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Order for Mod of License.License DPR-22 Changed to Include Lco,Sections 3.5.J & 3.5.K & Surveillance Requirements, Sections 4.5.J & 4.5.K
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/1973
NUDOCS 9211170422
Download: ML20127G762 (5)


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NORTilERN STATES POWER CO. ) Docket No. 50-263


(Monticello Nuclear Power Station, )


The Northern States Power Co. ("the licensee") is the holder of Facility License DPR-22. License DPR-22 authorizes operation of the Monticeno Nuclear Power Station, ("the plant") in Wright County , Minnesota. This S

license expressly provides, inter alia, that it is subject to all rules, regu-lations and orders of the Commission now or hereinafter in effect.

II .

On November 14, 1972, the AEC Regulatory Staff ("the Staff") issued a report entitled " Technical Report on Densification of Light Water Reactor Fuels" ("the Report") . By letter of November 20, 1972, the Staff requested the licensee to submit analyses and data specified in the report related to determining the consequences of fuel densification for normal operation of the plant, for operation of the plant during various maneuvers and transients, and under postulated accident situations, including the design basis loss-9211170422 730824

{DR ADOCK 05000263 PDR

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l of-coolant accidents . On December 29, 1972, the licensee provided the requested information including, by reference, the General Electric Company Report NEDM-10735, Densification Considerations in BWR Fuel Design and 4

Performance" dated December,1972. The Staff reviewed the licensee's sub-y mission as well as five additional supplements to NEDM-10735 which were submitted by the Gene.ral Electric Company in response to requests for q

! additional information from the Staff. The latest of these supplements was

! dated July,1973. By letter of July 16, 1973, the Staff requested the licensee, t

1 inter alia, to furnish additional analyses regarding the calculated pea';


, 4 cladding temperatures during a postulated loss-of-coolant accident. On i

August 15, 1973, the licensee submitted the requested information including r

Supplement 6 to NEDM-10735.

i .

1 On the basis of the Staff's review of the above identified submittal's and its i

evaluation of fuel densificatic n effects upon the operation of boiling water l reactors which are reflected in a safety evaluation report relating to the i

! plant dated August 24, 1973, the Staff has determined that changes in the i

i operating conditions for the plant are necessary in order to assure that the l

l calculated peak cladding temperature of the core of the plant'following a postulated loss-of-coolant accident will not exceed 2300cF taking into account fuel densification effects as described in the Staff's safety evaluation identified above, and, thcrefore, that the Technical Specifications of License DPR 1 I

l I


3-4 j

should be amended to require: (1) the immediate control of steady-state i

power operation so that the average linear heat generation rate of all the J rods in any fuel assmebly, as a function of planar exposure, at any axial location, shall not exceed the maximum average planar linear heat generation rate of 11.5 kw/ft; and (2) that during steady state power operation, the linear heat generation rate (LHGR) of any rod in any fuel assembly at any b

axial location shall not exceed the maximum allowable LHGR as calculated using the equation for maximum LHGR provided in Limiting Condition for Operation, section 3.5.K of the attached Appendix I.


! III.

5 a

In view of the foregoing, the Director of Regulation finds that the public health, safety, and interest require that the following Order be made effective immediately. Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the j

Commission's regulations in 10 CFR SS 2.204 and 50.100 and the license 4

condition noted in Part I above f


The Technical Specifications of License DPR-22 are hereby changed, to include Limiting Conditions for Operation, sections 3.5.J . and 3.5.K. , and Surveillance Requirements, sections 4.5.J. and 4.5.K. attached hereto as Appendix I and the plant shall be operated immediately in accordance therewith .

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Within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register the licensee may file a request for a hearing with respect 1

l to this Order. Within the same thirty (30) day period any other person whose d

interest may be affected may file a request for a hearing with respect to this Order in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR $ 2.714 of the Coinmission's i - Rules of Practice. If a request for a bearing is filed within the time prescribed herein, the Commission will issue a notice of hearing or an appropriate order.

For further details pertinent to this Order see: the Staff Technical Report f ,

on Densification of Light Water Reactor Fuels, November 14, 1972; letter

- to A. V. Dienhart from A. Giambusso, November 20, 1972; letter to A. Giambusso 5

l from L. O. Mayer, December 29, 1972, with enclosure General Electric topical

[ report, Densification Considerations in BRW Fuel Design and Performance; I

letter to A. V. Dienhart, with enclosure the Staff's GE Model for Fuel Densifi-cation, July 16, 1973; letter to D. Zieman from L. O. Mayer, August 15, 1973; the Staff Technical Report on Densification of General Electric Reactor Fuels, August 23, 1973; the Staff Safety Evaluation of the Fuel Densification Effects t

on the Monticello Nuclear Power Station, August 24, 1973; all of which are i available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room,

- 1717 H Street, N . W. , Washington , D . C .  ;

, - _ . - _. I

Copies of these documents may be obtained upon request addressed to th Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, Directorate of Licensing, U. S. Atom 20545.

Energy Commission, Washington, D. C.


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j. M f Dir'ectorDf Regula j

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this 24th day of August,1973
