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Surry Power Station Unit 1 & 2 - 2013 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/26/2014
From: Lawrence D C
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14126A511 (111)


VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANYRICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261April 26, 2014United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No. 14-193Attention:

Document Control Desk SS&L/JSA ROWashington, DC 20555-0001 Docket Nos. 50-28050-281License Nos. DPR-32DPR-37Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANYSURRY POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORTEnclosed is the Surry Power Station Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report forJanuary 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. The report, submitted pursuant to SurryPower Station Technical Specification 6.6.B.3, includes a summary of the quantities ofradioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released during the 2013calendar year, as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Revision 1, June 1974.If you have any further questions, please contact Jason Eggart at 757-365-2010.

SincereDouglas C.awrence Director Safety & Licensing Surry Power StationAttachment Commitments made in this letter: Nonecc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IIMarquis One Tower245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station Serial No.14-193SPS Annual Rad Effluent ReportDocket Nos.: 50-280, 50-281ATTACHMENT 12013 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release ReportSURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY Surry Power Station2013 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reporti" Dominion ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORTSURRY POWER STATIONJanuary 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013Prepared By: _Reviewed By:Reviewed By:Approved By:P. F. BlountHealth Physicist P. R. HarrisSupervisor Radiological Analysis(W. A. Terry'Supervisor Health Physics Technical Services-Radiological Protection and Chemistry ANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORTFOR THESURRY POWER STATIONJanuary 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013IndexSection No.1234Subject PageExecutive Summary IPurpose and Scope 2Discussion 3Supplemental Information 4Attachment 1 Effluent Release DataAttachment 2 Annual and Quarterly DosesAttachment 3 Revisions to Offsite DoseCalculation Manual (ODCM)Attachment 4 Major Changes to Radioactive Liquid, Gaseous and Solid WasteTreatment SystemsAttachment 5 Inoperability of Radioactive Liquidand Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Attachment 6 Unplanned ReleasesAttachment 7 Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)for Effluent Sample AnalysisAttachment 8 Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative FORWARDThis report is submitted as required by Appendix A to Operating License Nos. DPR-32 and DPR-37, Technical Specifications for Surry Power Station, Units 1 and 2, Virginia Electric and PowerCompany, Docket Nos. 50-280, 50-28 1, Section 6.6.B.3.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORTThe Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report describes the radiological effluent controlprogram conducted at Surry Power Station during the 2013 calendar year. This documentsummarizes the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released fromSurry Power Station in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, andReporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid andGaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants",

Revision 1, June 1974. Thereport also includes an assessment of radiation doses to the maximum exposed member of thepublic due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents.

During this reporting period, there were no unplanned liquid or gaseous effluent releases asclassified according to the criteria in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.Based on the 2013 effluent release data, 10CFR50 Appendix I dose calculations were performed inaccordance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The dose calculations are as follows:1. The total body dose due to liquid effluents was 2.08E-04 mrem, which is3.47E-03%

of the 6 mrem dose limit. The critical organ doses due to liquid effluents, GI-LLI and Liver respectively, were 2.29E-04 mrem and 2.13E-04 mrem. These dosesare 1.1 5E-03% and 1.07E-03%

of the respective 20 mrem dose limit.2. The air dose due to noble gases in gaseous effluents was 6.71E-05 mrad gamma, whichis 3.36E-04%

of the 20 mrad gamma dose limit, and 1.95E-04 mrad beta, which is4.88E-04%

of the 40 mrad beta dose limit.3. The critical organ dose from gaseous effluents due to 1-131, 1-133, H-3, andparticulates with half-lives greater than 8 days is 3.42E-01 mrem, which is1.14E+00%

of the 30 mrem dose limit.There were no major changes to the radioactive liquid, gaseous or solid waste treatment systemsduring this reporting period.There was one change made to VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, during thisreporting period. Attachment 3 provides the changes to VPAP-2103S.

In accordance with the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative, analysis results of ground water monitoring locations not included in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP), will be included in this report. Ground watermonitoring well sample results are provided in Attachment 8.1 Based on the radioactivity measured and the dose calculations performed during this reporting period, the operation of Surry Power Station has resulted in negligible radiation dose consequences to the maximum exposed member of the public in unrestricted areas.Purpose and ScopeAttachment 1 includes a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents andsolid waste as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, with data summarized on a quarterly or annualbasis following the format of Tables 1, 2 and 3 of Appendix B, thereof.

Attachment 2 of this reportincludes an assessment of radiation doses to the maximum exposed member of the public due toradioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the site during 2013.As required by Technical Specification 6.8.B, changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual(ODCM) for the time period covered by this report are included in Attachment

3. Major changes tothe radioactive liquid, gaseous and solid waste treatment systems are reported in Attachment 4, asrequired by the ODCM, Section 6.7.2. If changes are made to these systems, the report shallinclude information to support the reason for the change and a summary of the IOCFR50.59 evaluation.

In lieu of reporting major changes in this report, major changes to the radioactive wastetreatment systems may be submitted as part of the annual FSAR update.As required by the ODCM, Sections 6.2.2 and 6.3.2, a list and explanation for the inoperability ofradioactive liquid and/or gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation is provided in Attachment 5of this report. Additionally, a list of unplanned releases during the reporting period is included inAttachment 6.Attachment 7 provides the typical lower limit of detection (LLD) capabilities of the radioactive effluent analysis instrumentation.

As required by the ODCM, Section 6.7.5, a summary of on-site radioactive spills or leaks that werecommunicated in accordance with the Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative reporting

protocol, and sample analyses from ground water wells that are not part of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program are provided in Attachment

8.2 Discussion

The basis for the calculation of the percent of technical specification for the critical organ in Table1 A of Attachment 1 is the ODCM, Section 6.3.1, which requires that the dose rate for iodine- 131,iodine-133, for tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8days shall be less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr to the critical organ at or beyond the site boundary.

The critical receptor was the teen for the first three quarters, the child for the fourth; both via theinhalation pathway.The basis for the calculation of the percent of technical specification for the total body and skin inTable 1A of Attachment 1 is the ODCM, Section 6.3.1, which requires that the dose rate for noblegases to areas at or beyond site boundary shall be less than or equal to 500 mrem/yr to the totalbody and less than or equal to 3000 mrem/yr to the skin.The basis for the calculation of the percent of technical specification in Table 2A of Attachment I isthe ODCM, Section 6.2.1, which states that the concentration of radioactive material releases inliquid effluents to unrestricted areas shall not exceed ten times the concentrations specified inIOCFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2.OOE-04microcuries/mL.

Percent of technical specification calculations are based on the total gaseous or liquid effluents released for the respective quarter.The annual and quarterly doses, as reported in Attachment 2, were calculated according to themethodology presented in the ODCM. The beta and gamma air doses due to noble gases releasedfrom the site were calculated at the site boundary.

The maximum exposed member of the publicfrom the release of airborne iodine- 131, iodine- 133, tritium and all radionuclides in particulate formwith half-lives greater than 8 days, was a child at 2.05 miles with the critical organ being the bonevia the ingestion pathway.

The maximum exposed member of the public from radioactive materials in liquid effluents in unrestricted areas was an adult, exposed by either the invertebrate or fishpathway, with the critical organ typically being the gastrointestinal-lower large intestine.

The totalbody dose was also determined for this individual.

Presented in Attachment 6 is a list of unplanned gaseous and liquid releases as required by theODCM, Section 6.7.2.The typical lower limit of detection (LLD) capabilities of the radioactive effluent analysisinstrumentation are presented in Attachment

7. These LLD values are based upon conservative conditions (i.e., minimum sample volumes and maximum delay time prior to analysis).

ActualLLD values may be lower. If a radioisotope was not detected when effluent samples were analyzed, then the activity of the radioisotope was reported as Not Detected (N/D) on Attachment 1 of thisreport. When all isotopes listed on Attachment 1 for a particular quarter and release mode are lessthan the lower limit of detection, then the totals for this period will be designated as Not Applicable (N/A).3 Supplemental Information Section 6.6.1 of the ODCM requires the identification of the cause(s) for the unavailability of milk,or if required, leafy vegetation

samples, and the identification for obtaining replacement samples.As milk was available for collection during this reporting period, leafy vegetation sampling was notrequired.

As required by the ODCM, Section 6.6.2, evaluation of the Land Use Census is made to determine if new sample location(s) must be added to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.Evaluation of the Land Use Census conducted for this reporting period identified no change insample locations for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.4 Attachment 1EFFLUENT RELEASE DATAJanuary 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013This attachment includes a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B.









LITERS 4.66E+07 4.12E+07 3.OOE+00F. VOLUME OF DILUTION WATERUSED DURING PERIOD LITERS 7.63E+÷ 1 5.92E+ 11 3.OOE+00 TABLE 2BAttachment 1Page 9 of 12EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL ANNUAL REPORTPERIOD: 1/1/13 TO 12/31/13LIQUID EFFLUENTS SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 &2CONTINUOUS MODEUNIT FIRST SECONDQUARTER QUARTERBATCH MODEFIRST SECONDQUARTER QUARTERSr-89Sr-90Fe-55Cs-134Cs-1371-131Co-58Co-60Fe-59Zn-65Mn-54Cr-51Zr-95Nb-95Mo-99Tc-99mBa-140La- 140Ce-141Ce-144Sb-124Sb-125Co-57CiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiCiN/DN/DN/DN/D4.47E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D1.06E-03N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D1.06E-03N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D6.60E-051.42E-063.54E-042.09E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D2.87E-061.05E-04N/D7.38E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D1.48E-051.47E-069.01 E-045.28E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D5.60E-043.28E-062.01E-03N/DN/DTOTAL FOR PERIODCi 4.47E-04Xe-133Xe-135CiCiN/DN/DTOTAL FOR PERIODCi N/A N/AN/A N/A TABLE 2BAttachment 1Page 10 of 12EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL ANNUAL REPORTPERIOD: 1/1/13 TO 12/31/13LIQUID EFFLUENTS SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1&2CONTINUOUS MODEUNIT THIRD FOURTHQUARTER QUARTERBATCH MODETHIRD FOURTHQUARTER QUARTERSr-89Sr-90Fe-55Cs-134Cs-1371-131Co-58Co-60Fe-59Zn-65Mn-54Cr-51Zr-95Nb-95Mo-99Tc-99mBa-140La-140Ce-141Ce- 144Sb- 124Sb-125Co-57N/DN/DN/DN/D4.79E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D2.13E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D2.13E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D1.21E-05N/D5.96E-057.64E-05N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D3.42E-062.47E-04N/D3.98E-04N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D2.22E-04N/D3.06E-042.17E-04N/DN/D2.39E-06N/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/DN/D1.16E-04N/D8.63E-04N/DN/DTOTAL FOR PERIODCi 4.79E-04Xe-133Xe-135CiCiN/DN/DTOTAL FOR PERIODCi N/A N/AN/A N/A Attachment IPage 11 of 12TABLE 3EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL ANNUAL REPORTSOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS PERIOD: 1/1/13 -12/31/13SURRY POWER STATIONA. SOLID WASTE SHIPPED OFFSITE FOR BURIAL OR DISPOSAL (Not irradiated fuel)1. Type of waste12 monthPeriodEst. TotalError, %a. Spent resins, filter sludges, evaporator m3 1.63E+01 Note 1 1.00E+01bottoms, etc. Ci 2.64E+02 3.OOE+01b. Dry compressible waste, contaminated m3 5.28E+02 Note 2 1.00E+01equip., etc. Ci 7.14E+00 3.OOE+01c. Irradiated components, control m3 O.OOE+00 1.00E+01rods, etc. Ci O.OOE+00 3.OOE+01d. Other (Waste oil) m3 1.25E+00 Note 3 1.OOE+01Ci 1.40E-07 3.OOE+012. Estimate of major nuclide composition (by type of waste)a. Co-60Ni-63Fe-55b. Co-60Fe-55Ni-63Co-58Cr-51C.d. H-3Tc-991-129C-14Cs-1374.55E+014.16E+O11.02E+018.63E+016.59E+001.98E+001.29E+001.26E+004.96E+012.30E+011.72E+018.38E+001.1 6E+00 Attachment 1Page 12 of 12TABLE 3EFFLUENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL ANNUAL REPORTSOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS PERIOD: 1/1/13 -12/31/13CONTINUED SURRY POWER STATIONA. SOLID WASTE SHIPPED OFFSITE FOR BURIAL OR DISPOSAL (Not irradiated fuel)3. Solid Waste Disposition Number of Shipments 192Mode of Transportation TruckTruckDestination Oak Ridge, TN (EnergySolutions)

Erwin, TN (Studsvik)


Number of Shipments 0Mode of Transportation Destination NOTE 1: Some of this waste was shipped to licensed waste processors for processing and/or volume reduction.

Therefore, this volume is not representative of the actual volume buried. The total volume buried for this reporting period is 3.02E+00 m3.Burial volume by Studsvik is indeterminable due to mixing of Surry waste with other generators waste.NOTE 2: Some DAW was shipped to licensed waste processors for processing and/or volume reduction.

Therefore, this volume is not representative of the actual volume buried. The total volume buried for this reporting period is 2.81E+02 m3.NOTE 3: This waste was shipped to a licensed waste processor for processing and/or volume reduction.

The actualvolume buried is indeterminable.

It is conservatively assumed that 1.25E+00 mi3was buried this reporting period.

Attachment 2Page I of 1ANNUAL AND QUARTERLY DOSESAn assessment of radiation doses to the maximum exposed member of the public due toradioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the site for each calendar quarter for thecalendar year of this report, along with an annual total of each effluent pathway is madepursuant to the ODCM, Section 6.7.2, requirement.

LIQUID GASEOUS2013 Total Body GI-LLI Liver Gamma Beta Bone(mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrad) (mrad) (mrem)1st Quarter 1.40E-05 1.80E-05 1.49E-05 4.88E-09 1.45E-08 2.63E-042nd Quarter 4.99E-05 6.25E-05 5.13E-05 1.81E-07 2.47E-07 6.64E-043rd Quarter 4.83E-05 4.80E-05 4.94E-05 6.04E-08 9.99E-08 8.60E-044th Quarter 9.62E-05 1.01E-04 9.71E-05 6.69E-05 1.95E-04 3.40E-01Annual 2.08E-04 2.29E-04 2.13E-04 6.71E-05 1.95E-04 3.42E-01 Attachment 3Page 1 of 1REVISIONS TO OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)As required by Technical Specification 6.8.B, revisions to the ODCM, effective for the time periodcovered by this report, are included with this attachment.

There was one revision to the ODCMimplemented during this reporting period.Revision 16:* Revised the Rated thermal Power from 2546 to 2587 Megawatts Thermal* Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program:Combined clams and oysters into a common filter feeder sample type.Deleted clam sampling locations Hog Island Point and Lawne's Creek due to shell stock depletion.

Added a replacement clam sampling location Jamestown Island.Added a new oyster sampling location Lawne's Creek.

Attachment 4Page 1 of 1MAJOR CHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE LIQUID.GASEOUS AND SOLID WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMSThere were no major changes to the radioactive liquid, gaseous or solid waste treatment systems for this reporting period.

Attachment 5Page 1 of 1INOPERABILITY OF RADIOACTIVE LIQUID AND GASEOUSEFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall explain why monitoring instrumentation required by the ODCM Attachments I and 5, which were determined to be inoperable, were notreturned to operable status within 30 days. None of the above referenced instrumentation were inoperable greater than 30 days during this reporting period.

Attachment 6Page 1 of IUNPLANNED RELEASESThere were no unplanned liquid or unplanned gaseous releases during this reporting period.

Attachment 7Page 1 of 1LOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD) FOR EFFLUENT SAMPLE ANALYSISGASEOUS:IsotopeKr-87Kr-88Xe-133Xe-133mXe-135Xe-135mXe-1381-1311-133Sr-89Sr-90Cs- 134Cs-137Mn-54Fe-59Co-58Co-60Zn-65Mo-99Ce-141Ce-144AlphaTritiumSr-89Sr-90Cs-134Cs-1371-131Co-58Co-60Fe-59Zn-65Mn-54Mo-99Ce-141Ce-144Fe-55AlphaTritiumXe-133Xe-135Xe-133mXe-135mXe-138Kr-87Kr-88Required LLD1.OOE-041.OOE-041.OOE-041.OOE-041.OOE-041.OOE-041.OOE-041.OOE-121.OOE-101.OOE-1 11.OOE-1 11.OOE-111.OOE- 111.OOE-111.OOE- 111.OOE- 111.OOE-111.OOE-111.OOE-1 I1.OOE-1 11.OOE-1 11.OOE-1 11.OOE-06Typical LLD2.06E-08























-6.38E-08LIQUID:5.OOE-085.OOE-085.OOE-075.OOE-071.OOE-065.OOE-075.OOE-075.OOE-075.OOE-075.OOE-075.OOE-075.OOE-075.OOE-071.OOE-061.OOE-071.OOE-051.OOE-051.OOE-051.OOE-051.OOE-051.OOE-051.OOE-051.OOE-052.17E-084.80E-091.01E-081.84E-099.22E-091.23E-087.40E-091.57E-082.61E-086.64E-098.OOE-081.26E-085.20E-082.03E-072.78E-081.58E-062.30E-087.79E-097.09E-083.43E-079.61E-072.93E-083.71 E-08-4.70E-08-8.64E-09-5.93E-08-7.63E-08-5.63E-08-6.54E-08-7.13E-07-1.24E-07-1.29E-07-7.46E-08-4.95E-07-8.95E-08-3.50E-07-7.79E-07-2.82E-08-1.58E-06-6.07E-07-5.62E-08-3.99E-07-3.50E-06-6.52E-06-2.07E-07-2.19E-07 Attachment 8Page 1 of 3INDUSTRY GROUND WATER PROTECTION INITIATIVE The following is a summary of 2013 sample analyses of ground water monitoring wells that are not a partof the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). Analyses are performed by anindependent laboratory.

Well Sample Tritium Gamma Fe-55 Ni-63 Sr-90 TRUDesignation Date pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter 1-PL-Piez-05 1/29/13 7,980 NA NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-29 1/29/13 8,170 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-33 2/27/13 <964 ND NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-34 2/27/13 <944 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-41 2/27/13 <768 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-42 2/27/13 <961 ND NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-04 2/28/13 <943 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-05 2/28/13 10,000 ND <158 <3.59 <0.909 NA1-PL-Piez-06 2/28/13 2,580 ND <174 <3.82 <0.750 NA1-PL-Piez-07 2/28/13 <952 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-24 2/28/13 <774 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-27 2/28/13 <964 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-29 2/28/13 10,100 ND <80.3 <3.79 <0.737 ND1-PL-Piez-05 3/22/13 10,200 NA NA NA NA ND1-PL-Piez-06 3/22/13 2,940 NA NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-29 3/22/13 10,600 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-05 4/22/13 9,110 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-06 4/22/13 2,250 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-29 4/22/13 9,280 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-04 5/28/13 <831 ND NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-05 5/28/13 8,830 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-06 5/28/13 3,390 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-08 5/28/13 <835 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-09 5/28/13 <835 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-22 5/28/13 <827 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-25 5/28/13 <836 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-28 5/28/13 <842 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-34 5/28/13 <833 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-37 5/28/13 <831 NA NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-39 5/28/13 <831 NA NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-40 5/28/13 <836 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-41 5/28/13 <835 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-42 5/28/13 <830 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-03 5/29/13 <1310 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-07 5/29/13 <831 ND NA NA NA NA Attachment 8Page 2 of 3INDUSTRY GROUND WATER PROTECTION INITIATIVE Well Sample Tritium Gamma Fe-55 Ni-63 Sr-90 TRUDesignation Date pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter 1-PL-Piez-20 5/29/13 <838 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-23 5/29/13 <840 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-24 5/29/13 <685 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-27 5/29/13 <832 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-29 5/29/13 9,970 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-33 5/29/13 <835 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-35 5/29/13 <837 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-36 5/29/13 <829 NA NA NA NA NAl-PL-Piez-38 5/29/13 <841 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-05 6/26/13 7,340 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-06 6/26/13 2,050 NA NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-29 6/26/13 8,510 NA NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-05 7/19/13 7,220 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-06 7/19/13 3,010 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-29 7/19/13 8,650 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-04 8/19/13 <789 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-05 8/19/13 9,060 ND. NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-06 8/19/13 2,900 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-07 8/19/13 <844 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-24 8/19/13 <786 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-27 8/19/13 <786 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-29 8/19/13 9,410 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-33 8/19/13 <786 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-34 8/19/13 <781 ND NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-41 8/19/13 <781 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-42 8/19/13 <781 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-05 11/4/13 8,920 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-06 11/4/13 2,570 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-29 11/4/13 7,610 NA NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-04 12/3/13 <768 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-05 12/3/13 8,930 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-06 12/3/13 2,770 ND NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-07 12/3/13 <762 ND NA NA NA NAI -PL-Piez-08 12/3/13 <762 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-24 12/3/13 <763 ND NA NA NA NA1 -PL-Piez-25 12/3/13 <717 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-27 12/3/13 <854 ND NA NA NA NA Attachment 8Page 3 of 3INDUSTRY GROUND WATER PROTECTION INITIATIVE Well Sample Tritium Gamma Fe-55 Ni-63 Sr-90 TRUDesignation Date pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter pCi/Liter 1-PL-Piez-29 12/3/13 9,480 ND NA NA NA NAl-PL-Piez-33 12/3/13 <718 ND NA NA NA NAI -PL-Piez-34 12/3/13 <717 ND NA NA NA NAI -PL-Piez-40 12/3/13 <854 ND NA NA NA NAl-PL-Piez-41 12/3/13 <717 ND NA NA NA NA1-PL-Piez-42 12/3/13 <682 ND NA NA NA NANA = Analysis not required.

ND = No non-natural gamma emitting nuclides detected when analyzed to REMP LLDs.TRU = Transuranics (Am-241, Cm-242, Cm-243/244, Pu-238 ,Pu-239/240 and Pu-241)

I oDominion' Administrative Procedures Actiot Request(A-PAR)V.P.2 .I o Im tminstru01ction 0o copetn m is Torm are inciuade-d i-n VhAi-'-1u2.

Reqes fo Prceur Moiicto -to~ be coplte by R o an Conepr (cmlt blck I9 throughS1 S andfowr to .rr~it Pr.***Poaar Ow e S 99.1. Procedure NumberVPAP-2103S

2. Revision163. Page14. Effective Date17-/ 1 11of 15. Procedure Title 6. Expiration DateOffsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry) N/A7. Type of RequestI New Procedure ZProcedure Revision

[ Procedure Deletion

[Emergency Change8. Brief description of the modification See Revision Summary.9, Location 0]SPS []NAPS F"- CORP Location

-SPS E] NAPS [:]CORP10. Requested by (Printed Name) 1. Date 12. Phone 13, Requested by (Printed Name) 14. Date 15. PhonePete Blount 9/16/13 2467 N/A I N/A I N/AReus Appova Chcls -to~ be coplte -.y Prcs/rga Ower -s) (cmpet blck 16 thog 33 an forar9. 9 9. I ~ .I.16. Does procedure meet requirements of NOTE below? Z Yes [: No17. Does this procedure require a 50.59 / 72.48 Evaluation (Form No. 7.30947)?

El Yes Z No18. Are there any new sections or steps designated North Anna or Surry? [I Yes [] No19. Is the reason for the station-specific instructions due to differences in regulatory requirements?

El Yes [E No CK N/A20. Is the reason for the station-specific Instructions due to differences in construction?

El Yes El No M N/A21. Is the reason for the station-specific Instructions due to station preferences?

El Yes [L No IIN/AIf all answers are No or N/A, approval is required by PPOs as identified on the Procedure Cover Page. Check block 30.If block 16 or 17 Is Yes, approval Is required by PPOs, FSRCs, and/or Site Vice Presidents.

Check blocks 30, 31, and 32, as appropriate.

NOTE: VPAP-2103N, VPAP-2103S, and VPAP-2104 require Site Vice President(s) approval.

SPIPs require FSRC(s) and Site Vice President(s) approval.

Revisions to VPAP-0502, Attachment 26, require FSRC(s) approval.

If block 18, 19, or 20 Is Yes with block 21 No, approval is required by PPOs and Site Vice Presidents.

Check blocks 30 and 32.If block 21 Is Yes, approval is required by PPOs, Site Vice Presidents, and Vice President Corporate.

Check blocks 30, 32, and 33.22. Did this procedure require the attachments in PI-AA-4000, Change Management, to be used? [] Yes CR No23. Location]SPS El NAPSEl CORPLocationE[]SPS[: NAPS[--CORP24. PPO (Printed Name) 25. Date 26. Phone 27. PPO (Printed Name) 28. Date 29. PhoneJ. W. Eggart 12/2/13 2010 N/A N/A N/AI II by P9 .'99 ,, ' 9 I , i .9 [ i -_ * -I -1 0 30. PPO(s)E[ 31. FSRCs[] 32. Site Vice Presidents

[E 33. Vice President (Corp)IPrceur Aproa (Sinatre (cmlt b= 3 -trog 47,9* 9 as reurd an fowr to Staio Procedures)

34. PPO (Si ature 135. Date 36. PPO (Signature)

Id,/a I.2o,:? I N/A37. DateN/A38. FSRC Cfairman (Slnature)

39. Date 40. FSRC Chairman (Signature) 41, DateN/A IN/A N/A N/AI Af l &-'~. ~i~e,',,it (nr( Ignature)

IExctv appova reuie fo any -station-seic intucin tha ar base soel on stto preference.

44. Site Vice President (Signature)

N/A45, DateN/AVice President Corporate (Signature)

N/A47. DateN/AI Key: A-PAR-Administrative Procedures Action Request; SPS-Surry Power Station;NAPS-North Anna Power Station; CORP-Corporate; PPOs s)-Process/Program Owner(s);

FSRC-Facility Safety Review Committee; SPIPs-Security PIan Implementing Procedures Form No. 720457(Feb 2010)

I15'OD4' otinionWProcedure Routing /~ 7/4VPP-50 -Atahmn 5 Pag 1 of2Instructions:

1. Document comments on the procedure attached to this form.2. Resolve comments with the person Identified on the bottom of this form, if required.

3, After comments are resolved, or if there are no comments, initial and date the applicable block and send to the person Identified on the bottom of this form.NOTE: The "Requestor" may NOT be the "Technical" or "Validation" reviewer for technical procedures; or the "Responsible Department" reviewer for admin'procedures.

NOTE: Maintenance procedures (requiring Cognizant Management B or FSRC approval) require two Independent reviews to address risk and consequence concerns.

Procedure Number RevisionVPAP-2103S Procedure TitleOffsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry)Procedure Writer (Name) / Requestor (Name) Location Extension S. Mann / P. Blount ISPS 2118Type of Request:

[ ] New Procedure

([/Krocedure Revision

[ ] Procedure Deletion

[ ] Vendor Procedure Commitment Due Date Comments Due By Icheduled Approval DateSupervisor Station Procedures (Signature)

I Date .Manager Nuclear Operations Approval of Reviews for EOPs/FC-As (Signature)




... _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ l::. ....Writers i iSelf-Check x S. MannWriters GuideRequestor X P. BlountTechnical Technical EOPs/FCAs In-Plant[ Reference Validation

[ Performance Simulator

[ Walkthrough Comparison

]Table TopResponsible Dept. X P, Harris _ _Other Department Review X D. Anderson

__,_Other Department Review 7k M. (,e"--VJ5,, 11 S Lrv2....Other Department VReviewOther Department ReviewOther Department ReviewOther Department ReviewReturn To (Printed Name) Location Extension S. Mann SPS 2118II1I1I1I1For additional Routing or Comments (if needed),

see Page 2.Form No. 730683(Jan 2011)I Sandy Mann (Generation

-3)From: Michael Wagner-Dlggs (Generation

-3)Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 2:40 PMTo: Sandy Mann (Generation



RE: Please Review VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry),

Revision 16,DRAFTTraining has reviewed and finds no concern...

From: Don Anderson (Generation

-3)Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 10:05 AMTo: Pete Blount (Generation

-3)Cc: William Terry (Generation

-3); Sandy Mann (Generation

-3); Michael Wagner-Diggs (Generation

-3); Jason W Eggart (Generation

-3); Paul Harris (Generation

-3); Heather ABaer (Generation



RE: Please Review VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry),

Revision 16,DRAFTReviewed with no comments.

From: Paul Harris (Generation

-3)Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 7:02 AMTo: Sandy Mann (Generation



RE: Please Review VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry),

Revision 16,DRAFTHello Sandy,Review Is complete with no comments.

From: Pete Blount (Generation

-3)Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 11:47 AMTo: Sandy Mann (Generation

-3)Cc: Heather A Baer (Generation



RE: VPAP-2103S Looks good, Thanks Sandy.

50.59/72.48 Applicability Review I ..: 'rD ominio,,

, -AApplicable Station Applicable To: Parent Document/Revision El North Anna Power Station El Unit 1 El Unit 2 OR l ISFSI VPAP-2103S Revision 16Z Surry Power Station [ Unit 1 Z Unit 2 OR I SFSIEl Millstone Power Station El Unit I [- Unit 2 [1 Unit 3 OR E] ISFSIE] Kewaunee Power Station El Unit 1 OR El ISFSIPart I. Brief Description of Activity Being Reviewed (See Attachment 2, Part I)The following changes were made in response to CA220789

& CA259700.

" Updated 4.13, Rated Thermal Power -changed "2546 Megawatts Thermal MWt" to "2587 Megawatts Thermal MWt."" Updated Attachment 7, Radiological Environmental Monitoring

Program, Item 4, b Fish and Invertebrates

-combined a) "2samples of oysters in the vicinity of the Station" and b) "4 samples of clams in the vicinity of the Station" into a) "6 samples offilter feeders (clams, oysters) in the vicinity of the Station."

" Updated Attachment 8, Environmental Sampling Locations, as follows:* Sample Media Clams -deleted "Hog Island Point" and "Lawne's Creek"; added "Jamestown Island"" Sample Media Oysters -added "Lawne's Creek"Part II. Activity Previously Reviewed (See Attachment 2, Part II)Is this activity Fully bounded by one or more of the following?

1. Fully bounded by a El YES Z NO El Attached (optional)

-If YES, identify bounding source documentcompleted 50.59/72.48 Screen or Evaluation?

2. Fully bounded by a station E] YES Z NO E] Attached (optional)

-If YES, identify bounding source documentactivity that has alreadyreceived NRC approval?


[ Both of the above review questions are answered NO, continue the Applicability ReviewEl One of the above review questions is answered YES, a 50.59/72.48 Screen is NOT required; complete Parts V, VI, VIIPart III. Controlled by Other Regulatory Change Control Process (See Attachment 2, Part Ill)Check if any of the following documents are identified as part of the proposed activity.

NOTE: For example, when a design change is the proposed

activity, consequential actions may include changes to one of thesedocuments which have a different change control process and are NOT to be included in this 10 CFR 50.59/72.48 review.1. Technical Specifications or Operating License El2. Emergency Plan El3. Security Plan El4. Fire Protection Program and Is NOT associated with ISFSI El5. Quality Assurance Program Description El6. Inservice Test Plan -IST El7. Inservice Inspection Plan -ISI El8. ECCS Analysis El9. Environmental Protection Plan El10. Radiation Protection Program11. Radiological Environmental Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculations Manual12. Reactor Vessel Surveillance Withdrawal Schedule ElPART Ill. CONCLUSION El If NO documents are selected, continue the Applicability Review.El If one or more of the documents listed above are selected, AND the proposed activity is limited to changing thosedocuments, a 50.59/72.48 Screen is NOT required; complete Parts V, VI, VII.[ If one or more of the documents are selected, AND some portion of the activity involves facility or procedure changes;continue the Applicability Review for that portion.Form No. 729534(Oct 2012)pI 50.59/72.48 Applicability Review 4II4 CPart IV.1 General Pre-Screen for Maintenance

-Not Applicable to ISFSI (See Attachment 2, Part IV.A)1. Is this a maintenance activity limited to restoring an SSC to the normal as designed condition (includes Temporary Alterations in support of Maintenance NOT in effect longer than 90 days at E YES 0 NOpower) AND does NOT permanently alter the design, performance requirements, operation, orcontrol of SSCs?2. Is the activity limited to installing or testing approved facility changes?

El YES [9 NOPart IV.A CONCLUSION CK Both of the above review questions are answered NO, all or some portion of the activity extends beyond maintenance; continue the Applicability Review for non-maintenance activities.

0l One of the above review questions is answered YES, the activity is subject to review per the Maintenance Rule; a10 CFR 50.59/72.48 Screen is NOT required; complete Parts V, VI, and VII.Part IV.2. General Pre-Screen (See Attachment 2, Part IV.2)1. Does this activity involve any changes to the ISFSI written evaluations required by 1OCFR72.212?

[:]YES Z NO2. Does this activity involve fire protection activities associated with the ISFSI? E] YES [9 NO3. Does this activity involve maintenance activities on the ISFSI? [] YES Z NO4. Does this activity alter (temporarily or permanently) the design of an SSC through a modification or El YES Z NOaddition to, or removal from, the facility as described In the SAR?5. Does this activity alter (temporarily or permanently) the function, ability to function, or method of El YES 0 NOperforming a function of an SSC as described in the SAR? ___YES____NO

6. Does this activity modify how SSCs are operated or controlled as described,
outlined, or summarized E] YES Z NOin the SAR?7. Does this activity change a numeric value of a design or performance requirement of a SARdescribed SSC to a value that has NOT been previously reviewed in accordance with El YES 0 NO1 0CFR50.59/72.48?
8. Does this activity perform a test or experiment that is NOT described in the SAR? El YES N NO9. Does this activity involve a change to a method of evaluation used for evaluating behavior or El YES [9 NOresponse of the facility or an SSC described In the SAR?10. Does this activity involve a temporary modification?

[CM 5.1.1 and CM 5.1.2] El YES 0 NOPART IV.2 CONCLUSION

[ All Pre-Screen questions are answered NO, a 50.59/72.48 Screen is NOT required; complete Parts V, VI, VIIEl One or more Pre-Screen questions are answered YES, perform a 50.59/72.48 Screen per Attachment 3 and completeParts V, VI, VII.Part V. Safety Analysis Report Interface (See Attachment 2, Part V)Does this activity require revising the Safety Analysis Report? If YES, initiate a Change Request inaccordance with CM-AA-SAR-1 01 and include the Change Request number ________NO If YES, additional review required by 50.59/72.48 Screen Preparer/Reviewer If Applicability Review El YES [ NOPreparer and Co-signer (when required) are NOT 50.59/72.48 Screen qualified.

Form No. 729534(Oct 2012)

Pýýý4 ý50.59/72.48 Applicability ReviewII CM-AA-400

-Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 1Part VI. Comments (use supplemental pages as needed)(Examples:

Identify any 50.59/72.48 Screen or Evaluation or NRC approved activity that contributes to this review; identifyparts of the activity that are bounded or not bounded by a previously completed review or that are NOT part of anotherchange process; Identify the source document supporting a numeric value previously reviewed per 10 CFR 50.59/72.48.)

Administrative Procedure RevisionRevision to VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual to (1) update the total reactor core heat transfer rate to 2587 MWt,(2) include a description of clams and oysters as filter feeders, (3) delete a non-productive clam sampling

location, (4) add a newclam sampling
location, and (5) add a new oyster sampling location.

TS 6.8.B, VPAP-2802 and VPAP-2103S describe that changes can be made to VPAP-2103S when the change will maintain thelevel of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 (doselimitations to the public) and when the change will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpointcalculations.

The changes described in Part 1 do not modify an existing radiological

effluent, nor create a new effluent.

Nochanges to effluent treatment systems are being made. No changes are being made to effluent dose or radiation monitor setpointcalculation methodologies.

Clam and oyster sampling locations are being changed due to clam shellstock depletion and discovery of new sampling sites. Therefore, there is no reduction in the level of radioactive effluent control required by the aforementioned CFRs and there Is no adverse impact to the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.

This administrative activity does not: affect SSCs, perform a test or experiment not described in the SAR, or involve a temporary modification.

This administrative activity was processed in accordance with DOM-QA-1.

IIII1Part VII. Signature Preparer Name (Print) Preparergnatu DateHeather Baer f .12/02/2013 Co-signer Name (only if Preparer is NOT qualified)

(Print) Co-signer Signature DateReviewer Name (only If required per Part V Instruction)

(Print) Reviewer Signature DateI1I1I1I1I1I1iiForm No. 729534(Oct 2012)I S DomnionStation Dotminion Administrative Procedure Title: Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry)Process / Program Owner: Manager Radiological Protection and Chemistry (Surry)Procedure Number Revision Number Effective DateVPAP-2103S 16 On FileRevision SummaryThe following changes were made in response to CA220789

& CA259700.

" Updated 4.13, Rated Thermal Power -changed "2546 Megawatts Thermal MWt" to"2587 Megawatts Thermal MWt."" Updated Attachment 7, Radiological Environmental Monitoring

Program, Item 4, b Fish andInvertebrates

-combined a) "2 samples of oysters in the vicinity of the Station" and b) "4 samplesof clams in the vicinity of the Station" into a) "6 samples of filter feeders (clams, oysters) in thevicinity of the Station."

" Updated Attachment 8, Environmental Sampling Locations, as follows:" Sample Media Clams -deleted "Hog Island Point" and "Lawne's Creek"; added "Jamestown Island"" Sample Media Oysters -added "Lawne's Creek"Approvals on File IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 2 OF 73TABLE OF CONTENTS ISection Page 31.0 PURPOSE 42.0 SCOPE 4I


/COMMITMENT DOCUMENTS 54.0 DEFINITIONS 65.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 10 i6.0 INSTRUCTIONS 116.1 Sampling and Monitoring Criteria 116.2 Liquid Radioactive Waste Effluents 116.2.1 Liquid Effluent Concentration Limitations 116.2.2 Liquid Monitoring Instrumentation 126.2.3 Liquid Effluent Dose Limit 156.2.4 Liquid Radwaste Treatment 186.2.5 Liquid Sampling 19 I6.3 Gaseous Radioactive Waste Effluents 196.3.1 Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate Limitations 19 16.3.2 Gaseous Monitoring Instrumentation 216.3.3 Noble Gas Effluent Air Dose Limit 24 I6.3.4 1-131, 133, H-3 & Radionuclides in Particulate Form Effluent Dose Limit 266.3.5 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment 286.4 Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous Release Permits 296.4.1 Liquid Waste Batch Releases 296.4.2 Continuous Liquid Releases 296.4.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank (WGDT) Release Permit 306.4.4 Reactor Containment Release Permits 306.4.5 Miscellaneous Gaseous Release Permit 30 3 DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 3 OF 73TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)*

Section Page6.4.6 Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous Release Controls 306.5 Total Dose Limit to Public From Uranium Fuel Cycle Sources 326.6 Radiological Environmental Monitoring 326.6.1 Monitoring Program 326.6.2 Land Use Census 346.6.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program 356.7 Reporting Requirements 366.7.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 366.7.2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 386.7.3 Annual Meteorological Data 406.7.4 Changes to the ODCM 406.7.5 Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative 417.0 RECORDS 43ATTACHMENTS 1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 442 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 45Surveillance Requirements 3 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 464 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 495 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 536 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 55Surveillance Requirements 7 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 578 Environmental Sampling Locations 609 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis 6310 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental 65Samples11 Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway Analysis 66 IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 4 OF 731.0 PURPOSE iThe Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) establishes requirements for the Radioactive Effluent and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs.

Methodology and parameters are provided to calculate offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, to calculate gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm/trip setpoints, and to conduct theEnvironmental Monitoring Program.

Requirements are established for the Annual 1Radiological Environmental Operating Report and the Annual Radioactive Effluent ReleaseReport required by Station Technical Specifications.

Calculation of offsite doses due toradioactive liquid and gaseous effluents are performed to assure that:Concentrationofradioactiveliquid effluents to the unrestricted area will be limited to tentimes the effluent concentration values of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, forradionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases and 2E-4 gtCi/mL for dissolved or entrained noble gases" Exposure to the maximum exposed member of the public in the unrestricted area fromradioactive liquid effluents will not result in doses greater than the liquid dose limitsof 10 CFR 50, Appendix I" Dose rate at and beyond the site boundary from radioactive gaseous effluents will be limited ito:Noble gases -less than or equal to a dose rate of 500 mremiyr to the total body and lessthan or equal to a dose rate of 3000 mrem/yr to the skin1131, 1133, and H3, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8days -less than or equal to a dose rate of 1500 mrem/yr to any organ" Exposure from radioactive gaseous effluents to the maximum exposed member of the publicin the unrestricted area will not result in doses greater than the gaseous dose limits of I10 CFR 50, Appendix I, and" Exposure to a real individual will not exceed 40 CFR 190 dose limits2.0 SCOPEThis procedure applies to the Radioactive Effluent and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs at Surry Power Station.i DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 5 OF 7



3.1 References

3.1.1 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 3.1.2 10 CFR 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 3.1.3 40 CFR 190, Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear PowerOperations 3.1.4 TID-14844, Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites3.1.5 Regulatory Guide 1.21, Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in SolidWastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents fromLight-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants, Rev. 1, U.S. NRC, June 19743.1.6 Regulatory Guide 1.109, Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releasesof Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR 50,Appendix I, Rev. 1, U.S. NRC, October 19773.1.7 Regulatory Guide 1.111, Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport andDispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled

Reactors, Rev. 1, U.S. NRC, July 19773.1.8 Surry Technical Specifications (Units I and 2)3.1.9 NUREG-0324, XOQDOQ, Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of RoutineEffluent Releases at Nuclear Power Stations, U.S. NRC, September 19773.1.10 NUREG/CR-1276, Users Manual for the LADTAP II Program, U.S. NRC,May, 19803.1.11 TID-4500, VCRL-50564, Rev. 1, Concentration Factors of Chemical Elements inEdible Aquatic Organisms,
October, 19723.1.12 WASH 1258, Vol. 2, July 1973, Numerical Guides for Design Objectives and LimitingConditions for Operation to Meet the Criterion "As Low As Practicable" ForRadioactive Material in Light Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Effluents 3.1.13 NUREG-0597, User's Guide to GASPAR Code, U.S. NRC, June, 19803.1.14 Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring,
November, 1979, Rev. 13.1.15 NUREG-0133, Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications forNuclear Power Stations,
October, 19783.1.16 NUREG-0543, February 1980, Methods for Demonstrating LWR Compliance Withthe EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard (40 CFR Part 190)3.1.17 NUREG-0472, Standard Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications forPressurized Water Reactors, Draft, Rev. 3, March 19823.1.18 Environmental Measurements Laboratory, DOE HASL 300 Manual IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 6 OF 733.1.19 NRC Generic Letter 89-01, Implementation of Programmatic Controls forRadiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS) in the Administrative ControlsSection of the Technical Specifications and the Relocation of Procedural Details ofRETS to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual or to the Process Control Program3.1.20 Surry UFSAR3.1.21 Laboratory Quality Assurance Plan, Manual 100; Framatome Environmental Laboratory 3.1.22 VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports3.1.23 HP-3010.021, Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis m3.1.24 HP-3010.031, Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis3.1.25 Design Change 01-022, Ventilation Radiation Monitoring (Kaman) SystemReplacement/Surry/Unit l&23.1.26 NEI 07-07, Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative

-Final Guidance Document3.1.27 CR022320(Surry),

Daily Channel Checks for I-VG-RM-131-1 Flow Rate Measuring Device Not Performed 3.1.28 RP-AA-502, Groundwater Protection Program I3.2 Commitment Documents 3.2,1 Quality Assurance Audit Report Number 92-03, Observation 04NS (Item 2) m3.2.2 Deviation Report S-97-1281, Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report3.2,3 Deviation S-2000-0235, Continuous Vent Stack Sampling3.2,4 S-2005-0930, Response to the Verification of Back-up Effluent Accountability Sampling4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Channel Calibration Adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output so it responds with the necessary range andaccuracy to known values of the parameter the channel monitors.

It encompasses the entirechannel, including the sensor and alarm and/or trip functions and the Channel Functional Test.The Channel Calibration can be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping, or totalchannel steps so the entire channel is calibrated.

I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 7 OF 734.2 Channel CheckA qualitative assessment, by observation, of channel behavior during operation.


includes, where possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or status withother indications and/or status derived from independent instrumentation channels measuring the same parameter.

The Channel Check for the MGPI sampler flow rate measuring

devices, as listed onAttachment 6 of this procedure, is the direct observation of the MGPI radiation monitor releaserate (i.e., microcuries per second) without the presence of a sampler flow fault display.4.3 Channel Functional TestThere are two types of Channel Functional Tests.4.3.1 Analog ChannelInjection of a simulated signal into a channel, as close to the sensor as practicable, toverify Operability, including alarm and/or trip functions.

4.3.2 Bistable ChannelInjection of a simulated signal into a sensor to verify Operability, including alarmand/or trip functions.

4.4 Critical OrganThat organ, which has been determined to be the maximum exposed organ based on an effluentpathway analysis, thereby ensuring the dose and dose rate limitations to any organ will not beexceeded.

4.5 Dose Equivalent 1-131That concentration of 1131 (ltCi/cc) that alone would produce the same thyroid dose as thequantity and isotopic mixture of 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, and 1135 actually present.

Thyroid doseconversion factors for this calculation are listed in Table III of TID-14844, Calculation ofDistance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites. Thyroid dose conversion factors from NRCRegulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, may be used.

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 8 OF 734.6 Frequency Notations NOTE: Frequencies are allowed a maximum extension of 25 percent.NOTATION FREQUENCY D -DailyW -WeeklyM -MonthlyQ -Quarterly SA -Semi-annually R -Refueling S/U -Start-upP -Prior to releaseN/A -Not applicable DR -During the releaseAt least once per 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />sAt least once per 7 daysAt least once per 31 daysAt least once per 92 daysAt least once per 184 daysAt least once per 18 monthsPrior to each reactor start-upCompleted prior to each releaseNot applicable At least once during each release4.7 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment SystemA system that reduces radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primary coolant systemoffgases from the primary system and providing delay or holdup to reduce total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.

The system comprises the waste gas decay tanks,regenerative heat exchanger, waste gas charcoal

filters, process vent blowers and waste gassurge tanks.4.8 General Nomenclature

= Chi: concentration at a point at a given instant (curies per cubic meter)D = Deposition:

quantity of deposited radioactive material per unit area (curies per squaremeter)Q = Source strength (instantaneous; grams, curies)= Emission rate (continuous; grams per second, curies per second)= Emission rate (continuous line source; grams per second per meter)4.9 Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)The smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count (abovesystem background) that can be detected with 95 percent probability with only five percentprobability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.IIIUIIIIIIIIIIII DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 9 OF 734.10 Members of the PublicIndividuals who, by virtue of their occupational status, have no formal association with theStation.

This category includes non-employees of Dominion who are permitted to use portionsof the site for recreational, occupational, or other purposes not associated with Stationfunctions.

This category does not include non-employees such as vending machine servicemen or postal workers who, as part of their formal job function, occasionally enter an area that iscontrolled by Dominion to protect individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials.

4.11 Operable

-Operability A system, subsystem, train, component, or device is operable or has operability when it iscapable of performing its specified functions and all necessary, attendant instrumentation,

controls, normal and emergency electrical power sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication orother auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, ordevice to perform its functions are also capable of performing their related support functions.

4.12 Purge -PurgingControlled discharge of air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature,

pressure, humidity, concentration, or other operating condition, so that replacement air or gas is requiredto purify the confinement.

4.13 Rated Thermal PowerTotal reactor core heat transfer rate to reactor coolant (i.e., 2587 Megawatts Thermal MWt).4.14 Site BoundaryThe line beyond which Dominion does not own, lease, or otherwise control the land.4.15 Source CheckFor Victoreen and Eberline monitors a source check is the qualitative assessment of channelresponse when a channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source or a light emitting diode,LED.For MGPI monitors a source check is the verification of proper computer response tocontinuous operational checks on the detector and electronics.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 10 OF 734.16 Special ReportA report to NRC to comply with Subsections 6.2, 6.3, or 6.5 of this procedure.

Also refer toVPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.

I4.17 Thermal PowerTotal reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.4.18 Unrestricted AreaAny area at or beyond the site boundary, access to which is neither limited nor controlled byDominion for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, or any area within the site boundary used for residential quarters or for industrial, commercial, institutional or recreational purposes.

4.19 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment SystemA system that reduces gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form ineffluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal adsorbers and HighEfficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters to remove iodines and particulates from a gaseousexhaust stream prior to release to the environment (such a system is not considered to have anyeffect on noble gas effluents).

Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) atmospheric cleanup systems Iare not Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System components.

5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES I5.1 Manager Radiological Protection and Chemistry The Manager Radiological Protection and Chemistry is responsible for:5.1.1 Establishing and maintaining procedures for surveying,

sampling, and monitoring radioactive effluents and the environment.

5.1.2 Surveying,

sampling, and analyzing plant effluents and environmental monitoring, anddocumenting these activities.

5.1.3 Analyzing plant effluent trends and recommending actions to correct adverse trends.5.1.4 Preparing Effluent and Environmental Monitoring Program records.5.2 Manager Nuclear Operations The Manager Nuclear Operations is responsible for requesting

samples, analyses, andauthorization to release effluents.

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 11 OF 736.0 INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: Meteorological, liquid, and gaseous pathway analyses are presented inMeteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway Analysis (Attachment 11).6.1 Sampling and Monitoring Criteria6.1.1 Surveys,

sampling, and analyses shall use instruments calibrated for the type and rangeof radiation monitored and the type of discharge monitored.

6.1.2 Installed monitoring systems shall be calibrated for the type and range of radiation orparameter monitored.

6.1.3 A sufficient number of survey points shall be used or samples taken to adequately assess the status of the discharge monitored.

6.1.4 Samples shall be representative of the volume and type of discharge monitored.

6.1.5 Surveys,

sampling, analyses, and monitoring records shall be accurately and legiblydocumented, and sufficiently detailed that the meaning and intent of the records areclear.6.1.6 Surveys,
analyses, and monitoring records shall be reviewed for trends, completeness, and accuracy.

6.2 Liquid Radioactive Waste Effluents 6.2.1 Liquid Effluent Concentration Limitations

a. Liquid waste concentrations discharged from the Station shall not exceed thefollowing limits:1. For radionuclides (other than dissolved or entrained noble gases), liquid effluentconcentrations released to unrestricted areas shall not exceed ten times theeffluent concentration values specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2,Column 2.2. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, concentrations shall not exceed2E-4 pCi/mL.b. If the concentration of liquid effluent exceeds the limits in Step 6.2.1 .a., promptlyreduce concentrations to within limits.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 12 OF 73c. Daily concentrations of radioactive materials in liquid waste released tounrestricted areas shall meet the following:

IVolume of Waste Discharged

+ Volume of Dilution Waterj.__.Ci/ml.

Volume of Waste Discharged x .A-i !1ACW.where: HliCi/mLi

= the concentration of nuclide i in the liquid effluent discharge ACWi = ten times the effluent concentration value in unrestricted areas ofnuclide i, expressed as piCi/mL from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2,Column 2 for radionuclides other than noble gases, and 2E-4 ltCi/mL fordissolved or entrained noble gases6.2.2 Liquid Monitoring Instrumentation

a. Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown onRadioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (Attachment
1) shall beoperable with their alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that Step 6.2.1 .a. limits are notexceeded.
1. Alarm/trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted inaccordance with Step 6.2.2.d.,

Setpoint Calculation.

2. If a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm/trip setpoint is less conservative than required by Step 6.2.2.a.,

perform one of thefollowing:

" Promptly suspend release of radioactive liquid effluents monitored by theaffected channel" Declare the channel inoperable

" Change the setpoint to an acceptable, conservative valueI DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 13 OF 73b. Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Operability Each radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall bedemonstrated operable by performing a Channel Check, Source Check, ChannelCalibration, and Channel Functional Test at the frequencies shown in Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements (Attachment 2).1. If the number of operable channels is less than the minimum required by thetables in Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (Attachment

1) perform the action shown in those tables.2. Attempt to return the instruments to operable status within 30 days. Ifunsuccessful, explain in the next Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reportwhy the inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.c. Applicable MonitorsLiquid effluent monitors for which alarm/trip setpoints shall be determined are:Release Point Instrument NumberService Water System Effluent Line 1-SW-RM-107 A,B,C,DCondenser Circulating Water Line 1-SW-RM-120 2-SW-RM-220 Radwaste Facility Effluent Line RE- RRM-131 DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 14 OF 73d. Setpoint Calculation NOTE: This methodology does not preclude use of more conservative setpoints.
1. Maximum setpoint values shall be calculated by:CFDS =- (2)FEwhere:S = the setpoint, in pCi/mL, of the radioactivity monitor measuring theradioactivity concentration in the effluent line prior to dilutionC = the effluent concentration linmit for the monitor used to implement 10 CFR 20 for the Station, in ltCi/mL IFE = maximum design pathway effluent flow rateFD = dilution water flow rate calculated as:D = FE + (200,000 gpm x number of circ. pumps in service)2. Each of the condenser circulating water channels (e.g., SW-120, SW-220)monitors the effluent (service water, including component cooling servicewater, circulating water, and liquid radwaste) in the circulating water discharge tunnel beyond the last point of possible radioactive material addition.

Nodilution is assumed for this pathway.

Therefore, Equation (2) becomes:S = C (3) IThe setpoint for Station monitors used to implement 10 CFR 20 for the sitebecomes the effluent concentration limit.3. In addition, for added conservatism, setpoints shall be calculated for the servicewater system effluent line (i.e., SW-107 A, B, C, D), and the Radwaste Facilityeffluent line (i.e., RRM-131).

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 15 OF 734. For the service water system effluent line, Equation (2) becomes:S CFDKSW (4)FEwhere:Ksw = the fraction of the effluent concentration limit, used to implement 10CFR 20 for the Station, attributable to the service water effluent linepathway5. For the Radwaste Facility effluent line, Equation (2) becomes:S CF- K W (5)FEwhere:KRW = the fraction of the effluent concentration limit, used to implement 10 CFR 20 attributable to the Radwaste Facility effluent linepathway6. The sum Ksw + KRW shall not be greater than Liquid Effluent Dose Limita. Requirement At least once per 31 days, perform the dose calculations in Step 6.2.3.c.

to ensurethe dose or dose commitment to the maximum exposed member of the public fromradioactive materials in liquid releases (from each reactor unit) to unrestricted areasis limited to:1. During any calendar quarter:" Less than or equal to 1.5 mnrem to the total body" Less than or equal to 5 mrem to the critical organ2. During any calendar year:* Less than or equal to 3 mrem to the total body" Less than or equal to 10 rnrem to the critical organ DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 16 OF 73b. ActionIf the calculated dose from release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents exceeds any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the NRC, within 30 days, aspecial report in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, thatidentifies causes for exceeding limits and defines corrective actions taken to reducereleases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents to ensure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.c. Dose Contribution Calculations INOTE: All critical organ doses for each age group are calculated to determine which is thelimiting organ for the period being evaluated.

Dose contributions shall be calculated for all radionuclides identified in liquideffluents released to unrestricted areas based on the equation:

D = tFMZ CiAi (6)where:Subscripts

= i, refers to individual radionuclide D = the cumulative dose commitment to the total body or critical organ from theliquid effluents for the period t, in mremt = the period for which Ci and F are averaged for all liquid releases, in hoursM = the mixing ratio (reciprocal of the dilution factor) at the point of exposure, dimensionless, 0.2 from Appendix I IA, Surry UFSARF = the near field average dilution factor for Ci during any liquid effluentrelease; the ratio of the average undiluted liquid waste flow during releaseto the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted areasCi = the average concentration of radionuclide, i, in undiluted liquid effluent Iduring the period t, from all liquid releases, in tCi/nhLI DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 17 OF 73Ai = the site-related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or criticalorgan for a particular age group for each identified principal gamma andbeta emitter in mrem-mL per hr-ltCi.

Values for Ai are provided in theCanberra Source Code file.Ai = 1.14 E+05 (21BFi + 5Bi) DFi (7)for example:1.14 E+05 = 1 E+06 pCi/tCi x 1 E+03 mLfkg/(8760 hr/yr), units conversion factor21 = adult fish consumption, kg/yr, from NUREG-0133 5 = adult invertebrate consumption, kg/yr, from NUREG-0133 BIi = the bioaccumulation factor for nuclide i, in invertebrates, pCi/kg perpCi/LBFj = the bioaccumulation factor for nuclide i, in fish, pCi/kg per pCi/LDFi = the critical organ dose conversion factor for nuclide i, for adults, inmrem/pCiNOTE: The above parameters were obtained from R.G. 1.109, Rev. 1, LADTAP II,NUREG/CR-1276, and TID-4500, VCRL-50564, Rev. 1.d. Quarterly Composite AnalysesFor radionuclides not determined in each batch or weekly composite, dosecontribution to current monthly or calendar quarter cumulative summation may beapproximated by assuming an average monthly concentration based on previousmonthly or quarterly composite analyses.

However, for reporting
purposes, calculated dose contribution shall be based on the actual composite analyses.

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 18 OF 736.2.4 Liquid Radwaste Treatment Historical data pertaining to the volumes and radioactivity of liquid effluents releasedin connection with specific station functions, such as maintenance or refueling

outages, shall be used in projections as appropriate.
a. Requirement
1. The Surry Radwaste Facility Liquid Waste System shall be used to reduce theradioactive materials in liquid waste prior to discharge when projected dose dueto liquid effluent, from each reactor unit, to unrestricted areas would exceed0.06 mrem to total body or 0.2 mrem to the critical organ in a 31-day period.2. Doses due to liquid releases shall be projected at least once per 31 days.b. ActionIf radioactive liquid waste is discharged without treatment and in excess of theabove limits, prepare and submit to the NRC, within 30 days, a special report inaccordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, that includes thefollowing:
1. An explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without treatment,
  • identification of any inoperable equipment or sub-system, and the reason for theinoperability.
2. Actions taken to restore inoperable equipment to operable status.3. Summary description of actions taken to prevent recurrence.
c. Projected Total Body and Critical Organ Dose Calculation
1. Determine DI, the sum of all liquid open and closed release points, in mnrem, bythe ith organ, for the quarter.2. Determine P, the Projection Factor, which is result of 31 divided by the numberof days from start of the quarter to the end of the release.3. Determine Da, additional anticipated dose for liquid releases by the ith organ forthe particular quarter of the release.4. Determine Dp, the 31 day projected dose by the ith organ:Dp = (DI x P) + Da DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 19 OF 736.2.5 Liquid SamplingRadioactive liquid wastes shall be sampled and analyzed according to the samplingand analysis requirements in Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and AnalysisProgram (Attachment 3).6.3 Gaseous Radioactive Waste Effluents 6.3.1 Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate Limitations
a. Requirement Dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site toareas at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited to:1. The dose rate limit for noble gases shall be < 500 mrem/year to the total bodyand < 3000 mrem/year to the skin.2. The dose rate limit for 1'31, 1133, for tritium, and for all radioactive materials inparticulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be < 1500 mremnyear to the critical organ.b. Action1. If dose rates exceed Step 6.3.1 .a. limits, promptly decrease the release rate towithin the above limits.2. Dose rates due to noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be determined, continuously, to be within Step 6.3.1.a.

limits.3. Dose rates due to 1131, 1133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate formwith half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents shall be determined tobe within the above limits by obtaining representative samples and performing analyses in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified onRadioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program (Attachment 4).

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 20 OF 73c. Calculations of Gaseous Effluent Dose RatesNOTE: The dose factors used in the Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate calculations are included inthe Canberra Source Code file. These dose factors, Ki, Li, Mi, and Pi for ventilation vent and process vent releases, DO NOT include the applicable X/Q value. Equations (8), (9), and (10) must be multiplied by the appropriate X/Q value for Gaseous EffluentDose Rate calculations.

1. The dose rate limit for noble gases shall be determined to be within the limit bylimiting the release rate to the lesser of:Z [KivvQivv

+ KipvQipv]

< 500 mrem/yr to the total bodyOR(8)[(Livv + LIM ivv)Qivv

+ (Lipv + .lMipv)Qipv]

!< 3000 mrem/yr to the skinwhere:(9)IIIIIIIilIIIIIIIISubscripts

= vv, refers to vent releases from the building ventilation vent,including Radwaste Facility Ventilation Vent;pv, refers to the vent releases from the process vent;i, refers to individual radionuclide Kivv, Kipv = the total body dose factor for ventilation vents or process ventrelease due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gasradionuclide i, in mrem/yr per Curie/sec Livv, Lipv = the skin dose factor for ventilation vents or process ventrelease due to beta emissions for each identified noble gasradionuclide i, in mrem/yr per Curie/sec Mivv, Mipv = the air dose factor for ventilation vents or process vent releasedue to gamma emissions for each identified noble gasradionuclide, i, in mrad/yr per Curie/sec Qi., QiP, = the release rate for ventilation vents or process vent of noblegas radionuclide i, in gaseous effluents in Curie/sec.(per site)1.1 = the unit conversion factor that converts air dose to skin dose,in mrem/mrad DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 21 OF 732. The dose rate limit for IP", 1133, tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days, shall be determined to be within thelimit by restricting the release rate to:X[PivvQivv

+ PipvQipv]

1500 mrem/yr to the critical organ (10)where:Pivv, Pipv the critical organ dose factor for ventilation vents or processvent for 1131, 1133, H3, and all radionuclides in particulate formwith half-lives greater than 8 days, for the inhalation pathway,in mremlyr per Curie/sec

= the release rate for ventilation vents or process vent of 1131,1133, H3, and all radionuclides i, in particulate form withhalf-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents in Curie/sec (per site)3. All gaseous releases, not through the process vent, are considered ground leveland shall be included in the determination of Q,.6.3.2 Gaseous Monitoring Instrumentation

a. Requirement
1. The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown inRadioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (Attachment
5) shallbe operable with alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that Step 6.3.1.a.

noble gaslimits are not exceeded.

Alarm/trip setpoints of these channels shall bedetermined and adjusted in accordance with Step 6.3.2.d.2. Each radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channelshall be demonstrated operable by Channel Checks, Source Checks, ChannelCalibrations, and Channel Functional Tests at the frequencies shown inRadioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements (Attachment 6).

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 22 OF 73b. Action1. If a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm/trip setpoint is less conservative than required by Step 6.3.2.a.1, promptly:

  • Suspend the release of radioactive gaseous effluents monitored by the affectedchannel and declare the channel inoperable or" Change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative
2. If the number of operable channels is less than the minimum required by tablesin Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation (Attachment 5),take the action shown in those tables.3. Attempt to return instruments to operable status within 30 days. If unsuccessful, explain in the next Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report why theinoperability was not corrected in a timely manner.c. Applicable MonitorsRadioactive gaseous effluent monitors for which alarm/trip setpoints shall bedetermined are:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRelease Point Instrument NumberProcess Vent 1-GW-RM-130B Condenser Air Ejector 1-SV-RM-1 II2-SV-RM-211 Ventilation Vent No. 1 1-VG-RM-104 Ventilation Vent No. 2 1-VG-RM-131B Radwaste Facility Vent RRM-101 DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 23 OF 73d. Setpoint Calculations
1. Setpoint calculations for each monitor listed in Step 6.3.2.c.

shall maintain thisrelationship:

D_> Dpv + Dcae + Dvv (11)where:D = Step 6.3.1.a.

dose limits that implement 10 CFR 20 for the Station,mrem/yrDpv = the noble gas site boundary dose rate from process vent gaseouseffluent

releases, mrem/yrDcae = the noble gas site boundary dose rate from condenser air ejectorgaseous effluent
releases, mrem/yrDvv = the noble gas site boundary dose rate from summation of theVentilation Vents 1, 2, and the Radwaste Facility vent gaseouseffluent
releases, mrem/yr2. Setpoint values shall be determined by:RI x 2.12 E-03 (12)Cm F 12Fmwhere:m = the release pathway, process vent (pv), ventilation vent (vv)condenser air ejector (cae), or Radwaste Facility (rv)Cm = the effluent concentration limit implementing Step 6.3. L.a. forthe Station,

[tCi/mLRm = the release rate limit for pathway m determined frommethodology in Step 6.3.1 .c., typically using Xel 33 as nuclideto be released, gCi/sec2.12E-03

= CFM per mL/secFm = the maximum flow rate for pathway m, CFMNOTE: According to NUREG-0133, the radioactive effluent radiation monitor alarm/trip setpoints should be based on the radioactive noble gases. It is not practicable to applyinstantaneous alarm/trip setpoints to integrating monitors sensitive to radioiodines, radioactive materials in particulate form, and radionuclides other than noble gases.

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 24 OF 736.3.3 Noble Gas Effluent Air Dose LimitNOTE: The dose factors used in the Noble Gas air dose calculations are included in theCanberra Source Code file. These dose factors, Mi and Ni for ventilation vent andprocess vent releases, DO NOT include the applicable X/Q value. Equations (13) and(14) must be multiplied by the appropriate X/Q value for gamma and beta air dosecalculations.

a. Requirement
1. The air dose in unrestricted areas due to noble gases released in gaseouseffluents from each unit at or beyond the site boundary shall be limited to:" During any calendar quarter:

5 mrads for gamma radiation and < 10 mrad forbeta radiation

" During any calendar year: < 10 mrads for gamma radiation and 20 mrad forbeta radiation

2. Cumulative dose contributions for noble gases for the current calendar quarterand current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with Step least once per 31 days.b. ActionIf the calculated air dose from radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exceedsany of the above limits, prepare and submit to the NRC, within 30 days, a specialreport in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, that identifies thecauses for exceeding the limits and defines corrective actions that have been takento reduce releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure thatsubsequent releases will be in compliance with the limits in Step 6.3.3.a.

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 25 OF 73c. Noble Gas Effluent Air Dose Calculation Gaseous releases, not through the process vent, are considered ground level andshall be included in the determination of Qivv.The air dose to areas at or beyond the site boundary due to noble gases shall bedetermined by the following:

For gamma radiation:

Dg = 3.17E-08I[MivvQivv

+ MipvQipv]

(D-)iFor beta radiation:

Db = 3.17E-08


+ NipvQipv]

(14)Where:Subscripts DgDbMivv, MipvNivv, NipvQivv, Qipv3.17 E-08= vv, refers to vent releases from the building ventilation vents,including the Radwaste Facility Ventilation Vent and airejectorspv, refers to the vent releases from the process venti, refers to individual radionuclide

= the air dose for gamma radiation, in mrad= the air dose for beta radiation, in mrad= the air dose factors for ventilation vents or process vent releasedue to gamma emissions for each identified noble gasradionuclide i, in mrad/yr per Curie/sec

= the air dose factor for ventilation vents or process vent releasedue to beta emissions for each identified noble gasradionuclide i, in mrad/yr per Curie/sec

= the release for ventilation vents or process vent of noble gasradionuclide i, in gaseous effluents for 31 days, quarter, or yearas appropriate in Curies (per site)= the inverse of the number of seconds in a year IDOMINION VPAP-2103 SREVISION 16PAGE 26 OF 736.3.4 1-131, 133, H-3 & Radionuclides in Particulate Form Effluent Dose Limita. Requirement

1. Methods shall be implemented to ensure that the dose to any organ of a memberof the public from 113], 1133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate formIwith half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents released from the site tounrestricted areas from each reactor unit shall be: 3" During any calendar quarter:

< 7.5 mrem to the critical organ" During any calendar year: < 15 mrem to the critical organ2. Cumulative dose contributions to a member of the public from 1131, 1133,tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days, 3in gaseous effluents released to unrestricted areas for the current calendarquarter and current calendar year shall be determined at least once per 31 days 3in accordance with Step 6.3.4.c.b. Action 3If the calculated dose from the release of I131, 1133, tritium, and radionuclides inparticulate form, with half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents exceedsany of the above limits, prepare and submit to the NRC, within 30 days, a specialreport in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, that contains the:1. Causes for exceeding limits.2. Corrective actions taken to reduce releases.

33. Proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases willbe in compliance with limits stated in Step 6.3.4.a.

3IIIII DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 27 OF 73c. Dose Calculations NOTE: All critical organ doses for each age group are calculated to determine which is thelimiting organ for the period being evaluated.

NOTE: The RMi and RIi dose factors DO NOT include the applicable D/Q and X/Q valuesrespectively for Surry Power Station.

Equation (15) must be multiplied by theapplicable D/Q or X/Q, as appropriate, to calculate the critical organ dose.Gaseous releases, not through the process vent, are considered ground level andshall be included in the determination of Q,. Historical data pertaining to thevolumes and radioactive concentrations of gaseous effluents released in connection to specific Station functions, such as containment purges, shall be used in theestimates, as appropriate.

1. The dose to the maximum exposed member of the public, attributable togaseous effluents at and beyond the site boundary that contain 113, 1133, tritium,and particulate-form radionuclides with half-lives greater than 8 days, shall bedetermined by:Dr= 3.17E-08


+ RMipv Qipv) + (Rlivv ivv + R1ipvQipv)](15)

For example:Subscripts

= vv, refers to vent releases from the building ventilation vents,including the Radwaste Facility Ventilation Vent and airejectors; pv, refers to the vent releases from the process ventDr = the dose to the critical organ of the maximum exposed memberof the public in mremRMivv, RMipv= the cow-milk pathway dose factor for ventilation vents orprocess vent release due to 1131, 1133, tritium, and from allparticulate-form radionuclides with half-lives greater thaneight days, in mrem/yr per [.Ci/m3.Factors are included inthe Canberra Source Code file.

!IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 28 OF 73RIivv, Rlipv = the inhalation pathway dose factor for ventilation vents orprocess vent release due to 1131, 1133, tritium, and from allparticulate-form radionuclides with half-lives greater thaneight days, in mrem/yr per l.Ci/m3.

Factors are included in theCanberra Source Code file.the release for ventilation vents or process vent of 1131, 1133,tritium, and from all particulate-form radionuclides with half-lives greater than 8 days in Curies3.17 E-08 the inverse of the number of seconds in a year6.3.5 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment Historical data pertaining to the volumes and radioactive concentrations of gaseous 3effluents released in connection with specific Station functions, such as containment purges, shall be used to calculate projected doses, as appropriate.

a. Requirement
1. Appropriate portions of the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System shall be usedto reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste before its discharge, when theprojected gaseous effluent air doses due to gaseous effluent
releases, from eachunit to areas at and beyond the site boundary, would exceed 0.2 mrad for gamma Iradiation and 0.4 mrad for beta radiation, averaged over 31 days.2. The Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System shall be used to reduce radioactive Imaterials in gaseous waste before its discharge, when the projected doses due togaseous effluent
releases, from each unit to areas at and beyond the siteboundary, would exceed 0.3 mrem to the critical organ, averaged over 31 days.3. Doses due to gaseous releases from the site shall be projected at least onceper 31 days, based on the calculations in Step 6.3.5.c.b. ActionIf gaseous waste that exceeds the limits in Step 6.3.5.a.

is discharged withouttreatment, prepare and submit to the NRC, within 30 days, a special report inaccordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, that includes:

1. An explanation why gaseous radwaste was being discharged without treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for theinoperability.
2. Actions taken to restore the inoperable equipment to operable status.I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 29 OF 733. Summary description of actions taken to prevent recurrence.
c. Projected Dose Calculations
1. Determine Dg, the sum of all gaseous open and closed release points, in mrem,by the ith organ, for the quarter.2. Determine P, the Projection Factor, which is result of 31 divided by the numberof days from start of the quarter to the end of the release.3. Determine Da, additional anticipated dose for gaseous releases by the ith organfor the particular quarter of the release.4. Determine Dp, the 31 day projected dose by the ith organ.Dp = (Dg x P) + Da6.4 Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous Release PermitsRP shall maintain procedures for Liquid and Gaseous Release Permits to ensure effluent doselimits are not exceeded when making releases.

As indicated on Attachment 3, Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis

Program, prerelease assessments/permits are required forbatch releases.

Depending on the affected plant system, continuous releases may or may notallow for a prerelease assessment and are evaluated on a case by case basis.6.4.1 Liquid Waste Batch Releasesa. Operations shall obtain RP authorization before initiating batch releases ofradioactive liquids.b. Release of contents from the following tanks/sumps other than transfers to theRadwaste Facility shall have a release permit before the discharge.

Examples ofbatch releases include:" Turbine Building Sumps when RP determines that source activity requiresplacing pumps in manual mode* Condensate Polishing Building Sumps and Steam Generator secondary waterwhen RP determines the presence of contamination from primary-to-secondary leakage" Radwaste Facility release tanks (LWMT, LDMT)6.4.2 Continuous Liquid Releasesa. Operations shall obtain RP authorization before initiating continuous releases ofradioactive liquids.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 30 OF 73b. Examples of continuous releases include:" Steam generator blowdown" Component Cooling Water (CCW) heat exchanger to service water leakage, ifapplicable

" Turbine building sumps and subsurface drains when pumps are in automatic mode or storm drains6.4.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank (WGDT) Release PermitOperations shall obtain RP authorization before initiating WGDT releases.

6.4.4 Reactor Containment Release Permits 3Operations shall obtain authorization from RP before initiating containment purges orcontainment hogging.

Reactor Containment Release Permits shall be valid from startof purge/hog until:" Routine termination 3" Terminated for cause by RP" Receipt of Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) Containment Gas Monitor highalarm6.4.5 Miscellaneous Gaseous Release Permit 3Operations shall obtain RP authorization before initiating releases of noble gases thatmay not be accounted for by routine sampling, or any planned release not being routedthrough the Process Vent or Ventilation Vents.6.4.6 Radioactive Liquid and Gaseous Release Controls 1a. Operations shall notify RP of pending releases and request RP to initiate theappropriate release permit. Operations shall provide the necessary information tocomplete the required release permit.b. A representative sample shall be obtained of the source to be released.

31. Operations shall provide RP with liquid samples and sample information (e.g.,time of sample) for samples obtained outside the Primary Sample Room. 32. Chemistry shall provide RP with liquid samples and sample information forsamples obtained from inside the Primary Sample Room. 33. RP shall obtain gaseous samples.I DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 31 OF 73c. RP shall perform required sample analyses.
d. RP shall calculate and record the following information on a release permit:" Maximum authorized release rate* Applicable conditions or controls pertaining to the releasee. RP shall notify the Operations Shift Supervision if it is determined that a releasemay not be within the effluent dose limits.f. Upon receipt of a release permit from RP, Operations shall:1. Verify the correct source is authorized for release.2. Note maximum authorized release rate.3. Note and ensure compliance with any indicated controls or conditions applicable to the release.g. When commencing
release, Operations shall provide RP with required information.

As appropriate, required information shall include:" Date and time release was started" Starting tank/sump level" Beginning pressure" Release flow rate" Dilution water flow rateh. Upon terminating the release, Operations shall return the permit to RP and provideinformation necessary for completion of permit. As appropriate, requiredinformation shall include:" Date and time release was stopped" Tank/sump ending level" Release flow rate just prior to termination

  • Ending pressure-Volume released IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 32 OF 736.5 Total Dose Limit to Public From Uranium Fuel Cycle Sources6.5.1 Requirement The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to a real individual due toreleases of radioactivity and radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall notexceed 25 mrem to the total body or the critical organ (except the thyroid, which shallnot exceed 75 mrem). I6.5.2 Actiona. If the calculated doses from release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous ieffluents exceed twice the limits in Steps 6.2.3.a.,


or 6.3.4.a.,

calculate (including direct radiation contribution from the units and from outside storage 3tanks) whether limits in Step 6.5.1 have been exceeded.

b. If the limits in Step 6.5.1 have been exceeded, prepare and submit to the NRC,within 30 days, a special report in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications andReports, that defines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent releasesand to prevent recurrence, and includes a schedule for achieving conformance withthe limits. Special reports, as defined in 10 CFR 20.2203(a)(4),

shall include:1. An analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a real individual from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and directIIradiation, for the calendar year that includes the releases covered by the report.2. A description of the levels of radiation and concentrations of radioactive Imaterial

involved, and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations.
3. If the estimated dose exceeds the limits in Step 6.5.1, and if the releasecondition that violates 40 CFR 190 has not already been corrected, the specialreport shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of40 CFR 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and avariance is granted until staff action on the request is complete.

6.6 Radiological Environmental Monitoring 36.6.1 Monitoring Programa. Requirement

1. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program shall be conducted asspecified in Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Attachment 7).I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 33 OF 732. Samples shall be collected from specific locations specified in Environmental Sampling Locations (Attachment 8).3. Samples shall be analyzed in accordance with:" Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Attachment 7)requirements

" Detection capabilities required by Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis (Attachment 9)" Guidance of the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position onEnvironmental Monitoring dated November, 1979, Revision No. 1b. Action1. If the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program is not being conducted as required in Step 6.6. L.a., report the situation in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, by preparing and submitting to the NRC, in theAnnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report required by Technical Specification (Surry Technical Specification 6.6.B.2),

a description of thereasons for not conducting the program as required, and the plan for precluding recurrence.

2. If, when averaged over any calendar
quarter, radioactivity exceeds the reporting levels of Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples (Attachment 10), prepare and submit to the NRC, within 30 days, aspecial report in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, that:" Identifies the causes for exceeding the limits, and" Defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents sothat the potential annual dose to a member of the public is less than thecalendar year limits of Steps 6.2.3, 6.3.3, and 6.3.4When more than one of the radionuclides listed in Reporting Levels forRadioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples (Attachment
10) aredetected in the sampling medium, the report shall be submitted if:concentration (1) + concentration (2) + ... > 1.0 (16)reporting level (1) reporting level (2)

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 34 OF 733. When radionuclides other than those listed in Reporting Levels forRadioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples (Attachment

10) aredetected and are the result of plant effluents, the report shall be submitted if thepotential annual dose to a member of the public is equal to or greater than the lcalendar year limits of Steps 6.2.3, 6.3.3, and 6.3.4. The report is not required ifthe measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents;
however, in such an event, report and describe the condition in the AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.4. If milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples are unavailable from one or more of the 3sample locations required by Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program(Attachment 7), identify locations for obtaining replacement samples and addthem to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days. The Ispecific locations from which samples were unavailable may then be deletedfrom the monitoring program.

Identify the cause of the unavailability ofsamples and identify the new locations for obtaining replacement samples in thenext Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report in accordance withVPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.6.6.2 Land Use Censusa. Requirement A land use census shall be conducted and shall identify, within a distance of 8 kmr(5 miles), the location in each of the 16 meteorological sectors of the following:

I" Nearest milk animal* Nearest residence

" Nearest garden greater than 50 m2 (500 ft2) that produces broad leaf vegetation

1. The land use census shall be conducted during the growing season, at least onceper 12 months, using methods that will provide the best results (e.g.,door-to-door survey, aerial survey, local agriculture authorities).

Land use icensus results shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.i DOMINION VPAP-2103 SREVISION 16PAGE 35 OF 732. In lieu of the garden census, broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least threedifferent kinds of vegetation may be performed at the site boundary in each oftwo different direction sectors with the highest predicted ground deposition (D/Qs). Specifications for broad leaf vegetation sampling in Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Attachment

7) shall be followed, including analysis of control samples.b. Action1. If a land use census identifies locations that yield a calculated dose or dosecommitment greater than the values currently being calculated in Step 6.3.4.a.,

identify the new locations in the next Annual Radioactive Effluent ReleaseReport in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.2. If a land use census identifies locations that yield a calculated dose or doseconimitment (via the same exposure pathway) 20 percent greater than at alocation from which samples are currently being obtained, add the newlocations to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program within 30days. Sampling locations, excluding the control station location, that have thelowest calculated dose or dose commitments (via the same exposure pathway)may be deleted from the monitoring program.

Identify new locations in the nextAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and include in the report revisedfigures and tables reflecting the new locations in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.

[Commitment 3.2.1]6.6.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Programa. Requirement Radioactive materials (which contain nuclides produced at the Station),

supplied aspart of an Interlaboratory Comparison

Program, shall be analyzed.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 36 OF 73b. Action1. Analyses shall be performed at least semi-annually as follows:Program Cross-Check ofMilk 1131, Gamma, Sr89 and Sr9°Water Gross Beta, Gamma, 1131, H3 (Tritium),

Sr89 Iand Sr90 (blind-any combinations of aboveradionuclides)

Air Filter Gross Beta, Gamma, Sr902. If analyses are not performed as required by Step 6.6.3.b.,

report in the Annual IRadiological Environmental Operating Report in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports, the corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence.

Ic. ResultsResults shall be reported in the Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.6.7 Reporting Requirements I6.7.1 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportRoutine Radiological Environmental Operating Reports covering the operation of theunits during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year.A single submittal may be made for the Station.

Radiological Environmental Operating Reports shall include:a. Summaries, interpretations, and analysis of trends of results of radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report period, including:

" A comparison (as appropriate) with preoperational

studies, operational
controls, 3and previous environmental surveillance reports" An assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment

" Results of land use census per Step 6.6.2I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 37 OF 73b. Results of analysis of radiological environmental samples and of environmental radiation measurements taken per Step 6.6.1, Monitoring Program.

Results shall besummarized and tabulated in the format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring.

1. If some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, thereport shall be submitted, noting and explaining reasons for missing results.2. Missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.
c. A summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring program.d. At least two legible maps covering sampling locations, keyed to a table givingdistances and directions from the centerline of one reactor.

One map shall coverstations near the site boundary; a second shall include more distant stations.

e. Results of Station participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program,per Step 6.6.3.f. Discussion of deviations from the Station's environmental sampling schedule perRadiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Attachment 7).g. Discussion of analyses in which the lower limit of detection (LLD) required byDetection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis (Attachment
9) was notachievable.
h. Results of analysis of ground water wells described in the environmental monitoring
program, whether required by the program or not.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 38 OF 73NOTE: NUREG-0543 states: "There is reasonable assurance that sites with up to fouroperating reactors that have releases within Appendix I design objective values arealso in conformance with the EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard, 40 CFR Part 190."6.7.2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reporta. Requirement

-Station iRadioactive Effluent Release Reports covering operation of the units during theprevious 12 months of operation shall be submitted before May 1 of each year. Asingle submittal may be made for the Station and should combine those sections thatare common to both units. Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include:1. A summary of quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solidwaste released.

Data shall be summarized on a quarterly basis following theformat of Regulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B, for liquid and gaseous effluents.

iData shall be summarized on an annual basis following the format ofRegulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B, for solid waste.[Commitment 3.2.2]2. An assessment of radiation doses to the maximum exposed members of thepublic due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from theStation during the previous calendar year. This assessment shall be in iaccordance with Step 6.7.2.b.3. A list and description of unplanned releases from the site to unrestricted areas,during the reporting period, which meet the following criteria:

  • Unplanned releases that exceeded the limits in Steps 6.2.1 and 6.3.1* Unplanned releases which require a Condition Report and involve thedischarge of contents of the wrong Waste Gas Decay Tank or the wrong liquidradwaste release tank" Unplanned releases from large leaks due to unexpected valve or pipefailures that result in a quantity of release such that a 10 CFR 50.72,Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Reactorsor 10 CFR 50.73, Licensee Event Report System, report is required" Unplanned releases as determined by Radiation Protection Supervision, which may or may not require a Condition ReportI DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 39 OF 734. Major changes to radioactive liquid, gaseous, and solid waste treatment systemsduring the reporting period.5. Changes to VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry) (SeeStep 6.7.4).6. A listing of new locations for dose calculations or environmental monitoring identified by the land use census (See Step 6.6.2).7. A summary of radioactive leaks or spills meeting the following criteria:
  • An unintended spill or leak with the potential to reach groundwater, as definedin NEI 07-07, and* The spill or leak must be greater than 100 gallons in volume or the volumecannot be quantified but is estimated to be greater than 100 gallons; or-Any spill or leak, regardless of volume or activity deemed by the licensee tobe reportable.
8. Groundwater sample results from locations not part of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.b. Dose Assessment

-Station1. Radiation dose to individuals due to radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents from the Station during the previous calendar year shall either be calculated inaccordance with this procedure or in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.109.Population doses shall not be included in dose assessments.

2. The dose to the maximum exposed member of the public due to radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents from the Station and from the ISFSI shall beincorporated with the dose assessment performed above. If the dose to themaximum exposed member of the public exceeds twice the limits of 6.2.3.a.

1,6.2.3.a.2, 6.3.3.a.

1, or 6.3.4.a.

1, the dose assessment shall include thecontribution from direct radiation.

3. Meteorological conditions during the previous calendar year or historical annual average atmospheric dispersion conditions shall be used to determine gaseous pathway doses.

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 40 OF 73NOTE: The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports for Surry Station and Surry ISFSIare separate and not submitted as a combined report.c. Requirement

-ISFSI I1. Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering operation of the ISFSI during theprevious 12 months of operation shall be submitted within 60 days afterJanuary 1.2. The ISFSI Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall specify the quantities ofeach of the principal radionuclides released to the environment in liquid and ingaseous effluents.

3. Dose Assessment

-ISFSIProvide such information as may be required by the Commission to estimatepotential radiation dose conunitment to the public resulting from effluentreleases from the ISFSI.6.7.3 Annual Meteorological Dataa. Meteorological data collected during the previous year shall be in the form of jointfrequency distributions of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.

b. Meteorological data shall be retained in a file on site and shall be made available toINRC upon request.6.7.4 Changes to the ODCMChanges to the ODCM shall be:a. Approved by the Site Vice President before implementation.
b. Documented.

Records of reviews shall be retained as Station records.Documentation shall include:1. Sufficient information to support changes, together with appropriate analyses orevaluations justifying changes.I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 41 OF 732. A determination that a change will not adversely impact the accuracy orreliability of effluent doses or setpoint calculations, and will maintain the levelof radioactive effluent control required by:* 10 CFR 20, Subpart D* 40 CFR 190* 10 CFR 50.36a* 10 CFR 50, Appendix Ic. Submitted to NRC in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as apart of, or concurrent with the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for theperiod of the report in which any change was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of thepage that was changed, and shall indicate the date (e.g., month/year) the change wasimplemented.

d. Submitted to NRC in accordance with VPAP-2802, Notifications and Reports.6.7.5 Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative
a. ProgramThe Ground Water Protection Program is established in Administrative Procedure RP-AA-502, Groundwater Protection Program.NOTE: RP-AA-502 Attachment 1, Voluntary Communication
Protocol, contains a flow chartto assist with determining if an event should be communicated to State and Localofficials and to the NRC.b. Communications
1. Informal communication shall be made to the State, Local and NRC officials bythe end of the next business day for any spill or leak meeting the requirements of 6.7.2.a.7.

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 42 OF 732. Informal communication shall be made to the State, Local and NRC officials bythe end of the next business day for a water sample result that meets thefollowing criteria:

" An off-site ground water or surface water sample result that exceeds thereporting criteria listed in Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples (Attachment 10)." An on-site surface water sample result, that is hydrologically connected toground water, or ground water that is or could be used as a source of drinkingwater, that exceeds the reporting criteria listed in Reporting Levels forRadioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples (Attachment 10).c. 30-Day Reports1. Submit a written 30-day report to the NRC for a water sample result for on-siteor off-site ground water that is or could be used as a source of drinking waterthat exceeds the reporting criteria listed in Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples (Attachment 10). A 30-day report is Ionly required on the initial discovery of a contaminated ground water plume.2. Concurrently submit a copy of the written 30-day NRC report to the appropriate IState and Local officials.

d. Annual Reports I1. Report sample results communicated per 6.7.5.b.1 in the Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report.2. Report ground water sample results that are not included in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program in the Annual Radiological EffluentRelease Report.3. Report sample results communicated per 6.7.5.b.2 in the Annual Radiological Effluent Release Report or the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.4. Report ground water sample results that are included in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 43 OF 737.0 RECORDS7.1 The following individual and packaged documents and copies of any related correspondence completed as a result of the performance or implementation of this procedure are records.

Theyshall be submitted to Nuclear Document Management (NDM) in accordance withRM-AA-101, Record Creation, Transmittal, and Retrieval.

Prior to transmittal to NDM, thesender shall assure that:" Each record is packaged when applicable.

" QA program requirements have been fulfilled for Quality Assurance records." Each record is legible, completely filled out, and adequately identifiable to the item oractivity involved.

  • Each record is stamped, initialed, signed, or otherwise authenticated and dated, as requiredby this procedure.

7.1.1 Individual RecordsNone7.1.2 Record Packages" Records of changes to the ODCM in accordance with Step 6.7.4" Records of meteorological data in accordance with Step 6.7.3" Records of sampling and analyses" Records of radioactive materials and other effluents released to the environment

" Records of preventive maintenance, surveillances, and calibrations 7.2 The following documents completed as a result of the implementation of this procedure are notQuality Assurance records and are not required to be transmitted to NDM.None DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 44 OF 73ATTACHMENT 1(Page 1 of 1)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Instrument Minimum ActionOperableChannels1. GROSS RADIOACTIVITY MONITORS PROVIDING ALARMAND AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF RELEASE(a) Radwaste Facility Liquid Effluent Line,RE-RRM-131

2. GROSS BETA OR GAMMA RADIOACTIVITY MONITORSPROVIDING ALARM BUT NOT PROVIDING AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF RELEASE(a) Circulating Water Discharge Lines,Unit 1: I-SW-RM-120 1 2Unit 2: 2-SW-RM-220 1 2(b) Component Cooling Service Water Effluent Lines,1-SW-RM-107A I-SW-RM-107B I-SW-RM-107C 1-SW-RM-107D11112222IIIUIIIIIIIIIIiI3. FLOW RATE MEASUREMENT DEVICES(a) Radwaste Facility Liquid Effluent Line,Instrument Loop RLW-153ACTION 1:ACTION 2:If the number of operable channels is less than required, effluent releases via thispathway shall be suspended.

If the number of operable channels is less than required, effluent releases via thispathway may continue provided that, at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, grab samples arecollected and analyzed for principal gamma emitters, as defined in Radioactive LiquidWaste Sampling and Analysis Program (Attachment 3). When the effluent release viathis pathway continues, then initiate the "Loss of Radioactive Liquid EffluentMonitoring Instrumentation Sampling Schedule" attachment in HP-3010.021, Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis.

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 45 OF 73ATTACHMENT 2(Page 1 of 1)Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements Channel Description Channel Source Channel ChannelCheck Check Calibration Functional Test1. GROSS RADIOACTIVITY MONITORSPROVIDING ALARM AND AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF RELEASE(a) Radwaste Facility Liquid Effluent Line,RE-RRM-131 D P R Q2. GROSS BETA OR GAMMA RADIOACTIVI-TY MONITORS PROVIDING ALARM BUTNOT PROVIDING AUTOMATIC TERMI-NATION OF RELEASE(a) Circulating Water Discharge Lines,Unit 1: I-SW-RM-120 D M R QUnit 2: 2-SW-RM-220 (b) Component Cooling Service WaterEffluent Lines,1-SW-RM-107AI.-SW-RM-107B D M R QI-SW-RM-107C 1-SW-RM-107D

3. FLOW RATE MEASUREMENT DEVICES(a) Radwaste Facility Liquid Effluent Line,Instniment Loop RLW-153 DR N/A R N/A DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 46 OF 73ATTACHMENT 3(Page 1 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis ProgramActiity Lower Limit ofLiquid Release Sampling Minimum Analysis Type of Activity Detection (LLD)Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (jiCi/mL),

(Note 1)p P Principal Gamma 5 x 10-7Emitters (Note 3)(Each Batch) (Each Batch) 1131 1 x 10-6p Dissolved andBatch Releases M Entrained Gases 1 x 10-5(Gamma Emitters)

(Note 2) P M Composite H3 1 x 10-5(Each Batch) (Note 4) Gross Alpha 1 x 10-7P Q Composite Sr89 and Sr90 5 x 10-8(Each Batch) (Note 4) Fe55 1 x 10-6Continuous W Composite Principal Gamma 5 x 10-7Emitters (Note 6)(Note 6) (Note 6) 1131 1 x 10-6Continuous M MDissolved andContnuos G M Entrained Gases 1 x I0-Releases Grab Sample (Gamma Emitters)

(Note 5) Continuous M Composite H3 1 x 10-5(Note 6) (Note 6) Gross Alpha 1 x 10-7Continuous Q Composite Sr89 and Sr9° 5 x 10-8(Note 6) (Note 6) Fe551 x 10-6IIIIIIUIIUIIIIIII DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 47 OF 73ATTACHMENT 3(Page 2 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis ProgramNOTE 1: For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):

4.66 sbLLD = b(8-1)E 9 V

  • 2.22E+06 e Y
  • e-(XAt)Where:LLD = the "a priori" (before the fact) Lower Limit of Detection (as microcuries per unit mass or volume) (See Subsection 4.8)Sb = the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the countingrate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute, cpm)E = the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration)

V = the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22E+06

= the number of disintegrations per minute (dpm) per microcurie Y = the fractional radiochenical yield (when applicable) x = the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide At = the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and time ofcountingTypical values of E, V, Y and At should be used in the calculation.

The LLD is an "a priori" (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not a "posteriori" (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

NOTE 2: A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume. Before sampling foranalyses, each batch shall be isolated, and appropriate methods will be used to obtain arepresentative sample for analysis.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 48 OF 73ATTACHMENT 3(Page 3 of 3)Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis ProgramNOTE 3: The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively are thefollowing radionuclides:

Mn54, Fe59, Co58, Co60, Zn65, Mo99, Cs134, Cs137, Ce141, andCe144. This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported.

Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, at levels exceeding the LLD, togetherwith the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.

INOTE 4: A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to thequantity of liquid waste discharged and for which the method of sampling employed results Iin a specimen that is representative of the liquids released.

NOTE 5: A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a non-discrete volume, e.g., from Ia volume of a system that has an input flow during the continuous release.NOTE 6: To be representative of the quantities and concentrations of radioactive materials in liquideffluents, composite sampling shall employ appropriate methods which will result in aspecimen representative of the effluent release.IIIIIIiII DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 49 OF 73ATTACHMENT 4(Page 1 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis ProgramGaseous Release Sampling Minimum Analysis Type of Activity Lower Limit ofType Frequency Frequency Analysis Detection (LLD)([tCi/mL),

(Note 1)A. Waste Gas Prior to Release Prior to Release Principal GammaStorage Tank (Each Tank) (Each Tank) Emitters (Note 2) 1 x 10-4Storag Tank (Grab Sample)Prior to Release Prior to Release Principal Gamma I X 10-4B. Containment Emitters (Note 2)Purge (Each PURGE) (Each PURGE) H3 1 x 10-6(Grab Sample)C. Ventilation Weekly Weekly Principal Gamma 1 X 10-4(1)Process Vent (Grab Sample) Emitters (Note 2)(2)Vent Vent #1(3)Vent Vent #2 (Note 3) (Note 3) H3 1 x 10-6(4)SRF VentContinuous Weekly (Note 5) 131 1 x 1O-1(Note 4) (Charcoal Sample) 1133 1 x 10-10Continuous Weekly (Note 5) Principal Gamma I x 10-11All Release (Note 4) Particulate Sample Emitter (Note 2)Continuous WeeklyTypes as listed Cotenu)sComposite Gross Alpha 1 x 10-11(Note 4) Particulate Samplein A, B, and C Continuous Quarterly Cotenu)sComposite Sr89 and Sr9° 1 x 10-11(Note 4) Particulate Continuous Noble Gas Monitor Noble Gases Gross I x 10-6(Note 4) Beta and GammaWeekly Weekly Principal Gamma I x 10-4Condenser Air Emitters (Note 2)Ejector Grab Sample (Note 3) H3 1 x 10-6(Note 3)

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 50 OF 73ATTACHMENT 4(Page 2 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis ProgramIIIIiGaseous Release Sampling Minimum Analysis Type of Activity Lower Limit ofType Frequency Frequency Analysis Detection (LLD)(pCi/mL),

(Note 1)Prior to Release Prior to Release Principal Gamma I X 10-4Emitters(Grab Sample) (Each Release)

H3 1 x 10-6Continuous Charcoal Sample 131 1 x 10-11(Note 4) (Note 6) 1133 1 x 10-10Containment Hog Depres- Continuous Particulate Sample Principal Gamma 1 x 10-10(Note 4) (Note 6) -Emitter (Note 2)surization Continuous Composite Particu-late Sample Gross Alpha 1 x 10-10(Note 4) (Note 6)Continuous Composite Particu-late Sample Sr89 and Sr90 1 x 10-10(Note 6)IIIIIIIiIIIII DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 51 OF 73ATTACHMENT 4(Page 3 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis ProgramNOTE 1: For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation):

4.66 sbLLD = b(10-1)E

  • V
  • 2.22E+06 e Y o e-(k(At)Where:LLD = the "a priori" (before the fact) Lower Limit of Detection as defined above(as microcuries per unit mass or volume) (See Subsection 4.8).Sb = the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the countingrate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute, cpm).E = the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration).

V = the sample size (in units of mass or volume).2.22E+06

= the number of disintegrations per minute (dpm) per microcurie.

Y = the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable).

k, = the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide.

At = the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and time ofcounting.

Typical values of E, V, Y and At should be used in the calculation.

The LLD is an "a priori" (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not a "posteriori" (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 52 OF 73ATTACHMENT 4(Page 4 of 4)Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis ProgramNOTE 2: The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively are thefollowing radionuclides:

Kr87, Kr88, Xe133, Xe133m, Xe13, Xe135 , and Xe138 for gaseousemissions and Mn54, Fe59, Co58, Co60, Zn65, Mo99, Cs134, Cs137, Ce141 and Ce144 for Iparticulate emissions.

This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected andreported.

Other nuclides with half lives greater than 8 days, that are measurable andidentifiable at levels exceeding the LLD, together with the above nuclides, shall also beidentified and reported.

NOTE 3: Sampling and analysis shall also be performed following

shutdown, start-up, and whenevera thermal power change exceeding 15 percent of the rated thermal power occurs within anyone-hour period, when:a. Analysis shows that the dose equivalent 1131 concentration in the primary coolant hasincreased more than a factor of 3; andb. The noble gas activity monitor shows that effluent activity has increased by more thana factor of 3. INOTE 4: The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for theperiod covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with 3Steps 6.3.1, 6.3.3, and 6.3.4.NOTE 5: Samples shall be changed at least once per seven days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after changing (or after removal from sampler).

Sampling shall also beperformed at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for at least seven days following each shutdown, start-up, or thermal power change exceeding 15 percent of rated thermal power in one hour, andanalyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of changing.

When samples collected for 24hours are analyzed, the corresponding LLDs may be increased by a factor of 10. Thisrequirement applies if:a. Analysis shows that the dose equivalent 1131 concentration in the primary coolant has 3increased by a factor of 3; andb. Noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has increased more than a factor of 3. 3NOTE 6: To be representative of the quantities and concentrations of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents, composite sampling shall employ appropriate methods that will result in aspecimen representative of the effluent release.I DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 53 OF 73ATTACHMENT 5(Page 1 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation MINIMUMINSTRUMENT OPERABLE ACTIONCHANNELS1. PROCESS VENT SYSTEM(a) Noble Gas Activity Monitor -Providing Alarm andAutomatic Termination of Release:1-GW-RM-130B 1 1(b) Iodine Sampler:Continuous HP Sampler, or1-GW-RM-130-1 (NOTE 1) 1 2In-Line Particulate

/ Iodine Sampler(c) Particulate Sampler:Continuous HP Sampler, or1-GW-RM-130-1 (NOTE 1) 1 2In-Line Particulate

/ Iodine Sampler(d) Process Vent Flow Rate Monitor:1-GW-FT-100 1 3(e) Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device:HP Sampler Rotometer or MGPI Flow Rate Measuring 1 3Device2. CONDENSER AIR EJECTOR SYSTEM(a) Gross Activity Monitor:1-SV-RM-111 1 12-SV-RM-211 1 1(b) Air Ejector Flow Rate Measuring Device:Unit 1: 1-VP-FI-lA 1 31-VP-FI-IB 1 3Unit 2: 2-VP-FI-IA 1 32-VP-FI-lB 1 33. VENTILATION VENT SYSTEM(a) Noble Gas Activity Monitor:SRF: RRM-101 1 1SPS: Vent #1, 1-VG-RM-104 1 IVent #2, 1-VG-RM-131B 1 1(b) Iodine Sampler:SRF: RRM-101 1 2SPS: Vent #1, 1-VG-RM-104 (NOTE 2) 1 2Vent #2, Continuous HP Sampler, or1-VG-RM-131-1 (NOTE 1) 1 2In-Line Particulate

/ Iodine Sampler DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 54 OF 73ATTACHMENT 5(Page 2 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation MINIMUMINSTRUMENT OPERABLE ACTIONCHANNELS(c) Particulate Sampler:SRF: RRM-101 1 2SPS: Vent #1, VG-RM-104 (NOTE 2) 1 2Vent #2, HP Continuous

Sampler, or1-VG-RM-131-1 (NOTE 1) 1In-Line Particulate

/ Iodine Sampler(d) Ventilation Vent Flow Rate Monitor:SRF: 01-RHV-F"-156 1 3SPS: Vent #1, 1-VS-FT-119 1 3Vent #2, 1-VS-Fr-116 1 3(e) Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device:SRF: RRM-101 1 3SPS: Vent #1, 1-VG-RM-104 (NOTE 2) 1 3Vent #2, HP Sampler Rotometer or 1 3MGPI Flow Rate Measuring DeviceNOTE 1: The mark number listed refers to the entire radiation monitor skid which includes particulate, iodine,and noble gas components.

NOTE 2: Vent # 1, 1-VG-RM-104, HP continuous sampler pump automatically maintains-isokinetic sampleflow when changes in stack flow are detected.

Isokinetic sample flow adjustment can take15 -20 minutes.

[Commitment 3.2.3]ACTION 1: If the number of operable channels is less than required, effluent releases via this path may continueprovided that the best efforts are made to repair the channel and that grab samples are taken at least onceper 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and these samples are analyzed for gross activity within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. When the effluent releasevia this pathway continues, then initiate the "Loss of Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Sampling Schedule" attachment in HP-3010.031, Radioactive Gaseous Waste Samplingand Analysis.

[Commitment 3.2.4]ACTION 2: If the number of operable channels is less than required, effluent releases via this pathway may continueprovided that the best efforts are made to repair the channel and that the samples are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after the initiation of this ACTIONstatement as required in Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis Program (Attachment 4).[Commitment 3.2.41ACTION 3: If the number of operable channels is less than required, effluent releases via this pathway may continueprovided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII DOMINIONVPAP-2 103SREVISION 16PAGE 55 OF 73ATTACHMENT 6(Page 1 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements CHANNELCHANNEL CHANNEL SOURCE CHANNEL FUN NALDESCRIPTION CHECK CHECK CALIBRATION TESTTEST1. PROCESS VENT SYSTEM(a) Noble Gas Activity Monitor -Providing Alarm and Automatic Termination of Release1-GW-RM-130B D M R Q(b) Iodine Sampler (NOTE 1)Process Vent Continuous HPSampler, or 1-GW-RM-130-1 W N/A N/A N/AIn-Line Particulate

/ Iodine Sampler(c) Particulate Sampler (NOTE 1)Process Vent Continuous HPSampler, or 1-GW-RM-130-1 W N/A N/A N/AIn-Line Particulate

/ Iodine Sampler(d) Process Vent Flow Rate Monitor1-GW-FT-100 D N/A R N/A(e) Sampler Flow Rate Measuring DeviceHP Sampler Rotometer, or D N/A SA N/AMGPI Flow Rate Measuring Device D N/A R N/A2. CONDENSER AIR EJECTOR SYSTEM(a) Gross Activity MonitorUnit 1: I-SV-RM-111 Unit 2: 2-SV-RM-211 (b) Air Ejector Flow Rate Measuring DeviceUnit 1: 1-VP-Fl-IA 1-VP-Fl-lB I-PF-IBD N/A R N/AUnit 2: 2-VP-Fl-I A2-VP-FI-1B3. VENTILATION VENT SYSTEM(a) Noble Gas Activity MonitorSRF: RRM-101SPS: 1-VG-RM-131B D M R Q1-VG-RM-104 DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 56 OF 73ATTACHMENT 6(Page 2 of 2)Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements CHANNEL CHANNEL SOURCE CHANNEL CHANNELDESCRIPTION CHECK CHECK CALIBRATION FUNCTIONAL TEST(b) Iodine Sampler (NOTE 1)SRF: RRM-101SPS: Vent #1, 1-VG-RM-104 Vent #2, Continuous HPSampler or 1-VG-RM-131-1 In-Line Particulate

/ IodineSampler(c) Particulate Sampler (NOTE 1)SRF: RRM-101SPS: Vent #1, 1-VG-RM-104 Vent #2, Continuous HPSampler or 1-VG-RM-131-1 In-Line Particulate

/ IodineSampler(d) Ventilation Vent Flow Rate MonitorSRF:01-RHV-FT-156 SPS: Vent #1, 1-VS-FT-119 D N/A R N/AVent #2, 1-VS-FT-i116 (e) Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Device (NOTE 1)SRF: RRM-101 D N/A R N/ASPS: Vent #1, 1-VG-RM-104 D N/A R N/AVent #2, HP Sampler Rotometer D N/A R N/Aor MGPI Flow Rate Measuring D N/A SA N/ADeviceNOTE 1:The mark numbers listed above in 1(b), 1(c), 3(b), 3(c), and 3(e) refer to the gaseouseffluent radiation monitor or monitor skid with which the iodine and particulate samplers and the flow rate measuring devices are associated.

The listed mark numbersdo not refer to the particulate radiation monitor.IIIIIUIIIIIIIIII DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 57 OF 73ATTACHMENT 7(Page 1 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramExposure Pathway Number of Sample and Collection Type and Frequency ofand/or Sample Sample Location Frequency Analysis1. DIRECTRADIATION About 40 Routine Monitor-ing Stations to be placed asfollows:1) Inner Ring in generalarea of site boundary GAMMA DOSEwith station in eachsector2) Outer Ring 6 to 8 kmfrom the site with a Quarterly Quarterly station in each sector3) The balance of the 8dosimeters should beplaced in special interestareas such as population

centers, nearbyresidents,
schools, andin 2 or 3 areas to serve ascontrols2. AIRBORNESamples from 7 locations:

a) 1 sample from close tothe site boundarylocation of the highest Radioiodine Canistercalculated annual 1131 Analysis Weeklyaverage ground level Continuous Radioiodines and D/Q SamplerParticulates b) 5 sample locations 6-8 operation with Particulate Samplerkm distance located in a sample collection Gross beta radioactivity concentric ring around weekly analysis following filterthe Station change;c) I sample from a control Gamma isotopic analysislocation 15-30 km of composite (bydistant, providing valid location) quarterly background data DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 58 OF 73ATTACHMENT 7(Page 2 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramExposure Pathway Number of Sample and Collection Type and Frequency ofand/or Sample Sample Location Frequency Analysis3. WATERBORNE Gamma isotopic analysisa) Surface Monthly Sample monthly;b) 1 sample downstream Composite for tritium analysisquarterly Gamma isotopic and tritiumb) Ground Sample from I or 2 sources Quarterly analysis quarterly c) Sediment from a) 1 sample upstream Semi-Annually Gamma isotopic analysisshoreline b) 1 sample downstream semi-annually a) 1 sample upstream Gamma isotopic analysisd) Silt Semi-Annually b) 1 sample downstream semi-annually

4. INGESTION a) Milk a) 2 samples from milkinganimals in the vicinity ofthe Station.

(NOTE 1) Gamma isotopic and 1131b) 1 sample from milking Monthlyanimals at a control analysis monthlylocation

(-15-30 kmdistant).

(NOTE 2)a) 6 samples of filter feeders(clams, oysters) in the Semi-Annually b) Fish and vicinity of the StationInvertebrates c) 1 sampling of crabs from Gamma isotopic on ediblethe vicinity of the Station Annually portionsd) 1 sampling of 2 different species from the discharge Semi-Annually canal (catfish, white perch,eel)NOTE 1: If milk sampling cannot be performed, use item 4.c, Food Products

-d. Milk sampling cannot be performed when there are no milk sampling locations in the vicinity of the Station.NOTE 2: If milk sampling from a control location cannot be performed, use item 4.c) e).Milk sampling cannot be performed when there is no milk sampling location 30 km distant.II!IIIIIIIIIIiIII DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 59 OF 73ATTACHMENT 7(Page 3 of 3)Radiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramExposure Pathway Number of Sample and Collection Type and Frequency ofand/or Sample Sample Location Frequency

-Analysis4. INGESTION (Continued) a) 1 sample corn Gamma isotopic on edibleb) 1 sample soybeans Annually Gamaiot nc) 1 sample peanuts portionsd) I sample of a broadleaf vegetation grownnearest in each of twodifferent available offsite locations (sectors) with thec) Food Products highest annual averageground level D/Qs, if Monthly, if G131avalaleoratGamma isotopic andITmilk sampling is not available, or at analysisperformed.

harveste) 1 sample of a broadleaf vegetation grown 15 -30 km distant in theavailable least prevalent wind direction, if milksampling is notperformed.

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 60 OF 73ATTACHMENT 8(Page 1 of 3)Environmental Sampling Locations SAMPLE LOCATION DISTANCE DIRECTION REMARKSMEDIA (MILES)Air Charcoal and Surry Station (SS) 0.3 NNEParticulate Hog Island Reserve (HIR) 2.0 NNEBacon's Castle (BC) 4.5 SSWAlliance (ALL) 5.1 WSWColonial Parkway (CP) 3.8 NNWBASF (BASF) 5.1 ENEFort Eustis (FE) 4.9 ESENewport News (NN) 19.3 SE Control LocationEnvironmental Control (00) Onsite *TLDs West North West (02) 0.2 WNW Site BoundarySurry Station Discharge 0.4 NW Site Boundary(03)North North West (04) 0.2 NNW Site BoundaryNorth (05) 0.3 N Site BoundaryNorth North East (06) 0.3 NNE Site BoundaryNorth East (07) 0.3 NE Site BoundaryEast North East (08) 0.4 ENE Site BoundaryEast (09) 0.3 E Site BoundaryWest (10) 0.1 W Site BoundaryWest South West (11) 0.4 WSW Site BoundarySouth West (12) 0.3 SW Site BoundarySouth South West (13) 0.3 SSW Site BoundarySouth (14) 0.4 S Site BoundarySouth South East (15) 0.6 SSE Site BoundarySouth East (16) 0.9 SE Site BoundaryStation Intake (18) 1.6 ESE Site BoundaryHog Island Reserve (19) 2.0 NNE Near ResidentIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 61 OF 73ATTACHMENT 8(Page 2 of 3)Environmental Sampling Locations SAMPLE LOCATION DISTANCE DIRECTION REMARKSMEDIA I (MILES) I IEnvironmental TLDsBacon's Castle(20)4.5SSWApprox. 5 milesRoute 633 (21) 4.9 SW Approx. 5 milesAlliance (22) 5.1 WSW Approx. 5 milesSurry (23) 7.7 WSW Population CenterRoute 636 and 637 (24) 4.0 W Approx. 5 milesScotland Wharf (25) 5.0 WNW Approx. 5 milesJamestown (26) 6.3 NW Approx. 5 milesColonial Parkway (27) 3.8 NNW Approx. 5 milesRoute 617 and 618 (28) 4.9 NNW Approx. 5 milesKingsmill (29) 4.6 N Approx. 5 milesWilliamsburg (30) 7.8 N Population CenterKingsmill North (31) 5.5 NNE Approx. 5 milesBudweiser (32) 5.8 NNE Population CenterWater Plant (33) 5.0 NE Approx. 5 milesBASF (34) 5.1 ENE Approx. 5 milesLee Hall (35) 7.1 ENE Population CenterGoose Island (36) 5.1 E Approx. 5 milesFort Eustis (37) 4.9 ESE Approx. 5 milesNewport News (38) 19.3 SE Population CenterJames River Bridge (39) 17.1 SE ControlBenn's Church (40) 17.0. SSE ControlSmithfield (41) 13.4 SSE ControlRushmere (42) 5.3 SSE Approx. 5 milesRoute 628(43)5.1SApprox. 5 milesMilk Epps 4.8 SSWColonial Parkway 3.7 NNWWilliams 27.5 S Control Location DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 62 OF 73IIIIATTACHMENT 8(Page 3 of 3)Environmental Sampling Locations SAMPLE LOCATION DISTANCE DIRECTION REMARKSMEDIA (MILES)Well Water Surry Station Onsite**Hog Island Reserve 2.0 NNEConstruction Site 0.3 E Onsite***

Crops (Corn, Slade's Farm 3.2 SPeanuts,Soybeans)

Brock's Farm 3.8 SRiver Water Surry Discharge 0.4 NW(Monthly)

Scotland Wharf 4.9 WNW Control LocationSediment Chickahominy River 11.2 WNW Control Location(Silt) Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNWClams Chickahominy River 11.2 WNW Control LocationSurry Station Discharge 1.3 NNWJamestown Island 3.9 NWOysters Point of Shoals 6.4 SSEMulberry Point 4.9 ESELawne's Creek 2.4 SECrabs Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNWFish Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNWShoreline Hog Island Reserve 0.6 NSedimentChickahominy River 11.2 WNW Control Location* Onsite Location

-in Lead Shield** Onsite sample of Well Water taken from tap-water at Surry Environmental BuildingOnsite sample of Well Water taken from tap-water at Surry Training CenteriIIiIIIIIIiIII DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 63 OF 73ATTACHMENT 9(Page 1 of 2)Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample AnalysisLOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD)Analysis Water Airborne Fish Milk Food Sediment(NOTE 2) (pCi/L) Particulate (pCi/kg)

(pCi/L) Products (pCi/kg)or Gases (wet) (pCi/kg)

(dry)(pCi/m3) (wet)Gross beta 4 0.01H-3 2,000Mn-54 15 130Fe-59 30 260Co-58,60 15 130Zn-65 30 260Zr-95 30Nb-95 151-131 (NOTE 3) 1 0.07 1 60Cs- 134 15 0.05 130 15 60 150Cs-137 18 0.06 150 18 80 180Ba-140 60 60La-140 15 15NOTE 1: Required detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurements are given in Regulatory Guide 4.13.NOTE 2: This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported.

Other peaksthat are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also beidentified and reported.

NOTE 3: LLD for the ground (drinking) water samples.

The LLD for the surface (non-drinking) water samples is 10 pCi/L.

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 64 OF 73ATTACHMENT 9(Page 2 of 2)Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample AnalysisLOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION (LLD)NOTE 1: For a particular measurement system (which may include radiocheniical separation):

LL ~4.66 sb ULLD =-.6-b?,t (24-1)E 9 V 9 2.22E+06

  • Y 9 e-(1'A)Where: ILLD the "a priori" (before the fact) Lower Limit of Detection as defined above(as microcuries per unit mass or volume) (See Subsection 4.8)Sb = the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the countingrate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts per minute, cpm)E = the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration)

V = the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22E+06

= the number of disintegrations per minute (dpm) per microcurie Y = the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)

= the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide At = the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of the samplecollection period) and time of counting (for environmental

samples, notplant effluent samples)Typical values of E, V, Y and At should be used in the calculation.

The LLD is an "a priori" (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement Isystem and not a "posteriori" (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

DOMINIONVPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 65 OF 73ATTACHMENT 10(Page 1 of 1)Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental SamplesAnalysis Water Airborne Fish Milk Food Products(pCi/L) Particulate or (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/L) (pCi/kg, wet)Gases (pCi/m3)H-3 20,000*Mn-54 1,000 30,000Fe-59 400 10,000Co-58 1,000 30,000Co-60 300 10,000Zn-65 300 20,000Zr-Nb-95 4001-131 2* 0.9 3 100Cs- 134 30 10 1,000 60 1,000Cs-137 50 20 2,000 70 2,000Ba-La- 140 200 300*Reporting level for the ground (drinking) water samples required by Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Attachment 7). The reporting level for the surface (non-drinking) water samples required by Attachment 7 is 30,000 pCi/L for H-3 and20 pCi/L for 1- 131.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 66 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 1 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway Analysis1.0 METEORLOGICAL ANALYSIS1.1 Purpose IThe purpose of the meteorological analysis was to determine the five (5) year average X/Q andD/Q values at critical locations around the Station for ventilation vent (ground level) andprocess vent (mixed mode) releases.

The five year average X/Q and D/Q values are used in thedose pathway analysis to determine both the maximum exposed individual at site boundary andmember of the public.1.2 Meteorological Data, Parameters, and Methodology IA five (5) year average of representative onsite meteorological data for the period January 1,1992 through December 31, 1996, is used in the gaseous effluent dose pathway calculations.

This data includes wind speed, wind direction, and differential temperature for the purpose ofdetermining joint frequency distributions for those releases characterized as ground level (i.e.,ventilation vent), and those characterized as mixed mode (i.e., process vent). The portions ofrelease characterized as ground level were based on AT158.9ft-28.2ft and 28.2 foot wind data,and the portions characterized as mixed mode were based on AT158.9ft-28.2ft and 158.9 ft winddata.X/Qs and D/Qs were calculated using the PC version of NRC computer code "XOQDOQ -Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases at Nuclear PowerStations",

Version 2.0, provided in NUREG-0324.

The code is based upon a straight lineairflow model implementing the assumptions outlined in Section C (excluding Cla and CIb) Iof Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors."

The open terrain adjustment factors were applied to the X/Q values as recommended inRegulatory Guide 1.111. The site region is characterized as flat terrain such that open terraincorrection factors are considered appropriate.

The ground level ventilation vent releasecalculations included a building wake correction based on a 1516 m2 containment minimumIcross-sectional area. The effective release height used in mixed mode release calculations wasbased on a process vent release height of 131 ft, and plume rise due to momentum for a ventdiameter of 3 in. with plume exit velocity of 100 ft/sec.I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 67 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 2 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway AnalysisVentilation vent, and vent releases other than from the process vent, are considered groundlevel as specified in Regulatory Guide 1.111 for release points less than the height of adjacentsolid structures.

Terrain elevations were obtained from Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2Virginia Electric and Power Company Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Table 1 A-8.X/Q and D/Q values were calculated for the nearest site boundary, residence, milk-cow, discharge bank, and vegetable garden by sector for process vent and ventilation vent releases.

According to the definition for short term in NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Stations,"

October, 1978, some gaseousreleases may fit this category, primarily waste gas decay tank releases and containment purges.However, these releases are considered long term for dose calculations as past releases wereboth random in time of day and duration as evidenced by reviewing past release reports.Therefore, the use of annual average concentrations is appropriate according to NUREG-0133.

1.3 ResultsThe (/Q value that would result in the maximum total body, skin, and inhalation exposure forventilation vent releases was 6.OE-05 sec/m3 at a site boundary location 532 meters NNEsector. For process vent releases, the site boundary X/Q value was 3.7E-07 sec/m3 at alocation 565 meters WSW sector. The discharge canal bank X/Q value that would result in themaximum inhalation exposure for ventilation vent releases was 1.6E-04 sec/m3 at alocation 290 meters NW sector. The discharge canal bank X/Q value for process ventwas 6.9E-07 sec/m3at a location 290 meters NW sector.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 68 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 3 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway AnalysisThe grass-cow-milk pathway analysis, which is performed to derive the maximum exposurefrom 1131, 1133, and from all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eightdays, is based on the dairy location indicated by the 1996 Land Use Census. The D/Q valuefrom ventilation vent releases that would result in the maximum exposure was 2.5E-10 per m2at a location 5873 meters NNW sector. For process vent releases, the D/Q value was 1.4E-10 Iper m2 at a location 7788 meters SSW sector. For tritium, the Z/Q value from ventilation ventreleases that would result in the maximum exposure for the grass-cow-milk pathwaywas 1.5E-06 sec/m3 at a locations 5873 meters NNW sector, and 7.OE-08 sec/m3 for processvent releases at a location 7788meters SSW sector. The inhalation pathway is the only otherpathway existing at this location.

Therefore, the X/Q values given for tritium also apply for theinhalation pathway.2.0 LIQUID PATHWAY ANALYSIS2.1 PurposeThe purpose of the liquid pathway analysis was to determine the maximum exposed memberof the public in unrestricted areas as a result of radioactive liquid effluent releases.

The analysisincluded a determination of most restrictive liquid pathway, most restrictive age group, andcritical organ. This analysis is required for Subsection 6.2, Liquid Radioactive WasteEffluents.

I2.2 Data, Parameters, and Methodology Radioactive liquid effluent release data for the years 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, and 1981were compiled from the Surry Power Station effluent release reports.

The data for each year,along with appropriate site specific parameters and default selected parameters, were enteredinto the NRC computer code LADTAP as described in NUREG-0133.

III DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 69 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 4 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway AnalysisLiquid radioactive effluents from both units are released to the James River via the discharge canal. Possible pathways of exposure for release from the Station include ingestion of fishand invertebrates and shoreline activities.

The irrigated food pathway and potable waterpathway do not exist at this location.

Access to the discharge canal by the general public isgained two ways: bank fishing, controlled by the Station and limited to Dominion employees or guests of employees, and by boat as far upstream as the inshore end of the discharge canalgroin. It has been estimated that boat sport fishing would be performed a maximum of 800hours per year, and that bank fishing would be performed a maximum of 160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br /> per year.For an individual fishing in the discharge canal, no river dilution was assumed for the fishpathway.

For an individual located beyond the discharge canal groins, a river dilution factor of5 (i.e., a mixing ratio of 0.2) was assumed as appropriate according to Regulatory Guide 1.109,Rev. 1, and the fish, invertebrate, and shoreline pathways were considered to exist. Dosefactors, bioaccumulation

factors, shore width factors and usage terms for shoreline activities and ingestion of fish and invertebrates are included in the Canberra Source Code file. Dose toan individual fishing on the discharge bank was determined by multiplying the annual dosecalculated with LADTAP by the fractional year the individual spent fishing in the canal.2.3 ResultsFor the years 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, and 1981, the invertebrate pathway resulted in the largestdose. In 1978 the fish pathway resulted in the largest dose. The maximum exposed member ofthe public was determined to utilize the James River. The critical age group was the adult andthe critical organ was either the thyroid or GI-LLI. The ingestion dose factors, which includethe fish and invertebrate
pathways, are calculated for total body and various critical organs.Validation of the limiting age group and critical organ is performed by Canberra's liquideffluent dose calculation program using the data, parameters, and methodology provided in theCanberra Source Code file.

IDOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 70 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 5 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway Analysis3.0 GASEOUS PATHWAY ANALYSIS3.1 PurposeGaseous effluent pathway analyses are performed to determine the location that would resultin the maximum doses due to noble gases, for use in demonstrating compliance withSteps 6.3. .a. and 6.3.3.a.

The analyses includes a determination of the location,

pathway, andcritical organ, of the maximum exposed member of the public, as a result of the release of 1131,1133, tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight daysfor use in demonstrating compliance with Step 6.3.4.a.

In addition, the analyses includes adetermination of the critical organ, maximum age group, and sector location of an exposedindividual through the inhalation pathway from 1131, 1133, tritium, and particulates todemonstrate compliance with Step 6.3.1.a.3.2 Data, Parameters, and Methodology Five year average X/Q values were calculated, as described in Section 1 of this attachment, forthe nearest site boundary in each directional sector and at other critical locations accessible tothe public inside site boundary.

The largest X/Q value was determined to be 6.OE-05 sec/m3at site boundary for ventilation vent releases at a location 532 meters NNE direction, and 3.7E-07 sec/m3 at site boundary for process vent releases at a location 565 meters WSWdirection.

The maximum doses to total body and skin, and air doses for gamma and betaradiation due to noble gases would be at these site boundary locations.

The doses from bothrelease points are summed in calculations to calculate total maximum dose.6.3.1.a.2 dose limits apply specifically to the inhalation pathway.

Therefore, the locations andX/Q values determined for maximum noble gas doses can be used to determine the maximumdose from 1131. ,133, tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greaterthan 8 days for the inhalation pathway.I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 71 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 6 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway AnalysisThe maximum exposed individual for 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, compliance could be at any ofthe following locations:

site boundary, nearest resident, nearest milk-cow, or nearest vegetable garden, using the 1996 Land Use Census data. Therefore, ventilation vent and process ventX/Q and D/Q values for these selected receptors are included in the gaseous effluent dosepathway analyses.

Ground plane, inhalation, cow-milk, and vegetable garden pathways areactive with the exception of the infant age group, which is not active for the vegetable gardenpathway.

Otherwise, all age groups are evaluated at these locations.

The data, parameters, andmethodology of R. G. 1.109, Rev. 1, and NUREG-0133 are used in the gaseous effluent dosepathway analyses.

The gamma and beta dose factors Ki, Liv, Mivv, and Nivv for ground level releases and thegamma and beta dose factors Kip, Lipv, Mip, and Nipv for mixed mode releases are includedin the Canberra Source Code file.Inhalation pathway dose factors Pivv and Pipv are calculated using the following equation:

Pi mrem/yr per Ci/m3 = K' (BR) DFAi (.28-1)where:K' = a constant of unit conversion, 1E+12 pCi/CiBR = the breathing rate of the particular age group, m3/yr, from Table E-5, Regulatory Guide1. 109, Rev. 1DFAi=the critical organ inhalation dose factor for particular age group for the ith radionuclide, in mrem/pCiParameters used above were obtained from NUREG-0133, R.G. 1.109, Rev. 1, andLADTAP II, NUREG/CR-1276 It was determined that the member of the public within site boundary would be using thedischarge canal bank for fishing a maximum of 160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br /> per year. The maximum five yearaverage X/Q at this location was determined to be 1.6E-04 sec/m3 at 290 meters NW direction.

Active pathways are ground plane and inhalation, and all age groups are evaluated for thispathway analysis.

DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 72 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 7 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway AnalysisThe RMivv and RMipv dose factors, except for tritium, are calculated using the following equation:


F rfPfs +( -fpfs )e-_ith e-'itf (28-2)(1RMi = K )i PL Fm (r) (DFLi)~L

+1e~f(8)1 +p WYs I Iwhere:K' = a constant of unit conversion, lE+12 pCi/CiQF = cow's consumption rate, 50, in kg/day (wet weight)Uap= infant milk consumption rate, 330, in liters/yr Yp = agricultural productivity by unit area of pasture feed grass, 0.7 in kg/rm2Ys = agricultural productivity by unit area of stored feed, 2.0, in kg/m2Fm = stable element transfer coefficients, in days/liter r = fraction of deposited activity retained on cow's feed grass, 1.0 for radioiodine, and 0.2for particulates DFLi=critical organ ingestion dose factor for the ith radionuclide for the particular age group,in mrem/pCiki = decay constant for the ith radionuclide, in sec-1Xw = decay constant for removal of activity of leaf and plant surfaces by weathering, 5.73E-07sec-I (corresponding to a 14 day half-life) tf = transport time from pasture to cow, to milk, to receptor, 1.73+05, in secondsth = transport time from pasture, to harvest, to cow, to milk, to receptor, 7.78E+06, in secondsfp = fraction of year that cow is on pasture, 0.67 (dimensionless)

Ifs = fraction of cow feed that is pasture grass while cow is on pasture, 1.0, dimensionless Parameters used above were obtained from NUREG-0133 and Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev.1, Iand LADTAP II, NUREG/CR-1276.I DOMINION VPAP-2103S REVISION 16PAGE 73 OF 73ATTACHMENT 11(Page 8 of 8)Meteorological, Liquid, and Gaseous Pathway AnalysisSince the concentration of tritium in milk is based on the airborne concentration rather than thedeposition, the following equation is used:RH3 = K K FmQFUap(DFL H3) 075(0.5/H)l (28-3)where:K"'"=a constant of unit conversion IE+03 gm/kgH = absolute humidity of the atmosphere, 8.0, in gm/m30.75=the fraction of total feed that is water0.5 = the ratio of the specific activity of the feed grass to the atmospheric waterOther parameters have been previously defined.The inhalation pathway dose factors Rlivv and Rlipv were calculated using the following equation:

RIi mrem/yr per Ci/m3 = K' (BR) DFAi (28-4)where:K'=a constant of unit conversion, I E+ 12 pCi/CiBR=breathing rate of the particular age group, m3/yrDFAi=critical organ inhalation dose factor for particular age group for the ith radionuclide, inmrem/pCiParameters used above were obtained from NUREG-0133, R. G. 1.109, Rev. 1 andLAPTAP II, NUREG/CR-1276.