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Affidavit of Kd Kryter.* Addresses Allegations in Contention Bases A.7 Re Hearing Damage from Siren Operation
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Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/17/1988
From: Kryter K
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ML20154K393 List:
OL-1, NUDOCS 8809260158
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_ _ _ _ _



In the Matter of )


PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF ) Docket Nos. 50-443-OL-1 NEW HAMPSHIRE, et al. ) 50-444-OL-1

) (On-91te Emergency and Safety (Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2) )




AFFIDAVIT OF KARL D. KRYTER I, Karl D. Kryter, being on oath, depose and say as follows:

1, I have a Ph. D. degree from the University of Rochester in psychology and physiology. I have been engaged in and directed research on the effects of sound and noise on hearing and human behavior at Harvard University, Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., Stanford Research Institute and at present as a staff scientist at SRI International. A statement of my professional qualifications is attached hereto and marked "A".

880926015e 880917 PDR ADOCK 05000443 Q PDR

2. I have served on and have been chairmen of committees and werking groups of the National Academy of Science, the American and International Standards organizations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health organization. These groups and committees have been concerned with specifying guidelines and standards for the protection of hearing and exposure to intense sound and noise. I have conducted and published a number of research studies on temporary and. permanent hearing loss from l

exposure to sounds and noise. I an author of the bcoks: "The Effects of Noise on Ifun", 1st Edition, 1970, 2nd Edition, 1985, Academic Press, (New York and London). These books were sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, Surgeon


General of the Army, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Transportation.

' 3. The purpose of this affidavit is to address allegations in Contention A.7 regarding hearing damage from siren operation.


4. The effects of noise on hearing may be measured in torna of temporary or permanent changes in hearing sensitivity. ,

4 1


1 1

5. Temporary auditory fatigue, or threshold shift i in hearing sensitivity, from exposure to sound is evidenced by the increase in intensity (volume) required to make audiometer test tones barely audible in the absolute quiet after, as compared to before, exposure to the intense sound.

It is standard practice to measure the required decibel, dB, increase, if any, 2 minutes after cessation of the exposure.

The result is called TTS2 and is a standard method of expraset 1 temporary threshold shift in hearing.

6, The second measured effect of noise on hearing is the noise induced permanent threshold shift, NIPTS, that occurs to pure-tone hearing sensitivity in the quiet as the result of long-term exposure to intense sound and noises.

The basis far these results come from threshold measurements made, for the most part, on men who have been exposed to noise in industrial environments and the military services.

Technical standards and guidelines have been developed on the basis of NIPTS data that specify the apparent risks to l hearing from exposure to occupational noises. In general, )

NIPTS is the result of chronic, i.e. , long term, exposures.


7. I have been requested to compare, in terms of TTS2 and NIPTS, two siren systems with the following characteristics:

1 i


_ . _ - . _ - _ , _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . , _ . _ , , . , . ,. _ ,y

Siren System I Siren System II Maximum sound level received:

123 dB 134 dB at 100 ft. (2) 1000 !!z 550 Hz Non-rotating Rotating 2.5 times per minute Siten 20 feet above listener (2)

Duration of sound 3/1.5 Three minutes duration of sound Minutes (1) 1 (1) Three minute duration per NUREG-J654. One and a half rinute duration per BBN 4300.

(2) This dystem will result in a maximum aound level receivsd of 131 dB por Louis Sutherland's affidavit.

8. An e:tposuru L either siren systs> Vould nJt bo expected to cause any perwanent hearing damiga (NIPTS).
9. The temporary thresh 0ld shift (TTS2) for the average listener from an exposure to Siren System I would be about is dD/12 dE. This temporary hearing }psa would be perceived as winar and last.only for a


short time.There would be no TTS2 effect expected from exposure to Suen System II.


Karl D. Kryter /

The above subscribed Karl D. Kryter appeared before me and made oath that he had read the foregoing affidavit and that the statements sct forth therein are true to the best of his knowledge.

Before me.

0 e , &

UfCIdd MEXH)D&t Ch*Ft 8 6M Notary Public My Commission Erpires:

..:e:::::::: L .... ~ .... 4 t onen nu  !

j Mhh Alttander Chamttfl $o Men New cwo,%

' WW pai CMate M Us 9 4988 L/R28SSS k

i Kryter Attachment A, 1 of 8 Karl D. Kryter Staff Scientist, 1979-Bio-enginaering Division SRI International Menlo Park, CA 94025 SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE Psychological-physiological effects of noise on humans; physical methods for measurement and evaluation of noiser basis research on audition and speech communication PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Director, Sensory Sciences Researr.h Center, SRI Head, Psychoacoustics D&partment, Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.

Director, Human Resources Laboratories, U.S. Air Force Assistant professor of psychology, Washington University Rerearch and teaching f allow, Harvard Universiti' TECHNICAL COMMITTEES "

President's Office of Science and Technology; Panel on Aviation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): preparation of levels document World Health organization (WHO): participant in 4

conference on aviation and ether environmental noidem; documents on noise criteria Committee on Hearing and Bioacoustics of the National Academy of Sciences (member; past chairman, Executivt Council): Working Gruups on Aircraft and Community Noise end on Hearing Loss American National Standards Institute (chairman, Committee on Bio-acoustics) ,

Int &Urationsi Standards Crganization: standards on aviation noise and on Ipeech communication Committee A-21, Aircraft Noise. Society of Automotive Engineers Organization and participant in Scientific Congress on Noise and Public Health: Washington, D.C.;

Dubronik, Yugoslavia r Turin, Ital'/t Freiburg, Germany ACADEMIC BACKGROUND 3.A. (1937), Psychology, Rutler University; Ph.D.

(1942), Psychology and Physiology, Univerrity of Rochester PUBLICATIONS c

Kryter Attachment A, 2 of 8 Numerous research papers in scientific and technical journals and government reports; The Effects of Noise on Man (Academic Press, 2nd. Ed. 1985)

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND HONORS Acoustical Society of America (fellow; former president) ; American Association for the Advancement of Science (follow); American Psy4hological Association (fellow; council of Representatives); British Acoustical Society; Human Factors Society of America (fallow);

Society of Engineering Psychologists (follows former president); Franklin V. Taylor Award, Engineering Psychology (1973); Medal of the University of Leige, Belgium (1974); Distinguished Service Award in Science, American Speech and Hearing Association (1975) i i



Kryter Attachmont A, 3 of 8



1. K. D. Kryter (1950). "The Effects of Noise on Man", J Soeech Hear. Disorders. Moncerann.

Sypolement No.1.195.

2 M. E. Haw 4ey and K. D. Kryter (1957). "Effects of Noise on Speech *, Chapter 7, Handbook of Noise. Contol (C. Haris, Ed.) McGreeHW, New York.

3 K. D. Kryter and J. C. R. Licklider (1957). "Speech Commun+ cation. Chapter IV. Joint Services tigman Enaineenno Guide to Eminment Desion(H. P. Van Cott and R. G. Kincade. Eds).

McGraeHtti Book Co., New Ycrt.

4. E. Grandean and K. D. Kryter (1959). Physiolodcal and Psycheledeal Effeets of Neice Monocyapn. J. R. Geogy, S. A.. Basie, Switzer1and.
5. K. D. Kryter (1960). ' Damage Risk Criterih', Chapter 19, Noise Reducton (L. L. 9eranek. Ed.)

McGraw Hel. New York.

6. K. D. Kryter and J. C. R. Ucklider t',M3). "Speech Communication , Chapter 4 in Human Engneering Gvide_ to EouiomenLDisiga, Chap. 4 (C. M<rgan, J. Cook. A. Chapanis and M.

Lund, Eds.) McGraw H 5 New Ycrx.

7. K. D. Kryter (1970), The Effects of Noise on Man. Academic Fiess, New Yuk.
8. K. D. Kryter (1984). Physh Pavchdoacal and Social Effects of Noise NASA Reference Publication 1 15. National Aeronautes and Space Administraton. Washington D.C. Also pub-lished as; K. D. Kryter(1965). The Effects of Noise on Man. 2nd Ed , Academte Press. New Ycrk.

9 K. D. Kryter (1985). ' Noise and beenng damage: how much is too much?", Imes:t cf Science en Sooety Monoya;;h, No. 138/139, 197 205, United Natus Educatmei, Soentme and cutturai Organization (UNESCO), Pais.


1. K. D. Kryter and H. W. Ades (1943). 'Studcs on the Functa of the Higher Acoustic Nervous Centers in the Cat", Am. J. Psychol. 56, 501-536, 6@ 2. D. Kenshalo and K. D. K.yter (1949). 'MdJe Ear Infectron and Sound Indaced Smzures in Rats', J. Como. Psysid. Psychol. 42, 326 331.
3. K. D. Kryter (1966). "Laborutory Tests of PhysiciogicaFPsychdopcal Reections to Sonic Booms", J. AcW Sos An 39 S65 S72.
4. J. S. Lukas and K. D. Kryter (1968). "A Prdminary Study of the Awakensno and Startie Effects d Simulated Sonic Boms" NASA Report No. CR-1193. National Aeronautics and Space Admnstaton WpBungton, D.C.

5 J. S. Lukas and K. D. Kryter (1970). *Awakenino Effects of Simulated Sonic Booms and Subecac Aira aft Noise on h Subsecta 7 to 72 years of Aos*. NASA Repcrt No. CR-t599.


Kryter Attachment A, 4 of 8

. National Aeronaunes and Space AdmWstation. WasNngton, D.C.

5. .J. S. Lukas and K. D. Kryter (1970). "Awakening Effects of Simulated Sonic Booms and Subsonic Aircraft Noise",in Physiolodcal Effects of Noise. Bruce L Welch and >

Annemarie S. Wokh. Eds., Plenum Press,282-293.

7. K. D. Kryter (1972). 'Non Audtcry Effects of Environmental Noise", Am. J. @hlic Health. March, 389 398.

l s 6. K. D. Kr)ter (1973). Reply -- to

-. Dr.

- -- Fak. Am. J ..PuNic Heahh. 63,10, 83+836. i m . . . . . . . . .

9 K. D. Kryter (1973). 'Some Laboratory Tests of Heart Rate and Blood Volume in Neise*,

Proc, internatmal Congess on Noise as a Pubhc HesNh Problem, Duerovnik, Yugoslavia. May  ;

13-18, EPA Report 55019 7M08,1).S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

10. K. D. Kryter(1976). 'Exraeudtery Effsets of Noise",in Effects of Noise on Heanna. (Eds: D.

Henderson. R. P. Hamernik. D. t .Dosanh and J. Mills), Rowen Press. New York.

11. K. D. Kryter and F. Poza (1980). Autonomic System Activity and Perfermance on a Task in Noise *, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 67,2. 2096-2099/
12. K. D. Kryter (19:X)). "Physiological Acwsocs and Heehh", J. Acoust Soc.& 68,1014.

13 K. D. Krytsr (1983). 'Presbycuss, Socbcusis and Noeocusis", J. Acoust Soc.Am. 73.1897-1917. (1983) Addendam and Erratum. "Presbycusis, Sodocuais and Nosecusis". J. Acoust.

Soc. Am. 74,1907-1909.

14. K. D. Kryter (1987). "Aircraft Noise and Sodal Factors in Stresstelated Health Discrder:."

Proceeenos of Internatmal Cmference on Noise. inter-noise E Be9ng l

15. K. D. Kryter lIn Press). 'Aircraf t Noise and Social Factors in Psychiatric Hospital Admission Rates- A Reexamination of Some Data", Psycholoaical Medicine SD4Sof44EmAL HEMGM LOSS mow NOISE EXPOSWE
1. K. D. Kryter (1952) 'Nesse Safety Cnteria", Arcte. Indust Hm Occuo Med 5. 117-120.
2. K. D. Kryter, A. Z. Weisz and F. M. Wiener (1962). "Audtcry Fatigue trom Audo Analgesia",1 i Acount Soc. Am. 34. 383 391.
3. K. D. Kryter (1963). *Expoewe to Steedretate Noise and Imperment to Heenng", J Acount Soc.

& 31, 1515 1525.


4. K. D. Kryter (1965). Damage Risk Cnterion and Contours Based en Permanent and Twrp, y i Hearing Loes Data". Am. Inc Hm Ana J.26, 34 44.  ;
5. M. H. L Hecker and K. D. Kryter (1965). *A Study of the Acousec Re6ex in Infantymen". Acta Oto- t Laryngalopca . Suppt 207, Stockholm. i l


6. C. H. A8en. F. J. Jackson. H. R. Weaver, and K. D. Kryter (1965). 'Heenng Thrvshold Shift Prodaced by High Level Tone Bwsts",5th intemational Cgnmess of Acoustes Uege, Belgium.

5 i

Kryter Attachment A, 5 of 8

7. K. D. Kryter (1966). "Tempwary Threshold Shifts in Hexing from Acoustic impulses of High intensity", Int. Audol. 5, 325 330.
8. K. D. Kryter and G. Grinther (1966). "Audtery Effects of Acoustic impulses from F' rearms", Acta Oto lanmaal . Suppl. 211.
9. K. D. Kryter, W. D. Ward, J. D. M:llw and D. H. Eldredge (1966). "Hazardous Exposure to I intermittent and Steady-State Noise *, LAcousL Soc. Am. 39, 451-464,
10. K. D. Kryter (1969)
  • Evaluation d Exposure to impulse Noise *, etdL EnWon Health. 20,624 635
11. K. D. Kryter (1973). "A Crhque of Some Procedtres fw Evaluating Damage Risk from Exposure to  :

Noise', Proc. International Congress on Noise as a Pubiec Heahh Froblem, Dubrovnik.

Yugoslavia. May 1318. EPA Report 55019-73-006. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

12 K. D. Kryter (1973). 'imperiment to Heanng from Exposure to Noise *, J Acoustic Soc. Am. 51 1211-1234.


1. K. D. Kryter and D. A. Ross (1944). ' Articulation-Test Comoarisons of Sir Simal C<res Airenfi Interohones at Low and Hd Altitudes; Harvard Psycho Acoustic Laboratory, OSRD1947, PB 22909.

(OSRO is Office d Sc>ent:6c Reseeren and Development. Papers with 'PB' numbers are available from the Office of Technical Services. U.S. Depa tment of Commerce, Wash;ngton, D.C.)

2. J. C. R. Ucidider and K.D. Kryter (1944). 'Arwatim Tests of Standard and Medfied-Interthones Conducted Dtrino Fkte at 5.000 and 35.000 Feer Harvard PsycteAcousne Laboratory, OSRO 1976, PB 5505.
3. K. D. Kryter, J. P. Egan, M. l. Russel, and M. l. Stein (1944). Exoerimenta with Enroluan L Thw i Effect d the In'% d M: II. Bar Une asProtechon Aaamst Gun Blast". Havard Psyd10 Acousec Laborstwy, OSRD 3541, PB 22912
4. M. H. Abrama, S. J. Goffard, K. D. Kryter, G. A. M5er, J. Meer, and F. H. Sanfad (1944).
  • $ggech m P A Studv d the Facters Det-fi&#,a he intaEN, Harvard PsyctwAccusne Laboratory, OSM 4023, PB 19606. i
5. K. D. Kryter, S. J. Gofferd, and M. l. Stein (19t4). "Soeech Tranamsamen Throum Six M4tary Gas Manks". Farvard Psycho-Acouste Laboratory, Report IC 79, PB 27305.
6. K. D. Kryter and M.1. Stein (1944). 'The Advantaans d Cliocino the Peeta_gLSpeectLWayn Prict to Rado Transmission *. Harvard Psychc Acoustic Labwatwy, Repat IC-83. PB 22859.
7. K. D. Kryter and S. J. Goffard(1945). "The Combined Effects of CW the Paaka d Waves in an ATB Transmitter and Umitino Static Peaks in an ARB Receivert Harvwd Psycho-Acous0c Laboratory, Report IC-93 PB 19606.

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Kryter Attachment A, 6 of 8

+8. K. D. Kryter (1946).

  • Effects of Ear Protective Devices on the Intelligibinty of Speech in Noise ~. J.

Acoust. Soc. Am. 18, 413 417.

9. K. D. Kryter, J. C. R. UckBder, and S. S. Stevens (1947). "Premodalation Clippng in AM Voice Communication", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 19, 125 131.
10. K. D. Kryter (1948).
  • Effec.ts of High Ahitudo on Spcoch InMigibility", J. Accl. Psychd 32,503-511.
11. K. D. Kryter(1955). "Sceech Communication in Noise". Rept. AFCRC TR 54-52. Operatonal Appbcations Laboratory, Ar Force Cambndge Research Center, Boeg AFB. Wastungten D C.
12. K. D. Kryter (1956). 'Predeting the Intelligibility cf Speech from Acoustical Measures',1 Soeecn and Hear. Disorders. 21, 206 217.
13. K. D. Kryter (1960). "Speech Bandmdth Compresson ttro >gh Spectrum Selectron".1 emst.

Soc. Am. 32. (5). 547-556.

14 K. D. Kryt r (1962). %thods for the Calculation and Use d the 4tx:utation inoex". J Acoust Soc. Am. 34,16891697.

15. K. D. Kryter (1962) ' Validation of the #tH:ulation indet, J. Acount Soc.em. 34,16891697.
16. N. L Carter and K. D. Kryter (1962). 'Masidog d Pwe Tones and Speech *, LadJ1tt 2, ss-98.
17. K. D. Kryte, C. E. Wnams and D. M. Green (19F2). "Audtory Acuity and the Pcreeption of Speech', J. Acount Soc. Am. 34, 1217 1223.
16. K. D. Kryter (1963). 'Heenng Imperraent fw Speech'. Arch. Otolanmool. 77, 598 602.

! 19. K. D. Kryter and E. C. Whitmm (1965). 'Some Comparisons between Rhyme and PB-word i inteiligbility Tests", LAcount Soc. Am. 37,11 A6.

20 K. D. Kryter and C. E. WW.nis (1%5). 'Some Factes Innuenona Human Resnonw to Arrrett W- W%c of Sooech and Var % of Sch:ive Judaments.' Reoat FAA-ADA-42. ~

Federal Awation Admewstation, Washmgton, D.C. ,

21. K. D. Kryter and C. E.WiEams (1966). 'Maslung d Speech by Akcraft Noise' 1 Acoust. Soc. t Am. 39,136150,
22. E. J. Kred, J. C. Mxon. K. D. Kryter, D. W. Bd and E. D. Schubert (1968) .*A l Yoposed dinical test of speech decnmmaton*, J. Sneech Hear. Res. 11. 536 552.


t. T. W. Reese, and K. D. Kryter(1944). "The Relative Annovence Produced by Vaneus Bands of hkise*, Harvard Psycho Acousec Laboratory, Repoi IC-65, PB 27306.
2. K. D. Krvter (1948). 'Loudrwee and Amoyance Value d BaMs c4 Ncoe'. Boceednas 30tn '

Annual Geoiino National Fcrum Deafnaas Soeech Pathdoav. 26-28.


Kryter Attachment A, 7 of 8

'3. K. D. Krytor (1957). ' Noise Contol Critwia for Buildngs". Noise __Coord 3. No. 6.14 20.

4. K. D. Krytw (1959). "Scahng Human Reactions to the Sound from Arcraft." J Acoust. Soc Am 31,1415 1429. ,
5. L N. Meer, L L Beranek and K. D. Kryter (1959). "Airp.rts and Jet Noise", h convol 5, No 1,24 31.
6. L L Beranek. K. D. Kryter and L N. Mder (1959). 'Reacton of People to Extwior Aircraft b',

Me11 Contrel 5. No. 5. 23-31. ,

7. K. D. Kryter (1960). 'The Meaning and Measuoment of Perceived Noise level". h Convol 6 5, 12 27; (1961) Addendum;"The Meanmg and Measuement of Perceived Noise Level" Nc'se.

Contal 7, No. 2,48.

. 8. K. D. Kryter and K. S. Pearsons (1962). "Judgment Tests of the Sound from Piston,Ttrbojet. and Twbofan Aircraft', Squod.1, No. 2, 2&31.

9. K. D. Kryter and K. S. Pearsons (1963). "Some Effects of Specral Content and Duration on Perceived Noise Level *, J. Accust Soc. Am. 35, 866 883.
10. K. D. Kryter and K.S. Pearsons (1964). 'Modficaton of noy tables". J. Acoust Soc. Am. 36. 39).


11. K. D. Kryter. K. S. Pearsons and B. Woods (1965). Presminacthdy9tht_Etted oLMultne.>rd Mo#ated Tones on Perceived Noise'. NASA CR 59606. Nati: cal Aeronautes and Space Admntstation, Washmgton, D.C.


12. K. D. Kryter and K. S. Pearsons (1965). "Judged Noisinese of a Band of Random Ncise  :

Containing an Audible Pure Tone", J. Acoust Soc.Am. 38,106 112.


13. K. D. Kryter(1966). ' Psycho 6ogeal Reactons to Arcraft Noise *, Science 151, 1346-1359
14. K. D. Kryter (1974). 'PredcBon of Paired Compwison and Magnitude Estimatien Judgments of Noemese*, in Senesson and Meenwement. (H. R. Moskowitz et al, Eds.) D. Rm6el Put*snog Company, Hosand.
15. K. D. Kryter (1967). "Accootabsty of Aircraft Nant*, J. Sound Vb. 5, 2, 364 369.
16. K. D. Krytar, P. J. Joicoon and J. R. Yotmg (1967). Anner B of "Sonic Boom Exneriments at Echterda Air Fwra Baan". NEBCO 16F (Conuct AF 49 (638P1758). CFST1 U.S. Department of .


17. K. D. Kryter, P. J. Johnson and J. R. Young (1968). 'Psycholoacal Erneriments on Sonic l Bogma Co4x; tad at E&verda Ar Force Baan". F~nel Rept, Contred AF 49(638) 1758. Stanford ,

Research insetute. Na$onal Smic Boom Evaluadon Of! Ice. Mngton, Viginia.

18. K. D. Kryter (1968). ' Concepts of Perceived Nasinese: The implementancn and Apphcation'.1 (


Acouse Soc. Am., 43,, 34+361.

19. K. D. Kryter (1/6). "Review of Research and Methods for Meamunng the Lou &ess and Notamena_of Comoler Sounds". NASA CR 442, Nabonal Awonautes and Space Admmisiraton Washrglco, D.C.

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Krytor AttacNnent A, 8 of 8

20. K. D. Krytor (1966). ' Sonic Boom: Rests of Labwatory and Field Studes", Ngional Ccnference on Noise as & Public Heehh Hazard. American Speech and He&ing Assoct, Washogton. D.C.
21. K. D. Krytor (1969). 'Senic Booms kom Supersonic Transport", Sdence_ 163, 359 367.

22 K. D. Kryter (1972). "A Note on the Quantity (Effective) Perceived Noisiness and Urit of Perceived Neese Level", J. Sound Yb. 25(3), 2 3-393.

23. F. R.Cirke andK.D.Kryter(1972). 'Percaived N%ess Under Anechde. SerrJ-Reverbeant and Earnbont Ustenma Condrnons" NASA CR-2106. Nanonal Aaronouncs and Space Admmistation. WasNngton. D.C.

24 K. D. Kryter. D. J. Peeler, M. E. Dobbe and J. S. Lukas (1974). "Reliabsty_gi Laboraterv Tests of VSTOL and Othe LonoDuration Noises". NASA CR-2471, National Aaronautics and Space Administanon, Washogton.D.C.

25 J. C. Ortega and K. D. Kryter (1962) "Comparison of Aireaft and Ground VeNde Neit.e Love'a in Front and Backyards d Reedences", J Acoustic Soc Am. 71, 216 217 26 K.D. KryteN1962). "Community Annoyance from Akeaft and Ground VeNde Noise', J.Acoust Soc. Am. 72,12221242.

27. K. D. Krytw (1962). Rebuttal by Kari D. Kryter to Comments by T.J. Schultz. J. Acoust. Soc Am 72,1253 1257.

26 K. D. Kryter (1983). Respone d K. D. Kryter to Modfied Comments by T. J. Scht*z on K D Krytw's Paper, "Community Annoyance kom aireaft and Ground Vehicle Hoise", J. Acoust. Socs Am. 73,1066-1066.

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