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Forwards SAIC-89/1121, In-Progress Audit Rept of Dcrdr at Boston Edison Co Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, SAIC-89/1119, In-Progress Audit Rept for Boston Edison Co Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station SPDS & Audit Agenda
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 04/19/1989
From: Regan W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Wessman R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20245G740 List:
NUDOCS 8905030222
Download: ML20245G736 (11)




$ j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655

      • APR 191989 MEMORANDUM FOR: Richard H. Wessman, Director 1 Project Directorate 1-3 1 Division of Reactor Projects, III IV, V ]

and Special Projects, NRR i FROM: Wm. H. Regan, Jr. , Chief Human Factors Assessment Branch Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation, NRR



On March 20-23,.1989, members of the Human Factors Assessment Branch (HFAB),_

and contractor personnel from Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), accompanied by the NRC Project Manager for Pilgrim, conducted an in-progress audit of the Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station DCRDR and SPDS programs. An exit interview was conducted, March 23, 1989, with personnel '

from_ the Pilgrim Station and Boston Edison Company in attendance, at which time the audit findings were presented.

Enclosed,.for docketing and issuance to the licensee are, the audit agenda; a list of entrance and exit meeting attendees; and two reports which document the findings of the team. The staff, as part of the audit team, agrees with the' results and~ conclusions presented in the contractor's audit reports.

O Wm. . IIegan, Human Factors Assessment Branch Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation, NRR j


As stated cc: D.MacDonald,NRR(PilgrimPM)

J. W. Roe (w/o enclosures)

C. Warren, NRC SRI (P11erim File)

CONTACT: J. Bongarra, HFAB:DLPQ 49-21140 i

o 12- Sk Yk E18 9 )


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5 i ENCLOSURE 1 AUDIT AGENDA For the In-Progress Review of the Detailed Control Room Design Review and Safety Parameter Display

System at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station March 20-23, 1989

" .2 ( Page 1.




MARCH 20 - 23, 1989 Chiltonv111e meetings will be in Conference Room 8A Monday. March 20. 1989 BEco Participant Location 11:00 Audit team arrival at site -- M. Lenhart I&S Badging - ESTIMATEn 1:30 Audit team meeting with Resident M. Lenhart Chiltonv111e Inspector 2:00 NRC Entrance Meeting M. Lenhart Chiltonv111e 4 Introduction of audit participants C. Minott Entrance briefing - NRC D. Bryant Discussion of audit schedule V. Oheim L. Olivier S. Dasgupta M. Babcock R. Grazio j R. McMahon  !

E. Larsson 2:45 Summary of status of DCRDR - BECo D. Bryant Chiltonville M. Lenhart S. Dasgupta M. Babcock 3:15 Review of DCRDR project team D. Bryant Chiltonville organization, qualifications, and M. Lenhart participation in project tasks. S. Dasgupta M. Babcock 3:45 Review of methods (previous and S. Brennion Chiltonville proposed) and discussion of task M. Lenhart .

analysis SER open items. D. Bryant J. Rogers H. Babcock TPT (2)

MAC (2)

Tuesday. March 21. 1989 8:00 Review of results of task analysis S. Brennion Control Room and comparison to control room I&C, D. Bryant 3 by walkthrough in control room, D. M1111ams using the Reactor Pressure Vessel Control procedure and associated, satellite procedures. (Note: one licensed operator is needed to assist).  !


  • Page 2

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'I > Tuesday. Maiach 21. 1989 (Continued)

' 10:00 Discussion of from E0P S. Brennion Chiltonville walkthrough in control room. M. Lenhart D. Bryant K. Taylor M. Babcock MAC TPT (2) 10:30 Review of control room survey H. Babcock Chiltonville methods and documentation. N. Eisenmann S. Dasgupta M. Lenhart D. Bryant K. Taylor TPT (2)

MAC (2) 12:00 Break , ,

1:00 Review of assessment of Human K. Hard Chiltonville Engineering Observations (HEOs) and W. Babcock selection of corrective actions for MAC (2)

HEDs, including evaluation by M. Lenhart Management Review Team. D. Bryant K. Taylor Corrective action plans will be S. Dasgupta reviewed for the eight Category A TPT (2)

HEDs, and for a sample of Category B N. Eisenmann HEDs.

I Review of processes for verifying that corrective actions are effective and do not introduce new problems.

2:30 Review of HED corrective actions D. Bryant Chiltonv111e status and schedule for completing J. Rogers corrective actions. K. Taylor MAC (2)

M. Lenhart S. Dasputpa H. Babcock l

TPT (2) l 3:15 Review of integration of control D. Bryant Chiltonville room design improvements with K. Taylor changes from other programs (SPDS, MAC operator training, Reg. Guide 1.97 M. Lenhart instrumentation, and upgraded EOPs). S. Dasgupta H. Babcock

Page 3 I i ' ' Tuesday. March 21. 1989 (Continued) 3:45 Verification of corrective actions. N. Babcock O '. L.. M ' !

(Note: Requires access to control K. Taylor gQ A u room and one licensed operator to MAC (2) assist). D. Bryant TPT (2)

Wednesday. March 22. 1989 j B:00 Technical discussion of DCRCR audit D. Bryant * ^ " - ' " - - -

" I'* *

. a up a I b *'II" K. Taylor W. Babcock TPT (2)


9:00 Summary status of SPDS. BECo presentation on the SPDS with respect to the eight general criteria stated,in NUREG-0737, Supplement 1:

1. High degree of reliability (data J. Fiumara Chiltonv111e validity, system verification and M. Lenhart validation, security, operational R. McMahon availability). C. Minott S. Dasgupta
2. Isolation from electrical and B. McLaughlin Chiltonville electronic interference with M. Lenhart safety systems. R. McMahon C. Minott J. Fiumara
3. Human factors engineering of C. Hinott Chiltonville design. R. McMahon M. Lenhart J. Fiumara D. Bryant S. Dasgupta H. Babcock
4. Procedures and operator training M. Santiago Ch11tonv111e addressing actions with and R. McMahon without the SPDS. M. Lenhart C. Minott J. Fiumara
  • Page 4 Mednesday. March 22. 1989 (Continued)
5. Concise display of critical plant M. Lenhart Ch11tonv111e variables to control room C. Minott operators. R. McMahon J. Fiumara
6. Located convenient to control J. Fiumara Chiltonville room operators. M. Lenhart R. McMahon C. Minott
7. Continuous display of plant M. Lenhart Ch11tonv111e safety status information. R. McMahon C. Minott J. Fiumara
8. Minimum information displayed M. Lenhart Chiltonville sufficient to determine the plant C. Minott status with respect to safety R. McMahon functions (reactivity control, J. Fiumara core cooling and heat removal the primary system, RCS integrity, radioactivity control, and ,

containment conditions).

10:15 Break J. Fiumara 10:30 Review SPDS in operation. (Note: R. McMahon TSC Requires access to control room and C. Minott Control Room one licensed operator to assist). M. Lenhart 12:00 Break l

1:00 Review of documentation to 'he eight R. McMahon Chiltonv111e SPDS criteria. J. Fiumara M. Lenhart Discussion of schedule of remaining C. Minott items including operability testing, M. Akhtar training and system turnover. M. Santiago T. Beneduci 3:30 Audit team caucus Remote Shutdown Panel review. ,

R. Kirven SRO PNPS T. Trepanier Chiltonville M. Lenhart

'- , Page 5 Mednesday. March 22. 1989 4:00 PNPS Simulator G. Bellefeuille Chiltonv111e M. Lehnart T. Beneduci M. Babcock 4 l

D. Bryant MAC (2)

Thursday. March 23. 1989 B:00 Technical discussion of SPDS audit C. Minott Chiltonville findings. R. McMahon M. Lenhart 9:00 Final information exchange and C. Minott Chiltonville discussion of any questions R. McMahon remaining from audit activities 3/20 D. Bryant

- 3/23. M. Lenhart  ;

10:00 Audit team meeting.

12:00 Break 1:00 Exit briefing K. Highfill Chiltonville i R. Swanson f M. Lenhart C. Minott R. McMahon D. Bryant S. Dasgupta 1 V. Oheim L. Oliver M. Babcock S. Brennion J. Keyes P. Hamilton J. Rogers R. Bird E. Magner E. Larsson E. Kraft R. Anderson NOTE: Classroom 7B available:

Tuesday 10-5 Mednesday 10-5 Thursday 9-1 4



.a i

ENCLOSURE 2 List of Entrance and Exit Meeting Attendees for the IN-Process Review of the Detailed Control. Room Design Review and Safety Parameter Display System at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station March 20-23, 1989 t


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p 3  ;

.o U'. ,.

DCRDR and SPDS In-Process Audit March 20, 1989 9 2:00 p.m.

Entrance Meeting Attendees NAME TITLE Marie Lenhart Sr. Licensing Engineer - NED Vern 0heim Deputy Engineering Manager - NED

-Charlie Minott Project Manager - NED

. Norman Eisenmann Sr. I & C Engineer - NED Richard Swanson Nuclear Engieering Manager Gordon Bryan COMEX Daniel G. Mcdonald. US NRC Project Manager games Bongarra US NRC Team Leader-Barbara Paramore SAIC HFE Consultant Rafael Cid Spanish Assignee I & C Branch Richard P. Correia US NRC Sr. Operations Engineer Siben Dasgupta Control Systems Division Manager Richard Potter Human Factor Consultant, TPT Errol Gagnon Human Factor Consultant, TPT Ken Taylor Nuclear Watch Engineering Eric Larsson Q. A. Sr. Engineer Stephen Brennion Sr. Systems Analysis Engineer David Bryant Project Manageer - CRDR Warren Babcock Prin. Investigator CRDR, NED., BEBCo.

Danna M. Beith Human Factors Consultant, MAC l

Rett Considine Design Consultant, MAC Bob Grezio Regulatory Affairs Manager Lee Olivier Chief Operating Engineer I

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, -1 DCRDR and SPDS-In-Process Audit March 23, 1989 9 1:00 p.m.

L Exit Meeting Attendees j NAME ,

HTLE j i

Marie Lenhart Sr.. Licensing Engineer {

i Norman Eisenmann- Sr. Instrument and Controls Engineer Eric Larsson' Q. A. Engineer. )

K. Taylor SRO Warren Babcock Principle Investigator, CRDR Proj.-BECo.

1 Rett Considine CRDR Project, consultant I K. L. Highfill PNPS Director J. D. Keyes Licensing Division Manager H. V. 0heim Deputy Engineering Manager-BEco.

D. A. Bryant Project Manager - NED-BECo.

E. Wagner Director Nuclear. Engineering Robert E. McMahon Acting Project Manager -EPIC System .;

Charles H. Minott NED-Project Manager Siben Dasgupta NED-Control Systems Division Manager G. R. Bryan NRC(ComexCorporation)

Rafael Cid Spanish Assignee NRC I & C Branch Daniel G. Mcdonald NRC Project Manager Barbara Paramore SAIC Human Factors Richard J. Eckenrode NRC/NRR/DLPQ Section Chief Jim Bongarra NRC/NRR/DLPQ

-Joseph DeBor SAIC Richard P. Correia NRC/NRR/DLPQ - Sr. Operations Engineer l

l J




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ENCLOSURE 3 Detailed Control. Room Design Review In-Progress Audit Report for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station i

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