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Attachment 3: EC 640287 Rev. 000 - Past Operability Test Plan Acceptance Related to 2AF01PB-K
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/2023
Constellation Energy Generation
Shared Package
ML24057A301 List:
Download: ML24057A305 (1)


Engineering Change Print Date: 12/12/2023

EC Number : 0000640287 000 -


Status/Date : CLOSED 12/12/2023.A'fflli!;:,., Constellation Facility : BRW Type/Sub-type: EVAL MECH 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Page: 1




Mod Nbr : KWl: NS KW2: KW3: KW4: KW5:

Master EC : N Work Group : Temporary : N Outage : N Alert Group: A8952MECH Aprd Reqd Date: 12/01/2023 WO Required: Image Addr : Exp Insvc Date:

Adv Wk Appvd: Alt Ref. : Expires On :

Auto-Advance: Y Priority : Auto-Asbuild : N Caveat Outst: Department : Discipline Resp Engr : MARK MIKOFF Location :

Milestone Date Pass Port Name Reg By 110-PREPARE EC 11/30/2023 E061949 MIKOFF MARK APPROVED 12 0-REVIEW EC 12/08/2023 BRZYP PANIC I GIOVANNI APPROVED I reviewed the test plan and its input documentation.

The test plan is acceptable for testing in support of past operability of the 2B AF diesel engine with lubricating oil diluted by fuel inleakage.

200-DISC RVW-M 12/08/2023 E078842 FISHER MATTHEW APPROVED 210-DEPT RVW-MM 12/01/2023 SCHIJT SCHIMANDLE JACOB APPROVED MMD Rep Signoff (confirmation of 42 gallon oil addition via WO 5230646) 210-DEPT RVW-OP 12/01/2023 TUBEMX TUBERGEN MARK APPROVED Comments:

Clarify pre-op test loading> 12 hrs.

Relate/convert applicable gen set loading (hp to kW) in table Review Waterford OE 210-DEPT RVW-SE 12/01/2023 E056304 KRIZ ZACHARY APPROVED 240-ITPR-OTHER 11/30/2023 QDCSY LAUGHLIN STEVEN APPROVED 300-APPROVE EC 12/08/2023 E058805 BRODA ALEX APPROVED 800-ATTR CLOSED 12/12/2023 DOSSAM DOSS ALANA CLOSED


Fae Unit Description BRW 02 UNIT TWO


Fae System Description BRW AF AUXILIARY FEEDWATER Engineering Change Print Date: 12/12/2023

EC Number 0000640287 000 Status/Date CLOSED 12/12/2023.::::" Constellation -

Facility BRW Type/Sub-type: EVAL MECH 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Page: 2

Affected Equipment List

Fae Unit Op Sys Division Area System Class

BRW 02 AF Equipment PMPA 0lPB Minor Rev:

Component El5 K Major Rev:

Equip. Tag: 2AF01PB-K State: Reviewed? Y Inst/Rm: Rev Trackable: Y Inc: N Name : ENGINE, DIESEL DRIVEN AUX FEEDWATER PUMP 2B

Reference Documents List

Facility ~ SubType Document Sheet BRW PROC NSP CC-AA-309-101








BYRON/BRAIDWOOD NATURAL CIRCULATION COOLDOWN TREAT ANALYSIS FOR THE RS Engineering Change Print Date: 12/12/2023 EC Number 0000640287 000 Facility BRW _._.. Constellation ~, -

Type/Sub-type: EVAL MECH

Page: 1


Attribute Sub-category: DAR

Attribute Name Value PassPort Date

CC-AA-102-F-01 DAR E078842 11/16/2023 HU-AA-1212 RISK SCORE RISK SCORE 3 - ITPR E061949 12/08/2023 Design Attribute Review (DAR) CC-AA-102-F-01 Page 1 of 6 Revision 3


Engineering Change Number: 640287 Revision Number: 000 Section Design Change Attribute Appli Tracking of References cable Action (optional) IDENTIFY Basic SSC Functions C8J See DCS IDENTIFY Configuration Change safety C8J See DCS classification. IDENTIFY Seismic Classification of the SSC. C8J See DCS

4.1.5 PROVIDE the performance requirements and C8J See Eval design conditions (including margin) of the SSC Details needed to evaluate the change from the existing to the modified systems, structures, or components.

4.1.6 DETERMINE the design requirements necessary to facilitate periodic surveillance testing and acceptance testing that is necessary for the Configuration Change being considered.

4.1.7 DETERMINE the Codes, Standards, and Regulatory Requirements applicable to the Configuration Change.

4.1.8 IDENTIFY PWR Sump GL 2004-02 Program impacts PWR sites only 4.1.9 DETERMINE changes required to existing Design Analysis or new parameters that require new calculations or calculation revisions that are used to assess the acceptability of a system or a component function in meeting various physical requirements.

4.1.10 If Redundancy, Diversity and Separation requirements are identified or affected, then REVIEW the original design basis as well as any subsequent modifications.

4.1.11 IDENTIFY any Failure Effects requirements.

(See CC-AA-102 Attachment 12)

Design Attribute Review (DAR) CC-AA-102-F-01 Page 2 of 6 Revision 3

Engineering Change Number: 640287 Revision Number: 000 Section Design Change Attribute Appli Tracking of References cable Action (optional) 4.1.12 IDENTIFY Fire Protection and Appendix R Safe Shutdown requirements, by using the "Screening for Approved Fire Protection Program (AFPP)

Impact", CC-AA-102-F-02.

NFPA 805 Units - IDENTIFY the impact on NFPA 805 requirements by using CC-AA-102-F-02, "Screening for Approved Fire Protection Program (AFPP) Impact".

4.1.13 DETERMINE any Material requirements, such as material grade, product form, compatibility with existing or other new materials, galvanic interaction between dissimilar metals, special welding material requirements, critical properties, performance characteristics, alternative materials as well as any Material Suitabilitv requirements such as compatibility, electrical insulation properties, protective coating, corrosion resistance, mechanical insulation etc. necessary for the Configuration Change.

4.1.14 Determine environmental conditions and impacts.

Also see EN-AA-103.

4.1.15 DETERMINE if Environmental Qualification (EQ) of equipment is affected. (see CC-AA-102-F-03) 4.1.16 REVIEW the Operating Experience databases C8J See DCS through the INPO Internet Site or equivalent in accordance with PI-AA-115:

4.1.17 DETERMINE if the configuration change may affect the existing INPO Consolidated Data Entry (CDE) database.

4.1.18 DETERMINE if the Configuration Change may affect the existing Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), Mitigating System Performance Index (MSPI) Basis Document PRA content, and shutdown risk models by using the screening checklist in CC-AA-102-F-04.

NFPA 805 Units - In addition to CC-AA-102-F-04, PERFORM a review of the configuration change for impact on the NFPA 805 using CC-NE-102-F-15.

4.1.19 EV ALU ATE if System Operational Requirements have changed.

Design Attribute Review (DAR) CC-AA-102-F-01 Page 3 of 6 Revision 3

Engineering Change Number: 640287 Revision Number: 000 Section Design Change Attribute Appli Tracking of References cable Action (optional) 4.1.20 IDENTIFY any Human Factors requirements.

4.1.21 IDENTIFY procedure changes per direction in CC-AA-102-F-09.

4.1.22 IDENTIFY any changes or additional training requirements for various departments, per direction in CC-AA-102-F-09.

4.1.23 CONSIDER the functional and physical system interface requirements, including the effect of cumulative tolerances between the subject system or component and adjacent or related support systems, structures, and components that may have been affected by the Configuration Change.

4.1.24 DETERMINE specialized layout and arrangement requirements.

4.1.25 DETERMINE ifthe Radiation Protection/ALARA programs are affected by review of changes that affect any of the following during normal or post accident conditions: Radiation sources; changes affecting controlled radiation areas; primary coolant fluid systems (Cobalt Materials);

contaminated systems; radiation monitoring systems; HV AC Systems which could transport airborne contaminants; change or alter shielding.

(see CC-AA-102-F-05) 4.1.26 DETERMINE the need for walkdowns to look at ~ Informal accessibility to the work area(s) and any special WDs installation considerations that need to be performed addressed during design development. byM.

Fisher and M. Mikoff 4.1.27 DETERMINE Accessibility for maintenance, repair and In-Service Inspection (ISI) and In-Service Testing (IST), and the conditions under which these activities will be performed.

4.1.28 DETERMINE handling, storage, cleaning, and shipping requirements, as well as transportability requirements for items which require special handling during transit from supplier to site, from site to vendor (for repair), or from site receiving to final placement in the plant.

Design Attribute Review (DAR) CC-AA-102-F-01 Page 4 of 6 Revision 3

Engineering Change Number: 640287 Revision Number: 000 Section Design Change Attribute Appli Tracking of References cable Action (optional) 4.1.29 DETERMINE the effect of the Configuration Change on existing Emergency Plan or environmental and discharge monitoring that are used to prevent undue risk to public health and safety.

4.1.30 DETERMINE Industrial Safety requirements such as restricting the use of dangerous materials, hazardous chemicals, escape provisions from enclosures, pertinent OSHA requirements, and grounding of electrical systems.

4.1.31 DETERMINE impact on nuclear fuel, core components, core design, reactivity management, criticality control and accountability of nuclear materials as well as transient and/ or accident analysis, by using CC-AA-102-F-06.

4.1.32 DETERMINE Load Path requirements for installation, removal, and repair of equipment and replacement of major components.

4.1.33 IDENTIFY Mechanical System Characteristics ~ See Eval where design limits are placed on the Details mechanical properties of a system or components.

4.1.34 IDENTIFY Chemistry requirements where limits are placed on the chemical properties of a system or component based upon safety, reliability, ALARA, economics, or other considerations.

4.1.35 IDENTIFY Electrical requirements where limits are placed on the electrical properties of a system or component.

4.1.36 IDENTIFY Instrument and Control requirements, including digital technology requirements.

4.1.37 IDENTIFY Security requirements such as site monitoring, alarm systems, vehicle barrier systems, security and security lighting.

4.1.38 IDENTIFY Civil/Structural requirements where design limits are placed on the structural properties of a SSC such as equipment foundations and component supports.

Design Attribute Review (DAR) CC-AA-102-F-01 Page 5 of 6 Revision 3

Engineering Change Number: 640287 Revision Number: 000 Section Design Change Attribute Appli Tracking of References cable Action (optional) 4.1.39 If the Configuration Change adds, relocates, or alters Seismic Category I mechanical and/or electrical components then ENSURE that the Seismic Dynamic Qualification (SD/Q) of the components has been addressed per CC-AA-320-001.

4.1.40 DETERMINE Personnel Requirements and Limitations such as the need for trade specialists and engineering experts as well as support personnel, such as Radiation Chemistry technicians, welding technicians with special expertise, use of specific contractor or station procedures for installation or the need for mock-ups for training, installation, or operation.

4.1.41 LIST special procedures and installation specifications that apply, but are not part of the normal installation procedural direction.

4.1.42 DETERMINE Interfacing Department impact of the Configuration Change, such as Operations, Plant Engineering, Training (including Plant Simulator), Maintenance, Reactor Engineering, Radiation Protection and others. (see CC-AA-102-F-l0A through I0H) 4.1.43 CONSIDER the impact on the License Renewal.

4.1.44 REVIEW the proposed changes for conformance with requirements of any applicable Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL) Insurance Standard, or other appropriate insurance standards.

4.1.45 DETERMINE the impact of the design change on System Vulnerability.

4.1.46 IDENTIFY changes to the plant, both permanent and temporary, that potentially impact the switchyard or the interconnected transmission system. Communication and coordination of these plant changes with the applicable transmission entities is a requirement of the mandatory NERC Reliability Standards.

4.1.47 IDENTIFY potential impacts on safety related motor operated valves and the Constellation MOY Program.

Design Attribute Review (DAR) CC-AA-102-F-01 Page 6 of 6 Revision 3

Engineering Change Number: 640287 Revision Number: 000 Section Design Change Attribute Appli Tracking of References cable Action (optional) 4.1.48 DETERMINE the effect of the Configuration Change on Dry Cask Storage.

4.4 Configuration Control Activities-Use of CC-AA-I 02-F-07 4.5 Determination of Program Impact - Use of CC-AA-102-F-08 EC 640287, Rev. 000 Past Operability Test Plan Acceptance Related to 2AF01PB-K Design Change Summary (DCS) IDENTIFY Basic SSC Functions.

The Auxiliary Feedwater (AF) System supplies emergency feedwater to the Steam Generators to remove decay heat from the Reactor Coolant System upon the loss of the normal feedwater supply (Ref. UFSAR Sec. 10.4.9).

The AF System consists of a motor driven AF pump and a diesel driven pump configured into two separate trains. Each pump provides 100% of the required AF capacity to the steam generators, as assumed in the accident analysis. IDENTIFY Configuration Change safety classification.

The AF System is a safety related system. However, the testing will not be performed on plant equipment. Therefore, the contract for the Test Plan is non-safety related. IDENTIFY Seismic Classification of the SSC.

The AF pump is Seismic Cat. I. However, the testing will not be performed on plant equipment.

Therefore, the Test Plan does not require seismic consideration.

4.1.5 PROVIDE the performance requirements and design conditions (including margin) of the SSC needed to evaluate the change from the existing to the modified systems, structures, or components.

Response contained in Eva I Details section of this EC in passport.

4.1.16 REVIEW the Operating Experience databases through the INPO Internet Site or equivalent in accordance with PI-AA-115.

OPEX search in CAP noted that in 2019, IR 04238259 was written to document a degrading trend in regard to viscosity most likely due to fuel on the Braidwood 1B AF pump. Review of oil sample results for the lB AF Pump crankcase obtained under WO 4866253 revealed a degrading trend with regards to viscosity and fuel oil content. The current fuel content was 4.9 percent by volume with an alert limit of 2 to 5 percent and a fault limit greater than 5 percent per MA-AA-716-230-1001, Oil Analysis Interpretation Guideline. Mission time was evaluated per EC 628306.

Other industry events related to dilution of lubricating oil from fuel oil in-leakage were also reported at Byron Station (Ref. IR 1084641).

It is also worth noting that similar past-operability demonstration by testing was utilized in the 2012 timeframe at Braidwood to resolve issues related with gas voids in the suction supply piping to the AF pumps from the Essential Service Water System. Based on discussions with technical staff from the timeframe, one of the takeaways from the testing by demonstration was documenting the Test Plan and formally documenting the alignment within the organization (including Subject Matter Experts - SM Es).

Therefore, this EC applies the lessons learned.

In addition, a lesson learned from the test was to clearly state that the purpose of the test for the 2B AF Diesel Engine is to assess past operability under the condition with lube oil diluted by fuel oil leakage.

The results of the test will not be used to establish a new design/licensing basis.

Page 1 of 2 EC 640287, Rev. 000 Past Operability Test Plan Acceptance Related to 2AF01PB-K Design Change Summary (DCS)

4.1.33 IDENTIFY Mechanical System Characteristics where design limits are placed on the mechanical properties of a system or components.

Response contained in Eva I Details section of this EC in passport.

Page 2 of 2 EC 640287, Rev. 000 Past Operability Test Plan Acceptance Related to 2AF01PB-K

Reason for Evaluation:

Elevated fuel content was identified in the 2B Auxiliary Feedwater (AF) diesel engine (2AF01PB-K) during lube oil sampling in September 2023. A confirmatory sample determined the fuel content was above fault limits (Ref. IR 4703982 and Root Cause Report contained in ATI 04703982-21). MPR Engineering was engaged. MPR has experience addressing similar fuel dilution incidents on diesel driven equipment in the nuclear industry. Based on the estimated dilution levels, Braidwood Station has elected to perform testing on a similar Diesel Engine to support past operability. This evaluation documents acceptance of the Test Plan (attached below).

Detailed Evaluation:

MPR has contacted Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) to facilitate testing in San Antonio, Texas. The Test Plan developed by MPR is attached below. The Test Plan objective is to:

  • Evaluate the capability of a similar Detroit Diesel 149-series engine to operate according to a prescribed load profile (consistent with the AFW diesel drive design basis loads) with fuel-oil-diluted lube oil (consistent with the as-found fuel oil concentration and estimated increase in the fuel oil concentration during continued engine operation).
  • Monitor the engine's performance, lube oil condition, and overall health throughout the test.

The following information about performance requirements and mechanical system characteristics has been provided to MPR as an input to the Test Plan and the basis of the information is discussed below.

Test Engine* Field Engine (2AF01PB-K)

(12 Cylinder Series 149 - Serial # (16 Cylinder Series 149 - Serial #

12E0006264) 16E0004838)

Lube Oil Dilution Initial 18.2 wt% 18.2 wt% (see Att. 2 below)


Nominal Lube Oil Capacity 30 gal. Note: Oil level will be 40 gal. Note: Actual oil volume filled to hi level prior to adding addition during A2R23 was fuel to make 18.2% dilution reported to be 42 gal.

Fuel Dilution Rate 1.088 GPH (see Att. 3 below) 1.524 GPH (see Att. 3 below)

JW Temp (during startup of 160-185°F (during test) <185°F***

dilution test) >40°F (startup) 80-100°F*** (startup)

Lube Oil Temp <195°F <225°F***

Ambient Air >40°F 70-82°F***

Engine Loading** 0-2 hrs: 921 hp / 687 kWb /666 0-2 hrs: 1222 hp

Page 1 of 3 EC 640287, Rev. 000 Past Operability Test Plan Acceptance Related to 2AF01P8-K

kWe 2-6 hrs: 1087 hp

2-6 hrs: 819 hp / 611 kWb/593 6-10 hrs: 1046 hp kWe >10 hrs: 939 hp

6-10 hrs: 788 hp/ 588 kWb/ 570 kWe

>10 hrs: 707 hp/ 527 kWb/ 511 kWe

Engine Load Ramp Rate**** 55 seconds 55 seconds

  • As applicable, test engine values scaled from plant engine to test engine by.75 (12/16=.75)
    • 0-2 and 2-6 hr. period loading conservatively utilized per BRW-10-0146-M, Rev. 003. 6-10 hr. period loading conservatively utilized CN-RRA-00-47, Rev. 004. > 10 hr period load conservatively utilized Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) values. 12 cylinder scaled load profile is per Att. 5. See Att. 4 and 5 for additional information.
      • Applicable information based on trend data, 2BwOSR 5.5.8.AF-3B, or Drawing 62241.
        • Most conservative Design Basis Accident time sequence listed is contained in UFSAR Table 7.3-6.



Constellation finds MPR's Test Plan technically accurate and acceptable for use for testing to support past operability of the 28 Auxiliary Feedwater Diesel Engine.

The purpose of the test for the 28 AF Diesel Engine is to assess past operability under the condition with lubricating oil diluted by fuel oil leakage. The results of the test will not be used to establish a new design/licensing basis.


As specified in Ref Docs chicklet in passport.

Page 2 of 3 EC 640287, Rev. 000 Past Operability Test Plan Acceptance Related to 2AF01PB-K


Att. 1: MPR Test Pan



4101-0031-0THR-OO 1 Rev 0 - Braidwood ;

Att. 2: Oil Analysis Report

Constellation Braidwood Station ;

Att. 3: Leak Rate Computation



4101-0031-CALC-OO 1 Rev 1 - 2B AFW Die:

Att. 4: Engine Loading Computation

Test Plan - Engine Loading Computation

Att. 5: MPR Test Load Memo

4101-0031-MMO-OO 1 Rev 0 - Evaluation o

Page 3 of 3 r.lMPR 4101-0031-OTHR-001 Revision 0 Braidwood 2B AFW Diesel Engine Test Plan Baseline and Diluted Lube Oil Tests

Prepared for: Braidwood 1 & 2

Preparer: Gary Thompson E-signed by: Gary Thompson on 2023-12-08 18:23:03 Checker: Daniel McCray &i E-signed by: Daniel McCray on 2023-12-08 18:28:33 Reviewer: Mark O'Connell ~ E-signed by: Mark O'Connell on 2023-12-08 18:29:18 Approver: Mark O'Connell E-signed by: Mark O'Connell on 2023-12-08 18:29:38

QA Statement of Compliance This document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of the MPR Standard Quality Program.

Created: 2023-12-08 18:23:03 MPR Associates, Inc.

Project-Task No. 41012303-0031 320 King St.

  • Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 519-0200
  • r.JMPR

Braidwood 28 AFW Diesel Engine Test Plan Baseline and Diluted Lube Oil Tests

RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision Pages /Sections Revision Description Number Revised 0 All Initial issue

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 2 of 19 Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction......................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Purpose..................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Background.............................................................................................................. 4 1.3. Test Objectives......................................................................................................... 5

2.0 Scope of Work to be Performed by SwRI......................................................... 5 2.1. General..................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. Quality Assurance.................................................................................................... 6 2.3. Test System Design and Fabrication........................................................................ 6 2.4. Safety Plan............................................................................................................... 7 2.5. Test Documentation................................................................................................. 7

3.0 Test System Overview and Setup..................................................................... 7 3.1. Test Equipment and Setup....................................................................................... 8 3.2. Test System Design Requirements........................................................................ 10 3.3. Test System Monitoring Requirements................................................................. 11

4.0 Commissioning................................................................................................. 13 4.1. Genset Receipt Inspection...................................................................................... 13 4.2. Engine Pre-Test Inspection.................................................................................... 13 4.3. Test System Assembly Verification....................................................................... 13 4.4. Test System Operation Verification....................................................................... 13 4.5. Test Data Verification............................................................................................ 14

5.0 Testing............................................................................................................... 14 5.1. Baseline Test.......................................................................................................... 14 5.2. Diluted Lube Oil Test............................................................................................ 17

6.0 Test Documentation......................................................................................... 19

7. 0 References........................................................................................................ 19

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 3 of 19 1.0 Introduction

1. 1. Purpose

This test plan describes testing to simulate the operation of the diesel-driven auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump at Constellation Nuclear's Braidwood Clean Energy Center (hereafter referred to as the "AFW diesel test" or "test"). The AFW diesel test will specifically simulate the operation of the Detroit Diesel 16V-l 49TI diesel engine that drives the AFW pump ( and other associated loads) with lube oil that is diluted by fuel due to an active fuel leak. The test will be performed on an engine of the same model as the 2B AFW pump diesel drive, but the test engine will have 12 cylinders instead of 16 cylinders (appropriate adjustments will be made to the test to account for the different number of cylinders). Load will be applied to the engine during the test by an electrical generator. The test will start with the engine lube oil containing an elevated concentration of fuel oil to simulate the as-found 2B AFW diesel engine conditions 1* The fuel oil concentration will be increased progressively throughout the test to simulate continued operation of the plant engine with an active fuel leak.

1.2. Background

In September 2023, Braidwood Clean Energy Center personnel identified an elevated concentration of fuel oil in the lube oil of the prime mover for the station's 2B diesel-driven AFW pump. The prime mover is a Detroit Diesel 16V-149TI diesel engine, which operates with a two-stroke mechanical cycle ( one crankshaft revolution per power stroke). At the time of discovery, the engine's lube oil contained approximately 18.2 mass percent fuel oil (Reference 1). The source of the fuel oil contamination was corrected, and the lube oil was replaced.

Constellation Nuclear contracted MPR to determine if the diesel-driven AFW pump would have been able to perform its mission starting in the as-found condition with further fuel oil dilution of the lube oil occurring during operation. The primary concern with fuel oil contamination of lube oil is a reduction in the lube oil viscosity, which reduces the load carrying capability of the oil between lubricated engine parts (e.g., hydrodynamically lubricated bearings and bushings). The reduced viscosity can result in metal-to-metal contact between engine parts leading to accelerated wear, seizure and/or catastrophic failure.

MPR has subcontracted Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) to perform the testing described in this plan. SwRI has experience performing large engine tests for locomotive and stationary power applications for more than 35 years. SwRI has the capability to receive a Detroit Diesel 149-series diesel generator set (genset), connect the appropriate engine controls and instrumentation, and operate and load the genset per the requirements of this test plan.

The initial concentration of fuel oil in the lube oil will be equal to the concentration determined by Constellation Nuclear based on the analysis of lube oil samples collected at the time the fuel leak was identified.

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 4 of 19 This plan documents the scope of the testing to be performed by SwRI, including responsibilities for MPR and/or Constellation Nuclear in support of the testing.

1.3. Test Objectives

The objective of the AFW diesel test is to determine if the Braidwood 2B AFW diesel drive can operate at the required loads with its lube oil diluted by fuel oil from a simulated active fuel leak (with the specific lube oil conditions consistent with the as-found conditions from the September 2023 lube oil contamination event, and the subsequent degrading conditions during operation in response to a postulated plant accident). Specifically, the testing will:

  • Evaluate the ability of a similar Detroit Diesel 149-series engine to operate according to a prescribed load profile ( consistent with the expected AFW diesel drive pump loads in response to a plant accident) with fuel-oil-diluted lube oil (consistent with the as-found fuel oil concentration and expected increase in the fuel oil concentration during continued engine operation).
  • Monitor the engine's performance, lube oil condition, and overall health throughout the test.

2.0 Scope of Work to be Performed by SwRI

The scope of work to be performed by SwRI is discussed in the following sections. Additional details regarding the test, including other responsibilities of SwRI, MPR, and/or Constellation Nuclear are provided in later sections of this test plan.

2. 1. General

2.1.1. Access to SwRI Test Facility

SwRI shall provide employees from MPR, Constellation Nuclear, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) access to the test facility and test system at all times during the subject test, when and where permitted in accordance with SwRI's safety requirements and plan (see Section 2.4 for additional details regarding the SwRI safety plan).

2.1.2. Communication and Coordination

SwRI shall participate in periodic phone calls and/or online meetings with MPR and Constellation Nuclear to discuss project status, challenges, and actions being taken to maintain the project schedule and quality. Any challenges that could affect the project schedule shall be brought to the attention of MPR as soon as possible. MPR shall provide technical direction and oversight of SwRI' s work as required to ensure that the testing meets the test objectives.

All communications regarding the testing shall occur directly between MPR and SwRI unless otherwise noted/approved. As appropriate, MPR may request that SwRI include specific Constellation Nuclear personnel on written communications, e.g., daily status emails.

Constellation Nuclear will coordinate with MPR and/or SwRI, as appropriate, on the responses to any communications requested by the NRC.

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 5 of 19 2.2. Quality Assurance

SwRI shall perform all work required by this test plan in accordance with SwRI's standard (non safety related) Quality Assurance (QA) program.

2.3. Test System Design and Fabrication

SwRI shall design and fabricate a test system suitable for performing tests that meet the test objectives in Section 1.3 and the test system requirements in Section 3.0 (and its sub-sections).

SwRI is responsible for ensuring that the test system can be controlled adequately, which includes, but is not limited to: (1) genset starting/stopping and load control, (2) metering of fuel oil additions to the engine lube oil sump, and (3) monitoring for apparent degradation of engine component(s) and impending failure (e.g., rod-knock indicative of connecting rod bearing damage/failure). Per the executed subcontract agreement between MPR and SwRl, the following actions shall be taken by SwRl as part of the test design and fabrication:

  • Installation of the Detroit Diesel 12V-149T test genset at SwRl' s testing facility,
  • Installation of a secondary safety containment around the genset ( at a minimum around the genset's engine),
  • Procurement and setup of an appropriate device for loading the genset, including all required equipment for connecting the genset to the load device ( e.g., a resistive load bank and appropriate electrical and signal cabling),
  • Installation of a data acquisition system for collecting data from the genset's engine and/or generator,
  • Procurement and installation of an appropriate exhaust system with the capability of matching the plant's engine exhaust backpressure as closely as practicable,
  • Installation of a peristaltic pump ( or other suitable device/method) for adding fuel oil to the engine's crankcase during the test,
  • Modification of the engine's lube oil system to allow for the collection of representative lube oil samples during the test 2, and
  • Identification and installation of any supplemental Instrumentation and Control (l&C) equipment required for operating the genset.

SwRI shall provide the test system design to MPR for approval. SwRI should include MPR and Constellation Nuclear in the test system design process, as much as practicable, to ensure that the system design can be finalized quickly while still meeting the required test objectives and

2 As the genset used for the test will have a 12-cylinder, rather than a 16-cylinder, engine, some test parameters will be scaled appropriately to account for the lower number of cylinders, such that the per-cylinder conditions match for both the 16-and 12-cylinder engines. A detailed similarity evaluation of the two engines will be performed by MPR and documented separately from this test plan.

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page6of19 requirements. As appropriate, MPR may authorize SwRI to proceed with aspects of fabrication and assembly of the test system in advance of approval of the final test system design.

2.4. Safety Plan

SwRI shall develop an appropriate written safety plan for the test. The plan should, at a minimum, identify potential risks to personnel and property arising from a failure or accident during the test, and the actions that will be taken to minimize or mitigate these risks (e.g., fabrication and installation of the secondary safety containment around the genset/engine).

2.5. Test Documentation

SwRI shall prepare and implement written test procedures as required to meet the test objectives in Section 1.3 and the test system requirements in Section 3.0 (and its sub-sections).

2.5.1. Commissioning, Testing, and Pre-Test Inspection Procedures

SwRI shall prepare and implement written test procedures as required to describe how system commissioning and system testing are to be performed. The procedures shall be provided to MPR for review, and all review comments shall be resolved by SwRI, prior to the procedures being finalized and used for the commissioning, testing, and/or inspection activities.

2.5.2. Test Results

SwRI shall submit test results, including preliminary copies of the completed test procedures and an electronic copy of the recorded test data ("preliminary test results"), to MPR as soon as practicable after completion of the testing. The format of electronically recorded data shall be agreed upon by MPR and SwRI prior to any testing and specified in the test procedure(s), as appropriate. MPR and SwRI shall agree upon what data/format, if any, are to be recorded manually during testing, separate from the electronically recorded data.

SwRI shall review the test results for accuracy, consistency, and completeness, as well as evaluate the results to ensure that the test requirements have been satisfied. MPR shall review the preliminary test results. SwRI shall address all comments to the satisfaction of the reviewers as soon as practicable.

2.5.3. Test Report

SwRI shall prepare a report that documents the testing performed. The report shall include a description of the test facility, a test narrative, presentation of the test results, and discussion and conclusions.

3.0 Test System Overview and Setup

The test system will use a diesel engine-generator set to simulate the operation of the plant's diesel-driven AFW system following a plant accident. The genset will consist of a Detroit Diesel 12V-149T diesel engine (see Footnote 2) mated to an electrical generator that is loaded using an appropriate surrogate load (e.g., a restrictive load bank) for the plant's AFW pump and other

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 7 of 19 driven loads. The test system will be designed such that the equipment and operating conditions are representative of the as-found conditions for the plant's AFW diesel engine and the subsequent safety-related mission conditions expected in response to a plant accident.

3.1. Test Equipment and Setup

The principal equipment used in the test system and the parties responsible for their procurement are identified below:

1. Diesel Engine Generator Set - The diesel genset simulates the operation of the plant's diesel-driven AFW pump and other driven loads in response to a plant accident. The engine will be mated to an electrical generator of sufficient capacity to load the diesel according to the operating load profile for the AFW pump during an accident (scaled for the test engine with fewer cylinders). The genset will include a self-contained control system for operating the genset. MPR is responsible for procuring the diesel genset and providing it to SwRI for modification and subsequent testing. The test genset is equipped with four automated trips: (1) low lube oil pressure, (2) coolant high temperature, (3) overspeed, and (4) overcrank. The set points of these trips will be adjusted to match the trip setpoints for the plant's engine, or the trips will be disabled and the test genset manually shut down if any trip conditions are reached (see Section 3.2, Item 6 for additional details).
2. Generator Loading - A resistive load bank ( or acceptable equivalent load) will be connected to the diesel genset for the purpose of loading the diesel genset according to the scaled accident load profile for the AFW diesel drive. The load bank will be of sufficient capacity to accept and safely dissipate the electrical output of the genset during the test. SwRI is responsible for procuring the load bank and required connections, and for connecting the load bank to the genset.
3. Engine Lube Oil Dilution - The engine lube oil dilution system is responsible for adding fuel oil to the engine's lube oil sump to simulate the fuel leak that was identified in the plant's engine. The endurance test will begin with a specified concentration of fuel oil dilution that represents the as-found condition of the lube oil in the plant's engine.

Additional fuel oil will be added to the crankcase at a fixed rate of 1.09 gal/hr (Reference 2) throughout the test to simulate the active fuel leak that the plant's engine would have experienced if it had been called to service prior to the leaking fuel components being repaired/replaced. SwRI is responsible for the design, fabrication and installation of the engine lube oil dilution system, and commissioning of the system to verify it can accurately add fuel oil at the required rate.

4. Engine Lube Oil Sampling - Throughout testing, periodic samples of engine lube oil will be taken while the engine is operating. These samples will be analyzed by SwRI to monitor lube oil dilution, wear metals, and other parameters indicative of engine health throughout testing. SwRI is responsible for making the necessary modifications to the test engine to allow for periodic oil sample collection while the genset is operating.
5. Data Acquisition Instrumentation - The diesel genset will have data acquisition instrumentation installed such that required data can be monitored and recorded throughout the duration of testing. Specific data to be recorded and the frequency of

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 8 of 19 sampling are discussed in Section 3.3. SwRI is responsible for providing and installing the necessary instrumentation, data acquisition, and data storage equipment.

Additional equipment and supplies required to perform the test are identified below:

1. Engine Lube Oil - The engine lube oil used for the test will be the same as used in the plant's engine (SAE Grade 40 Mobil DELVAC 1640). Constellation Nuclear is responsible for procuring the lube oil used for the diluted oil test and arranging for its shipment to SwRI. SwRI is responsible for: (1) receipt of the lube oil and its storage until testing, (2) adding the lube oil to the test engine, (3) removing the lube oil from the engine for final analysis, and ( 4) arranging for the appropriate disposal of the lube oil after test completion. SwRI is also responsible for performing lube oil changes, as appropriate, during the test ( e.g., after the pre-test inspection).
2. Engine Lube Oil Filters - New engine lube oil filters that are the same or similar model(s) as used on the plant's engine will be installed on the test engine 3. SwRI or Constellation Nuclear is responsible for procuring the lube oil filters and arranging for their shipment to SwRI (if procured by Constellation Nuclear). SwRI is responsible for installing the new lube oil filters on the test engine and the disposal of any used filters removed from the engine. The use of similar lube oil filters will have no impact on the results of the diluted oil test.
3. Engine Air Filters - New engine air filters that are the same or similar model(s) as used on the plant's engine will be installed on the test engine (see Footnote 3). SwRI or Constellation Nuclear is responsible for procuring the air filters and arranging for their shipment to SwRI (if procured by Constellation Nuclear). SwRI is responsible for installing the new air filters on the test engine and the disposal of any used filters removed from the engine. If a sufficient number of new air filters of the same or similar model(s) are not available in time to support the test, one or more existing filters on the test genset shall be inspected and used for the test if verified to be acceptable for further use based on condition. The use of acceptable used air filters, or air filters of slightly different makes or models, will have no impact on the results of the diluted oil test.
4. Diesel Fuel Oil Filters - New diesel fuel oil filters that are the same or similar model(s) as used on the plant's engine will be installed on the test engine (see Footnote 3). SwRI or Constellation Nuclear is responsible for procuring the fuel oil filters and arranging for their shipment to SwRI (if procured by Constellation Nuclear). SwRI is responsible for installing the new fuel oil filters on the test engine and the disposal of any used filters removed from the engine. The use of similar model fuel filters will have no impact on the results of the diluted oil test.
5. Diesel Fuel Oil - Diesel fuel oil that is consistent in quality and properties with the diesel fuel oil supplied to the plant's engine will be used for the test. Constellation Nuclear is responsible for procuring the diesel fuel oil and arranging for its shipment to SwRI.

Constellation Nuclear is also responsible for confirming that the quality and properties of

The specific model(s) of filter used may be different from the filter used on the plant's engine if there are differences for 12-cy linder vs. 16-cylinder engines.

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 9 of 19 the procured diesel fuel oil are consistent with the diesel fuel oil supplied to the plant's engine. SwRI is responsible for: (1) receipt of the fuel oil and its storage prior to and throughout testing, (2) establishing an adequate supply of fuel oil to the test engine such that the genset operates at the required loads, (3) adding the appropriate amounts of fuel oil to the test engine's lube oil sump (both the initial amount prior to test commencement and the subsequent amount at a controlled rate during the test), and (4) arranging for the appropriate disposal of the remaining fuel oil after test completion.

6. Engine Coolant - The engine shall be cooled with water with corrosion inhibitors that protect engine components against corrosion. No anti-freeze is to be used in the coolant.

If the corrosion inhibitor used in the plant's engine (NALCO LCS-60) is not available, then the use of a similar corrosion inhibitor is acceptable. SwRI is responsible for:

(1) procuring the engine coolant, (2) adding the coolant to the test engine, and (3) arranging for the appropriate disposal of the coolant after test completion.

7. Engine Exhaust System - SwRI is responsible for installing an appropriate exhaust system on the test engine with the capability of matching the plant's engine exhaust back pressure as closely as practicable. The target exhaust back pressure for the test engine is 15 inH2O ( 1. 10 inHg) at the continuous rating of the test genset. Reference 3 states that the plant engine's exhaust back pressure limit is 1.2 inHg. The exhaust system installed by SwRI shall maintain a back pressure of 12.2 inH2O (0.90 inHg; 81.5% of 15 inH2O) at a load of 666 kWe (81.5% of the test engine continuous rating of 1130 hp including the assumed generator efficiency of 97% ).
8. Engine Crankcase Ventilation-Engine crankcase ventilation serves to mitigate excess positive pressure from the crankcase to reduce the risk of oil leaks through various seals, and in the extreme case, provide ventilation to reduce the risk of a crankcase explosion.

SwRI is responsible for inspecting the test engine and making any necessary modifications to the engine crankcase ventilation system such that adequate ventilation is provided for explosion prevention, and fluids that may be expelled through the vent are appropriately captured.

9. Engine Safety Containment - Due to the nature of the testing and the potential for significant or catastrophic engine failure, additional containment surrounding the test engine is prudent to contain leaked fluids and ejected engine component(s) in the event of an engine failure. SwRI is responsible for designing, fabricating, and installing an adequate safety containment system around the test genset/engine. SwRI is also responsible for providing fire-fighting equipment (e.g., extinguishers of the appropriate class, fire blankets).

3.2. Test System Design Requirements

The test system shall meet the following requirements:

1. Initial Lube Oil Level - The test engine lube oil sump shall have the correct initial lube oil level, as specified in Section 5.1.1 or Section 5.2.1 ( depending on the specific test being performed). The initial lube oil level shall be set based on post-run conditions including oil drainback to the sump from the lube oil system. For the diluted lube oil test, the initial lube oil level shall be set prior to the addition of the appropriate amount of fuel oil.

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2. Initial Fuel Oil Concentration - For the diluted lube oil test, the engine lube oil sump shall contain the correct initial fuel oil concentration, as specified in Section 5.2.1. The appropriate amount of fuel oil needed to achieve the specified concentration shall be added to the lube oil sump after the specified initial lube level is set. The initial fuel oil concentration in the engine lube oil shall be 18.2% by mass.
3. Initial Lube Oil and Coolant Temperatures - The test engine lube oil and coolant shall be at the correct initial temperatures, as specified in Section 5.1.1 or Section 5.2.1

( depending on the specific test being performed).

4. Rate of Fuel Addition - The test engine shall have the ability for fuel oil to be added to the lube oil sump at a specific, controlled rate ( either continuously or in periodic, discrete additions), as specified in Section 5.2.2.
5. Genset Load - The test system shall include the ability to load the genset according to the load or load profile specified in Section 5.1.2 or Section 5.2.2 ( depending on the specific test being performed).
6. Test Genset Trips - The functionality and set points of the test genset trips are not currently known. The test genset generator control panel contains indication lights for overcrank ( duration), overspeed, coolant high temperature, and lube oil low pressure trips. The plant engine has the same four trips, with set points of 55 seconds, 1,900 rpm, 205°F, and 10 psig (Reference 4), respectively. Since the trips on the plant engine are not disabled during emergency operation, the test genset trip set points must be incorporated into the diluted lube oil test. The test engine trips will be addressed as follows:
  • The overcrank trip shall be disabled, as the engine will be started under local control, and any start attempt can be manually discontinued.
  • The overspeed trip shall not be disabled for personnel safety and asset protection purposes. SwRI shall verify that the overspeed trip does not actuate during test engine starts.
  • The coolant high temperature trip shall be disabled, as engine outlet coolant temperature will be monitored during the test, and the test engine can be manually shut down without damaging the engine should coolant temperature reach the plant's trip set point of 205°F. The coolant high temperature trip shall not be disabled until after commissioning testing is complete.
  • The low lube oil pressure trip shall be disabled, as it could trip spuriously or have a set point above the nominal 10 psi set point of the plant engine's low lube oil pressure trip. The low lube oil pressure trip shall not be disabled until after commissioning testing is complete.

3.3. Test System Monitoring Requirements

The test system shall include instrumentation and other equipment that allow for the following monitoring during the test:

1. Lube Oil Pressure - Lube oil pressure shall be monitored and recorded both electronically (every six seconds using SwRI-installed sensor(s)) and manually (every 10 minutes, or more frequently as needed, using the existing engine-mounted gauge). If

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 11 of 19 the existing engine-mounted gauge is non-functional or provides erroneous indication, the SwRl-installed sensor is sufficient documentation of lube oil pressure.

2. Lube Oil and Fuel Oil Sump Temperature - Lube/fuel oil sump temperature shall be monitored and recorded electronically (every six seconds using SwRI-installed sensor(s))

and manually ( every 10 minutes, or more frequently as needed, using the existing engine mounted gauge). If the existing engine-mounted gauge is non-functional or provides erroneous indication, the SwRI-installed sensor is sufficient documentation oflube/fuel oil sump temperature.

3. Engine Outlet Coolant Temperature - Engine outlet coolant temperature shall be monitored and recorded both electronically (every six seconds using SwRI-installed sensor(s)) and manually (every 10 minutes, or more frequently as needed, using the existing engine-mounted gauge). If the existing engine-mounted gauge is non-functional or provides erroneous indication, the SwRI-installed sensor is sufficient documentation of engine outlet coolant temperature.
4. Genset Speed/Generator Output Frequency-Generator output frequency shall be monitored and recorded manually ( every 10 minutes, or more frequently as needed) using the existing panel-mounted gauge or the load bank frequency indication.
5. Genset Load-Genset load shall be monitored and recorded manually (every 10 minutes, or more frequently as needed) using the load bank display.
6. Fuel Oil Addition Rate - The rate of fuel oil addition to the lube oil sump shall be monitored. If additions are performed continuously ( e.g., by peristaltic pump), then parameters that govern the volumetric flow rate shall be recorded manually ( every 5 minutes, or more frequently as needed). If additions are performed by periodic, discrete additions, then the volume and timing of each addition shall be recorded manually.
7. Lube Oil Quality - Representative samples of engine lube/fuel oil shall be collected from the test engine sump hourly during the test and subjected to the following analyses:
  • Viscosity at 40°C and 100°C per ASTM D445
  • Viscosity Index per ASTM D2270
  • Fuel dilution per ASTM D3524
  • Wear metals per ASTM D5185
  • Distillation per ASTM D86
8. Engine Health-The health of the test engine shall be monitored by appropriate transducers to detect changes in engine vibration and/or sound indicative of the degradation of internal engine or generator components ( e.g., bearing/bushing failure).
9. Video Monitoring - The test genset and its installed gauges shall be monitored by videography during testing. Videography of the gauges shall be of sufficient resolution to permit the gauge readings to be read and manually recorded. Any videos should include time stamp information that can be traced back to engine operating time.

4101-0031-0THR-001, Revision 0 Page 12 of 19 SwRI shall include in its test procedure(s) any proposed additional instrumentation or other equipment for the purpose of monitoring engine and/or operating parameter(s) during the test.

4.0 Commissioning

Commissioning tests shall be performed to verify that the genset, load bank, lube oil dilution system, lube oil sampling system, and the existing and added data acquisition and monitoring equipment are functioning correctly prior to the start of the test. Any operation of the test engine during commissioning shall be performed with the engine lube oil filled according to manufacturer's recommendations (i.e., no fuel oil should be introduced into the lube oil for commissioning).

4. 1. Genset Receipt Inspection

SwRI shall perform a walkdown and visual inspection of the test genset upon receipt and prior to operation of the genset. SwRI shall inform MPR immediately if any obvious quality issues that could potentially impact the test schedule and results (e.g., broken or missing components) are observed.

4.2. Engine Pre-Test Inspection

An engine inspection and partial engine tear down, as necessary, of select components shall be performed prior to operation of the genset. The tear down and inspection activities shall be performed by qualified Constellation Nuclear personnel and/or other subcontracted personnel with experience with the Detroit Diesel 149-series engine ( e.g., Stewart & Stevenson). All components that are identified as degraded and are judged by MPR to potentially impact the test result shall be replaced ( or repaired, if possible) prior to operation of the genset. Constellation Nuclear is responsible for procuring all required replacement parts, with assistance from MPR and SwRI as needed for identifying appropriate options.

4.3. Test System Assembly Verification

SwRI shall visually inspect the assembled test system (test genset, load bank, and added systems and monitoring equipment) to verify that all equipment is installed in the correct locations and orientations, is attached by appropriate means ( e.g., electrical cables between the generator and load bank, fuel supply hoses), and overall meets all design requirements identified in this test plan. SwRI shall correct all identified issues prior to performing the baseline and diluted lube oil tests in Section 5.1 and Section 5.2, respectively.

4.4. Test System Operation Verification

SwRI shall verify that all sub-systems of the test system are operational and able to perform their intended function(s), including correctly receiving and executing control signals, prior to performing the baseline or diluted lube oil tests in Section 5.1 ( as possible) and Section 5.2, respectively. Sub-systems that require the test genset to be operating (e.g., load bank) may be verified during the baseline test described in Section 5.1. SwRI shall correct all identified issues prior to performing the diluted lube oil test in Section 5.2.

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 13 of 19 4.5. Test Data Verification

SwRI shall verify that all test system components that generate test data or other direct/indirect test results are operational, calibrated, and provide consistent, accurate data prior to performing the baseline or diluted lube oil tests in Section 5.1 (as possible) and Section 5.2, respectively.

Components that require the test genset to be operating ( e.g., genset speed, engine lube oil pressure) may be verified during the baseline test described in Section 5.1. SwRI shall correct all identified issues prior to performing the diluted lube oil test in Section 5.2. SwRI shall provide up-to-date calibration records for all calibrated components stating the calibration scope, results and dates (both performed and due dates) for each component.

5.0 Testing

The AFW diesel test will consist of two phases: (1) a "baseline test" for demonstrating that the test system is fully operational and that the test engine is capable of reliable operation for an extended period with normal lube oil conditions, and (2) a "diluted lube oil test" for determining the impact of an elevated and increasing fuel oil concentration in the engine lube oil on engine performance, reliability, and longevity. The two test phases shall be performed sequentially in the order listed. Details for both tests are discussed below.

5.1. Baseline Test

SwRI shall perform a baseline test to demonstrate that the test system is fully operational and reliable under normal engine lube oil conditions for a cumulative period of up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The test may be performed in multiple sessions to accommodate personnel schedules and/or to minimize noise impacts on the residential neighborhood surrounding the test location. The baseline test session(s) should be performed such that the number of times the test engine is stopped and re-started is minimized as much as practicable. See Section 5.1.2 for additional requirements regarding the duration and genset loading for the baseline test.

The baseline test will also serve to "break-in" the engine lube oil so that its condition more accurately represents the used condition of the lube oil in the plant's engine at the time the fuel leak was identified. Engine lube oil samples will be collected at four-hour intervals during the baseline test and analyzed to monitor oil conditioning and the health of lubricated engine components.

As noted in Section 4.4 and Section 4.5, verification of proper operation of some test sub systems and components may require the test genset to be operating. SwRI may perform the verification of these components during the baseline test.

The initial (prior to starting) and operating conditions, and the termination and restart criteria for the baseline test are identified in the following sections.

5.1.1. Initial Conditions

Following are the required initial conditions for the baseline test:

  • The engine sump lube oil level shall be at the high-level mark on the engine dipstick.

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  • The engine lube oil shall contain no fuel oil (above trace levels).
  • The engine lube oil temperature shall be 2:40°F.
  • The engine coolant temperature shall be 2:40°F.
  • The temperature in the immediate vicinity of the test genset shall be 2:40°F.

5.1.2. Operating Conditions

Following are the required operating conditions for the baseline test:

  • The genset operating speed shall be 1,800 rpm+/- 36 rpm.
  • The genset shall be operated consistent with the engine OEM's requirements prior to loading.
  • The genset shall be loaded to a minimum of 666 k We within 5 5 seconds of the initial start signal.
  • The test duration shall be up 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of cumulative, loaded operation consistent with the loading schedule below. The test may be performed in multiple sessions. SwRI may adjust the session and/or total test durations with prior approval by MPR and Constellation Nuclear. The genset shall be loaded according to the following
  • Hours O through 12 - A minimum of 666 k We ( equivalent to approximately 77 engine bhp/cylinder)
  • Hours 12 through 14-A minimum of 666 kWe (equivalent to approximately 77 engine bhp/cylinder)
  • Hours 14 through 18 - A minimum of 593 k We ( equivalent to approximately 68 engine bhp/cylinder)
  • Hours 18 through 22 - A minimum of 570 k We ( equivalent to approximately 66 engine bhp/cylinder)
  • Hours 22 through 24 - A minimum of 511 k We ( equivalent to approximately 59 engine hp/cylinder).

Note: If the total duration of the baseline is to be less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the duration of the first load step (hours O through 12) shall be reduced accordingly. The baseline test shall finish by completion of the full accident load profile for the plant engine (i.e., the last four load steps; hours 12 through 24).

  • The engine lube oil temperature shall be :S230°F.

4 The load profile for hours 13-24 of the baseline test matches the load profile for the first 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> of the diluted oil test. Loads for each period were calculated by scaling Braidwood 28 AFW loads in Reference 5 as documented in Reference 6.

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  • The engine coolant temperature shall be 160-185 °F once stable operating conditions are achieved.
  • The engine lube oil pressure shall be 2:::65 psig.
  • The temperature in the immediate vicinity of the test genset shall be 2:::40°F.

5.1.3. Termination Criteria

Fallowing are the criteria for terminating the baseline test prior to completing the required duration:

  • The SwRI test manager may terminate the test for any safety reason(s).
  • Any of the required operating conditions in Section 5.1.2 are not met ( with the required action(s) taken after discussion and agreement by Constellation, MPR, and SwRI, as appropriate depending on the condition(s) not met).
  • Any test system component fails.
  • The performance of any test system component becomes degraded such that its failure and/or the failure of another component is imminent.
  • Any test system component develops a significant fluid leak that cannot be contained or otherwise managed safely or will impact the test results.
  • Any test system component catches fire.
  • The test engine and/or generator experience a significant change in noise type and/or increase in level consistent with the degradation of internal engine components.
  • The test engine and/or generator experience a significant increase in vibration consistent with the degradation of internal engine components.
  • There is a significant change in oil analysis results consistent with degradation of internal engine components.
  • The overspeed limit is reached, but the automated trip does not actuate.
  • The engine coolant outlet temperature increases to 205°F or lube oil pressure decreases to 10 psi, as the plant engine would have automatically tripped should either of these conditions occur.

Note that the above criteria are intended to protect the test system so that issues can be corrected and the test system used for the diluted lube oil test in Section 5.2.

5.1.4. Restart Criteria

Restarting of the test genset may be required if the baseline test is terminated prematurely (manually or by automated trip). If this occurs, SwRI shall not restart the test genset without first determining the reason( s) for the termination and receiving approval to restart from MPR and Constellation Nuclear.

4101-0031-OTHR-001, Revision 0 Page 16 of 19 5.2. Diluted Lube Oil Test

SwRI shall perform a diluted lube oil test to determine if a Detroit Diesel 149-series diesel engine can operate at the required loads with its lube oil diluted by fuel oil from a simulated active fuel leak. The test duration shall be at least seven hours unless the test engine experiences a failure or the test is terminated prematurely for safety reasons (see Section 5.2.3). If seven hours of operation is achieved, Constellation Nuclear shall determine for how much longer the test system should be operated before the test is terminated (assuming no test engine failure or other safety issues prior to). The health of the engine and lubricated internal components will be monitored, in part, through the analysis of lube oil analysis samples collected hourly.

The initial (prior to starting) and operating conditions, and the termination and restart criteria for the diluted lube oil test are identified in the following sections.

5.2.1. Initial Conditions

Fallowing are the required initial conditions for the diluted lube oil test:

  • The engine sump lube oil level, prior to the addition of fuel oil, shall be at a level consistent with the plant engine oil level prior to initiation of the fuel oil leak.
  • The engine lube oil shall contain 18.2% fuel oil (by mass). Note: The addition of the fuel oil to the test engine sump may raise the lube oil level above the high-level mark on the engine dipstick.
  • The combined lube oil and fuel oil in the engine sump shall be mixed.
  • The temperature of the combined lube oil and fuel oil in the engine sump shall be 40°F-127°F.
  • The engine coolant temperature shall be 40°F-127°F.
  • The temperature in the immediate vicinity of the test genset shall be 2:40°F.

5.2.2. Operating Conditions

Following are the required operating conditions for the diluted lube oil test:

  • The genset operating speed shall be less than 1,800 rpm+/- 36 rpm.
  • The genset shall be loaded to a minimum of 666 k We within 5 5 seconds of the initial start signal.
  • The genset shall be loaded according to the following load profile (based on the load profile for the plant's engine, but scaled for a 12-cylinder engine; see Footnotes 2 and 4):
  • Test start through 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> -A minimum of 666 kWe (equivalent to approximately 77 engine bhp/cylinder)
  • Hours 2 through 6 -A minimum of 593 kWe (equivalent to approximately 68 engine bhp/cylinder)

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  • Hours 6 through 10 -A minimum of 570 kWe (equivalent to approximately 66 engine bhp/cylinder)
  • Hour 10 through End/Termination of Test -A minimum of 511 kWe (equivalent to approximately 59 engine hp/cylinder).
  • The amount of fuel oil in the engine lube oil shall increase at a continuous ( or equivalent stepped) volumetric rate of 1.09 gal/hr.
  • The test duration shall be a minimum of 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />, and a maximum to be determined by Constellation Nuclear.

5.2.3. Termination Criteria

Following are the criteria for terminating the diluted lube oil test prior to completing the required duration:

  • The SwRI test manager may terminate the test for any safety reason(s).
  • Any of the required operating conditions in Section 5.2.2 are not met, such that the test results will not be valid or useful.
  • Any test system component fails.
  • Any test system component develops a significant fluid leak that cannot be contained or otherwise managed safely or a leak that will impact the test results occurs.
  • Any test system component catches fire.
  • The test engine and/or generator experience a significant change in noise type and/or increase in level consistent with an imminent catastrophic failure.
  • The test engine and/or generator experience a significant increase in vibration consistent with an imminent catastrophic failure.
  • The overspeed limit is reached, but the automated trip does not actuate.
  • The engine coolant outlet temperature increases to 205°F or lube oil pressure decreases to 10 psi, as the plant engine would have automatically tripped should either of these conditions occur.

Note: In general, the diluted lube oil test should be allowed to progress until completion or significant/catastrophic failure (without compromising test facility and personnel safety).

5.2.4. Restart Criteria

In the event of a premature termination of the diluted lube oil test, the test genset shall not be restarted until after a thorough evaluation is performed and all parties (Constellation Nuclear, MPR and SwRI) are in agreement. Depending on the reason(s) for the termination, a restart of the test system may not be required.

4101-0031-0THR-001, Revision 0 Page 18 of 19 6.0 Test Documentation

SwRI shall provide the following documentation for the AFW diesel test prior to commencement of the test:

  • Details of the test system design,
  • Commissioning, Testing and Pre-Test Inspection procedures,
  • Details for all test system components and equipment to be used ( e.g., manufacturer, model number, serial number), and
  • Calibration records for calibrated test system components and equipment.

SwRI shall provide the following documentation for the AFW test during the performance of the test:

  • Lube oil analysis reports (provided on an expedited basis as close to real time as practicable)

SwRI shall provide the following documentation for the AFW test upon completion of the test:

  • Copies of completed test procedures,
  • Log sheets and/or electronic copies ( as appropriate) of all data recorded during the test, and
  • A comprehensive report summarizing the scope and results of the test.

7.0 References

1. Bureau Veritas Oil Condition Monitoring Lube Oil Analysis Management System Report for Braidwood 2AF01PB-K-PMPA-01PB-E15-K (Braidwood 2B AFW Diesel Drive Lube Oil), October 4, 2023.
2. MPR Calculation 4101-0031-CALC-001, "2B AFW Diesel Engine Test Fuel Leakage Rate," Revision 1, December 8, 2023.
3. Exelon Generation Braidwood Station Drawing 62240-1, "Installation Drawing - 16V -

149TI Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Drives," Revision D.

4. Exelon Generation Braidwood Station Procedure No. BwOP AF-7, "Auxiliary Feedwater Pump _B(Diesel) Startup on Recirc," Revision 55.
5. Constellation Calculation BRW-10-0146-M /BYRl0-103, "AF Diesel Driven Pump Fuel Consumption and Day Tank Requirements, Revision 3, February 26, 2015.
6. MPR Memorandum 4101-0031-MMO-001, from Mark O'Connell (MPR) to Matt Fisher (Constellation), "Evaluation of Test Load for Braidwood 2B Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Diesel Drive Test with Lube Oil Diluted by Fuel Oil," Revision 0, December 4, 2023.

4101-0031-0THR-001, Revision 0 Page 19 of 19 l:3ureau Ventas 011 conamon Monitoring (I) LO. \\MS-2450 Hassell Rd, Hoffman Estates, IL 101'.lffDTJ 800-222-0071 rnurn Lube Oil Analysis Management System Account Information Sample Information Lab Customer ID#: 263298 Lab No.: 202310040026 Company Name: Constellatio1, Braidwood Station 20 - Oil Sample Tracking #:

Worksite: Braceville, IL Sampled Date: 10/03/2023 Address: BRAIDWOOD STATION 20, 35100 S. RTE Received Date: 10/04/2023 53, STE 84, Completed Date: 10/04/2023 BRACEVILLE, IL, 60407 Unit Information Component Information Unit ID 21-\\F0lPB-CC Component Description 2AF01PB-K-PMPf\\,-01PB-E15-I<

Unit Manufacturer Detroit Diesel Component Manufacturer Detroit Diesel Unit Model - Component Model 00916373011250 Unit Serial Component Serial Unit Worksite Braceville, IL Component Type 2AF01PB-K-PMPA-01PB-E15-K

Maintenance for Lab No. : ANALYSIS INDICATES COMPONENT & LUBRICANT CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE. RESAMPLE at the next schedulec 202310040026 Evaluated By : Saul Cisneros


s # s: s #

  • ii s -~ :Q?S ~

! ~ *S' ~ ~ *ii,t, <f s,g, <f LAB SAMPLE <f ~,c' ff ~ f,f ~ *ii ~ -~ J5.!Y ~ ~ (

NO. DRAWN ~ CJ,;l' ~ ~ <.,o ~ q' ~ ::,,'Ii ;J Q.o c,; (lj ~ ~

0026 10/03/2023 4 <l <1 1 <l <l <l <0.1 <1 <l 11 1 <l <l <l 0003 09/23/2023 4 <1 1 3 <l <1 <l <0.1 <l <l 11 <l <l <l <l 0026 09/21/2023 8 <l <l 2 <1 1 <l 0.8 <l <l 23 2 <l 2 <l 0196 09/01/2023 8 <l <l <l <1 1 <l 0.2 <l <l 22 <l <l <l <l 0363 05/19/2023 5 <l <l 2 <l <l <l <0.1 <1 <1 13 2 <l <1 <l 0789 <1 <1 1 <l 2 2 <0.1 <l <l 2 <l <l <1 1

SAMPLE INFORMATION FLUID PROPERTIES Lab Sample Unit Lube UOM Filter Lube Water (KF) Viscosity Viscosity Viscosity Fuel:

No. Drawn Time Age Chgd. Service ppm 100 °c est 40 °c est Index %

0026 10/03/2023 HR 746 13.7 119.7 111 0.9 0003 09/23/2023 HR s 787 13.7 120.4 111 <0.50 0026 09/21/2023 HR 393 131 0196 09/01/2023 HR 654 -10 0363 05/19/2023 1046 102 N/R 0789 HR 1903 14.2 127.3 110 <0.50 KEY: UoM - Unit of Measure Y - Yes N - No C - Changed S - Sampled > - Greater Than < - Less Than N/R - Not Reported (M) - Modified Method This analysis is intended as an aid in predicting mechanical wear. Test results, maintenance recommendations and accuracy are affected by customer provided samp and apply only to this sample as provided. No guarantee, expressed or implied, is made against failure of this piece of equipment or a component thereof. The ultimat, equipment and all of its components is the responsibility of the equipment owner.

Testing performed by Bureau Veritas, an 1S0/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory by ANAB. Certificate and accreditation. For further details on outsourced testing, contact the laboratory directly. (i1cl* for _**-,_,,, __.,,,_,,_. __.

htt12s ://www. bu rea Page 1 of 2 Bureau Veritas Oil Condition Monitoring 1/ 1 I..

lo*":c,:\\ LO '\\MSn 2450 Hassell Rd, Hoffman Estates, IL

\\,~I *... j / 800-222-0071 l:l'l!ldl f'.-111 IH;lidi Lube Oil Analysis Management SY5tem

FLUID PROPERTIES Particles Particles Particles Particles ISO DR Large DR Small Wear

>14µm >21µm >38µm >70µm Code >5µm Index <2µm Index Severity 41 14 2 <1 16/15/13 15.4 7.5 22.9 8 2 1 <1 14.9 7.2 22.1 29 10 1 <1 15/15/12 23.8 13.2 37.0 2 <1 <1 <1 12/11/8 28.2 14.3 42.5 86 29 4 <l 17/16/14 36.3 17.4 53.7 47 16 2 <1 16/15/13 54.4 36.2 90.6

httr2s ://www.bu rea uve rita Page 2 of2 r.JMPR 4101-0031-CALC-OO 1 Revision 1 28 AFW Diesel Engine Test Fuel Leakage Rate

Prepared for: Braidwood 1 & 2

Preparer: Daniel McCray ~ E-signed by: Daniel McCray on 2023-12-08 18:09:58 Checker: Edward McCarty &t1 E-signed by: Edward McCarty on 2023-12-08 18:11:52 Reviewer: Gary Thompson ~ E-signed by: Gary Thompson on 2023-12-08 18:16:36 Approver: Mark O'Connell E-signed by: Mark O'Connell on 2023-12-08 18:17:27

QA Statement of Compliance This document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of the MPR Standard Quality Program.

Created: 2023-12-08 18:09:58 MPR Associates, Inc.

Project-Task No. 41012303-0031 320 King St.

  • Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 519-0200
  • DIMPR Calculation No.: 4101-0031-CALC-001 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 2

28 AFW Diesel Engine Test Fuel Leakage Rate

RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision Pages /Sections Revision Description Number Revised 0 All Initial Issue

1 Sections 2.0, 5.0, Incorporates client comments and 6.0 IIMPR Calculation No.: 4101-0031-CALC-001 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 3

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction......................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Purpose..................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. Background.............................................................................................................. 4

2.0 Summary of Results and Conclusion............................................................... 4

3.0 Methodology....................................................................................................... 5

4.0 Assumptions....................................................................................................... 5 4.1. Assumptions with a Basis........................................................................................ 5 4.2. Assumptions without a Basis................................................................................... 5

5.0 Design Inputs...................................................................................................... 5

6.0 Calculations and Results................................................................................... 7

7.0 References.......................................................................................................... 8 ltJMPR Calculation No.: 4101-0031-CALC-001 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 4

1.0 Introduction

1. 1. Purpose

This calculation determines the fuel leakage rate required to achieve the as-found and projected future concentrations of fuel oil in the lube oil system of the Braidwood 2B AFW pump diesel engine. This calculation also determines the scaled fuel leakage rate required to achieve the same initial and future concentrations of fuel oil in the lube oil system of a smaller test engine.

The test engine will be used to investigate the effects of the fuel oil contamination on the operation and reliability of the AFW pump diesel engine.

1.2. Background

In September 2023, Braidwood Clean Energy Center personnel identified an elevated concentration of fuel oil in the lube oil of the prime mover for the station's 2B diesel-driven AFW pump. The prime mover is a Detroit Diesel 16V -149TI diesel engine, which operates with a two-stroke mechanical cycle ( one crankshaft revolution per power stroke). At the time of discovery, the engine's 1 ube oil contained approximately 18.2 mass percent fuel oil (Reference 1). The source of the fuel oil contamination was corrected, and the lube oil was replaced.

Constellation Nuclear contracted MPR to determine if the diesel-driven AFW pump would have been able to perform its mission starting in the as-found condition with further fuel oil dilution of the lube oil occurring during operation. As part of this effort, MPR and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI; as a subcontract to MPR) are performing a test using a Detroit Diesel 12V-149T diesel engine. During the test, fuel oil will be added to the test engine's lube oil sump at a controlled rate to achieve a fuel oil concentration in the lube oil that is consistent with the calculated fuel concentration for the plant's engine. This calculation determines the fuel leakage rate required to achieve the as-found and projected future concentrations of fuel oil in the plant engine's lube oil. The calculation also determines the scaled fuel leakage rate required to achieve the same initial and future concentrations of fuel oil in the smaller test engine (the test engine has 12 cylinders versus 16 cylinders for the plant's engine).

2.0 Summary of Results and Conclusion

The fuel leak rate for the plant engine, given an initial lube oil volume of 42 gallons and a fuel oil concentration of 18.2 % by mass after 6.39 hours4.513889e-4 days <br />0.0108 hours <br />6.448413e-5 weeks <br />1.48395e-5 months <br />, is 1.524 gal/hr. The corresponding fuel leak rate for the test engine, with an initial lube oil volume of 30 gallons, is 1.089 gal/hr.

alMPR Calculation No.: 4101-0031-CALC-001 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 5

3.0 Methodology

The fuel leak rate required for testing is determined by calculating the volumetric flow rate required to achieve specific concentrations of fuel oil after specific amounts of engine operating time for a given initial volume of lube oil for the plant's engine. This flow rate is then scaled (based on the fractional relationship between the initial lube oil volume in the plant and test engines) to identify the equivalent volumetric flow rate of fuel oil for the test engine.

4.0 Assumptions

4. 1. Assumptions with a Basis

This calculation contains the following assumptions with a basis:

1. The leakage of fuel into the plant engine ( and also into the test engine) occurs at a constant rate and only during engine operation.
2. Lube oil and/or fuel oil does not leak out of the plant or test engines through seals and gaskets during engine operation.
3. The volume oflube oil consumed by the test engine during the test will result in the test conditions being conservative.

4.2. Assumptions without a Basis

This calculation contains no assumptions without a basis.

5.0 Design Inputs

The fuel leakage rate and resulting fuel oil concentrations are functions of the initial volume of lube oil. Per Reference 2, the initial lube oil volume for the plant engine is 42 gal. Per Reference 3, the initial lube oil volume for the test engine oil will be 30 gal. Table 5-1 contains the initial lube oil volumes for the two engines.

Table 5-1. Initial Lube Oil Volume Inputs

Input Value Basis Plant Engine Lube Oil Volume, Vo, plant 42 gal Reference 2 Test Engine Lube Oil Volume, Vo, test 30 gal Reference 3

Per Reference 4, the fuel oil concentration in the plant engine's lube oil was 18.2% by mass after 6.39 hours4.513889e-4 days <br />0.0108 hours <br />6.448413e-5 weeks <br />1.48395e-5 months <br /> of engine operation. The fuel oil and lube oil have different specific gravities; therefore, the fuel oil concentration by volume is different than the fuel oil concentration by mass. Table 5-2 contains the specific gravity for the lube oil and the API gravity for the fuel oil rtJMPR Calculation No.: 4101-0031-CALC-001 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 6

used in the plant and test engines. API gravity is a parameter that indicates the relative gravity or density with respect to water and is defined as:

AP! = -- - 131.5 141.5 SG

where SG is the specific gravity at 60 °F.

Table 5-2. Percent Oil by Volume Calculation Inputs

Input Value Basis Fuel, APIF 34.2 Reference 5 Lube, SGL 0.89 Reference 6 Dilution % by Mass, Pinit, mass 18.2% Reference 1

Eq. 1 is used to convert API gravity to specific gravity.

141.5 Eq. 1 SGp = 131.5 + AP/p

141.5 SGp = 131.5 + 34.2 SGp = 0.854

Eq. 2 converts fuel concentration by mass to fuel concentration by volume.

Pinit.mass SGp Eq.2 Pinit vol = 1 p Pinit.mass + - init,mass SGp SGL

The initial test volumes for the plant and test engines are calculated using Eq. 3.

Vo Eq.3 Vstart = l p - init,vol

Table 5-3 tabulates the necessary inputs for determining the fuel leak rate and contains the plant and test lube oil system start volumes.

DJMPR Calculation No.: 4101-0031-CALC-001 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 7

Table 5-3. Leakage Rate Calculation Inputs

Input Value Basis Run Time to Discovery, tpre 6.39 h Reference 4 Dilution Percent by Volume, Pini!, vol 18.82% Eq.2 Test Start Volume Plant, Vstart, plant 51.74gal Eq. 3 Test Start Volume Test, Vstart, test 36.95 gal Eq. 3

6.0 Calculations and Results

Eq. 4 is used to calculate the required leak rate (Qptant) to achieve the known fuel oil concentration in the plant engine's lube oil (18.82% by volume) over 6.39 hours4.513889e-4 days <br />0.0108 hours <br />6.448413e-5 weeks <br />1.48395e-5 months <br /> of engine operation.

Pinitvol = Vo,plant + tpre

  • Qplant Eq.4

Rearranging Eq. 4 to solve for Qptant yields the following:


  • Pinit,vol Qplant = p tpre - tpre
  • init,vol

42 gal

  • 18.82%

Qplant = 6.39 h - 6.39 h

  • 18.

gal Qplant = 1.524 h

The equivalent leak rate for the smaller test engine is calculated using Eq. 5, which scales the leak rate for the plant engine by the fractional relationship between the initial lube oil volumes for the test and plant engines.

Q O,test Q V.

test = V. plant Eq.5 O,plant

30 gal gal Qtest = l

  • 1.524 -h 42 ga

gal Qtest = 1.089 h IIMPR Calculation No.: 4101-0031-CALC-001 Revision No.: 1 Page No.: 8

7.0 References

1. Bureau Veritas Oil Condition Monitoring Lube Oil Analysis Management System Report for Braidwood 2AF01PB-K-PMPA-01PB-E15-K (Braidwood 2B AFW Diesel Drive Lube Oil), October 4, 2023.
2. Email from Matthew Fisher (Constellation) to Mark O'Connell (MPR). "Re:

[EXTERNAL] Lube Oil Volume for AFW Diesel Drive," December 1, 2023.

3. Email from Jonathan Meyn (Interstate Power Systems) to Mark Mikoff (Constellation),

"Re: [EXTERNAL] Fw: Test Engine," November 30, 2023.

4. Email from Matthew Fisher (Constellation) to Mark O'Connell (MPR). "Preliminary Detroit Diesel Information," November 2, 2023.
5. Bureau Veritas Laboratory Report: Diesel Fuel-ASTM D 975 2006b for Braidwood Doc No. 120423-12042023171938 (Braidwood 2B AFW Diesel Drive Fuel Oil),

December 4, 2023.

6. Specification for Mobil Delvac 1600 Series Mobil Commercial-Vehicle-Lube, September 29, 2023.

ing Computation

120 °F

61. 7 lbm/ft3

erence BRW-10-0146-M) erence Input from PRA) -------------- -----

erence CN-RRA-00-47 Rev 4) r.1MPR 4101-0031-MMO-001 Revision 0 Evaluation of Test Load for Braidwood 28 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Diesel Drive Test with Lube Oil Diluted by Fuel Oil

Prepared for: Braidwood 1 & 2

Preparer: Mark O'Connell ~ E-signed by: Mark O'Connell

iA:: on 2023-12-04 13:30:41 Checker: Daniel McCray II E-signed by: Daniel McCray on 2023-12-04 13:56:00 Reviewer: Gary Thompson E-signed by: Gary Thompson on 2023-12-04 15:00:25

QA Statement of Compliance This document has been prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of the MPR Standard Quality Program.

Created: 2023-12-04 13:30:41 MPR Associates, Inc.

Project-Task No. 41012303-0031 320 King St.

  • Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 519-0200
  • ltlMPR

December 4, 2023 4101-0031-MMO-OO 1, Revision 0


To: Matt Fisher (Constellation Nuclear)

From: Mark O'Connell


Evaluation of Test Load for Braidwood 2B Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Diesel Drive Test with Lube Oil Diluted by Fuel Oil

1.0 Purpose

This memorandum documents the scaled load profile to be used for the Braidwood 2B auxiliary feedwater (AFW) pump diesel drive test with lube oil diluted by fuel oil (this test will be performed with a 12-cylinder Detroit Diesel series 149 engine rather than a 16-cylinder engine, as is used at Braidwood). The scaled load profile is based on the loading calculated by Constellation (Reference 1). It is desired to match the per-cylinder loading of the test engine to the per-cylinder loading of the Braidwood AFW pump diesel so that the loads and forces on the components of the two engines are matched as closely as practicable.

2.0 Background

The Braidwood 2B AFW diesel drive drives three connected components - the shaft-driven AFW pump, a shaft-driven cubicle cooler fan and a shaft-driven SX booster pump. The diesel drive is a Detroit Diesel 16V-149TI diesel engine rated at 1,500 hp (Reference 2). The rated per cylinder output of the Braidwood diesel drive is 93.8 horsepower per cylinder.

Fuel consumption is calculated in Reference 2 by determining the loads on the engine during three periods of AFW pump operation (hot standby, cooldown and soak). The loads are calculated from the AFW pump curves provided by the AFW pump manufacturer assuming the maximum surveillance procedure limit for pump speed and the corresponding maximum limit for flowrate. Flow rates are adjusted for recirculation, and pumping power is adjusted for speed increases due to the governor droop setting. The total load is adjusted for the AFW pump speed increaser (gear box), cubicle cooler fan load (constant 80 hp) and the shaft-driven SX pump load

( constant 20 hp). The Braidwood 2B AFW diesel drive pump loads from Reference 1 are shown in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Braidwood 2B AFW Diesel Drive Pump Loads

Period Duration Load % of Rating 1 120 min 1,222 hp 81.5 2 240 min 1,087 hp 72.5 3 60 min 1046 hp 69.7 4 180 min 1046 hp 69.7 5 840 min 939 hp 62.6

The units of the above load values are brake horsepower, meaning they are the horsepower developed by the engine at the engine output shafts. The fuel dilution test will be run on a diesel generator set, and generator output will be controlled to load the engine.

It is desired to run the test engine using a load profile that applies the same percentage of the engine rating to the test engine as the Braidwood AFW diesel drive would experience under accident conditions.

3.0 Discussion

The test diesel generator set consists of a 12V-149T engine with a continuous rating of 1130 hp attached to a generator with a continuous rating of 750 kWe (Reference 3). The per-cylinder output of the test diesel generator set is 94.2 hp per cylinder, which is slightly higher than that of the Braidwood engine. Determining the test load profile using a percentage of the continuous rating is conservative, as it applies a slightly higher per-cylinder load to the test engine to account for the slightly higher rating per cylinder. The brake powers for the test engine corresponding to the same percentages of engine rating as the AFW pump diesel drive carries are show in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. 12-Cylinder Test Engine Brake Horsepower

Period Duration % of Rating Brake Power 1 120 min 81.5 921 hp 2 240 min 72.5 819 hp 3 60 min 69.7 788 hp 4 180 min 69.7 788 hp 5 840 min 62.6 707 hp

Typical generator efficiencies at rated load are approximately 96% (e.g., see Reference 4). A higher generator efficiency is conservative, as it results in a higher test genset load. A generator efficiency of 97% is assumed for the test genset. Brake horsepower is converted to brake kilowatts (by multiplying 0.746) and then multiplied by the generator efficiency (0.97) to determine the corresponding generator output. The resulting equivalent generator output powers are shown in Table 3-2.

4101-0031-MMO-001, Revision 0 - 2 -

Table 3-2. 12-Cylinder Test Generator Set Loads in Kilowatts

Period Duration Brake Power Brake Power Generator Output 1 120 min 921 hp 687 kWb 666 kWe 2 240 min 819 hp 611 kWb 593 kWe 3 60 min 788 hp 588 kWb 570 kWe 4 180 min 788 hp 588 kWb 570 kWe 5 840 min 707 hp 527 kWb 511 kWe

4.0 References

1. Email from Matt Fisher (Constellation) to Mark O'Connell (MPR), "FW: Engine Loading Computation.xlsx," November 30, 2023.
2. Constellation Calculation BRW-10-0146-M /BYRl0-103, "AF Diesel Driven Pump Fuel Consumption and Day Tank Requirements, Revision 3, February 26, 2015.
3. Email from Theodore Ellison (Interstate Power Systems) to Mark O'Connell (MPR),

"RE: Test Engine," November 13, 2023.

4. Letter from Mark M. Anderson (Dresser-Rand Electric Machinery) to Larry Hajous (PSEG), "EM Sale: 89-2950, Your P.O.: Pl-322809," October 3, 1989.

4101-0031-MMO-001, Revision 0 - 3 -