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Inservice Insp Program, First 10-Yr Interval
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Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/1991
Shared Package
ML20091N272 List:
PROC-911004, NUDOCS 9201300154
Download: ML20091N279 (318)


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SEevFCE *-

~ %gh 4 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Limerick Generating Station Unit 1 l.



M-20680 Rev. 0/06 fp p:)ctypo 001 k,.


General Revision '

-r;"C 3

for reconciliation k

1 f c mpleted exams Ql first three outages 4 '

ve < :.


O 7/1/or Issued for use bk /

6e4 d h, '

f ollowine coa:pleti on l of third refuelint outage. Supercedes;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;

Specification  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;

8031-P500 and  ; i  ;  ; o P501. -t i t. l  ;




,e s Specification for Limerick Generating t'- Station Unit 1 6 Common Inservice Rev. No.

3 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Inspecti n Program, First Interval Page or DEPT. 1 81

. NCORD._D C 30Y



Specification NE 42, Rev. I LGS 1 ISI Program Page 1-i of 81 O s u u u ^itv oi ni x isio s i The primary purpose of this revision is to incorporate the impact of the reconciliation of examinations

. completed under the original First Interval ISI Program (Spec P 500), with the overall first interval ASME Section XI requirements of the updated program.

A majority of the changes have occurred in the ISI Program Tables. The changes reflect adjustment made to the selection of components for examination for the purpose of identifying only those examinations requirJ for the remainder of the interval. (Rev. O reflected a complete ten year program without consideration of examinations completed during the first three refueling outages).

Additional elements of the revision include:

1. Addition of Appendix D " Component Selection Criteria" This appendix provides guidance to both station and NESD personnel for performing selection of components for examination, and monitoring progress or adherence to program commitments.

2, Addition of aportion of the RWCU System to the AUG 1 Inspection Program,solumetric examination scope.

Tids addition was required by the USNRC Safety Evaluation of the I.GS-1 Generic I etter 88 01 respome and initiated by EWK A 0002908.

3. Deletion of Relief Request RR il.

This deletion was precipitated by USNRC rejevion of the corresponding relief request for LGS-2 ISI Program. Its content will be re es-Juated following results of applicable examinations attempted during IRO4.

4. Reddon 'o content of Relief Request RR 12

~This relief request was revised due to updating of Regulatory Guide 1.147, which adopted 2 of the Code Cases previouslylisted as this Relief Requestc Additionally new Code Cases were added to the Relief Request.-

5. Resision to content of Relier Request RR-13 Deleted portions of this relief request addressing Class 2 inservice and functional t.: sting due to clarification of Code intent received from recent ASME Section XI Code inquiry. Added P & ID references where applicable.
6. Revision to PECo position on estent of required examinations for Class 1 & 2 integral attachment welds- (Cmle Category ll K-1 nod C-C)
7. Correction of miscellanmus typographical criors and adjustment to format or presentation of various program elements.
8. -- Addition of Attachment I," Examination leconciliation Report" l This attachment identifics the extent of the first interval examination requirements which l' tere satisficd during the first three refuelinc omages. utilizing the original ISI Program l Specificaticn P 500

Speci0 cation NI'A2, Rei. I I.GS-l ISl Program Page 2 of El TAllt.l; Ol' CONilNIS 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Reference Documents 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Abbreviations 1.4 Codes and Standards 2.0 Regulatory Requirements 2.1 Classification of Components

2. 2 ASMR Section XI 2.3 lixemptions 2.4 Augmented Requirements 2.5 Additional liases -

2.6 _ ASMi!Section XI Drawings 2.7 System identification 3.0 Inser ice inspection Prograrn 3.1 Responsibility 32 Records 3.3 Methods of lixamination 3.4 Repair and Replacement

'O d 3.5 lixaminations - General 3.6 Relief Requests 3.7 - thaluation of lixamination Results 18 Reports 4.0 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Pxaminations 4.1 Pressure Retaining Welds in lleactor Vessel (Category Il A) 4.2 - Pull Penetration Welds of Nonles in Ves<els - Inspection Program II (Category Il D) 4.3 ' Pressure-Retaining Partial Penetration Welds in Vessels (Category 11.E) 4.4 Pressure-Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds (Category 111 )

4.5 Pressure Retaining Bolting Greater than 2 Diameter (Category Il G 1) 4.6 . Pressure-Retaining llotting, 2* and I css in Diameter (Category ll G.2) 4.7 ' intergral Attaelunents for Vessels (Category 1111) 4R Interior of Reactor Vessel (Category Il N.I) and integrally Weided Core Support Stnactures and interior Atir.hments to Reactor Vessels (Catrogry ll N 2)

49. Pressure-Retaining Welds in Connot Rod flousings (Category 110) 4 I, All Pressure Retaining Components (Category ll P) 5.0 Class 1 Welds, llolting. and Component fixaminations (Excluding the RPV) 5.1 Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds (Category 11 P) 5.2 . Pressure Retaining flolting Greater Than 2'in Diameter (Category ll G 1) l 5.3 ' Pressure Retaining Ilotting 2' and Irss in Diameic- (Category H G 2) 5.4 Pressure-Retaining Welds in Piping (Category ll .I)
p 55 Integral Attachments for Piping, Pumps, and Valves (Category H K-1)
j. d 5.6 Pressure-Retaining Welds in Pump Casings (Category Il 1,-l)


Specific.dlon NI'e42, Ret, 1 1.GS 1 ISI l'rogram l' age 3 of El

- hs 5.7 Pump Casings (Category 11 1-2) 5.8 l'res,ure Retaining Welds in Valve llodies (Category ll N1 1) 5.9 Valve flodies (Category Il hl 2) 5.10 All Pressure Itetaining Components (Category Il l')

6.0 Class 2 Welds, Ilolling, and Component lixaminations 6.1 Pressure Retaining Wehlt in Pressure Yessels (Category C A) 6.2 Pressure lletaining Nonic Welds in Vessels Categor) C-II) s 6.3 Integral Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps ,ind Valves (Category C-C) 6.4 Pressure Retaining llotting Greater than 2"in Diameter (Category C D) 6.5 - Pressure llettining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or ihgh Alloy l'iping (Category C 1 -1) 6.6 Pressure Rei, .ning Wehls in Carbon or i ow Alloy Steel Piping (Category C F 2) 6.7 Pressure lietaining Welds in Pumps and Valves (Category r G) 6.8 All Pressure Itetaining Components (Category C II) 7.0 Class 3 Cornponent fixaminations 7.1 Systems in Support of Reactor Shutdown Function (Category D-A) 7.2 Systems in Suppott of limergency Core Cooling, Containment lleat Removal, Atmosphere Cleanup, and Reactor Residual lleat Removal (Category ILII) 7.3 Systems in Support of lied 'ual lleat Removal from Spent Fuel Sterage Pool (Category lhC) 8.0 Pressure Testing 8.1 Class 1 Pressure Test Program 8.2 Class 2 Pressure Test l'rogram 8.3 Class 3 Pressure Test Program 9.0 _ Class 1,2, and 3 Component Supports 9.1 General 9.2 F.xemptions 9.3 - Examination Requirements


10.0 ISI Program Table 10.1_ ISI Pr.ogram 'I able I icids Description 10 2 Augmented I'rogram 1 Table Fields Description 10.3 Augmented Program-13 and 14 Table Fields Description I:

A oendices J

Appendix A Relief Requests Appendix D Augmented Requirements

- - ' Appendix C Reference Drawings I Appendix D Componenet Selection Criteria l

l l

l l

' Specification NI'. 42, Rev. I l.GR I ISI l'rogram ,

l' age 4 of 81 Attachments Attachment I Ibamination Itceonciliation Repo 1

'I ables 1 GS Unit I insenice inspection l'rogram Tables 1.GS Unit i Augmented Program l 1 ables 8.GS Unit 1 Augmented Program 2 Tables 1 GS Unit 1 Augmented Program 3 Tables 1 GS Unit i Augmented Program 4 Tables i GS Unit i Augmented Program 5 Tables I.GS Unit 1 Augmented l'rogram 6 Tab!cs ("rogram Completed) 1,GS Unit 1 Augmented Program 7 Tables 1 GS Unit i Augmented Program R Tables 1.GS Unit 1 Augmented Program 9 Tables 1,GS Unit i Augmented Program 10 Tables 1,GS Unit i Augmented Program-ll Tables I.GS Unit 1 Augmented Program 12 Tables 1 GS Unit l Augmented Program 13 Tables 1.GS Unit 1 Augmented Program 14 Tables O

Specification NI?42, llen l IESl ISI Program Page 6 of 91 O i.o isTRoni'ciios Thk d~emen, mn.e1ns ,he in_c in men mi, e,,,_ h, ,he _a ana ,hud inspection periods of the fitu impection mietud of the 1 imen(L Generatmp Station l'rnt I (1 GS li, a 1100 N1We ilWit Plant, as requued b: litle 10. Code of I'edeial Repidanons.

Part 50 (10(TR 50), Nection ;n%, Tole and Standants ' Ijus l'iogram has been updated to mcorporate changes neteuitated b, modifications repairs and'm replacements to systems components, and or ucid'since the mnnnencement of conunctcial operation.

This program update abo rencets ilu impact of examin:itions completed during the fiist


three (M refochnp outapes m allowed by 1001 R sn s5atpH 1L tins updated Piopuun is in l

m m phan the e m ni p m ii a . wiih ih a n -, appr m a c eae Rid m R a Scoion 2 21 It details the technical basis of the program ami punides an overall description of the acthities planned to fulfill the 1%I requirements for nudcar power plant components and .

their supports, as defined in the American Societs of N1ahanical lingmeets ( ANN 11:) Iloiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI. ~ Rules im insenite inspection of Nudear Power Plant Components? This Proptam identifies the Clau I,2, and 3 components (e g piping.

pump 5, valves, Ve$seld and their supparlN subjeri lo the examination and test lequireldents O er Seb'ee:iees iwit iWc. iwo ema iwr ef assii Sectien xi it ase ideetities a"d details the prograrm estabbshed to satisfy augmented requirements imposed at 1 GS 1, during the first inspection interval.

The first inspection interval for 1 GN 1 bec:m concouent with the start of commercial operation on 1 ebruary 1,1% and will end in years from thn date 'I his updated pmgram becomes efTective at the completion of the thint tefm hny outage The examination requitements for the first inspection period utte in armniance with Specification h031-P 500/501. 'Ihese examinations were uitkGed during the first and second teluchm; outages F.xaminatiom completed duting the thitd refuehnp outape,in accord;tuce with Spetification 8031 P 500:501, were credited toward the requirements of the second inspection penod The ISI Program consists of two parts; the test with appemhees, and a tables section 'I he text definct the basis of tbc INI Program. It lists and explains the specific boundary, ex,emption, sample sire, and component selection enteria utili/ed for Class I,2 and 3 components and their supports The appendices mntaitr Rehef Requests, programs estabbshed to sathf) aucmented requitements, and Iktings of the ASN11i Section XI O ore-i"v'i"cieai"v.s>""a"<> a< -i"e' i'"me"x a>>"i"v' ch"'eme" tare-- - ""a

Specification NI;-42, lict. I I.GS 1 ISI Progtam l' age 6 of El 4

calibration block drawing ( The tables sec tion includes the 151 l'mgram Tables and Augmented inspection l'rogram Tables. The INI l'rogram Tables contain an itemized listing of all nonexempt components. within the Claw I,2 and 3 boundaries, depicted on the ASMit Section XI Inoundary P4llTs The tables included for augmented prograrns identify the components within that specific augmented program scope.

1,1 RI.I'l:lll'.NCI: DOCl311NIS 1.1.1 Generic 1 etter 84-01, NRC position on IGNCC in llWil Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping, dated .lanuary 25,14RR 1.1.2 1 GS 1 respomes to NitC Generie I ct; - R8 01, dated August 2,1988, April 28,1989 May 30,1989, September i1.1989 an 1. lune 4.1990.

1.1.3 NURFG 0313, revision 2 - Teebnical Report on Material Selection and Processing GuideSnes for IlWR Coolant Pressure lloundary I'iping. .lanuary,1988,

'h I14 NUREG 0619, llWR Feedwater Noule and Control Rod Drise iteturn t ine Nonle Cracking (November 1980) w;.h Generic 3 ctter 91 11 (I etiruary 20,1981).

1.1.5 IB Ilulletin No. R013, Cracking in Core Spray Spargers, dated May 12.19R0.

1.1.6 NOAP NA03100i, l'ECo Corporate ASMF Section XI Administrative Manual.

1,l.7 1 GS I & 2 Updated Final Safety Analysis Rcport (l!FSAR).

1.1.8 I GS 1 Technical Specifications, Appendix "A'lo I icense No NPIL39J 1.1.9 NiiD Srecification number M1 008. l GS 1 & 2 Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program, First Ten Year Intercal.

1.1.10, NURiiG 0800, I.WR isdition Standard Review Plan.

1.1.1 i General Electric Company Sil No. I17. Recommendation 1 or 11T Inservice Examination Lh of Welded Austenitic Piping.

Sgwrification NI'.42, Itn. I j l.GS l INI Progtam Pap 7 of NI O iii oc"er i i ic<><t< cor"r>"> xii, s" """. i"<"'e o<x ' ""< cr><-

1.1.13 General lilectric Company sli No 420. Inspection of .let Pump Sensing 1.ines 1.1.14 General llectric Company Sil . No 4%, Itecommendation for Athlitional ISI of Allo) 182 Nonle Welo.nents-1.1.15 Calculation K031 M. MISC-41, lin. O, INI 1:xemption Di.uncters


1.1.16 VP 5631 M 246111230. Report 6, CitD llousine Wehl I xclusion I!. valuation 1.1.17 NiiD Specincation M 679. ASMit Section Ni Itcpair and Iteplatement Programs at l PIIAPS 2 & 3 and I GS I & 2.

1.1.18 Itegulatory Guide 1.147, hservice Ins;vetion Code Case Acceptability. ASMli Scction XI, Division 1, llevision 8, No r 1990 O i.i.i9 ococ< iiti<<t<ic co mraev Sii so 443.Snro"a iicaa rioii c'e<ts 1.1.20 General I!!ectric Company Sil. No 462, Shroud Support Access llole Coser Cracks.

1.1.21 General lilectric Company Sll. No 474, Steam Drser I)tain Channel Cracking.

1.1.22 Limerick Generating Station, l' nit is t and Common I'lant Summary lleport No.1, No. 2, and No. 3.

1.1.23 NURPG/ Cit 3052, Closcout of 1.l: llulletin 80 07.11WR .let Pump Assembly 1 ailure.

1.2 DI:1'INil'lONS 1.2.1 ASMI;Section XI Drawings - include Piping and Instnuncnt Diagrams (I'&llys),

isometrics, and component drawings which delmeate the specific boundaries, areas, or items requiring NDii, test or repair and replacement per ASMit Section XI; and augmented NDli or tests.


-. . - . ~. .. . - - - - . . -

Specification NI: 42. Rev I lGSI ISl l'rogram Page8 of St O i. : ^ am <# '<a a <"#<-< '- Tae'< x o r " "c''<""i<<a'recem me"aca 8x ecem<e<< o

- other than ASME Section XI, such as; Regulatory Guides. NUltl!G~s, NF.C Generic letters. I E.11olletins/ Notices,1:SAR. Technical Npecifications, manufactures s recommendations, etc.

1.23 Autho Iml Nuclear Insenice inspector ( ANih - A person employed and qualified by an Authori.>.ed inspection Agency to verify that NDI , tests, and repairs and replacements (excluding welding and brazingt are performed in acconlance with the rules of ASME Section XI. -

1.2.4 Calibration 11 hick Dranings The drawings which detail the specific configuration of individual standards used for calibrating ultrasonic test equipment.

1.2.5 Crule ASME Section Kl.

  • Rules for Insenice inspection of Nuclear Power I'lant Components," edition and addenda applicable to the individual PECo nuclear plant programs.

l t-O i2.6 c -e<-e i ^# iicm in a eecieer newer riaet s"ch as a vessei. nemn. vaive. ctc-Component may also be used to refer to systems or portions of systems such as wehls, bolting, and supports.

1.2.7 Enforcement Authiwity The State of Penns:,1vania. empowered to enact and enforce 11 oiler and Pres 3ure Vessel Code Icgislation.

l.2.8 l'orm NISI, Owners' Data Report for Insenice Inspections An ASME form used to document the results of inservice h.spection examinations on Class I and 2 components. It is to be used as the certification page : $r submittal of the ISI Summary Report.

1.2.9 Form NIS 2, Owners' Iteport for Repairs or Itcplacements An ASME form used to Jacument the results of repair or replacement activities. It will be submitted as part of the l

ISI Summary Report at the end of each refochne outage.

1 1.2.10- Insenice inspection (ISI) . l' hose Nondestructive !!xaminations (NDE) including visual I

examinations performed on certain Class I,2. and 3 (or equivah nt) components and their s


SpeelGestion NI'A2. Res. I l.G S- 1 ISI Program l' age 9 of lit supports throughout the operating life of the nuclear plant, as required by ASME Section XI, subsections IWA, IWil, IWC, IWD. and IWF: and as applicable. IWi!

1.2.11. Insenice Inspection Summary Report The report that is prepared at the comp.etion of each refueling outage as specified in ASME Section NI, 1.2.12 Insenice Testing (IST) Those tests coad"eted on certain pumps and valves to verify their operational readiness and/or integrity throughout the operating life of the nuclear plaat, as required by ASME Section XI, subsections IWp and IWV.

1.2.13 Inspection Interval- As defined by regulations.n ten year time interval, during which the ISI/IST/R&R program is applicable using a specific Edition and Addenda of AS\lE Section XI. The first ten year inspection interval commences on the date of commercial operation with the successive intervals beginning on the date the previous interval ends. An inspection interval length may be increased or decreased up to one year, to correspond with

- plant outages. Additionally, the interval may be extr. ded for a period equivalent to an-outage, which extends continuously for six months or more.

1.2.14 Inspection Period A time frame approximately equivalent to one third of an interval. It is used for apportioning the implementation of ISI Program NDE during the interval, 1.2.15 ISI Program Document The site! unit specific document (including appheable drawings) which addresses the overall ISI requirements during a ten year interval.

l.2.16 ISI Tables The unit specific listing of the total population of items such as welds, botting, components, RPV intemah, supports, snubbers, and portions of systems which are subject to examination, pressure test, and repair and ter'acement during the ten year interval (i.e. all nonexempt components). 'I hese listings are included within the ISI Program Document (s),

and, as a minimum, identify items selected for examination along with examination frequency requirements and other mandatory requitements, if special mnsideration is applicable. These tables provide the priman basis for developmcc. of the ISI implementing Plan.

1.2.17 ISI implementing Plan - The listing of nonexempt components identified in the ISI Tables, O -ith the i"r"<- >ie" "cces' <x '"r imeiem<"' 'ie" "r es mi" ti "s s"<a i"<erm>>ie" sa ti

- _ - - .~ .- . . - .


. N1'A2, Ret. 1 i 1.G S- 1 ISI Program


Page 10 of El h it.:lude; components selected for examination. scheduling information; applicable NDU methods, procedures, and cahbration blocks; etc.

1.2.18 ISI Outage Plan A listing of thow components identified in the ISI implementing Plan which are required to be examined during a particular outape.

1.2.19 Nominal Operating I'ressure . I or Class i sptems. it is the system pressure under normal steady state full power oper' ting conditions, as governed by the Ul:SAR.

1.2.20 Nondestructise l'.4 amination (NDi'.) - Any of wseral physical, optical. chemical, electrical, or electromagnetic tests used primarily to examine items for surface or internal defects without destroying the items or impairing their function. Also known as Nondestructive Testing (NDI) and includes visual, surface, and volumetric methods.

1.2.21 PEco Corporate ASMI: Section XI Administrati e Manual The document which defines and controls the all-encompassing elTort of Presenice Inspection Insenice inspection, Preservice Testing, inservice Testing, lleguir and Replacement, and Augmented O re,ei<ements at PPCe eecicar riants This mane i. cedersed bv ihe secieer oreer Senior Management, will apply to all organizations involved with this endeavor.

1.2.22 Position Statement An ISillST/R&R Program record which documents the details of pc3itions taken by PECo with resptet to generalized Code requirements. These records amphfy the Code requirement and provide consistent paidance for the implementation of the requirement.

1.2.23 Presenice inspection (PSI)- Those Nondestructise fixaminations (NDE) including visual examinations performed on certain ASMl! Class I,2. and 3 (or equivalent) components and their supports once, prior to initial plant operations as part of the Presenice Irspection Program, or following a component repair. replacement, or mosilication. The results of these examinations provide a baseline for comparison to subsequent ISI examinations.

1.2.21 PressureTest Program . A portien of the ove a INI Program which identifies the cornponents and portions of piping in ASMI: Ciass I,2 and 3 (or equivalent) systems, wh ch are subject to various pressure tests during the ten year interval These tests include h the hydrostatic, pneumatic. leakage, functional, or inservice types.

NI'. 42, llco .1 I t s.1 INI Pn,griun Page 11 of NI O ' : 25 it="-'s<<"'"'<"""""""""'"""""'cs<'"""'"'~~r""<""'

m,,e,.miie,, ,,aae pu,<iy et ,a, ,n _a ,,o, 4,.a .,n _ coa < ,<qei, ,a,nc,c mem as c nponent ure. confiruration. streis, ett itandoin scinnon it used prunatny when I

m than one wrnponent follith all *ein tn.n rottru oint to define whic h wtnponent s us to be selected l .2.2li Iltgulatol~) duthutil) - l he I'f uled Strin NLnleal l(rfulatol) l'of fir 1HMion, Citipow Crt d to inne and enforte federal terulations inth:entine ilexirn. unstructica, atal operation o' nu(Itar power plants.

l.2.27 Ilclirl lloqur%l A written requot Fuhunited 10 the tcpuhtof) authonty whi(h identifies specific con;ponents whith wouhl be itnprat tical to be tuunined or tested in accordatur with ASnill Section XI requirernents it intlodo the trason these requirements arc irnptnetunl to meet and ittheiiral justification loi prilotming an alternative to the f rquif tmrfits, l.2.28 110o1 Vaht 'I he first valve,in att instrumen! Ime, of of the troun ptocen line, i .1.m s m,u . u namic ,mi,mmt dem etiu,mn,, Imtso m,encni surn,e snenbema,,

tir hydraube or inechar.ical 1.2.30 Snubber Aurmbly . 'Ihe functional umt of a enubbn type winponent support,includmp the snubben body, extension picer ot end bradi. and the load pms along with their retainers 1.2.41 Soutro lloruntetil - $ 1y doruinctll Contaittitip tet}uttrinents to w hit h l81 ('o is rotnmitIPd of which apply to l'ITo by virtue of law. un b as lederal, state, and local laws and regulations 1.2.32 SfFHCluf all)isrofilitulit) WCIds

  • lf)tlHilC% Lif ntinIctrtith! urld joltits at pipe to Vf'ucl nonic, pipe to valve body. pipe to oump raune pipe to fittings, and pipe branch connections.



$ ($ IN NI' 42. Iles,1 1.G N. I l'il l',ograni l' age 12 of El i

i O un i e. .ni e n...i w.u . c,, <,,,ei< , < e, mi m < u .. , , , im, , <, , ., ei , ,;,,, , e ,,, ,,,,, <,,,,,,, , , ,,,

, ,i pi ,, , t o o , < , e , - , ,, < < , , ,, , ,, , , , , , , , . , , , r i m , , , , , , ,,,, , ,, , , , , , , ,,, ,,, , ,,, , , ,,,

two ili,cc io,n of ,es.,ain, ,o pipmp t,iconal ,nore,nent o, t i,tu,nfr,rntial u clth in piping wi,liii. .I pipe ,lininete,* of tlir eeniciline of ,igni pipe anglin,g i

O d

8 O

N;wiuretion NI'. 4 2. H ei . I 1 GN.1 ISI l's ogs ain Page 13 of 81 .

O l.3 A1111111 A'INIIONS 1.3.1 Al AllA -

As I ow A* ltrasonabh Achinable 8,3.2 ANil .

Authon/rd Nuclear Inseitur in pector '

P 6e #

$ g J 4 4

  • 14 , ANSI -

Arnerican National Statut.ed Institute I ..l.5 ANMP -

American Society of hies! anical l'nyincers 1.3.6 ASN'I' -

Arnetican Society fot Noudeshoctive lei.ung l.3.7 AU(i .

Aupinented 1%arnination l'f ertain O i ." "wn - neiung w- n-i.u DiSG .

im,eeie,e.. a a r,eer i,<,,,usasse,nsed 1,3,10 DISS -

thainine w hen dhassernbled 1.3 I l'll' -

1%ainined first period 1,3,12 Enl -

1:.nd of interval r

e. e
  • IlthIYa ski Uk IIII 1.3.14 IGSCC - streu rossosion ('eactinr.

l.3.1 $ ISl -

Inservice inspection 1.3.16 ISO -

Isometne O

Specific: tion NI: 42, lin. I 1.G S.1 INI l'roge ani l' age 14 of El O i .>. n isi -

' "'<" i< < t < i" r 1.3. l H IGN -

1irnetis k Generatnir Station 1.3.19 MI -

Niaroctic partitle testine 1.3.20 NDl! -

Noridestrta tive exarninatiori 1.3.21 NI'S -

Notninal pipe si/c 1.3.22 NitC -

l'nited States Nuclear lleculatory ('ornniinion 1.3.23 l'l!Co -

l'hiladelphia 1:lectrie ('ornpan) 1.3.24 Mlb -

l'ipinc . nd Instrument Diagram 1.3.25 P I' -

1.iquid penetrant tr< ting O

1.26 l(O -

lisamine at 1.$1.ciueling outare. and subsequent refueling outares at approximately .1 year intervals.

Iti'V -

Itenetor prevute venel li.4.!A It& ll . -

llepair and seplacement 1.3.29 11,1l -

Itelief request 1.3.30 P.T -

l(adiortaphie testing 1,3,31 Sil. -

Seitice and Information I clier (Gli) 1.3.32 1 -

Pipe wall thicknew 1.3.33 t1T -

tiltrasonic testing n

l U

Specifkatlun NI: 42, lict. I IGN1 ist l'rogrmen l' age 15 of NI 1.3.34 YI Vnual testing 1.3.35 l'l.I'2,l'3 -

1 itsi period, sn ond penod. tlnid penod 1.3.36 74s75 .

1974 l'thlion thtu and indudoir the Nununct 1975 Addenda 1.3.37 MlW81 .

19An I'd tion thru and onludnir the Winter l'Al Addenda 1.4 C()l)l.N ANI) %'I ANI)Alti)N 1.4.1 Title 10, Code of 1 rderal llegulations l'ait ;n Ilot *l it sul. Nn tion 50 Ma Todes and Standards ~

1.4.2 Ainerican Society of Mn h:oucal 1:nrinctis ( ANMI ). Ilodet and l'aessurc Yeuct (' ode.

Section V, "Nonaestructive 1%aniination',1%f. I'dnion.

l.4.3 AirlfriCat) Sofif ty of MCtllartiral I nyinN r4 ( ASMI')_ lloil"; and peruute VCsSel CodC.

O sc<iie" xi. i>ivrie" i: it"ic'ter i"'<>o<< i"'rc<"e" oi s"o<ar i'e -<> i'i>"i ce,n,.enenie io,4 m umnih,e ena,,,d.ung,hc Se,mn,c,io7 a aacnaa 1.4.4 Arnencan Society of Mnhanical 1:npincers ( ANMI 1. !! oiler and l'iruurr Yeuct Code.

Section XI,1)ivision 1: "Itules for Inservict inspeJion of Nucleat l'ower Plant Cornponents.' 19401:dition thni and induding the Winict 1981 Addenda 1.4.5 Ainetican Society of Mn hanical I nyincers ( ANMll. Iloiler and l'iroute Vessel Code,Section XI, thision I: 'ltules foi inservice inspection of Nuclear Power I'lant Cornponents',19K617 hnon t 1.4.6 Itcpulatory Guide 126. llesisiori I tjuahl) (iroup ('lauilications and Standards for Water, Stearn, and Itadioactive Waste Containing ('otnponents of Nucleat Power Plants.

1.4.7 SN~f 'I C 1 A,1980, llecottiincrided l'ractice for Persoritiel ()tialificatiori iti Nori destructive

'l esting O

w - - . , , . - . - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . -

NI' 42, Itn.1 I(NI ISI l't ogt ani l' age Ifi of El 1.4H ANSI N4% 2 f ,147A ()o;ihfit:itniii el lio ,et tioti. I uttniitatiori atul I estirig l's isovitiel for s e<ic,,, ii e <,iihin,s 1.* N Iterulatory (juitle 1.%, Un nion I - (Joahfu ain n of Nui trat l'owcr l'lant linpeuton, i Ulfhitthlloli Afh! 'l Ostitly l'Cf shonel 1.4.10 f(trutatory (ioi(le i fis, f(n nion n N1atcoals uni Jinpedion for licactot Yruel Chisute Stuils 1.4.11 f(egulator) (iuitle 1.147, f(n nion L linen ic, li t- .

" ( c (~ase AcceptaNhty. ASSil!

Settion XI,1)nision 1 l .4. l! Iltgulatory (IUitle 1.150, llt\isiott l AllCIllatt \10thoti l '11 t a tof Ht lesting of 1(rarlot Venel Wohls 1)ottnr l'rnenice anti linetw e i ununation O


~ - - - - . - - . . - - ~ - - - - .- _-.. - . - . _ - . - ----

Sperification i NI: 42, Itn 1 '

l.G s.1  !

1%l l'rogt am l Page17 of Ni  ;

O 2.a ni ci i tionv ni oi:iiii siix's 2.1 Cl.AN%ll'lCA'llON Ol' rO511'ONI'.N IN .

in armadaner pilh 10Cl R$0 55a. no AN%11 slauilitation has been nuirnni to plant I components and syorms for the purpow of appl3 int the approponte tules of ANNil!  ;

Nntion NI for Instiite in*pntmn Uhmilitatmn h:is been appl *cd in attordance with 10CI'R$0 2f t) for Clau i splems and Herulatol) Go' le u 1 ?f, Revision 3 anti othe commitmenta trwie in the 1 NAR for Clau 2 and T sptoms. Nptem saftty functions ate

- tonetent with (bkioti 3R of the 1"NAll Colos roded ANA11! Nection XI Iloundary PMih trierenrrd in this Ptogram identify ll c tlawfication of spirms/rotnponento


l Cln%ilitatiott of rotnponents as equiridrut to ANN 11' Claurs 1,2 of 3 hiiphrs equtvalttir) for purpown of iftwtTire irlspr(tion only athi doPk not lin[dy that tile rotnponfills %ctr designed in acrordante with ANNil* trquarments.

2.2 ASN11; SirilON XI -

O v 1 In nerordance with 10Cl:R50 55afp)(4), this proptam is in comphante, to the etient practical, with the apphrable requitementis of the 19% lidition of AShil! Scotion XI. 3 Although the basic plant design is not totally consistent with the esamination requitrinent*-

of later Coiles. rvery attempt has bcon made to obtain maximutn comphaner. ~l his

- progtum identifirt the areas for which comphante <anoot be achieved, with propowd alternative snethods to obtain reasotudde numante of splem integrity, An alternative to the uw of the 198t> rode h found in the area of Clau I pipe wehh as dkruned in the following scrtion' 2.2.1 AS\ll: roile Clau I l'ipt We kh 10CFR50 $$a(h)(2)(ii) allows for the pptional ow of the 1974 lidition with ' Addenda through Nummet 1975 (74S75) of Scrtion XI for descrinininr the extent of examination for Clau I ptruure retaining pipe wekk if the plant % construction permit was dockelnl prior to July 14197R.-

O w'= = +g--g>-gTW

  • W" *W 1**W'1TT1'=pp9'wp B*P'MTrG=-Y*rt8?"'ddw'P*WC Pip =PT*w T =* e-*r1

_ _ _ - _ _ , _ , . _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ . . - . _ _ , _ _ _ _ ___ _,y-,_,,

NperlHrstion NIH2, Hn.1 I (i% l IslPsograni l'agr 1H o, NI

  • the ctient of examination for Ciule Clau I pipe utids may be Jetennined from the

, ,,1,c,ece,. e n a s a w i n soo nea i w n. ,.on n,,c,0,, n.1 o,smin., si o,,he A ssii  ;

Code in the 1974 I;dition and Addenda thronch the Nununet lub . *

'lable IWild('00 from the 74N7$ Section Nl. whn h spnihm the type of NI)l' to be oppheil to the wolds on variom sue pipmp,is not uwd m this Isi Program. l or thls prograrn. the type o, NI)lt apphed is dett rmi',ed Som the l'N I thlion of Sn tion XI t his porition utili/ci the hier Code don tiorn .ual .epresciou a more pt.u tiod appronh for determininy

- examination method and nuoriated nutplance (oteria.

The following kulninfiti/es the approat h tal.en lot ('lau l pipe welds.

l>cenotion2 The 19K(il'dition of Nection XI una med to determine excenptions l' (See Section 2.3 l)

.N u m ple Nlrs The 7c751 dnion or section xI i, mni roi dciennining the pereeniare rr nonetempt welds which are subin-t to cumination '

The' welds selected represent areas expnled to experience higher strenes, as determined by guidance provided in the 19% ANN 1lC Nection XI, (Sec Section 3.5.1 I) -

Damination Wthal The lukt Section XI lW1.45001 'Iables are med for determining the type of NI)li applied to these wchls O


--n-.,---.=---.,n .- - - . . _ - , . - , - .--,-..--_..--,--v - ,. - ,.--,-- _+-,- -

spetilksthin NI A2, Itn. I IGNl ist l' sort uni l'are 19 of NI O 2.2.2 ' o" er'* oiii'r o' '"" - iio" is u subsn tion IWl- (Clau MC Compoin nto Irn not tu rn endot snl lot uw in the N!!(' and n threrlotr not addtt uni in thn Poirt.on 'Irstunn e topmnt b3 the Code of I nlcial lttrulatioen.10FI It, l' art sn Appeniht .l n Ivmr petlottunt at I (i% 1 to senfy the internty of the uintaminent ltt pait, tinnhlh anon. of trpi ut menn of Ass 11 Ulau MU comocrents shall be m au ord.ou r sutl ' pn iht anon M C9 (Ih irtrnt e 1 1 17) It.itart tnt followmr triuit. toothin ation. of topl.u rment h.dl be in au onheu r w ith Attuir .'000 of code Case N.?% i 2.2.3 Subwrtions IWl' and IWV Subwotmn lWP (l' ump 'l esting) nnd subsn tion IWY iYah r 'I rstinri att not adiheurd m this prortam document I or mfoonation n r.nihny thew topu s ser ltrictetire i 1.4 2.3 IW13ti'llONS O ^~ u r sn oon xi na ~ u u - - "tenir - o m r - - o mni nret - aihmt sepi,e,,,t .hh h ute a-hca - assir cum o, m, e,_d<,i,,. ,e bc mmer, ,,em examination requitetnents tourpt V I ?) of the (' ode 'I he specific Code nemptions whk h have been apphn) to the I (is l 1%I Prortam air deladni m the followmy-2.3.1 (finu i 13rtnothens thv uuion 't he Clau i exemptions innt in ilos 1%l l' tort.un nic taken dorrtly Itotn the 19K61:thtion of Scotion XI. Artale IWib t??O l xemptiotn nwd I. Cornponents that att amner ni to the trat toi usolant sutem and part of the trattm (onlant ptreute honndary and that att of Am h a si/r atul shape so that upoti =

postulated ruptoit the remitmr flow of oiolant from the tractor coolant optern undet t)ottnal plattt operatiny (otiditioin o uilh"i the (apacit) of in tkr up sytteno l l

uhhh are opctable frotn oti-sttr renttyrtu \ pon tt l O I

Spedilomlion NI: 42 lirt. 1 IG%1 l$1 Progs am Page 216 of NI O i ' i ox i ibi' es<mr'i-" ' er <""ie n '- --r "<er n"avir-r i<-

than 13'r inside shamviet il 1) i for u.ocr scinc= and It steam 1 D lot u than 2 %

sen it e (Nrr itefcteruc I i 19 2

Peping of I N!'N and unallt t alone with s omponents and thett (otuu t tions in p Of l~ NI'% and unaller 3

lt0:410f V(3401 lit lid (onnet,lHens and MWot idlCd pfpilly 2 tfull all01, NI'b athl Affl made inartruibir by contiol rod drive penetrations 2.3.2 Claw Lisemritions lh s( U"io!)' 'I'kir Clau 2 c A0f tlpliofl% hit tal Un Ilon) l%h I ditiofl O! btttlon hl, Artide IWC 122R l Armptluns Used for Components Within itesidnal llcat IIrmmal (IlllIt),1:mergenes ,

Omr Cooling (11 C), and Containment liral llennnal (01110 Nptemv 1.

Yruels, piping, pumps Vol"rs and other componeno and their supports that air 4' NPS and Srnallet 2

Cornponent connet tions E NPN and sm: dict tiivludmp noriles. socket fittinyt and Othef (O!)nC( tiOll%) an'l titCit MlppOf ts ill \ r%t 1% pipinf polilph Vah rt Mlul OlllCI tomponents of any site

.1 l'lpillf afid ot})Cf (Dittponttils Of an\

si/r be)olid thO last sllut DIl ValVP in Open (thtCd POrtiol1% O!

$sleftis thiit do 1101 ( olilaiti u tilCf diffilif flotillal plant Op0tdtmg conditions. IhrfnptiOlis k' sed In COfttlMlfl0nis WitIIIn S) steins IIlhCI 'Iltati IlllII, ll'(h and ('llIl Sptoniv 1

Vruels piping, purups, vahrs, and othet totnponenu ami their supports C NI'S and srmdler ,


Specification NI'. 42, itet. 1 IGS1 ISI Progr am Page2l of al

2. Cornponent connectinas 4' NPN and smallet ontluthng nonles. socket fittings. and o,he,sen,,retm es,ama ,he1,ser,-,,s m _ pip m ,. pe,np,. md - ned e,he, toinponents of any site.
3. Yeuels, piping, pinnps, valves, other components. and component connections (and their supports) of any si/c in seterm or portions of sptems that operate (when the sptem func tion is requirnh at a pressme equal to os less than 275 psip and at a temperature equal to or less than 20n'11 4, l'iping and other cornponents of any si/c he3ond the last shut oli salve in open ended portions of mteins that do not contam water dunny norrnal plant operating conditiont INemptions for Conercle 1:ncaseil Cennponents:
1. Piping suppor1 roembers and piping sulyort components that are encased in concrete.
O '2.3.3 Clau 3 lhemptiom I)iseunion: The Clau 3 exemptions are inLen from the pW6 IWhtion of Section XI.

Ar1icle IWI) 1220, as presentnl in the following.

lhemptions used:

1. Intental attachmerits of suppotts and testraints to components that are 4" NPS and smaller Wilhin lhe splem bourldaries ol liatilinatiott Categories 1).d.131), and I)+C of T"ble IWI) 29101 shall be excinpi from the visual examination V li3, .

l'osition: Included in this esemption are non pipe components for which neither I

the cumulative 1.1) inici not enmnlative 1.1) outlet area exceeds the area of a 4' l.11 pipe.


Specification NI;-42, lies. I {

l.G4 I ISI l'sogeam l' age 22 of N1 l l

O 2- '"'er ia'iaenme"'sersern"r'sa"a er"4"' <e-re"e"'sc'ecca'"r4~ s"S - x i he exempted from the visual exanunation \'l O of 'Iable IWib25001. pimided a The cornponents are located m sptems for portions of spte'm) whme function is nor requaed m support of reactor residual heat removal, containmerit Ileat removal, atid einerrency core conhng; arid

h. 'Ihe components operate at a preeure el 275 [ mig or less and at a temperature of 200'l or icw r

2.4 At'GMINI1:D itI;Qt'llt13flNIN 17or purposes of this ISI I rogram, augmented examinatiom are those scheduled

  • cxaminatiom which are not required by ASMit Section XI. lhese augmented requirements are typically pursuant to NI(C Generic I etters, NI(C llegulatory Guides, or NSSS supplict recommendatiom (Sil/nh ele. 'lhe I GS I augmented inspection prograrm are explained and their examination requirements tabulated in Appendix II, it should be noted that some O cemnenen'saresusicciiesethiSia"aaermeniedreneitemee's ieiheseinsia ces.ine component's ISI requirements are identified in the INI Program Tables, and a reference to applicable augtnented requirements is also pmvided. The actual augmented examination requirements are then found in the referenced augmented program which is contained in Appendix 11.

The augmented examination requirements for the first impertion period were in accmdance with Specification R031 P-501.

2.5 ADDil'10N AI, ll ASl:S in addition to publi-Sed Code rules, ASMit Nection XI Code Cases may be used in formulating the bases of the ISI program Code Cases are periodically published by the ASMl! to either clarify the intent of existing Code requirernents or to provide timely rules and requirements for circumstances not covered b) existing Code rules. Table 2..ti lists the Code Cases which have been adopted for use by thls i GS 1 ISI Program.

IJSNitC iteputatory Guide 1.147 (reference I.I.lR)Ints the Code Cases that are generally O acece'asic I" inc site re< iSi imniemee'a"" i ne'e aer< mea ~ ceae cases >c '"aicaica 1

p- - - ym - - - - - __-- +., m .- _m .m__._m.,m l NI:,42,11ri. I i l 1.GN 1 l l ist l',Ogf ani l'

! l' age 2.1 of NI i

8% 111(l1 it) l al$l0 2.$+ l, ('OdC ('D%C_4 % })i(Il l lit)C fit i 301 lit'Of) rild0f Ard by ll10 NI((* kt) t n,,.i le,, oem u m,m .s>,, 1,, ,i,i, is n ,1,,,,,,, .n.<%, n ,d , c.s ,,,,e ,

i 8l%O Rfif)Olal0d ill ~l8l1\f2b-l, l'Of l00111010 ft Of lII( l l(30 b.bst, f 0([tlP%l [Of Mtill10f k/ AllOfl Afid lt!%fificaliott of ust Ol ll10%c Code ('aW4 in folitid ill l(tlitl l(tqtir%l l(l(-12  !

(Appendis At i


b I  !

i >

i 1

0  :

t l

1 1

O .

. . - _ %w---e.-~.m-mm.

Specl0 cation  !

NI: 42, Itri. I l.GS I  !

ISI l'rogtam Page 24 of El O i ">< 2 + i Code Caws Appliemlile to the INI l'angsam Appmved  :

by USNitC Code Case 5 lleg Guide b' timber lj.tly .U 4,7 N 2361 Iterair and Iterlacement of Cinu MC Veswk Yes  ;

(See Note 1)

N.3071 Itevised Ultrasonic I!xamination Yohnne for Yes Clan i llotting. Table IWil 2$001.

Itxamination Category 11 G 1, whea the examinations are conducted from the center drilled hole i

N 3t9 Allemative Itules for iteraits, Yes Iteplacements, or Modifications N 406 Alternate flutes for iteplacerneni Yes N 416 Alteinate Itules for Ilydrostatic Testing of Yes Itepair or Iteplaerment of Clan 2 Piping N.427 Code Cases on Inspection I'lans Yes N 435 1 Alternative !!xamination itequirernents for Yes

. Venels with Wall Thicknen 2 in. or leu N 460 Altemative !!xamination Coverage for Yes Clan 1 and Class 2 Welds

' N 461 Altemate Itules for Piping Calibration Yes filock 'Ihickness t

N 4791 -Iloiliftp Water IleaClor (IIWit) Mhin Nic;on No


ilydrostatic Test (See Note 2)

N 40$ liydrostatic Testing of itelief Yahes No (Scr Note 2)

NOT@ -(1) 1.imited to Article 2000 for 1 cakage Iest following repairs, modifications, or _ ,


(2). This Code case has not been endorsed for uw by the NitC in Iteg. Guide 1,14?c See itclief itequest Illt.12 for justification ofits use in this pmgram.

s'-s e u. ,- . - ..,,---,e v,~--w-n e .m---w..,.,, -.l san-.--., ,.n--~,..--.m--,,---.--,..e-.- A-,,,, - ,--a.- nm- .-- - e-e--, ~- en--- -

e m we

Sped 0 ration NI:42, llet , I l.(iN.I INI l't ogs ani Page 25 of NI O 26 ^s ui:siv iii>' sii>ii = is<is The ASMI: Section NI Drawinrs define the bound.n3 aint or detail the extent of *> sierns and/or tornponents subic(1 to the ndes of ANMI: Nection Nl Adthfionally, they depict cahbration standards used to irnplernent the required esanunanon progravni An indet of all ANMli Section XI Drawings (eteloding cornponent support drawings)is mntained in Appendit C 2.6.1 A%MI: Section Ni lloundars Pall)\

~lhe ANMii Section XI llountlar) 1%ID s are drawrors that base been color coded to define the extent of the ASMli(laisification boundaries and she ponions therein which are estrupt frorn the surface and volumetric exarnination requncinents of Nection XI. In addition, these drawings indicate portions of systerns which are outside the ANMl!Section XI boundaries but subject to the liiN 1 ASMl!Section XI Itcpais and f(eplacernent l'rogram 2.6.2 ANMI: Scetion NI Isometric l>rawines O

'lhe ASMit Section XI immetric I)tawings are specially prepared drawings which are derived from design iminetric drawings. 'I hey depict the ASMll Class 1 and 2 sy.stemi, and identify the components (welds, supports, ete ). subject to examination, within these systerns. Class 3 rornponerits subject to INl exarninations may be found on the fabrication isometric (design) draw inct l'nique ANMI Settion XI immetries do noi exist for Clau 3 componerits.

2,6,3 $NMl! NectIort hl ComrWmerit I)rawints The ASMl!Section XI Component Drawings are specially prepared detailed drawmps of componenti which identify Specific areas of these components (bolts, welds, supports, surface arcat), which are subject to examination in acmidance with Section XI rules.

2.6A ANMI'sntion XI Calibration likwk I)raning O O

Specifle: tion NI: 42, itet, I l.(.S 1 ISl l'rogr ant l' age 26 of Hi The ASMl!Section XI Cal ibration lilo6L 1)inings me desigri'as built drawmgs of the Standardi which are used for cabbration of the ultrasonic rtamination equipment prior to the performame of the Code required exanunationt 2.6.5 Conuwintnt Suntnet I)esien l)tantrin

'lhe Cornponent Support liesign ihawings, while not uniquely an ASMit scetion XI drawing. are an impor1 ant infortnational somer and me relcrenced in the INI 'lables 'lhese design drawings detail the component support mal rentrally contain a bill of anaterials *Ahnh identifies the r, cope of iterns subject to the sisual examination requirement of the Code, 2.7 SYSil31 II)l; Nill'lCA IION Clanification boundaries aie as identified on the ANMit Section XI Iloundary l'All)1 lir,ted in Apr ndix C. The following is a list of the systems contained in the ISI l'rogram including their acronym.

derortyg) lith Ill'V llenetor l'renure Venel Cill) Control llod I) rite CS Core Spray

!!SW litnerrency Service Water IW I cedwater ill'Cl lliph l'renure Coolant initetion MS Main Steam ItCIC lleactor Core Isolation ronhng itilR llesidual lleat itemoval Itllh SW ltesidual llent itemoval Service Water Ill'Y Al'I' Iteactor l'reuure Vewel Appurtenances llR lleactor itecirculation ItWCU lleactor Water Clean l'p SI C Standby 1.iquid Control

Sperincallon NI:-42. Het i .

1GS1 I INI l'rogs ani l' arc 27 of lil O 3.a issi avici: i'si'iriio' enooit oi '

3.1 Rl'SPONSillit.lI Y As owner of I UN 1. l'hiladelphia 1:lec tric nimpany (I'l Col bearn the overall responsibihty for the perfortname of INI I he requi'vd nondestrut th e naminations ma, be performed ,

by I'lTo or a quahfied examination temlor. lhe results and cuhiation of the exarninations, performed by NDl! vendors wdi lic reported to "l Co, who shall retain responsibility for Stial evaluation and (lispoution of all NDI:-

342 Hl: CORDS f(crords and documentation of all informntion and inspection results, which provide the basis for evaluation anti which facilitate compariven with results from pinious and subsequent inspections, will be maintained and asailable for the active hfe of the plant in arronlance with Section NI. lWA 6000

'O 3.3 ">:iiions oi i:x^siis^1'os Nondestructive examination methods to be used for the INI l'rogram include: visual, surface, and volumetric. l'ersont;rl perfonning nondestructive examinations will be quali0cd using a written procedure prepared in acronlance with ANNll?Section XI, Article IWA 2300 and the following documents as applicable for the techniques and methods used-(1) The American Society for Nondestructist Triting ( ANN I), iteconunended l'ractice No. SNT/l C 1 A June 1%0 lidition.

(2) American National Standard ( ANNL ANNI /ANNll: NM2.6.1978 Itdition as modined by llegulatory Gnide 1.%, itet. I 3,3,1 Visual li amination I 1 Visual examinations (VT) will be perfonned in accordance with IWA 2210 of the Code which defines three types of VT examinations. 'I hese 13 pes of VT exarninations are summanred as followr i


I SlMTifleatl ort Ni: 42, Het, I l IES.1 I ISI l'rograrn l l' age 28 of HI O vi i eteminati .haii be ce'~ie<'ea 'o dete mio< ih< co"aitien ef Ihe eart.

ce,npe,wnt. e, ,em mmi,mi m m,em,ioe ,ho de,,,,ni,_,nai,ines ,ee as cracks, wear, conosion, erouon. os phpical damage on the surfaces of the part or i

c(ItNlDncrit s- I s type o exalnillatiotl flla) l'c pcf f(iffned 11y difert or re!nole methods as defined in IWA 221i.

J 4

(2) Vli2 exafninatiof3 shall be ronducted to Incate evideflte of lealare froril preMufr retaining cornponents, or abnormal leakage from cornponents oith or without leakare  ;

collection systems as required dunny the ronduct of spiern preuute or funrtieml test.

(1) Vli3 examinations shall be conducted to detenmne the reneral rnechanical and structural condition of components at l their suptorts, such as the verification of

. clearances, settings, physical di= placements, loose or rnissing parts, debris, corrosion, wear, crosion, or tht- lon of integrity at indted or welded connectiont 'lhe Vli3 examination shall include examinations for conditions that could aficct operability or  ;

for.ctional adequacy of snubbers, and romtant load and spring type supports. l'or O <ern ne ecni se r re,,s ae a ce n ne n<ei iete,iers. ih< exa m inatie n m ax be nerfe " nca remotely with er without optical aids to verify the situcturalintegrity of the romponent.

A cornbination ohe VT 3 and VT-4 visual examination methods contained in the 80WRI ASMll Section XI are considered to be equivilant in the VT 3 method described in the 19h6 lidition. Mso, examination personnel certified for both VI' 3 and VI;4 in accordance with the earlier Code !!ditions are fully qualified to perfonn the 1986 Code, VT 3 examinations.

Ilased on the above, it is I'l:Co's poution that the Y 113 visual examinations required by this l'rogram shall be performed by personnci certified for either: both VT 3 and VT 4 in i accordance with 80WR! 14htion of ASMl!Section XI, of VT.3 in acconlance with the l 86 lidition of ASMl;Section XI. Ihe examitntiom shall be conducted utilizing current, approved procedures im both the V li3 and VI 4 visual examination methods which

! contain the examination attributes specified in item 3 above. 'I his position will provide for an examination and docutnentation equal to that required by the K6 Code.

L n

O -


_ . = - .

Sprification N I'- 82, it es . I I GS. I INI Program l' age 29 of El O 3.3.2 seti ce ix i" tie" A surface cumination will be peitormed in anonlante with A%11' Sechon NI, lWA 2220 to detect the presence of suriare i racks or discontinmhes it enay be condotted by either snagnetic particle (hll~) of a hquid penetrani (p ii method whete the surfatc (onthlions, rnaterial, and acernibihty pennit such an etannnation 3.3.3 Yolumetric lham,i,relag A volumetric cutnin:. tion will be performed in meordance with ASMI: Sn tion XI, IWA 2230 to detect the presence of discontinuities thtoughout the volume of material. 'I wo acerplable vo'umetric methods are radiographic (101 ) and ultramnic (t II ) examinatmn The trl snethod is primarily used for the planned examinations in this program, however itT is used, as applaable, on tertain cotntmnents 3A Ill'.PAllt ANI) Ill Pl,ACI'. MINI O ><eneirs.reniace meeis.aea m eairicatie m ei ^ u ii ci,- i. 2, a ce m r.eceis and additie"ai cornponents depicted on the ASMF Nection XI lloundary PAIlyn will be performed in accordance with the Itepair and Iteplxement Prognon (iteference 1.1.17).

33 EX ANilNNilONS Gl' AI,

'Ihe bulk of the ISI l'mgram is the planned periodic examinations of specific components as required by Section XI. This section devribet iho Code acquirements which have been osal as criteria for determining uhich specific Class 1. 2 and 3 (omponents require examination during the second and third impertion ivriods ol the first impection interval. It describes the philmophy utihred for selection and implem ntation of component examitntiom along with the bask used for performing the evaluatim al examination results. Sechom 4.0 through 9 0 proside s suminary of the specilic m ,n ot poups of examinations (i c. Code 12.xamination Catwory and item Numbeo plannot for the Iteactor Prrssure Vend. Clast I and 2 utids, bolimp and components, Cim 3 to;npmenta, pressure testing, and the component supports. I herefore, these sections destibe how I'lTo plans to implement the

. requirements of subsection IWil, IWC, lWI), nnd IWl: of the Code, for i GS 1.


S NI;.42, lies. I IGS1 1%l l* ogsam l' age 30 ofSi t 3.6.1 INamination and lest Itenuiremenh lixarnination and test acqmrements fm CI:m 1. 2. and 3 cornponents will be in anordame with ANMii Section XI,194 l'dition, Ial4a IWil IWC . and IWI) 2$001, for the specific !!urnination Category and item Numbei 3.5.2 Aterritance Niandmeds Acceptance standards for Class I,2, and 3 components will be in accordance with ANMl!

Sectico XI,19% 1:dition, Tables IWib, IWC . and IWI) 2500-1. for the stainc

!!xarnination Category and llem Number 3.5.3 Selection Ilmsk l'or a given population, items selected for 141 examination ns identified in the l'rogram Tables represents the minirnum required items to he eummed -luring the ceond and third inspection periods, to satisfy the Code requirements Ahemate setections may be rnade, provided the minimum quantity of Code requited currunations is not reduced and code required selection criteria is not violated. Additionally,if system n odifications result in an increase to the component population, the samphny criteria, as described herein, with consideratiam to Al AIM and access shall be used to select any required additional component examinations Claw I Welds The extent of exatnination for Class I piping welds (Category 11.11is in acconlame with the 74575 IMition of ASMit Section XI. A representative sample of 25"i, of Class I piping welds, pminted by system, has been selected for esamination during the litst interval. The ronnected to other component

  • where stresiinch eseced either of the fotowing limit, n -
1. I'rifunt) plus seCondafy Sitc9 ittlef)sily latipe of 2 4Sm 2 Cumulative usm factor (t!) of 4 4 O

puis-up Spetification NI:.42, llen i IG4l lSl l'rogt atn l' age 31 of El O io"riiea>"ai "<'n i"ic>s<<ii"r "> eiinc 'imt<a "><"'"ic'<" iia "<< aiso,<deimi 1e be mmb,ca n,-,mda, metai a- .<m hm am,,,,mi ,e n n ,,,,,, ii.e.

and shall be examinnt in an ordante woh the UN. nide 1(ulra for that Category 3.53.2 Claw 2 Wehh Sclet tion of ist Clau 2 o n <c nt,. . v utids o. in anordance with the rules of the 1%f.

1:dition of AS$11: Section 31 i w i ; harnitunon Fattrotics C.171 Pnw 4 te" 8?tfNnit4e Wrhh in ,\nstcrutit Stainlcu Strol of Ilip.h Alloy Pipir4 am' DIL2 l'irumt fWhany Wehk in FatNin or i mv Alloy Steel l'ipmr As sudi. the following ruh's are gphed

1) 'i he wads scler ted for rsarnination include 7 5%, but not leu than 2R wehh, of all O ae-e* sionw-a ~ i b +x -mm or.i. ama an <*~ aea i- +x ma w<u,n,c.r.2., m mpo,xiwC.i 2o re,th<,.scu<,um ef aa,n, examination are subject to the following triteria-a) ~1 he exafinit)S'ionti 8 hall be dt tributed afilotig the Clau 2 %)ttyms prorated, to the derrte practicable, on the nurnber of nonexcinpt austenitic stainleu steel or high alloy wthh for C.1:-l and carbon or low alloy wehb for C-l .2, for each spienn b) Within a wstem the exarnitiationi. sliall be distnbuted ainong terminal ernh and 7tructural d:stontinuities provated. to the device piacticable, on the number of terniinal ends and struttnial divonlinuittes in rath sytteln; and  ;

c) Within eac h system, exarninations shall be distributed between line sires prorateI to the depec piacticable O

NI: 42, Itn. I thl IN' Nysam P ' of 8il O >> ci>" a>-i oin " t i "<ia' "'e -t 'r-i' ii> a nc-ca i" the c tecom c i i n' O.r.2 edes re, ihn.u, l ., p,,,_ aii a-,,mu, m<cd .<us 1_ i n included in Catcrory U lil and all will b,- win tcd tot etainination Multi Component Corutpt l'or Clau 1. 2. and 3 tornponents of snndat A urn. me, functmn. and settu r. tertam catepotics of examinatioin ny be palonned on onb one of these inultiple (otnponents, or divided among the components sut h that the total noinber of tsalninations periormed is equivalent to the number that would be prefortned it onh onc of the mmponents was rompletely examined This enulti mmrentni mm ert is used in this INI Prograin and is indicated in the apphrable examination cattroncs hsttd in Nu tions 4 o thtough 9 0 of this document. Those itenn quahlying as multiple oitoponents ate identined in the INI 1 abits by lkling the speci6c multi compornnt group numbet in the notes colotnn of the table.

Derefore, for those Code examination taterotics to abk h the multi cony.onent mntert applici, ofily olie cortipollent (or the t'quivilent id ofic t omlNiticlit), to a group ol coinponents, which have the same snuhi coinponent rioup noinber, will be (elected for O -min +e.

3.5.4 ImrIrmentation in nemidance with ANMI: Sntion XI. lW A.24 m. n11 portions of the INI program confonn to ID*pectioll Ufoff atn Il of INA 2432 EloplHin 11 debfles IbV ilopettion ildetVal as 101) year $, A(Lordillf yl the I (3h I [ttst in5pNtion !!)tCD al IN s( hcduled to end on

.lanuaty 31,1996 All Code required exatninations identified m this INI Plogratn nust be completed by this date, unicu the intural n extended .n accordance with IWA 243n(d) andmt IWA 243n(e)


't he duration of the periods are: I If St Pelind - 3 yealt, hetotid Period . 4 yeaf s; Third Period - 3 yeart As allowed by IWit 2412(b). these duratuun mm be dnreased or extended by one year, to enable an examination to romtide with a plant outape, provided the net incrrase or decreer over the ten seat intenal does not exceed one Scar. I ne first petind requirements were satisned at the mmpletion of refuehng outage No 2, which l O l l


_ ..___ _ _.__._ _ _._ ___ _ _ _ _ ._ _ m , . . - _ . _ . _ _ _ . -

Speelfication Nt;.42, Hen 1 1GN1 .

1%I Psoge am l' age 33 of N1 l O e<<"" "i e" " x i'. '*** iais n'" " ~ '<n"1s'ac <' -i" 'ie"s s<' deica '" se perfonned during the remaimics of the second atal the thiid insportion periods.

In a klition to coinpleting all Code reqt.hed exarninanons by the end of the inten'al.

Section XI requires examinations to be completed peopteuively during the intenal, in I accordance with the follouing table:

'l able 3.41

!)htribution of 1:xaminations I)oring the intonal Period l'xamination Compjetion bl 16% ininimum and not to excent 31% of the total examinationt l

2nd $0% minimum and not to exceed 67% of the total exatmnations This includes the examinatiorn petformed during the lit Period.


3rd 100% of all required examinations (total for all three perioth)

O Itequired examinations within this program shall be implemented in accordance with the interval distribution defmed in the above trible unless otherwise stated. lixemtions to itnplementation by intenal distribution for certain examinations and/or enterories of examinations are provided in the Code and are as followse Certain examinations may only be conducted during a refueling outage 'I hose esaminations will be noted as it() l/W in the nheduliog icquirements column of the ISI Tables, and rhall be perfonned at the ist refueling outage and nt subsequent refueling ontares at approximately 3 year intervalt,.

r lixaminations which must be conducini during a specific period These examinations will be nnied as Pl anddor P2 and/or P3, as appropriate,in the ISI ~1 ables, i

Psaminations which may be conducted anytime durmy the interval, including deferral until the end of the interval. 'I hese examinations will be noted as IDI for Tnd of Interval' in the Isl Tables

Sperilirsilon ,

NI:.42, lin, I r 1.G S. I i 1%l l' sort am l'apr 34 of HI O -

iuaminetie", hi<n --"at< ri>ce hee ih< ra"iceiar <enu eneni is i disancinbled, or diunembl 3of other mmponents provides accen to a normally inancuible torntonent 'Ihew examinations will be noted as I)lNS in the INI 'l ab!ct l'or iterm within a multi cornponent troup. where only one of the inultiple cornponents inct be etainined at time of dnauembly, the

  • exatninution will be noird as lilNG in the INI ~1 able  ;

I 3.5.5 Suretuhe 1% aminaties l l

For Clau I and 2 mmponents, should component namination resulin requite evaluation of i flaw indications in accordaner with IWil 300n'lWC 30G9, and the cornponent k analytically accepted for continued service then the meas containing such flaw indications or selevant  !

conditions will be 5.cheduled in the INI l'rogram for sucecuhr riaminatiom in accordance 4 with IWil.2420 and IWC 2420 for Clan 1 and 2, tespecthcly. i I

3.56. Ad litional IN aminatium O vmCl- iaea2mmnen - wr - iniemt- nea - ms ha - diw Code accel tunce standards, examinations will be estended to include additional examinatiom in accordance with IWil 2410 and IWC 2430 for rian 1 and Clau 2, respectively.

I i

3.6 Hl:1.lll' Hl:Ql11NIS In c. ors where the Scotion XI sequirements have been detennined to be impractical to (olNh N e 5 i Iqufs s N$YE EEn Iffar(d il\ afroIdancU W kh '

10CI R50 55a(p)($)(iii).

All requests for relief from the examination requirements of Subsectiom IWil, IWC iWI) or IWF of Sectior XI willinclude the following as a minimum' 1, A Ullkquf a! Pha'flutnOfiC idCllliflPl for l!!C N0bCI N04uf$t.

l l

l O [

l l

_ , _ _ _ . . , _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . , _ _ . _ . . . _ , . . . _ ~ _

Nperincellon Ni;-42. Itro 1 1.G %.1 ISIProgenm Page M ofNI ,

t 'lhe ikutifiers for Clau 1,2, anni 3 llehrf itequests will tale the following format.

Itit YZ Whrte:

Illt - Itrliel itequest YZ a Sequentially nuirned two dirit number

2. Identification of the component (s) for whirl, schof from Nection NI requirementa it requented. 't his shall include a brief den tiption of the cornponent's function.
3. The ASMl! Code Clau,1%ntnmation Cateroty, and item Nurnber.
4. 'the specific ASMit Co le esaminatim. tequarment(s)innu which tehrf is requested 5 Information which justifies the request for schel.
6. When applicable, a description of the alternate examination or test which will be performed in lien of the ASMl! Code requiicinents.
7. The uhrdule for implementation of the alternate examination or test.

Relief itequests can be found in Appendix A.

3.7 I; val.UATION Ol'l;N ANflNA llON Ill;$1'l lS Applicable ISI examination results will be evaluated in accordance with Section XI,

. Article IWA 3100 If (nteria is not specified in Nection NI, the evaluation will usihzc the criteria of the original Construction Code as allowed by IWA 3100(b).

3.8 Hl:Polt i S-O >"'ervi<< i"'nc< tie" s" - >> <<re<t re, ci"" i 2 "mi > n'<-",< <<t i"i"r <e"" ""<"t-e.._.,c , . . , , . _ - . . , _ -,%

Specifiradon NI',.42, lien l l lGSl INIPrograns page 36 i,i HI O "a inci' "re" - ii 8< n'<r '<a " 'e<"" r><"" "'< <a i"sr<<'i"" ro>" > <a a"<>" -

,ui,,, ee,an. An ,,a,,dnaoe,,s and ,,s,s <eean< ica s,,, o,< p,m,#n, summ.,,y ,<re,t sh:4 be indudwl The *.uinmary irport uill be prepared in acc ontatu e with IWA-t 220. and will indode the following as apphc able:

1) Nurnbers nuirned to the mmpononti b3 the Ntate. Municipahty, or !'rovince; i

h) balko!Ull Itoaft1 Nuriibers auirtwd to flic rotnpotu rits by die triariufacturer;

3) 'Name of the romponents arni dev riptiom, including sire. rapacity, inaterial, location, and drawings to aid idoni'6 cation;-
4) Natne and address of snanufactutrrn,
5) Manufactureri cotoponent identification nurnbets:

O e n el m m pich e n ef n, m a,,,in . ,,. ,<s,. ,,pla<< m ,e,. ,, ,,pai,;

7) Name of ANil whn witneued os otherwise verified the examinations, tests, replacements, or repaits, and the inspector's employer and busincu addrew, when required.

R) Abstract of esaminations, tests, replarcenents, or repairs perforrned, mnditions recorded and corrective measures tecommended or taken;

4) Signature of ANil. when t quited;
10) Owner's lleport for Irisersice Irispectiotis, l'orin NIL 1, arid ()wrict's lleport for iteraits or Iteplacements,1:orin NI%2-The subject Inservice inspection Stnninary iterort will be filed with enforce ~ ment and tryulatory authorities within 90 dap of completion of the examinations conducted during theoutage.


. . . _ - . . - . - . . . - . - - . - . ~ _ - . - _ - . _ . ~ - - - _ - - - .

Specifiestion Nl: 42, llo. I IGS1 INI l'sogram l' age 37 of NI


4.0 RI'AriO}l l'Riisst tRl: Yl:ssi'I. (f(l'Y) l N ellN VIIONs Code lixarnination Categories arnier item Nuinhen w hic h apply rulushely to picnurbed water reactor (l' Wit) plants are speedkall) ruluded from thn document.

4.1 l'itl'.SSUlti: RI:lAINING Wl:1.1)% lN ill.WlOlt Yl:hNi:1,(CA ll:GOltY ll. A)

{tymt Ill.10 Slitli Wtlic Nec itenn ll1.11 ami 111.12 foi sperine 13 pes of webh subje<l to esaminallon.

llem 111.ll Citrutnferential item 111.12 longitudinal Scope of lixamination I-:.,entially 100";. of the wcld length of all circumferential and longitudinal shell welds O i:xaminatien s<hedeie - i:na ef intervai <itOil 1)heussion Ccmplete examination of all reactor vessel shell welds in not nractical due to plant design. Relief for specific Category II. A wehh is rcqunted in lle'ici Itequest f(It 01.

-l tem 111.20 llead Wohlu See llenn 111.21 ami 111.22 for sperint t>pn of wilds wbject to examination.

! Item 118.21 - Circumfrornfini Item 111.22 Steridional l Scope of lisamination - !!ssentially 100*'n of the m truible wehl length of all circumferential and meridional bottom head welds -

itxamination Schedule - 1 nd of Interval (1 Oli filottom Ilcad Welds only)

Interval I*tribution (II)) - (lop Ilead Wehh only)


i St wincetion .

Ni C, Hei. I I I GS l {

ISI Program j l' age.tN of Ni h Discussion Complete raamination of all bottom licml titrumferential and meridional wekk is not practical due to imuted noen due to wntrol rod drim I he accciuhle length of '

these wehh shall be examined per iable IWitEnn 1 )

Item 111.,10. Stall in ilange Wsid Scojv of !!xamination l~tsentially inM of the wohl length of the shell-to flanpc weld I

lixamittallort Sthtdult"

1. Interval l)istribution (llh; or 2 l' int Period and 'I hird Period (Pl. P.4 The examination of the shell to-finnec wW may eithen be periorturd in part tinourhout the inspection interval (i c. Inten al distribution) m during the far: and third penmh to coincide with the Category ll D noule examinations. When the latter option is taken, at least 50%  ;

of the weld should be completed by the tral of the firei period, and the remaini'ig portions completed during the third period.

O Discunion t>ltramnie angle bram examination of the shell to Onnge wcld is not practical from the flange face, and therefore, will be performed from the shcIl side of the wcld only.

As provided by IWil 25001, straight beam exarninntion techniqc s frorn the flante face will be utilized in examination of the shell to flanpc wchl.

jlem lil A0 licad to 11ange Wohl Scope of lixamination 100% of the wchl sength of the head to llange wohl.

lixamination Schedule Interval Distnbution til))

Discussion 'the head to flanpc weld, unhke the other Category ll A welds, requires both a

- wrface and volumetric examination.

licm 111.50. Repair Welde Seeitem 111.51 for specific types of repair wrkh subject to examination.


Specification NI;-42. Rn. I 1.GF 1 ISI l'roge am Page 39 of 81 g item 111.51 Ileltline llegion Scope of Examination All wehl repair areas within the llelthne region.

Ilxaminriion hehedule - I nd of Inten al (1 Oh Discussion - All rnaterial (base metal) wehl repairs in the beltline region where repair depth e"ceds 10"' nominal of the vessel wall shall be examined. If th( location of the repair is not positively and accurately know n, then the ind vidual shell plate, forging, or shell course containing the repair shall be included in the examination Note: As of the date of preparation of this document, there were no renair welds which qualify for these item Numbers 4.2 ITI.I. PENI;TR ATION WEl.DS Ol' NO771.I;S IN VI.SSI:1.S- INSPI:C l'lON PROGR AM II(CATEGORY ll D) h Note: Inspection Program A is not applicable to the I GS I ISI Program.

Reactor Yesspl item Il3M)- Nonle-to-Vessel Welds item 113.100 - Nonle laside Radias Section Scope of lixamination 100"h of all nonle to teuct welds and nonle inside radius sections.

Examinatian Seheaule-

1. 1st Period (Pll At least 25'h but not more than 50a/a of the noules (both exams) l shall be examined by the end of the Brst inspretion period.


2. 2nd Period (P2) See 3rd Period.


Specification NI: 42, Ret i 1GS1 ISl Program Page40 of El

3. 3rd Period (P3) The remainder of nor/les. not examined during the first period, shall be completed by the end of the 3rd Period, (i c. the end oft U.spection interval).

Note: Iham schednic fot the abmc is indicated in the ISI Program 'lable as Pi,3 thcussion I'or nonles greater than ten (10) inches nominal diameter, l'FCo has elected to extend the nonle inside raden examination vohnne beyond ASMI'. Code requirements See Augmen:rd inspection l'rogram4 ( Al!G h 4.3 l'RI'.SSURI: RITI'AINING l'AH II Al. I'l:NI; Tit ATi()N Wl:1.1)N IN VIWSI;I.S (CATI;G()ltY ll.I')

Item 114.10 - Partial Penetration Weide See itrim Il4.11, !!4.12, and 114.13 fnr e,pecific items subject to examination, item 114.11 Veuel Noules item bl.12 Control Emi l) he Nonics item 114.13 - Instrumentation Nonles Discussion - See Section 8.1, Class l Pressure Test Pmgram.

~ 4.4 PRlWSUR1: RITI'AINING I)lSSIMli, Alt MI'TA1. WI:1.1)S (Call:GoltY ll I')

s Note: Category 11 l: welds will not be hsted on the ISI l'rogram Tables of the Reactor l'rcssure Vessel. Instead, all Category Il-l: welds will be identified on the ISI Pmgram Tables of the system containiny the subject weld. If a system does not exist, the welds will be listed under the title *lli'V Appurtenances"(RPV APP).

Reactor Ves.sel item 115.10 NPS 4 or I.arger Nonle to-Safe I ml Ilutt Wehls t

Specification NB:-42, lies. I 1.G S- 1 ISI l'r ogt am l' age 41 of 81 O i'" iis :a - i - in s i s 4 s e " i<-' 8 '< i a iiei' w <'is Scope of fixamirntion 100"h of all nonic-to-sale end butt welds that meet the dmimilar metal requirements.

lixarnination Schedule:

1. Inten al 1)isuibution (11)). or
2. I;irst Period Third l'eriod (l't,1) Itcatim sessel nonic safe end welds may be examined coincident with the veswl nonic wcid examinations required by Category ll l) See l'arapaph 42 I)iwussion There are dissitoilar metal welds between the low alloy noule forgings and the piping system c i all noules except those on the Main Steam and I;cedwater Systems. and llead Spray and Vent lines Itcartor Veswl item 11530 Nonic-to-Safe I:ml Socket Welds Not applicable to I GS 1. There are no Itcactor Vessel nonle to safe end dissimilar metal socket welds.

4.5 Pill 3St lti:. I:l AINING llOllllNG GIti: Nil:lt 'Ill AN 2"IN 1)l AMI:'ll:It (CATI:GoltY 11 G 1)

Itcartor Veswl item 116.10 - Closure licad Nu;s item 116.20 - Closure Simis, n place item 116.30. Closure Studs when renuned item 116 40 'lhn ads in Ilange O

l l

Specification NI:-42, Itet. I 1.GS 1 ISi l'sogram l' age 42 of 81 Item Il6.% - ( losure Washers, ilushings Scope of lixamination All closure head nuts fliti.10), studs (lledo,11630L threads in flange stud holes (116 et closure washers (llfdoi Ihere are no bushings currently used in the Iteactor vessel flange at I GS 1. ~l hicads in Dance stod holes only require examination in the event the connections are disauembled I!xamination Schedule - Ifach of the following

1. Interval 1)istnbution (11)) - Closure head nuts, st . ids (in place) and washers
2. 1)isassembly (lilSN) - Closure head stuth require both surface and volumetric examination when the studs are remosed 'l breads in base material of Ganges are required to be examined only up<m dissassembly.

4.6 l'iti:SSUlti:-il171 AINING 1101:1ING, 2" ANI) 1.1;SS IN 1)I AMI l'l:K (C ATI:GoltY O >>-c-:>

lleactor Vessel item 117.10 - llotts, Studs, and Nuts Scope of I!xamination All bolts, studs, and nuts.

Examination Schedule - Internal thstribution (11))

1)iscussion llotting may be ,xamined in place under tension, when the connection is disassembled, or w hen the bolting is iemoved 0111) llomines item 117.80 - llolts, Studs, and Nuts O s<ere or nxemi">>ie" - ^ii sei."a' "a "=is "" cit >> """'i"es

Specification NI:-42, llet. I l.GS 1 ist l'sograni l' age 43 of 81 O i:'arei" >ie" s<nca"ie ""i> <xami"<a "he" asa' maica<"i

4.7 INil:Gil AI. ATI'ArilNil:N'IS l'Olt VlW%I:IS(('ategor3 ll-lli 11<a<<<* V m <1 Item I18.10 Integrall 3Wolded Attachments Scope of 1:xatnination 100% of the length of the lil'Y support skirt attachinent weld and weld buildup, and all stabilver bracket attacionent welds-lixamination Schedule Interval 1)istribution (llh Discussion The examination method for Category 1111 is solumetric or surface, as applicable. Typically a vo!mnetric examination of the integra! attachment weld con 0gurations is not practical; however, for the specine connpuration illustrated in O i=isere iwil 2s00-i4. a veiemetri< <xam6naiio" ma> ne r<,reon<a in ii<" ef the serra<<


4.8 INTI:ltlOlt Ol'lti:ACTOlt VI:SSI:1.(CATI:GoltY ll-N 1) ANI) INTI:Gil AI.1,Y WI:1.DI:1) C0111: Stit'I'OR I SIItt'OII 11IN ANI) IN'lI:ltiOlt ATI'ACllNil:NTS 'IO -

RI:ACIOlt Vl5N1:1.S(CATI GoltV It N-21 Ilearlor Vcwel item 1113.10 - Vewel Interior Itcactor Venel(llWit)

Item 1113.20 - Interior Attachments Within licllline llegion item 111330 - Interior Attachments lic3ond licilline llegion O it<- iii ,4a - cere s en 8 s'r"<t"><

Specification NI:-42, lles. I 11;S 1 INI l'rogr am l' age 44 of 81 h Scope of lisamination - All accruible areas above and below the core of the vruct shcIl interiot surfaces aful etitical intertial tornponents (111310), tessel intetior attachment weltls (1113 20, 1113.30) atul core support situciute soilares (1613 40)

, m _m,,o n .. , , _ , , , , , _

l. Itefuelmp Outages (It(b ll3Y) All s euel intenor areas and internal cornponents (1113.10) made neccuible by teinmal of components during a relocling outare shall

[ be examined during the 1st icfueling outare and escry oiber refueling outage ihmeanu (approximmiy one. nr romat 2 Und of Interval (l'OI) Appbcable to interior attac hment welds (1113,20,1113 30) and the Core Suppor1 Structure (1113 40) only.

4.9 l'ill3NUlti

Ill"I' AININ(; Wl:1 DS IN ( ON l'ltol. ItOl) IlOI: SIN (;S (CNI1:(;OltY 11- 0 )

llem 1114.10 - Wehls in CitD llousing r

beope of I5Xalrlknalkoll - l'ressure'retaillillp M elds ill 10"h 4's( tile perkp}leMll ('111) llouskt)@s Discussion - Welds in the periphetal CitD bousines are exempted from examination per IWil 1220(a). See reference i 1 lf, for calculation tjustification 4.10 AI.I. l'ill3SI'Itt'. Ill:TAININ(; COTIPONININ ((Wil;(;OltY ll-l')

Discussion - See Section R.I. Class I l'reuure i est l'royram.

I t


Sgwelfirstion NI: 42, Itet. 1 1.GS 1 ISI l'rogram Page45 of Ni h-J 5.0 Cl.4SS I Wi l.I)S, Ilul/IING, ANI) COTil'ONl:NT 1:N A%11NA l~lONS (I:XCI UDING Till: 1(l'Y)

This section applies to Class I wehh. boltine and component examinations other than the itPV.1% amination categories applicable to the lil'Y are discmsed in Section 4 0. Code l$xalnination Categories andiot liefn Nufnbel% MhK h apply ekluNiVely to presstiriled water reactor (PWlO plants are specifically culuded f rom thh document,(i c. Iham Categories 1111 and 110) 5.1 PillNSUlti;111:1 AINING 1)lSSINill. Alt All:I AI. Wl:1.1)S (CATI GoltY 1111 Note: Category ll F wehh will not be listeti on the INI Program Tables of the Itcactor Preuure Vessel. Instead, all Category 111 wehh will be identified on the ISI Program Tables of the system containing the subject weld if a system does not exist, the welds will be listed under the title 'lll'V Apportenances" (ItPV-APP).

Piping item 115.130 NPS 4 or I,arger I)issimilar Nietal Ilutt Wehh item 115.140 - i.ev ~lhan NPS 4 I)ioimilar %letallinit Wehls item 115.150 1)iwimilar Sletal Socket Welds Scope of lixamination All dinimilar metal nonetempt pipe welds.

lixamination Schedule - Interval Dktribution (Ilh Discussion . 'Ihis cateFory applies to dinimilar metal wekk in piping systems. This includes combinations of carbon or low alloy slech to high alloy steck, carbon or low alloy steck to high nickel alloys, and high alloy stech to high nickel alloys.


Sperincetion NI:-42, lies. I 1.GS.1 -

ISI Program Page46 of 81 5,2 Pitl'.SSUitI: 111:TAINING 110lllING Git 1:A 1l'.It Til AN 2'IN 111 AMI'Il'.It .

(CATI: Golly ll G 1) fi .d!!E t

Item 116.150 - lloits and Studs item Il6.t60 - llange Surface uhen connection disawemidnl item 116.170 - Nuts, linshings, and Wastiers Valves item 116.210 - Iloits and Stu/s lacm 116.220 - I'lange Surface when connection diuwemidnt O

V Item 116.230 - Nuts, Ilushings, and Washers Not applicable to 1 GS 1. There is no Class I bohing preater than 2" diameter for piping or valces utilized in the system design.

Pumtw item 116.180 - lloits and Sinds item 116.190 - Ilange Surface uhen unnection disassembled item 116.200 . Nuts, Innshings, and Washers Scope of Exarnination All studs, bolts, nuts. and washers. Shouhl the flanged connection be disassembled, the threads in flange stud holes anti I" annular surface of the Gange surrounding stud or bolt shall be examined 'I here are no bushings currently used in these bolted connections at 1,GS 1.


__. _ -_ _m,

Specificath n NI;-42, itet . I lGN1 ISI l'sont am l' age 47 of El O T he c a mi"aiio"' efibis caterem m ax e n h'm'<d 'o 'n< noio"r efthe re m n sei<< icd for exammation under category 111 -2 lharnination Sc hedule:

1. Imamine one in a group when disassembled (iilMil Ilocads in llange stoil holcs and flange surfaces only, and
2. Interval ihtribution (11)) lloits. studt ami nuts Ibcuvion The Itcactor llecirculation l' umps :ue the oniv Clau i pumpt in accordance with the multi component concept, examinations of bolts, studs and nuts will be performed on only one pump on linit 1. Ilolting may be esanoned in place under tension, when the connection is disauembled, or when the bolting is ren'oved Isamination of threads in flange sted holes and flange surfaces will be performed w henever the pump is ihsawembled 5,3 l'Rl;SSUlti;-Rl:1 AINING lloll LING ,2~ ANI) 1.l;SS IN l>l AMl;'ll;It (CATI:GOltY ll G 2)

O u m,,,

Item 117 f>0 - llolts, Studs, and Nuts Not applicable to I GS 1. 'Ihere are no Clau I Pomps u hu h tontain imiting 2* diaincter or less.

l'iPing item 11750 11011s, Studs, and Nuts ,

Valses item 117.70 lloits, Studs, and Nuts Scope of examination All bolts, studs, and nuts in nonesempt Clau I piping and in O certain seic<ied cia- i vaives

Sperintation NI: 42, Itri. I 1.G S.1 ISI l'sogs am l'agr 48 of El That is for valve boltmg, slush and tmts, cumunations are hmited to the vahes selected for trainination under Category 1151-2 (i c; one r.the within a ploup of Valers which ate ytcater than 4 inch and of the sarne si/r, ron'tructiotnl desipu atid inanufacturing inethod, and that perform sitnilar systern function 4 l'xamination Sthedule - Interval lhsinbution (lib 5.4 l'Rl3Si % .I:TAINING Wl:1.1)N IN l'll' LNG O ' Vil;GOltY 11.I) llem Il910 NPS 4 or I.atger: Ser itrim 119.1l aml 119.12 for s[wriGr t) prs of wolds subiert to rtatnination, item 119.11 Cirrumfriential Wehh jtem t 119.12 - I,ongitudinal Wrkh llem 119.20 - than NI'S 1: See itena 119.21 aini 119.22 for speriGr t)pos of welds O s#uie<i 'e e i" lie .

Item 119.21 Circumferential Welds lirrn 119.22 - 1.ongitudinal Wehh lirm 119.1l0 - Ilranch I'ipe Connection Wehh: Ser itenn ll9.31 vul 119.32 for speriGr types of urhh suli{ ret to esamination.

Item 119.31 - NI'S 4 or I.arger llem 119.32 - 1. css llum NPS 4 Item 119.40 - Socket Welds Scope of 1:xaminations - 25*h of all nonet.enipt circumferential and branch connection pipe welds per the 74N75 lidition of Section XI (Reference Section 2.21) All longitudmal pipe O

Specifics: tion NI;42, lies,i 1.GS- 1 ISI Program l' age 49 of El welds intersecting any of the aclected circurnferential welds shall also be exarnined for a length of at least one (1) pipe diarneter, but not more than 12 inches,

!!xamination Schedule Interval i)istribution (11))

Discuuiori Weldt selected for cAatninalion lepicsent areas capected to experictice higher stresses. If system tuotlificatiom iesult in an increase to the weld population, a c wntative sampling criteria, with con 4atiom in AI.All A. access, geometry, stress levels, etc., will be ined to select the - ' ' 'bmal wchis Note: All Clau I, dinimilar mett '-

neco designated as rode Category 11-1; wthis and theref, for exaniination in accordance witti the rules of C, u + i1) 5.5 IVIT.Gil Al, NITACllMl;.VIS l'Olt l'II'ING, Pl:MPS, AD C AINI;S (CATI:GOltY ll K 1) h Yahes llom 111030 - Integrally Wolded Atlathinrnts G ,

design, Pipinc 110:11 ll10,10 Integrally W0ldCd AtlMhntrlll%

Pumps llriti Ill0,20 + IlllegTally Weld 0ll Attaclin10nis Scope of 1% amination - 25% of all integrally wclded attachments to piping required to be l examined under lixamination Category ll I and the uchied attachments to pumps associated with this piping that meet the following conditiorn

-- -_ - .~ . . ._ , ._

Specification NE-42, lies. I 1.GS 1 ISI Program Pagc50 of 81 O- <> The 'i <nme"'i' ""ine ee'siac '"<'"<< "r'ne e<<' sere re' i" tea c"- Pe"<"i (b) The attachment provides component support as defined in NI -ll!0, (c) The attachment base material design thickneu is 5!8 in. or greater, and Note: The base n aterial design thickness is the thickness of the plate or other materh.] product form from which the integral attachtnent was fahticated. l'or tubular stanchiorts, the base material design thickness is the nominal wall thickness of the tubular stanchion (d) The attachment weld joins the attachment either directly to the surface of the component or to an integrally cast or forged attachment to the component.

P,xamination Schedule. Interval 1)istribution (Ilh I)iscussion A surface examination is planned for integral attachments in this category.

liowever, a volumetric examination may be used if the integral attachment has a fu.I h penetration weld to an appurtenance of the component, as allowed by ASMi!Section XI.

Table IWil 2500-1 Category ll K-1, Note (4).


Pumns item 1112.10 - Pump Cadng Welds Not appt eable to I,GS 1 There are no pressute-retaining ucids in Class I pump casingt 5.7 PUMP CASINGS (CATEGoltY I11.-2)

Pumps item 1112.20 -_ Pump Casings

Sperincation NI: 42, Ites. I I.GS 1 ISI Program l' age 51of81 h Scope of lixamination - Muhi. component concept is applicable laaminations are limited to the interior surface of one pump in each pnmp of ptunps performing similiar functions within the system I!xamination Schednle 1)lSG per Itelief itcquesi

!)iscussion - The only purnps in this category subjett to examinatmn are those in the Reactor llecirculation system. VT .1 examinations will be scheduled and performed when the pumps are disassembled for maintenance reasons per Itclief itequest Rit 02 5.8 l'iti:SSUHI III;TAINING Wl:1.f)S IN VAIXI: 1101)l' :(CNI1:GOltV 11411)

Yahes Itcrn 1112.30 - Yahrs Than NPS 4. Vahe limly Wohls item !!!2.40 Vahes NPS 4 or I.arger,Yahe lim 13 Wehls Ov Not applicable to I GS 1. There are no valve body welds.

- 5.9 VAINI: IlODII:S (CATI: Golly 11412)

Item 1112.50 - Yahe ilmly, threcding NPS 4 Scope of litamination - Multi component concept is applicabic. lixaminations are limited to one valve within a proop of valves that are of the same functional design (plobe, gate, check), manufacturing method, and Ihat perfonn similar functions within the system.

IIxamination Schedule - 1) LNG per Itchef Itequest I)iscussion - The VT 3 examination of the internal surfaces of one vahc body from cach multi component group of vahes will be performed if any valve f rom the group is disassembled for maintenance purposes, per llelief 1(equest IIR 03.


. - . - - - m-, -, w e -

Specification l NI: 42. Iten !

1.GS 1 ISI l'togram Page52 of NI O s.ia Ai.i. enissi iti: iti:isixixc Cosiroxixis ICxii:coitv ii-r>

Discussion - See Section 81. Class I l'ressute i est l'iogram 6.0 Cl. Ass 2 Wl:1 DN,1101:1ING, ANI) CON 1pONINI IT ATIIN A' LIONS 6.1 PRIWSI Hl: 111:1 AINING Wl:1.1)N IN l'RI ant'Itt VlWNI'lS(CNII~.GOltY C- A)

Item 01.30 'luhesheet to Shell Welds Not applicable to i GS 1. There are no welds of this type utihred at 1.GS.

Item C1.10 - Shell Circumferential Welds item Cl.20 - llead Circumferentiai Welds Scope of lixamination lhamination of 100"., of the weld lensh of shell circumferential O weias et a cress streeterai diseeeiiemix. se<h e' e ,heii ie riante wehi aea heea te-sheil circumferential welds. The multi component concept is applicable. in that the requirements may be limited to one vessel or distributed among vessels of similar size, design, and service.

The only Clan 2 vessels that are in scope for this examination category are the IlllR lleat l'xchangers. These heat exchangers qualify for the muhi-component approach. _

lixamination Schedule - Interval Distribution (Ilh Discussion - The shcll circumferential welds on the selected Rillt Ileat lixchanger will be examined to the extent pouible as describcd in Relief itequest RR 06. There is a circumferential weld located approximatel> at the center of each 111111 lleat I!xchanger, however this weld is not a structural discontinuity 6.2 PRESS 11RI: Hl l'AINING NO771.1:Wl:1.DN IN VI SSI:1.SICA'I1: GORY C-It)

Item C2.10 - Nonles in Vessels 51/2 in. Nominal 't hicknew See item C2.ll for specific area subject to examination O

Speci0 cation NI -42, lies. I 1.G S- 1 ISI l'rogram l' age 53 of HI O i'<- c: ii - se"ie 'e s*<'i <er ii< ai w<ia jt tm C2.10 Nonle With ltrinforcing I'lalcin Vowels > I/2 in. Nominal 'Ibirknew See items C2.31, C2.32, ami C2.33 foi sperlut mea snliiert to esamination item C2.31 - Itcinforcing I' late Welsh to Nonic aml Yewel jtem t C2.32 Nonte-to Shell (or licad) Wehh When inside of Venel h Accewihte item C2.33 Nonle-tmShell (or licad) Wolds When inside of Vessel h inaccewihle Not applicable to 1 GS 1 I'laat design does not utilue noules of these types item C2.20 Nonics Without Itcinforcing I' late in Vessh > l/2 in. Nominal 'Ihicknew See items C2.21 and C2.22 for specific area sulicci to esamination item C2.21 - Nonle-tmShell (or licad) Wold O

ltem C2.22 Nonle inside Itadius Scotion Scope of lixamination . All noules integrally wehled or cast to veueb which are connected ta piping examined under I!xamination Category C-1:-l or C . 2 lixaminations shall _

include nonle to shell (or head) wchl and the nonic insule rmhus section. 'I he multi component concept is applicable.

lixamination Schedule - Interval I)istribution (ID) 63 IN'l1;Gil Al. A ITAril%11NIS l'Olt VI:SSI:1.S.I'll'ING, I'l"\ll'S ANI) V AINI;S (CATI: golly C-C) vah es item C3.40 - Integrall3 Wehled Atlarhments O sei criic sic '" i os i i ncr< re "" i"icer,' eii,<nm<" ie ci4- 2 v>ues-

_ _ . . . _ _ . .- - - - . . . . - . _ ~

Specification NI:-42, Itet, 1 1.GS- 1 ISI l'rogr am l' age 54 of M l'ressure Vewels llem C3.10 - Ir.legrally Welded Allachments l'iping Rem C3.20. Integrally Wtidnt Allmhments Pumps llem C3.30. Integrall> Weidnl Attachments Scope of !!xamination - 25% of allintertal attachments to vessels, piping and pumps l

required to be eumined under lixamination Catecones C it-1, C i 2, and C G, that meet the following conditions.

(a) The attachment h on the outside surface of the pressme retaining coinponent; n

U (b) The attachment provides component support as def'.ned in NI .ll10; (c) 'I he attachment base material design thickness i(3!.1 in. of Freater; und Note: The base material design thicknee is the thicknew of the plate or other material product fonn from which the integral attachment was fabricated I or tubular stanchions, the base m:,leri:d design thickucu is the nominal wall thickness of the tubular stanchion.

- (f) 'I he attachment wehl joins the attachmen. ber directly to the surface of the component or to an integrally cast or forged attachment to the component.

Th multi component concept shall be applied to scuel< only.

linamination Schedule . Interval Distribution (lD)

P d

Specifict tion NI:-42, lien i 1GSI ISI i'rogram l' age 55 of 81 O 6.4 i'iii:SSciti: ><i:r^iNixG iioi:iiNG Giti:xii:ii iii4N 2 iN >>>^ui:1>:i<

(CATI:GoltY C-l))

This category is not appheable to I GN 1. i'lant design does not utihre pressure retaining botting greater than 2 inches in diamelet on Class 2 ssstenn.

6.5 l'Ill'.SSURI: Rl:TAINING Wl:I.I)N IN Al:NII;Nillr STAINI.l;SS STI I:1, OR IllGil Al.l.OY l'lI'ING (Call:GottY C-l~-1)

Item C5.20 Piping Welds > l/5 in. Nominal Wall lhicknew for l'iping 2NPS 2 aml SNPS 4: See items C5.21 and C5.22 for speciGe 13 pes of urids subject to esamination item C5.21 Circumferential Weld item C5.22 - longitudinal Weld Not applicable to I Gs I since piping $4'is excinet for llWR Plants.



Item C5.30 - Socket Welds Not applicable to 1.GS 1. I'lant design does not include socket welds greater than 4 inches NPS.

Item C5.10 - l'iping Welds 23/8 in. Nominal Wall Ihickness for l'iping > NPS 4: See items C5.Il and C5.12 for specific types of uchls suliicci to esamination, item C5.11 - Circumferential Wold Item C5.12 - longitudinal Weld item C5.40 - Pipe Ilranch Connections of liranch I'iping 2NI'S 2: See items CS,41 and C5.42 for specific types of wehh subicci to esamination item C5 41 - Circumferential Weld

/~T l

V l

Specification NE-42, lies .1 IA;S-1 ,

ISI Program Page $6 of til

! tem C5 42 + 1.ongitudinal Weld NO l l!- lira:Kh runnectione. ;, NI'S 2 and NPS 4 air not applicable to I GS l since they are eternpl for ilWit Pl. mis Scope of I xamination 7V6, but not leu tlun 2x circumferential pipe welds and branch connection welds (23/h in. nominal wall thickneu for piping > 4' NPS) located on nonexempt piping Alllongitudmal pipe wc!ds intenecting any of the selected circumferential and branch connection welds shall also be examined for a length of at least 2 St. The examination shall be distributed among the Clau 2 systems, prorated on the number of nonexempt wchis in each systern 1%aminations shall further be distributed and prorated on the number of tenninal ends and situcimal discontmuities in each system arri prorated between line si/cs, lixarnination Schedule Interval thstribution tilh 6.6 PetESSUltE Iti:TAINING Wl:1.I)N IN CAPilON Olt 1,0W AI.l A)Y N'll:1:1, Pil'ING p

Q (CATI:GoltY C-l' 2) llem C5 60 - Piping Welds > l/5 in. Nominal Wall't hicknew for Piping 2NPS 2 and SNPS 4: Sec items C5.61 and C5.62 for sperilir types of welds subiert to examination item 05.61 - Cirrumferential Wohl item C5.M - Inngitudinal Wold Not applicable to I GS I since piping $4" NI'N is exernpt for llWit Plants.

firm C5.70 Socket Welds Not applicable to I GS 1.11 ant design does not include socket welds greater than 4 inches N PS.

It_em C5.50.- Piping Wehls 23/8 in. Nominal Wall t hicknen for Piping > NPS 4: See l O i'<ms "a cs.s2 re< sn<<ir>< '>ees er < '"'i<<< 'e <x -'">'ie" l

1 I

l 1

Specificaeinn NI:-42, llei. I l .G S- 1 ISI Progr am Pagc 57 of 81 Item ( 5.51 Citrumferential Weld

] tem C5.52 - I ongitmlinal Wohl item C5.80 - l'ipe tiram h Connections of th anrh I'iping 2NI'S 2: See itelm C5.El nnd C5 H2 for specific ty s of utlih subiert to nmnination N() I l' lhamh connectiom 2 NI'N 2 nml 5 N1'S 4 are not apphcable to 1 GS 1 sime they are exempt for ilWit I'lants jinn ( 5 81 - Cirrmniciential Wohl llein 05.N2 - 1.ongitudinal Wcld Scope of lixamination 7 5%. but not less th m 28 rnrumferennal pipe urhh and bianch connection welds (23!R in. nonunal wall thickness im piping -

4 m NPS)1 cated on nonetempt piping All longitudmal pipe wchis mtetterting any of the selected O <emr<<<#iimi eea s< e<a <ee"<<< " wc.- sn>ii " "< <xemieca re< ic"r'a er t ic

1s1. m m mima 1hms eatn ar,,+ . o amen,the Ci _ 2 sy m ms.em ,atca em the number of nonexempt wehh in cach system.14anunations shall be funher thstributed imd prorated on the number of terminal ends and sinirtural dnrontiin ities in each system and prorated netween line si/cs lixamination Schedule . Inicival 1)istnbunon (114 6.7 Piti'.SS8 !ill'. ill:TAINING Wl'.l.1)S IN l'l all's AND V AI.Yl'.S IC ATI: golly C-G)

Yah es item C6.20 Vahc limly Wehk p

  • vahe body wehh j O

.- .. . . .. - ._ . - .. . . . . - . . . . , - _ - - ~ - ~ -

Specification NI;-42, Rev. I 1.G S- 1 ISI l'rograrn l' age 58 of 81 l' Path item C613 l'unip Casing Welils Scope of I!xarnination - lixamination of 100"'-aof the pressure retaining wehh in punip casings in each piping nm exaniined under Catcyor3 U-l' l and C-f -2. The multi component concept is apphenble.

i!xamination Schedule Interval Distobution (114 Discussion I'xarninations shall be conducted as documented m Relief Request RR-07.


. Discussion ' See Section 8.2. Class 2 l'ressurc 'lest l'rogram.

O u

l i.

O l

Specificati<m NI;-42, Itri,1 1.GS l ISI l'rogs am Page 59 of 8:

7.0 Cl.AK$ 3 CONil'ONI'.NT 13 A\ TIN ATIONS 7,1 SYST131 SIN SUI' Poll'1 Ol' 111:401011 Nill'~l DOWN l'UNCilON (Call:GOltY D 4) llen. D130 - Integral Attachment - ( omtmit I and ~l pe 3 Supimets llem D160 - Integral Attadienent Shock Absoil(ts Not applicable to 1US Unit 1. Plant desipn does not utihre these types of component supports in Class 3 systemt item DI.10 - Promune itetaining Com;mnents See Section R 3, Class 3 Pressure Test Program item DI.20 - Integral Atiadiment - Comimnent Supporis and Itc.straints O

ltem Dt.30 Integral Attachment - Mechanical .md liydraulir Snut.lvrs item DI AO - Integra! Attarlunent Spring 'l3 pc Supports The selection basis for these item Numbers is mldiessed in Section 4.0, Component Suppmts, Paragraph 4.3 A 7.2 SYSTIAISIN SUPPollT Ol'1311:ltGI;NCY C0111: COOL.ING, CONTAINNil:NI Ill:AT lti:MOV AI., ATMOSPill:Ill: Cl.I'.ANUI', AND lti:Act Olt Ill'.SIDUAl. lil:AT III310V Al, (CATI:GOltY D It)

Item D250 - lutegral Att:.rInnent -- Constant I oad ~l:,pc Supports item D2.60 - Integral Attachment - Slu>ck Alisortiers Not applicable to i GS Unit 1. I'lant design does not utihze these types of component h supports in Class 3 systems.


SiwrL4 ration NI: 42, lict. i 1.G S . I ISI l'sogt arn l' age t,o of xI Iten I)2,10 - l'rrssure lletnining Cornimnents se ssi,ee u.sec ci- u,,,sse,< us,i,e,.,,,n, J,tyni l)2.20 - Integtal Atlationent Coinioncnt Supimeis anil llestraints item 112.30 Integral Atlationtnt Alerhanical aiul ll3ileantic Snubbers Itern 112.40 Integral Altarinnent Spring 'l pr 3 Nupposts The selection basis for these lic,n Ninnbers is ailitresseil in Section 4 0, Coinponent supports, l'aragraph 9.3 to O


Speelfication NI'-42, lies. I 1.GS- 1 ISI l'rogram l'agc 61 of 81 (m. SYSTDlSIN SUPI'Olt! Ol' Iti:Sil)t1Al.111'.\ 1 Iti:TIOVAI I'ItONI Sl'i,;NI ITI:1.

.) 7.3 SiORAGl: POOL,(CNII'GOltY D.C)

Item D3.50 Integral Attarhment Comtant I nati 13pc Supgunt item D3.60 - Integral Attarliment Shock Alno leen Not applicable to I GS Unit 1. I'lant ilesign iloes noi utihre these types of component supports in Class 3 syttems.

Item D3.10 Pressure itetaining Comiwinents See Section 8.3, Class 3 l'ressure Test Program item D3.20 Integral Attachment - Comimncut Supgoris ami lh'straints item D3.30 - Integral Attachment Nicehanical anel lipiraulie Snubliers O

j. tem D3 40 - Integral Attachment Spring Type Sup:mrts The selection basis for these item Numbers is athlreucil ;n Section 9.0, Component buppoTls, Para p3ph 9.3 b k

Seccification NI:-42, Itcs. I 1.GS. I ISI l'rogs am Page 62 of 81 8.0 l'ItI;SNt 'Itl'. 'lI S l' LNG All pressure retnining components within the A%II; Classification boundaries are subject to periodic pressure f er. imp in accordance with Section NI, IWA-5000 8,1 Cl. ASS I PRI;Sstllti: TINI Pl!OGit ASI

'the Claw l Prewure'icst Program will be condueled in accordance with IWA , aml IWil,5(HW1 8.1.1 . Pressme itetsinine Partiall'enceration Wehh in Vrweis fl able IWil-2500-1 Catecor3 II lj l

. jf cm 114.10 - Partial Penetration W< ' Nec items 114.11,114.12, and 114.13 for specific areas subicci to esamination.

1 llem 114.1I bsci Nonics l (A,) llem 114.12 Control llmi Drhe Nonics J.t,,cm 114Ji3 Instrumentation Nonics Scope of l!xamination - Visually examine 25% of all nonles within each of the above items.

IIxamination Schedule . I!nd of Interval (!!OI), concurrent with system hydrostatic test.

. Discuuion . A VT 2 examination will be conducicd for evidence ofleakage of partial penetration welds in the Ill'V H.1.2 All Preunre itetainine Conmonents (Table IWil.25001, ratecorv Il P)

IIcat Exchancers:

Item 1115.40 -- Pressure Retaining floundary (Sysicm 1.cakage Test) e

Specificzlion NI: 42, ites. I 1.G N. I INI Program l' age 63 of 81

[ ltem 1115.41 - l'ressme lletaining floomlary (Nptim ll 3alemiafic 'lest)

Not applicable to I(iN 1. I GN 1 does not utilve Flau I Ileat thchangers applicabic to lhese items.

Itcartnr Vrwel:

llem 11,1510 - l'rewure Itclaining floumlar3 (Nptem 1.cakage lest)

Item 1115.11 - Pensure Itetalning floumlary (Nptem lle %tatic Tnt) l'icIE Item tii5.50 Pressure itc aining lionndar3 (Nptem i.catage Int >

Item 111W Prewure itetalning lloumlary (Splem ll 3drmtatic f est) f J'innos:

item til5.f4 l'ecssure lletnining Iloumlar) (Nptem 1.cakage Test)

{ tem 1115 61 - I'scuure itetuining linmniary (Nptem II3 drmistic Test)


.-m 1115.70 - Picume Itetaining lloumiar3 (Nptem 1.cakage Int) item 1115.71 - Prewure Itclaining Ilomular3 (Nptem ll3drostalle Test) ,

Scope of fhamination All Class I piping, pumps. valves, and the reactor vessel (inchuling noules and safe ends) shall be examined, as applicable, concurrent with a leakage test ami a hydrostatic test. Alternative test methods may he used as described in Nection XI, Article IWA-5000 lharnination Schedule

Sperlue: tion NE-42, Iter.1 I.GS 1 ISI l'rogtam l' age 64 of 81 O. i- itereeiier oetares<>to>- nxamienime cence"e"t -ith aicatarciest.

2. End of interval (I?OI) - I:xamination conconcut with a hydrostatic test required to be performed at or near tir end of intenal. Sy stem 1.cakage Test Class I coro >onents will be subjected to a system leakage test of IWil 5221 prior to startup, following each reactor refueling outage at a test pressure not less than systern nominal operating pressure (I(eference l' ara 1.2.19) at 100% rated reactor power. The exempt and non exempt Class I systems, or portions thereof, sulgect to a system leakage test are shown on the ASME Section XI Iloundary IWith Note: Nominal operating pressure corresponding to 100% rated reactor power is 1020 psia as in the ! GS III: Salt,1:igure S I l. System 18ydrostatic Test -

O j Class I components will be subjected to a system hydrostatic test of IWil 5222 at or near the end of the inspection interval. The exempt and non exempt Class I systems, or portion, thereof, subject to a system hydrostatic test are shown on the ASMll Section XI iloondary P& lits. Test temperature.and pressure will be in accordance with Article IWil 5000.

l 8.2 Cl. ASS 2 PHI'SStIRE TI'ST PitOGit AM l-j- Mc Class 2 Pressure Test program will be condorted in accordance with IWA and IWC 5000, 8.2.1 All P' ssure Hetainine Comrwments fl able IWC-2500.l Categori C-II)

- Pressure Vessolv Item C7.10 - Pressurc itclaining Conymnents (S3 stem inseniec or l'unelional Test)

O aem C. a rressere n< tai' a C -i- < 's t*>s'em ii>a< s' t>< T<sti

Sperincation NIM 2, iter, l' I.GS 1 ISI Program Pagc 65 of 81 O l'ic'">

Item C730 Pressure Itriaining Components (Splent insenice or l'unctional 'lcst)

Item C7.40 Pressme ltriaining Components (Splem II)drosta:. Test)


llem C7.50 l'ressure lletaining Components (Sptem insenice or l'unctional llem C7.(.0 Prenure itetaining Componcnts (Sptem Il drostatic 3 Test)

Yan es:

Item C7,70 - Pressure Itclaini!T Components (Spicm insenice or l'unctional Teat)

Item C7.80 - Pressure Retaining Components (Spirm lipirostatic Test)


Scope of Examination All Class 2 pressure vessels, piping (other than open ended portions of systems), pumps, and valves shall be examined, as applicable, concurrent with both inservice or functional tests and the hydrostatic test. Alternative test methods inay be used, as described in Section XI, IWA and IWC-sono.

Examination Schedule 1, Jr.t Period (PI)- An examination was performed during the first inspection period l concurrent with an inservice or functional test

2. 2nd Period (P2) Examination concurrent with an inservice, functional or hydrostatic test.
3. .3rd Period (P3)- Examination concurrent with an inservice, functional or hydrostatic test.


Spreifiestion NI: 42, Rn, i 1.GS l ISI Program l' age Mi of El Note: An inservice or functional test is required each period, however, thesc system pressure tests as detined in IWC 5221 need not be performed in the period that the system hydrostatic test of IWC-5222 is performed A hydrostatic test must be performed at least once during the ten year interval, either in the second or third period. A system hydrostatic test it, neceptable in lieu of the system inservice or functional test. System inseniec or Ihnetional Test Class 2 components will be subject to the system mservice or functional test requirements of IWC 5221. The exempt and non-exempt Class 2 systems or portions thereof, subject ta an inservice or functional test are shown on the ASNili Section XI Houndary P&llTs.

Specific pressurization boundaries (i e. test examination boundaries) are dependent on system configuration during normal service or system! component functional testing.

The insenice operating pressure is the actual pressure achieved during acceptable system operation and will be used as the test pressure for the system inservice pressure test. The O "e-i i ever ii 8 nres,"<< enie ed a=<i"8 reca snee se<teiti #=e 'esti"8 (re' r""ctie" i test) should be used as the test pressure for the system functional pressure test.

R.2.1.2 System Il 3drostatic Test Class 2 components will be subject to the system hydrostatie test requirements of IWC 5222. The exempt and non cxempt Class 2 systems, or portions, thereof, subject to a hydrostatie test are shown on the ANNilt Section NI Iloundary P&lirs. Test temperamres and pressure will be in accordance with Article IWC-5000.


'ihe Class 3 Pressure Test Program will isc conducted'in accordance with IWA- and .

IWI)-SMH1 o .

i Specillration NI:42.Iten i 1.G S- 1 151 l'rogt am 1%gr 67 of !<l Q li.3.1 ht_etpi nl Superi Of ltractor Shutdnun l'unttiottflabtr IWD 2%01. Caterory D. A)

{Lem DI.10 l'acuure Hetalning Corngmnena (Nptoni insenire or l'unctional ~lest and II)drostatic Tot)

Systrnn In Suppirl Of I'merunty Core Crmti,ng, Containment llcat itemm al, At nn,nphtte!

Cleanup, and Keattor Itraidual lly/ Itemm al (lable IWIM5El, Catecory IJ Il}

llem 1)],d(! l'smsure Itrimining Cornponenti (Sptom insenire or I unctional 'lest and Ily dtmtatic Test)

Systems in Supgirt Of itesidual llent itomoval liom hnt l'ocl Storacri'od

((abic IWI) 25001, ratecorv I)O ltyrn 11310 l'eru, ire ltrialning .:ponents (Splom insenire or l'urrtional ' Int and lly drmt atic T, O scene ei n-mie . e ^ii cias,a n'essere ve'scis. nini"s. re m es a"d vaive,shati be examintd, as applicable, concurrent with both inservice or functional tests and the hydrostatic tre Ahemative test methods may be uwd, as described in Section XI, lWA-and IWD 5000 lixamination Schedule

! Ist Perioa An examination was perfo<med during the first inspection peri <.d concurrent with an inservice or functional test.

2 2nd Period !!xamination concurrent u nh an insenice, r mctional or hydrostatic test.

3, 3rd Period Examination concurrent with an in'.rvice, functional or hydrostatic test.

Note: An inservice or functional test is required each period, however, these system pressure tests as defiaed in IWD 5221 need not be performed in the period that the system hydrostalk test of IWD 5223 is performed. A hydros,tatic test h must be performed at leart ente during the ten year interval, either in the

Speducation NI'A2, itet, i 1.GS 1 ISI Progsarn Page68 of El 3

i second or third penod. A systern hydrostatic test in acccptable in lieu of the i system imervice or functional test. System insenlee or i untilonal Test P

Clau 3 cornponents will be subjected to the Fptem imervice or functional test requirements speciGed in IWD $200. The esempt and non extinpt Class 3 systerns, or portions thereof, subject to an inservice or functional test are shown on the ASMli Section XI Iloundary P&lD's. Specific preuurization boundaries (i c test examination boundaries) are dependent on system configuration during normal service or system / component functional ter, ting.

The inservice operating prenure is the actual prenure achieved during acceptable system operation and will be med as the test pretsure for the system imervice prenure test. The nominal operating prenure achieved during To Spec surveillance testing (for functional tens) shall be used as the test pressure for the system functional pressure test, 1 System flydrmtalie Test O Clan 3 components will be subject to a system hydrostatic test per IWD.5223. The exernpt and non esempt Clan 3 systerns, or portions thereof, subject to a system hydrostatic test are shown on the ASMll Section XI Iloundary P&lD1 Test temperatures and pressures will be in accordance wit) Article IWD Snn0.

i l

l l-O


$1'.42.Hn.I IGNl INIPrograni l' age fi9 of N1 9.0 Cl ANN 1. 2 ANI) 3 CO\lPONl'NI Nt'I'POR IN 9.1 Gl'NI'.it Al, i

1 lhe ist Propam for comioneni supports he been aculeped in accordame with the requirements of Nubwotion lWF of the 19M. l'thiion of Nertion NI and Itchef flequest No.

j Rit 09 Deinils of the Isl Propam for minponeni suppotts are identified in this section. l l

All non exetupt cornponent supports, nithin the A%11! Nertion XI boundaries, are listed in the INI Tables and shown on the ASMI' Section NI or 1 abrication l*,ometric Drau4nn This includes thme non exempt mmponent supports containing snubbers. although only thow portions escluding the pin to pin snubbet aurmbly of thew supports are subject to the examination requirements of this A%11: Nettion XI INI l'mpam (Nee l'iporr 9.1 l).

The tnubber noemblics are subject to the rxamination and testiny requirements of the IfiS l Technical Specifications as distuurd in f(chef itcquest Rit 04. The existing technical aperification requirements will be replaced with the examination and testing -

tequiretnents contained in Aupnented Inspection l'nignun 11(AUG 13) I his replacement O

~ nix - *r sac --nta m of ^oo o n"a xac i~n- er n -a-ni te  :

facihty operating licene NPI:.39 far i GS I to incorporate the changes to be propmed by Pl!Co in a technical . specification chance request in acmidance with 10CI:R$0.00-Requ: sis for relief from Section XI requirements are contained in Appenda A. Aupnented inspection propams att in Appendix 11.


Specification NI:42.Hei.I ISSl ISI Program -

l'agt 70 of fil

/ pjaggtl:9J.;

i l

l r



= = e >



musulbem o _

c ,

ah I

__ _ _ i M hms M d 4

FIGURE 9,1-1

= _

'-7^Y T y --yh yy rwas--

wew-- % y q-ymy+----4m---wy--~.p r4--w-w-r+-+-g- -----5,y -g*,-wr+8'*- ev+D*we' T'8 W-w'-'- F-WtFw 1FF-'*-ViM - 4 4 4 L4'-W-'t-4++P 'Gd'"b'TW*'WD*T4"' -'

Specifirellon Sl; 42, Het. I l IGSl  !

iSI l'sogt am  !

l' age 71 of 81 i O 92 i:xi sii iioxs

'lhe same exemptions upphed to Clast I,2 and 1 mnyonents, e identified in Section 23, were apphed to component supports, 9.3 1:N A%11NAllON Hl;Ql'liti;%11:NIS 93.1 faamination Catecovies The 19R6 !!dition of ASMl!Section XI, Iable IWl: 25aa l identifies three Fxamination Categories for (omponent supports; I: A,1 II. and I: C linch of these Categories contain identical requirements (ie parts examined, examination method, frequency, etc) and similar item Numbers Category 17 C difices slightly, from Ibc ather ratepories, in that it also addresses sprinp and snubbet type supports. llecause of these sim;iaritien, this prograin poups all component supports into one litamination Category noted as 1 A, Supports. In addition, the Category is subdivided into four th llem Numbers as identified on Table 031, O


Sperillection NI:12,Itci.I 1.GS.1 ISI l'soge nm Page 72 of 81 O ' = i: ".>-'

1:N4SilNNIION CA Il'GottY li A, St 'I'l'Olt'l N l

lMarnitution 1%terit of ILem No, Suppotilyps , hod 7 15tniistion 1:1.10 Class ! Visual. V I .1 25% of Clau I '

l'iping Supports I:1.20 Class 2 Visual, V lil 15% of Class 2 1 Piping Supports 1 1.30 Class 3 Viioal. Y li t 10% of Clau 3 i Piping Supports 121.4 0 Supports Visual. V 1 3 100% of the Other 'I han suppor1s ' ,

l'iping Supports (Clau 1,2. 3) i NOTliS:

p V (1) 'Ihe total percentage narnple shall be compriscil of suppom hom each system where the individual sample site,s are proportional to the totni numhet of non exempt supports of each type and function within each system.

(2) Acceptance standards shall be in atcordance with ANMI'Section XI,19R61% tion, IWA 3410.

(3) l'or multiple components other than piping within a system of similar duign, function anil senice, the support of only one of the muhiple coinponents are required to be examined.

t l


Specifh allon NI: 12, lies , I l.GS l INIPrograto l' age 73 of El O v.).2 i x ' <"' er i x "i" 'i""

the extent of exatnination of pipmr supporti e in llehrf Itcquest 1(114, shall I.c a sarnphng as followr Clau I piping supports 25"n of the nonexernpt population

' au 2 piping supports IS% of the tuinexcenpt population Clau 3 piping =upports 10".. of the nenexernpt population

'the extent of exatnination of support other tium piping supports will be 100% of the nonexempt population utiliring .he multiple component concept 9.3.3 lhamination Ilnumlaries The component suppon examination boundatics shall be in accordame with the im I;dition of ASMI!Section XI, IWi 1300 as depic ted on the Cotuponent Support Design Drawing and Ilill of Material

O 9.3.4 !Narninstion Methmls All component suppott examinations nill be pe Iotmed utih,ing the Y l T visual examination method in accordance with Section 3 31. _

9.3.5 Seintinn Criterla Nelection of specific piping supports to fill the sample population shall consider the piping support ' type

  • as a piimary factor. All i GOl piping suppotis have been auigned to the following functional typcv Ant hor Mecharlical St)Ubber Itigid Variable O

hperlIlettllon NI;42,1100 1 i 135% l '

ISI Eloglarfl Page74 of Ni Atcordingly, the specific piping supports. stln ted to fill the snmple population, shall be distributed within each claw by spiem and t> pe pmponional to the number of suppons of i a

each type within each 8) stem bele(tiori of suppotis other than piping supports shall utili/c the roultiple cornponent concept I or multiple components, other than piping, within a system of similar design, function and service; the supports of only one of the wmponents will be selected for


9.3.6 Clao 3 Inteeral Attachments i

Applicable Clau 3 integral attachments to the preume boundary require V1 3 esamination during ISI. Although the examination of Clau 3 mtegial attachments is actually an LWD requirement, this section of the ISI l'togram achbrecs the examination of integral i attachments. Integral attachments are normally considered a part of the pressure retaining component rather than the component support, but for Clau 3 attachments, there are two logical reasons for includmg them in the IWl Section of the lSl l'rogram lhe first reason O is occa se ihe methoa ef exami a' ion is ihe same as thai fer the serner4 <ic vi->>:

3 weondly, the integral attachments selected for esamination are those anoriated with the supports selected for esamination. This is in accordance with Note 3 of'Iable IWD45001, litamination Category ILA, Ibil, and IbC in 4ction XI.

9.3,7 Additional 1:t aminallons

  • a) When the results of a sehtted piping support cAamination seguire conective measures in accordance with lWI .3000, examinations shall be extended to include chamination.

of the piping supposis immediately adjacent liegardless of clauification) to the nonconforming support, and additional piping suppods of the same type within the

( system, equal in number to thow wheduled for examination during the current inspection period.


1' ' b)

If the examinations of (a) require corrective actions, then the remaining piping .

supports of the affected type, within the affected system, shall be examined O


%r 9 sg Ven v W -wy,- m -s=v-w y- --&m-.=-,rmy y'-+9,----iww'9' qu+fw'w'* ,,q-re-

Specification N I: 4 H ri. 1 IL41 INI l'rogtarn l'agr75 of HI O <> irihe < a">i"aiiens ef(s> t< ,">re rerr<<ti<< a<iiens.ih< r,a,einaiiees shaii be extended to include all nonexernpt piping suppoth potentially subject to the sanic failure rnodels) which trquired corret tion in (a) nnd (19 'I hese turninations shall be calended to other systern piping supports thould the failure niode(s) be ion syMent related, d) litarninations shall be extended to incluac esenipt piping supporb should the exarninations of (c) require corrective mtiont I scrnpt piping supporis shall be selected for additional exarninations if the oscinpt supports att potentially subject to the satne failure snode(s) ns detected abme.

c) When the results of a selected non piping support examinations require corrective rneasures in accordance with IWF 30nn. the rules of IWF N30 of the im iklition of ASMit Section XI shall be follourd. ,

9.3.8 - jlamination imidernentatin All cornponent support exarninations and Class 3 integral attachinent exarninations will be in accordance with interval 1)istribution (!!)) scheduling.

r i

i O

Specifiestion NI:12, lies,1 IGNl INI Program Page76 of El 10.0 INI Pit () Git 4%1 'I AIll 1;%

The ISI Program 'lables, contained m this document. prewnt an stemiv:1Inting of all i noneternpt conysonents which are subint to esanunnhon. (selected and non selnted) under '

the rules of ANNII. Seelion XI. I urther, thew mbles identdy w hich components have been selected for examination and ptmhle pencral poid.mcc for the scheduhng of the subjnt c Aufnituitior15. '

Additionally, the) provide refMonte to important lNeces of irlfortnallon Mhiell apply to sorne of the listed components (1e rehef requests norniented requirements. ele ).

The content of the electrorde data file u hh h is used to create the ISl Program I ables is maintained by a spnific revision wntml rnn hanism The ISI Progrnrn 'lables are presented in two, slightly odlerent fortnats. as follows:

The first format contaita the 1 ' s for the lleactor Preuure Ve act (ItPV) exclusively.

These tables are sorted alpha numerically by rode category, Code licra Number, and O it a m i" >>e " ^ ren i n s e m ser.

~lhe second fonnat is used for all remaining ist l'rogram 'I ables 'Ihese tables are sorted by system and (reference) drawing number, whereby all mmponents (i c., welds, bolting, equipment and coinponent supporis) which are depictnl on a specific drawing are grouped and listed for that drawing, within the splem l'inally,in addition to the ISI l'rogram 'lables. Augmented l'rogram Tables are contained in this drument Augmented requirernents lune been addrened in the augmented inspection programs of Appendix II These tables provide an alpha numeric listing of components subject to specific augmented programs and prmide additional information necent,ary to define the applicable program.

10.1 ISI PitOGit ASI TAllt.I; I'll;I.DN 1)l;SCitlPll(IN The ISI Program Tables for 1 GS I are located in the tables section of this document. A sample table (figure 10.1 1) and a brief devription of each data field are given below.

O '

,-......,..----,,.w,-. - - , -- . ~, . ..~,-,, , ,--. . , , - -- ,. . -- - ~~~.,- w ~ , , . e

Specifiedinn N1'. 42, itet. l ,

l .G S. (

lSt l'souram l' age 77 of NI O

Q ligure 10 l 1. Nample Iable

-- o re. m = , = . m .::, - --

m o. . .o .,

b'"Y' '~(( 'h4 '.'T.". s'Ene .Yn'L bkk T Os' 7,u A'In (kN'..

. o, m

... n. .... ... ... o. .u. .u. n.

me. o. .. o. ...

(1) hstem . Ihe n3 tem naine (2) gau The ANN 11' Section NI Code clast (3) IJinwjng ASN11! Section NI isometric or other drawing on ahich the component is depicted (4) Sgtion XI l!xam Cat. and item No. Ihe specific Code !!xamination Category and applicable liern Nuinbes avigned to the component. A plun sign ( 4 ) next to the !!xam. Cat.. indicates augmented requirements are appheable to this component.

(O d

t (5)  !!samination Area identification Number The unique Alpha Numeric or descriptive identifier for the component or portion thereof to be examined (Sa) Linefq!!p.i Number & Wehl Number I he pipe line number anti simol number or the equiprnent number nunciated with the examination area; and the construction wohl nutuber description if applienble.

(6) I!xamination Arcayejgiolint! Desciiption of the coniponent identified (7) ISl !!Xa!ili natijrLhhtl f g!

i Slethod of NDl! that is required to be performed on the component Where:

N11 =

Ntart:ctic l' article lix.imination p

J p l~ =

1.iquid Penetrant l'xamin:Hion

reuniussi i Spedfication NI?42, lies,I l.GS 1 ISI Program l' age 7N of N1 O m -

n" ~ na"d-.n in . .

iodeg,h nand-,_

VT I -

Visual liaminanno 1 YI 2 -

Visual I comn.ition 2 VI 3 a Visual ITaminanon . t

'bi!)ce IIT is 1110 ple[erled finelliod ol \ olHfflettie exl11tlinatinn, it uill glottilally lie

.specified. however, it I ina) he performed m heu of l'I .

(7a) l_iyure Number the identifit ation nnmber of the drawmp whi(h depicts the

$pecific examination area. NOII Apphenble only to the itPV INI 'I ables.

(R) ISl_ Selected 'I his wlumn specifies whethe ~ no' (Yes or No) the component is selected for INI examination in the first inte:Tal.

St.ll edulmtitequirengi!b lhis cohann will indin te the schedule for the sequired


(9) examination. This uheduhnp is explained in detail in Section 3.5 4 'I he O - iaihmseseaieim snai&sm + we> ~

l'l 11xamine during ist l'eriod P2 -

1:xamine during 2nd Period I'3 -

lixarnine during 3rd Period Pl, 3 -

1 xarnine 25*. to sh*i. during ti,e 1st period a 'he remainder by the end of the third period II) +

interval ILt ribution

!!Ol -

lixamine by 1:n,1 of interval l'l.2.3 -

Examine cach period 1(0 Al 1 -

!!xamine each refochng outage 1(0 X(y) -

litunine ever3 (y) tefueling outare itO 1/3y -

!!xamine during the first itefueling Outage and during subsequent refueling outarn at approximately 3 ve:ir intervnts.

Ulbb -

I'xalnitie Mllef t disatsenibled DISG -

1:xamine only one component within a multi component O rr ~ n

  • n and d a - m u issre ,eirca fer m aintena, -

Speellication NI;-42. Itri. I l.G S. I INI l'aogr am Page 79 of El O '

(101 JSl llelief Itequc<t Ihe identincation number of any applicable schef acquests-(11) bu;2g!1tgLl',rorgg If a plus syn ( 4 )is indicatol neM to the 1%m Cat , this column identines which Auprnented Prociarn(s) apply to that component All Augtnented Propasm are detailed in Appemhx 11 An exarnple of the nortnentetl prograin designatiom followw '

I = Augmented Impettion Program 1 NitC (icnerie l etter FLot 2 - Augmented in=pection Propam,2 - NIJitliG D619 3 = Aupn:nted Impettion Program 3 - 1 I: llulletin Mi 13 4 = Augmented Inspection l'ropain.4 1IL llulletin KO 07, NIJi(lDCib3052 i;tc. .

(12) ISLhotes Any additional pertinent information is prouded in this space. If the cornponent qualines for the mulh component concept described in Section 3 5 3 3, O the snecine mei'i neer -iii be sec<ific i in ibis seieme (13) Last Update A date entry in this colonm indicates that some information, l associatnd with the line item record, has been resised, or the line itein secord has been added 10.2 AUGI.IINI1:1) I'It(Hill A%IS i Alli l; I 11:1 l)N l>l:SCitip t'lON The Augmented l'rogram 'Iables are aho toniained in the tables section of this docmnent A generic sample table (1:ipure IP 21) along with a brief description of each data Ocid are given below, Note however. that all fields may not apply to all Augmented Propam

'I ables.


--.,ne.- -e, .c--,-m--- nevw,-,,--,,,w--.---en-.-,--r-.-- , e- , ,- -,. . - - -

Npecificatiori NI: 42, llet, l I.GN 1 I INI l'r ogr am '

l' age M of El

( l'igure 10 21, Sarnple 'I able Aurtnented l'ropiar.a t o..m.m.m -

a aAs mne to w=EUEas adfla r= L EIS u'IIE, e v3 ""O

- JE

,,, ... ... .., .., .n ... ... .... ,u. ,o, .o. n. .

Ab H 41, flH$

h EaB 8f@

(1) Al!G.N L%untnentj d..l'rograrn Tnle - intheatei, the nurnber and prograin title that applies to the listed components (2) l kamittatjeryJrra ljMtunber 'l he unique alpha.nurnetic descriptive identifier for the cornponent, or portion thereof, to be examined.

(3) Dass 'Ihe ANMl! Nection XI code riaw as appinable (4) System The system name within u hic h the cornponent is located.


(5) l'A.II) The P&ll) reference drawing appheable to the component.

(6) li,ometric l')rawingiteference The isometrie drawing or figure number on which the component is depicted.

(7) ISI Selected This column sp ,ifies uhether or not (Yes or No) the component is selected for 151 examination in the liisi inspection intenal.

(8) l A lG l'rogram! . identifies all auproented proprams applicable to an individual component.

(9) AliG-XX Selected l'or a phen augmented program XX, this colunm specifies whether or not (Yes or No) the component is selected for augmented exarnination.

(10) A_t G XX !!xam Method I or a pnen augmented program XX, thk column specifies the NI)i? method and/or test that is required to be performed per the augmented inspection prograrn O

. _ . - . . . - _ . _ __ - - - - _ -_ . m _ .

Sperillettlon Nil 42, itn e 1 ION 1 -


ISIPrograni  !

l' age 81 of HI

(11) IGSCC Catef,tn lhe IGMT caterot) designator (A through I') assignett to the mmponent as Afinctl in Nit (' (icnctic I riter AK-01 I I

(12) \EG XX.15am 1:engnu - 1:ot a pnen augmented program XX, this column i 1

specifies the firquency which the examinationlinting is required to be perlotmeil I i

(l.I) h(I bb bulC,s

  • I or a P vCll h HilfintfllCd p'flFrain NN, any addlliollal PCflinCnt infonnation is provided in thk space.

0 4 9


associated with the line item reconl, has been resised, or the line itern accord has been athled. '

l i

j (15) Ai!G XX lleport: Aul;mtninl l'rof,vam 'litle . The npplicable augmented program number and title appear at the bottom of each page. I i

O ,

4 I

s i

i i

5 1'.


Npecification '

Ni?.42 Rev. I  !

1G%I 151 Program i Appendix A Page I of 4 O

i Al'PINIHN A 'l Allt l' ol' roviININ ElII.I' Hl'Ol'INis  ;

The relici requests identified with an aste'id (') acre prnioml> submitted as part of Specifuntion sn31 '

l' $00. II.ese relief requests were approved by the l'NNI(C 111.!.ll 17 ItiT)liiiS~1 NO. [MMlh'gl.lON CNilDilW Lil3MQ J

RR 01 Il A Pscssure 111.11 Shell welds retaining welds (Circumferentiall  :

' in reactor 111,12 Shell nelds l

sessel _ cngitudinal) lil _2 l Ilead welds fCircumferential) 111,22 Ilead welds (Meridional)

Rl(.02 14 1 2 Pump casings 1112 20 Pump casinr. (Internal surfaces) i

  • R R 03 it M 2 % alve bodies 1112 50 Valve Imdy, exceeding NPS 4 J

(Internal surfaces) i ItN-04 PC Cornponent II3.$0 Splitig type RUppolls,

. standard supports cons'. ant load type  ;

supports, shock absorbers, hydraulic ,

and mechanical type snubbers.

'RR 0$ - 'CC lettegtal C3 In Integrally welded  !

attachments for attachments (Pressuir vessels, piping, vesselO pumps, and vahes C3 20 Integrally welded attachments (Piping)

C3?O Integrall welded attacInnents 4 (Pumia j


specification NI' 42, Iter.1 I UN. I INI l'ropsain Apl' Orhll A A l'ap. 2 of 4 O Al'I'I'NI>lN A - l' Alil l' ol' ( ovil N i s (( ONI't),

!tt l llT lti 01 l'sl 111:1IFl:

It t '()t 11:S 1 ML llMM'MUUN CA 11 GOltX 1Il N NO

'Itit Ob CA proputt (* \ ll) 'dir]l (irtuttilCf Critial rCllitl'if1p w tid % w oldt if) prrstuff s tutls

'llll 07 CG l'renute r610 Pornp (aunt welds retaining wtidt iti putops imd Yals rs

'Itit 08 11 1 ) l'ull fit 90 Noule to veuel welds penetration ncids (ltratiorscuel; of nonles in truel*

(IlitpC(tion proftarn It)

O 111t 09 ILA Plate and I i 10 Mec hanical connections shell type supports to preuure retaining components and buikhnt structure 1120 Wcld (onnections to building rtructure 1 1.Til Weld and gnegiganical connectionk at intermediate joints in multiconnected integral and non-integral supports.

II4(I foluporlCI)t ditplaCCOh fit bettif)ps of guidCs and stops, flitsalif furietti of supports, anernbly of support itemt 1 -It 1 ificar type 1:2 ln MCChanilal Confl0Clions supports to pressure !ctaining compenents and bui., sing struc ttire O

Specification NI 42,llev I  !

10s1 INI Program Appendis A Page 3 of 4 O Al'PlWillN A 'I Allt l' Ol' rovilNis tron 11tl

((J111:l' 1t1:01151 litil llil:

  • Iti:Q t !!L',1

'. l blb L7AMINb] ION CAlEUDM LID M R l i

Illt 09 l'22n Wrld connections to (Cont'd) building structure i I:2to Weld and mechanical connections at intrimediate joints in i multironnected intepal and non-

, integral supports, ,

i l'240 Component displacement nettings of  ;

guides and stops, misaligninetit of supprits, noembly of suplurt r itrmt "

1C Component l'3.10 hiethanical connections ,

standard supports to pressure retaining components and building stmeture i

I:3 2n Weld connectioni to building sinicture l % 30 Weld and methanical connettions at intennediate joints in multiconnected integral and non-integral supports.

I:3 40 Component displacement settings of guides and stops, misalignment of supports, assembly of support items.

1:3.50 Spring type supports, constant load type supports, shock absorh~s, hydraulie and mechanical type snubbert

+111t 10 llli Pressure . 115 130 NPS 4 or larger retaining dissimilar dissimilar inetal butt metal welds welds (Piping) 1111 11- lieserved for Future Use b

b 1111 12 AShili Code Case (n) Authorization itequest ww ..s,a vw.-sww,m...- ma,,, .-,4.c..,v, ,=,wwn.,,,,.e.,-- m-.,r-,,,,,,,r .n,,,m _wy., , , , ,,--m,,

,_- -.r,,-...- --* r w

Specifiention  !

N1542, llev. I  ;

I GS.1 i ISI l'rograin Appendit A l' ape 4 of 4 O Al'I'lWDIN 4 'lAll!I: Ol' CON ilNi s (COVID) lll'l lit IJI:Ot i Nl' l

Iti!!il!!i iti!QUltS'I' FQ l1XAljlhWilON CA i1 GORY lliat NO.

111t 13 C Il All l'renure Perw ure Vi c els itetaining C7.10 l'renure itetalning Compments Components

'7.20 l'renure Itclaining Components -

l'iping 073n l'rewure itetnining Comsments C7 40 Pressure lletnining Components l'uingw 07 sn Pressme itetnining roonponents C7 N1 l'renure Itetaining Conq wnents O Yahrs C 7,70 Prenure Itetnining Components -

C7.80 l'reuure itetaining Components D A, Systems in l)l.10 l'renure itetaining 3 Support of fleactor Components Shutdown I unction 4 D II, Syrtems in D2.lh Prenute iteinining Supnort of limergency Components

- Core Cooling, Containment llent itemoval.

Atmosphere Cleanup, -

and lleactor itesidual lleat itemoval D.C, Systems in IR10 l'renure Isetaining '

Support of flesidual - Components llent itemoval Prom Spent Fuel Storare l'ool 11141_4 A irmented I!xamination Programs

>--.~y.. -

w ,w3 .,._s ,.~r.,u.. ,.,,,.,._s.,_c--. _,.,6-,...,_

. _ _ _ - . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . ._ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . -._... _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

Specification Sl! 42,11cv.1 i IGS1  :

ISI l'ropam Appendix A 1 l l' age i of 4


, lil:1.ll'.I' ill:Ql*lNI NO.10101 1

1 lill!N~llil(NilON 01: COMfDN1'N'l N t Clan I prenure retaining circumferential and longitudinal shell welds in the reactor pressure vessel, fixamination Category ll A, liem Numbers lil 11 and 111.12 respectively, -

Class I pressure retaining circumferential and incridional welds in the reactor pressure vessel i bottom head, fixamination Category IbA, item Numbers 111.21 and 111.22 respectively.

i t

- II. -

@j]!jjjlLQt yjgjiMI:N'1S I:ltOM WillCll l(l!!JIil IN l(!?QUliS]lil]

  • ASMl!Section XI 19R6 lidition,!!xamination Category ll A requires a volumetric examination of essentially lon"k of the weld length of all circumferential and longitudinal shell welds and all circumferential and incridienal bottom head welds during the first  :

inservice impection interval. liuminations shall be performed in accordance with

-t I:igures IWib25001,2, and 3 (as applicable) and the nondestructive examination requirements of ASMit Section V.

s llelief is requested from complete examination of the !!xamination Category IbA welds listed in Table f(ll 01 Ir- Complete Code examination of these welds is not practical due to limitations imposed by reactor pressure vessel design.

111. IIASIS IDB !<l't..llil' ,

Complete examination of the subject welds is not practical due to scanning limitations and access restrictions from various ill'V appurtenances (such as ' adjacent ill'V non,les and attachtnents, the biological shield wall, and control rod drice housings). ,

the circumferential and longitudinal shell welds are exanuned using automated ultrasonic  ;

- examination techniques to the maximum extent practical. Supplemental manual examinations may yield increases in examination coverage; however, these increases corne at ,

- a cost ofincreased personnel radiation expmure. Therefore, due to Al AllA considerations.

.h .


-,,,,r- s,_-, --.&,..,__me-,g.,,,2my,.. ,, --.,w-ey,,wv.,.,3._.,,,,,.nm,.,mem,,- me,.g,.,-.p.pyg.7,,.my.y,-.vm,yq.,.p.p,,7mp,,,

Specification N!! 42, llev. I 1.G S. I 1S1 program Appendix A l .

l' age 2 of 4 O

Ill:1.II:l' Hl:QL'l:KI NO. Illt.HI (COVil).)

supplemental manual ultrasonic exarninations are not being considered to augment exarnination coverage.  ;

Manual ultrasonic exarnination of the bottom head ucids we perfonned to the inaximum l, extent practical. '

Any significant improvement in autornated or ruanual examination coverage cannot be achieved without major plant redesign IV. Atil'l!!tNATij PitOVISIOfis No alternate provisions are practical for the subject weld examinations. All of the welds are subject to the VT 2 examination requirernents of Examination Category ll.I'.

In addition, examination of the remaining lixamination Category I'l A accessible welds, I O *sie" <c si iiari" aesir"<semice. nreviae ac"" ate a "< ece cr><i'v n <<s,"<< see an<x integrity. '

f I


LO i



i I' ..

Ng,ccification NI 42, Itev,1 IGS1 INIl'regratn Appendit A l l' ore 3 of 4 O It1:1.111 Iti:Qt T.S I NO. Itit 01 10ON I D 1 l Aill 1: It1101 1 l'.N ANilN A lloN C A ll:Golt Y 11- A l\ TON 11'l l'il: l'N A\llN VilO\S Componnt I iiniting iTarnination jdentificatig thnpjjon &nthtjen h Q g m kte' AA Shell N I A. li, N A A,11 89 4*.

titcurnierentnl AC ShcIl S l7A.11, C,1) A9,2* c circumferential Ali Shell N 12 A,11, C.1), RS.3 %

circurnierrr. al sev ' navneplate llA Shell N2K 65 65 %

longitudinal Ill!

O Shell longitudinal N2C 85 65 %

llc Shell Niil, N21; nonles K 5.2" 6 longitudinal 111 Shell N1711 7ti O"t longitudinal 11G Shell Nil A 79.1*. h longitudinal llK Shell liiological shield 49.nai longitudinal bracket i1M Shell lhological shield 47 9"h longitudinal brac Let ilN Shell itefueling bellows 74 5'k longitudinal skirt IIP Shell itefueling bellows 751ab longitudinal skirt O

1 l


Specification N1;4.', Iter.I IGN1 INI l'roptarn Appendix A 1 l' age 4 of 4 O lti 1.II:l' ill Qt 1:NI NO. l(It-01 (( ONII).)

'l Alli 1; Itit 01 1 (( ONil).)

cornponent 1inuting 1:xananation hienR0tation Dextiption condition * ..cornplete' DA llottorn bratl NLirt attat hinent k4.3 a i intridional w chl Dil llottom head NLitt attm hinent R4 3*h rnetidional w eld DC llottom head NLirt attm htnent 84 3" ,,

rurridiotial w chi DD llottom head NLitt attachinent 84.3"i fueridional w cid Dl! Ilottom head NLirt attachment K4 3"i, O "'""""""' ""'

DI llottom head NLirt attachtuent K4 3*i meridional w eld l'ercentages listed quantify approdtnate extent of wmphance with code requirements, and do not represent totally unexamined volume.


Specificatmn N!! 42, ltes l lGLI ISlPsoprarn Appendix A4 l'are 1 of 2 O lil'l ll:l' Iti:Q115i No. Itit 02

1. Lill N 1IIl.lCilION 01 COMPONI'N I %

lleactor llecirculation l' umps. I APant end llipant, I saminatior. Cairpory 111 J. Itcrn Nurnber 1112 20. T hese Clau I pornps func tion dunng norrnal scattor operation to provide forced recirculation of reactor toolant through the reactor core ll. Ollll!.Rl_9tllill!MI N'lS 1 llOM WI.llCll_Ill:1 Il l IS It):QL !!'N 119 ASMl!Section XI 19% 1 dition,1 xamination ratuor31114 requires a VI 3 visual examination of the internal *urfaces of at least one i1) of the two (2) lleactor llecirculation pump casmps during the first insenice inipection intenal iteliefis requested from perfortnance of the Code trquited visual exarnination of the pump easing internal surfaces due to impracticahty of Code requircments O 111. 11 ASIS 1 Olt_ ill:111!I:

In the absence of any other required maintenarue on either of the Iteactor itecirculation pumps, the hardships awociated with pump diussembly, solcl3 for the purpose of visual inspection of the internal surfaces, far exceed any safet> benefits resulting frorn such an inspection.

The disassembly of a reactor recirculation pump at i GS 1 constitutes a rnaintenance task of major proportions rneasured both in terms of ruanhours and aunciated personnel exposure Plarit experielKe with the poinp casing snaterial iri this application is favorable. Ihe additional assurance of structuralinteprity allorded by visual examination is far outweighed by the cost and potennal harards presented to tardiinte the inspection. In consideration of this situation, the 1%9 lidition of Section NI requires a Y13 exarnination only if the pump is diuuembled for tnaintenance, repair or volumetrie examinatiori.


Si nification N1442, itet, I I ON.I 151 Propatn AppenJa A 2 l'aye 2 of 2 O itlil II:l' ItI ()Cl'.S I NO. Itit-02 (( ON il) )

IV. Al'll ItNNil I'llOVINIONN Y 1 3 visual etaininatinin will be perforined on the au cuible intenud suttat et of ofic Iil reactor recirculation pump should tlw tequuniiinpation area of either poinp becorne accruible as a tesult of dnawetnbly of the pump for other purposes Also, Code required situal cuunmntiota of the putup pecume boundary during system prenure testing provide added nuorance of stna tural integnty.


Specilkation N!! 42, llev.1 IGNl ISI program Appendix A 3 O 111:1.11 1 111:Qt I %i 'SO, itit-03 l' arc I of 2 1.

I!?Ji_N1!LICA't lON 01: 0 0 Nil'!n 2 1 LS Clau I valve bodies exceedmr four (4)inthes norninal pipe site. Code !!xamination Category Il N1.? Item Nutnber lil2 $n 11.

[Q12[M([;QljlRlih113iS11(J)NLWlIjClj..lj.11J!!!ilSj(J Qpl(S'1lll]

ASNil!Section XI 19M !!dition. l!xatnination Category ll Al 2 requires a VI.3 visual examination of the intemal surfaces of one (h valve within each group of valves that are of the same constructional design, and manufacturing method and that perfonn Sitnilar functions in the system, once during the first insenice mspection interval.

l(elief is requested frorn performance of the Code required visual examination of the valve I body internal surfaren due to impracticahty of Code requirements.

O lli. DANIS I Oldijll]!Jj The trouirement to disassemble Class 1 valves solely for the purpose of perfonning a visual examnatbu M the internal surfaces of the valve body is impractical. The hardships and rutnynk 'n uds nunciated with dis.essembly far outweigh any foreseeable increase in plant inJw d mp from the examination Many of the subicet valves are non isolatable from the reactor pressure venel and would require off loading of fuel and draining the scattor pressure vessel prior to disassembly for examination. Other valves wouhl require the installation of plugs in associated system piping. personnel exposure to perform disassembly of any of the valves is also a inajor consideration.

industry experience with both east and forred valve bodier. in this application bas been favorable; disauembly solely for additional auurance of structuralintegrity is not warranted in consideration of this situation. the 1984 IW ition of Section XI requires a Vli3 OL

7 Speci0eation N!!.42, Rev. I liiS 1 )

ISI l'iograin l Appendix A 3 ,

l' ape 2 of 2 '

O Ill~.l.ll'.l' Hl;Qt'I'.S l' M). Itit.03 (('ON I p.)

esamination only if the valve is diAntseinbled foi inaintenance, r: pair, of solumetric etatnination. I IY+ - 0.EREMollu!E!EtiLONS i

lf,in the courtc of plant snaintenance mtisities, the internal surfarch of the body of a l Category ll M 2 valve, within any of the valve groupingt, becornen accenible, thern a VT 3 visual examination will be periotined on tinit valve to encel the ASMl! Sc(tion XI examination requirements for that grouping i

Clam l talves, %here rio rtinititenarite han beeri ilorie, are also subject to Y l' ? visual  !

examination requircinenta of I!samination Catryory it l'. 'ihis examination provides added t

anurance of prenure boundary structuralintegnty, t

O 1

O a

Specification ,

Nih42,Itet.I 1.GN 1 ISI program Appendis A 4 Pape I of 2 O

b iti:1.ll:!' Iti:QI 1.N1 NO. Itit 04 I {LRyi[H1110N 01: CONitOHNI S  ?

ANN 111 Clau 1. 2, and 3 snubber assemblico Code 1:tamination Category ILC, item Numkr 173.50 This relief request is applicable to the snubber awernbly only; that is, the snubber tody and attachments out to and includmg the load pins and their retainers.

11. CODl! Ill:QUlill!Njl!N1 S,fitON1 WillCll it[] IIT IS ItitQtll!STl7D ASNil! Section NI,19% lation !!aamination C,.tegory 14C requires a VT 3 visual examination of mechanical type mubbers.

In addition, Article IWl'-5000 details intervice testing requirernents for snubbers less than 50 kips. (Ilequirements for snubbers 50 kips or greater are in the course of preparation )

Itelief is requested from the examination requirements of Articles IWIL1000, IWIL2000 (excluding IWF 2520), and Table IWl: 25001 and the inservice testing requirements of ,

Article IWF 5000 due to the redundancy of *hese examination! test requirements to 1.GN 1 Technical Specification requirernents.

111, 1% SIS I Olt Ill!I[

implementation of both the aformentioned Code requirements and requirements contained in the i GS l lechnical Specifications, results in redundancy and poses an unnecessary hardship, without a compensating i.. crease in plant safety, lloth programs are designed to demonstrate continued operational readiness and structural integrity by visual examination

and functional testing of snubber nuembues. Ilowever, while the test requirements in the i Code are incomplete (depending on the sire of the snubber), the program described in Technical Specification 3/4 7 4. is cornprehensive and meets the intent of ASN11! Section N1 examination and testing.


Specification Nii-42, Rev. I IGS.)

ISI l'rogr m Appendix A-4 Page 2 of 2 O RI:1.II:l' ItI:Q1T.S i NO. It11-04 IV. Al,TI!RNATl! PROVISIONS she examination and testing of  ;

au,embhes shall be performec it. accordance with 4

Technical Specification 3/4.7 4. in lica of the aforementioned Code examination and tating requirements. I ollowing the issuance of a keense ninendment revising the I GS 1 Technical Specifications to incorporate the examination and testing requirements of Augmented inspection Program 13 in place of the existing 'lechnical Specificatior. requirements, the examination and testing of snubber assemblies shall be performed in accordance with the revised Technical Specification 3/4.7.4 in lieu of the aforementioned Code requirements.

Note that the general requirements of Subsection IWA, such as eumination methods, I personnel qualifications, etc., still apply. Additionally, all repairs and replacements; and their a sociated records and reports will be in accordance with ASMi!Section XI.

i The remainder of the camponent supp't, outtwrd of the snubber assembly shall be examined in accordance with ASMl!Section XI, Subsection IWI' requirements.


N E$

Specification Nii.42; Rev. I 1,GS l ISI Frogram Appendix A4

- q Fape 1 of 2


Ill:1.II:l' Hl:Ql'I'ST NO. ItR 05 1,

1DPNTIFICN110N OF COMFONFN~l S Class 2 integrally welded attachments for veuels, piping, and pumps, I!xamination Category C C, item Numbers C310, C3.20, and C3.30.

11 CODl! REQUIRliMENTS FROM WillCll Riti.lFI'15 RF,Ql!!!STl!D ASMi!Section XI 1986 !!dition, I!xamination Category C C requires a surface examination of 100% of required areas of each welded attachment to vessels a .d pumps during the first inservice inspection interval In the case of multiple vessels, only the integrally welded attachments of one (1) vessel m a group of vessels of similar design and service (or the equivalent of one vessel) need be examined. lixaminations shall be pedormed in with Figure IWC 2500 5 and the nondertructive examination requirements of ASME Section V.

.s -

Reliefis requested from ,:omplete examination of the integrally welded attachments listed in Table RR.05-1 due to plant / comp (ment design.

111, ilASIS FOR I(!!IliFF The affected welds are indiddually detailed in Table RR 05-1. All welds will be examined to the maximurn extent practical. Increased examination coverage is not possible without y ' undue hardship, such as a plant modification.

s! IV. Alll'l!RN ATE l'ROVISIONS No alternate provisions are present,ed for these exarninations. T13 e piping, vessel, and pump pressure boundaries are subject to soutine visual examinations during pressurt testing in accordance with exarnination Category C-II.


_ _ _ _ _ _ .- . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _._ m Specification N:! 42, llev. I 1GS1 ISI l'rogram Appendix A 5 Page 2 of 2 O Ill'.l II:l' Hl~Ql:13T NO,1(1t 05 (CONI D.)

'I Alli.I'. R R 05-I litamination Area Description! lixamination l!)_tNumber kstem llasis for Itchef "'.Complete

- RllR IlXA 1 A Ilent ' lixamination of the 0%

R il R ilX A 1 Il  !!xchanger interior welds on the ofthe RilR ilXA 1 C Tie Down tie down brackets interior RilR IlXA 1 D Ilracket is limited due to welds Attachment insertion of the tie

- Welds / Rillt down anchor plates; the outside welds are completely accessible, lixaminations are limited on both Itll" lleat fixehangers.

RillblIXA 2 A lleat  !!xamination of the 75 %

RilR llXA-2 Il I!xchanger - outside attachment ofthe RIIR-ilXA 2 C Mounting wchls is limited by outside RIIR IIXA 2 D Support - the supporting i beam. welds

_ Attachments The inside welds are Welds /RilR completely accessible, I!xaminations nie limited on both RilR lleat lixehangers.

RC-P PSI Pump Mounting _ IIxamination of the RS%

RC-P PS2 Support bottom portion of the RC P l'S3 Attachment - mourjting support RC P PS4 Welds /RCIC attachment welds is limited due to

. proximity to the ptimp pedestal.

EflBil29 II005 ClampillPCI  !!xamination restricted 70 %

(IA) due to permanent plant structures.

GilH-119 1 ugs/RilR lixamination restricted 70 %

il1002(IA) due to permanent plant structures

- lO:

. - . . - . - - . _ - - ~ - - - - - _ _ - - _ - . _ . . .

l Specificatmn Nil 42 Rev. l' -

1.GS 1 -

ISI l'rogram i Appendix A 6 l l' ace I of 1 O Hl:1.II:l' Ill'. QUI'ST NO. Rit 06

1. J.111LN111 lCAT!ON 01: COMi'ON!!N'l S Class 2 Residuallleat Removal (RllR) heat exchanger pressure retaining shell circumferential welds; I!xamination Category C-A. Item Number Cl 10.

II. CODE REQUIRimiliN'IS 1 ROM WillCILRiil IFif IS Rl!Qtti!STl!D ASME Section XI 1986 Edition, Examination Category C A requires volumetric examination of 100% of the pressure retaining shcIl circumferential welds at gross structurai discontinuities of one (1) heat exchanger (or the equivalent of one heat exchanger) during

. the first imervice inspection interval. I!xaminations shall be perfermed in accontance with Figure IWC-2500 I and the nondestructive examination requirements of ASMl!Section V.

Reliefis requested from complete examination of the shcIl to flange weld due to limited access resulting from component design.

O Ill.. IIASIS FOR REl.lFF Complete ultrasonic examination of the shell to llange weld (on either heat exchanger)is limited due to access restrictions from the llange bolting. Ilotting pmtruding thtough the vessel llange prohibits completion of the required ultrasonic scanning parallel to the weld, Transverse scans can be performed from the shell side of the weld, thereby providing approximately R7.5% coverage of the Code required volume. Disassembly of the flange mechanical connection, to facilitate complete examination, is not practical, and represents significant hardship in exchange for minimal benefit.

IVf MTERNATE PROVISION 3 No alternate examinations are proposed for the sulyject weld. Ultrasonic examination shall be performed to the maximum extent practical.


Specification NE 42, Rev. I 1.GS 1 ISI Program Appendix A 7 Page i of 2 Rl;l.llT ki:Qt'INI' NO. RR 07

1. IDI!NillflCATION OF CONipON!!Nis Class 2 Residual lleat Removal (14IIR) pumps, l Al' 202.1111'.202,1CP 202 and IDP 202, pressure retaining pump casing welds, lixarnination Category C.G. Item Number C6.10.

Class 2 Core Spray pumps, l AP 206, till' 206. ICI' 206, IDP 206, pressure retaining pump casing welds, lixamination Category C G, llem Number C610.


CODE REQUIRl!MIiNTS I llOM WillCil 111!! IEF IS RIiQUESTED ASME Section XI,1986 I:dition,lixamination Category C G requires surface examination of 100.% of pressure retaining pump casing wekts of one (I) pump in each group of multiple pumps (of similar design, size, function, service), during the first inservice inspection interval.

!!xaminations shall be performed in accordance with 1:igure IWC 2500 8 and the nondestructive examination requirementi of ASMIi Section V.

Welds on each of the RilR and Core Spray pumps (four (4) on Core Spray, four (4) on RilR) are encased in concrete and are totally inaccessible for surface examination. Relief is requested from examination ofinaccessible pressure retaimng pump casing welds on the RilR and Core Spray pumps due to plant / component design.

-III. 11 ASIS FQE RlillEP l

Due to the design of the subject pumps, access to the affected wekts can only be achieved ihtough disassembly of the pump, removal of the pump internals, and the required surface examinations performed from the inside surface of the welds. This effort,in the absence of-l any other necessary pimp maintenance, represents a significant hardship in terms of manhours spent and personnel exposure, without a compensating increase in plant safety.

l l! The remaining accessible casing welds in each of one (1) RilR and one (1) Core Spray l pump will be examined to ASME Section XI iequirements. in addition, all pumps are h subject to the visual examination requirements of lixarnination Category C Il and the Q

. . _ _ . . . - . . - . - ~ - - - = - . - . -- ..

Specification N!! 42, Rev.1 I GS 1 ISI Propam Appendix A 7 Page 2 of 2 RI'.l.II'.I' iti:Q1T51' NO.111107 (CONTD.)

functional test requirements of Section IWP, thereby, pronding assurance of pump structural integrity.


l in the event any or all of the subject welds become accessible upon disanembly of any one (1) of the pumps, the welds will be surface examined from the inside surface, to meet ASMit Section XI requirements for that particular pump group. Alternatively,in support of PECo's ALAR A program, a visual examination (VT-1) may be performed in lieu of a surface exaniination. The examination method will be detennined by I'l!Co based on 1

. radiation environment data at the time accen ir enabled 1 1

i f}

t l

1 t

'l V


Specification Ni! 42, llev.1 IGS1 ISI Program Appenda A K Page I of 4 O 111111T Iti;QUINI NO. ItibON

1. IDI!N'l11 ICATION Of CO!,TONI NTS Clau i full penetration welds of nonles in the scactor pressure sessel, Code lisainination Category Il D, Itern Number 113 90 11.

CODis ill:QUlill311ENIS 1 ltOM WillCil 1111.111: IS 1(EQUl!S Il D ASME Section N11986 l'.dition, Codt- Category ll D tequires a volumetric examination of all reactor pressure vessel nonic to sessel wrlds during the fu st inservice inspection interval.

"l1'he examinations shall be perfonned in accoidance with the examination requirements of Ogure IWil 2500 7(b) and the nondestructive examination requirements of ASME 4 (tion V, it ief is requested from complete examinalmn of the non.le to vessel welds listed in g 'I able 111b081 due to accen limitations imposed by reactor pressure vessel design and/or component configuration.

III. II ASIS 1:01t ItEl.lEF The 1 GS I reactor prenure venel has thirty four (34) nonles, the welds of which require volumetrie (ultrasonic) examination per Code liamination Category ll D. Due to the nonic forging configuration, portions of the Code required examination volume cannot be completely examined. The curvature of the blend radius of the nonle forging is such that ultrasonic scanning of the wehl is interrupted due to low of contact of the uhrasonic search unit This limitation affects both transvere and parallel scanning of the Code required examination volume.

In support of AI.All A,28 of the 34 nonic to venel welds are examined utilizing remote automatic ultrasonic tehniques. These techniques however, further limit the examination coverage due to scanning limitations caused by scanner design Table IllbO81 lists the I.GS I noule to vessel welds and quantifies the ellect of nonle configuration on Code required examination coserage.

. , , _ . . . . . - --- - - - - -~~--- -~ - - - - .

- --- - ~~

l Specification l N!! 42, iter. I 1,GS 1 l ISI l'rogram Apperidix A R l' age 2 of 4 O: fil'.l.II'.I' ill QL 'l:ST NO. 1414-08 (CONII).)

In addition to component configuration certain noule to veuel weld examinations are further limited by reactor pressure venel design obstructioin (such as, III'V appurtenaneca).

These welds are also detailed in 'lable itit-041.

lixamination coverage as indicated in 'Iable !!!t 081 is to the maximum extent feasible for the given configuratioa. Also, for all noule configurations, except N41), the critical inner 25% of the nonle thicknew was clicetively examined with both 45 and 60 degree imun angles.

l IV. Alli' lift NATii PitOVISIONS I No alternate provisions are practical for the subject welds. lixaminations are perfortned to


l the maximum extent feasible.

O o

Specification N!!-42, llev. I 1,GS 1 ISI Program Appendix A 8 y Page 3 of 4 l Iti:1.II:l' ill:Qt?iNI NO. Itit ox (CON ~I D.)

TAlll l! 1111-0 0 1 CODF 1:NAMINATION CA Il GoltY ll D l l!X AMINNilON COYl:lt AGl:

Percentage l Percentage of Volume Examined of Nonle l Due to Nonle Configuration Circutnference l lixamined t I Nonle 'l ransverse? Parallel' Nature of I IDI Descriptio.n Scans Scans 1 imitation N l A, il itecirculation l'ully lixamined 79.29 50 Outlet Partially Examined 6 KO tinexamined 13,91 N2A II, Itecin ulation Fully lixamined 77.55 50 l J, K Inlet Partially lixarnined 7.80 linexamined 14.(,5 N3A, II, Main Steam 1;ully Examined 73 2(, 50 C, D Partially


v Examined 6 30 t!nexamined 20 44 N4A,13, Fredwater l'ully I!xamined 77.55 50 C,11, F Partially Examined 7.80 linexamine,' 14 65 N4D 1 cedwater Fully Examined 77 55 50 KR,9 Partially Nonle Ni111 lixamined 7.R0 linexamined 14 65 NSA, il Core Spray I;ully lixamined 77.55 50 Par ially lixamined 7.8n linexamined 14 65 Nf. A. Il llcad Spray I utly Examined 72.36 50 Partially I  !!xamined 9.67 l)nexamined 17.97 p)


i l

. .-. - - .. ,_ . . . . - -_ = . .. .. -..

Specification NE-42, Rev.1 I GS.1 ISI Program Appendix A 8 Page 4 of 4 O Ill:1.lf,l'iti:Ql:lN1 NO.111108 (CONTI).)

TAlllli R R-08 1 (CONTD.)


!!NAMINATION COVERAGF l'ercentage Percentage of Volume Examined of Nonle Due to Nonle Configuration Circumference lixamined!

Nonle Transverse 2 l'arallel' Nature of II)I Descriptio_n Scarts Scan.s 1. imitation N7 licad Vent Fully Examined 76.24 50 Partially lixamined 7.27 linexamined 16.49 NR A,11 Jet Pump Fully Examined 78.22 50 Instrument Partially Examined 7.65 linexamined 14 13 N9 CRD Fully lixamined 7R.22 50 A Partially V lixamined 7.65 Unexamined 14.13

. N 17 'A, . RilR Fully Examined 77.55 50 D, C, D' Partially fixamined 7.80 linexamined 14.65 NOTES:

1. Unless otherwise noted, data provided is generic to all noules of a given identification number.

-Where the restriction varied, data is provided for the worst case.

2. The following applies to all noule transverse scans:

a) Fully examined the percent of the Code required volume that is able to be examined both the 45 and 60 degree beam angles.

b) -Partially examined - the percent of the Code required volume that is able to be examined by the 60 degree beam angle only, c) Unexamined - the percent of the Code required volume that was unable to be examined by either the 45 or 60 degree beam angle.

3. Parallel scans could not be performed on the novle side of all the welds.

Specification NF 42, Rev. I l GS 1 ISI Program Appendix A 9 Fage i of 5

(O' :

H1:1.II:l' ItI:QUl:ST NO. RR 04


Class I,2, and 3 component supports in piping, l'.xamination Categories F-A. F D, and F-C, Jtem Numbers Fl.10-Fl.40, P210-12 40, and 17310.F330 Component supports other than piping supports are outside of the scope of this relief request.

II, CODE REQUIREMENTS FROM WillCII RFIIFF is R_ligUESTl!D ASME Section XI 1986 Edition, l'aragraph IWit 2510 requires that component supports selected for examination be the supports of those components that are required to be examined under IWB, IWC, and IWD during the first mspection interval. These component supports shall be examined in accordance with Table IWF 2500-1.


' ASME Section XI 1986 Edition, Paragraph IWF 2430 details the steps to be taken should l

additiona' ,xaminations be required as a result of component support examinations requiring corrective actions per IWF-3000.

Reliefis requested from utilization of the IWF 2510 rules for component support selection, and from the IWF-2430 rules for additional examination.

The Code does not provide specific guidance for component suppots selection and therefore, user interpretation of the rules, as written, may not meet the intent of the Code. In addition, the rules for additional examinations are general and can not effectively compliment the selection basis, nor target specific failure modes.

Ill. BASIS FOR REI,lEF While IWF 2510 implies that component supports be selected for examination, specific-a criteria for this selection has not been provided. Interpretation of these requirements is

[ inconsistent and may vary by Code Category of the supported component. One approach

Specification N!!-42, llev.1 I GS 1 ISI P:ogram Appendix A 4 l' age 2 of 5 9 11l'I.ll'.I' 111.QITSI NO. It R-09 (CON II).)

utilized,is to apply the selection criteria of the component where the support is located (e g C 12-1/C-l: 2 selection rules used to select Class 2 piping support 4 This approach may provide for adequate samphng of the support population, however, selection by this approach yields di!Terent selection basis fm difkrent categoiics of components, and is cumbersome to apply and track Other approaches may be used; however, these selections may or tuay not meet the intent of the Code Also, the current provisions in the Code for additional examinations are random and may or may oot ta. 'et a potential failure mode to a specific support population. linhancement of the component support selection basis shouhl aho include a complementary plan for selection of additional examinations.


The ASMI! Code has recogni/ed the need for a more dcnnitive selection basis for component supports and as such, has issued Code Case N-491. 'I he samphng plan discussed herein parallels this code case O

IV. AI.TliR NNili l'ItOVISig The sampling plan described in Attachment I wi!) be utilized for selection of component supports for examination in lien of paragraphs l\\ l' 2510 and IWl:-2430. _


Specification Ni?. 42, Rev. I 1 GS 1 l

ISI l'rogram Appendix A 4 i

l' ape 3 of 5

O RI:1.ll:l' lil'.Ql'l:S1 NO,111( 09 (CONII).)

Attachment I Claw I,2, and 3 l'iping Supports Sampling I'lan SCOPI The requirements of this sampling plan are applicable to nonexempt Clau I,2 and 3 component supports in piping. Component supports other than piping supports. such as equipment supports, are outside of the scope of this sampling p'an. A1, The sampling plan is based on selection of a specified percentage ol the nonexempt population of component supports; the exact percentage determined by the Class of the compot.cnt support.

O witaie ine e nei iie" ca i aivia" i <omne"c"1 s"rve<1 is < i<reri'<a n> eerreri irre ni<a identifies its function (e.g. anchor)-

The required number of component support selections shall be distributed within each class by system and type, proportional to the number of supporis of each t:,pe within each system. -


Specification N!! 42, Rev. I 1 GS 1 ISI Program Appendix A 9 Page 4 of 5 O_

RI:I.II:l' Iti:Ql:1.NT NO.111109 (CONTD.)

Attachment I (cont'd.)

SPITII'IC flhe specific detaib of the sampling plan to be applied to I AiN I components supports is as follows:

1) The extent of examination is determined by the Class of the component support:

Class i 25% of the nonenempt populption Class 2 15"'. of the nonexempt population Class 3 10% of the nonexempt population

. 2) Component supports are assigned to one of the following functional ypes:



3) in applying the sampling plan, the required percentage of mmponent supports are selected by type in each system. That is,25% of all Class I anchors in system .\ YZ are selected,25% of all Class I component supports containing snubbers are selected, and so on, l.ikewise,15"4 of all Class 2 anchors are selected, etci in additionino Icss than one component support of each type will be selected (provided supports of that type exist in the system).

4). The required number of component supports will he examined over the inservice inspection

- interval and will be distributed throughout the intemd in accordance with inspection Program b, as follows:

Minimum Maximum examinations examinations completed. % credited, %

First Period 16 34 Second period 50 67 t- - - Third period 100 100 b

( _ _ __ .

- . . - --. . . - . _ . . - .. - . . . -~_ _ - . . . - _ . . .

Specification N!!-42. Rev. I LGS 1 ISI Program Appendix A 9 page 5 oi 5 Hl:1.Il'.I' ill'.Qt'13T NO. Itit 09 (CONTI).)

Attachment I (cont'd._)

5) Should additional examinations be required, per IWF 2430 the following rules shall apply:

a) . - When the results of a selected component support examination require conective rneasures in accordance with IWF 3000, examinations shall be extended to include examination of the supports immediately adjacent to the nonunforming support, and additional supports of


the same type within the system, equal in number to those scheduled for examination during'. l the current inspection period b) If the examinations of (a) require corrective actions, then the remaining component supports  ;

of the affected type, within the affected system, shall be examined.

c) ' If the examinations of(b) require corrective actions, the examinations shall be extended to include ali nonexempt supports potentially subject to the same failure mode (s) which required correction in (a) and (b). These examinations shall be extended to othet system -

component supports should the failure mode (s) be non system rekted.

(d)  !!xaminations shall be extended to include exempt sopports should the examinations of(c) require corrective actions. IIxempt supports shall be selected for additional examinations if the exempt supports are potentially subject to the same failure mode (s) as detected above.


l Specification i N!! 42, Rev. I IGS1 ISI Frogram Appendix A 10 l' age 1 of 3 Ill'I,II;I' RI:QUl:S I' NO. H R 10

1. II)FNTIFICATION 01: COMP')NENTS Class 1 pressure retaining dissimilar rnetal welds.13aminatmn Category ll F, item Number 115 130.


CODl! RFQUIRl!MFNTS FROM WillCll RFlizLEI IS REQUI!STl!D ASMI!Section XI 1986 Edition, Examination Category ll F requires a volumetric and surface examination of all piping dissimilar metal butt welds, NPS 4 or larger, during the first inser ice inspection interval, lixaminations shall be in accordance with figure IWil 2500-8 and the nondest.uctive examination requirements of ASMit Sectior. XI, Appendix 111.

Reliefis requested from complete volumetrit namination er the Examination Category Il F components listed in Table RR 10-1. Complete volumetric examination of these welds is not practical due to component configuration and/or plant design.

III.' [lASIS FOR RFI,IFF Complete examination of the required examination volume of Figure IWil4500-8 is not practical utilizing current ultrasonic examination fn Mques, Nonparallel surfaces within the required axial scan path on certain valves and littir.p smit complete examination of the base material adjacent to weld.

' A complete ultrasonic examination scanning parallel to the weld and a complete surface examination can be pe fonned on the affected welds. Axial scar.ning of the wehl and required volume will be performed 10 the maximum extent practical, q Partial ultrasonic examination coupled with complete surface examination and routine visual examination in acconiance with lixamination Category Il P provide adequate assurance of

- piping pressure boundary structural integrity.

O. . . .

~ . . . . -.

Specification i Nil 42, llev. I I GS 1 ISI Progtain I Appendix A 10 l' ape ? of 3 O 111:1.11:l' Iti Ql'l:.Sl NO. Ilit.10 (CON'lI).)

IV. Al TI:lt NNi l? l'ItOVisinNS No alternate exarnination provision . are practical lot the subject weldt I:xisting nitrasonic examination coserage is adequate sucli that use of alternate volumetric exatnination techniques (i c. intliography) offers no itnproscinents iti exattiination cilectivenen.


Specification N!! 42, lley. I 1.G S. I 1 ISI Program Appendix A 10 Page 3 of 3

. 0- .

RI:I.II:I' Ill:Q t'I N I N O . 1111 10 (CONTI) )

TAlli li lt11 101 liX AMihATION CATl!GoltY ll-l:

COMPONI!NTS lli:QtilijlMi,ltlil11T Itxamination Area 1)escription! I!aamination ID Number System e Complete RilA 013 Vahe to I'lued llead/ltillt 85 %

RilTI013 Vahe to 1 lued llcad!Rillt R5%

RilC 013 Valve to lilued llead!Rillt 85 %

RilD 013 Valve to I lued llead!Illitt 85 %

CTA 015 Valve to l'ined llcad/CS 85 %

l l.

i l

l L-.


Specification NF, 42, Itev,1 IGS1 ISI Program Appendix A 11 +

Page i of I

.0= 1 ill'.I.ll:l' Iti:QUlWT No.111( 11 i

NOTih lleserved for future use 5

O 4

I t


Specificatior NE 42,Rev,t 1,GS 1 ISI Program Appendix A 12 Page 1 of 2 l o----- REl.IIT REQUEST NO. Rit-12 i

1. SCOPE This relief request is applicable to those ASN1Il Code Case (s) adopted for use in this ISI Program wideh have not been specifically endorsed for use by the USNRC in l

Regulatory Guide 1.147 (re'erence 1.1.18).

II, DISCUSSION Cade Cases are periodically published by the ASN11! for the purpose of either clarifying the intent of Code rules or for providing rules and regulations for circumstances which are not .

1 currently covered by e.s.isting Code rules but need to be addressed in a timely manner Use I 1

of these non-mandatory Code Cases for inservice inspection is subject to USNRC )

1 acceptance of the Code Case (s); Regulatory Guide 1.14.7 lists those Codes Cases that have j been reviewed by the NRC and are generally acceptable for implementation in an

. ISI Program.- Other Code Cases may be used provided specific authori7.ation is requested pursuant to 10CFR50.55a.

The purpose of this relief request is to request authori7.ation of the adoption of specific Code Cases for implementation in the I GS I 1S1 Program.

- 111. CODE CASE (S) REOUIRING AUTilOR17.ATION The following Code Case (s) require specific authorization for use in the LGS 1 ISI Program:

A. N 4791 Boiling Water Renetor (BWii) N1ain Steam Ilydrostatic Test The Class 2 portion of the Stain Steam system is incapable of being isolated from the Class I portion for purposes of performing a hy6 static test, Use of this Code Case allows testing to the alternative rules of IWB 5222 (Class 1), which is most practical in this situation.

if v ~ ~

Specification N!!-42. Rev. I 1.GS 1 ISI Program Appendix A.12 Page 2 of 2 0: 11l'.I.II'.I' Itl'QtilNI' NO. It11 12 (CON II),)

11. N.495 Ilydrostatic Trsting of itelief Valves Under potential hydrostatic testing conditions of Clau 2 or 3 components, gagging of rebef valves, subject to the hydrostatic lest pressure, may not be practical or possible.

Use of this Code Case will allow ternoval of such valves to be conducted under a consistent set of rules while still accomplishing all code intended pressure tests.

IV. Al,TERNATli PitOVISIONS The attemative rules of the Code Case (s)in til above shall be implemented in the I GS 1 ISI Program for the first inservice inspection intenal.

V. [1 ASIS FOR Rlil.II!F ,

The Code Case (s) discussed in !!! above represent technically accept *ible alternative rules to O ^ssm s~ tion xi Cede *>me fect i8at the Code Casc<s) have em-e end-d in the Regulatory Guide in no way detracts from their technical adequacy since the major reason for their omission is the timing of their publication with respect to the most recent revision of the llegulatory Guide. That is, the snbject Code Case (s) are relatively recent and it is expected that these Code Case (s) will be accepted in a subscquent revision of the llegulatory guide.

Adoption of these alternatise rules provides an acceptable level of quality and safety and does not compromise the adequacy of tiie I GS I ISI Program in meeting the intent cf ASME Section xi O

_ - . _ _ _ - _ - . . . __ _ _ _. __. . . __ _ m___ _ __

Specification N!!-42, llev. I IGS1 ISI Program Appendix A 13 l' age i of 14 l

Ill:1.II:l'Ill:Ql'l:NI' NO. Hit 13

1. IDl! Nill lCATION 01: COMpONI'N i'S Class 2 (exempt and non exempt) presure retaining components within the pressure retaining boundary of pressure vessels. piping, pump ( and valves, lixamination Category C-II, item Numbers C7.10 through C7.ku iurlusise.

Class 3 (exempt and non exempt) pressure retainine comp <ments within the pressuie retaining boundary, lixamination Categories D=A. Ibil, and lbC, item Number D1 10, D2.10, and D3.10, respetlively;

'the specific Class 2 and 3 components covered by this relief request we detailed in Table (s)

RR-13-1.1 through Ril-131,4

-I p 11, COIE R1!QUIRl!Ml!N~lS 1 ROM WillCll Ill:1 Ilil Is Ill!QUliSI'l!D V..

ASMI!Section XI 1986 iklition, lixamination Category C-Il requires the pressure retaining components within each system boundary le subject to the system pressure tests of -

lWC-5000 and visually (VT-2) examined.

ASMII Section XI 1986 ;iidition, lixamination Categories D A. Ibil, and D C require the-pressure retaining comparents within each spiem boundary be subject to the system pressure tests of IWD-5000 and visually (VT 21 esamined.

The required system pressure tests shall be performed dnring the first inservice inspection interval in accordance with Tnble IWC-250n-I ci l able IWD.2500-1, as applicile,

'Iteliefis requested from meeting the subject pressure test ree iirements for the specilie components listed in Table R R-13-1.1 ihnineh Rit-13-1.91 to hanhhip imposed by l

plant design and/or redmniant testing. Indisidual test requirements requiring relief are as detailed in the Tables.

f3-a rr ,,y. _, ...,y ,., , .,p A -

  • _ is

blI 12, ItcV.1 I GS l l'il l'rogiam Appeinta A 13 l' age 2 of to 111:1.11 I Iti:()I INI NO. Itll 13 (rON il).1

] 111. li Asis 101t..g1111;l l'rnsnie testing in acamiance with some ei all of the rc<piiicmenis of twr-snoo or IWIL5000, as applicahic. for the allected c oinponents is mipractiud due to plant'sy stem desien and/oi tedniulant test retpiiteinents as deiailed in I abicM ltit-131.1 through Illt-13 l A l in au cases. pian, meadicai,o,, ii, f;m,hinic ihe ,mp,i,ca imii.,,, ,cp,me,os , mane hard, nip and/or alternate testing pimides adupiate assinance of picssnic boundary intcyrity.

IV. Al,ll:1\N A l ifl'IMO.TiloNs Any alternate test provisions, where pi.a tical. aic as pmposed in 'I'ableN !<lt l b l.I through 1111-13 1.9 l

9 9

Specification NI'-42, Iter.1 I GS 1 ISI Pmptam Appendix A-13 O 111:1.11:l' ill'Qt INI NO. Ittt-13 KONil)J l able Ilit l L 1 1

1. Identification of Component _s Class 2 Senice Air piping, 111111 16<. between and ins Indmg valves 15-1130 and 15-1140.

(llef. P & ID: ISI M 15, Sht 15)

11. Code itequirement I rom Which llelief is itequnted IWC 5221, System pressure test durine system functional!inserviec tests and, IWC 5222, System hydrostatic test 111. Ilasis For Relief 10CFR50 Appendix J l neal I eak Itnte iestine (I I IIT) meets the intent of the ANMl!


During normal plant operation. Service Air Ileader pressure is appmsimately 100110 psig.

111111166 is isolated from the Service Air header by noimall> closed valves 15-113R and 15-1139 outside containment and 15114n and 15-1212 inside containment.

Although I ocal I cak Itate tests use a lower piessuie (44 psig) than normal Service Air pressure, they offer the following advantages met s3 sicm pressute tests:

1) I 1.RTs are performed more freynenth tino periodic s3 stem fimetional tests and the l

ten yca hs amstatie tesi.

2) l I,Irl's have the ability to quantify leakaec which is not feasible with VI-2 inspections on air systems
3) 1.I.RTs conservatisely tes'some unclassified piping and includes through valve leakage which would not be identified m a V I-2 inspection 0

Specification NI'42 lley.I I GN.1 ist l'iograin Appendis A 13 O 141:1 II.l' ill'Qt I:N I' NO. Itit-13 (( ~ON il).)

IWC 5210(b) allows for air icsts w hith permit location and dein tion of through w all intages in the event the I l' faik to meet its a< ceptance coteria, further testing wouhl be perfonnni in detrimine the location of the leal.s. appiopriate conecthe maint nance nottld l4 peitof1tictl, albl all appropliate retc%t M ollId l'c peflot'litell IV. AllI liit NNI !! I'Itt ) VIN 1()NN 10011150 Appendix .I I oral I cat flate l'estine (t I It 1) will be utiliecd to meet the ASMl!

Section XI IWC-5000 pieunic testiny +cquiscinents O


,,,o.. .. _ .. _ _ . _ _ _ . ..___ _._ _ __ __ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _. _ _ ._ _._.

Specification Nib 42,Rev,I liiS.1 151 Program Appendis A 13 Page $ of 10 0 RI:1.II:l'Iti:QL T.Sl No, 1111 13 (COVII).)

'lable Illt 13 l.2

1. Identification offQuppe nents Class 3 Nuclear Iloiter Vessel instnnuentation tubine to dryucil pressure instrumentation outboatd of IIV-42147A, II, C, and 11 (ltel l' A 11t IS141-42 Sht 1)

II. Q3 1eJequirement c I rom Which Itclief is itequested IWI) 5221, System inservice Test and IWI) $223; System liydrostatic Test Ill, 11 asis Por Relief Normal 1)rywell pressure is less than I psig 'the pressuri/ing fluid is nitrogen gas. A VT 2 inspection looking for a nitrogen gas leak with less than I psig driving pressure would be inconclusive.

I,GS Technical Specifications require channel (hec ks every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> to verify drywell pressure instrumentation operability. Ihis is peifonned by verifying proper pressure readings. 'A significant tubing leak will cause an improper icading, and will be corrected and

- retested. Piping and components aie pressmired dnring the Inteprated I cak Itate Test (ll.R.T) and inspected for leakage.


1.GS Technical Specification operability chcrlo aml II.It I inspections provide assurance of -

c<nnponent integrity and will be utilirrd to satisfy ANNili Section Xl requirements.

.I e --

- Specineation Nih42, llev. I IGS1 ISI Program Appendix A 13 l' age 6 of 10

A./ '

RI'.l.II:l' Iti;QI I;SI' NO, Ill( 13 (CON l1).)

'lable Ril 131.3 I. IdentiGention of Component _s Clau 2 l(CIC Turbine lixhaust Vacutun lirenker hues 111111 101 and 111111 145 (1/4',3")

between and including vahes llW49-II:0Lt. IIV-49 ilMO. IIV 49 il:060 and 49-11:001.

(Res. P & 11): ISI M 49, Sht 1)

~Clau 2 RCIC Vacuinn Pump l'xhaust to Suppiculon l'ool, 111111 150 (N4", 2', between 19 11 028 anti ilV-99-ll 002,49-10M and 4911 055.

. 11; Code Requirement from Which itelief is itequesicii IWC 5221;- System pressme test during system t'unclinnallinservice tests and,

- IWC-5222, System hydiostatic test Ill; liasis lbr Itelief 10CI R$0 Appendix J l ocal I cak Itate Testine (1,1 ItT) meets the intent of the ASMli

- requirement.-

I)uring 1.1,llTs, tiie subject piping is preuniiicd to 44 psig, a subitantially higher pressure

. than that developed during a periodic system funct'innal test. As such, the 1.1.RT ofTers the l

f- following advantages over system pressure testr l.

1) -l.l R ls are performed more frequentl 3than periodic system functional tests and the ten year hydrostatic test, p _
2) 1.1.It'ls have the ability' to quantify leakace which is not feasihic with VT 2' inspections on this essentially pas.nlled pipme- +

l I

l - 3) I,l.RTs conservatively include through vahe leakage which wouhl not be identined in h a VT-2 mspection.

m = * -m

SpeciGentin i Nii-42,1(es !

1 GN-1 INI Progt:un Appetulix A 13 l' age 7 of 19 Iti:1.II:I' l'l:Ql'INi' NO. Itit 13 (00N'll).)

IWC 5210(b) allown for air tests uhich permh location arul detection of through wall leakages, In the event the 1.1 I(T fails to meet its acceptance criteria, further testing would be perfonned to determine the location of the leals. appropriate corrective maintenance, arul an appropriate relest would be perfortneil.

IV. AllI'I'.l(NATL! PitOVISIONN 10Cl I(50 Appendix J local I cak I;aic Testing 'l i It I) will be utiliicd to meet the ANMli Section XI IWC 5000 pressure testing re quirements.

[O -


_. .. _ ._..-~._ __. _ _. _ _ _.-_- _ _._ _ _ _-.. _ __ _._

Specification N1542, llev. I  ;

1USI '

151 l' ortam Appendix A 13 page 8 of 19 O lil:1.IIT ltl:Qt 1.NI NO. lt11 13 (( OVl D.) l l able it11 I L l.4 b

., .. . 4 .a =sy. . - . -

P Class 2 IIPCI Tntbine lhhaust Yacuum lhente line* lillli 10R and Illlil.144 (3/4; 4') ,

between and inclutling valves llV.55.Il 0% IIY 55 il on llY.55 ll'072, and 55-II'ti?!

(Ref l' & 1D: ISI M*55, Sht 1)

11. Mle_Itequirement I tom Whichjtelici isJtegpeyted l

IWC.5221, System pressure test during *ystem inne.onlinservice tests and, IWCO222, Systern hydrostatic te t.

r 111. ' liar.:$ l'otlttlief O incrit so ^rrene .i i ecei i.cet ita,e icstin, mecis iim ieleei er ihe ^ mit requircraent.

  • During Lt,itTs, the sub}cet pipinn is p<cssurirul to 44 p<ig, a substantially higher pressure than ' hat developed during n System functiomi test. M such. the I.I.ItT offers the l

foih, wing navaniaye$ om sysicm p,c,sme i-i< .

. 1) 1.1 IITs are performed more frequentiv tinn iriiodic sysicm functional tests or the -

ten year hydrostatic test,


2)l 1.1 RTs have the ability to quantify lealape which is not feasible with Vl 2 ,

inspection on this es+entially pas fille ' pipina

3) - 1.1.RTs conservativel) include fluone .atte leakape w hich wouhl not be identif;cil in a VT 2 inspeition.

IWC 52in(b) allows for air tests which permit location and detection of through wall .

h - leakages. In the event the 11111 1,th to meet its acceptance criteria, further testing wouhl e-. ,,.-.w- p pye,.-gep-g-,y---->g -=- p yy.-v-w- , y + -t--w-,- ww,s ,,.,+-Wy,.+ -

Sl iccification NI'. 42. Iter. I 1(is 1 Isl l'iopinin Alywnda A 1.1 l'nge9nl10 til'l it'.I' ill'.Ql'INI' NO. lill l.1 (( UN'l'l)-)

I k k 4 k h e a k 8 4 k q nu at.propriate tetes. Aooki l c teeiformed. l iv. au jina fit i itovislONS j tocritso A;ttnitix .I I ocal I cat itnic l esiing (I I It I ) wal lie uilvekt io incri the AsMir

[ Section XI IWC $000 prenure testing icquiteinens.

l t


i i

l-p- ,

! i I



'l I

4 k

,ve+r,. =**.--w-~-e-w- . w- v re- w va -w e v

b h(el lll N!! 42, lley, I  :

1(is 1 I ist Progenen Appeniliit A l.!

' i'are 10 of 19


Iti:1.II:l' l(H)t:IM NO. ItibIi (( ONilh L

i nble Itit . I L I A  !

t 5

g Clau 3 Containtnent Atmospheric ('onisol tubing to supparuion pool pleuute instrunnentation outboant of MW101. (itef P A Ilt INI M 57, Shti, INI.M 52. Shi 1)

II. Gutejteguircinent l]org Whkh Ihlief is.ltc< pie 3t nl i

  • . 6 je fb (!N !ksI! (U (s NN IWI) 522.1, System flyilrostalir lost.  ;

lit, Jinsis l'or Ittlief kit sk! h o kn k kh!( S (b$ kI lk k [ kk k n k bi A VI' 2 inspection lookime foi n nitrogen pas lent with less than i psig ilriving preuute l

wonhi be incontinsive.

I GS Technical Specifications irquite inonitoting suppievion pool pecuore every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> to verify supprenioti pool pientue instr" mentation operability. This is perforinnt by verifyinp a proper pressure tratling. A significant tubing Icat will give an improper statlitig, ,

antl will be corre(Inl atul relestnl. Also, the insitmncut aint line will be prenutiini sluting Il ItT niul insgittion for lenlage,


1 IY, OIllildIDd1IMlIMI9hb a a inspections provitle nasuvance of component intrysity ami will be utiliini to $ntisfy ASMit .

Section XI requirementt O

Ni ecific ation ,

NIL 42, iter I I (it!

lN1Psortatn 7 Appendit A 13  !

i Pape il of 19 no a rr n a ,i m m im . o m is n n

'I able n n.11 1 r, l

l i

1. MentijkaitonnLOimiwents


a o ' . . chIhil tief II IIlif *a [llu -

If N (Tll MlN )( llk N 1(enirnbiner and valves llV.37 Ifil anil llVA7 ifi?. anil lilill 12(i nnd llll11124 betwren  ;

antiinduding *ll* recoinbiner aval vnhes llV-57 Ifd anil llV 37.II.4 (l(ei P A ll): INIhi.

57.Sht'l A 2)  ;

11. Code llequitt:mpn![ngdhich ite.hef Idtegnestnl i

IWC 5221. Nptein pienure test dining spleni lunt tionallintervice tests and, f IWC 5222. Splein hydrostatic test lil, llati$Ij9d M rf l O ,

sp,nmco,,,n,sna, cay,,iespn,m,oCrin,-,sthein,retei,hassm, nim,,_ .

g ,, .

testing associated with the Icat 1(nluotion Propenni(1: Salt 6.2Ah this piping is pressn'iicd

-lo 44 psigJ Cl'Is fot this splern nie peilotinni similai to 10Cl'l(50 Appeinlix .I Ineal Itak flate 'lesting and, at suchiolier the following nilvaninves otes aptein pressure testi l) CI'Is aic perlotmed inore fregnentl3than peiiodic splein functional tests and the ten q yeni hydnutatic test ( ,

2) CPin have the ability to quantify !catarc whk h is not feasible with a VT 2 inspection on thiinir 611nl piping. t l  !

cri<n,n.cnniivay inanae ihn,nnh vnse icatnye w hich wouhi noi ac iaeniinni in o 3>:

V l .2 inspection. l LO h

wwn,-y*w-se,.,p. or, v%,y'-gy .u smyig.+==.eiaryye 'r e g oe e w-4- >=v_em e. S .aw eaa ew ww . u-,,iew e em m e-x ,es-- & as e h r'rr+e+9'e--r>P-+w*-w-ftWT'i-w -'T-Tw=r-w'-e'-'u~'-r*ww 7mw,---evir'

m - - . _ . ___-__ _ _ _ . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _

g _

l lT( l$ Mk (nl i N! 42,1(ev I -

I (1% i

{ INI Prograni l Appetulli A*l3 j Parc 12 of 19 l .

Ill l ll l' I{lL()('l~.NI' N(), Illl-1,1 (( (IN ll).)

l iwe.s 2009 aitosn for aii inis whiin pnnni ionoion nini icicoion of itaough w.iii leak ares. In the nent tiie CPI f,iih to ineet its atteptnen e c ntnia, further inting wuuhl le perfonned to detriniine the location of the Ic4% appnipii:ite conectine innintenance, and att i

approptinte retnt uouhlle performeil.


a a (kN lIhl hk\$$Ih4 ek lY l} Th IkI N IO h h l [UI lI nk l ' i hk NI IWCAfNW1 prenure inting tegnitrinents.

i i

f J $

l' i

i I f 8


1 n

i i

r 4

j- -

- _ __.. _ _ .. _T _ _-. - _ _ - _ . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ ._ . . _ .__

Specification NI!.42, Itcy. I l-(iL i ISI l'rogram Appendix A 13 Pape 13 of 19 O Ill:1.II:l' ill'Qt 'INI' NO. 1111 13 (CON il).)



Table Itit.1517  ;

1. hkritifistion) of Cotappnenty Clas!i 2 Containment Altnosphetic Control pipine as illustratnlin figures itit 131.7a, b.

i Il- C911 ejeggirnitent lio!!LMdt tltelijils i 13c31oe,stni -

IWC 5221, Systern pressve test during system lunitionallinsenice tests atul, IWC $222. System hyanslatic test. '

111. liasis [or_ljelkf .

10CI:l(50 Appendix .I I oral 1 cak itate Iesting (I I It I) meek the intent of the ASMi!


h The I,lRT offers the following ativantages over system pressuie tests:

'l).- 1.1.llTs are performed nune frequently than periodic system functional tests.-

2) 1.1.11Ts have the ability to quantily leakape w hich is not feasible with V l' 2 inspection nn this essentially gas.lillnl pipine.
3) 1.1.llliconservatively include tinough sah e leakage which wouhl not be identifini in a VT 2 inspection.

I IWC 5210(b) allows for air tests which pennit location and detection of through wall

leakages. In Ibc event the 1.1 l(T faik to incetiits acceptance c iteria, further testing would-be performed to detennine the location of the leak *, appropiiate corrective maintenance and
  • an appropriate retest wouhl be perfonned.


10Ciril50 Appendix .I local I cak itate Testing (I I It'l) will be utilized to meet the ASMl!

.O S - im a n w C.sooo P - t - ie ,r i,n n -

r -


. . . - - . ._ a.- _ _ . _ - . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - _ _ ._ _ _ _ -

Specification N!! 42, Itrv.1 IXiS 1 ISI l'mgratn Appendix A 13 Parc 14 of 19 111:1,11:l' 1113)U151~ No.1111 13 (CON 1 D.)

1 irure itit.13 1.7a (itef l' & ll1 ISI M.57, Sht 2)

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Specification '

N!!.47, lley, I I US.1 ISl l'ror. ram Appendix A 13

"* =

O lifil .II:l' 1113)(113i M), l{l{.13 (<3;x g g3 )

Firute f(l( 131.76 (l(cf P & !!1 ISI.457. Sht 1)

-l LTs 1 - ---+~o l - - - - ~~ - - --o-~-<--o-t 4.... - - - - - -

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I (ib i 15,1 l' tort mn Apprentis A 13 l' arc it, of 10



lll i ll i Ill ()I l Ni N(1. Ilit-li tl UN il).)

Ial,lc f(!! I 4 I t.

1. lil tntifigition of ('ornliorierit(

( 'l A A4 2 l'filli:1r) ('ofil.tlliflirn! I IM lfit ill l'Olicti.Illitel (tililtiv ;inil itsl \ alt et it%%(M iitf rti u lill 21 piirnary (notniinnent cln trical puicontions .it f ollow -

11 N: val VI N(1% PI N.8 ll(All()N N().

Mb I?% l A,Il INlunA 6f L I ? t 2A ,Il IN inull t,IL 12 0 3 A,ll I N inn ('

6ti 1244 A,ll I N lonli 60 125 A A ,ll IN iti! A 60125 6A ll IN int il 60 12 0 7A,Il INini('

/~'s (j 60 12 % R A,ll INioll) 60 1249A,Il INintA 60 12% 10A,Il INlaill 60 125- 1 I A.ll INI04A 60 12012A,ll I N 10411 1 i ' N 1 l l}

60-I?S 13A.Il IN 10 tr 60 125 14A,ll i N in ll) (I :NIi 1) 60 12 t l 5 A,11 IN10%A ,

60 12516A,Il IN Ifi$ll 6n.125 17 A,Il I N in s( '

(A l 2.L I NA, I I N ill 5l's 60 12 % l 9 A ,Il IN loSI' t,0 12 % 20 A ,Il .INionT 60120 21 A,Il i N 10611

$ 60 12.0 22A,11 I N 106( '

60' 125 23 A ,ll IN222 6012? 24 A ll IN210A L &

I Specification Nib 42, llev.1 IGLl INI l'rograin Apgendix A 13 O I(1:1.ll:l' Ill:()('l3T NO. Ill( 13 (0(Wil).1 1 II. Qgle.J!cquiteinent_lj!ontWhiglijtelief is.l(cuocsteil -

lWC.$221, System pressure test during sysicm loin tionallinsettice tes.$ un(!,

l IWD$222, Nysicm hydrostatic test.

111. flasiier l llelief

. 1 10C!'l($0 Appendix .I l veal I tak itnic 'l estuir (1 i l( l i meet A lhe intent of the ASMli requirernent.

This tubing is nonnally charped to 015 p ip with nitrogen pas liesides preuuriting to a substantially higher prenure (44 psig), the I l lt I offers the following advantages over system prersute tests-

1) 1.1 I(Ts are performed more Itequently than periodic system functional itsts and the l

ten year hydrostatic test, i l 2). 1.1JITs have the ability to quantify leakage wbich is not feasible with YT 2 inspection on this enentially pas filled tubing.


4) I..l llTs conservatively include thtough tabe leakage which woukt not be identified in

- a Yli2 inspection.

r i

IWC.$012(b) allows for use 6f nittopen gas as the pseuuriring medium. In the event the 1.t ritT fails to meet its acceptance criteria futth re testing wouhl b pe f rer o med to detennine tlic location of the lee.ks, appropriate correctise maintenance and an uppmpriate retest <

wouhl be performed. '

L IV, 6Elll(NAlli pitOVISIOXS .

t-10C1:1150 Appendix .I l ocal I cak Itate Testing (I I Il I) uill be utilirrd to meet the ASMl!

Section NI IWD5000 preuure testing requirements, g en-rw- -+-p-= 4,-M*44-e- war-e-e- -iqw-e-- M- w a w=-my we geg w-ew -+ege-e =w -ePyeu---e-,-w--,,twwwespwrv- ----e -1r74wh- * -- 18i-WP--W9-**ww'+

Specificatinn i NI' 42, itev.1 I GN.!

INI Prograni Ag,pendix A 13 111:1.11:l' Iti:Ql:1WI NO. Itit-13 KONil).)

I able Itit.IL i o

1. hielltiGentioriff Ojt!;poncit ts ClMs 2, l'rirnary Containment i rak 'lesting lines 111'll 122 between and including galves N1 1050, Ni 1057, and (,010$R; 11C11 122 belucen anil including talves (,01051, f 01070 and 601071; and ll(*l1 122 between ankl includmg sahes (.0-1052, (in 1073, and (.0,1074.

(itef P & lit ISI.M 60, Sht I)

II. Code Ittauirt.rnent I; torn Which Itclief is itequested lWC.5221. Systern pressutt test during systern Innotionallinscryice tests and, IWC.$222. System hydrostatic test.

lit, .li.a. sis lint 10CI:ltSO Appendix .I I c. cal I cak Itate Testing (I l.itT? niects the intent of the ASMI!


1)uring norinal plant operation, this piping is not presstnited and is isolated by locked valves. linring the ll.itT the piping is preunii/cd to 44 psig. 'I his pipinp is also pressurized during i 1,itTs 1.1.11! $ oiler the following advantages over sptein pressure tests:

d i ek k .

L 2) . I I.It I s have the ability to quantify leakage w hich is not feasible with a VI'-2 l "

. inspection on this air Alled piping.

3) I 1.IITs conservatively include throuch valve leakape which would not be identiGed in

.i VT-2 inspection, 10 ,

1 l '

ll l-u - -

,, ,_ - ,, ,-, - _ , ,- . - p ,,,.m , , . - . _ , , -,,,..-geye,-- , , , . - , , ,--eyr . , , , , , , , ,,,--,,,-,w,,,,.,,,,,.,mm,,-- w .,f .y u

1 Nn.a< iien NI! 42, f(ev. I  !'


INI l'rogram -

Appernhx A-13 l l' arc 19 of 19 l imnn lin,nxr xo lil .,3,o,sil,., ,

twc.52in<h) ailmn im - . w hi< h pei,,ni h,o,ii.,n ana acieriio,, ni ihn,ngi,.wan -

icat o,- in ihc e c,,, ,in. .

. n a n s , o , ec,., ,, m . <, ,, a,,, . <,i,,,e, . h,,,l,,, ,,,,i,, ,,,ni,1 be perforsned to deterinine the location of the leats. arpropriate uiricetive ruaintenance and '

nn appropriate triest nonhl lie peifonned. t i

IV. AlilljBNA ll! pl(OVINIONN i

. A fg 2I, k. MCa [ll kH\C f %ll,,p f l ) M'gll bp gjjhll/pgl ((} gyppj llg. l 3, Nection XI IWC Sn00 ptroute testing teynirements.

O .

A f

E f

Npecifiention f.It 42, Iter, I j i001 INI l'rograin Apperulix A 14 O lil:1.ll:l' ill.QI l.N I~ M t. Itib 14

1. jl?l!N l'll'lf61]UN Ol!XOMl'DSl!N I S The 1TILI ISI pmptain inchnics winponent rsatnination arquitrinents in addition to the ISI sequiertnents of ANMl! Scotion XI. 'llicse angruented exainination eniuircinents otiginate froin a vinicly of soones 4 errulatory, innlustry, ele however hke INI rintninations, situations snay t,xist whidi predude < otopletr exatninat'on i in arrotd,une with augrnented prograni requircinents= (Nec Appetalix II) -As such, erhef froin these reyta cinents is requested bricin.

Specific coinponents alicetni by this relief acquet,t nie detailed in 'I able Itib 141.



- El!Qllllll!A11MIEfBOh!Milflll@ll.IldS RlWillMI)

I i

bpCCkIl0 aliffilCllthi tPqllirClinPrit A llofn Milifli 101101 l% rPqucklCd l% illClltiflPd lll '

Ts.ble Ittbl4 l. I'rograni details are found in Appernhx 11.-

i l

Ill.  !!ASISJ1)lt_Ilfl.1[l) i

'- The specific basis for irlitI is as detailed in 'l able itIb 14 l. '

IV. Al!Il!!(NATL! pl(OYlSij)NS l '


. Aby alletitute CKalnif t ttiott.lletting, %)lete practical, it detailetl ill I able l(ll 14 l, i


l l


,-4 rw-,n--- -, , . . ..,---r ,,, , -- - ~ , , , - - ,e

j Specification Ni!.42, llev. I Itis.1

1. INI Prograin Appentlix A 14 Vaye 2 of 2 i

.O Hl.l.II:l' fil:Ql'INI NO. filt 14 (CONIII.)


'I able llit-141 i Aupnentnl !!x , mination l Cornpo.rict11111equir_iti)' Jtclici I
xatnination Auginctifed Area l'.tainitiation 'l ype of  !!xatnination

-1D Nunter E g w ptn h Fxatnination liasis of iteinf  % CornPkk l(C 131 AIXi $ Voluittettic Cornponeni 85 %

(llCIC, . (I rl') configuration flued precludes .

F head to ' cornplete valve) ( xarnination, l

j coniplete surface i exam peribnnni for1%l -


} . .I O  ;

I i

I s

i f

1 5

LO l-I- l i ); .

l h i vecuic ition I NlI 42 ](r.'V. i I

1 (i% l IN' l' ingrain Appep.IIXil q l re I of 2 O

jyl'lj I)IL"ll"'I Alli l' Ol~ ( ON Il'N I s I f.I (iMI Nil'Il PitO(;lt 4%1%

Norne of the auptientnl plogiatus lieteil hercio air ocu s.ith the imiance of Ilns i rok cain, winte othets have becn innplernentnl tint e lhe o art of ionuncicial opnation as athlrewtl in Npc ific ation koll P. Sol.

In udtlltioli, hortt0 %Cr0 knitilttil dolme lbe fitst intp.N lion pt thkl I nl % Cr0 nc\ ci Iortuali/ctl in!q Npecification 4111 I'-501, he all(avs, the ten Seat requisenn ots specifiol lot some of these aurnientnl prortains will lie satisfini by the wir' avion of the fint it nmec.: 141 mirn al.

Al'Pll Nill _N /it.!(iNil'.*ill:1) PitO(Rt Mt 1 )l. S t 'lll P l. l.(.)N 11 1 Al '(i 1 Nit (' (icncric I etter nul, Ir,tergranular Picu

('ortmion Crac king 11 2 AlG2 N t 'l(! (i-OtiU), llWil l'ecdu ater Noul' wul

('on:rol llod IHve itetuin line Nonle

('taJkilip 11 0 Al'(id 11 llidleti's % k0-13, ( ta kitig in fore Spr ay Npaircts

( )

64 A G4 Y ml G Cin3052, closcout of 11: 11olletin kO 01 llWit .101 Puttip Ancinid) l'itilure 11 3 Al G5 l'NNd U Mn hatn(al 1 ngincenng ;tranc h (MI:ll)

I n hnical Positioi Ml;li T.1 ( Nt 'ltl:(i.n%0, No Ilical' llonndaries) 11 4. A t Gri utlicard I cedu atri Chect Yahts gj llV 4! 210744 and 11(Pcopatn Comple's ) l

.att 117 AlG7 Sll No. 4(5, lleco.nmendation for Additional INI r Alloy iR2 Nonle W4lrnents ll.x AliG K Intended 1%atnination Volume for Code

( ~a:cco.3 11-l )

11 9 A l'(i 9 l' Aamination of the ItPV Closute licad Iifting i ups (III" (alc (It l(bNOrE (bbU  !} cIna Components (I SAll 'lable 3 21) l 11 11 Al'G-11 Sil No 409. Incore I)ry ~l ubc Crmks p 11- 1 2 Al'(i 12 Nil No >20. Inspection of.let Pnmp Nensing a m_

'p f J

Nlm ifiention NI 42,1(ev,1 I GN 1 Ist l'iograin Appentla 11 O Arri xnicir niiii Gr ( Oxli;s,s ic,... w Al 'G N11.N i l'l) I'l((Helt \\t%

A.i.'l'l; NI)l$ (W(i)11 N.]I'l) I'l(()(ill ANI I )l .S_ Cit i ? I IO N li i3 At 'U. i 3 snnbber l'annnation atal Iesting riori in

( i n hnical $ pet ith ation Snubbny 11 14 A t :(i.14 $nubbet I u ninzitiori l' ograin (110l' Stinbber4 h-i> Al'G 15 hil No 43 % Slitotal lleatl llolt Utatis ll lf. AI'U !f- Nil No 462. $1 100,1 Nuppoit Aurn llel.-

( 'os ci ( *at t, 11 17 A t :( i- 17 Sil. M 174 Nteatn l hyer lhaiti ('hatriel

, ('t ac tie r ll 18 Al!(i lR l(111( llrat l'u han,'ct l'rewir 1(etaitting

!!ohine ll 19 A l 'G.19 Wehl ('etilcIline \latkilip O


Npc(ific ation N1442, iter. I IG41 INI l'rort am Apjicthll A It-I O Alju\11.N l i l) INSl'l F i l(IN I'It()(ilt ANI 1, Nit (' (icoctu l etter WI, Intriptanulat hite" s

('(If f oslotl ('l K kif1f I $(X l'l_;

1$- puentec .n pet tion prograin ( Al G h itcfines the at tiutics (onduc ted i o t ~ny inscr ice insp1' ion at i UN 1, pursuant to the mainination requirernents of Nit (' fictictic 14 ller AR-bl. Ila proptain tullicurs only those requitrinents nealing with petiodn natnisoiti m ' profic l'l Un (onnnitinents iotuenung all of the nsex ;ts of NI!U (. n n -

I citer F N 01 are contained in the l'iro scsponses to the letter, it!rrence 1.12-I NI(C (icnt tic I < tter h001 tequitcs llut an auptncotesi irispc(tioli ptortato l*c derchped arul it 1plemerded fot (ettain austenitu stainleu < trol piping weltis atul teat tor veut t attacioneh 'I he te(hnical bases for the NitU ttall positions, put tottb it: tia Utir: tic I 4Itet, ur detailed in Itclesener i IJ 'I he appla able icqunctncots of the Generic I et. "-

O ""'""""'""~"~-

A, 1)l > SUllll' i ll ' N' i ll: NI(U Gl:NI Iti(' I i 'l~ll lt hk.01 Cit t i Fill A 1:N1'l)'IO 1)1211 It MINI: 'llili 1:X ll;N I ()l 1 IMI:ltlFK COMP ()NI!N I S WI . lilN A1:U 1 PI(OUll A\1 hCol'l:

Nitr Generic I ettet 8001 apphes to pipine system pottions thx n ~t the folkniing (ntena-

  • allstefiltic Staillleu slCel,
  • four itu hrs of latyct in tionunal d'en e, 't, and
  • t ontani reactot coolant a. a ternpciature d'oce 200'17, during pow ci operation

~llte fo}loWkilp pfpiny % slcti'd 11/60 l1%f tloils M })ilb tilCet tilCs0 O!ItCrla hthi are therefore within the scope of Ni(U (ier cric I ettet KLul

_ _ . . ~ . . . .

Npn ifh ation NIW42, llev. I 1(i41 f ist Prorr;un Appentid 16. I l' arc 2 of 10 L


  • 1(cactor ltruiculatnin $ptem
  • lletidoni Ilcat Itenn. val %pinn t
  • Core Spiny spiern P


  • Itra(tor Water Clean up Splein
  • lleactor (bre Isolation ronhng $pteni 6 t he NI(C (irnetic I citer ako apphes to reactor vessel attac hinents arni r ppurtenant e s The folloaint irac tot vessel attac hinents aini appurtenances have portions which are within the vore el NI(C (icneric I citer Wol'.
  • .let l'urnp Instunnentation Nvstern g
  • 1(cactor Veuct Stainless hteel Safe 1 n(Is
11. SCOl'l! 01: CON 11'ONiiN I S Wil lilN I tilN At :(iN11:N'll:1) pl(O(ill A A1 Ileattor llecirculation Systrin (I cops A A II)

Ittference- IGNI PK11) INI hl-41, sht. I Scope:

  • 20 NI'S ltractoi llecirculation l'uinps A and 11 suction piping, froin

_ the wchls joining the llPV NI nonics to safe-enth, through an(I includinn the wekts to the itecirculation l'urnp suction noulet

  • 2r Ni'S Itcactor 1(ccirculation l'umm A and 11 disharpe piping, Inun the wthi to the Ilociiruhition Putnp disharpe noules, through the e

l 1

I blT( k(leMllon Nib 42, iter. I I UN. I INI Prograni Appetulis 11 1 Pare 3 of 10 22' N!'S he nlen atu! intlucting the 12' NPS piping segnients, froin the henders, to it.c lil'Y N2 nonics to ufe end achts i

  • lhe wehl tonan ting the 2r NI'N ltillt piping to the 11 pornp sur tion, and the wchli connuting the 12' NPN ltllit piping to the A and 11 p>nnp diu harpe Itesidual llent lictnocal Systun iteferener: IUSI 1%ID's IN14151 sht I atul 3 Scope:

2r NI'S Itllit supply piping, honi the connection at the 11 loop Itcactor itecirculation Pinnp suttion line, up to nonnally closed O i"""""i<""' '" me"'i'"i 'i"" ne si >> ">> <'er: 'i"e ""r""<<


  • 12" NPS Itllit retnm piping. frorn valves llV 51 ll2050A and it, to the Itcactor itecirculation Purnp ,. nnd 11 disharge piping (ref: line nurnber DCA 104).
  • 12' NPS 1111111.I'Cl injection, frotn valves 31.ll:065A,11, C, and D, to the itPV and including the itPV noule N17 safe end to pipe wchls (ici: line nurnber DUA.318)

Core Spray Systern iteference: 1GSI 1%lD IN14152, sht. I Scope:

Specification NI L42, iter.1 I m. I ISI l'f ograrn Apremlix II.1 O

  • 12' NI'S Core Spray Sparrer supply i any, frorn inboard valve 52 II'007A and 11. up to atul incluthop the 10' NPS Iti'Y N5 noule saic.unt to pipe wchls (rel hue nuniber I)CA 319,320),

f(cactor Water Clean l'p System Itti rence- 1(iS I l' AID INI M-44, sht. I and 2 Scope:

  • r NI'N ltW('t) putnp suctiott piping itiside coritaisittient,inicludirip the connection at the lleactor Itrein ulation e.uction hne and primary containtnent penetration X 14 tit f: line number DCA 101).
  • V NI'S ItWCl1 putnp suction piping outside of containment (reti line nurnber Dril 102 and I)(T 1011. See Note 1.


V 4' ItWCli discharge piping, froin the 4' x 3" reducera in the itWCl) puinp disharpe header, lo the tube side inlet of the llegenerative I cat exchanger (rel: line nundiet D(T-101) See Note 1.

  • ItWCt! piping frorn the tube side outlet of the Itepenerative heat enhanger to the tube side inlets of the Non-Itcpencrative heat exchanpers (ref: line numbet DCC lO2). Nec Note 1.
  • ItWCli retuin piping hotn the shcIl side outlet of the llegenerative heat exchanper to ItWClI valve llV 44 ll 039 (ref: line number DCC 104 and liCC 105). See Note 1.

Note I: 11WCli system piping welds outside primary containment,(ref. line Nos. DCC 101,102,10A 104 and 1:00105) are not subject to NDl! per ASMl!Section XI. Accordingly, provisions have not been made to accomodate such NDit in consideration of this and

'.perification NIL 42, llev.1 I GN l INI l'rogram Appendix 11 1 O

e,i,<, o<,e,,. m,n1nati es ,mlei,a i,x ,h ., g,,,,n,a progenin will be ronducted on a sainpling lin(is only.

A irp'esentative sainple of 5% of the total population of piping wehh, within the aliove described lioundatics, will bc etatnined at each refueling outare (lieginning with lit ()h duritig the liest inspection interval, '

l(cactor Core isolation Coohng Systern lleference: lGNl P&ll) IN14149 sht. I Scope; 0 10 WP ds Ht tilf phlle follIIC(thOn to t le stail) Css $1001 flow riCll)Cllt 1 lb49 N016 (ref: line nunilwt lillA 107).

Jet l'urnp Instrutnetstation Systelu lleictence: IGS1 l'&ll) IN14142, sht i Scope:

  • The ritrumferential wthh girater than 4' NI'S between the Ill'V noule NR safe end to sair end extension, and the safe cud estension to the jet pump iristrutnertation penetration scal.

llenctor Yesiel $tainlcu Mrcl/Inconel Safe II.nds Tlie ill'V attndun nts and apputtenances within the scope of this response are limited to stainleo steellinconel safe ends attached to Ill'Y nonles<

O "*w"<< iosi

Spnification f Nih42, lley. I 1.Gs. I ISl l'rogratn Appendix 11 1 l' ore 6 of 10 1%II) ist M 41, sht. I 1%II) INI M 42, sht. I 1%li) IN1414T, sht. I Scope:

  • The stainless steellinconel safe enth attached to Ill'Y nonics NI, N2, N5, N8, N9, and N17. (Nafe.cnds for the N5 and N17 noules are l


Note: Safe etal altarhtuent to l(l'V nor/les N1, N2, N5, arid N17 have been pteriously identified within the scope description of the systeem auoriated with these conneetions. ,

1I- Il1111131i8TS n

V A. Generic 1 etter HR 01, NAC position on IGNCC in (1 Wit Austenitic Stainlew Steel l'iping, dated .lanuary 25,19h8

11. NUlti!G 0313, revision 2 - Tnhnical lleport on Material Selection and Processing Guidelinen lot IlWit Coolant l'rvuure llournlary Piping,,lanuary,1988.

< lil, Gl!NiilMI, N!(C Genetic I citer 88 01 tequires that cath preunte retaining citenniferential butt weld, l

ihaus whhin so,pe ,i.e a-ipnea io a cer The miiaummyo,ic, a,e Cen,ry a thru Category G. t he nuignment of these cairposics is based on the deper to which the wekt is susceptable to intergranular Stress Corintion Crac king (IGSCC) CateFory A welds are least suweptable, Category G wehh are anost susceptable, NitC Generic 1 etter 8R 01 and NtJill!G-03131(ev. 2 provide delnik on the detertnination of IGSCC category, The exarnination frequency for each of the scope wehls is determined by the IGSCC category that is assigned to the wekt . This is explained in more detail under the section of this

]_ augmented prograin doeurnent entitled examination schedules.

bprekbleatholl NI!- 42, iter. I l.(15-1 l ISI l'tograin , i Appendix ll l ,

page 7 of 10


IV. IMSjjN61lON l'ly)GB A)J j i


~A. 15xafriktnition .Sletbods afid IerSollfwl l'l!Co is coturnitted to cotoplyitig with the NRC Stan positions on exainination rnethods ask personnel as delineated in NI(C Genetic Iclier 88 01 'Ihe exarnination inethod to be perforined will be the nitrasonie (t ri) tygv voluinetric inethod, l'os (TI' extuninable ASN11! Clau I and 2 welds, the IGNCC exarninations will be '

perfonned in accordance with the requireinents contained in the 1986 lidition of Ash 11!Section XI for the ANMl!(lau of the weldinent. I;or (Tl exarninable ASSil!.

Clau 3 and non class wekls the acquiresnents in Section XI for Clan 2 wekts will apply.1)ctails of the volunwiric exatninntion ruethod rony be upgraded as practical to ensure that the exaininations will be effetlice. 'I he personnel perfonning the IGSCC voluinetrie exarni..ations will bc <piablied for such exarninations by a fortual prograin approad by the NitC, i

11. lixarnination Schedules The exa nination frequencies in this auginented prograin confonn to the NI(C stau '

positions provided in Generic 1riter KR 01. With exception of the itWCU siystcru 1

{ out%Ide cotilaillfinent, the frequelley of exatnitiatiota depends on the IGSCC category j that the weld is auigned to, The exatnination frequencies nre as follows:

JGSCC Catergly Estiiinatio!LlMenUnni SchnW i

A 2.Yb eveTy 10 yCar$ (at lea $t 12Ist kil6) cars) 11 50% every 10 years (at least 25% in 6 years)

C All within next 2 refueling cycles and then all every 10 years (at least 50% in 6 years)'

I) All every 2 tefueling cycles -

11 50% next refueling outape, then all every 2 refueling cycles t

I: All every refueling outare G - All next refueling outage l

._ 4 .a -, - ...=--a4_,,. . . _ - . . . _ , - - . . _ _ _ _ . - . - -.~.a..._.----,_.__-~~__-_____.-______.-

NI 42, llev i I(iN 1 INI l'rograrn Appernlix 11 1 page 8 of 10 Ot All irl I(W(lI outsi e contidnfDent .Y H safDple pet outage The l(IS(T catepory auigned depetuls of tuc h I;u tots as:

  • Whether streu irnprovenient is perfonned.
  • Whether ermks are known to exist in the urhl.
  • Whether the wehlis reinforced by meday
  • If corro: ion resist-A cimkling has been apprmed
  • What the base atul wcid tnaterials ate.
  • Whether the wehl has been t rl exa - ,1 utihring rurthods arn! personnel ar.

stipulate (I in the (icnerie i etter.

Since some of these factors can (harige. the l(iN(T c ategory auigned to a particular wchl is aho subject to change-C. Wehl Selection


k Where the augmented prognun required exnmiention of a sample of npplicable wehh, l the site and content of the sample was determined froir , total population of circumferential wekh r,ubject to the program tequirements.

Ihe selection of wehh for examination uinter this augmented program has been coonhnated with the selection of wehh for examination under the ISI Program,(ic. if a weh! requit;ng augmented examination is c:Ic(ted fiir Inservice Examination,it was aho selected for augnicated examinationt Ihe examination requirements of both the INI Program aml the Augmented Program me the:clore satisfied simultaneously, to the extent that ihme requiicments oveslap (i.e., a singl- volumetric examination prifonned to satisfy all augmented requirements, and the volumetric examination requirements of the 1%l l'rogram). This selection philosophy has been reviewed and deemed to yield a representative sample of the wchts requiring the augmented examinations.

Ihe total popuhtion of wehh subjret to examination under this augmented pmgram O

V are identified in the Aup l Program tabs whic h are included in the tables section of

Specification Ni!.42, llev.1 IGS1 ist Prograin Appendix 11 1 O this document. Specifically, these tables identify the wchl by identification number, the ASMit Section VI drawing depicting the wehl, the IGNCC linamination Caterosy ,

assigned to the wchl, the caamination method phoned for the wehl Of selected),if the urld hns been selected for the INI exainination, and finally an indiention of whether ,

the weld is selected los augmented esamination Notes inay aho be provided as necenary.

V. liX AMIN 6]lON llliSUlil S A. Sainple litpamion ,

i If one or more Category A, il, or C wehh ate found to be etacked, or if additional cracks or significant crack prowth is discovered in a Category li weld during the interval, a sainple expamion plan will be intoled. 'I he sample expamion plan utilized will be as put forth in the Stall Position on Sample !!xpansion of Nil,C Generic 1Stter R8 01.

O II; i

I law !! valuation 1: laws exceeding the acceptance critctia i,f IWii 3500 of ASMit Section XI will be evaluated. then either repaired seplaced, or deemed acceptable for continued operation llepairs or replacements will be documented in the Owners lleport for itepairs and Iteplacements as ' required by ASMli Section XI. livaluations of flaws ,

for continued operation will be performed in accordance with the criteria in IW113600 of ASMl!Section XI. l'or aspects of flaw evaluation uhich are not contained in IWil.3600, the requirements in Nillll!G+0113 Ilevision 2 will be used in conjunction with IWil 3600.

The above referenced criteiia for acceptance and evaluation are found in the 1986 lidition of ASMit Section XI. ,

't O

SprCifiratiott NI! 42,1(ev. I lMS.I

i ISI l'ropain  ;

Appendix 11 1 g Page 10 of 10 1 A. NI(C Notifiaition l i -li uny 04W5 arc identilinl whith do not thret thP aMCplanCC tfiltria for continun!

operation (referenced above under naw evntuatinn), the N!(C will I.e duly notified of  !

the disteition of the annted Daws. Nitr approval of the disposition for emh Oaw cuecding the criteria will be otiinined twfore operation is resumnl. All corninunication with the NI(C will tornply with the requirernents of the I'liCo Corporate ASMl! Nection XI Adtninistrative Manual.

l O

b I

l 2

s 3

O ..



- * . - . _ r.m----, __m-_---_---.-,

Specification N!! 42, Itev.1 .

lGSl  !

ISI program i Appendix 112  !

Page i of 10 M3iMiiN1lIll lMITQJDjil'l!1XlltoMid NUltitG 0619, llWit I cedwater Noule and Control Itod Drive Iteturn l.ine Nonle Cracking

1. SCOPl! <

f Jihis aupnented inspection propam (AUG 2) defines the mandatory examination f

requiremerits of NitC NUlti G 0614 applicabic to the IXis Unit I l'ecdwater nontri/spargers.

i L

Aupnented exarninationn anweiated witti the Control llod I)rhe lle' ..n 1.ine (CilDitt,)

nonle (N9)/ piping system are not required at I.ON 1. The CitDltl, noule (one noule) has been cut and capped and the CRDitl,climinated. Aupnented examinations per NURl!G 0619 are not applicable.

I!xamination requirements, an detaile('in this docurnent are exclusive of those ASMl!


Section XI inservice inspecthn requirements for the 1:ecdwater noules/spnpers and the 1

Cit!)ltI, noule. Ilowever, where possible,imlividual examinations performed may be used  ;

to satisfy both requirements (See 1%1 l'rognun Iables for common components).

II, . Bl!! l!!ti!NCIN  :

A. NUlll!G 0619, llWit Feedwater Nonic and Control Itod Drive iteturn I.ine Nonle Cracking (November i9RO) with Genetic Icties 81 11 (February 20, 1981),

11. pi!Co Istier of Septernber 2,1982, .l. S. Kemper to Darrell G. I!isenhut (USNitC),  ;

Ii1.- - Glj,_Niiji61:

In order to facilitate early detection of the initiation of feedwater noule thennal fatigue cracking and thereby limit crack pmwth within the bounds of approved repair methods,

- NUltl!G 0619 requires the implementation of a plant specific inspection program in  ;

accordance with Section 4.3 of the NUltliG,

, , . , e J-W- , .c~.,..-c,-. ,_m_,.,., ._,.-.i,_,__-# _ . .. . . . _ - -* , - . . . . , _ , - - . . . ~ _ . - , , , , , _ . - - ,

Specification NF 42, lley. I 1 US.1 INI l'rograin Appentiis 112 Page 2 of 10 lhe 1 GS 1 reactor prenuie seuel has sis @) freilwater nonles, in accordance with General 1 let tric Cornpany recointnendat .us intended to minimire the probabihty' of thermal fatigue crack initiation and growth, and based on extensise analpis of the feedwater nonicaparger problern l.GS I was designed with the triple slecte sparget with two pistoncing scak Instalbition of the secorninended design spatpr:s (oupled with unciad feedwater noules snects NUlil:0 0619 toquircinents los innpleinentation on plants then undergoing licensing .

review. 'Ihe routine etunination program requiicd by Table 2 of the NUlti:G for the I.GS I specific noule configuration is detaiteilin Iable 112 I ant! Sedion IV of th.s document.

IV. lil!!)WAllill31//l IMI MhlFN't.1 1) INNI'IVI ION pitOGit AM The I GS I exarnination program requirements, based on the 'tripic slecte spargern with two piston ring seals, clail reinotril" configuration. are defined below. l!xamination frequency shall be based on the following- '

AUG 2 INSpl CllON INil ItVAl3;

  • Inspection Intervals' . Itefueling Cycles (or StartupjNhutdowstDyh;d f

Visual lixamination l'ilJ of Sparm l' f .

IGSI 2 4 9 (or 135)

Ihe inspection interval begins upon conunercial operation; however, accurtunulated startup! shutdown Ocles during si:utop and testing (prior to conuncreial operation) must be accounted for.

Ultrasonic (UT) examinations shall be perfortued on all feedwater nonic safe ends, botes and inside bend radii once every two (2) refueling cycles, -These examinations shall be performed on the comportents shown in l'igures Ib2-l and Ib2 2 utilizing ultrasonic (tTI) examination techniques designed to optimite detection of sinall thennal fatigue cracks, given the specific Icedwater tionle forging cotifiguratiott, O

Spec 3ication N!! 42, Rev,1 IMI 151 Program Ar pendix 112

.O Visual examination of the feedwater sparpers shall be performed onc e every four (4) refue!!ng cycles. This examination shall include the entire sparger with special attention given to the junction point of the sparger arms and the flow nonles (Figure !!43).

.1,iquid penetrant (PT) examinations shall be performed the lese of: once every nine (9) refueling cycles or upon achieving 135 startup! shutdown cycles ' A complete PT consists of PT examination of accessibic portions of the noule bore and inner radius of all feedwater nozzles (sparger intact).

In light of the difficulties associated with PT examinations (radiological environment, access provisions, etc.), PFCo is continuing to monitor advances vn ultrasonic examination techniques which may facilitate elimination of the requirement for PT examination completcly.

- 1. _

A startup/ shutdown cycle is defined an a scactor thermal power increase trom nominally 7ern, and subsequent return in rero, which prmiuces both prenure and temperature thnnges and invntves the now of any amount olcold feedwater intough the feedwater not?Ies,includmg scrams in inwtressure hnt standin and ennventmnat startup!shtitdowns.


if upon completion of the required ultrasonie examinations, indications are discovered, the indications shall be dispositioned as follows:

' A. ~ Ultrasoriic indications in the safe (nd shall be evaluated per ASMf!Section XI,

-l 11ecordable ultrasonic indications,in any nonle, interpreted to be cracked, shall necessitate a follow up liquid penetrant test (PT) of th -

entire affected nonle (sparger removed) and the accessible portions of the remaining nonics.

2. Confirmation of cracking by liquid penetrant testing (PT) shall require removal of all remaining feedwater spargers and subsequent complete PT of all nonles, and
3. ' 'All noale cracks shall be repaired using oppmved repair plans.

T l

3-- - _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - - _ - - - _ _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - -. o

Specification NE-42, Itev. I l i GS 1 ISI Program

Appendix lb2 j Page 4 of 10 l

l 11. Visual examination results shall be evaluated in accordance with ASMI.Section XI C. Crackin; discowred during liquid penetrant examination shall be dispositioned as follows:

1. The sparger(s) of the afTected nonte(s), and a r-i i .ung spargers shall be reinoved, and the entire nle b ue and in .nus of all ne nles hquid penetrant (P l') examined, and
2. All nonle cracks shall be repahed uVug approvcd re, .: plans.

VI. EPORTS/RITORDS Within six (6) months of completing an outage during which an examination (UT, PI or VT) was performed in accenlance with Sl!Rl!G,n619, a detailed report discussing the examination shall be submitted to the Nuclear llegulatory Commission in accordame with 10CI:R 50.4. The report suall include the followine information:

A. Number of startup/ shutdown cycles since the previous examination and the total number of cycles,

11. Summary of methods used and results of previous examinations, including maximum crack depth and previous number of cracks detected / repaired, C. Description of system: operational changes that should be considered in predicting future crack initiation and growth.

D. A se sited discussion of examinatior' results, and E. Information regarding results of (on line) leakage monitoring, as app!iable.

All records associated with the subject examinations shall be maintained in accordance with ASME Section XI and plant procedures.


l Specification NI! 42, Itev.1 I GS 1

ISI l'rograin Appendix 112 Page $ of 10

-NOI19 thaminations, as required by this augmented program, aic typically perfonned during a nonnal refueling outage in which Scheduled ASMI .

Seelion Ni examinations are aho perfotmed. ASMii Sec , n XI requires (bat H sutilmary report be filed, Within 40 days o[ cotupletion o[ the {ngery(ce I

eKarHinatio!), With juri%dictional enfoteement and tegulatory authofitieR.

l- Due to the similar nature of these activities, reports as required by this ,

augtnented program may be submitted in conjunellon will[the ISI summary report provided the reporting requircinents of this augmented prograin are 111cl .

t t

S l
O; -

1 Specification N!! 42c itev.1 1.G S- 1 ISI Prograrn Appendix Il 2 1 l' age 6 of 10 TAIll.I! 11-2 I t AUGMI!NTl!D INSI'l?CilON PitOGilAM 2 luspection interval fixarn Area (No. of i identification 1:igure NDl! 1(efueling Nurnber . Eurnhet Method Eydes) b'_otej N4A Noz. Safe find . 1121 tlT -2 N4A Nor llore 11 2 - 1 UT 2 112-1. l'T 9 (or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns)

[ N4A Noz b; <r 8tadius 1121 112-1 UT

'PT 2

9 (or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns)


- N4A Sparger 11 2 2' VT-3 4 o

L- . N411 Noz Safe lind 11, 2 1 UT 2 l

' N4Il Noz ilore 11 2 1 UT 2 h- - 11 2 -'1 PT 9 (or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns)

,- s h - N411 Noz inner itadius- 11 2 - 1 UT 2 Il-2 I l'T 9  : (or 135

[ Startup/ Shutdowns)

~ N411 Sparger Il2-2 VT 3 4 E

N4C Noz Safe lind 11 2 - 1 UT 2 L

l 1  : N4C Noz llore 1121 UT 2 ll 11-2-1 , I'T 9 .(or 135 l; Startup/ Shutdowns) p4 N4C Noz Inner 11adius 11 2-1 Irl 2 1121 PT 9 (or 135 j - Startup/Sh stdowns) u ,

N4C Sparger. 1122 ' VT 3 4

- N4D Noz Safe !!nd 1121 .UT. -2

- N4D Not I1 ore 11- 2 . I - UT 2 11 2-I l'T 4 (or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns) 3

Specincation NI!-4 2, llev.1 IUS1 ISI l'iogram Appendit 112 O

'l Alli .li 1121 (CON'l 'D)

Al!GMl!N il{I) INSl'lif i lON l'ItOGil Ah1 2 Inspection si' lilletTal litarn Area -4 (No. of hientiGcati.on_ l'igure NI)1! Itefueling Number Number N1ethosi Uples) Notes N4D Nor Inner Radius 1121 l!T 2 11 2- 1 l'T 9 (or 135 Startup! Shutdowns)

N4D Sparger 1122 V I'- 3 4 N411 Nor Safe !!nd 11 2-l I rl' 2 N41! Nor llore 1121 I rl' 2 11 2-1 l' I' 9 (or 135 Stattup/ Shutdowns)

N41! Nor inner Itadius 11 2-1 UT 2 1121 l' l' 9 (or i35 Startup! Shutdowns)

.O N41! Sparger 1122 Y l'- 1 4 N4F Noz Safe lind 112-1 t rl' 2 N417 Noz llore 11-2 1 ITI 2 1121 l' I' 9 (or 135 Startup/ Shutdowns)

N41' Noz inner Itadius 11 2-1 l!T 2 1121 P l' 9 (or 135 Star 1up'Shutdowin)

N411 Sparger 1122 VT 3 4 0

Specification NE-42, Rev.1 LGS 1 1 ISI Prograrn l Appendix Il 2 Page 8 of 10 Ov Figure 11-21 Feedwater No721e/ Safe End i

T#f 83 9t1L RIMS ASSEM.T tcW ALL01 31EIL k,;I4 ,

'f i.n-e twin on u.

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- Specification ;

NE 42, Rev.1 LGS 1 ISI Prograrn Appendix 13 2 ,

Page 9 of 10 ,

- .i Figure 112 2 '

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Specification .

NE-42, Rev.1 LGS.1 ISI Program '

Appendix 13 2 Page 10 of 10 O Figure 112 3 Fre3 water Sparger,

( 498.5* RPV ELEV. )

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Specification  !

- NI?-42, f(ev 1 -

_ l;G% l ISI Program Appendix 113 -

f Page I of 5 LAUGMl!NTED INSPl!CTION PilOGI(AM . 3: lli 11ulletin No. 80-13, Cracking in Core Spray Spargers

1. SCOPli This augmented inspection program (AUG-3) defines the mandatory examination -

requirements of NilC 11! Ilulletm 80-13 applicable to the I.GS 1 Core Spray Sparger and Core Spray supply header piping.

.. Examination requirements, as detailed in this document, arc exclusive of those ASMii Section XIinservice inspection requirements for the Core Spray spargers/ supply header piping; however, %ere possible, individual examinations performed may be used to satisfy both requirements. (See ISI Program Tables for common components).


. . II. ItEFl!IlliNCES

Oi .

~A.- .11! Ilulletin No. 80-13, Cracking in Core Spray Spargers, dated Apiil 4,1980 -

transmitted to PECo from 11oyce 11. Grier 4/4/80 for information. Ne written response required.

.- 11.- J General IIlectric Company Sil, No. 289, Core Spray Visual Inspection llevision 0, 1 dated February 1979 and including Ilevision I, Supplement I, datsd February 23, 1989.

III.: GENEllAl; e

Instances of intergrannlar stress corrosion cnicking (IGSCC) in Core Spray spargers have


bcen reported in IE Ilulletin 80yl3; The key contributdrs to IGSCC are plant specific;.

however, stresses in.the stainless steel spargers from cold work and sensitization during fabrication and installation, coupkil with service in the llWR environment, are all considered prime factors..

  • ~


_ _.-m- _. _ _ . _ ,. _ . _ __. _ _ _ _ _ _ _... . _ _ . _ _ _ .. _ . _ _ , . .

r Specification

. NI'A2; llev. l:

1GS1 ISI Program Appendix 113  ;

Page 2 of 5

--V Also,in addition to the sparger piping, other wehls on the 'r box,"(just inside of the RPV aoule in the Core Spray header (supply piping), have been identified an susceptible to cracking (lteference 11).

Pailure of either of these critical RI'Y internal components couki result in poor cooling distribution and/or reduced flow to the core during activation of the Core Spray system.

For this reason, routine examinations of the subject components are required as detailed in Table 1101 and Section IV of this document.

IV.- COlm SPR AY SPARGEIQPIPING AUGMENTl!D INSI'ECTION PROGRAM Visual examination of the I.GS I Core Spray sparpers and supply neader piping (see Figure 1131)'shall be performed at each refueling mdage. The inspection area shall include:

A. All spargers and piping within the shroud, u

II. All supply header piping from the RPV inlet noale to the RPV shroud, C. The "T box' fiant' cmer plate welds, and

. D. Accessib!: areas of the "libox" to thermal sleeve weld.

Due to RPV conditions during a normal refueling outage, the required visual examinations -

are performed utilizing a rernate underwater TV camera. Adequate resolution to satisfy 'he -

111 Ilulletin shall be demonstrated by insitu viewing of 0.001 in..(I mil) diameter line wires.

V. EXAMINATION RESUI.TS-All_ relevant condit;ons identified during the required examinations of this augmented "

program shall be recorded, characterized, and evaluated as to type of defect, location and i extent - Supplement..ry examinations, where practical, may be performed to aid in evaluation of the indications.

,- p3

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. Nib 42, Rev. I 1.GS 1 ISI Program Appendix 113 1  :

Page 3 of 5 is ,

The Director NRC Region i shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ofidentification of all relevant conditions evaluated to be crachs.

VI. Rl! PORTS!RiiCORQs in the event of identified cracks, nn evaluation report shall be submitted to NR C Nuclear ,

- Reactor Regulation for review and appr6 val prior to return to operation.

Upon completion of visual examinations as required by 111 Ilulletin 80-13, a detailed report of the results of the examinations and corrective actions taken (if any) shall be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in m.ardance with 10CI;R 50.4.

- All records associated with'the subject examinations shall be maintained in accordance with ASMl!Section XI and plant procedures.

NOTil: lixaminations, as required by this augmente(' r.rogram, are typically performed during a normal refueling outage in which scheduled ASMIi Section XI examinations are also performed. ASMi!Section XI requires that a summary report be filed, within 90 days of completion of the inservi<.s inspection, with jurisdictional enforcement and regulatory authorities. Due

. to the similar nature of these activities, reports as required by this-augmented prognun may be submitted in conjunction with the 151 summary report provided the reporting requirements of this augmented program are met.


o' i

Specification N!! 42, llev; i 1,GS 1 ISI l'rogram Appendix 113

';- l' age 4 of 5

.\  !

Tall! I; 1131 AUGMl!NTl!D INNI'l!ClION PitOGlt AM 3 lixam Area identification NDI!  !!xamination Number Method I requency Notes

'A' CS Sparper - VI' I!very itefueling CS l'iping within Outage the shroud

'll' CS Sparger YT' livery itefueling CS l'iping within Outage the shroud

'C' CS Sparger VT' Itvery itefueling CS l'iping within -

Outage the f.hroud lD' CS Sparger- VT' livery llefueling CS Piping within Outage the shroud A&C' CS Supply - VT' livery itefueling 1 rom N511 nonle

'llender l'iping Outare to shroud entrance

, -_ -_ ll&D' CS Supply - VT* I!very itefueling 1 rom NSA nonle

'llender Piping ' Outage to shroud entra. ice

T-box' front VI*- 1;tery itclueling cover plate wekis- Outage

'T-hox' to VT' 1:very hefueling Accessihte areas

thermal sleeve Outage weld _ .

- Visual examination with demonstrated resolution to detect in situ 0.001 diameter fine wires.


l :.



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Specification NE 42, Rev. I 1.GS. ]

ISI Program Appendix B 3

- - - Page 5 of 5 0V <

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1..igure 1131 .j Core Spray JJ_eaders, Spargers, and 'T-box' l 1

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Specification Nib 42, Rev I l GS 1 ISI l'rogram Appendix 114 l' age 1 of 3 I AUGM3NTl!!) INSPl!C'l ION PROGR AM 4: NUltl G/CR-3052, Closcout of 11! ilulletin 86-07: IlWR .let Pump Assembly 1 ailure

1. SCOl'l!

This augmented inspection program ( Al G 4) defines the recommended examination requirements of NRC NURl!GrCR-3052 applicable to the I GS 1 jet pump hoki down -

beam assemblies

11. Rl!!;I!Rl!NCl!S A. NURl!G/CR-3052, Closcout of 11! Ilulletin 80-07: ilWR .ict Pump Assembly 1:ailure,,1984.

Q 11. R Ilulletin No. 80-07, DWR Jet Pump As ..mbly 1:ailure, dated April 4,1980, and including Supplement No. I dated May 13,1980 C. General lilectric Company, Sil, No. 330, .let Pump ileam Cracks, June 9,1980.

lil, Gl!NI!RAI, The occurrence of 11WR jet pump hold-down beam eracking and/or failures at several domestic IlWRs resulted in the issuance of NRC lli llulletin 80 07, which mandated both visual and ultrasonic examination of the jet pump hokl down beam assemblies at operal:nn 11W R s. Intergranular stress corrosior Ung (IGSCC) has been identified as the fail mechanism of the beams 1

The General I!lectric Company (Gl!) Ms developed two design improvements intended to increase beam resistance to IGSCC thereby increa;ine the service life of both the existing original beams and replaecment beams-a) Original llWR/4 6 beams with reduced prriond

Specification VF.-42, llev.1 I GS 1 ISI l'iogram Apperalix 114 p '

%c*yf 3

\vf This design improvernent involves a seduc tion of installed preload from 30 Lips to 25 kips. This improvemen; is expected h 3 GI to yield an increase in crack initiation tirne hom 19 to s 40 years b) lleplacement llWlU4 6 beams with improved heat tre , ment and reduced preload.

Gli has developed an imprmed heat treatment hich temperature annealing and aging whith when utili/cd with the current itWlU4 6 design and reduced pn'nad, is expected to provide signifkantly increased resistance to IGSUC and 40 year sen ice life.

This improvement is considered the appmpiiate 'conection" of the beam problem The i GN 1 jet pump hold down beams aie the original design; however, the installed preload has lven reduced to 25 kips in accordance with a) above IV. I!XAMINATION PitOGil AM (b

4 v

Given the current l GS I beam design, augmented curninations are recluired in accordance with the following:

INSI'l:CTION 1 lti QIil;.NCY 1,GS I initial lit at 5 years'J-

.llIT PUMP IlOI,1)-DOWN lli AMS subsequent t 'l' at each Ji'ill TilPOUGil .lP//10 relocling outage.

Iteplacement beam design with til~ once every 10 years improved heat trettment and following installation of reduced (25 kip) preload/ the new heam.

1. Initial 1:T to be perfonned af ter 5 years. assuming 5.0'S, icactor availability-Adjustments may be made based on operating history.
2. Ultrasonic examinations shall ba wrfonned with speciali/ed techniques imended for detection of IGNCC in the gisen configuration (x

> i


Specification Nil-42, Rev. I l GS 1 ISI Program Appendix 114 Page 3 of 3

3. 'Ihis inspection schedule applies to replacement heams once installed. Although the replacement beams design represents the appropriate corrective action to the beam cracking problem, suflicient operating experience is net yet available; therefore. ultrasonic examination of any replacemer beams is recommended once every ISI inspection interval.

Y, FX ANil ATION RiiSUI.]S 1)ltraonic indicn6ms identified dnting tl.c required examinations of this augmented program g shall be recorded, characterieed. and esaluated as to type of defect, location and extent.

_ Per General 1 lectric Company recommendations, heam having crack indications should be s considered for replacement VI.  !!!!COR]2S]Rl POR'l S h All records!rtports thall be in accordat. e with ASN11!Section XI and plant i .ocedures.

1 NOTI!: l!xaminations, at required by this augmented pmgram, are typically perforr. d du-ing a normal refueling outage in which scheduled ASN11!

Scction XI exan inations are also performed. ASN11!Section XI requires that a summary report be fikd, within X  : of completion of the ingrvice inspection, with jurisdictional enforceme .ad regulatory authorities.1)ue to the similar nature of these activities, retx ris as required by this augmented progran, may be submitted in conjunction with the ISI summary it port.

3 0


%E42,Rev.1 IGS1 ISI Program Appends 115 O M)FMEMil!!L1NSI'l!Ql,0N l'ItOGR AN1 - i USNitC Mcchanical 1 ngineering litaru h (MI:ll)

Tedmiral Position Ml;ll 31 (N 4:1 G 0800) "No Incak lloa*ularies.

I MAI'll Tnis wgmented insiection program ( AtGS) defines the mandatory ex.unination 3 requirernents of Nit ( Me han; cal 1!ngineenng itranth 'lechnical Position Mi:ll .b1 (NURitG 0500) applicable to I G'~ I high en:t gy piping between containment isolation valves and the first oatboata restraint for ubeh ne br aks an postulated. Iteferred 'o as "no break' boundaries in .his procram.

I!xamination requin ments, as detiled in this documerit, ars oe'usive of those ASMI-i Section X! inservice inspection requirements for the identified portions of systeins listea :n h Table 1151. Ilowever, w!.cre posible, i ulividual examinations perfonned may be used to satisy both reqmrerren!s (See ISI Program Tables for cominon components) s (

4 fl It!!! liitF NCli A. N!(C Mechanical !!ngineering litanch Technical Position MEll 31 (NURI G 0800_).

Ill. Gl!NEll Al.

The above reference prescribes that cracks or breaks need not be postulated for ent.tainment isolation piping provided that certain stress criteria are met and all pipe weld . are volun..trically examined during each inservice inspection interval.

IV. SCOPli 01 !!X AMINATIONS 100% of all etreumferential and longitudinal welds within the boundaries described in Table 115-1 shall be volumetrically examined The specific welds within these boundariesare listed

Specification Nit U_Ilev !

1.GS 1 ISI Progran.

Appendix 115 O in the ISI Program Tables with appropriate reference to this Augmented inspection Propam ( AUG 5).

V. [IlliQUl'.NCY 01: 1(X Ah!INAllONS l'xaminations shall be performed once each inspection interval - Interv.:' histribution (lD).

VI. DISCUSSION lixaminations of Class I wehls shall be in accordance with Subsection IWil of ASN111 Section XI, lixaminations of Class 2 and 3 welds. :uv' non-classed welds shall be in accordance with Subsection lWC of ANN 11: Section XI, O


Specification N!!-42, Rev. I 1,GS 1 ISI .'rogram Appendix 115 Page 3 of 4 TAlli E 115-1 "NO llRI AlU llaltNDARiliS S.YSII!Ni Dl3CRll'_Ill!!N ISI P&lI]

Stain Steam 1 rom the upstream pipe-to ellow weld on ISI N1-41 the first elbow upstream of the inboard isolation valves llV-41-ll:022A,11 C, D thru penetrations X 7A,11, C, D and outboard isolation valves llV 41 II 02SA, 11, C, D to the downstream pipe to-elbow weld on the first downstream cibow.

Feedwater From the downstream pipe-to valve wchl on ISl-N141 inboard check valves 41-il:010A,11 thru ISI-N1 55 penetration X-9A,11 an<l the first two outboard check valves llV-41 il:0 /,A il Q and llW41-II 032A,11 upstream to and weluding the first weld outside the reactor building This includes 16" branch lines Dilll 103 and 104 downstream to valves llV-41 109A,11 including the upstream pipe to valve weld and the 8' 1 1111 103 branch line up to and including the upstream pipe to-valve weld on vahe 55-105R.

IIPCI From the epstream pipe-to-tee weld. ISI-N1 55 upstream ofinboard isolation valve ll%55-lF002 thru penetration X-ll and outboard isolation valve ilV-55-il:003, downstream to and including the upstream pipe to clhow weld on the third outboard ,

elbow, O

l l

Specification NI'-42. Itev, i I GS-1 ISI l'iopain Appendix 115 O

TAlli 1111 >l (CON I.1))

"NO lilWAK' ilOUNI)Allll;S SYS'il;NI I)l!SCilli'l ION INI1%11)

I(WCU 1:roin and includ;'iu the pipe to-cibow ISI SI 44 upsticain weld on the secotal upstreatn elbow thru inimani isolation valve llV 4411:001, penetration X 14, outboard isolation valve llV-44 ll:004 to and including the downsticam cibow to pipe wehl on the first cibow downstacam of valve llV 44 il:040.

I(CIC 1 tom and including the downstream 1S1-51 44 clhaw-to-pipe weld on the second inboani O ei"e- 'n <" i"s" "i i'"i 'i"" ' " e ilV 49 ll 007, downstream thru penetration X 10 and outboard isolation valve llV-49 il:00n, to and including the pipe to pipe wehl downstream of the third elbow O

.m - _ ._ _ . _ _ . . .

-I Specification Nib 42, Itev. I  ;


l GS !

ISI l'rogram Appendix 116 W Page I of I

= Q)

AUGMl?N'It!D INSI'l!CTION_PROGitAM 6: Outboard 1:cedwater Check Valves llV 41.II 074A &ll

1. SCOl'l!


'Ihis aupnented inspection program (AUG-6) defines the examination requirements to


assure in t the materials of fabrication of the 24~ 1:cedwater (lieck valves IIV 41.ll 074A i and Il pro *ide an acceptable margin of salc., , relative to fracture toughness of the reactor q containment pressure boundary applicable to_ l GS 1. l I

lixamination requirements, as detailed in this document, are exclushe of those ASMl!

Sectier XI inservice inspection requirements for the identified components within the scope of this document.

Lil; itf!Fl!RiiNCI!

h 10CFil 50, Appendix A, General I)esign Criteria (GDC) 51.


. General Iksign Criteria (GDC) 51, 'llracturc Prevention of Containment l'ressure lloundary; requires that under operating, maintenance, testmg, and postulated accident -

. conditions, (1) the ferritic materials of the containment. pressure boundary behave in a

- non brittle manner and (2) the probability of rapidly propagating fracture is 'minindzed.


100% surface examination of both the internal and external valve body surfaces on valves

-IIV.41-IF074A and II.

V. EAMINATION FRI{0Ul!NCV These augmented examinations are only required to be performed once They have been I completed during the first refueling outage. Therefore, this program has been satisfied and is considered closed.

. . - - . . ~-

ri '!

Specification NR-42 Rev, i 1.GS 1 -

ISI Program n '

Appendix Il 7 l' age I of 4

- Al)GMPEEllINSPl!CTION PitOGRAM 7: Sil, No. 455, ,

Recommendation for

- AdditionalISI of Alloy 182 No721e Weldments z

- 1, SCOPE 3

This augmented inspection program (AUG 7) dermes the specific examination requirements of General Flectric C9mpany (Gl!) Nuclear Services Infonnation ietter (Sil.) No. 455, as applicable to I.GS 1. This Sil, addresses the occurrence of and recommended actions for detection of intergranular stress corrosion crarking (IGSCC)in alloy 182 RPV noz2le to safe end weldments.

Examination requirements, as detailed in this document, are exclusive of those ASME Section XI Inservice inspection requirements for the subject welds; however, where possible, individual examinations performed may be used to satisfy both requirements (See ISI Program Tables for common components).

- 11. REFERiiNCI!S A. ~Gi! SIL No; 455, Recommendation for Additional ISI of Alloy '182 Nozzle i Wehlments, Revision 1. Supplement 1, Category 1, . lune 23,1989.

II. NURiiG 0313, Revision 2,

  • Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for IlWR 3

Coolasi Pressure lloundary Pipinpf C. Augmented inspection Program-l: NRC Generic 1.etter 88-01,-Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking, (AUG41).-

D. GE SII, No.117, Recommendation for UT Inservice !!xamination of Welded -

l Austentic Piping.-

[.x ,



Specification Niv42, itev.1 1,GS 1 - I C

ISI Prograin Appendix 117 p Page 2 of 4 U. -

3 Itecent ultrasonic examinations (t!T) of Alloy 18211l'V noule to safe end welds (i.e. welds designs which incorporate alloy 182 welds and/or weld butters) at several llWit facilities have resulted in the detection of cracking which apperts to imvc initiated nr IGSCC in the alloy 182 weld butter, and has in many cases, propagated into the low alloy steel of the ItPV nonle.

1,GS i has several ItPV noule to safe end welds which incorporate alloy 182 as either weld material, weld buttering or both. These welds are detailed in Table 117-1. ,

IV.  !!EAMINNI' ION l'ItOGit AM The minimum examination requirements for the subject welds are in accordance with .

NitC Nt1RPG 0313, AliG.I (iteferences 11, C), and ASMii Section Xi. Ilrictly, this means that. the subject welds fall within the scope of NitC Nt!!tEG 0313 and the A11G-1 program and as such are subject to the personnel, procedure, and examination frequency, etc.

requirements of these mandatory documents. Also, the subject welds are within the scope of O ASMI!Section XI and are subject to the requirements of IIxamination Category Il-F, -

In addition to the above, Gli Sil No,455 recommends further actions be taken to ensure early detection of insipient cracking. These are summarized below:

, 1) 45 degree and 60 degree refracted longitudinal waves shall be used in 1JT detection and sizing in both alloy 182 weld material and nonle base material.

L a) / Exams should be performed at gain levels such that "lD rolli signals are approximately l0"4 I Sil.


g m

b). Suspect iedications should be further investigated using a 45 degree shear us en for c6 .cnce of cracking in the nonle base material.

h 2) Automated (JT techniques are recomtnended - Ilowever, manual ITF is acceptable where automated techniques are not practical.

p -


_a) IIT techniques should be qtiatified.

o l

- - _ . . , - ..i . 4 - . - - _

.- , _ _.. _ .- ,_.---J - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Specification N!! 42i Rev. I I,GS. I ISI Program Appendix 11-7 O b) Realktic mock ups of the weh! con 0guration should be used for equipment cabbration, c) Special attention should be given to scanning technique / screen observation w!.cn manual techniques are employed.

3) Where practical, examination scanning of the weld shouhl be inercased to include
alloy 182 weld butters which extend back into the nozzle bore.

The Pl!Co (TI' procedures meet the additional requirements of GI! Sil, No. 455.

Y, llXAMINATION Rl!SUlll'S All examination results shall be evaluated in accordance with NURI;G 0313, AUG-1 (References 11, C) and ASMl! Section X1.

VI. REPORTS /RI!COR DS Reporting and record keeping requirements shall be in accordance with NURl!G-0313, AUG-1, and ASME Section XI, OI

Specification N!!-42. Rev. I 1

1.GS 1 ISI Program Appendix 117 >

Page 4 of

  • Table 117 l 1.GS 1 RPV Noule to Safe I!nd Alloy 182 Weldments I!xamination  ;

- Area 'lixamination Area Identification. Description' Remarks VRR lRS IA NIA Recire Outlet Alloy 182 weld!weki butter

VRR IRS lil Nlll Recire Outlet Alloy 182 weki/ weld butter -

VRR lRD-Ill N2A Recire inlet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter VRR lRD-Ill N211 Recire inlet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter -4 VRR 1RD til_ N2C llecite Intet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter VRR lRD Ill N2D Recirc Inlet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter VRR IRD Ill N2fi Recirc Inlet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter VRR IRD-1 A N2P Recire inlet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter VRR IRD IA N2G. Itecirc Inlet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter VRR IRD I A N211 Itecirc Inlet Alloy 182 weld /wek! butter

.VRR lRD I A N23 Recirc Inlet -Alloy 182 weld / weld butter VRR lRD-I A N2K Recire inlet Alloy 182 weld / weld butter DCA 3191 NSA . Core Spray Alloy 182 weld butter

.h. DCA 3201 N511 Core Spray A!!oy 182 weld butter l RPV !IN N8A ' Jet Pump Alloy 182 weld /wekl butter l Instrumentation iRPV IIN NRIl Jet Pump Alloy IR2 weld / weld butter Instrumentation t.R PV IIN- N9 o M lletnrn!nn nic Alloy IR2 w welil butter i . to cap - 3 j; DCA 318 2 N17A 1,l'Cl Alloy 182 wekt butter

DCA 318-1 N1711 1.PCI . Alloy 182 weld butter DCA 318-3 N17C 1.PCI . . Alloy 182 wchl butter DCA-318 4 N17D; - 1.PCI Alloy 182 wekt butter

~1. UtileSS ottlerwlte noted, all wekb li4ed are rioule to safe etid welds.



, _ - -T-- +.wir wyw_-_* _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ + - _-

Specincation ^

i Ni! 42, llev, I l GS.1

! ISI l'rogram Appendix 118 l' age I of 5 7

U n/A_ ' . -

- AUGMIEWI) INS _l'lL l'J,0N l'IlOGil AM -J:

1 Miended !!xamination

$ Volume for Code Category Il D

[ 1. SCGPli This augmented inspection pmgram (AUG 8) dcGnes the I'lico mandatory examination requirements applicahic to the 1,GS-1 IIPV noale inside radius examination for noules greater than ten (10) inches nominal diameter, i

Y lixamination requirements, as detailed in this document, are exclusive of those ASMl! .

Section XI inservice inspection requirements for the ItPV noule inside radius; however for the speciGe nonles affected, the basic difference is an increase in the ASME Section XI-i_

examination volume; therefore, examinations perfonned may be used to satisfy both-

. . requirements. (See ISI Program Tables for common coniponents). The ItPV Feedwater J noules are excluded from the scope of this augmented program, See AUG 2 for program requirements for these noules.

" O  ; 11.

El!BillI!NCl!S <

U A.; ASMl!Section XI, Ilules for Inservice inspection of Nuclear Power I'lant Components,1986 lidition.'

t E Jill. Mil!NFil AI.

, ASME Section XI Code IIxamination Category ll D requires a volumetric examination of ~

the noule inside radius sectmns rd full penetration welded nonles in the reactor pressure

' vessel, The 7 ode required examination volume applicable to the I.GS I noules,is

, illustrated .in Figure 11 R.1 (a).

'In response to NP.C NUld!G 0619 (AUG 2)ienhancements to ultrasonie examination techniques for improved nonle inside radiosinoule bore area examination have been developed. These techhiques, coupled with an increased examination volume over that p required for ASME:Section XI, have been utili/ed routinely in the detection of thermal-fatigue cracking in llWl'. feedwater novies. -

.~ . . - - - . - . - - . . . - . - . . . ....~.-. . - - .- . ._ -..- .~

- SpeciGeation l N!! 42, Rey,1 ,

LOS.I l 15! Program -

Appendix' Il-R -

Pace 2 of 5 '

in order to provide added assurance of the RPV noule structural integrity, PECo has, at their option, upgraded the inservice in$r etion requirements for alj full penetration welded nonles greater than ten (10) inches, t. include examination techniques and examination .

Volumes similar to those utilized for the l'cedwater nonles, lV. INSPl!CTION PROGR_Ahj.

The specine RpV nonles afTeeted by this augmented propam are listed in Table 11 R.I. The augmented examination volume for these noules is illustrated in 1:igure 11 R 1 (b).

The ultrasonic examinations shall be perfmmed in accordance with PECo approved procedures.


- EXAMINATION Ri!SUll!'S Ultrasonic indications identined during the required examinations of this augmented program h shall be recorded and evaluated in accordance with the applicable ASME Section XI requirements.


All. records / reports shall be in accordance with ASNil!_ Section XI and plant procedures.

Note: Examinations, as required by this augmer.ted propam, are typically perfonned during a nonnal refueling outage in which scheduled ASMR Section XI

- examinations are also performed ASMl!Section XI requires that a summary report

- be filed, within 90 days of completion of the inservice inspection, with jurisdictional enforcement and regeta tory authorities. Due to the similar nature of these activities,

' repor** as required by this augmented program may be submitted in c . junction -

with the ISI summary report.


-.-g, p. g .,: ., ,. ,.,,om g g - , . uywe ypgmegy ry y mr p =t&'?* k

Specification Nil 42. Rev.- 1 1,GS 1 ISI l'ropam Appendix D R l' age 3 of $

Table 1181 AUG-R ComI3ments -

IIxamination >

-- Area lixamination Area identification Ihscription/ Nominal Diameter Nl A IR Recirculation Outlet /Noule inside Itadius/28' NillIR Recirculation Outlet /Nonle inside Itadius/2R' N2A IR Recirculation inlet /Nonle Inside Itadius/12*

N2DIR- Recirculation Inlet /Nonle Inside Radius /12' N2C-IR Recirculation inlet /Noule Inside Itadius!!2" N2DIR llecirculation inlet /Nonle Inside Radius /12" N2ii IR Recirculation inlet /Nonle inside Itadius/12' N2 FIR Recirculation inlet /Nonle Inside Radius /12' h- N2GIR Recirculation Inlet /Nonle inside Radius /12' N211 IR - Recirculation inlet /Nonle Inside Radius /12" N23IR - Recirculation inlet /Nonle inside Raditis/12" N2K-IR ' Recirculation inlet /Nonle inside Radius /12" N3A IR- Main Steam!Nonic inside Itadius!26' N311IR Main Steam /Nonle inside Radius /26'

.N3C IR'- Main Steam /Nonic inside Radius /26"

-N3DIR - Main StennvNonle Inside Radius /26" L NSA IR Core Spray /Nonle inside Radius!!2' l-N511 IR - - Core Spray /Nonle Inside Radius /12" t-N17A 1 PCl/Nonle luside Radius!!2" N1711 - 1.PCI/Nonle inside Radius!!2" l.! N17C- 1.PCl/Nonle inside Radius /12"-

lO NnD o 'Ci,N e uie iesid + diD e e>

g ,,m - - W

6pecification 1 N!! 42, llev. I 1.GS 1 ISI l'regrain Appendix 114

" ape 4 of 5 O I:igure 11 f.1(a)

Incicased !!xarnination of Catepoty 11 D Nortle inside 1(adius Sectionf N fts:  ;


?,g N2. =:ZgLg WALL tMI:rNtg3 l 13 e $stLL TOR *t401 ?W!:xhtl$ l p Ag

  • NCZZLt !N$1CE R&O!LS p%

i t g -.T y g .J o

' l l

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NCI2LE CTL1MDCA MSION 4 -6 *G d 4-6-C H 4

  • 6 *"


Section XI lixamint. tion Volume

t Specification N!! 42, llev. I 1451 ISI l'rogram  !

Appendit 118 1:igure ll.8 l(b) increased I!,xamination of Category li D -

Nouje inside Itadius ,

Sectiorg W / ,, , .

e ,

0 s

! ! i ' '



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,7 7

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4 w-yv4-w y -+e----TTwrs--w-- ,'e-w-vsw- -1y+y-v-g ---mvv-y ,- >wyewwy- ,,y-- v--~v, ,--wc'r' -

rP w w 4 ew 'd-Mh

  • Y-^W""-'T ag y-.*,-e req-'- y-& v t 7 ww

Specification i Nit-42, iter, i 1 1.GS 1 1 ISI l'rograin Appendix 119 ,

Page 1 of 2 AUGMl!N1f LUjiSflUllON l'l(OGit.Mid lixarnination on tig ltt'V '

closure llcad 1 ifting i ogs f I- M:lOf13

'ihis augmented inspection prograin ( AUG 9) defines the specific exatnination requircruents for the f(l'Y closure head hiting lugs, as applicable to iUS 1.

11, 1W11LI(JibNCl!S None 111. GF Niill Al, ASMl!Section XI Code l'.samination Category ll ll, Integral Attachments for Venels, requires a surface exatnination of I GS 2 Ill'Y integral attachinents. Code Tabte ,


h IWil 2500,1, Note (1) limits integral attachment exaininations to those attachments that meet the following conditions:



! a) Jihe attachinent is on the outside surface of the pressure retaining coruponent:

L ,

i b) The attachment provides c<nnponent suppoit as defined in NI il10; 7

c) The attachment base inaterial design thickness is 5/R in or greater; and j t

d) The attachment weld joins the attachinent either directly to the surface of the vessel or to an integrally cast or forged attachinent to the vessel, l'er the above etiteria, the Ill'Y closure head lifting lugs are excluIled from the exatnination requirements of Code Category ll ll, l

l LO n .- , . - - .,,. . . -

, A=. i ,-.. .. - -., , ,.,. - ,- .....-. , .-.... . . -,-...- .

-n - _ . . . . ... ;

" " ~ ~ * ^ * " ~ ***- - - - "-

.an.a # _- 4 44m d A4 M aaM A m an.J num an-va.a*.h AM l ah 4 a M 4de 4 4Mh h-. 4.e 4=n h. .Wesm-R4+hh*"- 4AAh -id.4 e- + e M mme'-

Specilit M!ioti N!!.42, l(ev. I 1 GS.) j ISI Program  ;

Appendix 119 l Page 2 of 2 iv. ExnitsA r ios Pi(OOi( Au 1here are four unlo<ure head lifting lops on the 1 os 11(Pv. l>ue to the iniportance or the closure head lifting logs to refuehny operations, and the relative tungnitude of weight they .

are required to carry, Piro has detennineil that toutine nondestructive exatnination of the lug attachment weld

  • h in order.

An nuch, the elmure head hiting lups have been optionally upgraded to Code Category Ibil cornponents and therefore, will be ennmined in anordance with the rub of ASMl! Serthin .


v. ljMhj!NA'lluii l(lisUll1 S


eXafn flation fc5Ull$ Allilll lte eValuftled it) atroidance with ASMlI Serlion Xl.  ;

V1. }iliPOlQS!!(I;Culy)J O lleporting and record keeping requirements shall be in accordance with ASMl!Section XI.

l I


Srecific ation NI! 42, llev.1 I GS 1 ISI Proparn Appendix 11 10 O

AtjGattfimi) INSPI C1!O.N l'ItOGil ANlf 10; Non-Q lteactor Prenure Veuel internal Components (1 SAll Tah!e 121)


~lhis aupnented inspection program ( AUG 10) defines the examination requirements applicable to certain l>GS l reactor prepute venel internal components, as comtnitted to in the I.GS I:NAll Table 3.21.

t I!xamh.ation requirements, as detailed in this document, are culmive of those ASMl!Section XI intervice impettion requirement , mr the identified components within the scope of this document. i i

11. ]Mi[TilI!NClj A, . limerick Generating Sta' ion Fi.ial Safety Analysis Iteport (1: Salt).

Illi - GI!NPit% r ASMl!Section XI,19861% tion,!!xamination Category it N 1,iequires a visual examination, VTU, of arcarlspaces above and below the reactor core that are made accenible for examination by re:noval of ethnponents during normal refueling outages. 'lhis requirement, as interpreted by I'l!Co,incluile.s not only the accessible areas / spaces in the reactor pressure venel itself, but aho, those safety related and/or Q limd rmtoi pieuwe  ;

vesselinternal components which occupy that space.~ The reactor internals, whose safety

function requires conformance to 10C1:1150, Appendix II, qu'dity standards are summarized in Tabit' 3.21 of the I: Salt, and, as such, are included at xamination Category 11 N 1 components in the I.GS 1 ISI Program.

Per note (62) of Table .L21, certain reactor internal components are not safety related, i

- Q listed, or subject to 10CI'It50, Aprendix 11. Ilowever, I'liCo, reengnizing the impcrtance of these components, has committed to including the subject conyonents for examination in


o the'l,GS 1 ISI programe w--tt'T s ~~ a atr-h e =Ne- W V-8W"i- W "+*ta'e'VWe" w h* +iy+P W-' q M : 9 grmisev=--e $rlie-'r'Te+rt-+='yee-e1P+wtw y htyy f frs- 3,,7m qm_ . g 99 ,,gr-~'

Specification .

- N!! 42, Itev. I IGS1 l 151 l'rograin  !

Appendix 11 10 Parc2of2 IV. I'X AMINM ION l'ItOGil AM i

per note (62) of the I SAll TaNe 3 21. the following coinponents are not safety related, not i Q listed and not under 1101;1150. Appendix 11; f

a) stearn dryer, b) shtoud head and strant separator av,eenbly, c) in-core guide tubes /gtude tube stabilizers, d) differential pressure and liquid control lines inside the Ill'Y (excluding those portions that are part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and are Q. listed),  :

c) fuel orifices, f) feedwater spargers, g) jet putnp instrunnent knes, and h) _ surveillance sperinnen hoklers.

These cosaponents, per this augroented inspection prograin, are included for exarnination in  ;

'O 'a i os i isi rer'"'" "a "<< "bic<i 'e 'h r<""i'e'"<"' "r ^ suit se<'i"" xi. '

1%6 It.dition, Table IW!l 2500-1, litannination Category ll N 1.

-v. - !.!X6MLNollDb'Jt115oI;g All exarnination results shall be evaluated!dispmitioned in accordance with the rules of ASMli Section Xl.

Yl. ]Ilil' ORTS!IlFCOltDS

_All records /:crotis shall be preparedlina ntained in accordance with the rules of ASMi!

-Section XI and plant proceduics. __

. o-vv w ,-va e ~~+ne--,u. -nv v--,,~ ----e ,--+-e-, -s. -~----s -,n---- --w-, an .s a-,, en -,e- wa e--d - - , , , e,nw----*c ~ w n -, oc ,xm e w~ e r , N,

Specification N1! 42, llev I 1.05 1 ISI l'iogram Appendix 11 11 O  ; AUGh11!N'll!D INSI'ljclION l'ItOGit AM th Sit No. 409, incort Dr>

Tube Cracks l- MC.Ofli i

t 1his augmented impection program (AUG 1I) dennes the specine examination requirements

- of Generai lilectric Company (Gl() Nuclear Services infonnation letter (Sil.) No. 409, as l


- applicable to 1.GS 1. This Sil, provides information/ recommendations relative to cracks l found in 11WR Intermediate llanFe Momtor (litM) and Source Range Monitor (SRM) instrumentation dry tubes.

lixamination requirements, as detailed in this document, are exclusive of any ASMit Section XI inservice inspection requirements for the identified components within the scope of this document.

11. Rlil:l!Rl!NCE O

A. Gl! Sil, No. 409, incore Dry Tube Cracks, Revision I, Category 2, July 31,1986.  ;

- 111. GIINiillAL lixaminations of IRM/SRM dry tubes at seveial liWRs have resulted in cracking and/or crack ~ indications observed in a number of lit MiNitM instrumentation dry tubes. All of the observed cracks are within the top two (2) feet he dry tube assembly, primarily in the  !

perforated tube adjacent to either the weld betwee the tube and the guide plug or the weld - t between the tube and the primary prc<sure imundarj.- (See 151 drawing XI IIN.$, Page 1)

The cracking is considered to be caused by a combination of crevice co rosion cracking and irradiation assisted stren corrosion cracking (I ASCC), while crack initiation time is strongly -!

1 dependent on llWR water chemistry (i.e. water conductivity).

4 The !.GS I IRM/SRM imtrumentation dry tubes are the original IlWR/2 6 desigr' and as such are gusceptible to the cracking describe 1. ,

o-  ;

  • -r--" w puye t -tT *1F+wT-TPTt h-- e -- >-r-- - -+.- , ru rie-11 gm y e m m-e r - w-.,r yae se * --- "w' 1W' +m*=P*'ve-t"+4't b *m*F4'd1"4F-red-- -7'rwis &T *7F99 i-M?S'

.m _._ . _ __ ._ _ - - . _. - _ _ _ _

Specification Nib 42, lley. I l.GS 1 ISI prograin Appendix 11 11  ;

l' age ? of 3 O.

Crack initiation time and growth rate for the i GN I configuration ate dependant on tirne in  !

use, water quality, and loading variations (e.g., flow iniloted vibration, burnping during fud snovements). llecomtnended vi ual exaininntions shall be in armrdance with Section IV.


There are four (4) SitM and eiglit (R) litM dry tube assernblies in the 1 GS I reactor '

pressure vessel. Visual exarn nation (V lil) of the top two (2) feet of these dry tuben is i

recornmendra in accordance with 'I able ll;l1 1.

- V.

liX AMIN ATION llliSUlll 8  ;

t Visual extirriiriatiori results shall be docurtierited!dispositioried iri arrordarice witti ASMl! .

Section XI.

VI. Illil1Elli!EB2tlil?li O

All reports / records asweiated with the examinations of this augmented program r, hall be prepared /rnaintained in accordance with ASMl!Section XI and pi.."1 procedures.

I i


- r L

l O

6 9_p _-4 w,9,y9 ..n.. ..,yng,,m.u,-- .,-9.y..g g gy, ,,99_p, , ,, ,,._. ,, <pg-y g y y94 , ,, g>g. g g,g- .g-34_, 4wp._m,w,w,p.ap, 4 __%,,,,,, .


NI:. 42. Itev.1 I GN.1 l'il l'togram AplWinha Il ll O 1 Alli 1: 11< l1.I INColti: lilly 'l I'lili Ill ( OMMl!NI)l:ltlNSI'l UIlON llltOGil AM Water t otulo(tisity Meets l l'ItI l>oos Not Meet (iuideljned l]'lll Guidelines 2

1 GS 1 SitMllRM 4/2'3 d 2/12M I)ry Tubes

1. 1:l'111 wates coinluttivity gnidehnts agipcar in 1:Pitt NP UM sit i I) foi the cumulative service of dry tubet
2. N/Y - Visual exarnination shouhl be perlonned donny the ' Nth
  • reluchny outare after dry tube installation Sub=cquent sisual exarninatk.m sluiuhl be petionned every "Yth* reluchnp outape.
3. 'Ihe SitMlll(M dry tubes are located be veen n the 'lois Guide and Cote I' late and are not acessime de,4e ,e ,.e,,..z.. auche ,ee, Ren m ,ai m n aa n m n u oci min ,,cqei,m n e p, anen for remote visual examination.

4, The NitMllllM dry tubes are ASMl! Section Ni ll N l componenb and ate required to be examined when e ressiHe. Anes'. pennitting, the Code licquency of examination meets or exceeds the requirements of this aurmented program. Ilowever, this program requires a VT 1 examination be perfonned in lieu of a VT-t

5. The SRMilit M dry tubes are ASMI: Section Ni ll N 1 components ami are required to i.e xamined when accruible 'Ihe requiremenn foi subsequent examinations, given water quality, are more restrictive than that tequired by the Code. Comideration should be piven to flow induced vibrations, bumping during fuel movements atul time since last sisual examinaticn m uhululing these components for examination O

. _ __. ._ _ .._. _ .__..._. _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ . _ . _ _ _ . _

-l Specificalion  !

NI! 42, iter.1 1.0% 1 ISI Pmgram  !

Appendix 11-12  !

page I of 2 4

O OM).h.jlib'))]D INSITCl!OXl'ROGjtANja l2; Sil. No. 420, inspection of f

Jet Pump Sensing 1 jucs l- EMIT I

'lhis augmented inspection propam (Al1012) defines the specific exatnination :: qui +cments of General lilectric Company (Gl') Nuclear Services inictmation letter (Sil,) No. 420, as applicable to 1.G51. This Sil, novidesinformation/ recommendations relative to jet pump sensing line failures.


I?xamination requirements, as detailed in thi*, document, are exclusive of any l ASMl?Section XI inwrvice inspection requirements for the identified components within II c scope of this document.

11. l!Ellly(l?NCit.S A. Gli Sil; No. 420, inspection of Jet Pump Sensing 1 ines, Category 1,

! March 2R.1985.

  • i
11. Augmented I!xamination Pmgram i 10, N6n-() lleactor Pressure Vessel Internal l Components (l'SA't Table .1.21), Appendix 1140 this document  :

1 111, gjiNFitAl, l l-m l l' allure of jet pt mp sensing lines and sensing line support bradets have occurred in llWits b

L from fatigue cauwd by vibration. While the jet pump instrum:nta' ion lines inside the reactor prenure venel at the jet pumps and shtond annuius are non () listed, these lines are L critical to plant operation for jet pumf owfl measmement, core flow meamrement and l.

( Indkreet indication of jet fump kntefrkty.

f i

Itoutine visual examination of the instrumentation lines and support brackets for evidence of L vibration induced failure,i.e. loss ofintegrity of support brackets, is recommended to I

preclude operating pmblemi caused by impending sensing line failure.

LOi  !

l' l'


'~..u. .-. .......__....._.._..._.,,..._._~__.,.._._..;_,.-....___,...-.....,__~...,J..,,.,,._ . ; _ _.~ l

Spc<-ification NIL 42, iter. I 1(iS-1 INI Prortam Appemlix II.I2 O IV. liXM1(N& LION PitO(ilt AM .

Pc Augmental Inspection Prortam -10, visual examinations of all jet pomp instrumentation lines will be perfonned in accordance with the acquirevnents of ASMit Section XI lisamination Categ ny ll N l= As smh, the requircinenta of thh augmented proparn will be satisfied in perfonning the visual examination (V lui ai requhed above, special attention should be given 'o the following . .t a) welds between the support bradcts and the vertical run on the sensing line. nnd b) the sensiny lines on the jet pumps closest to the actirculation outlet noules fi c. the I.GS 1 outlet noules are at O' to 180" scurl arimuth; theerfore, shouhl concentrate on jet pumps I, 2, 9,10,11,12,19 arn! 20).

v- itx^"is^Tio" ititsi > tis

-O Visual examination results shall be documt nted/dispodtioned in accordarice with ASMit

.icetion XI.

VI, Ill!POIQSit Ecolt DS All reports / records auoriated with the examinations of tins augmented pnigram shall b~

prepared / maintained in actoniance with ANMit hettion XI and plant procedut*

i O:


...i.,.,_.__._g..,,_1_.L__.,,0.i.,,.~__,.,,.,,h_..,..,_, . , - . . . . . . , _ , . . . , , - . , . . . , .~,..,~.W..._.~.,y _,,, . . . - ... , - .

y i' Speci0 cation Ne 42, Rev. I 1.05 1 ISI l'rogram

, Appendix 11-13 O bl1GMliNilil? INsi'liqJ1Wil'ItOGit AhlLt Snubber lixamination and l'est Propam (Technical Specification Snubbers)

I. h13Rh This augmented i',$pection pmgrain (AllG 13) delines the mandatory examination and

- testing requires.wis for snubbers This program has been prepared as a complete replacement for the Surveillance Requhements of IIiS I Technical Specification 3/4.7.4.

All snubbers installed on the reactor coolant system and all other safety related systems are subject to the requirements .'f this augmented inspection program. Snubbers installed on nonsafety related systems are ahn within the scope of this prapam and may be excluded only.if their failure or failure of the system on which they are installed would have no adverse effect on any safety related system.

P.xamination and testing requirements of this aupnented inspection program apply to the -

snubber assembly which includes the snubber body and attachments out to and inchiding the hind pins and their retainers (l'igure 11 131). Snubber support components beyond this defined space are outside of the scope of this augmented inspection program.

A complete listing of all snubbers within the syope of this aupnented inspection program is -

provided in the Aupnented Program (Al1G 13) Table.s.

II. RI}!:lilll! ngl'S A. ANSl/ASMit Operations and Maintenance Standard OM 1987 with OMc 1990 Addenda, Part 4 (including additional industry /committec studies).

11, l GS I Technica: Specification 3/4.7.4 Snubbers-111, Dill:1NITIONS

[ A. Activation tiie parameter that verifies restraining action.

Specification Ne 42, llev. I l .GS.1 ISI Program Appendix 11 13 O 11. Applicatica Induced I:ailure - f.d!"res resulting fmm environmentrl conditions or application of the snubber for which it hx. not been designed or qualified.

C lireakaway I'orce the minimum apphed force required to initia'e extension or retraction of the snubber.

D. Defined Test I'lan Group a population of snubbers having similar design ot  !

application characteristien : lected for ting in accordnace with the 10 percent or 37 testing sarnple plan.

il Design or Manufacturing Failme faihires ecsulting from a potential defect in manufacturing or design that give cauw to suspect other similar snubbers. I his includ s failures of any snubber (0 that f ails to withstand the emironment or application for which it wr.s designet 1:, Drag Force the force required to maintain the snubber movement at a constant O 'cie<i'r n<ier 'e <'ive'i"' -

- G. liquipment Dynamic itestraint (Snubber) . a device which provides restraint to a ,

component or system during a sudden application of forces but allows er<.entially free -

motion during thermal movement.

11. lixamination Group . a composition of snubners which hase been selected to be

- examined.

1. Examination + the perfonnance of visual observations for impaired functional ability
l.  : due to physical damage, leakage, corrosion or degradation from environmental or operating condition:
3. Failure Mode Group . a cornrosition of snubbers whose failure.'and poten1. 'or the l same fcilure is similar.

c :Q l-

. ,. . a.L ,a ..a. ~__ .. .--._-..._w...a.---,__u.... ---. - _ , , _ - - , . . - - . _ ~ . , , - _ _ , , -

k Ne 12,1(cV. I I(iN 1 INI Prortam Appendis 11 1.1 O a ie_de sembbe,s . n- snebbe,s th,, m m a high ,amaiien ma e, e.,

conditions that wouhl rendei it impractical for the snubbers to be examined ur =ct tiormal plant operating cot ;htions without exposing plant personnel to undue ha/atds.

I isolated I:ailure - the nature of the f ailure does not tend otbo snubbers to be suspect.

l~ot example, failures resu! ting from d unaec during installation or shutdown (i c., dropping equiptnent er took on the snubber, inissing pins, etc.).

N1. N1aintenance - replacement of parts, adjustments, and similar actions which do not change the design of the snubber, taken to prevent deficiencies in the function of a snubber.

N. Alainteriance,1(epair, liii.talbitioti Iriduced l'aihite - failiires wliich reni!' fre damage dusing maintenance, repair, or i'stallation activities. the nature of whkh tends other snubbers to be suspect.

O. Nicehanical snubbers devices in which load is transmitted entirely throurb mm haeu cempenen,s P. N1odification alteration in the design of a snubbei to improve its suitability for a give!) e!)vironment or applicalkof)

  • , 6 6 g al power, hot standby, reactof' cooldoWil to cohl shutdh "1 IL Operability Testing measurement of parameters that verify snubber operability.

S. Operating Tempeinture - the ternperature of the environment surrounding a snubber at its installed plant location during the phase of plant operation for which the snubber is required T. Qualitative Testing that testine performed to establish the functioning of a parameter without determining the specific sticasme of the patameter, similar to go.'no go O 8""ri"r-

S[w ilieation Ne 42, llev. I Ili' l iNi Program dpperldl% lt I3 O o umm,,tah,e i c hn, o,at ,- ,,, pca1,,,,,ca ,e c. mmh o,e . pac o,ase,c o, o,e liinit of the futu tionitty el a p:ttattieter, such as !),at tegotted to estabh*h it'at a patatnetet is furu tioning withiti a spn ifini rariet

i. itticase llate - the tate of the anal inubber inosement under a =pnified load after actuation of the snubber took plat c.

W. E.tlSair feplatelliellt 01 pJf'ls arul s!!1tilar 44 tioin wilH il do llot lllaf tpt tlle (leskp ll of the snobber, tak.a to iotrai ih fniencies in the fointion of r snubber.

L lleplacement Snubber any snubber other than the snobber muneihn.cly previously installed at the location.

Y. Swing Clearant e - the mmement anelope within whicit the snubhei inust operate without restriction, froin the cc.klinstaltni postion to the hnt eretatmp position-

/. . 'lest letuperature - the tetnperatute of the engirontaent surrounding the snubber at the time of the test.

A r'. . Unacceptable Snubbets these clubbets whit h do nel succi exatnination of testing requirernents

= 1 4 I g

ruaintenance, repair. installation, application indut ed, oi isolated This includes all failures for which the cause of the f ailure iannot be determined s

O l

1 I


Specification Ne 42, f(ev.1 1GS1 ISl l'reparn

j Appendix 11-1.1 l'are 5 of 28 O l'irure II.l.1 1 Snubler scope of f
33.Uli U?IIi 'Ihb!.C1klll' SNUBBER ASSEMBLY (PIN to PIN)

N O --

_ _, p o.



f I'" -- -- I v&, _ _

6 m


4 Aap4LWAM4i.-a-.m--maJ5.E.-->=-Mien 4h hhh 4h OJ d *h M A*4-4 *AT Specification Ne 42, llet.1 I GN 1 INI Progratn

l. Appetulix lbl3 O """ """

m m o m Ns o m u u husuo m m ut u so m m m ixts Snubbers are installed on ufety and nonsafety telated systems at I(is I to ensure the continued struttural inuerily of the reactor coolar t system and other safety related systems following a scisinie or other etcol initiating dynamic loads As stub, assurance of the ability of thesc snubl ers to perfonn ns designed throurh runnination and testing is irnperative.

Itequirements for examination and testing of snuhbers are addressed by regulatory and industry groups in phint 'lechnical Specifications, ASNili Section XI, ANSI, O A1 1987 with Ohle 1990 Athlenda and INPO rood prarlires, 'Ihis a tymented program prepared by l'iro,is intended to procide a comprehensive pmrnim uhith demonstrates the operability of appikable I GN I snubbers and eflertocly addrewes both regulatory .md industry concerns '

.reparding rinlibber etartlirUlliori and letting.


Thi4 auginertled prograrn constitules the 'Ntitteillinite lleqlliternernts* scetion of plarnt

'lethnical Specification N 7 4. Itequirements of In hnical Specification 3/4,7.4, other than h surveillance requirements, still apply.  ;

A. l(esponsibility i

PITo, as owner of I US 1 is responsible for the preparation atulirriplementation of this program including:

a; Implementation of the requirements of this program in accordance with site administrative procedures and the Quality Assurance l'rograin.

b) Quahlication of personnel performing the examinations and tests Preparation of a:: necessary wtitten procedures for complying with the e) requirements o' this proparn.

d) _ Collection and retuttion of all design and operating information necenary for the peifonnance of the examination and testing program.


.i 4--,--r,-m.,~,m.- n .,,.~.,,,mn. ~,,. .-,.-a.---,, ,,-,..,---,,,--~~c- --,,-~n-~-,--,

~ + + - - . - - - , - - - - - - - - - - -

Speu0 ration N e 4 2, Itev. 1 I G$; l INI Pfortani Appendis 11 13 O i hio,d,,,m,cen edn.c mi,.d u,, ese aus,,,1,nriemen,aues <,nhe progtam.

II. piocrdtires 1:xarninations. tests, and mainten.mcc to icpaii at tiutics studi be performed in actonlatu e with wtitten ponedufes C P Uttuttiation atul 'I rst l(esults lhe fraults of all examination and testing shall be documented and shall include et a f1Nilil11tif1).

.., Mantihtettitet'% !!)odPl niintbet, sotial fitilliber, t)pe, unique lo(atiotl identification and/or PITo identification of the snubber, as applicable.

O 8) "< << i"< "' < ' m i" i i " > "' i < o ,' -

n iace, ,ncao o,, ama disposine n ei ,, _ ,de ,m a, - s.

d) Information to identify the testics.unination peilonned, pmceJure itsed, and date.

c) Test equipment used.

f) Atecplaltility of testicxatilittaliott fesults.

g) Identincation of exarnination and test petsonnel D. Pet snnnel Qualifications g Test Personnel who are required to witness. perfonn, and/or evaluate the snubber testing shall be qualified in accordance with site administrative procedures. Inspection personnel perfortning and evaluating visual cunninations shall be qualined for Y l- 3 l

1 Specification Ne 42, llev. I 1.GS l ISl Program Appendix 11 13 '

Page 8 of W

.O -

visual examination in accordance with ANMP Nection XI 19R6 Fdition or PFCo


approved equivalent.

ii. Instm.acatation and Test I quipment t Instrutnentation and test equipment used to verify snubber perfonnance shall have the I tange and accurac" necemry to demonstrate confonnance to ?pecilie t tamination or test requirements. i

F ,

Allinstruments and test equipruent usett in performing the examination and testing program shall be calibrated and controlled in accordance with site administrative procedures.

F. Snubber Maintenance or llepair i

Snubbers within the scope of this program shall not be subjected to maintenance or h repair prior to examination and/or testing specifically for the purpose of meeting the examination and/or testing requirements. 'Ihe preventative or corrective actions lequired by the 1 GS Quality Assurance I'mgram shall supercede this requirement.

G. Post Maintenance !!xamination and Testing

- Maintenance activities which can alter the snubber's intended function shall be evaluated by considering the ellects of the maintenance on the snubber's ability to

. meet the examination and testing acceptance criteria, Snubbers whi.h undergo


f maintenance activities which could alter the snubber's abilily to perf . .n its intended function shall be examined and tested in neconlance with the applicable requirements - i of Section V of this appendix. .'the requirements selected shall ensure that the 1 function (s) which may have been affectect are verified by the examination or tests to be acceptable.

The site administrative procedures governing maintenance activities shall address thesc 6


Spetilicalion Ne 42, Itev,1 IGS1 ISI l'rogram Appen Jix 11 1.1 O-

11. Snubber llepair, lleplacement, os Moddication All snubbers within the scope of this program shall be repaired, replaced or modified in acconlance with ASMii Section XI and ile adrainistrative procedures.

llepair activities whkh can alter the snubber 3 intended function shall be evaluated by considering the effects e.f the repair on the unbber's abihty to meet the examination and testing acceptance criteria. Snubbers which undergo repair activities whkh could alter the snubberi ability to perfonn its intended function shall be examined and tested in accordance with the applicable te:piirements of Section V of this appendix.

Ilepbrement or inoddied snubbers di:dl be visually examined m accordance with the requirements of Section V of this appendix.

Visual exarninations or operability testing, as may be required above, shall be addressed in site administrative procedures poterning ASMl!Section XI h repairheplacciner:t activities.

I, 1)eletio.1 of 11nacceptable Snubbers When unacceptable snubbers -re deleted (based on analysis of the affected piping system), the deleted snubber (s) r. hall, nercithelen, be connidered in ils resocetive failure mode group; and the elket of the corrective action taken, for the balance of the failure mode group, shall apply. l'or example, for the purposes of the epplicable corrective action, the deletion of the snubber may be considered the same as replaecment with a snubber qualified for the application, e J. Transient I)ynamic I! vent

- If a transient dynansic event occurs which ruay affert operabilily, the e.ffected system (s) -

and associated snubbers shall be reviewed and any appropriate corrective action taken.

Any corrective actions taken are independent of the examination and testing requircruents of thig program.

' iO


. . - . - . . - - - - - - - - . ~. - .. _. - - - -

Specificatian Ne 42, lley,1 1.(iN.I 1%l prograin Appendix 11 13 l' ape 10 of 2R O K. Supported Cornponent(s) Splein livalua: ion An enginecting evaluation shall be perfonned of cornponent(s) and/or sptern(s) on which an unacceptable snublu-is installed for powb!c datnape to the supported systern and/or cornponent.

V. b1111111011 ItXAMINKiflON AND Tl!SIING l'ItOOltA A1 I!ach snubber within the scope of this augmented prograin shall be desnonstrated operable by perfonnance of the prograin acquirernents as detailed in this Section.

Cednin-snubbers inay be waived in part or totally hom the requircinents of this program (on a case by case basis), piovided inhnical justincation for the deviation be nled with regulatory anthorities prior to implementation of the deviation.

A. Visual lixamination ba Visual exandnation for operational readiness is required for snubbers with the number of snubbers and the frequency of reexamination being determined by the number of unacceptable snubbers within a group and the corrective action taken.

Visual exatnination shall be perfonned to identify physical dainage, leakage, corrosion, or degradation from envimninental expouite or ope:ating conditions; lixternal features which rnay indicate openbility of the snubbet shall be examined. An examination checklist shall be prepared for this purpose.

The initial visual examinatioin performed in accordance with this augmented prognun shall be implemented during the Orst refueling outare following regulatory acceptance of this programc

.l) 15xafnillation DoctinicDiation Ihe following documentation is fleccuary to support itnplettictitatiot) arid verification of the visual exarninations:

t NC-42,l(rY. 1 I(is.1 1%l Progtain Appenda 11 13 O a, na,,mt,m,, p,o<.,~ . hm n, ,m <, dom, mans,,Oe a,,a as found (onditioin b) liainination re(oids r) 'I herinal inn cruent stopn tion in of dt d) l(04 on..a oI fiolltoflbif!Ilant C allt) 0(tt1C(t0 0 at tkolls t1011 are ICQ1tirrtl.

2) binthher fattroll/ation blitlhbCrn iflay IT Catopoli/Pd atitl pf oiljWd as MC0tuilde and inarCruihl?; tht *.c gioups rnay be considered separately for the purpose of sisual counination.

I)CICritikflatioll oI aLCC%ilde/k!Ul(L OMildC 6fluld5Cl fitnijn alid pbnl% for %Cpalitt0 er joint apphration of prograin icquirrinents liy rioup shall be inade and tloCulf1Cinted pliot to illitiatilip Cxalnit):ttHifn fo! a piVen Cxaf tlitiallof t iliterval.

Ofire deterinined, grourn shall be used thtoughout the rxatnination intrryal and man ,mi im ha,,ra

3) lixarnination San ple Sire

'lhe initial atid all sulacquent ' isual exatninatiota sliall include all (100"i.) of -

the snubbers of all groups as inay base been estabbshed in 2) above.

4) lizarnination 1:requency

'lhe initial insenice exatnination el all snublicts sh..ll be staited not Icw than two toontin aller attaining 5*h reactoi powet operation and shall be completed within 12 calendar tuontin after attaining 5"4 reactor power operation.

Sulnequent examination intervah shall be as follow r (a) The second insenice exainination shall he conducted at the first icfueling outape. No schedule thange in actoidance with Table 11-131 is O 'c"""c' i

. _ . - - - - - . - . ~ - ~ - . -

hjn ification Nr.42, llev i lG41 Isl prograin Appendix ll 13

(] l' arc 12 of 2A


(b) The third insernice etunitiation shall be (ondutted at the Acconti teluclitig outarc (c) Nubsequent cunnination intetsals shall be in accordance with

~l able 11 13 1.


$) Outarc Ilased Visual l'tatninatiom

=lable ll, ()ntare llaicd Visual l'xatnination Table, prosiden the periniuible noinber of unacceptable snubbers allowed, for various snubber l

pnpeiation,o,p,omp,.te com,i,,mc si,bthe no,,na m a,nina, ion r,cquenex schedule. In addition 'Iable 11131 drunk all cot cctive actions to be laten and provides cunnication frequenc y adjustnients to be inade, based on the nutnir .< unacceptable snobbets l'.und during the si+.ual exarnination.

O O l 1

i a

.O t i l

- - .. - ._._- - ~ - ...

Specificalion Ne4, Itet !

IGS1 ISI Promun Appendix 11-13 O T A til I! Bl:FUFl ING OUTAGibilAS!!D VISUAL,1 N AMINA'llON TMit l' NUM13 E f( OF UN ACCI:PT AflLE SNU11flE!!S Population Column A Column !! Column C or Group i or E stended Interval Ma simum for Same as Previous l'or Interval Red uchon by 14 (Note 11 (Notes 2 and 31 Interval (Notes 2 and 41 (Notes 2,6,5) 1 0 0 1 60 0 0 2 100 0 1 4 160 0 3 6 200 2  % 13 300 6  !? 25 400 8 II 36 600 12 24 48 760 20 40 id 1000 29 (6 109 1600 48 91 173 O NOTit 1: Interpolabon between population or group aires and the number of unacceptable sni Rets is permissible. Use the neat lower integer found for the permissible number of unacceptable nnubbera NOTE 2: The basic imerval shall be the norrnal fuel cycle up to 24 mcnths. The e n amim. tion interval may be as rreat as twice the fuet rycle (note 31or as small as 10 of the fuelcycle (notes 6(b)and 6L Th manimum tprevious intervsh value used to deternine the ne st ea aminsuon interval shall be one nctmal fuel eycit. The esamination tr tervals iney vary by 125 percent to coincide with the actual outage.

NOTE 3: If h number of unacceptable anubbers is equal to or less than the value in column A, then the ne at et smination interval rney be trictemaed to twice the past e samination interval i.e., the ne st e n ern secordirag to the former interval may be skipped. When the fortner intervalis W refuehng cycle W anubbers may be en amined o. sly every other reiuehng cycle in'en al so long as the resulta of the visual e s amination meen the requirementa of column A, The anubbers that are installed at locahons where the anubbers w tre unacceptable at the previous et a rhination shall be en amaned durtng the skipped refuehng nuta re.

NOTE 4. If W number of unacceptable snubbers esteeds the value in column A.but ta equal to or less than the number in cc19'nn B, then the ne st visual e sammation shall be cond ucted at the same interval as the immediately preceding mterval. When the former interv alis the refueling cycle the nest intervalis W curtent refueling eyrle.

NOTE 6: If the number of unacceptable anubbers exceeds W number in column B, but la equal to or less than the vslue in column C,then one of the followmg shall apply:

(a) A tyview and evaluapon to justify continued use of the anubbera shall be performed. The previous et aminetion inten al may then be useo. When the former intervalis the tefueung cycle the nest intervalis the current refuelmg cycle, Oft (b) The nest esamination intervalahall be decreased by one-third of the previous esamination intervalor,in accordance with the inte polabon betw een columns il and C, m proportion to the enact nurnbc r of unacceptable anubbers.

NOTE 6: If the uumber of unacceptable snubbers etceeds the valce in column C,then the correruve actions and justifications of Nc,te 5a shall be performed and the esammation interval shallbe decreased to one third or the previous interval, O

, . - . _ - . - - - - - ~, ,- . --.- - -- - . . ,,

Spnification Nc.42, llev. I I (i41 1%I Ptoriatn Appet;M 11 1.1 O o v-ai nanona,me s ep,_ o,,m a Ynual exaltunatiotts shall \ rtil3 tonformance of the Annbbt t installatiott to the following requitetnente a) Mitst l{csti.tili \los cinctit Nnnbhets sliall be installnl suth that when a tisalnl, piping,lt ompolent inosetncnt is testrained. Visual obsets ation of loose f asteners, corrodnl or deformni mernben, or dein tion of disconnectnl components or other coinhtions that tnight intnfete with the proper testraint of movement requites evaluatiori Stinbbets whitli ate detettnitted to be itnapable of testraining innvement shall be omddercel unatreptable b) Must l'ermit 'l hetinal \lm ement.

O s""aner8 sa ,'i "< i -t>'i"'i" '~ n <"'"o'i"" in#i 'n<<m "i m "v< m e"' "'

the pipir pkornponent is not testrittnl to the extent that unacceptable overstressing coJId develop. (tbservnt bindmp, misalignment, and/or tiefonnation may be indicatise of such a situation, and shall be evaluated.

Snubber imtallationi determined to exrcuively testrict pipingicomponent thermal movement shall be mmidctnl unacceptable.

) 1)esign Npecific Observation (

Snubbers shall be free of drierts that may be peneric to particular designs, as may be dctnled by visual nainination. Visual examination anomatics which indicate potential isnpaired operabdity of the snubber (s) may be tesolvnl by operabihty testing in accordance with the Section V, Parapaph A 7 of this appendix

7) Opetabihty Iest I; valuation O

Npet ifit ation Ne- l?, llev. I 1(iN 1 INI l'ingt am Apperidit 11 l.1 O smy s,mbb. ,om,,.n., he e,_p, alm.s _eh el _ns.,m,n.n may be operabihty tcsted in anoolanet with the inpnteinents of Nn tion V, l'atartaph 16 of thk apptinhs 1(ctults inas be usnl to esuloate the sonbbet as au cptable, prosided that tc< ting can slum the unaucplable condition (hd not afin i opetabihtv

11. ()perabihty 'l esting Operabihty testing for operational rc.nhnen is supntnl to be performed on leptesentattVe salliplet of r911bber% based (,fi the s,ttMplitif plafts prosilled }letekti 'I he noinber of mnbbers to be testni is dcit rinined by the samphnp plan (bosen nrul the corrective actions prescribed by that sanipline plan Adshtional samples taken, based on the notober of unau cptable snobbets found, is ab.o detennined by the sperine satupline plan < bosen Testing. as topiited by thn augmented program shall be impicinented during the Grst O '<r"<ii"8 ""'"<<<"ii""i"r'<r"i"'"<> ""<r"">< "ai'i"r - -
1) 'l c5lkilp l)oflifliciil ttioll llic followilip dol unictitatiot) is fin cuaty to suppori iluplementation and verification of operability te ting-a) (Iperabillly testiflg pf ornbnes.

b) l'rctious test icouth e) NonconInf mance results esalnations, anti corrective actions.

d) 1)cfined test plan grouping

2) Uperability Testing 1(equirements Q 'llie follmving general requirements apply to all operabihty testing performed:

Ne-42, iter.1 IGS1 ISI l'togian Appendit 11 13 O a, o pe, s,y ,e e n m as Nnubbers sha'l be tested at a hiati suffiuent to verify the operating paratnettis ipnified in Sec tion V, patartaph 114, of ti is appendix. l

,es,in ,a u rs,th ,n ,eim u oaa n,uso m <,,aaica io epe,asihiy pararneters at saint load b) 'l est uinn tion fac tori ihllerences inay exist betacen the installed operating conditions and the mnditioin under uhic h a snubber r tested. In such cases, correction factors i,lnll be establishnt and test icinits shall be conclated to operating conditions as appropriate.

c) 'l est HOIoufld, O ""<'""iu'r'<s'i"r""'ios "<>'"""<a "" '""""<'si"<i' """a~

cemai,ien.te ,he h . s, mice, p, ,icai. n.,an se,d,be, pa,a,ncte,sle be tested d) lest testrictiotit

'I'esting flictliods utili/ed sliall flot alter the cotidition of tlle sillibbet such that the test results no lonres represent snobber pararneters prior to triling.

c) in sitn testing.

Where desirable, in situ operabihty tcsting (i c., testing with the snubirt installed in its permanent location)inay be utilized provided test inethods and equipment base been approved by pl:Co.

l 0 itench testing. l 0 l I,

Ne 42, f(rv. I l (iL I 1\l Proptam Appendis 11 13 O ope,abd.,, ,-en,. m, s. re,h,,,,wa i, ,eme,mf ,he, a,,a beruh testmp, prodded test methods atul espiiprnent have been approved by I'l-('o. I ollowing reinstallation of the snubber, a visual examination ill actof tldtke With tile Applicable lequilerilents of beetio!) Y, Parapaph A of this appendix. shall be performed pl hubtornponent testing Where sunbber phpical si/e, test equiptnent limitations, or snubbet inaccessibihty prevent the ow of either in situ testirip or bemh imting, the f.nubbet suh oinponents shall be tested and teassembled in accordam e with I'H 'o approved procedures b) (~of relillioll of ilhhtet t incasurettictits, Testmp inethods tuay be nl whuh measme paraincters indirectly or O r> ' '"< ' < ' ' "' '< " ' " ."'< 'n<< i 'i< a . i' ' '"'< > < '"i' s < = " '< <"'< <' ' ea ' "

,he , pea >ca pa,a,,,em ,h,euph es,.uma me,hea,.

i) Paintlet and multiple installations.

The snubbers of parallel and/or multiple instaliations shall be identified and counted imhvidually.

j) 1:ractianal sample sires All fractional sample sites hall be rounded up to the next integer.

3) (Jualitati,e i esting.

Qualitative testing tuay l e used in lieu of quantitative measurements in inceting the operability test acceptr. ace etilena of this document, following teview and approval of this metht d. by icpulatory authorities bufheient data, based upon service history or hfe cycle testing, shall be obtained to demonstrate the ability I


Specificat:an Ne-42, llev.1 IfiS 1 IS) l'rogram Appendix 11 13

,ge l' age 18 of 28

. Y' of the parameter in question to be nithin spee:fication over the life of the her (e p de'non , ation that activation takes place without acasutement of

.. l t h,- . , tion ! ol- A ti - eport shall be prepared for each si, >ber crempted D i frem atitatis socr hihi., testing v quirements. The test report shall verify arameter u .. min specifications to allow exemption of the snubter from quantitative testite, of the parameter.


._ 'l Operability Testin- Acceptaace Criteria Oper. bility testing shall verifv conformance to the following requirements:

c a) Die force inat will initiate motion (breakaway force), the force that will ,

maintain low selocity M we), or t.,th, as required by the test g procedure, are within .,pecifud limits, both m tension and in corvic sion h b) Activation is within the specified range of time, velocity, or acceleratir.n in both tension and corc.pression.

c) llelease rate, where tspplicable, is witnin the specified range in tension and compresshnt. Ilor un3s sperifh ally requirect not to (

continuous load, the abiSty of the snubber to withstand k. without displaecment shall be demonstrated. ,

5) Operability Testing 1:ailure livaluation Snubbers that do not meet the operabiliiy test:ag ac~eptance criteria for quanti *ative testing or quali'ative testing shall be esaluated ta determine the caus. of failure, using test failure mode groups. y a) Test failure mode groups Unacceptable snubber (s) shali be categorized into test fa"'are mode group (s) Test failuie mode group (s) shall include all unacceptable

Specification Ne-42. Ilev.1 IGLI ISI Prograrn Appendix 11-13 0 snubbers that h .c a gi en f ailure mode, and all other snubbers vsbject to the same failure mode. 'I he following failute inodes shall be used:

1) 1)esign, manufacturing
2) Application induced
3) M aintenance, icpair, in stallation.
4) Isolated
5) Unexplained.

b) Test failute mode group boundaries Once a test failure mode group has been established, any snubber (s)in that test failure mode group will not be part of the defined test plan groups from which the snobber(s) originated execpt as noted in (c) below. 'Ihe new test failure mode group will remain as defined until corrective action has becu completed O

Note that for the 37 testing sample plan, tstablished failure mode groups once separated from the defined test plan group (s), are referred to as

' independent' test failure mode groupt c)

' is in more than one test failure mode vroup in ' .c event th,it a snubber (s) berornes intl i led in more than one test failure mode group, it shall be counted in caeh failure mode group in which it i neaccei. table and shall be subject to the corree'ive action of each test failure mode proup.

d) Additional failure mode group resiev:

Once the operability test requirements are satisfied for a given defined 1:st plan group, then any additional faih re mode group review or tes;ing shoji not requhe any subsequent testing on the defined test plan group.


Specification Ne 42, llev. I 1.G S. I .

INI Program Appendix 11 13 Page 20 of 28 V;

. 6) Denned Test Plan Groupt Denned test plan groups shall be detennined prior to initiating testing 'I hese gmups shall encompass all snubbers azul shall be bawd on similarities of design or application. That is, snubbers tnay be gmuped by siec, type, design, ipplication, or other incam as deteunined by engineering evahiation.

7) Operability Testing Interval Testing in aceutdance with the selected sampling plan shall be perfonned each refueling outage for each deGerd test plan group
8) . Operability Iesting Sampling Plan Selection.

Itsting shall be cond ,eted for each dc6ned test pt:.n] mup using one of the

- following sampling plant O

a) 10 percent testing sample plan b) 37 testing san.ple plan

.The plan to be used for each dc6ned testing plan group of snubbers shall be selected before testing begirp for the test interval. Once selected, the plan shall

-be used throughout the test interval for that dc6ned test plan group and any failure inode group that is detertained from the original defined teat plan group.

9J- Operability Testing Corrective Action and Continued Testing Snubbers that do not rnect the operability testing neceptance criteria for gelantitative testmg or qualitative testing shall be subject to corrective action (s),

with its indicati d impact on continued testing. Selection of the concetive action shall be governed by the sampling plan which is usedi Any


maintenance, cpairs replacements or modifications shall meet the requirements of progra n.


oJ.~ , . - ,, . . -- , _ , _ , . - , - , __m, _ _..-...,--.-_w., , , , , . , . . .

Speci6 cation -

Ne 42, Rev. l .

IUS1 ISI l'rogram Appendix 11 13 1 l' age 21 of 28


10) The 10 Percent lesting Sample I'lan When the 10 percent testing sample plan is chosen for a de6ned test group, the following criteria shall apply:

a) Initial test sample lot size and composition for a test interval.

15r the first sample lot tested, a terresentative/ random sample of 10 percent of the snubbers in the deGned test plan poup shall be selected.

As far as practical, the sarnple selected shall include the various designa, configurations, operating environinents, sange of si/cs, capacity of

- snubbers, ciec lhe first sample lots tested shall be a cornposite based or the latio of each particular category to the total number of snubbers in the defined test plan group. Sample lot selection from the representative categories of snubbers shall be random.

- b) Additional test (s) lot si/c in the same test interval.

For any snubber (s) detennined to be unacceptable as a result of testing, an additional sample of at least 1/2 the siec -f the initial sample lot shall be tested until the total number tested is equal to the initial sample size multiplied by the factor,1 4 C/2 where C is the total number of '

l. snubbers fo'md to be unacceptable; or all snubbers in the failure mode

, group have been tested. (The testing of additional samples by this-l~ criteria is also requir, _ or saubbers determined to be unacceptable in.

any additional test lot )

- c) Additional test lots composition in the same test interval.

- As far as is practical, the additional samples shall include

(1) liiubbers of the same manufacturer's design.

(2) Snubbers imrnediately adjacent to those found unacceptabic.

[] (3) Snubbers from the sanm piping system.


., . .a. _m _ =. --

Specification Nc.42, llev. I I GN- 1 ISI Program Appetulix 11-13 O Snubbers ftom other piping systeun that have similar operating (4) conditions such as temperature, humidity, vibration, and radiation.

(5) Snubbers which are previously untested d) Subsequent test interval population selec tion.

I:or subsequent refueling outages, each representative sample shall be selected in accordance with a), b), and c) above, from the total population of the defined test plan group. -

e) Sample plan corrective action.

The 10 percent sample plan conective actions are dependent upon the assigned failure mode proup as follows:

Iksign, stunufacturing, maintenance, repair, installation and application O i"a"<<a'<s'tti"re m"aes

1) All snubbers in a test failure mode group shall be replaced or modified in accordance with Section IV, Paragraph 11 of this document, atul categori/cd as acceptable.


2) The unacceptable snubbers in the test failure mode group shall be replaced, or repaired to the original quahfied condition. 'l he number of unacceptable snubbers shall determine the additional test lots of Section V, Paragraph II.10.b.


3) The unacceptable snubbers in an app]icationjgluced teJJahne mode group shall be replaced or repaired to an acceptable conuition. All snebbtts in this group shall be categorized as

bpecification Ne-42, llev,1 1 11S 1 ISI Program Apperalix 11 13 O e<cep1ame pmmaca ,he _im,mnen, m appuce,iees e,c coinpatible with the design paratneters.

Isolated test failure mode The unacceptable snubbers in this test lailure anode group shall bc icplaced os repaired in accordance with Section IV, l'aragtaph 11 of th:s apperulix and eategori/cd as acceptable.

(!nexplained test failure mode The nnacceptable snobbers in this test failure mode group shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with Section IV, paragraph ll of this appendix. The number of unacceptabic snubber (s) shall determine the additional testi.ig lots in aceoidance with Section V. Paragraph 11,10 b Q !?) The 37 Testing Sample I'lan When the 37 testing sample plan is chose.i for a defined test group, the following criteria sludl apply:

t 5 hk kk s k .

- s The initial wuple shall consist of 37 snubbers selected randomly for each defined test gninp which ntilizes the 37 testing s.imple plan b) Additional defined test plan group testing O

Specification Ne-42, Itev. I IGN1 ISI Program Appendix 11-1 T l' age 24 of 2R O-l'or any snubber (s) determined to be n iacceptable as a result of testing, athlitional sainples shall be selected such that the following test plan equation is satisfini (iiigme 11 13 20 N 2 36A9 6 18.18 C w here N - Total noinber of snubbers tested which were selectett from the defmed test plan gmur alid C - Total number of unacceptable snubbers found in the defined test plan group texcluding those in independent test failure mm!. p .ups) plus one fm -h independent test failure mode group.

Additional samples shall be selected in a random manner from the Q remaining population of the defined test plan group. Snubbers in tesi failure mode groups sh:dl be separated and should not be included in the additiontd sample (s) c) Independent failure mode group testing Once a test failute mode gionp has b en established, it shall be separated for continued testing apart from th defined test plan guup It is then identified as an independent test failure inode group.

1:or an independent test failure snode group, the number of unaccentable snubbers which define the test failure mode group shall determine the additional testing in the 'est .tailure mode group io accordance with the following equation (l'igure 1113 2): $

N 2 36.49 4 18.18 C w here O ,

- . . ~ . . _ . . . . ._. . _ _ . . . _ . . _ .-__ .._ ._ ---._ .-- _ _.__

Specification Ne-42, llev 1 -

+ 4 lAIS.I ISI Program Appendix 11-13 4


Page 25 of 2R l

N = Initial defined test plan lot of 37 tested plus all thow selected and tested from the independent test failure mode group.

alid C - Total number of unacceptable snubbers in the independent test  ;

failure mode group, in addition, the following criteria shall apply to additional testing in an independent test failure mode noup:

1) _ Snuf>bers are selected in a random manner from the independent .

test failure mode group.


2) . Any additional unacceptable snubbers found in the independent test failure mode proup shall be counted for continued testing only for that independent test failure mode group.
3) Testing completion is in accordance with th: equation in c) above, s

d); The' 37 testing sample plan corrective action The folknving corrective action shall apply:

1) All unacceptable snubbers. in the defined test plan group shall h' replaced or repaired in accordance v;ith Section IV. Parcgraph 11.

of this appendix to the original qualified condition. These unacceptable snubbers snail remain categorized as unacceptable for the purpose of additional testing per the 37 testing sample plan,Section V.II.13.b of thin appendix.

F - - - . - -

2) 'Ihe unacceptable snubber (s)in a test failure mode group shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with Se: tion IV, Paragraph 11

. - of this appendix to the original qualified condition, These rg & r"- e fa '- - - w e---w#' s "A - - -8m +- w

  • w, - w a w w+= -

Nm T N


. - Stwrification

-- Ne 42,- llev, I liiS 1

( - ISI l'rogram Appendix 11 13

i l' age 26 of 28

, -eO w

l- . unacceptable snubbers shall be usett in tieterrnining the j tequiresnents for n&litional testing per the 37 testing sample plan.

Section V.ll,13.c of this nppentlit i

l i-i p.

o I'


1-l l

e l

l j -.



i 5'

I ;

l ll r

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'N l l ', -
g. -


i  :

5 CONTINUE - 1 1

l -4' l TESTING  !

i  !


C 3 - . - -


--p -

N = 36.49 + 18.18C 2 - -



, J - -


AiUEI5 uta "?

i' Eil 7E"


O O 10 20 30 -10 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 0 12 0 13 0 N

. , - - - - - . . - _ - . - _ . ~ - - . - - - . . . _ _ - - . - - - --

4x 4 Specification Ne-42, Iter.1 IGS1 ISI Program Appendix 11 13 f l' age 28 of 2R 1 - VI. Sl!1tVICF 1.11 li MONil'OltlNO

'the service life of all snubbers shall be inonitored to ensure that the service life is not exceeded between .rugmented examination!iesling inletvalt 'lhe maximum expected service life for various seals, springs, and other critical parts shall be extended of shortened based on monitored test results and failure history, Cr;tical parts r. hall be replaced so that the maximum service life will not le exceeded during a period whet the snub <r is required to be operable. Iteplacements shall incet the requirements of Section IV, l'arngniph 11 of this appendix.

Vll. Rl!POltTS/It!!COltDS All reportshcrords associated with the examinations / testing of this augmented program shall

' he prepared / maintained in accordance with ANMl!Section XI and rite administrative procedure.s.

tecords of servict life mnnitoring shall le snaintained in accortlance with l GS Technical Speci6 cation 610.3.

Details of examinations and tests conducted under this program nerti not be included in the ASMl!Section XI Summary Iteport and NIS-11 onus are not required. An abstract of examinations cc:npleted snay be proviiled in the Smnmary Iteport. NIS 2 fonns shall be incluiled in the Sununary !(erort for any Section XI repairs or replacements perfonned on

- the snubbers within the seo a of this program.




.__ .- . _ _ _ _ _ - - _ ~ . . . _ . - . - . - .. - .._ _._. . .-__ . .

. .__m Specification . i Nii 42, llev. I 1,GS.1 ISI Program Appendix 11-14 W

M-Page 1 of 4 JAUGMij_N1]IO INSPl!CTION PitOGl(AM 14; Snubbers Examinatinn-.

Program (llOP Snubbers)

-1. 1CitPlj This augmented inspection pregram (AUG b1) defines the PECo examination iequirements for snubbers installed on non. safety related systema which are not subject to the examination and testing requirements of 'lechnical Specification 3/414.

The examination requirements of this augmented inspection program apply to the snubber assembly which includes the snubber body and attachments out to ano induiling the load pins and their retairiers (Figure Ib;41). . Snubber support components beyond this defined space are outside of the scope of this augmented inspection pn,3 ram A complete listing of all snubbers within the scope of this augmented inspection program is provided in the Augmented Proyram ( AUG 14) Tables.

II. P EFi!!(liNCES A ._ l Nor 2  ;

111,- GENiillAl; Snubbers installed on nonsafety related systems whose failure or failure of the systern on

-which they are installed woulil liate no adverse effect on any safety related system are excluded from the examhiation and testing requirements of Technical Specification 3/414.

Ilowever, at I GS _l, all snubber assemblics (both safety related and non safety related) were procured and installed to the quality standards of safety related snubbers: As such, it is --

PECo's plan to continue to maintain all snubbers assembhes to quality standards. 4 Therefow, the purpose of this augmented irqection program is to provide examination o

requirements necessary for continued assurance of the quality of the subject non fechnical g Spedfication snubbersc 4 ye w- v' =v- "+r - - *--# .--* - -- ~ r- - - - - - - - - - '

. , . . ~. .. . .._ _ ,- _ . . ....... . _ _ . _ . _ .. _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ < _ _ . . _ . , _ _ _ = .

Specifierhn -

NE 42, i .ev.1

. 1,GS 1 ISI Prc 3rarn Appentin B 14 Page 2 of 4 >

0 Figure B 14-1 Snubber Scope cf Examinaliga T




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-- -- I I

M 4

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Specification Nil-42, Rev. I 1,GS 1 ISI Prcgram Appendix 11-14 O IV. EXAMINATION RiigUIRi!Ml!NTS All(100%) of the snubbers within the scope of this augmented inspection program shall be visual.7 examined.

The visual examination, performed to assess the general mechanical and structural condition of the snubber, shal l identify any phyaical damage, leakage, corrosion, or degradation from environmentat exposure or operating conditions. In addition, the sn.ibber shall be visually examined for operability lnubber physical (attributes) features which indicate functional -

adequacy or couki affect snubber operability shall also be visually examined.

Examinations shall be performed every other refueling outage; or at approximately three year '

intervals, for those mubbers not examined during refuelb ; outages.

fixaminations shall be performed utilizing procedures and personnel qualified in accordance with the ISI Program (see Section 3.3.1).

O V. EXAMINATION RiiSUI.TS Visual examination results shall be documented and evaluated in ec.ordance with ISI Program requirements. In addition, the snubber installation shall be evaluatcJ for conformance to the following requirements:

a) Must Restrain Movemeat.

Snubbers shall t.c installed such that when activated, piping / component movement is restrained. Visual observation of ionse fasteners, corroded or deformed members, or detection of disconnected components or other conditions that might interfere vzith the proper restraint of movement requires evaluation. Snubbers which are determined to be locapable of restraining movement shall be considered unacceptable.

b) Must Permit Thermal Movement.


_ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ m .- - _ _ _ __

a Speci0 cation I N!! 42, Iter 1 -

1 GS.]

ISI l'rogram Appendit 11 14 l' arc 4 of 4 Snubi<,s sindue imiannun seen ema,iieo I,..,nhmmai ,m,mumand in ,

piping' component is not restthled to the extent that unacceptable merstressing couhl develop. Obselved binding, misdiy*nnent, atulfor defonnation inpy be imlicative of such a situation, unt shall be evahiatn!. Snuble installations detennined to excessively restrict piping / component thennat movement shall be considered unacceptable, f

c) . Design Speci6e Observationt Snublers shall be free of defects that may ' genene to particular designs, as may be detected by visual exetnination. Visual exainination anomalin w hic h indicate potentialimpaired operability of the snubbn(s) may be resolvnl by operability testing ,

in accordance with the Section V, l'aragraph 11 of Appendix 11 13.

l Snubbers evaluated as unacceptable shall be unacceptable for service until such tinw as the snubber is deemeil acceptable sia repair, replacement, engineering evaluation or operabihty test. Note that the discovery of an unacceptable sunbber per this augmented program does not initiate additional cominations, nor does the ion. nmnber of unacceptable snubben impact examinations and testing of Angrrented program ( Al!G 13),(Technical SpeciGcation 3/4.7.4) snubber assemblict VI. Ill!POlt iSjilliCOlil S-All reportsheemds a.nciaint with the exainiiiations or this nunmented pmgnun shall be preparedhnainta'med in acaudance with ASMisSection XI and site administratise procedures..

f OL

.- , . -, E~ , .ih.. .s, .,,'-,.,,-4 . -r-r. w v m.,

Specification Nil 42.Rev.1 I GS-1 ISI l'rograrn Appendis 11 15 l' age 1 of 2 AUGMl!N I111> INSPliC l ION l'ROGR AM.._15; Sil.No 433 Shroud llead 11011 Cracks

1. SCOPl!

This aeginented inspection program ( AUG 15) defines the specific examination i

recommendations of General lilectric Company (Gl:) Nuclear Servises information I citer (Sil.) No. 433, as applicable to 1.GS 1. This Sil 3ddrews the occunence of intergranulai stress cormsion cracking (lGNCC) of RI'V shroui head bolting and the Gli recommended ~-

actions in light of this problem.

Any shroud head bolts which have been replaced with the nr.v design (11WRl6) bolt are o . side of the scope of this augme ited inspection propiam.

11. Rlil~i!Rl!NClis Q A. Gli Sil. No. 433, Shroud llead lloit Cracks, February 7,1%6.
11. I'FCo memorandum dated 3/7/90, 'I . A. Shea to distribution, Rii: Clarification of the ISI Coordination Group's Position on RPV inservice inspection issues.

111. GliNiiR AI, Shroud head bolt errking has been observed at se'.cral llWR facilities This cracking, which occurs in the Ni Cr Fe Alloy 600 shaft in a creviced region, has been confumed to be crevice accelerated IGSCC. Crack initiation and growth rate are dependent on tirne in use, loading, and particularly, on water quality.

While failure of the shroud head i>olt(s) is not a safety concern, loss of bolt integrity may potentially damage reactor internah ;.nd/or balance of plant equipment; therefore, augmented exmnination of the I GS I shroud head imitirig is recommended.


- Specification NI!-42,11ev.1 '

tilS.I g ISI Progiam Appendin 11 15 y

Page 2 of 2 Note that the Gli design " replacement" shrnud head bolt incorporates modifications to eliminate the collar crevice and utilizes a more IGCSN resistant material; augmented examination of any replaecment shroud head bolts is not required.

IV. I,XMil

! F61!iLNjtEQtiliti!Ml!NJS

. Straight beam ultrasonic examination of all 1.GS I original design shroud head bc.:ts shall be performed every other refueling outage. The LIT procedure utih/ed r.nall be capable of

' detecting IGSCC in the given bolt configuration. Ultrasonic examinations are conducted with the subject bolts in place on the shmud head / separator f6110 wing retnoval of the ,

assembly and storap* in the equipenent storage pool.

V. .llMENATION iti!StJlilli

- All failed boltsf and bolting evaluated as cracked, shall be considered for replacement with the new design replacement bolts, O

If cracked bolts cannot IIe replaced or if bolt status is indeterminate, an engineering evaluation sha:1 be perfonned to assess safety conecrns and potential risk of damage to other ,

plant equipment.

w TVI. ;LtII,POltTSlit!!ColtDS

- All raports/reconis associated with the examinations of this augmented program shall be

- prepared / maintained in accordance with ASMl!Section XI and plant procedures.

7 L


,ie Ii l

- - ..a . . . - - , _ _ . , , _ - , , _ _ - . . ~. ,;. .-_ .

Speci0 cation N!! 42,1tev, i I GS 1 ISI l'rogram Appendiit 11 16 l' ape 1 of 2 O.

AUG>ti NTl!!) INSPI'CTION PilOGl( AM - Ik Sil. No. 462 Shroud Support Access llole Conc Cracks

1. SCol'l!

This augmented inspection program ( Al'G 16) defines the specific eumination recommendations of General Illectrk Company (Gl:) Nuclear ServFes Infortnation I etter (Sil ) No. 462, a: applicable to I GS 1. This Sil addresses the intergranular stiess conosion cracking (IGSCC) of the shroud support access hole covers and the Gli recommer ded actions reganling susceptibility / routine examination.

I1. lUit'lillIJNCliS A. Gli Sil No. 461, Si,tou,1 Support Access hole Cover Cracks, Supplement I, li ebruary 22,1989.

O 111. Gl!Niifs/_.1 There are two (2) access holes in the shroud support plate which are utilized for access to the lower plenum during construction and are subsequently closed by welded access hole covers. As reported in Sil. No,462, cracking in the access hole cover plate attachment wehl has been detected in a llWit/4 The cracking occurred in the heat affected tone of the creviced alloy 600 access hole cover plate and is attributed to crevice aceclerated IGSCC.

While the i GS 1 design eliminated the creviced Alloy 600 plate configuration on both access hole covers, the existing design retained a crevice in the 3161, stair'ess steel cover plate in one (1) access hole cover. Alihough 3101,in itself is considered a IGSCC resistant material, the crevic ed wehl configuration adversely affects this design ( overall susceptibility to IGSCC.

As such, augmented examination is recommended. ,


. ._, - - ,~ . - . - - -.- -~ - . ..- .-._-.- - --

Specification N!!-42. Rev. I 1,GL 1 151 Program <

Appendix 11 16

-; Page 2 of 2

.IV. X AMINATION RI.iQQljiQ11!N IS IOSCC in the I GS 1 con 6guration, shouhl it occur, is not expected to occur early in plant operation. Theerfore, augmented visual (V l-1) examination of the 180' azimuth shroud access hole cover, as recommended by Gli, should be perfonned during the plant's temh year of operation.

Note that both access hole ccvers have been included for routine visual (VT-3) examination in accordance with the ISI program for Code lixamination Category II.N-1; satisfaction of this AUG 16 program involves upgrading the visual examination for the IRO' cover from VT-3 to VT 1 during the Gnal refueling outage of the first inservice inspection interval.

Reykw of plant water chemistry and/or the inddence of IGSCC in other RPV internal components may necessitate o revised frequency of this examination. .

V. I!X AMINATION P.l! SUI.TS-O lixamination results generated from this atynented inspection program shall be recorded and evaluated in accordance with applicable plat.t procedures.

_ VI. . REPORTS /RI! CORDS All reports / records associated with the examinations of this augmented program shall be prepared / maintained in accordance with ASME Section XI and plant procedt. ,

i l-1.


u j'i l


-- ~ . . - ~ .

- ._ _ . . _. . m . . ._,. - - ~ . _ _ -. - ..- - -

_ - m


Specification Ni! 42, llev. I 1,GS 1 ISI Prograrn Appendix 11 17 A l' age I of 2 M

> 6UGMiiN_!Xil,lESPUCIION PI(OGitAM 17: Sil. No. 474 Steam Dryer Ib q Channel Crackiag

1. S1'OPli This augmented inspection program (AUG 17) defines the specifie examination

= recommendations of General !!!ectric Cornpany (Ghr Nuclear Services infonnation letter (Sil,) No. 474, as applicable to I,GS l. This S" reports the occurrence of cracking in the drain channel to steam dryer skiit attachment welds and the related Gli examination '


11.- Jil;MBJibNCfd A. GI! Sil. No; 474, Steam Dry, Drain channel Cracking, October 26,1988.

11. Pf!Co niemorandum dated 3/7/90,T. A. Shea to distribution, Illi; Clarification of

, the ISI Coordination Groug s Position on ItPV inservice inspection issues.

-g ggg; cr ng

'The I GS l' steam dryer is not a safety related component;its ftmetion is to improve the quality of t% steam before it leaves thi reactm vessel -The steam dryer drain chnnels -

channel water nmoff from the drycr bas k'into the reactor pretsure vessel. Cracking hat been-

-discovered at several 11Wil/4. 5 and 6 plants in the drain channel to dryer skirt attachment welds, both the hor;zontal and vertical welds. Gli analysis itahcates that crack imtiation was - ;.

L due to high cycle fatigue.

l '-. v The stibiect cracking ia not a ' safety concern; however, if extreme cracking would ocent, steam quality would become severly degraded and could potentially damage balance of plant arnpanenta.1: ailed drain channels could r sult in loose parts and potentially damage itPb internal components. As such, augmented examination is recommendest to ensure steam dryer reliability.-

w 9

e, ,w--r- ---w a- v- a=-- -~-m..+- wr-n-e,+ oe,r e-~.~r -4w e v w


Specification '  !

N!! 42, llev.1 -

IIis 1  !

INI l'rogram Apgwinlix 11 17 l' age 2 of 2 I S h.J a' < amu. y ar # up e Visual (Vli1) examination of the IfiN I steam dryer drain channel attachment wekts is reco:nmended every refuchng outage .

Note that the stearn drytt lias been iiichided foi inutiric visual (V'l .1) exarnination in acconlance with the AIMi 10 program lixaminations, as required by this AIKi 17 pmgram, represent an increase in both examination sensitivity and frequency for select areas of the sicain dryer.

v. lixatttiggLN,jtlisul!iS i!xamination results generated from this augmenied inspection program shall be remaled and eva'uated in accordana with applicable plant pmeedures.

Any cracking dh 3cted shall he evaluated for icpair to picclude any further crack growth.

I vi. yroins,imco m

- All reportshecords associated with the examinations of this nugmented prograin shall bc

. prepared / maintained in accordance with ASMP Section XI and plant procedures.



Specification N1!-42, Itev.1 IGS1 ISI l'rogram Apnendix lb lR O Al!GMENTl!!) '1 SPI:CTION PitOGit AM - 18: 11111t Ileat 1.xchangei Pressure itetaining Ilotting

1. Scol'l!

1 This augmented inspection piogram ( AUG lk) defines the examinations required on the 111111 heat exchanger bolting. as committed to dudng the 1 GS 1 Preservice Inspection (PSI) program

11. Rijl littl!NCitS A. NUlti G 0991, Safety livaluation llepmt ielated to the operation of 1.imerick Generating Station, Units I and 2, Supplement S.

II, l.imerick Generating Station, f ' nit #1, Preservice inspection Itelief itcquest #28.

O iii- oitsen^'-

Code lixamination Category C-D of the ASMl!Section XI Code governing the 1 GS 1 PSI activities required a visual and a surface or volumetric examination of Rillt heat exchanger pressure retaining bolting exceeding one (1) inch in diameter. Per PSI relief request #28, relief was requested (and granteil) fre,m performing the required examination due to the already su0icient evidence of structuralintegrity afforded by shop and field Constructio-Code examination and testing In addition, i'it('o committed to performing a visual examination of the subjnt bolting duri1g the I GS l first in crvice inspection interval. Since the governino ISI Code no longer requires the examination of Class 2 bolting two (2) inches and under (other than pressuie testing), an a'ipmented inspection program to covci this cominitment is required.

IV. IjXAMINATION IREQUlltI!Ml!NTS Once during the I.GS-l first inservice inspection interval, all Cla ,s-2 pressure retaining (flange) bolting (1-1/R diameter) of one (1) Rllit lleat 1;xchanger will be visually (VT-1)


_ . . , . , . , , ~ . - , - - . . - -

4-Specification NF.-42, iter.1 IXiS.!

4: ISI l'rogram Appendix 11 1R l' age 2 of 2 ito- .

j .. examined. 'this examin tion inav be perfonntil with the bolting in place or when the joint is disassembled, at PFCo diwrction.



(- V. liSAMiNNI~lONlil!St11IlS I!xamination resulti generated from this augmemed impcetion program sim!! he srcarded and evaluated in accordance wMh ASMit Section Ni and applicaiite plant proceduret

VI. l[lji'JQP;lS111I!COffilS All reports / records associated with the examinations of this augmented program shall be prepared / maintained in accordance with ANMl!Section XI and plant procedures.

10 f

i t

t I i I

.:.t 1 i i



---eew.--.-+-,e.---- -m---,.+.-.,-, w *ww,+.- J. ...-r-w-wem-wm=---.e.-.4 -

SpeciGention a NI; 42, llev. I 1,GS 1 ISI Program Appendix Il 19 l' age 1 of 2 6tJGMENTl!D INSPEC'lllON PROGIMM _]9; Weld Centerline Markings I, SCOl'E This augmented program (At!G-19) define

  • the actions committed to by Pl!Co in response to an NitC open item regarding 1 GS 1 weld centerline marking.


This A11G 19 program applies to full penetration butt welds within the scope of this ISI Program of which ultrasonic examination (tJT)is the specified method of examination.

~ That is, this program applies to Claw I and 2 welds selected for ISI I!T examination during the Grst inservice inspection interval. In addition, any full penetration butt weld, regardless of Class, requirirg ultrasonic examination by any augmented inspection program (e.g. '!

ALG-1), or welds requiring ultrasonic examination as a resuh of additional samples taken fo!!owing unacceptable ISI examination, shall be subject to this At1G-19 program. f

. II. REl:ERiiNCES ,


- A. PECo letter J S. Kemper to R. W. Starostecki(USN . dated August 30,1984, Open items Report for PECo 1imerick Generating Station, tinit 1.


. During the preservice inspection (PSI) activities on 1.GS I; IJSNI(C Region identined an open item r garding the lack of weld cenictline marking on some welds subject to PSI .

ultrasonic examination (1JT), in response to this item, PECo coinmitted to implement a p program during the Grst inservice inspection interval to remedy this situation. As such, this li ' At!G 19 program is established to provide adequate weld centerline marking of welds i- previously not marked during PSI. N-te that many wehkhave already been marked.

j. Therefore, the purpose of this prograrn is to verify whether adequate markings exist and to lI .p. rovide weld centerline marking in those cases where markings are lacking.

I u

. - - - - ~ _ - -. . . . . . - . -- - - ,. .. ..

Specification Nib 42,1(ev.1 I US l l INI l'rograrn Appendix 11 19 l' ape 2 of 2

.O lY. Al!G 14 l'ROUlt ANI Prior to perf6nning ultrasonic exainination of wchis within the sope of this progratr the wek! centeiline snarking shall be coccLett an(I renoiled, as needed, in acconlance with the fo! lowing requirements:

"Ihe wchl crown shall be incasnred and the dunemions recorded, iteference snarks shall be pennanently stamped or vibro-etched on each side of the wehl in the base metal of the cornponent outside the exainination area. The marks sh:dl be placed in adjacent pairs, g@

n-m ly thice inches from the weld centerhne in four locations around the circumference, 00 ocpees apart, and shall be cornpleted before weld preparation. Where three inches of access is not available on the base metal became el yeometric ',mitations, the location shall be at the nearest practical dntance prosided that the inaiks are placed at equal datances from the weld centerline,'

Wehl narking shall be perfonned in accordance with plam procedures.

O V, 1,X ANilNATION Rl!St!!:IS Not applicable.

VI. Ri?i'Olt i S!RITOR DS Not applicable.

f O

ah 4 A~. do i V ,? 0 . tr%

l;. ;


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L 93 N22 tab

,u I~ 37 1112.0 11 gg

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Specification N!! 42, llev.1 IGS1 INI Prograin Appendix C

/^s Pace 1 of 14 l V '

APPlWI)lX (' . TAllt l' ()l' C(>N'llNi s lil'1 Hl:N(T I)ll AWINGN of ASMl!Section XI iloundary P&llis of ASMii Section XI Class I and 2 lenmetrics of ISI Drawings - lleactor fluilding 1(cactor l'renure Vessel, and itPV Appurtenances

, list of ASME Class 3 Fabrication isometrie 1)rawines (component supports and integral attachments) of ASMl!Section XI Calibra' ion Illocks

(~T b

rw Q ,)

l l1-iy'yn'

! 4--- - - - - - - - --


-- N11-4 2, I(ev.1 /

l GS.1 /

ISI Program Appenda C

(~~ l' ape 2 of 14 l

L\ -

As%11: section N1 lloundan Pallq j'&lD Number  !, stem Name ISI M-01, Sh. I Main Steam .

ISl M-08, Sh. I Condensate & liefueling Weter Storage ISI M ll, Sh. limergency Senice Wat r -

ISI M 12c 111111 Service Water ISI M 1i,Sh,1 Ileactor linclosure Cooling Water

' ISI M 15, Sh.15 - Compressed Air (Service Air)

ISI M 20, Sh. 3,4,5,6 1 uel & Diesel Oil Storage and Transfer ISI M 26, Sh.1,2,4 Plant l'rocess Itadiation .Yonitoring ISI M 40,Sh 1 MSIV I takage Control Sptem ISI M-41, Sh.1,2 Nuclear lloiler ISI M 42, Sh. I Nuclear lloller Vessel lustrumentation ISI M-43, Sh 1,2 Iteactor itecirculation Pump ISI.M 44, Sh.1,2 Iteactor Water Clean up

  • ISI M-45, Sh. I Clean Up l'ilter Demineralizer ISI M 46,Sh.1 Control llod Drise Ilydraulic - Part A ISI M 47, Sh.1. Control Itod Drive ll,sdraulic - Part il ISI M 48, Sh. I Stand by 1iquid Centrol ISI M-49, Sh.1 Iteactor Core isolation Cooling ISI-M 50, Sh; I ItCIC Pump Turbine ISI M 51, Sh.1,2,3,4 Ilesidual Ileat 11enwval b] ISI M 52, Sh.1,2 -

-lSI M 53, Sh.1,2 Core Spray 1:uel l'ool Cooling and Clean up

= ISI M 55, Sh.--I liigh Pressure Coolant Iniection ISI M 56 Sh.1. IIPCI l' ump Turbine ISI M 57, Sh.1,2,3 Containment Atmospherie Control .

ISI M 59, Sh.1,2 Primary Containment instrument Gas ISI-M 60, Sh.1 Primary Containment 1.cak Testing ISI M-61, Sh. I 1.iquid Itadwaste Collection -

ISI M 87, Sh. 4,5 Drywell Chilled Water ISI M 90, Sh.1,2 Containment I!nciosure Chilled Water s ..

b y;



. ._- ... _ ....~. - - . - .. ~. - - . ,. .- - - . - . - .- - , .. - - - _. .. - .. . ~ -. - . - .

Speci6 cation Nit 42, llev. I l GS 1 151 Program '

Appendh C-Page 3 of 14 l

ANTfi'.Section XI Claw I anit 2 Isl immetrito ,

- l' art Ai M 10383, Sheets 1 th:t dgh 141; comprise (IMf the following listed 17igure numbers.

- Sptem _ Clsss! Class 2 Ilesidual lleat Removal 01 01 01 02

- 01 101 01 102 01 04 01 03 01 104 01 103 01-07A 0103A 01- 107A 01 103A 01-09A 01 05 01- 109A 01-105 01 11 _ _01 06 01 111 01 106 0106A Ol-106A 01 07 01 107 OR 01 10S

' 01 09 01 109 h 01 10 01 110 01 12 01 112 01 13 01 113 01.'4.

01 114 01 16

.01 116 01 17 l 01 117 01 20 01 22

-01 122 01 23

- 01 123 01 26 01 126 liigh i'ressure Coolant 02 01 . 02 01 A -

Injection 02 101 02-101 A 02 02 m

02 102 02-03

~1 02 103 f _

02 04 02-104 d

-v.. n w, ~ ~v. ,_v,-.-c......, , . _.- . . , .im, ,,, . . . .~,-rr..,,p--- --,-i.v. . ,-~,.4,c-, . , . - , - , , -e, .-w - - . , - , , , , , ,.

wye. y

1 1


l f

f 40-60 301-03 9i 30-60 201-60 101 60 gnilooC 20 60 10-60 nnitalosI eroC ..rtcaell

)ylno detnemguA ,4 ssalC(

60-50 ,

)ylno detnemguA ,4 ualC(

50 50 j 401-50 301,50 }

40-50 3000 [

201-50 101-50 20 50 10-50 retawdee;I SO 40 701 40 70 40 601-40 60-40 501-40 50-40 301 40 401-40 30 M( 40 M(

201 40 101-40 20 40 10-40 yarpS eroC 601 31( '

60 30 401 30 501 30 4000 50 30 20-30 301-30 101-30 30 30 10 30 nraetS .riaM 91(l -2 0 40 20 K01 20 NO-20 701 20 70.20 l 601-20 60 20 501 20 50-20 )d' tnoc( noitcejnI tnalooC eru<ser'I hgiil J3g;lc' (


)d'tno (( selifen:mI l%12 dna i wa lC 1\ noitceS 'IITN A l 41 fo 4 ega'l C xidneppA nrargor'l 151 l SG.1

1. veli .24 ;IN noitacificepS

-- . - - - . ~ - - - . . -. . . . . .. ....-- - - .-..-. .. . . . - - - - . - .-


- N!!-42, iter.1 LGS 1 ISI l'ropam Appendit C -

l' age 5 of 14 l-

.- O -

AMil: Scotion Ni Claw I and 2 INI lvunctrics (Cont'd)

- Syster.n t Clau 1 Class 2 Reactor llecirculation 07 01 07 101 01 02 07 102 07-03 07 103 07 04 >

07 104 Reactor Water Clean l'p 0001 04101 08 02 (includes Wu Chssed pipinpl 04102 0 % 03 0% II'3 08-04 04104 0405 (Aupnented only) 08-06 (Augmented only) 08-07 (Aupnented only) 000R ( Aupnented only)

Control Rod Drive 09 01 09-101 09 02 09-102 Standby 1 iquid Control 11-01

!! 101 11 02 11 102-11 03 11 103 ilPV Vent 12 01 1


- . + ,w.  ;- w v - --- 4

Specificatiori NI; 42, llev. I 1 Cis 1 INI l'rogram Appentlix C l' age ti of 14 AN%11: Section NI Clau I anil 21%I isometiirsy'ont'il)

Part II: Ill'Y App. amt Component Isometrics SysterD fl.a%I Cla g 2 RPV App NI.itl'V llN Recire, pumps Rillt l' umps xl.lp.2oy RilR lleat lixclia.yers xi ll: 203 page 1 l

RciC pump,03.

7-lil'Cl Pumps xl.10p.204 Core Spray Pumps 6

9 l

. . - - . . - _ . . - ~ . .. ,. .. ._-


N!!-42, lley, I LGS 1 ISI l'rogram Appen<lix C 8

Page 7 of 14

.O ISI I)rawine Itcactor fluilding Itcaelor l'ressure Vmel anti Ill'Y Appurtenances XI IlA-l l' age I XI !!A 2 - l' age 1 XI IIA l' age I XI ilA 4 l' age 1 XI ilA 5 - l' age 1 XI llA 6 - l' age i XI.ll A 7 l' age 1 XI Illbl - l' age 1 XI-illh2 - l' age !

XI Illb3 > l';ye I XI ill? l l' age 1 XI 111! 2 Page I <

XI ill; 3 - l' ape i ,

XI ill' Page 1 N1 ill l' age 1 XIill Page i O.

V XI Ill:-l - l' age i XI DI' 2 - I' !

Xl !!! -3 Page I X1 !1s -4 l age 1 XI 111L5 - Page 1 XI ill' 6 - l' age 1 NI.ilF-! Page 1 XI ill K - l' age 1 XI ill A Pape 1 XI Ill: Page I XI 11G - Page 1 XI Illl l - Page 1 NI illi-1 l' age 2 XI illi l' age I XI Illi 3 - Page I XI Illi 4 - Page I XI ilN - PapeI Xl llN-1 Pape I XI ilN 1 - l' age 2 XI 11N l - Page 3 XI ilN 2 - l' age 1 XI ilN l' age 2 XI ilN 2 l' age 3 XI ilN 3 - Page 1 Xl 11N l' age 2 XI .IIN-4 l' ape t

Specification Nit-42i llev.1 IIIS.1 INI l'rograrn Appendix, C Page R of 14 p'%) l

$1I)rnwinc Itcarlor ilulldine lleartor Preuure Yessel and Ill'Y afiliurtenances Wont'd)

XI 11N 4 Page 2 XI 11N 4 Page 3 XI 11N 4 - l' age 4 XI ilN l' age 5 XI 11N 4 l' age 6 Xl-11N Page 7 XI llN 5 - Page 1 XI 11N45 Page 2 XI ilN 6 l' age 1 XI !!N 6 - Page 2 XI IIN-6 l' age 3

.NI 11N 7 - l' age I XI IIN.7 - l' age 2 XI IIN 7 Page 3 X1 11N.7 l' age 4 XI.!!N 8 - l' age I XI ilN S . l' age 2 XI !!N R - Page 3 O XI IIN R l' age 4 XI ilN 8 - Page 5 XI IIN 8 - Page 6 XI11N 8- l' age 7 XI IIN 9 l' age I XI ilN 9 Page 2 XI IIN 10 l' age I XI-ilN il - l' age I XI ilN-1I ' Page 2 XI ilN 12 - Page I XI ilN 12 - Page 2 XI ilN Page 1 XI ilN 14 l' age I g XI ilNN Page ! I X I l' A .1 - l' age 1 XI PA l - l'ag<

XI.FA 2 - Page I XI-1;A l' age 2 -

- XI I;A 2 - Page 3 X1 11l'V. I - l' age I XI RPV 1 - l' age 2 XI RPV-1 Page 3 XI ItPV 1 l' age 4

Specification N!! 42, llev.1

' I ,GS l -

ISI Program Appendix C Page 9 of 14 l

tOa ASN11: Class 3 l'abriention Isometric Drawines (for comrwinent suprwirts and infectal attenhments)

The following are the fabrication isometric drawings (or portions as described in parenthisis) used in the preparation of the ISI tables for non exempt Class 3 ceniponent supposis and integral attachments to the pressure boundary.

Sptem - Drawindurnber I?mergency Senice Water - lillC-081-01 1111C-081-02 lillC 082-01 1lilC 082 02 1111C-0S2 03 IlllC 0R3-01 ItilC-083 02 ll11C 0R4-01 lillC-084 02 lillC-138-01 I111C 138 02 1lilC 138-03 1111C-143 01 lillC 143 02 lillC-143 03 IIDC-147 01 1111C 147 02 tillC-147 03

- I tilC.152-0 I lillC-152 02 IlllC-152-03

. lillC 15S-01 lillC 159 01 1IllC.16(r01 lillC 192-01 IlilC 192 02 lillC-192 03 1111C-192-04 IIllC- 103-01 lillC 193 02-1lilC 193-03 lillC 193 04 lillC 194-01 IlllC+194 02 lillC 194 03 lillC-194 04 IIHC-195-01 IlilC-195 02 O. iiiiC-i9s 0>

lillC-195 na l111C-238 01 (ends at I! nit 2 !!oundary) 1

- _ . - _ - . - - - - . _ . - , . . _ . - , . ~ . - , _ . . , _ . . , ..

Specification N!! 42, llev. I 1 GS-1 ISI Program


Appendix C l' ape 10 of 14 l

d ASNT. Class 3 l'abrication Isometric Drawines (for onmrenent supimrts and interral attachments)(Cont'd)

- Sntem Drawing Number

-I:mergency Service Weter lillC 243 01 (rxcept imm I W51 to I W3)

(Continued) - lillC-247-02 lillC 252 01 (except from 1:W50 to Unit 1/l' nit 2 tie-in) lillC 266-01 1111C-270 01 lillC 292 01 (ends at Unit 2 N .11oundary) (2 Shts) lillC-272-02 (ends at Unit 2 N 5 lloundary)(2 Shts) tillC 292 03 (ends at Unit 2 N 5 lloundary)(2 Shts) lillC 292 04 (ends at Unit 2 N 5 lloundary)(2 Shts) lillC 293 01 (ends at Urn 2 N 5 Iloundary) lillC 293 02 (ends at iinit 2 N-5 lloundary) 1111C 293 03 (ends at Unit 2 N-5 lloundary) tillC-293-04 (ends at Unit 2 N-5 floundary)

Main Steam .GilC 101-01 GilC.101-02 GilC 101-03 G BC-101-04 GilC.101-05 GilC 10106 GilC-10107 GilC 10108

- GilC- 101 09 -

GIlC.101- 10 GilC 101-11 GilC-101 12 GilC-101 13 GilC.101 14 GilC-1 Ifw01 GilC.1 I 6 GilC-116 03 GilC Il6 04 G bC. I 16-05 GilC 116-06

' GilC-116-07 G BC-I l6-08

-GilC-I l 6-09 GilC Il6-10 GilC-1161 I GBC Il612 GilC- 116- 13 O GilC- 116- 14 L

c -, i++r e r- e me-- , r e 9 -m'--- =t *+,y-- my 9 --+

-W-e P-- -

m _ _ . . - _ . _-. __._ _ _ . . _ . _ - . _-_ -._.__ .. ._- .-_ . . - _ ..-- _ __- _ ...- _ .. _ .___

Specification N!!42,Rev,! ,

l..GS 1 ISI l'rogram Appendix C l' ape 11 of 14 l-AS%ll' Claw 3 l'alitiration Isometric I)rawines (for comimnent supierts amt intecral atIachments)(Cont'd)  !

,Syst.em 1)rawing Number R11R Senice Water G11C 102-01 GilC.103 01 GilC 104 01 ,

GilC 106-01 GllC. I 10-01 ,

IlllC-091-01 110C-091-02 lillC 09103 1111C-091-04 lillC 09105 IIIIC-091 06 11IIC 041 07

. IlllC-09108 lillC 09109 lillC-091 10 lillC-091 1 I IIBC-091 12 IlllC 091 13 IlllC-091-14 llDC-091-15 IlllC 091-16 IlllC-091 17 lillC-091-18 IlllC-091 19 ,

110C-180 01 lillC-18101 1IUC-182-01 1IllC-183 01 lillC 280-01 (except from FW1 to Unit l! Unit 2 tie-in)

IIBC-282-01 (except form Unitl/ Unit 2 tie in to ilDC 282 2)

IlllC 507-01 IlllC-507-02 1Ii1C.507 03 1IilC-507-04 IlllC-507-05 lillC-507-06 IIDC-$07 07 lillC-507-08 IIBC 507-09 1111C 50710 llDC 507-li lillC-50712 IlllC 50713 w - --y e----- -y p 4 y e p-- -----..*g- ,w-y 9_v 3-w-c<! .-e% -+.--+ , spy

. . . _ - --... - -.- - ..-... -..-.~. - .-~~. - -.--~ _ . -,- - .--.~,... - - - ~~ ~


Specification ' -'

N!!. 42 Ilev; I l .GS. ] .i ISI l'tortam ,

Appentlix C l' age 12 of 14 l 1


.1 AS\ll'. Claw 3 l'alirication Isonictric Drawines (for component stipport, anti interral attathments)(Conl'ai) ]

Sntrm lhawing Number -

RilR Service Water lillC 507-14

,-- (Continuet!) tillC-507-15 j

- lillC 507-16 IlilC 50717 1111C 507.I8  ;

IlilC-508 01 I111C-50S 02 IlilC-509 01 IlllC 509 02 lillC-537 01 0-4 Y

0 O

9 g.,m e...w.m., e... y,w. + __ , , - --.#--- .m ....,.._,.,,,wm-w-..,.

. _ _ . , , , , ,.wm.,,_..~,-.,%- , . . , ..,. ..,_ ..-w- m m,#,, ,-bre, , .-e,m,,-. .-x,,,,,

, .. -. - - . . . - _ . . ~ . - - . . _ - - - . - - - - - . - - , . . - ~ . . - - . .

Specification ,

NI! 42, llev. I; LGS 1 ISI Program Appendii C '

Page 13 of 14 l' ASMS Section NI INI Onlil ration Ilimb llechteliVendor Dwg.

Cal: Block # . Material Print fMO.ll..)

LIM 28 2.72-SS316 S A358T3161. M 246A 256 LIM 281.285 SS316 ' S A403WP316 M 246A 256 ,

LIM 281076-SS316 SA358T316 M 246A 256 1,lM 1.013-CS S A106Grc M 246A 256 LIM;26 ,92R-CS S A10dGrc M 246A 60 LIM 241.812 CS 1 SA3501 F2 M-246A 256 '

1,IM 24 l.812-CS ' S A 106Gril M 246A 60

. LIM 22122 CS SA234WPB M-246A 256 -

LIM 221.009 SS316 - SA358T316 M 246A 207 LIM,20-1.031 CS SA333Gr6 . M 246A 60 LIM 201.031 SS SA403WP304 W M 246A;256 1.lM-201.903-SS316 S A35NT3161. M-246A 25R

. LIM 20.840-SS316NG SA376T316NG P 151 54 1.1M 20 733-SS

. SA376T304 M 246A 260 lJ M-20 .375-CS

=Q LIM !8.938-CS

' SA 106G:B SA106Gr11 M-246A 61 M-246A 260 1.lM 16-1.219-CS SA1060rC M 246A 60 LIM 141,093-CS - SA 106Gril M 246A 256 LIM 14.937 CS SA106Gril M 246A 258 LIM.14.750 CS SA106Gril M-246A 263 i

LIM l'! .843-CS S A106Gril M 246A 258 lim 12.843 SS316 - S A358T3161, M 246A 258 lim 12.688-CS SA333Gr6 M 246A-258.

_ LIM 12.6R8-SS SA312T304 M 246A 260 LIM 12 68S SS316 S A358T316L . M 246A-258 LIM.12s688 SS316NG - SA3761316NG P-151 54 LIM-10 .843-CS SA106Gril M 246A 258

- LIM-10. 718-CS SA 106GrD : M 246A 258

- LIM 10.593-CS S A106Gril M 246A 258 LIM 10.593 SS316 S A358T3161. M-246A 258 LIM-8.906 CS _ SA106Gril M-246A 258 L LIM 8 719 CS S A106Gril - M 246A 246-

. lim 8-:594-CS SA106Gril M.246A 246 LIM 6.562-CS . S A106Gr0 M 246A-253 -

LIM 6.432 CS SA106Gril M 246A 61 LIM 6.432-SS SA376T304 :M 24a-61 LIM 6s432 S5316 : SA3121'3161, _M 246A 155 L l.lM-4i.437 CS SA106Gril M 246A 155.

1 IM-4.337 CS SA106Gr0 M 246A-61.

lim 4.337 SS304 SA312T304 M 246A 208 LIM 3 438-CS

. SA106Gril M 246A 230 1 IM SI' 515 CS ' SA515Gr70 - M 246A 194 1.1M-SP 350-CS . S A3501.172 M 246A-194 ,

_ -- - ~ _ _ _ . _ . _ _

Specification i Nii 42 Rev. .I .

I GS 1 ISI l'rottam ,

Appendix C l

l' age 14 of 14 ASill'. Section \l ('alibration Illocks Kont'd) f liechtel/ Vendor lhvg.  ;

Cal. BlockJ _Staterjal Print + (R031-)

1,lh1 SP 333 CS SA333GrM N1246A 194 1.lh1 SP IS1-SS316 S A1821:3!6 N1-246A.232 Liht SP-181 CS SA181Gr2 hl.246A 194 1 th1 SP 105-CS SA105Gr2 h1-246A-194 1,lhi 3 STUD CS SA5401124C1.2 N1246A 218 ,

I tht 1.00-P SA516-Gr70 hi 246A 210 i 1.1N1171.18 CS S A516-Gr70 hi246A-211 '

1.lht F .812-CS S A516-Gr70 51246A-210 LIN1 RilR-ilT-l%IR S A 105-CI.2 XI li! 205 Page 2 l Liht 28 SS O'I AY S A312Gr3n4 1:SC-265-14 '

1,lh122 SS O' LAY SA312Gr304 I SC 265-14 l lh120 SS O'I.AY S A312Gr304 l'SC 26514 1 or Calibration lilocks utilized in the exatnination of RPY noule and ufe ends (code cateFory Ibi', ll-J).

refer to vendor print N1246D 2 O


I ~

t E


SpeciGcation Nib 42, iter.1 IGSI ISI l'rograin Appendix D

" " ' a ='



O l

e i

LO '

l .-

I' l

l - . ,_...-.__ _ _ - ... .-___.____... - ._ ,___ _ _,-_.., _ _.,-__. . _ __ _ .__... ..._ _ ,-.... ,..~. ..,, _ --__.,

~ - . - . _ - - - - - - - , - - . - . - . - . ~ . - . . . ~ - - . - - - . . - - - -

Specification N!!-42, Rev.1 I GS 1:

ISl Program Appendix D Page 2 of 21 T All! I: Ol' CONTINI N 1,0 - INTRODUC1 ION 1,1 Scope 2.0 GI!N1!RAI, 2.1 Midtiple Component Concept 2.2 Selection Optimir.ation 3.0 -l GS.I ISI COMPON!!NT SFI FCTION llASIN 3.1 Class 1 Code lixamination Categories 3.2 - Class 2 Code Fxamination Categories ,

33 Clau 3 Code lixamination Categories 3.4 Class 1,2, and 3 Component Supports 4.0 1.GS. l AUGMl!NTFD INNPFCIION PROGRAM S!!!I'CTION llANIS -

4.1 Aupnented inspection l'rogram l: "NitC Genetic l.ctter 88-01, Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking" 4.2 Augmented in<pection l'rogram 2: *NURl!G 0619, llWR iteedwater Nonle and Contml Rod Drive Return line Noule Cracking" 43 Augmented Inspection 1'mpram 3: 'll! Ilulletin No. 8013, Cracking in Core Spray Spargers" 4.4 _ Augmented Inspection Program 4: "NURFG/ Cit-3052, Closecut of 11! Ilulletin 80 07:

'liWR-Jet Pump Assembly Failete' 4.5. Augmented inspection Program 5: "USNRC Mechanical I!ngineering 11 ranch (Ml!!!) '

Technical Position Mlill 3-1 (NURI:G OR00) No Ilreak lloundaries*

4.6-  ! Augmented Inspection Program 6: " Outboard l~cedwater Check Valves llV-41 il 074A and 1)*

4L7 ; Augmented Inspection l'rogram 7: *Sil. No 455. Recommendation for Additional ISI of

--Alloy 182 Nonle Weldments' 4.8 Ar; nented Inspection Program 8: 'l!xtended lixamination Volume for Code Category B D" 4,9 Augmented inspection Program 9. 'l!xamination of the RI'V Closure llead I,ifting 1,ugs' 4.10- Augmented Inspection Program 10: "Non O Reactor Pressure Vessel Internal Components

_ (1 SAR Table 3.?-1)"


Specification Nii-42, Rev. I

1. G '

111hepam Appendb D

"- " 2 '

O-TAlli l' Ol' CONIl'VI S (continuntj, r

4,11 - Aupnented Inspection Program ll: 'Sil, No: 4M, incore Dry Tule Cracks'  !

4.12 Augmented Inspection Program 12: 'Sil. No. 424, ins [welion of .let Pump Sensing 1.ines*

4.13 Augmented inspection l'rogram.13: ' Snubber Fxamination and Test Program (Tecimical '

Specification Snubbers)*

4.14 Aupnented Inspection Propam 14: " Snubber Faamination Program (110P Snubbers)"

4:15 Augmented Inspection Program 15: 'Sil. No. an Nhroud llcad !bit Crackr.

4.16 . Aupnented Inspection Propam-16: "S!!, No. 462, Shroud Support Access flote Cover Cracks" 4,17 Aupnented Inspection Program 17 'Sil. No. 47 8, Steam Dryer Drain Channel Cracking

  • 4.18 Aupnented inspection Program lR: 'RilR lleat ikchanger Pressure Retaining 11olting"

-_4.19 ' Augmented Inspection Program-19: ' Weld Centerline NIarkings' O

J 1 A~ITACilSilNIS Attachment A - hiultiple Component Groups Attachment 11 - lixamination Category 11.I Weld Selection Tab!cs

~ Attachment C - ' Examination Categories C F,l/C-F 2 Weld Selection Tables Attachment D - - Comp (ment Support Selection Tables (Piping)

J 6 'y 15 xO .

l Specificatmn 1

- NIL 42,Rev,!- 1 I,GS 1 I

' ISl Program I Appendix D Page 4 of 21 15 . INl HODl'CIION The purpose of this doenment is to pimide a detailed description of the technical basis ,

utilized in the initial selection of Class I 2. and 3, components and their supports for ASMl!Section XI ISI examination during the fint inwnice inspection intenal at i GS 1. ,

Thi itechnical basis shall also be comidered at any time throughout the first inservice inspection intenal when a revision to the IM Program or ISI Program Tables may alTect the selection basis, and thereby necessitate the addition (or deletion) of comp <ments

- selected for enmination, for the remainder of the inwnice inspection interval.

, 1.1 SCOPI:

Included in the scope of this document are the selection bases for all 1.GS nonexempt Class I,2, and 3 components arid their supports subject to the nondestructive and visual examir,ation requirements of ASN1F Section XI (the Code) Specifically excluded from

_h discussion in this document are components subject to (T-2 visuat examination during system pressure testing.

Additionally, this document specifies the selection eriteria applicable to each Augmented Inspection Program included in this Specification.

2.0 ' GENI'.R Ali lhe Code provides mandatory rules and requirements for the inservice inspection of

- Class I,2, and 3 components and their supporti. Inchtded in these Code requirements are rules for the selection of specilic components for examination (i e not all components subject to Code requirements retplire exarnination during the first interval.)

This document addresses these Code rules as they apply to I GS 1, and provides 9 specific selectiun basis utili/cd for all_ l GS l nonetempt components and their supports.

The telection bases documented in Attachments IL C and D represents the initial

- component selections for the first intervice inspection interval llowever, throughout this first interval, changes in plant configuration resulting from plant repairs, replacement % or

-v - ,y -

w --g , e+w. r-.e.,,-+. - ,a-- .~. ,.

-- ~. - - --

r i

Specification .  ;

NI! 42, ller. I '

lGSI ISl l'ropam '

F Appendix D l Page 5 of 21 O-modificatiom, and resisioin to the ISI Propam me c..use to resiew these selection baws, -i x  ;

to ensure continued confonnance to Code requirernents. This clocument is intended to l i

clearly provide the information necesem to support the initial ISI corponent selectiom i and to allow evaluation of the effect of plant changes INI Program revisiom or other  !

. situations which may impac 8NI Propam conuniimentt i

f i

! Ihese selection ba % represent the minimum number of component selMiom necessary f

,. to satisfy the Code requiiements. When performing calculatiom to detennine  !

examination sample si/e, fractional numbers shall be rounded oil to the nearest whole i t

number. In the event that pnuation calculatiom indicate ewentially nro selectiom, a f

minimum of one (I) selection shall be made. When. due to good engineering judgement. l selectiom made are in excess of Code requirernents it i- - noted m the selection basit  ;


- 2.1 Nlt lil'IPl.1; COYPONINI CONCI.P I' I

!- l The muhiple component concept is used frequently in the selection of components hi a  ;

.O verie>> or reac ex mi",'>e" c 'ce"<ies iiasi=4iix. rer <<oen "r ii'< <emneoc"'s (i e .

muhiple components). typically equipment, of similar design and performing a similar i function; the Code requires examination of at least one component from the poup of these multi l :e comp ( Where the multiple component concept is applied for i selectiom in this document,it n ro noted under the appropriate Code lixamination l Category. liach group of components established is assigned a group number for -

, purposes of idemification of the poup. A complete listing of all multiple component poup numbers may be found in Attachment A of this Appendix.


, Sometirner., especially in the cases of Class :1 and 2 welds, aupnented examinations are l required which duplicate the Code examination methods required for that same

i. component. Where possible, selections shall be made to optimize exarninatiorn -

-performed, yet still mett the selection requirements of the Code. -

i O- .

l I

r E


-- m=+ -y=wyrs-+me-'s,wre-.ce-w,,c+i,=.t,me'%,-,,, cam % ,em ___s,,6,w-www.ver-,

_ _ _ _ .e-me _ _ __n

- . - - . --- . ..- - _ . . . - ~ ~ . - . . - . - . -..- - - - - ---

. Specification

' NIL 42, Iter.1 - l IXiS 1.

ISI l'rogram .

Appendix D O

3.0 1 GS I ist COT 1PONI:NI Sl'I1 CIION 11\stS Infonnation presented in tins document is otganired by component Class and Code  !

lixamination Category (as found in lable IWN.25001 of the Code): Class 1,2, and 3  !

component supports are discuwed separately. I he *pecific selection aiteria npplies to all components within the Code 1:xamination Category unless otherwise stated. All categories are discussed as follows-3i Clau I Code I!uunination Catepones 3.2 Clau 2 Code lluumnation Categories ,

33 Class 3 Code !!xamination Categories 3.4 Clau 1. 2, and 3 Cornp< ment Supports (piping and equipmtnt; 3.1 Cl. ASS 1 CODl; 13 ATIINNIION C A i1:GOltil;s '

3.1,1 INamination Catecorv Il A, l'ressure Retainine Wehls in Heartor Vessel O

In accordance with Table IWib25001, all Claw I coniponents subject to the.

requirements of Code lhamination Category ll A shall be sciected for examination. I 3.1.2 Esamination Catecorv !! D, l'nll penetiation Wrhls of Nonles in Yessel in accordance with Table IWib2500-1, ali Class I components subject to the requirements of Code lhamination Untepory IbO shall be selected for examination during the first mscrvice inspection interval u-

- 3.1.3 - lhamination Catecori 11-1:, Prewmc lietainin_gfartial Penetstion Welds in Vewels in accordance with Table IWlb25001. twenty five percent (25%) of all partial penetration welds in the reactor pressure vessel nonles, control rod drive nonics, and vessel instrumentation i.onles shall be selected for examination. Selectiom shall be evenly distribu%d among the di(Terent types of partial penetration welds, by selecting twenty five percent (25"e) by Code liem Number. The following represents the initial selection by Code item Number,

Specification Ni!42. Iter.I I,GS 1 ISI Program Appendix D Page 7 of 21 l

Item Number Population Numter Selected 114.11 1 1 114.12 370 44 114.13 65 17

'l O FAl. 112 3.1 A IXamination ('atecort Il-l'l Preuure Retninipg 1,)jpimiler Metal Welds

-In accordance with Table IWil.2500-1, all Class I components subject to the requirements of Code lixamination Category 11 I shall be selected for examination.

3-.l.5 INamination Catecory ll G-1, l'rnsure Hetainine lloltine. Greater 'Ihan 2 in, in I)ioneler Reactor Vessel, item Numben 116.10 through 116.50 inclusi e in accordance with Table IWil.2500-1, all Class i components within the subject item numbers shall tw selected for examination. Pumps, item Numlers 116.180 through 116.200 inclushe Selection of the Reactor itecirculation pump botting shall be in accordance with Table IWil 2500-1 Note 3, Tor . . pumps, examinations are limited to componenh selected for examination under l!xamination Categories 11 I. Referring to lhamination Category, Pump Casings. the multiple component concept applies and examinations are limited to one (1) of two (2) Reactor Recirculation pumps. The Reactor Recirculation pumps are multiple component group number 20.

3.l.6 INamination Catecory ll G 2, Preuure Rctainine llottine,2 in, and I,cu in I)lameter - Piping, CRI) llousings item Numbers 117.50 and 117.80 respecthcly in accordance with Table IWil 25001, all Class I bolting in piping in Code lixamination Category it J shall be selected for examination.

Since CRD housing bolting is only required to be examined when a housing is disassembled selection ofindividual housings for examination is not practical. All CRD

. . - - - - - , , - , - , - - . - s 1 - - . , - ,. . . . . , - - -

Specification Nib 42, Rev. I 1OSI ISI l'rograta Appendix l} ,

l' age 8 of 21 housings are considered selected, Loweses, examinations are only required in the event the housings are disassembled, 3.1,6.2 Vahm, item Number 117,70 Selection of Class 1 valve bolting (2 in, and Ice in diameter) shall be in accordance with .

Table IWil 25041, Note 2, Tor . . valvet examinations are limited to components

- selected for examination under lixamination Categotics . Il M 2.* Referring to

!!xamination Category It M 2, Valve llodies, the multiple component concept applies

- and examinations are limited to one (1) valve in a multiple component proup. See

!!xamination Category ll ..lC (Section 3.1,11) and Attachment A of this Appendix for further diteuuion of valve groupings Note: While all Category ll-M-2 valves are noteil as ' selected'in the ISI"Iables, only one valve from each of the .. ulti-component pmups needs to be examined if any valves -

within the group are disacembled for maintename or other reamns; per Relief Request h RR.03. Since disassembly is not a prerequesite for Category ll G 2 examinations, one valve from each of the multi component groups has been selected at random for the Il G 2 examination, 3.1.7 l'xamination Catecon 11-11, Intecral Attachments for Vewek in accordance with Table IWil 25001, all reactor vessel integrally welded attachments r

subject to the requirements of Code lixaminition Category 11-11 shall be selected for examination.-

3.1.8 Examinallon Catecory 11.I, Pressnre Retninine Welds in Pinine The extent (percentage) of Class I, Category Ilsi welds Flected for examination shall be in accordance with the 1974 lidition with Summer 1975 Addenda of ASMii Section XI, except for Section X1, except for dissimilar metal welds which are assigned to Code Category Il-F. The welds selected for examination shall consist of a 25% representative sample of each system distributed among the line sizes and shall include circumferential, branch connection, and socket welds not exempted by IWil 1220. The examination

- Q-r-+-W." yp w g ,mmy-t-Wwaer--r y is9w--

T I' F f '" "'


  • y - Fv 3+gTt"T T-*-.t-+-W9**T'T '"f1*--C+F"WPw-w*-**Hw4e 7" "F17-t-t9N-+M7M71rw.g,.---gig g-gy ,,9 g 9 -eq=9vyrg -'wr wg wr y-y st y w wt-ty y g v-yrm y y,

.- . .-, - . ~ . ~ . - - . - - . - - - - - . - - ~ - > . ~ - . - - . .

Specification N!!.42, Rev.1 ,

i GS 1 INI Program .

Appendix D 0J sample shall be selected imm tenninal en is connected to vessels and other terminal ends and weld joints connected to other components wheie stress levels exceed either of the following limitt

- 1. Primary plus secondary stress intensity range of 2A Sm

2. Cumulative usage factor (u) of OA A portion of the longitudinal welds interaceting any of the selected circumferential welds shall also be examined 1

See Attachment 11 for specific weld totak 3,l.9 - 1% amination Calerory 11161, Intecral Attachments l'or pipine, Pumps, And Vahes Selection of Class 1 integrally welded attachments for piping and pumps shall be in accordance with Table IWil 25001, Note 3, 't!xaminations include the welded attachments of piping required to be examined by lixamination Category il.J and the

. welded nttachments to associated pumps integral to such piping

  • This note is interpreted as requiring examination of 25% of integrally wchled attachments on all nonexempt Class I piping and Reactor Recirculation pumps.

3.1,10 thamination Cu9 eor ll I 2, Pumo Casinus Selection of Class 1 Reactor Recirculation pump casings for examination shall be in accordance with Table IWil 25001, Note 1,'lixaminations are limited to at least onc pump in each group of pumps perforrning similar functions in the system, as modified by Relief Request RR 02. The multicle component concept applies and examinations are limited to one (1) of two (2) Reactor Recirculation pumpt The Reactor Recirculation pumps are multiple component group number 20.

3.1,11 l'xamination Caterort ll M 2, Valve Ilmlics -

l; Selection of Class i valve bodies subject to the requirements of lixamination Category l Il M-2 shall be in accordance with. Table IWil 25001, Note 3, 'lixaminations are limited to c t least one valve within each group of valves tha; are of the same size, constructional

. . _ . - . . _ . _ _ . _ . _ - - . _ _ . _ _ _ ..=._. _ _ _ _ _._.. - _ _

Specification N!!42, Itev.1 IGNI INI Program Appendix I)

L Page 10 of 21 design (such as globe, gate, or check _ s ahes) and manufacturing method, and that perf,rm similar functions in the sy stem (nch as containment imlation and system overpressure protection),' as modified by Itclief Request RR 01'the multiple ,

component concept applies and eighteen (IM valve groupings have been established (See Attachment A for details of valve groupinge l'uminations are limited to one (1) valve per poup and only if disauembled for maintenance or other reasons.

Note: While all category 11-M 2 velves are no;ed as " selected

  • in the INI Tables, only one valve from each of the multi component groups needs to be examined if any valves within the gmup are disassembled for maintenaner or other reasont per Relief Request R R-03.

3.1.12 1:umination Catecorv Il N 1, Interior Of Reactor %swl in accordance with Table IWil 2500-1, Note 1, all areas made accenible for examinat;on by removal of components during normal refocling outages shall be seiceted for h examination at the specified frequency That is, selection of components is a function cf accessibility of the alTecicJ components, therefore, all components w selected on the condition that they need only be examined should favorable accest conditions prevail.

3.1.13 Esamination Caleron Il N 2, Intecrally Wehled Core Supoort Structures And Interior Attachments To Reactor Vewels in accordance with'i'able IWil-25001, all components subject to the requirements of .

!!xamination Category ll N 2 shall be selected for examination. As was the case for Examination Category Il N 1, certain comp <ments rnay not be accessible during a normal refueling outage and, therefore, examinations are only required should favorable access conditbns prevail.


Specification N!! 42, Rev, I IGSI ISI Program Appendn 1) 1 Page il of 21 3.2 CLASS 2 CODl;I:XAMINNIION CNI1:Goltll:S 3.2.1 j:samination Caterori C- A Prewure itetalnine Wehh in Pressure Veswh Selection of Fxamination Category C-A wehh in the Residual lleat Removal (RllR) heat exchangers shall be in accordance with IWC-25001, Note 3, *In the case of multiple vessels of simihr design, sire, and service out h as . . heat cubangers), the required examinations may be limi ted .o one vessel or distributed among the vessels? Thetefore, the multiple e unponent concept applies and examinations are distributed among the two (2) RilR heat exchangers. The Rillt heat exchangers are multiple component group number 23.

3.2.2 1samination Catecosy C II, Preuure lletninine Nonle Wehh In Vewh Selection of IIxamination Category C Il welds in the RilR heat exchangers shall be in accordance with IWC 25001. Note 4, "In the case of multiple vessels of similar design, h sire, and service (such as heat exchangers), the required examinations may be limited to one vesael or distributed among the sessels7 Therefore the multiple component concept applies and examinations are distributed among the two (2) ItllR heat ewhangers. The RiiR heat exchangsrs are multiple component group number 23.

3.23 1:samination Catecors C-C Infectal Attachments l'or Vessels, Pioine, Pumps. And Vabes 3.23.1  : Pressure Yessels, liern Number C3.10 Selection of I!xamination Category C C integrally welded attachments ,4 hall be in accordance with IWC-25001, Note 2. - Where multipic vessels are provided with a -

_tiumber of similar attachments, the examirution of the attachments may be distributed among the vessch."Theiefore the multiple component concept applies and examinations are distributed among the two (2) RIIR heat exchangers The RilR heat exchangers are -

multiple component group nu uber 21


Specification ,

NI!42,Rev,I r 1GSI ISI Program Appendix !)

Page 12 nf 21 Piping, Item Numbet C3.20 Selection of Fxamination Caterory C-C integrally wehted attachments in piping shall be

- in accordance with IWC 25001, Note 4, 'l imited to attachments of those components required to be examined under lixamination Categories C F , I his note is interpreted as requiring examination of 25"o of integmtly weldea attachments on all nonexempt Examination Category C F-1 and C-IL2 Class 2 piping. Pumps, item Number C3.30 Selection of Examination Category C C integrally welded attachments on pumps shall be in accordance with IWC-25001, Note 4, 'l imited to attachments of those components required to be examined under Examination Cat.'pories . . C-G7 This note is interp* :cd ,

as requirinF examination of 25"'n of integrally welded attachments on all nonexempt Examination Category C.G pumps selected for examination. See lixamination Category C G (hection 3.2.6)

O 3.2.4 Examination Catenorv C-l'-1, Pressure Retainine Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel Or Ilich Allov Pinine Selection of Examination Category C-ILI pressure retaining welds shall be in accordance with IWC-2500-1, Note 2;

'I'he welds selected for examination shall include 7.5"/o, but not less than 28 welds, of all austenitic stainless steel of high alloy wehls not exempted by IWC 1220 (Some welds not exempted by IWC 1220 are not required to iv nondestructively examined per Examination Category C-F-1 as a result of wall thickness. These welds, however, shall be included in the total weld count to which the 7 5"o sampling rate is applied )'lhe -

examinations shall be distributed as follows:

' (a) the examinations shall be distributed among the Class 2 systems prorated, to the degree practicable, on the number of nonexempt austenitic stainless steel or high alloy welds in each system (i.e., if a system contains 30% of the nonexempt welds, then 30% of the nondestructive examinntions required by Examination Category C-ILI shall be performed on that system):


  • . .u - .-w-*tw- ww r -r~, am -w --m%- , , --%-- i. - ,,, ---3, y. ----* r m..-,--c , , , , .

Specification "B 42,Ilev.I GS1 Bi Program Appendix D ' i Page 13 of 21

- 2

-- (b)' within a system, the examinatiom shall tw dntributed among tenninal cads and structural dncontinuiticL. prosated, to : - degree practicable, on the number of nonexempt tenninal ends and structural (incontinuities in that system; and (e) within each system examinations shall be dntributed between line si/cs prorated to the degree practicable "

4 As used herein, the term ~to the degtee practicable" shall mean within a count of one (1),


however the total Code Categoty examination saunple site shall not be less than 7,5%, or 28 weids, whicheur is greater. If the total population subject to examination is less than ,

or equal to 28 welds, then the total population shall be selected for examination, in sy stems which include terminal ends, a minimum of one (1) terminal end shall be scheted, even in the event that proration indicates less than one (1) selection.

Currently there are less than 28 i GS I wekts in I!xamination Category C F 1, therefore, all welds shall be selected for examination. Attachment C of this document contains a tabular listing of Examination Category C lbl welJ totals.

3.2.5= l'.samination Catecory Ql'-2 Pneure Retainine Wehls in Carhon Or im Allm Steel

..DIElE Selection of !!xamination Category C lL2 pressure retaining wekts shall be in accordance with IWC 25001, Note 2:

"Ihe wekts selected for examination shall include 7 5% but not less than 2S wekis, of all carbon and Icw alloy steel wehls not exempted by IWC-1220. (Some wchls not exempted by IWC 1220 are not required to be nnadestructively examined per !!xamination Category C IL2 as a result of wall thickness These wehls, however, shallle included in the total wehl count to which the 7.5% samphng rate is applied.) The examinations shall be distributed as followe (a ) ' ~ the examinations shall he distributed among the Class 2 systerns prorated, to the degree practicable, on the number of nonexempt carbon and low alloy steel wchls h in each system (i;e,if a systern contains 30";. of the nonexernpt welds, then 30%

.-,_._.w. , _ , , , , _..m.:.- ,,_.__ , .,.,,,s., , ..,.i., c--.,_ , . _ _ . ~ . v,., ..._,,_r. ,, .,,m, , , , , - - , . . _-4 _.M,A,.,..m.,,,,+,5 # a

- - _ -.... _ _ .. - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - ~ _ . _ _ _ _ - .

i Specification N!!-42, Iter. I liiS I ,

ISl Program Appendix !) 1 O

, of the nondestructive examinatiom required by lixamination Category C li 2 shall be perfonned on that sptem):

O) within a system, the examinations shidl be distributed among terminal ends and '

stmetural diwontinuities... prorated, io th: degice practicable, on the number of nonexempt terminal ends and structuial discontinuities in that system; and i

(e) within each system, examinations shall be distributed between 'ne sizes prorated ,

to the degree practicable.'

As used herein, the term 'to the degree practicable'shall mean within a count of ote (1),

however the total Code Category examination sample sire shall not he less than 7.5%, or 2R wchis, whichever is greater, if the total population subject to examination is less than or egnal to 2R welds, then the total population shall be selected for examination. In systems which includ( terminal ends, a minimum of one (1) terminal end shall be telected, even in the event that proration :ndicates less than one (1) selection.


Attachment C of this document contains tables which illustrate all prorations as required by (a), (b), and (c) above for all I!xamination Category C lL2 welds. These prorations indicate the total number, type, and nominal pipe ? e of welds needed to be selected )

within each system.

l i

3.2.6 -fxamination Catecory C-G, prusure RetainInc Welds in punms And Yahes -

Ihr the llCIC pump, in accordance with IWC-250(. ., all lixamination C tegory C-G l 1

pump ea:ing welds sha be , a ned.

Selection of Class 2 Core Spi, ' 91111 pressure retainmg pump easing welds shall ba in accordance with IWC 25n i, Note 1 'In case of multiple pumps . . of similar design, siic, function, and service in a system, the examination of bnly one pump and one valve among each group of multiple pumps . , is required;"Therefore, for the four (4) Core -

Spray and the four (4) Rillt pumps, the multiple component concept applies and only-one (1) pump in each group is selected for examination. The Core Spray pumps are multiple component Froup number 21; the Rllit pumps are multiple component group


- number 22.

l 4

,r < -e .w,-, --i - ,,-,-r ,- ..+a,-v,,, -.,-n ,,-c..n,- .+,,,,...-.-~.,-,n, -- - - -

l bliclibratiotl N1! 41, licy. !


Ihl l'logf allt Appendis 11 O 3.3 Cl,A%% 3 CODl'.13 AillNVI H)N CA i1:GOltll,N 3.3.1 lharninstion Cateeon 1) A Notenn in Numiort of itenttot Niiutdown l'_undlog Integeal Altarhntents for Piping, lleni Nundens 1)l.20 thtongli l)l.40 inclushe Integral Atta<.htnents are !ior iin lable IWIL25no I for counination by the type of

, support mociated with the . ' anachment. 'I able IWib25001 doo not, however.

provide guidance for selection of piping integral attachtnefits for etatnination, as inny be found for Clao I and 2 ;iping integtal attathinents. No': 3 of i sbte IWlb2$n01 di cusses inultiple cornponent integral atta(lunents 'tba integral at.achinents selected for (KatP L iott t shall cortespond to those coieponent supports selected _.

  • Patalleling this for piping integral attachtnents, selection of 1 vuninatum Ca'egory Ib A piping integral attachinents corresponds to those c ortiponent supporin selected per IWl'. 't hat is, il a selected Claw 3 cornponent support has anoriated integral attachments, then the integral attattunent shall aho be *. elected for exarnination.

O 3.u n a,e,a, ion Um,,e m n.n. s,te,,,s i., s-if i.,,, n.,e na,,e.

Contaturtif,gt Ileal itcen n al, Atmoelme Cicanno, and itcactor Itnklual llcal itemm al 3.3,2,1 Integral Alturhments for Piping, llem Numbers I)2.2H lhtough 112.40 Intiushe Integral attachnv are lhted in Table IWD 25001 tot examination by the type ci n.,,pon anoriateu with the integral attacionent I able IWlb25n01 does not, hourver provide guidance for selection of piping intepal attachtuents for examination, as may be found for Class I and 2 piping integral attacluntnis Note 3 of Table IWD 25001 discuwes mu:tiple component integral atta(lunents; 'the integral attachments selected for (kakn!rIa o!! k cor e HI k$ o e Il !n NIch$ kN Nfkk ce ,

a e Ikl . hk for piping integral attachments, selection of lixamination Category Ibn piping integral attachments corresnonds to tho*.e component supports selected per IWit 'that is, if a

.ated Clau 3 component support 'as aweiated integral atta,hments, then the integral Athttients shall also be selected for examiliatioti=

0 m_________ _ _ _ ____ _-_ _-------__ _ - --

4 a-. 4.a.&4 .4-5.Ey -

A. Js . 6is& 4% g.,.,_,a ,,4%.,,3,,4.pAAa,,2ha,,,A.,d,'E- .

- hn i

NP.42, lley I 1.(is I 1 INI l'terram Appeluhl l)

O m 13 a,,,h, a , h.,, C a , m.. , i m s, s,,,,,s h, x,,,,t. ., , .. al o ,a , ,,,,,... al ,,,,,,, -,3 l'ut-l Ntorare1%l 9

3.3,3.1 Intitial Attatiliniraits for l'ipitig, lican Nininlites 113.20 tiiroingli l)3An I:nlushc Integral attachinenti are lkint in l'able IWIM5nn-i .or esamination by the type of support associatal with the integral attat hinent. l'ahle IWlb2M601 (lors not, howeset, prothle guidance for selection of piping interial attmhments. as mn be found for Clau I anJ 2 piping intertal attachturnts Note 3 of 'I able IWI) 2'iDO-1 distuurs scln tion of rnultiple coinponent integral attachments. 'the mitgral attmhments scintcJ for examination shall correspotul to those component suppuis selected . Parallebnp thh for piping integral attachinents, solettions of itsainination Categorv ' piping integral attach!nents forf tspothls to those (omponctit suppolls selcelbl per l\ /P. That is, if a selectnl Cim 3 component suppe he aimiated mtegral attachinents, then the intrrral

- attalunents shall also be selectnl for etatnination.

O- as ci.ess i 2, na > cosii oxixi st eroiii 3a.i son w ne C.,mth,mni su.n. a Non piping component supports shall tv. sclestnl f.n esainination in acroeilance with

. 6 s -

components that are requirnt to be exarninnt under lWil, lWC,1WI).

(b) l'or tmilliple tongionents within a sptem of similar tiesign, function, and scr< ire, the supporis of only one of the multiple components are requirni to be examined."

L liasically, for those non. piping components which are not a part of a anultiple component group (e p., itPV, itCIC pump, llPCI pumps), all supports are selectnl for

- examimtion: Where the multiple component concept npplies, (e p., Reactor

. Recirculation pumps (group 20), Crre Spray pornm (group 21), Rillt pumps i


,s_.. ... _. _ . _ . . , , , . , . - . . - . - , _ . . _ , - , . , , . . . _ . , , _ ....4

h g. , heh --M4,.mu,4,4Md 4-.6.l'h4hC__zE da.-A4a.g.- 4.MmA3.ha4' ,_.+==A4-eeaaspM +4_nLW-4m4..%&- .6, mP

, M. -.__A e t s_

i a AA ....u-a...m4AaAsw2ma__AsRi. -44 .

Nlwrification NIN42, l'ev I I IUNI INI l'#orj atn

  • Appendix 1)

Parc 17 of ';l O (group 22), I(llit heat cubanren trioup 230. the supports of only one os the  !

cornponents its cach group is selected for esandnation 1 A.2 J'ipine Corniweiz.cnt Suptwish

, i Selection of piping wntponent supports is in nuorilante with llelief itequest No illt p9 of NI:-42. ~l his rebel regnest details a sainphnr plan appromb to coinponent i.upport -

selection as follows.

i (a) lbe total nuinber of supporis required in be seinic, ;o, esainination in deletsnined by the ASMP. Set tion Ni <lauification of the support, (i e , Clau 1,2, or 3).

Clau 1 25". of the noncienipt population Clau 2 15N, of the nonenceupt population Clau 3 10", of the nonesempt population (b) All supports are auigned to one of the followmp types

  • Anc hor, Met hanical se. ,. iua. anm,hd.

I h , I kk k }  ! nk! s 1 k in (a) above by system anil tspe, piorated by the ntnnber of supports of each type WiNikri carb RySlef tl.

Attachtrerit I)illustnites ilie speci., I (iN 1 <.uppo:1 Iwsputatiorie, niid saisiplisip plari prorations resultinp in the total nmnbei and types of supports selected in each system.

4,0 l GN I Al'G%ll: Nil'l) INNplTilON l'ItOGlt4%l Sl:1.1 Cl]ON MM The selcelion basis for em b Augmented Insperlion Progenm is spc4fied herein.

4.1 Al;GSilNil:1) INNI'IrllON l'ItOGil A$l l: "NitC Gl:NI:ltlC 1.l;'l'It'll E01, IN"I t'.it Gil AN1'idit SI C.SN COllitONION Cil ACKING"

'the extent of examination required for this Program is detenuined by the auigntd )

IGSCC Catsory= There are sever: l7) categories (i e A,11, C,1), li,0, and GL of which l


-~ . _ _ _ ._ _.-. _ . _ _ ___.__. _ ._.__._.__._ ...,_.._ _ ._._ _ _ _

r Specification I

NI:.42, itet i ION 1 INI l'toriain Appernhs 1)

O only Cairrotics A nini 11 requne a selection pioccu lhe temaitnnr catcrotic* (i c. C,1).


1,1, atal U) tutune cutninalien of 100"n of their scolmin>c populations in accordance l with the UhNltC stall mition i stated in Gentlic I citer N001. a 2S"h sampit of the Category A and a 50"a imnple of the Cateron it wchl populations shall be idected for cumination. 'Ihe uchts sclnInl fot cutnination shall he dntnbutni unony the wstems apphcable to this program 'I he sclntioin shall be (ootthnated and optimi/ed viih the I scin tions of wchts foi cumination under the 1%I Prortam. ti c if a wchl reqing augmented r:umination is sclnled for 1%1 cumination, it b also sclnled foi augmented

  • cumination) 'lhis schution philosophy has been deemni to yicht a reptcsentatisc sainple of the wchh trymnny the augmented cutnination i

Athi .. tally, augmtoted cunnnetioin are tcynned by the program lot a portion of the 1(WC ' system located outside the mutanunent imlation boundry. 'I he extent of cunu. .on of this untlawified pettion of the 90cm n requited to be a 5"6 sample per outacc. for the temainder of the first inspection intenal; incerasing to a 10% sample per outage during the setotal ifnpection intenal, ~l his utnphnv ptogram is Icquirnl to begin 0 " a< re">'n '<'"cii",e"t rc

- 4.2 A1 G%llNI1:1) INSPiriION PitOGit A%I.2: *NItitI:G 0619, llWit Il.1:1)W4 Ilitt ,

NO/71.l; ANI) CONilt01. Il01) IlltiVI: Iti:1l'ItN I IN1: NU//l 1: Clt AChlNG" Selection enteria is not apphtable,100"i of the popolation trquires cumination 4.3 Al GN11NI1:D INNI'l C1 ION PitOGil Ail 3: "lI: lit'l I.l:1IN NO. 8013, Cit %ChlNG IN 00l(1: SI'It AY NPAltGl:ltN" Selection criteria is not applicable,199";. of the population requitts cumination.

4.4 Al GNII; Nil'D INSPI:CilON l'ItOGil A%I.J: "NI'ltl:G/ Cit 0052, Cl.ONimstrl Ol' II: 1101.1.1111N No 07: ilWit ,11:1 Plall' AssI3lill.Y I All.t'Iti:"

!.eln tion ctiteria is not applicahhs 100% of the ropalation reyiires cununation.


Sptrifh ation  :

NI. 42, Iter i  !

lONI INI Prograin Anperulix D l' age 19 of 21 4.$ At'G5.i... it D Inst'IrltON l'ItOGit A%I.5: "ItsNitr Mirli ANICAl.

I~.NGINI:I:ltlNG 1111 ANCll (MI:ll) lirilNir Al. PostilON MI:ll .LI (NI.!Ill:G 020) NO liitt:AK llutiNDAltil S" Selection enteria is not apphcable.100% of the population requires etainination i

4.6 Al'GMINII:D INNI'IrllON l'ItOGil AT16 OtrillOritD l l:1 l)wA'll:lt OlllTK val.Yl'.% llV.41.ll o74 A AND 11" l'rortam tornplete.

4.7 Al'GMl:NI1:D INNI'lTl'lON l'ItOGil AM4: "Sil NO. 45$,

IllTOMMl:NDAllON I Olt ADl)lllON Al 1%I Ol' Al 1.OY 182 NO//l.l; Wl:I.DMI:NI s" t

E . g


O 4.x At!GMINil:D INNI'IrllON l'ItoGit AM.H: "IT II:NDI:D IT AilIN Al'ON Vol.lall; l'Olt CODi', CA'll:GottY ll.1)"

Selection criteria is not applicable.100"a of the population requiren esamination.

4.9 Al'GMINI1:D INSl'l:CI'lON l'ItOGit AM 9: "lW AMIN A Il()N Ol' Illl: Ill'Y Cl,OSt'ltl', lil:AD 1 IITING l.I'GS" Scic(tion criteria is not apphcabic,100% of the population requires esaminatien.

4.10 At.'GMINI'l:D INNPirilON PitOGil A%1 lD. "NON-Q ltl: Art Olt I'lli:NNIfiti:

VI;SSI:I. IN'll'.itN AI. COMl'ONINIS (I Salt 'I Alll.l: 3.21)"

Selection criteria is tiot applicable,100"h of the population requires esamination.

Speufication N!;42 ltrv,I lONI

, 1%1 l'rograin Appenda 11 l' arc 20 of 21

@w l1 At'G%I1% ll D IN%I'l C1 ION l'ItOGil \%I-l1: *%Il No. 409,1M Oltl'.1)RY

~1l'lli; Cit %CES" Selettion cnteria is not apphsable IDn"e of the populanon icquin s rutnmation 4.12 Al'G%11 N II I) INNI'I'CllON PltO(.it 01 12: %Il NO. 420. INhl'I'CllON Ol'

.11:1 l't 3tl' NI;NNING I INI:N" Selntion interia n not appbrable.10% of the population icquires riannnahon 4.13 Al'G%11;N'll D INNI'IrllON l'ItOGit A%l 13: *NNt ^18111 R I;N A%llNA'llON AND ll:N1' PitOGil451 (11111N1041 NI'll 11'1C 5110% NNI'llill'ItNP Sclettion cnteria n not applnable to the esamitut on of snubb-n smcc 10na h of the population sequites exainination Up;rab hts inony of sunbhers shall be perfonned on a scpresentative sample of snubbers. ii.ned on either the 10 pctient testing unnple plan or the 37 testing sarnple plan. l>clined test pl.m ytoups shall be estabinhnt encoinpa. ting all seebbe,~hin ihmp-nh o p,,,_ i.mhmi O mn,_,,m. i i O,_p. u,,

shall also select the sample g>lan to be used bcfore te tmp begins for the tot mte val and that plan shall be ut d thionyhout the test mtenal %profic cnteria foi estabbshing the defined test ph.n proups and scln ting reprocutative and random samples inim uohin the rroups n contain:d within the Anymented leopainm l'rorram 13 test.

4.14 Al'GTII;NI1:D INSI'lflION PitOGilTTI.14; SNt'lllli it 11%%11NAIION l'ItOGil ATl t110l' SNL'llill'ItN)"

Selection criterin is not apphcabh ,10n% of the lepolanon requiscs esatnination 4.15 Al'G %11;N i l:1) INSl'IrllON PHOGit 01 15: Sil. NO.131, N111011'D lli AD 1101/1 CitACKN" Selection critnia is not applicable. Ihn"L of the population requitrs examination.

Spruik at son N1 42,itrs 1 l ( Pi l l',I l'sorv atn Apperula 1)

(] l'arr 21 of ?!

u 4.1 fi At'GTil NII I) 1%l'10 l ION l'It01.1101 ;fi "sil. NO. 4ti?, $1ll101'l) si l'l'Olt i A( ll011: 00\ l It fit \( KN"

  • cla tion t nts tia o tiot al. pin able. pierr.on apphes to Au cu llole Cos er at antnuth l Mi" only 4.17 Al Gill: Nil 1) INsi'l ( 110% l'PO(.it 01 17: "$11. No. 474, $ ll. Of I)lt VI It I)lt \lN ( ll.\NNI'i Olt \0hlN(.*

%ln tion u;teria is not appht ahic. lon"., of att.uinnent su his requires eurninatu n 4.18 Al GNil' Nil'l) INNI'l~('llON l'It(H.It 01 1H: "Illlit Ill: A I l \( ll \N WI It l'Ill:N%t'Iti: Ill:1 \lNING 1101.11N(."

Ifio";. of the Clau 2 preuore retauuny !Ilanec) 1.oltiny (1-IT tharneler i of . ar (1) !!llit lleat I u hanrce shall be selectril lot runnnation n

x 4.19 Al'G%ll: Nil:D 1%I'l.( ~ LION l'ItOGil 01 19. 'VI l 1) ('l.N II Ill INI.

%1 AltKINGS" Nelection t riteria is not appbcable, applics to dl on ornierential butt urhls selectril for t!! lianiination (lonny the first unpet tion inten al w hii h were not in.irteil thuiny l'resenice inspeition.


.. . _ _ .. _ _ . . _ - . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _.i 1

Siwification i NI' 42, Itev,I


l (1% I j INI l'mpam l Appenda 1) i

. AttacInnent A l 4

l e

t t

1 4

i J

t i



i I

t i

h AITAtll%11NI A  ;

Mt'lilli'I 1; CO%II'ONI N I Gitutti w

@ l k


E 7




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  • W s e v i

te e u , n ) 4 r .

t  ? s s s e I 6

%T e . l i i 4 1 5 1 1 1 t 9

1 o taw s t O u i -

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- - - _ ~ . - - - - .-. . . . _ - . . - . _ - . . _ _ . - . . ~ . - . - . - . ~ . -

I Spc6ilicalion t NI? 42, itev. 0  :

IUS1 ISI l'togram O ^ ri-'" "

Attachtnent A i

l' age 3 of 3 .

i t

ATI'Aril%11NI' 4

%ll'lil li'I .l; CO%11'ONINI' GitOL 'l'$

l l'O t 'll'311NI' [

t l

DJU P109t1heue i UqyipmcnLNumlier 1kyrimigr! t t

a I Al' 201 Itcactor itecirculation l' umps i ll11' 201 i 21 l Al' 206 001r bjttay Puttip4 (

lilP 206 >

ICP 206  ;

it)P 206 22 I Al' 202 ltillt l' umps 1111' 202 tci' 202 1111' 202 23 I Al: 205 Illitt llcat thchangers 1111. 205 0 .

4 t

f L

l l

li 1


-O  :

r, vi,-- r-r---va,v - ,aw w e e' w. e ,e m.4 ,-mvmmme n ,-w-s- n , f,w en u - - .e s . ,- , ,rm- -~n-,s ~,,rv,,,w.,-,w-+r, w ,-mn_. ..-e-.e-c=wme-s-sve-~,wr,,~,- -

Sterification NI: 42,1(n. I I (iS I ISI l'f 0ffittti Aisiwnila 1)

Attarliturnt 11 l' arc l of ?


O- Wlil D S!!!.l!CTION TAllLliS 4

h O

hpet tin ation N!!+42, llev.1 3

$ 7

. 1GS1

" C*4"2*443 4 W W .1 - ISI l'ropain

, g,g Appenda l}

.. "W-UU Attatlitnrnt 11 h

" "" = a :

O n WD gf seu a u o o a u e o o le "W-W 8

  • WE S

TEB R S*C"S 3 $8 3 W"n-

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  • 5 302, W U C,

, -g

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33 sy 5g o e . . o o e~o o n y

- E_. s e (u/_3 t:E3

$Sj ,4 9, o o o o o o : * *3 C MW c St W

3 ## o o o - o o o N O o .


- . . o a gg o - o ea n e o o o o O o O N N N M N h ** e h Di C SC C SC C C S8 8

  1. ' $A $A$$$

k b "' N B'

- r.

nanyagngg4 E E%

8 O n a t

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e - u 4 5

bd2$'*E!!"a 5 i

Al vtification N!!.42, llev.1 Itis 1 INI l'iograin A >lwniin 11

^ " "' ' ' " "' e O l' arc 1 of 5 ATI Aril%11;NI r I X ASl1NAllON CA'll.Golti c.1.1/r.1.2 WI.l.1) SI:1.1:0l'lON -l A111,13 O


1LrI' [I fi(ii['E[(J}i i t: , t I fI

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C e mem 1 u sr s ewe

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I ueC Ci obo e

M ELS 0 0 0 er n .n d c c TA' l8o of u o STE a2i t t r dtd l YOT t t e l of a e eda e ST ton i n, iy wew r si emma eo sl 1i r s e-0 0 0 0 ha ME 0 0 0 0 ts s sl F eh-et Ea -

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N!!.42, lley. I IGSI INI l' rop am t

- Alipenda 1)

Atta(lanent C p



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O Limerick Generating Station Unit 1 Inservice Inspection Program First Ten Year Inspection Interval Code Edition Upgrade 1980/W81 to 1986 EXAMINATION RECONCILIATION REPORT Prepared By:

Gilbert / Commonwealth, Inc.


LIMERICK GENERATING STATION . UN!T I Insenkt Inspection Program df-~ First Tem Year Inspection latenal Code Edition Upgrade,1980/%181 To 1986 EXAMINATION RECiLfilliTION REPORT

!. INTRODUtilON Gilbert /Corrimonwealth, loc. has been tasked by Ph:ladelphia Electric Company with upgrading the Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1, First Ten Year Interval, insenice f rapection Program from the ASME Section XI 1980 Edition with Addenda thru Winter 1981 (1980/W81), to the 1986 Edition.

Since thh is a midterm program upgrade, the establishment of an effective cutoli point for the closing of the 1980/W81 Program and the start of the 1986 Program was required. PECO has determined that the 1980/W81 Program would be implemented through the third refueling outage, which is the first outage in the second inspection period. Therefore, implementation of the 1986 Program (Spe.ification NE 42) would commence with the completion of the third refueling outage.

IL PURPOSE D The inspection requirements of the 1986 Edition of ASME Section XI difier from that of the 1980/W81

\ Edition establisa/ Addenda, ed and therefore subt.equently appliedaas'retenciliation"-f the completed credit towards the completion portion of the 1986 of the 1980/W81 Program. Program mu 111, DISCUSSlDN i

l When the 1986 ISI Program was initially prepared, selection of components for examination was made in accordance with the 1986 Code selection gtudance for the entire first interval, thus pro 5iding a base ISI Program.

This ' Reconciliation Report

  • was then generated to establish the extent of completion credit to be applied from the 1980/W81 Program to the 1966 Program. This document is prepared and compiled for each applicable Caic Category, and provides the necessary detaih and calculatmns needed to ider.tify the credit j applied to the 1986 Program.

The approach taken for the reconciliation of examinations completed under the 1980/W81 Program is as follows:

A. Each Code Category was reconciled indhidually by calculating the percentage of examinations completed under the 1980/W81 Program relative to the 1980/W81 Code required examination population. ,


1. The calculated completion percentages (credits) were limited to the maximum allowable credit percentages as discussed in the 1980/W81 Code (eg. Table IWB.24121), Any examinations m i excess of the maximum allowables were not used towards the credit applied to the 1986 Program.

Page 1 of 2 l



, Naoucillation Report

2. Deleted components (ie. due to removal during plant modifications) were n(t comidered when calculating the 19u0/W81 Pregram compktion percentages even thongh scme of these consponents may have teen cumined prior to deletion. These deleted components will have little or no impact on the results of the reconciliation.

B. The completioe percentages were then applied to the cumination populations of the 1986 Program to determine the number of cuminations that may be credited as completed. From this, the remaining number of examinations to te scheduled for the balance of the interval,in accordance with the 1986 l'rogram, was determined.

C. %e cuminations identified as a credit towards the 1986 Prograrn were then appropriately identified in the 1986 Program database. -This resulted in changes to the selection of compnents for.

enmination. A revision to the 1986 ISI Program (Specification NE 42) will te tuued to reflect these changes in sclersion of components for cumination resulting from this reconciliation.

IV. CONCLUS10,N Results of the reconciliation have shown that the 1980fW81 Prc5 tram has met or exceeded the requirements of the 1980/W81 ASME Section X1 Code for the first insgection period (first two refueling outages), Additionally, the third refueling outage (first outage of the second perimi) has teen conducted under the 1980/W81 Program, and therefore will contribute towards satisfyir4 the requirements of the second period, which will be completed in accordance with the 1986 Progra n.

V. ATTActiMENTS Attachment A Reconciliation SummaryTable

_ Attachment B _ Reconciliation Document -.

O-Page 2 of 2


Attachment A Page 1 of 2 O LIXERICK GENERATING STATION ~ UNIT 1 Inservice Inspection Program First Ten Year Inspection Interval L


'B-A 24.98% B-A 75.02% 42.01 B-D 50% B-D 50% 34 B-E 200% B-E 25% 3rd Prd 80/W81 - Ovner option to During examine 100% cach period.

Hydro i B-T 56% B-F 44% 14 Items B5.10 & B5.20 only.

B-F 46% B-T 54% 14 Items B5.130 & B5.140 only. '

B-C-1 34.20% B-G-1 65.80% 200 Remaining exams inclusive of 50 closure bolting sets.

B+C-1 N/A B-G-1 100% 16 Remaining exams inclusive of  !

16 pump casing studs & nuts. '

(Hone reg'd 80/W81 Program)

B-G-2 44.03% B-C-2 55.17% 48 Remaining exams inclusive of  !

7 multi groups for B7.70  ;

j() B-H 53.33% B-H 46.67% 4.67  !

L B-J 53.66% D-J 46.34% 87 B-K-1 20% B-K-1 80% 4 B-L-2 N/A B-L-2 N/A N/A There were no exama required per 80/W81 Program. Reference Relief Request RR-02 for 1986 Program exam requirements.

(Examine when disassembled for maintenance.) t B-M-2 N/A B-M-2 N/A N/A 19 exams completed per Relief Request 2.13.1 under 80/W81 -

Program. Reference Relief Peq RR-03 for 1986 Program.

L (Examine when disassembled for maintenance.)

'; B-N-1 1984 B-N-1 10:% 59 1 exam remaining 2nd period, ,

58 exams remaining 3rd period -j B-N-2 178% B-F-2 0%. O Code requirements satisfied.

100% 58 Owner option to reexamine all C-A 50% C-A 50% 2 C-B 50% C-B 50% 2 C-C 37.14% C-C 65.52% 19 Variance in percentago is due

() to reduced 86 exam population

Attachment A Page 2 of 2 LIYh ICK GENERATING STATION - UNIT 1 Inservice Inspection Program First Ten Year Inspection Interval Code Edition Upgrada, 1980/W81 To 1986 RLCDECEI ATION 01_C2R115.IID_EIMINAT10M - DUMARLTMLE CODE PERCENT CODE PEPCENT EIAMS CATEGORY COMPLETE CATEGORY REMAINING REMAINING (80/W81) (80/W81) (1986) (1986) (1986) REMARKS c-T 48.13% C-F-1 81.80% 9 The differences in percent C-r-2 50.40% ci complete versus percent remaining is due to the formation of two categories in the 1906 CoJo and the basis for determining exam population.

C-G 44.40% C-G 50% 4 Varianco in percentages in due te a reduced 1986 exam population.

D-A,B,C 47.94% D-A,B,C 52.06% 5 F-A $8.95% T-A 41.05% 144 Piping supports 41.94% F-A 58.06% 18 Equipment supports O

NON-ABME PERCENT PERCENT EIAMS AUGMENTED COMPLETE REMAINING REMAINING PROGRAMS (80/W81) (1986) (1986) REMARKD AUG CAT A 100% 0.00% 0 Examination requirements for (ICSCC) Category "A" welds have bacn completed for the first interval.


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i 141S 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment 11 O

l.lML: RICK Gl:NI:ltATING STATION . UNIT I insenice luspection Program l'Irst Ten Year insgeetion lutenal Code 1:dition U sgrude. IV80/WMt To 1986 1mNCILLU101.1LCMitti tLt! rXAsilNA110NS

1. CATEGOld.,[h6 A. 121@ll1QGIBM 100% of the non exempt Category ll A welds are required to be examined during the interval. The cuminations in this Category may be deferred to the end of the inspection interval, therefore the completion requitements from Table IWil 24121 do not apply, Cgtgory Ib A Non Eten1ril'egulation by Code item Number Total for item Bl.11 = 10 Total for item 111.12 a 26 Total for item 111.21 = 4 Total for item 111.22 = 13 Total for item 13130 = 2 O ret i 'e< i'e- ti> 4o - i Total population - 56 Since partial cuminations are allowed and deferral is permissible for all of these Code items, partial examinaticas are counted to the extent that they were completed (ie, completion of one third of an examination counts as .33 examinations completed).

Examinations Compkted Under The 1950/WS1 Procram 1st Petid item Ulli A total of I cumination was completed (IOU';i), and 1 examination was partla!!y completed (3M) during the fint period.

Completion total = 133 examinations item 13112 A total of 6 examinations were completed (100%) during the first period.

Completion total = 6 examinations item 11'21 A total of 4 esaminations were partially completed (33% cach) during the first period.

Completion iof al = 1,33 cuminations 0

LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment B Pa;;e 2 of 30

[ tem Bl.22 A total of 4 examinations were'ed (100%), and 1 examination was partially con.pleted (50%)

during the first period.

Completion total = 4.5 examinations item Bl.30 A total of 1 examination was parti lly completed (50%) during the first period. I examination was deferred to the 3rd period (in accordance Cth footnote 5 of Table IWB 25@l).

Completion total = 0.5 examinations Item B1.40 A total of I cxarnination was partially cornpleted (33%) during the first period.

Completion te.tal = 0.33 examinations A grard total of 13% examinations were completed during the first period (24.98% of 56).

Therciore,24.98% of the required examinations shall be credited as complete under the 1980/W81 Prcgram, and the full cred;t applied to the 1986 Program.

Examinations Complet. d Urder The toSO/W81 f' ocram 2 JMnd O To date, no examinations within this Categcry have been performed during the second period.

B. 1986 PROGROI g

100% of the non exernpt Category B A welds are required to be examined during the interval. The examinations in this Category may be deferred 10 the end of the inspection interval, therefore the completion sequirements of Table IWB 24121 do not apply.

The weld populations and Code examination requirements are identical to those for the 1980/W81 Program. T - refore, since Code requirements were met under the 1980/W81 Program, they are also met under * -

's Program.

There are a tota. ' - . exams remaining to be completed during the first interval under the 1986 Program. The cun at schedule shows 18.49 examinations to be completed during the second period

' and the remainder during the third period. This schedule satisfies the 1986 Program, tl.crefore no adjustments are necessary.

II. CATEGORY B.D A. 1980/W81 PROGRAM 100% of the non-exempt Catepary B-D welds are required to t>e examined during the interval.

,- Inspection program "B" examination completion requirements are given in the notes of Table IWB-2500-1, and are specific for Category B D.

1 l


Reconcillation Report Attahment 8' Page 3 cf 30 -

Cateenry B D Non Exemot Po9ulation by Code Item Number Total for item B3.90 = 34 Total for item B3.100 = 3d Totalpopulation _ = 68

- Code Required Unminations 1st Period l Minimum examinations required = 25% of 68 = 17 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 50% of 68 = 34 examinations

=7 Code Reauired Euminations 2nd and 3rd Periods my end o'paggD Minimum cuminatiocs required = 100% of 68 = 68 examinations by end os ntenal ,

Examinations Comoleted Under 1980/W81 Procram 1st Period  ;

A total of 17 examinations for item B3.90, and 17 cuminations for item B3.100 were cornple,ed during the first period.

A grand tota l of 34 examinations were completed during the first period, which is within the percentage requirements of Inspection Program 'B*. Therefore, tull credit of 34 examinations (50%) -

shall be applied to the 1986 Program.

Examinations Comoteted Under 1980/W81 Procram - 2nd Period

- To date, no examinations within this Code Caterpry have been performed during the second period.

B- 1286 PROGRMC 100% of the non-exempt Category B D welds are required to be cumined during the interval.

Inspection progs am 'B' examination completion requirements are given in the notes of Table IW"ti.

?JiOO-1, and are specific for Cstegory B D. ~

The weld populations and Code examination requirements are identical to those for the 1989/W81 Program - The remainder of nonjes, not examined during the first period, shall be completed ty the end of the third period. Since Code requirements were met under the 1980/W81 Program, they are also met under the 1986 Program.

The current schedule will provide for an 21 examinations to be completed durmg the second period, and the remaining 12 during the third period No scheduling adjustments wi!! be necessary. ,


A. 1980/M111 PROGRAM

- 25% of the non exempt Category B E welds are required by Code to be exami ted during the first

~V W inspection interval. PECO has elected as an ' Owners Option' to cumine 100% of these welds each inspedion period. This option exceeds the existing Code requirernents by providing a more conservative enmination coverage, therefore Code intent is considered satisfied.



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14S.1 Reconcillation Report Attachment il Page 4 of 30 Catecory B E Non-Exerntit Population by Code item Number Totalfo Item B4.11 = 1 Total for item B4.12 (inclusive of 370 components)

Total for item B4.13 = n (inclusive of 65 components)

Total population = 14 (inclusive of 436 components) lipmination: Completed Under 1990/W81 Procram - 1st and 2nd Petieds 1006 of the weld population was examined during the 2nd refueling outage (1st period) at d again during the 3rd refuehng outage (2nd period). Examination requiree ats for the first and second periods are credited as completed under the 1980/W81 Program.

11, 1986 PROGRQ1 Examination requirements are the same as in the 1980/W81 Program except that examinations must be conducted during the system hydrostatic test, which must be conducted at or near the end of the inspection interval.

The 1986 Program examination requirements have not been satisfied since the examinations performed under the 1980/W81 Program were not donc during system hydrostatic testing.

Therefore,25% of the Category B E weld population must be selected for examination at or near the end of the iaspection interval, during system hydro stic testing.

100% of the weld population is currently scheduled for examination during the third period.

Therefore, adjustments will be necessary to schedule only the components selected for examination.

IV. CATEGORY B E A. 1980/W81 PROGRAS1 100% of the no'vexempt Category B-F welds are required to be examined during the interval.

Catecory B-F Non-Exemtw Population by Codeltem Number Total for item B5.10 - 21 Total for item B5.20 = 11 Total for Item B5.130 = 25 Total for item B5.140 = J Total population = $8 Code Reauired Examinations - 1st Period Inspection Program *B* cxamination completion requirements apply only to Category items B5.130 and B5.140. Footnote 2 to Table IWB-25001 for Category B F, which is applicable to item Numbers B5.10 and B5.20, states that these examinations may be performed coincident with the reactor vessel nor21e examinations of Code Category B D. Footnote 2 to Table IWB-2500-1 for Category B D states that at least 25% but not more than 50% (credited) of the nonles shall be examined the end of the first inspection period, and the remainder by the end of the third inspection period. T is O >>e-> ==>-t tie- r #v 'e so* or c '<8 <x '>==> > a ns 2o t i'e 't>>> ec _ _ m __ _ _ _ _


.1 r

LGS 1 Reconcillatloa Report

- Attachment H Page 5 of 30 En=1=='lons Comoteted Under 19WW81 Procre.m 1st and 2nd Periods -

Cateonry B F Poonlation Subiect To Footnote 2 There are a total of 32 Category B F non exempt welds to which footnote 2 applies.14 of these welds were examined during the first period (43%).- Another 4 welds were examined during the third -

refueling outage which are credited as completed during the second period. Therefore an aggregate total of 18 examinations (56% of the population subject to footnote 2) may be credited as completed -

under the 1980/W81 Program. ,

Category B F Poculation Subiect To lnspection Procram *B*

There are 26 welda reiaaining in Category B F which are subject to the examination completion requirements specified in inspec' ion Program *B* (at least 16% but not more than M% credited in -

the first period) 8 of these were curnined during the first during the second period for an aggregate total of 12 exam, period (30%), and 4 have the 1980/W81 Program, t -

B. 1986 PRQGjLQ1 -

- 100% of the non exempt Category B.F welds are required to be examined during the interval.

Catenorv B.F Population.5.ubiect to Footnote 2 of Table IWB 2500-1 Total for item B5.10 = 21 D- Total for Item B5.20 = 11 Grand total - = 32 Completed 1st pericd (1980/W81) =

14 (43% c:cdited)

Cornpleted 2nd period (1980/W81) =

J (13% credited)

Total completed to date (1980/W81) = 18 (56% credited)

Total remaining to be Examined under the 1986 Program = 14 -

- Current schedulmg of the remaming 14 welds, indicates 6 welds are to be examined during the second period, and 8 welds are to be examined during the third period. No scheduling adjustments are-necessary.

- Catenorv B-F Poculation Subject to Insocction Procram *B*

Total for item B5,130 = 25 Total for item B5.140 = .1-Grand total = 26 Completed 1st period (1980/W81) =

8 - (31% credited)

Completed 2nd period (19SO/W81) = 3 - (15% credited)

- Total completed to date (1980/W81) = 12 (46% credited)

Total remaining to be examined under the 1986 Program = 14 1


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LGS 1 Heeoncillation Report Attachment 15 Page 6 of 30

/T V

Current scheduling of the remaining 14 welds, indicates 2 welds are to be examined during the second period, and 12 welds are to be cumined during the third period. This schedule will result in a 53%

completion by the end of the second period which is within the allowable percentage range for laspecion Program 'B'(minimum 50% and maximum 679). It is recommended that the scheduling be adjusted to examine 5 of the remaining 14 welds during the second period which would provide for a total completion credit of 65%. Tha balance of 9 welds should then be scheduled for the thirJ period.

V. CATEGORY.}}-Q-1 A, @ T/*1PPfyi[Lui T e 1980/W81 Program requires 100% cumination of Code item Numbers B6.10, B6.20, B6.40, and B6.50. Examination of item 12.30 is only required wben the closure studs are re.noved.

Examination of items B6.180, B6.190, & lb.200 are limited to the bolting on components sek ;ted for camination under Category B L-1. Since there are no components within Examination Category B L-1 at LGS Unit 1, these three item Numbers do not apply.

Deferral of examinations to the end of the inspection intervalis permitted for all applicable Code item Numbers within Examination Category B G 1.Therefore the completion reqmtemerts of table IWB-24121 do not apply.

Catecorv B-G-1 Non Exemot Population By Code Item Number Total for item B6.10 = 1 (inclusive of 76 closure head nuts)

Total for item B6.20 = 1 (inclusive of 76 closure studs,in place)

Total for Item B6.30 = 1 (inclusive of 76 closure studs, when removed)

Total for item IM.40 = 1 (loclusive of 76 locations, threads in flange)

Total for item B6.50 = 1 (Inslusive of 76 closure washgn)

Total population = 5 (indusise of 3m individualitems)

Examination population = 4 (304 individualitems, excluding item B630 - done when disassembled)

Euminations Comoteted Under 1080/W81 Procram - 1st Period Total for item B6.10 = 26 of 76 (34.2%)

Total for item IM.20 = 26 of 76 (34.2%)

Total for item B6.40 = 26 of 76 (34.2%)

Total for item B6.50 .,1.ef 76 (34.2m Total examined = 104 of 304 (34.2%)

There were no examinations performed for item B6.30 during the first period.

Examinations Compirin! Under 1990 /W81 Program 2nd Period To date, no examinations within this Code Category have been performed during the second period.


LGS.1 Reconcillation Report Attachment il Page 7 of 30 B. 1986 PROGEM.1 The 1986 Program requires 100% cumination of Code item Numbers B6.10, B6.20, B6.40, and B6.50. Examination of item B6.30 is only required when the closurc studs are removed. The 1986 Program also requires 100% examination of Code items B6.180 and B6.200. Examination of Code ite.m B6.190 is required when the connection is disassembled. The requirement to examine items B6.180, B6.190, and B6.200 is the result of a change in the Code which requires examination of boiting on components selected for examination under Category B L-2 instead of B L-1, The completion requirements of Table IWB 24121 do not apply since footnote 5 to Table IWB 2500-1 for examination Category B G 1 allows deferral of the examinations to the end of the inspection interval.

Catecorv B G-1 Non Etemet Pocuhtion By Code Item Number Total for item B6.10 = 1 (loclusive of 76 closure hevi nuts)

Total for item B6.20 = 1 (Indusive of 76 closure studs,in place)

Total for item B630 = 1 (inclusive of 76 closure studs, when tenioved)

Total for Item B6.40 - 1 (Indus vei of 76 locations, threads in flange)

Total for item B6.50 = 1 (Indusive of 76 dosure washers)

Total for item B6.180 = 2 (inclusive of 32 pump casing studs 16 per pump)

Total for item B6190 = 2 (Pump casing Dange surface 1 per pump when disassembled)

Total for item B6.200 = 2 (inclusive of 32 pump casing ne's 16 per pump)

Total population = 11 The 34.2% completion credit (104 examinatiorn) from the 1980AV81 Program is applied only to Item A. Numbers B6.10, B6.20, B6.40, and B6.50. Since deferral of examinations to the end of the interval is

.( permitted, and the remaining 200 examinations are scheduled, no scheduling adjustments are required for these item Numbers.

Since Code item Numbers B5.180 and B6.200 were not required to be examined t.nder the 1980AV81 Program, 200% of the required examinations (1 pump per multi component group) must be performed in accordance with the 1986 Program. The 2 Reactor Rectreulation pumps are the only Class 1 pumps having pressure retaining bolting greater that. 2 inches at LGS 1, and are listed as multi component group number 20.

An adjustment to the s chedule will be necessary to schedule the examination of 1 pump for Items B6.180 and B6.200. Since deferral to the end of the interval is allowed, these examinatmns should be scheduled for the third period.

VI. CATEGORY B-G-2 A. 1980M81 PROGRAM The examination population for Code Category B G 2 was determined from the reguirements of the 1980/W81 ASME Section XI and Code Case N-426. The 1980AV81 Propam requires examination of 100% of applicable item Numbers. The inspection Program "B* exammation completion requirements of Table IWB-24121 only apply to Code item Numbers B7.10 and B7.50 since item Number B7.80 is only required to be examined when the component is disassembled, and item Number B7.70 rely cpplies to cornponents selected for examination under code category B-M-2, per Code Case N-426. No Category B M 2 comp.onents were selected per Relief Request 2.13.1. There are no components applicab!c to item Number B7.60 at LGS 1.

LGS.1 Reconcillation Report Attachment 11 Page 8 of 30 O

V Category B-G 2 Non Ete; ppt Population By Code item Number Total for item B7.10 = 58 (includes bolting sets for 55 incore housing Ganges, and 3 nonle flanges)

Total for item B7.50 = 19 Total for i;;m B7.70 = 46 (Includes 10 valve multi component groups)

Total for itern fl7.80 = 1 (Includes telting sets for 185 CRD housing flanges when disassembled)

Total required cumination population = S7 (58117.10 + 19117.50 + 10 B7.70 groups)

The multi component groups for Item B7.70 ate: 1,2,4,5,8,9,11,13,14,15.

Examinations Comoteted Under loSO/W81 Procram 1st Period Total for item B7.10 = 19 (locludes bolting sets for 18 incore housing flanges, and 1 nonJe flange)

Total for item B7.50 = 1 Total fot ' tem B7.70 = 0 Total examined period 1 = 20 of 87 (22.99% completion percentage)

The 22.99% completion credit for the first period is within the Code minimum of 16% and maimum allowed credit of 34%, therefore first period cumination requirements have been satisfied.

E minations Comoleted Under loSO/W91 Procram 2nd Period Total for Item B7.10 = 1 (lacludes bolting sets for 1 nonje flange)

Total for item B730 = 15 Q Total for item B7.70 = 20 (includes 3 of 10 multi-component groups 1,2, & 4)

Total cumined period 2 - 19 of 87 (1 B7.10 + 15 B7.50 + 3 B7.70 groups)

A grand total of 39 (44.83%) of the 87 required Category B-G-2 cuminations have been conducted under and credited to the 1980/W81 Program.

11. jfMfROGRAM The 1986 Program requires examination of 100% of Code item Numbers B7.10 and B7.50. For Code item Number B7.70, examinations are to be performed on at least one valve within each group of valves that are of the same size, constructional design, manufacturing method, and that perform similar functions in the system, and they are scHeed for examination under Category B.M 2. While all Category B-M 2 valves have been selected for potentir] examination (if disassembled) in the 1986 Program, only one valve from each group of similar valves has been selected for examination under Item Number B7.70. The Inspection Program "B* completion requirements contained in Table IWB-24121 apply to the above item Numbers. Code item Number B7.80 is on y required to be examined when disassembled and therefore is not factored into the completion r~u.alages.

Catecorv B G-2 Non-Exemot Population By Code item Number Total for Item B7.10 = 58 (Includes bolting sets for 55 incore housing flanges, and 3 noule flanges)

Total for Item B7.50 = 19 Total for item B7.70 = 46 (includes 10 valve multi component groups)

Total for item B7.80 = 1 (includes bolting sets for 185 CRD housing flanges when disassembled)

Total required examination population = 87 (58 B7.10 + 19 B7.50 + 10 B7,70 groups)

LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment il Page 9 of 30 The 10 multi-component groups for item B7.70 are: 1,2,4,5,8,9,11,13,14,15.

Since the required examination population for the 1986 Program is the same as the 1980AV81 Program, full credit is given for all 39 examinations credited as completed under the 10SO/W81 Program. The total examinations remaining to be examined under the 1986 Program is 48.

The remaining multi-component groups for item B7.70 are: 5,8,9,11,13,14,15.

Code Required Enminations 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 87 = 43 examina: ions Maximum examination allowed (credited) = 67% of 87 = 58 examinations There are 48 examinations remaining to be completed under the 1986 Program of which 18 are scheduled for the second period,22 are scheduled for the third period, and 8 which are not currently scheduled. The current schedule will provide 57 of the 58 maximum allowable completica for the second period, therefore all remaining unscheduled exams should be scheduled for tb third period Catecorv B.G 2 Poculation Subieet to Enmination if Disassembled Total for Item B7.80 = 1 (inclusive of 6 bolts on each of 185 CRD houdng flanges.)

Examination population = 1 (includes 1480 bolting sets)

VII. CATEGORY B H A. 1980/W81 PROGRAM 100% of the non-exempt Cstegory B-H welds are required to be examined during the interval.

Inspection program 'fP examination completion requirements are applicable for this Category.

Catecorv B-H Nep-Exempt Ponulation By Code item Number Total for item B8.10 = 10 Examinations of the Skirt Knuckle to RTV Weld (CG), and the RPV Weld Buildup FR) are performed as three partial examinations in conjunction with other examinations with(m the sam azimuth vicinity. These examinations are therefore counted based on the extent that they were completed (ie. One third completion of an examination counts as .33 examinations completed).

Code Reouired Examinations 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 10 = 1.6 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 10 = 3.4 examinations Code Recuired Enminations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required - 50G of 10 = 5.0 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 10 = 6.7 examinations G

Ills.1 Reconciliation Report l Attachment 11 Page 10 of 30  :

(v 11xaminations Comoleted Under 1990/W81 Procram 1st Period Welds CO and FR were only credited for half of the scheduled one third examination. Therefore, a total of 2.33 examinations (233% of 10) were eredited as completed during the first period. This meets the percentage requirements for the first period, f;4agninntions Comoleted Under 1980/W81 Procram 2nd Puigd A total of 3 examinations (30% of 10) were completed during the third refueling outage which are credited to the secsod perni. The com!ined total of completed examinations for the first and second perimis is $33 examinations (533% of 10).This meets the percentage reouiremer.ts for the second period.

Since the percentage requirements for both the first and second periods have been ruct, full credit of

$33 exammations (533%) shall be applied to the 1986 Program.

II. 1286 PROGRAM The examination requirements and examination populations are identical to that of the 1980/W81 Program. Since the completion requirements of Inspection Program T were met under the 1980/W81 program, they are also met under the 1986 Program.

There are 4.67 examinations (46.7%) remaining to be completed during the first interval under the

- 1986 Program. Since only 16.67% of the examinations for welds CG and FR were credited as O <e - ric' <ier ia e i>> 'he<== t i 8 6 <'sia >-t tie >re<ise't<>< e== intra ert'es -eias shall be completed during the recond period, along with the second third of these examinations.

Therefore, the existing schedule for the remainin6 examinations under Category B li indicates 0.99 exam'. nations to be completed during the rest of the second period, for a total of 633 cornpleted examinations (6333% of 10). The remaining 3.67 examinations are scheduled to be completed during the third period.

Vill. CATEGORY 11.I A. 1980/W81 PROGRAM The extent of examination was determined from the 1980/W81 Program based on PECO's interpretation of Code Category DJ footnotes to Tabic IWB-25001 as follows:

1. All terminal enda in each pipe or branch run connected to vessels.
2. All terminal ends and oints ic each pipe or branch run connected to other components where the stress levels exccci bcth of the following limits under loads associated with specifi: events and operaticaal conditions:

a.. Primary plus secondary . tress miensity sange of 2.4 Sm for ferritic and austenitic stect; and.

b. Cumulative usage factor U of 0 4.

f- 3. Additional piping welds so that the total number of circumferential butt welds (or branch

! ( connections or socket welds) r.c!ccted for examination equals 25% of the circumferential butt j welds (or branch connections or socket welds) in the reactor coolant piping system.


LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment 11 Page 11 of 30

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Cateaory B J Non Exemotfoculation By Code item Numbu Total for item B9.11 = 520 Total for item B9.21 = 69 Total for item B931 = 28 Total for item B932 = 8 Total for item B9.40 = J5 Total population = 710 Percent required = x25%

Required to examine = 178 (Plus associated longitudinal welds)

There are a total of 290 longitudinal welds for item Number B9.12 that are associated with the circumferential welds (Items B9.11, and Category B I'). The longitudinal welds are not considered in the calculations for the examination populations, however they are selected and scheduled for examination coincident with the selected circumferential welds.

The total number of non-exempt circumferential trids chssified as Code mandatory (meeting items 1 & 2 above) is 52. This equates to 7.3% of the total non-exempt circumferential butt weld population of 710. Therefore the Code required examination population was established as 25% of the non-exempt circumferential weld population, (ie.178 components).

It should be noted that the 1980/W81 Program indicates that a total of 241 Category B J non exempt circumferential welds were scheduled to be cumined during the first interval. Suice the examination population was intended to be a 25% sample, the examination population of 241 is artificially high.

Three explanations collectively account for the disparity in the population of required examinations g3 (ie.178 required, versus 241 scheduled, which is 33.9% of 710)


1. Selections were made based on 25% of the weld population uithin each system and applicable Code item Number and all fractional percentages were rounded up. (Approximately 4 welds)
2. Welds required to be examined in accordance uith the NUREG4E00 Augmented Program (not required for ASME XI) were included in the total population of Code required cuminations (ie. 241). (Approximately 10 welds)
3. All (100%) of Category B-J wc!ds from the RPV ISI Program document, prepared by G.E.,

were scheduled for examination. These scheduled welds were not considered when the piping database welds were selected to fill out the 25% sample. (Approximately 49 welds)

Inspection program 'B*, as def;ned in ASME Section XI, specifies that a minimum of 16% of the enmination population be completed in the first period and the maximum percentage credited shall not exceed 34%. These percentages should apply to the 178 (25%) cumination population and not the 241 examination population found in the 1980/W81 Program.

Code Recuired Examinations - 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 178 = 29 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 178 = 60 examinations Code Recuired Examinations - 7nd Petipd Minimum examic stions required = 50% t- .~18 = 89 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = r 7% of 178 - 119 examinations O

LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment H Page 12 of 30 h.

Femminations Comnleted Under 1980/W81 Procram 1st Period A total of 97 (54.5% of 178) Category B J non-exempt circumferential weld. and associated

- longitudinal welds were examined during the first period, which exceeds the maximum allowed credit (ie,34%

' lor.gitud) by 37 mal weld exambiations.

examinations) Therefore uill be credited to the34% (60 circumferential weld examinations and associated first period.

Framinnfions Completed Under lo80/WM Procram 2nd Period Category B.J non exempt circumferential welds and associated A total ofwelds longitudinal 35 (19.66% were exam of 178)ined durmg the third refueling outage which are credited to the penod of the first inspection interval.

Total Catere rv B.J Cl eumferential Welds Credited to the 1980/W81 Procram -

1st periodi 60 examinations (34% of 178) 2nd period: 35 examinations (19.66% of 178)

. Total percentage credited against 1980/W81 Program = $3.66%

?', - 32166 PROGIULM As allowed by 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(ii), the optional use of the 1974/S75 Code has been elected to establish tt.e extent of examination for Category B.J non-exempt circumferential weld examination population at 25%

Catecory B J Non-Exempt P.cgulation Uv Code hem Number Total for item B9.11 - 520 Total for item B9.21 = 69

. Total for item B9.31 = 28

Total for item B9.32 = 8 Total for item B9.40 = 35 Grand total B J = 710 Percent required = f,5 5 Required to examine = 178 .

+7 .(Due to rounding up of fractional numbers)

Total to examine = 185 (Plus associated longitudinal welds)

  • Note: Weld selections are based on a 25% representative sample of each system and distributed among the line sizes.

There' are a total of 290 longitudinal welds for item Number B9.12 that are associated with the circumferential welds (Items B9.11, and Category B F). The longitudinal welds are not considered in the calculations for the examination populations, however they are selected and scheduled for examination coincident with the selected circumferential welds,

- 34% of the 185 weld examination population (ie. 62 examinations) can be credited as completed durm' g the first period under the 1980/W81 Program. Credit for 19.66% of the 185 wrld examination population (ie. 36 examinations) may be credited as completed during the second period under the

- 1980/W81 Program. Therefore 98 examinations diould be credited as completed to date.

This leaves a total of 87 welds (plus associated longitudinal welds) to 'oe examined in accordance with the 1986 Program,-

O-im.____-_-__ --

LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment il Page 13 of 30 Recommended Echeduline Adiustments For The RemalDin lumination Poculation 2nd period - 25 enminations 3rd period = 62 cuminations Total = 87 cuminations (1986 Program)

The above recommended scheduling will provide for a second period completion credit of 67% as allowed by ASME Sect:3n XI, Table IWB 24121 for inspection Program 'B".

IX. CATEGORY B K 1 A- 1980/WB1 PROGRAM in accordance with the 1980/W81 Program and PECO's Position Statement IPS# 884101,25% of the non-exempt Category B-K-1 integral attachment welds are to be examined during the first interval.

Inspection program *B* eumination completion percentages are applicable for this Category.

Catecorv B K-1 Non Exemot Population Uv Code item Number Total for item B10.10 =9 Total for item B10.20 =J Total population = 17

- Percent requi.ed - 25%

(]. Required to examine =5 Code Reauired Enminations 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 5 - 1 cuminations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 5 - 1 examinations Qde Reauired Enminations - ?nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 5 - 3 examinations Maximum cuminations alloived (credited) = 67% of 5 = 3 examinations Euminations Comoleted Under loM1/W81 Procram - 1st Period A total of 1 examination (20% of 5) was completed during the first period. This meets the percentage requirements for the first period under the 1980/W81 Program.

Enminations Comoteted Under lo80/W81 Procram - 2nd Period There were no examinations completed during the third refueling outage which would be credited to the second period.

Total completed examinations = 1 (20% of 5) b a

n. -

LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment B -

Page 14 of 30 B. 1986 PROGRAM The ewamination philosophy is the same for this Category under the 1986 Program, therefore 25% of the non-caempt Category B K 1 weld population are required to be examined during the intenal.

The required completion percentages of Inspection Program 'B' are applicable to this Category.

Catennry B.K 1 Non. Exempt Ponglatiori By Code item Number Total for item B10.10 = 9 Total for item B10.20 = .8 Total population = 17 Percent required _ =.215 Required to examine =5 The calculated 20% completion credit obtained under the 1980/W81 Program shall then be applied to the 1986 Program examination lopulation, resulting in credit for 1 completed examination (20% of 5).

Code Reauired Funminations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = $0% of 5 = 3 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credit:d) = 67% of 5 = 3 examinations There are 4 cxaminations remaining to be completed during the first interval under the 1986 Program. The current schedule shows 2 examinations scheduled for the second period and the

_ remaining 2 examinations scheduled fo. the third period. Therefore, no adjustments are necessary.

.O X. CATEGORY B L-2 A. 1980lW81 PROGRAM There were no components identified in the 1980/W81 Program for Code Category B L 2 (Item

- Number B12.20). This was based on item Number B12.20 reference to footnote 1 which states:

  • Examinations are km.tttd in welds in at least one pump in each group of pumps performing similar functions in the system, e.g., Recirculating Coolant Pumps.' The design of the LOS Unit 1 pumps does not utilize welds in the pump casing.

B. 1986 PROGRAM For the 1966 Progrun, footnote 1 of Table IWB 25001 was clarified, Therefore, two pumps are now identified as Code Category B-L 2, and the Code requires examination of the internal surfaces of at least one pump in each group of similar pumps during the inspection interval.

Cateeorv B-L-2 Non-Exempt Population By Code item Number -

Total for Item B12.20 = 2 (includes 2 Reactor Recirculation pumps - group 20)

- Required to examine = 1 (1 pump in each group of sLnilar pumps)

Note: These examis.ations will be conducted in accordance with Relief Request RR-02.

(ie, Whenever disassembled for maintenance)


1.GS 1 Reconciliation Report Attachment il Page 15 of 30 m


XI, CATEGORY B M 2 A. 1980/W81 PROGRAM For the 1980/W81 Program, PECO has requested relief (RR# 2.13.1) from the examination requirements of Code Category B M 2, item Number B12.50 (Visual examination of Class 1 valve inte nal surfaces) due to impracticality of the Code requirernents (The requirement to disassemble Clw 1 valves solely for the purpose of performing a visual examination of the internal surfaces it, Q actical). If,in the course of plant maintenance activities, the internal surfaces of a Category B-nl-2 valve, within any of the valv: groupings, becomes accessible, then a VT 3 examination will be performed on that valve to meet the ASME Section XI requirements for that grouping. Therefore, the cornpletion requirements of Table IWB 24121 do not apply.

Cgggpry B M 2 Non-Exempt Pooulation By Code item Number There are a total of 68 valves identified as Code Category B M 2 (Item Number B12.50). These represent 19 multi-component groups.

Enminations Comoleted Under 19SO/W81 Procram 1st and 2nd Periods 21 examinations have been completed under the 1980/W81 Program. This represents 4 of the 19 multi-component groups (Groups 1,2,4, and 8).


For the 1986 Program, there are a total of 66 valves identified as Code Category B-M 2 (Item Number B12 50). Two valves (51 1F019 and ilV 51 1R122), and subsequently multi component group 10, have been deleted due to modification 5658. Therefore, these 66 valves rep esent 18 multi-component groups. The Code reguires examination of the internal surfaces of at least one valve in each group during the inspection mterval.

The 4 multi-component groups completed under the 1980/W81 Program (groups 1,2,4, and 8) are credited as complete for the 1986 Program The multi-component groups remaining are: 3,5,6,7A,7B,7C,9,11,12,13,14,15,16, and 17.

Note: These examinations (1 valve from each group) will be conducted in accordance with Relief Request RR-03 (ie. Whenever disassembled for maintenance).

XII. CATEGORY B-N 1 A. 1980/W81 PROGROI In accordance with the 1980/W81 Edition of Section XI, all accessible Category B N 1 (Item B13.10) components are to be examined during the 1st refueling outage and subsequent refueling out ages at approximately 3 year intervals. Examination completion requirements of Table IWB 2412-1 do not apply since all required examinations are to be performed approximately once cach period.

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LGS 1 Recc acillation Report Attachment il ,

Page 16 of 30 O Catenry B-N 1 Non Exempt Population fly Code item Number There ase a total of 66 Category B N 1 components at LGS.I. 8 comp >nents listed under item B13.10 are required to be examined only when they are removed or disassembled for maintenance or modifications.

Total reqcited examination population = SS (Excludes 8 components done only when disassembled.)

Examinations Completed Under 1090AV81 Procram 1st Period Total required examinations completed = $8 (100%)

Eummations Comoleted Under 10SOAV81 Procram 2nd Period Total required cuminations completed = 57 (98.27 % )

11. 1986 PROGRet For the 1986 Program, the examination requirements and examination populations aie identical to that of the 1980/W81 Program. Therefore, since the 1980/W81 Program requirements were met, 100% of the completed examinations shall be credited towards the 1986 Program.

I re aired examination not com leted during the 3rd refueling outage for credit during the 2nd peri is scheduled to be compi ted during the remainder of the 2nd period. All required examinations are also scheduled for the 3rd period, therefore no scheduling adjustments are required.

XIll. CAIEGORY B.N 2 A. 1980AY81 PROGRet in accordance with the 1980/W81 Edition of Section XI, Code Category B N 2, item Numbers B13.20, B13.21 and B13.22, all accessible interior attachment welds and surf aces of the core support structure are required to be examined once during the inspection interval. Deferral of these examinations to the end of the intervalis permisdble, therefore the completion requirements specified in Table IWB 24121 do not apply.

Cateeorv B-N 2 Non-Exempt Ponulation Uv Code item Number Total for Item B13.20 = 20 Total for item B13.21 = 34 Total for item B13.22 = 20 Total population = 74 2 of the 34 Item B13.21 components and 18 of the 20 B13.22 components are accessible only when the components are disassembled for maintenance or modification activities. These areas will be examined if disassembled but are not factored into the total completion percentage.

Total accessible examination areas - 54


Reconcillation Report Attachment B Page 17 of 30 Enminations Complgitd Under 1080/W81 Procram - 1st Period Total enminations completed + 42 of 54 (77.78%)

Examinations Comoleted Ut,h. '990/W81 Procram 2nd Period Total examinations completed = 54 of 54 (100%)

Since the total acccu!Ne cumination population was examined during the 3rd refueling outage (2nd period) and 77.78% examined during the 1st period, which exceeds code requiretuents,100% credit shall be applied to the 1986 Program.

B. 1986 PROGRO*

The examination requirements for the 1986 Program are identical to those of the 1980/W81 Program, however the Code item Number classdications have changed for items B13.21 and B13.22 to B13.30 and B13.40 respectively.

Catecorv B.N-2 Non-Exemot Ponulation By Code Item Number Total for item B13.20 - 20 Total for item B13.30 = 38 Total for item B13.40 = 20 p Total population = 78 O 2 of the 38 Item B13.30 components and 18 of the 20 B13.40 components are accessible only wben the components are disassembled for maintenance or modification activities. These areas will be enmined if disassembled but are not factored into the total completion percentage.

Note: There are ar. additional 4 r,ccessible examination areas for item B13.30 in the 1986 Program. These 4 areas were listed as FSAR commitments in the 1980/W81 Program, and examined accordingly.

Total accessible examination areas = 58 The examination requirements of the 1986 Program have been satisfied since 100% of the accessible cumination population has been credited as completed during the 3rd refueling outage under the 1980/W81 Program (2nd period). As an

  • Owners Option *, PECO has scheduled these camination to be performed again durmg the 3rd period concurrently with the examinations required for Code Category B-N-1. Thir option far exceeds minimum Code requirements and no schedulie.g adjustments are required.

XIV. CATEGORY C.A A. 1930/W81 PROGRet For the 1980/W81 Program,100% of the equivalent of one RilR heat exchanger's welds are to be examined during the interval. Inspection program "S* cxamination cornpletion requirements are q applicable for this Category.


l l

LGS.1 l ,

Reconcillation Report Attachment B Page 18 of 30


V Category C A Non Exempt Population By Code Item Number Total for item C1.10 = 6 (includes two RHR heat exchanger vessels) l Tcf al for item C1.20 = .2 (includu two RilR heat exchanger vessels) j Total poriation -8 Requued to Examine = 4 cummations (rquivalent of 1 vessel) l Code Reauired Enminations 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 4 = 1 examinadons j Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 4 = 1 examinations .

Code Reauired Nminatiom 2nd Teriod Minimuni examinations required = 50% of 4 = 2 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 4 = 2 examinations Enminations Comoleted Under 10MAV81 Procram - 1st Period A total of 1 examination (25% of 4) was completed during the first period. This meets the percentage requirements for the first period under the 1980/W81 Program.

Enminations Completed Under loMAV81 Procram - 2nd Period l A total of 1 examination (25% of 4) was completed during the third iefuciing outage which is l O ereai<eaieia sece a Periea.

The combined total of 2 examinations (50% of 4) are credited as corapleted under th 1980.AV81 i Program.

l B. 1986 PROGRAM

! For the 1986 Program,100% of the equivalent of one RHR heat exchanger's valds te to be I examined during the interval. Inspectmn program *B* eumination completio s requirements are applicable for this Category.

The Code examination requirements and the required cumination population is the same in the 1986 l Program as that of the 1980/W81 Program, therefore since the requirements sere met under the 1980/W81 Program, they are met under the 1986 Progrsm. The existing schedule shows the 2 l remaining examinations to be completed during the third period. No scheduling adju*.tmente are necessary.

l l


A. 1980AV81 PROGRAM l

l For the 1980/W81 Program,100% of the eguivalent of one RHR heat exchanger's nozzle welds are to be examined during the interva!. Inspect an program *L' examination completion requirements i

(q) ' are applicable for this Category.

1 i

LGS 1 Reconcillation Report 1 Attachment H Page 19 of 30


U i Catecorv C-B Non Exempt Population Bv Code Item Number T4a! far Item C2.21 - 4 (Includes two RHR heat exchanger vessels)

Totalits item C2.22 = .4 (locludes two RiiR heat exchanger vessels)

Tota! population =8 R . quired to Examine = 4 examinations (Equivalent of 1 vessel)

Code Required Euminstions - 1st Period Mimmum examinations required - 16% of 4 - 1 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 4 = 1 examinations Code Required Euminations - 2nd Period Minhum examinations required = 50% of 4 = 2 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 4 - 2 examinations Due to the physical proximity and relationship of Examination Category C B 1:em Numbers C2.21 (Node to shell welds) and C2.22 (Node inside radius section), it is PECO's position that these examinations should be scheduled and conducted concunently. Since the examination population of both itern Numbers combined is small (4 examinations), compliance with the Code specifkd completion percentages is impractical, therefore the guidelines of Table IWB-25(XL1 for Category B.D, items B3.150 and B3.160 and footnote 2 are used. At least 25% but not more than 50%

(credited) of the nodes shd1 be examined by the end of the first period, and the remainder by the end of the inspection icierval.

O V Engsganons Comeleted Under loSO/W81 Program - 1st Period A total of 2 examinations (50% of 4) were completed during the first period.

Examinations Comeleted Under 1090/W81 Procram - 2nd Period No examinations were completed or scheduled to be co upleted during the secor..I period.

The combined total of 2 examinations (50% of 4) are credited as completed unde; the 1980/W81 Program.

B. 1986 PROGRAM For the 1986 Program,100% of the equivalent of one RHR heat exchanger's node welds are to be examined during the interval. Inspection program 'B' examination completion requirements are applicable for this Category.

The Code examination requirements and the required examination population is the same in the 1986 Program as that of the 1980/W81 Program. Therefore, since the examination requirements were met under the 1980/W81 Program, they are met for the 1986 Program. The existing schedule shows the remaining 2 examinations to be completed during the third period. No scheduling adjustments are necessary.

._ . . __, .-~ .

LCS1 )

Reconcillation Report j Attachment H i Page 20 cf 30 7


l A. 1980M'B1 PROGRAM in accordance with the 1980/WC1 Program and PECO's Por.ition Statement IPS# 88-01,25% of the total non-exempt Code Category C-C llem Numbers C3.20 and C' 30 integral attarhment welds are to be examined during the first mspection interval. For Code Item Number C3.10,100% of the equivalent of one RHR heat exchangers integral attachmeet welds are to be exonined during the interval.. Inspection program 'B' cumination completion requirements are applicable for this Category. ,

Catecory C-C Non-FatmPd.gnulation By Code item tinmbCC Total for item C3.10 - 16 (includes 2 RiiR heat exchanger vessels)

Required to examine = 8 (Equivalent of 1 vessel)

Total for item C3.20 = 87 Total for item C3.30 = ._4 Total population = 91 Percent required = 211 Required to examine = 23

+4 (Due to proration by system & rounding up)

Examination population = 27 Total Category C-C enmination population = (8 + 27) = 35 examinations


Code Recuired Euminations - 1st Period Minimum examiaations required = 15% of 35 = 6 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 35 = 11 examinations Code Recuired Ex-minations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 35 = 18 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 35 = 23 examinations Enminations Completed Under loS0M'81 Procram - 1st Period A total of 9 examinations (25.7% of 35) were completed during the first period. This meets the percentage requirements for the first period under the 1980/W81 Program.

Examinations Comoleted Under 1080/WR1 Procram - 2nd Period A total of 4 examinations (11.4% of 35) were completed during the third refueling outage which are credited to the second penod.

The combined total of 13 examinatiens (37.14% of 35) are credited as completed under the 1980/W81 Program.

LGS.1 Reconcillation Report Attachment il Pagt 21 of 30 O

V li. 1986 PROGRAM For the 1G86 Program,25% of the total non-exempt population ol' Category items 0.20 and 030 integral attachment welds are to be examined during the interval. For item O.10,100% of the eqmvalent of one RHR vessel's integral attachment welds are to be examined during the interval.

Inspection program 'B' examination completion requirements are applicable for this C tegory.

Catecorv C-C Non. Exempt Pooulation liv Code item Numbu Total for item O.10 = 16 (lacludes two RilR beat exchanger vessels)

Required to examine = 8 (Equivalent of 1 vessel)

Total for Item O.20 - 78 (Less than 1980/W81 due to change in code requirements)

Total for item 030 = .4 Total population = 82 Percent required = 2Ls Required to examine = 21 Total required examination population = (8+ 21) = 29 examinations The 1980/W81 Prograro completion credit of 37.14% when applied to the 1986 Program required examination population, results in credit for 10 examinations, leaving a total of 19 examinations rernaining to be completed in accordance with the 1986 Program.

Code Required Examinations - 2nd Period h' Minimum examinations required = 50% of 29 = 15 examinations Maximum examinaticas allowed (credited) = 67% of 29 = 19 examinations The current schedule shows 5 examinations scheduled for corup!ction during the second period which is within the requirements of inspection program *1P. In order to attain the maximum Code allowed completion credit for the second period (67%), the examination schedule shotJd be aajusted to schedule 9 examinations for the second period. The balance of 10 examinations should be scheduled for the third period.

XVII. CATFJGORY C F A. 1980/WB1 PROGRAM As allowed by 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(iv), the optional use of the 1974/S75 Code was elected to establish the extent of examination for Category C-F non.cxempt circumferential welds, as summarir.ed below.

The examinations shall be divided among the number of components in each of the multiple streams of a system which perform the same (or redundant) functions, such that the total examinations completed over the sptems senice lifetime will be equivalent to having performed 100% of the required examinations in one of the multiple streams of the system. Systems or portions of systems with a single stream shall be examined such that 100% of the required examinations of the components will be completed over the systems service lifetime. Where the multiple streams have an unequal number of areas subject to examination, the average will be used.

l v

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. Reconcillation Report Attachment B Page 22 of 30


- rateenry C-F Non Fremrt Population By Code item Number Total for item C5.11 = 1187.

Total for item C5.12 = 24 (Longitudinal welds)

Total for Item C5.21 = 440 Total for item C5.22 = 94 (Longitudinal welds)

Total for item C531 = 15 Total non-exempt sircumferential weld population = 1642 he Limerick Unit 1, Class 2 Weld Selection Document and the ISIC database indicate that the non.

exempt circumferentLQ weld population requiring examination for the first inspection intervalis 241 welds (plus applicable longitudinal welds). Inspection program *B* examination completion requirements are applicable to this Category.

Code Reauired Examinatjens 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 241 = 39 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 241 = 8) ernminations Code Required FramLationt ?nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 241 - 121 examinations Maximum examinations ullowed (credited) = 67% of 241 = 161 examinations Examinations Comoleted Under 1080AV81 Program - 1st Period hF 78 of 241 =_3236% (Credited)

Examinations Completed Under 1930/W81 Procram - 2nd Period 38 of 241 = 15.77% (Credited)

Total examinations completed and credited to the 1980/W81 Program = 116 (48.13% of 241) plus applicable longitudinal welds.

B. 1986 PROGILQi Class 2 pressure retaining piping welds class!fied as Code Category C-F in the 1980/W81 Code have been subdivkled in the 1986 Code into two Categories, C-F 1 for pressure retaining welds in austenitic stainless steel or high alloy piping, ar1 C-F 2 for pressure retaining welds in carbon or low allcy sietl p population ;iping. The extent of exammation is based on 1986 Code rules, where the e pmtated mong the systems and line sizes. Since piping > NPS 4 and < 3/8 inch nominal wall is .

considered non-exempt piping, and no Category item Number applies to this piping, these -

circumierential welds were identified as Item Number *N/A*, and counted in the total non exempt populations to which the 7.5 percent sample was applied.

Category C-F-1 Non-Exemot Population Bv Code item Number Tntal for Item C5.11 = 11 Total for !!cm *N/A' = 5 (Thin wall piping - < 3/8 v all)

O Total C-F 1 non-exempt circumferential weld parW = 16 l


m. -a -*ay +- p +-en irm gv-i- r-m7--~-'m o y 4"y'>-w - j.- g w-w ti

LGS-1 Reconcillation Report Attachment B Page 23 of 30 V

Catecorv C.F-2 Non Exempt Population Bv Code item Number Total for item C5.51 " 1309 Total for item C5.52 = 124 (longitudinal)

Total for item C5.81 = 17 Total for item *N/A' = 262 (Thin wall piping - < 3/8 wall)

Total C F 2 non-exempt circumferential weld population = 1588 Since the 1980/W81 Program addressed only one Code Category, the percentage of completed examinations credited to the 1986 Program will be applied to the combined total of Categories C F 1 and C-F-2 circumferential weld populations requiring examination.

loS6 Procram Enmination Population Total Category C F 1 requiring examination = 11 Total Category C-F 2 requiring exan ination = 1;2 Combined total requiring examination = 134 Note: The C-F 1 circumferential weld population requiring examination is 100% of item Number C5.11 since the Code requires 7.5% of the non exempt population but not less than 28, and the thin wall piping is not required to be examined.

The C-F-2 circumferential weld population requiring examination is equal to 7.5% of 1588 plus an additional 4 welds due to proration by system, and selection of at least 1 terminal end if available within a given system, even if the required sample percentage for terminal ends is essentially zero.

Completed Examination Credited To The lo86 Procram (Combined Catecorin) 1st Period: 3" .>f 134 = 43 (Examinations credited) 2nd Period: J 23 of 1M = 21(Examinations credited)

Grand total: -.6.13% of 134 = 64 (Examinations credited)

Distribution Of Credited Euminations To Applicable loM Examination Catecories 1st Period: C-F 1 = 2 Examinations credited C-F-2 = 4.1 Examinations credited

.43 Total examinations credited 1st Period 2nd Period: C-F 1 = 0 Examinations credited C-F 2 = 21 Examinations credited 21 Total examinations credited 2nd Period Based on the above distribution of the 1980/W81 Program credited examinations, the following breakdown is prmided to show the .:xaminations v. mpleted and remaining for each Code Category.

Catecorv C-F-1 Code Recuired Examinations - 1st Period Minimum eraninations required = 16% of 11 = 2 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 11 = 3 exam'mations

-O v Actual Examinations Credited = 2 (18.2% of 11)

LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment B Page 24 of 30 V

Code Recuired Euminations 2nd Pened Minimum examinations required = 50% of 11 = 6 cuminations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 11 - 7 cuminations There were no welds equivalent to C.F 1 examined durin6 the second period under the 1980/W81 ProCram. Total percent credited to date is 18.2%. Remaming to complete is 81.8%. To attain the maximum allowed completion credit for the second period (67%),5 of the remaining 9 examinations should be scheduled for the second period and 4 cuminations scheduled for the third period. Note, a minimum of 4 enminations must te scheduled for the 2nd period to achieve the mimmum 50%


Catecorv C-F-2 Code Required Enmirations 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 123 - 19 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 123 - 41 cuminations Actual examinations credited = 41 (33.3% of 123)

Code Reauired Euminations 2nd Period Minimum enminations required = 50% of 123 - 61 cuminations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 123 = 82 examinations (9

Actual cuminations credited = 21 (17.1% of 123)

Total examinations credited = (41+21)= 62 (50.4% of 123)

To attain the maximum allowed completion credit of 82 examinations for the secend period (67% of 123),20 of the remaining 61 examinations should be scheduled for the second period and 41 examinations scheduled for the third period.

XVIII. CATEGORY C.G A. 1980/WB1 PROGRAM For the 1980/W81 Program,100% of the Category C-G welds, subject to multiple component group selection, are required to be examined during the mterval. Relief from cumination of the emixdded pump easing welds for the RHR and Core Spray pumps was granted due to inaccessibility. These welds however will be examined if the pumps are disassembled. Inspection program *B' examination completion requirements are applicable for this Category.

Catecorv C.G Non-Etemot Porulation By Code item Number Total for Item C6.10 = 59 Total having relief =-32 Total remainmg = 27 O

LGS.1 Reconelllation Report Attachment B Page 25 of 30 q)

The 27 remaining welds are then pouped as follon:

CS = 3 welds on each of 4 pumps = 12 total RCIC = ? welds on 1 pump = 3 total RilR = 3 welds on each of 4 pumps = 12 total The Code requires 100% examination of the equivalent of 1 pump in each poup of pumps of similar design, size, function, and service in a system. Therefore 3 welds on the equivalent of 1 pump for each of the Core Spray & RIIR Sptems plus all three welds on the RCIC pump for a pand total of 9 examinations are required to be completed during the interval.

Code Recuired Enminations .1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 9 = 2 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 9 = 3 examinations Code Reauired Examinations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 9 - 5 examinations Maximum examinations s'aowed (credited) - 67% of 9 = 6 examinations Enminations Comoleted Under 1980/W81 Procram - 1st Period A total of 2 examinations (22.2% of 9) were completed during the first period. This meets the pd requirements of Inspection f'opam 'B' for the first period.

E&amintions Comoleted Under 1990/W81 Procram - 2nd1C.tiQd A total of 2 examinations (22.2% of 9) were completed during the third refueling outage which are credited to the second period.

The combined total of 4 cxaminations (44.4% of 9) are credited as completed under the 1980/W81 Program.

B. 1936 PROGRAM For the 1986 Program, the examination requirements are the same as for the 1980/W81 Program.

One weld on the RCIC pump (RRC-P-SWS2 ) has been determined to be exempt and therefore deleted frcin the 1986 Program.

Totalexaminations required = 8 Code Reauired Euminations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 8 = 4 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 8 = 5 examinations A total of 4 examinations (50% of 8) have been completed to date which meets the requirements for period 2 under the 1986 Program.


l LGS 1 Reconcillation Report Attachment 11 Page 26 of 30 V)


'Ilere are 4 examinations remaining to be completed in the first interval under the 1986 Program. 3 of these examinations are already scheduled for the third period and 1 is not currently scheduled.

Since the requirements for period 2 have been met, the remaining unscheduled exammation should be scheduled for the third period to complete the interval requirements.

XIX. CATEGORY D A.B.C A. 1980/W81 PROGRet For the 1980/W81 Propam, the population of integral attachments subject to examination was based -

on the total number of non-exempt component supports selected for examination under Code Category F A, which had intepal attachments. Inspection program *B* examination completion reqmrements are applicable for this Category.

Catecorv D-A_B.C Examination Poculation Total exsmination population = 73 Code Reauired Examinatiora - 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 73 = 12 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = M% of 73 = 24 examinations p)

( Code Reauired Examinations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 73 = 37 examir*ations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 73 = 48 examinations Examinations Comoleted Under lo40/W81 Procram - 1st Period A total of 27 examinations (36.98% of 73) were completed during the first period. Tids exceeds the maximum allowed credited examinations t y 3, therefore only the maximum of 24 examinations (34%)

will be credited as completed under the 1980/W81 Pngram. .

Examhations Comoteted Under 1080/W81 Procram - 2nd Period A total of 11 enminations (15.06% of 73) were completed during the third refueling outage which are credited to the second period.

The combined total of 35 (24 + 11) examinations (47.94% of 73) are credited as completed under the 1980/W81 Prcgam.

t B. 1986 PROGRAM For the 1986 Program, the examination population is also based on the total number of non-exempt component copports selected for examinanon under Code Categor P ?_, which have intepal attachments, inspection propam *B* examination completion requirements are applicable for this Category.

A C) Totalrequired examinations = 9

LGS 1 Reconciliation Report Attachment B Page 27 of 30 V

Code Reanired Fr-inntions - 2nd Period Minimum enminations required = 50% of 9 = 5 examinations Maximuct cuminations allowed (credited) = 67% of 9 = 6 cuminations A total completion aedit of 47.94% is applied to tim 1986 Program examination population.

Total credited cuminations = 4 Total cuminations rema' ming = 5 Of the 5 remaining enminations, a minimum of 1 (maximum of 2) must be scheduled for cornpletion during the second period, and the balance scheduled during the third period.

XX. CATEGORY F A A. 1980/ mil PROGRAM In accordance with the 1980/W81 Program, all component supports (ie. Class 1,2, and 3) were combined into one Category; Code Category F A,B,C, item Number FU.00. The total non exempt component support population and the total examination population was determined from the ISIC database. The selection of supports requiring enmination was made in accordance with the e 1980/W81 ASME Section XI. Sub-Article IWF-2510. Note: Since the 1986 Program requires 100%

i of the equipment supports to be examined during the interval (except in the case of multiple components), the reconciliation of the equipment supports is calculated separately.

1. Piping Supports:

Total non-exempt piping support population = 2442 Total piping support examina: ion population = '.347 Ccde Reouired Euminations - 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 1347 = 216 enminations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% of 1347 = 457 examinations Enminations Comoleted Under The loSO/W81 Procram - 1st Period A total of 458 examinations were completed in the first period which is 1 examination greater than the maximum allowed. Therefore, the maximum of 34% (457 examinations) can be credited for the first period of the 1980/W81 Program.

Code Reauired Examinations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 1347 - 674 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 1347 = 902 enminations Enminations Comoteted Under The 1080/W81 Procrani - 2nd Perigd A total of 337 examinations were completed during the third refueling outage which can all be q

wi credited to the second period as completed under the 1980/W81 Program,


, Reconcillatic.* Rrport Attachtntnt 11 Page 28 of 30 m)

Pn=la cin= Credited To loSO/W81 Procram ist period: 457 of 1347 = 33.93%

2nd period: 337 of 1347 - 25.02%

Total 1980/W81 Program: 7M of 1347 = $8.95% Completion credit

2. Equipment Supports:

Total non-exempt equipment support population - 55 Total equipment support c_umination population = 31 Code Reauired Enminstiotts 1st Period Minimum examinations required = 16% of 31 - 5 examinaticas Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 34% c4 31 = 10 examinations A total of 12 examinations were completed in the first period which is 2 examinations greater than the maximum alloud. Therefore, the maximum of 34% (10 examinations) can be credited for the first period of the 1980/W81 Program.

Code Reauired Examinations - 2nd Period Minimum examinations required = 50% of 31 = 16 examinations Maximum examinations allowed (credited) = 67% of 31 = 20 examinations

('- A total of 3 examinations were completed during the third refueling outage which can tr credited to the second period as completed under the 1980/W81 Program.

Fnminations Credited to 1990/W81 Procram 151 Period: 10 of 31 = 34%

2nd Period: 3 of 31 = 9.7%

TotalIWO/W81 Program: 13 of 31 = 41.94% Completion credit -

B. 125 PROGR.01 la accordance with the 1986 Program, all component supports haw: been classified as Code Category F A; Item Numbers F1.10, F1.20, and F1.30 for Class 1,2, and 3 piping supports, and Fl.40 for equipment supports. Determination of examination population is based on a sampling of the total population of each applicable Code item Number as follows:

F1.10 = 25% of the total population of Class 1 piping supports.

F1.20 = 15% of the total population of Class 2 p3pmg supports.

F1.30 = 10% of the total population of Class 3 pipmg supp:rts.

F1.40 = 100% of the total population of equipment supports.

Catecory F-A Non-Eremot Pootilation By Code item Number Total for item F1.10 = 440 Total for Item F1.20 = 8tX)


Total for item F1.30 = 1036 Total for item F1.40 = 55

LGS.1 Reconcillation Report Attachment il Page 29 of 30 Catenorv F-A Non Fremot Pumination Poor!ation By Code item Number Total for item F1.10 = 114 25% of 440)

Total for item F1.20 = 122 15% of 800)

Total for Item F1.30 = 110 of 1036)

Total for liem F1.40 = 31 (100% of 31)

Note: The actual enmination populations for piping supports are slightly , higher than the required percentages since a minimum of one support of each type m each system was seleded where calcu.ated percentages were greater than reto but less than one.

The examination population for Item F1.40 (coulpment supports) includes the supports of only one component where there are multiple components within a system of simuar design, funcion and service.

1. Piping Supports The 1980/W81 ProBram credited examinatke comnletion percentage for piping sunports has been applied to each of the following 3 Item Numbers to determine tbc actual (58.95%)

number o f examinations that may be credited as completed under the 1986 Program.

Item Number F1.10 Comoleted Fnmination Reconciliation Examination population... .............. . . . 114 1980/W81 eredited .:xaminations (58.95% of 114) ... 52

p. Examinations remaining (1986 Program).. . 47 Maximum a!! owed credit 2nd period (67% of 114) = 76 To attain the maximum allowed completion percentage of 67% for the second period,9 of the remaining 47 ruminations should be scheduled for the second period, and the other 38 enminations scheduled for the third period.

Item Number F13 Completed Fnmination Reconciliation Examination population . .. . .... .. . .122 .

1980/W81 credited examinations (58.95% of 122) . 21 Fnminations remaining (1986 Program) . . . 51 Maximum a!! owed credit 2nd period (67% of 122) = 81 To attain the maximum allowed completion percentage of 67% for the second period,10 of the i remaining 51 enminations should be scheduled for the second period, and the other 41 examinations scheduled for the third period.

Item Number F1.30 Comoleted Eumination Reconciliation Fnmination population . ... 110 1980/W81 credited examinations (58.95% of 110).. . n4 Examinations remaining (1986 Program). .. ... 46 Maximum allowed credit 2nd period (67% of 110) = 73

,.- To attain the maximum allowed completion percentage of 67% for the second period,9 of the remalain 46 examinations should be scheduled for the second period, and the other 37

()'i examina ons scheduled for the third period.


LUSl Rwoncillation Report Attachment H q Page 30 of 30 1, Equipment Suppats Tbt 1960/W Pro 6 ram cic4ited cuminadon completion pcreentage for et;uipment supports (41.94%) h., W applied to Iton Number F1.40 cumination populatian to determine the actual numte s ' caminations that may te csedited as completed under the 1986 Program.

Item Number F1.40('ompleted rumination Reconcihtlon Examination population... - - -. __ __ 31 1980/W81 credited examinations (41.94% of 31).... 13 Examinations remaining (1986 Program)-- 18 Me.timum allowed credit 2nd perkd (67% of 31) = 20 To attain the maximum allowed completion percentage of 67% for the $ccond period,7 of the remaining 18 cuminations should te uheduled for the second period, and the other 11 examinations wheduled for the third perkd.

XXI. AUG-01. GENERIC LETTER 88-01 EXAMINATION PROG}Lui While thL augmented cum! nation program is act directly affected by the Edition of ASME Section XI uwd for the ISI Program, it does require cumination of various cate ories of welds, some on a sampt buis. At LDS.1, Category 'A' is the enly applicable Category of wel requiring such sampling (ie. , ,

of the total population in 10 years, and at least 16% in 6 years).


V The cuminations r:quis ed by this pigram are conducted to detect the presence of indications caused by IGSCC). Euminations have teen conducted at LOS.1 to detcet intergranular IGSCC during each stress of the first conosion three re cracling (fuelmg outages. While the cuminations conducted during

, first outape were in accordance with NUREO 0313, Rev.1 (Prior to Generic letter 88-01), the eurnination personnel and techniques used are acceptable to the Generic Letter and Rev.2 of the NUREG. Therefore, all IGSCC cuminations conducted to date considered te utisfy the requirements of Generic letter 884)1 and can be cref. teel toward the completion of the AUG 01 Program.

Catecorv 'A' Generic Leitgr M-01 WelU'opulation Totalpopulation = 163 Examinations required = 23% of 163 = 41 Enming[iggLCogtgleted To Datt First outage -9 Second outge = 20 Third outage = 13 Total cumbations completed to date = 42 ruminstion requirersots by Generic Letter 8& 01 are considered complete, it should te noted however, that ongoing uammations of applicable welds, required tr the ASME Section. XI 151 Program will te ,:onducted with the personnel and techniques required by the Generic !etter. Therefore,

,r- cumination of applicable piping for IGSCC will continue inherently for the teat of the ten year interval.


I 1

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