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Forwards Rev 4 to Emergency Plan for Nuclear Facility at Lillibridge Engineering Lab at Idaho State Univ. Rev Does Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan & Plans Continue to Meet Stds of 10CFR50.47(b)
Person / Time
Site: Idaho State University
Issue date: 06/20/1989
From: Levinskas D
To: Michaels T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20245E015 List:
NUDOCS 8906270300
Download: ML20245E014 (5)



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%;,/ 1 Idaho State University Pocatello, Idaho l 83205


College of Engineering Box 8MO

'(208) 236-2902 . June 20, 1989 o. < :

1 l

1 L Mr. Theodore'Michaels Standardization and Special Projects Branch Division of-Licensing c/o Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission '

Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Michaels:

Enclosed is Revision.4 to the Emergency Plan for'the Nuclear Facility at Lillibridge Engineering Idaho State Universi-ty. This revision is being submitted under 10.CFR.50.54 (q) , as one that "does not decrease the effectiveness of the-plan,~and, the plans, as changed, continue' to meet the' standards of' 50.47 (b) and'the requirements of Appendix E to this part." Also enclosed: j are several pages that show what changes have been made (dele . 'j tions are lined through' additions are underlined), and an up '

dated notification roster.

In accordance with part 50.54 (b.5), C-v W *Ca cc,y4of this revision'has been~sent to the Administrator of Region IV. Please call me if you have any questions on this matter.

sincerel sb David L. inskas Reactor Supervisor j DLL:3k l cc: Regional Administrator j

l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV i

! 611 Ryan Plaza-Drive, Suite ~1000  !

Arlington, TX 76011 l 4


.G906270300 890620 04 PDR ADOCK 05000284 ;L( ,j F PDC \, ,


,' . ~0 I (6) Staff personnel shall proceed to the Fire Department Emergen-s cy command center (if established) and provide information and assistance to the on scene commander; -i i

(4)- The University Administration will be notified as soon as is (7) l l

practicable. The Reactor Administrator and the Reactor Supervi-I sor will be notified immediately. They will, in turn, determine which State and Federal agencies shall be notified. The Radia-tion Safety Officer will be responsible for thorough radiation i monitoring. The nuclear reactor laboratory will be reentered as radiological. levels permit and then only by authorization of the Reactor Supervisor or his designated representative. The reactor- j system will be checked for damage. Refer to Appendix 3, Emergen-cy Evacuation Plan. j i



Bomb Threat

1. The person receiving the threat should obtain as much infor-mation as.possible. Ask the following questions:
a. Where is the bomb?
b. What kind of bomb is it?
c. What time will it go off?
d. Why are you doing this?
2. Nctify:
a. Idaho State University Campus Security.
b. Pocatello Police Department
3. The security officer, upon being notified of the threat, will proceed immediately and notify the following offices:
a. Chief of Campus Security 1
b. Pocatello Police Department
c. University Administration
d. Reactor Administrator
e. Reactor Supervisor

-4 . Secdre the reacter.

4. Shut down the reactor.


'l l

5. The security officer will record the name and location of the person receiving the threat. 'j
6. The removal or transfer of any radioactive material will be the responsibility of the-Reactor Administrator and/or.the l

Reactor Supervisor.

7. School of Engineering staff will assist with any subsequent  ;

1 searches of the Lillibridge Engineering Laboratory.

Fire or Explosion


1. ScOure the reccter
1. Scram the reactor by pushing the power off button and check that the rods have scrammed by any of the following methods; j l


a. Rods engaged lights out.  !


b. Decreasing current trace on_ channel 2 and 3 stip 1 charts. 1
c. Period meter pegged low.  !


2. As soon as the scram is verified evacuate the building.  :
3. Notify the Pocatello Police Department by the quickest i available means, i.e., radio, fire alarm, telephone.


4. The Fire Department will:
a. Proceed to the area.  ;
b. Notify Pocatello Police Department and Idaho State University Campus Security for traffic control.


i'. *

5. ISU Campus Security will notify the campus maintenance de-partment. The maintenance department will provide a person to secure or activate building systems and alarms as necessary.

-&r Notify the Reactor Administrator and/or Reactor Supervicor

6. who will in turn notify:' ,
a. Idaho State University Radiation Safety Officer. -
b. Idaho State Radiation Control Section.
c. U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission Region IV.

I 4

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