MONTHYEARML20036A8621993-05-10010 May 1993 Advises That Neither EA Nor EIS Warranted for 930201 Proposed Amend to License SNM-778 to Incorporate Changes to Radiological Contingency Plan ML20035F6921993-04-21021 April 1993 Requests Technical Assistance in Reviewing B&W Decommissioning Funding Plan Dtd 920827,including Licensee Cost Estimate & Parent Company Guarantee ML20058M4661990-08-0606 August 1990 Informs That Environ Assessment & Environ Impact Statement Not Needed for Proposed Amend to License SNM-778 ML20245F5591989-08-0808 August 1989 Advises That Neither EIS Nor Environ Assessment Warranted Re 890519 & 0717 Applications for Amend to License SNM-778, Reflecting Organizational Changes ML20247B9571989-05-17017 May 1989 Discusses Categorical Exclusion for 890331 Application for Amend to License SNM-0778,incorporating Groundwater Monitoring Program for Liquid Waste Disposal Facility Tanks ML20206D4821988-10-20020 October 1988 Recommends Unconditional Release of Bldg C Under License SNM-778 ML20155C4621988-09-26026 September 1988 Notification of 880930 Meeting W/B&W to Discuss Implementation of New Amends Covering Decommissioning ML20151X5781988-08-22022 August 1988 Discusses Licensee 880614 Request for Categorical Exclusion for Amend 5 to License SNM-778 ML20150F7901988-07-0808 July 1988 Recommends Finding of No Significant Impact Re B&W 871208, 880330 & 0620 Applications for Amend to License SNM-778, Authorizing Const & Use of Temporary Storage Facility within Existing Restricted Area for Storage of Hot Cell Waste ML20237G2971987-08-18018 August 1987 Provides Categorical Exclusion for 860619 Application for Amend to License SNM-778,releasing Bldg a as Authorized Place of Use.Neither Environ Assessment Nor EIS Warranted ML20214X1361987-05-0808 May 1987 Informs That Review of Draft Rept of Survey to Verify That Condition of Bldg a at Lynchburg Research Ctr Meets Release Criteria in Annex C to License SNM-778 ML20205D9221987-03-23023 March 1987 Requests Confirmatory Radiological Survey to Verify Decontamination of Bldg C of Facility & That Concentrations of Radioactive Matls in Drums Meet Criteria for Unrestricted Release ML20207T0641987-03-17017 March 1987 Summarizes 870311 Telcon W/Gl Troup of Region II Re Concerns Involving Application for Renewal of License SNM-778. Licensee Response to Previous NRC Comments Contained in Licensee 870120 Submittal ML20202C4161986-06-10010 June 1986 Forwards Assessment of Licensee Response to Closeout Survey Findings & Special & Soil Sample Results from Confirmatory Surveys for Lynchburg Research Ctr.Listed Issues Should Be Resolved W/Licensee ML20211H9151986-06-10010 June 1986 Forwards Assessment of Licensee Position Re Issues Identified in Insp Rept 70-0824/85-08 Re Release of Bldg C. Adequacy of Scope of Licensee Surveys & Disposition of Facility Stack Should Be Resolved W/Licensee by NMSS ML20154S0861986-03-26026 March 1986 Advises That Neither Environ Assessment Nor EIS Warranted for 860225 Application for Amend to License SNM-778, Reflecting Organizational Changes.Changes Will Not Compromise Environ Protection ML20203D0441986-03-24024 March 1986 Forwards Recommendations Re B&W Lynchburg Research Ctr Renewal Application,Per 851218 Memo.N Ketzlach Will Accompany Region II Senior Radiation Specialist on Routine Insp on 860310-14 ML20154M3091986-02-19019 February 1986 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0824/85-08 on 851009-11 & 1118-21,per 850801 Request.Region II Cannot Support Vendor Request That Phase I of Bldg C Be Approved for Release for Unrestricted Use ML20138M9171985-12-18018 December 1985 Requests Comments & Recommendations Re 851126 Application for Renewal of License SNM-778,notification of Scheduled Insps & Actions Required to Meet Listed Scheduled Milestones ML20140H9861985-10-15015 October 1985 Reviews 850820 Application for Amend to License SNM-778, Authorizing Reorganization of Safety & Licensing Staff ML20140H9911985-10-15015 October 1985 Grants Categorical Exclusion for 850820 Request for Amend to License SNM-778.Neither Environ Assessment Nor EIS Warranted ML20133H5861985-08-0101 August 1985 Requests Confirmatory Radiological Survey of B&W Lynchburg Research Ctr Verifying Concentration of Radioactive Matl Meets Criteria for Unrestricted Release ML20133B8771985-07-25025 July 1985 Supports Amend 8 to License SNM-778,extending Expiration Date Until 860101.Amended Application for Renewal, Reformatted Per Reg Guide 3.52,must Be Submitted to NRC by 851129 ML20133B9401985-07-25025 July 1985 Grants Categorical Exclusion from Environ Assessment & EIS Re 850628 Application for Amend to License SNM-778,extending Expiration Date to Allow for Reformatting of License. Resubmittal of License Required by 851129 ML20041D0461982-02-18018 February 1982 Forwards Safety Evaluation of Amended Radiological Contingency Plan Submitted Per Commission 810211 Order. License Amend Should Be Processed to Incorporate Condition That Plan Be Implemented & Maintained ML19350C3611981-03-16016 March 1981 Responds to Questions & Concerns Re 801021 Memo on tamper- Safing of Low Enriched U.Between 100 & 180 Thefts Would Have to Be Made During Yr to Steal Significant Quantity of Low Enriched U.New Proposed Ltr Should Be Sent to Licensees ML19350C3681980-10-21021 October 1980 Recommends Abandoning two-man Rule Re tamper-safing of Low Enriched U.Theft of Significant Quantities of Low Enriched U Is Not Credible Threat.Draft Ltr to Licensees Encl ML19318C8381980-06-10010 June 1980 Forwards Proposed License Conditions & Comments on License Renewal Application.W/O Encl ML19320C0941980-05-30030 May 1980 Lists Costs Incurred & Manhours Expended in Review of 800218 Application & 800325 & 0408 Suppls for Amend to License SNM-778 ML19210E4841979-10-31031 October 1979 Discusses IE Insp of Facility to Review Adequacy of Operations,Licenses & Amend Application to Modify Emergency Evacuation Procedures ML19211A1081979-10-31031 October 1979 Discusses Insp of B&W Naval Nuclear Fuel Div Facility, Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant & Lynchburg Research Ctr. Implementation of Packaging,Transport & Burial of Low Level Radwaste Per IE Bulletin 79-19 Was Adequate ML20125B8311979-10-31031 October 1979 Discusses Site Visit of Facilities for Routine Insp & Review Actions Taken in Response to IE Bulletin 79-19, Packaging of Low Level Waste for Transport & Burial ML19327A1491979-09-12012 September 1979 Summarizes 790723 Site Visit & Discussion Re B&W Application for Renewal of License SNM-778.Future Close Liaison Between Site Personnel & Fire Protection Engineer Is Expected to Assure Required Prof Contribution ML19208A4111979-08-16016 August 1979 Discusses 790809 Visit to Plant to Study Levels of Activity & to Tour Facility.Licensee Has No Firm Contracts for New Work ML19290D5971979-07-30030 July 1979 Expresses Gratitute for Comments Re B&W Renewal Application ML19242B2821979-07-0202 July 1979 Summary of 790611-13 Visit to B&W Lynchburg,Va Research Ctr ML19263D1991979-02-13013 February 1979 Requests Technical Assistance of Dp Notley for Fire Safety Review of SNM License Renewal Application Submitted by B&W Lynchburg Research Center.Application Not Encl ML19282A5751979-02-0606 February 1979 Review Schedule for License Renewal Application Has Been Prepared According to Agreement on Interface & Div of Responsibility Between NMSS & IE, W/Minor Adjustment. Lists Milestones in Review Schedule.Requests IE Input ML20150B8841978-11-0606 November 1978 Review of Lic Amend Appl & Suppl , 780313 & 780403 Re Decontamination Plan,Costs & Financial Plan ML20141G8321978-05-26026 May 1978 Advises That Fees Normally Charged for Review & Approval of Matls Control & Accounting Programs Being Waived Due to 2-yr Licensing Delay ML20141G4651977-08-0404 August 1977 Returns Final Rept on NRC Task Force Review of Highly Enriched U Operations at B&W,Nuclear Matls Div,Apollo & Leechburg,Pa Sites,Per 770802 Request 1993-05-10
MONTHYEARML20036A8621993-05-10010 May 1993 Advises That Neither EA Nor EIS Warranted for 930201 Proposed Amend to License SNM-778 to Incorporate Changes to Radiological Contingency Plan ML20035F6921993-04-21021 April 1993 Requests Technical Assistance in Reviewing B&W Decommissioning Funding Plan Dtd 920827,including Licensee Cost Estimate & Parent Company Guarantee ML20058M4661990-08-0606 August 1990 Informs That Environ Assessment & Environ Impact Statement Not Needed for Proposed Amend to License SNM-778 ML20245F5591989-08-0808 August 1989 Advises That Neither EIS Nor Environ Assessment Warranted Re 890519 & 0717 Applications for Amend to License SNM-778, Reflecting Organizational Changes ML20247B9571989-05-17017 May 1989 Discusses Categorical Exclusion for 890331 Application for Amend to License SNM-0778,incorporating Groundwater Monitoring Program for Liquid Waste Disposal Facility Tanks ML20206D4821988-10-20020 October 1988 Recommends Unconditional Release of Bldg C Under License SNM-778 ML20155C4621988-09-26026 September 1988 Notification of 880930 Meeting W/B&W to Discuss Implementation of New Amends Covering Decommissioning ML20151X5781988-08-22022 August 1988 Discusses Licensee 880614 Request for Categorical Exclusion for Amend 5 to License SNM-778 ML20150F7901988-07-0808 July 1988 Recommends Finding of No Significant Impact Re B&W 871208, 880330 & 0620 Applications for Amend to License SNM-778, Authorizing Const & Use of Temporary Storage Facility within Existing Restricted Area for Storage of Hot Cell Waste ML20237G2971987-08-18018 August 1987 Provides Categorical Exclusion for 860619 Application for Amend to License SNM-778,releasing Bldg a as Authorized Place of Use.Neither Environ Assessment Nor EIS Warranted ML20214X1361987-05-0808 May 1987 Informs That Review of Draft Rept of Survey to Verify That Condition of Bldg a at Lynchburg Research Ctr Meets Release Criteria in Annex C to License SNM-778 ML20205D9221987-03-23023 March 1987 Requests Confirmatory Radiological Survey to Verify Decontamination of Bldg C of Facility & That Concentrations of Radioactive Matls in Drums Meet Criteria for Unrestricted Release ML20207T0641987-03-17017 March 1987 Summarizes 870311 Telcon W/Gl Troup of Region II Re Concerns Involving Application for Renewal of License SNM-778. Licensee Response to Previous NRC Comments Contained in Licensee 870120 Submittal ML20202C4161986-06-10010 June 1986 Forwards Assessment of Licensee Response to Closeout Survey Findings & Special & Soil Sample Results from Confirmatory Surveys for Lynchburg Research Ctr.Listed Issues Should Be Resolved W/Licensee ML20211H9151986-06-10010 June 1986 Forwards Assessment of Licensee Position Re Issues Identified in Insp Rept 70-0824/85-08 Re Release of Bldg C. Adequacy of Scope of Licensee Surveys & Disposition of Facility Stack Should Be Resolved W/Licensee by NMSS ML20154S0861986-03-26026 March 1986 Advises That Neither Environ Assessment Nor EIS Warranted for 860225 Application for Amend to License SNM-778, Reflecting Organizational Changes.Changes Will Not Compromise Environ Protection ML20203D0441986-03-24024 March 1986 Forwards Recommendations Re B&W Lynchburg Research Ctr Renewal Application,Per 851218 Memo.N Ketzlach Will Accompany Region II Senior Radiation Specialist on Routine Insp on 860310-14 ML20154M3091986-02-19019 February 1986 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0824/85-08 on 851009-11 & 1118-21,per 850801 Request.Region II Cannot Support Vendor Request That Phase I of Bldg C Be Approved for Release for Unrestricted Use ML20138M9171985-12-18018 December 1985 Requests Comments & Recommendations Re 851126 Application for Renewal of License SNM-778,notification of Scheduled Insps & Actions Required to Meet Listed Scheduled Milestones ML20140H9861985-10-15015 October 1985 Reviews 850820 Application for Amend to License SNM-778, Authorizing Reorganization of Safety & Licensing Staff ML20140H9911985-10-15015 October 1985 Grants Categorical Exclusion for 850820 Request for Amend to License SNM-778.Neither Environ Assessment Nor EIS Warranted ML20133H5861985-08-0101 August 1985 Requests Confirmatory Radiological Survey of B&W Lynchburg Research Ctr Verifying Concentration of Radioactive Matl Meets Criteria for Unrestricted Release ML20133B8771985-07-25025 July 1985 Supports Amend 8 to License SNM-778,extending Expiration Date Until 860101.Amended Application for Renewal, Reformatted Per Reg Guide 3.52,must Be Submitted to NRC by 851129 ML20133B9401985-07-25025 July 1985 Grants Categorical Exclusion from Environ Assessment & EIS Re 850628 Application for Amend to License SNM-778,extending Expiration Date to Allow for Reformatting of License. Resubmittal of License Required by 851129 ML20041D0461982-02-18018 February 1982 Forwards Safety Evaluation of Amended Radiological Contingency Plan Submitted Per Commission 810211 Order. License Amend Should Be Processed to Incorporate Condition That Plan Be Implemented & Maintained ML19350C3611981-03-16016 March 1981 Responds to Questions & Concerns Re 801021 Memo on tamper- Safing of Low Enriched U.Between 100 & 180 Thefts Would Have to Be Made During Yr to Steal Significant Quantity of Low Enriched U.New Proposed Ltr Should Be Sent to Licensees ML19350C3681980-10-21021 October 1980 Recommends Abandoning two-man Rule Re tamper-safing of Low Enriched U.Theft of Significant Quantities of Low Enriched U Is Not Credible Threat.Draft Ltr to Licensees Encl ML19318C8381980-06-10010 June 1980 Forwards Proposed License Conditions & Comments on License Renewal Application.W/O Encl ML19320C0941980-05-30030 May 1980 Lists Costs Incurred & Manhours Expended in Review of 800218 Application & 800325 & 0408 Suppls for Amend to License SNM-778 ML19210E4841979-10-31031 October 1979 Discusses IE Insp of Facility to Review Adequacy of Operations,Licenses & Amend Application to Modify Emergency Evacuation Procedures ML19211A1081979-10-31031 October 1979 Discusses Insp of B&W Naval Nuclear Fuel Div Facility, Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant & Lynchburg Research Ctr. Implementation of Packaging,Transport & Burial of Low Level Radwaste Per IE Bulletin 79-19 Was Adequate ML20125B8311979-10-31031 October 1979 Discusses Site Visit of Facilities for Routine Insp & Review Actions Taken in Response to IE Bulletin 79-19, Packaging of Low Level Waste for Transport & Burial ML19327A1491979-09-12012 September 1979 Summarizes 790723 Site Visit & Discussion Re B&W Application for Renewal of License SNM-778.Future Close Liaison Between Site Personnel & Fire Protection Engineer Is Expected to Assure Required Prof Contribution ML19208A4111979-08-16016 August 1979 Discusses 790809 Visit to Plant to Study Levels of Activity & to Tour Facility.Licensee Has No Firm Contracts for New Work ML19290D5971979-07-30030 July 1979 Expresses Gratitute for Comments Re B&W Renewal Application ML19242B2821979-07-0202 July 1979 Summary of 790611-13 Visit to B&W Lynchburg,Va Research Ctr ML19263D1991979-02-13013 February 1979 Requests Technical Assistance of Dp Notley for Fire Safety Review of SNM License Renewal Application Submitted by B&W Lynchburg Research Center.Application Not Encl ML19282A5751979-02-0606 February 1979 Review Schedule for License Renewal Application Has Been Prepared According to Agreement on Interface & Div of Responsibility Between NMSS & IE, W/Minor Adjustment. Lists Milestones in Review Schedule.Requests IE Input ML20150B8841978-11-0606 November 1978 Review of Lic Amend Appl & Suppl , 780313 & 780403 Re Decontamination Plan,Costs & Financial Plan ML20141G8321978-05-26026 May 1978 Advises That Fees Normally Charged for Review & Approval of Matls Control & Accounting Programs Being Waived Due to 2-yr Licensing Delay ML20141G4651977-08-0404 August 1977 Returns Final Rept on NRC Task Force Review of Highly Enriched U Operations at B&W,Nuclear Matls Div,Apollo & Leechburg,Pa Sites,Per 770802 Request 1993-05-10
[Table view] |
h CJgy b McMf
-% * . /6'b,lMcb FI D EEG UNITED STATES /
- I ~t ATLAPsTA. GEORGI A 30323 i
/ MAR 2 41986 RETURN TO 396-SS !
MEMORANDUM FOR: W. T. Crow, Acting Chief, Uranium Fuel L.icensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS FROM: K. P. Barr, Chief, Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards 4
LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION - BABC0CK AND WILC0X LYNCHEURG RESEARCH CENTER DOCKET NO.70-824 In accordance with your memorandum of December 18, 1985, Region II submits the enclosed comments and recommendations on the Babcock and Wilcox - Lynchburg Research Center (B&W-LRC) renewal application. Our inspection schedule for B&W-LRC has been verbally transmitted to Norman Ketzlach. Plans are for Norman to accompany the Region II-Senior Radiation Specialist on a routine inspection of the licensee the week of March 10-14, 1986.
1 We appreciate the opportunity to furnish comments and recommendations. If you have any questions, please contact me. p K. P. Barr
Comment on B&W-LRC License Renewal
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i MAR 2 4190 w-ENCLOSURE COMMENT ON B&W-LRC LICENSE RENEWAL 1.6.8 A " Qualified Person" shall be trained in nuclear safety and radiation protection, not just " Familiar with the hazards in the area" (refer to 2.6.1 and 2.6.2) 1.6.10 The definition of calibration is vague. Calibration includes the determination of range and accuracy within appropriate range and accuracy to a known standard. The definition as written does not include adjustment to assure that the reading (result) falls within an acceptable accuracy. Waiver of bioassay just because the individual "is absent from LRC" is not a sound technical basis for the program. Criteria should be stated in terms of air concentrations, previous results and known exposures. A limit should also be established for how many consecutive bioassay periods may be missed (not more than one) before special bioassays or work restriction is required.
(Refer to and 12.8.1).
2.3.1 The SRC shall review all SAS audit findings, all overexposures, and all unusual occurrences which must be reported to the NRC.
l 2.5.4 As written, the qualification of the Facility Supervisor have been f decreased from those currently in effect. (Previously, position required degree +3, or 8 yrs, experience - now requires degree +3 or 5 yrs experience). Justify this action.
2.6.4 Specify the reoairements for retraining in Respiratory Protection.
2.7.3 ACPs shall be strictly adhered to by all personnel, not just OPS This section must be clarified as to intent. As presently written, it states " levels of radiation specified in 10CFR20." At what estimated exposure levels are RWPs to be required? This does not address the case where A0Ps specify "RWP required" or other sections of the license specify an RWP, such as 12.2.2. How will ALARA performance will evaluated? How, when and by whom are the ALARA performance goals established?
Section states that the SRC will evaluate the AL ARA performance by reviewing the ' annual report from the Supervisor, Health and Safety. Where is tha requirement for preparing and t
submitting such a report? ( does not require audit reports l to be sent to SRC). Why are non-stack releases only monitored for particulates? Why not gas and/or iodine samples as circumstances dictate?
+ ,
. . MAR 2 41986 Enclosure 2 . Test method?
Add the following phase to item "Whichever is sooner",
3 Without this phase, filter testing could be conducted at frequencies greater than one year. What is calibration and test frequency of the criticality l monitors? The action levels specified for uranium enriched in U-235 > 4%
- are not consistent with those specified,in Table 12-6 (55 dpm/
sample vs 55 dpm/l.)._ Specify_a consistent action level. Paragraph a shEuld state uranium enriched,.in U-235 rather than enriched U-235._ -- - Specify the criteria, regiufaiions etc. which will be used in implementing the._Raspiratory-Protectidn~ Program. Justify the stated - frequench for coiitamination surveys. When
- operations are goin.g on in_the4 Hot Cell or Cask handling, how is a
- bimonthly curvey frequency,justjfied?
l When will extremity bad es,or,supplemen.tal badges be used?
q 5.1 No mention is made_conqqrning"demonstratio'n of compliance with 40 CFR 190 . requirements. The licensee should include a brief discussion on how this will be done.- '
5.2 The environmental m,onitoring.. program description should be more i comprehensive. ' The program should be strengthened through the following commitmentw-- ~~ ~
- 1. Air sampling at fitb Ei6undar'f"in the prevailing wind directions; air s,ampligg at .the_ paints of maximum X/Q
- 2. Upstream wa.ter-sampling-(above-discharge) n1T N!
- 3. . Annual onsite a&offsite so11~sa1EpTTn_g p.. .rggram ,
- 4. Semi-annual vegetation sampling program I 5. Establishment of a direct radiation monitoring network - TLD program on site (at site boundary at least).
5.2.3 The qualification basis of outside ' concerns "who evaluate i environmental sampling program and results should be specified.
8.0 Submit a current copy of the Radiological Centingency Plan which describes the current status of operators and facilities at LRC which come under the preview of SNM-778.
. :, I ,
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