The following query condition could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Beaver Valley]] OR [[:Millstone]] OR [[:Hatch]] OR [[:Monticello]] OR [[:Calvert Cliffs]] OR [[:Dresden]] OR [[:Davis Besse]] OR [[:Peach Bottom]] OR [[:Browns Ferry]] OR [[:Salem]] OR [[:Oconee]] OR [[:Mcguire]] OR [[:Nine Mile Point]] OR [[:Palisades]] OR [[:Palo Verde]] OR [[:Perry]] OR [[:Indian Point]] OR [[:Fermi]] OR [[:Kewaunee]] OR [[:Catawba]] OR [[:Harris]] OR [[:Wolf Creek]] OR [[:Saint Lucie]] OR [[:Point Beach]] OR [[:Oyster Creek]] OR [[:Watts Bar]] OR [[:Hope Creek]] OR [[:Grand Gulf]] OR [[:Cooper]] OR [[:Sequoyah]] OR [[:Byron]] OR [[:Pilgrim]] OR [[:Arkansas Nuclear]] OR [[:Three Mile Island]] OR [[:Braidwood]] OR [[:Susquehanna]] OR [[:Summer]] OR [[:Prairie Island]] OR [[:Columbia]] OR [[:Seabrook]] OR [[:Brunswick]] OR [[:Surry]] OR [[:Limerick]] OR [[:North Anna]] OR [[:Turkey Point]] OR [[:River Bend]] OR [[:Vermont Yankee]] OR [[:Crystal River]] OR [[:Haddam Neck]] OR [[:Ginna]] OR [[:Diablo Canyon]] OR [[:Callaway]] OR [[:Vogtle]] OR [[:Waterford]] OR [[:Duane Arnold]] OR [[:Farley]] OR [[:Robinson]] OR [[:Clinton]] OR [[:South Texas]] OR [[:San Onofre]] OR [[:Cook]] OR [[:Comanche Peak]] OR [[:Yankee Rowe]] OR [[:Maine Yankee]] OR [[:Quad Cities]] OR [[:Humboldt Bay]] OR [[:La Crosse]] OR [[:Big Rock Point]] OR [[:Rancho Seco]] OR [[:Zion]] OR [[:Midland]] OR [[:Bellefonte]] OR [[:Fort Calhoun]] OR [[:FitzPatrick]] OR [[:McGuire]] OR [[:LaSalle]] OR [[:Fort Saint Vrain]] OR [[:Shoreham]] OR [[:Satsop]] OR [[:Trojan]] OR [[:Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant]] </code>.[Table view]The following query condition could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Beaver Valley]] OR [[:Millstone]] OR [[:Hatch]] OR [[:Monticello]] OR [[:Calvert Cliffs]] OR [[:Dresden]] OR [[:Davis Besse]] OR [[:Peach Bottom]] OR [[:Browns Ferry]] OR [[:Salem]] OR [[:Oconee]] OR [[:Mcguire]] OR [[:Nine Mile Point]] OR [[:Palisades]] OR [[:Palo Verde]] OR [[:Perry]] OR [[:Indian Point]] OR [[:Fermi]] OR [[:Kewaunee]] OR [[:Catawba]] OR [[:Harris]] OR [[:Wolf Creek]] OR [[:Saint Lucie]] OR [[:Point Beach]] OR [[:Oyster Creek]] OR [[:Watts Bar]] OR [[:Hope Creek]] OR [[:Grand Gulf]] OR [[:Cooper]] OR [[:Sequoyah]] OR [[:Byron]] OR [[:Pilgrim]] OR [[:Arkansas Nuclear]] OR [[:Three Mile Island]] OR [[:Braidwood]] OR [[:Susquehanna]] OR [[:Summer]] OR [[:Prairie Island]] OR [[:Columbia]] OR [[:Seabrook]] OR [[:Brunswick]] OR [[:Surry]] OR [[:Limerick]] OR [[:North Anna]] OR [[:Turkey Point]] OR [[:River Bend]] OR [[:Vermont Yankee]] OR [[:Crystal River]] OR [[:Haddam Neck]] OR [[:Ginna]] OR [[:Diablo Canyon]] OR [[:Callaway]] OR [[:Vogtle]] OR [[:Waterford]] OR [[:Duane Arnold]] OR [[:Farley]] OR [[:Robinson]] OR [[:Clinton]] OR [[:South Texas]] OR [[:San Onofre]] OR [[:Cook]] OR [[:Comanche Peak]] OR [[:Yankee Rowe]] OR [[:Maine Yankee]] OR [[:Quad Cities]] OR [[:Humboldt Bay]] OR [[:La Crosse]] OR [[:Big Rock Point]] OR [[:Rancho Seco]] OR [[:Zion]] OR [[:Midland]] OR [[:Bellefonte]] OR [[:Fort Calhoun]] OR [[:FitzPatrick]] OR [[:McGuire]] OR [[:LaSalle]] OR [[:Fort Saint Vrain]] OR [[:Shoreham]] OR [[:Satsop]] OR [[:Trojan]] OR [[:Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant]] </code>.
accidents. It is expected that recipients will review the information for applicability to their
facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions
contained in this Information notice are not NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or
written response is required.
Description of Circumstances
Oconee Nuclear Station
In late 1997, during a self-assessment audit of the high pressure injection (HPI) and low
pressure Injection (LPI) systems, the licensee noted that the design drawing for the borated
water storage tank (BWST) did not have a zero reference point. Subsequently, the licensee's
engineering staff determined that an elevation difference between the level transmitters and the
Instrument taps for the BWSTs of all three Oconee units had resulted in up to an 18-inch non- conservative error between Indicated and actual BWST level. The difference was caused by a
failure to compensate for instrument tap height when calibrating the BWST level Instruments.
At plant construction, the magnitude of the error was approximately 4 Inches, but the error
increased to approximately 18 inches following modifications In 1989 that replaced the BWST
level transmitters. In addition, on February 19, 1998, the licensee's engineering staff
determined that the emergency operating procedures (EOPS) did not adequately account for
uncertainty in the reactor building emergency sump (RBES) wide-range level instruments, IB
October 26, 1998 which could have resulted In the Instruments reading up to 18 inches lower than the actual
level. The RBES level instrument uncertainties were caused by inadequate design analysis.
This was discussed In Inspection Report 50 50-269, 270, 287/98-12 and Licensee Event Report
(LER) 50-269/98-04, Revision 1.
St. Lucie Nuclear Plant
During the Unit 1 steam generator replacement outage in 1997, the licensee replaced the
engineered safety features actuation system (ESFAS) bistables. A system engineer later
determined that the ESFAS recirculation actuation setpoint (RAS) bistable setpoint for the
Refueling Water Tank (RWT) level was Incorrect. An Investigation of the discrepancy found
that, during a setpoint calculation enhancement effort In 1993, a new calculation was created, which changed the span of the RWT level measurement and indication Instrumentation loop.
This calculation produced a new setpoint for the RWT level by revising the measurement span
to indicate the actual tank level bottom as "0 feet'. Previously, the measurement span indicated
0 at the 1-foot level where the RWT level instrument tap is located. The new setpoint
information was not incorporated Into the procedure used to calibrate the ESFAS bistables, resulting in a RAS setpoint of 3 feet from the tank bottom instead of 4 feet required by
Technical Specifications. This was discussed In Inspection Report 50-335, 389/97-16 and LER
H.B. Robinson Nuclear Plant
Between April 7 and May 23, 1997, NRC conducted a design Inspection at Robinson and raised
several Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) instrumentation related Issues that Impacted
ECCS components. Plant Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) directed all ECCS pumps, except one safety injection (SI) pump and one containment spray (CS) pump, to be stopped
when the RWST level reached 27 percent The remaining SI and CS pumps were directed to
be stopped when the RWST level reached 9 percent. The plant evaluated and modified the
number of SI pumps starting following a LOCA. The modification resulted in two (as opposed to
three) SI pumps starting following a LOCA. With two SI pumps getting a start signal, and
assuming a single active failure of one SI pump, the NPSH requirement for the running SI pump
was higher, and this higher NPSH requirement was not considered in the modification. A
calculation to determine the level at which vortexing became a concern had not been performed
prior to the modification. The licensee regained the margin by reducing instrument
uncertainties and by raising the water level In the RWST.
The NRC design team also found that the containment sump level setpolnts utilized channel
uncertainty for normal environmental conditions rather than the adverse conditions that could
exist in the containment after an accident. This had the potential for adversely affecting
October 26, 1998 building spray (RBS) pumps. The errors described above created a conflict between the
BWST and RBES levels specified in the EOPs and the BWST and RBES levels Indicated in the
control room. As a result, during certain design-basis accident scenarios, Including small-break
LOCAs, the level errors could have delayed swapover initiation. This could have caused
vortexing in the BWST or reduced NPSH to the ECCS pumps, or both.
The design basis of the St. Lucie facility requires that during certain LOCAs, ECCS subsystems
must be capable of automatically transferring suction to the containment sump on receipt of a
RAS. Because of the incorrect trip setpoint of the RWT level instrument bistables, automatic
transfer of the ECCS pumps' suction source from the RWT to the containment sump, under
certain conditions, would cause an open-channel flow condition. Without operator intervention
to initiate manual transfer to the containment sump before the open-channel condition, damage
to the ECCS pumps could occur as a result of air entrainment.
At H.B. Robinson, the cause of the reduction in SI pump NPSH was a failure to adequately
assess the impact of single SI pump operation on system flow and NPSH during a 1988 modification. Inadequate NPSH to ECCS pumps could have led to the inoperability of critical
safety-related systems and loss of core cooling under some design-basis LOCA conditions.
The preceding examples demonstrate the importance of thorough assessment and analysis for
any modification involving safety-related level instrumentation or ECCS pump operating
October26, 1998 building spray (RBS) pumps. The errors described above created a conflict between the
BWST and RBES levels specified in the EOPs and the BWST and RBES levels indicated in the
control room. As a result, during certain design-basis accident scenarios, including small-break
LOCAs, the level errors could have delayed the initiation swapover initiation. This could have
caused vortexing in the BWST or reduced NPSH to the ECCS pumps, or both.
The design basis of the St. Lucie facility requires that during certain LOCAs, ECCS subsystems
must be capable of automatically transferring suction to the containment sump on receipt of a
RAS. Because of the incorrect trip setpoint of the RWT level instrument bistables, automatic
transfer of the ECCS pumps' suction source from the RWT to the containment sump under
certain conditions would cause an open channel flow condition. Without operator intervention
to initiate manual transfer to the containment sump before the open channel condition, damage
to the ECCS pumps could occur as a result of air entrainment.
At H.B. Robinson, the cause of the reduction in Si pump NPSH was a failure to adequately
assess the impact of single Si pump operation on system flow and NPSH during a 1988 modification. Inadequate NPSH to ECCS pumps could have led to the inoperability of critical
safety-related systems and loss of core cooling under some design-basis LOCA conditions.
The preceding examples demonstrate the importance of thorough assessment and analysis for
any modification involving safety-related level instrumentation or ECCS pump operating
ors at D.C. Cook, H.B. Robinson, Three Mile Island, Wolf Creek, and Ginna.
This information notice requires no specific action or wtitte response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please conta one of the technical contacts listed
below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR) project manager.
Jack W. Roe, Acting irector
Division of Reactor Pr
am Management
Office of Nuclear Reacto egulation
Technical contact: B. Desai, RII
D. Lanyi, RI\\
(803) 383-4571 E-mail drl@nrc.
(561) 464-7822 D. Billings, RII
N. Fields, NRR
(864) 882-6927
(301) 415-1173 E-mail:
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
See previous concurrence
To receive a copy of this document, Indicate In the box C=Copy wlo attachment/enclosure E=Copy with attachment/enclosure N = No copy
RH (TchjContacts
10/08 /98
/ /98
IN 98-xx
October xx, 1998 building spray (RBS) pumps. The errors described above created a conflict between the
BWST and RBES levels specified in the EOPs and the BWST and RBES levels indicated in the
control room. As a result, during certain design-basis accident scenarios, including small-break
LOCAs, the level errors could have delayed the initiation swapover initiation. This could have
caused vortexing in the BWST or reduced NPSH to the ECCS pumps, or both.
The design basis of the St. Lucie facility requires that during certain LOCAs, ECCS subsystems
must be capable of automatically transferring suction to the containment sump on receipt of a
RAS. Because of the incorrect trip setpoint of the RWT level instrument bistables, automatic
transfer of the ECCS pumps' suction source from the RWT to the containment sump under
certain conditions would cause an open channel flow condition. Without operator intervention
to initiate manual transfer to the containment sump before the open channel condition, damage
to the ECCS pumps could occur as a result of air entrainment.
At H.B. Robinson, the cause of the reduction in Si pump NPSH was a failure to adequately
assess the impact of single Si pump operation on system flow and NPSH during a 1988 modification. Inadequate NPSH to ECCS pumps could have led to the inoperability of critical
safety-related systems and loss of core cooling under some design-basis LOCA conditions.
The preceding examples demonstrate the importance of thorough assessment and analysis for
any modification involving safety-related level instrumentation or ECCS pump operating
17, 1998, also described ECCS swapover analysis errors at D.C. Cook, H.B. Robinson, Three Mile Island, Wolf Creek, and Ginna.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts listed
below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.
Jack W. Roe, Acting Director
Division of Reactor Program Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contact: B. Desai, RII
D. Lanyi, RII
(803) 383-4571 E-mail
(561) 464-7822 D. Billings, RI1
N. Fields, NRR
(864) 882-6927
(301) 415-1173 E-mail:
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
See previous concurrence
i coov of this document. Indicate In the box C=CoDv wlo attachment/enclosure E=Copy wfth attachment/enclosure N = No copy
To receive a
Ril (Tch Contacts lI _J
I l
10/08 /98
10/20/98 o /i498 I /98
IN 98-xx
October xx, 1998 BWST and RBES levels specified in the EOPs and the BWST and RBES levels indicated in the
control room. As a result, during certain design-basis accident scenarios, including small-break
LOCAs, the level errors could have delayed the initiation swapover initiation. This could have
caused vortexing in the BWST or reduced NPSH to the ECCS pumps, or both.
The design basis of the St. Lucie facility requires that during certain LOCAs, ECCS subsystems
must be capable of automatically transferring suction to the containment sump on receipt of a
RAS. Because of the incorrect trip setpoint of the RWT level instrument bistables, automatic
transfer of the ECCS pumps' suction source from the RWT to the containment sump under
certain conditions would cause an open channel flow condition. Without operator intervention
to initiate manual transfer to the containment sump before the open channel condition, damage
to the ECCS pumps could occur as a result of air entrainment.
At H.B. Robinson, the cause of the reduction in Si pump NPSH was a failure to adequately
assess the impact of single Si pump operation on system flow and NPSH during a 1988 modification. Inadequate NPSH to ECCS pumps could have led to the inoperability of critical
safety-related systems and loss of core cooling under some design-basis LOCA conditions.
The preceding examples demonstrate the importance of thorough assessment and analysis for
any modification involving safety-related level instrumentation or ECCS pump operating