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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures EP/O/A/5000/05 Re Notification of Unusual event,EP/O/A/5000/06 Re Alert & EP/O/A/5000/07 Re Site Area Emergency
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1982
From: Almond J, Glover M, Mcconnel T
Shared Package
ML20064M064 List:
PROC-820831-01, NUDOCS 8208260345
Download: ML20064M089 (142)



  '             Procedure #                                Title EP/0/A/5000/05                 Notification of Unusual Event EP/0/A/5000/06                 Alert EP/0/A/5000/07                 Site Area Emergency EP/0/A/5000/08                 General Emergency AP/0/A/5500/27                 Care and Transporation of Contaminated Injured Individuals AP/0/A/5500/29                 Natural Disasters AP/0/A/5500/30                 Earthquake AP/0/A/5500/31                 Release of Toxic or Flammable Cases AP/0/A/5500/32                 Collisions / Explosions OP/0/A/6200/48                 Operating Procedure for the Operation of the Post Accident Liquid Sample System HP/0/B/1009/02                 Alternative Methods for Determining Dose Rate within the Reactor Building HP/0/B/1009/03                 Recovery Plan HP/0/B/1009/04                 Procedure for Estimating Food Chain Doses Under Post Accident Conditions HP/0/B/1009/05                 First Response Evaluation of Offsite Dose From a Reactor Coolant Leak Inside Containment HP/0/B/1009/06                 Procedure for Quantifying High Level Gaseous Radioactivity Release During n                                            Accident Conditions (d  I          HP/0/B/1009/08 HP/0/B/1009/09 Evaluation of a Reactor Coolant Leak Inside Containment Release of Reactor Coolant through Unit Vent Exceeding Technical Specifications HP/0/B/1009/10                 Releases of Liquid Radioactive Exceeding Technical Specifications HP/0/B/1009/15                 Nuclear Post Accident Containment Air Sampling System Operating Procedure HP/0/B/1009/16                 Distribution of Potassium Iodide Tablets in the Event of a Radioiodine Release PT/0/A/4600/06                 Exercises and Drills PT/0/A/4600/ll                 Functional Check of Emergency Vehicle and Equipment Station Directive 2.0.5        News Release Station Directive 2.5.1         Emergency Response Training Program Station Directive 3.7.3         Bomb Threat Station Directive 3.8.1        Site Assembly / Evacuation Station Directive 3.8.2        Station Emergency Organization McGuire Nuclear Station         Section:

! Health Physics Manual 18.1 Accident and Emergency l Response l 18.2 Environmental Monitoring ' for Emergency Conditions i [oj V 18.3 Personnel Monitoring for Emergency Conditions l Rev. 3 8208260345 820816 August 1982 PDR ADOCK 05000369 F PDR

i i 1 Form 34731 (10-81)

!                                    (Formerly SPD 10021)

DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: AP/0/A/5500/27 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD 1 Incorporated (2) STATION: Mccuire Nuclear station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: care and Transoortation of Contaminated Iniured 1 Individual (s) From Site to Offsite Medical Facility A-. (4) PREPARED BY: 5. )M..Q.

                                                                                                    & MT -                                              DATE:           7/12/82 (5) REVIEWED BY:                                                 -                 -e                              DATE:         7I'5/ %

I Cross-Disciplinary Review By:

                                                                                     /                                                    onU li


. By
(SRO) Date:

i By: Date: i (7) APPROVED BY: ,/ m 2 /h.?d Date: 7/// /Q g , , (8) MISCELLANEOUS: i Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: i 0

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AP/0/A/5500/27 i DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION O CARE AND TRANSPORTATION OF CONTAMINATED INJURED INDIVIDUAL (S) FROM SITE TO OFF-SITE MEDICAL FACILITY 1.0 Symptoms 2 1.1 Individual contaminated to levels >1000 dpm/100cm Beta-Gamma lloose), or 5000 dpm/100cm 2 Beta-Gamma (fixed and loose total) or

                      >50 dpm/100cm    2 Alpha and in need of offsite medical attention.

2.0 Immediate Actions 2.1 Automatic N/A 2.2 Manual 2.2.1 Perform any life saving first aid if necessary. 2.2.2 Notify Shift Supervisor. 2.2.3 Notify Health Physics. 3.0 Subsequent Actions 3.1 The Shift Supervisor shall contact any outside services needed: 3.1.1 North Mecklenburg Ambulance Service (See Enclosure 4.3) 3.1.2 North Mecklenburg Rescue Squad (See Enclosure 4.3) 3.2 Health Physics shall accompany the contaminated injured individual (s) M to the doctor or hospital. 3.2.1 Health Physics shall minimize the spread of contamination during transportation by covering the individual (s) with sheets or blankets and lining the stretcher with poly. This is not to interfere with life saving first aid. 3.2.2 Health Physics shall ensure that the Medical Decontamination Kit and an RM-14 with HP-210 probe, accompany contaminated injured individuals (s) to the hospital. (Kit is stored in the Auxillary Building First Aid Roep.) 3.3 In case of contamination not involving severe injury, decontamination shall be performed in the first aid room in the Radiation Control Area of the station, prior to transportation to a medical fac.ility. However, decontamination shall not interfere with er tz'a e precedence o'ver proper medical or surgical care as determined by the Station Nurse or First Aid personnel.



3.3.1 Decontamination shall be performed by Health Physics O with assistance from the Station Nurse or First Aid Q) ( Personnel. 3.4 Commence " Notification of Unusual Event" as per EP/0/A/5000/05. 3.5 Medical Assistance for Conta7.inated and Injured persons is provided by Charlotta Memorial Hospital. 3.5.1 The Shift Supervisor shall contact the Emergency Room at Charlotte Memorial Hospital, and shall provide them with information concerning the contaminated injured individual (s)  ! ie: burnc, fractures, head injurias, levels of contamination, He shall also inform the emergency room as to the mode of emergency transporation utilized. (See Enclosure 4.3). 3.5.2 Charlotte Memorial Hospital :aay call back to the station for verification. 3.6 Back-up Medical Facility 3.6.1 In the event that Charlotte Memorial Hospital cannot provide complete assistance or in the event they may request additional expertise in the management of a radiation accident victim (s), i % the Shift Supervisor / Emergency Coordinator shall contact the I f'i Department of Energy, Radiation Emergency Assistance Center Training Site (REACTS), in Oak Ridge Tennessee for assistance. (See Enclosure 4.3).

                  \   3.7   Personnel taken to Charlotte Memorial Hospital will be delivered to        ___

N the Emergency Room except in the case of extreme contamination in T* which case personnel will be delivered as directed by the hospital. NOTE: The Ambulance Service or Rescue Squad will maintain 4 radio c^mmunications with the medical facility while

                   \               enroute.

33.8 Upon completion of transporation, Health Physics personnel will survey

                       'N the ambulance or reccue vehicle (s) and personnel and equipment and assist in any necessary decontamination. Health Physics personnel will also assist the hospital in survey of and necessary decontamination of hospital equipment, spaces or personnel.

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_ - ~ . .. ._.- - - - . . . - . . . . . - - - _ - . . . . - - _ _ - . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ l 3 i - 1, i 4.0 Enclosures l 4.1 Map to Charlotte Memorial Hospital i 4.2 Personnel Survey Sheet j i a 4.3 Telephone List l h I l 4 i i i l l l i i i  ; r i l l I ll b r t i { i I I l n l l l t I l I l i i l l l 9  : l

l (.. ' Directions to: Charlotte 1l ) " s Memorial llospital I 77 LAKE NORMAN IIWY 21 IIWY-16


g _A SAM FURR ROAD (2145) FR'. MANS GROCERY y_ l 19 t'llI LI,IPS . STATION ' l GEij j n' l.RAL STORE IlWY-73 GIL AD VFD E NORTil W ib rn 5

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 .                                                                                                                                                        Enclosure 4.2 Page     1             of     2 PERSONNEL SUFVEY SHEET s


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NOTE: Include in remr.rks, history of accident, medical treatment rendered, medical facility, Doctor's name, final disposition. Use additional sheets if necessary.


  • Enclosure 4.2 Page 2 of 2 1


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' AP/0/A/5500/27 Enclosure 6.3 TEI.EPHONE LIST 4.3.1 Health Physics - , Plant Phone) 4.3.2 Charlotte Memorial Hospital E.R. - ., 2, 3, 4 4.3.4 Radiation Emergency Assistance Center Training Site (REACTS) 4.3.5 North Mecklenburg Ambulance Service 4.3.6 North Mecklenburg Rescue Squad - O a

4, t l I Form 34731 (10 81) (Formerty SPD 10021) DUEE PolEE COMPANY (1) ID Nos EP/0/A/5000/05 ' PROCEDURE PREPARATIM Change (s) o to PROCESS RECORD n Incorporated , (2) STATION: h ams,. h (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: uc4#4,.,4c o r m... -. -i r-e 1 _a- $, (4) PREPARED BY: M DATE: 7/21/82 (5) REVIEWED BY M b DATE: 7- M-? 2 . Crosa-Disciplinary Review By: N/R N (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSAIT): . l By: (SRO) Date: By: Date: ! (7) APPROVED BY: 4 M Date: T % l , (8) MISCELLANEDUS: Enviewed/ Approved By: Date: Reviewed /Appecmed By: Data: l l l 1 l l i o

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  • Pego 1 of 3 l I

i, DUKE POWER COMPANY . t McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT 1.0 Symptoms 1.1 This condition exists whenever unusual events are in process or have occarted which indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant. ( 2.0 Imediate Actions ' l 2.1 Automatic None l 2.2 Manual j 2.2.1  % Shift Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure.  ; I ' 3.0 Subsequent Action Initial /N/A  ;

                                                            /         3.1 Tha Shift Supervisor shall assure that the appropriate emergency condition is declared by comparing the Emergency Action Level (s) and Initiating Condition (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those of i

l the actual plant condition. l l

                                                             /        3.2 The Shife Supervisor shall assure that all actions required by tha initiating Emergency Procedure will be performed and that all              ;

actions necessary for the protection of persons and property are being taken. _NOT,E,, If at any time in the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly / accountability appears necessary, refer to Station Directive 3.8.1. i

                                                              /       3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designee at which time the Station Manager or his designee assumes         .

the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.

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EP/0/A!5000/05 i ". Paga 2 of 3

       \                   il
           /         3.4 The Emergency Coordinator shall assure prompt (within about                  ,

15 minutes of declaring the emergency) notification of those personnel / Warning Points indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for the appropriate Initiating Condition / Emergency Procedure listed in Enclosure 4.1. NOTE 1. See Enclosure 4.3. Telephone Listing, for actification, telephone numbers / radio codes /pagar codes. NOTE 2. See Enclosure 4.4, Notification of Emergency Conditions, for information to be provided to State / County Warning Points.  ; NOTE 3. See Enclosure 4.5, Notification of Emergency Conditions for infornecion to be provided to Steam Production Duty Engineer / Corporate Commanications Department. (

     \         /      3.5 In the event a release or potsntial release of radioactive materials is a threat to plant personnel or members of the general public the Emergie'ncy Coordinator shall request Health Physics personnel to evaluate the consequences utilizing the appropriate Health Physics procedure HP/0/B/1009/05.

HP/0/3/1009/06 HP/0/B/1009/08. HP/0/3/1009/09 or HP/0/B/1009/10.

             /        3.6 The Emergency Coordinator shall provide protective action recommendations as necessary to the affected county verning point (s) and to the North Carolina warning point (Emergency f                                                                                                    -

Or,arations Centers if established) or the State Radiological Protection Section, Department of Human Easources (see Enc.losure 4.3 Telephone Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the l l North Carolina Radiological Emergency Response Plan. If actual release of radioactive materials will result in a projected dose I (REM) to the population of: (EPA Protective Action Guidelines). f 3.6.1 Whole body <1, thyroid <5, NO protective action is required. Monitor environr.antal radiation levels to verify. Y


 '                                                                                                                                                                    EP/0/A/5000/05
     -                                                                                                                                                                Paga _3       of   3 j

3.6.2 Whole body 1 to <5, thyroid 5 to <25, receumend seeking shelter and wait for further instructions. Consider evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. Monitor environmental radiation levels. Control access i to affected areas. 3.6.3 Whole body 5 and above, thyroid 25 and above, rar - d c manAncory evacuation of populations in the affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control access to affected areas. NOTE See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing for notification.

/ 3.7 The Emergency Coordinator shall augment on shift resources to aesess and respond to the emergency situation as needed to ensure i the protection of persons and property,
                                                  /                        3.8 The Emergency Coordinator will assess the Emergency Condition and determine the need to remain in a Notification of Unusual Event, escalate to a more severe class or close out the emergency.
                                                   /                        3.9 The Projects and Licensing Engineer or his designee will close out

' the Emergency with verbal summary to county and State authorities, notified in Step 3.4, followed by written summary within 24 hours. 4.0 Enclosures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions, Emergency Action Levels, and Associated j Emergency Procedure / Document. 4.2 Nocification Chart 4.3 Telephone Listing 4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. _ 4.5 Notification of Emergency Conditions (Stesa Production v Duty Engineer /Corporace Co - 4 cation Departmant). 4 1 l l l l 1 l l l l

l Er/0/A/5000/05 - Encitsuro 4.1 N Page 1 of 4 LIST OF INITIATING CONDITIONS, EHERGENCY ACTION LEVELS, AND ASSOCIATED ENERGENCY PROCEDURE / DOCUMENT Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document Emergency Core cooling Safety Injection signal verification EP/1/A/5000/01. EP/1/A/5000/02, 4.1.1 EP/1/A/5000/03 EP/1/A/5000/04, Initiated (SI) by redundant indication. l i AP/1/A/5500/35 l 4.1.2 Radiological effluent EHF49, 50, 35, 36, 37 Alarm indicating Tech Specs 3/4.11. Environmental Technical Specification Technical Specification Limits exceeded. Tech Speca, MP/0/B/1009/09, limits exceeded. HP/0/B/1009/10. HP/0/8/1009/05 4.1.3 Fuel Damage Indications a. High coolant activity sample exceeding Tech Specs. ( >l pCi/ gram Dose Equivalent I-131 or

                                                     >100 pCi/ gram gross activity)

I l $ NOTE: These calculations avail-able from counting faci-lity on request. ] 1 ! b. Increase greater than 0.1% equivalent fuel failures within l ! 30 minutes. I

c. Above verified by increased AP/1/A/5500/18 l EHF48 readings and laboratory i analysis.

l 4.1.4 Abnormal coolant tempera- Figure 2.1-1 Tech Specs exceeded AP/1/A/5500/05 ture and/or pressure or and Core Subcooling Monitor less I abnormal fuel temperature than acceptable. (Below Curve)

  • j outside of Technical Speci Verified as necessary by redundant j fication Limits. Instrumentation. (e.g. narrow and wide range pressure / temperature subcooling monitors)
                            ,                                    ,                   =     _

EP/0/A/5000/05 . Enc 1couro 4.1 Page 2 of 4 Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document Initiating Conditions

                                                             >lGNP total P/S leakage                        EP/1/A/5000/02 EP/1/A/5000/04, 4.1.5     Exceeding alther primary /                                                     AP/1/A/5500/10 secondary leak rate Tech        >500 CPD from any S/G Specs or primary leak rate      >10CPN Identified Primary Irskage Technical Specifications        Verified by EMF readings. lavel control, make-up rate, and or chemical / radiological analysia.

Valid accoustical monitor indica EP/1/A/5000/02. AP/1/A/5500/ll, 4.1.6 Failure of a safety or relief valve in a safety tion of valve failure. EP/1/A/5000/03 I related system to close. following reduction of ) applicable pressure. (Pri- l mary System (NC) or Main ( Steam (SM)). Loss of offsite power or Undervoltage alarms on 7KV buses AP/1/A/5500/07 4.1.7 or blackout load sequencers l loss of onsite AC power capability. actuated. Any automatic containment isolation AP/1/A/5500/24 l 4.1.8 Loss of containment inte-grity requiring shutdown by valve found to be open and inoperable Tech Specs (3/4.6.1), and unisolable or both air lock doors i on a lock inoperable, or penetration (s) fail leak test per Tech Specs when con-tainment integrity required. ESF actuation system found inoperable AP/1/A/5500/19. AP/1/A/5500/21, 4.1.9 Loss of engineered safety AP/1/A/5500/20 Tech Specs feature or fire protection o_r r Fire Suppression Water System found inoperable per Tech Specs. 3/4.5, 3/4.7.10, 3/4.7.11 s system function requiring shutdown by Tech Speca (e.g., malfunction, personnel error, or procedural inadequacy). Observation or fire detectica alarm Station Directive 2.11 , 4.1.10 Fire within the plant lasting more than 10 with confirming observation of a minutes. fira lasting more than 10 minutes.


  • Enclosuro 4.1 Page 3 of 4 f

Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document Initiating Conditions i Indications or alarms on Loss of process or effluent radiation OP/0/A/6700/03 Tech Specs 3/4.3

4.1.11 process or eff.luent para- monitoring system og; Loss of all

) meters not functional in meteorological instrumentation onsite 1 Control Room to an extent or, Loss of all radio / telephone communi-requiring plant shutdown cations capability offsite, or other significant loss of assessment or communica-tion capability (e.g., all meteorological instrumenta-i tion, or radio networks). As notified by Security Force. Station Security Plan 4.1.12 Security threat or attempted entry or 1 attempted sabotage. 4.1.13 Natural phenomenon being experienced or projected ! beyond usual levels.

a. Any earthquake felt (<.08gH. <.053gV). Annunciator Alarm.
in plant or detected (AD-13)

I on station seismic in-strumentation. i b. 50-year flood or low As observed ' water. hurricane surge, i seiche (lake tidal wave) l c. Any tornado on site As observed

d. Any hurricane Winds >73 mph /from National Weather AP/0/A/5500/29. AP/0/A/5500/30 l

Service information. 4.1.14 other hazards being ex-perienced or projected.

a. Aircraft crash onsite As observed or unusual aircraft activity over facility,
b. Train derailment on As observe 4 site,
c. Near site or onsite As observed explosion.

EP/0/A/5000/05 Enclosuro 4.1 l Page 4 of 4 l i Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (GAL) Eaergency Procedure / Document j. l. 4.1.14 d. As observed AP/0/A/5500/31 ) Near site or onsite j toxic or flammable gas release.

e. Turbine rotating com- Turbine trip and observation of AF/0/A/5500/23 AP/0/A/5500/32, ponent failure causing a turbine malfunction or failure. AP/0/A/5500/02

{ j rapid plant shutdown 1 (Loss of Condenser Heat' Sink). 1 4.1.15 other plant conditions As determined by the Shift Supervisor / As directed by plant conditions. exist that in the judge- Emergency Coordinator. l - ment of the Shif t Supervisor, the Operations Duty Engineer. - the Superintendent of Opera-tions, or the Station Manager warrant increased awareness on the part of State and/or local offsite authorities or l require plant shutdown under

!                        Tech Specs requirements or involve other than normal con-trolled shutdown (e.g., cool-down rate exceeding Tech Specs l

limits, pipe cracking found during operation). 4.1.16 Transporation of contami- As observed. AP/0/A/5500/27 nated injured individual from site to offsite , hospital. 4.1.17 Rapid depressurisation of As observed and actuation of 4.1.1 AP/1/A/5500/06 secondary side. and 4.1.6 above.

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 ,.                                                                          Enclosure 4.'3 Page      1     of     2 TELEPHONE LIST 4.3.1     Operations Duty Engineer (PA System)

P&T Pager - 4.3.2 Station Manager Home - - System Speed - 12 Home - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superintendent of Operations - Home - - System Speed - 13 4.3.4 Superintendent of Technical Services -

                                                    . System Speed - 14 Home                                                                .

4.3.5 Projects & Licensing Engineer - Home - "", -Syscam Speed - 32 4.3.6 Steam Production Duty Engineer - f-SystemSpeed-51

                                                                    ; - System Speed - 56 4.3.7     Duke Power Corporate Communications Staff -                     - System Speed - 52 (24 hour Answering Service, ask for Mary Cartvr1ght.

Ira Kaplan or Mary Boyd) 4.3.8 NC State Warning Point, Raleigh - I System Speed - 41 4.3.9 Mecklenburg County Warning Point - Primary: Rinc,Down Phone Back-up: . - System Speed - 42 Back-up: Energency Radio, Code: 21 4.3.10 Lincoln County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 43 Back-up: Emergency Radio. Code: 25 -


4.3.11 Catawba County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-2p: _ .' System Speed - 44 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 27 4.3.12 Iredell County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone l Back-up: ._, - Syst m Speed - 45 l Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 23 i l 4.3.13 Gaston County Warning Point - Primary: King Down Phone

                                                                               .__ j - System Speed - 46 Back-up:

Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 26

4.3.14 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Primary
* *-- Down Phone l
      ,                                                       Back-ap:                    - System Speed - 47 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 28
                                                     .N,p_T_E Radio Code 20 will activate all county radio units.



EP/o/A/5000/05 Enclosurs 4.3 Pcgo 2 of 2

              > 4.3.15 N.R.C. Operation Center. Emergency Notification Systen (ENS phone) 4.3.16  N.R.C. Senior Station Renra- ~ *tive                  '

Office - Home - System Speed - 57 Wif e work - - System Speed - 58 P&T Pager 4.3.17 Construction Project Managers Construction . Home - Systen Speed 17 or

                                                         - System Speed 18 4.3.18 Station Health Physicist Home .                         System Speed - 31 P&T Pager 4.3.19 Station Safety Supervisor Home -                        - System Speed - 38 4.3.20 Superintendent of Maintenance -

Home - JSystem speed - 15 4.3.21 Superinrcadent of Meinistratic,:, - __ Home - ~~' # System Speed - 1& 4.3.22 Radiscion Protection Section Depart:nent of Human Resources

                                                          - System Speed - 48 l

e 1


t L. - - - - - - - - _ ._, _ ___ _ _ _ _ _

  • EP/0/A/5000/05 Encicouro 4.4 ,

l Page 1 of 5 1 J MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION NOTIFICATION OF DERGENCY CONDITIONS i 4.4.1 Include as a minimum, the following information to the North Carolina State Warning Point, and to the six County Warning Points (Mecklenburg, Catawba, Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston, and Cabarrus). NOTE 1: See Esclosure.4.3. Telephona Listing NOTE 2: A. Complace Part I of this format as a =4=4==1 first notification of a reportable incident. B. Completa Part I and II of this format to provide sinimal followup information. PART I: Initial Emettency Message Information /ACENOWLEDGEtENT "This is , (Name) (title) Mecklenburg at McGuire Nuclear Station. I am notifying you of an Gaston incident at McGuire, Unit ( . Flesse acknowledge Iredell . when you are ready to copy emergency information." Lincoln

1. This is McGuire Nuclear Station. Cabarrus
2. My name is . Catsuba
3. This message (Number )
a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise asssage.
4. My telephone number is .
5. Massage 4eh==tication: .
6. The class of amargency is:
a. Notification of an Unusual Event
b. Alert i c. Site Area Emergency
d. General Emergency The Classification of Energency was declared at: on 7.

(A.M./P.M.) (Date)

      - ~ - - - - - - - - _ _ . . . _ , _ ,-.          _,_,_,.-n___,--.,---n-,,_-_,,,_.,,,,,,,_,,__,n,.-.,-.,,..w--,,--,_--.-,                                             - . --            -,,.,-,ew      .,--,----w---           r-,- , ---

EP/o/A/5000/05 Eac1coura 4.4

 .                                                                                      Page                 2 cf 5
8. The initiating event causing the Emergency Classification is:
9. The Eastgency Condition (Select one of the below aptions):
a. Does not involve the release of radioactive unterials from the plant.
b. Involves the ForENTIAL for a release of but NO relesse is ,

occurring. c.3 Involves a release of radioactive asterial.

10. We recommend the following protective action: (select ou of the below options)
a. No protective action is recommended at this time.
b. People living in zones remain indoors with doors and windows closed.
c. People in zones ETACUAl'E their homes and businesses.
             ')                       d.         Pregnant women and children in zones remain indoors with the doors and windows closed.
e. Pregnant women and children in zones evacuate to the nearest shelter / reception c uter.
f. Other recommendations:
   .                  11.      There will be:                                                                               .
                                     ,s.          A followup message
b. No further communications l 12. I repe'at, this mesuge:
a. Reports an actual emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
13. Relay this information to the persons indicated in your alert pro-cedures for an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station.

NOTE: Record the Name, Title, Date Iime, and Warning Point at and of s Part II.

l Er/o/A/5000/05 Enclo:urs 4.4 Page 3 of 5 PART II: Tollowup Emergency Massane Information I

1. The type of actual or projected release is:
a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Surface spill
d. other I
2. The source and description of tha release is:
3. a. Release began /will begin at a.m./p.m.; time since reactor trip is hours.


b. The estimated duration of the release is hours.
4. Dose projection base data:

Radiological release: curies, or curies /sec. Windspeed: uph Wind direction: Froa Stability class: (A,5,C.D.E.F. or G) Ralease height: Ft. Dose conversion factor: R/hr/Ci/Ms (whole body) R/hJ/Ci/M8 (Child Throid) Precipitation h Temperature at the site: *F

5. Dose projections:
  • Dose Commitment
  • I Distance Whole Body (Child Thyroid)

Ram / hour Ram / hour of inhalation Site bo==dary 2 miles t

                                                                                       $ Miles Lo miles
                        -                                                                                                                     EP/0/A/5000/05 Encicours 4.4
  • Paga 4 of 5 i
  • Projected Integrated Dose In Esm*

Distance Whole Body Child Thyroid Site Boundary 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles

6. Field sensurement of dose rate or contamination (if available):
7. Emergency actions underway at the facility include:
8. Onsite support needed from offsite ors ==4+=tione:
9. Plant status:
a. Reactor is: not tripped / tripped
b. Plant is at:  % power / hot shutdown / cold shutdown / cooling down
c. Prognosis is: stable / improving / degrading / unknown.
10. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports an actual emergency.
b. Is an exercise asseaga.
11. Do you have any questions?


     -                        ',                       itP/0/A/5000/05 g

Enciscuro 4.4

  • Pagn 5 of 5 i

NOIE: Record the name, title, oats, time, and warning point notified. 9 (1) Communicator (Name) (Title) Mecklenburg (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (2) Communicator (Name) (Titis) Gaseon (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) s (3) Co-m4 cator (Name) (Title) Iredell (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (4) Commmicator

                       .  (Nema)                                (Title) w Catawba (Data)           (Time)               ' Warning Point)

(5) Communicator (Name) (Title)

                                                     -          Lincoln f

(Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (6) Communicator l (Name) (Title) l Cabarrus (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (7) Co-mi cator (Name) (Title) North Carolina (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) l


4 1

                   ',                                                                                                         EP/0/A/5000/05 Enciccuro 4.5                          ,

Pags 1 of 1 NOTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY CONDITIONS (Steam Production Duty Engineer / Corporate Communications Department) at

1. "This is (Name) (Title)

McGuire Nuclear Station. This is/is not a drill. Open your Crisis l Management Plan to Figure E-4 for the following message. Do you have that figure?

2. My name is . I as the (title) at M Guire Nuclear Station and am notifying you of a Notification of Unusual Event condition associated with Unit no.
3. The incident occurred at (hours) on / / (date).
4. The initiating condition for this Notification of Unusual Event is as follows:


5. Corrective measures being taken at present are as follows:
6. There have/have not been any injuries to plant personnel.
7. Other information on the incident is as follows: .

I can be reached at (telephone number) for follow-up 8. information.

9. Do you have any questions?
10. Steam Production / Corporate f*-=4 cation person notified was:

Steam Production Corporate Communication

11. I repeat, this is/is not a drill.

3 . . Form 34731 (10-81) (Formerly SPD-10021) DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: EP/0/A/5000/06 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) n to PROCESS RECORD n Incorporated (2) STATION: w c.,4 r. senrinn (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: A1eet 2.A- ll pa yy (4) PREPARED BY: M. 5. Ciover DATE: 7/21/82 (5) REVIEWED BYY  !/ DATE: D - 2 9 -?i Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R. Mr M (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: , Cc d M Date: Y Ic - 8 L (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date:

EP/0/A/5000/06 Pag 2 1 of 3 DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION ALERT 1.0 Symptoms 1.1 Events are in process or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant. 2.0 Immediate Action 2.1 Automatic None 2.2 Manual 2.2.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure. 3.0 Subsequent Actions Initial / N/A

             /          3.1 The Shift Supervisor shall assure that the appropriate eastgency condition is declared by comparing the Emergency Action Level (s) and Initiating Conditions (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those of the actual plant condition.
              /         3.2 The Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all actions required by the initiating Emergency Procedure will be performed and that all actions necessary for the protection of persons and property are being taken.

NOTE If at any time in the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly /accountablility appears necessary, refer to Station Directive 3.8.1.

                /       3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designee, at which time the Station Manager or his designee assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.
              /         3.4 The Emergency Coordinator shall assure prompt (within 15 minutes of declaring the emergency for State and Local authorities) notification of those personnel, and Warning Points and shall
 ,/                          activate those Emergency Centers indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for the appropriate Initiating Condition / Emergency Procedure list - 1 in Enclosure 4.1.
       .                                                                        EP/0/A/5000/06 Page 2 of 3 di
     .                                                           NOTE 1 Activation of the Technical Support Center (TSC), and d

Operations Support Centcr (OSC) shall be in accordance with Station Directive 3.8.2. Activation of the Crisis Management Center (CMC) shall be in accordance with Enclosure 4.5. NOTE 2 See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing, for notification, telephone numbers / radio codes /pager codes. NOTE 3 s See Enclosure 4.4, Notification of Emergency Conditions, for information to be provided to State / County Warning Points.

               /             2.5 The Emergency Coordinator in direct contact with the Technical Support Center and the Crisis Management Center will assess and respond to the emergency by:

3.5.1 Dispatching onsite monitoring teams with associated communications equipment. 3.5.2 Providing periodic plant status updates to offsite authorities (at least every 15 minutes). 3.5.3 Providing periodic meteorological assessments to offsite authorities and, if any releases are occurring, dose estimates for actual releases. NOTE In the event a release or potential release of radioactive materials is a threat to plant personnel or members'of the general public, the Emergency Coordinator shall request Health Physics personnel to evaluate the consequences utilizing the appropriate Health Physics procedure. l HP/0/B/1009/05, HP/0/B/1009/06, HP/0/B/1009/08, HP/0/B/1009/09, or HP/0/B/1009/10.

              /            , 3.6 The Emergency Coordinator shall provide protective action recommendations as necessary to the affected county warning point (s) and to the North Carolina warning point (Emergency Operations Centers if established) or to the state Radiological Protection v

4 7

EP/0/A/5000/06 Page 3 of 3 Section, Department of Human Resources (See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone N Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the North

      \s_s                                  Carolina Radiological Emergency response plan.       If evaluation indicates that a potential for or an actual release of radioactive materials will result in a projected dose (REM) to the population of:   (EPA Protective Action Guidelines).

3.6.1 Whole body <1, thyroid <5, NO protective action is required. Monitor environmental radiation levels to verify. 3.6.2 Whole body 1 to <5, thyroid 5 to <25, recommend seeking shelter and wait for further instructions. Consider evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. Monitor environmental radiation levels. Control access to affected areas. 3.6.3 Whole body 5 and above, thyroid 25 and above, recommend mandatory evacuation of populations in the affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control N access to affected areas. NOTE See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing for notification.

                           /'       3.7 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center, will assess the emergency condition and determine the need to remain in an Alert Status, escalate to a more severe class, reduce the emergency class or close out the l


                         /           3.8 The Station Manager or his designee will close out the Emergency with a verbal summary to County and State authorities notified in Step 3.4, followed by a written summary within 8 hours.

4.0 Enclosures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions, Emergency Action Levels, and Associated Emergency Procedure / Document. 4.2 Notification Chart.

          -~          4.3 Telephone Listing.

4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. 4.5 Crisis Management Center Activation Format.

EP/0/A/5000/06 Enclosure 4.1

                                                                         ,)                       Page   1   of    5 LIST OF INITI ATING CONDITIONS, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVZLS, AND ASSOCIATED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE / DOCUMENT Initiating Conditions                          Emergency Action Level (EAL)                    Emergency Procedure / Document 4.1.1     Severe loss of fuel                  a. Very high coolant activity cladding:                                 sample (e.g., 300 pC1/cc equiva-lent of I-131)
b. Failed fuel monitor (EHF-48) or Tech Specs 3/4.6.7 lab analysis indicates increase greater than 1% fuel failures within 30 minutes or 5% total fuel failure.

4.1.2 Rapid gross failure Pressurizer low pressure alarm and EP/1/A/5000/04 AP/1/A/5500/07 of one Steam Generator reactor trip and, pressurizer low tube with loss of off- level alarm and, pressurizer low site power. pressure safety injection signal and, undervottage alarm on 7KV buses. EMF 32, 33, and 34 Alarm (s). 4.1.3 Rapid failure of Steam Several hundred gpm primary to EP/1/A/5000/04 Generator tubes. secondary leak rate indicated by:

a. as above in 4.1.2 for pres-surizer and EMF indicators.
b. Steam generator level in-l creasing in one or more

! generator (s) and falling in the others/due to reactor trip. i

I EP/0/A/5000/06 4 Enclosure 4.1 Page 2 of 5 ( Initiating Conditions lhergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document , , i , I 4.1.4 Steam line break with Greater than 10gpm, rapidly de- EP/1/A/5000/04, EP/1/A/5000/03 significant primary to creaming reactor coolant Tavg, i secondary leak rate. pressurizer pressure and level and, i

 ;                                                       1. Steam line differential
 !                                                            pressure safety injection

] signal and increased con-tainment building pressure / if break is in containment. ! 2. High steam flow and to Lo i Tavg or Low steam pressure safety injection signal for rupture downstream of MSIV's. 4.1.5 Primary coolant leak Leak >50gpm as indicated by calcu- EP/1/A/5000/02, AP/1/A/5500/10 rate greater than 50 gpm. lation or other indication. (i.e., sump levels) i 4.1.6 liigh radiation levels Increase by a factor of 1,000 in HP/0/B/1009/05

or high airborne con- radiation monitor reading within j tamination which in- the station.

t dicates a severe de-l gradation in the control

of radioactive materials.

4.1.7 Loss of offsite power and Undervoltage alarm on 7KV buses, AP/1/A/5500/07 loss of all onsite AC and blackout load sequencers

power for up to 15 minutes, actuated.

(See Site Area Emergency EP/0/A/5000/07, for ex-tended loss), i . 4.1.8 Loss of all onsite DC DC bus undervoltage alarma on all Tech Specs 3/, i power. buses. Tech Specs 3/ 4.1.9 Coolant pump seizure Reactor coolant pump auto trip AP/1/A/5500/04, AP/1/A/5500/08, leading to fuel faj1ure. alarm, and reactor trip on low OP/0/A/6150/14, AP/1/A/5500/05 coolant flow, and failed fuel l monitor alarm EMF 48. l

EP/0/A/5000/06 f Enclorure 4.1 l *

                                                              \                       Page   3   of    5 i

s s- s_ Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document


4 )

  !  4.1.10    Complete loss of func-        RHR not functional and inability         AP/1/A/5500/17, OP/1/A/6100/04
  !            tions needed for plant        to sustain natural or forced cir-4               cold shutdown.                culation.

I i 4.1.11 Failure of the reactor Reactor remains critical after AP/0/A/5500/34

)              protection system to          all attempts to trip reactor initiate and complete         have been completed.

a scram which brings i the reactor suberitical. I 4.1.12 Fuel damage accident Observation of damage to spent AP/1/A/5500/25 ] with release of radio- fuel assembly, and activity to containment or fuel handling building. 1. EMF-16 and 17 alarm.

2. EMF-38, 39, 40, or 42 I alarm.

4.1.13 Fire potentially affecting Observation of a fire that could Station Directive 2.11 Series. safety systems. affect safety systems. Tech Specs 3/4.5 l i j 4.1.14 Most or all alarms (annu- As observed. OP/0/A/6350/01A ciators) lost.

;. 4.1.15    Radiological effluents        For ENF35 - Low Range offscalg l              greater than 10 times                      High Bange 1 x 10 cpm Tech Specs instantaneous                                    6 limits (an instantaneous      For EHF36 - Low Range 2 x 10 gpm         HP/0/B/1009/05 rate which, if continued                   High Range 5 x 10 cpm I               over 2 hours, would re-l               sult in about Imr at the i               site boundary under average j

meteorological conditions I or whenever effluent moni-tors or radiological moni-l toring detect these levels). 4.1.16 Ongoing security compromise. As reported by Security force. Station Security Plan l l

I EP/0/A/5000/06  : l /'"'g Enclosure 4.1 Paga 4 of 5

                                                                                                            \s Initiating Conditions                    Emergency Action Level (EAL)           Emergency Procedure / Document   -

i l 4.1.17 Severe natural phenomona AP/0/A/5500/30, AP/0/A/5500/29 i being experienced or projected: l l a. Earthquake greater >0.08gH, >.053gV, Annunciator Alarm, than Operational (AD-13).

Basis Earthquake Levels j b. Flood, low water, hur- As observed.

j ricane surge, seiche ,

near design levels.

(Lake tidal wave)

c. Any tornado striking As observed, facility.

i d. Hurricane winds near As observed (95 mph)/from National design basis level. Weather Service information. l 4.1.18 Other hazards being ex- AP/0/A/5500/32 AP/0/A/5500/31 ]' perienced or projected. AP/1/A/5500/23 4 l a. Aircraft crash on As observed, facility, i

!              b. Missile impacts from    As observed.

whatever source on facility, i c. Know explosion damage As observed, to facility affecting plant operation,

d. Entry into facility As observed.

l environs of toxic t l or flammable gases.

e. Turbine failure Turbine trip and observation of causing casing pene- turbine malfunction or failure.


EP/0/A/5000/06 l [ Enclorure 4.1 - k , Paga 5 of 5


I Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedore/ Document l i l 4.1.19 Other plant conditions As determined by Shift Supervisor / As dictated by Plant Conditions. j exist that in the judge- Emergency Coordinator. ment of the Shift Super-l visor, the Operations ' Duty Engineer, the Superintendent of Opera-i tions, or the Plant 2 Manager warrant pre-I cautionary activation j of the Technical Support Center and near site Crisis Management Center, i ! 4.1.20 Evacuation of control As determined by Shift Supervisor / AP/1/A/5500/17 OP/1/A/6100/04 i room anticipated or Emergency Coordinator. I required with control of shutdown systems j established from local 4 station. I 4 9 i l __ a s=~ sw j A. 1 f m

                ~ -         -..                                           -                               . -

EP/0/A/5000/06 Enclosure 4.2 Pags 1 of 1 NOTIFICATION / ACTIVATION ALERT Notify / Activate the following personnel /or Emergency Centers for all Initiating Conditions listed in Enclosure 4.1. (See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing) NOTIFY / ACTIVATE NOTIFICATION COMPLETE-INITIAL Shift Supervisor Operations Duty Engineer !. Station Menager Superintendent of Operations Superintendent of Technical Services Projects and Licensing Engineer Station Health Physicist . North Carolina State Warning Point Mecklenburg County Warning Point Lincoln County Warning Point Catawba County Warning Point Iredell County Warning Point Gaston County Warning Point Cabarrus County Warning Point N.R.C. via ENS (Red Phone) N.R.C. Station Representative Construction Project Manager Superintendent of Maintenance ~ Superintendent of Administration Activate T.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate 0.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate C.M.C. (Enclosure 4.3, Enclosure 4.5) i e i l

                                                             ,.,-.--,,,n.   - , , - , - - - - - , - - - -     - - - - - - -   - - - - - ,

EP/0/A/5000/06 Enclosura 4.3 Paga 1 of 2 TELEPHONE LISTING 4.3.1 Operations Duty Enginea" (Da System's P&T Pager - 4.3.2 Station Manager Home - System Speed - 12 Home - - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superintendent of ooeration,s - Home - - System Speed - 13 4.3.4 Superintendent of Technical Services - Home - ' - System. Speed - 14 4.3.5 Projects and Licensing Engineer - Home - - System Speed - 32 , 4.3.6 Station Health Physicist,,- Home - - System Speed - 31 P&T Pager j 4.3.7 NC State Warning Point, Raleigh - - System Speed - 41 4.3.8 Mecklenburg County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: __ -

                                                                                                   - System Speed - 42 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 21 4.3.9  Lincoln County Warning Point -                       Primary: Ring Down Phone
                                                                                                      - System Speed - 43 Back-up:

Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 25 4.3.10 Catawba County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: . - System Speed - 44 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 27 4.3.11 Iredell County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: .. _--- System Speed - 45 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 23 4.3.12 Gaston County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone

- System Speed - 46 j Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 26 4.3.13 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Prinary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 47 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 28 l ,

NOTE Radio Code 20 will activate all county radio units. ( ,


EF/0/A/s000/06 Encloture 4.3 Ps:ga 2 of 2 TELEPHONE LIST 4.3.14 N.R.C. Operation Center, Energency Notification System (ENS Phone) 4.3.15 N.R.C. Station Representative Office Home - System Speed - 57 Wife work - System Speed - 58 P&T Pager . 4.3.16 Construction Project Manager Construction " . Home : dystem Speed - 17 or

                                                                 - System Speed - 18 4.3.17 Superintendent of Maintenance
                                                           ,- System Speed - 15 Home 4.3.18 Superintendent of Administration -

Home - System Speed - 16 4.3.19 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER ACTIVATION Hal B. Tucker Office: f or Home: / - System Speed - 53


J. Ed Smith Office: ' Extension y, or Home: - System Speed - 54 i J. W. Hampton Office: i Extension ~ or Home: ,- System Speed - 55 R. W. Bostian Office: k or Home: ) System Speed - 56 I ! Steam Production Duty Man ,

                                                            ,_ System Speed - 51 4.3.20 Radiation Protection Section. Department of Human Resources-
                                                        ,- System Speed - 48

, a l



4.4.1 Include as a minimum, the following information to the North Carolina State Warning Point, and to the six County Warning Points (Mecklenburg, Catawba, Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston, and Cabarrus). NOTE 1: See Enclosure 4.3. Telephone Listing NOTE 2: A. Complete Part I of this format as a minimal first notification of a reportable incident. B. Complete Part I and II of this format to provide minimal followup information. PART 1: Initial Emergency Message Information  ! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT "This is , , (Name) (Title) Mecklenburg at McGuire Nuclear Station. I am notifying you of an Gaston incidant at McGuire, Unit # . Please acknowledge Iredell when you are ready to copy emergency information." Lincoln h 1. This is McGuire Nuclear Station. Cabarrus

2. My name is . Catawba
3. This message (Number )
a. Reports a real emergency,
b. Is an exercise message.
4. My telephone number is .
5. Message Authentication: .
6. The class of emergency is:
a. Notification of an Unusual Event
b. Alert
c. Site Area Emergency
d. General Emergency
7. The Classification of Emergency was declared at: on

( (A.M./P.M.) l I (Daee) 9

EP/0/A/5000/06 Encictura 4.4 Page 2 of 5 b U 8. The initiating event causing the Emergency Classification is:

9. The Emergency Condition (Select one of the below options):
a. Does not involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant,
b. 1,nvolves the POTENTIAL for arelease of but NO release is occurring.
c. Involves a release of radioactive material.
10. We recommend the follcwing protective action: (select one of the below options)
a. No protective action is recommended at this time,
b. People living in zones remain indoors with doors and windows closed,
c. People in zones EVACUATE s_,) their homes and businesses,
d. Pregnant women and children in zones remain indoors with the doors and windows closed.
e. Pregnant women and children in zones evacuate to the nearest shelter / reception center.
f. Other recommendations:
11. There will be:
a. A followup message
b. No further communications
12. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports an actual emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
13. Relay this information to the persons indicated in your alert pro-cedures for an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station.

NOTE: Record the Name, Title, Date Ti=e, and Warning Point at end of Part II.

EP/0/A/5000/06 Encloruro 4.4 Page 3 of 5 b PART II: Followup Emergency Message Information

1. The type of actual or projected release is:
a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Surface spill
d. Other
2. The source and description of the release is:
3. a. Release began /will begin at a.m./p.m.; time since reactor trip is hours.
b. The estimated duration of the release is hours.
4. Dose projection base data:

Radiological release: curies, or curies /sec. Windspeed: mph Wind direction: From Stability class: (A,B,C,D,E,F, or G) O Release height: Ft. Dose conversion factor: R/hr/Ci/M8(whole body) R/hr/C1/M8 (Child Throid) Precipitation Temperature at the site: *F

5. Dose projections:
  • Dose Commitment
  • Distance Whole Body (Child Thyroid)

Rem / hour Rem / hour of inhalation Site boundarv 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles 9

EP/0/A/5000/06 i Y. Enclorure 4.4 Page 4 of 5 d s

  • Projected Integrated Dose In Rem
  • Distance Whole Body Child Thyroid Site Boundary 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles
6. Field measurement of dose rate or contamination (if available):
7. Emergency actions underway at the facility include:-
8. Onsite support needed from offsite organizations:
9. Plant status:

Q a. Reactor is: not tripped / tripped

b. Plant is at:  % power / hot shutdown / cold shutdown / cooling down
c. Prognosis is: stable / improving / degrading / unknown.
10. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports an actual emergency,
b. Is an exercise message.
11. Do you have any questions?


EP/0/A/5000/06 Enclosure 4.4 Page _ 5 of 5 D NOTE: Record the name, title, date, time, and warning point notified. s


(1) Comunicator (Name) (Title) Mecklenburg (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (2) Communicator (Name) (Title) Gaston (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (3) Communicator (Name) (Title) Iredell (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (4) Communicator (Name) (Title) Cetawba (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (5) Comunicator (Name) (Title) Lincoln (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) l (6) Comunicator (Name) (Title) Cabarrus (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (7) Comunicator (Mame) (Title) North Carolina (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) !9 l


1. This is at McGuire Nuclear Station. This is/is not a drill. Open your Crisis Management Plan to Figure E-2 for the following message. Do you have that Figure?
2. My name is . I am the (title) at McGuire Nuclear Station and am notifying you of an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit No. .
3. The incident occurred at (Hours) on / / (Date).
4. The class of emergency is: .
5. The initiating condition causing the emergency is as follows:
6. Release of radioactivity: is taking place is not taking place.
7. Wind direction (blowing from) degrees.

p 8. Corrective measures being taken at present are as follows: j

9. It is recommended that you activata the Crisis Management Center in accordance with the Crisis Management Plan.
10. Do you have any questions?
11. I repeat, this is/is not a drill.
12. Record name of person notified, title, and time notified.

(Name) (Title) (Time) s

r , Form 34731 (10-81) (Formerly SPD 10021) DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: EP/0/A/5000/07 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) n to PROCESS RECORD n Incorporated (2) STATION: we c,,4 re v,,,1 eor se.cinn (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: 94te Aren hergenev I, (4) PREPARED M. SS j.4-~ BY: il over -- DATE: 7/21/82 (5) REVIEWED BY:8 A [/ DATE:  ? P b Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: /M (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SRO) Date: By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: / fM9A Date: Y- 2 O ~ R (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: O

 -                                                                                                               EP/0'/
                                                                                                               + Pigs $,A/5000/07 1 of 4 O                                                                           DUKE POWER COMPANY MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION

SITE AREA EMERGENCY 1.0 Symqtoms 1.1 Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or likely major f ailures of plant functions needed for protection of the public. 2.0 Immediate Action 2.1 Automatic None 2.2 Manual

2. 2.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure.

3.0 Subsequent Actions Initial /N/A

                                      /         3.1 The Shift Supervisor shall assure that the appropriate emergency condition is declared by comparing the Emergency Action Level (s)

( O and Initiating Condition (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those of the actual plant condition. l l

                                      /         3.2 The Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all actions required by the initiating Emergency Procedure will be performed and that all l                                                     actions necessary for the protection of persons and property are being taken.

NOTE If at any time in the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly / accountability appears necessary, refer to Station Directive 3.8.1.

                                  /             3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designee at which time the Station Manager or his designee assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.

l 4 7 _ _._ - - .._ _ __...-,_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ -r,

                                                                                           'P/0/A/5000/07 Paga 2 of 4 O
        /               3.4 The Emergency Coordinator shall assure prompt (within 15 minutes of declaring the emergency for State and Local authorities) notification of those personnel and Warning Points and shall activate those Emergency Centers indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for the appropriate Initiating Condition / Emergency Procedure listed in Enclosure 4.1.

NOTE 1 Activation of the Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC), shall be in accordance with Station Directive 3.8.2. Activation of the Crisis Management Center (CMC) shall be in accordance with Enclosure 4.5. NOTE 2 See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing, for notification, telephone numbers / radio codes /pager codes. liOTE 3 See Encisoure 4.4, Notification of Emergency Conditions to be provided to State /qounty Warning Points.

         /              3.5 The Emergency Coordinator in direct contact with the Technical Support Center and the Crisis Management Center will assess and respond to the emergency by:

3.5.1 Dispatching the Onsite and Offsite Monitoring teams with associated communications. 3.5.2 Providing meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual releases via a dedicated individual or automated data transmission. 3.5.3 Providing release and dose projections based on available plant condition information and foreseeable contingencies to offsite authorities. NOTE In the event a release or potential release of radioactive materials is a threat to plant personnel or members of the general public, the Emergency Coordinator shall request Health Physics personnel to evaluate the U consequences utilizing the appropriate Health Physics procedure HP/0/B/1009/05, HP/0/B/1009/06, . HP/0/B/1009/08, HP/0/B/1009/09, HP/0/B/1009/10.

                                       *                        ~

EP/0/A/5000/07 Paga 3 of 4 1

                                      \                              /         3.6 The Emergency Coordinator shall provide protective action                                           l recommendations as necessary to the affected county warning point (s) and to the North Carolina Warning Point (Emergency Operations Centers if established) or the Radiological Protection Section, Department of Human Resources (see Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the North Carolina Radiological Emergency response plan. If evaluation indicates that a potential for or an actual release of radioactive materials will result in a projected dose (REM) to the population of: (EPA Protective Action Guidelines).

3.6.1 Whole body <1, thyroid <5, N0 protective action is required. Monitor environmental radiation levels to verify. 3.6.2 Whole body 1 to <5, thyroid 5 to <25, recommend seeking shelter and wait for further instructions, consider evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. ( Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area l for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control i access to affected areas. 3.6.3 Whole body 5 and above, thyroid 25 and above, recommend mandatory evaucation of populations in the affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control access to affected areas. NOTE See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing for

l. notification.
                                                                      /        3.7 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager, at the Crisis Management Center, will provide or make available:

I 3.7.1 A dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities and periodic press briefings. 3.7.2 Senior technical and management staff onsite available for consulation with the NRC and State on a periodic basis, l 1 i

 -- - _. _ .-__._.- _ . _ . _ .-- __._.. . - ,.._..-_ . - _ . .. _ _.. _ _ . -                                                  ... _ . _ _ , .-- - .               - . ~ . _ _ , -

EP/0/A/5000/07 Pags 4 of 4

             /        3.8 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center, will assess the emergency condition and determine the need to remain in a Site Area Emergency, escalate to a more severe class, reduce the emergency class, or close out the emergency.
               /      3.9 The Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center will close out or recommend reduction of the emergency class, by briefing of offsite authorities at the Crisis Management Center or by phone if necessary, followed by written summary within 8 hours.

4.0 Enclosures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions, Emergency Action Levels, and Associated Emergency Procedure / Document. 4.2 Notification Chart. 4.3 Telephone Listing. 4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. 4.5 Crisis Management Center Activation Format. l s-m hx~ -) 4 I l l l l l l a

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosure 4.1 Page 1 of 6 LIST OF INITIATING CONDITIONS, EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS, AND ASSOCIATED EMERGENCY PROCEDURE / DOCUMENT Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document 4.1.1 Known loss of coolant Pressurizer low pressure reactor trip EP/1/A/5000/02 , accident greater than and pressurizer low pressure safety makeup pump capacity, injection signal and high containment building pressure. (INSP5040, 5050, 5C60, 5070) and high containment building sump level, (INIP5260, 5270) and high containment humidity, (INSP5400, 5410) and EMF 38, 39, and 40 alarm. 4.1.2 Degraded core with pos- Valid readings on incore thermocouples AP/1/A/5500/05 sible loss of coolable above 700 F and AT rapidly increasing geometry (indicators or no AT across core. should include instru-mentation to detect inadequate core cooling, coolant activity and/or containment radioactivity levels). 4.1.3 Rapid failure of steam Pressurizer low pressure alarm and EP/1/A/5000/04, AP/1/A/5500/07 generator tubes with loss reactor trip, and pressurizer low of offsite power (e.g., level alarm, and EMF 32, 33, and 34 several hundred gpm pri- alarm, and undervoltage alarms on mary to secondary leak 7KV buses, and steam generator water rate). level rapidly increasing in one or more steam generators falling in the others, and pressurizer level rapidly decreasing, (INCP5151, 5160, 5172) and possible lifting of steam genera-Lor PRV's and/or safety valves.

EP/0/A/5000/07 j p Enclorurc 4.1 ( Pegs 6 2 of Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document 4 4.1.4 Steam line break with Rapidly decreasing reactor coolant EP/1/A/5000/03 greater than 50gpm pri- Tavg, pressurizer pressure and level. mary to secondary leakage Steam line differential preseure and indication of fuel safety injection signal, and High damage, containment building pressure, if steamline break is in containment j (INSP5040, 5050, 5060, 5070) and j EMF 51A and/or B alarm, or high steam flow and to Lo Tavg or low steam pressure safety injection l signal, and EMF 48 alarm. 4.1.5 Loss of offsite power and Undervoltage alarms on 7KV buses. AP/1/A/5500/07 loss of onsite AC power for more than 15 minutes. 4.1.6 Loss of all vital onsite Blackout load sequencers actuated. Tech Specs 3/8.2.3, 3/8.2.4 DC power for more than 15 DC bus undervoltage all buses and minutes. indications as in 4.1.5 above. i l 4.1.7 Complete loss of any Inability to establish charging pump OP/1/A/6100/04, AP/1/A/5500/17 function needed for plant injection, and Inability to establish hot shutdown, einergency feedwater flow, or Inability to establish service water flow, and Inability to establish component cooling water flow. I 4.1.8 Transient requiring opera- Reactor remains critical after all EP/1/A/5000/01, AP/0/A/5500/34 tion of shutdown systems attempts to trip reactor have been with failure to scram completed. (continued power genera-tion but no core damage immediately evident). 4.1.9 Major damage to spent Observation of major damage to one AP/1/A/5500/25 fuel in containment or or more spent fuel assemblies, or fuel handling building spent fuel pool water below fuel (e.g., large object level, or EHF16, 17, 38, 39, 40, 4 damages fuel or water or 42 alarm. I loss below fuel level).


EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclorura 4.1 G ,

                                                                    )                   P gs     3  of    6       5 O)

Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document Initiating Conditions Fire compromising the Observation of a major fire Tech Specs 3/4.5, 4.1.10 Station Directive 2.11 Series function of safety that defeats redundant safety systems, system or function. 4.1.11 Most or all alarms As determined by the Shift Supervisor / OP/0/A/6350/01A (annunciators) lost and Emergency Coordinator, plant transient initiated or in progress. l 4.1.12 Effluent monitors detect For EHF35 Low Range, offscale 3 levels corresponding to liigh Range 8 x 10 cpm. greater than 50 mr/hr (See Note 1) for 1/2 hour or greater For EMF 36 Low Range 3 x 10 cpy llP/0/B/1009/05,ilP/0/B/1009/09 than 500 mr/hr W.B. for two minutes (or five times liigh Range 7 x 10 cpm these levels to the thy- (See Note 1) - roid) at the site boundary for adverse meteorology For EMF 37 Change of 143 cpm / minute (See Note 2). for 30 minutes or a change of 1430 cpm / minute for 2 minutes (See Note 1). NOTE 1: These values are worst case calculations and may not reflect more favorable weather conditions. NOTE 2: These dose rates are projected based on other plant parameters (e.g., radiation level in containment with leak rate appropriate for existing contain-ment pressure) or are measured in the environs. (EPA Protective Action Guide-lines are projected to be exceeded out-side the site boundary).

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosure 4.1 x Psgn 4 of 6 , l Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document , 4.1.13 Imminent loss of phy- Physi.:a1 attack on the plant involving Station Security Plan sical control of plant. imminent occupancy of control room and "_ auxiliary shutdown panels.  :

     ' 4.1.14     Severe natural pheno-                                                 AP/0/A/5500/29, AP/0/A/5500/30 mena being experienced l                  or projected with plant j                  not in cold shutdown.

l Earthquake greater than (>.15gH, >.lgV) as determined by moni-SSE (Safe Shutdown Earth- toring seismic instrumentation and , quake) levels, recording devices. (SMP-1) Flood, low water, hurri- As determined by Shift Supervisor / cane surge, seiche greater Emergency Coordinator. than design levels (lake tidal waves) or failure of protection of vital equipment at lower levels. i Sustained winds or torna- (>95 mph) as observed or documented i does in excess of design by the National Weather Service ) levels. Information. 4.1.15 Other hazards being ex- AP/0/A/5500/32, AP/0/A/5500/31 perienced or projected with plant not in cold shutdown. i s

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosure 4.1 ' Page 5 of 6 Initiating Conditions Emergency Action I.evel (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document Aircraft crash affecting Aircraft crash causing damage or vital structures by im- fire to: Containment Building, pact or fire. Control Room, Auxiliary Building, Fuel Building, or Intake Structure. Severe damage to safe Loss of functions needed for hot shutdown equipment from shutdown as in 4.1.7. missiles or expolsion. Entry of uncontrolled Entry of uncontrolled or toxic or flammable gases into flammable gases into: Control Room, vital areas. Entry of Cable Spreading Room, Containment , uncontrolled toxic Building Switchgear Room, Safe gases into vital areas Shutdown Panels or Diesel Rooms. where lack of access to the area constitutes a safety problem. 4.1.16 Other plant conditions As determined by Shift Supervisor / As dictated by Plant Conditions, exist that in the judge- Emergency Coordinator. ment of the Shift Super-visor, the Operations Duty Engineer, the Super-intendent of Operations, or the Plant Manager war-rant activation of emer-gency centers and moni-toring teams and a precautionary public notification to the public near the site.

t ! EP/0/A/5000/07 i Enclosure 4.1 Pagn 6 of 6 Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document I 4.1.17 Evacuation of control As determined by Shirt Supervisor / OP/0/A/6350/02, AP/1/A/5500/17 l room and control of shut-down systems not established

from local stations in
15 minutes.

I 4 I t l e i I l 1 i I 4 I a


i i 1 e i I

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosurs 4.2 Paga 1 of 1 NOTIFICATION / ACTIVATION GENERAL EMERGENCY Notify / Activate the following personnel /or Emergency Centers for all Initiating Conditions listed in Enclosure 4.1. (See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing) NOTIFY / ACTIVATE NOTIFICATION COMPLETE-INITIAL Shift Supervisor Operations Duty Engineer Station Manager l Superintendent of Operations Superintendent of Technical Services Projects and Licensing Engineer Station Health Physicist l North Carolina State Warning Point Mecklenburg County Warning Point l Lincoln County Warning Point Catawba County Warning Point

Iredell County Warning Point Gaston County Warning Point Cabarrus County Warning Point N l South Carolina State Warning Point l

N.R.C. via ENS (Red Phone) ! N.R.C. Station Representative Superintendent of Maintenance Superintendent of Administration Construction Project Manager Activate T.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate 0.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate C.M.C. (Enclosure 4.3, Enclosure 4.5)

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosura 4.3 Pags 1 of 2 TELEPHONE LISTING 4.3.1 Operations Duty Engineer ,(PA, System) P&T Pager - < 4.3.2 Station Manager Home - - System Speed - 12 Home - - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superintendent of Operations - Home - - System Speed - 13 4.3.4 Superintendent of Technical Services - Home - - System Speed - 14 Projects and Licensing Engineer - 4.3.5 4 System Speed - 32 Home - 4.3.6 Station Health Physicist - Home . - System' Speed - 31 P&T Pager 4.3.7 NC State Warning Point, Raleigh - - System Speed - 41 4.3.8 Mecklenburg County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 42 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 21 4.3.9 Lincoln County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: System Speed - 43 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 25 4.3.10 Catawba County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: _ - System Speed - 44 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 27 4.3.11 Iredell County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up:  ?. __ - System Speed - 45 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 23 4.3.12 Gaston County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: , - System Speed - 46 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 26 4.3.13 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: .. _._ - System Speed - 47 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 28 NOTE A Radio Code 20 will activate all county radio units. i l I

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosura 4.3 (con't.) Paga 2 of 2 TELEPHONE LIST

                                                       -- ~

4.3.14 SC State Warning Point - 4.3.15 N.R.C. Operation Center, Emergency Notification System (ENS Phone) 4.3.16 N.R.C. Station Representative Office - Home - System Speed - 57 Wife work '3 System Speed - 58 P&T Pager


4.3.17 Construction Project Manager Construction

                                                         " " ~ '

Home : system Speed - 17 or System Speed - 18 4.3.18 Superintendent of Maintenance -  ;- Home - ' System Speed - 15 4.3.19 Super 1'ntendent of Administration Home -

                                                                      - System Speed - 16 4.3.20 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER ACTIVATION Hal B. Tucker        Office:                   \

or Home: - System Speed - 53 J. Ed Smith Office: Extension or Home: - System S' peed - 54 J. W. Hampton Office: Extension or Home: - System " Speed - 55 R. W. Bostian Office: or Home: - System Speed - 56 i Steam Production Duty Man - ,- System Speed - 51 4.3.21 Radiation Protection Section, Department of Human Resources-CSystem Speed - 48 d

EP/0/A/5000/07 L Encloturai4.4 Y, Page 1 of 5 MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION g g NOTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 4.4.1 Include as a minimum, the following information to the North Carolina State Warning Point, the six County Warning Points, (Mecklenburg, Catawba, l Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston, and Cabarrus) and the South Carolina Warning Point. NOTE 1: See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing NOTE 2: A. Complete Part I of this format as a minimal first notification of a reportable incident. B. Complete Part I and II of this format to provide minimal followup information. PART I: Initial Emergency Message Information / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT "This is , , (Name) (Title) Macklenburg at McGuire Nuclear Station. I am notifying you of an Gaston l l incident at McGuire, Unit f . Please acknowledge Iredell when you are ready to copy emergency information." Lincoln L. This is McGuire Nuclear Station. Cabarrus

2. My name is . Catawba
3. This message (Number )
a. Reports a real emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
4. My telephone number is .
5. Message Authentication: .
6. The class of emergency is:
a. Notification of an Unusual Event
b. Alert
c. Site Area Emergency
d. General Emergency
7. The Classification of Emergency was declared at: on (A.M./P.M.)

(Date) , J d 1

 .--      . - - _ _ .-       _- _         -     - _. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,                                            - ___1L

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclocura 4.4 Pcga 2 of 5

8. The initiating event causing the Emergency Classification is:
9. The Emergency Condition (Select one of the below options): .
a. Does not involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant.
b. I,nvolves the POTENTIAL for a release of but NO release is occurring.
c. Involves a release of radioactive material.
10. We recommend the following protective action: (select one of the below options)-
a. No protective action is recommended at this time,
b. People living in zones remain indoors with doors and windows closed.
c. People in zones EVACUATE their homes and businesses.
d. Pregnant women and children in zones remain indoors with the doors and windows closed.

j e. Pregnant women and children in zones evacuate to the nearest shelter / reception center.

f. Other recommendations:
11. There will be:
a. A followup message
b. No further communications
12. I repeat. this message:
a. Reports an actual emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
13. Relay this information to the persons indicated in your alert pro-cedures for an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station.

( Record the Name, Title, Date, Time, and Warning Point at and of NOTE: Part II.

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosura 4.4 Page 3 of 5 PART II: Followup Emergency Message Information (A) v 1. The type of actual or projected release is:

a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Surface spill
d. Other
2. The source and description of the release is:
3. a. Release began /will begin at a.m./p.m.; time since reactor trip is hours.
b. The estimated duration of the release is hours.
4. Dose projection base data:

Radiological release: curies, or curies /sec. Windspeed: mph Wind direction: From Stability class: (A,B,C,D,E,F, or G) Release height: Ft. (#

  '-                                   Dose conversion factor:                 R/hr/Ci/M3(whole body)

R/hr/Ci/M3 (Child Throid) Precipitation Temperature at the site: *F

5. Dose projections:
  • Dose Commitment
  • Distance Whole Body (Child Thyroid)

Rem / hour Rem / hour of inhalation Site boundary 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles O

EP/0/A/5000/07 Enclosura 4.4 Pag 2 4 of 5

  • Projected Integrated Dose In Rem
  • Distance Whole Body Child Thyroid Site Boundary 2 miles 5 miles 10 miles
6. Field measurement of dose rate or contamination (if available):
7. Emergency actions underway at the facility include: __
8. Onsite support needed from offsite organizations:
9. Plant status:
a. Reactor is: not tripped / tripped
b. Plant is at:  % power / hot shutdo n/ cold shutdown / cooling down
c. Prognosis is: stable / improving / degrading / unknown.

! 10. I repeat, this message:

a. Reports an actual emergency.  :
b. Is an exercise message.
11. Do you have any questions?



                                                                                                                                               'Enclosurs 4.4 Page      5    of 5 NOTE: Record the name, title, date, time, and warning point notified.

(1) Communicator (Name) (Title) Mecklenburg (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (2) Communicator (Name) (Title) Gaston (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (3) Communicator (Name) (Title) Iredell i (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) l (4) Communicator (Name) (Title) Catawba (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (5) Communicator (Name) (Title) Lincoln (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (6) Consunicator (Name) (Title) Cabarrus (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (7) Communicator (Name) (Title) l North Carolina (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) Communicator (8) (Name) (Title) South Carolina (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) l l _ _ - - _-. . - . . . - . _ - . - ~ - - _ - - _ - _ - - _ , . _ _ _ _ _ - . . . _ , - . - . - _ - . _ - . , _ _ _ _ _ . .

     '     ~


1. This is at McGuire Nuclear Station. This is/is not a drill. Open your Crisis Management Plan to Figure E-2 for the following message. Do you have that Figure?
2. My name is . I am the (title) at McGuire Nuclear Station and am notifying you of an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit No. .
3. The incident occurred at (Hours) on / / (Date).

4 The class of emergency is: .

5. The initiating condition causing the emergency is as follows:
6. Release of radioactivity: is taking place is not taking place.
7. Wind direction (blowing from) degrees.
8. Corrective measures being taken at present are as follows:
9. It is recommended that you activate the Crisis Management Center in accordance with the Crisis Management Plan.
10. Do you have any questions?
11. I repeat, this is/is not a drill.
12. Record name of person notified, title, and time notified.

(Name) (Title) (Time)

                     .    ,4 Form 34731 (10-81)

(Formerly SPD 1002-1) DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: EP/0/A/5000/08 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD o Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: General Emergency I nne 2 fn> V - (4) PREPARED BY: M. S. 1 ver DATE: 7/21/82 (5) REVIEWED BY: DATE: 9 - 2M 'P 2_ Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R:M ! (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): ( By: (SRO) Date: l l By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: Date: 7'36' (8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: _ Date:

                        .                                                         EP/0/A/5000/08 Pego 1 of 4                 1 DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION                                       .

l I GENERAL EMERGENCY 1.0 Symptoms i 1.1 Events are in process or have occurred which involve actual or 4 -inant substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of con-tainment integrity.  ! 2.0 Immediate Action 2.1 Automatic None 2.2 Manual 2.2.1 The Shif t Supervisor shall be informed of all events initiating this procedure. 3.0 Subsequent Actions Initial /N/A

                          /         3.1 The Shift Supervisor shall assure that the appropriate emergency condition is declared by comparing the Emergency Action Level (s)

O and Initiating Condition (s) listed in Enclosure 4.1 to those of the actual plant condition.

                            /       3.2 The Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all actions required by the initiating Emergency Procedure vill be performed and that all actions necessary for the protection of persons and property are being taken.                                       .

NOTE If at any time in the course of events in this procedure, site evacuation or personnel assembly /

accountability appears necessary, refer to Station

! Directive 3.8.1. l / 3.3 The Shift Supervisor shall assume the function of the Emergency Coordinator until the arrival of the Station Manager or his designee, at which time the Station Manager or his- designee assumes the responsibility of the Emergency Coordinator.

 ,                                                       EP/0/A/5000/08             l Pega 1 cf 4 1
     / 3.4 The Emergency Coordinator shall assure prompt ( within 15 minutes of declaring the emergency for State and Local authorities) notification of those personnel and Warning Points and shall activate those Emergency Centers indicated on Enclosure 4.2 for the appropriate Initiating Condition / Emergency Procedure listed in Enclosure 4.1.                                        ,

NOTE 1 Activation of the Technical Support Center (TSC) and Operations Support Center (OSC) shall be in accordance with Station Directive 3.8.2. Activation of the Crisis Management Center (CMC) shall be in accordance 'with Enclosure 4.5. NOTE 2 See Enclosure 4.3, Telephone Listing, for notification, telephone numbers / radio codes /pager codes. NOTE 3 See Enclosure 4.4, Notification of Emergency Conditions to be provided to State / County Warning Points.

     / 3.5 The Emergency Coordinator in direct contact with the Technical Support Center and the Crisis Management Center will assess and respond to the emergency by:

3.5.1 Dispatching the onsite and offsite monitoring teams with associated communications. 3.5.2 Provide meteorological and dose estimates to offsite authorities for actual releases via a dedicated individual or automated data trans-mission. 3.5.3 Previde release and dose projections based on 1 available plant condition information and fore-seeable contingencies to offsite authorities. NOTE l In the event a release or potential release of radioactive materials is a threat to plant personnel or members of the general public, the Emergency Coordinator shall request Health Physics personnel to evaluate the q consequences utilizing the appropriate Health Physics l procedure, HP/0/B/1009/05, HP/0/B/1009/06, HP/0/B/1009/08. HP/0/B/1009/09, or HP/0/B/1009/10.

             ,                                                                            EP/0/A/5000/08 Pcga 3 of 4
               /     3.6 The Emergency Coordinator shall provide protective action recommendations as necessary to the affected county warning O.

point (s) and to the North Carolina Warning Point (Emergency Operations Centers if established) or to state Radiological Protection Section, Department of Human Resources (See Enclosure 4.3. Telephone Listing) as directed by the state in accordance with the North Carolina Radiological Emergency Response Plan. If evaluation indicates that a potential for an actual release of radioactive materials will result in a projected dose (REM) to the population of: (EPA Protective Action Guidelines) 3.6.1 Whole body <1, Thyroid <5, No protective action is required. Monitor environmental radiation levels to verify. 3.6.2 Whole body 1 to <5, Thyroid 5 to <25, recommend seeking shelter and wait for further instructions. Consider evacuation particularly for children and pregnant women. Monitor environmental radiation levels. Control access to affected areas. I I 'l 3.6.3 Whole body 5 and above, Thyroid 25 and above, O recommend mandatory evacuation of populations in the affected areas. Monitor environmental radiation levels and adjust area for Mandatory evacuation based on these levels. Control access to affected areas. NOTE See Enclosure 4.3 Telephone Listing for j notification. 1

                  /   3.7 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager, at the Crisis Management Center, will provide or make available:

3.7.1 A dedicated individual for plant status updates to offsite authorities and periodic press briefings. 3.7.2 Senior technical and managment staff onsite avail-able for consultation with the NRC and State on a s periodic basis.

                                         -                                                                                      EP/0/A/5000/08 I

Pcg2 4 of 4 l

                                           /        3.8 The Emergency Coordinator in coordination with the Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center will assess the O                                           emergency condition'and determine the need to remain in a General Emergency, reduce the emergency class, or close out the emergency.
                                           /        3.9 The Recovery Manager at the Crisis Management Center will close out the emergency or reconnend reduction of the-Emergency class by briefing the offsite authorities at the Crisis Management Center or by phone if necessary, followed by written summary within 8 hours.

4.0 Enclosures 4.1 List of Initiating Conditions, Emergency Action Levels, and Associated Emergency Procedure / Document. 4.2 Notification Chart. 4.3 Telephone listing. 4.4 Notification of Emergency Conditions. 4.5 Crisis Management Center Activation Format.

      ~~                                      ~~     ~

EP/0/A/5000/08 Encicture 4.1 Paga 1 of 6 LIST OF INITIATING CONDITIONE, gRGENCY ACTION LEVELS, AND ' ASSOCIATED EMERGENCirw0CEDURE/ DOCUMENT , Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document , 4.1.1 Effluent monitors detect As observed by control room personnel. IIP /0/B/1009/05 levels corresponding to 1 rem /hr Whole Body or 5 rem /hr Thyroid at the site boundary under actual meteorological conditions. . NOTE 1: These dose rates l are projected base on ! plant parameters (e.g., l radiation levels in con-tainment with leak rate i appropriate for existing containment pressure with some confirmation from , effluent monitors) or are measured in the environs. NOTE 2: Consider evacuation only within about 2 miles of the site boundary unless these j levels are exceeded by a fac-t tor of 10 or projected to con-tinue for 10 hours or EPA Pro tective Action Guideline exposure levels are predicted to be exceeded at longer distances.

 ,   4.1.2     Loss of 2 of 3 fission pro-       1. Loss of coolant accident as               llP/0/B/1009/05, AP/1/A/5500/05 l             duct barriers with a poten-             identified in Site Area Emargency

[ I tial loss of 3rd barrier, 4.1.1, and incomplete contain- - (e.g., loss of primary ment isolation. coolant boundary, clad-

failure, and high poten- 2. Loss of coolant accident as iden-l tial for loss of contain- tified in Site Area Emergency 4.1.1, i ment intergrity), and Containment Monitor alarms (EMF 51A j and/or B) greater than 104R/hr and con-tainment pressure greater than 14.8 psig .

for at least 2 minutes.

EP/0/A/5000/08 EncicIure 4.1 Pega

                                           ~                                                                                                   -

2 of 6 Initiating *s__ditions Emergency Action Lev.- (EAL) Emergency Procedure /Docu- ..t 4.1.3 Loss of physical con- Physical attack of the facility has Station Security Plan, trol of the facility. resulted in occupation of the con-trol room and auxiliary shutdown NOTE: Consider 2 mile facility. precautionary evacuation. 4.1.4 Other plant conditions As determined by the Shift Supervisor / As dictated by plant conditions. exist, from whatever Emergency Coordinator and verified by source, that in the judge- EAL's defined in Implementing Procedures ment of the shift super- utilized up to this point. visor, the Operations Duty Engineer, the Superinten-dent of Operations, or the Plant Manager make release of large amounts of radio-activity in a short time period possible (e.g., any . core melt situation).

a. For core melt sequences where significant re-Icases are not yet taking place and large amounts of fission pro-ducts are not yet in the containment atmos-phere, consider 2 mile precautionary evacua-tion. Consider 5 mile downwind evacuation (45 to 90 sector) if large amounts of fission products (greater than Gap acti-vity) are in the con-tainment atmosphere.

Recommend sheltering in other parts of the plume exposure Emer-gency Planning Zone under this circumstance.

EP/0/A/5000/08 Encicture 4.1 Pcgs 3 of 6 g s Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document

b. For core melt se-quences where signi-ficant releases from containment are not j yet taking place and
containment failure l 1eading to a direct l atmospheric release is likely in the se-i quence but not immi-
;                nent and large amounts of fission products in addition to noble gases are in the con-tainment atmosphere, consider precautionary                                                               ,

evacuation to 5 miles and 10 mile downwind evacuation (45 and 90 sector).

c. For core melt se-quences where large amounts of fission

! products other than noble gases are in ' the containment , atmosphere and con-tainment failure is l Judged imminent, re-i commend shelter for j those areas where evacuation cannot be completed before , transport of acti- , vity to that loca-l tion.

EP/0/A/5000/08 Enciccure 4.1 Pggs 4 of 6 s Initiating Conditions Emergency Action Level (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document

d. As release informa-tion becomes available adjust these actions in accordance with dose projections, time available to evacuate and esti-mated evacuation times given current conditions.
e. Example Sequences:
1. Small and large Safety injection signal plus reac-LOCA's with fail- tor trip and:

ure of ECCS to per- . form leading to 1. Safety injection and RHR severe core de- pumps not running, gradation or melt. Ultimate failure 2. Flow indications for safety of containment injection read "0". likely for melt sequences. (Seve 3. High containment sump level. ral hours likely to be available to complete pro-tective actions , , unless containment is not isolated). l

                    ~                                                  ~
 ,                                                                                         EP/0/A/5000/08

{ Enclosura 4.1 Psga 5 of 6

 ,  Initiating Conditions                    Emergency Action Level (EAL)                  Emergency Procedure / Document
2. Transient ini- Reactor trip on Lo Lo Steam Generator AP/1/A/5500/96. EP/1/A/5000/04 tiated by loss level and wide range generator levels of feedwater and toward offscale low on all steam generators
condensate sys- and emergency feedwater flow indica-tems (principle tors indicate "0" flow cg; emergency

] l heat removal sys- .feedwater pumps not running and can-j tem) followed by not be restored within 30 minutes or

;                       failure of emer-     >3% reactor power and loss of both I                        gency feedwater      main feedwater pumps, manually trip l                       system for ex-       reactor.

tended period.

l. (Core melting is l possible in seve-I ral hours with ultimate failure
;                       of containment                                                                                .

i likely if the core melts), i

3. Transient requir- Reactor remains critical after all AP/0/A/5500/34 ing operation of attempts to trip the reactor are shutdown systems complete and flow indicators on with failure to safety injection and RHR show "0" i scram. Core dam- flow after initiation (NVP5440, age is likely. NDP5190, 5191, 5180, 5181 -

Additional failure NIP 5120, 5450) cg; safety injec-

of the core cool- tion and RHR pumps not running .

ing and makeup with safety injection initiated. j system would lead to core melt. l . l i l I

EP/0/A/5000/08 Encletura 4.1 - Pega 6 cf 6 Initiating C6nditions Emergency Action LeveT (EAL) Emergency Procedure / Document

4. Failure of offsite Undervoltage alarms on 7KV buses and AP/1/A/5500/07 and onsite power blackout load sequencers actuated and along with total auxiliary feedwater pump (s) fail to loss of emergency start.

feedwater makeup capability for several hours. Would lead to eventuai core melt and likely failure of con-tainment.

5. Small LOCA and Pressurizer low pressure reactor trip EP/1/A/5000/02, AP/1/A/5500/05 initially suc- and pressurizer low pressure safety cessful ECCS. injection signal and RilR flow indica-Subsequent fail- tors show "0" flow after shift to RllR ure of containment is attempted and for greater than 2 heat removal sys- hours (NDP5190, 5191, 5180, 5181) and tem over several RCS T is rising, and containment air hours could Icad handling system fail to function.

to core melt and likely failure of containment. NOTE: For melt se-quences or for failure of containment isola-tion systems, the likely l failure mode is melt , l through with release of gases. 4.1.5 Any major internal or ex- As determined by the Shift Supervisor / As dictated by plant conditions. ternal events (e.g., fires, Emergency Coordinator, earthquakes substantially beyond design levels) which could cause massive common damage to plant systems. 1

           -    ^
                                                  .                         EP/0/A/5@@@/@@

Enclocura 4.2 Pcg2 1 of 1 NOTIFICATION / ACTIVATION GENERAL EMERGENCY Notify / Activate the following personnel /or Emergency Centers for all Initiating Conditions listed in Enclosure 4.1. (See Enclosure 4.3 for Telephone Listing) NOTIFY / ACTIVATE NOTIFICATION COMPLETE-INITIAL l Shift Supervisor Operations Duty Engineer Station Manager Superintendent of Operations Superintendent of Technical Services Projects and Licensing Engineer Station Health Physicist North Carolina State Warning Point Mecklenburg County Warning Point i Lincoln County Warning Point Catawba County Warning Point Iredell County Warning Point Gaston County Warning Point Cabarrus County Warning Point South Carolina State Warning Point , N.R.C. via ENS (Red Phone) l

N.R.C. Station Representative l

l Superintendent of Maintenance Superintendent of Administration Construction Project Manager Activate T.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate O.S.C. (Station Directive 3.8.2) Activate C.M.C. (Enclosure 4.3, Enclosure 4.5) l

e Enclosura 4.3 Pcgs 1 ef 2 TET EPHONE LISTING Operations Duty Engineer (PA System) 4.3.1 . P&T Pager - ' 4.3.2 Station Manager , Home - - System Speed - 12 Home - - System Speed - 11 4.3.3 Superintendent of Operations - Home'-

  • System Speed - 13 4.3.4 Superintendent of Technical,S'ervices -

Home - fSystem Speed - 14 Projects and Licensing Engineer ' ' 4.3.5 . Home c ' ' '" % System Speed - 32 4.3.6 Station Health Physicist ~ Home - ' System Speed - 31 P&T Pager 4.3.7 NC State Warning Point, Raleigh - System Speed - 41 4.3.8 Mecklenburg County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: . - System Speed - 42 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 21 4.3.9 Lincoln County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - - System Speed - 43 Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 25 4.3.10 Catawba County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: - System Speed - 44 , Back-up: EmergenEy~ Radio, Code: 27 4.3.11 Iredell County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Pho,ne Back-up:' ~ 7' System Speed - 45 l Back-up: Emergency Radio, Code: 23 4.3.12 Caston County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down Phone Back-up: ". 4 System Speed - 46 Back-up: Emerge:Ey Radio, Code: 26 t 4.3.13 Cabarrus County Warning Point - Primary: Ring Down P%ne

                                                                                                 ~'                          l Back-up:                 ; - System Speed - 47 Back-up:   EmeEgency Radio, Code:       28 NOTE
                  .,                             Radio Code 20 will activate l                                                 all county radio units.
          ; 1
   ' '                    4 ,,


         }*                         ,)


Enclotura 4.3 (con't.) Paga 2 cf 2 TELEPHONE LIST 4.3.14 SC State Warning Point - 4.3.15 N.R.C. Operation Center, Emergency Notification System (ENS Phone)" 4.3.16 N.R.C. Station Representative - Office - Home - System Speed - 57 Wife work - System Speed - 58 P&T Pager 4.3.17


Construction Project Manager Construction Home - System Speed - 17 or System Speed - 18 4.3.18 Superintendent of Maintenance - Home - System Speed - 15 4.3.19 Superintendent of Administration Home - System Speed - 16 4.3.20 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER ACTIVATION Hal B. Tucker Office: '

                    . or              Home:                   - System Speed - 53 J. Ed. Smith          Office:              Extension or              Home:                          - System Speed - 54 J. W. Hampton         Office:           - Extensiora       . . ,

or Home: - System Speed - 55 R. W. Bostian Office: or Home: - System Speed - 56 Steam Production Duty Man - - System Speed - 51 4.3.21 Radiation Protection Section, Department of Human Resources-

                                                     ', System Speed - 48 4

EP/0/A/5000/08 Enciscuro 4.4 Pago 1 of 5 MCGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION NOTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY CONDITIONS . 4.4.1 Include as a minimum, the following information to the North Carolina State Warning Point, the six County Warning Points. (Mecklenburg, Catawba. Iredell, Lincoln, Gaston, and Cabarrus) and the South Carolida Warning Point. NOTE 1: See Enclosure 4.3. Telephone Listing NOTE 2: A. Complete Part I of this format as a minimal first . notification of a reportable incident. B. Complete Part I and II of this format to provide minimal followup information. PART I: Initial Emergency Message Information  ! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT "This is , , (Name) (Title) Mecklenburg at McGuire Nuclear Station. I am notifying you of an Gaston incident at McGuire, Unic # . Please acknowledge Iredell when you are ready to copy emergency information." Lincoln _

1. This is McGuire Nuclear Station. Cabarrus
2. My name is . Catawba
3. This message (Number )

a ., Reports a real emergency,

b. Is an exercise message.
4. My telephone number is .
5. Message Authentication: .
6. The class of emergency is:
a. Notification of an Unusual Event
b. Alert
c. Site Area Emergency
d. General Emergency
7. The Classification of Emergency was declared at: on (A.M./P.M.)

(Date) . e M '---m-- yy -- -- w..--- - - -

EP/0/A/5000/08 Enclesurs 4.4 Page 2 of 5

8. The initiating event causing the Emergency Classification is:


9. The Emergency Condition (Select one of the below options):
a. Does not involve the release of radioactive materials from the plant. .
b. Involves the POTENTIAL for a release of but NO release is occurring.
c. Involves a release of radioactive material.
10. We recommend the following protective action: (select one of the below options)
a. No protective action is recommended at this time,
b. People living in zones remain indoors with doors and windows closed,
c. People in zones EVACUATE their homes and businesses.
d. Pregnant women and children in zones l

l remain indoors with the doors and windows closed. l e. Pregnant women and children in zones evacuate to the nearest shelter / reception center.

f. Other recommendations:
11. There will be:
a. A followup message
b. No further communications
12. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports an actual emergency.
b. Is an exercise message.
13. Relay this information to the persons indicated in your alert pro-( cedures for an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station.

NOTE: Record the Name, Title, Date, Time, and Warning Point at and of Part II.-

EP/0/A/5000/08 Enclosura 4.4

                                                                    ,                 Pcss       3 of     5 PART II: Follovup Emergency Massage Infor1astion
1. The type of actual or projected release is:
a. Airborne
b. Waterborne
c. Surface spill
d. Other
2. The source and description of the release is:
3. a. Release began /will begin at . a.m./p.m. ; time since reactor trip is hours.
b. The estimated duration of the release is hours.
4. Dose projection base data:

Radiological release: curies, or curies /sec. Windspeed: mph Wind direction: From Stability class: (A,B C.D.E,F, or G) Release height: Ft. Dose conversion factor: R/hr/Ci/Ms (whole body) R/hr/C1/Ms (Child Throid) Precipitation Temperature at the site: *F

5. Dose projections:
  • Dose Commitment
  • Distance Whole Body (Child Thyroid)

Rem / hour Rem / hour of inhalation Site boundary 2 miles 1 5 miles ( 10 miles l l

EP/0/A/5000/08 Enciccura 4.4 Pcgs 4 of 5

  • Projected Integrated Dose In Ran* * '

i Distance Whole Body Child Thyroid ' Site Boundary 1 2 miles - 5 miles 10 miles

6. Field measurement of dose rate or contamination (if available):
7. Emergency actions underway at 'the facility include:
8. Onsite support needed from offette organizations:
9. Plant status:
a. Reactor is: not tripped / tripped
b. Plant is at:  % power / hot shutdown / cold shutdown / cooling down
c. Prognosis is: s table / improving / de gra ding / unknown.
10. I repeat, this message:
a. Reports an actual emergency.
b. Is an exercise message,
11. Do you have any questions?
                                      ***END OF FOLLOW-UP MESSAGE ***
 /                                                                                                             EP/0/A/5000/08 Encicours 4.4 Pass    5   cf  5 NOTE:   Record the name, title, date, time, and warning point notifiad.                                       . !

(1) Commmunicator (Name) (Title) Macklenburn (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (2) Commmunicator (Name) (Title) Gaston (Date) (Time) . (Warning Point) (3) Communicator (Name) (Title) Iredell (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (4) Communicator (Name) (Title) Catawba (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (5) Communicator (Name) (Title) { ' Lincoln (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (6) Communicator (Name) (Title) Cabarrus (Data) (Time) (Warning Point) (7) Consnunicator (Name) (Title) North Carolina (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) (8) Communicator (Name) (Title) South Carolina (Date) (Time) (Warning Point) l

                                                      ~               ~ ~


                       .                                                                                                 Enclocura 4.5 Pcgo 1 of 1 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER ACTIVATION FORMAT l               O.
1. This is at McGuire Nuclear Station. This is/is not a drill. Open your Crisis Management Plan to Figure E-2 for the following message. Do you have that Figure?
2. My name is . I am the (title) at McGuire Nuclear Station and am notifying you of an incident at McGuire Nuclear Station, Unit No. .
3. The incident occurred at (Hours) on / / - (Date).
4. The class of emergency is: .
5. The initiating condition causing the emergency is as follows:

1 I

6. Release of radioactivity: is taking place is not taking place.
7. Wind direction (blowing from) degrees.
p. Corrective measures being taken at present are as follows:
9. It is recommended that you activate the Crisis Management Center in accordance with the Crisis Management Plan.


10. Do y.s have any questions?


11. I retsat, this is/is not a drill.
12. Record name of persen notified, title, and time notified.

1 (Name) (Title) (Time) 1

      .                                                                                        l l


 ~                                                      .


                                                   ,"-              M ,- A [ L

(5) REVIEWED BY: DATE: y Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R: I

                                                                                   -,.r -


     '        By:                                      (SRO) Date:

By: Date: s l l (7) APPROVED BY: /ms. mh.M Date: f/ /7/TL i (8) MISCELLANEQUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: l l l v

l OP/0/A/6200/48 s I DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAE,aSTATION gp?g OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR THE'0PERATION '0F THE POST ACCIDENT LIQUID SAleLE SYSTEM l i i 1.0 Purpose I l The Post Accident Liquid Sampling System (PALS) provides the capacity to

         -         promptly obtain a reactor coolant sample under a nuclear reactor accident l

condition. Sample acquisition during accident conditions (normal sampling area being inaccessible) will help evaluate information related to: The extent of core damage which has occurred or is occurring. f 1) l

2) Types and quantities of fission products released to containment liquid and gas phases.


3) Reactor Coolant chemistry and radiochemistry.

2.0 Limits 2.1 The PALS will be used to sample primary systaas under the following

  • l conditions:

2.1.1 Post accident sampling , 2.1.2 Inaccessibility of the Primary Sampling Lab due to radiation levels. 1 2.1.3 Request from the Station Chemist or designes. i 1 , I 2.2 The undiluted sample volume is 1.25 31. and the final dilution J volume shall be controlled between 250-3500 ml. 1 l 2.3 Health Physics personnel must perform continuous radiation monitoring during sampling at the liquid sample or control panel on the 716'el and 750'el Auxillary Building respectively. 2.4 Samples will be collected in 1 ml. and 5 31. lockable glass syringes to be found in the Hot Lab. . f 3.0 Initial conditions l 3.1 In order to maintain the PALS in an operable condition at all times, the following requirements on Enclosure 9.1, PALS Monthly Checklist, must be done monthly and be current prior to sampling. 3.2 Verify with Operations that IKC "A" Train is in operation when sampling is to be performed and list on Enclosure 9.2.

3. 3 If the containment building has been isolated due to an SI or SIS signal, no sample is to be obtained until the On-Site Support Center I

can decide how to un-isolate one of the sample lines.

4.0 Panel Preparation 4.1 Valve Alignment for Liquid Sampling 4.1.1 Contact Operations and request the following valves be opened to obtain the sample desired: NC HOT LEG A NC Hot Leg #1 Sample Line Inside Cont. Isol INH 22A  ! NCHot Leg Sample Header Outside Cont. Isol INM263 NC HOT LEG D NC Hot Lag #4 Sample Line Inside Cont. Isol INM25A NC Hot Leg Sample Header Outside Cont. Isol INM26B ND PUMP DISCH 1A

                                           *ND Pump 1A and HI Miniflow Stop                        IND68A ND PUMP DISCH IB
                                           *ND Pump 13 and HX 13 Miniflow Stop                     IND67B
  • Plow should be verified in this piping prior to sampling by verifying with operations that the respective A or B train is in service. Sign off Enclosure 9.2.

4.1.2 Notify Health Physics of sa:spling and ask for surveillance prior to going to the Control Panel. Sign off Enclosure 9.2. ., 4.1.3 Record specific conductivity of buffer solution on Enclosure 9.2 from Primary Chemical Data Log and take a stop watch - and panel keys (located in Cold Lab Key Box) to Control


Panel. 4.2 Control Panel (750'el. Aux. Bldg. Cable Room) 4.2.1 Turn the main selector knob (on control panelj to " Reset". Place key in System Power Switch and turn to the right. Press " Reset" button. 4.2.2 For ND Pump Discharge Sample, place the "Remoce/ Local" i switch on the PALS Control Panel in the " Local" position and press "Open" switch for INM39 or INM40 to line up for l l an ND "1A" or "lB" Pump Discharge sample respectively. l This is to be done after Operations has opened IND68A or l IND673. l l [ l

1 _3  ! i 4.2.3 Place the toggle switch for the dilution water meter and  ! the gas dilution meter on "0N". 4.2.4 Place the toggle switch for the radiation monitor to "0N" and turn the scale select to "res/hr". 4.2.5 Place the temperature probe selector (Tc) to position 1. 4.2.6 Place the conductivity meter to " Measure". 4.2.7 Push in the pH probe "standardise" knob. I 4.2.8 Select the system to be sampled with the system selector - Reactor Coolant System (refers to NC Hot Leg), Rasetor Bailding Nor. Sump (refers to ND Pump Discharge). 5.0 Panel Goeration 5.1 Panel Prep (position 1) ) l 5.1.1 Turn the selector knob to " Panel Prep", position 1. i 5.1.2 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button. 5.1.3 Press the " Panel Prep. - Purge" button and hold for 1 min. and release. 5.1.4 Press the " Panel Prep. - Drain" button and hold for 15 sec. and release. 5.1.5 Press the " Panel Prep. - Calibration" button and hold until the conductivity and pH meters stabilize. 5.1.6 Record the specific conductivity reading on Enclosure 9.2, the areasured specific conductivity should correspond with the specific conductivity of the pH standard which was prepared in the lab. If not, contact the Station Chemist or Primary Supervisor (If this is a routine test, submit a WR,to repair). NOTE: Multiply conductivity meter reading by 1000 to ! obtain proper specific conductivity value. 5.1.7 Adjust the pH meter to the known pH of the standard. 5.1.3 Press the " Panel Prep - Purge" button and hold for 30 seconds then release. 5.1.9 Press the " Panel Prep - Flush" button and hold until the conductivity and pH meters stabilize (specific conductivity and pH of demineralized water), then release. O

I 5.1.10 Press the " Panel Prep - Purge" button for 30 seconds and release. 5.1.11 Press the " Panel Prep - Drain" button for 60 seconds and release. 5.1.12 Repeat Steps 5.1.9, 5.1.10, 5.1.11 and then continue to Section 5.2. 5.2 Sample Collection (Position 2) 5.2.1 Turn the selector knob to " Sample Recirculation", position 2. 5.2.2 set the temperature selector, located on the instrument panel, to Tc 1. 5.2.3 Record the radiation monitor reading on Enclosure 9.2, (Background). 5.2.4 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button. Record the starting time on Enclosure 9.2. The radiation monitor should show an increased activity level as sample enters i x the liquid panel. j y 5.2.5 If Tel goes above 190 F, sample is not being cooled sufficiently. Turu selector to " Reset". Press" Reset" button and turn 1 Power Key to vertical position. Call Station Chemist or  : his designee. l 5.2.6 Turn the selector knob to " sample", position 3, when the sample temperature at Tc 1 stabilizes. Record the temperature l on Enclosure 9.2. 1 NOTE: Tc 3 monitors KC Coolant outlet from the PALS HI and can be monitored during Tc 1 and Tc 2 stabilization. j

   .         5.3 Sample (Position 3)

I 5.3.1 Turn the temperature selector to Tc 2. 5.3.2 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button. 5.3.3 Monitor the temperature gauge and when Tc 2 stabilizes I record the temperature and radiation readings on Enclosure j 9.2. 5.3.4 Subtract initial background activity from sample activity found during Tc 2 stabilization and record reading on Enclosure 9.2. This is the radiation due to the sample. 1

l 1


5.3.5 Press the " Sample - 1 Tc 2 Stabilize" button. When pressure stabilizes record the reading on Enclosure 9.2. 5.3.6 Press the " Sample - 2 Pressure Stabilize" button. Record the time sample flow stops on Enclosure 9.2.  ; , 5.3.7 Turn the selector knob to "Depressurization", position 4 t 5.3.8 Request Operationa to close the valves opened in section l 4.1. If an ND Pump Discharge sample is being taken, press "close" switch for the ND Pump Discharge Isolation Valve, i either IND39 or IND40 and place the "Remoce/ Local" switch l in the " Remote" position. j 5.4 Depressuri ation (Position 4) 5.4.1 Press the " Reset" button on the gas flow totalizer to zero l the readout. Preset the counter on the cotalize.r to j 99999. 5.4.2 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button. Verify the i pressure gauge on the instrument panel indicated a vacuum N of -25 inches of mercury (-25 level). Wait 60 seconds. 5.4.3 Press the " Start" button on the gas flow totalizer and ) monitor the pressure gauge. Press the "Stop" button on the totalizer when the Level gauge needle first begins to move. Press " Start" button and "Stop" button to add small amounts of nitrogen and continue small adds until level meter reads 0-2 inches in level. If 5 inches is exceeded, a new stripped gas sample will need to be taken (ie) start ( from Section 4.1. 5.4.4 Turn the selector knob to " Liquid Sample", position 5. 5.5 Liquid Sample (Position 5) 5.5.1 Press the " Selection Po'ver - Activate" button. 5.5.2 Press the " Liquid Sample - 1) Log Conductivity" button and hold until the conductivity meter stabilizes. Record the specific conductivity on Enclosure 9.2. l Press both the " Liquid Sample - 1) Log Conductivity" and 5.5.3 Liquid Sample - 2) Log pH" bottons and hold until the pH meter stabilizes. Record the pH on Enclosure 9.2. 5.5.4 Press the " Gas Sample - 1) Activate" button and hold for 1 second. i

__ - . . ~ _

                 \                                                                                                                          ,

5.5.5 Press the " Gas Sample - 3) Diluted Gas Sample Grab" button. 5.5.6 Turn the selector knob to " Liquid Sample Ptep.", position 6. 5.6 Liquid Sample Prep (Position 6) 5.6.1 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" buccon. 5.6.2 Press the " Liquid Sample Prep - 5 Activate to desired al. volume" button and wait 5 seconds, after depressing. This  ; deposits 1.25 al of sample for dilution. 5.6.3 Press the " Reset" button on the dilution water flow totalizar and preset the meter for 250 mis of dilution water. Press the " Start" button and let dilution continue to completion. Record the dilution volume on Enclosure 9.2. 5.6.4 Press the " Liquid Sample Prep - 3) Activate Mix" button and hold'for 10 seconds. 5.6.5 Turn the selector knob to " Liquid Sample", position 7. 5.7 Liquid Sample (Position 7) 5.7.1 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button. ' i . 5.7.2 Press the " Liquid Sample - Activate" bucton. Wait 15 seconds.

5. 7. 3 - Press the " Liquid Sample - Diluted Sample Grab" button.

Wait 10 seconds. 5.7.4 Turn the selector knob to " Flush", position 8. 5.8 Flush (Position 8) 5.8.1 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button. 5.8.2 Press the " Flush - Activate" button and wait 4 - 5 minutes, 1st flush cycle. 5.8.3 Press the " Flush - Activate" button and monitor pH and conductivity meters until they reach equilibrium of domineralized water, 2nd flush cycle. (Approx. 10 minutes.) , 5.8.4 Press the " Flush - Activate button and wait 3 minutes, 3rd flush cycle. 5.8.5 Press the " Flush - Activate" button, af terwards, the.

                                                                " Complete": light must illuminate.            If light doesn't illuminate continue and write a work request after sampling i                                             is completed.

l 5.8.6 Turn the selector knob to " Drain", position 9.

s I l . l b 5.9 Drain (Position 9) 5.9.1 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button.  ; 5.9.2 Press the " Drain - Activate" button. Wait 120 seconds. 5.9.3 Press the " Drain - Activate" button. Wait 120 seconds. 5.9.4 Press the " Drain - Activate" button. Wait 13 minutes. 5.9.5 Press the " Drain - Activate" button and the " Complete" light should illuminate. I 5.9.6 Turn the selector knob to " reset" and press the " reset" button. 5.9.7 Turn the System Power Key to the left to operate the sump  : pump: Allow pump to run for 15 minutes to insure sump is pumped dry. 5.9.8 Turn the System Power Key to the right to re-energize the PALS. Record the radiation level on Enclosure 9.2. 5.9.9 If the field at the panel is greater than 3 Rem /hr, continue to section 5.10, otherwise turn the System Power Key to the vertical off position and proceed to section 6.0. , 5.10 Decontamination 5.10.1 Turn the selector knob to " Panel Prep", position 1. 5.10.2 Press the " Selection Power - Activate" button. 5.10.3 Press and hold the " Flush" button for 2 minutes. 5.10.4 Repeat Panel Flush and Drain modes starting Section 5.8 through 5.9.8. 5.10.5 If radiation level is <3 Rem / hour, turn the System Power Key to the vertical position and continue to Section 6.0. If however, the radiation level remains >3 Rem / hour, go back to step 4.1 and repeat the sequence using a larger dilution volume. See Enclosure 9.3 to determine the dilution volume. If vich a 3500 ml dilution volume the radiation level is still >3 Rem / hour, contact the Station Chemist or his designes. 6.0 Sampling 6.1 Verify the operability of 2-1 mi and 2-5 ml glass locking syringes located in the Hot Lab and label them.

                 6.2 Contact Health Physics Surveillance and Control Group and request Ns                      surveillance while taking gas and liquid samples from the sample portion of the PALS located on 716'el. Aux. Bldg. FF-54

6.3 Collect 2 - 1.0 mi scripped gas samples at the gas sample panel septum located on the north side of the sample panel and place syringes in plastic bag. 6.4 Collect 2 - 5 al liquid samples from the liquid sample septum located on the south side of the sample panel and place syringes in plastic l bag. l 6.5 Replace the septa after collecting the syringe samples prior to l returning to the Hot Lab. 6.6 Take syringes to Hot Lab g a, sample carrier and place in operating  ! fume hood behind a lead brick shield to avait analysis. 7.0 Sample Analysis 7.1 One syringe of scripped gas will be analyzed via Chemistry procedure l CP/0/B/8100/31, Chemistry Procedure for the Analysis of Gases From the Reactor Coolant System Gas Mixtures. No averaging of gas samples will be done as in the procedure as only one syringe of sample will be pulled. Analyze the sample for % H 2 and 02 and report results as follows. 1

  • 100 = cc/kg H 2 (ie) %H x 58.3 = cc/Kg H 2* 0 2 2 l

(ie) %O2 x 58.3 = cc/Kg 0 0 x 3 10 g

  • 100 = cc/ g 0 2 2 Where: % gas is determined via CP/0/3/8100/31 1000 cc = scripped gas bomb volume 0.170 kgg = reactor coolant sample size 1/100 = conversion of percent to decimal Report ec/kg H2 and 0 2 n Enclosure 9.2.

7.2 Take the remaining 1 31. syringe with stripped gas sample, withdraw 1 al air from septum stoppered glass vial and load 1 al stripped gas. Analyze by GeLi Spectral Analysis following CP/0/A/8200/05, Chemistry Precedure for Radioisotope Analysis. Report the actual sample volume on the botton of the sample analysis form under remarks and submit to Health Physics so that they may adjust isotope acitivities from diluted samples to reflect reactor coolant activity. The calculation is as follows: j l i

l  % l Sample Volume = 170 ml = 0.17 ml. 1000 I Where: 1000 cc = scripped gas bomb volume 170 cc = reactor coolant sample size 7.3 Taka 1 al of liquid sample and dilute to 50 mis with Super Q Water in a 60 31 poly bottle. Analyse by G4Li Spectral Analysis following CP/0/A/8200/05. Report the actual sample volume being counted on the bottom of the sample analysis form under remarks and submic to Health Physics so that appropriate adjustment of isotope activities f I occurs. The calculation of sample volume is as follows: 1.25 31 ampl a Volume = Total Dilution Volume Where: 1.25 ml. = Reactor Coolant Volume Total Dilution Volume = mis water added in Part II fil of Enclosure 9.2 + 1.25 mis. Fv=ple: 300 31. dilution water added a1 -3 Sample Volume = 2 my 3.32 x 10 31. 7.4 Take 2 al. of liquid sample and analyze,for Boron using CP/0/3/8100/5E, Chemistry Procedure for the Determination of Soron in Water and Wastewater, Colormetric Method. The value received must be corrected for dilution as follows: ppm Boron in reactor coolant = ppe measured x **f5 Where: ppm Borou measured = value obtained via CP/0/B/8100/5E , Total Dilution Volume = mis water added Part II #11 of Enclosure 9.2 + 1.25 ml. 1.25 ml. = reactor coolant sample 7.5 If dilution proves inadequate for any of the above analyses, contact Station Chemist or his designee. 7.6 Report all results in the Primary Chemistry Data Log and Enclosure 9.2. O i s

7.7 A nininam of 3 mis. of liquid will be needed for halide anslysis (chloride). If insufficient sample remains after that needed for Baron and Celi Spectral Analysis, the panel vill be operated again within 10 hrs, after initial sampling and 2-5 ml. syringes of liquid sample taken for halide analysis. One technicon cup of liquid sample will be analyzed via CP/0/A/8100/06, Chemistry Procedure for the Determination of Chloride in Righ Purity Water. Results must


be adjusted via the calculation in Section 7.4, substituting ppb C1 for ppm B, so that dilution is taken into account. Record value in Primary Chemistry Data Log. NOTE: Chloride sample to be taken only in an accident situation. 7.8 Clean 5 ml. syringes with Super Q Water after use. 8.0 References 8.1 Duke Power Company Nuclear Station Post Accident Liquid Sample Panel. 8.2 MC-1572-4.0 LL, Rev. 1 8.3 CP/0/B/8100/31, Chemistry Procedure for the Analysis of Gases from Reactor Coolant System Gas Mixtures. 8.4 CP/0/B/8100/05E, Chemistry Procedure for the Determination of Boron in Water and Wastewater. 8.5 CP/0/A/8200/05, Chemistry Procedure for Radioisotope Analysis. 8.6 CP/0/A/8100/06, Chemistry Procedure for the Determination of Chloride in High Purity Water. 9.0 Enclosures 9.1 PALS Monthly Checklist 9.2 PALS Data Sheet 9.3 Correction of Dilution Volume 9.4 PALS Control Panel Diagram 9.5 Directives for Personnel Conduct in the Hot Laboratory, the Atomic Absorption Laboratory, Unit 1 & 2 Primary Sampling Laboratories, And the Radwaste Operating Center. 10.0 Ceneral Information

       ,          10.1 PALS Breaker - Breaker Box 1KJ Breaker #34 located on 750' el. MM56 10.2 Phone at Control Panel - Ext.      . . .

1 10.3 Phone at Sample Panel - Ext.

          )                                             ._'i


1. pH 7.0 buffer solution must be replaced once a month. Prepare pH 7.0 buffer (4 liters) as per CP/0/B/8100/43. Measure specific conductivity and log in Primary Chemical Data Log.

buffer expiration date: specific conductivity: unhos/cm Technician /Date: / .

2. Verify that the 1000 ppe Boron Standard Stock Solution used in CP/0/B/8100/05E, Chemistry Procedure for the Determination of Baron in Water and Waterwater, will not expire prior to next monthy inspection. If so, replace as stated in the above procedure.

1000 ppe Baron std. expiration date: Technician /Date: / Carminic Acid and 10 ppe Boron sed are to made prior to sampling.

3. The following valves should remain open: Technician Date Instrument Air Supply Isolation IVI231 Nitrogen Supply Isolation 1GN124 KC Supply Isolation to PALS HX IKC829 DI Water Supply Isolation 1NM376 Panel DI Water Inlet Isolation LATER Panel Nitrogen Inlet Isolation LATER Panel Instrument Air Inlet Isol. LATER Panel Sample Return Isolation LATER Panel KC Inlet to HX Isolation IT.C957 Panel KC Outlet from MI Isolation LATER 4 pH and conductivity meters must be checked when buffar solution is renewed. Complete PALS operating procedure sections 4.2.1, 4.2.6, 4.2.7, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.5, 5.1.6 5.1.7, 5.1.8, 5.1.9, 5.1.10, and 5.1.11. Turn System Power Key to vertical position to deenergize panel.

calibration date: Technician:

5. Go to section 3.0 and take a reactor coolant sample using the PALS, analyzing the sample as stated in the procedure.

1 ENCLOSURE 9.2 , OP/0/A/6200/48 PALS DATA SHEET PART I (Complete prior to going to control panel). Time 1 - Verify 1KC "A" Train is in operation. 2 - Sample valves opened as per 4.1.1 for the respective sample. I 3 - Health Physics notified for monitoring support. 4 - Specific conductivity of pH 7.0 buffer (reference ) Primary Chemistry Log). umbos/cm j l j PART II (Complete at the control panel) 1 - Specific Conductivity of pH 7.0 buffer. umhos/cm 2 - pH meter standardized. l 3 - Radiation field (pre-sample background) res/hr i 4 - Time sample purge started. hrs f 5 - Temperature: Tc 1 'T Temperature: Tc 2 7 6 - Radiation field (at sampling) res/hr

                                 - Radiation field (background) res/hr            i Radiation due to sample                                        res/hr J

7 - Pressure at Isolation psig l l j 8 - Time sample purge isolated hrs / 9 - Specific conductivity of sample umhos/cm 10 pH of sample (measured) 11- Dilution volume (mis. H O mis 2 added) 12- Radiation field (post-sample) res/hr 13 *pH of sample (boron corrected)

  • NOTE: If boron is present in sample, pH can be adjusted for boron by referring to baron curve in CP/0/B/8100/43. If this is a post accident sump sample, do not correct pH for boron.

I l PART III (Complete in Het Lab) l 1 - Gas Analysis ec/kg H  ! l ec/kg 0 2 l I 2 - GeLi Spectral Analysis (Gas) 3 - GeLi Spectral Analysis (Liquid) 4 - Baron Concentration ppm 3 5 - Chloride Concentration ppm C1' l TECHNICIAN DATE


                                                                                    .                               l I

To correct the dilution volume, divide the final radiation reading (Section 5.10.5) by 3 ren/hr, then multiply this by 250 al to obtain desired dilution volume in Section 5.6.3. i Example: Reading in Section 5.10.5 = 10 res/hr 10 r hr ! then x 250 = 833 al l i Go back to Section 5.2 and repeat the sample sequence, using a dilution volume of 833 al in Section 5.6.3 instead of 250 mis. 1 l l G ( l l

                   .                                                                                                        Page 1 of 2 ENCLOSURE 9.4 O                                                       OP/0/A/6200/48 PALS CONTROL PANEL DIAGRNi

OFF 'FigatT ygg pg4 Rnm DANN r snwe .\ \ dtWR,ETE g

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  • i [g
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l . Page 2 of 2 ENCLOSURE 9.4 ( O OP/0/A/6200/48 PALS CONTROL PANEL DIAGRAM' pnygsgy. ,c m noen Tu ra L. O

  • O l l Nlh ll Y  :

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(g n -__-- e u e , - w t & II

1. Saak esmans for all esses ase somsed as the unsee sempummeur Feud tumb. =r-* Ma8 emmentanus, teamend as p u
2. Assde umsens fsum Washlar Damenkved Guygen ammtyone ase -81===d sa pseemdure @/0/3/B05/91, ama essgemme ed ta a Premmsy Las Siam.
                                               *=m====*=e sette umsens and esammaamend amammte&a ase to be
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See-endsamassou er use ammemunasses mammusale ese aos es be dasyneed ed la me r='*-*h= weses asass as seL1d umste passamning.

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  • 6. Ne reaiosasive nasertaLa are pesetssas la the Cald, C _ ~! Samplang. er 3esar Trenommes Laserasertas.

s e e , Form SPD-1002-1 DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: d d dard/ PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change'(i) 1 'to

PROCESS RECORD G Incorporated i

(2) STATION: Nf_ hko (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: Mrsdms L _ #M/L Je*y M M /'la/d hra r L}Ju Red l-Wu/ bdj/Ese r (4) PREPARED BY: . [ w // DATE: ,7/ , /57 (5) REVIEWED BY.Ch, ._


_ DATE: 7 / / 2./ P 1 0 ' - Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R:CA, @ l Q~ i.' (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSART): By: (SRO) Date: By: - Date: (7) APPROVED BY: M. /77 Date: 7/fu/rL u (8) MISCELLANEOUS:

                                 ' Reviewed / Approved By:                        Data:

Reviewed / Approved By: Date: O

              '                                                                HP/0/B/1009/04



DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION PROCEDUR.E FOR ESTIMATING FOOD CHAIN DOSES l UNDER POST ACCIDENT CONDITIONS i 1.0 Purpose i l This procedure describes the method to be used in order to rapidly  ; estimate offsite doses through significant food chain pathways j under post accident conditions. 2.0 References - 2.1 U.S. NRC Reg. Guide 1.109 3.0 Limits and Precautions 3.1 Reg. Guide 1.109 is intended to guide the calculation of doses under long term steady state conditions. The body of this procedure contains notes covering cases in which the calculation of doses under accident conditions differs from f. the calculation of doses under routine conditions. I 3.2 This procedure covers only the calculation of the food chain

      )              -

pathway doses most likely to be limiting under post accident conditions. Other food chain doses must be calculated using l the methods of the Duke Power Company Offsite Dose Calculation Manual or Reg. Guide 1.109., General Office Radwaste or ! Laboratory Services personnel shall be consulted when these other food chain doses are calculated. l 2.3 The errors in the doses calculated through the use of this procedure are not necessarily conservative (on the high side). l 3.4 The assumptions outlined in this procedure shall be carefully compared with existing post accident conditions before this procedure is used. 4.0 Procedure 4.1 Vegetation + Cow or Goat Milk + Consuner Dose Pathway for Radiciodine.

4.1.1 Assumptions

Child (infant) milk consumption: 900 ml/ day (2 pints approx.) g Adult milk consu=ption: 850 =1/ day (2 pints approx.)

Pcg2 . s

 <                              Decay time between iodine deposition on vegetation and milk consumption: 2 days.

4.1.2 Doses can be calculated on the basis of radioiodine concentrations measured in grass (or other vegetation consumed by milk animals) or milk. Doses calculated on the basis of milk radioiodine concentrations will be much more accurate than those calculated on the basis of vegetation radiciodine , concentrations. However, the measurement of vegetation radioiodine concentrations permits the prediction of approximate doses due to milk consumption one or two days later. 4.1.3 Calculation of doses chrough vegetation analysis: Collect samples of vegetation eaten by milk animals and analyze on GeLi counter. Compute radiciodine concentrations in uCi/ f g' ram of undried vegetation. -Galculate thyrcid deses by use of the following equations. 5 1

                                          . TCV",[1:(FCiV gy)

D C 5 D TAV y ( AiV iV} where: l D = Eu=an child infinity thyrtid dose TCV co=mit=ent in recs per day that milk animal consumes contaminated vegetation. D = Sa e as above for human adult. TAV 1 = I-131, I-132. I-133, I-134, or I-135. C y = Concentration of radioicdine in N vegetation in uCi/g. j Fgy , Fgy = caken f ro= cable below.

                                                                                                                                                    ,i _                                                        __ _ ._ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _

Ecgr 3-l-

                                                    .                                          )
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Units = rem / day yCilg


                                                                            ,. )             )                                                                                                                 Child                          Adult F

CiV AiV 1 I-131 3900 510 2 I-132 *

  • 4

3^ 3 I-133 210 23 g . 5 4 I '.34 *

  • u t-135
                                                                 !                                                                                                                ~ 15                              *
  • i ,,-
                                                      ,         j
                                                                .s                                                                                                ,s ,/ s > '
  • These can be neglected.
                                                               !                f --                                      4.1.4                      Calculation of doses,through milk concentrations:

NOTE: Radioiodine concentrations in milk will l peak about two days after concentrations

l.  ;,

i.n o.r on n getation peak. 4 Colle -til samples of milk and analyze in I GsLi. counter. Compute radiciodine

I 1
                                                                                                                                                         .                ' concentrations in uC1/ml.

1 . s) ._ Calculate thyroid doses by use of the bk li . following aquations:

           . .g . 8                                                                                                                    '

5 M . D TC" = I (E CiM CiX) s i=1 4 ,

                                                         , ',                      ,                                                                                                         5
                                                                                         '                                                                                  D TAM
                                                                                                                                                                                      = I (F Aic          CiX) s
                                                                                                                                                                                         .1 i                                                             (


                            .                                                  (


  • where:

( .


N' .- ' D = Eusan child thyroid dose commitment s



s. TCM
g. ,
                                                                                                                                                                                             'n recs per day of censumption of

( 4g-s x s .

  • contaminated milk.
                                                                                                                                                                                      = Same as above for human adult.


               .                                                                                                                                                              Cg      - Concentration of ith radiciodine in

' i 3

                                                                                                                                                                                             = ilk in uC1/nl.
                                                                                                                            'i s
                                                                                                                                                          ,   TCiM,F, tim, = caken from table below:

u! 4

                    '\                                         .


  • l t i  %
                          ,n 1                                                                                                                                                      ,
                         ~~                                                                                                   - --                                                                    - -                           -

t , j

Pcg2 .


Units = res/ day pC1/ml Child Adult Fgg3 CiM - 1 I-131 13000 1700 2 I-132 150 17 3 I-133 3000 310 4 - I-134 38 6 - 5 I-135 390 65 NOTE: Whole body doses due to radiciodine ingestion will always be much smaller than thyroid doses. 4.2 Water + Fish - Consumer Pathway for Radiocesium.

4.2.1 Assumptions

Adult fish consumption: 57 g/ day (2 oz. approx.) , . " Child (teen) fish censu=ption: 44 g/ day (ik c=. l _ approx.) Bioaccumulation factor for casiu= in fish: 2000 4.2.2 Dose can be calculated en the basis of radiocesium { l concentrations in Itcher water or fish. Doses calculated on the basis of concentrations- in fish will be more accurate than those calculated on the basis of concentraticas in water. However, the l measurement of water radiocesiu= concentrations permit the prediction of doses due to future consumption of fish. 4.2.3 Calculation of doses through water analysis: Collect water sa=ples and analyze on GeLi l counter. Compute radiocesium 1 concentrations in uCi/nl. Calculate whole body doses by use of the following ecuations: D ECW =( 00) (C13;g) - (4600) (C1377) I w/

 ,.-y-     we   - , - . - -

Pcg3 DBAW " (I' ) ( 134W + ( 200) (Cg379) where: D = Human child (teen) infinity whole BCW body dose commitment in reus per j day fish are exposed to contaminated water. Dg = Same as above for human adult. C g34g = Concentration of CS-134 in water in uC1/ml. C 137W

                                          = Concentration of Cs-137 in water in uCi/cl 4.2.4 Calculation of doses through fish concentrations: Collect fish samples and analyze in GeLi counter. Compute radiocesium . concentrations in uCi/ gram (wet). f ~ Calculate whole body doses using the following equations: _D = (4.0) (C134F) + (2.2) (Cg377) ECF DBAF " ( * ( 134F) ^ I'* ) ( 137F) where: D = u=an child (teen) infinity whole BCF body dose co=mitment in rems per day of consumption (at 44 g/ day) of contaminated fish. Dg = Eu=an adult infinity whole body dose commitment in rems per day of consumption (at 57 g/ day) of contaminated fish. C = Concentration of Cs-134 in fish in 134F uCi/ gram. C g377 = Concentration of Cs4 37 in Msh in uCi/ gram. NOTE: In any one day, a person cay easily cousu=e 5 or even 10 times the assumed daily quantity of fish. Liver doses due to radiocesiu=

Pcg2 ' . ingestion are about two times the whole body doses. Thus the whole body doses are more li=iting. 4.3 Drinking Water + Consumer Pathway for Radioiodine

4.3.1 Assumptions

{ Child (infant) water consumption: 900 al/ day (2 l pints approximately). Decay time in water l distribution system: 1 day. l 4.3.2 Collect water samples and analyze on Ge'i counter. Compute radiciodine concentrations in uCi/ml. l 4.3.3 Calculate thyroid doses by use of the following equations: D TCW

                                   =  5 (FCiW   Cgy)

I i=1 f1 TAW

                                   =  S (Fggy Cig) g i=1     .
           -                 where:

Dg = liuman child infinity thyroid dose coc=1 ment l in rems per day of consumption of contaminated water.


D gg = Same as above for human adult. i - I-131. I-132, I-133, I-134, or I-135 C y = Concentration of ith radiciodine in water in uCi/gra=. FCiW Fgy = taken from table below

                                                                 ""    "Y Units =

uCi/ gram Child Adult F F Ciw AiW 1 I-131 12000 3600 2 I-132 *

  • 3 I-133 1300 320 4 I-134 *
  • 5 I-135 49 13
                                           *These can be neglected.

8 L -

     .                                                                   Pcgs                                                                                                  -

NOTE: Whole body doses due to radiciodine ingestion vill always be much smaller than thyroid l doses. 4.4 Record all results on appropriate Enclosure. 5.0 Enclosures . 5.1 Milk Pathway Data Sheet  : 5.2 Fish Pathway Data Sheet , 5.3 Water Pathway Data Sheet t t

                                                                     -                                                                                                                                i >

e w 9a i 7

                                                                                                                       . ,                                    . s.-                         . ~ ..


   .                                                              HP/0/B/1009/04 Enclosure 5.1 MILK PATE'AY DATA SHEET I
This is to calculate thyroid dose from the milk pathway (section 4.1). '

Vegetation Analysis I - 131 Conc.(Cgy) = uCi/ml j f I - 133 Conc.(C39) = uCi/al Dg = (3900)(Cgy) + (210)(C3y) 1 ! = D Rem 77 D = (510)(Cgy) + (23)(C37) 7y D gy = Rem Milk Analysis I - 131 Cone.(Cgy) = - uC1/mi , I - 132 Conc.(Cy) =  : uC1/cl i -- Ci/cl I - 133 Cone.(C37) = I - 134 Cone.(C4y) = uC1/d I - 135 Conc.(C5V) = . uC1/c1 D TG = (13000)(Cgy) + (150)(C27)+(3000)(C37)-(38)(C;y)+(590)(C37) l D = Re= I g D 7g = (1700)(C17) + (17)(C2V) + (31C)(C37) - (6)(C47) + (65)(C5V) D,,g,. = Rem Sacpletakenat(point / location) Date/ Time Signature i l l l

                                    .                       -. _                                                                                                .                                       _ _ _ _ _ .                    )

HP/0/B/1009/04 Enclosure 5.2 FISH PATHWAY DATA SHEET This is to calculate whole body dose from the fish pathway (section 4.2) 1 Water Analysis Cs - 134 Cone.(Cg34g) = uCi/ml i Cs - 137 Cone.(Cg379) = uCi/n1 j D = S C'n, (7700)(Cg349) + (4600)(C137W) D = Rem BCW D = 3g.g (14000)(Cg34g) + (8200)(Cg37g.) E ** 3CW " l Fish .ualvsis - 'l

                                                                                                                                                                                 'Ci/"1                                              'j
                                              -s - 134 Conc.(C134F) ~~
                                              ~: - 137 Cone.'(C.37F) =.                                                                                                              Ci/=1
                                              ;_,..z.: - (4.0)(C134y) + (2.2)(C,..,)                   .                           .si.
                                                   ...     =                                                                    Re=

2... sat = (7.0)(C134F) + (4.3)(C137F)

                                                   .,_ =                                                                        Ret                                                                                                     l e                                             s Sarple :aken at(point / location) l l

l l Date/ Time Signature l 1 e--,,m, - - - - --cwy-, , -y ,%,---..-w g-,---m-.--_ , - - - - - , - - - - , - _ _

                                                                                                                        ,,,,,aw  -   ,,g,.,w%.,_   err %m---* *.-rww-+w-r--w-e--------         - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                             .                                                                                                                                                                                HP/0/B/1009/04
                                    -                                                                                                                                                                                         Enclosure 5.3 WATER PATHWAY DATA SHEIT This is to calculate thyroid dose from drinking water (Section 4.3).

I - 131 Conc.(Cgy) = uCi/mi , I - 133 Conc.(C3g) = pCi M I - 135 Cone.(C5W) = uCi/d DTG, = (12000)(Cgg) + (1300)(C3g) + (49)(C5W) D = Rem TCW D TAW = (3600)(Cgy) + (320)(C3g) + (15)(C5W) Dgg = Rec (

                                                                                                                                                                               -                                                                                                      i:

i l . -y Sa=ple:akenat(poin:/ location [ l t l l F Date/ Time Signature a

                                             .m__   ._ . , . _ _ _ _ - . , _ _ _ - , - , . _ _ , , . , _ , _ , , . , _ - . , _ , _ , _ . _ . _ , , , . _ _ , , , , , _ , - ,         -                . - - , - - _ _ _ _ , _  _            , _ _ . - - , _ , - - . _ - . _ _ _ _ -
 - _ , . - . , - ,,--,___-,-,w__,
       .               .                                                                          f
                                                          -                                       [

( k I 7 Form SPD-1002-1 l 7 0KE POWER COMPANT (1) ID No: HP/0/B/1009/15 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) o to [ ,, PROCESS RECORD O Incorporated [. (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: Nuclear Post-Accident Conemi-at Air ?-ling Systent f


operating Procedure  ! (4) PREPARED BY: M // DATE: 3///!ft i

  • l (5) REVIEWED BY: 6 _ [ b _' - - DATE: I/ n / 9 ;L q '

( i Cross-Disciplinary Review By: N/R k f/_ N M 4 (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): l l By: (SKO) Date: j i By: Date: ' (7) APPROVED BY: - s Date: , 7 1 1L U "

                                                                        -('     (                   \

(8) MISCELLANEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Data:

                                                                    ..  .            - . . . . . i. .. . . _ a -

l HP/0/B/1009/15 DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION NUCLEAR POST-ACCIDENT CONTAINMENT AIR  : SAMPLING SYSTEM OPERATING PROCEDURE I k 4 1.0 Purpose j 1.1 This procedure describes the operation of the Nuclear Post-Accident Contain= ant Air Sampling System in order to promptly obtain a cone =4-c air sample under a nuclear reactor accident condition to: Keep radiation exposure less than three (3) Rams ) 1.1.1 whole body dose and aighteen and three-quarters (18 3/4) Rams to extremities for personnel taking samples, 1.1.2 Provide information related to the extent of core damage that has occurred or may be occurring during an accident, and 1.1.3 Determine the types and quantities of fission products released to the conesinment atmosphere and which may be released to the enviro:usent. , 2.0 References 2.1 Duke Power Company Nuclear Station Post-Accident Conesinment Air Sampling System Manual. l 2.2 USNRC Regulatory Guides 1.3 and 1.4. 2.3 Station Health Physics Manual Section 13.1, Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Radioactive Sources. 2.4 Station Health Physics Manual, Section 12.1, Operation Procedure for the Nuclear Data -6600 GeLi System. 2.5 Station Chemistry Manual. Procedure CP/0/A/8200/05, Enclosure 6.3, Directives for Personnel Conduct in the Hot Laboratory. 2.6 Station Chemistry Manual. Procedure CP/0/B/8600/19. Section l 4.3, Preparation of Thiosulfate Solution for Post-Accident Gas Sampling. 3.0 Equipment 3.1 Equipment required per sample. l i Nalgene 500 mi bottle of NaOH with accompanying vial of


 -          -                                                    Page 2 I

Na:S Os*5H2 0. 1 Nalgene 1000 al thiosulfate sample bottle. 2 Stainlese steel gas bombs. i l 1 9/16 inch combination wrench. 1 Poly bag. 1 Punnel. 1 Watch NOTE: All above equipment is located in the Health Physics Shift Lab in the file drawer labelled " Post-Accident Gas Sampling Equipment". All equipment below is standard in the Chemistry Hot Lab. 1 Nalgene 60 mi bottle. 2 Rubber septums. I 1 Syringe. 1 1000 al graduated cylinder. 1 50 mi graduated cylinder 1 100 mi beaker - 4.0 Time Required 4.1 Sampling must be completed in less than three (3) hours from the time a decision is made to take a sample. 4.2 The sampling cycle will require two (2) Health Physics Shife personnel apprcrimately one (1) hour per sample, of which approximately ten (10) minutes will be spent in the sample panel area. One qualified Shift Technician will operate the control panel while the other will perform transit duties to , and from the sample panel. 5.0 Limits and Precautions 5.1 Only the Station Health Physicist or his designes can authorize the use of this procedure when needed and should provide appropriate surveillance and control of personnel taking the samples. Entry and exit to sample panel and control panel area to be determined by HP Surveiffance and Control. 5.2 Inform the Shift Supervisor that gas sampling will be perfor=ed and that one H 2 Analy:er will be inoperable during

                                                                                  - . _          _ . - _ . . _ - . _  L.     .   . _ _ . _

Page 3 sampling. The Shif t Supervisor will be notified as to which Hs Analyzer is in use per step 6.7. 5.3 Personnel co-mf cations can be achieved by using extension at location 3854 near the control panel. 5.4 The Trap Area Evacuation mode shall never be used. 5.5 The Fast Sample Dilution mode shall never be used. 5.6 The Sample f.ine Select Switch shall never be used. 5.7 The Recire Puma must never be used at any pressure other than 0" of Hg. 5.8 Moving the Selector Switch from one mode to another stops all current system operations. Depressing the Activate pushbutton starts operation of the newly selected mode. 5.9 The Radiation Monitol on the control panel will provide background levels of radiation prior to, during, and after sempling, and an indication of cour==4n= tion within the system or panel for progressive samples.

                                        !.10 a c'.la :sesdie of the Radiation Monitor " pegs out" on the upper and of the meter scale while the lower scale (mr/hr) is being used, immediately turn the selector knob to the higher scale (r/hr).

5.11 If the Radiation Monitor reading cannot be reduced below 16, R/hr (see Enclosure 8.5, Table I!) by purging the system with Ns, (see 7.1 steps 7.1.1 thru 7.1.12), do not return to the sample panel, but contact the Station Health Physicist immediately for further insecuccious. 5.12 If thiosulfate comes in contact with the skin during preparation (see 6.0, step 6.9), transferal (see 6.0, step 6.10), or dilution (see 7.0, steps 7.6.8, 7.6.9, and 7.6.11), wash the affected area as soon as possible with soap and lukewarm water. 5.13 Dilute samples in accordance with Health Physics practices for handling radioactive materials. 5.14 Treat and decontamtnace all spills i=nediately. A 5.15 Dispose of syringes, septuns, rubber gloves, etc., in radwaste receptacles.

                                                                                                                                                                        .       .I   . . .    . _ _ .

I Page 4

                 -                                                                                                                                                                                    l 5.16 If problems with the radiation monitor are evident (i.e. no                                                             l indication of radiation on the meter) contact IAE at extension for assistance. Turn the Selector Switch to the OFF mode and discontinue sampling until the problem is corrected. Once corrected, continue the procedure where left off.

5.17 If problems with the pressure and/or temperature gauges are evident (i.e. no indication on a meter or no variances during sampling) contact IAE at extension for assistance. Turn the Selector Switch to the OFF mode and discontinue sampling . until the problem is corrected. Once corrected, continue the procedure where left off. 5.18 Projected dose rates from the TS and gas samples are liited on Enclosure 8.5. Table I, and sample panel transit area doses are listed on Enclosure 8.6. 6.0 Prerequisite System Conditions Initial / Time

                                                                         /              _

6.1 Contact Operations at extensica to verify Ehst valve 1YI226 for VI supply to sample panel is open, and valve 1GN125-for Ng supply to sample pacel is open.

                                                                         /                            6.2 Contact Chemistry at extension                            co verify that valve 1YM382 for DI supply to sample panel is open.
                                                                         /                            6.3 Obtain Post-Accident Control Panel key and key
                                                                                                             #C415A from Health Physics RICE Lab ( Roota #940, level 767) key locker to unlock H2 Monit r Panel (either train A or 3) and verify that H M "i" # i' 2

in the Standby oods. If H M nit r is ei che 2 i Standby mode, use the alternate train. The H 2 Monitor Panel train A is at location CC53 on level 750, and train B at CC53 on level 733.

                                                                         /                            6.4 Open sample line inlet solenoid valve to diverr containment atmosphere to the sample panel by
                                                                                                            , depressing the black ON pushbutton located on the H
                   '                                                                                                                                                               2 Monitor Panel under the Samule Routed to PAMS Panel i

label. Accompanying red power light should

                                                                  ,                                          energize.
                    .   . .                         ..                                          . . . ~ . .                    . - . - . .          . . - .
                            ,y, y-, , - - . - - ,-- ,,---_,,__-,__,._,.,,,__,,__,m.,,

_ _ . - - , _ w_,__

     . . __         - - _ _ . .         --                                                   -- _ _ . .   ._a.       .. . c Page 5
                                /               6.5 Open sample line outlet solenoid valve by turning the Isolation Valve Onen key lock switch, located on the H2 Monit e Panel, to the ON, position.

Accompanying red power light should energize.

                                /               6.6 Obtain containment atmosphere by turning Sample Location Selector, located on the H M nit e Panel, 2

to Pos. #1. Accompanying red power light should energize. .

                                /               6.7 Notify Shift Supervisor at extension                       ,. as to which train is in use.
                                /               6.8 Obtain thiosulfate package from the file dr_awer labelled " Post-Accident Gas Sampling Equipment" in the Health Physics Shift Lab (Room #954, Level 767).

The package consists of bottles labelled "2.42E-3 NaOH" with vials attached to the side labelled "O.3003 gm Na 320s*5H 2 0."

                                /               6.9 Prepare thiosulfate solution per chemistry procedure CP/0/3/8600/19, section 4.3, taking all precautions listed therein.         (CP/0/3/8600/19 with sampling equipment in Shife Lab.)
                               ,/,              5.10 Use the funnel to pour contents into the thiosulfate i                                                       tank, labelled "TS Tank", which is on top of the sample panel (location CC52, level 733). Leave the cap off of the IS Tank after transferring the thiosulface.
                                 /              6.11 Verify that all four service valves are open before operation. These are the DI, VI, and N2          **1***

loc.sted on the outside upper left side of the sample panel, and the TS valve located on the inside upper center of the sample panel. These valves are opened by rotating the black switches counter-clockwise one-quarter turn to the upward position.

          .                                            NOTE:      6.12 thru 6.19 concern initial control panel settings. Control panel is at s                                                      location CC53, level 750.
                                  /              6.12 The Samole Volume Select must be set on Small.
                  . . . _ _ . . _ _ .     ..                                              _.                                     . ._                    .       .c                             . ..

Prga 6 .

                                            /             6.13 The Dilution volume Select must be set on large.
                                            /             6.14 The Selector Switch must be in the Off position.
                                            /             6.15 Move the System Purge toggle switch to the Normal position.
                                             /            6.16 Nove the Refill toggle switch to the Off (down) position.
                                             /            6.17 Turn the TC Switch to position 1, which is the                                                       -

thermocouple setting to measure sample line

                                                      .                  temperature. Position 2 will asasure ambient temperature within the sample penei.
                                             /            6.18 Turn the Radiation Monitor On by moving the toggle switch (located below the mater) to the g position.
                                             /            6.19 Turn the selector to BATT and verify that the needle is in the " red test region" on the right and of the scale. If reading is 'below the test region, contact s                IAE at extension              for assistance. Do not continue until IAE verifies that the problem is corrected.
                                             /            6.20 Select the appropriate rate so that the eedle is on                                                                                   ,

the meter scale by first turning the selector knob l to higher scale (r/hr) and, if necessary, to lower scale (ar/hr).

                                             /            6.21 Turn Key Lock Switch to Power on. Power on light should energize. If power on light does not energiae, verify that breaker #41 on breaker panel
1EJ is closed to provide power to the system. The l panel is at location MM56 on level 750. Contact Shift Supervisor before closing breaker.

7.0 Ooerating Procedure NOTE: All steps in the operating procedure are momentary unless otherwise specified. 7.1 System Purge

                                             /            7.1.1                Turn Select Switch to System Purge.


                                             /            7.1.2                Move Normal-Sample Purge toggle switch to Sample Purge.
                                             /            7.1.3                Depress Activate pushbutton.
                                         . . . - ** %               .      -.        .m      **    * .
  • a
           ,                                               , , - - - - -                                     - . --, - . - , , ,          ----,,--,--,------..w,          , - - - . - - - - -


                       -                                                   Page 7
                                           /      7.1.4      Depress Evac pushbutton (Evac light shou'.i i

energize) and watch the pressure gauge slowly drop to -25" of Hg.

                                           /      7.1. 5'    When pressure reaches -25" of Hg. depress the        j Stop pushbutton.
                                           /      7.1.6      Press down and release the Gas Purge toggle switch and watch the pressure gauge rather        ,

swifCly rise to +10" of Es.

                                           /      7.1.7      when pressure reaches +10" Hs, depress the Stop     j pushbutton.
                                            /     7.1.8      Depress the Activate and then the Evac pushbuttons and watch the pressure gauge drop       :

to 0" of Es. 6

                                            /     7.1.9      When pressure reaches 0" of Hg. depress the Stop pushbutton.                                    :
                                            /     7.1.10     Depresa M pushbutton and wait for thirty (30) seconds.
                                            /      7.1.11    Depress Stop pushbutton.
                                            /      7.1.12    Repeat steps 7.1.3 thru 7.1.11 two (2) more times.
                                             /     7.1.13    Move Nomal-Sample Purge toggle switch to Normal.
                                             /     7.1.14     Turn Selector Switch to Solution changeout.
                                             /     7.1.15     Attach the TS sample bottle to the sample panel by inserting the plastic hose into the bottle which is located on the lower left side of the panel. Attach the gas sample bomb to f                                                              the sample panel (using the 9/16" wrench) on        ,

the lower right side of 'anel.

                                              /    7.1.16     Record the Radiation Monitor reading as a background reference where specified on Enclosure for appropriate sample number.
                                              /     7.1.17     Record sample line temperature reading for sample volume calculations where specified on Enclosure for appropriate sample number.

Proceed to section 7.2.

                                                                   -                 . 4. -,

Pge 8 T 7.2 Solution chansecut

                   /                  7.2.1        Depress Activate pushbutton.
                   /                  7.2.2        Depress Flush pushbutton and hold thirty (30) seconds.
                   /                  7'. 2. 3     Depress h pushbutton and hold thirty (30) seconds.
                   /                  7.2.4        Depress g pushbutton and hold for thirty (30) seconds.
                   /                  7.2.5        Nove the Refill coggle switch to ON (up) position and wait two (2) minutes and then move toggle switch back to off (down) position.
                   /                  7.2.6        Turn Selector Switch to Dilution Volume ~                               I i

Evacuation and proceed to section 7.3. j 7.3 Dilution Volume Evacuation

                   /                  7.3.1        Depress the Activate pushbutton and watch the pressure gauge drop to -25" of Es.                                      )
                   /                  7.3.2        When pressure reaches -25" of Hz, turn Selector Switch to Sample Recire and proceed to section                          i 7.4.                                                                    ,

i 7.4 Sample Recire .

                    /                 7.4.1        Depress Activate pushbutton and wait for five                           I (5) minutes.
                    /                 7.4.2        Raturn to Sample Panel and note pressure gauge reading on sample inlet line.


                    /                 7.4.3        Record the pr'.asure (P) where specified on Enclosure for appropriate sample number.
                    /                 7.4.4        Depress Sample pushbutton and wait for one (1) minute.

i / 7.4.5 Depress Trap pushbutton and wait for ten (10) seconds.

                    /                  7.4.6        Enter time of sample trap where specified on Enclosure for appropriate sample number.
                     /                 7.4.7       Turn Selector Switch to Sample Dilution and 1

proceed to section 7.5. i 7.5 Samole Dilution r

                     /                 7.5.1        Depress Activate pushbutton.

__ ._ m . _ __ __-__ _ _

Page 9

                         /           7.5.2          Depress Slow pushbutton and watch pressure gauge rise slowly to 0" of Hg.
                         /           7.5.3          When pressure reaches 0" of Eg, depress the                   l i

Stop pushbutton.

                         /           7.5.4          Depress the Recire pushbut: ton and wait for five (5) minutes.
                         /           7.5.5          Return to the semple panni and close the gas                  j sample bomb left valve. wait five (5) seconds and close the right valve.
                         /           7.5.6          Return to control panel and depress the Stop pushbutton.
                         /           7.5.7          Turn Selector Switch to Solution ChangeoutLand proceed to section 7.6.

7.6 Samples Collection

                         /           7.6.1          Depress Activate pushbuttoc.
                         /           7.6.2          Sinnitaneously depress and hold the TS Sample                 j pustbatton and the _2acer pushbutton for five (5) minutes. TS chculd transfer into the TS sample bottle.
                          /          7.6.3          Depress Purge pushbutton and hold one (1) minute.
                          /          7.6.4          Depress TS Sample Grab p.tthbutton.                           l
                          /,         7.6.5          Turn Selector Switch to System Purge and repeat steps 7.1.3 thru 7.1.11 as needed to reduce                   l radiation levels within the sample panel to as naar the background level (listed on appropriate Enclosure) as possible, or until no noticeable increase is observed on the Radiation Monitor from one N2 purge to the next. Record the Radiation Monitor reading where specified on Enclosure for appropriate sampla number.
                           /          7.6.6         Tightly cap the TS sample bottle and disconnect the gas sample bomb (using the 9/16" vrench) from the sample panel. Leave the wrench on top of the sample panel. Radioactive sources are
 .          ._        .    ..                                                 .__L._-          -

Page 10 O to be handled according to Section 13.1 of the Station Health Physics Manual.

               /            7.6.7      Place the TS Sample Bottle and the gas sample bomb into the poly beg and carry at arms length (assy from the body) to the Chemistry Hot Lab (Boom #1105, level 775). Place the samples in the designated shielded area provided for hot semples.
               /            7.6.8      Transfer the thiosulfate solution into a 1000 mi graduated cylinder to determine the thiosulfate dilution volume (TDV). Racord this value where specified on the Enclosure for the appropriate sample number. Use standard ch==1=try laboratory techniques, and precautions per Chemistry procedure CP/0/A/8200/05 Enclosure 6.3 (Enclosure is posted in the Hot Lab).                                   l
               /             7.6.9     Transfer fifty (50) al of the thioculfate sample into a sixty (60) al Nalgene bottle using techniques and precautions referenced in 7.6.8. Tighten cap onto the sample bottle.
               /      _

7.6.10 Transfer the prepared thiosulfate sample and gas sample bomb to the H.P. Count Room (Room

                                        #947A, level 768) for analysis. Samples will be analyzed per Station H.P. Manual. Section 12.1, Operating Procedure for the Nuclear Data 6600 GeLi System. Sample data on the appropriate Enclosure of this procedure vill be required for analysis.
                /            7.6.11     If additional sample dilution is required for GeLi counting, perform the dilutions in the Chemistry Hot Lab per techniques and precautions referenced in Section 7.6.8, until samples are suitable for analysis. Dilution factors used will be determined by the Count Room Supervisor or his designes, and values

l Page .'. i I f inserted where specified on Enclosure for the I appropriate sample number. 7.6.12 Excess samples are to be disposed of per _/ _ g=44=14=es referenced in 7.6.8. l 7.6.13 If another coneminpant air sample is needed. ,

                     /             _

l repeat Steps 6.8 thru 6.10 and begin procedure l at Section 7.1. 7.6.14 If no additional coneminannt air samples are

                      /                                                                                                        !

amadad, turn Selector Switch to off. 7.6.15 Tura Eey Lock switch to off.


7.6.16 Close sample line valves by depressing off

                       /                                                     Monic r Panel. The pushbutton                     j pushbutton on H2 is under the Sample Routed to PAMS Penal label.                        l 7.6.17      Close sample line outlet solenoid valve by                          ,,
                        /                                                                                                   h e 4a=    the Isolation Valve open key lock switch, located on the E2 Monit r Panel, to the OFF position.

l 7.6.18 Turn Sample Location Selector, locatad on the _f _ , H., Monitor Pnnel, to OPF. Lock E2 M##it # Panal. 7.6.19 Close all four (4) service valves by turning


one<-gua.;t.or turn clockwise. 7.6.20 Notify Shift Supatvisor of sampling completits


and that th's Hz Analyzer used durig sagling is operable. 7.6.21 Notify the Station Health Physicist when sample

                           /           _

analyses are complace. 8.0 Enclosures 8.1 Sample i Data Sheet 8.2 Sample 2 Data Sheet 8.3 Sample 3 Data Sheet 8.4 Sample 4 Data Sheet l 8.5 Table I - Projected Dose Rates from TS Sample and Gas Sample Table II - Maximum Allowable Dose Race in Sample Panel Area 8.6 Projected Doses from Sample Panel Transit Area

( . EP/0/B/1009/15


2 l Enclosure 8.1 . Sample 1 Data Sheet Name: l Date: Time of Sample Trap: Time of Thiosulfate Sample Analysis: Time of Gas Sample Analysis: Itadiation Monitor *--'i== per 7.1.16: Radiation Monitor Reading per 7.6.5: Sample Line Temperature (*F): _. (TC Position 1 Only) i


Sample Volume = SV = (1.3cc 293 + (5/9) ( *F - 32) (14.7 + y % ) l i 293 14.7

  • cC ,

First Thiosulfate Dilution Factor = TDF g


TDV ! = ( ) ( ) ( f ple) Second Thiosulfate Dilution Factor = TDF 2 .( g (If necessary-determined by (y al of DI water) Count Room Supervisor or his designee) =( )( ) ( ) l l

                                                                               . ,   . k. . ..


  • Enclosure 8.1 First Gas Dilution Factor = GDF g =


                                                  .(      )

10' l 1 1 l Second Gas Dilution Factor = GDF (If necessary-determined by 2 * ((y L}( ec container volume) Count Room Supervisor or his designee) =I )( ) - ( ) l l I

1 G 1 EP/0/3/1009/15


Enclosure 8.2 Sample 2 Data Sheet [ l t Name: Date: Time of Cample Trap: Time of Thiossiface Sample Analysis: < Time of Gas Sample Analysis: Radiation Monitor *- '4a= per 7.1.16: Radiation Monitor Reading per 7.6.5: Sample Line Temperature (*F): (TC Position 1 Only) Sample Voltans = SV = (1.3cc 93 + (5/9) ( *F - 32) (14.7 + P "Eg) I 293 14.7 W' l l E

                                                        =               cc First Thiosulfate Dilution Factor = TDFg=


                                                                                 *   (


                                                                                   ,(       g) (x al of sample)

Second Thiosulfate Dilution Factor = D F 2 (If necessary-determined by (y al of DI water) Count Room Supervisor or his c designee) =( )( ) ' ( ) l M e

     - ' - -                                          w       --                                        - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 EP/0/B/1009/1S i

           *'                                                                                              Enclosure 8.2                       l l

l SV l First Gas Dilution Factor = CDF 1 = , 10* i

                                                                        ,(        )

- - - 10" ( l

                                                                        =                                                                       i Second Gas Dilution Factor = GDF2     *(          l}(                                                    !

(If necessary-determined by (y cc container volume) l Count Roca Supervisor or his [ designee) =( )( ) ... ( )

                                                                  --*-N    ~       .-            . . . . .                             , , ,

1 1 O A


                                                                                              .. a. . _ . _ _ . . . . _

HP/0/B/ LOO 9/15 4 Enclosure 8.3 Sample 3 Data Sheet ( { Name: Date: Time of Sample Trap: [ Time of Thiosulfate Sample Analysis: Time of Gas Sample Analysis:  ! Radiation Monitor *== Mas per 7.1.16: l Radiation Monitor Reading per 7.6.5:  ! Sample Line Temperature (*F): (TC Position 1 Only) Sample Volume = 57 = (1.3cef 293 + (5/9) ( *F - 32) (14.7 + P "Hg) 1 293 14.7

                                    =              cc First Thiosulfate Dilutten Factor = TDYg     = --



LI , ( ) Second Thiosulfate Dilution Factor = TDF 2 .( g) ( f Ple) (If necessary-determined by (y al of DI water) Count Room Supervisor or his designee) =( )( ) ( )

                                                              =                                                              1 l

l l A

         ,-                                                                       D/0/B/1002/15 Enclosure 8.3 SV First Gas . motion Factor = CDF  =


                                                       ,(       )



Second Gas Dilution Factor = GDF (If necessary-determined by 2"( 1} (y ec container volume) Count Room Supervisor or his designee) =I )( ) ( )


i l l l l l l l l


                                   .     ..  . . . .               .w   --
                                                                                            .         ._..1'....-..........

EP/o/5/1009/15 l l F.nclosure 8.4 l Sample 4 Data Sheet Name: Date: Time of Sample Trap Time of Thiosulfate Sample Analysis: Time of Gas Sample Analysis: Radiation Monitor *--d4== per 7.1.16: Radiation Monitor Reading per 7.6.5: Sample Line Temperature (*F): (TC Position 1 Only) 1 293 + (5/9) ( *F - 32) (14.7 + y "Eg) Sample Volums = SV = (1.3cc I 293 14.7  ;

                                                   =       cc

sv First Thiosulfate Dilution Factor = TDF g i TDV

                                                                       =        (        )

( )

                                                                              =(       l    (*      
  • Second Thiosulfate Dilution Factor = TDF 2 (If necessary-determined by (y al of DI water)

I Count Room Supervisor or his designee) =( )( ) ( ) i b; p

                                                                                                                                             -n 1


                   ,                                                                                                     Enclosure 8.4 8Y First Gas Dilution Factor = GDF 1       =

4 10

                                                                 .(         )

10" Second Gas Dilution Factor = E F 2

                                                                   ,(          g)(x cc of sample)

(If necessary-determined by (y cc container volume) Count Room Supervisor or his designee) .( )( ) --- ( ) I I (

                     ~'                   ~-       - - . - .           ... ...                   .               __


  • EF/0/3/1009/15

{' l

                                                                                                            ,,       Enclosure 8.5
                 ';                                                    4 i,                                  t 3           f                 I Table I Gas Sample Dose Eatts Time Pset-Accident . (Bours)

1 2 Mattace O 2.00E3 ur/hr 1.66E3 ar/hr 4.00E2 ar/hr

                                         ,           at 1" at 35",                                 2.0830 mr/hr                         IJ63E0 ar/hr      3.73E-1 ar/hr
     '                               '                                                         Thiosulfate Sample Bottle Dose Estes
                                                                                                 }           Time Post-Accident (Hours) 1 1              2 1                                           Distance                                         0                                                                 <

at 1" 1.3214 ar/hr 1.06E4 ar/hr 4.7E3 ar/hr at 36" ' 1.93E1 ar/hr 1.55El ar/hr 6.88E0 ar/hr s 3 NOTE: 2.00E3 = 2.00 x 10

                                                                                                                       , Table II o                                                                                                                              .,

In reference to Sectica 5.10: , I ainute transit to a$ul' free sasele panel i 10 minutes at sample panel , (x hrE )(60Ehr.) =3A x = 16.76 hr 1 Y b . x = 16 E he a I i i

  • E <


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Inclosure 8.6 HP/0/B/1009/15 Time Post-Accident (Ecurs) Dose (R) 0 3.041 1 1.977 1.429 2 3 1.125 ! 4 0.912 5 , 0.821 - 10 0.517 24 0.231 NOTE: Any dose at a cias not listed can be determined by l cross-referencing on the graph. (Graph on next page). The vertical axis is the fraction of the Time = 0 dose. The horizontal axis is the time in hours post-accident. l I

                                                                                                 . l 1


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                                                                                                                                            ,      {               :           ?lli 1     6 Form SPD-1002-1 DUKE POWER COMPANT                              (1) ID No: HP/0/B/1009/16 PROCEDURE PREPARATION                                         Change (s) 0 .to PROCESS RECORD                                      A Incorporated (2) STATION: McGuire Nuclear Station (3) PROCEDURE TITLE:                      Distribution of Potassitus Iodide Tablets in the Event of a Radiciodine Release (4) PREPARED BY:                       NJ F , be, DATE:                                             .r/ Aul/ 7 2_

(5) REVIEWED BY: M ' _= DATE: J7 AM II f Croes-Disciplinary Review By: _ N/R: ( (6) TEMPORARY APPROVAL (IF NECESSARY): By: (SAO) Date: By: Date: (7) APPROVED BY: d. 472 M Date: Lfh d (8) MISCELMNEOUS: Reviewed / Approved By: Date: Reviewed / Approved By: Data: "'w ^ - - - - - - - - - . . . ., __ _

HP/0/B/1009/16 DUKE POWER COMPANY McCUIRE NUC. EAR STATION ' DISTRIBUTION OF POTASSIUM IODIDE TABLETS IN THE E7EET OF A RADI0 IODINE REI. EASE 1.0 Purpose . I This procedure provides information necessary to distribute Active Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets to inplant personnel in the event of a release of radiciodine. Also, it outlines storage and supply information to assure sufficient quality and quantity of thyroid blocking material. 2.0 References 2.1 NCRP Report No. 55; Protection of the Thyroid Gland in the Event of Releases of Radiciodine 1977. 2.2 NCIP Report No. 65; Manasement of Persons Accidentally

Cont ==fnated with Radiciodine 1980.

I i 2.3 BRE Report; Reconnendations of Thyroid Blocking EKI, HRS Pub. . FDA 81-8158. . 2.4 Systes Health Physics Manual. l 2.5 NUREG 0654. 3.0 Limits and Precautions

3.1 Persons who are known to be allergic to II shall not receive these tablets.

3.2 Nursing mothers who receive KI tablets shall be advised to use nutrient substitutes (ex. milk or a formula) for children for l the duration of the ten-day tablet use period. 3.3 Personnel shall be advised not to deviate from prescribed dosages and dosage rates. 3.4 Best results will be achieved when II tablets are administered immediately (within 2 hours) after an exposure, although administration as late as 24 hours af ter an emergency will be of limited value. 3.5 Discolored or disfigured tablets and bottles of KI with loose tops shall be discarded. l e o - -


     .                                                      Pass                     3.6 Hands of personnel shall be free from cont ==4 nation prior to taking KI tablets.

4.0 Procedure 4.1 Responsibilities for Distribution 4.1.1 Station personnel suspected of having been in the affected area prior to detection and during the release, personnel present in the affected area, and g personnel who will enter the area while radiciodine is present shall be instructed by the Station Health Physicist to report immediately and register in a KI distribution area. 4.1.2 KI shall be distributed only to prevent a significant uptaka of radiciodine. A "significant uptake" is defined as follows: That amount that would otherwise result in a dose commitment of' greater than or equal to the quarterly permissable occupational dose. Exposure to greater than or equal to 10 x MPC or more when the exposure to expected persist for one or more days. 4.2 Registration of Persons Exposed to Radiciodine 4.2.1 When persons notified by Health Physics arrive at a distribution area, record appropriate data per Enclosure 5.1. 4.2.2 The Station Health Physicist or his designee should give one (1) tablet to each affected person and instructions concerning the use of the tablet. Then issue to each affected person one bottle containing nine (9) KI tablets, and the package insert for the use of the tablets (refer to Enclosure 5.2 for an example of the package insert). A sufficient quantity of small sample bottles shall be supplied in each emergency kit to permit ample distribution i of tablets. l e

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    \                Tablets are to be taken only as directed.

One (1) tablet per day for ten (10) days is the recosamended dosage. After the initial dose of KI, subsequent

                                  -   doses shall be taken on a daily basis.

Tablets should be taken as near a 24-hour schedule se possible. g NOTE: Por best results, emphasis shall be placed upon the proper use of these tablets. 4.2.3 Tablets removed from full bottles of II should be stored in small plastic

  • gle bottles. The expiration date on the bottle from which the tablets were taken and the name of the Health Physics representative shall be recorded on the small bottles. Tablets stored in small plastic sample bottles should then be used for the single tablet initial issuance of KI to affected persots.

l 4.3 Thyroid Burden Analysis Following Radiciodine Exposure 4.3.1 All personnel receiving KI tablets should receive a thyroid scan. If the number of people render this step impractical, the Count Room Supervisot sbould ! draw a representative sample of persons listed on Enclosure 5.1 who received KI tablets. NOTE: Subsequent action involving thyroid burden analysis should follow guidelines established in the Systen Health Physics Manual. 4.3.2 Records of thyroid scan should be maintained per procedure. NOTE: Thyroid scans immediately after an accident could lengthen KI distribution time and cause confusion among personnel. Distribute KI before analyzing thyroid concentration. 4.4 Storage Requirenants l .

Pcg3 . 4.4.1 There are these major storage requirements to be observed: Store in a temperature range of 59 to 86 degrees F. Store in a low humidity area (avoid direct exposure to liquids). Store in an area protected from exposure g to light. 4.4.2 Upon receiving a shipsont of II, boxes should be opened as soon as possible and bottles aw==4==d to ensure that an airtight semi has been maintained. Bottles shall be returned to boxes, and boxes shall be sealed shut, so as to avoid exposure to light. 4.4.3 To ensure a sufficient supply of tablets, a =4n1== of 961 bottles with 14 tablets per bottle should be maintained. 4.5 Shelf Life and Changeout of KI Tablets 4.5.1 Thryo Block

  • tablet bottles are labelled with an -

expiration date from the factory. As tablets reach' the expiration dates, the tablets shall be discarded, unless the pharmaceutical company extends

  • the expiration date, authorized by the FDA.

NOTE: Replacement tablets should be ordered at least three (3) sonths prior to the date of expirstion listed on the bottles of II. 4.5.2 Upon receiving a shipment of KI tablets, supplies should be shifted so as to use older tablets before new tablets. 4.5.3 After the radiciodine emergency, tablats in the small plastic sample bottles shall be discarded. 5.0 Enclosures 5.1 Potassium Iodide Tablet Distribution Data Sheet 5.2 Pschage Insert for Thyro-Block Tablets and Solution 5.3 KI Storage Location List and Distribution _--e---- -- - --- -

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Page 1 c:f 2 EF/0/3/10C9/16 ENC =SURE 5.2


n.e e - p. THYRO BLOCK" I IPOfAABalls 100004 l tasonsumens see.Th EYlen syes taamsemenos A4 TAal.ETE ans Scum 0M LLS.P. a. TAEE POTASSIUM IODIDE ONLY WHEN PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS TELL YOU. IN A RADIATION - t EMERGENCY. RADIOACTIVE IODLVE COULD SE mIASED INTO THE AIR POTASSIUM IODIDE (A TORM OF IODLNE) CAN HELP FROTECT YOU. IF YOU ARE TOLD TO TAKE THIS MEDICLNE.TAEE IT ONE TIME EVERY 34 HOURS. DO NOT TAKE IT MORE OFTEN. MORE WILI. NOT HELF YOU AND MAY IN- - ruraar THE RISE OF SIDE EFFECTS. DO NOT TAKE Mis DRUG ZF YOU ENOW YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO ZODE.DE (SEE SIDE EFFECTS BELOW.) O . " inceCATious . THYROID BLOCEING IN A RADIATION EMERGENCY ONLY. OBRECTIONS POft USE Use only as diressed by State er local pahiis hemish aethersties in the evens of a radiasism emessesy. DOSE Tahissa ADULTS AND CHILDBEN 1 YEAR OF AGE OR OLDER: One ill tables ames a day. Crush far smalIchudren. BABIES UNDER 1 YEAR OF AGE: Oms half (1/2 tables ones q; day. Crash Gros. Salesions ADULTS AND CHILDREN 1YEAROF AGE OR OLDER: Add a drops to one-half gians ofliquid and druk seca day. BABIES UNDER 1 YEAR OF AGE: Add 3 drops to a sman asmanns of Uquad omme a det. For se desage ftwnne Take isr to days natans diressed otherwise by Stase or lemmi petiis hemish aesheessaan. I Seere as aseneund room temperneurs bes=ess is' and ao-C (se'. to 48'FL Keep onessmer tigasty clemed and prosses from light , De ass use the solunesifis appears browessa ta the nessie of the bassia, WARMING Possessass iodide sheeM nos 6e need by peepee aHergie e iodide. Kamp oss of the reach of ein1 drum. In case of overtices or mUsrgic reecess, consacs a phymaan or the public haakh author:ty j DESCRIPT!CN Each THYRO BLOCKW TABLET contaans 130 :ng of l

                                        ; =,===== isoide.

East drop of TETRO BLOCE" SOLL"" ION consams al _94 of Pesassuun m e


   .                                                                                                                                  Pcge 2 of 2 EP/0/3/1009/16 ENCr.SU2G: 5.2 i

HOW PCTASSIUM ICDIDE WCRKS e Carteam fertas of lastine heip your thyroid gland work rig *is Moss people ses the iodine they ased frean foons. Hise iodized sais or l Sah. The thpond can " stare

  • or hoid only a cercana amouas of I

lodina. In a radiassen emerguesy redensaw ledas may be reisesed la the aar. This maasnel may be breeshed or swaDowed. It any sesor the thyred gland and d==ag= is. The dasmage womid pre. . hahir ass show isent for years. Chudrum are mess uhair to how I thyveed damage. 's u yes taine pesasema ianda, is will f5ap your thyred gland. I This renesse the chasse taas harmini redisassiw iosine =dt esser the thyred gland. .. WHO SHOULD NOT TAKE POYASSIUM 100608

                                         'the emir paspie who should nas take pesasemua todido are paspis who kasw they are samtges to ledida. You amey take pesanassa ledido even if you are takang h for a thyread probians llor esasapia, a thyred henaame er antithnad drag. Pregnaas and normag woman and behens and chadron may mise take thse drug.

HOW AND WHEN TO TAKE PCTL388UM 10080E Pa*===== lodhis shesJd be taie== as seen as poemble a4sr pukiis hemkh ofSeinis soil you. You should taine one done every 24 hours. Mare will ass help yes basemme the thyrand ens "haid" on. I 'y Ilmssed assumes of ledas. Larger desse will incrumme the stak of ands admasa. You will prehahiy be said not to take the drug for more than 10 days . SOE EPFECTS UsenDy, side edensa of possamma iodide happen when pespie tains hasher deses for a lems them. You shamid be omreful nos se take mee them the ed dose er take is for langer than *

                               ,r-yes a.s teld. Side essess are unlikely heesuse of the low esse and the shers time you will be taiing the drug.

Poemshis side asests inciado sina resham, seeiEng of the amuvery ginada, and "sedism9==.m. - burmas messh and theost, sure teesh and gassa, symspsame of a head ceid, and semanumme h spess,and dinerhana. A fisw pompie have an allerges reesties with more serises sympf teams. These esmid be fever and jems pasma or sweiling of parts of the fame and body and as these esvere abertamme of bremsk requir-

                                         !as                  mediaalassomsima.

Taidag ledido may reset cause overnesivity of the thyroid gland, anderessivisy of the thyreed giand, or enlargenses of the thyreH gined (guisert. WHAT TO DC IF SIDE EFFECTS QCCUR If the side effessa are serere or if you how as aBargne remedom, seep saidag re- iodide. Them. If pommhia, call a doctor or pahiis hemist % for insuressieme. HOW SUPPUED TETRO BLOCrm TABLET 5 (Par- Iodida. U.S.PJ bee. time of 14 tahissa INDC 0037 0472 20J Each wasse. remad, soared tables asummans 120 mg pesansman iodida. TNTRO.BLOCKm SOLUTION IPosamensa Iodide Solados. U.S.PJ 30 talil fL oEJH7 --r - M -i." Hey =a==y unses (NDC 0037 42s7 251. Easa drop cossasas 21 mg potassuma indde. WAid.ACs LAaORATOMES . lllinwon of CARTU.wAL:. ACE, INC. Cranoury. New Jersey ce612 Cwec7 sis tcrrs issue tet7s

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I i F.nclosure 5.3 POTASSIW. IODINE LCCATICN AND DIS"!LI3UT 0N L:s; (1) Cowan's Ford Dam (2 kits) 477 bottias

                                                                                               .l (2) Control Roca                              150 bottles (3) Station Manager's Offica                  150 bottias (4) Training & Technology Cantar (2 kits)
  • 152 bottias (5) Invironnescal Survey Kits (4 kits) 4 bottles f i

1 bottle (5) Construction Post #1 I I bottle (7) Brass Shack (8) PAP Area 1 bottia (9) Technical Support Centar Kit 25 bottias TOTALS 961 betries ,l I e e o
