PNO-I-80-001, on 800104,isolation Condenser Isolated.Addl Insps of Containment Wall in Progress.Power Operation Will Continue Per Tech Specs for 15 Days.Precedures Require Power Be Reduced to 40% 24-h After Removing Condenser from Svc

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PNO-I-80-001:on 800104,isolation Condenser Isolated.Addl Insps of Containment Wall in Progress.Power Operation Will Continue Per Tech Specs for 15 Days.Precedures Require Power Be Reduced to 40% 24-h After Removing Condenser from Svc
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/04/1980
From: Brunner E, Kemig R, Shedlosky T
PNO-I-80-001, NUDOCS 8002050488
Download: ML20125E275 (1)




Date: January 4,1980 PRELIMINARY NOTIr~ICATION OF EVENT OR UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE--PH0-I-M-01 'i This oreliminary notification constitutes EARLY nntice of events of POSSIBLE saf ety or oublic interest signi ficance. Tne inTormation presented is as initially received _without' verification or evaluation and is basically all that is known by 1E staff on :nis date.

Facilitv: Northeast Huclear Cncrgy Company 0 [jd -

. tiills tone Unit 1 U hI.d g[] a New London, Connecticut (DN 50-245) subject: ACCEPT /61LITY O'*

150LA110N C0flDFNSER 5FISMIC RESTRAINTS As the mult of pre.lirrinary findings from an NRC investigation,


PHO 43, Northeast Utilities rade additional inspection hf the concrete containnent wall of the isolation condenser steam line penetration. The preliminery cor.clusions made by the licensee's consultant, Teledyne Engineering Services, question the ability of the pipe restraint anchors le sustain design loads. A failure of the rescraints may impor.e ur.acceptabic stresses on the penetration bellows, or weeken the concrete -

containment shell at this point.

A: 0345 hours0.00399 days <br />0.0958 hours <br />5.704365e-4 weeks <br />1.312725e-4 months <br /> un January 4,190, the isolation condenser was isolated and additional inspections are in progress. Power operation may continue in accordance with Technical Specifications for 15 days. Plant procedural controls requiro that reactor power be reduced to 40; within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after remnving the isolation condenser frna service.

Hia interest is expected becuuse of high public interest in plant operations. The ita te of Connecticut has been informed. A press relcase is being considered by the icensee and NRC at this time. .

NRC, Regien I (Philadelphia) received notification of this occurrence by telephone from the Resident Inspector at 10:00 a.m. on January 4.1980.


T. Shedinsky, 233 /447- 317 9 R. Keinia. 488-1252 E. Brunner, 48s-1240 Freperec o'y' Ext. Section'PXict txt. Dranch Chief 'E'x't .

, DJSTRIBUTION: (Facsicils Transmission Times Notea)

'H $T ELOG PARYLAND NATIONAL Chair .an Ahearne IE:X005 //l.3 7 BANK SUILDING NP,C/TMI Resident C0:ciss ioner Kennedy L. V. Gossick, E00 Office Co missioner Gilinsky H. L. Ornstein, EDO Cc:missioner Bradford J. J. Fouchard, PA Region II Cocmissioner Hendrie N. H. Haller, MPA Region III ~

ACR$ R. G. Ryan, OSP Region IV S. J. Chilk, SECY H. K. Snapar, ELD Region V C. C. Kacr:erer. CA (For Distribui. ion) WILTSIE BLOG RI Resident Sites W. J. Dircks , teiS5 /

PHILLIPS ELOG S. Levin, RES H. R. Denton, tmR ._


f . .

R. C. DeYoung, NP,R (MAIL)

R. J. Mattson, NRR LAR30W BLDG ' n\ 01. h,p.

(5 HIN/PAGE) R. Minogue, SD l D. Vassallo, NRR J. J. Curmings, OIA IE:X005 O. Eisenhut, NRR PRELIMINARY TI0I1FICAT10N


l Region I Form 83 (Rev. rar#+=r 7n) 8oo2050 -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ .