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Commonwealth of Ma Atty General Supplemental Answer to Applicant Expert Witness Interrogatories.* Prof Qualifications of Expert Witnesses Encl.W/Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/21/1989
From: Jonas S
CON-#289-8502 OL-1, NUDOCS 8905020078
Download: ML20245E653 (33)


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.i DocM'y "

Before Administrative Judges:

Peter Bloch, Chairman Emmeth A. Luebke Dr. Jerry Harbour 4


In the Matter of )



NEW HAMPSHIRE, ET AL. ) 50-443/444-OL-1 (Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2) ) On-site EP

) April 21, 1989


MASS A.G.'S SUPPLEMENTAL ANSWER TO APPLICANTS' EXPERT WITNESS INTERROGATORIES Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. Sec. 2.740(e), the Mass. A.G. hereby supplements his answer to the Applicants' expert interrogatories as follows:


Does the Mass A.G. intend to offer the testimony of any expert witness with respect to the Amended Contention on Notification System? If so, please:

(a) Identify each expert witness whom the Mass A.G.

intends to present with respect to this contention.

(b) State the substance of the facts to which each expert witness is expected to testify.

(c) State the substance of the opinion or opinions to which each expert witness is expected to testify.

i B905020078 890421 PDR ADOCK 05000443 G PDR p

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1 9

t (d) Provide a summary of the grounds for each opinion to which each expert witness is expected to testify.

(e) State whether the facts and opinions listed in response to the foregoing are contained in any written report, memoranda, calculation, analysis or other transcript, and, if so, whether the Mass AG is willing to produce the same without the necessity of a notice to produce.

(f) State whether the opinion of any expert witness is based in whole or in part on any scientific rule or principle, and, if so, set forth such rule or principle.

(g) State whether the opinion of any expert witness is based in whole or in part on any code or ri.g !ation, governmental or otherwise, and, if so, ider if f each such code or regulation and the specific seccion or portion thereof relied upon.

(h) State whether the opinion of any expert witness is based in whole or in part upon any scientific or engineering book or other publication, and, if so, identify the book or publication.


i Mass AG expects to call as expert witnesses the following individuals on the following subject matters:

1. Karl S. Pearsons, Senior Consultant, Acentech, Inc.

regarding sound pressure levels.

2. Charles B. Perrow, professor Yale University regarding the fifteen. minute design objective.
3. Gregory C. Tocci, President, Cavanaugh Tocci Associates regarding sound pressure levels and siren acoustic coverage.
4. Ruth Kdnfer, Professor, University of Minnesota regarding the fifteen minute design objective.

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l 5 -- 1 i,

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4 l

l l The professional qualifications of these individuals are I

attached. The substance of their testimony is set forth in the I Mass AG's direct testimony filed on this date.  !

J Respectfully submitted, I l JAMES M. SHANNON ATTORNEY GENERAL jf' l

P' /

'StepW6n A.'J s Deputy Atto ey General Chief, Public Protection Bureau One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-2200 Dated: April 21, 1989

, , Acentech incorporated Acoust:Cl & IMf0mnenul Technologies StaffResume KARL S. PEARSONS Senior Consultant EDUCATION:

S.M. , Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1959 S.B.,

Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1956 PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS:

Acentech Incorporated,1989 Present, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 1956 1989 HONORS AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES:

Acoustical Society of America (Fellow); Audio Engineering Society: CHABA; Institute of Noise Control Engineering; Chairman of Scandards Committee on .

Measurement of Speech Levels (ASA); Standards Committee for Speech Interference Levels (ASA); Standards Committee on Auditory Magnitudes (ASA); Subcommittee to evaluate audible noise from high voltage transmission lines (IEEE); Chairman of Moise and Communication Group of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noisa.


Mr. Pearsons has been involved in many aspects of noise and vibration. As evidenced by his publications, his major activities have been in psycho-acoustics and communication studies. In this area, he has worked on studies of airport noise and community reaction, architectural acoustics design, psycho-logical effects of noise on human beings with particular reference to the establishment of a "noisiners" scale and laboratory and field studies of air-craft and traffic noise. He has also been active in studies investigation 6 speech interference and hearing damage criteria.

Recently, in addition to his interests in subjective acoustics, he has played an important role in the measurement and assessment of vibration, particularly in microelectronics facilities. Activities have included site vibration eval-uations, building design development and review and final evaluation of com-pleted facilities for both vibration and noise environments. Mr. Pearsons also provides recommendations for vibration and noise control treatments in those situations where vibration and/or noise are deemed problems.

Mr. Pearsons has managed a number of product testing projects in the BBN ane-choie chamber testing facility. These tests have included measurements of noise and vibration of computer peripheral devices including printers and disk drives, as well as products for use in primary environments. Currently, he is l

combining his psychoucoustic and computer modeling skills for use on a Noise and Sonic Boom Impact Technology Program for the U.S. Air Force.

A Bolt Beranek and Newman Company


.? i Acentech Incorporotod Karl S. Pearsons PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS:


" Habitability Tasatsene for tho Low Frequene.y Active Sonar, Volume III:

tic Noise Level Limits for Sonar," BBN Report 6637 (December 1987).

"A Theoretical Model of the Annoyance of Individual Noise Intrusions," paper presented at the 114th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Ameries, Miami Beach, Florida (with S. Fidell and D.M. Creen) (November 1987).

" Standardized Methods for Measuring Speech Levels," Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Turin, Italy, June 21 25, 465 476, Cento Richerche E. Studi Amplifon, Milan, Italy (November 1983).

" Handbook of Aircraf t Noise Matrics," (with R.L. Bennett), BBN Report 4215

' March 1981).

Research After the 1973 Congress on Noise as a Public

" Communication in Noise:

Health Problem," Proceeding of the Third International Con 5ress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, American Soeech and Hearine Association Raeorts 10, (April 1980).

" Initial Study on the Effects of Transformer and Transmission Line Noise on '

People, Volume III: Community Reaction," (with S. Fidell, and S. Teffaceller),

I j

Electric Power Research Institute Report EA 1240 (December 1979), i q

"The Effect of Time-Varying Traffic Noise on Speech Communication and Annoy-ance," Noise Control Enrineerine (May June 1978).

" Speech Levels in Various Noise Environments," (with R.L. Bennett and S.

Tide 11), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Health Effects Research Series, EPA 60011-77 025 (May 1977).

Soem "Effect of Tons / Noise Combination on Speech Intelligibility," J. Acoust  !

6 , 61(3), pp. 883 886 (March 1977).

"Effect of Cessation of Late Night Landing Noise on Sleep Electrophysiology in the Home," (with S. Fidell and R.L. Bennett), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, CR 132543 (Decamber 1974).

" Prediction of Aural Detectability of Noise Signals," (with S. Fidell and R.L. '

Bennett), Human Factors, 16(3), pp. 373-383 (August 1974).


" Feasibility of a Novel Technique for Assessing Noise Induced Annoyance," (with '

S. Fidell and C. Jones), Department of Transportation Report No. DOT TST 74 3 (September 1973).

2 j

, l i

i l

1 i

'. K;rl S. P:cr:ons -

i A30nt:ch Inccrporat0d

" Systems of Noise Measurement," Proceedings of the International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 1973, 7-24, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 550/9-73 008,

" Predicting Aural Detectability of Aircraft in Noise Backgrounds," (with S.

Fidell and R.L. Bennett), AFFDL-TR-72-16 (July 1972).


" Speech Intelligibility in the Presence of Time-Varying Aircraft Noise," (with C.E. Williams and M.H.L. Hecker), J. Acoust. Soc. Jgt, 50(2) (Part 1), pp. 426-434 (Au5ust 1971).  !

" Subjective Testing in a Computer Controlled Psychophysical Laboratory," l Seventh International Congress on Acoustics, 23 $ 6. Budapest, Hungary (August 1971).

" Study of the Ef fects of the Doppler Shift on Perceived Noisiness," (with R.

Pennett and S. lidell), CR 1779 (July 1971).

" Effects of Temporal and Spectral Combinations on the Judged Noisiness of Aircraft Sounds," (with R.L. Bennett), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 49(4) (Part 1), pp.

1076 1082 (April 1971).

i "The Noisiness of Impulsive Sounds," (with S. Fidell, M. Crignetti and D.

Creen), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 48(6) (Part 1), pp. 1304 1310 (December 1970).

" Study of the Audibility of' Impulsive Sounds," (with S. Fidell), CR 1598 (May 1970).

" Judged Noisiness of Modulated and Multiple Tones in Broadband Noise," (with D.E. Bishop and R.D. Horonjeff), J. Acount. Soc. Am., 45(3), pp. 742 750 (March (


" Combination Effects of Tone and Duration Parameters on Perceived Noisiness,"

CR.1823 (February 1969).

" Assessment of the Validity of Pure Tone Corrections to Perceived Noise Level,"

SP189, pp. 574-579 (October 1968).

"The Noisiness of Tones Plus Noise," (with R.D. Horonjeff and D.E. Bishop), CR-1117 (Au5ust 1968).

" Comparison of Objective Measures of noisiness of Pure Tone and Varying Band.

width Noise," Sixth International Congress on Acoustics, Japan (August 1968).

" Laboratory Studies on the Effects of Duration and Spectral Complexity of Subjective Ratings of Noise." American SDeech and Hearine Association Reeorts, 4, pp. 228-237 (June 1968).

3 l


> ' Karl S. Pcersons Actnt:ch Inctrprested "The Speech Interference Effects of Aircraft Noise " (with C.E. Williams, K.M.

Stevens and M.H.L. Hecker), DS-6719 (September 1967).

" Category Scaling Judgment Tests on Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Noise," (with l R.D. Horonjeff), DS-67-8 (July 1967) .

" Noisiness Judgments of Helicopter Flyovers," DS-67-1 (January 1967) .

"The Effects ADS-78 (Aprilof1966).

Duration and Background Noise Level on Perceived Noisiness,"


" Study of the Effect of Departure Procedures on the Noise produced by Jet Transport Aircraft," (with W.J. Calloway and A.C. Pietransanta). AD$-41 (October 1965).

" Judged Noisiness of a Band of Random Noise Containing an Audible Pure Tone,"

(with K.D. Kryter), J . Acous t. Soc. Am., 38, pp. 106-112 (July 1965).


" Laboratory Test of Subjective Reactions to Sonic Booms," (with K.D. Kryter),

NASA CR-187 (March 1965). i

" Modification of Hoy Tables," (with K.D. Kryter), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 36, pp.

394-397 (February 1964).

"Some Effects of Spectral Content and Duration on Perceived Noise Level," (with K.D. Kryter), J. Acouse. Soe: Am., 35, pp. 866 883 (June 1963).

3/89 4


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Curriculum Vitae Charles B. Perrow FAX #: 203 - 432-3296 Educatien_

i University of California, Berkeley B.A. 1953, M.A. 1955, Ph.D. 1960, all in Sociology prenant_Panihinn Professor, Department of Sociology i j

Yale University, Box 1965 Yale Station i New Haven, Connecticut 06520-1965 Pergonal Born Tacoma, Washington Married, two children Social Security No. 532-18-4107


Teachine Penitions Instructor Arbor, to Assistant 1959-1963 Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Assistant to Associate Professor, and School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, 1963-1966.

Associate 1966-1970. Professor to Professor, University of Wisconsin, Professor, at Department of Sociology, State University of New York Stony Brook, 1970-1981.

Visiting 1972-1973. Professor, London Graduate School of Business, London,

' Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, California, 1981-1982.

Professor, Department of Sociology, Yale University, 1981-Pres.

Maior Raamarch Granta 1957-1958 NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship. Goals and authority in general hospital.

1958-1962 NIMH Grant. Associate Study Director, comparative study of seven juvenile correctional institutions.


V 2

unjar namanrah drants (Continued) 1963 NIME Grant. Panel study of a correctional  !

institution. '

1965-1967 NSF Grant. Comparative study of eight industrial corporations.

1967-1968- NSF Grant and Vocational Rehabilitation Grant, Comparative study of fourteen industrial  !


1971-1972 NINE Grant. Insurgency and social change in U.S.,


1973-1976 NIME Grant. Insurgency and social change in U.S.,


'1978 NSF Grant. Origins of industrial bureaucracy in the U.S.


1980-1982 NSF Grant. Accidents in High Risk Systems.

1982 -

Office of Naval Research Grant. Organizational Context of Human Factors.

1986 American Foundation for AIDS Research.

Interorganisational response to AIDS crisis, cannulkanelas and Minor GranEm i

1956-1958 Evaluattson study for OVR of Home Care Program, Mount Zion Hospital; Evaluation study of alcoholic rehabilitation program, California State Alcoholism Commission.

1963-1964 Evaluation study of half-way home program for l Federal Bureau of Prisons (with other co- l investigators); Consultant and research role for City Youth Commission.

1974-1975 Consultant to Philips Industries, Eindhoven, l Holland, on work structuring program.

1972-1973 Consultant on various projects in public sector for .

Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. ]

1973-1974 Evaluation study of administrative practices in student services at Stony Brook.


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4-t i

}. 3 conanthanclea and Minor Granta (Continued) 1972-1975 Workshop leader, for Dale-Loveluck Associates, l running two-day workshops for executives in London. '

1975 Consultant on evaluation strategies for AID rural health prograssi Consultant, office of Tele-communications Polley, elec_tronic funds transfer.

1979 Background paper for President's Commission on the Three Elle Island Accident, "TMI--A Normal AccJdent."

1980 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, study of Safety Goals for Nuclear Power Plants.

1981  !

Organizational design of Nuclear Power Stations, Battelle Memorial Institute.

1981-1982 proxin in the Office Building: the Generation of Risk Assessment in Terms of Personal Tragedy and Organizational Dilemmas. Russell Sage Foundation, small grant.

1986 ." Organizational Failures at the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station," for Suffolk County Legislature, New York.

1986-1967 ~" Nuclear Wasts Hazards at Hanford, Wn. Repository,"

Impact Assessment, Inc., San Diego, CA.

l Tamehine Intarants '

.- 1 Complex organizations, Industrial Society, Technology and Social Change, Social Movements, Research Design, Sociological Theory. ,

l l

Rnners and Membershina Phi Beta Kappa; Newhouse Fellowship i Public Health Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Public Health Service, Special Fellowship Vice-President: Eastern Sociological Society National Association for Advancement of Science, Fellow National Research Council, Committee on Human Factor Research, 1981-83 Editorial Board Memberships on several professional journals.

Sociology Panel: National Science Foundation Senior Research Fellow Center for Policy Research AAA8, Nominating Committeer Section K.

Industrial Relations Association l' Eastern Sociological Society l


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EnnGIp and Mamhershina (continued)

Interastional sociologjgal A.ssociat+cn thT~2eci8EE'Eii recfpient of the 1985 George R. Terry i Book Award, Academy of Management.

M and Published Monoaraohm l


1. Study on the Non-Sacracated Hommitalization of Alcoholic Enti. ants in a ceneral Hospital, (American Hospital Association, Hospital Monograph Series 7, 1959) with Mark Berke, Jack D. Gordon, M.D., and Robert I. Levy, M.D., 120 pages. l j
2. Orannication for Treakmant A connarative Study of Juvenila l

.Carracetonal inatitutionm, New York: The Free Press, 1966) with


David Street and Robert D. Vinter. .

3. orannfrational Analvalar A Eceioloafeal Vlaw, Belmont, Ca.:

Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1970, (Chapters have been reprinted). f

4. Fameler dramnimationar. A Critical Emmav, Glenview, Ill.:

Scott, Foresman, 1972. (Chapters have been reprinted.) Revised edition, 1979. Third edition: Random House, 1986.

5. The nadical Attack on nominaam, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972. . . _ _
6. Normal Accidentar Livina with Hich Rink Technoloniam, Basic Books, 1984._ (German ed., Compass Books, 1987)


gemearch Artician or chanterm i

1. "Are Retirement Adjustment Programs Necessary?," Harvard guminnan naview, 35:4 (July-August, 1957), 109-15.

I 2 "Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: A Critical Analysis of the Use of a Polar Typology," Rarkeley Publications in Institu-tions and l Society, 2:1 (Spring, 1956), 20-43. Also reprinted in Autonomous aroun nulletin, XIII: 1, 2 (Autumn-Winter, 1957), 10-16.

3. "Research in a Home Care Program," Amarican Journal of Public Wealth, 49:1 (January,1959) , 34-44.
4. " Nonsegregated Hospitalization of Alcoholic Patients in a General Hospital," Hospitals, Journal of the American Hospital Association, Vol. 33, (Nov. 16, 1959), 45-48, with Mark Berke, Jack D. Gordon, M.D., and Robert I. Levy, M.D.
5. " Organizational Prestige Some Functions and Dysfunct190st" American Journal of socioloov, 66:4 (January, 1961), 335-41.

Reprinted in 3 books.



y. -

5 Raamarch Articlam or Chaetara, (continued) i

6. " Reality Shock: A New Organization Confronts the Custody- <

Treatment Dilemma," seeial problema, 10:4 (Spring, 1963), 374-82.

7. " Goals and Authority Structures, A Historical Case Study,"

Chapter 4 in The Hospital in Modern Society, Eliot Freidse , (ed.),

(The Free Press, 1963), 112-46.  ;

8. " sociological Perspective and Political Pluralism," social Raaaarch, 31r4 (Finter, 1964-65), 411-22. Reprinted.
9. "Th6 teloctant Organization and the Aggressive Environ-ment," (with John Maniha), administrative science ouarterly, 10:2 (September, 1965), 238-57.


10. " Hospitals: Technology, Goals and Structure," Chapter 22 in Handhook of Oraanimations, James March (ed.), Rand McNally, 1965),


11. " Reality Adjustment A Young Institution Settles for Humane Care," Engial Drahlama, 14:1 (Summer, 1966), 69-79.
12. " Technology and organizational Structure," Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, December 1966, 156-63.
13. "A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Organizations," I amartean sneininnical naview, (April, 1967), 194-208. Reprinted several times and in nehba-Merri11 serien.
14. " Organizational Goals," International Encyclopedia of the anefal sefancan, revised edition, (MacMillan Co., 1968), Vol. 11, 305-11.
15. "The Professional Army in the War on Poverty," " Focus Article" in Poverty and Enman_Ramources Abarracta, (January-February, 1968),
16. " Technology and Structural Changes in Business Firms,"

Tndustrial Re l at i ons : Contemporary Insuam, B.C. Roberts, (ed.),

(MacMillan Co. , 196 8) , 205-19.

17. "Some Reflections on Technology and Organizations," in A.

R. Negandhi, et al. (eds.), Comparative Administration and Manacament, Comparative Administration Research Series, No. 1 (Kent State University Presar Kent, Ohio, 1969).

l 18. " Members as a Resource in Voluntary Organization," in l organfraefan una cifenha, W. Rosengren and M. Lefton, (eds.), Charles E. Merrill, 1970,93-116.

l 1

b a .

6 Raaaarch Artician or chankara (continued) 19.

Dawar in orannfrationa, " Departmental Power and Perspective in Industrial Firms," in Press, 1970), 59-89. edited by Mayer Zald (Vanderbilt University i.


organizational Dynamles,"The Short and Glorious History of Organizational (Summer 1973), 2-16. (Reprinted) 21.

Chapter in course text, Paonla"Roo Story, or Life in the Organizational Sandpit (England), 1974. and oraanimationa, open University Revision for 1980 edition.

22. "Is Business Really Changing 7" (S ummer, 1974) . (Reprinted) oraanimational nyna-fea I
23. "The Bureaucratic Paradox: \

Centralizes in order to Decentralize."Theoraanimational Efficient Organization l Spring, 1977, 2-14. (Reprinted) nyn ami ca, 24.

Goodman and Johannes M. Pennings, ed. New paranactiven on Oreanimational Effectivanama, Jossey-Bass, 1977,96-105.

25. " Insurgency of the Powerless: l Fara Worker Movements, 1946-1972" (April, 1977)(with Craig Jenkins), Amarlean seeinicaf emi naview, 42,

, 249-68.


"Demystifying Organizations" in Rosemary C. Sarri and Yeheskel Hasenfeld eds. The Manmaamant of Human servican, (New York:

Columbia University Press,1978) 105-122.

27. "The Sixties Observed," in Mayer M. Zald and John D.

McCarthy,Publishers, Ninthrop eds., The Dvnamica of socini Movementa, Cambridge, Mass.,

1979, 192-211 28.

"The President's Commission and the Normal Accident," in David Sills, et al. (eds.) Tha Accident at Thraa Mile Islaner Th=

1 numan nlmanniana, Boulder, Colorado The Westview Press, 1981. {

29. " Disintegrating Social Sciences," waw York univaraitv Edncmblen c ua r k a r l_v , vol. 12, no. 2 (Winter, 1981), 2-9.
30. " Markets, Hierarchies and Hegemonyt A Critique of Chandler and Williamson,"

paranaativan on in Andrew Van de Ven and William Joyce, eds.

orcanimation Damign and Behavior, New York: Wiley ,

Interscience, 1981, 371-386, 403-404.  !

31. "This Week's Citation Classic," current contenta, 14 (April \

6, 1981), p. 14 (A reflection on item 15 " Framework. .



he 7

Ramsarch Articiam or_chaetera -(continued) 32.

no. 5 (July" /Normal August,Accident at Three Mile Island," Society, vol. 18, 1981), 17-26.

33. "Three Mile Island Graeme Salaman, eds., Tha International a Normal Accident," David Dunkerley and studi en,1981, London: Yearbook of Dreanization j Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, 1-25. -
34. "The organizational Context of Human Factors,"

Technical D.C., November, Report,1982,U.S.1-50.

Navy, Office of Naval Research, Washington, DTIC #ADA123435.

35. "The ma=i ni s t ra ti ve Organizational Context of science camrteriv, vol.

Human Factors Engineering,"

28, Cornell University,1983, 521-541.

36. "Journaling Careers," in L.L. Cummings and Peter J.

Frost, eds. Publishing in the Graanizational sciences, Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1985, 220-230.

37. " Comment on Langton's ' Ecological Theory of Bureaucracy,'"

aa-i ni stra tive science cuartarly, vol. 30, 1985, 278-283.

38. " Risky Systems: Inducing and Avoiding Errors," address annual meeting, American Sociological Association, September,1986.
39. "Cognicao e Catsstrofe Os Acidentes de Alto Risco" in analina s coniuntura, vol.1, n. 3, September-December,1986
40. " Risky Systems: The Habit of Courting Disaster," The Natinn, -

October 11, 1986.


15, 11-45," Economic Theories of Organization," in Theorv and society l (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1986) {


42. "Journaling Careers," sociological Forum, 1:1, Winter 1986, 169-177.
43. "Lernen wir etwas aus den jungsten Katastrophen?" in scrimt a Wel t r 2 mitschrif Vol. 37, 64,1987.

t fur nomialwinnenschaftliche Forschuno und Praria, l

l l

    • TOTAL PAGE.007 ** l l

l l

o, GREGORY C. TOCCI Education: Tufts University, B.S., 1970 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.S., 1973


Professional Member,' Acoustical Society of America  !

Affiliations: Past Chairman, Greater Boston Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America ]

President, National Council of Acoustical Consultants Member, Institute of Noise Control Engineering Member, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers l l

Registration: Professional Engineer in Massachusetts Experience: Summers 1966, 67, 68 Alonzo B. Reed Inc.


HVAC System Designer / Draftsman l

l While attending Tufts University, Mr. Tocci worked as an HVAC System Designer / Draftsman and was responsible for the preparation of building l project drawings for a number of educational and commercial office buildings. j June 1970 - August 1971 U.S. Army Materials and Mechanics


Research Laboratory Mechanical Engineer l

Mr. Tocci was involved with the analysis of the I ballistic impact properties of fabrics. His work involved ballistic test design and theoretical and numerical analysis of ballistic / fabric l impacts.

September 1971 - February 1973 Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Research Assistant j i

While earning a Masters of Science Degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Tocci was awarded a research assistantship in the Acoustics laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Department. His research activities were supported by the National Science Foundation and involved exploring the use of geometric acoustics in architectural flanking sound transmission problems and the use of auto correlation for measuring sound absorptive properties of surfaces.

L J C1

l . ,

4 February 1973 - December 1974 Cambridge Collaborative, Inc.

Staff Consultant


'While with Cambridge Collaborative, Mr. Tocci assisted in several engineering research projects in the transportation and industrial acoustics areas. Among the programs in which ba p.ovided assistance area state-of-the-art evaluation of floating slab techniques for structuraborne. sound isolation of rail transit lines, assessment of sound radiation from elevated rail structures, '

and noise control for a commercial newspaper folding machine.

Mr. Tocci's responsibilities included and managing acoustical measurement programs designing and


assisting in data analysis and report '


January 1975 - August 1975 i Cavanaugh Copley Associates l Staff Consultant  !

Cavanaugh Copley Associates was a joint venture between two individual consultants. Mr. Tocci ,

was employed to manage all technical and {

' financial aspects of projects awarded to the l partnership. Among the projects in which he was involved were the preparation of an environmental impact statement for the Interstate 93 extension through Franconia Notch, NH the environmental impact report for the extension of the MBTA Orange Line to Reading, MA, and mechanical system {;

noise and vibration control for the University of Minnesota Health Science Expansion.

September 1975 - Present Cavanaugh Tocci Associates, Inc.

President / Principal Consultant Mr. Tocci and Mr. William J. Cavanaugh, after the disassociation of Cavanaugh Copley Associates, joined together to form Cavanaugh Tocci Associates in September 1975. Since this time, the firm has provided engineering consulting in a wide range of architectural, environmental, and industrial acoustics projects. Besides having full responsibility for all technical aspects and communications concerning projects, Mr. Tocci manages all business matters for Cavanaugh Tocci Associates, Inc. Among the variety of projects which he has managed are the following:

(::IE5 i

'. c.

Codex Corporation Headquarters Canton, MA (General Office Building, Mechanical System Noise and Vibration Studies)

Animal Research Facilities Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA (Provided construction noise impact assessme'tn for audiogenic caizure prone laboratory animals)

Miscellaneous studies for compliance with EUD Site Acceptability Standards for residential construction MBTA Track Rehabilitation Program Boston, MA (Noise and vibration impact analysis and recommendations for track rehabilitation on 40% of the MBTA system)


Seven Schools Noise Abatement Program Logan International Airport, Boston, MA {

(The development of noise control recommendations and review of design, shop drawings, and installation of glazing and

  • other treatments for schools affected by aircraft noise)

Construction Noise and Vibration Control Studies j MBTA Red Line Extension Northwest, Boston, MA i (Development of recommendations for  !

controlling construction noise as required by I the MBTA Construction Noise Control Specification in the project documents)

James River Graphics 3 Hadley, MA I (Developed recommendations for the control of i noise and vibration needed to reduce coating I chatter)

Educational: Mr. Tocci has presented lectures at corporate and l l

organizational meetings of various topics in j acoustics. In addition, he is a member of the 1 Adjunct faculty for the New England School of Art I and Design where he has taught architectural acoustics since 1979 and is a lecturer at the Harvard School of Public Health where he teaches I industrial acoustics. i l

l EE l

L_____________________________ .


'. ~

Lecture Presentations : Among the presentations he has made' to society and corporate groups are the following:

" Design Concepts for Sound Isolation G1azing" California Association of Window Manufacturers June 12, 1987 Sacramento, CA "Glating Products and Sound Isolation Performance" EFCO Corporation Engineering Staff Seminar June 11, 1987 Monet, MO Glazing Sound Transmission Loss Studies Paper 07, 111th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America May 14, 1987 Cleveland, OE

" Topics in Rooftop Mechanical System Vibration Isolation" Boston Chapter /American Society of Beating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers January 28, 1987 Medford, MA

" Concepts in Speech Privacy" GF Business Equipment National Meeting of General Managers July 26, 1983 Youngstown, OB "Open Plan Speech Privacy Analysis" Philadelphia Electric Company Facilities Department February 9, 1983 Philadelphia, PA

" Wind Farm Noise" Paper AS, 101 meeting of the Acoustical Society of America May 19, 1981 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

" Protecting Harvard University Buildings from Construction Noise" Paper JJ10, 99th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America April 25, 1980 Atlanta, GA Q

" Construction Noise Control for'a Major . Urban Rail Rapid Transit Line Extension" Paper P7, 98th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America November 29, 1979 Salt Lake City, Utah General Electric Company Plant Manager Seminar Harvard School of Public Health June 28, 1979 Boston, MA 02115

" Acoustic Modeling of 'Close-Proximity' Rail Transit Noise Barriers" Paper DD8, 94th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America December 15, 1977 '

Miami, FL US Department of Health Education Welfare Program Tufts University November 4, 1976 Medford, MA

" Noise Propagation in Corridors" Paper D9, 83rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America April 9, 1972 Buffalo, NY Publications: "Monsanto Acoustical Glazing Design Guide" Monsanto Polymer and Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO

" Acoustic Performance of a 're-entrant' Axial Fan Intake Silencer" l Gregory C. Tocci and Douglas H. Stir '

Jiging Qta H Proceedings I Cambridge, MA "A Perimetric Evaluation of Wind Turbine Noise" Gregory C. Tocci and Edward N. Marcus {

Internoise H IIgsgedines San Francisco, CA

" Practical Applications of Outdoor Noise Control Barriers" Gregory C. Tocci and William H, Pickett 122nd And vibration, v13, No.6, June 1978 (Selected for the vibraphonic Award for best paper published in Sound gag vibration in 1978 by Delaware Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America El

" Paper Cutting Noises Source Identification Techniques in Newspaper Folding Machines" Jeffery Fredberg and Gregory Tocci Internoise 74 Proceedings Washington, 5C

" Measurement and analysis of noise radiation from a slab on steel beam rapid transit structure" Gregory Tocci, Jeffery Fredberg, and Nagabhusan Senapeti Internoise 74 Proceedings Washington,~5C

" Ballistic Impact of Textile Structures" David Roylance, Anthony Wilde, and Gregory Tocci Textile Research Journal, Volume 43, Number 1, January 1973 Personal: Mr. Tocci resides in Franklin, MA with his wife, Colleen M. (McBugh) Tocci, RN and their four children.


mm -:1 ?? :::!? :::_' cr m er,c-ct:r EL c:;-su-s:s-;q 3

=e; Curriculum Vitae RUTH KANFER Address:

Department of Psychology 7201 York Ave. S., # 1217 Elhott Hall Edina, MN 35435 Universi of Minnesota 75 E. Ri r Rd. Phone: (612) 835 3591 Minnes lis, MN 55455 Phone: 612) 625 7880, 625 4042 (messages)

FAX: 626-2079 Personal Record:

Birthdate: February 1,1955 Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri Social Security No.: 542 62 3%7 Education 1981 Arizona State University Ph.D. - Qinical Psychology Tempe, Arizona ' Thesis: " Interpersonal i Standant Setting and Self.

Ef)fcacy Expectationsin  ;

1978 Arizona State University M.A. Scal Psychology Tempe, Arizona Thesis: " Experimenter.

Obserwr Effects in 1976 Child Interactions" Miami University B.A. - Psychology Oxford, Ohio l

Professlosal History:

1988 - Present Member, University of Minnesota Graduate School Faculty l 1988 - Present Associate member, Center for Research in Learning, Perception and Cognition 1988, Winter Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, Stanford University 1987, Summer '

Of5ce of Naval Research Faculty Research Fellow: U.S. Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, San Diego, CA 1984 - Present Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota 1983 - 1984 Visitiry Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois, Jrbana Champaign, Illinois

T ,_n _.37  ;,gg g ;g n q, .gg g .g.,_g;_.;g_;g_g Konfer, Rlnk Page2 1981 1983 Postdoctoral Fellow, Quantitative Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, Illinois 1980 1981 Medical Psychology Intern, University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland, Oregon 1978 1979 Prtchology Intern, Veteran's Administration Center, Prescott, Arizona l

Honors and Awards:

Named American Psychological Association Young Psychologist Program Award Alternate (1988)

Recipient of U.S. Office of Naval Research - ASEE Summer Faculty Research Fellowship (1987) 1 Recipient of National Research Service Award in Measurement and Program Evaluation, University of Illinois (1981 and 1982)

Recipient of National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship, Arizona State University (1986) l l

Prothesional Activities:

National Committee Servica:

1988 - Present Scientific Affairs Committee member, Society of i Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Div.

14 of the American Psychological Association 1988,1987 Program Committee member and reviewer, Acad of Management Annual Meetings 1987,1986,1985 Program Comnuttee member and reviewer, Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Div.

An)nual Meetings 14, American Psychologi l

Journal Reviewing: l l

l 1984 - Present Joumat of Psycho  !

1984 Present Organiza Behavior Human Decision Processes l

, <,kr.tional Behavior and Human 1 previof 1986 - Present A ManagementJoumal 1984 - Present Joumal knormal Child hology 1984 Present Joumal Climcal Child 1985 Joumal Social and i

l ' ~,

fj ., tw i s? 12:01 : w.i co n =s.c at:ra Et r.c::-st:-s:s-;rs

=::: =ca I

Kanfer, Rusk Page 3 Great reviewtag 1987 National Science Foundation, Decision, Risk, and Management Science Program 1986 National Science Foundation EPSCor 1984 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Publications:

Kanfer, R., & Ackerman, P. L (In Fren). Motivation and cognitive abilities: An  !

integrative /sptitude. treatment interaction approach to skill ac appear as a Monogmph in the Joumal ofApplinut Psycholog. quisition. P {

Kanfer, R. (In press). Non co piitive processes, dis tions, and performance:


  • Cha Kanfer, P.g the dots witsin and across p(araL

, Abilidsr,pter Ackerman, to appear Modvarion, and in R. & R. C MethodolyJ:

Hillsdale, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.The Minnssota Sym=&

Kanfer, R. (In Press). Motivation theory and IndustrialCrganizational psychology.

Chapter to appear in M. D. Dunnette Ed.), Handbook ofindussial and organiandonai pncholog. Volume 1. j in indusaial and organizational psycholop. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting hologisu Press.  ;

Kanfer, R., & Ackerman, P. L (In Press). Dynamics of skin acquisidon: Building a bridge between abilities and motivation. Chapter to a (Ed.), Advancer bs the psycholog of human intelligence.p mar in R. J. Sternbergfolu Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Kanfer, Ackerman, P. L, & Cudeck, R. (Eds.) (In press). Abilities, motivadon, and The Minnesota Symporium on Leaming and Individual Differences.

H81sdale, J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Paese, P. W., Lind, E. A., & Kanfer, R. (In press). Procedural fairness and work responses to performance evaluation systems. Paper to appear in Social Rennersk Ackerman, P. L, & Kanfer, R. (1988). Declarative and procedural knowledge in skill acquisition: An aptitude treatment interaction framework for training.

in-:::24 of the 32nd annual meeting of the Human Factors Society, 1241 1245.

Kanfer, R., Crosby, J. V., & Brandt, D. M. (1988). Investigate' g behavioral antecedents of turnover at three job. tenure' levels. Joumal of Applied Psycholog, 73, 331-335.

Ahrens, T., Zeiss, A., & Kanfer, R. (1988). Depressive deScits in interpersonal standards, self efficacy, and social compenson. Cogmive Therapy and Research, 12,53 67. l

Mm : s? :::01 miu y n 27,c+ cts,- - t 3,c::-;; -5 ;-;e 3  :.::: g3

. g .,

i 1

1 I

Kanfer, hsek Pop 4 i

Kanfer, R., Sawyer, J., Earley, P. C. & IJnd, E. A. (1987). Fairness and participation in evaluation procedures: Effects on task attitudes and performance. Social

/usrice Rarearch, 1, 235 249.

Kanfer, R. (1987). Task specific motivation: An integrat've ap measurement, mechanisms, processes, and determinants. /proach to issues of Clinical Psychology,5, 231264. oumal of Social and {

1986). Predicting salar Kanfer, R., & Borman, the liseranut. Pro W. C (ject Number 2Q26371A -

ormance: A review of Technical Report)

Minneapolis, N: ersonnel Decisions Research Institute.

' Kanfer, R., & Hulin, C L (1985). Individual differences in successful job searches l following lay-off. Personnel Aychology,38, 835 848.

Earley, P. C., & Kanfer, R. (1985). The influence of component participadon and l role models on goal acceptance j Organizadonal Birhavior and Hum, goal satisfaction, an Dscision and390.

Accesser,36,378 performance, l

1985 Drasgow, F., & Kanfer, heterogeneous populatR. (ions.). Equivalenceha!a Joumal ofApp4ss' of -h! measurement in

, 70, 662 680.


i Kanfer, R. (1985).

Dunnette, Coping E. Kemery, with J.

R. Kanfer, stress.

m Chadter in B. N., Barge, L M. Houg 1

& M. Cardoza. Behavioral reliability  !

A review of academic literance and donalprograms pp. 59-80.

Technical Report DNA TR 85 21. espolis, MN: Perso(nnel Decis) ions {

Research Institute. )

l i

Kanfer, R. (1985). The influence of work attitudes on p h.ence motivation. j Chapter in H. T. Spitas sixth annual Rupert N. msEw(Ed.),

symporiumHuman Faceors in boduedvity. Acceeding j Office of Vocational Education Research(.pp.1130). Urbana. Champaign, IL:

Dodam t pr


Kanfer, R., Sawyst, J., Earley, P. C & ilnd, E. A. 1984). Information archang in uct$ Service D U Kanfer, R., & Zeiss, A. (1983). Interpersonal standard-setting and self efficacy expectations in depression. Joumal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 319-329.

Hulin, C L, Rosnowski, M., & Kanfer, R. 1983). A n~w,u=rionalscaling of 14 In rarponsar. (Tech. Re Navy rathy:IL:putforpredicting Champaign, Department of hology, University of Illinois. p. TR 831). '

S., & Krahn, O. (1983. Interviewing strategies in child Kanfer, R., Eyberg, Chapter in E. Walker a)nd R. Roberts (Eds.


child prychology (pp.95-108). New York: John WDey & Sons.

, w -:1 ?? :::02 I::u 7 ,=?,c-et:7 Et t.c;.g;s.;c 3 21 . egg Kanfer, Ash page5 Jones, S.extension.

clinical L. Kanfer, R.,Behaviorr, Addicave & Lanyon, 7, R. I. (1982)285 290 Skill train Research Instruments:

The Air 7htDic Connoller (ATC) Task (Kanfer & Ackerman,1988)

The o cement Meads Inventory (ONI)

( er & Hulin,1985)

The Int Conc tionnaire (ICW Research Gmats:

Nstional Institutes of Health, ADAHMA P Duining." 9/1/89 8/31/90, $35,993. U "5s(r d%=.: Afect Goals, and review.

National Science Foundation, Decision, Risk, & Mana8ement Sciences Program, "Compter skiR development: A Seff 9-- '+=,lfr$onnsdon Processing Framework."

6/89 - 5/92, $313,427. Under review.

U.S.SkiAir Force and

  1. Aoguisidos Office of Scienti6c Damqfer." (With Research,P. . 1/1/8912/31/89, L Ackerman)"


Grantandin-Aid, University of Minnesota, "Moduados in lesmhy 7he efectr ofpal tim sgy".cJ'f." 7/88 4 89, 38,000.

Navy Personnel Research and Development Center /U.S. Of5ce of Naval Research.

"Mbounone Synocalwn on Learning _and IndMdual DWerences: Abilides, Moelusalog, and' Masadology." 4/88, $15,000.

Colle8e ofIAeral Arts, University of Minnesota.,(With P. L Ackerman and R.

A6Gides, Modussion, S0 Graduate School, University of Minnesota. (With P. L Ackerman and R. Cudeck).

"Minnssaan Sy~&. on Learniqand indMdual Diferencer: Abuides, Moahedon, an/ Methodology." 3/57, $10,000.

Graduate School, University als into aedon: The moderadng efect of task requirements."of Minnesota, 6/87 7/87, "Dansladn1p$3,835 U.S. OfHee of Naval Research Faculty Research Fellowship. "7he efects ofgoals, abuities, and seJf regulation on tmining performance and task persistence." 4/87,



.,- N '."1 '?? 12:0! l0: V TF t1 *?; XLL TE. C:;-s12-i26-Ic ? =;;; =c-Karglir, M Page 6 U.S. Air Force OfHee of Scientific Research, " Ability /Moriados Intemertont in Complar SkW Acquiridon " 5/87 3/88 (University of Minnesota cost sharing, $19,988),

539,976, Grant in Aid, University of Minnesota, "7he mis of nark chameterirdes in teaming and f-G..r:-" 7/86 7/87, 58,000.

Graduate School, University of Minnesota, "Modvedon andpeformance: A new approach to an oldproblen." 7/85 7/86, 59,000.

Grant-in-Aid, Universi,t,y of Minnesota. "7he effacer ofperformance feedback stmtegies on task modudon. 6/85 7/85, 53,500.

Graduate School, University of Minnesota, Equipment Grant,9/84,317,000.

Eduentional Great:

IBM Corporation / University of Minnesota est Woksape. "Commterized Instmetional indusmiallOrganisational "

. (With P. l Ackerman). 9/85-Invited Addresses / Colloquia:

Kanfer, R. (1989, May). Modution and say.regulaaion k skW acquiridon: hom vidacpsmar so rest nald taskr. Invited address to be presented at the annual meetag of the Midwestern Psychological Aasaeintian, Chicago, IL Kanfer, R. 1988, orge aber). Conference on 1 -"S'fleld research methodt for Invited arBcipant sped by the National Science Foundation: Risk, and Manageme,nt Science Program, Austin, TX.

AprD). Medvedonalissuar in skW acquiddon: An int g

Kantar, R,(1988, Invited talk to the Department ofJniversity Physical of Educ Kanfer, R. (d1988, February). Modvadon and abWdes: Interactions in skill acquisi Invite ated to the Department of Psychology, Stanford University, S CA,

. Pitfolir and propust 6: gmap denlopment. Invited talk to Kanfer, the G R.w(1988, w, 4 anJanuary)d Asmg Program Staff, Palo Alto Veteran Centar, Palo Alto, CA.

Kanfer Invite R.1987, November). Skill (d coHoquium acquiridon: Moduaion presented and cognitin to the Center resources. i for Research and Cy% University of Minnesota.

4 rw-n ss 12:ca mm y n as,cm.:cu te_ no::-u;-52s- c s a, . 4 o. #1:1 =ce Kanfer, Amb Page 7 Kanter,the ru R. (bber messr th)e road. Invited address where pre

. Research and Development Center, San Diego, CA.sented at the U.S. Naval P Kanfer, R. (1986, July). Workshop on N compura rembdon - challeng facrors University,and Israel.orgendradonalpsychology.

- Invited pardcipant, sponso Kanfer, R. (1985, November). Ismar 6: performance iW5 Invited address presented to the Minnesota Prosemmar, University of Minnesota.

Kanfer, R. (1985, April). Anfadder tommt work asfacsors he produc&ity.

of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, ILaddress presented at the Kanfer, R. (1984, November). h modvadonal effecar of normadw i seeing.

Dakota StateInvited colloquium University, Fargo, ND.presented to the Department of Psycholog Kanfer, R. (1984, January, February). Performance moabsdon:

sg.rugulasoryprocessor in geelsesrhs Invited couoquium presented to i

Department of Psycholo Department of P "' gy, University of Mar land, Collene Park, MD Department of F University of ,

Urbana ' Champaign, IL Purdue University, t Lafayette, IN Fuqua School of _==5::

l Department of Psychology Duke Colorado StateUniversity,Durham, NC l Department of Manageme,nt and Oreme* University, Fort Collins, CO 1

= University of Washington, (

). Grados of Business, New York University, New York, NY Kanfer, R. (1982, November). Inserviewhy chadrunt Aasd6qr and using presentados to the dim *esI dW4, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.

Kanfer, cotoR. (1982, November). S#.ashadw mechaatsms in derrassion. Invited TK. quhun to the Department of Psychology, Texas Tech University, Lubb Presentadose Kanfer, R. In tion),. Conatica and cognialon: An henstnedoni,rt approach to skill meeting asium paper exepted for presentation at tha 1989 annual Americi.n Educational Research Adeociation, San Francisco, CA.

Kanfer, R. (la prepararloa). Panel %- ,nt in Cowri theory Perrppidwr: A deba:

To be presented at the annual meetias of the Society of Industrial and Organational 7sphology, Boston, MA, j


gg;, ,, , g

t _


i Kar(ar, Jtseh Page 8 Ackerman, P. L,An&a Kanfer, R. (1988, October). Declarodve in skillac7'="= w e ge

.aeannent interacdon ted at the 988 annual meeting of the for training.

unn Factors Society, Steele, D. L, & Kanfer, R. (1988, August). Thence,afscar of American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.a Kanfer,S R. (1988, pa June). Modusdon and seFW jwocesar ng in Pn per--a.presented atMN.

Minneapolis, the annual meetag of the National Wonan; Kanfer, R. (1988, and m estch, ). I.q"=&=8 of meerch in 110 peychologyfor clinicalp Minnesota '

Associaten, Minneapolis, MN. paper presented Kanfer, R. (1988, blind men 'l . Panel discussant in Insgradw modeft of modusdont ne th)e elephant revirised. Panel presen of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Da Kanfer,York, NY. R. (1987, August). Newperspeedva a:er Kanfer, A & Steele, D. L (1987, August). The American Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Kanfer, A J. V., & Brandt, D. M. (1987, andscadens Inusse(pedybehavioral meeting of t assowrat shrerJoe ranws per presented at the annual Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atl Kanfer, A & Paul % C (1986, August) 7he epscar -

sask type on the effort

( _4p~j apge g annual meeting of the Kanfer, R. (1988L Jatr). Towent a marMaslan SimsM. ionaland se rhamdcalfhsmemwt dess o

xesented at she,21st Intamat:

,armel, Congrees (rm4 sets. Sy/ performan mjasium 4 Applied Psychology,paperJerMem, Kanfe, A & Paullin, C (1996, April). Ihr ##pccr of diressed st performance.

ud OrpWatkaal Psycho Paper 4y, presented rhp. L at the annual masting of the S Kufst, R. (1985, August). Tommt an afbtr4ased modet ofperforma SymyAlum Psyc so prese'stad at the annu A meeting of the American stion IAs Angeles; CA.

_ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - ~ ^

MrR-!1 '99 12:03 ID:V CF M DT.'CW;LCG','

. ,,, TEL NO:1-512-626-20 9  ::111 c1.] ___

Kanfer, Anh Page 9 Kanfer, R. (1994, August Applicaden of SIFASP to binary and polychotomour item pom in dWerentpnctionalspecialdst orpenizations, and "Te - um paper presented at the annual meetmg of the American Psycho Association. Toronto, &=dt Kanfer, R. (1984, August). Effectr of wk.related amienter and task effort. Symposium par w, presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canaos.


gating&t Lind,he afsc(ar ofpenicy)wdon in ,.,"-. ' ' 'procedu

.S mslum paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psycho Ansarinth, Nr IL 3 5c obserwr egness in Kanfer,rir 9% Ri,wm& Zep L E.

Paper (1978, at presented November).

the annua W.m- i+m;eeting of Aaaariath for the Advancement of Bahavior Therapy, %=a, IL Zegiob, L E., Kanfer, R., Forehand, R., & Resick, P. A. (1977, November). Parent.

child interaction: Habimadon and ressuidsadon efects. Paper presented at the annual meetin Atlanta, GA. g of the Association for the Advanaamant of Behavior Therapy, Currest Teecklag Undargraduata Cournes:

Individual Behavior in Organizations Work Motivation Ackerman, J. &=ah.n, & M. Dunnette)

Individual Di5erences in Learning Orimam*Innto1/0 I and II (Ist e Ph.D. students JIndustrial and Organiza Industriel end tbasJ iII(, lection ticnal & Trairdn)g)io Behav Industdal and tronal III fums)

Industrial and tional 1.pteicg IV topics)

University Serv.ces mt. og uh.eml Arts Committee Sxfag 1987 Present BlS Facul:1 Kevfe!w Cormuittu 1986 Present CLA ImiNdualbed Degree Program A#Asory Committee 1985 - 1987 Eva O. Miller Awards Committee

9 MAP-31 '99 12:06 :D:V CF M F?;CKL Gi

. , , . TEL NO: 1-f12-424-IC? niil oli t

Km$w, M Page 10 Departmental Servles:

Daa.=+=aat of Psvehala v 1988 - Present Subject Pool Comadttee Chairperson 1986 - Present Affrmative Action Cammittes 1986 1987 Faculty Search Committee (Counseling) 1985 1986 Awards Committee 1984 - 1985 Faculty Search Committee (Behavior Genetics) c.niar for p ch in T .mine reisa&a . d th awa 1988 - Present - Outside col %s= Committee - Co Chairperson Research and Pre 8 ram Consulting: 1 Personnel Research Decisions Institute, Minneapolis, MN Palo Alto Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA Northwest Airlines, Minneaptis, MN Department of Computer %, University of Illinois, Cham '

IL pultural tive Extension Service, University of Illino paign, IL ili ire to, Champaign, IL Intel Cer A Portland OR Arizona hat of Vo,cational Rehabilitation, Phoenix, AZ I





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.: P

) 00t-In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-443-OL-11




(Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2) ) April 21, 1989


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Stephen A. Jonas, hereby certify that on April 21, 1989, I made service of the within Mass AG Brief On Relevance Of Discomfort, Mass AG Direct Testimony Regarding Prompt Alert And Notification System Issues, and Mass AG's Supplemental Answer To Applicants' Expert Witness Interrogatories, by First Class Mail, or by Federal Express as indicated by [*], or by Hand Delivery as indicated by [**] to:

  • Peter Bloch, Chairman *Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke Atomic Safety & Licensing Board 5500 Friendship Boulevard U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Apartment 1923N Washington, DC 20555 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
  • Dr. Jerry Harbour
  • Gregory Barry, Esq.

Atomic Safety & Licensing Board U.S. Fuclear hegtlatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Office of General Counsel Commission 11555 Rachville PJke l- Nashington, DC 20555 Reckville, MD 20852 Docketing and Service ** Thomas G. Dignan, Jr.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cc;nmission Ropes & Gray Washington, DC 20555 One International Place Bo3 ton, MA 02110 '

I ..

H. Joseph Flynn, Esq. Atomic Safety & Licensing Assistant General Counsel Appeal Board Office of General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Federal Emergency Management Washington, DC 20555 Agency 500 C Street, S.W.

Washington, DC 20472 J

Robert A. Backus, Esq. Atomic Safety & Licensing Board 1 Backus, Meyer & Solomon U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 116 Lowell Street Washington, DC 20555 P.O. Box 516 Manchester, NH 03106 Jane Doughty Dianne Curran, Esq.

Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Harmon, Curran & Towsley Five Market Street Suite 430 1 Portsmouth, NH 03801 2001 S Street N.W.

Barbara St. Andre, Esq. Judith Mizner, Esq.

Kopelman & Paige, P.C. 79 State Street 77 Franklin Street Second Floor  !

Boston, MA 02110 Newburyport, MA 01950 Charles P. Graham, Esq. R. Scott Hill-Whilton, Esq.

Murphy & Graham Lagoulis, Hill-Whilton & Rotondi 33 Low Street 79 State Street Newburyport, MA 01950 Newburyport, MA 01950 Ashod N. Amirian, Esq. Senator Gordon J. Humphrey 145 South Main Street U.S. Senate P.O. Box 38 Washington, DC 20510 1 Bradford, MA 01835 (Attn: Tom Burack)

Senator Gordon J. Humphrey George Dana Bisbee, Esq.

One Eagle Square, Suite 507 Assistant Attorney General Concord, NH 03301 Office of the Attorney General (Attn: Herb Boynton) 25 Capitol Street l' Concord, NH 03301 Phillip Ahrens, Esq. '

Assistant Attorn?y General Department of the Attorney General Augusta, ME 04333 ,

i 1

i i

J i

i 1

l l


_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J

o ..

., <ee .

i William S. Lord-Board of Selectmen

/ Town Hall - Friend Street Amesbury, MA 01913 Respectfully submitted, JAMES M. SHANNON ATTORNEY GENERAL Stepfien A.'Jonas Deputy Attorney General Chief, Public Protection Division One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-2200 Dated: ~ April 21, 1989 4

l 1

- 3-l

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