ML20127E476 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Dresden |
Issue date: | 12/31/1992 |
From: | King G, Schroeder C COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. |
To: | NRC OFFICE OF INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IRM), Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
CWS-LTR-92-0016, CWS-LTR-92-16, NUDOCS 9301190331 | |
Download: ML20127E476 (32) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:--~ ~ Januaiy 1,1993 CWS LTR #92-0016 Director, Nuc! car Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Doctunent Control Desk Gentlemen:
Afonthly Operating Data Report Dresden Nuclear Power Station Conunonucalth Edison Company Docket Nos. 50-010,50 237, and 50 249 Enclosed is the Dresden Npelear Power Station hfonthh_Orsatine Summary Report for Dwember,1992. This Information is supplied to 3 cur office in accordance with the instructions set forth in Regulatory Guide 1.16. Sincerely,. N Charles W. Schroeder 3 /n/3] Station Stanager CWS/DCA1:cfg Enclosure ec: NRC Region ill Office Illinois Dept. of Nuclear Safety, State of Illinois U.S. NRC, Document Slanagement Branch Nuclear Licensing Administrator Vice Pres. IlWR Operations General Afanager - Nuclear Services T. S. Engr. (2) NRC Senior Resident inspntor Nuclear Quality Programs - Dresden Nuclear Engineering hinnager Comptroller's Office Slanager - Quality Assurance / Nuclear Safety 31anager - Reliability Programs INPO Records Center UDI,Inc. Wash.,D.C. File /NRC Op. Data file / Numerical i I (GilKI,T92mit 8' I 9301190331 921231 / PDR ADOCK 05000010 I R PDR
I 4 i MONT!!i,Y NRC 1 l
- - _ - - _. ~ i i. I 1 i TABLE OF CONTFNili Dmsulwr,1992 NRC REPORT a l 1.0 Intmduction i 2.0 Summary of Operating Espesience 2.1 Unit 2 Monthly Operating Experience Sununary. j 2.2 Unit 3 Monthly Operating Esperience Sununary, 1 { 3.0 Opcrating Data Statistics i 3.1 Monthly Operating Data Report Unit 2 i 3.2 Monthly Operating Data Report. Unit 3 3.3 Average Daily Power Level Data. Unit 2 3.4 Average Daily Power Level Data. Unit 3 3.5 Unit Shutdown and Power Reduction Data - Unit 2 l 3.6 Unit Shutdown and Power Reduction Data - Unit 3 3.7 Station Maxhnum Daily Load Data 4.0 Unique Reporting Requimnents i 4.1 Main Steam Relief and/or Safety Valve Operations. Unit 2 and Unit 3 4.2 Off Site Dose Calculation Manual Changes j 4.3 Major changes to the Radioactive Waste Treatment 4.4 Failed Fuel Element Indications 4.4.1 Unit 2 l 4.4.2 Unit 3 S.0 Plant or Premlure Changes, Tewis, Experimmis, and Safety Rdated Maintenance l 5.1 Amendments to Facility Liceme or Technical Specifications 5.1.1 Unit 2 i I 5.1.2 Unit 3 5.2 Changes to Procedures which are Described in the Final Safety Analysis Report (I'SAR) (Units 2 and 3) 5.3 Significant Tests and Experiments Not Described in the FSAR (Units 2 and 3) 5.4 Safety Related Maintenance (Units 2 and 3). ] 5.5 Completed Safety Related Modifications l 5.6 Temporary System Alterations Installed 5.7 Other Required 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations (Units 2 and 3) 1 4 (GIIKLT92/2)/3 ,,.. ~.,
i 1.0 Introduction Dresden Nuclear Power Station is a thne reactor generating facility owned and operated by the Conunonwealth Edison Company of Chicago, Illinols. Dnsden Station is located at the connuence of the Kankakee and Des Plaines Riven, in Grundy County, near Morris, Illinals. Dnsden Unit I is a General Flcetric llolling Water Reactor with a d sign net electrical output rating of 200 nwgawatts electriest (MWe). The unit is nitred in place with all nudcar fuel runoted from the reactor ussd. Therefore, no Unit I operating data is provided in this report. Dnsden Units 2 and 3 are General Electric Ilolling Water Reactors with design nei dntrical output ratings of 794 MWe each. Waste heat is rejected to a man made cooling lake using the Kankakee Rlter for make-up and the !!!!nols Rher for blowdown. The Archltect Engineer for Dresden Units 2 and 3 was Sargent and Lundy of Chicago, Illinois. This report for December,1992 was compiled by Gregory 11. King of the Dresden Tnhnical Staff, telephone number (815) 942 2920, extension 2648. ll (GIIKLT92/2)/4
2 0
12-0192 to 08-05 92 Unit 2 entered the month on line and operating at 632 MWe as specllied by the System Load Dispatcher (LD). The unit operated until 12-05 92 at 0355 hours, when the Reactor's loading was manually decreased to 385 MWe because of 2A Rs. Rntre pump seal problems. 12-05 92 to 12 08 92 Unit 2 continued at this power level until 12 08-92 at 2200 hours, when the Reactor was manually taken off line for forced outage D2F12. This forced outage was initiated to allow the replacement of the 2A Rs. Rwire. pump seal. 12 08 92 to 1217 92 Maintenance on the 2A Rectre, pump was completed and Unit 2 hecame critical at 2120 on. 1217 92. The Unit was synchrontred to the grid at 0013 on 12-19-92. Lond was steadily increased to a limit of approsimately 600 MWe due to 2C Condemale pump Out Of Ser lee. 1217 92 to 12 3192 The unit operated the remainder of the month at this level a, speellied by the Splem LD with an avallaHilty of 44.3% and a capacity factor of 43.0% (GilKLT92/2)/5 )
l i 2.0
d 12-0192 to 12 25 92 Unit 3 entered the month on line and operating at 603 MWe and operated steady state for mmt of the month until the unit scrammed at 2143 hours of 12 25 92. The apparent came of this scram was high Indicated turbine slbration. The lmtrwnentation which Indicates turbine tibration failed and thus produced the scram to unit 3. I 12 25 92 to 12 29-92 Unit 3 became critical at 0454 on 12 29 92. The unit was synchronlied to the grid at 1956 on 12 29 92. 12 29 92 to 12 3192 The load on unit three was steadily increased as per the S ston I.D and the startup 3 procedure to approslmately 500 MWe on 12 30 92 for a soak period. When the soak period ended, the loading of Unit 3 was increased as per the Syston 1.D to approsimately 700 MWe. Unit 3 continued at this lesci for the remalnder of the month with an aiallability of 77.0% and a capacity factor of 73.3% 4 k a 1 (GilRLT92/2)/6
- 1. REPOR*11NO PERIOD: Demnber 1992 s
ilOUR$ IN IT.RIOD 744 8.784 198,432 6. TIME REACTOR CRTTICAL Olours) $29.3 7.553.4 149,$71.78 7. TIME REACTOR RESERVE &llVTDOWN Olaurs) 0.0 0.0 0.0 8. TIME 00.NERATOR ON.LINE Olours) $03.2 - 7,416.54 143,423.32 9. TIME OENERATOR RESERVE $11UTDOWN 0 lours) Oh-0.0 0.0 10. TilERMAL ENER0Y OENERATED (MWilt cross) 948,422 14.066.247 295,687.737 II. ELECTRICAL ENFROY OENERATED(MWile cross) 271.224 4,413.393 94.384,377 12. ELECTRICAL ENER0Y GENERATED (MWile Neo 254,$17 4,178,425 90.209,212 13. REACTOR SERVICE FACTOR (%) 71.14 82.8 73,1 14. REACTOR AVAILABILTTY FACTOR (%) 71.14 82.8 73.1 15. OENERATOR $ERVICE FACTOR (%) 67.63 81.4 72.0 16. OENERATOR AVAILABILTTY FACTOR (%) 67.63 81.4 72.0 17. CAPACTTY FACTOR (U$tNo MDC Net)(5) '49.79 $5.4 - 58.0 18. CAPACfrY FACTOR (UstNO DER Neo (%) 48.41 $3.9 56.4 10. FORCED OUTAGE F ACTOR (%) 29.9 18.6 12.1 20. SliUTDOWNS SCHEDULED OVER Tile NEXT 6 htONTilS (Type, Date and Duration of Each) D2R13 Refueling Outage Scheduled to begin on January 16, 1993. 21. IF SilUTDOWN AT END OF REPORT PERIOD, ESTihlATED DATE OF STARTUP N/A (GilKLT92/2)/7f
- 1. REPORT 1NG PERIOD: Dernnber,1992
===- 5. IlOUR5 (N PERIOD 744 8,784 188,017 6. TIME REACTOR CRITICAL Olours) 670.2 5.689.46 13$,589.28 7. TIME REACTOR RLSI:RVE &llVTDOWN Olours) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 8. TIME OENERATOR ON.LINE Olmrs) 655.2 5,389.45 130.273.4 q 94 TIME GENERATOR RESERVE $llUTDOWN Olours) 00 0.0 0.0 10. TilERM A1. ENER0Y or.NERATED (MWilt oross) I,40),405 10,175,422 267,529.455 11. ELECTRICAL ENEROY OENER ATED(MWile Gross) 454,987 3.249,848 85.977,207 12. ELECrkl CAL ENEkoY GENERATED (MWife Net) 43),145 3,065,696 81,610.180 13. REACTOR SERVICE FACIOR (5) 90.08 44.7 71.7 14. REACTOR AVAILABILITY FACTOR (1) 90 08 44.7 71.7 15. GENERATOR $F.RVICE FACTOR (%) 88.06 40.2 68.9 16. OENERATOR AVAILABILrrY FACTOR (1) 88 06 40.2 68,9 17. CAPACirY FACTOR (U$1NO MDC Net)(%) 79.08 23.5 55.8 d 18. CAPActrY FACTOR (USINO DER Net)(%) 76.98 22.8 54.3 19. FokCED OtfrAGE FACTOR (%) 10.12 9.7 11.24 4 20. SliUTDOWNS SCllEDULED OVER THE NEXT 6 htONTils (Type, Date and Durallon of Each) NONE. 21, IF SilUTDOWN AT END OF REPORT PERIOD, ESTih1ATED DATE OF STARTUP N/A (GilKLT92/2)/8 .-.w-y w
\\ ) 3-1 i 3 1 1 1 1 i 1-i 3.3 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL J t j DOCKET No. 050 237 ) i UNIT Dnsden 2 l DATE January 1,1993 COMPLETED itY G.11. King i, TELEPilONE (815) 942 2920 i i. MONTil: Decantwr,1992 i i DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL q i (MWe Net) (MWe Net) f N l 01 605 17 0 l 02 601 18 0 4 l-1 03 601 19 254 l ? 04 599 20 558 I l 05 399 21 595 i 06 401 22 594 07 373 23 595 - j 08 325 24 594 - t ? 09 0 25 592 i 10 '0 26 589 I 11 0 27 592 12 0 28 .593 13 0 29 616 1 14 0 '3d 608 l 15-0 31 607 16 0 (GIIKLT92/2)/9 i .,...u.. .. -.. -..,... ~.
1 1 3.4 AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL 1 DOCKET No. 0$0 249 UNIT Dresden 3 DATE January 1,1993 COhll'LETED ilY G. II. King TELEPilONE (815) 942 2920 SIONTil: Ikrantwr,1992 DAY AVERAGE DAILY l'OWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAll,Y lt)WER LEVEL (SIWE Net) (hlWe Net) 4 01 611 17 719 I 02 605 18' 804 1 03 610 19 778 04 608 20 764 05 596 21 799 06 601 22 809 07 600 23 E03 08 718 24 781 i 09 792 25 684 10 790 26 G 11 832 27 0 12 681 28 _ _0 13 759 29 13 1 14 781 30 379 15 799 31-597 16 806 (GIIKLT92/2)/10
Docket No. 050-237 UNIT NA3fE Dresden Unit 2 DATE Jcnuary I,1993 Completed By G.11. King Telephone (515) 942-2920 3.5 UNIT SIIUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS REPORT SIONTil Decanber,1992 980L DG1E TYPEft) DURATION REA90f8 (3 hff7 MUD CF t.JCTM3E1 EVENT ST57De CN Md4 COMPr#WNs (Md3 OtLNE & (YJRRICTft1 MTWM8 TU FRFYINT RHTRATMY (H0t!RS SMt?r71 reg DourM REPORT 8 RN 12,992 F M A S RA 1-d
una h===me er 2A Ru are==.,w,==l pa*h
82 9 . w t ws arm a _. 13 12mRN2 F 2:a7 A t 36 4 ties 2 m e aan==== amer te e- - er en 2A aw me e pum, .-4. l G} 0) W l (1) F: FORCED Reason-Method: EmbrNe G Imms Or % ems <4 Dem Eary Sheem 6e t_icensee Ewer Repars d ER) S: SCHEDUIID A Eqmpmesa Failme (Explem)
- 1. Mmmet File (STREG4161)
B Maineenance or Tese
- 2. Manual Scrum C Refuerug
- 3. Aukmww Scram d)
D Regulawy Restrietma 4.Other fDplain) E Opersw Trauseg & 1acemee Enm
- 5. Imd Reducti m ExhiNt i Same 5.wece es.N=e F
A. G Operstman! Ermr 11 Other (Explem) (GHKLT92/2)/28 O O O e
i i t I 1 l Docket No. 050-249 UNIT NAME Dree Unit 3 DATE January 1,1993 Completed By G. II. IGng l Telepivane (SIS) 942-2920 3.6 UNIT SIIITTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS i REPORT MONTII December,1992 l N(1 DATE TYPTdo DLitATION FEAe04 C3 METla>D OF LK BeWE EVENT SYTTTM Cotse (TmaremeFNr OJr4(% cat % & OgaM7hT MTWWe P* F*fYtyrr pmsat3w1 otocas sut'rrees tw.ww asroert e mEAMi*C9 e IT:ss2 F Ts.s A 3 1D W3F3 Se# Mmeey Ww
- w
[ l t r -u + t ^ l l h ** r l i Il I 1 i 1 i l I d J it) ~ C) 0) (4) i I
- F
- 70RCED Reason.
Method: E4be G terrects ms Se %t==,( De's 5: SCHEDULED Ersry Sheen 5x t.iceme Ewrre Reports (LER) i A. Eqmpment FeGare d pt W
- 1. Mennel File (NUREG'.se!)
B Mnemenance er Test
- 2. Manuel Screm I
C Refuelirg
- 3. Anwmenc Screm 0)
D Reguleswy Restr,etion
- 4. Other (Exple' )
m E Ope enw Tramirg & Licemee Exam
- 5. tend Redactns ExkNe ! Some 5.we es eNwe.
F Mmmestrative G Ope stional Erme H Other (Explain) (GHKLT92/2)/29 b o
] ( i 1 i 4.0 UNIQUE REl'ORTING REQUIREMFNI'S i 4.1 MAIN STEAM RELIEF YALVE OPERATIONS i l Reller talte operations during the December,1992 reporting period are summartred in the following table. The table includes Infonnation as to whleh relief talte was actuated, how it was actuated, and the circumstantes resulting in its actuation. 4 I t j Vahes No. and Type Plant Description Unh Llak Ar.tuated nLAttuallans Cendillans .euhrnli. 2 No Unit 2 Main Sicam Relief and/or Safety Yalte actuations occurred during this reporting period. 3 No Unit 3 Main Steam Roller and/or Safety Valte actuations occurred during this reporting period. l t 4 4.2 OFF-SITE DOSE CAlfULATION MANUAL (ODCM) CilANGES j The following changes were made to the ODCM offecthe 12/30/92: i i 1) The actual (lmtantaneous) or mlulmum flow rate of the Initlat dilution stream should be med in Eq.10 3. j 2) Section 10.1.2 should require the setpoints of the radioactive gaseous effluent release monitors to be i based on measured station effluents, or it should be shown that me of the misture taken from NEDO. 10871 is unlikely to result in under-estimation of the offsite dose. 3) Section 10.2.2 should require the liquid radwaste effluent monitors to he calibrated on the basis of the pre-release analysis of the undiluted radwaste. 4) If gasmus effluent monitor setpoints are determined in essentially the same way as at Quad Cities (ming reactor building sentilaiton stack relea es for input to Eqs.101 and 10 2), sections 10.1 and 10.2 should 4 be modilled to Indicate that the value of Q, for solutions of Eqs.101 and 10 2 are obtained from section Otherwise, the ODCM should esplain how simultaneous solution of Eqs 101 and 10 2 ghe values of Q,, and Q, that can be adjusted. l ) i l 't (GilKLT92/2)/12
4.2 OFF SITE DOSE CAIEULATION MANUAI, (ODCM) CHANGES (QW17NUND) The following thanges were made to the ODCM effective 12/30/92t 5) Section 10 2-8 should Identify the means of determining the initial dilution stream flow rate (e.g., flow meter, pwnp curies). 6) To atold possible confmlon with the Cl in section A.2, section 10.2.2 should identify the Cl there as the concentration of radionuclide I in the line or tank prior to dilution by the initial dilution stream. The above mentioned changes to the OI)CM are based on the NRC Safely Evaluation Report (SER) / Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Technical Evaluation Report (TER) of the Offslie Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Retision O.A. December 2,1991. ~ s 4 - (GilKL192/2)ll3
i ). 1 I i j j l 4.3 MAJOR CilANGFE TO Tile RAl)l0ACI'lVE WAVI'E TREATMFNr SYNI' EMS I)URING thennhw,1992 j Current Status of Radioactive Waste Treatnient Spinn Upgrade l'rojects l 1) Coinpleted and operational authorized M12 2/3 87 2M which Installs a the Radwaste punips seal wster spinn. 2) Coinpleted the waste neutrallier punip replaccinent. 3) Started the flow drain surnp ptunp replacernent. I I i l 4.4 Fall.EI) FUEL, El EMFNr INDICATIONS i 4.4.1 Unit 2 1 i Unit 2 fuel perfonnance during Deconher,1992 continued to show no indications of leaking fuel. This is based I on the sum of the actitiths of the six (6) Noble Gases as incatured at the Rtrombiner. Therefore, Unit 2 had j excellent fuel perfonnance, e l 4.4.2 Unit 3 Unit 3 fuel perfonnance during Decernber,1992 continued to show no Indications of leaking fuel. This is based on the sum of the activities of the six (6) Noble Gases as measured at the Recombiner. Therefore, Unit 3 had excellent fuel perfonnance. I l I i-i l I i. l l i-i i i I (Gl!K1,T92/2)/14 l l l . _ -. ~. _. _.., _ _.. ~ _.... _,
l. 5.0
- 11. ANT OR 14tOCEDURE CilANGES, TFRI'S, EX11CRIMENTS, AND SAWIT REl.ATED M AINTENANCE 5.1 Amendments to l'acility I.lceme or Tuhnical Spallicatiom.
No new amendments to facility liceme or Technical Spnifications were apprused for use during December,1992. 5.2 Chang <s to Procedures Which are Described in the ISAR (Units 2 and 3 during December,1992. Table 5.2.1. attached, sinnmarins the procedons described in the FSAR which were approved for itse during this reporting period. Only those procedures that haic required a new or an additional 10CIR $0.59 reilew of changes are included. ) i i w 4 (GilKI,T92/2)/15
7----- n an 5 E v m 1 L 5 8 c l o s 5 H N m a a B a g 1is e i1 o 5 i L g' B ?n i B , l g al j'd, p.- 0 1C e h 5b 2 ar 1 5 - k 's ?, ] 3 } . 'l .i r y! . $ il g 3-g 4, rI i g j a.l. gv o l" $e
- 1111 a
ss. q e El 2683 w .0 12 e<. ~ u w ae Y* m
l \\,>. 5.3 Signirwant tests and experiments not dewribed in the WAR (Units 2 & 3) Significant special prmdures involving tests not described in the ISAR whlds were approved during t'ie nnonth of Decanber,1992 are lhted below: NO SPECIAI, IHOCEDURES WERE IMPLEMENTED H)R Tile MONTil OF DECEMitER,1992. 6 i 1 4 i i 1 I i i i e f f I (GilKLT92/2)/16 i, 5 -rm.-3--w- ,-,.-,,,J--,,,.2~ n- ,i-,-w...-- r., ,_.,m,.,_ -, ~ -.l
/ 5.4 Safety Related Maintenance (Unit 2 and 3) Safety related maintenance activities for December,1992 are summarized in the attached talites. P 4 E J J l 1 i (GilKLT92/2)/17 l
m . i Ii ! ' c.f; 3 e t N i t er en t i tmIUF+ 6 t E (, In ot t i,t.: m-.. # om 110,. LOUIF MLNi MAINTb4 W riu."i LF t/C L r1L :.UL 1 C ',1.
- .C I 10N.
5'350 LtM ECTIVE
- 4/A ArmoVED eiD W Atesit STRIP Ayo ( T FLN Ett U-2 RX ELOG TRACKWAY INNER 000k DOT &O7 iniTH NEW.
t.Lu dSTFD ANG4& TRIM RO tm. blidt D t,E t.:. ( LkT rto f ;N1 IC 2-30*-30 m I IM F L T ! W N'A fT t, t 8, ETM3[ 3 -{ h pnp-n ;pQ g pj L g g fi g g[g HCU N-9 Du?-5 A 3 w t s ra ; i194][e g gygm gn ;,, f yg y, .g PCTita EO e t$ F r k YUs.ING/r 4 fitNns f:E iws LN N i 126 8 12/ VLV'S, V!RIFIED NO liAFAGC ' ~.. C) v 2 2-7929-103
- 1EVENTIVE N/A f t C ANf D fl IN9f Ef'T6 f t f:r<rArs e a freiTr4Tf)R.ij-L j
D2 MOV 3/04 400V MEC f:kF R 010^3 it str o Ff 4 [ t s 7Mo-05 ft 7310 34 C I' 2-200-5 f fti'ENTIVE N/A 6CMOV60 EECTRICTING ORFICC'rEuM ^GT b VALVE D10954 1 -200- 5 VLV INLL I t URT. i sp g i J j !' 2-305-126-26-11 I F E VE NT I VE N/A A's_tustro 1/wtL STin (ER is AVti t R. 4 HCU G-3 SCRAM INLEI UA1VE 011100 '. Twos s t. eca VE TO VsREfV (1;DrLR =- i -a U EF: A IIDN. ( +m. 3 j 2-305-127-18-23 0FEVENTIVE N/A - - - - - - - - ---~---- AnJUStfD TAVEL t'oe F'ER WORK VERIFIED tVDPER OFU.AT 04(m HCU E-6 SCRAM OUTLET VALVE 011101 I N'3 TI. ML I I ONS. m3 c, ..t 4 D 1 2-305-127-42-11 ffEVENTIVE
- /A
- p.,. g t-2-305-1;'?-26-19 txFTECTIVE N/A r utt ri o rans AOJU5 f f fr VLV Sifd Kf & TEAVEt.
] CR0 0--5 SCRAM OUTLE T Ut U 111 ^17'. i lk
- ru IN atial b w>.
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T. k 5.5 Completed Safdy Related hfodifications (Units 2 and 3) Stodifications which have been authorized for operation during Decanber,1992 are listed. For ease of reference, the changes have been identined by their design change control modincation number. I'reviously, only modincations that had been completely closed out were reported. Sfodincation No. Description 5112-2-90-029A& B The purpose of this modification was to install a hardened netwell ventilation system to preclude containment oserpressurization and allow for decay heat removal in the event of a TW sequence. The augmented primary containment vent system (APCVS is used for venting the primary contaisunent in the highly unlikely event of a TW sequence.. The TW sequence had been postulated by probablistic risk assessment (PRA) of reactors with 5fark I contaimnents. TW sequence is initiated by a transient event (T) requiring reactor shutdown followed by a complete and sustained failure of decay heat removal (W) capability. SAFETY EVALUATION SU5151ARY 1. The probability of an occurrence or the consequence of an accident, or malfunction of equipment important to safety as previously evaluated in the Final Safety Analysis Report is not increased. 2. The possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any previously evaluated in the Final Safety Analysis Report is not created. 3. The margin of safety, as denned in the basis, for any Technical Specincation, is not reduced. (GIIKLT92/2)/18
i I 5.6 Tanporary Systan Alterations Installed (Unit 2 and Unit 3) A " Temporary System Alteration" refers to electrical jumpers, lifted leads, remoied fuses, fuses turned to non-conducting position, fuses moved from nonnal to reserve holder, innporary power supplies, test switches in alternate positions, tanporary blank flanges, and spool pieces. Alterations controlled and docmnented as part of a routine out-of-senice or other procedure, alterations which are a nonnal feature of system design, and hoses installed as part of a venting or draining process are not included. 5.6.1 Unit 2 December,1992 Temporary System lastallation Removal Alteration No. D_esSc;_iplip_q _JJatt _pate 12/13/92 11-37-92 Three (3) diesel generator bypass high crankcase pressure switch. This will allow the operation of the 2/3 diesel generator without the crankcase high pressure switch. This will not prevent the 2/3 diesel generator from perfonning its safety function. 4 4 i (GIIKLT92/2)/19 l
1 b ~ ~ '; ';'t f i j 4 l I 5.6 Tanporary Systan Alterations tratalled (Unit 2 and Unit 3). (Cordinued) L 4 5.6.2 Unit 3 December,1992 i k Temporary l System Installation Removal. Alteration No. Ilescription Date _pate 12/23/92 12/28/92 1, j 111-49-92 Unit 3 Rx. Bldg. Vent operating floor j to non-regen ht, exhg. room area dp { transmitters have failed. - A temporary air i source with pressure not to exceed 15 psig may be used to bypass the controller. i 12/23/92 ] 12/28/92 i 111 50-92 To clear the annunciator window C-4 l_ on control room panel 923-5, the lead i at terminal 80 on the tenninal block on i vent panel 2253-24 will be required to be i lifted. The lead is the wiring connection l from the pressure switch DPS 5740-158 l t i e 1 i j I. i t. h (GIIKLT92/2)/20
- =. O, 4 FT-i 5.7 Other Units 2 and 3 Required 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations for lhwnher,1992 4 i Otlw required 10 Cllt 50.59 cvaluations include Set Point Changes, Rigging Evaluations and changes to equipsmnt not reported in Sectiorm 5.2 through Section 5.6. J Installation No. Byription 1 ~ 2-92-047 The sdpoint for 480V breaker on Bus 29 - cubicle 4D, Unit 2, has twrn changed frum (770A (34-105 sec) long T.D.) and (3500A (.18.45 sw) short T.D.) to (1800A (2640 sec) long T.D.) and (6000A (.1.19 sec) short T.D.). 4 2-92-048 The breaker sdpoint on Bus 27, cubicle SD (fwd to radwaste building) MCC 27-2 has been changed from 12X (4800A) to 9C(3600A). 1 2 92-049 The baraker sdpoint on Rm 27, cubicle 6R (feni to radwaste building) MCC 27-2 has twen changed frum 12X (4800A) to 9C(2160A). 3-92-050 The setpoint for Bus 38, cubicle 3C (Reactor Building Vent Fan) setpoint has been changed from 12X (1800A) to 9X (1800A). b i r s i i i I l i (GilK1,T92/2)/21 i ..c, . -..}}