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San Onofre, Units 2 and 3, Request for Approval of the Safe Storage Shift Manager/Certified Fuel Handler Training Program
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 09/03/2013
From: St.Onge R J
Southern California Edison Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13248A108 (60)


J SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISONAn EDISON INTERNATION4L0P CompanyRichard St. OngeDirector, Nuclear Regulatory Affairs andEmergency Planning10 CFR 50.2September 3, 2013U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, D. C. 20555


Docket No. 50-361 and 50-362Request for Approval of the Safe Storage Shift Manager/Certified Fuel Handler Training ProgramSan Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3Letter from R. St. Onge (SCE) to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) dated August 20, 2013;


Request forApproval of the Safe Storage Shift Manager/Certified Fuel HandlerTraining

Program, San Onofre Nuclear Generating StationUnits 2 and 3


Dear Sir or Madam:

By letter dated August 20, 2013, Southern California Edison (SCE) submitted Requestfor Approval of the Safe Storage Shift Manager/Certified Fuel Handler Training Program(Reference).

A phone call with the NRC Project Manager and NRR staff occurred on August 26, 2013to clarified portions of the training program.

A revised Safe Storage SM/CFH TrainingProgram for SONGS 2 and 3, which addresses the areas that required clarification, isprovided in Attachment 1.There are no new commitments contained in this letter.If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contactMr. Mark Morgan, Licensing Lead, at 949-368-6745.

icerely,AoOlP.O. Box 128San Clemente, CA 92674 Document Control Desk-2-September 3, 2013Attachment 1: Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified FuelHandler Training Program Rev 1cc: S. A. Reynolds, Regional Administrator, Acting, NRC Region IVR. Hall, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and 3B. Benney, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and 3G. G. Warnick, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, San Onofre Units 2 and 3 ATTACHMENT 1SAFE STORAGE SHIFT MANAGER / CERTIFIED FUELHANDLER TRAINING PROGRAM Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel HandlerTraining Program Description (TPD)S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH REV: 1Page 1 of 57IProcedure Usage Requirements SectionsInformation Use e The user may complete the task from memory. However, the ALLuser is responsible for performing the activity according to theprocedure.

  • Information use documents that contain a specific process orderare performed in the given order unless otherwise specified within the document.

Color Usage [ LocationThis Document Does Not Contain Relevant Color ALLLevel 1 -QA PROGRAM AFFECTING 50.59 DNA / 72.48 DNA / RX DNAProcedure TypeTrainingProcedure OwnerRichard Davis S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 2 of 57TABLE OF CONTENTSSectionPage1.0 PURPOSE AND SCO PE ............................................................................................................












66 .1 A p p lic a b ility ............................................................................................................................

66.2 Entry Level / Experience Requirements


66.3 Initial Training Requirements


66.4 Continuing Training Requirem ents .................................................................................

106 .5 S ta n d a rd s .............................................................................................................................



118.0 RETENTION OF RECO RDS ......................................................................................................



/ COM M ITM ENTS ............................................................................................

12ATTACHMENT 1 W ritten Exam ination Areas ..............................................................................................................

132 Operating Exam ination Areas ......................................................................................................

143 SM/CFH Qualification Guide ......................................................................................................

154 Lesson Plan Inform ation .................................................................................................................

525 Sum mary of Changes .....................................................................................................................


,,- IS023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 3 of 57-.- soNGs Pg f51.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE1.1 The Shift Manager/Certified Fuel Handler (SM/CFH) training and retraining program contained herein describes the training program to be implemented by SONGS to ensure the monitoring,

handling, storage, and cooling of nuclear fuel is performed in a manner consistent with ensuring thepublic health and safety. The program describes the personnel to whom the program applies, theareas in which training is provided, what constitutes certification, how certification is maintained, and required qualifications (e.g., medical).

1.2 The program shall be in accordance with ANSI N18.1, "Selection and Training of Nuclear PowerPlant Personnel,"

dated March 8, 1971, consistent with the level of hazard at the facility and toensure the facility is maintained in a safe and stable condition.

Changes to this program may bemade without prior Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval provided the programcontinues to comply with ANSI N18.1-1971.

1.3 The SONGS SM/CFH training and retraining program becomes effective after the NRC hasprovided approval of the program.

Training of personnel assigned to the SM/CFH position can beconducted prior to the program being approved by the NRC.1.4 The Manager, Operations (or delegate) may exempt an individual from a specific trainingrequirement based upon the individual's depth of experience and previous training.

Suchexemptions, including the basis, shall be documented and retained in accordance withS023-XXI-TRN.

Also refer to Section Initial training ensures that entry-level personnel attain the required knowledge and skills to performthe duties of the SM/CFH. Continuing training ensures that incumbents maintain and improve jobperformance.

1.6 A "systems approach to training" (SAT) process (per 10CFR 55.4) will be used for the SM/CFHtraining and retraining program.

The program adheres to the guidelines of NUREG-1 220, "Training Review Criteria and Procedures."

1.6.1 The SAT process contains the following elements:

" Analysis of job performance requirements and training needs" Derivations of learning objectives based upon the preceding analysis" Design, development, and implementation of the training program based uponlearning objectives

" Trainee evaluation

" Program evaluation and revisions INFORMATION USE RJRnKs S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: I__t s Training Program Description (TPD) Page 4 of 572.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1.1 SM/CFH Candidate:

  • Complete all assigned qualification tasks and documentation in accordance withSONGS procedures and Operations Division expectations prior to performing dutiesas the SM/CFH* S023-XXI-TRN, Conduct of Training* OSM-14, Operations Department Expectations
  • Attend continuing training as assigned* Provide student feedback to the training division2.1.2 Manager, Operations:
  • Select individuals to perform the function of the SM/CFH* Provide approval for the training program* Ensure the training program meets management expectations in accordance withOSM-14, Operations Department Expectations
  • Allocate resources necessary to implement the training program* Attend training sessions and observe workers on the job on a routine basis to verifythat training is effective,
accurate, job-specific and plant-specific
  • Ensure any required changes are incorporated into the training program2.1.3 Supervisor, Training:
  • Monitor individual candidate performance to determine when intervention is requireddue to marginal or failing performance

" Provide status of the training program as requested by the Manager, Operations

" Consult with Manager, Operations to implement the training program and allocateresources necessary to implement the training programINFORMATION USE IS023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 5 of 573.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Certified FuelHandler (CFH):3.2 Department TraininqCoordinator (DTC):3.3 Job Performance Measure (JPM):3.4 Operating Exam:3.5 Safe Storage(SAFSTOR):

3.6 Training ProgramOwner (TPO):A non-licensed operator who has qualified in accordance with a fuel handlertraining program approved by the Commission (from 1OCFR 50.2).One of more persons selected by each department's manager (training program owner) to perform training activities for that department.

A training and/or evaluation instrument that outlines the prerequisite trainingalong with the critical knowledge and skills a trainee must master in order tobe qualified to perform a task independently.

The JPM documentation isprepared at the task level and developed to measure an employee's performance of a task during training on-the-job or for task qualification.

JPMsmay also be used where no qualification is to be granted (e.g., annualperformance tests).An evaluation of an operator's ability to independently perform a task to anestablished standard.

An example would be one or more job performance measures (JPMs).A method in which a nuclear facility is placed and maintained in a condition that allows the facility to be safely stored and subsequently to levels thatpermit release for unrestricted use.The line manager or supervisor who has direct responsibility for thedetermination and approval of the scope and content of a training program,for the scheduling of training, and for the qualification of their respective workgroup(s).

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 None5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 VERIFY this document is current by using one of the methods described in S0123-XV-HU-3.

5.2 VERIFY Level of Use requirements on the first page of this procedure.

INFORMATION USE S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 6 of 576.0 PROCEDURE

6.1 Applicability

6.1.1 The program is designed to ensure personnel are qualified to perform assigned tasks.The program applies to individuals selected as a shift manager/certified fuel handler forSAFSTOR.6.2 Entry Level / Experience Requirements 6.2.1 The Human Resources Department defines entry-level requirements for each jobposition in accordance with ANSI N18.1 1971. Per ANSI N18.1 1971, supervisors notrequiring an NRC License (e.g., Certified Fuel Handlers) must have at lest a high schooldiploma and a minimum of four years experience in the discipline s/he supervises.

6.3 Initial Training Requirements 6.3.1 The goal of initial training is to familiarize the individual with the various aspects ofnuclear technology associated with SONGS and to ensure that they hold paramount thesafety, health, and welfare of the public in the performance of their duties.6.3.2 The initial training program consists four phases:* Required Reading (Section 6.3.6)* Fundamentals Training (Section 6.3.7)" On-the-Job Training and On-Shift Time (Section 6.3.8)* Final qualification, which includes an oral board, a comprehensive written exam, anda JPM exam (Section 6.3.9)6.3.3 Additionally, the SM/CFH candidate must complete qualification as the Emergency Coordinator (EC) prior to performing duties as the SM/CFH in the plant. This requirescompletion of the EC qualification card (located in SAP as encode 72AQWT).6.3.4 The SM/CFH candidate shall complete, or be exempted from, all or portions of thecertified operator (CO) training program.

The Manager, Operations may grantexemptions based on the candidate's previous education and experience.

Previously licensed SONGS senior reactor operators or reactor operators are exempt from allportions of the certified operator (CO) training program.6.3.5 Completion of all phases of qualification is documented in the SM/CFH qualification guide. The phases shall be administered as described below. (Attachment 3)INFORMATION USE

ý I U.1ý1 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH S Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: Training Program Description (TPD)SONGS Page 7 of 576.3.6 Required Reading6.3.6.1 The candidate will complete (or be exempted from) all required reading either prior toor during the qualification process to become familiar with site processes andregulations.

A comprehensive exam at the end of the course will provide assurance that the candidate is familiar with site processes and regulations.

6.3.7 Fundamentals Training6.3.7.1 Individuals who were previously licensed as reactor operators or senior reactoroperators at SONGS, or who have passed the Generic Fundamentals (GFES) exam,are exempt from the fundamentals theory portion of the qualification (course SM-02in the qualification guide). The fundamental training phase of the SM/CFH training program consists of lectureand/or self-study of topics appropriate to the monitoring,

handling, storage, andcooling of nuclear fuel. Depending on an analysis of the candidate's background, self-study may be used for up to 100% of the course material.

A written exam at theend of the fundamentals phase will provide assurance that the material was properlylearned. Typically fundamentals topics include a review of the theory (thermodynamics, heattransfer, fluid mechanics, radiological safety principles and monitoring, electrical theory, valve and pump operation),

administrative processes, and plant systemsrequired to support SONGS' safe storage.6.3.8 On-the-Job Training (OJT) and On-Shift Time6.3.8.1 On-the-job training and on-shift time permits hands-on training of shift operations such as shift turnover, log keeping, and removal and return of equipment to service.Each candidate shall complete (or be exempted from) at least five full shifts ofon-shift time under the instruction of a qualified SM/CFH. The candidate shall bepresent for both ongoing and off-going turnover of the SM/CFH duties during theshift.INFORMATION USE I V, ,I ,S ,0N S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD)SONGS Page 8 of 576.3.9 Final Qualification Once the trainee has completed or been exempted from the CO qualification, completed the required reading phase, fundamentals phase, on-the-job-training phase, under instruction

watches, and the EC qualification, they are ready to enterthe final qualification phase. An oral board, a comprehensive written examination, and an operating examination consisting of JPMs will be administered.

Areasexamined are described in Attachments 1 and 2 for the written and operating examinations, respectively (oral board questions can be derived from topics listed ineither Attachments 1 and/or 2). The written examination requires a minimum score of 80% to pass. The oral examination requires a minimum score of 80% to pass. The operating examination will consist of five JPMs. In order to pass a JPM, theexaminee will be required to perform the task per the procedure.

Missed orincorrectly performed critical steps are the bases for failure.

Each JPM will bescored on a pass/fail basis. The candidate must pass 80% of the JPMs administered to successfully pass the operating examination. Qualification will be granted upon completion of the following:

  • Complete the SM/CFH qualification guide or have the phase(s) exempted* Score at least 80% on a comprehensive written examination and thefundamentals exam* Pass at least 80% of the administered JPMs on the final examination
  • Achieve a score of at least 80% on the oral board" Complete a respirator physical exam and fit test to meet emergency responseorganization commitments

" Complete medical examinations as directed by the Manager, Operations and theMedical Review Officer to meet any facility

license, emergency responseorganization, fire brigade, or other commitment
  • Complete or be exempted from CO qualification
  • Complete Emergency Coordinator qualification Completion of the candidate's final qualification will be documented on theappropriate qualification matrix. The completed qualification guide and anyexemption forms with supporting documentation shall be forward to Records forretention.


-S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH S Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD)SONGS Page 9 of 576.3.10 Remediation An individual who fails to pass administered exams shall not perform SM/CFH dutiesuntil he/she has completed a remedial training program and passed an appropriate examination.

6.3.11 Exemption of Training Requirements Exemptions will be processed in accordance with S023-XXI-TRN. The Manager, Operations (or delegate) may exempt an individual from a specifictraining requirement based upon the individual's depth of experience and previoustraining.

Any exemption(s) granted shall be based on an evaluation of thecandidate's training and/or work history to ensure that the intent of the exemptedtraining's objectives is satisfied.

Such exemptions, including the basis, shall bedocumented in accordance with S023-XXI-TRN.

The Manager, Operations (ordelegate) shall approve the basis for evaluations qualifying an individual as anSM/CFH. The requirement for a medical examination shall not be exempted. Personnel qualified as both shift manager (SM) and emergency coordinator (EC)prior to SONGS decommissioning has met all the requirements of this program andmay be exempted from all portions of the SM/CFH qualification guide in accordance with S023-XXI-TRN. Those personnel who were not formerly qualified as shift manager but do have anNRC-issued senior reactor operator or limited senior reactor operator license may beexempted from all of the qualification card requirement for SM/CFH at the discretion of the Manager, Operations, EXCEPT for the requirement to qualify as theEmergency Coordinator, which must be completed prior to standing watch as theSM/CFH. Training of individuals who hold an NRC-issued reactor operator license for SONGSmay be evaluated to determine if they can be exempted from portions of thequalification guide. IF portions of this program are needed to qualify any of theseindividuals as a SM/CFH, THEN those parts of the qualification guide shall becompleted.

The Manager, Operations shall work with the candidate and theSupervisor, Training to evaluate the differences between the requirements of anSM/CFH and the licensed reactor operator and ensure the required training andevaluations occur. The training program allows for the evaluation of other SONGS personnel todetermine if portions of the required training have already been completed and maybe exempted.

The evaluation will concentrate on areas that determine if the level oftraining and examination were the same as that required for an SM/CFH.INFORMATION USE 1I~so. S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH

.Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1__ý Training Program Description (TPD) Page 10 of 57-SONGSPae1of5 6.4 Continuing Training Requirements 6.4.1 Schedule6.4.1.1 The SM/CFH retraining program shall be a biennial cycle. This cycle includes abiennial examination.

Biennial is defined in NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors."

The content of the retraining plan, anyexaminations, and the retraining schedule will be developed by the Supervisor, Training or the DTC and will be approved by the Manager, Operations.

The trainingplan will be developed utilizing the SAT process described in Section The SM/CFH retraining program consists of lecture and/or self-study of topicsappropriate to the monitoring,

handling, storage, and cooling of nuclear fuel. Retraining will typically include a review of changes associated with the facility andprocedures, as well as problem areas associated with the monitoring,
handling, storage, and cooling of nuclear fuel, applicable operating experience, selected topicsfrom the initial training
program, and other training needed to correct performance problems. Continuing training may include just-in-time-training (JITT) on topics identified by theManager, Operations.

JITT may be any combination of required

reading, trainingbriefs, self-study,
lecture, or JPM.6.4.2 Missed Training6.4.2.1 Any missed material or examination must be made up within 90 days of the training.

IF the required training is not completed within the makeup period, THEN theSM/CFH shall be suspended from duty pending completion of retraining.

6.4.3 Evaluation and Remediation A biennial examination shall be administered.

This may consist of a written and/oroperating exam. Areas examined are described in Attachments 1 and 2 for thewritten and operating examinations, respectively.

The examination requires aminimum score of 80% to pass. In order to pass a JPM, the examinee will berequired to perform the task per the procedure.

Missed or incorrectly performed critical steps are the bases for failure. Additional written and/or operating exams may be administered periodically duringthe retraining cycle to assess student knowledge and training effectiveness asdetermined by the Training Program Owner (TPO). An individual who fails to pass administered examinations shall not perform SM/CFHduties until a remedial training program is completed and an appropriate examination is passed.INFORMATION USE J H~SONS023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH

( Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 11 of57SONGSPae1of5 6.4.4 Maintenance of Qualifications To maintain the SM/CFH qualification, the following requirements must be satisfied or exempted:

  • Complete the SM/CFH retraining program* Score at least 80% on the biennial examination
  • Pass any required medical exams* Stand the SM/CFH watch for a minimum of one full shift per calendar quarter.An SM/CFH who fails to meet this time requirement can regain qualified status by standing one full shift under the instruction of a qualified SM/CFH.The time under instruction should include a review of the spent fuel poolcooling system, shift turnover procedures, operations in progress orplanned, and any JITT issued. An individual who fails to meet any of the requirements for maintaining the SM/CFHqualification shall be removed from all duties associated with that position until suchtime as the discrepancies can be resolved.

The operating shifts shall be notified ofthe individual's removal and subsequent status.6.4.5 Exemptions The Manager, Operations may exempt an individual from a specific retraining requirement.

Such exemptions, including the basis, shall be documented.

Therequirement for a medical examination shall not be exempted.

An individual shall notbe exempted from examinations unless that individual

prepared, reviewed orapproved the examination.

No individual may be exempted from two consecutive examinations.

6.4.6 Program Evaluation As part of the training

process, routine assessments of the effectiveness andaccuracy of training are made by appropriate SONGS management personnel duringand at the end of each two-year retraining cycle. Any required changes to theprogram determined by station management shall be incorporated into the program.6.5 Standards 6.5.1 Refer to Operations Standards Manuals.7.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA7.1 NoneINFORMATION USE loop-S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 12 of 578.0 RETENTION OF RECORDS8.1 Qualification records shall be collected and maintained by the Training Program Owner.


/ COMMITMENTS 9.1 Implementing Reference

9.1.1 Procedures S0123-XV-HU-3, Written Instruction Use and Adherence SO23-XXI-TRN, Conduct of Training9.1.2 Other9.1.2,1 ANSI N18.1 (1971), Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel 9.1.2,2 NUREG-1220, Training Review Criteria and Procedures NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors9.1.2,4 10CFR 50.2 Definitions 10CFR 55.4 Definitions SONGS UFSAR Chapter 17 Quality Assurance Program9.1.2.7 OSM-14, Operations Department Expectations 9.2 Developmental References

9.2.1 Commitments

9.2.1,1 None9.2.2 Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence (CAPR)9.2.2,1 None9.2.3 Procedures 9.2.3,1 None9.2.4 Other9.2.4.1 SONGS Unit 1 Fuel Handler Certification

Program, January 15, 1993INFORMATION USE S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 13 of 57SOGWritten Examination Areas Attachment 1The written examination shall include a sample of the following aspects of the SM/CFH position:
1. Design, function, and operation of systems used in handling,
storage, cooling, and monitoring ofnuclear fuel.2. Purpose and operation of the radiation monitoring systems.3. Radiological safety principles and procedures including radiation hazards that may arise duringnormal, maintenance, and abnormal activities.
4. Principles of heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics as they apply to fuel Handling,
storage, cooling, and monitoring.
5. Conditions and limitations of facility
license, including
content, basis and importance of Technical Specifications.
6. Assessment of facility condition and selection of appropriate procedures during normal, abnormaland emergency situations.
7. Fuel handling facilities and procedures.

INFORMATION USEAttachment 1Page 1 of I LJ S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 14 of 57Operating Examination Areas Attachment 2The operating examination will consist of job performance measures (JPMs) and shall include a sample ofthe following aspects of the SM/CFH position:

1. Evaluate annunciators; valve, pump, and breaker status indicators; and instrument readings todetermine/perform appropriate remedial actions.2. Evaluate the ability to manipulate the controls required to obtain desired operating results duringnormal, abnormal, and emergency conditions.

This includes the spent fuel pool cooling system andthose auxiliary and emergency systems that could affect the release of radioactive material to theenvironment.

3. Evaluate radiation monitoring system readings, including alarm conditions, to determine appropriate actions.

Such actions may include setting an alarm setpoint to monitor a release or determine appropriate remedial actions for an alarm condition.

4. Evaluate abnormal or emergency conditions to determine if the emergency plan for the facilityshould be implemented and, if implemented, evaluate performance of duties as directed by theemergency plan.INFORMATION USEAttachment 2Page 1 of 1 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD)SSONGS Page 15 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3TRAINEE NAME: PERNR:START DATE:PREPARED BY:Printed Name Instructor's Signature DateREVIEWED BY:Printed Name DTC/Training Supervisor Signature DateAPPROVED BY:Printed Name Training Program Overview Signature Date(Appropriate Department)


Life of Plant Insurance Policy + 10 yearsRetain in: Personnel Training RecordsDisposition:

Trainee, Training Supervision, and Training Program OwnerINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 1 of 37

-J" DIS,,N S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager I Certified Fuel Handler REV: I__=P!7 S Training Program Description (TPD) Page 16 of 57SONGSPae1of5 SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page1.0 IN TR O D U C TIO N ..............................................................................................................................

172.0 D E FIN IT IO N S ..................................................................................................................................

173.0 CHANGES TO THE QUALIFICATION GUIDE .........................................................................



185.0 PERFO RMANCE LEVELS ..............................................................................................................




-THEORY ........................................





-SYSTEMS .....................................





25UNDER-INSTRUCTIO N W ATCH ................................................................................................................







52INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 2 of 37 I S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 17 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment


The purpose of this qualification guide is to document a trainee's completion of training, evaluation, and qualification activities.

A trainee shall successfully complete

training, evaluation, andqualification activities prior to independently standing the Shift Manager/Certified Fuel Handlerposition at SONGS. When plant conditions allow unique in-plant training opportunities, task trainingmay be performed out of the normal sequence;
however, task evaluation cannot be performed untilprerequisites have been completed.

This qualification guide may be modified to meet site specifictraining program requirements.



The providing of immediate and frequent feedback to the trainee by thetrainer/Interviewer on task performance and knowledge requirements.

Coaching is NOT allowed during the evaluation phase.Prerequisite:

Knowledge and/or skills that a trainee must obtain prior to beginning trainingand/or evaluation on a given task.Promotina:

Providing assistance to the trainee that jeopardizes the ability to evaluate thetrainee's ability to perform the task independently.

Prompting is NOT allowedduring task evaluation by the evaluator or anyone else.3.0 CHANGES TO THE QUALIFICATION GUIDEChanges to the qualification guide will be made in accordance with the training procedures.

If youhave problems, questions, or concerns when using this qualification guide, contact your supervisor.

A training request may also be initiated to identify areas for improvement.

INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 3 of 37

'L'° S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD)SONGS Page 18 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 34.0 QUALIFIED TRAINERS AND EVALUATORS Signatures are by position titles. If a position is vacant (or has a different title), the TPO shouldindicate the individual(s) qualified to sign the qual guide. This is not a qualification guide change.The department manager should initial / date any changes to designee assignments.

Managers orsupervisors may also sign for positions that report to them.Individuals assigned to positions that are specified for knowledge signatures do not have to havespecific qualifications in a given area; rather, they must be knowledgeable on the subject or topic.Each signature block provides guidance to individuals for the activities specified.

The individual signing for the shift manager under instruction watch shall:* Meet ALL requirements to stand the shift manager watch at the station* Ensure the length of the under instruction watch is for the complete duration of the shift* Ensure that the under instruction watch is documented in the Operations Log.5.0 PERFORMANCE LEVELSTasks contained in the qualification guide specify a performance level in the form of "P" (Perform),

"S" (Simulate),

or "D" (Discuss).

The performance level designation specifies the acceptable method(s) by which a trainee may complete a given task.The Manager, Operations will designate if any task shall have a restrictive performance level, suchas "Perform-only".

Sometimes it may be necessary to change the specified performance level for a task in a givensituation (i.e., a task cannot be performed due to plant conditions and waiting for the appropriate plant conditions would unnecessarily delay the completion of training and evaluation on the task).On a case-by-case basis, the performance level may be changed with the concurrence of theprogram owner. This is accomplished by lining out the indicated performance level, specifying thenew performance level, and having the change initialed and dated by the Manager, Operations.

If apermanent change to the item is warranted, process the change in accordance with trainingprocedures.

INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 4 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFHSafe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 19 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-01 REQUIRED READING COMPLETION Utilize the procedure that is approved during the completion of this attachment.

If the document ID haschanged due to the changeover to SAFSTOR procedures, document the procedure number used in theindividual's qualification guide.Trainee Initial/Document Title Document ID Date CompleDate Completed SONGS Technical Specifications; 3.9 Refueling Operations and 4.3 Fuel Storage/

T.S. 3.9Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications (whichever is in effect at the time of Defueled T.S. 4.3qualification)

SONGS LCS; 8.9 Refueling Operations/

Permanently Defueled Technical SONGS LCSRequirements Manual (whichever is in effect at the time of qualification)

DEFUELED LCSNuclear Fuel Movement

-Spent Fuel Pool (Maintenance)

S023-1-3.53 Foreign Material Exclusion S0123-1-1.18 Scaffolding SO123-1-1.34 Industrial Injury, Illness and Near-Miss Reporting and Investigation S0123-XVI-30 Safeguards Information S0123-XV-9 ISS2Safe Practices for Storage and Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders S0123-XVI-2 Job Safety Analysis SO123-XVI-5 Care and Use of Portable Ladders SO123-XVI-6 Personal Protective Equipment SO123-XVI-7 Barrier Tape and Barricades SO123-XVI-13 Hearing Conservation Program S0123-XVI-18 Conduct of Operations SO 123-0-AlOperability Determination SO123-XV-52 Corrective Action Program SO 123-XV-50, SO123-XV-52, SO123-0-A7 Human Performance (HU) SO123-HU-1 Procedure Use SO123-0-A3 Integrated Risk Management S023-XX-8 Hazardous Waste Management Program S0123-XV-17 Spill Prevention,

Control, and Countermeasures Plan S0123-XV-16 Chemical Handling and Storage Guidelines SO123-XVI-15 Measuring and Test Equipment Program S0123-MT-1 Liquid Radioactive Waste Release Operations S023-8-7Cranes and Rigging SO123-1-7.24 Fuel Handling Accidents

/ Loss Of Cavity or SFP Level Control S023-13-20 Loss of Spent Fuel Pool Cooling S023-13-23 Radiation Monitoring System SD-S023-690 Station Blackout S023-12-8 24PT4-DSC Dry Cask Storage Loading S023-1-30.9, S023-1-30.9.9, S023-1-3.53 24PT4-DSC Dry Cask Storage Unloading S023-1-30.9.1 INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 5 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH

(~j~ ~Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD)-S Page 20 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-02[11 CLASSROOM/SELF STUDY COMPLETION FUNDAMENTALS

-THEORYLesson Plan Trainee Initial/Lesson Plan Title Number[21 Date Completed Thermodynamic Units and Properties PT01Basic Energy Concepts PT02Steam PT03Thermodynamic Processes PT04Fluid Statics and Dynamics PT06Heat Transfer PT07Thermal Hydraulics PT08Valves PCO1Pumps PC02Heat Exchangers and Condensers PC03Demineralizers and Ion Exchangers PC04Motors and Generators PC05Breakers, Relays, and Disconnects PC06Sensors/Detectors PC07Controllers and Positioners PC08[1] If previously licensed or GFES previously completed, then Fundamentals

-Theory course SM-02and fundamentals exam may be exempted.

[2] General Physics (GFES) lesson plan number.INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 6 of 37 ISO23-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) IPage z-i OT fr 5SM/CFH Qualification GuideAttachment 3Course SM-03 CLASSROOM/SELF STUDY COMPLETION FUNDAMENTALS

-ADMINISTRATION Lesson Plan Title Lesson Plan Trainee Initial/Number Date Completed Conduct of Operations 2LC705Print Reading OES132Procedure Use 2LC820Configuration Control 2LC823WAR Evaluation 2RP547Operation of Annunciators and Indicators 2LC833Operator Specific Human Performance Tools 2HU 102Safety 2LC840ODCM & Release Permits 2XRRO7Notification and Reporting of Significant Events ORE101LOCARs/EDMRs 2LC842Chemistry Processes and Procedures 2LC836Surveillance Program Requirements 2LC832Diagnostics and Problem Solving 2LC843HP Instruments and Programs 2LC898In-Service Testing 2LC838Emergency Plan[1] 0RP194Notification and Reporting of Significant Events 2ORE101Radiation Monitoring System 2XRRO8Refueling and Fuel Handling Systems REFSROTechnical Specifications 2LC701Temporary Facilities Modifications 2LC823[1] Prior to approval of the Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications, Technical Requirements Manual/LCS, Offsite Dose Calculations Manual, Fire Protection Program Procedures, andEmergency Plan, utilize the approved Licensed Operator training materials forpre-decommissioning versions of those topics.INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 7 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Irage 2-of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-04 CLASSROOM/SELF STUDY COMPLETION FUNDAMENTALS

-SYSTEMSLesson Plan Title Lesson Plan Trainee Initial/Number Date Completed Compressed Air System 2XQ107Component Cooling Water System 2XBLO1Salt Water Cooling System 2XB102Circulating Water System 2XP101Turbine Plant Cooling Water System 2XP108Fuel Storage and Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System 2XBL04Emergency Diesel Generators 2XE106, 2XE110,2XER04, 2XER061 E 480v and 4kv Electrical Systems 2XEL03Non-lE 480v and 4kv Electrical Systems 2XE1021E and Non-IE DC Supply and Distribution Systems 2XE102, 2XEL04,2XEL05Control Room Ventilation 2XVL05Control Building Ventilation 2XVLO6Turbine Building Ventilation System 2XV101Radwaste, Penetration and SEB Ventilation Systems 2XVL03Containment Ventilation System 2XAL09Fuel Handling Building Ventilation 2XVL04Compressed Air System 2XQ107Fire Protection System 2XF101, 2XFR01Gaseous Radwaste System 2XRL06Liquid Waste Disposal System 2XRL04, 2XRL05Plant Process Computer System 2XCRO7Station Lighting System 2XE105Communications System 2AP1 04Radiation Monitoring System 2XRL07, 2XRRO8Steam Generator Blowdown Processing System 2XQ101Miscellaneous Liquid Waste System 2XLRO4Miscellaneous Primary Water Systems (Nuclear Service Water 2XL04and Primary Makeup)Annunciator System 2XAN01Fuel Handling System/ Equipment

& Operations REFSROShutdown Nuclear Safety 2LC718Earthquake 2AO703INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 8 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) ..Page 23OT 0SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-04 CLASSROOMISELF STUDY COMPLETION FUNDAMENTALS

-SYSTEMSLesson Plan Title Lesson Plan Trainee Initial/Number Date Completed Operation During Major System Disturbances 2AO704Loss of Component Cooling Water/Saltwater Cooling 2AO707Reactor Coolant Leak 2AO714Fuel Handling Accidents/Loss of Cavity or SFP Level Control 2AO720Fire 2AO721Loss of Control Room Annunciators 2AO722Loss of Spent Fuel Pool Cooling 2AO723Loss of Power to an AC Bus 2AO726Severe Weather 2AO728Fundamentals Phase Comprehensive Written Examination completed successfully.

Training Supervisor:

Print NameSignature DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 9 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) I.-,rageL24 of 5SM/CFH Qualification GuideAttachment 3Course SM-05 CLASSROOM/LABORATORY/CBT COMPLETION NON-OPERATIONS TRAININGLesson Plan Title Lesson Plan Trainee Initial/Number Date Completed N/A -included for future useN/A -included for future useINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 10 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 25 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-06 ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION P/S/D Trainer Evaluator MatrixTask Number Task Title Circle InitialslDate InitialslDate Updated DTCOne Completed Completed InitialslDate Function:


& Emergency Operations SS-OP-0001 Direct response to an operational radiation monitoring system high radiation PISIDalarmSS-OP-0002 Direct response to a radiation monitoring system alarm(s)

P/S/DSS-OP-0003 Direct response to a Tsunami warning P/S/DSS-OP-0004 Direct the response to a fuel handling accident P/S/DSS-OP-0005 Direct the response to a report that Toxic Gas has been detected P/S/DSS-OP-0006 Direct response to loss of A.C. power P/S/DSS-OP-0007 Direct response to loss of D.C. power P/S/DSS-OP-0008 Direct Fire Alarm Response action P/S/DSS-OP-0009 Direct response to Loss of Plant Annunciators P/S/DSS-OP-0010 Direct the response to Spent Fuel Pool cooling train trouble/loss of level P/S/DSS-OP-001 1 Direct the response to an earthquake P/S/DSS-OP-0012 Direct response to and recovery from severe weather P/S/DSS-OP-001 3 Direct response to a high sump level P/S/DSS-OP-0014 Direct response to Instrument Air System malfunction P/S/DSS-OP-001 5 Coordinate shift personnel actions to ensure plant safety during emergency, P/S/Dabnormal, or off-normal conditions SS-OP-0016 Direct the response to a malfunction of the component cooling water system P/S/DSS-OP-0017 Direct response to a loss of saltwater cooling P/S/DINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 11 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 26 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-06 ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION P/S/D Trainer Evaluator MatrixTask Number Task Title Circle Initials/Date Initials/Date Updated DTCOne Completed Completed Initials/Date Function:

Containment/Fuel Handling Building Integrity and Access .. -- _...... ..SS-OP-0018 Control Containment/Fuel Handling Building access P/S/DFurnction:

Control of Operator AidsSS-OP-001 9 Review and approve operator aids P/S/DSS-OP-0020 Perform a quarterly audit of operator aids P/S/DFunction:

Control of System Alignments SS-OP-0021

Initiate, review and approve an abnormal alignment/evolution P/S/DFunction:

Control Room Access and ConductSS-OP-0022 Assume the control room command function P/S/DSS-OP-0023 Maintain professional conduct and atmosphere in the Control Room and PIS/Doutside plant areasP/DFunction:

Distribution-anla Acknowledgement of information SS-OP-0024

[Complete required Acknowledgement of Information items P/S/DFunction:

Duties and Responsibilities SS-OP-0025 Perform personnel administrative duties P/S/DSS-OP-0026 Supervise all fuel handling operations P/S/DSS-OP-0027 Exercise the ultimate command decision authority over all plant activities and PISIDoperations SS-OP-0028 Perform a plant inspection tour P/S/DSS-OP-0029 Stop or defer any plant modification, test, engineering or maintenance activity P/S/Dwhich could jeopardize safe operation SS-OP-0030 Direct operator action to any unanticipated changes to plant status P/S/DSS-OP-0031 Consider ALARA when assigning jobs to operators P/S/DINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 12 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 27 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-06 ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION P/S/D Trainer Evaluator MatrixTask Number Task Title Circle Initials/Date Initials/Date Updated DTCOne Completed Completed Initials/Date Function:

Duties and Responsibilities (Continued)

SS-OP-0032 Approve re-energizing a 480V circuit after an overcurrent trip P/S/DSS-OP-0033 Provide training, coaching and counseling to shift personnel P/S/DSS-OP-0034 Coordinate site security activities P/S/DSS-OP-0035 Assist in the administration of the labor agreement P/S/DSS-OP-0036 Supervise shift training activities P/S/DSS-OP-0037 Coordinate activities during a fire or rescue inside the protected area P/S/DSS-OP-0038 Determine non-conformance report operability and reportability requirements P/S/DSS-OP-0039 Direct shift personnel actions to ensure plant safety during emergency, P/S/Dabnormal, or off-normal conditions SS-OP-0040 Determine if a local area evacuation is required P/S/DSS-OP-0041 Recommend reclassification if plant conditions allow reclassification of an P/S/Demergency eventSS-OP-0042 Determine if plant conditions allow closeout of an emergency event P/S/DSS-OP-0043 Perform the duties of the EC during an emergency event P/S/DSS-OP-0044 Coordinate emergency response activities during implementation of the P/S/Demergency planSS-OP-0045 Recommend classification of emergency events requiring emergency plan P/S/Dimplementation SS-OP-0046 Approve license deviation P/S/DSS-OP-0047 Perform emergency plan recovery actions P/S/DSS-OP-0048 Recommend activation of the emergency plan P/S/DSS-OP-0049 Perform emergency plan recovery actions P/S/DINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 13 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 28 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-06 I ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION PISID Trainer Evaluator MatrixTask Number Task Title Circle Initials/Date Initials/Date Updated DTCOne Completed Completed Initials/Date Function:

General Administrative Requirements SS-OP-0050 Establish priorities for shift activities P/S/DSS-OP-0051 Acknowledge and evaluate chemistry analysis P/S/DSS-OP-0052 Review and approve waste discharge/release permits P/S/DSS-OP-0053 Approve interim control/alarm setpoint changes P/S/DSS-OP-0054 Direct the establishment of plant conditions to support maintenance activities P/S/DSS-OP-0055 Monitor plant activities and operations P/S/DSS-OP-0056 Plan and direct plant activities P/S/DSS-OP-0057 Ensure all precautions and personnel safety aspects are considered prior to PIS/Dstarting a jobSS-OP-0058 Ensure RP, Security, and Safety work practices are followed P/S/DSS-OP-0059 Review / Approve safety related system and component control forms P/S/DSS-OP-0060 Conduct tailboard meetings to preplan plant activities P/S/DSS-OP-0061 Assess system operability/functionality prior to, during and after valve packing P/S/DrepairSS-OP-0062 Maintain custody of controlled keys P/S/DSS-OP-0063 Perform local accident investigations P/S/DSS-OP-0064 Manage the shift team P/S/DSS-OP-0065 Direct the retention and disposition of records generated by the operations P/S/DdivisionSS-OP-0066 Assist in revising and review of procedures P/S/DSS-OP-0067 Assess shift personnel for fitness for duty P/S/DSS-OP-0068 Evaluate the effectiveness of the shift turnover process P/S/DSS-OP-0069 Perform shift relief turnover activities P/S/DINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 14 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 29 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-06 I ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION P/S/D Trainer Evaluator MatrixTask Number Task Title Circle Initials/Date Initials/Date Updated DTCOne Completed Completed Initials/Date Function:

Operations Standards SS-OP-0070 Coordinate on-shift team activities P/S/DSS-OP-0071 Ensure/oversee on-shift team compliance P/S/DSS-OP-0072 Ensure Supervisory Communication Standards are maintained P/S/DFunction:

Integrated Plant Operations SS-OP-0073 Evaluate plant conditions with respect to NPDES requirements P/S/DSS-OP-0074 Notify the Shift Supervisor or Environmental Engineering upon failure of PISIDenvironmental monitoring instrumentation Function:

Notification and Reporting of Significant EventsSS-OP-0075 Report significant events to the nuclear regulatory commission

/ Initiate an P/S/DEvent Report per S0123-0-A8 Notifications SS-OP-0076 Make notifications to Plant Management P/S/DSS-OP-0077 Make notifications to other departments P/S/DFunction:

Operations Surveillance Implementation SS-OP-0078 Authorize, supervise and review all surveillance tests performed on shift P/S/DFunction:

Operations Shift ReliefSS-OP-0079 Evaluate the effectiveness of the shift turnover process P/S/DFunction:

Radiation Monitoring SystemSS-OP-0080 Approve radiation monitor setpoint changes P/S/DFunction:

Refueling and Fuel Handling SystemsSS-OP-0081 Perform the duties of Certified Fuel Handler during fuel handling operations P/S/DINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 15 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 30 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-06 I ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION P/S/D Trainer Evaluator MatrixTask Number Task Title Circle Initials/Date Initials/Date Updated DTCOne Completed Completed InitialslDate Function:

Technical Specifications

....SS-OP-0082 Evaluate plant status against technical specification and other regulatory P/S/Drequirements SS-OP-0083 Ensure compliance with Technical Specifications and other regulatory P/S/Drequirements SS-OP-0084 Initiate and complete a Limiting Condition for Operation Action Requirement or P/S/DEDMRSS-OP-0085 Close out a Limiting Condition for Operation Action Requirement or EDMR P/S/DSS-OP-0086 Review and approve compensatory actions for inoperable annunciators P/S/DSS-OP-0087 Perform a review of active LCOAR's or EDMR's P/S/DFunction:

Temporary Facilities Modification SS-OP-0088 Evaluate the completion of temporary modification control forms prior to P/S/Dinstalling or removing a temporary modification SS-OP-0089 Declare equipment or system operable/functional after testing and removal of P/S/Dcaution tagsSS-OP-0090 Coordinate shift activities for the installation and removal of temporary P/S/Dmodifications Function:

Use of Procedures SS-OP-0091 Initiate procedure changes to conduct plant evolutions P/S/DSS-OP-0092 Maintain the "Procedures In Use" binder P/S/DSS-OP-0093 Direct shift personnel during abnormal/emergency situations not covered by P/S/Dprocedure INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 16 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 31 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Course SM-06 ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION P/S/D Trainer Evaluator MatrixTask Number Task Title Circle Initials/Date Initials/Date Updated DTCOne Completed Completed InitialslDate Function:

Work Authorizations SS-OP-0094 Direct shift personnel to remove equipment from service for maintenance P/S/DSS-OP-0095 Review / Approve the modification of a clearance or a permission P/S/DSS-OP-0096 Approve the installation and removal of caution tags P/S/DSS-OP-0097 Ensure test required tags hung P/S/DSS-OP-0098 Review and approve work authorization forms P/S/DSS-OP-0099 Direct minor repairs by the operating shift P/S/DSS-OP-01 00 Review and approve the implementation of plant design changes P/S/DSS-OP-01 01 Authorize release from / return to service of important to safety systems for P/S/Dmaintenance or testingSS-OP-01 02 Prepare a work authorization record tagout P/S/DSS-OP-0103 Initiate plant saving/damage control actions P/S/DSS-OP-01 04 Manage the control of equipment status P/S/DINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 17 of 37

  • or-. "'S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFHSafe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: I(A)t s Training Program Description (TPD) Page 32 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Discuss the following with a qualified SM/CFH:Application of Observation Skills1. Discuss the fitness for duty program and the supervisor's responsibility for implementing the programincluding:

" Techniques for observing behavior" Corporate alcohol and drug policy" Fitness for duty documentation requirements

" Requirements to have another supervisor observe a potential fitness for duty situation

" Fitness for duty situations involving matrixed personnel

  • Actions to take if an individual is suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol" Action required if an individual is determined to be unfit to perform his/her duties in a safe andefficient manner* Rights of the individual to union representation

" Counseling techniques for fitness for duty situations

" Potential disciplinary action that could result from a fitness for duty situation

" Termination/Change of Status Notification Form" Test Consent and Release of Medical Information Form* Requirement to notify labor relations per S0123-0-Al and S0123-XV-6.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateCorrective Action Program1 .Describe the NN process and the Shift Manager's role in this process including:

" Purpose of the NN program" Purpose, arrangement and use of the NN form* Making NN operability and reportability determinations

" Compensatory action required when restricted operability exists on a component required to be inoperation

" Responsibility of NN Review Committee

  • Restoration of operable status in NN system per S01 23-XV-52.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Determine NN operability and reportability requirements per S0123-XV-52 and S0123-0-A7.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 18 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD)Pag 33ol Z)IISM/CFH Qualification GuideAttachment 3Industrial Safety and ALARA1. Review how the SCE safety program is implemented through the following components:

  • Personnel input/action

" Industrial accident reporting/investigation per S0123-XVI-30

" Occupational Safety and Health per SO123-XXI-14

  • SONGS Workplace Safety inspections per S0123-XVI-19

" Occupational Safety and Health Program per S0123-IS-1

" Accident prevention rules, policies, and safe work practices

" Site Web Page -Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for radiation protection and ALARA including:

S00SStation and federal radiation exposure guidelines Requirements of the ALARA programFactors to be considered when assigning tasks involving radiation exposureMeans available to estimate radiation exposure for a task per SO123-VII-20.10, Work Planning and ControlsRadiological Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 19 of 37 JIsaft S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: I4 11ts Training Program Description (TPD) Page 34 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Station Security1. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for station security including:

  • Authority and responsibility of the Shift Manager for plant security* Purpose, requirements and authority of the SONGS Physical Security Plan" Purpose of the Safeguards Contingency Plan* Requirements for access and protection of safeguards information

" Notification requirements if an unusual condition or activity concerning security is identified

" Means available for the Shift Manager to notify security" Definition of sabotage* Action required if a bomb threat is received" Prohibited items that require notification of security if discovered

" Action required if a security concern is reported to the Shift Manager" Action required if there is evidence or signs of tampering, manipulation, damage, or destruction ofVital Area equipment

" Requirement for security to notify the Shift Manager when a posted watertight hatch is open andthere is a possibility of flood conditions per S0123-XV-24, and SO123-1V-Series (3.100, 4.4, 5.1,5.1.3, 5.3.5, 5.4, 6.8.5, 7.1, 9.6, 11.2).Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 20 of 37 IK~alý"S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 35 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Operating Philosophy

1. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to exercise the ultimate command decision authority over all plant activities and operations on the Unit(s) which affect the safety of the plant, Sitepersonnel and/or the general public including:
  • Authority to act as senior plant management representative
  • Requirement to maintain a broad/comprehensive perspective of plant activities
  • Authority to order an immediate cessation of any activity which is detrimental to safe and efficient operation

" Authority to order the placement of systems in a safe condition

  • Responsibilities that can be delegated to other crew members* Authority to direct/coordinate all site resources
  • Operations that require the approval of the Shift Manager per S0123-0-A1 and NuclearOrganization Directive D-004.Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for monitoring plant operations and activities including:

" Requirements for plant inspection tours" Techniques for observing personnel performance

" Indications that should be monitored to maintain an overall perspective of plant operations

  • Techniques for evaluating the material conditions of plant systems and equipment perS0123-0-A1, S0123-0-A2, OSM-5, and OSM 14Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date3. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to initiate a pre-job brief prior to performing shiftevolutions including:

" Conditions that require a pre-job brief* Personnel that should be involved in the pre-job brief* Good operating practices associated with a pre-job brief per S0123-XX-5, S0123-0-A1, OSM 6,and SO123-HU-2.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 21 of 37 IS023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Iriagey3 oul 5SM/CFH Qualification GuideI Attachment 3Operating Philosophy (Continued)

4. Using a station organizational chart, describe the function of each department at SONGS, how eachdepartment interfaces with Operations, and the normal and emergency lines of communication perthe Nuclear Organization Jurisdiction Statements (NO-JS-1).

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date5. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to implement housekeeping on-site including:

" Inspecting Zones I-V* Reporting and Resolving Housekeeping Discrepancies

" Cleaning and disposing of trash" Foreign Material Exclusion Program per S0123-HK-1, S0123-0-AI, SO123-0-A2 andS0123-1-1.18.

Qualified SMICFH (signature)

Date6.Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for control room access and conduct including:

  • Standards for control room area conduct and professional behavior* Site organizations that can provide status information other than shift operators
  • Control room access during shift relief per S0123-0-Al, S0123-0-A2, OSM-14, and associated WeblinksQualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date7. Discuss the process and requirements for the Shift Manager to evaluate the shift turnover processincluding:

  • Requirements for shift relief status sheet entries" Documentation of shift relief evaluation per S0123-0-Al and associated Weblinks.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 22 of 37 oph .S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 37 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Operating Philosophy (Continued)

8. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to initiate actions while under conditions outlined inthe Technical Specifications including:
  • Definition of "Initiation Time"* Requirement to take positive and expeditious steps to restore equipment operability whenoperating under a technical specification action requirement Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date9. Discuss the purpose and authority of the following documents and how the Shift Manager uses thesedocuments to manage shift operations during normal and emergency conditions:

" NUREGs" Design Basis Documents

" Final Safety Analysis Report" NPDES Permit" Facility License" Chapter 10 Code of Federal Regulations Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateInterpersonal Skills1. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to assist in the administration of the labor agreement including:

  • Oral grievance process* Written grievance process" Responsibilities of the union steward per SO123-0-A2.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 23 of 37

.600*ý J1'11" S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 38 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Plant Modifications, Temporary Modifications and System Alterations

1. Discuss managing the control of equipment status per S0123-XX-5.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Review the Shift Manager's responsibility and response to a report of a system misalignment including:

" Evaluation of equipment operability

" Evaluation of technical specification impact" Actions required if there is evidence of or suspicion of tampering.

" Action required for discovery of plant misalignment

  • Action required if misalignment is due to unauthorized positioning of components
  • Factors to consider to determine corrective action requirements
  • Factors to consider when determining if continued operation is possible per S0123-0-A4, S01 23-0-A7, S023-XV-15, and Web links A4-01 thru A4-06.Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date3. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for approving any operation of PTs and CTs thatdeviates from prior approved procedures including requirements of System Operating Bulletins foroperating PT and CT secondary switches as critical components.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date4. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to approve testing of 480 VAC feeders after a relayoperation including:

" Determining operational impact of continued operation without the tripped component

  • Requirements to prepare/document plans to reenergize the tripped component
  • Factors to be considered to determine if tripped components should be reenergized perS0123-0-Al/SO123-0-A2.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 24 of 37

-20 J[ " 5 .0" 023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ISONGS Training Program Description (TPD) Page 39 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Plant Modifications, Temporary Modifications and System Alterations (Continued)

5. Describe the temporary modification process and the Shift Manager's role in this process, including:

" Purpose of a temporary ECP* Conditions where a temporary ECP would be used" Purpose, arrangement and use of the temporary ECP* Definition of control point" Documentation requirement for installation and removal" Operability testing requirements

" Requirements for generating a LCOAR/EDMR

  • Evaluation of plant/technical specification impact per SO123-XV-5.1 Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date6. From memory, discuss the concept of configuration control and the Shift Manager's role in thisprocess per SO123-CC-2.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 25 of 37 J Fl SF)',S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: I__tt Training Program Description (TPD) Page 40 of 57SONGSPae4of5 SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Procedure Changes1. Review the requirements and responsibility of the Shift Manager for making procedure changesincluding:

" Factors to be considered before approving a procedure change" Technical specification requirements for procedure changes" Preparation, review and approval process for a procedure modification permit" Preparation, review and approval process for a temporary change notice" Use of telecom approvals per S0123-0-A3, and S0123-0-A7.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Review the requirements and responsibility of the Shift Manager for use of procedures during normal,abnormal and emergency conditions including:

" Evolutions where the use of procedures is required* Action required if the procedure intent or detail is inappropriate for the evolution being performed

" Action required when a procedure does not exist and is not required" Requirements for having procedure in-hand when performing an evolution

" Conditions that would require a special test procedure

" Methods for implementing AOIs and EOIs" Relative priority of normal operating instructions, AOIs and EOIs" Good operating practices associated with the use of procedures

" Management philosophy regarding the use of procedures

" Requirements for a pre-job brief before implementation of a procedure

" Action required if an AOI step cannot be completed due to plant conditions per SO123-0-A3, S0123-0-Al and associated Weblinks.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date3. Discuss the Shift Manager's authority to approve additional actions required to be taken duringemergencies which are not covered by the Emergency Operating Instructions including:

" Factors to be considered before authorizing deviation from procedures during an emergency

" Management philosophy concerning taking action during emergencies which are not covered byEOPs" Conditions which may require taking action during emergencies which are not covered by EOPs" Requirements of ANSI N18.7-1976, Section 5.2.2 per S0123-0-Al, S01 23-0-A2, and associated Weblinks.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 26 of 37 I.~j ~ts~S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 41 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Supervisory Counseling

1. Discuss the responsibilities for ensuring shift personnel review acknowledgement of information material in a timely manner per SO123-0-A2.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for implementation of the Professional Operator's Development including:

  • Operator evaluations through Performance Appraisal/Performance Partnership Agreement

" Barriers to good operating practices

  • Supervisory good practices per the Human Performance procedures, OSM-6, S0123-0-A2.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date3. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to manage overtime for operations personnel including:

" Authorizing Overtime* Applying Technical Specification guidance" Applying NRC guidelines

" Applying SONGS guidelines

" Applying the labor agreement guidelines per the ESM, OSM-7Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date4. Discuss the techniques and responsibility of the Shift Manager for counseling operations personnel including:

  • Communicating expectations

" Maintaining a fair and unbiased approach* Coaching techniques

" Providing performance feedback per the Operator Performance Standards Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 27 of 37 go," 1D-.S11 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 42 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide I Attachment 3Supervisory Counseling (Continued)

5. Discuss the techniques and responsibility of the Shift Manager for coaching Operations personnel including:

" Coaching techniques

  • Using coaching to improve teamwork* Using coaching to boost morale or confidence
  • Using coaching to foster increased participation of team members* Using coaching to encourage professional behavior per the Operator Performance Standards Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date6. Discuss the process and responsibility of the Shift Manager for operator performance evaluations perthe Operator Performance Appraisal Guidelines, including:

  • Requirements and techniques for recording employee work practices

" Operator Areas of Responsibility and Performance Standards

" Preparing the Employee Performance Development Plan form* Using performance appraisals to improve Operator professionalism

  • Techniques for performing performance appraisal interviews

" Requirements for confidentiality

  • Definitions of performance ratings" Potential problems that may result from performance appraisals
  • Determining development needs from performance appraisals
  • Performance appraisal review and approval processQualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 28 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD)P-age 4.OT OfSM/CFH Qualification GuideI Attachment 3Supervisory Counseling (Continued)

7. Discuss the techniques and responsibility of the Shift Manager for evaluating and correcting aperformance problem including:

" Techniques for administering discipline

" Possible causes of degraded work performance

" Establishing performance goals" Establishing performance improvement plans" SCE discipline policy* Operator performance standards

  • Basis for Operator performance standards

" Resolving conflict* Situations that may require involvement or intervention by managers above the ShiftSuperintendent

  • Apply the Union Contract per S0123-0-A2 associated Weblinks (A202), and ESM.Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date8. Discuss the management principles and techniques associated with the following:

  • Developing teamwork" Motivating personnel

" Conservative decision making* Delegating

  • Command & ControlQualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 29 of 37 J "-I S"N S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 44 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Non Routine Reporting Requirements 1, Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for notification and reporting of significant events tothe NRC including:

  • Management philosophy regarding notification of significant events* Requirements of 10CFR10.72(b)(1)

" Events that require immediate 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> notification to the NRC* Events that require 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> notification to the NRC" Events that require 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> notification to the NRC" Events that require 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notification to the NRC* Events that require notifying the NRC Resident (s).* Requirements to notify station management when notification to the NRC is made* Requirements for follow-up notification

  • Events that require written notification to the NRC" Documentation requirements
  • Conditions when ESF actuations are not reportable per SO123-0-A7 Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 30 of 37 1~L~ S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH

_ Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 45 of 57-SONGS Page 3SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Emergency Operations

1. Discuss the Shift Manager's responsibility and techniques for managing shift activities duringemergency conditions including:
  • Maintaining and demonstrating overall management authority
  • Focusing on spent fuel pool safety as the overriding concern* Keeping public and plant personnel safety as the first priority" Following chain of command* Consulting/notifying plant management
  • Use of good operating practices

" Maintaining compliance and the appearance of compliance

" Taking a conservative approach" Required announcements

  • Documentation requirements

" Overriding a safety systemQualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Describe the Emergency Response Organization and its interface with the Emergency Coordinator/Shift Manager during Emergency Plan Implementation per SO123-VII1-10.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date3. Discuss the authority of the Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator to authorize actions which wouldintentionally deviate from license conditions or Technical Specifications including:

" Conditions where a deviation from licensed conditions or Technical Specifications may beauthorized

  • Notification requirements per S0123-0-A7, S0123-0-A8 and SO123-VIII-10 Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 31 of 37 JI DJSON S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 46 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Support of Training1. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager for Operator development and training including:

  • On-the-job training* Employee Assistance Program* M&SD Program* Training Program Requirements per S023-XXI-TRN, S0123-0-Al, and S0123-0-A2 Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Discuss the elements of a systematic approach to training per 10CFR50.120 and S023-XXI-TRN.

Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 32 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) ..Page 4 t of 5 7SM/CFH Qualification GuideAttachment 3Work Controls1. Discuss the management principles and techniques associated with planning and scheduling work,including:

00S0Resource management

-outage/non-outage Resource scheduling Long term vs. short term planningOSM-7Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date2. Discuss the techniques and responsibility of the Shift Manager for developing a plan for completing the shift's activities including:

00SS00000000Factors considered when prioritizing shift activities Use and authority of the Daily Activity PlannerUse and authority of special ordersTechniques for identifying potential problems and developing contingency plansWhen and how to use feedback from the shift or management Resolving conflicting plans or priorities Sources of information available Management philosophy towards planning shift activities Concept and use of "stop criteria" Evaluating plans against available resources Evaluating how shift activities will affect long range plansEvaluating cost/benefit when setting goals for the shift per OSM-6, S0123-0-A2, and the Human Performance HandbookS0123-0-Al, DateQualified SM/CFH (signature)

INFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 33 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 48 of 57SM/ ualSONGS Page 3SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Work Controls (Continued)

3. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to initiate action associated with equipment deficiencies including:
  • Safety hazards* Minor maintenance

" Plant Saving/Damage Control Action" Shift Managers Accelerated Maintenance per SO123-XX-5 Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

Date4. Discuss the responsibility of the Shift Manager to implement equipment control testing requirements including:

  • Functional tests" Post maintenance tests" Operability tests" Maintenance retest program per S0123-XX-5 Qualified SM/CFH (signature)

DateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 34 of 37 IS023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 49 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Record of Completion for Shift Manager/

Certified Fuel HandlerUnder-Instruction Watch(3 watches SHALL be during day shift)SM/CFH Under Instruction Watch on Shift Print/Signature/Date Watch#1Shift(Day/Night)/Jobs/Tasks completed on watch Shift ManagerWatch#2Shift(Day/Night)/Jobs/Tasks completed on watch Shift ManagerWatch#3 Shift(Day/Night)/Jobs/Tasks completed on watch Shift ManagerWatch#4Shift(Day/Night)/Jobs/Tasks completed on watch Shift ManagerWatch#5______ Shift(Day/Night)/Jobs/Tasks compieted on watch Shift ManagerINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 35 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 50 of 57SM/CFH Qualification GuideDAttachment 3Qualification Requirements Checklist Section Completed Certified Operator Qualification

/ Exemption Course SM-01 -Required ReadingCourse SM-02 -Fundamentals

-TheoryCourse SM-03 -Fundamentals

-Administration Course SM-04 -Fundamentals

-SystemsFundamentals Comprehensive Examination Course SM-05 -Non-Operations TrainingCourse SM-06 -On-the-job TrainingEmergency Coordinator Qualification (Encode 72AQWT)Under-Instruction WatchesOral BoardComprehensive Written ExamOperating ExamDTC InitialsDateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 36 of 37 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) Page 51 of 57SM/CFH Qualification Guide Attachment 3Qualification Documentation

1. All training requirements are completed for the position of SM/CFH as documented on thequalification requirements checklist.

DTC Printed Name and Signature

2. I approve qualification of the trainee to perform all duties as SM/CFH.Manager, Operations (or designee)

Printed Name and Signature

3. Department qualification matrix has been updated.DTC Printed Name and Signature
4. All appropriate records have been sent to Records Management.

DTC Printed Name and Signature DateDateDateDateINFORMATION USEAttachment 3Page 37 of 37 Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel HandlerTraining Program Description (TPD)S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH REV: IPage 52 of 57ILesson Plan Information Attachment 4ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION Task Task Title Lesson Plan InfoNumber]F t I & En--e0, p tnsSS-OP-0001 Direct response to an operational radiation monitoring system high 2XRRO8radiation alarmSS-OP-0002 Direct response to a radiation monitoring system alarm(s) 2XRRO8SS-OP-0003 Direct response to a Tsunami warning 2AO728SS-OP-0004 Direct the response to a fuel handling accident 2AO720SS-OP-0005 Direct the response to a report that Toxic Gas has been detected 2AO702SS-OP-0006 Direct response to loss of A.C. power 2AO726SS-OP-0007 Direct response to loss of D.C. power 2AO718SS-OP-0008 Direct Fire Alarm Response action 2AO721SS-OP-0009 Direct response to Loss of Plant Annunciators 2AO722SS-OP-001 0 Direct the response to Spent Fuel Pool cooling train trouble/loss of level 2A0723SS-OP-001 1 Direct the response to an earthquake 2AO703SS-OP-0012 Direct response to and recovery from severe weather 2A0728SS-OP-0013 Direct response to a high sump level 2XRL05SS-OP-0014 Direct response to Instrument Air System malfunction 2AO705SS-OP-0015 Coordinate shift personnel actions to ensure plant safety duringemergency,

abnormal, or off-normal conditions SS-OP-0016 Direct the response to a malfunction of the component cooling water 2AO707systemSS-OP-0017 Direct response to a loss of saltwater cooling 2AO707SS-OP-0018 Control Containment/Fuel Handling Building access 2LS701SS-OP-001 9 Review and approve operator aids 2LC705, 2LC823SS-OP-0020 Perform a quarterly audit of operator aids 2LC705, 2LC823SS-OP-0021
Initiate, review and approve an abnormal alignment/evolution

[2LC705, 2LC823SS-OP-0022 Assume the control room command function 2LC705SS-OP-0023 Maintain professional conduct and atmosphere in the Control Room and 2LC705outside plant areasSS-OP-0024 Complete required Acknowledgement of Information items 12LC705INFORMATION USEAttachment 4Page 1 of 5 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: 1Training Program Description (TPD) Page 53 of 57Lesson Plan Information Attachment 4ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION Numbr Task Title Lesson Plan InfoN um ber ____________________________________

P ~j~cD~Aie

~ n~siilitb "SS-OP-0025 Perform personnel administrative duties 2LC705SS-OP-0026 Supervise all fuel handling operations 2XBLO5, 2XBLO4,REFSROSS-OP-0027 Exercise the ultimate command decision authority over all plant 2LC705, 2SST00activities and operations SS-OP-0028 Perform a plant inspection tour 2LC705SS-OP-0029 Stop or defer any plant modification, test, engineering or maintenance 2WC100activity which could jeopardize safe operation SS-OP-0030 Direct operator action to any unanticipated changes to plant status 2LC823SS-OP-0031 Consider ALARA when assigning jobs to operators 2LC898SS-OP-0032 Approve re-energizing a 480V circuit after an overcurrent trip 2WC1 00SS-OP-0033 Provide training, coaching and counseling to shift personnel 2LC705SS-OP-0034 Coordinate site security activities 2LC705SS-OP-0035 Assist in the administration of the labor agreement 2LC705SS-OP-0036 Supervise shift training activities 2LC705SS-OP-0037 Coordinate activities during a fire or rescue inside the protected area 2AO721SS-OP-0038 Determine non-conformance report operability and reportability S59017requirements SS-OP-0039 Direct shift personnel actions to ensure plant safety during emergency, 2LC705abnormal, or off-normal conditions SS-OP-0040 Determine if a local area evacuation is required S023-13-1 SS-OP-0041 Recommend reclassification if plant conditions allow reclassification of ORP1 94an emergency eventSS-OP-0042 Determine if plant conditions allow closeout of an emergency event ORP194SS-OP-0043 Perform the duties of the EC during an emergency event 0RP194SS-OP-0044 Coordinate emergency response activities during implementation of the 0RP194emergency planSS-OP-0045 Recommend classification of emergency events requiring emergency 0RP194plan implementation SS-OP-0046 Approve license deviation 2LC722SS-OP-0047 Perform emergency plan recovery actions 0RP194SS-OP-0048 Recommend activation of the emergency plan 0RP194SS-OP-0049 Perform emergency plan recovery actions 0RP194INFORMATION USEAttachment 4Page 2 of 5

... .... S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH

'~ ~Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD)SONGS Page 54 of 57Lesson Plan Information Attachment 4ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION Task Task Title Lesson Plan InfoNumberSS-OP-0050 Establish priorities for shift activities 2LC705SS-OP-0051 Acknowledge and evaluate chemistry analysis 2LC836SS-OP-0052 Review and approve waste discharge/release permits 2XRRO7SS-OP-0053 Approve interim control/alarm setpoint changes 2LC833SS-OP-0054 Direct the establishment of plant conditions to support maintenance 2WC100activities SS-OP-0055 Monitor plant activities and operations 2LC705SS-OP-0056 Plan and direct plant activities 2LC705SS-OP-0057 Ensure all precautions and personnel safety aspects are considered 2LC705prior to starting a jobSS-OP-0058 Ensure RP, Security, and Safety work practices are followed 2WC100SS-OP-0059 Review / Approve safety related system and component control forms 2LC823SS-OP-0060 Conduct tailboard meetings to preplan plant activities 2LC705SS-OP-0061 Assess system operability/functionality prior to, during and after valve 2WC100packing repairSS-OP-0062 Maintain custody of controlled keys 2LC705SS-OP-0063 Perform local accident investigations 2LC705SS-OP-0064 Manage the shift team 2LC705SS-OP-0065 Direct the retention and disposition of records generated by the 2LC705operations divisionSS-OP-0066 Assist in revising and review of procedures 2LC820SS-OP-0067 Assess shift personnel for fitness for duty 2LC705SS-OP-0068 Evaluate the effectiveness of the shift turnover process 2LC705SS-OP-0069 Perform shift relief turnover activities 2LC705SS-OP-0070 Coordinate on-shift team activities 2LC705SS-OP-0071 Ensure/oversee on-shift team compliance 2LC705SS-OP-0072 Ensure Supervisory Communication Standards are maintained 2LC705SS-OP-0073 Evaluate plant conditions with respect to NPDES requirements 2XRRO7SS-OP-0074 Notify the Shift Supervisor or Environmental Engineering upon failure of 2RP544environmental monitoring instrumentation INFORMATION USEAttachment 4Page 3 of 5 Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel HandlerTraining Program Description (TPD)S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH REV: 1IPage 55 of 57ILesson Plan Information Attachment 4ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION Task [ Task Title Lesson Plan InfoNumberFunction, Not ification and RReorting of Lesson Plan InfoSS-OP-0075 Report significant events to the nuclear regulatory commission

/ Initiate 0RP194, ORE101an Event Report per S0123-0-A8 Notifications SS-OP-0076 Make notifications to Plant Management 0RP194, ORE101SS-OP-0077 Make notifications to other departments 0RP194, ORE101~rcton9 r~tins yeilac implementation___________


[ Authorize, supervise and review all surveillance tests performed on shift 2WC100Fuction'.

0pe~rati ons Shift- Relief,~

w __________

SS-OP-0079 FEvaluate the effectiveness of the shift turnover process 7 2LC705"Functiow, Radiation' Monitoring System .,__________

SS-OP-0080 I Approve radiation monitor setpoint changes , __2LC823F~unction:

'Refuln an Fuel___________A-stems SS-OP-0081 Perform the duties of Certified Fuel Handler during fuel handling REFSROP operations IFunction

--Tehnki rcificati&o

n. __________

SS-OP-0082 Evaluate plant status against technical specification and other regulatory 2LC842requirements SS-OP-0083 Ensure compliance with Technical Specifications and other regulatory 2LC701requirements SS-OP-0084 Initiate and complete a Limiting Condition for Operation Action 2LC842Requirement or EDMRSS-OP-0085 Close out a Limiting Condition for Operation Action Requirement or 2LC842EDMRSS-OP-0086 Review and approve compensatory actions for inoperable annunciators 2LC823SS-OP-0087 Perform a review of active LCOAR's or EDMR's 2LC842Functiion:.

T-dirporary acilie Moification


SS-OP-0088 Evaluate the completion of temporary modification control forms prior to 2WC100installing or removing a temporary modification SS-OP-0089 Declare equipment or system operable/functional after testing and S50701removal of caution tagsSS-OP-0090 Coordinate shift activities for the installation and removal of temporary 2LC705modifications Functioih:_Use1of


~~'SS-OP-0091 Initiate procedure changes to conduct plant evolutions 2LC820SS-OP-0092 Maintain the "Procedures In Use" binder 2LC820SS-OP-0093 Direct shift personnel during abnormal/emergency situations not 2LC705covered by procedure INFORMATION USEAttachment 4Page 4 of 5 Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel HandlerTraining Program Description (TPD)S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH REV: IPage 56 of 57ILesson Plan Information Attachment 4ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING COMPLETION Task Task Title Lesson Plan InfoNumberSS-OP-0094 Direct shift personnel to remove equipment from service for 2WC100maintenance SS-OP-0095 Review / Approve the modification of a clearance or a permission 2WC100SS-OP-0096 Approve the installation and removal of caution tags 2WC100SS-OP-0097 Ensure test required tags hung 2WC100SS-OP-0098 Review and approve work authorization forms 2LC705, 2WC100SS-OP-0099 Direct minor repairs by the operating shift 2LC705, 2WC100SS-OP-0100 Review and approve the implementation of plant design changes 2WC100SS-OP-0101 Authorize release from / return to service of important to safety systems 2WC100for maintenance or testingSS-OP-0102 Prepare a work authorization record tagout 2WC100SS-OP-0103 Initiate plant saving/damage control actions 2RP544SS-OP-0104 Manage the control of equipment status 2WC100INFORMATION USEAttachment 4Page 5 of 5 S023-XXI-TPD-SMCFH Safe Storage Shift Manager / Certified Fuel Handler REV: ITraining Program Description (TPD) .....Page 57 of 57Summary of ChangesAttachment 5Author: Lauren Kent / Frank GrovichPAX:83884/84475 Location:

E50NN 202485124 Clarified responsibilities and allowed for exemption from COQualifications.

Updated Reference SectionUpdated called out Operations Procedure numbers.DNAThroughout Procedure Marc Shackelford NTD -Cog SupLauren Kent NTDAPPROVALS John Davis CFDMINFORMATION USEAttachment 5Page 1 of 1