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FOIA Request for Revs 1 & 3 of Stated Rept for Plant Re Design Assessment
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/1988
From: Connor L
FOIA-88-427, RTR-NUREG-0892, RTR-NUREG-892 NUDOCS 8810180390
Download: ML20155H211 (1)


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4 DOC SEARCH ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 7 Cabin John, MD 20818 August 12, 1988 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST slon of Rules and Records U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

[034'8/* N7 Wasnington, DC 20555 gg,g g./4 g

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to receive the information as listed below. Please let me know the cost associated with this request.

1. "Plant Design Assessment Report for SRV and LOCA Loads," Rev.1, submitted for WPPSS 2 by D. L Renberger to S. A. Varga under letter dated February 2,1978 (GO2 78 45)

(NOTE: A similarletter of the same date (GO2 78 46) transmitted proprietary Appendices B, C, and E of the report.)

2. "Plant Design Assessment Report for SRV and LOCA Loads," Rev. 3, referenced on page 31 of NUREG 0892, Safety Evaluation Report, Supplement 5. April 1984.
(NOTE: Although SSER No. 5 references the DAR, Rev. 3, as containing the bases of its evaluation, the current FSAR in the NRC
PDR continues to reference Rev. 2 see FSAR Appendix G.)

Thank you.

Sincerely, i I

W [.TH&

Lynn Connor

$8jotaggo 880812 CONNOR 88-427 PDR I