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Rev 2 to Fire Protection Procedure OFPP-039, SCBA Use & Maint
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1997
From: Bryant L
Shared Package
ML20202D867 List:
OFPP-039, OFPP-39, NUDOCS 9802180034
Download: ML20202D937 (32)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



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9802180034 980128 yDR ADOCK 05000324 '

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8 N P RFCAF'li 10 MAR 2 51997 CO O RD * * *



EFFECTIVE ATE 3 7 Sponsor 2 S[1 I

9~7 l~ Datel Approval [M@ 3 /ll' 67 Superintendent - Loss Prevention Unit Date' OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 1 of 31



This revision adds 2 SCBA's to the CAS Area of the Control Building to bring the minimum to 15. -This action satisfies Al 95 02591 Task 14. This' revision also puts the procedure into the OAP-005 format.

LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Paae(s) Revision 1-31 2 a



4 d

1 4

j OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 2 of 31

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0- -PURPOSE............... ........................... 4


........................................ 4 3.0 RESPONSIBlU . lES . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ 5 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ......................... 6 5.0 D E F I N ITI O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

- 6.0 PRO C E D U RE STE PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 '

6.1 SC B A ln s pectio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2 lssuing SCBA Equipment ..-........................... 10 6.3 D on ning th e SC B A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ATTACHMENTS 1 Protectio n Facto rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

.2 Despirator Selection Tree .................................. 16 3 Scott Air-Pak 4.5 Inspection Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 l

4 Scott Air-Pak 4.5 Spare Cylinder Inspection Record ..... ........,. 29 4 5 issue Log ............................... ......... 30 6 Equipment Description ...................... .......... 31 i

0FPP-039 Rev.2 Page 3 of 31


The purpose of this procedure is to prescribe protection for employees from occupational respiratory insults, both nuclear and non nuclear, caused by breathing oxygen deficient atmospheres or any toxic or harmful substances.

The procedure describes the require'ments and limitations for selection, issuance, use, maintenance, and inspection of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).

This procedure meets the. regulatory requirements of 10CFR20.1201(d),

Regulatory Guide 8.15 and NUREG 0041, 2.0 peFERENCES 2.1 NUREG 0041 (Final), "The Manual of Respiratory Protection Against

Airborne Radioactive Materials" 2.2 10CFR20.1201(d) 2.3 Regulatory Guide 8.15 2.4 CP&L Radiation Control e,d Protection Manual 2.5 CP&L Corporate Respiratory Protection Program This manual contains additional information on non-nuclear respiratory hazards and the physiological effects of contaminants upon the respiratory system.

2.6 CP&L Corporate Confined Spaces Program 2.7 OE&RC-0120, Routine /Special Airborne Radioactive Survey 2.8 OE&RC-0130, Airborne Radioactivity Analysis of Service Air and lastrument Air 2.9 OE&RC-0135, Sampling of Breathing Air to Meet Grade D Air Specifications 2.10 OE&RC-0136, Set Up and Use of Air Line Respiratory Protectic,r. Davices 2.11- 0FPP-038, Operation of the SCBA Refill System 2.12 _ OE&RC-0219, Quantitative Fit Testing 2.13 ~ OE&RC-0221, Cleaning, Maintenance, and Leak Testing of Respiratory Equipment 0FPP-039 Rev. 2 Page 4 of 31


2.14 OAl 66, Procedure for Safe Work Within Confined Spaces 2.15 Vendor Manuals and Data Sheets 2,16 OE&RC 0230, Issue and Use of Radiation Work Permits 3 2.17 OAl-141, BSEP Asbestos Exposure Control Program 2.18 OPEP-04.6, Radiological Emergency Kit Inventories R 2.19 Al 95 02591 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Qualified instructors will give individuals training in the use of SCBA prior to the use of this equipment in either radiological or nonradiological hazardous airborne environment. Classroom training will be conducted as per OTI-305.

3.2 Dosimetry / Respirator Fit Test personnel will enter the name of every person who is SCBA qualified in the RIMS System. Such individuals should inform their immeoiate supervisor of any limitation.

3.3 Appropriate OJT instruction will be conducted by the Loss Prevention Unit (LPU) as needed.

3.4 Employee respirator training shall provide personnel with the opportunity to wear masks in a test atmosphere.

NOTE: The Lifeair 10 escape units do not require any physical examination prior to use.

3.5 Competent medical personnel must evaluate SCBA users to ensure they are physically and mentally able to wear SCBA under simulated and actual working conditions.

3.6 Respirators (other than those designated for emergency use) shall be issued under the direction of the RC gr' up by qualified individuals.

I 0FPP-039 Rev.2 Page 5 of 3[


4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 SCBA qualification will be based on classroom instruction, physical examination, and a mask fit test. Disqualification shall result if any one of the t iree requirements for requalification are not met.

4.1.1 All personnel who wear SCBA, except for fit-testing and SCBA training, must pass a medical examination prior to wearing the device and at least every 15 months thereafter provided that the total time over any 3 consecutive examination periods does not exceed 39 months.

4.1.2 Classroom retraining and SCBA fit testing of all the above will be required at 12-month intervals 3 rnonths to ensure that a high degree of proficiency is retained when SCBA protection equipment is used.

NOTE: Fit testing is not required for the Lifeair 10.

4.2 Fit testing will be performed in accordance with OE&RC-0219, 4.3 Following each use of SCBA respiratoro in a radiological area, the facepiece should be cleaned / decontaminated according to OE&RC-0221.

4.4 SCBA respirators used for nonradiological protection should 'oe cleaned after each shift in accordance with OE&RC-0221, 4.5 Respiratnrs permanently issued to individuals should be sanitized after l cach usc by the individual as per manufacturer's instructions.

NOTE: Scott Air-Paks will be inspected in accordance with Attachment 3 following maintenance and decontaminating.

4.6 All SCBA designated as emergency units will be inspected in accordance with Attachment 3 or OE&RC-0221, Attachment A.

4.7 Wearing a SCBA is physically and psychologically stressful, thus the period of time SCBA may be worn should be kept to a minimum. Many factors contribute to this stress, some of which are temperature, humidity, protective clothing requirements, the degree of exertion required for the job task and the current state of the worker's health.

The worker and his supervision should consider these factors and others in determining the length of time that SCBA may be continuously worn.

OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 6 of 31 1

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.8 Individuals using SCBA shall not exceed Threshold Limit Values (TLV),

Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL), or Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL) for respiratory protection.

4.9 !ndividuals working in an airborne radiological contamination area should

] be limited to 40 DAC hours per week.

4.10 All SCBA shall normally be cleaned and sanitized after each use.

Exceptions are noted in this procedures.

4.11 All routinely used SCBA shall be inspected before use and monthly (tolerance i 25%),

4.12 All SCBA designated for emergency use shall be inspected monthly

' 1 (tolerance i 25%). A record of the inspection dates and appropriate findings is to be made.

4.13 Air used to fill SCBA cylinders must meet the requirements of Grade D air. See procedure OE&RC O'15.

4.14 Only SCBA approved by the Bureau of Mines (BM), the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), or the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) shall be used.

4.15 Only SCBA with the additional approval and certification under 30CFR, Part 11, or approved and authorized by the NRC shall be used for protection against radiological airborne contamination.

4.16 Each wearer of respiratory equipment shall be advised that he may leave the area at any time for relief in the event of equipment malfunction, physical or psychological distress, procedural or communication f ailure, significant deterioration of operating conditions, or any other condition that might require such relief.

4.17 Eye glasses or goggles that extend outside mask shall not be worn, 4.18 Contact lens may be worn when a fu.I facepiece respirator is worn for radiological parposes only, if indicated on the individual's medical evaluation reart.

4.19 There shall be no interference between protective headgear (hoods, surgeons cans, etc.) and the normal method of wearing the respirator.

4.20 No individual should be permitted to work alone while wearing SCBA.

OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 7 of 31

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.21 Only SCBA, Ska-Pak with Escape bottle, or the Hip-Air combination pressure demand breathing apparatus shall be used in environments that have oxygen deficiencies or toxic gases. The Lifeair 10 is for escape only. The Lifeair 10 operates in a constant flow mode.

4.22 The Ska-Pak with Escape bottle or the Hip-Air portion of the MSA combination pressure demand (hose line) breathing apparatus permits the use of this hose line respirator in IDLH atmospheres. This permits the use of Gie hose line for extended periods of work. The hose line must be connected prior to entering the IDLH atmosphere and the self contained air supply must only be used for escape when necessary.

CAUTION Compressed air may contain slight amounts of oil which could coat. internals (orifices);if high pressure oxygen passes through this orifice, a fire or explosion Can occur.

4.23 Oxygen and breathing air are not to be used in the same apparatus. That is, compressed oxygen shall never be used in SCBA cylinders, 4.24 The service life of Scott Air-Pak 4.5 SCBA at Brunswick are rated at 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. This time may be a little longer if very sedate activities are performed. A much shorter time, up to 50% less, should normally be expected under strenuous work conditions. Vigorous work activity, cylinder's charge, training and experience of individual, individual's physical condition, and individual's emotional state are all factors that can effect the amount of time an individual will have in using the equipment.

4.25 The service life of the Lifcair 10 and SCBA portion of the MSA Hip-Air and Scott Ska-Pak with Escape bottle is from 5 to 10 minutes.

4.26 Fittings on respiratory equipment, mainly hose linc units, must not be compatible with other gas supplies that are not suitable for respiratory use.

4.27 If there is no airborne or potential airborne radioactivity, the need for respiratory protection shall be based on the following.

OFPP-039 Rev. 2 Page 8 of 31

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS NOTE: Soo Attachment 2 (Selection Tree) for selection criteria.

4.27.1 Employee's experience of irntation or other harmful effects of breathing contaminated or oxygen deficient atmospheres.

4.27.2 Specific operations which could produce breathing air contaminan.s or oxygen deficiency (welding, burning, sandblasting, etc.).

4.27.3 Recommendations of E&RC and/or the Safety section.

4.27.4 Identification of need under the Instructions for Safe Work Within Confined Spaces (OAl 66).

4.27.5 Identified or potential asbestos work (see OAl-141).

5.0 DEFINITIONS 5.1 TLV - Threshold Limit Values 5.2 PEL - Permissible Exposure Limits 5.3 STEL - Short Term Exposure Limits 5.4 DAC - Derived Air Concentrations 5.5 P/F Protection Factor 5.6 BM - Bureau of Mines 5.7 NIOSH - National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health 5.8 MSHA_- Mine Safety and Health Administration 5.9 SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 5.10 IDLH - Immediate Danger to Life and Health 5.11 RIMS - Radiological Information Management System 5.12 ALARA - As Low As Reasonably Achievable 5.13 LPU - Loss Prevention Unit 6.0 FROCEDURE STEPS 6.1 SCBA Inspection 6.1.1 Using Attachment 3, inspect the SCBA equipment.

'R19 6.1.2 Ensure the required number of SCBA's are located at each storage area.

6.1.3 Log inspection results on Attachment 4.

6.1.4 Complete Attachment 11 of OPEP-04.6.

OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 9 of 31 x

6.2 Issuing SCBA Equipment 6.2.1 Only respirators that have been processed, inspected in accordance with OE&RC-0221 Attachment A, recorded in RIMS and tagged in accordance with OE&RC-0221 or 0FPP-039 may be issued.



6.2.2 Only SCBA equipment that has been inspected in accordance with OFPP 039 may be issued. '

6.2.3 The issuer will verify that the individual user's respirator qualification is appropriate and has not expired using RIMS or a respirator qualification card.

6.2.4 Normally, only one SCBA will be issued to a user at one time. To promote efficiency, more than one respirator may be issued to a user for a special application with the approval of an LPU Supervisor and/or his supervision.

6.2.5 SCBA will be issued at the LPU issue window or other designated g location by qualified personnel.

6.2.6 When issued a SCBA respirator, the user will perform a field leak check. (Normally, a negative pressure leak test.)

6.2.7 RIMS may be used for logging protective breathing equipment issuance. When HIMS is not available, a form similar to Attachment 5 may be used.

6.2.8 The user will return the respirator to the respirator decon room or other designated area. The user is responsible for assuring that the respirator is logged in upon return.

6.3 Donning the SCBA CAUTION if the low pressure alarm sounds while the user is in a work situation, he must leave immediately.

6.3.1 For the Scott Air-Pak 4.5, the following steps should be performed prior to donning and obtaining a proper fit.

1. Check the cylinder pressure gauge for full indication or pressure approved as full by LPU supervision.

OFPP-039 Rev. 2 Page 10 of 31

6.3 D:nning the SCBA

2. Check the breathing regulator purgo valve to ensure that it is closed (full clockwise and pointer on knob upward).


3. Perform a regulator / alarm chock,
s. Observe reading on remote gaugu,it must read 0 to perform this check, if gauge reads above 0, check that cylinder vstvo is closed. Open purge valve to bleed down system and close purge valvo as outlined in Step
b. Depress donning awitch on top of mask regulator. It will

" snap" into place if not already in a donning position.


c. Open the cylinder valve knob counter clockwise completely,
d. Listen for the alarm's sound and then stop. If the alarm does not sound, tag SCBA out of service,
c. Place the faceplece against face and breathe norinally frorn t.he facepleco to ensare operation,
f. Push in and rotate the cylinder valve knob clockwise to clone the valve.
g. Inhale on the facepleco and breathe down the residual air pressure,
h. The alarm should sound as the pressure drops below 1000 psi or the 1/4 mark, if the alarm does not sound, tag SCBA out of service,
i. Depress the donning switch on the regulator end open the cylinder valve.
4. Donning the SCBA using the over the head method.
a. Grasp the back frame with both hands, the left on the pressure reducer, and the right on the wire frame so th the cylinder valve is pointed away from you,
b. Sw!.1g the apparatus straight up and over the head, keeping your elbows close to your body.

t 0FPP 039 Rev.2 Page 11 of 31 m

1 6.3 Donning the SCBA

c. Rest the apparatus on your back while still slightly bent over.

The shoulder straps will slide along your arms and fallinto j place on the shoulders,

d. Straighten up as you pull down on the side straps to adjust i the harness to body fit,
e. Connect the waist belt buckle and adjust by pulling forward '

on the two side mounted belt ends.

f. Readjust shoulder straps to assure that the weight is carried

, en the hips,

g. Loosen the cap band on the facepleco to a full outward position and hold the head harness out of the way or up over the visor,
h. Place the faceplace on the face with the chin properly located in tne chin pocket,
i. Pull the head harness over the head and gently tighten the cap band by pulling on the tab ends on either side of the faceplece.

_j. Stroke the head ha.' ness down towar6 the back of the neck using one or both hands. '

k. Retighten the cap band if necessary,
i. Check the face seal by listening for flow through the regulator while holding breath. Then continue breathing

- normally.

. m, Check the remote reading pressurc r:auge on the shoulder strap occasionally for remaining supply to allow sufficient time for exit from the area of use, r

n. After use and when in a safe area, depress the donning switch and remove the facepiece and breathing regulator together. Push in and rotate the cylinder valve knob

, clockwise to close the valve.

o. The user will return the respirator to the respirator decon-

. room or other designated area. The user is responsible for assuring that the respirator is logged in upon return.

OFPP-039 Rev. 2 Page 12 of 31

G.3 Donning the SCBA 6.3.2 For the Lifcair 10, the following stops should be performed for donning and uso.

CAUTION This dov!co is to be used for omorgency escape only.

1. Removo unit from caso if required.
2. Don the unit by placing the neck strap over hnad.
3. Pull pouch flap open and remnvo hood from pouch.
4. Tuin cylinder valve fully on, requires only a half turn to open fully,
b. Position hood on head and pull drawstring tight and oxit area.
6. After use of the unit, return the unit to the LPU issue window for inspection, maintenanco, and cleaning.

8 0FPP-039 Rev.2 Page 13 of 31

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 2 Protection Factors Particulates, Vapors, Model Particulates and Gases Tritium 3M Model 8715 5 1 -

Not to be used for protection against Dust and Mist radionuclides. Not to be used in oxygen.

Respirator deficient or toxic atmospheres.

COMFO ll Hatt. 10 1 .

Not to be used for protection against Face Respirator radionuclides. Not to be used in oxygen-deficient of toxic atmospheres.

3M 5000 Series 10 1 .

Not tn be used for protection against ..

Hatt. face radionuclides. Not to be used in oxygen.

Respirator deficient or toxic atmospheres.

Ultra Twin MSA 50 1 1 Not to be used for protection against w/ TYPE H noble gases, lodine, or tritium. This mask FILTER can be used where the concentration is known not to exceed 12.5 DAC' for pe'ticulates.

MSA ConMant 2,000 2,000 1.99 May be used when concentration does Flow Airline not exceed 500 DAC' for all radioactive

- materials except Pitium. - May be used in tritium concentrations which do not exceed 0.5 DAC'. Not to be used in oxygen-deficient or toxic atmospheres.


' '.3 A 2,000 2,000 1.99 May be used when concentration does Cornbination not exceed 500 DAC' for all radioactive Pressure materials except tritium. May be used in Demand tritium concentrations which do not Breathing exceed 0.5 DAC'. The apparatus serves Apparatus as a long duration woik device and as an -

escape device as well.

Air Supplied 1,000 1,000 1.99 Same as for MSA above. 615 CFM Hood (2,000)* (2,000)* continuous ai. ilow required.

' Without prior TEDE ALARA evaluation 0FPP-039 Rev.2 Page 14 of 31

= _

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 2 Protection Factors Particulates, Vapors, Model - Particulates and Gases Tritium I MSA Duo Twin May be used when concentration does l Combination Air not exceed 500 DAC' for all radioactive Supplied and Air materials except tritium. May be used in Purifyint, tritium concentrations which do not Respirator, exceed 0.5 DAC'. The apparatus serves Hoseline Mode Air 2000 2000 1.99 as a long duration work device.

Purifying Mode 50 1 1 Scott Alt Pak 10,000 10,000 1.99 May be used when concentrations of all 4.5 radioactive materials do not exceed 2500 DAC or tritium concentration does not exceed 0.5 DAC'.

- Lifeair10 10,000 10,000 N/A Should be used for emergency escape use only.

Equipment shall be operated in a manner that ensures that proper air flow rates are maintained. A i protection factor of no more than 1000 may be used for tested and certified supplied alt hoods when a minimum air flow of 0 cubic feet per minute is maintained and celibrated air line pressure ,

gauges or flow measuring devices are used. A protection factor of up to 2000 may be used for tested and certified hoods only when the air flow is maintained at the manufacturer's recommended maximum rate for the equipment; this rate is greater than 6 cubic feet per minute, and calibrated air line pressure gauges or flow measuring devices are used.

  • Without prior TEDE At. ARA evaluation 4

i i

J OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 15 of 31

. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _=_ - _ _ .

ATTACHMENT 2 i Page 1 of 1 ,

Respirator Selection Tree i Respneeery w  !

t  ;

I 1  :

o'Oesest-4 -

Tende Contaedneed 1 MMGJMJI9tLIfMG, . i

i l SC8A Airun Resp. i ,

(wiopswowel wf Anot.SCSA(wtopprowel i  ;

for Redor % for Redonucrutos N i l N em) apprecease) i  !

i asenfapet GaaNmPercad reruoussen i i Portcutete  :
M h i h h ,

uiH i _It_iL_H Not!!iU4 l - Air PurWying Parte. - Air PurWring

  • : 3 Roep,wt High EfL (9931%) Part. Respirator i - Airkne Roep.
Funerow Approved for-Sd8A Airune 'reep.  ;-SC8A 3  !

Wappew. wf h SC8A W j - Aerkne Resp. - Airene Roegt h Radio.

- AsrHne Hood  ! - AirEne Resp. Approved ter apprw. for h j wf Anot.SC8A 3 e

'" * '"" " " j i - Airene Hood Approved Ser - Airene Need

.  : p-s 1

- AirWne Resp. wf . .  ;

9 Radsonuc. Agrwow. IDLH Not IOLH IDLH NotIDLH ,

4 stiaA wt AsrtineIReegt - Asriine fleegL SCSA AsrEne'ReagL - AsrEne Roegt

- Airtine Hood wt ph wi Anat.SC8A wt W uf Aest.SC8A ,

Ra&onuc. Approw Appew. and Ramonuc. Aprper i APP'"" - Awane Hood j

, wi Reeen.c. t a



1 4

I b


. t i

OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 16 of 31 {;
i I r i

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 12 Scott Air Pak 4.5 Inspection instructions A. Record number found on backframo of unit.

B. Record number found on respirator inask.

C. Racord serial number stamped near neck or on label on body of cylinder, d

D. _ Visual _ Check -

1. Visually inspect the complete apparatus for worn or aging rubber parts or damaged components.
2. Check the latest cylinder hydrostatic test date stamped on the neck, or on the bcdy of the cylinder to ensure it is current.
a. Within three years for composite cylinders. Maximum 15 year life.
b. Within five years for stuel/ alloy cylinders, infinite life.

3.- Be sure high pressure nipple seal is properly installed and in good condition.

4. Visually inspect cylinder for large dents or gauges and cut fiberglass wrapping. Cylinders which show exposure to high heat or flame, such as paint turned brown or black, decals charred or missing, gauge lens melted or elastomeric bumper distorted, shall be removed from service and retested prior to recharging.
5. Check cylinder pressure gauge for "FUL.L" or a pressure approved as full by LPU supervision. If cylinder pressure is below the approved " FULL" amount replace with a fully charged cylinder, L

OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 17 of 31

ATTACHMENT 3 Pago 2 of 12 Scott Air Pak 4.5 Inspection Instructions NOTE: Wrene.hes should not be used as this connartion should be hand tightened.


6. Check to ensure high pressuro hose coupling is tightened to the cylinder l valvo outlet.


CAUTION If any discrepancies are found using these procedures, the apparatus shall be removed from service, tagged, and repalrod by authorized personnel.

E. Functional Chock: 4.5 Units

1. Make sure low pressure hose from mask-mounted regulator is connected to pressure reducer and :lghtened securely.
2. Closo purgo valvo located on mask mounted regulator (full clockwise and pointer on knob upward).
3. Check to ensure red gasket is present between facepiece and mask mounted regulator and is not damaged.
4. Depress donning switch on regulator; slowly rotate the cylinder valvo counterclockwise to the full open position. The end of service indicator should sound, the remote gauge should indicate " FULL" or a pressure approved as full by LPU supervision. Place facopiece against face and hold breath momentarily; no flow shall be audible through the mask-mounted regulator.
5. Breath normally. Air should be delivered with very slight effort. Resistance on exhalation should be minimal.

OFPP-039 Rev. 2 Page 18 of 31

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 3 of 12 Scott Alr Pak 4.5 Inspection Instructions NOTE: If the end of service indicator fails to operato after test, tag the unit, and remove the apparatus from service.

6. Rotato purgo knob full open. A constant flow into the facoploco shall be noted. Close the purgo valvo. Push in and rotato cylinder valve knob clockwise to closo valvo. Slowly release residual air pressure by !.roathing.

Tho-ond of service indicator will sound momentarily.

7. After completing the above stops, mark "P" for PASS if all steps woro completed, or "F" for FAllif any of the above stops could not be completed.


F. Storage and Records

1. Clean facoploco seal area using an approved sanitizing solution.
2. Place a completed inspection tag in facepioco.
3. Fully extend all straps and harnesses.
4. Place facoploco in plastic bag.
5. Ensure all bucklos are open.
6. Place unit in carry caso or wall rack in such a manner that all straps, buckles, and regulator are accessible and easily usable.
7. Place facopicco in case or on rack so that it will not be deformed when case is closed or rack is covered.
8. Before closing ensure all parts are clear of case or rack edges.
9. Closo caso or cover wall rack.
10. Submit inspection and Spare Cylinder Shoots for supervisor approval.

l OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 19 of 31

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 4 of 12 Scott Alt Pak 4.5 Inspection Record OM&M Building 1st Floor SCBA Inspe: tion Recommended (15)

_ Monthly _ Return to Servico Unit Mask Cylinder '

Number Number S/N VC FC Remarks 1

'Falled units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

NOTE: VC = Visual Check FC = Functional Check LPU Technician Date LPU-Supervision Date OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 20 of 31

ATTACHMENI 3 Page 5 of 12 l Scott Alr Pak 4.5 Inspection Record Fire House SCBA inspection Minimum Required (6)

_ Monthly _ Return to Service Unit Mask Cylinder Number Number S/N VC FC Remarks

' Failed units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

ml NOTE: VC = Visual Check FC = Functional Check LPU Technician - Date -

LPU Supervision Dato 0FPP-039 Rev.2 Page 21 of 31

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 6 of 12 Hip Air Inspection Record Ska Pak with Escape Bottle inspection Record Fire House SCBA Inspection l

_ Monthly _ Return to Service l l

Unit Mask . Cylinder Number Number S/N VC- FC Remarks l

I i

' Failed units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

NOTE: VC = Visual Check FC = Functional Check LPU Technician Date LPU Supervision Date OFPP-039 Rev.2 l Page 22 of 31

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 7 of 12 Scott Air Pak 4.5 Inspection Record Control Room SCBA inspection Minimum Required (15) l NOTE: 2 of the 15 to be located in the CAS Area.

_ Monthly _ Return to Service Unit Mask Cylinder Number Number S/N VC FC Remarks 4


'Falled units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

NOTE: VC = Visual Check FC = Functional Check LPU Technician Date LPU Supervision Date OFPP 039 Rev. 2 Page 23 of 31


. Page 8 of 12 Scott Air Pak 4.5 Inspection Record Technical Support Center SCBA Inspection Minimum Requl red (10)

' Notify Security to reseal these units

_ Monthly __ Return to Service Unit Mask Cylinder Number Number S/N VC FC Remarks l

' Failed units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

VC = Visual Check INOTE: FC = Functional Check LPU Technician Date LPU Supervision Date OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 24 of 31

t. 2

ATTACHMENT 3 Pege 9 of 12 Scott Alr Pak 4.5 Inspection Record Emergency Operations Facility SCBA Inspection Minimum Required (15)

_ Monthly _._ Return to Service Unit Mask Cylinder fjumber Number S/N VC FC Rernarks l

l l

' Failed units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

NOTE: VC = Visual Check FC = Functional Check LPU Technician Date LPU Supervision __._ Date OFPP-039 Rev 2' Page 25 of 31 1

, a

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 10 of 12 Scott Air Pak 4.5 Inspection Record PASS Sampling SCBA Inspection Minimum flequired (8)

Minimum Spare Cylinders (8)

_ Monthly _._ Return to Service Unit Mask Cylinder Number Number S/N VC FC Remarks

" Failed units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Uso" form.

NOTE: VC = Visual Check FC = Functional Check _

LPU Technician , Date _

LPU Supervision Date OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 26 of 31 N-

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 11 of 12 Lifenir 10 Inspection Record Sunny Point Locomotive or Caboose Minimum Required (2)

Gervice Water Bldg. Minimum Required (4)

Fire House Spares

_ Monthly _ Return to Service Unit Mask Cylinder Number Number S/N VC FC Remarks

'Falled units shall be taken uut of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

NOTE: VC = Visual Check FC = Functional Check y LPU Technician Date LPU Supervision Date OFPP-039 Rev. 2 Page 27 of 31

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Page 12 of 12 Scott Alt Pak 4.5 Inspection Record Unit 2 Control Building 23' (under stairs) ASSD Packs SCBA Inspection Minimum Required (6)

_ Monthly __. Retucii to Servit,e Unit Mask Cylinder ,

Number Number S/N VC FC Remarks t

'Falled units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.

NOTE: VC = Visual Check l FC = Functional Check LPU Technician Date LPU Supervision Date OFPP-039 Rev.2 Page 28 of 31

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ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of 1 Scott Alt Pak 4.5 Spare Cylinder inspection Record Fire House Minimum Required (84)

_ Monthly __ Return to Service


Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder S/N S/N S/N S/N S/N S/N S/N

' Failed units shall be taken out of service and tagged with a "Do Not Use" form.


LPU Technician Date LPU Supervision Date OFPP-039 Revi2 Page 29 of 31 t , -. ..

ATTACHMENT 5 Page 1 of 1 lasue Log Year Security RWP Unit Issue Return Tech. RIMS ll Badge- No. No. Date Tirne Date Time initials Updated 1

0FPP-039 Rev.2 Page 30 of 31 I

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ATTACHMENT 0 Page 1 of 1 Equipment Description NOTE: Refer to Attachment 1 for respirator protection factors.

1.0 Scott Air Pak 4.5 with pressure demand regulator, low pressure alarm, and primary pressure reducer failure alarm. This equipment carries NIOSH/MSHA certification No. TC 13F 96 and is approved for entry into and escape from oxygen deficient atmospheres, it may be used in atmospheres up to 2,500 times DAC. A protection factor of 10,000 shall be used for this equipment for all materials except tritium. A protection factor of 1.99 shall be used for tritium.

2.0 Th6 MSA Hip Air is a variation of the Combination Pressure Demand Breathhg Apparatus where the regulator and bottle are on opposite sides of the wtsist with a hose connecting the two. It has NIOSH approval number TC 13F 143. Other than the above, the two models are the same. The MSA Combination Pressure Demand Breathing Apparatus NIOSH approval T*-13F-123 is a variation of a hose line respirator, it includes a pressure deraand regulator with an 8.7 cu. ft. air supply bottle for use in case of alttine failure. The device straps onto your waist with a shoulder strap to support the weight.

NOTE: The bottled air is only to be used for emergency escape.

3.0 The Scott Ska Pak with Escape Bottle has NIOSH approval number TC 13F 332.

4.0 The airline models require an approved hose,25 to 300 foot in length and an operating pressure of G5 to 85 PSI. These models allow for use of a hoseline respirator in an IDLH atmosphere; thus, increasing an individual's stay time over the use ci a SCBA.

5.0 The Lifeair 10 (Model L 510) carries a NIOSH approval No, TC13F178. The provides ten minutes of respiratory protection from any unbreathable atmosphere such as an oxygen deficiency, toxic gases, vapors, mists, dusts, and smoke. It offers protection to any wearer, even those with spectacles  ;

or beardt. The Lifeair 10 should not be used to enter areas already i containing an irrespirable atmosphere. This unit will not protect against j gases, mists, or vapors which poison through skin absorption. A protection  !

factor of 10,000 shall be used for this equipment. This equipment is used  ;

for emergency escape situations only.

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OFPP 039 Rev.2 Page 31 of 31 j