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NRC-2022-000053 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
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Issue date: 01/05/2022
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Document 15 From: Bill Linton [mailto :Bill]

Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2018 10:24 PM To: Donald Hoffman <>


U.S. Export Strategy - Consolidated Meeting Notes and Actions (22 Recipients)

Transm itted are consolidated meet ing notes from ou r Strategy session o n 3/13/18. Tha nks to all of you who jo ined in and shared you r input .

We are sendi ng t his t o all part icipant s and a f ew ot hers who have exp ressed inte rest in supporti ng act ions.

We are looking for you r furt her input and ideas. Where we want to go from he re? Please review and consider:

  • Other/missing items - What else you would add

What role do you see for yourself or others in your organization?

How can you directly assist?

How can we fund the strategy development and subsequent program execution?

Donald and I are planning to call you for a phone discussion to further detail the document, plan and action items. Notice the worksheet at the end intended to stimulate thoughts for assignment of roles, responsibilities and actions.

We look forward to talking with you in the coming weeks.

Bill Linton Principal Linton Consulting 864 901 5398

Meeting Issues - Strategy Input Session 3-13-18 Bethesda North Marriott (Consolidated/Modified/Edited)

Overarching Strategies Initiatives

1. Political Will for Nuclear Power 1. Strategic Level agreement of benefits: --

- Nuclear Power a National Priority political/policy/relationship/ technical

- U.S. Technology Leadership for safety, 2. NP on Leaders' Agenda -USG, Congress and security, nonproliferation, profit Business (Conduct Briefings); an Imperative

- Holistic approach for U.S. security

3. NP to Remain 20% - 30% or more of U.S.

Electricity Production; Energy Security

4. U.S. to Encourage NP Globally; IAEA involvement/influence
5. Sustain U.S. NP technology leadership for Safeguards & Security
6. Recognize the Economic value of U.S. NP exports.
7. Recognize the necessity for rebuilding &

sustaining a U.S. NP supply chain

2. U.S. Commercial Nuclear Industry -- 1. Collaboration & Cooperation among "One Voice; One Vote" industry companies for U.S. and Global benefits
2. Track Industry 'Bottom Line'; collaborate for export success & share rewards
3. One Voice Messaging: Energy Security, Energy Independence, Infrastructure, Economy, Jobs--all benefits
3. Public Engagement Influence 1. Make all the unique benefits of Nuclear Power clear
2. Public messaging and education at all levels
3. Illustrate economic benefits in relevant states, cities

Challenges Solutions

1. DOC / DOE / DOS Limitations
1. Provide flexibility without changing industry
2. Support Industry in USG presentations
3. Sell both U.S. Industry and National Lab services for strategic national benefit
4. Differentiate application of Restraint of Trade laws in export markets
5. TeamUSA - Expand purview in support of U.S. content in global markets
6. More open support from each agency
7. More funding & responsiveness in support of National Goals
2. Export Restrictions 1. A strong, safe bilateral agreement 123 Agreement 2. Change concept of 123 gold standard to 810, 110 sustain U.S. global involvement
3. Demonstrate benefits for global cooperation

& U.S. security, infrastructure, economy

4. Acknowledge what happens if we don't change
3. Licensing Approaches 1. Solve export controls dilemma making it untenable to develop technology in U.S.
2. Change NRC Licensing Process
3. Make VDR like process in US
4. Financing 1. US EX-IM Bank - Authorization & Board of Directors - A National Priority
2. Remove roadblocks for other financing agencies
3. EX-IM support for NP deals & U.S. content
4. Policy / Messaging to value nuclear
5. Government to Government Quid-Pro-Quo deals (Like China)
6. Establish Country & Opportunity priorities:

Emerging Vs. Mature

5. U.S. Industry Supply Chain Development, 1. Updated Catalog of US Suppliers &

Competence, Capabilities & Quality Capabilities Behaviors Once Contracts Obtained 2. Hunt in Packs--Share Rewards

3. Bottom line of project
4. Honor commitments
5. Quality - on schedule/on budget
6. Uphold U.S. Reputation (not only Company)
6. Global Market Intelligence, U.S. Industry 1. Achieve better information flow Promotion and Conference Participation 2. Assess every conference & intelligence gathering / promotional opportunity
3. Develop screening criteria (country priorities, strategic/commercial value, others)
4. Assure U.S. represented at each qualified opportunity; Coordinate participation
5. Provide DOE/DOC/DOS and commercial sponsorship & support
6. Promotion at each one to support U.S.

Strategy (U.S. Pavilion: USG Departments and Companies to be represented)

7. Intelligence gathered, assessed and shared
7. Leveraging USG Foreign Aid / Support 1. Analyze Country competitive strategies and Relationships (China, Russia, Korea, Canada, France) for Export

- Note how China and Russia get their way in U.K., Argentina, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, etc.

- Note unity of Korean Industry in UAE

2. Develop strategies to leverage USG foreign aid and trade to support US involvement in Nuclear Infrastructure
3. Collaboration between USG and U.S.

Industry in targeting and marketing opportunities

4. Send industry teams with USG teams to inform governments
5. Improve success of future trade missions

Strategy / Action Plan Summary Overall Big Picture Initiatives

8. U.S. Team Export Meeting 1. Develop Markets, Competition, Plan Details Summary - Where Are We Now?

- Where Do We Want to Go?

- Vision (10 Year Horizon) - How Will We Get There?

- Mission (Develop) - How Much Will It Cost?

- Strategy (How To) - Who Will Do It?

2. Develop Roadmap for Market Dominance; U.S. Nuclear Power Industry/Government Playbook: Companies/Suppliers, Agencies, Labs, Advisors, Associations
3. Establish reasonable targets for country /

product exports and American content Vs.

local content

4. Leverage USG leaders who support NP
5. Remove legislative and policy roadblocks; leverage U.S. Relationships and Strengths
6. Establish a global Market Intelligence collaborative to cover selective conferences and Communicate U.S. Messaging
7. Establish Teams to Target and Coordinate Priority / Select areas and Development:

Saudi, India, Poland, South Africa. Pick a few for big wins

8. Provide greater USG support for R&D such as large scale investments for U.S.

advantage: Studies, Pilot Plants, Advanced Reactors (both in U.S. and outside)

9. Seek to modify IAEA Milestone document for SMRs & ADRs (differentiate)
10. Consider bold strategies such as spent fuel take back (like Russia)
11. Financing offers (like China)
12. Work with Administration that wants to something bold. Make America's NP industry great again.

Worksheet - Strategic Action Plans & Roles (To Be Developed)

Organization Primary Role in Strategy / Action Plan Who? When?

All Examples: Input in 3/13 strategy session; Plan by 6/30; interviews for input & action plans; coord. own Progress Dec.

organization; networking; market intelligence; follow up meetings; conference participation; introductions; budgeting & funding; support DOC Jon Chesebro Cameron Dorsey Secretary Ross DOE Ed McGinnis Andrew Richards Michelle Scott Secretary Perry DOS Al Burkart Kirsten Cutler Secretary of State NRC Chairman Svinicki Others NEI Carol Berrigan John Kotek EX-IM Bank Geoffrey Jones AECOM Scott Reader Curtiss-Wright Gary Wolski Exelon GE Hitachi Jon Ball Jay Wilemon Gowling Paul Murphy Morgan Lewis Steve Burdick NuScale John Hopkins Chris Colbert Pillsbury Jeff Merrifield Southern Co.

TerraPower Tara Neider Westinghouse Mark Fecteau WinstonStrawn William Horin Tyson Smith Who Else?

Other EPCs Other 1 Other 2 Organizers Donald Hoffman Bill Linton