L-02-010, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Submittal of License Application Amendment 1 (TAC L23399)

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Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Submittal of License Application Amendment 1 (TAC L23399)
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/15/2002
From: Womack L
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
+sispmjr200505, -RFPFR, DIL-02-010, TAC L23399
Download: ML022950211 (12)


W Pacific Gas and Electric Company Lawrence F.Womack Diablo Canyon Power Plant Vice President P0 Box 56 Nuclear Services Avila Beach, CA 93424 8055454600 October 15, 2002 Fax 805 545 4234 PG&E Letter DIL-02-01O U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket No. 72-26 Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Submittal of License Application Amendment I (TAC No. L23399)

Dear Commissioners and Staff:

This letter submits Amendment 1 to the Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) License Application. The ISFSI license application was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) on December 21, 2001, in PG&E Letter DIL-01-002. The application included a Safety Analysis Report (SAR), Environmental Report (ER),

and other required documents in accordance with 10 CFR 72.

By letter dated August 29, 2002, the NRC staff requested additional information needed to continue their review of the Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Application.

PG&E responded to this request for additional information (RAI) in PG&E Letter DIL-02-009, dated October 15, 2002. Some of the RAI responses required changes to the ISFSI SAR and ER.

On November 12, 1997, the NRC granted PG&E an exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 70.24 concerning criticality monitors. PG&E requested an exemption from the 10 CFR 72.124(c) criticality monitoring requirements by requesting an extension of the NRC's November 12, 1997, exemption for the FHB/AB to envelop the activities associated with the Diablo Canyon ISFSI SAR, in its letter DCL-02-044, "License Amendment Request 02-03, Spent Fuel Cask Handling," dated April 15, 2002. DCL-02-044 is PG&E's 10 CFR 50 LAR in support of ISFSI licensing, and included the exemption extension request.

In PG&E letter DCL-02-117, "Change in Licensing Basis Compliance from 10 CFR 70.24 to 10 CFR 50.68(b)," dated October 2, 2002, PG&E informed the NRC that PG&E will revise the DCPP licensing basis to reflect compliance with 10 CFR 50.68(b) in lieu of 10 CFR 70.24 and that the exemption request in DCL-02-044 will be revised to request a similar exemption from 10 CFR 50.68(b) in lieu of 10 CFR 70.24. Z\

A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance \

Catlawav 9 Comanche Peak

  • Diablo Canyon e Palo Verde
  • Woaf Creek

Document Control Desk PG&E Letter DIL-02-01 0 October 15, 2002 Page 2 These changes are enclosed as Amendment I to the license application documents.

Ifyou have any questions regarding this amendment, please contact Mr. Terence Grebel at (805) 545-4160.

Sincerely, Lawrence F. Womack Vice President- Nuclear Services gwh Enclosure cc: Diablo Distribution Brian Gutherman cclenc: Diane Curran, Esq.

James R. Hall David A. Repka, Esq.

Robert K. Temple, Esq.

Robert R. Wellington, Esq.

Jacquelyn C. Wheeler A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) ALliance Callawav e Comanche Peak

  • Diablo Canvon
  • Palo Verde e South Texas Proiect e Wolf Creek


) Docket No. 72-26 In the Matter of )



Diablo Canyon )

Independent Spent Fuel Storage )

Installation )

AFFIDAVIT Lawrence F. Womack, of lawful age, first being duly sworn upon oath says that he is Vice President, Nuclear Services of Pacific Gas and Electric Company; that he is familiar with the content thereof; that he has executed Amendment 1 to the Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Application on behalf of said company with full power and authority to do so; and that the facts stated therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief.

Lawrence F. Womack Vice President, Nuclear Services Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of October 2002.

'Notary Public State of California County of San Luis Obispo SNDRA L.RECTO Commnssion # 13393801 z Notary Public- Calffomrin 7 Le San Luis Obispo County om My mnExpre an1,20

NOTICE OF CONTROLLED DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL Date: October 15, 2002 To: Document Control Desk From: Nuclear Quality, Analysis, and Licensing


Transmittal of Amendment 1 to the Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Application (License Application, Safety Analysis Report, and Environmental Report)

Please insert the enclosed replacement sections, tables, and figures in Copy No. 1 of the Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Application currently in your possession.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of the Amendment 1 package and compliance with the document revision instructions by signing and returning the controlled document transmittal notice to:

Gregory W. Heggli Diablo Canyon Power Plant Mail Stop 104/5/16C N P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 I have received the Amendment I package and have complied with the Amendment Instructions for the Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Application.

Signature of Document Holder Date

DIABLO CANYON ISFSI LICENSE APPLICATION AMENDMENT 1 AMENDMENT INSTRUCTIONS These amendment instructions provide a guide for incorporation of amended pages into the Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Application (License Application, Safety Analysis Report, and Environmental Report). The enclosed pages are intended as replacement sheets for materials that currently exist in your controlled copy, and include pages in various sections of text, tables, and figures. The replacement sheets have been designated as "Amendment 1 October 2002" at the bottom right comer of each page.

The replacement pages include primarily information that has been revised substantively in developing Amendment 1. The vertical revision bars on the sides of these pages (with the exception of figures, which show no revision bars) reflect the location of the Amendment 1 changes.

To facilitate the replacement of the affected pages, entire sections are provided as replacement pages even though only a few of the pages may have been altered. It should be noted that some contents have increased in length while others have shortened. Therefore, there may not be an exact correspondence between the replacement pages and the current pages.

The following pages provide detailed instructions for replacement of affected pages, including text, tables, figures, and appendices.

The amendment instructions and removed sheets may be discarded once all replacements have been completed.

Diablo Canyon ISFSI License Application Filing Instructions Remove Current Sheets Insert New Sheets List of Current Pages (4 pages) List of Current Pages (5 pages)

Contents (1 page) Contents (1 page)

Attachment B Emergency Plan Section 7 (65 pages) Section 7 (65 pages)

Attachment C Technical Specifications TS Comparision Table (16 pages) TS Comparison Table (18 pages)

Entire Technical Specifications (29 pages) Entire Technical Specifications (47 pages)

TS Bases Technical Specification Bases (21 pages) TS Bases (31 pages)

DIABLO CANYON ISFSI LICENSE APPLICATION CONTENTS License Application License Application Tables License Application Figures Attachment A - PG&E YEAR IN REVIEW & FINANCIAL STATISTICAL REPORT PG&E Corporation - 2000 Annual Report Attachment B - EMERGENCY PLAN Attachment C - PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Comparison Between Holtec Technical Specifications and Diablo Canyon ISFSI Technical Specifications Proposed Technical Specifications for Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

Technical Specification Bases for Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

Attachment D - TRAINING PROGRAM Attachment E - QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM Quality Assurance Program Table Quality Assurance Program Figures Attachment F - PRELIMINARY DECOMMISSIONING PLAN Amendment 1 October 2002

DIABLO CANYON ISFSI LICENSE APPLICATION LIST OF CURRENT PAGES Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment CONTENTS 12 53 13 54 I 14 55 15 56 License Application 16 57 17 58 1 18 59 2 19 60 3 20 61 4 21 62 5 22 63 6 23 64 7 24 65 8 25 66 9 26 67 10 27 68 11 28 69 12 29 70 30 71 Attachment A 31 72 PG&E Year In Review 32 73

& Financial Statistical 33 74 Report 34 75 35 76 PG&E Corporation 36 77 2000 Annual Report 37 78 Cover Page 38 79 39 80 Corporate Overview 40 81 41 82 1 42 83 2 43 84 3 44 85 4 45 86 5 46 87 6 47 88 7 48 89 8 49 90 9 50 91 10 51 92 11 52 93 I Amendment 1 October 2002

DIABLO CANYON ISFSI LICENSE APPLICATION LIST OF CURRENT PAGES Pa2e No. Amendment Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment 94 13 32 95 14 Section 6 96 15 1 97 16 2 98 17 3 99 18 4 19 5 Attachment B 20 6 Emergency Plan 21 7 Section 5 8 Cover Page 1 9 Change Synopsis 2 10 Table of Contents 11 1 4 12 Section 1 5 13 1 6 14 7 15 3 8 16 4 9 17 5 10 18 6 11 19 7 12 20 13 8 21 Section 2 14 22 1 15 23 2 16 24 Section 3 17 25 1 18 26 Section 4 19 27 1 20 28 2 21 29 30 4 23 31 5 24 32 6 25 Section 7 7 26 1 1 8 27 2 1 9 28 1 10 29 4 1 11 30 5 1 12 31 6 1 2 Amendment 1 October 2002

DIABLO CANYON ISFSI "LICENSEAPPLICATION LIST OF CURRENT PAGES Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment 7 1 48 1 8 49 1 9 50 1 Attachment C 1 10 1 51 Proposed Technical 1'

11 1 52 Specifications 12 1 53 1 13 1 54 1 TS Comparison 14 1 55 1 Matrix 15 56 1 1 of18 1 16 57 1 2 of 18 1 17 58 1 3 of 18 1 18 59 1 4 of 18 1 19 60 1 5 of 18 20 61 1 6 of 18 21 62 1 7 of 18 1 22 63 1 8 of 18 -1 23 64 1 9 of 18 1 24 65 1 10 of 18 1 25 Section 8 11 of18 1 26 1 12 of 18 1 27 2 13 of 18 1 28 3 14 of 18 1 29 4 15 of 18 1 30 5 16 of 18 1 31 6 17 of 18 1 32 7 18 of 18 1 33 8 Technical Specifications 34 9 Table of Contents 1 35 Section 9 1.1-1 41 36 1 1.1-2 1 37 2 1.1-3 1 38 Section 10 1.1-4 1 39 I 1.2-1 1 40 Appendix A I 1.2-2 1 41 1 1.3-1 1 42 2 1.3-2 1 43 3 1.3-3 1 44 Appendix B 1.3-4 1 45 I 1.4-1 46 Appendix C 1.4-2 1 47 I 1.4-3 1

3 Amendment 1 October 2002

DIABLO CANYON ISFSI LICENSE APPLICATION LIST OF CURRENT PAGES Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment 2.0-1 B3.1 -1 17.1-3 2.0-2 B3.1-2 17.1-4 2.0-3 B3.1-3 17.1-5 2.0-4 B3.1-4 17.1-6 2.0-5 B3.1-5 17.1-7 2.0-6 B3.1-6 17.1-8 2.0-7 B3.1-7 17.2-1 2.0-8 B3.1-8 17.2-2 2.0-9 B3.1-9 17.2-3 2.0-10 B3.1-10 17.2-4 2.0-11 B3.1-11 17.2-5 2.0-12 B3.1-12 17.2-6 2.0-13 B3.1-13 17.2-7 2.0-14 B3.1-14 17.2-8 2.0-15 B3.1-15 17.3-1 2.0-16 B3.1-16 17.3-2 3.0-1 B3.1-17 17.3-3 3.0-2 B3.2-1 17.4-1 3.1-1 B3.2-2 17.5-1 3.1-2 B3.2-3 17.5-2 3.1-3 B3.2-4 17.5-3 3.1-4 B3.2-5 17.6-1 3.1-5 17.7-1 3.2-1 Attachment D 17.7-2 3.2-2 Training Program 17.8-1 4.0-1 17.9-1 4.0-2 1 17.10-1 4.0-3 2 17.10-2 4.0-4 17.11-1 5.0-1 Attachment E 17.12-1 5.0-2 Qualitv Assurance 17.13-1 5.0-3 Program 17.14-1 TS Bases 17.15-1 Table of Contents Cover Page 17.16-1 B3.0-1 Change Synopses 17.17-1 B3.0-2 i 17.17-2 B3.0-3 111 17.17-3 B3.0-4 17.17-4 133.0-5 iv 17.17-5 133.0-6 17.1-1 17.18-1 B3.0-7 17.1-2 17.18-2 4 Amendment 1 October 2002

DIABLO CANYON ISFSI LICENSE APPLICATION LIST OF CURRENT PAGES Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment Page No. Amendment 17.18-3 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 1 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 2 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 3 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 4 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 5 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 6 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 7 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 8 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 9 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 10 Table 17.1-1, Sheet 11 Figure 17.1-1 Figure 17.1-2 Attachment F Proposed Decommissioning Plan i

1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 6-2 7-1 5 Amendment 1 October 2002