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Forwards Sargent & Lundy Response to Observation Rept 8, Rev 1,re Separation of non-Class 1E Components from Class 1E Dc Power Source
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/1984
From: Victor H
To: Parkinson G
F-0994, F-994, NUDOCS 8411200047
Download: ML20099C742 (6)


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( , C'i cumics Pcaen sTAricN. P.o. scx s7s. cusicN. WNcl$ 61N71 November _:14s.1984:

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Mr. Gordon L._ Parkinson.-

.Bechtel-Power Corporation. ~

. Fifty Beale Street. .

. San Francisco, CA 94119

Dear Mr. Parkinson:

' Enclosed is S&N s response to Observation Report Number-8, Rev. 1.

This' response has been reviewed-by; Illinois' Power.

. Sincerely yours' ,



'N. R. Victor h S'f Manager, -

Nuclear Station. Engineering-DW/1m -

cc: See Attached Distribution List ,

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'- -Date s !!ovenhor 5,1984 Project No'.- 4536-51,;-53:

m zIllinois-Power' Company rClinton PoweraStation.

Unit 1 .

FIndependent. Design Review. '

observation"and Resolution Reports.

'Mr. J. D. Geier -

Assistant to Vice President Illinois Powar Company

.500 South 27th Street

  • Decatur,'2111nois 62525 .-

.y 4

Dear Mr. Geier:

Enclosed is a copy of- the below listed Resolution Re4 orts with tho -

proposed resolution (Items 5 and 6). Sargent & Lundy: -

Resolution Report Number 8, Revision 1


We for are also enclosing a copy of the corresponding Observation. Reports completeness.

Please review our proposed resolution and, if you concur, sign Item 7 of the Resolution Report and forward the report to the independent reviewer.

to Sargent tAlso, ' undy please for our return records. a copy of the signed Resolution Report Yours very truly,

'T O d.n' p.A R. C. Heider RCHand Project Manager Attachment - all recipients D. P. Hall E. L. Branch H. R. Victor B. A. Erler F. A. 'Spangenberg (originals) W. G. Schwartz L. E. Ackmann/W. A. Chittenden L. R. Stensland W. G. liegener H. S. Taylor E. V. Abraham R. A. Witt R. X.JFrench R. B. Johnson

  • J. M. McLaughlin M. J. Shewski

.H. M. Sroka D. K. Schopfer 9

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+ - - File No. . OS File Revision No.- 0  !

Date 5eot. 25. m 4 1

.1. Level I classification of Observadon:-

Not significant to safety

" Recommendation for resolution" T Additional information required *See 5, Committee

_Significant to safety, send to Level 2 ,

- 2.~ Structure (s). systes(s), or compor.ent(s) involved:.

125 y de distribution' system, safety related control center undervoltage


relay and ground detection circuits

3. Description of Observation: .

- Circuits to' the tuo non-safety related (flSR). components' (undervoltage relay -


'($R) ground detector recording voltmeter)'of the.125 y de safety rela


device (fuse) ectuated by fault current. There is a discrepancy with FSAR .

Section unich specifies that circuit breakers actuated by fault current are used as isolation davices only when two devices series on the same circuit. , j

.b 4 Significance of Observation:

The 125 y de pc+rer systen is a Support systen for. the Class 1E ac power systms. Since the ceaeponents tre NSR, internal fault in the components

  • during 03E could degrade the 53 tus. , ,
5. Rectmendation for resolution (optional):-

$41, should provids an explanation of why the discrepancy occurred, and an assessment of its safety significance. St.t. should justify the adequacy of '

the circuit design to meet the design ccanitment.

.. si,-tures MLL. A mv.,  %&A teve n 4evi. u - t.e ggg R J u lb. G L "/J" 4.M at

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CLINT0kPOWERSTATION f ~ Job 15478-003 +

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File'No.- '

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File-Revision No.' 1 ~

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~ Date November 5.1984 Internal Review Committee 1; Resolution by Leve1~ li

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2. iClassification of Observation:: '

"a. Not valid,(see continuation sheet)

b. Not significant to safety ss >

. c...

T Additional information required '

d. Significanttosafety; s f
  • :3. ' Program resolution is:-
s. - Closed iten' '

.b. T Action to be taken by Reviewee r/G


4. Review Comittee signatures: d' . .A1 -

M b.  % k N 'c k b

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Mu es LW.

5. Reviewee proposed resolution:
a. Description of proposed resolution:

(See Continuation Sheet)

b. Basis of proposed resolution:

' (See Continuation Sheet)

6. Revieweeresponsereportsignedpy Date t.ngineer ; --

WY Manager .

_ Date '/



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7. Illinois Power Co. a view: .




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- Sa. Descrtiption of Proposed Resolution: '


Sargent's Lundy has reviewed the application;and has determined-that a." discrepancy" does not exist. The separation of the non-Class lE components-from the Class lE-DC nower= source isa' achieved by -the application of one fuse each in the positive >

anu negative legs of tne ungrounded :DC' circult:as shown on. , -

. Saroent & Lundy Drawing I:03-lDC00, Sheet ' 6.

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Clinton Power Station -, 9 IndependentDesigqRhview-

Standard Distribution List Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Richard'J. Goddard. Esq.

Actes? E E~ h 7Chsef*""'" m N J Office of the Legal Director (Licinking Brf.nch' No'." 2 ""*N"""h U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Division of Licensing ,

Washington, D.C. 20555

. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Don Etchison Director,' Illinois Dep'artment of James G._Keppler Nuclear Safety-

-Regional Administrator 1035 Cuter Park Drive Region III .

Springfield, Illinois 62704 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission . ,

Allen Samelson ,Esq.

799 Roosevelt' Road Glen Ellyn Illinois 60137 Assistant Attorney General

' Environmental Control Division

' Byron S'.esel Southern Region -

Clinton Licensing' Project Manager. '500 South Second Street Mail' Code 416 .

Springfield, Illinois 62706 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Jean Foy .

Spokesperson, Prairie Alliance Fred Christianson 511 W.' Nevada

  • Mail Code V-690 Urbana. Illinois 61801 NRC Resident Office Clinton Power Station Richard Hubbard R.R. #3, Box 228 MHB Technical Associates Clinton, Illinois 61727
  • 1723 Hamilton Avenue <

Suite K James L. Milhoan ,

San Jose, California 95125 Section Chief. Licensing Section Quality Assurance Branch Gordon L. Parkinson Office of Inspection and Enforcement Bechtel Power Corporation Mail Stop EWS - 305A Fifty Beal Street U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 3965

  • Washington, D.C. 20555 San Francisco, California 94119 Richard C. Knop Roger Heider Section Chief Sargent & Lundy Engineers Projects Section 1-C 55 East Monroe Street U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chicago, Illinois 60603 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 I

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