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NRC-2022-000014 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/17/2021
Shared Package
ML21321A301 List:
FOIA, NRC-2022-000014
Download: ML21321A303 (8)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION IV 1600 EAST LAMAR BOULEVARD ARLINGTON , TEXAS 76011-4511 September 12, 2018 Mr. Tom Palmisano, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Southern California Edison Company San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station P.O. Box 128 San Clemente, CA 92674-0128



Dear Mr. Palmisano:

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently received information concerning activities at the San Onofre !Nuclear Generating Station. We request that Southern California Edison Company evaluate the information described in the enclosure to this letter and submit the results of that evaluation to the Region IV office. If Southern California Edison Company substantiates a concern, please discuss Southern California Edison Company's consideration of appropriate apparent or root causes, generic implications of the substantiated concern, and the appropriateness of corrective actions taken or planned.

If your evaluation identifies any potential compliance issue with regard to NRC regulatory requi rements or NRC commitments, please inform us regarding the requirement or commitment that may have been violated , the corrective actions taken or planned, and the corrective action documentation that addresses the issue. We ask that you reference our tracking number (RIV-2018-A-0083) in your written response, and that you make any records of your evaluation available for possible NRC inspection.

The NRC will review your response to determine whether: (a) the individual conducting the investigation was independent of the organization with responsibility for the related functional area, (b) the evaluator has sufficient knowledge and experience to conduct a review in the related functional area, and (c) the evaluation was of sufficient depth and scope. Your response should describe how each of these attributes was satisfied.

If individuals were interviewed as part of your review, your response should include the basis for determining that the number and cross section of individuals interviewed was appropri1ate to obtain the information necessary to fully evaluate the concerns, and the interview questions used.

If your evaluation included a sample review of related documentation and/or potentially affected structures, systems, and components, your response should include the basis for determining that the selected sample size was appropriately representative and adequate to obtain the information necessary to fully evaluate the concern. The NRC will consider these factors in

T. Palmisano 2 RIV-2018-A-0083 reviewing the adequacy of your evaluation of this issue and in developing our conclusions with regard to the concerns provided in the enclosure.

Within 30 days of the date of this letter, submit in writing the results of that evaluation to Mr. Jesse M. Rollins, Senior Allegation Coordinator, at the address listed in the header of this letter. We request that your response include the details of your evaluation and findings related to the validity of the information provided. We request that your response only be sent to Mr. Roll ins at the address listed in the header of this letter. No other copies should be sent to the NRC (i.e. , your response should not be docketed or otherwise submitted to the NRC Document Control Desk).

Any information submitted electronically to the NRC should be provided on a CD or DVD as externally provided thumb drives are prohibited from use on NRC computers. The use of any web-based document room must provide only general support documents to avoid the release of allegation information beyond a "need to know;" i.e. procedures, work orders, etc. If you choose to utilize a web-based document room to provide any supporting documents, please specify the web location, any specific access requirements , and folder title of where the documents may be retrieved. In the title, please include Mr. Rollins' name and the date of this letter. Do not use the allegation number.

We also request that your response contain no personal privacy, proprietary, or safeguards information. If personal privacy or proprietary information is necessary to provide an acceptable response, please provide a bracketed copy of your response that identifies the information that should be protected and a redacted copy of your response that deletes such information. If you request withholding of such material, you must specifically identify the portions of your response that you seek to have withheld and provide in detail the bases for your claim of withholding (e.g.,

explain why the disclosure of information will create an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or provide the information required by Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 2.390(b) to support a request for withholding confidential commercial or financial information ). If safeguards information is necessary to provide an acceptable response, please provide the level of protection described in 10 CFR 73.21 . If security- related Information is necessary to provide an acceptable response, please mark your entire response "Security-Related Information-Withhold from Public Disclosure Under 10 CFR 2.390."

This letter and its enclosure should be controlled and distribution limited to personnel with a "need to know." The response requested by this letter and the accompanying enclosure are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L.96-511 .

T. Palmisano 3 RIV-2018-A-0083 Please contact Dr. Janine F. Katanic, Chief, Fuel Cycle and Decommissioning Branch , at 817-200-1151 within 5 days to discuss your evaluation or investigation plan and how it will incorporate the request for information enclosed. Please provide any additional questions you may have at this time concerning this request.

Sincerely, IRA/

G. Michael Vasquez, Team Leader Allegation Coordination and Enforcement Staff Docket Nos. 50-361 ; 50-362 License Nos NPF-1 0; NPF-15


As stated

T. Palmisano 4 RIV-2018-A-0083 bee w/enclosure Allegation File Document* l(b)(?)(F) l(b)(?)(F) I ADAMS: 0No Note: if DRS Always include DRP associated Branch Chief on concurrence OFFICE AC:ACES SAC C:FCDB TL:ACES NAME JLWeaver JMRollins JFKatanic GMVasquez SIGNATURE IRA/ IRA/ IRA/ IRA/

DATE 09/05/18 09/06/18 09/06/18 09/11/18 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

NQ:r F0R PUBUe D13CLO~U"!!

Issue The NRC has received information that contractors at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station have not received adequate training on a Safety Conscious Work Environment.

In addition to evaluating the issue and providing the response information requested in the cover letter, we ask that your response address or include the following:

  • Provide Southern California Edison Company policy regarding Safety Conscious Work Environment.
  • Describe how Southern California Edison Company Safety Conscious Work Environment policy addresses contractors such as Holtec.
  • Did Southern California Edison Company provide Safety Conscious Work Enviironment training to its contractor, Holtec? If so, provide records documenting the training attendance by Holtec personnel.
  • Does Southern California Edison Company whistle-blower protection program apply to contractors, such as Holtec?
  • How does Southern California Edison Company make its workers and contractors aware of NRC protected activities, such as raising safety concerns?

RIV-2018-A-0083 Enclosure

    • e:r F9R P~BLI& BI08LOOURE

From: Evans Robert Attachments, totaling 5 pages, are being To: R4ALLEGAUON Resource withheld in their entirety under FOIA Subject : FW: RE: (External) :Request for copies of AR and FCRs exemption 4; individuals' names included Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 4:51 :33 PM within the attachments are also withheld Attachments: Cask Download FCR.odf under FOIA exemption ?(C).

Cask download AR.odf.

Jesse, FYI ....

From: l(b)(?)(C)

Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 4:09 PM To: Evans, Robert <Robert.Evans@>; Vaaler, Marlayna <>;

Brookhart, Lee <Lee.Brookhart@>; Simpson, Eric <E ric.Simpson@n>

Cc~(b)(?)(C)  ! Katanic, Ja nine <>


[Externa l_Sender] RE : (External):Request for copies of AR and FCRs Rob, See attached for both t he Holtec FCR and t he SCE AR. My understa nding of t he Holtec process is t hat issues such as t his t hen generate a "QI" (wh ich stands for Quality Issue) that will track t he associated Cause Evaluation.

Let me know if you need any ad dit ional informat ion.

Thanks, (b)(?)(C)

From: Eva ns, Robert [1]

Se nt: Monday, August 13, 2018 2:39 PM Simpson, Eric <>


Cc: (b)(?)(C)  ; Katanic, Janine <Janine.Katanic@>


(Externa l}:Req uest for copies of AR and FCRs (b)(?)(C)

As you might expect, we've had a few internal discussions about the August 3rd event involving the near-miss drop of an ISFSI canister.

I assume you 've added the incident to your corrective action programs. Would it be possible for you to send me electronic copies of your SONGS AR and/or Holtec FCR for th is event/incident? I expect that the reports will be incomplete at this point in time, but we would still like copies of what's available at the moment.

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!

Rob Evans

From: R4ALLEGAIIQN Resource To: R4ALLEGATIQN Resource Cc: Katanjc Janjne Subject : Phone Call from Licensee I RIV-2018-A-0083 Date: Wednesday, August 29, 201 8 1:31:24 PM Attachments: imaqe001.png Toda I received a call from (b)(?)(C) and (b)(?)(C)

(b)(7)(C) at . (b)(7)(C) wanted to provide us with an update on what the licensee had been doing since the concerns were raised during the CEP meeting on August 9, 2018.

(b)(4) l.... 7 The licensee also informed me that they had inteNiewed (b_l(_l(_c_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____.

l(b)(?)(C) Ito better understand the issues, and to assure him that he would not be retaliated against for raising the concerns. The licensee has also taken several steps to ensure that no adverse actions will be taken against the individual by l(b)(7)(C) !management.

I informed the licensee that we would be sending them an RFI about the SCWE training concern expressed in the v ideo.

V/r Jesse M . Rollins Senior Allegation Coordinator RIV/ORA/ACES 817-200-1431

From : R4ALLEGATION Resource To : R4ALLEGATION Resource Subject : Phone Call with Licensee I RIV-2018-A-0083 Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 11 :39:29 AM Attachments: ~Q!lg Today I received a call from ._l(b_)(?_)(_ c)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,lsoNGS, to update me on the case.

(b)(4}, (b)(?)(C)

V/r Jesse M. Rollins Senior Allegation Coordinator RIV/ORA/ACES 817-2 00-1431