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Requests That Licensee Provide Adequate Space for Proper Conduct of Written & Operating Exams,Scheduled for Wk of 970630.Rules & Guidelines That Will Be in Effect During Administration of Written Exam Encl
Person / Time
Site: Idaho State University
Issue date: 06/04/1997
From: Doyle P
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Kunze J
NUDOCS 9706100273
Download: ML20140D167 (9)


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  • June 4, 1997 l

Dr. Jay F. Kunze Dean College of Engineering  ;

Idaho State University, Box 8060 '

Pocatello, Idaho 83209

Dear Dr. Kunze:

Mr. Paul Doyle and Dr. John Bennion, made arrangements for the administration of operator licensing examinations at the Idaho State University reactor. The i written and operating examinations are scheduled for the week of June 30, 1997.

The NRC will use material furninshed for a previous examination to prepare the examination.

l You are responsible for providing adequate space for proper conduct of the i written examination. Enclosure 1, " Administration of Written Examinations,"

describes our process for conducting these examinations.

Enclosure 2 contains the Rules and Guidelines that will be in effect during i the administration of the written examination. Please ensure that all applicants are aware of these rules.

Your review of the written examination will be conducted in accordance with the procedures specified in Enclosure 3, " Facility Review of Written i Examinations."

Final, signed reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applications certifying that all training has been completed must be submitted at least 14 days before the first examination dates so that we will be able to review the training and experience of the candidates, process the medical .

certifications, and process the applications. If our review cannot be I completed in time to make a determination of applicant eligibility, the candidate may not be permitted to sit for the examination. Therefore, it is recommended that license applications be provided as soon as possible to i ensure an appropriate level of review.

This request is covered by Office of Management and Budget (0MB) Clearance Number 3150-0101, which expires April 30, 2000. The estimated average burden l 1s 7.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> per response, including gathering, xeroxing and mailing the required material. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including sugge.stions for reducing this burden, to the Information and Records Management Branch, T-6 F-33, i



i 9706100273 970604 i

PDR ADOCK 05000294 4 V PDR \


Dr. Kunze Division of Information Support Services, Office of Information Resources Management, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555; and to the Paperwork Reduction Project (3150-0101), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NE08-10202, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.

If you have any questions regarding the examination procedures and requirements, please contact me at (301) 415-1058, or Internet e-mail pvd@nrc. gov.

Sincerely, Original signed by: Warren Eresian for Paul Doyle, Chief Examiner Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation No. 50-284


1. Administration of Written Examinations
2. Procedures for Administration of Written Examinations
3. Facility Review of Written Examinations .

l cc w/ enclosures: Dr. John Bennion, Idaho State University DISTRIBUTION w/ enclosures: DISTRIBUTION w/o enclosures:

Central Files SWeiss PUBLIC MMendonca, PM PDND R/F

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DOCUMENT NAME: G:\SECY\D0VLE\BENNION.INL T3 receive a copy of this document, Indicate in the bos: "C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE _

HOLB:LA y gt PDNO[,J/ C PDND:(A)D _ l NAME ~ Dhin PDoyleM V MMen%gg, DATE /p/y/97 6f/97 ' (f/'//9f LT '


e Dr. Kunze Division of Information Support Services, Office of Information Resources Management, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555; and to the Paperwork Reduction Project (3150-0101), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NE08-10202, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.

If you have any questions regarding the examination procedures and requirements, please contact me at (301) 415-1058, or Internet e-mail pvd9nrc. gov.

Sincerely, 3

o CW, Paul Doyle, Chi f Examiner Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Reactor Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation No. 50-284


1. Administration of Written Examinations
2. Procedures for Administration of Written Examinations
3. Facility Review of Written Examinations  !

cc w/ enclosures: Dr. John Bennion, Idaho State University l l

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i Idaho State University. Docket No. 50-284 j l.

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l State Planning and Community i Affairs Agency I State of Idaho l Boise, Idaho 83720 Dr. John S. Bennion Research Reactor Facility Director College of Engineering Idaho State University, Box 8060 Pocatello, Idaho 83209 i r l

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1. A single room must be provided for administration of the written examination. The location of this room and supporting restroom facilities should be such as to prevent contact with all other Ucility personnel during the written examination.
2. Minimum spacing is necessary to ensure examination integrity as determined by the Chief Examiner (i.e., one applicant per table, with a three-foot space between tables).
3. Acceptable arrangements should be made by the facility if the applicants are to have

, lunch, coffee or other refreshments. These arrangements shall comply with item 1 above and must be reviewed by the examiner and/or proctor.

4. The facility licensee provides pads of 81/2 by 11 inch lined paper in unopened packages for each applicant's use in completing the examination. The examiner distributes these pads to the applicants as needed.
5. Applicants may bring pens, pencils, calculators or slide rules into the examination room.

Only black ink or dark pencils should be used for writing answers to questions.

6. No wall charts, models, and/or other training materials can be present in the examination room. No other equipment or reference material will be allowed unless provided by the examiner.
7. The facility staff is provided with a copy of the written examination and answer key after the last candidate has handed in his written examination. The facility staff will then have five (5) working days to provide formal written comments with supporting documentation regarding written examination questions and answers to the Chief Examiner. l ENCLOSURE 1


1. Verify candidate identity.


2. Pass out examinations and all handouts. Remind applicants not to review examination  ;


1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the cover sheet indicating that the work is your own and you have not received or given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after you complete the examination.



1. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one applicant at a time may leave. You must avoid all contact with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the ,

appearance or possibility of cheating.

l 2. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.

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3. Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of the examination cover sheet and each answer sheet.
4. Mark your answers on the answer sheet provided. USE ONLY THE PAPER PROVIDED AND DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE PAGE.
5. Before you turn in your examination, consecutively number each answer sheet.


6. The point value for each question is indicated in [ brackets) after the question.


7. If the intent of a question is unclear, ask questions of the examiner only.
8. When turning in your examination, assemble the completed examination with examination questions, examination aids and answer sheets. In addition, turn in all
scrap paper.

l l 9. Ensure all information you wish to have evaluated as part of your answer is on your answer sheet. Scrap paper will be disposed of immediately following the examination.

10. To pass the examination, you must achieve a grade of 70 percent or greater in each category.



11. There is a time limit of three (3) hours for completion of the examination.

, 12. When you have completed and turned in your examination, leave the examination area (DEFINE THE AREA). If you are observed in this area while the examination is stillin ,

progress, your license may be denied or revoked.

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1. At the option of the Director, Non-Power Reactor and Decommissioning Project Directorate (PDND), the facility may review the written examination up to two weeks prior to its administration. This review may take place at the facility or at an NRC office.

The Chief Examiner will coordinate the details of the ruiew with the facility. An NRC examiner will always be present during the review. The examination or written notes will HQI be retained by the facility.

Whenever this option of examination review is utilized, the facility reviewers will sign the following statement prior to being allowed access to the examination.

a. Pre-Examination Security Agreement I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge concerning the examination scheduled for at as of the date of my signature below. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information conceming this examination to any unauthorized persons. I understand that I am not to participate in any instruction j involving those applicants scheduled to be administered the above examination  ;

from this date until after the examination has been administered. I further j understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in the examinations being cancelled and/or enforcement action against myself or the facility licensee by whom I am employed or represent.

Signature /Date In addition, the facility staff reviewers will sign the following statement after the written examination has been administered.

b. Post-Examination Security Agreement 1

I did not, to the best of my knowledge, divulge any '

information concerning the examinations administered during the week of at or any instruction to those applicants who were administered the examination from the date I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination  !

administration. .

Signature /Date ENCLOSURE 3


2. Regardless of whether the above examination review option is exercised, immediately

. following the administration of the written examination, the facility staff is provided a marked-up copy of the examination and the answer key. The copy of the written examination includes pen and ink changes made to questions during the examination administration.

If the facility did not review the examination prior to its administration, they will have five (5) working days from the day of the written examination to submit formal comments. If the facility reviewed the examination prior to its administration, any additional comments must be given to an examiner prior to his/her leaving the facility. These comments will be addressed to the Chief Examiner by the Reactor Supervisor. Comments not l submitted within the required time frame will be considered for inclusion in the grading l process on a case-by-case basis. This may cause delays in grading the examinations.

3. The following format should be used for submittal of spec lfic comments:


a. Listing of NRC question, answer and reference
b. Facility comment / recommendation

! c. Reference (to support facility comment)

1. No change to the examination will be made without submittal of a i

reference to support the facility comment. Any supporting documentation that was not previously supplied, should be provided.


2. Comments made without a concise facility recommendation will not be addressed.

l l 4. A two-hour post examination review may be held at the discretion of the Chief Examiner.

! If this review is held, the facility staff should be informed that only written comments that are properly supported will be considered in the grading of the examination.

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