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Confirms Arrangements for Administration of Operator Licensing Exams to Be Administered at Facility During Wk of 870413,per Telcon.License Applications Should Be Mailed to Region IV as Soon as Possible.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Idaho State University
Issue date: 03/04/1987
From: Gagliardo J
To: Adam Wilson
NUDOCS 8703180011
Download: ML20207R672 (6)


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In Reply Refer To; Docket No: 50-284 Idaho State University College of Engineering ATTN: Albert E. Wilson Box 8060 Pocatello, Idaho 83209 Gentlemen:


REACTOR OPERATOR AND SENIOR OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMINATIONS In a telephone conversation between you and Mr. R. A. Cooley, Chief, Operator Licensing Section, arrangements were made for the administration of operator licensing examinations at the nuclear facility during the week of April 13, 1987.

Approved copies of the required reference material available, from that listed in Attachment 1, " Reference Material Requirements for Reactor / Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Examinaticns," are currently maintained in the Region IV office. No additional material is required.

The facility management is responsible for providing adequate space and facilities in order to properly conduct the written examinations.

Attachment 2. " Requirements for Administration of Written Examinations,"

describes our requirements of conducting these examinations.

The license applications have not been received in the Region IV office, these should be mailed as soon as possible to avoid delay in the exams.

This request for information was approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Clearance Number 3050-0101, which expires May 31, 1989. Comments on burden and duplication may be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Reports Management Room 320B, New Executive Office Building, Washington, D. C. 20503.


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,g O B703180011 870304 PDR ADOCK 05000284' l


Idaho State University 2 Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions regarding examination procedures and requirements, please contact Mr. R. A.

Cooley, Chief,OperatorLicensingSection,at(817)860-8147.

Sincerely, Orici::al bit.. . ...

'). E. GAGLIARDO J. E. Gagliardo, Chief Reactor Projects Branch


As stated i

cc w/ enclosures:

V. Charyulu, Dean School of Engineering Idaho State University Box 8060 Pocatello, Idaho 83209 bec to DMB (IE42) bec distrib. by RIV:

RPB R. D. Martin, RA RSB Section Chief, RPB DRSP R. Cooley, OLS RIV File E. Haycraft, OLS

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1. Existing learning objectives and lesson plans (including training manuals, plant orientation manual, system descriptions, reactor theory, thermodynamics,etc.).

Training materials should include all substantive written material used for preparing candidates for initial R0 and SRO licensing. The written

, material should be inclusive of learning objectives and the details presented during lecture, rather than outlines. Training materials should be identifisc by plant and unit, bound, and indexed. Training materials which provide the following @ould be provided: ,

o Systes descriptions, including descriptions of operationally relevant flow paths, components, controls and instrumentation.

System training material should draw parallels to the actual j procedures used to operate thc applicable system. .

o Complete and operationally useful descriptions of all sefety-system interactions, and, where available, BOP systems interactions under emergency and abnormal conditions, including consequences of anticipated operator error, maintenance error, and equipment failure.

o Training material used to clarify and strengthen understanding of emergency operating procedures.

o Comprehensive theory material that includes fundamentals in the area of theory of reactor operation, thennodynamics, heat transfer and l

fluid flow, as well as specific application to actual in-plant components. For example, mechanical theory material on pumps should include pump theory as well as descriptions of how these principles l actually apply to major plant pumps and the systems in which they are installed (i.e., Reactor Coolant Pumps, all ECCS pumps.

Recirculation pumps, Feedwater pumps, and Emergency Feedwater pumps). Reactor theory material should include descriptions that draw explicit ties between fundamentals and the actual operating limits followed in the plant (i.e., reactor theory material should l contain explanations how principles relate to the actual curves used by operators to verify shutdown margin or calculate an ECP).

2. Procedure Index (alphabetical by subject).
3. All administrative procedures (as applicable to reactor operation or safety).

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4. All integrated plant procedures (normal or general operating procedures).
5. Emergency procedures (emergency instructions, abnormal or special procedures).
6. Standing orders (important orders that are safety related and may supersede the regular procedures).
7. Fuel-handlin appropriate)g and core-loading procedures (initial core-loading when
8. Annunciatorprocedures(alarmprocedures,includingsetpoints).
9. Radiation protection manual (radiation control manual or procedures).
10. Emergency plan implementing procedures.

i 11. Technical Specifications. J i

12. System operating procedures.
13. Piping and instrumentation diagrams, electrical single-line-diagrams, of flow diagram.
14. Technical Data Book, and/or plant curve information as used by operators and facility precautions, limitations, and setpoints (PLS) for the facility.
15. Question and answers that the licensee has prepared (voluntary by licensee).
16. The following on the plant reference simulator:
a. List of all readily available initialization points.
b. List of all preset malfunctions with a clear identification number.

The list should incluh cause and effect infonnation. Specifically, for each malfunction a concise description of the expected result,

, or range of results, that will occur upon implementation should be provided. Additionally, an indication of which annunciators to be initially expected should be given,

c. A description of simulator failure capabilities for valves, breakers, indicators, and alarms.

l d. Where the capability exists, an explanation of the ability to vary i the severity of a particular malfunction should be provided (i.e.,

ability to vary the size of a given LOCA or steam leak, or the ability to cause a slow failure of a component such as a feed pump, i

turbine generator, or major valve [e.g., drifting shut of a main '


e. An indication of the modeling conditions or problems that may impact the examination.
f. Identification of major differences between the simulator and the control room.
g. Copies of facility generated scenarios that expose the candidates to situation of degraded pressure control (PWR), degraded heat removal capability (PWR and BWR), and containment challenges (BWR) may be provided (voluntary by licensee).
h. Simulator instructors manual (voluntary by licensee).
i. Description of the scenarios used for the training class (voluntary _-


17. Additional material required by th examiners to develop examinations that meet the requirements of the standards (NUREG-1021) and regulations.

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1. A single room shall be provided for completing the written examination.

The location of this room and supporting rest room facilities shall be such as to prevent contact with all other facility and/or contractor i

personnel during the duration of the written examination. If necessary,

the facility should make arrangements for use of a suitable room at a local school, motel, or other building. Obtaining this room is the responsibility of the licensee.
2. -Minimum spacing is required to ensure examination integrity as determined by the chief examiner. Minimum spacing should be one candidate per table, with a 3 foot space between tables. No wall charts, models, and/or other training materials shall be present in the examination room. .:
3. Suitable arrangements shall be made by the facility if the candidates are to have lunch, coffee, or other refreshments. These arrangements shall comply with Item 1 above. These arrangements shall be reviewed by the examiner and/or proctor.
4. The facility staff shall be provided a copy of the written examination and answer key after the last candidate has completed and handed in his written examination. The facility staff shall then have five working days to provide formal written comments with supporting documentation on the examination and answer key to the chief examiner or to the regional office section chief.
5. The licensee shall provide pads of 8-1/2- by 11- in, lined paper in

, unopened packages for each candidate's use in completing the examination.

The examiner shall distribute these pads to the candidates. All '

reference material needed to complete the examination shall be furnished by the examiner. Candidates can bring pens, pencils, calculators, or slide rules into the examination room, and no other equipment or reference material shall be allowed.

l l 6. Only black ink or dark pencils should be used for writing answers to j questions.

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