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March 19, 2002 Meeting Presentation Slides, Steam Generator Replacement Project - S104654
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/2002
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML020980319 (60)


Committed to Nuclear Excellence Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Steam Generator Replacement Project Unit 1

.N.CPresent.ton NRC Presentation March 19, 2002

NMC Committed to NuclearEclec SGR Project Presentation - Attendees March 19, 2002 Nuclear Management Company Ken Albrecht - Project Manager Scott Marty - Project Engineer, Installation Richard Pearson - Project Engineer, Design Terry Higgins - Project Engineer, Licensing Oley Nelson - Safety Analysis Gene Eckholt - Licensing Supervisor

"* Framatome ANP Alain Laux - Project Manager Jean Paul Billoue - Technical Manager

"* Framatome ANP Inc.

Mary Beth Baker - Project Manager, Licensing Scott Beckham - Lead, Accident Analysis

"* Steam Generating Team (SG;T, Ltd)

Larry Davis - Project Manager Mark Ceraldi - Lead Engineer, Licensing NRC Presentation 2 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellene SGR Project Meeting Agenda

"* Project Overview Ken Albrecht - Project Manager

"* Component Design Richard Pearson - Project Engineer, Design

"* Licensing Approach Oley Nelson - Safety Analysis

"* Installation Plan Scott Marty - Project Engineer, Installation

"* Future Meetings Ken Albrecht - Project Manager NRC Presentation 3 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence SG R Project Overview Ken Albrecht

  • Condition of Unit 1 SGs

"*Justification for Replacement

"*Project Participants

"*SGR Project Organization

"* Project Milestone Schedule NRC Presentation 4 March 19, 2002

NMCer-jj Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc PINGP Unit 1 SG Plugging History (thru January 2001) 450 I I I

400 350 Total Tubes/SG = 3388 300 250 200 sw/a_

150 100 mm- m m mmm m 0 Om m mW-50 1990 92 94 96 98 2001

-- -#12SG - - -m#11SG NRC Presentation 5 March 19, 2002

NMCle Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc PINGP Unit 1 SG Status (thru January 2001)

  1. 11 SG #12 SG Total Tubes Defective 817 1581 Sleeves Installed 0 1076

% Tubes Defective 24% 47%

% Equivalent Plugged 5.05% 12.26%

  • 28 sleeves = 1 plug 8.65% Average NRC Presentation 6 March 19, 2002

NMC Committed to Nuclear"Excellence Justification for Replacement Economic - No Safety Concerns:

  • Increasing repair costs
  • Potential need for planned mid-cycle inspections, forced outages
  • Increasing outage time
  • Reduction in plant output
  • Replacement energy costs NRC Presentation 7 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear" Project Participants RSG Engineering & Fabrication Framatome-ANP selected as RSG vendor

- Engineering & licensing support - Framatome-ANP

- Major forgings - Japan Steel Works

- Tubing - SANDVIK Steel Installation Contractor The Steam Generating Team (SGT, Ltd.)

Project Management Nuclear Management Company

- Project management & oversight personnel NRC Presentation 8 March 19, 2002

SGR Project Organization NMClrce Committed to NucleaIr xeI l

J -- T SGRP QoNQC OVERSIGHT NRC Presentation 9 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Project Milestone Schedule January '01 November '02 September '04 Refueling Outage Refueling Outage SGR Outage N-2 Walkdowns N-1 Walkdowns &

Polar Crrane Mod Fabrication Installation Contract Contract D'eml~ivery at August '00 February '01 KNovember 2001 Fat ication Begins PINGP M~ai,'Mlp I O March '02/N ajor Forgings Comple OJune '02 Tubing Complete I 1 2001 I

i 2002 2003

-H 2000 2004 NRC Presentation 10 March 19, 2002

NMCIii Committed to Nuclear Excellence Component Design Richard Pearson NRC Presentation 11 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence RSG Component o RSG Design Philosophy

  • Improved tubing material. Alloy 690 (TT) vs. 600 (MA)

° Maximum heat transfer surface area

° Up to 10% plugging at maximum fouling conditions & normal power levels

  • Design accommodates potential power uprate conditions NRC Presentation 12 March 19, 2002


Committed to Nuclear"Excellenc RSG Component RSG Design Philosophy

"* High efficiency steam moisture removal

"* Water level stability

"*Mitigation of thermal stratification effects

"* Elimination of water hammer risks

  • Mitigation of tube bundle vibration

"* Compatible with existing external interfaces - No major modifications

"* OSG operating experience reflected in design NRC Presentation 13 March 19, 2002

NMCle Committed to Nuclear "Excellence RSG Component o RSG Design Basis

- Safety Related and Non-Safety Related Design Bases Unchanged NRC Presentation 14 March 19, 2002

NMC e Committed to Nuclear Excelle[ce RSG Component

"* Two-Piece Design

"*ASME Section III Vessel

"*Use of Code Cases 2142 and 2143 for Nickel Alloy Welding of Partition Plate NRC Presentation 15 March 19, 2002

NMCerele Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc Framatome-ANP Experience 9 Supplied 272 Steam Generators Worldwide 0 75 RSGs

- 19 for Foreign Utilities

- 56 for EDF 0 Facility Capable of Producing 14 SGs per Year 0 Maintained N and NPT Stamp Certifications for > 20 Years NRC Presentation 16 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear EDFExperience Unit C.O. SG R1-R2 PWSCC IGA/SCC IGANSCC OD Wear - Loose TSP Def. Other Total name & Tube Roll Trans. @TSP level @ Sludge circ. Fatigue parts Frag TS-TSP cause plugged SGR Mat. Rugged  % Rug.d  % Plug.d  % Plug Cumulated number of plugged tubes Y- SG Dates cracked cracked cracked d Dam 1 79-90 69- 0- 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 5-0 0 0 0 - 0 0 5 Dam 1 80-95 6901T 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-0 1 0 0-0 2 3 Tri 1 80-98 690Tr 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-0 4 0 0-0 5 9 Tri 2 80-97 690T- 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 1 1 Tri 3 81-02 690TT- 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 00-0 -

Gra 1 79-94 690TT 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 4 4 Gra 2 80-96 690TT 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-10 04 0 0-0 2 6 Gra 4181-00 69oTrh 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 2 2 SLB 1 83-95 690TT 0-0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0-0-0 0 0 0-0 5 0 0-0 3 8 Pen 2 Nov-92 690TT 0-0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0 13-0 8 0 0-0 4 24 Gol 2 Mar-94 690Th 0-0 0-0-0-01 0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0 1-0 10 0 0-0 2 13 Cho 1 May-00 690TT 0-0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 12 12 Cho 2 Sep-00 690TT 0-0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0 0-0 1 0 0-0 2 3 Civ 1 2000 690TT 0-0 0-0-0-0o 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0 0-0 1 0 0-1 11 13 Civ2 2000 690Th 1 0-0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0-0-0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 6 6 Other causes: plugged tubes for reasons such as magnetic anomalies, rolling anomalies, etc..

NRC Presentation 17 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Framatome Model 56/19 RSG

° Thermal-hydraulics design provides optimum velocity profile, circulation and water level stability.

  • Stainless steel broached tube support plates for straight sections.

1 Five sets of AVBs support the U-bend region of tubing to reduce gaps.

  • Full tube-to-tubesheet expansion process.

° Improved wrapper support system.

NRC Presentation 18 March 19, 2002

Framatome Model 56/19 RSG Committed to Nuclear Excelle

  • Enhanced bolting design & graphite gaskets for leaktight access openings.

. Easy access to upper internals and top of tubesheet.

0 Clear tube lane & top of tubesheet for sludge management.

l Additional inspection handholes at key locations.

l Steam outlet flow restrictor integral to RSG elliptical head.

0 High-efficiency moisture separators utilized.

NRC Presentation 19 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence RSG Component Structural Design

- ASME Section III

- Normal/Upset/Faulted Conditions

- Load Combinations

  • Normal
  • Normal & Pipe Rupture
  • Normal & DBE & Pipe Rupture NRC Presentation 20 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence RCS Structural Model RCS Structural Evaluation

"*OEM (Westinghouse) - Analysis of Record

"*Framatome-ANP, Inc. providing new RCS analysis with RSG

"*Deadweight, thermal expansion & seismic loading

"*Develop loads on components & structures due to pipe breaks

"*Leak-Before-Break (LBB) will be maintained with RSG NRC Presentation 21 March 19, 2002

RSG/OSG Comparison Committed to Nuclear Excellene RSG OSG Thermal Output (MWt) 825 825 Thot/Tcold/Tave (nominal)

(deg F) 590/530/560 590/530/560 Number of Tubes 4868 3388 Tubing OD/ID (in.) 0.75/0.6642 0.875/0.775 Heat Transfer Area (sq. ft.) 61,281 51,500 Performance Coefficient UA (106 Btu/hr-F) 81.93 67.52 RCS Flow (best estimate) (106 lbm/hr) 38.51 38.39 RCS Pressure (psia) 2250 2250 Steam Flow (106 Ibm/hr) 3.57 3.54 Full Load Steam Outlet Pressure (design normal operating) (psia) 806.8 750 Maximum Moisture Carryover

(%) 0.1 0.25 Operating Weight (lbf) 802,055 801,073 Primary Side Volume (cu ft) 1127 1089 Secondary Side Liquid Mass (Ibm)

Hot Zero Power 159,100 157,123 100% Power 107,100 107,420 NRC Presentation 22 March 19, 2002

NMC-Committed to Nuclear Excellence SG Program Elements Related to RSG Design

- Assessment of potential degradation mechanisms

- Inspection

- Integrity assessment

- Maintenance and repairs

- Maintenance of secondary-side integrity

- Secondary-side water chemistry

- Foreign material exclusion NRC Presentation 23 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Audit/Surveillance Activities NMC Supplier QA Program

"* Plans & controls audit activities of SGR Project Suppliers

"* Monitors compliance with Supplier Quality Programs

- Procurement & Fabrication activities and schedule

"* Performed Framatome-ANP surveillance Participated in Framatome-ANP audits of sub-vendors

- JSW, Sandvik, FOMAS

"* Participated in NUPIC audit of Framatome-ANP Inc.

"* Performed audit of SGT PINGP Site QA Audit Group

° Annual Project Team Audit NRC Presentation 24 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellene Fabrication Oversight

  • Sandvik - Purchasers Authorized Representative (PAR) on site at Sandvik Steel

"* Japan Steel Works - visits by Project Team

"° Fomas - visits by Project Team

" ANI NRC Presentation 25 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Fabrication Status Framatome ANP Chalon-Saint Marcel

"*Expected to receive all major component forgings by end of March, 2002

"° Currently the first tubesheet is being drilled SANDVIK

  • Pre-production qualification tubing run complete
  • Production tubing run started NRC Presentation 26 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence "

Licensing Approach Oley Nelson NRC Presentation 27 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear"Excellence 10CFR50.59 Scope NRC Presentation 28 March 19, 2002

NMC Committed to Nuclear Excellence" USAR Accidents & Other Analyses

  • Licensing Basis
  • Evaluation Process
  • Potential NRC Reviews NRC Presentation 29 March 19, 2002

NMCla Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc USAR Chapter 14 Licensing Basis

"*PINGP Licensed in 1974

"*Not SRP plant

"*Approved to conduct safety analysis 1983 NRC Presentation 30 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear"Excellenc Holder of Analysis of Record


- All Chapter 14 Analyses except,

"° Westinghouse


- Long Term Core Cooling NRC Presentation 31 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Safety Evaluation Process

"* Identify key SG parameters

"* Compare the OSG and RSG parameters

"* Assess RSG impact

- USAR remains bounding, or

- Analyze using NRC-approved methodology NRC Presentation 32 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellene Key Design Parameter Comparison

"* Small increase in secondary operating pressure

"* Small increase in RCS volume

"* Smaller SG tube ID

  • Higher tube bundle heat transfer rate NRC Presentation 33 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellene Accident Evaluations Impact on Fuel Criteria

"* Reactivity coefficients are not affected

"* Power distributions are not affected

"* Rod Worth is not affected

"* Min RCS Flow will not change

"* USAR Transients Bound RSG - except MSLB NRC Presentation 34 March 19, 2002

NMClea Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc Accident Evaluations Impact on Primary Pressure

"* Cooldown events

- Not an issue

"* Heatup events

- UA f benefit

- USAR Transients bound RSG NRC Presentation 35 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellene Accident Evaluations Impact on Secondary Pressure

° Cooldown events

- Not an issue

  • Heatup events

- UA 1t adverse impact

- Reanalyze limiting events NRC Presentation 36 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excell/ene Accident Evaluations Impact on Containment Analysis MSLB

- UA f adverse impact

- Secondary mass approximately same

- Reanalyze event

- Volume T adverse impact

- Reanalyze event NRC Presentation 37 March 19, 2002

NMC Committed to Nuclear Excellene Accident Evaluations Impact on Dose

"* Number of failed pins not affected

"* TS activity limits not affected

"* Smaller Tube ID beneficial for SGTR NRC Presentation 38 March 19, 2002

RMCCdt Committed to Nuclear Excellene RCCA Withdrawal at Power Secondary System Pressure 0 UA ft transfers more energy 0 Expect SG Safeties to limit pressure NRC Presentation 39 March 19, 2002

NMC' Committed to Nuclear Excellene Loss of External Electric Load Secondary System Pressure

"*UA f transfers more energy

"*Expect SG Safeties to limit pressure NRC Presentation 40 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence MSLB - Core Response

"* UA ft -larger cooldown

"* Modeling tube uncover - benefit

"*May not need to perform sub-channel analysis NRC Presentation 41 March 19, 2002

NMC-Committed to Nuclear Excellence MSLB - Containment Response

  • UA f transfers energy at a higher rate NRC Presentation 42 March 19, 2002

NMC l Committed to Nuclear Excelle[e LOCA - Containment Response

  • Small increase in RCS Volume NRC Presentation 43 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellene Codes Used for Reanalysis

"* LOCA & Non-LOCA Transient Analysis:


"* LOCA and SLB Containment Response

- CONTEMPT NRC Presentation 44 March 19, 2002


Committed to Nuclear Excellence Potential NRC Reviews Submit at least 1 year prior to SGR Outage:

0 Revised SG surveillance requirements for Unit 1 0 Revised TS analysis methodology list for Unit 1

  • ASME Code Case relief NRC Presentation 45 March 19, 2002

USAR Chapter 14 Committed to Nuclear Excellene Core and Coolant Boundary Protection Accident USAR Effect of RSG Disposition RCCA Withdrawal 14.4.1 Doppler & rod worth unaffected E Subcritical UA f] - beneficial (if any impact) for DNBR RCCA Withdrawal- At Power 14.4.2 Doppler & rod worth unaffected E (DNB, primary pressure) UA f - beneficial (if any impact) for DNBR UA beneficial for primary pressure RCCA Withdrawal- At Power 14.4.2 UA f - analyze secondary pressure A (secondary pressure)

RCCA Misalignment - Static 14.4.3 Static power distribution unaffected E

& Dropped Doppler & rod worth unaffected UA f - beneficial (if any impact) for DNBR Chemical Volume & Control 14.4.3 RCS volume T - beneficial E Malfunction Startup of Inactive RC Loop 14.4.5 Bounded by other transients E FW System Malfunction 14.4.6 FW conditions unaffected E Heat Removal Secondary pressure T - beneficial NRC Presentation 46 March 19, 2002

NMC e Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc USAR Chapter 14 Core and Coolant Boundary Protection Accident USAR Effect of RSG Disposition Excessive Load Increase 14.4.7 Steam load increase unaffected Loss of RC Flow 14.4.8 RC AP I - beneficial Coastdown Loss of RC Flow - Locked 14.4.8 UA ft - beneficial for primary pressure Rotor Secondary pressure bounded by other transients Power distribution unaffected Loss of External Electrical 14.4.9 UA ft - beneficial for primary pressure Load UA f - beneficial (If any impact) for DNBR (DNB, primary pressure)

Loss of External Electrical 14.4.9 UA ft - analyze secondary pressure Load (secondary pressure)

Loss of Normal Feedwater 14.4.10 liquid mass T at low level trip - beneficial Loss of Offsite Power 14.4.11 Considered as part of LNFW, 14.4.10 NRC Presentation 47 March 19, 2002

NMC-USAR Chapter 14 Committed to Nuclear Excefllene Standby Safety Features Analysis Accident USAR Effect of RSG Disposition Fuel Handling 14.5.1 Unaffected by RSG E Accidental Release - Liquid 14.5.2 Not analyzed in USAR N/A Accidental Release - Gas 14.5.3 Unaffected by RSG E Steam Generator Tube 14.5.4 Tube ID I beneficial for dose E Rupture SG available volume I vs. Tube ID benefit for overfill Steam Pipe Rupture (SLB) 14.5.5 UA f - analyze for core response A SLB Containment Response 14.5.5 UA 1t - analyze A SLB Dose 14.5.5 Different steam release to RHR cut-in E RCCA Ejection 14.5.6 UA 1t - beneficial for primary pressure E Doppler & Rod worth unaffected NRC Presentation 48 March 19, 2002

Nuc Committed to Nuclear "Excellec USAR Chapter 14 Reactor Coolant Pipe Rupture Analysis Accident USAR Effect of RSG Disposition Large Break LOCA - PCT 14.6 Tube flow resistance , - beneficial E Tube plugging limit I - beneficial Large Break LOCA Primary inventory delta < 1.5% A Containment App. K Natural circulation T beneficial Small Break LOCA - PCT 14.7 E UA 1t beneficial for ECCS flows Anticipated Transient 14.8 Beneficial and/or no effect E Without Scram NRC Presentation 49 March 19, 2002

NMCeEln Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc Installation Plan Scott Marty NRC Presentation 50 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Installation Contractor The Steam Generating "eam SGT, Ltd.

Washington Group International, Inc./

Duke Engineering & Services, Inc.

Company Completed or In Progress Future

"* Point Beach Units 1 & 2 "* Calvert Cliffs Unit 2

"* DC Cook Unit 2 "*OconeeUnits 1, 2 & 3

"* St. Lucie Unit 1 "*Callaway

"* Indian Point 2

  • Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 NRC Presentation 51 March 19, 2002

NMCla xe Committed to Nuclear"xcellence Arrival at PINGP - May 2004 RSGs arrive by barge in May 2004.

Average date for first tow over last 30 years is March 1 9th. Latest date was May 11, 2001 due to spring floods

° Off load using a rubber tired, multi axle, self propelled modular transporter OSG Arrival circa 1968 NRC Presentation 52 March 19, 2002

NuMCea Ij Committed to Nuclear "Excellenc Steam Generator Removal/Replacement

" Two piece replacement through the existing equipment hatch with new lower assembly and new steam dome

"* One cut per RCS nozzle with narrow groove automatic welding of RCS

"* Removal /IReplacement methods similar to OSG Installation

- Two piece construction with field weld at the transition cone upper girth joint

- SG upper & lower assembly transported through the equipment hatch and up-ended Unit 1 Equipment Hatch - SG assembly load handling with Shield Blocks existing 230t capacity polar crane.

Engineered Lifts will be utilized with maximum expected load < 250t NRC Presentation 53 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Steam Generator Removal/Replacement

" Minimal piping changes: Blowdown piping re-route due to RSG nozzle 2

relocation for thermal hydraulic j considerations II

"*Additional wide range water level taps V.

I I.l.

9 IPJ1Il " Girth weld joint optimized for OD i4i welding. Automatic weld process is being considered K "* No concrete removal is anticipated NRC Presentation 54 March 19, 2002

NMC Committed to Nuclear Excellence 2001 Unit 1 [N-2] Outage

"*PolarCrane Inspections

"*Photogrammetry Measurements As-built dimensions of primary and secondary nozzles and support pads to verify RSG Design

- Rigging constraints: Polar Crane, Equipment Hatch and Vault Walls

"*Laserscanning of equipment chase for input to rigging studies

"*Walkdownsto obtain input information for design and construction and formulate conceptual plans

  • Primary

" weld joint UT measurements NRC Presentation 55 March 19, 2002

Committed to Nuclear"Excelle 2002 Unit 1 [N-I] Outage

"*Polar Crane

- Modifications per Whiting Corporation to restore crane to 230t capacity

- Re-rope crane per Whiting Inspection Services recommendation

"*Additional Laser scanning of equipment chase with equipment hatch open for input to rigging studies

"*Walkdowns to verify conceptual installation plans and design change packages NRC Presentation 56 March 19, 2002

NMC Committed to Nuclear Excellence Radiation Protection - ALARA

"* OSG Lower Assembly

- Water level will be controlled to provide shielding during removal

- Shield plates will be installed over all openings

"* Shielding

- RCS pipe ends. Pipe end decon is being evaluated

- RTD bypass manifold

- Other locations

"* Mock-up Training

- Channel head entry / work

- RCS pipe work NRC Presentation 57 March 19, 2002

NMC Committed to Nuclear Excellence J Post Installation Testing

" RCS and SG support thermal monitoring program to verify RCS thermal expansion

" RSG Secondary side post installation testing in accordance with ASME Section III to support vessel ASME "N"stamping

"*RCS Primary side post installation testing in accordance with ASME Section XI

"*Secondary side piping and nozzle welds post installation testing in accordance with ASME Section Xl NRC Presentation 58 March 19, 2002

NMC' Committed to Nuclear Excellence Current Status

"* Preliminary Rigging Studies: Inside and Outside Containment. 3-D modeling of equipment chase

"* Meetings with RSG Fabricator to resolve interface issues related to RSG design and installation

"* Installation Contractor is developing project specific procedures

"* Collecting and Evaluating Industry SGR Lessons Learned

- Participated in Kewaunee SGRO Ongoing visits to Calvert Cliffs

- SGT database of Lessons Learned Interface with Plant Outage Planning NRC Presentation 59 March 19, 2002

NMCla Committed to Nuclear Excllenc Suggested Future Meetings Ken Albrecht - Project Manager

"* Fall2002 Fabrication

"* Spring 2003 Licensing & Fabrication Update

"* Spring 2004 Pre-installation 9 Others if needed NRC Presentation 60 March 19, 2002