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Forwards Radionuclide Annual Emissions Rept for 1995, Including Output from Computer Code Comply Version 1.5d
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 02/19/1996
From: Perez P
North Carolina State University, RALEIGH, NC
NUDOCS 9603120397
Download: ML20100R366 (6)


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[ North Carolina State University-Nuclear Reactor Program Department of Nuclear Engineering Box 7909 ,

Raleigh, NC 27695 7909 l (919) 515-2321 19 February 1996 4 FAX (919) 5154115 Radiation Program Manager l United States Environmental Protection Agency l Region IV  !

345 Courtland Street, N.E.

l Atlanta, GA 30365 l


Radionuclide Annual Emissions Report for North Carolina State University 3 PULSTAR Research Reactor J I


40 CFR 61.104

Dear Sir / Madam,

l Attached is the North Carolina State University PULSTAR reactor facility's "Radionuclide

! Annual Emissions Report" for 1995. The reporting requirements from 40 CFR 61.104 (a)(1) are itemized on this attachment. Also included is the output from the computer code COMPLY version 1.5d. If you have any questions or comments please contact me at (919) l 515-4602 or Gerald Wicks, CHP at (919) 515-4601.

l "I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted herein and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately l responsible for obtaining the infonnation, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are signifcant penalties for submitting false  ;

information including the possibility ofpne and imprisonment. See,18 U.S.C.1001."

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i CA 4. CT 12C004 Pedro B. Perez Associate Director, 9603120397 960219 Nuclear Reactor Program l PDR ADOCK 05000297 R PDR cc: G. Wicks, CHP, NCSU

, C. Mayo, Ph.D., NCSU RSAC Chairman i M. Harrison, Ph.D., NCSU Radiation Protection Office j

! C. Bassett, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV I

North Carolina State University is a land-grant university and a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina.


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. l ATTACHMENT 40 CFR 61.104 Reposting Requirments I i

.40 CFR 61104 (a)(1) RESPONSE i item (i) North Carolina State University PULSTAR Nuclear Reactor item (ii) Operation of faculty: Chancellor Larry Monteith Administered by: Pedro B. Perez, Associate Director - Nuclear Reactor Program l Preparation of report: Gerald Wicks, CHP, Reactor Health Physicist 1 items (iii) & (iv) North Carolina State University Nuclear Reactor Program Box 7909 )

Burlington Engineering 1.aboratory l Raleigh, NC 27695 - 7909 Item (v) Special nuclear material, fission products, and activation products (Reactor fuel and byproducts)

Items (vi) & (vii) Nuclear fuel is used as allowed by our facility license R-120 issued by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and in accordance with the faculty Technical Specifications and Final Safety Analysis Report. The reactor fuel is contained in fuel rods and surrounded by a pool of high quality water. Nuclear fission produces radioactive materials. Activation products are produced by neutron activation of j reactor components and impurities in the pool of water. Monitoring methods are <

used to detect leakage of fission products from the fuel rods and activation products. Normally only activation products are present in the pool water.

Radioactive materials in the pool water are processed by a futer/lon exchange demineralizer to maintain water quality. If pool water was to leak from the pool, it would be collected by the liquid waste collection system. The pool is open to the interior of a Confinement Buuding designed to confine the release of materials. The Confinement Building is maintained at a negative pressure with respect to the outside environment to ensure that contaminated air would not leak out of this buuding. Airbome activity leaving the open pool (by evaporation or diffusion) is  !

monitored for radioactivity. If the airbome level exceeds a designated value, air is I passed through a High Efficiency Particulate Absorber filter and charcoal futer before being exhausted to the outside environment through an elevated (100 feet)  !

stack. This stack is the only release point of airbome effluents.

Item (viii) Effluent controls used on the stack are:

  • Particulate radiation monitor sensitive to 2 E-7 pCl/mi of "Ar,6 E-7 pCl/ml of "Kr. and 4 E 6 pCl/mi of "'Xe
  • Gaseous radiation monitor sensitive to 3 E-10 pCl/mi of "Co, 8 E-11 pCl/mi of "Sr/"Y, and 2 E-10 pCl/mi of "'Cs
  • HEPA filter rated at 99.97% removal efficiency for particulates > 0.3 p
  • Charcoal filter rated at 99% removal efficiency for halogens
  • DHuting process air flow of 12,500 cfm from other building areas.

PULSTAR reactor air flow is 10,500 cfm for normal ventliation and 600 cfm if the HEPA and Charcoal filters are in use (confinement mode). Di!ution factors of 2.2 and 18.5 are provided for normal and confinement mode of ventHation.

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l ATTACHMENT 40 CFR 61.104 Reporting Requirments continued l

l 40 CFR 61.104 (a)(1) RESPONSE item (ix) Distances from point of release to nearest: l l

  • Residence is taken as 200 m I
  • School is taken as 200 m
  • Business is 200 m I

= Office is 17 m

= Farm is taken as 200 m 200 m is the distance to the nearest street located off campus.

17 m is the distance from the top of the stack to the third floor of Burlington Engineering Lab (BEL). Offices and classrooms are present on the third floor of the BEL 1

Item (x) For 1995, the effective dose is calculated by the computer code COMPLY version 1.5d to be 3.9 mrem /y. (See attached printout)

Item (xi) 1.9 Cl of Ar was released as a gas from the 100 foot stack as deteimined by stack radiation monitors. No particulate radionuclides were detected as determined ;

by stack radiation monitors or gamma spectroscopy of particulate futers. l Item (xii) Stack volumetric flow: 10.38 m*/s (22,500 cfm)

Stack diameter: 0.5 m Stack release height: 30 m (100 feet)

Effluent temperature: - 15 to 30 C (~ 60 to 90 F)

Stack flow was determined from faculty licensing documents and equipment specifications.

Stack diameter and height were determined by facHity drawings.

Effluent temperature was determined from thermometer readings taken in the reactor buuding (room air is exhausted).

Item (xiii) Height: 13 m as determined from facHity drawings Width: 54 m as determined from facHity drawings item (xiv) COMPLY Level 4 data was used. No specific wind rose data was used.

Item (xv) None item (xvi) See cover letter 1

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. .. l COMPLY: V1.5d. 1/ 2/96 2:57 4 40 CFR Part 61 i National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants l



Prepared by:

North Carolina State University PULSTAR Nuclear Reactor Raleigh, NC Gerald Wicks, CHP, Reactor Health Physicist (919) 515-4601 Prepared for:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

[ Office of Radiation Programs



COMPLY: V1.5d. 1/ 2/96 2:57 l

. Off Site Dose Calculation  !


DATA ENTERED: l Release Rate Nuclide (curies / YEAR)


AR-41 1.910E+ 00


Release height 30 meters.

Building height 13 meters.

The source and receptor are on the same building. l Stack diameter 0.50 meters.

I Distance from the source to the receptor is 20 meters. '

l Building width 54 meters.

Default volumetric flow rate from the stack not used.

Volumetric flow rate is 10.380 cu m/sec.

Default mean wind speed used (2.0 m/sec).

Distance from the SOURCE to the FARM producing VEGETABLES is 200 meters.

Distance from the SOURCE to the FARM producing MILK is 200 meters.

Distance from the SOURCE to the FARM producing MEAT is 200 meters. ,


Input parameters outside the " normal" range:

Stack flow is unusually HIGH.


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COMPLY: V1.5d. 1/ 2/96 2:57 RESULTS:

l l Effective dose equivalent: 3.9 mrem /yr.


'" Comply at level 4.

This facility is in COMPLIANCE.

It may or may not be EXEMPT from reporting to the EPA.

You may contact your regional EPA office for more information.


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