HBL-98-015, Forwards Rev 2 to DSAR for Humboldt Bay Power Plant,Unit 3, to Comply W/Decommissioning Rule.Dsar Was Formerly Known as Safstor Decommissioning Plan.Encl 1 Identifies & Describes Rept Changes

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Forwards Rev 2 to DSAR for Humboldt Bay Power Plant,Unit 3, to Comply W/Decommissioning Rule.Dsar Was Formerly Known as Safstor Decommissioning Plan.Encl 1 Identifies & Describes Rept Changes
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 08/28/1998
From: Moulia T
Shared Package
ML20151U125 List:
HBL-98-015, HBL-98-15, NUDOCS 9809100291
Download: ML20151U122 (9)


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%' Pacific Gas and Electric Ccmpany 1000 King salmon Avenue

.' 5503 ilumboldt Bay P;werPlant T0bf A. AfoULIA Plant blanager l l

August 28,1998 1

PG&E Letter HBL-98-015 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk l

Washington, DC 20555 '

Docket No. a-133, OL-DPR-7 l Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 Revision 2 to the Defueled Safety Analysis Report

Dear Commissioners and Staff:

The enclosed Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 Defueled Safety Analysis Report 1 (DSAR) was formerly known as the SAFSTOR Decommissioning Plan (SDP). As a l result of the 1996 NRC decommissioning rule, the SDP was considered to be a Post- l Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Repon (PSDAR) because it contained I information related to decommissioning activities. It was also considered to be a Final Safety Analysis Repon (FSAR) because it contained information such as plant description, site characterizatior and accident analysis.

In compliance with the 1996 NRC decommissioning rule, PG&E submitted a PSDAR in February 1998 to provide a general overview of proposed decommissioning activities.

As a result, the SDP will focus on providing the type ofinformation contained in an FSAR and will contain less information related to decommissioning activities. Thus, the SDP has been more appropriately renamed the DSAR.

The 1996 NRC decommissioning mie became etTective August 28,1996. This rule modified 10 CFR 50.71 to require licensees of permanently defueled plants to revise their FSARs at least once every 24 months. To comply with the decommissioning mle, PG&E is submitting this DSAR by August 28,1998.

Enclosures 1 and 2 contain information regarding changes to the DSAR. Enclosure 1 identifies and describes the report changes. Enclosure 2 provides Revision 2 of the DSAR.


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l PG&E Letter HBL-98-015 1

The changes contained in Revision 2 of the DSAR include plant modifications l

performed since the effective date of Revision 1 and reflect plant configuration and organization as of August 28,1998. Revision 2 also includes changes that provide I clarification ofinformation and correction of typogrrphical errors. The changes have been reviewed and approved by the Plant Staff Review Committee.

Since ly,

/m 1 TOM A. MO LIA  !

cc: Dennis F. Kirsch l Ellis. W. Merschoff ,

Louis L. Wheeler i

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i' PG&E Letter HBL-98-015 ENCLOSUREI 1



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1. General correcion of typographical and editorial errors throughout the document.
2. SAFSTOR Decommissioning Plan changed to Defueled Safety Analysis Repost (DSAR) as the title and throughout the document to be consistent with the 1996 NRC Decommissioning Rule. Changed 'decomreissioning activities" to *SAFSTOR decommissioning activities" throughout the document to distinguish between d3 commissioning activities to place Unit 3 in SAFSTOR from future decommissioning work.
3. Executive summary revised to include a description of other documents submitted to NRC in accordance with the new decommissioning rule, and delete historical information including ,

identification of other documents submitted to the NRC with application to place Unit 3 in  !


4. Executive Summary and Section 1: Statements added that discussions related to future

! decommissioning activit'es and costs have been moved to the Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR).

5. Section 1.2, Criteria and Guidelines Review: Noted that the DSAR is consistent with guidance provided in Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1067, " Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," dated July 1997.
6. Section, Reactor Caisson: Added statements that access openings were cut in the suppression chambar, and baffle plates in the suppression chamber were removed. These statements reflect changes from safety evaluation HB3-EC-407. Also changed wording to  !

reflect removal of new fuel storage vault racks. This reflects a change from a safety evaluation for SERA HB3-005.

7. Section, Control Rod Hydraulic System: Added statement that the scram dump tank and associated piping in the access shaft at the -66 foot level were removed. This reflects a

! change frorn a safety evaluation for SERA HB3-002.


8. Section, Core Spray System: Added statement that the two core spray pumps and associated suction and discharge piping at the -66 foot level were removed. This reflects a change from a safety evaluation for SERA HB3-001.
9. Sections and, Liquid Waste Collection System: Changed ' pump
  • to " pumps" l as a submersible pump was added to the caisson sump pump system. This reflects a l change from safety evaluation HB3-SM-401.

10, Section, Fuel Pool Circulating Water Pumps: Changed spent fuel pool filter to spent fuel pool strainer to be more accurate.

11. Section,480V System: Revised to state that the emergency section of Load Center 10 supplies power to Power Pane! No.1, not the AC Section of Valve Control Center No.1.

This reflects a change from safety evaluation HB3-SE-383.


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-12. Table 3A: Added the EPA limitation of one million gallons of petroleum products on site.

Deleted reference to receiving fuel by tanker or barge because a pipeline is no longer in service.

13. Table 3-1, Physical Charaderization Summary, has been revised as follows:

e Part 1 (b): Control Rod Hydraulic System: The scram dump tank was removed. This j ~ reflects a change from a safety evaluation for SERA HB3-002.

e Part 1 (g): Core Spray System: The two core spray pumps were removed. This reflects a i change from a safety evaluation for SERA HB3-001.

! e Par 13 (c): Caisson Sump Pump System: Changed " pump' to " pumps" as a submersible pump was added to the system. This reflects a change from safety evaluation HB3-SM-401.

. Part 5 (c): "SFP Domineralizer Filter" changed to "SFP Domineralizer Strainer" to more accurately describe the function of the unit.

14. Sections 4.1,4.2 and 4.3: Eliminated description of plant organization that existed to place the plant in SAFSTOR. This reflects a change from safety evaluation 1998-07. Also l

eliminated descripticn of schedule information because this information is more l appropriately located in the PSDAR. Changed section titles accordingly to reflect these changes.

15. Section 4.2.1: Clarified that support continues to be provided to maintain Unit 3 in SAFSTOR from the following departments: Regulatory Services, Budget and Performance Mana0ement Department, the Procurement Services Section of the Site Services Department, Nuclear
Quality Services, and Design Engineering Services. Department names were changed to refied current names.
16. Section 4.2.1: Revised description of the Senior Vice President and General Manager, and the Vice President, Nuclear Technical Services to reflect current responsibilities. This reflects a change from safety evaluation 1998-07.
17. Section 4.2.1: Clarified that the Plant Manager reposts to the Vice President, Nuclear i Technical Services.
18. Section 4.2.3: Eliminated discussion of the minimal impact of having an additional 15 employees in 1985.
19. Section 4.3.1: This section was revised to refied current cost estimates. Deleted estimated annual purchase expenses in Humboldt County of $20,000 in 1984 dollars as no longer l being relevant. l
20. Section, Training Program


Clarified the type and level of training provided to plant employees.

21. Section, General Employee Training: Description of Level 1,2 and 3 training moved to this section from to eliminate duplication.
22. Section, Use of Monitoring Equipment: Maintained overall detection requirements but eliminated identification of specific detectors because specific detectors may change.

. 23. Section, Quality Control Department Training: Use of video tape as supplemental training is not used.



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24. Section, Quality Control Department Training Program: Number of QC inspectors is not pcrtinent to the training program description.
25. Section, Process Radiation Monitoring System: Modified the radwaste limits to reflect the wording of Safety Evaluation 1998-03,
26. Section, Yard Drains: The yard drain sump can be valved to the oily water separator instead of the settling ponds. This reflects a change from safety evaluation 1998-06.
27. Section 4.4.5, Radioactive Waste Processing and Disposal, was revised to describe expected future liquid and solid waste processing and disposal procedures at HBPP.

Section Sources of Radioactive Wastes e Editorial changes such as removal of statements that waste generation will be at a reduced rate during the SAFSTOR period, or that a relatively low volume of liquid or solid waste will be generated.

Section Waste Processing and Disposal e Editorial changes to set status of activities to current time.

. Description of the use of " Secondary Processors" to process wastes off-site, including sorting, survey and free-release, decontamination, consolidation and volume reduction prior to burial at a licensed burial site. Addressed in the Safety Evaluation 1998-04.

. Clarification that liquid waste processing may consist of any combination of filtration, domineralization, or (addition) of "other appropriate" process method.

. Removal of evaporation as a routine processing method. Although this method may be vendor supplied, the on-site evaporator will not be used. This issue was addressed in the EDOl, E3 changes S.E. 1998-01.

. Removal of the statemord that all wastes discharged are filtered through minimum 25 micron filter at the time of discharge. Filtration and/or domineralization will occur either


prior to or during discharge. This issue was addressed in the EDOI, E3 changes Safety i Evaluation 1398-01. 1

  • For clarification, added resin sluice water and caisson inleakage to expected sources of i liquid radwaste.

. For clarification, removed statement that radwaste discharges will occur infrequently, o Elimination of discussion of on-site evaporator to process !! quid wastes. Addition of use of vendor (contractor) equipmerd to process waste by unspecified means, rather than limited to " solidification." Addressed in Safety Evaluation 1998-04.

  • Addition of statemord that liquid and wet solid wastes may be shipped to off-site processor for treatment psior to land disposal. Addressed in Safety Evaluation 1998-04.

. Elimination of detailed discussion on process of sampling, analyzing of CWT contents in prepamtion for solidification. This was redundant with discussion later in section which is retained.

. Revision of processing of resins, including: (1) replacement of processing by de-watering or solidification with unspecified processing; (2) addition of the option to use off-site secondary procem J. Addressed in Safety Evaluation 1998-04.

. Revision of proces.ang of filters, including replacement of all details on package description, package storage, method of solidification on-site with general statement that packaging, processing, and shipmerd will be in accordancer with applicable regulations.

Addressed in Safety Evaluation 3/25/96 on method of processing and disposal of filters.

. Corrected the flow rate of two circulators to be 25,000 gpm instead of 50,000 gpm.

e Elimination of statement that chemical and decontamination wastes will be of minimal quantities. Clarification that decontaminatbn y astes are lic,41.

o Elimination of the description of dry activated waste processing as it is redundant on the desciiption of solid low-level waste processing, which is retained. l e Clarification of processing of activated components by allowing " current technology.'

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i e Revision of processing of solid radioactive wastes including elimination of details on compactible and non-compactible waste handling and packaging, and the removal of

" valves" and addition of ' rubble" as examples. Clarification that processing may occur on-site or off-site to achieve volume reduction in the amount of waste disposed, e Clarification of processing of low level wastes including: (1) allowing sampling and analysis of wastes 'as required by regulation;" (2) addition of option to use secondary processors.

. Clarification of description of disposal, including: (1) addition of option to use secondary processors; (2) removal of Richland, WA facility as example of disposal site; (3)

, clarification that low-level wastes " shipped for land burial disposal' will be characterized per 10CFR61.

28. Section The list of areas and rooms that were locked or provided with physical baniers to prevent access was deleted due to the ongoing decontamination effort and the removal of unused equipment. This reflects a change from a safety evaluation performed for a change to procedure RCP 4-F.
29. Section 5.2: Clarified that the spent fuel pool is the primary source of radioactivity, not the only source.
30. Section 5.2.2: Changed description of annual reports contents by referencing Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requirements. This reflects a change from Safety Evaluation 1998-02.
31. Section 5.3.2: Added statement that plant maintenance willimplement the requirements of 10 CFR 50.65 as appropriate.
32. Section 6.1: Deleted description of Senior Vice President and General Manager as duplicative of information in Section 4.2.1.
33. Section 6.1: Clarified that the PSRC serves as the plant ALARA Committee.
34. Section 6.1: Changed to indicate that the Senior Radiation Protection Engineer now reports to the Plant Manager.
35. Section 6.2: Deleted reference to the Corporate ALARA Committee which no longer exists, and added a description of equivalent corporate ALARA review being performed with the assistance of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant ALARA committee.
36. Section 6.3.1: Clarified that TLDs are the type of dosimetry badge used. Clarified that TLDs provide official exposure while pocket dosimeters provide estimates.
37. ,Section 6.3.3: Clarified that use of respirators will be based on a TEDE ALARA review.
38. Section 6.3.3: Clarified the requirements for personnel to wear respirators to add that personnel must be qualified to wear respirators in addition to having knowledge of respirators.
39. Section 6.3.4: Clarified that protective clothing requirements apply to personnel working in the restricted, not the owner controlled area.
40. Section Clarified that only nne air sampler is in the refueling building.
41. Section Clarified that contamination levels will be determined with an appropriate instrument, rather than specify a GM instrument.

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42. Section Clarified that an offsite laboratory may be used to analyze samples.
43. Section Deleted discussion of use of specific types of instruments because equivalent instruments can be used if the specific instruments are no longer available.
44. Sections, and Clarified that instrument calibration and participation in an intertaboratory sample splitting program may be performed offsite rather than making specific reference to Diablo Canyon Power Plant and/or PG&E's Technical and Ecological Services. ,


45. Section 6.3.7: Deleted Table 6-1, " Radiation Protection Instruments Used at HBPP" because it contained a representative listing of the types of portable survey instruments and equipment available at HBPP and may not be complete since instruments may be replaced (for repairs) with new instruments if the current instruments are no longer available.

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