L-2011-512, Diablo Canyon, Submittal of 2010 Annual Discharge Monitoring Report
ML110740022 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon ![]() |
Issue date: | 02/28/2011 |
From: | Welsch J M Pacific Gas & Electric Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of CA, Regional Water Quality Control Bd |
References | |
DCL-2011-512 | |
Download: ML110740022 (38) | |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyon Power Plant P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 805/545-6000 PG&E Letter DCL-2011-512 February 28, 2011 Electronic Submission CIWQS Web Application California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region Attn: Monitoring and Reporting Review Section 895 Aerovista, Suite #101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7906
Dear Mr. Briggs:
In accordance with Order 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751, the 2010 Annual Report on Discharge Monitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant is provided.
This letter and accompanying annual data summary tables and plots are attached to the CIWQS application submittal.
Facility Name: Address: Contact Person: Job Title: Phone Number: Diablo Canyon Power Plant P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Bryan K. Cunningham Supervisor, Environmental Operations (805) 545-4439 Order No. 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751 WDR/NPDES Order Number: Type of Report: (check one)Quarter: (check one): QUARTERLY 0 ANNUAL.1 1 St 0 2 nd 01 3 rd 0 4 th 0 Year: 2010 (Annual Reports for DCPP are Jan-Dec)Violation(s) (Place an X by the appropriate choice): 0 No (there are no violations to report)[9 Yes COPY PG&E Letter DCL-2011-512 Mr. Briggs February 28, 2011 Page 2 If Yes is marked (complete a-g): a) Parameter(s) in Violation:
b) Section(s) of WDR/NPDES Violated: c) Reported Value(s)Grease and Oil (G&O) Daily Maximum Limit Exceedance of 50.0% April, 29 2010.NPDES No. CA0003751 Order 90-09 Section B. Effluent Limitations, Subsection 2.Discharge 001 D Constituents
-Grease and Oil -Units mg/I -Daily Maximum 20.G&O Daily Maximum for April 29, 2010 Discharge 001D = 30 mg/I.d) WDR/NPDES Limit/Condition:
e) Dates of Violation(s)(reference page of report/data sheet): f) Explanation of Cause(s): (attach additional information as needed)g) Corrective Action(s): (attach additional information as needed)G&O Daily Maximum Limit Order 90-09 Discharge 001D = 20 mg/l.April 29, 2010.Note: Daily maximum values for 001D G&O are not reflected in Annual Report Tables or Charts.(If "YES", see overview section of attached report)Reference Annual Report Overview Section, Subsection
- 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions, Item c.(If "YES", see overview section of attached report)Reference Annual Report Overview Section, Subsection
- 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions, Item c.
PG&E Letter DCL-2011-512 Mr. Briggs February 28, 2011 Page 3 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.
The results of the influent and effluent monitoring presented are the observed results of the measurements and analyses required by the monitoring program, and is neither an assertion of the adequacy of any instrument reading or analytical result, nor an endorsement of the appropriateness of any analytical or measurement procedure.
I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
If you have any questions or concerns, or require additional information, please contact Bryan Cunningham at (805) 545-4439.Sincerely, Name: James M. Welsch Title: Station Director -Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2011512/jlklbkc PG&E Letter DCL-2011-512 Mr. Briggs February 28, 2011 Page 4 cc: PDF Formatted Copy of CIWQS Application Submittal:
Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4125 Hardcopy Print-Out of CIWQS Application Submittal:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Michael S. Peck Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear.Regulatory Commission Diablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5 CIWQS Web Application Submittal Print Out and Attached Supporting Documents eSMR PDF Report Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES) report for 2010 Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2010 submitted by Brad Hinds(Chemistry and Environmental Operation Manager) on 02/28/2011.
Facility Name: PG&E DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Order Number: R3-1990-0009 Waterboard Office: Region 3 -Central Coast Case Worker: Peter von Langen, John Biegel Report Effective Dates: 01/01/2010
-12/31/2010 No Discharge Periods Diablo M-001 Diablo M-001D Diablo M-OID Diablo M-OOF Diablo M-OOlG Diablo M-001H Diablo M-001I 01/01/2010
-12/31/2010 Diablo M-00IJ Diablo M-001K 01/01/2010-12/31/2010 Diablo M-00IL Diablo M-OOM Diablo M-OON Diablo M-001P Diablo M-002 Diablo M-003 Diablo M-004 Diablo M-005 Diablo M-008 Diablo M-009 Diablo M-013 Diablo M-015 Diablo M-016 01/01/2010
-12/31/2010 Diablo M-017 01/01/2010-12/31/2010 Diablo M-INF Self-Determined Violations X Udaiidn~ Type -CortActiV01f6!o 1 ccurrenjce Date111-i Category I Pollutant (Effluent Violation for Group 1 Pollutant)
Oil and Grease Daily Maximum limit is 20.0 mg/L Reference Annual Report 04/29/2010 and reported value was 30.0 mg/L. Overview Section, Subsection
- 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions, Item c. (Attachment 1).Procedural data sheets and associated review processes implemented prior to authorizing a tank wastewater release have been enhanced to prevent a discharge through pathway OO1D if constituent parameters are not in specification with NPDES permit limitations.
Attachments Attachment I -2010U Annual Report Overview Section.pdf 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge 02/28/2011 IMonitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant Attachment 2- 2010 Annual Rpt Appendix-I NPDES Discharge DCPP NPDES Discharge Points Table 02/28/2011 Points.pdf Attachment 3 -2010 Annual Rpt Appendix-2 Tabular Summaries Tabular Summaries of Influent and Effluent 02/28/2011 of Monitoring.pdf Monitoring Attachment 4 -2010 Annual Rpt Appendix-3 Graphical Graphical Summaries of Influent and Effluent 02/28/2011 Summaries of Monitoring.pdf Monitoring Attachment 5 -2010 Annual Rpt Appendix-4 Summary of Summary of Receiving Water Monitoring 02/28/2011 RWMP Monitoring.pdf Program (RWMP) Activities Cover Letter (Uploaded File)PGE DCL2011512 2010 Annual 2011-02-28 10:03:58.0 1205299 bytes Discharge Monitoring Report.pdi-Data Summary Analytical Results No Analytical Data Measurements Available
/ Reported Calculated Values No Calculated Data Measurements Available
/ Reported Certificate All analyses were conducted at a laboratory certified by the State Water Resources Control Board or approved by the executive officer and in accordance with current EPA guideline procedures or as specified in the monitoring program. I certify under penalty of law that all data submitted, including attachments, were prepared under my direction in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.
I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of a fine or imprisonment, for knowing violations.
I certify that I am Brad Hinds and am authorized to submit this report on behalf of PG&E DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT. I understand that I am submitting a Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2010 and I understand that data submitted in this report can be used by authorized agencies for water quality management related analyses and enforcement actions, if required.
Entry of my name and title below indicate my certification of this report and my understanding of the above conditions.
Name: Brad Hinds Title: Chemistry and Environmental Operation Manager ANNUAL
REPORT ON DISCHARGE MONITORING AT THE DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT (NPDES NO. CA0003751) 2010 PG&E Letter No. DCL-2011-512 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OVERVIEW 1
OF MONITORING PROGRAM 1 A. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent 1 1. Monitoring Data 1 2. Facility Operating and Maintenance Manual 1 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor Compliance 2 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions 2 B. Monitoring of Receiving Water 4 1. Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon 4 2. In-Situ Bioassay 4 C. Sodium Bromide Treatment Program 4 APPENDICES Appendix 1 -NPDES Discharge Points Appendix 2 -Tabular Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Appendix 3 -Graphical Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Appendix 4 -Summary of RWMP Monitoring for 2010 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant OVERVIEW This annual summary report follows the format used in quarterly monitoring reports. Analytical results below the respective analytical detection limit (ND or non-detect) are plotted as a "zero" value in accordance with ELAP guidance.
Results between the analytical detection limit and reporting (quantitation) limits are plotted at the value and shown as 'DNQ' in the tabular summaries as is done for CIWQS reports. Less-than results are typically reported to express an average of values that include non-detects and at least one positive result. These less-than results are plotted conservatively at the value. During 2010, discharges occurred from all discharge paths except 0011, 001K, 016, and 017.B. California Ocean Plan Table B substances that were not analyzed for have not been added to the discharge stream. The substances listed in Table B in the California Ocean Plan were each analyzed for and reported in the permit renewal application for Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted in October 1994 and January 2001. There have been no changes in activities conducted at the plant that would have significantly affected the results previously reported in the above referenced documents.
OF MONITORING PROGRAM A. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent 1. Monitoring Data a. Appendix 1 provides a list of discharge path names for ease of reference.
Appendix 2 contains monitoring data in tabular form. Reporting formats for the 1 st quarter 2010 have been revised to reflect conventions required for the CIWQS Application eSMR. Appendix 3 contains monitoring data in graphical form.b. Annual oil and grease analyses were performed in October on Stormwater/Yard Drain Discharges 005, 008, 009, 013, and 015. Results were non-detect (less than 5 mg/I) for all five of these discharge points. No discharges that resulted in adequate sample quantities occurred from pathway 016, and no discharge occurred from 017 during 2010.c. In October, Discharge 001 D (Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment System) annual grab samples for lithium, boron, and hydrazine were collected and analyzed.
The results were 0.083 mg/I, 319 mg/I, and non-detect (less than 0.003 mg/I), respectively.
- 2. Facility Operating and Maintenance Manual Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) maintains a multiple volume Plant Manual at DCPP that contains procedures used for operation and maintenance activities at the plant, including those activities that relate to wastewater handling, treatment, sampling, analysis and discharge.
Plant procedures are prepared and reviewed by DCPP Staff and approved by DCPP Management.
DCPP conducts biennial internal audits that review NPDES plant procedures contained in the manual. Ongoing reviews of plant procedures are conducted to assure that the manual remains valid, current, and complete for the facility.1
- 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor Compliance The following laboratories were used during 2010 for monitoring compliance.
They are certified under the appropriate agencies for the test/analyses they perform. As part of the on-going annual certification process, these laboratories take part in, and have passed, annual quality performance evaluation testing.a. PG&E Chemistry Laboratory, DCPP, Avila Beach, California (Lab Certification
- CA01036)b. Aquatic Bioassay Consulting Laboratories, Ventura, California (Lab Certification
- CA01 907)c. Creek Environmental, San Luis Obispo, California (Lab Certification
- CA00975)d. Columbia Analytical Services, Kelso, Washington (Lab Certification
- WA00035)e. TestAmerica, Inc., Earth City, Missouri (Lab Certification
- M000054)f. Abalone Coast Analytical, San Luis Obispo, California (Lab Certification
- CA02661)g. Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, Santa Maria, California (Lab Certification
- CA02438)4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions a. Circulating Water Pump Chlorination/Bromination Monitoring The 2010 quarterly NPDES reports discuss chlorination cycles when discharge monitoring was interrupted.
These are listed below with brief descriptions of the cause and respective corrective action. When these monitoring interruptions occurred, engineering evaluations (approved by the CCRWQCB January 13,1994; PG&E Letter No. DCL-94-002) were performed.
Detailed descriptions of these evaluations are included in the quarterly reports. Evaluations concluded that discharge chlorine limits were not exceeded during these events.Chlorination Cycle Date Monitoring Cause Corrective Action Interruptions 1 03/15/10Unit 2 03/15/10 1 Reading Plugged airline Airline cleared and cleaned 04/17/10 to Unit 1 04/20/10 23 Rein 1 Defective monitor electrode Electrode replaced 04/20/10 23 Readings 07/23/10 to Unit 2 Debris clogging monitor Debris removed 07/24/10 7 Readings sample line 07/26/10 to Unit 2 07/27/10 5 Readings Leaking fitting in monitor Fitting replaced 11/03/10 to Unit 2 Sample pump fouled with Sample pump cleaned 11/10/10 42 Readings biological growth 1 12/01/10 Unit 2 Post-maintenance restart of Personnel involved interviewed 1 Reading monitor delayed and coached b. Closed Cooling Water Releases During 2010, maintenance activities that required draining of closed cooling water systems were performed and are summarized below. PG&E received concurrence from the CCRWQCB in response to letters dated July 19, 1995 (PG&E Letter DCL-95-156), May 23, 1996 (PG&E Letter DCL-96-522), and May 19, 1997 (PG&E Letter DCL-97-533) regarding the use of glutaraldehyde and isothiazolin to control microbiological growth and corrosion in DCPP's closed cooling water systems. Any drainage from these systems is discharged at a flow-rate such that the chronic toxicity level is below the "No Observable Effect Concentration" (NOEC) at NPDES Discharge 001.2 The volumes of cooling water drained in 201 Ofrom the component cooling water (CCW), service cooling water (SCW), and intake cooling water (ICW) systems are presented below. The glutaraldehyde (Glut) and isothiazoline (Iso) concentrations presented in the table below are system concentrations, not concentrations at the point of discharge to receiving water.Volume Glut iso Total oil 8' Reason &Date System (gallons) (mg/I) (mg/I) Suspended Grease (gallons)
___ _ mg_ _Solids (mg/I) (mg/I)_ Comments 01/06/10 Unit 1 ICW 3,370 76 5.7 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 01/13/10 Unit 1 SCW 33,000 < 50 7.5 12.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 01/14/10 Unit 1 CCW 930 158 0.0 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 01/26/10 Unit 2 SCW 33,200 < 50 7.4 19.1 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 05/04/10 Unit 2 SCW 33,350 67 5.1 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 05/19/10 Unit 2 ICW 3,331 70 1.8 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 06/09/10 Unit 1 SCW 33,100 149 4.0 < 2.0 <1.4 Routine Maintenance 06/27/10 Unit 1 CCW 378 175 n/a n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 07/26/10 Unit 1 CCW 322 136 0.0 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 08/10/10 Unit 1 CCW 900 126 0.0 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 08/17/10 Unit 1 ICW 3,320 63 9.2 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 09/09/10 Unit 2 SCW 33,000 78 7.2 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 09/18/10 Unit 1 CCW 522 140 0.0 3.2 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 09/22/10 Unit 1 CCW 4,200 113 0.0 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 10/02/10 Unit 1 SCW 8,250 172 2.9 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 10/08/10 Unit 1 ICW 1,100 < 50 2.3 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 11/04/10 Unit 2 ICW 121 185 4.6 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 11/10/10 Unit 2 ICW 3,314 185 4.6 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 11/18/10 Unit 2 SCW 33,200 < 50 1.9 10.3 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance
- c. Exceedances On April 29, 2010 chemical drain tank (CDT) 0-2 was discharged via permit pathway 001 D with a grease and oil (G&O) concentration of 30 mg/l. The discharge resulted in an exceedance of the daily maximum limit of 20 mg/L G&O for the pathway. The exceedance was not discovered until after the 2 nd Quarter CIWQS Electronic Data Report (eSMR) was submitted on July 20, 2010.. The event was discovered during final review of the USEPA DMR Forms for the same reporting period. The CIWQS eSMR and DMR Forms for the 2 nd Quarter 2010 reflected the correct monitoring data, and the DMR submittal appropriately documented the exceedance.
Verbal notification of the event to the Regional Water Quality Control Board staff occurred on July 21, 2010.Follow-up investigation determined the G&O discharge daily maximum of 30 mg/L exceeded the respective 20 mg/L permit limit by 50.0% as a result of this event.Subsequent to discovery, the processes and procedures for approving tank discharges via pathway 001 D were reviewed in detail. Procedural data sheets and associated review processes implemented prior to authorizing a chemical drain tank wastewater release have been enhanced to prevent a discharge through pathway 001 D if constituent parameters are not in specification with NPDES permit limitations.
3 B. Monitoring of Receiving Water 1. Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon Marine ecological monitoring was continued during 2010 under the Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) as requested in a letter from the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) dated December 9, 1998, and as detailed in a letter from PG&E dated January 8, 1999 (DCL-99-503).
This program includes tasks from the Ecological Monitoring Program (EMP)with additional stations and increased sampling frequencies.
This program replaces the EMP and the Thermal Effects Monitoring Program (TEMP). Several one-year-only tasks outlined in the above letters were completed in 1999 and were not requested to be performed in 2010. Results of 2009 RWMP data were submitted to the CCRWQCB on April 29, 2010. A table in Appendix 4 summarizes requirements and completed monitoring tasks for 2010.2. In Situ Bioassay Results of the Mussel Watch Program are reported to the CCRWQCB directly by the California Department of Fish and Game in the agency's periodic report for this program.C. Sodium Bromide Treatment Program DCPP continued its integrated sodium bromide and "foul release coating" strategy to control macrofouling in the Circulating Water System (CWS). The treatment program consists of six 20-minute injections (at four hour intervals) of a blend of generic sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite into DCPP's seawater intake conduits.
Each injection attempts to achieve a target concentration of 200 parts per billion (ppb) Total Residual Oxidant (TRO) at the inlet waterbox of the main condensers.
Discharge TRO, measured at the plant outfall, remained below NPDES limitations.
Typically, discharge values were between 20 ppb and 50 ppb. In conjunction with the chemical treatment, untreated portions of the cooling water system were previously painted with a non-toxic "foul release coating" to reduce or prevent attachment of fouling organisms.
Both conduits of Unit 1 were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a day through the middle of February 2010 with two brief interruptions in January for maintenance activities.
In mid February, injections were shut down in preparation for mid-cycle tunnel cleaning.
Simultaneous injections six times a day were restarted in late February and ran through August with brief interruptions in March, April, and August for maintenance activities.
Unit 1 injections were shut down at the end of September for the 1 R1 6 refueling outage. Simultaneous injections of sodium hypochlorite and sodium bromide were restarted at the beginning of November and ran through the remainder of 2010 with brief interruptions in early November due to high ocean swell activity, and late December due to maintenance activities.
Both Unit 2 conduits were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a day throughout 2010 with brief interruptions in January, March, April, August, October, November, and December for maintenance activities.
4 Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX I DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT NPDES DISCHARGE POINTS DISCHARGE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 001 Once-Though Cooling Water 001 A Firewater Systems 001 B Auxiliary Salt Water Cooling System 001 C Discharge Deleted 001 D Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment System 001 E Service Cooling Water System 001 F Turbine Building Sump 001 G Make-Up Water System Waste Effluent 001 H Condensate Demineralizer Regenerant 001 I Seawater Evaporator Blowdown 001 J Condensate Pumps Discharge Header Overboard 001 K Condenser Tube Sheet Leak Detection Dump Tank Overboard 001 L Steam Generator Blowdown 001 M Wastewater Holding and Treatment System 001 N Sanitary Wastewater Treatment System 001 P Seawater Reverse Osmosis System Blowdown 002 Intake Structure Building Floor Drains 003 Intake Screen Wash 004 Bio Lab and Storm Water Runoff 005, 008, 009, 013, 014, 015 Yard Storm Drains 006, 007, 010, 011,012 Storm Water Runoff 016 Bio Lab Seawater Supply Pump Valve Drain 017 Seawater Reverse Osmosis System Blowdown Drain Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 2 TABULAR SUMMARIES OF INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT MONITORING 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 INFLUENT Month high low avg MPERATURE (DEG F)EFFLUENT high low "av2 DELTA T high ave FLOW (MGD)high low avg JAN 57.5 55.6 56.7 FEB 57.0 54.6 56.1 MAR 56.9 50.4 52.5 APR 54.2 50.2 52.3 MAY 51.5 48.5 50.1 JUN 52.2 49.4 50.6 JUL 54.7 50.0 52.7 AUG 54.2 50.5 52.3 SEP 54.9 51.3 52.6 OCT 58.3 53.5 55.9 NOV 56.6 51.9 54.6 DEC 55.6 51.4 53.9 76.6 63.5 75.1 75.9 73.5 74.9 75.5 69.1 71.1 73.1 68.9 71.1 70.4 67.2 68.9 71.5 68.1 69.4 73.7 68.2 71.2 73.1 69.8 71.3 74.1 70.1 71.6 78.6 71.0 75.3 75.5 70.1 62.9'74.1 70.2 72.4 19.7 18.4 19.3 18.8 19.1 18.6 18.9 18.8 19.0 18.8 19.3 18.2 19.6 18.5 19.4 19.0 19.4 19.0 20.3 19.4 19.4 15.4 19.1 18.6 2486 1279 2198 2486 1874 2413 2486 1862 2446 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 2486 863 1363 2486 1502 2346 2486 1862 2446 limit: 22 2760 The Influent and Effluent "high" and "low" temperture values correspond to the highest and lowest daily average value for that month. The Influent high and low temperature does not necessarily correspond to the same day as the Effluent high and low temperature for that month. The "avg" temperature for Influent and Effluent is the average for the entire month. The Monthly Delta T "high" is the highest Delta T for a day of the month based on daily average Influent and Effluent temperature values. The "Avg" temperature is calculated from Influent and Effluent monthly avg values.DISCHARGE 001 TOTAL RESIDUAL CHLORINE (daily max. ug/l)Month high low avg TOTAL CHLORINE USED (lbs/day)high low avg JAN 52 16 38 FEB 57 36 46 MAR 62 17 42 APR 68 <10 39 MAY 52 11 32 JUN 48 <10 19 JUL 21 <10 10 AUG 26 13 19 SEP 36 <10 17 OCT 7 <7 <7 NOV 52 15 27 DEC 37 10 23 562 70 484 562 259 468 518 271 416 475 302 402 360 331 351 432 374 391 490 374 467 605 295 500 577 446 499 418 48 277 533 230 422 504 298 451 Note: The residual chlorine limits in Permit CA0003751, Order 90-09, is an instantaneous max of 200 ug/Il, and includes a time-based limit (per the Ocean Plan) which depends on the length of the respective chlorination cycle.Page I of 6 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 METALS (monthly avg. ug/1)COPPER CHROMIUM NICKEL*ZINC Month Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent JAN ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(5) DNQ(6) ND(5)FEB ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(5) ND(5)MAR ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(6) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) 13 ND(5)APR ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(8) DNQ(9) DNQ(6) DNQ(5)MAY ND(5) ND(5) 11 DNQ(6) DNQ(9) DNQ(8) 11 ND(5)JUN ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5)JUL ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(6) ND(5)AUG ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(8) DNQ(8)SEP ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(6) DNQ(6)OCT ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) 11 11 ND(5) ND(5)NOV ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(6) 13 13 14 ND(5)DEC ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) 10 DNQ(9) ND(5) ND(5)6-month median limit: 10 10 -30 70 DISCHARGE 001 VARIOUS ANNUAL ANALYSES (monthly avg. ug/l)6-Mo. Med.Effluent Parameter Influent Effluent Limit Arsenic 1.52 1.53 30 Cadmium 0.055 0.052 10 Cyanide ND(10) ND(10) 30 Lead 0.18 0.04 10 Mercury DNQ(0.02)
DNQ(0.04) 0.2 Silver DNQ(0.006)
DNQ(0.004) 2.9 Titanium DNQ(0.4) DNQ(0.4) none*Phenolic Compounds ND(8.42) ND(8.42) 150 (non-chlorinated)
- Phenolic Cmpds ND(2.02) ND(2.02) 10 (chlorinated)
- PCB's ND(0.0658)
ND(0.0658) none* Results for analysis of 9 target compounds.
The sum of the 9 detection limits is 8.42.** Results for analysis of 6 target compounds.
The sum of the 6 detection limits is 2.02.***Detection limits shown are the sum of individual detection limits for 7 target compounds.
DISCHARGE 001 AMMONIA (as N) (ug/l)Month Influent Effluent JAN ND(41) ND(41)FEB MAR APR MAY 134 76 JUN JUL 170 230 AUG SEP OCT NOV 64 82 DEC 6-month median limit: 3,060 Page 2 of 6 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY pH (averages)
001 002 003 004 001P Month Influent Effluent JAN 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.8 FEB 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.8 MAR 7.8 7.8 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.8 APR 8.0 8.0 7.9 8.1 8.0 7.8 MAY 7.9 7.9 7.7 8.1 8.0 7.8 JUN 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.6 JUL 8.0 7.9 8.0 7.9 8.2 7.8 AUG 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.6 7.6 SEP 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.8 7.8 OCT 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7 8.0 7.7 NOV 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.6 DEC 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 8.0 7.8 DISCHARGE 001F Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC limit: GREASE & OIL (mg/l)high avg ND(1.4) ND(1.4)6.1 6.1 DNQ(1.7) DNQ(1.7)ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4)DNQ(1.4) DNQ(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(..4)20 15 SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/I)high ave ND(2) ND(2)19 18 ND(2) ND(2)DNQ(3) DNQ(3)DNQ(3) DNQ(3)DNQ(3) DNQ(2)DNQ(3) DNQ(3)DNQ(2) <2 DNQ(2) <2 DNQ(2) DNQ(2)DNQ(3) DNQ(3)DNQ(3a <2 100 30 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average Limits.DISCHARGE 001N (Monthly Summary of Weekly Data)Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC limit: GREASE & OIL (mg/l)high low avg ND(5.0) ND(5.0) ND(5.0)ND(5.0) ND(5.0) ND(5.0)ND(5.0) ND(5.0) ND(5.0)DNQ(2.2) ND(1.4) <5.0 ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)DNQ(1.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(1.4)DNQ(2.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(1.4)ND(l.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)DNQ(1.8) ND(1.4) <1.4 DNQ(2.6) ND(1.4) DNQ(1.4)DNQ(3.8) ND(1.4) DNQ(1.4)<5.0 ND(1.4) <5.0 20 -15 high 13 19 15 18 11 22 23 19 16 17 12 13 SUSPENDED SOLIDS (mg/I)low avg 7 11 13 16 7 11 DNQ(4) 7 7 9 8 13 7 15 6 10 ND(2) 9 4 10 7 9 7 10-60 SETTLEABLE SOLIDS (ml/I)high low ave ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.05) ND(0.05) ND(0.05)ND(0.05) ND(0.05) ND(0.05)ND(0.05) ND(0.05) ND(0.05)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)3.0 1.0 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.Page 3 of 6 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D, 001 H 001D Month Ae Cd Cr Cu A2 Cd Cr JAN ND(S) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(9) ND(5) ND(5) 12 FEB MAR APR ND(S) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(7) ND(5) ND(5) 33 MAY JUN JUL ND(S) ND(5) ND(5) DNO(9) ND(5) ND(5) 25 AUG SEP OCT ND(S) ND(5) DNQ(6) DNQ(6) ND(5) ND(5) 18 NOV DEC limit: none Note: 001D, 001H and 001L analyses performed on quarterly composites.
001F analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.H, L, F, METALS (avg. ug/1)001L Cu A2 Cd Cr Cu 35 ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5)21 ND(S) ND(S) ND(5) ND(S)24 ND(5) ND(5) ND(S) ND(5)72 ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5)001F AL Cd Cr Cu ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(9)ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(9)ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) 15 ND(5) ND(5) 35 92 001D Month H& Ni Pb Zn JAN ND(0.20) DNQ(5) ND(5) 120 FEB MAR APR DNQ(0,092)
ND(5) ND(5) 120 MAY JUN JUL ND(0.050)
DNQ(6) ND(5) 109 AUG SEP OCT ND(0.050)
DNQ(5) ND(5) 149 NOV DEC limit: none Note: 001D, 001H and 001L analyses perforn 001F analyses performed quarterly on a comp DISCHARGE 001D, H,, L, F, METALS (avg. ug/h)001 H 001L 001F Hg Ni Pb Zn Hg Ni Pb Zn Hg Ni Pb ND(0.20) 12 DNQ(9) 18 ND(0.20) ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(5) ND(0.20) DNQ(6) ND(5)DNQ(0.015) 17 DNQ(7) 19 DNQ(0.108)
ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(0.050)
DNQ(7) ND(5)ND(0.050) 17 DNQ(8) 12 ND(0.050)
ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(0.050)
DNQ(8) ND(5)DNQ(0.069) 15 DNQ(5) 13 DNQ(0.062)
ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(0.10) 46 ND(5)Zn 18 29 18 259 ned on quarterly composites.
osite of weekly samples.Page 4 of 6 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS Averages (mg/l)Month 001D* 001G 00111 0011 001J 001K 001L 001M 001P 002 003 JAN <5 ND(2) ND(2)FEB <5 ND(2) ND(2)MAR <5 ND(2) ND(2)APR <5 ND(2) ND(2)MAY DNQ(4) ND(2) ND(2)JUN <5 ND(2) ND(2)JUL <5 ND(2) ND(2)AUG <5 ND(2) ND(2)SEP <5 ND(2) DNQ(2)OCT <5 ND(2) ND(2)NOV <5 ND(2) <5 DEC <5 ND(2) ND(2)ND(2) DNQ(2) 9 6 ND(2) DNQ(3) <5 DNQ(2) 24 ND(2) 6 <5 DNQ(3) 5 ND(2) <5 <5 21 ND(2) 11 DNQ(3) 6 ND(2) 7 ND(2) 8 ND(2) 19 DNQ(3) <5 ND(2) ND(2) 18 ND(2) <5 ND(2) 13 6 DNQ(2)ND(2) 14 DNQ(3) DNQ(3)ND(2) DNQ(3) 26 5 12 ND(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(2) 13 ND(2)DNQ(4)Limit: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30* Discharges from 001D are batched. Monthly averages are flow weighted.Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and 001K during 2010.Blank spots for other discharge points indicate that no discharge occurred during that particular month.QUARTERLY GREASE & OIL Averages by Month (mg/1)Month 001D* 001G 001H 0011 001J 001K 001L 001M 001P 002 003 004 JAN DNQ(1.4)FEB MAR ND(1.4)ND(1.4)APR MAY JUN<5 ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)DNQ(1.6)ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4)JUL DNQ(1.8) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)AUG DNQ(2.0)SEP DNQ(3.7)OCT DNQ(3.3) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)NOV 7.7 DEC ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)ND(1.4)Limit: 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15* Discharges from 001D are batched. Monthly averages are flow weighted.
A daily maximum exceedence in April is not reflected in this table.Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and 001K during 2010.Page 5 of 6 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING (toxicity units, tua and tuc)ACUTE Test 6-Month Result Median*CHRONIC Test Result Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6-month median limit: 0.26 5.1* This parameter is monitored for the State Ocean Plan instead of the NPDES Permit. A value of 1.0 indicates no chronic toxicity.DISCHARGE 001N ANNUAL ANALYSES Sludge Parameter Percent Moisture Total Kjeldahi Nitrogen Ammonia (N)Nitrate (N)Total Phosphorus pH Oil and Grease Boron Cadmium Copper Chromium Lead Nickel Mercury Zinc Volume Result 99.3%240 mg/I 180 mg/I DNQ(0.11)184 mg/I 7.01 140 mg/I 1.0 mg/I 0.0034 mg/I 0.48 mg/I 0.015 mg/I 0.018 mg/I ND(0.002) mg/I 0.0011 mg/I 3.8 mg/I 7 7 fltn .,n, Limit None None None None None None None None 10 X STLC*10 X STLC 10 X STLC 10 X STLC 10 X STLC 10 X STLC 10 X STLC Nn..Note: Annual samples were collected in October.* STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration Page 6 of 6 Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 3 GRAPHICAL SUMMARIES OF INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT MONITORING 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 INFLUENT Temperature (fF)90.0 80.0I 70.0 60.0 2W50.0 , _-40.0 30.0 H .High 20.0 Average 10.0 Low 0.0 .i --__ __.........
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Temperature (OF)90.0 -80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 4 0.0 JAN SHigh 0 Average i Low~OT OV OCT NOV DEC FEB MAR APR A MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 2010 Page 1 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Flow (MGD)3000 25002000 1500 1000 T 500}-" Limit AHigh Average* Low JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Monthly Delta T (-F)T 25 2 0p a.15 S10 5--U Limit High 4' Average 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN..... --t---- .--- ----JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Page 2 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine Residual, ugl1 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the reporting limit.DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine Used, pounds per day 700-600 500 4.400 300 200 1000 ý, 0J-JAN a a High--*-Average 0 Low id FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Page 3 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Copper (monthly average, ug/1)12 10 8 4 0 6j--JAN FEB MAR APR MAV JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.The 6-month median limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart (this is also the analytical reporting limit).The daily maximum limit for Copper is 50 ug/l.DISCHARGE 001 Nickel (monthly average, ug/1)35 -30 25 I ---------U-W-Discharge Permit Limit-Influent-4-- Effluent--+-Analytical Reporting Limit=20 +15 Isl 0 -~ --N-5 I 10 10 10 10 10 10--9q 10 10 10 10 10 t0 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.The 6-month median limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart.The daily maximum limit for Nickel is 100 ug/l.Page4ofl5 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Zinc (monthly average, ug/l)80 -III 50+-Discharge Permit Limit AInfluent Emuent--4-Analytical Reporting Limit40 30 +20 A Ill, -~ --p.v j~j JAN FEB MAR APR MAV JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.DISCHARGE 001 Chromium (monthly average, ug/1)12 10 8-Permit Limit and Reporting Limit Influent Effluent 0 A A A A A A JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.The 6-month median limit is plotted on this chart. The daily maximum limit for chromium is 40 ug/I.The discharge permit limit and the analytical reporting limit are the same (10 ug/I).Page 5 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant pH 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.9=C 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 JAN-'-001 influent+00. Effluent-4-002--0--003 004 III 00IP FEB M APR-FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Several data points on this chart overlap.Discharge 001 Ammonia (as N, ug/I)3500 2500 2000 t vr00 1000 500 0 i JAN-6-Month Median Limit-h-- Influent-4--- Effluent FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.Influent and Effluent values overlap at three points on this plot.Page 6 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE OO1F Oil & Grease (Maximum, mg/i)25.0 ZU.U 15.0--*- Daily Maximum Limit---Monthly Average Limit 0.0- --4 Sample Result (Maximum)--+- Analytical Reporting Limit 0.0 4 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.DISCHARGE 001F Suspended Solids (Maximum, mg/1)120 1 0 0 ! OWN ---- --- --- -100 m 0 -80 60 40*-Daily Maximum Limit 0 Monthly Average Limit" Sample Result (Maximum)-4 Analytical Reporting Limit 20 3 &0 0------o oA JAN I ~~ IF -FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Maximum values are plotted.Page 7 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant 25 20 15 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.High, low and average values overlap at eleven points on this plot.DISCHARGE 00IN Suspended Solids (mg/i)70 60 50 40 2 30 I0 010 -r __JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 DISCHARGE W0IN Settleable Solids (m1I4)3.5 A I Z Et--*-Daily Maximum Limit 2 -o-Monthly Average Limit SHigh.5 -- Average-.5 -0 A 00 a a a AllA A JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.High, average, and low values overlap at eleven points on this plot.Page 8of15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D Quarterly Metals (ug/l)4 12 10 4 8 6 4-I i J OSilver 1Cadmium UChromium MCopper 2 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.DISCHARGE 001D Quarterly Metals (ug/l)160 -140 120 too 80-60 -I I I I O~ikel N Leadi Ezinci E~curj 40 20 0* I f -JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.Page 9 of 15 100o T 90 80 -70 60 50 40 -2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 00IF Quarterly Metals (ug/l)o Silver 1Cadmium 1Chromium 30- 1Copper 20 -0 I --- I +--J 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.DISCHARGE 001F Quarterly Metals (ug/l)I 140 T 120 -100 T 80 60 -o-Mercury N Nickel M Lead i 40 EZinc 20td _-_r A ._JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.I Page 10 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 0011H Quarterly Metals (ug/l)80 70 60 50 ez 40 30 20 10 0 E3 Silver U Cadmium 1Chromium M Copper JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.DISCHARGE 0011 Quarterly Metals (ug/l)20 16 14 12 10 8-6-4-2-0-03 mercury NNickel i Lead JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.Page 11 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001L Quarterly Metals (ug/l)30 25 20 15 10 5 o Silver nCadmiunm*Chromium I Copper 0 I I I I --JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.DISCHARGE 001 L Quarterly Metals (ug/l)10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 o!Mercury ENickel mLead NZinc JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.Page 12 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (Average, mg/I)35 30 25 20 E15 10 0 J T Sm EI 00 MI M INSm m-Monthly Average Limit 0O01D 0O01G-~-0-~ 001 4-A La. LE La AN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (Average, mg/l)35 30 25-20 15 10 5 0 J.T-- Monthly Average Limit--001L a -001M AN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 2010 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (Average, m/i)OCT NOV DEC 35 , 25 20o-15 J0A JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.Page 13 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Average, mg/l)16 T ______ nU 14 12 inOOIG 10 1OtH 8 -a--Monthly Average Limit-u U U a E 6_ _.. _JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit. Less than values are plotted at the value.A daily maximum exceedence for 001D in April is not reflected in this plot. Only averages are plotted.QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Average, mg/I)il-ooIJ n11111001M-n- Monthly Average Limit 16 14 -l2 10 6 -4 2 J JAN FEB MAR APR MAV ,ITN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Average, mg/l)16 14 12 l0+n ooip m003 a t004-a Monthly Average Limit 8 6 4 2 0 I Ir III -!I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.Page 14 of 15 2010 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY (6-AMonth Mfedian)U i i U U U U i U U U 6.0 5.0" 4.0 -3.0 Z Chronic Bioassay Results--0-6-mo. Median Acute Limit--A Acute Bioassay Results--U-Chronic Limit 0 2.0 -"-Acute 6-month Median 0.0 0 .. .. .. ...JAN FEB MAR APR MAV JUN JUL AIUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2010 Page 15 of 15 0 Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 4
OF RWMP MONITORING FOR 2010 RWMP 1st Survey 2nd Survey 3rd Survey 4th Survey Study Stations/
Completion Completion Completion Completion Surveys Stations/
Stations/per Year Dates Dates Dates Dates Horizontal Band Transects 14/ 4x Feb 26 Jun 16 Aug 9 Dec 21 Vertical Band Transects 5 4x Feb 12 Jun 16 Aug 11 Dec 8 Benthic Stations 8 /4x Apr 19 Jun 3 Sep 1 Nov 18 Fish Observation Transects 12/ 4x May 10 Jul 9 Sep 13 Dec 13 Bull Kelp Census */1x n/a n/a n/a Oct 22 Temperature Monitoring 24 / ** Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec* Diablo Cove census.** Temperature measured throughout the year at 20 minute intervals (14 intertidal and 10 subtidal stations).