IR 05000029/1985017

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Physical Security Insp Rept 50-029/85-17 on 850909-12. Licensee in Compliance.Major Areas Inspected:Security Plan & Implementing Procedures,Mgt Effectiveness & Personnel Training.Portions Deleted (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790)
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 12/13/1985
From: Keimig R, Madden W
Shared Package
ML20137E232 List:
50-029-85-17, 50-29-85-17, NUDOCS 8601170216
Download: ML20137E273 (6)


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l U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I j Report No. 50-29/85-17 Docket N l l

License No. DPR-3 '

Licensee: Yankee Atomic Electric Company 1671 Worcester Road Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 Facility Name: Yankee Nuclear Power Station Inspection At: Rowe, Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: September 9 - 12, 1985 Date of Last Physical Security Inspection: October 29 - November 1, 1984 Type of Inspection: Physical Security Inspector: ) ,,

N- & -/O~5 William J. Madden date Physical Security Inspector Approved by: /8*/E=ff

)( R. 'Keimig, Chie(/ date Safeguards'Section Inspection Summary: Unannounced, Physical Security Inspection on September 9-12, 1985 (Report No. 50-29/85-17)

Areas Inspected: Security Plan and Implementing Procedures; Management Effectiveness; Security Organization; Security Program Audit; Records and Reports; Locks, Keys, and Combinations; Physical Barriers: (Protected / Vital and Access Controlled Areas); Assessment Aids; Access Control (Personnel and Vehicles); Alarm Stations; Personnel Training and Qualification / General Requirements; and, Safeguards Contingency Plan Implementation Review. The inspection involved a total of 31 hours3.587963e-4 days <br />0.00861 hours <br />5.125661e-5 weeks <br />1.17955e-5 months <br /> onsite by one region-based inspecto Two hours of inspection were conducted during off-shift period Results: The licensee was found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas inspecte it{0g f 9 '


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. Key-Persons Contacted Mr. N. St. Laurent, Plant Superintendent

  • Mr. B. Drawbridge.. Assistant Plant Superintendent


^* Mr.' R. Sedgwick, Site Security Supervisor

  • hr. T. Laflam,1 Chief of Security, Green Mt. Security Service In *LMr. G. Bruns, Asst. Chief of Security, Green Mt. Security. Service In * Mr. ' L~. Gowdy, Training Officer, Green Mt. Security Service In Mr. S._ Larned, Chief Reactor-Operator


  • Mr. H. Eichenholz, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector

~The inspector also, interviewed other licensee and licensee contract employee * denotes those present at the exit meetin .- MC 30703 - Exit Meeting The inspector met with the -individuals indicated above at the conclusion of the inspection on September 12, 1985. At that time, the scope and purpose of the inspection were reviewed and the findings were presente At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the-licensee by the inspecto . . MC 92701 - Review of Inspector Followup Items (Closed IFI's 50-29/84-21-01 and 50-29/04-22-01) - General upgrade of security systems and procedures. lhe inspector confirmed that-licensee commitments, as documented in NRC Inspection Report N , were completed. (See paragraph 6.f for details)

b.' (Closed IFI's 50-29/84-09-01 and 50-29/84-21-03) - Development of Improved Audit Program. The inspector confirmed that a new audit program has been completed and is ready for implementation. (See paragraph 7 for details) (Closed.IFI 50-29/83-10-02) - Documentation of training records. The inspector confirmed that completion of specialized training is being documented by memoranda, signed by the trainers and trainees, which are placed in the trainee's personnel folder . MC'81018 - Security Plan and Implementing Procedures

.The' inspector reviewed the following Security Organization Implementing Procedures which had been revised during 1985: AP-0011, Safeguards


Infonnation; AP-0400, Physical Security Organization; AP 0401, Responsi-bilii.ies of the Security Force; AP-0403, Security Responsibilities of Planc Personnel; and, AP-0404, Safeguards Contingency Plan Procedures on Bomb Threats. The procedures were found to conform with the NRC approved Security and Safeguards Contingency Plans. The inspector also reviewed portions of the licensee's security plan related to the structural modi-fications being made to the security gatehouse facility and discussed the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(p) and 10 CFR 50.90 with regard to changing the NRC approved security plan. The licensee stated that a change to the security plan describing this project would be submitted to NRC by October 30, 198 . MC 81022 - Security Organization The inspector confirmed that the licensee's security organization was organized and functioning in accordance with the commitments contained in Chapter I of the NRC approved security pla . MC 81020 - Management Effectiveness - Security Program Security program enhancements noted during this inspection are as follows: Two new computers (Digital, Model PDP 11/23) and two new printers (Syntest, Model SP-700) have been installed in a redundant train to process data for the security access control and alarm system Software modifications were also accomplished to provide for the use of turnstiles at the entrance to the protected area and to identify visitors under the control of escorts in access controlled and/or vital areas. A power conditioner, to limit the effects of power surges on the computer, had also, been installe Two key card operated turnstiles were being installed at the protected area entry and exit location Features included ,

freewheeling and locking control Momentary alarm by-pass switches (palm switches) which were causing nuisance alarms in the control room were replaced to alleviate the proble A new ITI, Model 35, Ultratek portable explosive detector was installed and is in operation at the protected area entry locatio Two-new Pulmix CCTV cameras have been installed to upgrade protected areas surveillance, All security organization procedures have been revised and republished. Conflicts and vagueness have been removed and speci-ficity and direction have increased the effectiveness of the proce-dures. 'These actions satisfy the licensee's commitments to the NRC as documented in NRC Inspection Report No. 84-2 _





4 MC 81034 - Security Program Audit The inspector. reviewed Yankee Atomic Electric Company's Audit Report N Y-85-4 which included the annucl audit of the Security Plan and Implementing Procedures, Safeguards Contingency Plan, Guard Training and Qualification Plan, 10 CFR 73.7b Event Reports, 10 CFR 73.21 Safeguards Information Handling and Security Shift turnover operations. The audit was conducted by three members of the Corporate Quality Assurance Organization between January 21-25, 1985. The audit identified two deficiencies and one observation. The inspector confirmed that the licensee took prompt and effective follow-up actions on the findings. The inspector noted that the scope of this audit had been expanded and sampling was more comprehensive than in previous audit Additionally, in response to a potential weakness identified by the NRC inspector, the licensee expanded the scope of the audit program and provided more detail for the elements to be audited. The expanded program addresses the detailed requirements of each functional element of the security program. This project was completed by corporate quality assurance and security organization supervisory personnel in August, 198 . MC 81038 - Records and Reports The inspector reviewed alarm and compensatory measures records at the Central and Secondary Alarm Stations on September 11 and 12 and found them in conformance with the Security Plan and implementing procedure . MC 81046 - Locks, Keys, and Combinations On the September 12, day shift, the inspector reviewed procedure AP-0403 and confirmed, via inspection, that key log inventory records in the control-room were being maintained by Control Room Supervisors / Operators, as required. The inspecto'r also observed the use of a controlled protected area key by a security guard on September 10. Both the key and lock were controlled in accordance with procedure, AP-040 . MC 81052 - Physical Barriers (Protected Area)

On September 12, the inspector visually confirmed that the protected area fence and gate barriers and the isolation zones were maintained in accordance with the Security Plan.



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11. MC 81054 - Physical Barriers (Vital / Access Controlled Areas)

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LU: : . The licensee could not locate the manufacture's certification for the features but stated that action would be taken to obtain the certifica-tions from the manufacturer or, if that is not possible, will initiate other actions to resolve the issue. This commitment was further discussed by the inspector with the licensee's Security Supervisor on November 5, 1985 in a telephone conversatio This item remains unresolved.(UR 50-29/82-09-01)

The. inspector also reviewed the licensee's actions relative to a security plan change which was submitted to NRC, pursuant to the provision of 10 CFR 50.54(p), Revision 10 on February 13, 1985 and subsequently dis-approved. The inspector verified that the licensee had reverted to the

. commitment contained in the previous plan revision as directed by Region I. This matter was also discussed in a telephone conversation between Region I and representatives of the licensee on July 11, 198 . MC 81066 - Assessment Aids The inspector inspected CCTV monitors in the Central Alarm Station and Secondary Alarm Station and confirmed that cameras were being used in accordance with Security Plan commitments and implementing procedure . MC 81070 - Access Control - Personnel The inspector observed security personnel issuing badges and key cards to authorized personnel, each day during the inspection. Badge issuance was in accordance with the Security Plan and access control procedure . MC 81074 - Access Control - Vehicles The inspector observed the processing of a contractor vehicle into the

. plant at 8:05 a.m. on September 10. Processing was observed to be in conformance with the Security Plan and implementing procedure . MC 81084 - Alarm Stations Tf" Tills PAR %u @J,J ,,'C egucC5HGME05

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Tills PARAGRAPH CONT AlHS SAFEGUARDS INF0M3T!GM t"' " "'T FOR PUSLIC DISCLUSU:iE,li e tilIENTIONALLY LEFT BLAN The licensee stated that representatives of the manufacturer were scheduled to be on site on September 26, 1985 to meet with site engineering staff in an effort to correct the weakness. Pending completion of the permanent fix, adequate compensatory measures have been implemented. The licensee expects to complete corrective action by March 31, 198 Inspector Follow-up Item (IFI) 50-29/85-17-0 . MC 81501 - Personnel Training and Qualification - General Requirements The inspector examined ten security organization training records and

! confirmed that requalification training was being administered as required by the NRC approved Training and Qualification Pla . MC 81601 - Safeguards Contingency Plan Implementation Review The inspector questioned the security supervisors regarding the frequency of drilling security force members while armed. The supervisors stated

, that such drilling is usually conducted in conjunction with firearms training at an off-site location. The inspector requested that he be able to observe an on-site armed response exercise during the next inspection. This is an Inspector Follow-up Ite (IFI50-29/85-17-01)





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