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Order Changing Location of Hearing.* Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/1970
From: Deale V
NUDOCS 9211190341
Download: ML20127J446 (5)


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NORT11ERN STAT ES l'OWEll COMPANY ) Docket No. 50-2G3

  • )

(Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, )

l Unit 1) )

ORDEll CIIANGING LOCATION OF llEAllING According to the notice issued by the Commission on March 9,1970 and published in the Federal Register of March 11,1970 at 35 Federal l

Register 4344, the hearing on the application of Northern States Power Company for a provisional operating license was io be held in the Wright County Courthouse, Buffalo, Minnesota beginning April 28,1970 at I

10:00 a. m. local time.

l l At the prehearing conference held in Buffalo, Minnesota on April 7, 1970, it was noted that the interests of the members of the public who i

might wish to attend the hearing, as well as the generalinterests of the i intervenors, might better be served if the location of the hearing would i

be removed to the Twin Cities area, l

Accordingly, IT IS 11EREBY ORDEltED T11AT the hearing shall be l

convened in the United States Federal Courthouse, 31G North Roberts Street, 9211190341 700408 PDR ADOCK 05000263 O PDR

-2 I

1 St. l'aul, Minnesota, at Court room 4 (7th floot*) instead of the place here-tofore designated. The date and tirae of the beginning of the hearing shall be as previously scheduled, namely 10:00 a.m. local titne on Tuesday, i April 20,1970.

IT IS FURTilEli OllDERED TilAT this Order shall be published I



By . /[ ./ ,

Valentine B. Deale, Chairman A

Dated at Washington, D. C.

April 8,1970 s

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CMIFKCARE W MME I 5mreby eart14 that septes of the 015m CENHENB 14CAEIGN OF WARIN dates April 8, 1970 in tem emptioned matter have 1been servet en the entlering ny espeeil in the mites states mail, first elase er mir esti, 1

thio 4th est et April 1979:

! Valemtine B. Detle, seg. Onainmem Strald charmeff, Esq.

! Atemte Smesty and Ideemelag meerd sher, Pittman, Potte, Troubriese  ;

1001 Commeetteet Avemme, R. V. &h Suite 5o4 910 Seventeenth Street N washinstem, 3. C. a0036 )seshinstem, p. C. a000$ . W.


! Jemme P. Olsesen, seq., Altenmate Damm14 E. Balaen, Reg.,Vice Chatzman Pasiesst & General coussal

! Atamie Safety and Licemeing Daard Bertheru States Puumr Caugegr l 805 Commessemith Dailding 414 Niestlet Itall i 16es a street, n. w. . insmesymite, nimmeest. 554at weetastem, D. C. sooos i

Mr. D. F. BesE1 rey, Vies Free 14 set -

j ar. Juha C. Osyur, matsums ' Begineertag i Departunut of Sessngby est Werthern States Feuer Camgeur j

meriremmental m stmeertas 414 mienuet senil M e Jetsu Naskins hiversity Miamespolis,Briamensta M M 1 ,

saltianse, senry1ema tutta Dr. R. B. Barr, Soaretser amt Dr. Bessee Oremling Empesties Officer Freesseer et 7tystee State Dugartment of smalth Duke hiversity Wiversity caugue Dm, morth carolina erfo6 utanespeite, seismeesta 55440 Dr. Dolf Eliassen (2 der, Inturtrial Commission Department et Civil angineering 137 state office Bundtagr Stamferd Wiversity St.. Paul, Miameseta $$101 stamfemt, california 54305 n - a==8- et Cemeervaties thenne F. h an3her44, Bog. State of Ithuneesta Department WW, Staff Counsel of Commersetten U. 8. Atensie Reorgy Ceumission 8t. feal,1staneesta 55101 l tinsklaghes,-9. C. 80545

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{ H3 pese a l semes41e BereM E. LeVander (Smismen l essessor, state et pah Mr.

  • =DealA W. Ambreos,l topsome tovisemmasta i et. Peel, "" 551R come11 i 15U 8th hemose sorth j Bemorehle L. J. Berthe1, theimmen St. Claud, MLemeesta 56 3 E Wrt e t Cemetr Benat at ceumdseienere antemas, mismessen M313 mee. Meer meesamm11  :

unter noseuroes chaimum i Bemeeshls Carl perdberg, Clark Imagne et Wesem Vetere of l Wrtet county Ceartheues Winnesota l antenne, Miamessen 5313 M5 Webashe st. Paul, utanesota 2101 i m % a ntaammental osotrol Mr. Juhm Base, Vice Pasident Citinene Aseeetaties wi====ven Conservatim Federaties 36 Best Reshence Street 4313 Sheer Ook need st. Paul, nimmeseta 55101 maskins, miammeeta M p3 Mr. uthe namehus Dr. Dess 3. Abrahameen, President i n. m. 3 Wh Camdttee itr twiremental j Elk River, m m M330 Informattam i

7. O. Das 140e6 mosers. ammmoth Doesso, theseere Pepta m iversity stette l ene emerse marmott Minnespalte, Minnesota 5%3h

! Department et Flysias i

tesiveroity of MLeonosta Mr. Warres memha l

Mimoespolis, Nisemeesta 5% M Cemeervatie theissem sierra Cid, Berth star

! Mr. John Pesare, Freeinant Cheyter

i islati,e Committee s u mer. i.e i Camer Air <1 mar lefter hitmitet mammanymita, ationeeste 55432 l 315 Tuath Aiemme north j Eookine, W ==amata M $3 Dr. Dean E. Akrohmesem 1992 apth Avenue, s. E.

l Mr. John F. Dadalich, Esseutive Mm==mpa14=, Nianesota 5%14

} Dimter j

State of Miameseta Pollution Mr. Geerse McPartlin, Chairmen i Castrel Agesey City P1mening Deast of st. 7tui 717 Delsuure street, 8. E. 1010 cmemoree kilding Minneapolis, M1assmoota $$ko st. Paul, Miameesta M101-

, Mr. Imamart W. Invine, theirame Ihre. Celeste M. Ceasen i

Treses ont Imber Aaa==hiy Cemeervation Rt.1, Des SS C Ceomittee, Ntonesets 55011 i

1987 wereester st. Paul, Miameseta M116 Nro. Joseph 10seewiler Rt. 1, Bee eT i

Albertville, W6 M321 I

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Eumeeth J. Fitspatriek, Seq. Ier. B. D. lese 1 amen

) Assistent Carpesutism Oeuseel sessotary4nenume

] City et St. 7tuni Carperettaa h 1 pt. Paul freens and Imber l City M AsseuMr

St. Paul, attanesets P5342 4 Bentherus Avenue Best ,

St. Paul, altsuneesta 551st 1

Eemorehle teniter F. Itamaala i Itaited States Samste Wre. Adn 18egler, Seasetary +

) thekinsten, D. C. 3D510 Fearth District, Demorrette-Paramer-Id er Party i Nonorable Jose 3h R. Earth 1520 arene Avenue nouse et neyresestatives st. Paul, Ittamensta M105 18makington, B. C. 20$15

! Mrs. Russee C. Desk Comeulting angineer

! 1313 s.uth 7th stmet 1250 sherums Avenue i stillweter, Miameseta 55082 temeteen, Wissemeia 5MD3 1

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&Can l k ud icK?

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' ces Ier. Deale

, Ier. Engelhantt

Mr. Yere W. Blunt 4

N. Seit e

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