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Affidavit of FW Getman Per 10CFR2.790,re Great Bay Power Corp'S Filing of Suppl to Petition for Partial Reconsideration of Exemption Order
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1997
From: Getman F
Shared Package
ML20140B957 List:
NYN-96031, NUDOCS 9706090054
Download: ML20140B971 (3)


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In the Matter of )


North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation, ) Docket No. 50-443 i gt a._L ) NYN-96031 l


(Seabrook Station, Unit 1) )


Affidavit Of Frank W. Getman Jr.

Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 6 2.790 CITY OF DOVER )


Frank W. Getman Jr., being duly sworn, states as follows:

1. I am Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Great Bay Power Cor-poration (" Great Bay") located in Dover, New Hampshire. In that capacity, I am respon-sible for operational and managerial matters of Great Bay.
2. Great Bay is filing with the NRC a " Supplement To [its) Petition For Partial i Reconsideration Of Exemption Order." Some of the information contained in Exhibit 1 to the Supplement is sensitive confidential commercial and financial information that could cause great harm to Great Bay if it were made publicly available. Accordingly, Great Bay requests the NRC to withhold this information pursuant to 10 C.F.R @ 2.790


of its regulations. This affidavit supplies the reasons why this information should be withheld from public disclosure as required by the regulation.


3. The complete unredacted version of Exhibit 1 containing the sensitive, confidential commercial and financial information for which Great Bay requests the 9706090054 970604 PDR ADOCK 05000443

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, Commission to treat as proprietary and to withhold from public disclosure is attached to this affidavit.- A redacted version of Exhibit 1 is attached to Great Bay's " Supplement to -

[lts] Petition For Partial Consideration Of Exemption Order." The redacted version, at-l tached to the Supplement, can be made publicly available without competitive harm to Great Bay.

l 4. I am familiar with the sensitive commercial and financial information con-tained in Exhibit 1 attached to this affidavit. I am authorized to speak to Great Bay's practice of maintaining such information confidential and the harm that would befall Great Bay if it were publicly disclosed.


5. Exhibit 1 is a Cash Statement reflecting Great Bay's actual, budget and forecast revenues from the sale of electricity, and cash outlays for the cost of generat-ing electricity, for the years 1996 through 2001. Exhibit 1 also contains assumptions

. concerning Great Bay's price for short term sales of electricity and the capacity factors l for Seabrook, on which the Cash Statement is based. Great Bay holds in confidence such revenue and cash flow projections as well as projected sales price information.

Great Bay does not disclose this type of information to the public and it is not. available

! from public sources. This information is commercially sensitive to the conduct of Great Bay's sale of power. If the information contained in Exhibit 1 became available to Great Bay's competitors or customers (both current and potential), those parties would learn of sensitive pricing and cost information which could be used against Great Bay in the negotiation of current and future power sales. Such a result would place Great Bay at a significant competitive disadvantage in the negotiations of current and future power sales and cause it substantial commercial harm. -

e j 6. Accordingly, the information included in Exhibit 1 attached to this affidavit l is being submitted to the Commission in confidence under the provisions of 10 C.F.R.

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. @'2.790 with'the understanding that it is to be received in confidence by the Commis-sion and withheld from public' disclosure.

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l Frank W. Getman Jr. '

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Sworn to before me thisd[ day of June 1997 -

All$~71.0 7,J n J c

No(ary Public My Qm.... ...,vnNSON,NotaryPublic ission Expires october 23,2001  ;

l 449854 01 / DOCSDC1 i


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