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Cycle 4 Startup Physics Test Rept
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 08/06/1992
From: Mclain D, Moul D, Noonan T
Shared Package
ML20114B037 List:
NUDOCS 9208240306
Download: ML20114B038 (13)


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-Prepared by: M/ ~-

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k//// / Reviewed by: <

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D. A. Moul T. G. 'ra Engineer II Plant Performnce Plant' Performnce Director Reviewed by: -MMI@? I[ . -Approvert by: ,

WW f2. -

D. G. Mclain- T. P. Noonan Technical Service Dept. General Manager Manager Nuclear Operations 9208240306 920817L PDR- ADOCK-OS000412

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BTR/D1 VAILE"I 1001 STATION Unit 2. Cycle 4 Startup Tect Report IITITt000CTION:

Beaver Valley Unit 2 was shutdown on March 13, 1992 for its thild refueling outage. During the outage, 68 of 157 fuel assemblics weru replaced with a cplit batch: 52 fuel asserblies of 3.6 w/o enrichment and 16 asacrblies of 4.0  ;

w/o ' enrichmnt. Tne ' fresh fuel rcds are baco:1 on the Westinghouse Vantage S I hybrid (V5H) design which is characterized by the use of Zircaloy grids with natural uranium in the top ard bottom six inches. Accxblics with Intcgral Fuel Bu17 table Absorbers (IF13A) have arrangements of 64, 80 and 128 rotis with boride-coated pellets in the central 120 inches. A region of unpoisoned fuel six inches in length is found between the tutural uranium and the Nride-coated fuel in these Ian fuel asse:rblies.

l This report describes the startup test prcrpam applicable for the Cycle 4 reload core design verification for BVPS, Unit 2. This testing prcrgam con-inted of the follcuing mensurcments corducted frcer. Aay 6, 1992 through May 26, 1992:

1. Control rod drop thTen
2. Initial criticality
3. Doron endpoints
4. Control bank worths 5, 7bmparature coefficient 6 P.cactivity computer checks 7.- 29% pcwcr symmetry check
8. Incore/D: core cross-calibration
9. Power distribution measurerents at 72%, 90% and 100% reactor
power The results of these startup tests _ are sumarized in this report ard camparisons are made to predicted design values and applicable BVPS Tec.hnical-

- Specification Requirements.

Y N* '


2BVT 1.1.1 "Co_ntrnLEcsLRrop_Ike_linnurcocota" I M OSE:

'Ihe ptrpose of this test was to determine a drop time for each full-lcrgth Rcd Chister Control /scambly (RCCA) at Hot Stardby aid full Reactor Coolant System flow conditions. 'Iho test also verifles that the Digital acd Position

!rdicators (DRPI) are within 112 steps of the group demrd counters for each control rr.d.


A siryle RCCA Bank in withdraut to the mximum full-out position (231 steps) . '

At 24 step increments, rod position is roccrded from the DRPI ( untrol bcord displhy ard the Safety Paramete Display System for comparicon with the group step counter irdication.

After rcd withdrawal, stationary gripper coil voltage, a 120 volt 60 Hz timing trace, ard the sum of the signals from the Digital Rod Position Indication Data Cabinets A ard B detector / encoder cards are connected to a multichannel vicicorder. At the pwer centrol cabinets, the novable gripper ard stationary gripper fuses are removed to initiate the rod drop. Each of the 48 red cluster assmblies is tested in this mnner ard the rod drop times are determined from the visicorder traces.


The test commenced et 2020 hours0.0234 days <br />0.561 hours <br />0.00334 weeks <br />7.6861e-4 months <br /> on !by 6, 1992 ard was ccrpleted at 2345 hours0.0271 days <br />0.651 hours <br />0.00388 weeks <br />8.922725e-4 months <br /> .

on May 7, 1992. '1he drop times of all 48 rods were well within the BVPS Unit 2 -

Technical Specification Rcquirement at 5 2.7 seconds to dachpot entry. 7 Figure i chcus the rod drop t4.mes for each rod. 'Ihe slowest drop time was 1.517 cocords for rod B-6 while the fastest drop time was 1.350 secords for rods G-7, G-9 and F-6.

1 2BVr 2.2.1 " Initial 1cntgEb_to Criticality After ReLqqlirn" PURIOSE: I We purpcco of this 1st was to: (1) achieve initial criticality; (2) determine the point at which nuclear heat occurs and establish the Im Pcuer mysics Testirn Bard (IPPra); and (3) verify the prcia calibration of ,

the reactivity camputer. I TFSr DES mIPTION:

Test initial corditions were established on May 9,1992 at 1105 hours0.0128 days <br />0.307 hours <br />0.00183 weeks <br />4.204525e-4 months <br /> with ,

Shutdcran Banks A and B fully withdrawn, Control Banks A, B, C ard D fully inserted, boton concentration at 2070 ppm, RCS tapera at 545.5 F, ard RCS pressure at 2235 poig.  ;

Control banks A, B, C ard D were sequentially withdrawn in 50 step intervals until control Bank D reached 160 steps. During control rod withdrawal, the Inverse Count Pate Ratio (ICRR) was monitored at 50 step increments ard '

decreased from 1.0 to 0.43.

We ICRR was renorralized to 1.0 and dilation to achieve criticality started at 1236 hours0.0143 days <br />0.343 hours <br />0.00204 weeks <br />4.70298e-4 months <br /> at a rate of 46 gpn (51003 p/hr) . Durity the dilution, ICRR data was obtainod at 20 minute intervals ard plottcd vurcus boron concentration ard makeup water added. At 1905 t urs, on May 3, 1992 after 17,294 gallons of primary makeup water had been injected, criticality was achieved.

Follcuing the recording of criti ality data, flux was 10rnaced twards nuclear heat. Nuclear hea. ting was observed at 4.7 x10~9 amps on the reactiv!.ty u ccq) uter. Wis corresponds to approximately 1.2 x 10

  • amps on Intermediate

! Pange D< core Detectors N35 and N36.

A reactivity conputer calibration check was then perferned using the reactor with positive reactivity insertions of 21 pcu, 29 pcm, and 50.7 pcm. Se doubling times were measured and co vared to the predicted reactivity for each reactivity insertion.

2BVT 2.2.1 was completed at 0231 h.urs on May 10, 1992.


-he All Rcds Out (ARD) critical bcron concentraticr._ correctcd for rcd position was calculated to be 1515.3 ppm which was within the acceptance criteria of 1477 to 1577 ppm.

The IPPf3 was set at 3.5 x 10~9 amps based on an obcerved 4.7x10-gmpsto3x10-8 amps and a backgrourd current readimj of In lear gating 3.? x 10 point of amps for Pcraer Range Detector N44.

We measured errors for the reactivity computer calibration check were 1.45%,

1.40%, and 0.00%, which were within the acceptance criteria of 4%.


, 2D1T 2.2.2 '! Core Design Check Test" IUGOSE:-

The purpose of this test 9as to verify the reactor core design frcn Hot Zero Power (HZP) to 100 percer.t reactor power, ard to perform _the initial incore/exoore cross-calibration.

TEST DESCRIPTIOth The test was divided into five parts:

- Section A covered Ira Pctser Physics Testing. W ese teets are perforrcd in tho Iow Power Physics Testirg Bard at less than 5% reactor power. They include the follcrsirg measurements:- baron endpoints, boron dil Mion vorth measurement of the reference _ bank, rod swap bank worths, differe.itisl baron worth, and an

. isothermal temperature coefficient measurement. '

Section B involved performirg - a full-core flux map prior to exceeding 30%

- reactor _ pcraer to verify core cymmetry and proper core loadire.

Section- C required a full-core flux - map to be obtained between 40% and 75%

re ac: tor pcraer -- to - ercure the measured peakirg factors were within their apt'icable Technical Specification Limits.

Section D required that an incore/excore calibration be between 50% -

ard 100% reactor power. m is involved performing 2BVT 2.2.3, " Nuclear Power R3rge Calibration", in khich a series of flux maps are performed at.Various

- axial offsets to provide data for Nuclear Perser Rarx3e calitration ard adjustment.

Finally, Section- E involved performing a full-core flux map at 100% reactor power. mis m3p served. as- a calibration - ched; for the incore/excore .,

- calibration _ and verified that- the power distribution limits of the Technical-Specifications were not excealed.


Doron End L oints:

W e_ All Rods Out (ARO) critical baron concentration was measured to be 1509.8 ppm which was within the acceptance criteria range of 1477 to 1577 ppm.

We Reference Csntrol Bank -in (CBB-in) critical baron- concentration was measured to bo 1360.6 ppm which was within the acceptance criteria rarge of 1165 to 1575 pyra, l

l V y - -- er .e ,r- vt4, --w< . , - > - sm --w--,% e, ---,-.-em-=,--------r-+ -+,..,romr-,--r- . , .--.-------r---,me __n-,mw &- e . , -v--

hTlGhre Coe_flic_{png 20 AIO, !!ZP, Isotherml Teq;erature Coefficient (ITC) was detemincd to to

-4.50 pcm/F which was within the acceptance criteria range of -8.29 to

-2.29 pcm/F.

Subtract 1rq out the predteted design value of the Ixppler Coefficient

(-1.89 p /F) from the rewurcd I'It, the inferred Mcdcrator Teq>erature Coefficient (if1C) was calculatcd to be -2.61 pam/F. This value meets the rcquirements of BVPS Unit 2 Technical Speciticatioa which requires the MIC to be between -50 pcm/F ard 0 pcm/F. Based upon the calculated values, the if1C is not exiccted to become positha at any time during Cycle 4.

Difhmutia.lArgn WoL-tJ :J he measarcd differential boron worth was 7.64 pam/ ppm which was within the acccptance criteria of 6.52 to 8.82 pcm/ ppa. -

RcrAfarJ: WRrths:

he boron dilution methcd of control rcd worth measurement was used to determine the worth of the reference bank for rod cwap, Control Bank B (CBB) .

We worths of the remainirg control and shutdwn innks were obtained relative to CBB. We measured worth, predicted value, and percent difference for each RCCA Innk and total RCCA worth are listcd in Table 1. All the measurcd values were within the acceptance criteria for this test.

Reactivit;y Comuter: n

%e recctivity cceputer calibration was checkcd prior to ard every 24 hcurs during Im Power Physics 'Ibsting (LPPI') . In addition, an operational calibraton check using the reactor was perfomed following initial criticality. In all cases, the computer error was within the 4% acceptance criteria, with the highest mnzured error being 1.45%

30 Percellt_Buer Symetc _Q1ec2: -

A full-core flux mp was obtained on May 15, 1992 at approxirately 29% powel with Control Bank D at 175 steps withdrawn. We purpose of this mp was to detemine the initial flux distr.iNtion in the core and to verify that it was accoptable. Table 2 lists the values of incore cuadrant tilt aM the mximum deviation from predicted asacrbly pcNers for this flux mp. The mximum deviation from predictcd assembly powers for the 29% flux map exceeded the acceptance criteria of i10% at core lccation F-2 (12.5%). Westinghouse evaluatcd the flux rap data and determined that the deviations from predicted values were caused by the following factors:

1. Core location F-2 is a baffle location. Asserblies in hoffle locations exlurience larTje per gredients ard are more difficult to rcdel than interior core 1ccations.
2. Cycle 4 has a neasurcd incore tilt of approximtely 2% in the quadrant containing core locotion F-2. %e cycle 4 core was designcd to operate with a 0% incore tilt. Any tilt in the core would cause deviations from predictcd values k

.e '

3 .' Cycle 4 inffle and reflector dealgn constants were generatcd for Hot Full Poser, Middle of Life conditions. 'Ihis full-core flux rap was taken at hot 29% pwer, tcginnirg of life conditions. The further the measurerent is from corditions at which the design constants were generatcd, the greater the deviation betwoon ceasured and prodicted values will be.

'Ihis evaluatica by Westinghouse concluded that as pwer ard burnup increased, mny of the above factors would be reduccd. The evaluation of the incore tilt concluded that it did not pose a safety concern due to its small ragnitude.

The Westirghouse reconreidation was to continue with pwer ascension.

A review of the flux rap data showed no evidence of a misloaded fuel asserbly or a' misaligned / dropped control rod. Bascd upon the Westirghouse evaluation and that no misloadcd fuel asserblies or misaligned /droppcd control rods were detectcd, the Onsite Safety Cornittee appr. ved pcuer ascension to 75% pwer.

72 Percent Power F1tpG3p_mjd Incore/E>: core Calibration:

2 INT 2.2.3, " Nuclear Pcwer Pancje Calibration" was performed on May 17 and 38, 1992 at approxirately 72% reactor power. This test involved a full-core and four, quarter-core flux mps obtaincd at various axial offsets for calibration of the excore detectors ard verification of core peaking factors.

'Ihe results of the full-core flux map are provided in Table 2.

All measured peaking factors (Fxy ard F delta H) were within their applicable Technical Specification limits. 'Ihe maxbnum Goviation from prcdicted asserbly pwers for the 72% pcser flux map of 10.9% at location F-2 shwcd a rcduction from the 12.5% value of the 29% pwer flux rap. As predicted, the incore quadrant tilt and the maximum deviation from prcdictcd asscably pwer, toth decreased between the 29% ard the 72% pwer flux map. Wcatinghouse reccnnerded to continue with rxuer ascension and indicatcd that it would be prudent to perforr .a. full-core flux map at an internediate pwer level to verify adequate margin to' Txy and F delta H Technical Specification limits khen projected to 100% power.


_9J Percent Power Flux Map:

On May 19, - 1992 a full-core flux map was obtaincd at 90% reactor power. This map was perfonxd per the Westinghouse recomendation to verify adequate ' margin to Fxy and F delta H Technical Specification limits khen projected to 100%

power. The results of this full core flux nap are given in Table 2. All measured values were within the acceptance criteria. In addition', the raxinum deviation from predictcd assembly p" ers for the 90% pwer flux rap war below L 10% for location' F-2, demonstratinc, that as burnep increased, the relative i pwer at F-2 decreased. All 100% power showed adoquate rartjin L- to- limits, therefore, power escalation to 100% resumed. - A- ful1 -core flux rap taken; at -100% power would be used to satisfy surveillance requirenents of Technical Specif a.: . tion 4 4 2.2.2.d.1, Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor -F g(Z) .


,1.QQ Percent-IN7ser F3tpi.ji3y1 On May 26, 1992 a full-core flux mp Vas obtained at 100% reactor pcrser. 'Ihin mp served as a check for the incore/excore calibration aid pwer distribution limits. 'Ibe results of the mp are listed in Table 2. 7he incere/excore

-calibration perforud at 72% pcraer was satisfactory. Analysis of the pcraer distribution ilmits crned that D:y aid P delta 11 were within their respective curveillance limits.

'Ihe 100% flux mp mrked the completion of the startup physics test program for Beaver Valley Pwer Station Unit 2, Cycle 4.

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t IN}lf._1 CCtTHOL 100 DA!.'M lORiilS "easured Prodictcd Worth Worth 12ror Acceptance 113DB fr c l._ (pen} (1)__. Criteria CBB* 1153.50 1192 -3.23 1073 to 132i pcm CBD 3052.65 1067 -1.34 907 to 1227 p CBC 750.90 774 -2.98 658 to 890 pcm CBA 687.10 673 2.10 572 to 774 p SBB 842.60 882 -4.47 750 to 1014 pcm bTM 1045.75 1062 -1.53 903 to 1221 pam Total Worth 5532.50 5650 -2.08 5085 to 6215 pam

  • Reference Bark for Rod S'eap.

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i 29% Power 72% Pctser 90% Power 100% Pcraer CBD CBD CBD CBD Acceptance .

Paramtp.rg 175 stepg 213 steng 225 stepp 223 steps _ CritedL C,uadrant 1.0222* 1.0101 1.0167 1.0172 5 1.02 for power Tilt above 50%

, - Maximum 12.58.* 10.9%* 9.9% 8.1% i 10% for

- Deviation - Predicted from Prodictcd Relative PcAmr l- Asscrialy Pcracro > .9 P delta ll N/A 1.5376 1.5071 1.4847 Tcdi. Spec.:

< 1.6681 for 72%

< 1.6017 for 90%  ;

< 1.5560 for 1001 Pxy N/A 1.6397 1.6255 1.6376 Tech. Spec.:

< 1.7760 for 72%

< 1.7276 for 90%

Fxy(RTP) = 1.67 .

< 1.6943 for 100% ]

FXy(RTP) = -1.69

  • ' See report for additional inforcation.

FIGUPL.1 l 1

I Unit 2 Cycle 4 Hot Full Flow Rod Drops RPNMLKJHG FEDCB A l


1 1.407 1.400 1.433 2 1.a'i 1. =o 1. coo 1.333 1.400 1.850 1.833 1.417 1- 1.400 1.433 1.001 1.033 1.850 1.083 1.863 1.003 5 1. 33 i. =

3.433 1.40g 1.307 1.387 1,m 1.383 1.617 h 1.650 1.890 1.800 1.417 1. coo 1.000 1.067 1.307 1.367 1.350 1.400 7 1,817 1.800 1.757 1.833 1.400 1.367 1.se7 1.433 8 1.060 1.783 1.800 1.888 1.3G3 1.867 f 350 1.383 9 1. ell? 1.000 1.767 1.017 1.41F t.417 1.367 1.400 1.S67 1.383 1.433 10 1.883 1.050 1,817 1.650 1.8 17 1.817 1.883 1.367 1.400 11 i .= 1. =

1.303 1.417 1.383 1.400 1.033 1.817 1.067 1.817 >

1,367 1.383 3 -

1.7 3 1.000 1.483 1.417 1.41T 14 _

n.- 4.- 1. -

15 l Averego urop Time .1.397 seo.

Fadott Drco Time .1.350 soc.

S4 west Drc9 The .1.517 so::.

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