No o I I l11 I I l0 1 07/05102 1 P24-2 14 Yes 063-01 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-028 ALLOY 600 EXTENT OF CONDITION: OTSG-2 HDW 750576 0575 During the target Inspection of the Steam Generator 1-2 It was noted that:

-A bright white stain was noted on a section of mirror Insulation on the south side of the SG. Based on the orientation and lock of any nearby sources. It may be point and not boric acid.

-Below the feedwater nozzles on the east to south-east side a bright white stain was noted. This could possibly be paint since no boric acid crystals could be seen.

En lower half on east and north various white and brown stains were noted where the Insulation was removed. No material loss or boric acid buildup was noted. Post signs of leakage from a secondary side hand-hole on the east side of the SG was seen. This could be the source for some of these stains.

This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspecton OTSG-2 performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

None 1 02022949 :0 CA l 05/28/02 l 07/12/02 No DBE Open No l l l1No 2 17jli-Y.l 07/12/02 l E37-1 1 Yes 011-01 .

DEGRADATION OF CONTAINMENT AIR COOLER #1 DUE TO BORIC ACID CORROSION HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report Isbeing written as a result of Inspection performed at Serial Number 585-5P Containment Air Cooler #1 In accordance with Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this Condition Report. Inspection of the exterior surface area of Containment Air Cooler (CAC) #1 revealed the following observations. Unless otherwise noted below. the corrosion described below is attributed to a combination of airborne Boric Acid residue and CAC coil sweating due to exposure In the humid Containment atmosphere.

The CAC coils are Slemic Category 1.The seismic Integrity of the CAC coils Ismaintained by the galvanized steel framework that makes up each coil. Unless otherwise noted below, the corrosion found Ison the galvanized steel framework of the coils.

1) The southwest bottom corner of the tube sheet on the top coil is severed from the bottom frame of the coil due to corrosion. Inspection of the severed area revealed a large hole In the tube sheet that Isestimated at 1 Inch high by 2 inches long. Next to the hole Isa red/brown Boric Acid deposit mixed with rust flakes and within the fins that Istight to the framework. The tube sheet area surrounding the hale Indicates additional on-going rust activity from the outside nd between the tube sheet and the CAC structure. Boric Acid streaking is evident from the side of the CAC structure nd the tube sheet and is originating from Inside the CAC structure Itself. The bottom frame of the tube coil Isrusted.

pitted and stained with dried pools of Boric Acid residue. Approximately 10-15 % of the wall thickness of the coil bottom frame Isdegraded due to rusting. (Photos 585-5P-CACI-1. JPG).

2) The southeast bottom corner of the tube sheet on the top coil appears to be severed from the bottom frame of the coil due to corrosion. Inspection of the severed area Indicates the tube sheet in the corner has a visible crack that extends to the edge of the tube sheet and CAC frame. Inspection of the severed area revealed a red/brown Boric Acid deposit mixed with rust flakes Ispresent next to the severed area. Boric Acid residue is present between the tube sheet and the Inside surface of the CAC structure. A thin coating of Boric Acid residue Ispresent on the surface area of the CAC fins. The fins are corroded as evident by a green discoloration to the fins. The exterior surface of the CAC structure has dried white colored streaks of Boric Acid residue. The fasteners retaining the coil bundles in the CAC structure ore covered In a layer of surface rust. (Photo 585-5P-CACI-2.JPG).

) The bottom comer of each of the five vertical baffles for the top. middle and bottom tube coils has a buildup of Boric Acid residue mixed with small flakes of rust. Some of the deposits are masking pitting and active rusting in these arebs plus possible through wail perforation. The exterior surface area of the CAC structure Iscovered In a white film of Boric Acid residue. The fasteners used to secure the CAC coils to the CAC structure are covered In a layer of surface rust. (Photo 585-5P-CAC1 -3.JPG. 585-5P-CACI -4.JPG).

4) The south side bottom comers of the middle coil tube sheet Isrusted and pitted due to corrosion. Pitting Isevident In the corner where the fins abut the tube sheet. The bottom framework of the coil In the southwest corner Iscovered by a loose layer of powdered surface rust. A dried pool of Boric Acid residue Isevident on the bottom frame and within the fins. Dried drips of Boric Acid residue were found coming out of the CAC structure where the middle coil Is fastened to the CAC structure. Similar dried drips were found dripping down from Inside the CAC framework of the iddie coil on the southwest side. (Photo 585-5P-CACI -4JPG through 585-5P-CAC) -7.JPG).

) The bottom coil tube sheet In the southwest comer ispitted at the point where the fins are adjacent to the tube heet. The pitting Isapproximately 50% through wall and approximately 0.75 Inches in diameter. Dried streaks of white Boric Acid residue were found coming from Inside the tube bundle. The bottom frame of the coil is covered with a layer of surface rust that Ispitted, loose and flaking. The fins are covered with a right green layer of corrosion. (Photo 85-5P-CACI -5.JPG. 585-5P-CAC1 -7JPG).

) The bottom coil tube sheet In the southeast corner Iscovered with surface rust around the holes In the tube sheet here the tubes penetrate the tube sheet. The bottom frame of the coil Iscovered with a layer of surface rust that Is Itted. loose and flaking. The fins are covered with a light green layer of corrosion. (Photo 585-5P-CACI-6.JPG).

The bottom coil tube sheet on the west-side right corner Isnearly rusted through by pitting. Dried splashes of Boric cId residue Isevident and appears to be dripping from within the CAC structure Just above this area. The bottom rme of the con Iscovered with a layer of surface rust that Ispitted, loose and flaking. The fins are covered with a ight green layer of corrosion. (Photo 585-5P-CAC1 .8.JPG).

The middle coil tube sheet on the west right corner revealed a small area of surface rust where the tube sheet Is abutted by the coil fins. Dried splashes of white Boric Acid residue Isevident and appears to be dripping from above nd within the CAC structure. The bottom frame of the con Iscovered with a layer of rust that Ispitted. loose and aking. The bottom of the baffle where It abuts the bottom framework of the coil Isdegraded by a large pit (1 Inch wide x 3 Inches long) that Isestimated to be approximately 30% through wall. (Photo 5855P-CACI-9.JPG. Photo 585-P-CAC1 -10.JPG).

The top coil tube sheet on the west right bottom comer Issevered from the bottom frame of the con due to corrosion. The corrosion Isloose, pitted and flaking. Dried streaks of white Boric Acid (BA) residue Isevident on the tube eet and appears to be originating from within the CAC structure where the top of the tube bundle Isfastened. The bottom frame of the coil Iscovered with a layer of rust that Ispitted, loose and flaking. (Photo 585-5P-CACI-I 1.JPG).

10) The top coal tube sheet on the west-side left bottom corner Isnearly pitted through wall due to corrosion where the be sheet abuts the con fins. Immediately adjacent to the pitted area Isevidence of white Boric Acid residue that Is thin the fins and on the bottom framework of the coil. The bottom end of the tube baffles between the two outer nds of the coil revealed signs of surface rust and dried white/red/brown Boric Acid residue. The corrosion In the pitted area Isloose and flaking. The bottom frame of the con Iscovered with a layer of surface rust that Istight to the coil frame (Photo 585-5P-CAC1 -12JPG).

l 1) The exterior surface of the tube sheets In the northwest corner Iscovered with a layer of rust that Isloose and aking In the form of small rust particles. The rust Ismasked in some areas of the tube sheet by a moderate layer of red/brown/white deposits of Boric Acid residue. (Photo 585-5P-CACI -13JPG).

12) The Boric Acid does not appear to have an appreciable affect on the CAC fins/tubes because there Isno vidence of aggressive attack comparable to that of the Carbon Steel surfaces. (Photo 585-5P-CACI-13.JPG).
13) The stondpipe drain line of SW320 Iscovered In a layer of rust that Isloose and in the form of small rust particles.

The rusting is attributed to the exposure of an unpainted pipe In the humid Containment atmosphere combined with pipe sweating and airborne Boric Acid residue. The bottom of the standpipe isscuffed to bare metal due to maintenance during 13RFO. (Photo 585-5P-CAC1 -14.JPG).

14) The top coil tube sheets In the northwest and northeast bottom corners are covered in a layer of surface rust where the tube sheet meets the bottom frame of the coil. The bottom frame of the coil is severely rusted and pitted with evidence of loose rust fragments/particles. The pitted areas are large In cross section and ore approximately 50%

through wall. The tube baffles between the tube sheets are rusting and pitted at the bottom of the baffles where the fins abut the baffle. Dried red/brown Boric Acid residue Isevident In the some corners abutting the baffles. The color

of the bottom frame Isred/brown with rust evident on all of its exposed surface area. A light layer of Boric Acid Is evident in the fins and parallel to the tubes within. The fins parallel to the coil tubes appear to be slightly affected by the Boric Acid residue because the green tarnished film In this area has been removed, leaving a ton/brown hue to he Tins. It is not known If the fin discoloration Isattributed to corrosion or erosion due to the flow of BA particles through the coil. Next to the pitted area is evidence of white Boric Acid residue that is within the fins and on the bottom frame of the coil. The corrosion in the pitted areas Isloose and flaking. On the surface of the bottom frame is evidence of dried pools and splashes of white Boric Acid residue that is originating from within the framework of the CAC structure above the tube coil. (Photo 585-5P-CAC1-1 5.JPG. 585-5P-CACI-1 6.JPG. 585-5P-CAC1-1 7.JPG).

15) Small cracks are present In the fins (as indicated by the small points at the leading edge of the fins) parallel to the ubes In the horIzontal plane In the top and middle tube bundles. These cracks appear to be manufacturing caused by excessive yielding of the fin material when the tubes were expanded Into the fins. The cracks are not evident on all tube bundles. The fin material In the same area on other tube bundles revealed Indications of material stretching here the material has yielded to the tube expansion process. (Photo 585-5P-CACI-16.JPG).
16) The bottom frame of the top. middle and bottom coil Isseverely rusted and pitted. The pitted areas are large in cross section and approximately 50% through wall. Dried pools and splashes of white Boric Acid residue Ispresent on e surface area of the frame. Red/brown Boric Acid residue is present in all the corners of the tube sheets and baffles. The bottom corners of all the baffles on the north side of CACI are corroded due to pitting and may be through wall In some areas under the Boric Acid deposits. Boric Acid residue is present within the fins and caked up on the outside and within the coil where the fins abut the bottom of the coil frames. Dried streaks of white Boric Acid residue are present on the surface of the CAC structure and appear to be originating from with the structure at the op of the CAC. (Photo 585-5P-CAC1-1 6.JPG through Photo 585-5P-CAC1-21 .JPG).
17) Dried streaks of white and red/brown Boric Acid residue Ispresent on the surface of the CAC structure and appear to be originating from within the structure at the top of the CAC and then dripping down the faces of the coil framework. The surface of the bottom coil frame has evidence of dried pools and splashes of white Boric Acid residue.

Evidence of large plates of rust are present that are lifting off the bottom coil framework where the fins abut the bottom of the coil frame. The plates of rust are estimated to make up approximately 50% of the wall thickness of the bottom framework of the coil bundles. The comers of the baffles have a moderate amount of dried red/brown Boric cid residue that Issuspected to be masking through wagl pitting where the bottom of the baffles, abut the fins.

hoto 585-5P-CAC1-22JPG through 585-5P-CAC1-24JPG. 585-5P-CAC1-30JPG).

18) The exterior surface of the top, middle and bottom tube sheets In the southeast comer Iscovered with a layer of ust that Isloose and flaking In the form of small rust parlicles/flakes. The rust Is masked In some areas of the tube heets by a moderate layer of red/brown/white deposits of Boric Acid residue. (Photo 585-5P-CAC1-25.JPG through
8 5P-CAC 1-27 JPG).
19) Then drip trays beneath the tube bundles have a moderate amount of dried white Boric Acid residue that covers nearly 100% of the surface area and is approximately 1/8 Inch thick. Beneath the layer of residue Isevidence of rusting which is loose and fragmenting. Evidence of white and red/brown Boric Acid streaks are present on the CAC frame below the drip trays. The streaking appears to be originating from the drip trays and the tube sheets directly above this area. (Photo 585-5P-CACI-28.JPG, 585-5P-CAC1 -29.JPG).
20) Based on the above exterior Inspec ion of CAC #1 It Isbelieved there is a moderate amount of Boric Acid residue still present within the tube coils and the CAC structure that Isnot readily observable. (see above photos)

Based on engineering Judgement. Containment Air Cooler #1 isfunctional pending further evaluation of Its Seismic Integrity.

1 02-02297 hi 0 CA 05/28/02 l 07/12/02 lNo DBE Open No No 1 I 0I I 07/12/02 l /A 4 Yes N/A INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA 603-4E FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This condition report is generated based upon an Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

Inspection Area 603-4E is the Area Above Refueling Canal Between the D-Rings and contains conduit, cable tray.

electrical boxes and Instruments. The noted indications In this area were minor.

rhe following categories are used to describe the discoloration or rust observed: A - Surface stain: discoloration of surface only, no evidence of corrosion. B- Surface rust but NOT loose or flaky. C - Material corrosion that Isloose, flaky, litted or involves material wastage.

hotos Identified below are part of Data Package. Serial 603-4E for IP-M-029.

1)Rust was observed on the Inside of the motor housing on the South-East corner of the Main Fuel Handling Bridge.

(Photo 603-4E-04) Category B.

2) Ru-st observed on plate near pool on South-West corner. Category B (Photo 603-4E-02)
3) Boric acid crystals were observed for 4-5 Inches above the pool surface. on the Control Rod Handling Most on the Main Fuel Handling Bridge. apparently left from the pool evaporating down. (Photo 603-4E-03) 4)The CCW rine on the West Side of the pool has paint flaking off on lower side of pipe from condensation and potential boric acid accumulation. A support, approximately Y2 way along between corner and connection to eactor service structure had dark brown stain. (Photo 603-4E-01).

None required, the conditions observed were minor In nature.

1 102-02289'1 0 CA 05/28/02 l 07/12/02 l l No PE Open No INo I 11l 0 i 07/12/02 1 1E24-2 14 Yes 063-01 OTSG 2 CORROSION AGAINST SHELL HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on Area Inspection 565-1. Room 216 - East D-ring. Complete Interior, performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e shell of OTSG 2 has an area of accumulated corrosion just below MS884, STEAM GENERATOR 1-2 STEAM ANNULUS RAIN VALVE.

A digital photo was taken to document the inspection. 565-1 P-SP9A6D-1 .Jpg.

Note that MS884 Isslated to be replaced which will require the Insulation to be removed In that area. This will facilitate further Inspections of the corrosion against the OTSG.

Identified during the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-2.

Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate ctions are required.

1 l02-02330-. 0 CA l 05/30/02 l 07/14/02 lBE D Open No INo l 12 07/14/02 l E37-2 Yes 011-01 DEGARDATION OF CONTAINMENT AIR COOLER #2 DUE TO BORIC ACID CORROSION HDW 0575 0576 0575 his condition report Is being wrItten as a result of Inspection performed at Serial Number 585-5P-CAC2 In accordance th Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN400324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this ondition Report.

Inspection of the exterior surface area of Containment Air Cooler (CAC) #2 revealed the following observations.

Unless otherwise noted below, the corrosion described Isattributed to a combination of airborne Boric Acid residue and CAC coil sweating due to exposure In the humid Containment atmosphere.

1) On the South side of CAC #2 the lower framework of the top, middle and bottom colls are severely rusted/pitted Ith loose particles and small flakes of rust present on the frame. The entire surface area of the lower frame of each coil is covered with a minor to moderate layer of red/brown Boric Acid (BA) residue. Beneath the BA residue, the lower frame of each coll is clearly rusted and pitted with a red/brown coloration that Istypical for the presence of BA corrosion on Carbon Steel. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-1 .JPG through 585-5P-CAC2-4.JPG)
2) On the South side of CAC #2. the bottom corners of the tube sheets and tube baffles for the top, middle and bottom coils are rusted/pitted with loose/small flakes of rust scale evident. Boric Acid (BA) residue that Isred/brown and white In color Ispresent In these same corners. Through wall pitting Issuspected beneath some of the BA deposits.

(Photos 585-5P-CAC2-1 .JPG, 585-5P-CAC2-2.JPG) 3 On all four sides of CAC #2. dry streaks of Red/brown and white Boric Acid residue Isevident on all four sides of the CAC/coll framework. In some areas of the tube bundles, white Boric Acid residue appears to have been streaming out of the coils from the top and bottom of each coil. On the South side, white BA residue Isstill evident at the bottom of each tube bundle and on the surface of the coil fins. A light film of BA residue Ispresent on 100% of the external urface area of the CAC. The fins of the tube coils also have a green tarnish color that appears to hove worn away In some areas suggesting the BA residue may have a slight corrosive affect on the CAC tube bundle fins. (PhotoS 585-5P-CAC2-1 .JPG. 585-5P-CAC2-2.JPG, 585-5P-CAC2-5.JPG through 585-5P-CAC2-1 3.JPG)

4) On the South side of CAC #2 Dry Boric Acid residue Isevident coming out of the CAC structure where the upper coil tube sheet abuts the CAC structure In the southwest corner of the tube sheet. Rusting of the tube sheet is also evident In this some area with a characteristic red/brown discoloration typical for Boric Acid corrosion of Carbon Steel. (Photo 585-5P-CAC2-3.JPG)

I5) The fasteners on all four sides of CAC #3 are covered with surface rust that Istight to the fastener. (Photo 585-5P-

_GAC2 3.JPG)

6) On the West side of CAC #2. the bottom southwest corner of the tube sheet on the top, middle and bottom coils is severely rusted/pitted. Minor Boric Acid (BA) residue Isalso present that Isred/brown in color. It Issuspected that beneath the BA residue the tube sheets may be pitted through wall or possibly severed from Boric Acid corrosion in these areas. (PhotoS 585-5P-CAC2-5.JPG. 585-5P-CAC2-7.JPG) 7 On the West side of CAC #2. the tube baffle that is Immediately adjacent to the tube sheets In Item #6 above for all three coils Isseverely pitted through wall at the bottom of the baffle. The estimated through wall hole size at the bottom of the baffles Isapproximately 0.75 Inches by 1.5 inches. The fasteners used to secure the baffles to the coil framework are completely covered with red/brown Boric Acid residue that obscure the extent of fastener egradation. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-5.JPG. 5855P-CAC2-7.JPG)
8) On the West side of CAC #2. the lower framework of the top, middle and bottom coils are severely rusted/pitted ith loose particles and small flakes of rust present on the frame. Approximately 50% of the surface area of the lower rame of each coil Iscovered with a moderate amount of red/brown Boric Acid (BA) residue where the remaining IO%isstained/rusted with a red/brown discoloration that Is typical of the presence of Boric Acid Corrosion. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-5.JPG through 585-5P-CAC2-7.JPG)

On the West side of CAC #2. evidence of active rusting Isoccurring on the baffle edges for the middle and bottom ube coils. The source of the rusting appears to be due to dried streaks of Boric Acid residue that Isrunning down the face of the baffles from the upper coil. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-5.JPG, 585-5P-CAC2-7.JPG)

10) On the West side of CAC #2. the tube sheet of the middle coil Isbowed Inward by approximately 1.0 Inch. The owing of the tube sheet Isattributed to mishandling. As a result. the tube sheet Isapplying an upward load to the bottom of the tubes entering the tube sheet. (Photo 585-5P-CAC2-6.JPG)
11) The fasteners used to anchor the coal baffles to the upper and lower framework of the conls on all four sides of the GAC are covered In a layer of surface rust that Istight to the fastener. Some of the fasteners are completely covered with a layer of red/brown Boric Acid residue. (Photo 585-5P-CAC2-5.JPG)
12) On the North side of CAC #2, the bottom comner of the upper tube sheet on the northwest side Ispitted through wall and appears severed from the bottom of the coil frame as Indicated by a large crack approximately 2.5 Inches long. Dried red/brown streaks of Boric Acid residue Isevident coming from Inside the coil face and from Inside the GAC structure. Evidence of rusting Isalso present where the tube sheet abuts the CAC structure In this same area.

hoto 585-5P-CAC2-8.JPG)

13) On the North side of CAC #2. most of the baffles of the upper coil are pitted through wall or are severed In the bottom corners where the baffles abut the coil frame. These some areas are covered with a moderate deposit of Boric Acid residue that Isred/brown In color Intermixed with loose flakes/particles of rust. Some of the baffle corners re very rusty and may be near through wall due to pitting. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-9.JPG. 585-5P-CAC2-1 0.JPG)
14) On the North side of CAC #2. the lower framework of the middle and bottom coils Isseverely rusted and pitted with loose flakes of rust/particles located on the surfaces. The coil frames also have a minor accumulation of Boric Acid residue that Is gold/red/brown In color and Indicative of active Boric Acid corrosion of Carbon Steel. The iscoloratlon of the lower framework of the middle coil Isvery pronounced compared to the other coils suggesting heavy corrosive attack. White Boric Acid residue Isalso present In the bottom of the coils. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-9.JPG hrough 585-5P-CAC2-11 .JPG)
15) On the East side of CAC #2. the middle baffle of the upper coil has a through wall hole In the bottom of the baffle.

he hole Isapproximately 0.5 Inch In diameter and appears to be flanked by cracking on either side of the baffle. The baffle surface surrounding the hole Ispitted and degraded by surface rust. A minor accumulation of red/brown Boric Acid residue Is evident adjacent to the baffle on the coil framework. The Boric Acid residue appears to have come from Inside the coil and from overhead dripping. (Photo 585-5P-CAC2-12.JPG)

16) On the East side of CAC #2. most of the baffles for all three coils ore stained with a minor layer of red/brown Boric cid residue. Inspection of the areas revealed corrosion Isjust beginning to attack the galvanized coating of the baffles. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-12.JPG, 585-5P-CAC2-13.JPG)
17) On the East side of CAC #2. the lower frames of all three coils Iscorroded and pitted. Loose deposits of rust particles/flakes are present on all surfaces. (Photos 585-5P-CAC2-12JPG. 585-5P-CAC2-13JPG)
18) On fihe east side of CAC #2. the bottom corners of the tube sheets reveal evidence of surface rusting combined with minor deposits of Boric Acid residue. (Photo 585-5P-CAC2-1 3.JPG)
19) The exterior side of the coil tube sheets for all coils of CAC #2 are covered in a moderate layer of dry red/brown Boric Acid residue. Beneath the residue, the tube sheets are rusted with loose particles of rust evident. (Photo 585-5P-AC2-14.JPG)
20) There appears to be a moderate amount of Boric Acid still present Inside the CAC structure, coils tube sheets and coil drip pans that In some cases Isnot readily observable. All of these components reveal evidence of streaming white and red/brown Boric Acid residue that has dried In place. (Photo 585-5P-CAC2-1 .JPG through 585-5P-CAC2-13.JPG)

Based on engineering Judgement, Containment Air Cooler #2 Isfunctional pending further evaluation of Its Seismic Integity.

1 102-02318' 0 CA 05/29/02 07/13/02 PE Open NoNo Il I 0;.107/13/02 1 1-3 Yes 0-05 INSPECTION PLAN IP-M-029 AREA CAC3V INSPECTION FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 is condition report is generated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

e following observations were made as part of the Boric Acid Extent of Condition Area Inspection Plan. IP-M-029 riot # CAC3V.

e flexible connection collar for CAC#3 has rust on the band and on the bolts. Reference pictures CAC3V-P-01. 15 and 18.

No active leakage was Identified. J

~denti ed per Reactor Head Degradation Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation of effected area per the Extent of Condition plan will be needed. No Immediate actions required.

1 02.02327' --.0 CA 05/30/02 07114/02 PE Open No INo I I I l-.e 07/14/02 1 MU2A 4 Yes .

EXTENT OF CONDITION INSPECTION FOR AREA 565-3P FINDINGS HDW 0575 0576 0575 This Condition Report Isgenerated based on a detailed Inspection that was performed per NG-EN-00324. It has also been documented In Area Inspection 565-3. Room 214 CF Tank 1 Area, performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-29. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 will need to be considered In the further evaluation of this CR.

MU2A was found to have boric acid residue around the packing follower. There Isalso surface corrosion around the base of the carbon steel yoke. Some of the rust has migrated to the top of the bonnet and body. This includes the bonnet balting.

Digital photos were taken to document the Inspection. 565-3P-MU2A-1 .Jpg. 565-3P-MU2A-2.jpg. 565-3P-MU2A Insul-l.jpg.

Identified during a detailed inspection per NG-EN-00324 and further documented as part of the Reactor Head Degradation Extent of condition program. Inspection documented per IP-M-029. Additional evaluation of the affected areas per the Extent of Condition program plan will be needed. No Immediate actions are required.

1 02-02332 ' 0 NA l 05/30/02 07/29/02 l PE Open No No I I 11 .I 0>.07/29/02 M'41A 14 Yes 06005 l INSPECTION PLAN IP-M.029 AREA CACIV INSPECTION FINDINGS ERG 3450 0576 3450 This condition report Isgenerated based on Inspection performed under Inspection Plan IP-M-029. The requirements of NG-EN-00324 need to be considered In the evaluation of this CR.

section 6.4 of Inspection Plan IP-M-029 requires a condition report to be generated if an area is not accessible for nspection. The Containment Air Cooler ductwork between the turning vanes on the East and West ends as the iuctwork extends from the plenum Isnot accessible for Inspection.

dentified per the Reactor Head Extent of Condition program. Additional evaluation Isrequired per the extent of

-ondition plan will be required.