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Proposed Confirmatory Survey Plan for Reactor Bldg,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/1994
Shared Package
ML20077L334 List:
PROC-941025, NUDOCS 9501110310
Download: ML20077L358 (17)


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PROPOSED CONFIRMATORY SURVEY PLAN FOR THE REACTOR BUILDING SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK INTRODUCTION The Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO) constructed a boiling water reactor known as the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station (SNPS). The plant was designed to provide a gross electrical output of 849 Megawatts and achieved initial criticality in February 1985. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) License No. NPF-82 (NRC Docket File No. 50-322) issued for ,

the facility allowed reactor operations at power levels not to exceed 5% of full power. Low power testing in accordance with the license then commenced in July 1985 and continued intermittently until January 1989, at which time power generating operations were terminated.

The total reactor operating history was equivalent to 2.03 effective full power days of fuel exposure. The irradiated fuel, which was a standard low enrichment (2 to 3% uranium-235) uranium fuel, was subsequently removed from the reactor vessel and placed into the spent fuel poolin August 1989.

Various reactor components, piping systems, and other equipment became radiologically contaminated as a result of reactor operation. The primary contaminants which have been identified during characterization studies include iron-55, cobalt-60, nickel-63, and smaller i quantities of tritium, carbon-14, nickel-59, manganese-54, zinc-65, and europium-152.'

The Long IS!and Power Authority (LIPA) was established to decommission the facility and release the site for imrestricted use. The LIPA Decommissioning Plan was approved for implementation by the NRC in June 1992 and willinclude decontamination or removal of i

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Prepared by the Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program, Energy / Environment Systems Division, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, under interagency agreement (NRC Fin. No. A-9076) between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S.

Department of Energy.

_ Reactor Duihg - October 25,1994 b:\eesap\ plans \shorcharnhhoreham.003 9501110310 941025 l ADOCK 05000322 i PDR

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a ' contaminated portions of the reactor and other plant systems and equipment. A major i consideration of the decommissioning plan is to maintain the integrity, when possible, of plant

. structures and systems. The decommissioning and termination surveys are being conducted in .

phases. Phase 1 included the termination survey of the internal components of the main turbine, j the Turbine Building, site grounds, and exterior site structures. Phases 2 and 3,' included the Reactor Building Suppression Pool, Phase 2 systems and the Radwaste Building. ~ Phase 4-addresses the remaining portions of the Reactor Building.

The NRC Headquarters' Division of Waste Management has requested that the Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program (ESSAP) of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) conduct confirmatory radiological surveys of the SNPS decommissioning ,

project. ESSAP has completed the confirmatory survey of the turbine internal components, the . l Turbine Building, site grounds, exterior site structures, Radwaste Building, Suppression Pool, and Phase 2 systems. The results of which are the subject of separate final or in process reports.2.3 SITE DESCRIPTION  :

The SNPS is located in the Town of Brookhaven, New York on the north shore of long Island, approximately 80 km (50 mi) east of La Guardia Airport and the confluence of the East River and Long Island Sound (Figure 1). The SNPS is located on a 32.4 ha (80 ac) portion of a larger 202 ha parcel ofland owned by the LILCO. The site is bounded on the north by Long Island i Sound, on the cast by the Wading River Marshland, on the west by other LILCO property, and j on the south by Route 25A. A cyclone fence encloses the 8 ha site secured area. Within this-l boundary are the buildings and grounds classified as the Restricted Area, also known as the-  :

power block, where radiological controls were necessary (Figure 2). Each of the buildings that

' have been or will be addressed during the confirmatory process are located here and are shown l on Figure 2 as the Turbine Building, the Reactor Building, and the Rad Waste Building.  ;

Construction of the Reactor Building is predominately structural steel and concrete. Total floor -

space of the building is approximately 7,800 m2 (84,000 ft 2) divided among 8 levels at elevations 8'-0", 40'-0", 63'-0", 78'-0",112'-0",128'-9",150'-0", and 175'-0". The Reactor Building 'I


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  1. ihoused t'he nuclear steam supply system which included the Reactor Pressure Vessel and its -


associated auxiliary and safety systems. Major structural components included the primary j


containment" system, spent fuel storage pool,- dryer / separator pool, polar crane and building ;f sumps. : The major auxiliary and safety systems included.the reactor core isolation cooling, high j f

pressure coolant injection, core spray, stand by liquid control, reactor water cleanup, fuel pool cooling and clean-up, and primary containment atmospheric control systems. l i

LIPA has classified plant systems and building surfaces into two categories which are based on the potential fo'; residual contamination. The two area categories referred to as affected or. l unaffected are defined as follows: . affected areas are those' areas of the SNPS that are-potentially centaminated or have known contamination, or a system which circulated, stored or. l processed rr.dioactive materials such that they could become contaminated, or experience,.  :


neutron activation, or where records indicated spills or other occurrences may have resulted in contamination; unaffected areas are those portions of the SNPS that are not expected to contain residual radioactivity."- Area classification was . determined by radiological .use history, l i

1 environmental monitoring activities, and the results of a previous characterization survey.

Affected and unaffected areas are further subdivided into survey units. Survey units ares  ;

categorized as structures (floors, walls, ceilings, and exterior surfaces of piping and equipment), l plant systems (equipment and piping internals), and outdoor areas. (grounds- and building j exteriors). In addition, affected survey units also have sub-classifications as suspect or non-  !

l suspect, and may also be classified as alpha affected ifinvolved with fuel handling or storage.




The objectives of this confirmatory survey are to provide independent document reviews and .

i radiological data for use by the NRC in evaluating .the adequacy and accuracy of the licensee's j

- procedures and termination survey results. .

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_.f RESPONSIBILITY Work described in this survey plan will be performed under the direction of Jack Beck, Acting i Program Director and Tim Vitkus, Project Leader of ESSAP. The cognizant site supervisor has l the authority to make appropriate changes '.o the survey plan with the approval of the NRC site i

. representative. Deviations to this survey plan will be documented in the site log book.  !


i ESSAP will review LIPA's release records for those survey units selected for confirmatory  ;

survey. Review of additional release records will be dependent upon findings as the surveys e progress. Documents will be reviewed for adequacy, accuracy, completeness, and consistency.

Data will be reviewed for appropriateness of calculations and interpretations relative to the guidelines.


A survey team from ESSAP will perform independent visual inspections, measurements, and i select for ni ato sur s O t e to 1 ere I t rand mly 9 wer sel by the NRC site representative. Field survey activities will be conducted in accordance with the l

applicable sections of the ESSAP Survey Procedures and Quality Assurance Manuals. Specific  !

procedures are listed on pages 8 and 9 of this plan. The following procedures apply to survey units selected for independent confirmatory surveys. Additionalinformation regarding selection of confirmatory survey units and the implementation of this plan may be found in the general site confirmatory survey plan.'

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SURVE'Y PROCEDURES Reference System The reference systems established by LIPA will be used by ESSAP for referencing measurement and sampling locations. The grid size or reference interval established by LIPA for a given survey unit was dependent upon the classification of the survey unit (affected vs. unaffected) and surface (floor, lower wall, upper wall, ceiling, or equipment).

Surface Scans Surface scans for alpha, beta, and gamma activity, will be performed over 100% of floor and lower wall surfaces and up to 50% of equipment surfaces, within each structural survey unit.

Additional scans will be performed over portions of upper wall, ceiling, and system surfaces as -

well as locations, such as drains, where material may have settled or accumulated. Imtions of elevated direct radiation detected by scans will be marked for further investigation. Scans will be performed using gas proportional, GM, ZnS, and/or NaI detectors coupled to ratemeters or ratemeter-scalers with audible indicators.

Surface Activity Measurements For each structural survey unit, ESSAP will perform a minimum of thirty direct measurements for total beta surface activity. ESSAP will also perform additional direct measurements at locations of elevated direct radiation detected by surface scans. At measurement locations, where the average NRC surface contamination guideline is exceeded, the size of the 2

contaminated area and the average activity in the contiguous 1 m area will also be determined.

Total alpha surface activity measurements will also be performed at each direct measurement location when a selected survey unit is classified as alpha affected or if alpha contamination is identified by surface scans. Measurements will be performed using GM, gas proportional, and/or ZnS detectors coupled to ratemeter-scalers. A smear sample for determining removable activity level will be collected from each direct measurement location.

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Exoosuk Rate Measurements ,

t Exposure rate measurements will be performed within each survey unit, excluding system interiors, at each accessible floor direct measurement location. All exposure rates will be measured at I m above surfaces using a pressurized ionization chamber (PIC). Background  :

exposure rates were previously determined during the confirmatory surve" of the Turbine  !


DATA EVALUATIONS AND COMPARISONS The results of each survey unit sampled will be statistically tested. The goal of the test is to ,

determine, with a given confidence level, that the LIPA survey data is not biased low compared to ORISE. The null hypothesis will be that in a survey unit, surface activities as calculated by LIPA are greater than or equal to those determined by ESSAP, i.e., H,: UPA 2I MFMP. This hypothesis will be tested at the 95% confidence level (0.05 level of significance). If the hypothesis is rejected at that confidence level, the alternative hypothesis will be accepted i.e.,

H:3 uPA < MFMP. The test statistic, t, will be calculated using the following equation:.

NE ~E L g,

(ng-1)Sl + (nt-1)Sl 'n, + nz ' l

) ng+Mg -2 (

MN gg ,

l where: ,

( Is the LIPA surface activity mean for a survey unit Xr Is the ESSAP surface activity mean for the same survey unit no Is the number of LIPA direct measurement data points ,

ne Is the number of ESSAP direct measurement data points St, Se Are the standard deviations. ,

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' The calchlated t is then compared to the critical value of Student's t-distribution (one-tailed) for the appropriate degrees of freedom at the 95% confidence level (0.05 level of significance). - If the H : ura h Fresa,is rejected, then ESSAP will evaluate additional options and alternatives and confer with the NRC as to the recommended approach.

[ GUIDELINES The applicable Regulatory Guide 1.86 guidelines are those for beta-gamma emitters and the ,

alpha contamination guidelines are those for uranium and associated decay products. The beta-gamma guidelines are:

Total Activity 5,000 B-y dpm/100 cm2, averaged over 1 m2 15,000 B-y dpm/100 cm2 , maximum in a 100 cm2 area Removable Activity 1,000 B-y dpm/100 cm2 The alpha guidelines are:

Total Activity 5,000 a dpm/100 cm 2, averaged over 1 m2  !

2 2


15,000 a dpm/100 cm , maximum in a 100 cm area ,

Removable Activity ,

1,000 a dpm/100 cm2  :

The NRC has approved site-specific allowable surface contamination guidelines for H-3 and Fe- l 55, particularly in activated concrete and steel.5 These guidelines are:

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Total Activity 200,000 dpm/100 cm2, averaged over 1 m 2 600,000 dpm/100 cm2 , maximum in a 100 cm2 area i Removable Activity 1,000 dpm/100 cm2 The exposure rate guideline currently being used by the NRC is 5 R/hr above background, measured at I m above the surface.' -

TENTATIVE CONFIRMATORY SCHEDULE Phase III: Reactor Building Surveys Document Review October 1994 Confirmatory Survey October 31 through November 11,1994 l Sample Analysis November 1994 I

Draft Report January 16,1995 LIST OF CURRENT PROCEDURES TO BE USED IN THE SURVEY Applicable procedures from ORISE ESSAP Survey Procedures Manual (Revision 8; December 31,1993) include:

Section 5.0 Instrument Calibration and Operational Check-Out 5.1 General Information 5.2 Electronic Calibration of Ratemeters 5.3 Gamma Scintillation Detector Check-Out and Cross Calibration j 5.4 Alpha Scintillation Detector Calibration and Check-Out  ;

5.5 GM Detector Calibration and Check-Out 5.6 Proportional Detector Calibration and Check-Out 5.7 Pressurized Ionization Chamber Calibration and Check-Out 1 5.8 Floor Monitor Check-Out 5.10 Field Measuring Tape Calibration Reador Buikling - Oduber 25.1994 8 h.kesapylansucadam\shoreham.003

L Ev' Section 7.0 Scanning and Measurement Techniques  !

7.1 Surface Scanning ,

7.2 - Alpha Radiation Measurement 7.3 Beta Radiation Measurement 7.4 Gamma Radiation (Exposure Rate) Measurement Section 8.0 Sampling Procedures 8.7 - Determination of Removable Activity  ;

8.9 Sample Identification and Labeling ' l Section 9.0 Integrated Survey Procedures f 9.2 General Survey Approaches and Strategies 1 Section 10.0 Health and Safety and Control of Cross Contamination [

Section 11.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control I

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SURVEYS NOT TD SCALE FIGURE 2: Plot Plan of the Shorehan Nuclear Power Station suuw, huwis - oar 25. m i1 h w.pv w % h % h m3 1


Survey Unit Name Unit / Component Unaffected (U) System PC004 Primary Containment - 63' NW A structure PC005 Sub-Pile Room A structure PC007 Primary Containment - 78' NE A structure PC008 Primary Containment - 78' SE A structure PC011 Primary Containment - 109' NE A structure RB004 Reactor Building - 8' SE A structure RB006 Reactor Building - 8' SW A structure RB014 Reactor Building - 40' SW A structure RB037 Reactor Building - 78' SW A structure RB038 West Accumulator Aisle A structure RB057 Fuel Pool Clean-up Pumps Room A structure RB061 RWCU Regen /Non-Regen HTX's Room A structure j RB068 Spent Fuel Storage Pool A structure  ;

1 RB071 x01 Reactor Cavity - 150' A structure RB072x01 Dryer / Separator Storage Pool A structure RB073 x02 Bioshield Wall Blocks (Concrete) A structure RB073 x03 Bioshield Wall Blocks (Steel) A structure j RB103 Reactor Building - 175' A structure l RB106 Reactor Building - 175' A structure RB109 Polar Crane A structure -

SU001 Reactor Assembly Lower Bowl A system SU002 Nuclear Boiler Main Steam Relief Valve A system 1B21-RV-095G Re.ctor NMag Ochiber 25, im 12 6:w gvi aor h.=m.cos



TABLE 1 (Continued)


Survey Survey Unit Name Affected (A)/ Structure /

Unit / Component Unaffected (U) System SU004 CRD Hydraulic Control A system  !

SUO14x05 #953 Misc. Embedded Drain Piping A system 1G11-TK-190 SU014 x12 RB Porous Concrete Sump #19 or 20 A system SUO23 Misc. Building Storm Drains A system SUO58 Reactor Primary Containment A system SUO60x09 Fuel Pool Cooling Room A system SUO60x13 RWCU Valve Chambers Room , A system SUO60x23 Reactor Building Air from Drywell A system IT46-ADV-039A SUO60x24 Reactor Building Vent Dump A system t

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1. Iong Island Lighting Company, "Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Site Characterization Program Final Report," May 1990.


j 2. T. J. -Vitkus, ORISE, " Confirmatory Survey of the Turbine Internal Components, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Brookhaven, New York," July 1993.

3. T. J. Vitkus, ORISE, " Confirmatory Survey of the Turbine Building, Site Grounds, and b Site Exteriors, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Brookhaven, New York," September -

l' 1994.

4. Letter from T. J. Vitkus, ORISE to D. Fauver, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

" Final Confirmatory Survey Plan from the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Brookhaven, New York [ Docket File No. 50-322]," November 4,1993.

5. Letter from C.L. Pittiglio, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to A.J. Bortz, Ieng Island Power Authority, subject " Approval of a Modification of Facility Release Criteria for Tritium' and Iron-55 Surface Contamination at Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,'

Unit 1," June 7,- 1994. -

6. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Guidance and Discussion of Requirements for an Application to Terminate a Non-Power Reactor Facility Operating License," Revision :

1, September 1984.

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SPENDING PLAN From To i Name of Laboratory: Oct-94 Mar-95 Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education RFTA Est. Project Cost Title of Project 93-02 $129,150.00 Shoreham Reactor Building NRC Fin Number l ORISE Number  !

A 1286.02  !

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COST ELEMENTS Oct 94 Nov-p4 Dec-94 Jan-95  ;

Direct Costs $27,775.00 $qd.00 $6,100.00 l $550.00 Indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) $9,900.00 $21175s ' $2,175.00 l $200.00 [

Total Estimate Costs $37,675.00 9.0.250f i $8,275.00 l $750.00 i Project Completion 27.11 % iglf.. 97.74%l 98.39%

f COST ELEMENTS Feb-95 Mar-95 Apr 95 l May-95 l Direct Costs $0.00 $1,325.00 $0.00 l $0.00 l Indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) $0.00 $475.00 $0.00 l $0.00 [

Total Estimate Costs $0.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 l $0.00 Project Completion 98.39 % 100.00 % 100.00%l ' 100.00 %

COST ELEMENTS Jun-95 Jul-95 Aug-95 l Sep-95 Direct Costs 50.00 50.00 50.00 l 50.00 indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) 50.00 50.00 50.00 l 50.00 Total Estimate Costs 50.00 50.00 50.00 l 50.00 Project Completion 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 %I 100.00 %

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l Reactor Building - October 25,1994 A-1 NRC. spend.ptn,10/25/94- jmn




SPENDING PLAN ll From To l 1

Name of Laboratory: lOct-94 Mar-95 l

}l Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education l l l ll RFTA Est. Project Cost l ll NEW $52,100.00 l

%Ie of Project  !

lShoreham Reactor Building- Additional Confirmatory Suntey Units ll l l NRC Fin Number l ORISE Number l  !

ll A9076 O 1286.02h

COST ELEMENTS ll Oct-94 0 Nov-94 ll Dec-94 ll Jan-95 Q l Direct Costs l $11,200.00 l $25,350.00 l $550.00 l $0.00 l i l Indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) l $4,000.00 l $9,000.00 l $200.00 l $0.00 l l Total Estimate Costs l $15,200.00 l $34,350.00 l $750.00 l $0.00 l l Project Completion l 27.11%l 90.36%l 97.74%l 98.39%l l COST ELEMENTS l Feb-95 l Mar 95 l Apr 95 l May-95 l l Direct Costs l $0.00 l $1,325.00 l $0.00 l $0.00 l l l Indirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) l $0.00 l $475.00 l $0.00 l $0.00 l l Total Estimate Costs l $0.00 l $1,800.00 l ' $0.00 l $0.00 l 1 l Project Completion l 98.39%l 100.00%l 100.00%l
  • 100.00%l l COST ELEMENTS l Jun-95 l Jul-95 l Aug-95 l Sep-95 l l Direct Gosts l 50.00 l 50.00 1 50.00 l 50.00 l l lindirect Costs-(G&A, DOE Factor) l 50.00 l 50.00 l 50.00 1 50.00 l i (Total Estimate Gosts l 50.00 l 50.00 l 50.00 l 50.00 l


l Project Completion i 100.00%l 100.00%l 100.'X)%l 100.00%l


Reactor Buikling - October 25,1994 A-2 NRC. spend. pin,1G25/94- jmn l

