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Action Plan 15B, NI-2 Count Rate Level Indication Failure Analysis
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1985
From: Desando J
NUDOCS 8507300236
Download: ML20129E069 (15)


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NI-2 Count Rate Level Indication Failure Analysis REPORT BY: Jack DeSando PLAN NO: ISB DATE PREPARED: June 17, 1985 PAGE: 1 of 3 INTRODUCTION The following report is the analysis and evaluation to support the action plan for determining the root cause for the failure of NI-2, Count Rate Level Indication. This report has been prepared in accordance with the

" Guidelines to Follow when Troubleshooting or Performing Investigative Actions into the Root Cause Surrounding the June 9, 1985, Reactor Trip",

Rev. 2.


OF DATA A. Known Information and Operational Data for Conditions Prior To, During, and Af ter the Transient

1. Prior to the transient - NI-2 indicated less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second with the detector high voltage deenergized.

Source range detector high voltage is turned "off" when power exceeds 1 x 10-9 Amps as detected by both intermediate range channels (High Voltage Cutoff Bistable). A source range indica-tion of less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second, in this condition is normal.

2. During the transient - As power decreased below 1 x 10-8 Amps, as detected by both intermediate range channels, the source range high voltage cutoff bistable reset, which, in turn, supplied high voltage to the source range detectors. At this time NI-2 indication remained at less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second. Under these conditions, NI-2 should have registered an on-scale indication.
3. Af ter the transient - The I&C mechanic observed that the remote count rate level indication for NI-2, located on the control console in the Control Room, indicated abnormally low at less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second. He then proceeded to check the local count rate level indication, located on the count rate amplifier module in Reactor Protection System (RPS) Channel 1.

Upon opening the cabinet doors for RPS Channel 1, the I&C mechanic observed a normal, on-scale indication on the local meter. He then rechecked the remote indicati*on only to find that it was indicating normally, also'. ST 5091.01 was performed j to demonstrate operability on 5/9/85.

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f Page 1 of 3

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4 l B. Maintenance History (Taken from I&C Equipment Record and DBMMS Data)  ;

i 9/20/84 - Replaced the Output Calibration.Tria Potentiometers on all l t

test modules associated with Reactor Protection System Channel 1, including the Source Racge Test Module for NI-2. Tria Potentiometer i replacement was in response to B&W. safety. concern, PSC 10-82 j

(SCN 75-6754). Physical replacement was performed under MWO 1-84-2846-00.

t 9/20/84 - Cleaned and inspected Reactor Protection System Channel 1.

Removed, cleaned, and inspected all modries associated with Reactor Protection System Channel 1, including medales associated with NI-2.

I. Cleaned and inspected all cabinet mounted hardware, including all j module connector sockets, and checked all field wiring connections, at terninal strips in the bottom of the cabinets, for tightness.  :

I Inspection was performed under HWO 3-84-1966-01.

9/23/84 - Replaced connector plug, located on the back of the Source Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply Module associated with NI-2.

l During inspection performed per Step 2 above, two broken pins were '

i found on Blue Ribbon Connector Plug (J1.0) for the Source Range

Detector High Voltage Power Supply Module. Connector was replaced
under- NWO 1-84-2846-00.  !

1 li 3/25/85 - Source Range count rate level indication associated with NI-2 failed to less than 1 x 10~1 counts per second. NWO 1-85-1157-00

was generated to determine cause for NI-2 level indication failing ,

! low. Upon opening the cabinet doors for Reactor Protection System

  • i Channel 1, the count rate level indication rethrned to normal.

j ST 5091.01 was performed to prove operability. NWO 1-85-1157-00 was ,

j voided, no troubleshooting was performed. ,

Y j 4/13/85 - Source Range count rate level indication associated with ,

j NI-2 failed to less than 1 x 10~1 counts per second. NWO 1-85-1337-00 l was generated to determine cause for. failure. Prior to performing -

any troubleshooting, the I&C mechanic tapped on the front of the i Count Rate Amplifier Module, associated with NI-2, and the count rate j level indication returned to normal. A visual inspection of the Count Rate Amplifier Module, associated connectors, and associated  !

i wiring was performed. No discrepancies were noted. ST 5091.01-was -

performed to prove operability.


! According to the maintenance history, taken from IEC equipment records and

! - from Davis-Besse Maintenance Management System data, and according to past

! , operational experience, it is apparent that the failure of NI-2 was first

! experienced on 3/25/85. Just prior to 'this, during the 1984 refueling j outage, all RPS modules were removed, cleaned, and inspected. This

inspection revealed two bad pins on the blue ribbon connector plug on the l source range detector high voltage power supply module associated with I. NI-2. This connector was replaced and all modules were reinstalled on 9/23/84. -It is possible that during the cleaning or reinstallation of ,

i l- Page 2 of 3 L


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' these modules, damage was done to cause an intermittent contact or connection and/or possibly a loose component.


Hypothesis fo'r Failure of Count Rate Level Indication Associated with NI-2 to Less than .1 Counts Per Second Based on the information received during the transient and information i obtained from equipment records and DBMMS data, it appears that the high 4

voltage to the Source Range Detector or the input signal to the Count Rate Amplifier Module is being interrupted by a bad contact, loose wiring and/or loose components. There are several areas that should be .


4 1. Loose or intermittent connection and/or component on Count Rate

Amplifier Module.

! 2. Loose or intermittent connection and/or component on Source Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply Module.

3. Failure of Relay K1.0 in the Count Rate Amplifier Module, e

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Page 3 of 3

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Rev 0 ISB 1 2 Isle t ,e t. ,,

NI-2 Failure Analysis 6-15-85 J. DeSando To determine root cause for Count Rate level indication ass.ociated with HI-2 failing low.

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( 1. Measure and record all Source Range NI-2 instrumentation string fJ.DeSando J. DeSando voltages ac est Jacks on associated modules, also, note all T. Isley l associated switch positions and Potentiometer settings.  !

i i

2 Remove the Count Rate Amplifier Module from the RPS cabinet J. DeSando J. DeSando i t

i and inspect and troubleshoot for loose wiring and/or components. T. Isley j l

Also, check,for proper mating between module plug and cabine_t l . _.

4 socket. Inspect wiring at cabinet socket for loose connection.


Reinstall Count Rate amp module. (Hypothesis Step 1) g l

3. ,

Repeat inspection / troubleshooting described in Step 2 for Source J. DeSando j J. DeSando i

Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply module associated with '

T. Isley .

t  !

,NI-2. (Hypothesis Step 2) t

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6-15-85 J.DeSando ses civic us.n creve 1 -

.n To determine root cause for Count Rate le_v._el ind.i.ggjen_Apspciated.witit NI-Lfailing. low- . _

m .. --


Verify, proper operation of, relay.K1.0 in the Count.. Rate. Amplifier. _J._DeSando ._ J, DeSando . _ .. . __

Module associated with NI-2. Monitor relay contact performance. . T. Isley .. ._. _

while switching Associated Source Range Test Module f_you

" operate" to " test" and back to " operate". plypothesig. Step.31_ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . . . _ . .. ___ _ _ . . . , _ .

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' TITLE: NI-2 Count Rate Level Indication Failure Analysis REPORT BY: Jack DeSando PLAN NO: ISB 1

DATE PREPARED: June 17, 1985 PAGE: 1 of 3 INTRODUCTION The following report is the analysis and evaluation to support the action plan for determining the root cause for the failure of NI-2, Count Rate Level Indication. This report has been prepared in accordance with the

" Guidelines to Follow when Troubleshooting or Performing Investigative Actions into the Root Cause Surrounding the June 9,1585, Reactor Trip",

Rev. 2.


OF DATA A. Known Information and Operational Data for Conditions Prior To, During, and After the Transient

1. Prior to the transient - NI-2 indicated less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second with the detector high voltage deenergized.

Source range detector high voltage is turned "off" when power exceeds 1 x 10-8 Amps as detected by both intermediate range channels (High Voltage Cutoff Bistable). A source range indica-tion of less than 1 x 10~1 counts per second, in this condition is normal.

2. During the transient - As power decrea:ed below I x 10'8 Amps, as detected by both intermediate range channels, the source range high voltage cutoff bistable reset, which, in turn, supplied high voltage to the source range detectors. At this time NI-2 indication remained at less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second. Under these conditions, NI-2 should have registered an on-scale indication. g 4 ATE g ,

! 3. Af ter the transient - The I&C mechanic observed that the remote

! count rate level indication for NI-2, located on the control i

console in the Control Room, indicated abnormally low at less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second. He then proceeded to check the local count rate level indication, located on the count rate amplifier module in Reactor Protection System (RPS)- Channel 1.

Upon opening the cabinet doors for RPS Channel 1, the I&C mechanic observed a normal, on-scale indication on the local meter. He then rechecked the remote indicati'on only to find i ,

that it was indicating normally, also. ST 5091.01 was performed to demonstrate operability on p'/9/85.

j i

l l Page 1 of 3

B. Maintenance History (Taken from I&C Equipment Record and DBMMS Data) 9/20/84 - Replaced the Output Calibration Trim Potentiometers on all test modules associated with Reactor Protection System Channel 1, including the Source Range Test Module for NI-2. Tria Potentiometer replacement was in response to B&W safety concern, PSC 10-82 (SCN 75-6754). Physical replacement was performed under MWO 1-84-2846-00.

9/20/84 - Cleaned and inspected Reactor Protection System Channel 1.

Removed, cleaned, and inspected all modules associated with Reactor Protection System Channel 1, including modules associated with NI-2.

Cleaned and inspected all cabinet mounted hardware, including all module connector sockets, and checked all field wiring ecnnections, at terminal strips in the bottom of the cabinets, for tightness.

Inspection was performed under MWO 3-84-1966-01.

9/23/84 - Replaced connector plug, located on the back of the Source Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply Module associated with UI-2.

During inspection performed per Step 2 above, two broken pins sere found on Blue Ribbon Connector Plug (J1.0) for the Source Rang 3 Detector High Voltage Power Supply Hodule. Connector was replaced under MWO 1-84-2846-00.

3/25/85 - Source Range count rate level indication associated with NI-2 failed to less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second. MWO 1-85-1157-00

was generated to detensine cause for NI-2 level indication failing low. Upon opening the cabinet doors for Reactor Protection System Channel 1, the count rate level indication ret'urned to normal.

ST 5091.01 was performed to prove operability. MWO 1-85-1157-00 was voided, no troubleshooting was performed.

l 4/13/85 - Source Range count rate level indication associated with NI-2 failed to less than 1 x 10-1 counts pe,r second. MWO 1-85-1337-00 was generated to determine cause for, failure. Prior to performing any troubleshooting, the I&C mechanic tapped on the front of the Count Rate Amplifier !bdule, associated with NI-2, and the count rate level indication returned to normal. A visual inspection of the

- Count Rate Amplifier Module, associated connectors, and associated wiring was performed. No discrepancies were noted. ST 5091.01 was performed to prove operability.

CHANGE ANALYSIS According to the maintenance history, taken from I&C equipment records and from Davis-Besse Maintenance Management System data, a'nd according to past

, operational experience, it is apparent that the failure of NI-2 was first experienced on 3/25/85. Just prior to this, during the 1984 refueling 4 outage, all RPS modules were removed, cleaned, and inspected. This inspection revealed two bad pins on the blue ribbon connector plug on the source range detector high voltage power supply module associated with NI-2. This connector was replaced and all modules were reinstalled on 9/23/84. It is possible that during the cleaning or reinstallation of i

Page 2 of 3

' these modules, damage was done to cause an intermittent contact c.r connection and/or possibly a loose component.

HYPOTHESES Hypothesis fo'r Failure of Count Rate Level Indication Associated with NI-2 to Less than .1 Counts Per Second Based on the information received during the transient and information obtained from equipment records and DBMMS data, it appears that the high voltage to the Source Range Detector or the input signal to the Count Rate Amplifier Module is being interrupted by a bad contact, loose wiring and/or loose components. There are several areas that should be investigated:

1. Loose or intermittent connection and/or component on Count Rate Amplifier Module.
2. Loose or intermittent connection and/or component on Source Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply Module.
3. Failure of Relay K1.0 in the Count Rate Amplifier Module.

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. . . . Rev 0 '

ISB 1 2-

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NI-2 Failure Analysis j 6-15-85 l J. i$esando

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_ . _ _ . . _ _ .To determine root cause for Count Rate Icvel indication associated with NT-2 failing low, site runts i < o SIMis i r o .i i o,a nonatnj'  ;

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1. Measure and record all Source Range NI-2 instrumentation string b.DeSando J. DeSando voltages at test jacks on associated modules, also, note all T. Isley associated switch positions and Potentiometer settings.
2. Remove the Count Rate Amplifier Module from the RPS cabinet J. DeSando J. DeSando and inspect and troubleshoot for loose wiring and/or components. T. Isley Also, check for proper mating between module plug and cabinet , ,_

socket. Inspect wiring at cabinet socket for loose connection.

, Reinstall Count Rate amp module. (llypothesis Step 1)

! 3. Repeat inspection / troubleshooting described in Step 2 for Source J. DeSando J. DeSando I

I Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply module associated with i T. Isicy NI-2. (Hypothesis Step 2) ,

. l

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2 2 1st L E l>A I E FntPAf tt D rfllfAHtD BV NI-2 Failure Anal 7 s.i.s.._ . - - _ _ 6-15-85 J.DeSando ses or oc ima creve-To determine root cause for Count Rate leyel_indipag. ion apspciated. willLN1-1.failing . low. - ._ . i _

STEP PittMr AS$tGtJf D STAH) iAttr,f T DAff aggp AUI'M SI

  • Itr SPONStBill T Y 10 DAIE DAff COMPL F T E D
4. Verify proper operation of. relay K1.0 in the count .Batet. Amplifier. J._Desando _.!,.DeSando_ _ .

Module associated with NI-2. Monitor relay contact performance. . T. Isley. . . . . _____

while switching Associated Source.R. ange. T.e. .st M.o.d.ule f_ rom . --

" operate" to " test" and back to " operate". Olypothesis. Step 31_ __ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ .,

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. . 9v TITLE: NI-2 Count Rate Level Indication Failure Analysis REPORT BY: Jack DeSando PLAN NO: 15B DATE PREPARED: June 17, 1985 PAGE: 1 of 3 INTRODUCTION The following report is the analysis and evaluation to support the action plan for determining the root cause for the failure of NI-2, Count Rate Level Indication. This report has been prepared in accordance with the

" Guidelines to Follow when Troubleshooting or Performing Investigative Actions into the Root Cause Surrounding the June 9, 1985, Reactor Trip",

Rev. 2.


OF DATA A. Known Information and Operational Data for Conditions Prior To, During, and After the Transient

1. Prior to the transient - NI-2 indicated less than 1 x 10'1 counts per second with the detector high voltage deenergized.

Source range detector high voltage is turned "off" when power exceeds 1 x 10 Amps as detected by both intermediate range channels (High Voltage Cutoff Bistable). A source range indica-tion of less than 1 x 10'1 counts per second, in this condition is normal,

2. During the transient - As power decreased below I x 10-8 Amps, as detected by both intermediate range channels, the source range high voltage cutoff bistable reset, which, in turn, supplied high voltage to the source range detectors. At this time NI-2 indication remained at less than 1 x 10-1 counts per second. Under these conditions, NI-2 should have registered an on-scale indication.
3. Af ter the transient - The I&C mechanic observed that the remote count rate level indication for NI-2, located on the control console in the Control Room, indicated abnormally low at less than 1 x 10~1 counts per second. He then proceeded to check the local count rate level indication, located on the count rate amplifier module in Reactor Protection System (RPS) Channel 1.

Upon opening the cabinet doors for RPS Channel 1, the I&C mechanic observed a normal, on-scale indication on the local meter. He then rechecked the remote indication only to find

, that it was indicating normally, also. ST 5091.01 was performed to demonstrate operability on 5/9/85.

Page 1 of 3

r B. Maintenance History (Taken from ISC Equipment Record and DBMMS Data) 9/20/84 - Replaced the Output Calibration Trim Potentiometers on all test modules associated with Reactor Prote ction System Channel 1, including the Source Range Test Module for NI-2. Trim Potentiometer replacement was in response to B&W safety concern, PSC 10-82 (SCN 75-6754). Physical replacement was performed under MWO 1-84-2846-00.

9/20/84 - Cleaned and inspected Reactor Protection System Channel 1.

Removed, cleaned, and inspected all modules associated with Reactor Protection System Channel 1, including modules associated with NI-2.

Cleaned and inspected all cabinet mounted hardware, including all module connector sockets, and checked all field wiring connections, at terminal strips in the bottom of the cabinets, for tightness.

Inspection was performed under MWO 3-84-1966-01, 9/23/84 - Replaced connector plug, located on the back of the Source Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply Hodule associated with NI-2.

During inspection performed per Step 2 above, two broken pins were found on Blue Ribbon Connector Plug (J1.0) for the Source Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply Module. Connector was replaced under MWO 1-84-2846-00, 3/25/85 - Source Range count rate level indication associated with NI-2 failed to less than 1 x 10~1 counts per second. MWO 1-85-1157-00 was generated to determine cause for NI-2 level indication failing low. Upon opening the cabinet doors for Reactor Protection System Channel 1, the count rate level indication returned to normal.

ST 5091.01 was performed to prove operability. MWO 1-85-1157-00 was voided, no troubleshooting was performed.

4/13/85 - Source Range count rate level indication associated with NI-2 failed to less than 1 x 10~1 counts per second. MWO 1-85-1337-00 was generated to determine cause for failure. Prior to performing any troubleshooting, the I&C mechanic tapped on the front of the Count Rate Amplifier Module, associated with NI-2, and the count rate level indication returned to normal. A visual inspection of the Count Rate Amplifier Module, associated connectors, and associated wiring was performed. No discrepancies were noted. ST 5091.01 was performed to prove operability.

CHANGE ANALYSIS According to the maintenance history, taken from I&C equipment records and from Davis-Besse Maintenance Management System data, and according to past

. operational experience, it is apparent that the failure of NI-2 was first experienced on 3/25/85. Just prior to this, during the 1984 refueling outage, all RPS modules were removed, cleaned, and inspected. This inspection revealed two bad pins on the blue ribbon connector plug on the source range detector high voltage power supply module associated with NI-2. This connector was replaced and all modules were reinstalled on 9/23/84. It is possible that during the cleaning or reinstallation of Page 2 of 3 L-___-----__--_---



these modules, damage was done to cause an intermittent. contact or connection and/or possibly a loose component.

HYPOTHESES Hypothesis for Failure of Count Rate Level Indication Associated with NI-2 to Less than .1 Counts Per Second Based on the information received during the transient and information obtained from equipment records and DBMMS data, it appears that the high voltage to the Source Range Detector or the input signal to the Count Rate Amplifier Module is being interrupted by a bad contact, loose wiring and/or loose components. There are several areas thr.t should be investigated:

1. Loose or intermittent connection and/or component on Count Rate Amplifier Module.
2. Loose or intermittent connection and/or component on Source Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply Module.
3. Failure of Relay Kl.0 in the Count. Rate Amplifier Module, bj b/l Page 3 of 3 L____-_----_-____----_---_____-------

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  • l ACTION PL AN '+ 'r Rev 0 15B j 1 2

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NI-2 Failure Analysis 6-15-85 J. DeSando To determine root cause for Count Rate level indication associated with NI-2 failing low. _

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. i I }




l i I t  :  :


}  ! I

1.  ! Measure and record all Source Range NI-2 instrumentation string J. DeSando '

J. DeSando I i

! I  !

voltages at test jacks on associated modules, also, note all T. Isley {

i jassociated switch positions and Potentiometer settings. ,


~ ~

2. Remove the Count Rate Amplifier Module from the RPS cabinet J. DeSando ' J. DeSando '



f i cnd inspect and troubleshoot for loose wiring and/or components. i T. Isley j i LAlso, chehk for proper mating between module plug and cabinet  ; l ,



Inspect wiring at cabinet socket for loose connection.


i Reinstall Count Rate amp module. (Hypothesis Step 1) i -


. i r <

3. Repeat inspection / troubleshooting described in Step 2 for Source J. DeSando I J. DeSando '  ! l t

, t ',

4 i

Range Detector High Voltage Power Supply module associated with  ; T. Isicy l  !

' t NI-2. (Hypothesis Step 2)-  !

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Rev 0 ISB 2**'~2

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! NI-2 Failure Analysis 6-15-85 J.DeSando

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  • c r e v e To determine root cause for Count Rate level low _ _.__. .__._


4. _ V,erify proper operation.of relay Kl.0 in the. Count.Jate. Amplifier. _ J.. DeSandq._J , .DeSando _

a Module associated with NI-2. . Monitor relay contact performance. . . T. Isley ...

! while switching Associated Sourt.e Range Test Module from s

" operate" to' " test" and back to " operate". Olypothesis. step . 31.._. _ . . _ . _. . _ _ . __ _ _ . ___ .

1 1

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