Eligibility of Operator License ApplicantsML031040556 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant |
Issue date: |
10/01/1998 |
From: |
Roe J Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: |
References |
IN-98-037, NUDOCS 9809280097 |
Download: ML031040556 (9) |
Similar Documents at Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant |
Category:NRC Information Notice
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Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Contain2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2010-12, Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Con2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2010-12, Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend And/Or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notic2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend And/Or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2012-13, Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs and Corrective Actions in the Spent Fuel Pool2012-08-10010 August 2012 Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs and Corrective Actions in the Spent Fuel Pool Information Notice 2012-13, Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs And Corrective Actions In The Spent Fuel Pool2012-08-10010 August 2012 Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs And Corrective Actions In The Spent Fuel Pool Information Notice 2012-11, Age Related Capacitor Degradation2012-07-23023 July 2012 Age Related Capacitor Degradation ML12031A0132012-02-0606 February 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Investigation Report No. 2-2010-058, Cpn International, Inc Information Notice 2011-19, Licensee Event Reports Containing Information Pertaining to Defects to Basic Components2011-09-26026 September 2011 Licensee Event Reports Containing Information Pertaining to Defects to Basic Components Information Notice 2011-15, Steel Containment Degradation and Associated License Renewal Aging Management Issues2011-08-0101 August 2011 Steel Containment Degradation and Associated License Renewal Aging Management Issues Information Notice 2011-17, Calculation Methodologies for Operability Determinations of Gas Voids in Nuclear Power Plant Piping2011-07-26026 July 2011 Calculation Methodologies for Operability Determinations of Gas Voids in Nuclear Power Plant Piping Information Notice 2011-13, Official Exhibit - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 Official Exhibit - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-13, Official Exhibit - Nys000329-00-Bd01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (Nrc in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 Official Exhibit - Nys000329-00-Bd01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (Nrc in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-13, OFFICIAL EXHIBIT - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 OFFICIAL EXHIBIT - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-04, IN: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 IN: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2011-04, In: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 In: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2011-04, in: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 in: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2010-26, New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-2010-12-30030 December 2010 New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19 Information Notice 2010-26, New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review2010-12-30030 December 2010 New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19 Information Notice 2010-26, 2010/12/21-NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-262010-12-21021 December 2010 2010/12/21-NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 ML13066A1872009-12-16016 December 2009 Draft NRC Information Notice 2009-xx - Underestimate of Dam Failure Frequency Used in Probabilistic Risk Assessments ML1007804482009-11-23023 November 2009 Email from Peter Bamford, NRR to Pamela Cowan, Exelon on TMI Contamination Control Event Information Notice 2009-11, NSP000059-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-NRC Information Notice 2009-112009-07-0707 July 2009 NSP000059-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-NRC Information Notice 2009-11 Information Notice 2009-10, Official Exhibit - NYS000019-00-BD01- NRC Information Notice 2009-10, Transformers Failures - Recent Operating Experience (Jul. 7, 2009) (NRC in 2009-10)2009-07-0707 July 2009 Official Exhibit - NYS000019-00-BD01- NRC Information Notice 2009-10, Transformers Failures - Recent Operating Experience (Jul. 7, 2009) (NRC in 2009-10) Information Notice 2009-09, Improper Flow Controller Settings Renders Injection Systems Inoperable and Surveillance Did Not Identify2009-06-19019 June 2009 Improper Flow Controller Settings Renders Injection Systems Inoperable and Surveillance Did Not Identify Information Notice 2008-12, Reactor Trip Due to Off-Site Power Fluctuation2008-07-0707 July 2008 Reactor Trip Due to Off-Site Power Fluctuation Information Notice 2008-11, Service Water System Degradation at Brunswicksteam Electric Plant Unit 12008-06-18018 June 2008 Service Water System Degradation at Brunswicksteam Electric Plant Unit 1 Information Notice 2008-04, Counterfeit Parts Supplied to Nuclear Power Plants2008-04-0707 April 2008 Counterfeit Parts Supplied to Nuclear Power Plants Information Notice 1991-09, Counterfeiting of Crane Valves2007-09-25025 September 2007 Counterfeiting of Crane Valves Information Notice 2007-28, Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Due to Inadequate Chemistry Controls2007-09-19019 September 2007 Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Due to Inadequate Chemistry Controls Information Notice 2007-29, Temporary Scaffolding Affects Operability of Safety-Related Equipment2007-09-17017 September 2007 Temporary Scaffolding Affects Operability of Safety-Related Equipment Information Notice 2007-14, Loss of Offsite Power and Dual-Unit Trip at Catawba Nuclear Generating Station2007-03-30030 March 2007 Loss of Offsite Power and Dual-Unit Trip at Catawba Nuclear Generating Station Information Notice 2007-06, Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems2007-02-0909 February 2007 Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Information Notice 2007-05, Vertical Deep Draft Pump Shaft and Coupling Failures2007-02-0909 February 2007 Vertical Deep Draft Pump Shaft and Coupling Failures Information Notice 2006-31, Inadequate Fault Interrupting Rating of Breakers2006-12-26026 December 2006 Inadequate Fault Interrupting Rating of Breakers Information Notice 2006-29, Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves as a Result of Stem Nut Wear2006-12-14014 December 2006 Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves as a Result of Stem Nut Wear Information Notice 2006-29, Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves As a Result of Stem Nut Wear2006-12-14014 December 2006 Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves As a Result of Stem Nut Wear Information Notice 2006-13, E-mail from M. Mclaughlin on NRC, Regarding NRC Information Notice 2006-13: Groundwater Contamination2006-07-13013 July 2006 E-mail from M. Mclaughlin on NRC, Regarding NRC Information Notice 2006-13: Groundwater Contamination 2020-09-03 The following query condition could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Beaver Valley]] OR [[:Millstone]] OR [[:Hatch]] OR [[:Monticello]] OR [[:Calvert Cliffs]] OR [[:Dresden]] OR [[:Davis Besse]] OR [[:Peach Bottom]] OR [[:Browns Ferry]] OR [[:Salem]] OR [[:Oconee]] OR [[:Mcguire]] OR [[:Nine Mile Point]] OR [[:Palisades]] OR [[:Palo Verde]] OR [[:Perry]] OR [[:Indian Point]] OR [[:Fermi]] OR [[:Kewaunee]] OR [[:Catawba]] OR [[:Harris]] OR [[:Wolf Creek]] OR [[:Saint Lucie]] OR [[:Point Beach]] OR [[:Oyster Creek]] OR [[:Watts Bar]] OR [[:Hope Creek]] OR [[:Grand Gulf]] OR [[:Cooper]] OR [[:Sequoyah]] OR [[:Byron]] OR [[:Pilgrim]] OR [[:Arkansas Nuclear]] OR [[:Three Mile Island]] OR [[:Braidwood]] OR [[:Susquehanna]] OR [[:Summer]] OR [[:Prairie Island]] OR [[:Columbia]] OR [[:Seabrook]] OR [[:Brunswick]] OR [[:Surry]] OR [[:Limerick]] OR [[:North Anna]] OR [[:Turkey Point]] OR [[:River Bend]] OR [[:Vermont Yankee]] OR [[:Crystal River]] OR [[:Haddam Neck]] OR [[:Ginna]] OR [[:Diablo Canyon]] OR [[:Callaway]] OR [[:Vogtle]] OR [[:Waterford]] OR [[:Duane Arnold]] OR [[:Farley]] OR [[:Robinson]] OR [[:Clinton]] OR [[:South Texas]] OR [[:San Onofre]] OR [[:Cook]] OR [[:Comanche Peak]] OR [[:Yankee Rowe]] OR [[:Maine Yankee]] OR [[:Quad Cities]] OR [[:Humboldt Bay]] OR [[:La Crosse]] OR [[:Big Rock Point]] OR [[:Rancho Seco]] OR [[:Zion]] OR [[:Midland]] OR [[:Bellefonte]] OR [[:Fort Calhoun]] OR [[:FitzPatrick]] OR [[:McGuire]] OR [[:LaSalle]] OR [[:Fort Saint Vrain]] OR [[:Shoreham]] OR [[:Satsop]] OR [[:Trojan]] OR [[:Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant]] </code>.
[Table view]The following query condition could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Beaver Valley]] OR [[:Millstone]] OR [[:Hatch]] OR [[:Monticello]] OR [[:Calvert Cliffs]] OR [[:Dresden]] OR [[:Davis Besse]] OR [[:Peach Bottom]] OR [[:Browns Ferry]] OR [[:Salem]] OR [[:Oconee]] OR [[:Mcguire]] OR [[:Nine Mile Point]] OR [[:Palisades]] OR [[:Palo Verde]] OR [[:Perry]] OR [[:Indian Point]] OR [[:Fermi]] OR [[:Kewaunee]] OR [[:Catawba]] OR [[:Harris]] OR [[:Wolf Creek]] OR [[:Saint Lucie]] OR [[:Point Beach]] OR [[:Oyster Creek]] OR [[:Watts Bar]] OR [[:Hope Creek]] OR [[:Grand Gulf]] OR [[:Cooper]] OR [[:Sequoyah]] OR [[:Byron]] OR [[:Pilgrim]] OR [[:Arkansas Nuclear]] OR [[:Three Mile Island]] OR [[:Braidwood]] OR [[:Susquehanna]] OR [[:Summer]] OR [[:Prairie Island]] OR [[:Columbia]] OR [[:Seabrook]] OR [[:Brunswick]] OR [[:Surry]] OR [[:Limerick]] OR [[:North Anna]] OR [[:Turkey Point]] OR [[:River Bend]] OR [[:Vermont Yankee]] OR [[:Crystal River]] OR [[:Haddam Neck]] OR [[:Ginna]] OR [[:Diablo Canyon]] OR [[:Callaway]] OR [[:Vogtle]] OR [[:Waterford]] OR [[:Duane Arnold]] OR [[:Farley]] OR [[:Robinson]] OR [[:Clinton]] OR [[:South Texas]] OR [[:San Onofre]] OR [[:Cook]] OR [[:Comanche Peak]] OR [[:Yankee Rowe]] OR [[:Maine Yankee]] OR [[:Quad Cities]] OR [[:Humboldt Bay]] OR [[:La Crosse]] OR [[:Big Rock Point]] OR [[:Rancho Seco]] OR [[:Zion]] OR [[:Midland]] OR [[:Bellefonte]] OR [[:Fort Calhoun]] OR [[:FitzPatrick]] OR [[:McGuire]] OR [[:LaSalle]] OR [[:Fort Saint Vrain]] OR [[:Shoreham]] OR [[:Satsop]] OR [[:Trojan]] OR [[:Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant]] </code>. |
All holders of operating licenses for nuclear power reactors, except those who have
permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed
from the reactor vessel.
Purp ose
The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Is issuing this information notice to remind
addressees that the eligibility requirements for applying for an operator license have not
changed since 10 CFR Part 55 was amended in 1987. Recently, the NRC staff denied some
applications for senior reactor operator licenses because the applicants did not have the
necessary responsible nuclear power plant experience at the plant for which the applicant was
seeking a license. It is expected that recipients will review the Information In this notice to avoid
similar problems. However, suggestions made in this Information notice are not NRC
requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.
10 CFR 55.31 (a)(4), requires that (1) operator license applicants submit evidence that they
have successfully completed a facility licensee's requirements to be licensed as an operator
and (2) an authorized representative of the facility licensee certify successful completion of the
requirements on NRC Form 398, uPersonal Qualification Statement - Licensee." In lieu of this
evidence, 10 CFR 55.31 (a)(4) provides that the Commission may accept certification that the
applicant has successfully completed a Commission-approved training program that is based
on a systems approach to training (SAT) and that uses a simulation facility acceptable to the
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IN 98-37 Ocbober 1, 1998 The NRC discussed revised applicant eligibility criteria in a March 28, 1980 letter from
Harold Denton to all nuclear power plant licensees. In that letter, licensees were informed of
the revised criteria that the NRC staff would use In evaluating reactor operator training and
licensing. These criteria Included classroom training and simulator training and that a candidate
spend a specified amount of time on shift under instruction and to have, in the case of a senior
operator, previous responsible power plant experience, a portion of which must be at the plant
for which the license is sought, and a four-year college degree or one year as a reactor
operator. On October 31, 1980, the March 28, 1980 letter was reproduced in NUREG-0737
"Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements," as Section l.A.2.1, Immediate Upgrading of
Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Training and Qualifications."Section I.A.2.1 restated the criteria that a senior reactor operator applicant must have been licensed as a
reactor operator for a minimum of one year before obtaining a senior operator license. Section
l.A.2.1 further stated that applicants for a senior license were expected to have a minimum of
four years of "responsible power plant experience" and defined responsible power plant
experience as "that obtained as a control room operator (fossil or nuclear) or as a power plant
staff engineer involved in the day-to-day activities of the facility, commencing with the final year
of construction.
On February 7, 1985, the Commission published a policy statement on training and
qualification, which endorsed the industry-wide accreditation process while affirming the NRC's
responsibility for evaluating licensees' training efforts. The accreditation process was endorsed
by the Commission based on the strength of the SAT process in maintaining the training
program content and because the accreditation guidance for licensed operator training
programs established recommended qualifications, including experience, for licensed control
room operators, senior control room operators, and shift supervisors that were consistent with
the experience requirements contained In the 1980 Denton letter.
In 1987, 10 CFR Part 55, was amended to codify the Commission's policy related to operator
training. Concurrent with publication of the Part 55 rule change, the staff published Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.8, Personnel Selection and Training," and endorsed ANSI/ANS-3.1-
1981, with exceptions. Regulatory Guide 1.8 defined a method acceptable to the NRC for
compliance with regulations regarding training and qualification of nuclear power plant
personnel. The endorsement and exceptions reiterated the NRC's position on the experience
needed by operator and senior reactor operator applicants, previously stated In the 1980
Denton letter and In NUREG-0737.
Description of Circumstances
Recently the NRC staff denied some applications for senior reactor operator licenses because
the applicants did not have the necessary responsible power plant experience. These
applicants had completed the licensee's training program but did not have six months of
responsible nuclear power plant experience at the plants for which the applicants were seeking
a license.
IN 98-37 October 1, 1998 Discussion
The 1987 amendment to 10 CFR Part 55 provided that applicants would no longer need to
provide details of their training and experience on the application If they certified that they had
completed a Commission-approved training program that used a simulation facility acceptable
to the NRC under 55.45(b). Additionally, the Statement of Considerations (SOC)
accompanying the rule change stated that a facility licensee's training program would be
approved by being accredited by the National Nuclear Accrediting Board. At the time of the
publication of the Part 55 rule change, the experience recommendations In the industry's
accredited licensed operator training program guidelines were considered to be equivalent to
the experience criteria of Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 2. Therefore, when 10 CFR
55.31 (a)(4) was promulgated, an accredited training program, based on an SAT process, together with the specific experience criteria contained in the training program accreditation
guidelines at that time, was an acceptable alternative method for complying with the
Commission's regulations on training and qualification of nuclear power plant workers. The
SOC accompanying the 1987 revision also informed licensees that their training programs and
experience criteria must conform to the Commission-approved baseline as these were reflected
in the industry's accreditation standards at the time of the revision.
While the Commission-approved experience baseline for licensed operators has not changed
since the 1980 Denton letter, the National Academy for Nuclear Training modified its accredited
licensed operator training program guidelines in 1991 by removing certain criteria Integral to the
NRC's endorsement of that accreditation as an acceptable means of meeting the requirements
in 10 CFR Part 55. Some facility licensees interpreted the removal of these criteria from the
Industry guidelines as NRC approval to reduce the training and experience requirements for
operator license applicants and modified their training programs and procedures accordingly.
To rectify the unintended Interpretation by many facility licensees as a result of the modified
industry guidelines, the National Academy for Nuclear Training developed interim guidance
which reinstates the industry guidance that was removed in 1991. This interim guidance was
sent to its membership on July 8, 1998.
Many licensees are in the process of upgrading (amending) their facility licensing basis
documents, including the technical specifications, prior to submitting them to the NRC staff for
approval. The NRC staff will review submittals which contain references to licensed operator
eligibility requirements against the Commission-approved experience baseline referenced in
this Information notice; however, licensees may propose means other than those specified in
the baseline criteria for meeting applicable regulations.
IN 98-37 October 1, 1998 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.
W. Roe, Acting Director
ivision of Reactor Program Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contacts: Richard Pelton, NRR John Pellet, Region IV
301-415-1028 817-860-8159 E-mail: rmpl@nrc.gov E-Mail: jlp@nrc.gov
Jesse Arildsen, NRR Richard Conte, Region I Thomas Peebles, Region II
301-415-1026 610-337-5183 404-562-4638 E-mail: jaa@nrc.gov E-mail: mc@nrc.gov E-mail: tap@nrc.gov
Melvyn Leach, Region IlIl Charles Petrone, NRR
630-829-9705 301-415-1027 E-mail: mnl@nrc.gov E-mail: cdp@nrc.gov
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
A - -bJ L ,-
Attachment 1 IN 98-37 October 1, 1998 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
Information Date of
Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to
98-37 Inadequate or Poorly Controlled 9/18/98 All holders of operating Ilicenses
Non-Safety-Related Maintenance for nuclear power reactors
Activities Unnecessarily Challenged
Safety Systems
98-35 Threat Assessments and 914/98 All U.S. NRC fuel cycle facilities
Consideration of Heightened power and non-power reactor
Physical Protection Measures licencees (Safeguard issues, not
for public disclosure.)
98-34 NRC Configuration Control 8/28/98 All holders of Operating licenses
Errors for nuclear power reactors, except
for those who have ceased
operations and have certified that
fuel has been permanently
removed from the reactor vessel
98-33 NRC Regulations Prohibit 8/28/98 All holders of a U.S. Nuclear
Agreements that restrict or Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Discourage an Employee from license.
Participating in Protected Activities
98-32 Problems Associated with Post- 8/26/98 All holders of operating licenses
Fire Safe-Shutdown Circuit for nuclear power reactors, except
Analyses those who have permanently
ceased operations and have
certified that fuel has been
permanently removed form the
OL = Operating License
CP = Construction Permit
' IN 98-37 October 1, 1998 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.
Jack W. Roe, Acting Director
Division of Reactor Program Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contacts: Richard Pelton, NRR John Pellet, Region IV
301-415-1028 817-860-8159 E-mail: rmpl@nrc.gov E-Mail: jlp@nrc.gov
Jesse Arildsen, NRR Richard Conte, Region I Thomas Peebles, Region II
301-415-1026 610-337-5183 404-562-4638 E-mail: jaa@nrc.gov E-mail: mc@nrc.gov E-mail: tap@nrc.gov
Melvyn Leach, Region IlIl Charles Petrone, NRR
630-829-9705 301-415-1027 E-mail: mnl@nrc.gov E-mail: cdp@nrc.gov
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
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NAME CPetrone* JArildsen* STreby* I LSpessard* JStolz* J o]
DATE 09/03/98 09/03/98 09/24/98 09/23/98 09/24/98 i/ 1 8 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
xIN 98-4 /
62i Sft~rtMer.xk, 1998 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.
Jack W. Roe, Acting Director
Division of Reactor Program Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contacts: Richard Pelton, NRR John Pellet, Region IV
301-415-1028 817-860-8159 E-mail: rmpl@nrc.gov E-Mail: jlp@nrc.gov
Jesse Arildsen, NRR Richard Conte, Region I Thomas Peebles, Region II
301-415-1026 610-337-5183 404-562-4638 E-mail: jaa@nrc.gov E-mail: rnc@nrc.gov E-mail: tap@nrc.gov
Melvyn Leach, Region IlIl Charles Petrone, NRR
630-829-9705 301-415-1027 E-mail: mnl@nrc.gov E-mail: cdp@nrc.gov
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
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NAME CPetrone* JAHldsen* STreby ISpessard i JRoe
DATE 09/03/98 09/03/98 & 9 8 q I /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
Ix IN 98-xx
September xx, 1998 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.
Jack W. Roe, Acting Director
Division of Reactor Program Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contacts: Richard Pelton, NRR John Pellet, Region IV
301-415-1028 817-860-8159 E-mail: rmpl@nrc.gov E-Mail: jlp@nrc.gov
Jesse Arildsen, NRR Richard Conte, Region I Thomas Peebles, Region II
301-415-1026 610-337-5183 404-562-4638 E-mail: jaa@nrc.gov E-mail: rnc@nrc.gov E-mail: tap@nrc.gov
Melvyn Leach, Region III Charles Petrone, NRR
630-829-9705 301-415-1027 E-mail: mnl@nrc.gov E-mail: cdp@nrc.gov
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
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NAME CPetrone* JArildsen* STrebe ILSpessard JStolz JRoel
DATE 09/0398U 09/03/98 I / /98 j I /98 I /98 / /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
- -
IN 98-xx
" September xx, 1998 qualification of nuclear power plant workers. The SOC accompanying the 1987 revision also
D-eRic-ce nsees that their training programs and experience criteria must conform to the
afet Commission-approved baseline as these were reflected in the industry's accreditation
standards at the time of the revision.
While the Commission-approved experience baseline for licensed operators has not changed
since the 1980 Denton letter, it has come to the NRC staffs attention that the industry's
accredited licensed operator training program modified its guidelines in 1991 by removing
certain criteria integral to the NRC's endorsement of that accreditation as an acceptable means
of meeting the requirements in 10 CFR Part 55. To rectify the unintended interpretation by
many facility licensees as a result of the modified industry guidelines, the National Academy for
Nuclear Training has developed interim guidance which reinstates the industry guidance that
was removed in 1991. This interim guidance was sent to its membership on July 8, 1998.
Many licensees are in the process of upgrading their facility licensing basis documents, including the technical specifications, prior to submitting them to the NRC staff for approval.
The NRC staff expects that any such submittals which contain reference to licensed operator
eligibility requirements will conform to the Commission-approved experience baseline
referenced in this information notice. Licensees may propose means other than those specified
baseline criteria for meeting applicable regulations.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.
Jack W. Roe, Acting Director
Division of Reactor Program Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contacts: Richard Pelton, NRR John Pellet, Region IV
301-415-1028 817-860-8159 E-mail: rmpl@nrc.gov E-Mail: jlp@nrc.gov
Jesse Arildsen, NRR Richard Conte, Region I Thomas Peebles, Region II
301-415-1026 610-337-5183 404-562-4638 E-mail: jaa@nrc.gov E-mail: rnc@nrc.gov E-mail: tap@nrc.gov
Melvyn Leach, Region IlIl Charles Petrone, NRR
630-829-9705 301-415-1027 E-mail: mnl@nrc.gov i-E-mail: cdp@nrc.gov
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
To receive a copy of this document, indicate In the box C=Copy wlo attachment/enclosure E=Copy with attachment/enclosure N = No copy
NAME CPetrone JAI;Z STrebe I LSpessard JStolz _ JRoe
l DATE 5k/i/98 F9/13/98 1 I /98 I /98 I /98 LI /98 1 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
list | - Information Notice 1998-01, Thefts of Portable Gauges (15 January 1998, Topic: Shutdown Margin, Moisture-Density Gauge, Stolen)
- Information Notice 1998-02, Nuclear Power Plant Cold Weather Problems and Protective Measures (21 January 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-03, Inadequate Verification of Overcurrent Trip Setpoints in Metal-Clad, Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers (21 January 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-04, 1997 Enforcement Sanctions for Deliberate Violations of NRC Employee Protection Requirements (9 February 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-05, Criminal History Record Information (11 February 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-06, Unauthorized Use of License to Obtain Radioactive Materials, and Its Implication Under the Expanded Title 18 of the U.S. Code (19 February 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-07, Offsite Power Reliability Challenges from Industry Deregulation (27 February 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-08, Information Likely to Be Requested If an Emergency is Declared (2 March 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-08, Information Likely to Be Requested If an Emergency Is Declared (2 March 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-09, Collapse of an Isocam II, Dual-Headed Nuclear Medicine Gamma Camera (5 March 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-10, Probable Misadministrations Occurring During Intravascular Brachytherapy with Novoste Beta-cath System (9 March 1998, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-11, Cracking of Reactor Vessel Internal Baffle Former Bolts in Foreign Plants (25 March 1998, Topic: Fire Barrier, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-12, Licensees' Responsibilities Regarding Reporting & Follow-up Requirements for Nuclear-Powered Pacemakers (3 April 1998, Topic: Fire Barrier, Brachytherapy, Stolen)
- Information Notice 1998-13, Post-Refueling Outage Reactor Pressure Vessel Leak Testing Before Core Criticality (20 April 1998, Topic: Fire Barrier, VT-2, Pressure Boundary Leakage, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-14, Undocumented Changes to Non-Power Reactor Safety System Wiring (20 April 1998, Topic: Brachytherapy, Failure to Scram)
- Information Notice 1998-15, Integrity of Operator Licensing Examinations (20 April 1998, Topic: Fire Barrier, Job Performance Measure)
- Information Notice 1998-16, Inadequate Operational Checks of Alarm Ratemeters (30 April 1998, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-17, Federal Bureau of Investigation'S (FBI) Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR) Program (7 May 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-17, Federal Bureau of Investigation'S (FBI) Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (Ansir) Program (7 May 1998, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-18, Recent Contamination Incidences Resulting from Failure to Perform Adequate Surveys (13 May 1998, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-19, Shaft Binding in General Electric Type Sbm Control Switches (3 June 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-20, Problems with Emergency Preparedness Respiratory Protection Programs (3 June 1998, Topic: Shift Technical Advisor, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-21, Potential Deficiency of Electrical Cable/Connection Systems (4 June 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-22, Deficiencies Identified During NRC Design Inspections (17 June 1998, Topic: Stroke time, Tornado Missile)
- Information Notice 1998-23, Crosby Relief Valve Setpoint Drift Problems Caused by Corrosion of Guide Ring (23 June 1998, Topic: Loop seal, Condition Adverse to Quality)
- Information Notice 1998-25, Loss of Inventory from Safety-Related Closed-Loop Cooling Water Systems (8 July 1998, Topic: Ultimate heat sink)
- Information Notice 1998-26, Settlement Monitoring and Inspection of Plant Structures Affected by Degradation of Porous Concrete Subfoundations (24 July 1998, Topic: Condition Adverse to Quality)
- Information Notice 1998-27, Steam Generator Tube End Cracking (24 July 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-28, Development of Systematic Sample Plan for Operator Licensing Examinations (31 July 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-29, Predicted Increase in Fuel Rod Cladding Oxidation (3 August 1998, Topic: Fuel cladding)
- Information Notice 1998-30, Effect of Year 2000 Computer Problem on NRC Licensees and Certificate Holders (12 August 1998, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-31, Fire Protection System Design Deficiencies and Common-Mode Flooding of Emergency Core Cooling System Rooms at Washington Nuclear Project Unit 2 (18 August 1998, Topic: Water hammer)
- Information Notice 1998-33, NRC Regulations Prohibit Agreements That Restrict or Discourage an Employee from Participating in Protected Activities (28 August 1998, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1998-34, Configuration Control Errors (28 August 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-36, Inadequate or Poorly Controlled, Non-Safety-Related Maintenance Activities Unnecessarily Challenged Safety Systems (18 September 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-37, Eligibility of Operator License Applicants (1 October 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-38, Metal-Clad Circuit Breaker Maintenance Issues Identified by NRC Inspections (15 October 1998, Topic: Overtravel, Reactive Inspection)
- Information Notice 1998-39, Summary of Fitness-for-Duty Program Performance Reports for Calendar Years 1996 and 1997 (30 October 1998, Topic: Fitness for Duty)
- Information Notice 1998-40, Design Deficiencies Can Lead to Reduced ECCS Pump Net Positive Suction Head During Design-Basis Accidents (26 October 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-41, Spurious Shutdown of Emergency Diesel Generators From Design Oversight (20 November 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-41, Spurious Shutdown of Emergency Diesel Generators from Design Oversight (20 November 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-42, Implementation of 10 CFR 55.55a(g) Inservice Inspection Requirements (1 December 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-43, Leaks in Emergency Diesel Generator Lubricating Oil & Jacket Cooling Water Piping (4 December 1998)
- Information Notice 1998-44, Ten-Year Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program Update for Licensees That Intend to Implement Risk-Informed ISI of Piping (10 December 1998, Topic: Probabilistic Risk Assessment)
- Information Notice 1998-45, Cavitation Erosion of Letdown Line Orifices Resulting in Fatigue Cracking of Pipe Welds (15 December 1998)