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Forwards Emergency Plan Evaluation Rept,Univ of New Mexico, for 850311 Rev to Emergency Plan.Emergency Plan Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: University of New Mexico
Issue date: 06/11/1985
From: Thomas C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Woodall D
Shared Package
ML20126L388 List:
NUDOCS 8506190503
Download: ML20126L385 (2)


, y Juna 11, 1985


Docket No.: 50-252  ;

l Dr. David M. Woodall Chi 9f Reactor Supervisor Nuclear Engineering Departrent University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

Dear Dr. Voodall:


EMERGENCY PLAN ACCEPTANCE The staff of the U. S. fluclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has completed its review and evaluation of the revised emergency plan for the University of New Mexico that was submitted on March 11, 1985, in compliance with 10 CFR 50.54(q) and (r). The plan was reviewed ageinst the requirements of Appendix E to 10 CFP, Part 50, the guidance criteria set forth in Pevision I to Pegulatory Guide 2.6 and AtiSI/ANS-15.16-1982, " Emergency Planning for Research Reactors."

Based on its review, and as discussed in the enclosed evaluation, the staff concludes that the energency plan for the University of New Mexico reactor facility meets both the requirements of the regulations and the guidelines orovided to you and is, therefore, acceptable. We request that you begin to implement your approved emergency plan irrediately, with full implementation to be acconplished within 120 days of the date of this letter. Furthermore, you are requested to inform us by letter of the date on which complete implementation is achieved.

If you have ary cuestions, please contact Angela Chu, our Project Manager for your facility, at (301) 492-97P8..

Sincerely Original signed by/

Cecil 0. Thomas, Chief Standardization and Special 8506190503 850601 Projects Branch PDR ADOCK 05000252 Division of Licensing, NRR F PDR


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page DISTRIBUTION Docket File AChu HRC PDR PAnderson SS R/F DMatthews P r on:dk k i

6/lv/85 t/11185 6/)}/85 F/1//85

-t_ _

6 University of New Mexico. Docket No. F0-P52 cc: City Manager City of Albuquerque .

City Hall .

Albuquerque, P!er Perico 87101 -

Attorney General Department of Justice State Capitol Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503
