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Rev 32 to Procedure 8.7.3, Secondary Containment Leak Rate Test
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 11/18/1994
From: Cristofaro F
Shared Package
ML20078N774 List:
8.7.3, 8.7.3-R32, NUDOCS 9502160144
Download: ML20078N842 (26)



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                                                              /          W 1///4 fespAbFMa'n%gW"'                   " %pate Effective Date:     //f/f(/

i< 7 h, i 1 080011 8.7.3 Rev. 32 b AD C 00 293 P PDR

    *l.0     PURPOSE AND SCOP 1 This Procedure provides instructions for performing the secondary containment leak rate test to prove compliance with Technical Specifications Section 4.7.C.I.c.


2.1 DEVELOPMENTAL [1] Design Changes (a) PDC 85-14, Reactor Building Secondary Containment Isolation Dampers (b) PDC 86-70, Standby Gas Treatment System Modifications (c) PDC 88-53, Reactor Building Trucklock Door Mechanical Seal (d) PDC 93-03-81, Deleting Inner Trucklock Door Inflatable Seal [2] FSAR Section 5.3 [3] NED Memo #84-038, corresponds to FS&MC Memo #84-015 7 [4] NRC resolved concern, UNR 83-23-02 [5] P&lDs (a) M-280, Heating and Ventilation (b) M-287, Plant Ventilation l (c) M-321, Fan Room No. 1 (d) M-322, H&V and AC Fan Room No. 3 and 2 (e) M-323, H&V and AC Temperature Controls [6] PCAQ NED 88-165 [7] PDC 87-78F, Improvements to Labels, Nameplates on Main Control Room Panels [8] PR 93.0492, Math Errors in PNPS 8.7.3 [9] PR 93.9122, SBGT MON-109.& 113 QMR RCG Poten Not Done [10] QAD Audit 93-08 recommendations (RR 93.0324) [11] Technical Specifications Section 4.7.C.I.c, Table 6.9.1  ! 1 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 4 of 24

   '2.2     IMPLEMENTING f

[1] ' PNPS Procedures (a) 1.3.34, " Conduct of Operations" (b) 2.2.50, " Standby Gas Treatment" (c) 2.2.78, " Reactor Building Trucklock Doors" (d)., " Primary and Secondary Containment Isolation Reset" (e), " Inspection of Secondary Containment Dampers" 3.0 DEFINITIONS None i 4.0 DISCUSSION This Procedure should be performed at each refueling outage prior to refueling as required by Technical Specifications Section 4.7.C.I.c, or as required for postwork  : testing. Additional testing was performed during the first operating cycle under various wind conditions to enable valid extrapolation of test results. NESD performed an evaluation of PNPS 8.7.3, Revision 12, in early 1984 (FS&MC 84-015) which was transmitted by Memo NED 84-38 (LOC 1468-0852). The evaluation found that the Procedure was adequate and that the practice of obtaining , baseline readings and utilizing them to correct for initial conditions is valid provided that the baseline readings are kept within certain limits. These values should not be exceeded at wind speeds equal to or less than 15 MPH. The results  ; from the Leak Rate Test performed at wind speeds up to 15 MPH with the manometer J readings corrected for baseline conditions within 0.1" WG of zero are at least  ; equivalent to performing the test'under calm (less than 5 MPH) conditions. i l 5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT l 1 l [1] Keys for test switches "RBIS TEST LOGIC / TRIP" CR26, CR27 [2] Communications equipment i 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 5 of 24

6.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS [1] Do not draw over 1 inch H 20 vacuum across the Reactor Building. [2] If this test is performed during reactor power operation, do not keep the Reactor Building isolated longer than 10 minutes as the main steam tunnel temperature will start to rise. [3] A reading to the right of zero (downward) on the manometers is negative. Manometers have been labeled to remind the users of this convention. [4] The average base line reading outside of 0 (-0.1 to +0.1) inches H 20 indicates test results could be influenced and test should not be conducted until condition is corrected. [5] This test involves mathematics with positive and negative numbers. Pay close attention to the positive or negative sign convention when performing calculations (PR 93.0492]. 7.0 PREREQUISITES [1] NWE's permission to perform test. B. Lewis for P.E. Mastrangelo 11/19/94 2213 NWE Date Time Initials [2] Turbine Building should be at a slight negative pressure (-0.1 to -0.2 inches H 0) 2 as read at manometers at C60. Turbine Building Relative Pressure sian ( -) .12 in. H 20  ! l Condenser Bay Relative Pressure sian ( -) 14 in. H 2O [3] Standby Gas perforated plate AP instruments 48-DPI-AA-22 and 48-DPI-AA-32 calibrated. M.M. 1 [4] All Reactor Building manometers filled and zerced. M.M. [5] At least one door at each access closed. M.M. [6] Standby Gas Treatment System operable. M.M. [7] All automatic ventilation system isolation dampers operable l or secured in the isolated condition. M.M. [8] Secondary containment checkoff list (Attachment 1) considered and accepted. M.M. 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 6 of 24

700 PREREQUISITES (Continued) l Initials [9] Specific purpose for test performance: O Routine test prior to fuel handling

         @ Postmaintenance testing on Reactor Building                                                            J B-0 Other:

[10] A Pre-Evolution briefing in accordance with PNPS 1.3.34 is required according to the NWE. Briefing sheets shall be attached to this Procedure when completed. B L-

         @ Yes        O No NWE

[11] Names of personnel involved with test: I Name Initials Name In.itial s J. Byron J.B K. Haskell K.H. W. Joyce W.J. R. Weygand R.W. T. Hatch T.H. J. Barraclough J.B.  ! B. Lewis B.L. R. German R.G. K. O'Rourke K.0 'R 8.0 PROCEDURE 8.1 INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS [1] RECORD meteorological data: Wind speed 7 MPH 33' Met Tower Wind speed shall be less than 15 MPH or test should not be performed. Wind direction W 33' Met Tower Outside air temperature +44 F 33' Met Tower - Reactor Building temperature 76 *F Any convenient Rx Bldg location 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 7 of 24



I l 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 8 of 24

                     -        -                      -                                ____________l
                                      .        . ..                            ~_-         .


           .8.1       INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS (Continued)

Checkoff I


[3] CLOSE the outer Reactor Building Trucklock door M  ! INFLATE the seal in accordance with PNPS 2.2.78. [ x]  ! [4] OPEN the inner Reactor Building Trucklock door in accordance with PNPS 2.2.78. [ X] l [5] PLACE hand-switches for both STANDBY GAS FANS A and B, ( VEX-210A and VEX-210B (Panel C7), in the "0FF" position. [ X] CAUTION l When the test switches are tripp'ed,.the signal will seal-in and the Reactor  ! Building will remain isolated. The SGTS fans will not start until manipulated by  : this Procedure and no forced ventilation will exist. An SGTS trouble alarm may  ! come in and not reset until completion of this test. J i [6] SINULTANEOUSLY TURN both keylocked'RBIS TEST LOGIC / TRIP  ! switches on Panel C7 to the " ISOLATE" position. [ x]  ; (a) ALLOW 3 minutes for stabilization M TAKE base  ! readings on the four manometers in the Reactor i Building elevation 91' M the two manometers in the ( Turbine Building elevation 51' next to C60 panel. t (b)- RECORD base manometer readings: Manometer AP Reactor Building El. 91' locations f North sian ( +1 .12 in. H 2O East sian ( +1 .10 in. H 2O i West sian ( +1 .04 in. H 2O j South sian ( +1 13 in. H 2O i Average sian ( +) .0975 in. H 2O l ( Acceptable band for average baseline is  ! between -0.1 to +0.1 inches H 2O l (c) Turbine building pressures: [ C60 nianometer sian (- ) .12 in. H 20  : Condenser Boy sian i- ) .14 in. H 20 Turbine Building pressure should be slightly  ; negative -0.2 to -0.1 inches H 02 [ 8.7.3 Rev. 32  : Page 9 of 24 l

l 8.1 INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS (Continued) Checkoff  ! 1 [7] OBSERVE which Reactor Building fans were operating, THEN TURN all Reactor Building fan switches on Panel C61 to the "0FF" position. [x] { [8] PLACE the fan control switch (on Panel C7) for VEX-210A (STANDBY GAS FAN A) in the "AUT0" position. LEAVE the I control switch for VEX-210B (STANDBY GAS FAN B) in the j "0FF" position. [x] [9] VERIFY' dampers A0-N-99 AND A0-N-108 reposition to the OPEN position. [ X] [10] REGULATE MO-N-109 (STANDBY GAS FAN A OUTLET DAMPER) as required such that flow is maximized but does not exceed  : 4000 CFM. USE STANDBY GAS TREATMENT COMMON OUTLET FLOW FI-8126/FI-8127 for indication. [ X] [11] ALLOW the manometers to stabilize AND RECORD the following: Data set for outer trucklock door closed and seal inflated, , inner trucklock door open. SGTS Train A. Manometer stabilization time 4 min.

              "A" SGTS perforated plate AP 1.425 gg            48-DPI-AA-22         E      T.H. inches H20 Flow from 48-DPI-AA-22 and curve Attachment 2             3800        CFM

[ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to 4000 CFM] Flow indicator data Panel C7: STANDBY GAS TREATMENT COMMON OUTLET FLOW FI-8126/8127 3850 / 3900 CFM [ data for comparison only]


1 l i

  *o* Refer to Page 16 of 24 Acceptance Verification and Signoff 8.7.3     Rev. 32 Page 10 of 24
    ' 8.1      INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS (Continued)

[12] RECORD Reactor Building manometer readings AND CALCULATE corrected building AP: Avg Base Reading Corrected Test Data minus Steo 8.lf61(b) eauals Blda dP North sian (- ) .44 in. H 2O - sian ( +1 .0975 = sian (- ).5375 in. H O 2 East sian (- ) .48 in. H 2O - sian ( +) .0975 = sian (- ) .5775 in. H O2 West sian (- ) .50 in. H 2O - sian ( +1 .0975 = sian (- I .5975 in. H O2  ; South sign ( - ) .40 in. H 20 - sian ( +1 .0975 = sian (- ) .4975 in. H O2 i Average corrected building AP sian (- 1.552 in. Hp0 Calc performed by B. Lewis Calc checked by M. Mantenfel [ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to -0.25 in. H 20] Checkoff , [13] PLACE the fan control switch (on Panel C7) for VEX-210A (STANDBY GAS FAN A) in the "0FF" position. [X ] [14] CLOSE the inner Reactor Building Trucklock door in accordance with PNPS 2.2 78. [X ] [15] VERIFY LOCKED / LOCK the personnel pass door in the inner Reactor Building Trucklock Door. [X] , [16] OPEN the outer Reactor Building Trucklock door. [PCAQ NED 88-165] [X] [17] PlfiE the fan control switch (on Panel C7) for VEX-210A (STANDBY GAS FAN A) in the "AUT0" position. LEAVE the control switch for VEX-210B (STANDBY GAS FAN B) in the "0FF" position. [X] [18] REGULATE M0-N-109 (STANDBY GAS FAN A OUTLET DAMPER) as required such that flow is maximized, but does not exceed 4000 CFM (on FI-8126 or FI-8127). [X] 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 11 of 24


' 8.1      INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS (Continued)                                             l

[19] ALLOW the manometers to stabilize AND RECORD the following: Data set for outer trucklock door open and l inner trucklock door closed. SGTS Train A. l Manometer stabilization time 4 min. I "A" SGTS perforated plate AP 1.425 m, 48-DPI-AA-22 # T.H. inches H 2O Flow f' rom 48-DPI-AA-22 and curve Attachment 2 3800 CFM ] [ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to 4000 CFM] Flow indicator data Panel C7: STANDBY GAS TREATMENT COMMON OUTLET FLOW  ! FI-8126/8127 1Rso / 1900 CFM [ data for comparison only] [20] RECORD Reactor Building manometer readings AND CALCULATE corrected ) building AP: Avg Base Reading Corrected Test Data minus Steo 8.1I61(b) eouals Bldo AP North sian (- ) .42 in. H 2O - sian (+ ) .0975 = sian (- ) .5175 in. H O2 { East sian (-) .48 in. H 2O - sian (+ ) .0975 = sian (- ) .5775 in. H O2 West sian ( -) .so in. H2 O - sian (+ ) .0975 = sian (- ) .5975 in. H 02 South sian ( - ) .43 in. H2 O - sian (+ ) .0975 = sian (- ) .;275 in. H 2 O Average corrected building AP sian (- ) .555 in. H 2 O Calc rer - med by B. Lewis Calc checked by M. Mantenfel [ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to -0.25 in. H20] Checkoff [21] PLACE the fan control switch (on Panel C7) for VEX-210A , (STANDBY GAS FAN A) in the "0FF" position. [X ] ) [22] VERIFY the damper control switches (on Panel C7) for A0-N-99 (TRAIN A INLET DMPR) AJQ A0-N-108 (TRAIN A OUTL DMPR) in the "AUT0" position and the dampers indicate CLOSED. [X] l l l

   *** Refer to Page 16 of 24 Acceptance Verification and Signoff 8.7.3    Rev. 32  ,

Page 12 of 24 l

i 8.1 INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS (Continued) Checkoff 4 i [23] PLACE the fan control switch (on Panel C7) for VEX-210B (STANDBY GAS FAN B) in the "MAINT" position. LEAVE the control switch for VEX-210A (STANDBY GAS FAN A) in the "0FF" position. [ x] [24] VERIFY dampers A0-N-106 (TRAIN B INLET DMPR) M A0-N-112 (TRAIN B OUTL DMPR) reposition to the OPEN position. [ x] [25] REGULATE M0-N-113 (STANDBY GAS FAN B OUTLET DAMPER) as required such that flow is maximized but does not exceed 4000 CFM. USE STANDBY GAS TREATMENT COMMON OUTLET FLOW rI-8126/FI-8127 for indication. [ x] [26] ALLOW the manometers to stabilize M RECORD the following: Data set for outer trucklock door open and inner trucklock door closed. SGTS Train B. Manometer stabilization time 4 min. I "B" SGTS perforated plate AP i 1.45 co* 48-DPI-AA-32 ,y T.H. inches H O - 2 Flow from 48-DPI-AA-32 and curve Attachment 3 3850 CFM [ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to 4000 CFM] Flow indicator data Panel C7: STANDBY GAS TREATMENT COMMON OUTLET FLOW

               - FI-8126/8127      3950      /    3900      CFM

[ data for comparison only] ' [27] RECORD Reactor Building manometer readings AND CALCULATE corrected building AP: Avg Base Reading Corrected ' Test Data minus Step I61(b) ecuals Bldo oP l North sian ( -) .43 in. H 2O - sian ( +) .0975 = sian ( -) .5275 in. H 2O East sian ( -) .48 in. H 2O - 1 1_qn ( +1 .0975 - sian ( -) .5775 in. H 2O West sian ( -1 .52 in. H 2O - sian ( +1 .0975 = sion ( -) .6175 in. H 2O South sion ( -) .42 in. H 2O - sian ( +1 .0975 - sian ( -) .5175 in. H O 2 Average corrected building AP sian ( -) .56 in. H 2O i Calc performed by B. Lewis Calc checked by M. Mantenfel [ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to -0.25 in. H2 0] o** Refer to Page 16 of 24 Acceptance Verification and Signoff 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 13 of 24

l , 8.1 INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDilIONS (Continued) Checkoff [28] PLACE the fan control switch (on Panel C7) for VEX-210B (STANDBY GAS FAN B) in the "0FF" position. [x ] [29] CLOSE the outer Reactor Building Trucklock door AND INFLATE the seal in accordance with PNPS 2.2.78. [x ] [30] OPEN the inner Reactor Building Trucklock door in l accordance with PNPS 2.2.78. [x ] [31] PLACE the fan control switch (on Panel C7) for VEX-210B (STANDBY GAS FAN B) in the "MAINT" position. LEAVE the control switch for VEX-210A (STANDBY GAS FAN A) in the "0FF" position. [x] [32] REGULATE MO-N-ll3 (STANDBY GAS FAN B OUTLET DAMPER) as required such that flow is maximized but does not exceed 4000 CFM (on FI-8126 or FI-8127). [x] [33] ALLOW the manometers to stabilize AND RECORD the following: Data set for outer trucklock door closed with seal inflated and inner trucklock door open. - SGTS Train B.  ! Manometer stabilization time 4 min.

             "B" SGTS perforated plate aP 1.45 co*          48-DPI-AA-32           y      T.H. inches H 2O j                                                                -

Flow from 48-DPI-AA-32 and curve Attachment 3 3850 CFM [ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to 4000 CFM] Flow indicator data Panel C7: STANDBY GAS TREATMENT COMMON OUTLET FLOW FI-8126/8127 , ann / ,onn CFM [ data for comparison only] l l l

  *** Refer to Page 16 of 24 Acceptance Verification and Signoff                                    j 8.7.3   Rev. 32       i Page 14 of 24       i

8.1 INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS (Continued) [34] RECORD Reactor Building manometer readings AND CALCULATE corrected building AP: Avg Base Reading Corrected J_est Data minus SteD I61(b) eauals Blda dP North sian ( -) .47 in. H2 O - sian ( +1 0975 = sian ( -) .5675 in. H O2 East sian ( -) .52 in. H2 0 - sian ( +1 0975 = sian ( -) .6175 in. H 20 West sian ( -) .54 in. H 2O - sian ( +1 0975 = sian ( -) .6375 in. H O2 South sian ( -) .49 in. H 2O - sian ( +1 0975 = sian ( -) .5875 in. H 20 Average corrected building AP sian ( -) .6025 in. H 20 Calc performed by B. Lewis Calc checked by M. Mantenfel [ Acceptance Criteria less than or equal to -0.25 in. H20] Checkoff [35] PLACE the fan control switch on Panel C7 for VEX-2108 (STANDBY GAS FAN B) in the "0FF" position. [ X] [36] CLEAR the RBIS (secondary containment isolation) as , follows: (a) PLACE both RBIS TEST LOGIC / TRIP switches on Panel C7 to the " STANDBY" position. REMOVE keys CR26 and CR27. [ X] (b) USE keys CR24 and CR25 to reset the trip with the RBIS TRIP RESET switches on Panel C7. [ x) [37] RESET the secondary cont'inment a isolation in accordance 4 with PNPS (This will also restore Reactor Building ventilation.) [ X]

                                                       .N_QIE Steps [38] and [39] satisfy qualification maintenance requirements for M0-N-109 and                  l M0-N-ll3. [PR 93.9122]                                                                               j i

[38] At Panel C7, CYCLE M0-N-109 CLOSED, IHLN OPEN. VERIFY cycle at damper. [ X] [39] At Panel C7, CYCLE M0-N-113 CLOSED, THEN OPEN. VERIFY cycle at damper. [ X] 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 15 of 24


            .                                                                                                           l
    . 8.1        INITIAL AND AMBIENT CONDITIONS (Continutd)

[40] RETURN the SGTS to Standby status in accordance with l PNPS 2.2.50 Section 7.1. [X] , [41] VERIFY all components are returned to normal (Independent K.0,R Verification required). J.B. Initials Ind.Ver. l 9.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA l [1] The average baseline readings were between -0.1 to +0.1 inches H20. [2] A 1/4" water vacuum (-0.25 in. H 2O) (average corrected value) on the secondary containment obt&ined with a filter train flow rate of eaual to or less than  ; 4000 CFM as determined from the perforated plate readings (48-DPI-AA-22/48-DPI-AA-32). (Technical Specifications requirement) [3] FI-8126 and FI-8127 (STANDBY GAS TREATMENT COMMON OUTLET FLOW Indicators) agree within 20% of perforated plate AP conversion. (Not Technical Specifications required.) 10.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION If any of the test Acceptance Criteria are not met, notify the NWE immediately. The , NWE shall evaluate Technical Specifications Sections 3.7.C and 4.7.C.I.c and act - accordingTy. 11.0 ACCEPTANCE VERIFICATION AND SIGNOFF l 4 ** * ' [1] Acceptance Criteria of Section 9.0 were: @ MET @ NOT MET P.E. Mastrangelo 11/20/94 *See attached 1.3.34 Att. 9 ate 0/94. NWE Signature Date ,

                                                                         **See attached 1.3.34 Att. 9                  :

Corrective Action (if required)PR94.9583 dated 11/21/94. MR# 19403449 MR# Initials t [2] Log performance of this test in the Operation's log. book. n.t. NOS [3] Pre-Evolution Briefing sheets attached. D.D. AA 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 16 of 24

                                       .                .  =_ . .  . ..   .       . - -

11.0 ACCEPTANCE VERIFICATION AND SIGNOFF (Continued) Initials [4] Sign off MSTP Rep Task 875. J.W. AA [5] Test data shall be forwarded to the Compliance Division. A 90 day report to the NRC must be filed. Test data sent to Compliance 11/21/94 J.W. Date AA 12.0 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT CHECK 0FF ATTACHMENT 2 - SGTS "A" AIR FLOW VS PERFORATED PLATE AP ATTACHMENT 3 - SGTS "B" AIR FLOW VS PERFORATED PLATE AP L T 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 17 of 24

ATTACHMENT 1 Sheet 1 of 5 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT CHECK 0FF (By Elevation) The attached checkoff sheets provide satisfactory (Sat) or unsatisfactory (Unsat) checkoff for various secondary containment penetrations. Satisfactory checkoff will indicate the following:

a. For plugs, hatches, and doors: Seals are in place and provide a positive seal around the perimeters of the seal area.
b. For dampers: Linkage system is clean and free of corrosion. Edge seals are in place and not otherwise damaged. Damper position corresponds to ,

its associated switch position on Panel C7.

c. For drains: Valves are lined up to a minimum 20% full collection tank, tank covers are installed.
d. For water level indication, no low water level alarms are present.

Conditions other than those listed require unsatisfactory checkoff and discrepancies noted. Repairs to correct deficiencies shall be initiated.


Inspection of electrical penetrations and masonry for the Reactor Building will be accomplished for all walls annually. Verification of these inspections will be , noted as satisfactory if all annual inspections are completed.  ; 1 i El. 3' Reactor Aux Bay HPCI Floor Blowout

  • Panel & Plugs Sat X Unsat X

HPCI Escape Hatch Sat Unsat i HPCI Equipment Hatch Sat X Unsat  ! Note Discrepancies: El. 6' Radwaste Miscellaneous Tank Drains Sat X Unsat Note Discrepancies: ' PASS Area Above Machine Shop - 2 ventilation dampers between Rx BlJg & PASS sample station closed. Verified R.G.  ; 8.7.3 Rev. 32 01 Floor plug removed and blowout' plug installed. Cover in place Page 18 of 24 in make-up demin area this is normal condition

l l ATTACHMENT 1 l Sheet 2 of 5 l El. 23' Reactor Buildina l Trucklock Inner Door Sat X ' Unsat Personnel Pass Door Sat X ' Unsat Trucklock Outer Door Sat' X Unsat l Trucklock Dampers Sat N/A Unsat i A0-N-ll4 Sat X Unsat  ! A0-N-ll5 Sat X Unsat f A0-N-ll6 Sat X Unsat A0-N-ll7 Sat X Unsat ' Personnel Access to Aux Bay Inner Door Sat X Unsat i Outer Door Sat X Unsat . Personnel Access to Access' Control  ! Inner Door Sat X Unsat Outer Door X Sat Unsat i Note Discrepancies: i 1 i i El. 51' Reactor Buildina l l Access to MG Set Room , i Door "A" Inner Sat X Unsat Door "A" Outer Sat X ' Unsat Door "B" Inner X Sat Unsat Door "B" Outer Sat X ' Unsat 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 19 of 24 , l i

                                     .,                    . ~ , . -
                                                                         ,              ,,    - , - ~ <             -    --           - --- - - - - - - - - -

ATTACHMENT 1 Sheet 3 of 5 l El. 51' Reactor Buildina (Cont'd)

   ,                                  Dampers X

A0-N-90 Sat Unsat X A0-N-91 Sat Unsat 1 X A0-N-96 Sat Unsat A0-N-97 X Unsat Sat _\ Note Discrepancies: El. 74' Reactor Buildina Access to Fan Room 3 Inner Door Sat X Unsat Outer Door Sat X Unsat Access to Fan Room 4 X Inner Door Sat Unsat X Outer Door Sat Unsat Access to Fan Room 5 X Inner Door Sat Unsat Outer Door Sat X Unsat Dampers A0-N-78 X Sat Unsat X A0-N-79 Sat Unsat X A0-N-80 Sat Unsat X A0-N-81 Sat Unsat Note Discrepancies: 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 20 of 24


l ATTACHMENT 1 ' Sheet 4 of 5 El. 91' Reactor Buildina l Access to Fan Room 6 Sat N/A Unsat Inner Door Sat X Unsat Outer Door Sat X Unsat Dampers A0-N-82 Sat X- Unsat A0-N Sat X Unsat Note Discrepancies: El. 117' Reactor Buildina Roof Access (El. 158' 4-1/4") X i Inner Door Sat Unsat X Outer Hatch Sat- Unsat Note Discrepancies: 3 i l 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 21 of 24 i


    .                                                                        Sheet 5 of 5 El 51',Iurbine Buildina Dampers                                                                         l A0-N-92                    Sat.       X Unsat A0-N-93                    Sat        X Unsat A0-N-94                    Sat        X                                      i Unsat_

A0-N-95 Sat X Unsat Note Discrepancies: i i l Inspected by R. German /R . Unislet 11/19/94 Name (print) Signature Date fl' MRs issued for repairs as noted i Reviewed by i Date ' Mechanical Engineering Division Approved by Date NWE i j eMaintenance checked dampers and cicaned ductwork per this attachment (11/19/94) 8.7.3 Rev. 32 t i Page 22 of 24

ATTACHMENT 2 Sheet 1 of I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      , _ _                                                                     s y

Z ' PILGRIM STATION - m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SGTS 'A' TRAIN == riZ-~ ' PERFORATED PANEL B-49466-2 ;- ' FOR USE IN D 39804 FILTER.HOUSEi . 2 p '

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\ O O O O i N m :LA O \ 1 - tr.  ! 1 AIR 'F'LOWCCFM) 873 Rev. 32 Page 23 of 24 l

ATTACHMENT 3 { Sheet 1 of ;

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m N LA O ' m W i A::R FLOW (CFM) 8.7.3 Rev. 32 Page 24 of 24  ! l

ATTACHMENT 9 Sheet 1 of 2 1 NWE SURVEILLANCE TEST REVIEW This Form is to be completed for any surveillance test which is intended to meet  ! Technical Specifications items M requires NWE review after completion. Procedures 1 2.1.15, 2.1.16,, and are exempt from this review. If the l surveillance test is complete without discrepancies, this form is NOT required. 8.7.3 Date 11/20/94 l Surveillance Procedure Number

1. Review the surveillance test for exceptions, notes, or discrepancies.

If there are ANY exceptions, notes, or discrepancie:; or the NWE desires additional review, then the STA, SCRE, or NOS shall review the surveillance test in accordance with the criteria of Step 2.

2. Review of Discrepancies:
        -     The STA (SCRE) or NOS shall document the discrepancy (s) and the review performed to determine acceptance or rejection of the test.
        -     Cognizant staff engineers or supervisors in the discipline affected may be required to assist in the review,
a. Record the discrepant condition: Use procedure and step number if appropriate.

Acceptance Criteria 9.0[3] did not meet requirements of reading within 120 percent of perforated plate readings.

b. Does the condition affect Tech Spec requirements? Yes O No @

Tech Spec (s) considered  ; Explain basis of decision: In the procedure it states that this requirement is not T.S. reauired.

c. Does the condition prevent restoration of the component, device, or system '

to operable status as defined in Tech Spec definition 1.0.E? Yes O No O

d. Does the condition leave the surveillance test incomplete with respect to the component or system tested? Yes O No O Note that surveillance tests used for postwork testing of specific components may be only partially completed, if the subsection of the procedure itself is complete M the partial test is not used to take credit for the entire periodic surveillance test.

1.3.34 Rev. 42 Page 78 of 81

1 e l l

  • I
  • ATTACHMENT 9 l Sheet 2 of 2
e. Are there any associated system or plant impacts such as incomplete logic channels or unmonitored trip-instruments? Yes O No 8

Specify associated effects: l l

f. @ 1) If the discrepancy or incomplete steps affect compliance with MSTP commitments, and a Problem Report (PR) and LC0 (if applicable) have not yet been submitted, then initiate a PR to document the portion of the surveillance which must be reperformed and attach the MSTP Rep Task printout to the PR.
2) If a Problem Report has already been written noting this condition, verify an LCO (if applicable) exists which references the PR. The LCO Log will track the operability testing requirements of the affected component (s).  ;


3) Annotate the master copy of the Weekly Division Schedule located in the Control Room Annex with the completion date and initials l in the appropriate spaces.

PR# 94.9ssa LCO# n/A MR# O If discrepancies do not impact commitments, the MSTP may be updated. Reviewer comments or concerns: References used for this review: Cognizant Engineer / Supervisor N/A (ifparticipant) Signature This surveillance has been reviewed for discrepancies and it is concluded that the discrepant conditi.on is: Not Acceptable @ Acceptable O If' the discrepant condition is acceptable, the Procedure can be signed as meeting its Acceptance Criteria. This Attachment SHALL be attached to the official copy of the Procedure. Review performed by: M. Mantenfel 11/20/94 SCRE, NOS, Engr /Supv. Date NWE concurrence with review results P.E. Mastrangelo 11/20/94 NWE Date 1.3.34 Rev. 42 Page 79 of 81

4 ATTACHMENT 9 Sheet : of 2 NWE SURVEILLANCE TEST REVIEW This Form is to be completed for any surveillance test which is intended to meet Technical Specifications items M requires NWE review after completion. Procedures 2.1.15, 2.1.16,, and are exempt from this review. If the surveillance test is complete without discrepancies, this form is NOT required. Surveillance Procedure NJmber 8.7.3 Date 11/21/94

1. Review the surveillance test for exceptions, notes, or discrepancies.  :

If there are ANY exceptions, notes, or discrepancies or the NWE desires l additional review, then the STA, SCRE, or NOS shall review the surveillance l test in accordance with the criteria of Step 2. l l

2. Review of Discrepancies:

The STA (SCRE) or NOS shall document the discrepancy (s) and the review performed to determine acceptance or rejection of the test. Cognizant staff engineers or supervisors in the discipline affected may be required to assist in the review.

a. Record the discrepant condition: Use procedure and step number if appropriate.

1 Acceptance criteria 9.0(3) readings were in fact acceptabic. 1&C I Technician incorrect 1v read 48-DPI-AA-22/32 as .425 and .45 respective 1v versus 1.425 and 1.45.  ; l

b. Does the condition affect Tech Spec requirements? Yes O No Tech Spec (s) considered 3.7.C and 4.7.C.1.6 Explain basis of decision:

Test passes Tech. Spec. and performance monitoring requirements. All acceptance criteria satisfied.

c. Does the condition prevent restoration of the component, device, or system to operable status as defined in Tech Spec definition 1.0.E7 Yes O No @
d. Does the condition leave the surveillance test incomplete with Lispect to the component or system tested? Yes U No .D i

Note that surveillance tests used for postwork testing of specific  ! components may be only partially completed, if the subsection of the procedure itself is complete M the partial test is not used to take credit for the entire periodic surveillance test. I 1.3.34 Rev. 42 Page 78 of 81



Sheet 2 of 2 1

e. Are there any associated system or plant impacts such as incomplete logic channels or unmonitored trip instruments? Yes U No O Specify associated effects:


f. O 1) If the discrepancy or incomplete steps affect compliance with MSTP commitments, and a Problem Report (PR) and LCO (if applicable) have not yet been submitted, then initiate a PR to document the portion of the surveillance which must be reperformed and attach the MSTP Rep Task printout to the PR.
2) If a Problem Report has already been written noting this condition, verify an LC0 (if applicable) exists which references the PR. The LC0 Log will track the operability testing requirements of the affected component (s).
3) Annotate the master copy of the Weekly Division Schedule located in the Control Room Annex with the completion date and initials in the appropriate spaces.

PR# LCO# MR# O If discrepancies do not impact commitments, the MSTP may be updated. Reviewer comments or concerns: Procedure signoff co-signed by on-watch NWE at time of resolution of discrepancies. References used for this review: None Cognizant Engineer / Supervisor V. Magnatta (if participant) Signature This surveillance has been reviewed for discrepancisi and it is concluLed that the discrepant condition is: Not Acceptable U _ Acceptable LJ ' If the discrepant condition is acceptable, the Procedure can be signed as meeting its Acceptance Criteria. This Attachment SHALL be attached to the official copy of the Procedure. Review performed by: M. Mantenfel 11/21/94 SCRE, NOS, Engr /Supv. Date NWE concurrence with review results v. Magnatta 11/21/94 NWE Date 1.3.34 Rev. 42 Page 79 of 81}}