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FOIA/PA-2014-0204 - Resp 1 - Final, Group a
Person / Time
Site: Millstone, Davis Besse, Browns Ferry, Nine Mile Point, Indian Point, Oyster Creek, Pilgrim, North Anna, Vermont Yankee, San Onofre, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/2015
Office of Information Services
Shared Package
ML15231A284 List:
Download: ML15231A364 (11)


Group ARecords Already Publicly Available in ADAMSNorth Anna ML110750123 ML1 10750124Fort Calhoun ML01 0750324Vermont Yankee -.ML031560786 M L04303 0582Oyster Creek ML031 560786ML043030582 Davis Besse ML021 200037Fitzpatrick ML01 0590482Nine Mile 1 & 2 ML010990176 Pilgrim ML01 1920234San Onofre ML052570659 ML05257031 7ML05257031 9Millstone 1 & 2 ML01 2850031.Millstone 3 ML0400.70238 Indian Point 2 & 3 ML003776428 ML00377851 7Browns Ferry 1, 2 & 3 ML01 3620457ML020070083 ML0201 00224 ADAMS Documents as of 0412412015 11:02:41 AM Page 1 of 1Accession Document TitleNumber DateML013270001 1.1/16/2001 Submittal Of"-A" Accepted Version Of CENPD-404-P, Rev. 0 [Enclosure 1-P Contains Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2 Material]

ML013270010 1113012001 Part 1 of 2 of CENPD-404-NP-A, Rev 0, "Implementation of ZIRLO Cladding Material In CE Nuclear Power FuelAssembly Designs".

ML01 3270095 11/30/2001 Part 2 of 2 of CENPD-404-NP-A, Rev. 0, "implementation of ZIRLO Cladding Material in CENP Fuel Desings,"

Chapter 7.0 Non-LOCA Accidents.-

ADAMS Documents as of 0412412015 11:45:37 AMPage 1 of 1Estimated Page Count 29Document Date 6/2211992 Document Type CORRESPONDENCE-LETTERS OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE Availability Publicly Available Title Forwards SE supporting approval of C-E Topical Rept CEN-386-P, "Verification of Acceptability of 1-Pin Bumup Limitof 60 MWD/kg for C-E 16X16 PWR Fuel."Author Name THADANI A CAuthor Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR)*Author Affiliation Class NAddressee Name SCHERER A EAddressee Affiliation ABB COMBUSTION ENGINEERING NUCLEAR FUEL (FORMERLY Addressee Affiliation Class MVDocket Number 05000317License*Number Case/Reference NumberDocument/Report Number TAC-M82192 Keyword ADEQUACYAPPROVALS BURNUPFUELSLIMITSPDR Category PPINSPRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS*


.... ... .Package Number 9207100126A Date DocketedRelated DateCommentDocument Status XAMedia Type Microform Physical File Location PDR:ADOCK-05000317-P-920706,PDR:ADOCK/0500031 7/P 920706Microform Addresses 62284:312-62284:341 Distribution List CodesText Source FlagDocument Sensitivity Non-Sensitive ADAMS Documents as of 0412412015 11:05:33 AM Page 1 of 1Accession Document TitleNumber DateML052570659 09/14/2005 SONGS Units 2 & 3, issuance of Amendments on ZIRLO Clad Fuel.ML052570317 09/14/2005 SONG Unit 2, Tech Specification Pages re ZIRLO Clad Fuel.ML052570319 09/14/2005 SONGS Unit 3, Technical Specification Pages Re ZIRLO Clad Fuel.


  • edI g 9fjqNRI e' DEC21 "9Deoembe=.

14, 1993DocketNos. 50-280, 50-28150-338 and 50-339Mr. W. L. Stewart.Senior Vice President

-Nuclear*Virginia Electric and Power Co.5000 Dominion Blvd.* len Allen, Virginia 23060

Dear Mr. Stewart:


SLJRRY, UN:ITS 1 AND 2, AND NORTH ANNA, UNITS 1 AND 2 -REMOVAL OF45,000 MWD/MTLJ BATCH AVERAGE BURNUP RESTRICTION (TAC NOS. M87767,.M87768, M87812, AND 1487813)By letter dated November 25, 1992, you requested relaxation of the batchaverage burnup restriction of 45,000 MWD/MTU (megawatt days per metric tori of_u.... rani urn), ed-in.NRC-i1etterzLdated-April 1- 9-184--for~

the-Surry and North Anna Power Stations, and proposed,

instead, that the fuelburnups at both stations be limited to levels~ consistent with the NRC Safety*EvaluationReport on the Westinghouse Electric Corporation's TOpical.Report I'CAP-10125, entitled


.Burnup .Evaiua~tion of Wes~tinghouse-~Fuel-.-"

We have revi~ewed your request and have concluded that it is appropriate toincrease the batch average burnup restriction to 50,000 MWD/MlTU, or above, aslong as the maximum rod average burnup of any fuel rod is no greater, than 60MWD/MTU pursuant to the limits specified in'the~ederal Reciister (53 FR 6040)dated February 29, 1988. Our safety evaluation isenclosed.

Implicit in ourevaluation is that the fuel management scheme will.continue to provide thelimiting location of the fuel during subsequent cycles of operation.

Bart C. Buckley, Sr. Project ManagerProject Directorate II-2Division of'Reactor projects

-I/IfLeon B. Engle, ManagerProject D~irectoralte II-2Division of Reactor Projects



As statedcc w/enclosure:

See next page Vartinia Ilt~ctric

& Power CompanyCc;Mr. Wii llam C. Porter, Jr.County Administrator Louisa CountyP.O. Box 160Louisa. Virginia 23093Michael V. Haupin, Esq.Hunton and idilliams Riverrront Plaza, East lower951 1. Byrd StreetRichmond.

Virginia 23219Dr, V. 1. t~oughVirginia State Corporation Cnmmission of Energy Regulation P.O. finx 1197Richmond, Virginia 23209Old Dominion Electric Cooperative 4201 DominionnBlvd.

Gipn Allen, Virginia 23060Mr. 14. L. Bowling, ManagerNuclear Licensing

& ProgramsVirginia Electric and Powe~r CompanyEnnibrook

ethnical Center5000 Dominion Blvd."Glen Allen, Virginia 23060Oflfice Of the Attorney Generalsupreme Court Buildinq1(1 North 8th StreetSenior Resident Inspector North Anna Power StationU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormiission Route 2. Box 78Mineral, Virginia 23117*Robert B. Strobe, M.D., M.P.H.State Health Conmissioner Office of the Commuissioner Vfrginia Department of HealthP.O, Box 2448Richmond, Virginia 232T8Regional Administrator, RIIU.S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, N.W, *zgO0Atlanta, Georgia 30323Hr. G. C. Kane, ManagerNorth Anna Power StationP.O, Box 402Mineral, Virginia 23117*Hr. V. L. StewartSenior Vice President

-NuclearVirginia Electric and Power CompanyInnsbrook Technical Center5000 Dominion Blvd.Glen Allen, Virginia 23060Hr.I Michael R. Kansler, ManagerSurry Power StationPost Office Box 166, Route ISurry, Virginia 23883Mr. Sherlock Hotmes, ChairmanBoard of SUpervisors

  • of Surry CountySurry County Courthouse Surry, Virginia 23683Senior Vice President Surry Power StationU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Post Office Box 166, Route !Surry, Virginia 23883._L It ... ..


.iA.'~HfIAGT(Jfi 0 C ..' ". S 1SAFETy EVALUATION.

BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGUAllT1OI VIlRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER CO~4PANYSIJRRY. UNITS I AND 2 AND NORTH ANNA UNITS ] AN~DA1.0 Introduction By letter dated April 9, 1984. the NRC approved an~ increase in the batchaverage burnup restriction from 37,000 to 45,000 MWO/MTU (megawatt days permetric ton of uranium) for both the Surry and North Anna Power Stations, Subsequently, by letter dated November 25, 1992. the Virginia Electric andPower Company (the licensee) requested relaxation of the batch average burnuprestriction of 45,000 MWD/NTU, as presently Foecified in NRC letter datedApril 9, 1984, for both the Surry and North facilities, and proposedinstead to Itmlt the burnup to limits consistent with the NRC Safetyevaluation report (SER) on a Westinghouse topical ri~ort WCAP-10125, entitled"Extended Burnup Evaluation of Westinghouse Fuel." which was transmitted tothe Westinghouse Electric Corporation by NRC letter dated October 11, 1985.The staff concludes that it is acceptable to raise the limit to 50,000HUD/MTU, or above, as long as the maximum rod average burnup of any fuel .rodis no greater than 60 IWD/MTU pursuant to the limits specified in the R~tgii (53 FR 6040).2.0 Ly ua~t~onThe WCAP-10125 report described

.tthe models and methodology used in the safetyanalys~is of Westinghouse fuel at extended burnup and discusses theexperimental data used to support those models. As stated in the above-cited NRC letter dated October 11, 1985, we found the topical report to beacceptable for referencing in license applications to the extent specified andunder the limitations delineated in the topical report and the associated NRCSER. The staff review of the topical report found that:I. WCAP-10125 not only discussed models, methodology and data, but alsoapplied these models to show that existing "limits continue to be met overa burnup range exceeding that requested by the licensee.

2. The models used have been previously reviewed and approved by the NRCwithout explicit burnup limits. The analysis simply applied these.unchanged models over a burnup range not previously considered, but didnot address radiological
aspects, which are discussed below.3. Westinghouse examined the application of the existing methodology atextended burnup and identifiled no burnup-dependent phenomena which wouldinvalidate the analyses pierformed.

1 931;214PDR ADOCI P PIVMI 11111i1!Illi liil11111111t1111111I IItllii(Il1111 9312170201 I-2-4. Results of Westinghouse extended burnup Lead Assembly programs at anumber rof Westinghouse plants (including Surry and North Anna) supportthe Westinghouse conclusion (excluding radiological aspects discussed below).The $icensee has reviewed the Westinghouse report (gCAP-liOZS) and hasdetermiuned that the results are applicable.

The NRC staff performed an independent analys~is of the radrl',oglcal consequences of extended fuel burnup and concluded that, while there would increased thyroid dose resulting fromthe fuel..handling

accident, thecalculated Increase was nct significant.

The increased thyroid dose meets theacceptance criteria of the Standard Review. Plan Section 15.7.4 and the dose.guidelines set forth in 10 CFR Part 100. Subsequent to the issuance of theNRC SRE, NUREG/CR-5O0g, entitled "Assessment of the Use rt Extended BurnupFuel in Light Water Power Reactors,"

was published In Febrary 1988 todocument a study conducted by Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the NRC. Thisreport concluded that there are no significant adverse environmental effects*associated with increases in the burnup level to a maximum rod .average burnupor 60,000 MWD/NTU.3.0 Environmental Considertitons The staff prepared and published an environmental assessment and findi'~q of nosignificant impact from the use of extended burnup fuel in connercial lightwater reactors in the 'fgdra!1 Reaister (53 FR 6040), whlt¢' concluded thatthere are no significant.

adverse radiological or non-radiological impactsassociated with the use of extended burnup fuel and that tts use will notsignificantly affect the quality-of the human environment.


to 1CFR_ 51_31, theComei_.Ssion has determi!ned that an environmental impact statement need not be prepared for this action.4.0 Conicluston We have concluded that Increasing of the batch average burnup restriction to50,000 NWDtMTU, or above, as long as the maximum rod average burnup of anyfuel rod is no greater than 60 MVO1I/NTU for the Surry and North Annafacilities, is acceptable.

lnplicit in this evaluation is that the 'fuelmanagement scheme will continue to provide the limiting location of fuelduring subsequent cycles of operation.

.r.'Inclpal Contributor:

B. BuckleyDate: December 14, 19.3.... I [ ._ I._.[ ...... I ... ........

I I .... .. ...... i ijllmal ... .. .... ..


.~enai~ ~i-i v~ C) C-'~ec'd APR29 1994Nuclear Licensing Aprl 20, 1994Docket Nos. 50-280, 50-28150-338, 50-339Mr. W.. 1. StewartSenior Vice President


Electric and Power Company-Innsbrook Technical Center.5000 Dominion Blvd.Glen Allen, Virginia 23060

Dear Mr. Stewart:




1487812, AND 1487813)..._By..NRC..let.t~er dat~ed.De.cember.

14, .. 9.93,*r~e~a~se in._t~he_

ba~tch..average burnup restriction, from 45,000 MWD/l4TU..(megawatt days per metric ton-of uranium) to 50,000 MWD/MTU, or above, as long as the maximum rod averageburnup of any fuel rod is no greater than 60,000 M4WD/MTIJ.

Thie--60,000 l).MWD/MT v-al-ue-,--in several instances, was inadvertently displayed as60 MWD/MTU.

The correct value is 60,000 MWD/MTTU.

Sincerely, Project Direcbor-ae 11-2aaeDivision of Reactor Projects

-I/LIOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Bart C. Buckley, r.Poject ManagerProject Directorate II-2Division of Reactor Projects

-I/IIOffice of.Nuclear Reactor Regul ationcc: See next pageN

.o v ~September 9, 1988 -.MEMORANDUM FOR: Sholly Coordinator FROM: Vernon Rooney, Senior Project ManagerProject Directorate I-3Division of Reactor Projects I/If



Docket No. 50-271, Vermont YankeeNuclear Power Station, Vernon, VermontDate of application for amendment-:

May 23, 1988, as supplemented onAugust 15, 1988.Brief description of amendment:

The amendment revises the Technical Specifications to permit the use of the fuel type designated as GE 8X8EB.Date of issuance:

$eptember 1988.Effective date: 30 days. fr~ni d~te of i~ssuance.

Amendment No.: lOSFacility Operating License No. DPR-28: Anmendment revised the Technical Specifications.

Date of initial notice in Federal Register:

June 15, 1988(53 FR 22408). The Commission's related evaluation of the amendment iscontained in a Safety Evaluation dated September 9, 1988.iNo significant hazards consideration comments received:

No.Local Public Document Room Location:

Brooks Memorial

.Library, 2?4 MainStreet, Brattleboro,.

Vermont 05301.*BSO01IO255 880 -909 "i .... Vernon L. Rooney, Senior Project ManagerCF ADOCK 050027.1 Project Directorate 1-3"CNU

  • Division*

of Reactor Projects 1/11Distribution:

Docket File, P01-3 r/f., MRushbrook,

VRooney, RWessman,

~bbook Page 1 ofi IAASDocuments Dase of10104881201508:42:9A AAccession Number 8809190232 Document Date 91911988 12:00:00AM Estimated Page Count 9Document Type OPERATING LICENSES


& PERMITSTitle Amend 108 to License DPR-28,revising Tech Specs to permit use of GE 8X8EB fuel type.Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR)Author Name WESSMAN R H.,Availability Publicly Available Microform Addresses 46898:059-46898:067 Document SensitiVity Non-Sensitive Package Number 8809190225A i,i ,Accession Number 8809190225 Document Date 9/9/1988 12:00:00AM Estimated Page Count 5Document Type CORRESPONDENCE-LETTERS

-NRC TO UTILITYOUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE Title Forwards Amend 1.08 to License DPR-28 & safety evaluation.

Amend revises Tech Specs tdpermit use of GE 8X8EB fuel type in response to util 880523 application

& 880815clardfication.


'V I!Accession Number 8809190225 Document Date 9/9/1988 12:00:00AM Availability.

Publicly Available Microform Addresses 46898:054-46898:070 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 8809190225*

Accession Number 8809190235 Document Date 9/9/1988 12:00:00AM Estimated Page Count 3Document Type SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT--LICENSING

& RELATED ISSUESTEXT-SAFETY REPORT -,Title Safety evaluation supporting Amend 108 to License DPR-28.Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR)Author NameAvailability Publicly Available Microform Addresses 46898:068-46898:070 DocUment Sensitivity Non-Sensitive

-Package Number 8809190225B