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Town of Newbury (Ton) Answers to Applicant First Set of Interrogatories Re Contentions on Seabrook Plan for Commonwealth of Ma Communities.* W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/1988
From: Machiros A
Shared Package
ML20154J485 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8809230056
Download: ML20154J536 (8)


. _ _ - _ _ __ - _ _ - _ - _ .


Ivan W. Snith, Chairman Gustavo A. Linenberger, Jr. 6PI-r . w Dr . Jerry liarbour 00CEQ,r. .t k, w:

e NMO-In the Mattor of ) Docket Nos. 50-443-OL

) 50-444-OL '


OF HEU !! AMPS!! IRE, et al ) (Offsite Emergancy

) Planning)


(Seabrook Station, )

Units 1 and 2) ) September 14, 1988) i.



1. Please identify the person (s) answering or substantially evntributing i:o the answer to each of the following interrogatories.


1 Angelo Machiros, Selectmen of TON, is providing the answers to those 1:.terrogatorias on behalf of TON.

Toll's business address in 25 liigh Road, Newbury, 3

11as sachu se t ts , 01951. i INTERROGATORY:


! 2. Please identify and produco all documents, and describe in detail all conversations not otherwiso i

reflected in such documents, which reflect or refor to l

what actions any tiassachusetts state or local j government entity or official would, could, might, would not, could not, or might not take in the event of an actual radiological omergency at Seab ook Station.


i Interrogatory 2 is objected to as being irrelevant, o tmu n. um.

einsma usc*" overly broad, not reasonably calculated to lead to the n r nmi,

<a...mer.m uenue. 1

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PDR ADOCK 0$000443

' C PDR ll

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I discovery of admissible evidence and so vague es to preclude a responsive answer relevant to these

proceedings. The interrogatory is further. objected to -

on the grounds of attorney-client privilege and work

product. The interrogatory seeks to have TON identify
in detail every action it uould take to meet an emergency at Seabrook Station without specifying in any i

mann -

the nature, extent or scope of such an emergency. TON has maintained that it will use its 3

best efforts to protect its inhabitants and others ,


, within its boundaries. Ton will take whatever actions  ;

are deemed most appropriate to meet that goal given the resources available at such a time. TON is unable to <

more completely answer the interrogatory without 1

I l knowing tha nature of the "emergency" the interrogatory 4 is intenried to refer to. I i

TON incorporates herein the objections and observations -

of the Massachusetts Attorney General L..d the town of

( Anesbury to this interrogatory.



3. Please identify and produce all documents, and j describe in detail all conversations not otherwise reflected in such documents, which reflect, refer to,

! or relate in any way to any action by any Massachusutts state or local governnent official or entity to block, j hinder or delay the licensing of Seabrook Station.

1 ANSiiER:


! Interrogatory 3 is objected to as being irrelevant l

l t* * " *"- and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery I HitL tHILTCN di MalvtRi M statt tietti





. -~ ~_


of admissible evidence, vague, overly broad and argumentative. floreover, the interrogatory appears to seek information protected by the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine. (Iithout waiving these objections, TON has donc nothing to "block, l hinder or delay the licensing of Seabrook Station" unless Applicant concludes that following the law and l

applicait - legal' procedures may be so characterizc"  ;


4. Picase identify and-produce all documents generated after January 1, 1980 that reflect or refcr to any emergency planning (other than that engaged in (

by Applicants) conducted or contemplated for the

!!assachusetts EPZ or any portion the eof, including but l

not limited to emergency planning required pursuant to the Emergency Planning Act. Such documents should


include, but not be limited to, documents that reflect or refer to whether the SPt1C or any other plan for dealing with a radiological emergency at Seabrook Station has or has not been, or will or will not be, l used in planning for energency situations other than l those involving Seabrook Station.



! The interrogatory is objected te on the grounds of l

attorney-client privilege and because it seeks work >

produet. Viithout waiving said objections, TON is in s


i possession of no documents responsive to Interrogatory l

4 except for drafts of evacuation plans involving Seabrook Station which were provided to TON by the I Applicantu and are in the Applicants' possession.

'i IHTERROGATORY ll Please lint overy admitted SPlic contention 5.

i m u n. a m .

which you do not intend to participate in litigating, concerning which you will not take discovery, i.e.,

mi mic.a. nu m
3 m n inne present evidence, make arguments, conduct cross-im.. .i4.=> .m.

3 l

4 m i

'r 2---- - _ - - _ ~ . . _ - --

s i

examination, or submit proposed findings.


No definite decision has been made by TON as to which admitted contention it will not participate in f

litigating. TON currently intends to participate in I litigating JI 4, 5, 7, 18, 21, 34, 49, 50, 55, 60, 62  !

i and 63. TON may participate in litigating additional

< contentions or may not participate in litigating those identified herein after discovery is more complete.


6. For every admitted SPMC contention that you  ;

submitted and do not hereby withdraw, and for every i other admitted SPl!C contention that you did not list in response to Interrogatory 5 above, individually for each such contention, please

a. Stato in detail all the facts underlying each  ;

assertion contained in the contentiont ,

b. State the source of each such fact. If the 2 source is the personal knowledge of one or more l persons, identify the persons (s). If the source is one or more documents, identify and produce the document (s);  ;

l c. Identify any expert witness who is to testify l concerning the contention, and state f.he t,ubstance of j the facts, opinione, and grounds for opinions to which ,

! the expert is expected to testifyr  ;

a , s

d. Identify any non-expert witnese who is to f i testify concerning the contention, and state the substance of the facts to which the witness is expected i i to testifyr and
o. Identify and produce any documents which  :

I reflecc or refer to any type of study calculation or 3

analysis bearing upon the substance of the contentions. l ANSWER


! See answer to interrogatory 5. The interrogatory HitL1144fLN 6 M13l488 '

I n ,m. im e, is objected to on the grounds of attorney-client ,

N k kNIkNY U UkN NIYE hlN 4

, no m .. ..



i i

4 privilogo and work product, is vague and unduly burdonsome. Without waiving said objections, TON answers as follows:

(a) Insofar as TON knows, the facts underlying each assertion are contained in the contentions and bases filed by TON and admitted for litigation by the Atomic Safety Licensing Board in this proceeding.

(b) TON's answer to Intorrogatory 6(b) is limited to the sources of the facts in the contentions drafted by Toll. Those facts wore drawn from information contained in the SPMC or discovered through investigation by TON's counsel in this proceed!ng, the only exception being that the source of the fact that Downfall Road is a "paper street" was the individual signing those answers to interrogatories.

(c) TON has not chosen any expert witnesso1.

(d) TO!I has not chosen 109 non-export wi tnesses.

(c) TO!! has no documents which reflect or refer to any type of atedy, calculation or analyear, bearing upon the substance of the contentic;1.

TON agrees to seasonably supplement its answsr to these interrogatories during discovery as additional facts may becone known and as witnesses nay becono identif100.

TO!! objects to Applicant's request that any 1 M a t t l', (IM k, im t untuw s. 64 u m docunstnts TOli nay produce nust be produced at the M lf att $ttitt 64 4 h StP e t bet t4 %)# M fit er.W 5

m. m .m

t Doston office of Applicant's counsel for the reasons set forth in ToA's answers to interrogatories dated September 14, 1988.

Respectfully submitted, TOilN OF 11EllBURY Dated: '$.&}{.

\1 (12T

--4--------- By /

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KnfjeLG 11achiids ,

Board of Selectmen Chai4 man CotillOIMIEALTil OF f1ASSACilVSETTS ESSEX COUNTY Then personally appeared the above-named .tngelo

!!achiron and acknowledged that the foregoing atatements by hin subscribed are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Before me,

( Cr (NV tiotary Public 11y Commission Expires:

August 7, 1992 I

(M t t.% It (T A B K .

fffLL 41111T(14 4 48(11'IRf M Statl .Tu g t to t et tim $f Wa%A(w '4 f fi ttew vn. m .. .m


I, R. Scott flill-Uhilton, Counsel for the Town of Newbury in the above-entitled action, hereby certify that I have caused copies'of the enclosed documents to be served upon the 'N SEP 20 P3 :07 persons at the addresses listed below, by first class, postage prepaid, mail and by Federal Express, postage propaid, mail to those names which have boon marked with an Q : [ g g.

asterisk. p4g,

  • Admin. Judge Ivan U. Snith
  • Judge Gustave A. Linenberger, Jr.

Chairman, Atomic Safety and Atomic Safety and Licensing Doard Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission unshington, D.C. 20555 Wahington, D.C. 20555

  • Dr . Jerry !! arbour
  • Docketing and Service Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 11 Street Washington, D.C. 20555 Hanhington, D.C. 20555
    • Thomas G. Dignan, Esq. A.S.L.A.D. Panel Ropes and Gray U.S. Nucicar Roguintory Commission 225 Franklin Street Washington, D.C. 20555 Bos ton , 11A 02110 Diane Curran, Esq. Stephen D. !!errill, Esq.

Ilarmon & Uuios Attorney General Suito 430 Office of the Attorney Gon'ral Washington, D.C. 20009 Concord, Nil 03301 Sherwin E. Turk, Esq. Robert A. Backus, Esq.

Offico of General Counsel NRC 116 Lowell Stroot 15th Floor, 1 Uhite Flint North P.O. Box 516 Rockvillo, MD 20852 Manchester, Nil 03105 Philip Ahrens, Esq. Paul ticEachern, Esq.

Asst. Attorney General Shaines & McEachern Office of the Attorney General 25 !!aplowood Avenuo Augusta, ME 04333 Portsnouth, Nil 03001

!!r s . Sandra Guvutis The !!onorablo Gordon J. Ilumphrey United States Senato l Chairman Hoard of Selectnen Machington, D.C. 20510 Kensington, Nil 03027 Mr. Thomas Powers 11. Joseph Flynn, Esq.

Town !!anegor Office of General Counsol Town of Cxotor Federal Emergency llanageinont Agency ,

Exeter , N!! 03033 Unohington, D.C. 20472 1

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Gary lloines, Esq. Stephen Jonas, Esq.

' IIolmes & Ells Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General g 47 llampton, tiinnacunnet N!!

Road 03841 noston, MA 02108 f1r. Calvin A. Canney Charles P. Grahan, Esq.

City Manager  !!urphy and Graham City llall 33 Low Street Portsmouth, FII 03001 Newburyport, !!A 01950 Barbara Sai'..t Andre, lis q . fir. iiilliam Lord Kopelman & Paige Selectman M' 77 Franklin Street Doard of Selectmen Doston, 11A 02110 Amesbury, !!A 01913 Brentwood Board of Selectmen Richard A. Ilarape , Esq.

RFD Dalton Road llampe & Mct11cholas Drentwood, till 03833 35 Pleasant Street Concord, till 03301 fir . Robert Carrig, Chairman Judith !!izner, Esq.

Board of Selectmen 79 State Street Town Offico tiewbu r ypo r t , t1A 01950 North flampton, till 03862 Robert R. Pierce, Esq.  !!r . Richard R. Donovan Atomic Safety and Licensing Federal Eucrgency llanagement Agency 1 Doard Panel Federal Regional Center U.S. tiuclear Regulatory Conm. 130 220th Street, S . tl .

tlashington, D.C. 20555 Dothell, Washington 98021-9790 f

Signed under seal this [ day of /1 , 1988.

,r '


$ y bb ,, ' NY R. Scut t liill-lihilton

  • Federal Expressed on Monday, Septenber 19, 1988 Y
    • Delivered by hand on tionday, Septenber 19, 1988 (2) i
