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EFIC - Main Steam Instrumentation Loop String Accuracy & Setpoints
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1995
Shared Package
ML20084U233 List:
1-92-0008, 1-92-0008-R01, 1-92-8, 1-92-8-R1, NUDOCS 9506130137
Download: ML20084U252 (157)


. . . -



@ Florida eomeonavsow Nuclear Enoineerina DeDartment NA1E 231-4593 I


Crystal River Unit 3 Ouality Document Transmittal- Analysis /Oalculation l File: CALC l

TO: Records Management NR2A l

The following analysis / calculation package is submitted as the OA Record copy- I nocwo eac oocuuEur oEwtrcArow wouaca my sys7tum tom PAoEs inAusunTEo I 0008 1 MS 157 ma EFIC - Main Steam Instrumentation Loop String Accuracy and Setpoints i


<was poEurry <ryworcs ron LATEa nemEvAu I

Main Steam. EFIC, Error, Indication, Recorders, Recall, Pressure and EFW DEREF FEFEFENCE: OA FILIS UST PFMAARY FILE FIRST)

SP-95402 SP-193A and SP-146 1 0005 l-84-0001 1 0001 and 1 89 - 0004 FPC N/A I 0008 Revision 0 EF-100-EB2, EF-200-EB2 l EF-1004X6, EF-2004X6 MS-106-Pl2, MS-107-P12 EF-300-EB1, EF-300-EB2 l EF-3004X6, EF-4004X6 l MS-110-Pl2, MS-111-P12 EF-300-EB4, EF-400-EB1 l MS-106-P11, MS-107-Pl1 l See Attached sheet for EF-400-EB2, EF-400-EB4 ) MS-110-P11, MS-111-Pl1 0 additionallisting of tags. )


This calculation revision replaces revision 0 in its entirety.


Use Tag number only for valid tag numbers (i.e., RCV-8, SWV-34, DCH-99), otherwise; use Part number field (i.e., ,

CSC14599, AC1459). If more space is required, write 'See Attachment

  • and list on separate sheet. [

OL&aGN ENGINE DATE ICATION E ' LLR SUPLRVISoR, NUCLEAR EN E DATE 1 eskihr bVE & 4$DATEkr A. t. lb NG. Cl,Mr O oc: MAR Offee (W MAR Related MAR / Project File Yes E No Plant Document Review Required E Ye. O No I

Supervisor, Nuclear Document Control w/ Plant Doc. Rev.

Mgr. Nucl. Conng. Mgt. Eval. and Analyess / Calc. Summary (N Plant Doc. Rev., is Yes) 9506130137 950531 / attach A/E N/A Oyes E No PDR ADOCK 05000302 sach (W yes, Transmit w/ attach)

P PDR t E miast. w/Arracal,

a. % c., v. mo c e mer ./ecit __

==~==~--E== ,


v  !

Continuation sheet 1 of Quality Document Transmittal- Analysis / Calculation.

DOCNO. 1 0008 Rev.1 This is a continuation of tag number listing:

MS-106-PIR MS 107-PIR i MS-110-PIR  !

MS-111-PIR l

MS-106-PS1 thru MS-113-PS1 MS-106-PS2 thru MS-113-PS2 MS-106-PS3 thru MS-113-PS3 MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT -

MS-106-PY1 thru MS-113-PY1 MS-106-PY3 MS-107-PY3 MS-110-PY3 MS-111-PY3 ,

MSV-025-PC O MSV-026-PC ZZ-001-JY ZZ-002-JY i

O l

Page 1 of 1 Florida


\ /

U ooCuuEWT TvPE / NuuGER TO BE EVALUATED Calculation 1 0008, Rev41on 1 PARTI INSTRUCTIONS: Calculations, Document Change Notices, and Ptant Equipment Equivalency Replacements have the potential to affect plant documents The Onginator of any of these documents is required to determine which, if any, plant organizations should review the subject document for impact. The Originator should use the best judgment to make this determination based on the nature of the l changes if in doubt as to whether or not a plant organization should review a particular document, it is suggested that the subject organization be contacted.

The Originator is to check the appropriate boxes below and attach to the subject package as follows:

i Calculations -insert behind Analysis / Calculation Transmittal l DCNs Insert behind DCN page 1 l PEEREs - Insert behind PEERE page 3 i CIDPs - Insert behind ClDP page 1 The above referenced document must be distributed as follows' Senior Radiation Protection Engineer

  • Otner(s)

Manager, Site Nuclear Services D E McPherson for Cahbrat<en Data Sheets Revisons b Manager, Nuclear Maintenance O Supervisor, Operations Engineenng & Support Supervisor. Nuclear Trainino Controls X

Manager, Nuclear Plant Technical Support Maracer Nueiear Operations Tra.nina ORIGINATOR / DATE SUPESMSOR / OATE Richard tw ipw v

03/21/95 / I- 6ft 97 Upon completion of Part 1. if applicabie attach to the subject document, check "Piaat Document Aeview Aeowred" block "Yes

  • and oeve to Nuclear Enoineerino Department Suooort Soecialist for distribution.

CIDPs - Dstribute with Attachments Cales - Dstnbute with Transmittal Memo Summary - PEERE Dstribute with Attachments - DCNs Dstribute with Attachments and Drawings PART18 INSTRUCTIONS: Upon receipt of the subject document, the assigned Reviewer enters the " Reviewing Department

  • name below, reviews the subject document for impact on plant procedures, and completes the evaluation below.



SiEv'flw'NG DEFARTMENT PLANT REVIEW IM'*ACT EVALUATION: The above referenced document has been reviewed and evaluated as follows:

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  • block should be NA'd.

12 94 RET: Uk of Piant RESP Nenew Eng nwmg

,,A FlOfida I




\d oisCeuwE cc cmt wO. nEvisow LEvEt DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER I 92 - 0008 1


EFIC - Main Steam Pressure instrumentation Loop String Accuracy and Setpoints @ safety netated 0 Non Safety Related MAA/sP/CGWR/PEERE NUWBER/ FILE SP-95-0002 VENDOR DOCUMENT NUMBER N/A REVISION ITEMS REVISED APPROVALS Design Engineer R.Iwach g ) [ All pages have been affected. This revision replaces Revision 0 Date Oh/95 of the calculation in it's entirety.

Verification Engineer b4Mg Date/ Method

  • 6[26[qf k Supervisor N.1C.' dM Date (, I %f g
  • VERIFICATION METHODS: R - Design Review; A - Alternate Calculation; T - Qualification Testing C) oEsCateE eEto* i, uEinco or vEsmCario~ ..s cines inas oEs c= aEviEw N.J PuaposE suuuany This calculation has been re-written to define the "As-Left" tolerances. the "As-Found" tolerances and " Calibrated Loco Errors" to the orlainal base calculation so as to succort the calibration uncertainties used in surveillance orocedures SP-146A and SP-193A This calculation also consolidates a number of other EFIC main steam related calculations into this one source document.



Section VI - Resu!ts/ Conclusions summarizes in tabular form the " As-Left " " As-Found " and

  • Calib sted Errers "

associated with the individual strina components that make-vo the EFIC main steam oressure instrument 1000. This calculation also re-defines the setooint values which have chanced and are summarized in the same manner in suooort of the Imoroved Technical Soecification surveillance oroaram t

v a,,. orv - - ~ ~ E , .



192-0008 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEViblON 1

REl/MAA/SP NUMSLR/F it,E SP95 - 0002 Sheet 1 of 69 1 PURPOSE Determination of instrument loop accuracles of the EFIC - Main Steam Pressure transmitters MS-106 through MS-113-PT for EFIC initiate and bypass permissive, " feed only good generator", and atmospheric dump valve control, for post-accident monitoring and for normal surveillance requirements.

Refer to Attachments 1 and 2 for the depiction of the main steam pressure loop string. Attachment 1 represents EFIC Channels A and B. Attachment 2 represents EFIC Channels C and D.


1. Drawings that define the loop configuration and components; 205-039, sheets MS-01, MS42, MS-03, MS-04 MS-05 and MS-06 (Reference 24 thru 29).
2. Pressure transmitters MS-106-PT through MS-113-PT are located in the Intermediate Building.

(1) Per drawing 308-129 (Reference 30), MS-110-PT and MS-112-PT are located on the south face of a structural column on column line 310 and between rows 11/J2; and 53 inches above floor elevation 119'-0" in the Intermediate Building.

(2) Per drawing 308-129 (Reference 30), MS-111-PT and MS-113-PT are located on the southem structural wall at column line 310 and row K1; and 53 inches above floor elevation 119'-0" in the Intermediate Building.

(3) Per drawing 308-130 (Reference 31), MS-106-PT and MS-108-PT are located on the northwest edge of the structural platform adjacent to the stairs between column lines 309/310 and rows G/H1; and 53 inches above floor elevation 119'-0" in the Intermediate Building.

(4) Per drawing 308-130 (Reference 31), MS-107-PT and MS-109-PT are located on the southwest edge of the structural platform between column lines 309/310 and rows H1/11; and 53 inches above floor elevation 119'-0" in the Intermediate Building.

Per CMIS, MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT are located in EO Zone 16. Per the Environmental and Seismic Qualification Program Manual (E/SOPM - Reference 8) EO Zone 16 is " HARSH" and has the following specifications:

Radiation - Normal: " 0 x 108rads TID for 40 year Juse.

Radiation - Accident: 1.5 x 10' rads TID (40 year TID + 6 months).

Temperature - Normal: 80 to 135 F.

Temperature - LOCA: The same as

  • Normal" Temperature - HELB: 149 to 417 F.

Per drawing 308-129 (Reference 30) and 308-130 (Reference 31), the sensing lines are routed near the proximity of the main steam lines and do not go outside the structural boundary of the intermediate Building area.

3. Enhanced Design Basia Document for Post Accident instrumentation, Tab 5/11, (Reference 4), states that the main steam pressure is a R.G.1.97 Type A, D, Cat.1 variable, as indicated and recorded in the control room and on demand in the TSC and EOF (provided by RECALL). The CMIS shows these are required post-n

,n l

l l

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION M@l Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 2 of 69 Ml/MAf4/bP NUMBERjFILE I DOCUMENT OENTIFIGATION NO. M VIS80N 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 accident for six months. The post-accident LOCA (RB) and post-accident HELB (IB) environment are different and both will be used to determine the error for post-accident monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation.
4. Enhanced Design Basis Document for Emergency Feed Water and Emergency Feedwater initiation and Control (EFIC), Tab 6/13, (Reference 5) states that the main steam pressure is used to initiate EFIC on low pressure in either steam generator (SG), and " feed only good generator" (FOGG) as determined by SG differential pressure. Main steam pressure is also used to compensate for SG fluid density and in determination of level control in the steam generators.
5. Enhanced Design Basis Document for the Main Steam System, Tab 6/10, (Reference 6) Section 3 notes the CR-3 Safety Analysis assumes the Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADV's) operate for Steam Generator Tube Rupture tSTC% loss of electric power and Steam Une Break (SLB). The SLB is the only scenario which will cause a harsh er,vironment for the transmitters in the 18. The Analysis Basis Document for Steam Une Break (Reference 62) notes four cases (scenarios), where cases I, il and IV assume the ADV's are available in the analysis to function. The FSAR Section, (Reference 3) notes cases I,11 and IV are breaks within the RB, and therefore would not cause a harsh environment for the transmitters in the 18. Therefore a non-accident environment will be used for ADV actuation loop error.
6. Enhanced Design Basis Document for Remote Shutdown System, Tab 5/9, (Reference 58) gives the main steam pressure range of 0 to 1200 psig. No accuracy requirements are given. Improved Technical Specification Section 3.3.18 (Reference 2) gives the requirements for remote shutdown.
7. Instrument Data Sheets MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT (References 23g,230,23t,23x,23ee,2311,23qq and 23uu) show that the pressure transmitters are Rosemount Model 1154SH9RA pressure transmitters with a span of 0 to 1200 psig. The specifications for these transmitters are described in Instruction Manual #1896 (Reference 40). The transmitters have the following specifications (See Attachment 3):

Upper Range Limit (URL): 3,000 psig.

Reference Accuracy: 2 0.25% of calibrated span.

Temperature Effect: (0.15% URL + 0.35% span)/50 F, between 40 F and 130 F.

2 (0.75% URL + 0.5% span)/100 F, between 40 F and 200 F. (See Attachment 17)

Drift (Stability):  : 0.2% of upper range limit for 18 months. Attachment 16 documents that the published drift specification is applicable for 30 months.

Overpressure Effect: 0.5% of upper range limit after exposure to 4,500 psig.

Power Supply Effect: < 0.005% of output span per volt.

Steam Pressure / Temp: (2.0% URL + 0.5% span) during and after sequential exposure to steam at the following temperature and pressure, concurrent with chemical spray for the first 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s:

420 F,85 psig for 3 minutes 350 F,85 psig for 7 minutes 320 F,75 psig for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 265 F,24 psig for 56 hours6.481481e-4 days <br />0.0156 hours <br />9.259259e-5 weeks <br />2.1308e-5 months <br />.

Seismic Effect:

  • 0.5% URL after a disturbance defined by a required response spectrum with a horizontal ZPA of 8.5 g's and a vertical ZPA of 5.2 g's.

Radiation Effect:  : (0.2% URL + 0.2% span) during the first 30 minutes; i (0.5% URL + 1.0% span) after 55 x 10' rads TID; e (0.75% URL + 1.0% span) after 110 x 10' rads TID gamma radiation exposure.

Mounting Position Effect: No span effect. Effect is superseded by accuracy specifications.


$PE#1 crystai never unit a Sheet 3 of 69 DOCUMLNT OLNT6FIC.ATON NQ. REVISON f4J/MAA/SP NUMBER / FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 l

(1) Per VQP INST-R36944 (Reference 21), Tab F1, pages 9 & 10, the Rosemount product specification for j radiation effects for the first 30 minutes was established based on radiation testing where the test units l were exposed to an accident dose rate of 2.07X10' R/Hr for the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. The dose at end of the first 30 minute exposure would be 1.035x10' R (a quarter of the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> dose), and considerably more than our expected radiation dose for Zone 16 (1.5X10' R for 40 years plus 6 months post-accident).

Therefore the Rosemount product specification radiation accuracy term for the first 30 minutes is applicable for the error analysis under considerations (2) Per the Enhanced Design Basis Document for the Main Steam System, Section 6/10 (Reference 6), the main steam code safety valves prevent the rise in the main steam pressures and the last bank of code safeties open at a set pressure of 1100 psig. Therefore, the overpressure effect for the pressure transmitters will be considered as t 0.0% since the pressure transmitters will not experience 4,500 psig.

(3) Per Letter LFM90-0006 (Reference 42); *lt is not required to apply LOCA + MHE simultaneousiv to system functions." Thus, a Seismic event (MHE) and a LOCA do not need to be considered to occur simultaneously. Therefore, this calculation wHl only consider the LOCA/HELB effects (Radiation Effect and Steam / Temperature Effect) since the Seismic Effect is less than the LOCA/HELB effects. Therefore, the Seismic effect will be considered as t 0.0% for Normal and Accident conditions.

(4) Per Letter SNES94-0276 (Reference 43); " ..Rosemount has stated that any of these radiation induced errors may be compensated by calibration un to the tested dose from environmental cualification testino or about 110 MRads. Thus, it is shown that compensation of the radiation induced errors by calibration is a viable method up to the qualification level of 110 MRads.

Per the Attachment to Letter SNES94-0276; "The lower the dose rate, the lesser the effect on instrument accuracy. For the lower dose rates (10' Rads / hour) it was shown that a TID of less than 1 x 10' Rads resulted in a maximum output shift within the stated accuracy of the transmitter. These results are meant to be an aid in determining effects of radiation on accuracy of Rosemount transmitters."

The highest dose rate expected for MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT is 1.5 x 10' rads for 40 years plus 6 months per Design input (DI) #2, therefore, the radiation effect for NORMAL operating conditions will be considered as t 0.00% since the transmitters receive less than 1 x 10' rads.

(5) The normal performance specification limits for temperature effects will be replaced by the steam pressure / temperature effects whenever the ambient conditions exceed the specified Rosemount temperature limits of 40*F to 200'F.

(6) Since the condtions required for the steam pressure / temperature effect during normal operating condition is not applicable, therefore the reormal steam pressure / temperature effect will be considered as 10.0 %.

(7) The pressure transmitters installed are Rosemount Model 1154SH Range code 9 and according to the manufacture's product literature (Attachment 3) these units have a sealed reference leg. This sealed reference chamber was not evacuated nor was it sealed with a calibrated standard of atmospheric pressure. The chamber was plugged with a pocket of air at whatever the atmospheric condition was at the time of assembly. Because the chamber was not sealed with a known reference, there could be an effect on the transmitters ability to correctly measure the process pressure. This effect will be evaluated under process measurement errors in the Detailed Calculations section to establish the amount of uncertainty this effect can contribute to the pressure reading.


Mglorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION r?d Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 4 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENT4FICATION NO. HEvissON F4.1/ MAR /$P NUMBEH/ FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002

8. Pressure Indicators MS-106-P12 and MS-107-Pl2 are located on Remote Shutdown Panel'A' and indicators MS-110-P12 and MS-111-Pl2 are located on Remote Shutdown Panel *B" on the 108' elevation of the Control Complex.

Per the E/SOPM (Reference 8), the 108' elevation of the Control Complex is designated as EO Zone 43, which is ' MILD

  • and has the following specifications:

Radiation - Normal: 1.75 x 10' rads TfD for 40 year dose.

Radiation - Accident: 1.75 x 10' rads TID (40 year TID + 6 months).

Temperature - Normal: 70 to 80*F.

9. Instrument Data Sheets MS-106-Pl2 and MS-110-Pi2 (Reference 23b and 232), which includes MS-107-Pl2 and MS-111-Pl2; shows that the pressure indicators are International Instruments Model 1251WV-B010DCV-B010DCV with a 0 to 10 VDC input for a span of 0 to 1,200 psig. The specifications for this pressure indicator is described in Intemational Instruments Series 1151/1251 bulletin, which is located in Instruction Manual 586 (Reference 35). The pressure indicator has the following specifications (See Attachment 5).

Specified Accuracy:  : 1.5% span for DC ranges.

Repeatability: 2% span.

Minor Scale Division: 20 psig.

Per Assumption (A) #6, the SRSS (Square Root of the Sum of the Squares) methodology for the Specified Accuracy and Repeatability will be used to determine the Reference Accuracy.

10. Compensation modules (MS-106.PY1 thru MS-113-PY1), pressure initiate bistables (MS-106-PS1 thru MS-113 PSI), pressure deltaP bistable (MS-106-PS2 thru MS-113-PS2), pressure permissive bistable (MS-106-PS3 thru MS-113-PS3), pressure control modules (MSV-025-PC and MSV-026-PC), analog isolation input modules (EF-100-EB2, EF-200-EB2, EF-300-EB1 and EF-400 EB1) and analog isolation output modules (EF-300-EB2, EF-300-EB4, EF-400-EB2 AND EF-400-EB4) are electronic printed circuit cards that are contained within the EFIC Cabinets A, B, C and D. The Cabinets themselves are located on elevation 124'-0' j of the Control Complex. Also found in each of the cabinets is a zero (0) to 32 volt DC power supply that is the source of power for the main steam transmitters. )

Per the E/SOPM (Reference 8), the 124'-0" elevation of the Control Complex is designated as EO Zone 58, which is

  • MId
  • and has the following specifications:

Radiation - Normal: 1.75 x 10' Rads TID for 40 year dose.

Radiation - Accident: 1.75 x 10' Rads TID (40 years TID + 6 months).

Temperature - Normal 70 F to 80 F

11. The functional elements of processing the main steam pressure signal are shown on the EFIC module connection diagram drawing series (Reference 68a thru 68c and 68f). The module connection diagram l drawings are simplified versions of the manufacturer's functionallogic diagram drawings. The element errors j are as described in B&W document 51-114217340, attached to Quality Document Transmittal for MAR 80- l I

13-66-09. dated 9/20/85 - SEEK Reel 3232 Frame 853 (See Attachment 6). The individual element errors involved in the processing of the various output signals are noted below:

The Comoensation Module: j input Buffer / Scalar - specified accuracy: 0.25% span m



DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 FEVildQN HEl/ MAR /SP NUMBER /FK.E Sheet 5 of 69 192 0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Output Buffer / Scalar - specified accuracy: 0.25% span Summer - specified accuracy:

  • 0.25% span

[ Note that the scalar used in processing the SG pressure differentials has a subtractor (summer) whose output (C) is the sum of the inputs, with one having change in sign, each with a constant (K), or, C = K,A

+ K,B. From Reference 1, Section 4.3, the equation for the propagation of error thru the Summer is e =

[(K,a)' + (K b)* a + e']*. Since the proportion of input is the same from each SG, K is 1, and the errors are just SRSS in the loop equation).

l The Bistable: l 1

Specified accuracy: 0.20% span The Control Module:

Subtractor - specified accuracy:

  • 0.25 % span Proportional Plus Integral - specified accuracy:
  • 0.25% span i Setpoint - specified accuracy: 0.10% span Analoa isolation Modules:

Attachment 7 describes the Class 1E to Non-1E isolated analog circuit accuracy which also includes the inaccuracy of the digital isolators. The signal process error for the combined analog isolator input module, j digital isolator and analog isolator output module is:

1 Specified accuracy: 0.5% span

12. Instrument Data Sheets EF-1004XS (Reference 23eee), EF-200-JX6 (Reference 23ggg), EF-3004X6 (Reference 23kkk), and EF-4004X6 (Reference 23o00) show that the EFlO sensor power supplies are Lambda Electronics LCS-A-03 Series regulated power supply with a 0 to 32 VDC output. The specifcations for these power supplies are described in Lambda LCS-A Series Instruction Manual which is located in FPC ,

Instruction Manuai 1172, Volume 1 (Reference 36). The power supplies have the following specifications (See l Attachment 15):

Output: 0 - 32 VDC Output Setting: 32 VDC l Regulation - Line: 0.01% plus 1.0 millivolt for input variations from 105 - 132 or 132 - 105 volts AC.


Regulation - Load: 0.01% plus 1.0 millivoit for load variations from no load to full load or full load to no load.

Temperature Coefficient: (0.015% + 0.3 millivolt)/'C (1) Power supply EF-1004XS provides power to MS-106-PT and MS-110-PT. Per drawing 210-769 (Reference 64) chow that the EFIC " A

  • cabinet power supply source is fed from 120 VAC Vital Bus i 3A, VBDP-8, Fuse #8. The electrical one line diagram drawing 206 041 (Reference 63), shows that VBDP-8 can be fed from either the dual input inverter 3A (VBTR-1 A) or the 480 V ES MCC 3A2 thru the 30 KVA voltage regulating transformer VBTR-4A. According to the enhanced design basis i

document (EDBD) for the Class 1 E - Altemating Current (AC) system (Reference 59) lists the design regulation parameters associated with VBIT-1 A and VBTR-4A to VBDP-8 as being 11% to ensure that the line voltage is maintained within the design requirements of the EFIC Cabinet.

l t on uw a n

1 l

l l

@ N eJ a DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION crystas mver unit s SheM 6 of 69 OOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION NO. REvtSeON FIEi/ MAR /SP NUMBER/ FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 I

(2) Power supply EF-2004X6 provides power to Mf,-107-PT and MS-111-PT. Per drawing 210-771 )

(Reference 65) show that the EFIC ' B

  • cabinet power supply source is fed from 120 VAC Vital Bus l 3B, VBDP-10, Fuse #6. The electrical one line diagram drawing 206-041 (Reference 63), shows that VBDP-10 can be fed from either the dual input inverter 3B (VBTR-18) or the 480 V ES MCC 3B1 thru the 30 KVA voltage regulating transformer VBTR-48. According to the enhanced design basis


document (EDBD) for the Class 1E Altemating Current (AC) system (Reference 59) lists the design  ;

regulation parameters associated with VBIT-1B and VBTR-4B to VBDP-10 as being

  • 1% to ensure that the line voltage is maintained within the design requirements of the EFIC Cabinet.

(3) Power supply EF-3004X6 provides power to MS-108-PT and MS-112-PT. Per drawing 210-772 (Reference 66) show that the EFIC

  • C
  • cabinet power supply source is fed from 120 VAC Vital Bus 3C, VBDP-9, Fuse #6. The electrical one line diagram drawing 206-041 (Reference 63), shows that VBDP-9 can be fed from either the dual input inverter 3C (VBTR-1C) or the 480 V ES MCC 3A2 thru the 30 KVA voltage regulating transformer VBTR-4C. According to the enhanced design basis document (EDBD) for the Class 1E - Alternating Current (AC) system (Reference 59) lists the design ,

segulation parameters associated with VBIT-1C and VBTR-4C to V3DP-9 as being i1% to ensure '

that the line voltage is maintained within the design requirements of the EFIC Cabinet.

l (4) Power supply EF-4004X6 provides power to MS-109-PT and MS-113-PT. Per drawing 210-773 (Reference 67) show that the EFIC

  • D
  • cabinet power supply source is fed from 120 VAC Vital Bus 3D, VBDP-11, Fuse #6. The electrical one line diagram drawing 206-041 (Reference 63), shows that VBDP-11 can be fed from either the dual lnput inverter 3C (VBTR-1 D) or the 480 V ES MCC 381 thru the 30 KVA voltage regulating transformer VBTR-4D. According to the enhanced design basis document (EDBD) for the Class 1 E - Altemating Current (AC) syst3m (Reference 59) lists the design regulation parameters associated with VBIT-1D and VBTR-4D to VBDP-11 as being 1% to ensure that the line voltage is maintained within the design requirements of the EFIC Cabinet.

For conservatism, the total effect associated with the power supplies will be considered as follows for the transmitters with the highest allowable voltage setting on the Lambda power supply being 32 VDC:

Line Regulation = i (0.01% of setting voltage + 1.0 mV)


  • [(0.01%) x (32 VDC)) /100% + 1.0 mV


1 (.0032 VDC ) + (0.001 VDC)

= 2 0.0042 VDC

= l

[(0.0042 VDC/32 VDC)) x 100%


  • 0.0131 %

Load Regulation = * (0.01% of setpoint + 1.0 mV)


2 [(0.01%) x (32 VDC)] /100% + 1.0 mV


2 (.0032 VDC ) + (0.001 VDC)

= 2 0.0042 VDC  !

= l 1 [(0.0042 VDC/32 VDC)] x 100%

= 1 0.0131 %

Total Regulation = Line Regulation + Load Regulation


2 [ 0.0131% + 0.0131% ]


  • 0.0262 %

Temperature Effects =

(0.015% + 0.3 millivolt)/'C

, n..n

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION MrIl Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 7 of 69 DOCUMENT OENTIFCATON NO. HEVISION REl/ MAR /SP NUMBER / FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Per design input (DI) #10, the temperature range for the power supply is 80 F - 70*F = 10 F. Therefore the temperature change is equal to [ 10 F x (5 C/9 F)] = 5.56 C.


  • [(0.015% x 32 VDC)]/100% + {0.3 mV(5.56 C)}/ C


  • [(0.0048 VDC) + (0.00167 VDC)]


2 (0.00647 VDC/32 VDC) x 100%


  • 0.0202 %

Therefore, the Total Power Supply Effect will be determined from the SRSS of the total regulation and the temperature effect:

Total Power Eff. = i {[ Total Regulation]' + [ Temperature Effect):yi/r


2 {[0.0262%) + [0.0202%)'}'/8


i {(0.00069) + (0.00041)}'/'



= z 0.0332%


i (0.0332% x 32 VDC) =

  • 0.0106 VDC
13. Pressure indicators MS-106-P11, MS-107-Pl1, MS-110-Pl1 and MS-111-Pl1 and pressure indicating recorders MS-106-PIR MS-107-PIR, MS-110-PIR and MS-111-PIR are located in the Main Control Room on the 145' elevation of the Control Complex.

Per the E/SOPM (Reference 8), the 145' elevation of the Control Complex is designated as EO Zone 13, which is MILD' and has the following specifications:

Radiation - Normal: 1.75 x 10' rads TID for 40 year dose.

Radiation - Accident: 1.75 x 10' rads TID (40 year TID + 6 months).

Temperature - Normal: 70 to 80 F.

14. Instrument Data Sheets MS-106-P11 including MS-110-P11 and MS-107-P11 including MS-111-Pl1 (Reference 23a and 231) show that these pressure indicators are International Instruments Model 1251WV-B010DCV-B010DCV with a 0 to 10 VDC input for a span of 0 to 1,200 psig. The specifications for this pressure indicator is described in International Instruments Series 1151/1251 bulletin, which is located in Instruction Manual #1300 (Reference 38). The pressure indicator has the following specifications (See Attachment 5).

Specified Accuracy: 2 1.5% span for DC ranges.

Repeatability- 2 2% span.

Minor Scale Division: 20 psig.

Per Assumption (A) #6, the SRSS (Square Root of the Sum of the Squares) methodology for the Specified Accuracy and Linearity will be used to determine the Reference Accuracy,

15. Instrument Data Sheets MS-106-PIR including MS-110-PIR and MS-107-PIR including MS-111-PIR (Reference 23c and 23k), shows that the pressure indicating recorders are a Foxboro Model N227P-2RS-CS-N/SRC with an 0 to 10 VDC input for a span of 0 to 1,200 psig. The specifications for this pressure indicating recorder are described in Foxboro Product Specifications PSS 9-7C1-A which is located in instruction Manual #1524 (Reference 57). The pressure indicating recorders have the following specifications (See Attachment 10):

Indicating Accuracy-  : 0.5% of span.

Recording Accuracy: 0.75% of span.

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS /CALCUL.ATION M MI Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 8 of 69 DOCUMENT OENTIFICATON NO. HEVISON HEl/ MAR /bP NUMBER / FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 0002 Temperature Effect:
  • 0.5% of span /50*F change.

Humidity influence:

Indicating: 0.3% of span for a change of 50 to 95% relative humidity.

Recording: + 0.75% to - 1.5% of span for a change of 50 to 95% relative humidity.

Power Supply Effect: < 0.1% of span for 25% change from nominal.

Minor Scale Division: 50 psig (Indicating) 20 psig (Chart)

16. Instrument data sheets ZZ-0014Y (Reference 23ppp) and ZZ-0024Y (Reference 23qqq) list that Foxboro Model N2AX-PS9A nest power supplies are used to supply power for the above mentioned Foxboro pressure indicating recorder. The Specifications for these power supplies are described in Foxboro Ti 2AX-151, which is located in instruction Manual #1524 (Reference 57). The power supplies have the following specifications (See Attachment 11):

Output: + 15 VDC at 1.5 amps and -15 VDC at 1.5 amps.

Regulation - Line: 0.2% output voltage change for t 10% change from nominal line voltage.

Regulation - Load: 1.5% output voltage change for load change from 50 to 100%.

(1) Power supply ZZ-0014Y provides power to MS-106-PIR. Per drawing 210-814 (Reference 71) show that the ZZ-0014Y power supply source is fed from 120 VAC Vltal Bus 3A, VBDP-3, Breaker #2. The electrical one line diagram drawing 206-041 (Reference 63), shows that VBDP-8 can be fed from either the dual input inverter 3A (VBTR-1A) or the 480 V ES MCC 3A2 thru the 30 KVA voltage regulating transformer VBTR 4A. According to the enhanced design basis document (EDBD) for the Class 1E - Altemating Current (AC) system (Reference 59) lists the design regulation parameters associated with VBIT 1 A and VBTR-4A to VBDP-3 as being

  • 1% to ensure that the line voltage is maintained within the design requirements of the EFIC Cabinet.

(2) Power supply ZZ-002-JY provides power to MS-107-PIR. Per drawing 210-814 (Reference 71) show that ZZ-0024Y power supply source is fed from 120 VAC Vital Bus 3A, VBDP-4, Break #11. The electrical one line diagram drawing 206441 (Reference 63), shows that VBDP-8 can be fed from either the dual input inverter 3B (VBTR-1B) or the 480 V ES MCC 3B12 thru the 30 KVA voltage regulating transformer VBTR-48. According to the enhanced design basis document (EDBD) for the Class 1E - Altemating Current (AC) system (Reference 59) lists the design regulation parameters associated with VBIT-1 A and VBTR-4B to VBDP-4 as being t 1% to ensure that the line voltage is maintained within the design requirements of the EFIC Cabinet l

For conservatism, the total regulation associated with the power supplies will be considered as 1.7%

(0.2% + 1.5%) for the transmitters and recorder.

17. Foxboro distribution module (terminal block) MS-106-PY3 including MS-110-PY3 and MS-107-PY3 including MS-111-PY3 (References 23h and 23p), will not be considered in this calculation, because the above mentioned modules are only used for distribution or for testing. The modules do not contribute to the loop error.

! 18. The I&C Design Criteria (Reference 1) and Calculation I-89-0004 (Reference 14) provide the bases for the development of calculations which require the incorporation of Insulation Resistance (IR) effects.

19. Per Calculation I-88-0015 (Reference 16), the following is a list of the circuit data for the loop components

. which are located in a " HARSH

  • environment:

l l

m. -


fida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION M TN Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 9 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION NO. FiEVISON REl/ MAR /SP NUMBER / FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 (1) Sensor: MS-106-PT (2) Sensor: MS-107-PT (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter.

(b) Rosemount conduit seal. (b) Rosemount conduit seal.

(c) Circuit number MSS 43 (EK-36A, Reel 002). (c) Circuit number MSS 45 (EK-37A, Reel 002).

(d) Circuit Length - 282 feet. (d) Circuit Length - 317 feet.

(e) 1 splice in circuit (e) 1 splice in circuit (3) Sensor: MS-108-PT (4) Sensor: MS-109-PT (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter.

(b) Rosemount conduit seal. (b) Rosemount conduit seal.

(c) Circuit number MSS 47 (EK-35A, Reel 336). (c) Circuit number MSS 49 (EK-35A, Reel 327).

(d) Circuit Length - 351 feet. (d) Circuit Length - 324 feet.

(e) 1 splice in circuit (e) 1 splice in circuit (5) Sensor: MS-110-PT (6) Sensor: MS-111-PT (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter.

(b) Rosemount conduit seal. (b) Rosemount conduit seal.

(c) Circuit number MSS 42 (EK-36A, Reel 004). (c) Circuit number MSS 44 (EK-37A, Reel 002).

(d) Circuit Length - 435 feet. (d) Circuit Length - 393 feet.

(e) 1 splice in circuit (e) 1 splice in circuit (7) Sensor: MS-112-PT (8) Sensor: MS-113-PT (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter (a) Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitter.

(b) Rosemount conduit seal. (b) Rosemount conduit seat.

(c) Circuit number MSS 46 (EK-35A, Reel 336). (c) Circuit number MSS 48 (EK-35A, Reel 327).

(d) Circuit Length - 386 feet. (d) Circuit Length - 394 feet.

(e) 1 splice in circuit (e) 1 splice in circuit

20. Calculation I-884009 (Reference 15) depicts a generic 4 - 20 mADC instrument sensor circuit and covers the design input aspects given to the derivation of the insulation resistance error equation. The circuit presented in the calculation is a representation of ungrounded voltage power supply loop. Also, the calculation itself is only concemed with the current leakage path resulting from a degradation of dielectric material to cause a conductor to conductor IR affect. For a conductor to conductor current leakage path configuration this results in an insulation resistance loop error of magnitude in the positive direction.

Closer examination of the intemal cabinet wiring drawings (Reference 33,34,68g and 68h) for the circuit mentioned in the calculation, has identified that the common (or negative) side of the circuit is not l

hFK D I l 9 DD

fida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION MrIl Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 10 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTlFICATION NO. HEVISdON HEl/MAA/SP NUMt!ER/F(E 192-0008 1 SP95 0002 ungrounded. Tracing the common (or negative) side wiro leads has shown that these are all grounded to an isolated instrument ground bus within the cabinet which is tied to the plant's instrument ground grid. This loop configuration differs from the generic application covered in calculation I-88-0009 (Reference 15), where two additional current leakage paths are now introduced for a grounded voltage source.

I Consideration is now given to looking at a grounded transmitter loop configuration in a harsh environment where a conductor to ground current leakage path is created on the positive side of the loop. A leakage path on the positive side of the circuit causes an increase in the current output from the voltage source .

The consideration of this resistive ground path can be ignored since the voltage source will maintain the increase in current load and not affect the current path through the transmitter and the instrument load resistance. The second consideration that needs to be taken into account is a conductor to ground current leakage path on the common (or negative) side of the circuit which results in the leakage path bypassing a portion of the transmitter current around the load impedance (R,) to the common side of the voltage source through the ground path. The leakage current in this case is a negative bias opposed to the positive bias noted in the first consideration. The magnitude of this current is a function of the leakage path to ground resistance and voltage drop across the loop resistance. Therefore, this ground leakage is greatest on the full signal output for the loop when the transmitter current is 20 mADC, as opposed to the conductor to conductor leakage being the greatest at minimum signal (i.e. 4 mADC).

Utilizing the approach given in calculation I-884009 (Reference 15) for determination of the IR error, except considering the transmitter current at 4 mADC, the following equation will be used in calculating the positive bias IR error for a conductor to ground transmitter circuit loop:

A,, = + [(V, R.f )r / (I. x {R, + R,})] x 100 where: V, = power supply voltage = 32 volts R, = equivalent resistance of the loop in a mild environment = 625 ohms is = I op current span = 16 mA ly = loop current across the transmitter = 4 mA.

R, = equivalent parallel resistance of the cables, splices and connectors in a harsh environment.

Substituting the constants into the equation, we have; A,, = + [(32 - (625 x 0.004) ) / (0.016 x {625 + R,})] x 100

= + [(32 - 2.5) / (10 + 0.016R,)] x 100

= + [29.5 / (10 + 0.016R,)] x 100 Again utilizing the approach given in calculation I-884009 (Reference 15), the following equation will be used it. mlculating the negative bias IR error due to a conductor to ground current leakage path on the common (or negative) side of the transmitter loop circuit:

A,n = - [(R,11 ) / (1, x {R, + R,) x 100 where: R, - equivalent resistance of the loop in a mild environment = 625 ohms is = Iwp current span = 16 mA lt = loop current across the transmitter = 20 mA. R, = equivalent parallel resistance of the cables, splices and connectors in a harsh environment. Substituting the constants into the equation, we have; , a. n on

glorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION cMTIl Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 11 of 69 CKX;UMENT OENTKNON NO. REVISON REl/MAHj $P NUM8ER, FILE 192 4008 1 SP95 - 0002 A,, = - [(625 x 0.020) ) / (0.016 x {625 + R,})] x 100

                                         =        - [(12.5) / (10 + 0.016R,)] x 100 Per Section 6.2.B of the instrument String Error /Setpoint Determination Methodology (Reference 1):"IR error due to accident environments are considered systematic." The error term is therefore, additive.
21. The cables used in the instrument loops are CR-3 Bill Of Material (B.O.M.) type EK-35A, EK-36A and EK-37A which are all 2 conductor #16 AWG cable. Vendor Qualification Report CABL-B365-01 (Reference 18) is used to determine the IR value associated with these cable types. Per Tab 11 of the VOP, all of the cable has similar construction as the BlW (Boston insulated Wire) Bostrad 7E, whose test results are documented under the VOP.

The peak temperature in the Intermediate Building (IB) is 417'F per Design Input (DI) #2. This temperature peak in the IB lasts approximately 31 seconds before returning to 300 F within 3 minutes. BlW Bostrad 7E cable was tested under Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND 89-1755C which is included as Attachment B2 to Calculation 1-89-0004 (Reference 14). Per Conclusion 4.e of the Sandia report;

              ' Total thermal lag time was typically 3 minutes for multi-conductor cables and 30 seconds for single conductors." Under Tab 18, page 2 of the VCP report a thermal finite element analysis found that the BlW when installed in conduit is exposed to a maximum temperature excursion of 338 F before falling off to below 300'F. Therefore the minimum cable IR of 2.9 x 10' ohms for the 20 foot specimen length, which is listed in Figure 7 of VOP CABL-B365-01 (Reference 18) will be used in this calculation. Therefore, the following information is applicable:

Specimen Length (Lsa): 20 feet. Minimum IR value (Rc): 2.9 x 10' ohms at 300'F. The cable IR (Rei) is derived from the cable qualification test specimen IR (Rc ), the specimen length (L,a) and the total length of cable in the HARSH environment (Lexy), in feet. Therefore, the following formula is used: Re, = (Rex L a)/Qx,

22. Based on the Walkdown Packa0es for transmitters MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT (Reference 22), the splices in the circuits associated with MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT consists of butt splices with Raychem heat shrink tubing. No non-standard splice configurations were identified. The splices at the transmitters were identified as having Raychem WCSF-N tubing sleeves; therefore, VOP TERM-R098-04 (Reference 20) which documents the test data associated with Raychem WCSF-N splice sleeves will be used for this calculation.

Per Tab F5 of the VOP (Wyle Test Report 58442-1), each test circuit consists of three (3) test splices each consisting of a single layer of WCSF-N sleeving. Per Table 1 of the test report, the minimum IR during the simulated LOCA/MSLB :est was: Cable Splice (R.): 1.8 x 10' ohms at 314 F (excluding the test specimens that had cable insulation failures). Figure 1 of Tab D1. in the above mentioned VOP, describes the thermallag associated with the Raychem sleeving. The RB temperature profile and the thermal tag associated with the Raychem sleeving cross at approximately 310*F. Therefore, the use of the 1.8 x 10' ohms at 314 F is acceptable.

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION M Il Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 12 of_f9 DOCUMENT IDENTE ICATION NO. REVISION HEi/ MAR /$P NUMBER F/ il.E 192 4008 1 SP95 - 0002
23. VOP INST-R36944 (Reference 21) covers the nuclear qualification testing of the Rosemount Model 1154 Series H transmitters. Tab F3, page 4 and 38; specify that a Swagelok fitting and a length of copper tubing be used to seal the electrical conduit entries in preparation for testing the units in a steam / temperature environment within a steam chamber. No conduit seal assembly was used for the test duration. Tab B -

Summary of Qualification; Paragraph 3.1 within the VQP instructs the use of a Rosemount 353C conduit seal to avoid moisture intrusion into electronics housing portion of the transmitter assembly. The walkdown packages covering the transmitter installations identified that a conduit seal connector was fitted onto each transmitter's electronic housing. VQP PEN-R36941 (Reference 19) documents the testing of the Rosemount Model 353C conduit seal. Calculation I-88-0003 (Reference 13) calculated an IR based upon the acceptance criteria given in the test report, in which the voltage measured across the 500 ohm resistor in the test loop could not shift by more than 40 mV. According to the calculation, the test set-up used in the qualifict'on test measured total leakage (lead-to-lead and leads-to-case). It further added that since it is not possible to determine how the leakage is divided, all measured leakage current was assumed to be lead-to-lead leakage. The calculation then used the 40 volts between the seal leads to arrive at an IR value of 5 x 10' ohms. This value is conservative since it represents the maximum allowed deviation for the conduit seal and is used in the instrument string error calculation for the post accident monitoring conditions. Conduit Seal (Rd: 5 x 10 5ohms for temperatures up to 420*F, based on the above mentioned VQP. In deterinination of an IR value for the low pressure initiate condition, a more realistic approach needs to be taken in order demonstrate that the conduit seal IR affect when combined with the other component IR's has a negligible affect on the string error. To arrive at this conclusion the actual test data from the VQP is used to determine the appropriate IR value. Rosemount tested two different design seal configurations and according to Tab 14, page 2, the conduit seals fumished to CR-3 are of the Design 2 configuration. Per Tab F. Appendix A, page 18, the initial LOCA test was interrupted due to steam escaping from the chamber and an inspection was performed of the test units which revealed that the heat shrink tubing on the lead wires of the units had been perforated during the test setup. A modification of the configuration was made, and the units were re-tested. The results of the test showed that a maximum shift of 21 mV was observed on unit A003 during the first test and 4 mV during the re-test. The other unit (A001) had suffered degradation; therefore, test data will be based on unit A003. l According to Tab 2, Sections 17.3.1 and 17.3.2 of the VOP PEN-R36941 (Reference 19), the acceptance criteria during the LOCA test for voltage shifts across the 500 ohm resistor and the IR measurement was 40 mV and 6 x 10' ohms. This IR measurement was to be taken from lead-to-case, as prescribed in Sections 17.2.4 and Although the test procedure gave instructions for taking IR measurements while at . elevated temperatures during the test, this apparently was not done until after the chamber had cooled. (Tab F1, Table 7). Therefore, the only way to establish an IR value for the LOCA temperature is to evaluate the voltage shift measured during the LOCA test. One approach is to reason that the 40 mV and 6 x 10' ohms acceptance criteria correlated a 4 mV shift (representing 1/10 th of the acceptance criteria) which should translate into a lead-to- case IR value approximately ten times that of the IR acceptance criteria, or 6 x 10' ohms. Using the mathematical approach given in Calculation I-88-0003 (Reference 13) and the 4 mV shift value from the test, a leakage current of 0.004 V/500 ohms = 8 x 10-' amperes. Tab F. Appendix A, page 2 indicates the voltage potential between leads was 40 volts. Insulation resistance is then 40 V/8 x 10-8 amperes = 5 x 10' ohms, which agrees closely with that determined above.

Mglorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION r!! Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 13 of _Q.9 DOCUMENT tDENTiHCADON NO. HEVISON HEl/MAHf $P NUMBER / FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Since the data does not indicate when the maximum 4 mV shift occurred, it is reasonable to assume that it occurred at the maximum seal temperature (due to the nature of IR). According to page 19 of Appendix A (Tab F) of the VOP (Reference 19), the specimen test chamber temperature was held at 320 *F for 8 hours whereby the conduit seal device would have experienced the same ambient condition. Therefore, a reasonable estimate for an IR va'ue at 320 F for the seal is 5 x 10' ohms. This value along with the other component IR values will determine the magnitude of the total circuit IR error such that it can be neglected from consideration in the loop error calculation for the low pressure initiate condition.

24. The Remote Shutdown equipment is not postulated to be required concurrent with a Design Basis Accident (DBA), per FSAR Section (Reference 3).
25. The "As-Left" tolerances are to be determined from the SRSS of the Reference Accuracy for all of the components in the string. Since "As-Left" tolerances are only used to determine drift between calibrations, only Normal operating condition parameters affect the determination of the tolerances.
26. The " Calibrated" Loop Error will be determined from the summation of the Calculated Loop Error and the "As-Found" tolerances for the components in the loop plus any Margin, if applicable. The " Calibrated
  • Loop Error is the maximum error that operations could expect after the calibration of the loop.
27. The "As-Found" tolerances are to be determined from the summation of the "As-Left" tolerances plus the SRSS of the Drift of any components and the M&TE error associated with the string.
28. " Partial Loop" tolerances are to be determined from the difference of the total loop tolerance ("As-Left" and "As-Found") and the actuation device tolerances ("As-Left" and "As-Found"). " Partial Loop" tolerances are determined to aid in the calibration of loops which include actuation devices (i e.: pressure switches).
29. Future surveillance procedure revisions wil! use the test equipment listed below for the main steam pressure loop strings. Therefore, M&TE error uncertainty as stated in calculation 1-95-0005 (Reference 41) will be as follows:

a) The Druck DPl-510 Pressure Controller / Calibrator, has the capability for measurement 0 3000 psig. Since our process measurement span is 0 - 1200 psig, the M&TE error uncertainty from Reference 41 has to be adjusted for the 1200psig span as follows: For the pressure calibrator portion in Zone 5 (Intermediate Bldg. Elev 119'-0") as: 0 - 3000 PSI Ranae DPI-510.,, = 10.129% full scale

                                 =       10.129% (3000 psig/1200 psig)
                                 =          0.323 % span For the current measurement portion in Zone 5 (Intermediate Bldg. Elev 119'-0") as:

20mA Ranoe DPI-510sa: = 0.372% span 6, 55 dVI Dil

fida DESIGN ANALYSIS /CALCUL.ATION MrTd Crystal River Unit 3 I Sheet 14 of 69 I mcuuem ameurm e acvism aef ma/se suumafru 192 @ 08 1 SP95 - 0002 . I b) In accordance with Reference 41, the referenced document has determined that the Keithley 197A test equipment has a M&TE error uncertainty of: For current measurement in Zone 2 (Control Complex): 20mA Ranae 197A , = 2 0.190% span c) In accordance with Reference 41, the referenced document has determined that the Fluke 8522A test equipment has a M&TE error uncertainty of: For current measurement in Zone 2 (Control Complex): 1 - 5 VDC Ranae 8522Am =

  • 0.041% span 0 - 10 VDC Ranae 8522Au,o = 2 0.023% span
30. Surveillance Procedures SP-146A (Reference 44) and SP-193A (Reference 45) have the following "As-Left*

and 'As-Found# tolerances: Loop End' Device . - AS-LEFT) ' ASiFOUND MS-106-PY1  : 0.013 VDC 0.042 VDC MS-106-Pl1  : 15 PSIG  : 20 PSIG MS-106-Pl2 15 PSIG i 20 PSIG MS-106-PIR (Chart) 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-106-PIR (Indicating)  : 25 PSIG 25 PSIG MS-106-PS1 2 0.008 VDC 0.008 VDC MS-106-PS2 + 0.008 VDC

                                                        .                                     0.008 VDC MS-106-PS3                       2 0.008 VDC                            0.008 VDC MS-106-PT (Recall Pt. RCL252)                 : 24 PSIG                            36 PSIG MS-107-PY1                       2 0.013 VDC                            0.042 VDC MS-107-Pl1                         215 PSIG                             20 PSIG            ;

MS-107-Pl2 15 PSIG  : 20 PSIG MS-107-PIR (Chart) 15 PSIG 20 PSIG j MS-107-PIR (Indicating)  : 25 PSIG  : 25 PSIG MS-107-PS1  : 0.008 VDC  : 0.008 VDC

9 oocuuem umcum wo. 192-0008 glorida ccw985 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 sensa 1 sevuase suusespu SP95 - 0002 Sheet 15 of 69 l l

                                           ~ Loop End Device                 AS-LEFT                                                                                                                              AS-FOUND MS-107-PS2                  2 0.008 VDC                                                                                                                               0.008 VDC MS-107-PS3                  2 0.008 VDC                                                                                                                            i 0.008 VDC MS-108-PY1                      0.013 VDC                                                                                                                             0.042 VDC MS-108-PS1                      0.008 VDC                                                                                                                             0.008 VDC MS-108-PS2                  2 0.008 VDC                                                                                                                               0.008 VDC            l MS-108-PS3                       0.008 VDC                                                                                                                         2 0.008 VDC l

MS-109-PY1 0.013 VDC i 0.042 VDC MS 109-PS1  : 0.008 VDC  : 0.008 VDC MS-109-PS2 3 0.008 VDC 0.008 VDC l l MS-109-PS3 2 0.008 VDC 0.008 VDC MS-110.PY1  : 0.013 VDC 0.042 VDC MS-110-Pl1 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS 110-Pl2 215 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-110-PIR (Chart)  : 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-110-PIR (Indicating)  : 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-110-PS1 0.008 VDC  : 0.008 VDC MS-110-PS2 0.008 VDC 2 0.008 VDC MS-110-PS3 3 0.008 VDC 2 0.008 VDC MS-110-PT (Recall Pt. RCL255)  : 24 PSIG  : 36 PSIG MS-111-PY1 0.013 VDC 0.042 VDC MS-111-P11  : 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-111 P12 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-111-PIR (Chart)  : 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-111-PIR (Indicating)  : 15 PSIG 20 PSIG MS-111-PS1 0.008 VDC 0.008 VDC MS-111-PS2 2 0.008 VDC 2 0.008 VDC MS-111-PS3 3 0.008 VDC 0.008 VDC MS-112-PY1 0.013 VDC 0.042 VDC

                                   }           MS-112 PS1                       0.008 VDC                                                                                                                             0.008 VDC
                                   '                                                                                                                                                                                  0.008 VDC MS 112-PS2                   2 0 008 VDC MS-112-PS3                       0.008 VDC                                                                                                                             0.008 VDC

[ :lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION ( v ) U Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 16 of 69 COCUMLNT OLNilFaCATON NO. HEVISION HEs/MARj$P NUMBERf flLE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002

                                                             ' Loop End Device -                                                                                                                                                                        AS-LEFT                                AS-FOUND '

MS-113-PY1 10.013 VDC t 0.042 VDC MS-113-PS1 1 0.008 VDC

  • 0.008 VDC MS-113-PS2 2 0.008 VDC 2 0.008 VDC t MS-113-PS3 2 0.008 VDC
  • 0.008 VDC l l

I l

31. Surveillance Procedure SP-146A (Reference 44) has the following "As-Left" and "As-Found" setpoint data.


                                                        .l.og EndDehe                                                                                                                                                                         ' AS-l. EFT                        ASfOUND Vohnge           Engr g UnN J       Vohnge           Engr'g Unn seeins              seeins         amans              seasne l

MS-106-PS1 thru MS-113-PS1 3 059 VDC 617.76 PSI 3.059 VDC 617.76 PSI MS-106-PS2 thru MS-113-PS2 1.356 VDC 106 80 PSID 1.356 VDC 106.80 PSID { MS-106-PS3 thru MS-113-PS3 3 441 VDC 732.37 PSI 3 441 VDC 732.37 PSI l

32. The position taken by ISA-RP67.04, Part II, Paragraph (Reference 56) which typically considers input and output test equipment used during the calibration of a device as independent, and could thus be i combined by the SRSS method. l l
33. Per Calculation I-94-0012 (Reference 17), the error associated with RECALL /SPDS is 10.366% of Full Scale Range (20 VDC or 4096 counts).
34. The NRC has accepted instrument error calculations based upon a 2 sigma confidence level via R.G.1.105 (Reference 47). Per the I&C Design Criteria (Reference 1), published instrument errors are usually expressed at a confidence level of 3 sigma, unless otherwise indicated. That philosophy should be valid for error terms which pertain to equipment operated in a controlled environment. However, for equipment which must survive the environmental effects of an accident (LOCA, HELB), that philosophy cannot be adhered to. The reason for such is that special environmental testing to quantify the temperature, pressure, and radiation effects due to accident conditions are usually done on too small a sample to represent a 3 sigma value. Therefore, environmental error terms shall be considered as 2 sigma values unless otherwise indicated. This calculation does not convert any 3 sigma non-environmental error terms (i.e. reference accuracy, drift, etc.) into 2 sigma terms when it combines the non-environmental with the environmental terms. This approach adds conservatism to the end result.
35. The following method will be used to determine the overall error for component (s) and/or loop (s) that have Positive (+) and/or Negative (-) Biases:

(1) Positive Blases will be added to the SRSS of the Positive random errors, while ignoring Negative Biases. (2) Negative Blases will be added to the SRSS of the Negative random errors, while ignoring Positive Biases. l

glorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION coYrfd Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 17 of 69 DOCUMENT OENTIRCAfION NO. HEVISON REliMAH/$P NUMBER /HL.E 192 4008 1 SP95 - 0002

36. In the determination of the low steam generator pressure initiate and isolation setpoint, the calculated setpoint must be high enough to initiate main steam / main feedwater isolation on a depressurized condition in either steam generator. Also, at the same time actuate the emergency feedwater system. This same value must be low enough to avoid isolation of a steam generator during plant operation that is not indicative of a depressurized condition. FSAR Chapter (Reference 3) describes the depressurtzing condition occurring at 600 psig.

[ Note: In the original setpoint calculation as documented 'n FPC Calculation I-84-0005 (B&W Document ID 51-1153083-02) [ Reference 9] this low pressure initiate point was identified to occur at 585 psig. This pressure trip point was based on a Safety Analysis for Midland I and il J.

37. The permissive for bypassing the EFIC trip setpoint must be accomplished when the main steam pressure decreases below 750 psig in either generator and before reaching the low pressure initiate setpoint of 600 psig. The low pressure bypass permissive can be bypass whenever one of the two main steam pressure transmitter's input has reached the pre-determined bistable setpoint. One permissive bypass will trip the other regardless of the other pressure signal level. The lowest of the two input pressure signals will also be the first to actuate the low pressure initiate bistable. The setpoint condition must ensure operator initiation of emergency feedwater in order to produce results that are bounded by the accident basis analysis [or safety analysis). During controlled plant start-up the steam generator bypass permissive bistable automatically arms itself. Reference 53 is the source document which explains the determination for the acceptability of the 750 psig bypass setpoint. In addition, the setpoint must not interfere with plant start-up and cooldown without causing spurious actuation of the EFW system.
38. Determination of the ADV pressure control setpoint dictates the controlled relief pressure for managing the main steam line header pressure. The selected setpoint must not challenge the main steam code safeties and at the same, avoid unnecessary release of mass energy (steam) up the vent stacks to atmosphere during normal operation. According to improved Technical Specification paragraphs B3.7.1 and SR (Reference 2), both mention that one safety relief valve on each ste m generator has a lift setpoint of 1050 psig ( t 3%). An administrative limit of 1050 psig is in place on valves MSV-33, MSV-34, MSV-35 AND MSV.

36 to maintain this as the minimum zero tolerance "As-Left" lift setpoint (Reference 49).

39. Curve 8 from Operating Procedure OP-103A (Reference 48) depicts the main steam operating pressure for various plant power levels where at full power the maximum operating steam pressure is shown as 916.5 psig.
40. The FOGG Logic Assessment Study (Reference 52 and Attachment 12) assumed a differential pressure value of the 150 psid including a 25 psi margin for instrument error. Calculation I-84-0005 (Reference 9) assumes 150 psid with 12.38 psi error. The setpoint ensures that automatic isolation of emergency  ;

feedwater occurs to a depressurized steam generator for varying sizes of steam line breaks.  : l

41. Environmental conditions have an influence on transmitter accuracy where the influence is dependent on i the type of plant transient event causing substantial differences in ambient conditions. This calculation )

considers the following environmental scenarios under which the transmitters will operate to satisfy the design requirements:

a. Normal Environmental Conditions
b. Environmental Effects Prior to EFIC - Low Pressure / Differential Pressure Actuation Following MSLB
c. Environmental Effects Post-Accident (MSLB)
sorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Mon r?! Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 18 of 69 DOCUMENT OLNTIFICATON NO. HEVISION H61/ MAA/SP NUMBER iFILE 192 4008 1 SP95 - 0002 The above environmental conditions will now be discussed as to their impact on various transmitter accuracy components (i.e. temperature, insulation resistance on the circuit, steam pressure / temperature, and radiation),
a. Normal Environmental Conditions The only effects considered are the transmitter temperature effects created by the differential temperature between the transmitter's calibration temperature and the normal operating temperature in the Intermediate BuHding. IR is not a concem since there is no steam environment and no high temperatures present to reduce insulation resistance. As explained in Dl7.4, radiation effects are not a factor for the normal operating environment.

EO Zone 16 lists that for a 5 hour duration period the zone is expected to experience an ambient temperature change between 129 F and 1350F. This 5 hour variation in ambient condition could be attributed to a plant upset event that results in the lifting of the main steam code safeties. The mass energy release through the 16 code safety vent stacks can create an immense amount of heat energy that is radiated to the surrounding area to cause an increase in the ambient temperatures. This 5 hour duration will be considered as an infrequent occurrence and have minimal impact on the transmitters since they are located below the discharge point of the code safeties to the vent stacks. Therefore, the transmitter wHI not be exposed to a surrounding ambient temperature (normal) of greater than 130 F.

b. Environmental Effects Prior to EFIC - Low Pressure / Differential Pressure Actuation Followina HELB.

The FOGG Logic Assessment (Reference 52) had examined a wide spectrum of main steam line break cases in order to assess that sufficient differential pressure existed between two steam generators for FOGG to function. The assessment concluded that given a main steam isolation vdve signal (Iow pressure initiate) adequate differential pressure between the two generators was distinguishable to cause a FOGG to occur. A review of the steam line break curves in the assessment document (Reference 52) and the FSAR Figure 14-26 (Reference 3) showed that an affected steam generator can depressurize to 600 psig anywhere between one second to 30 seconds (30 seconds being worse case) depending on the steam line break size. Since there is a thermal lag associated with the transmitter, the transmitter intemals will not reach the HELB Intermediate Building temperature of 417'F (as per EO Zone 16) before the main steam low pressure actuation is reached. Rosemount conducted a thermal response test of the intemals of its 1153D transmitter (using the same stainless steel housing as used on the subject transmitters) and found the thermal time constant to be approximately 4.8 minutes (Attachment 18). In addition, a letter from Rosemount allows the use of this data on 1154 Series H transmitters (Attachment 18). Using a lumped system analysis approach to heat transfer, a transmitter intemal temperature at the time of main steam actuation can be derived. This method provides good results whenever the intemal conductive resistance is small compared to the extemal convective resistance. Whenever this is true, the temperature of the object wHI be spatially uniform at any given time. Rosemount used this approach in Attachment 4 to determine transmitter intemal temperature as a function of time. Usirs the approach given in Attachment 4, the transmitter intemal temperature can be derived 30 seconds after the HELB occurs. As long as the time constant of the transmitter is much larger than the time to EFIC - low pressure, the IB temperature rise can be treated as a step change. This does add conservatism since a higher intemal temperature will result. Therefore, using the lumped system neat transfer analysis method, the intemal electronic temperature can be determined at the low pressure initiate (along with deltaP) using the equation from Attachment 4 will be: , 55 FA DiI

pda cMrid DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 l 1 Sheet 19 of 69 j DOCUMENT IDENUFICA DON NO. FEVISION REl/ MAR /$P NUMBER/FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 I (T1 - TO) = (T2 - TO)[1 - exp(-t/TC)] l

                            .. T1 - TO + (T2 - TO)[1 - exp(-t/TC)]

where: T1 - Temperature of internal electronics board at time t TO = Temperature of internal electronics board at time 0 T2 - Temperature of the ambient at time t TC - Time constant of transmitter housing (4.8 minutes or 288 seconds) t = time To = 130'F + (417'F - 130'F)[1 - exp(-30s/288s)]

                                  =    130*F + (287'F)[1 - exp(-0.104)]

130*F + (287*F)[1 - 0.9012]

                                  =    130'F + 28.36*F
                                  =    158.36* F
                                  =    158'F (Temperature rounded down)

As determined, the transmitter's electronic intemal temperature has not heated-up to the surrounding HELB temperature and actually lags it. This, then shows that the transmitter's temperature effect is stBI within Rosemount's normal operating design limit of + 40*F and 200*F (DI #7). Therefore, the normal temperature effects will be used in the determination of the transmitter inaccuracy for the low pressure and differential pressure loop errors. During the actuation period the instrumentation cable, conduit seals and splices are exposed to the same elevated environment as the transmitter and a certain magnitude of IR may have an influence on the loop error. As with the transmitter, there is a thermal lag associated with these devices. Rather than performing a rather rigorous finite element thermal analysis on each device to determine its approximate temperature at the time of actuation, the above lumped parameter approach will be used for each device in order to show that the combined IR's have a negligible affect and therefore need not be considered in the calculation of the loop error. Design input (DI) #21 states that thermal lag of multiconductor cable is typically about 3 minutes for those mentioned in SAND 89-1755C. According to the report , this 3 minute period was the time it took for the cable to reach a stable value of IR. The report does not cover how many time constant this cteady state constant represents. Assuming this 3 minute represents 3 time constants, one time constant would equal to 60 seconds. This time constant should be conservative since the cables were not tested in conduit. The main steam pressure transmitter instrumentation cable gre routed in conduit. The conduit provides an additional thermal resistance to cable temperature increases and would thus increase the actual thermal time constant of the cable (i.e. reduces the cable temperature). Using the 60 seconds as a conservative thermal time constant, the following cable, temperature at the time of the low pressure actuation can be determined using the same lump systems analysis approach: Tu = 130*F + (417'F - 130*F)[1 - exp(-30s/60s)]

                                             =     130*F + (287'F)[1 - exp(-0.5)]

130*F + (287*F)[1 - 0.6065]

                                             =     130*F + 112.93'F
                                             =     242.93'F

9 glorida cMU OUcuMENT OENTWCATON NQ. 192-0008 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEVISON 1 ret / MAR /$P NUMBER / ALE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 20 . of 69 From VQP CABL-B365-01, Figure 7 (Reference 18), the closest cable temperature which matches the above calculated value is listed as 250 F. The IR value listed for this temperature is 1.7 x 10' ohms. According to Tab 14 of VOP TERM-R09844 (Reference 20), Raychem has not published data regarding thermal lag through its WCSF-N splice sleeving; however, contained within Tab 14 are results of laboratory testing done on a sample of WCSF-200 material. From those test results , a thermal time constant for the main steam actuation period (0 - 30 seconds) based upon the inside sleeve temperature will be determined using the same lumped systems analysis approach established earlier: 90*C = 50 + (225'C - 50 C)(1 - e-nge) 40 C = 175 C - 175'C [eencj

                                 -135*C     =
                                                  - 175 C [e *FC]

0.77143 = e *FC

                                 -0.2595    =
                                                  - 60 s /TC TC         =     231.20 seconds the inner sleeve temperature at low pressure actuation is therefore:

Tu - 130*F + (417 F - 130 F)[1 - exp(-30s/231.20s)]

                                            =     130*F + (287'F)[1- exp(-0.1298)]

130 F + (287 F)[1- 0.8783)


130*F + (287 F)[0.1217]

                                            =     130 F + 34.93*F
                                            =     164.93'F From VOP TERM-R098-04 Table 1 (Reference 20), the closest splice temperature that matches the above calculated value is listed as 210 F. The IR value listed for this temperature is 4.6 x 10' ohms.

No thermal time constant information is available for the Rosemount conduit seals used at the transmitters: therefore, it will be conservatively assumed that the seal has the same thermal time constant as the cable. This should be conservative since the seat is an extension of the cable and more dense than the cable. From this assumption, the transmitter seal temperature at low pressure initiation is assumed to be the same as the cable temperature of 243.93 F. Refering to Design Input (Dl) #23, the IR value was defined for our condition as 5 x 10' ohms. With all of the pertient IR data assemblied, it can now be used to establish the magintude of these combined affect has in contribution to the overall loop error. Using the equation from Design input (DI)

                 #20, the magnitude of the IR affect is:

A,n = + [29.5 / (10 + 0.016R,)) x 100

                                                  - [12.5 / (10 + 0.016R,)) x 100 Using the worst circuit length as being for MS-110-PT; 6 for MSS 42 is 435 feet.

Ru = (1.7 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/435 feet

                                            =     0.782 x 10' ohms R.   =     4.6 x 10' ohms Ra =       5  x 10' ohms 8

1/R,= [(1/0.782 x 10') + (1/4.6 x 10 ) + (1/5 x 10')]


[1.279 x 10' + 2.174 x 10* + 2.00 x 10]

                                            =      1.48 x 10*

ERA 4 5 T T i 55

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 21 of 69 DOCUMLNT OENTIFICATON NO. REWSON REl/MAA/SP NUMBER /FILE 192-0008_ 1 SP95 - 0002 R, = (1/1.48 x 10*)

                                                 =    0.676 x 10' ohms A,n   =
                                                      + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 0.676 x 10'))] x 100
                                                      + [29.5/(10826)] x 100
                                                 =    + 0.272% span = (0.272% x 1200) = 3.26 psig
                                                       - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 0.676 x 10')] x 100
                                                       - [12.5/10826] x 100
                                                 =     - 0.115% span = - (0.115% x 1200) = - 1.38 psig The calculated IR affect for the low pressure errors is relatively small in magnitude in comprasion to the transmitter error of 2 1.87% span. Therefore, IR affects will not be considered, since it is not significant and would not appreciately change the magnitude of the oveull loop error accuracy which is predominately dictated by the the transmitter error.
c. Environmental Effects Post-Accident (MSLB)

The steam pressu e/ temperature effects published in the transmitter litemture apply to the transmitter since it will be exposed to the environment for the duration specified in the product specification. There is no significant release of radiation on an MSLB; therefore, radiation effects are not considered for this event. lll MSUMPTIONS (A)

1. Assume that modules, indicators and recorders located in EO Zones 13 (Control Room),43 (Remote Shutdown) and 58 (EFIC Rooms) are calibrated at 70*F, which is the lowest ambient temperature condition to be expected for these Zones. This will ensure that any temperature effects are conservatively calculated.
2. Assume that the pressure transmitters located in EQ Zone 16 are calibrated at 80*F, which is the lowest ambient temperature condition expected for this zone. This will ensure that any temperature effects are conservatively calculated.
3. It is assumed that the test equipment referenced under Design input (DI) 29 will be used in the future to calibrate MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT loops.

(1) The transmitters are calibrated using the Druck DPI 510 for pressure and current, therefore, the M&TE error for the pressure transmit 19r is: MTE,1 = 2 (MTEo,' + MTEo,') D129a


t (0.323' + 0.372')'I'

                                            * (0.2427)'/*
                                      =     10.493% span (2) The EFIC pressure bistables (pressure switches) are calibrated using one (1) Fluke 8522A for voltage on a 1 - 5 VDC signal. Therefore, the M&TE error for this item is:

MTE,. = i (8522Am) Dl29c

                                      =     10.041% span w                                                                                                                             n .n

9 cx88t?! OOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION NO. 192-0008 ida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEV$10N 1 AEl fMAR /SP NUMBER / FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 22 of 69 j (3) The EFIC - Low Pressure and Bypass Permissive Bistable (Pressure Switch) Loops are to be calibrated l by calibrating the pressure transmitter, then inputting the transmitter current values with a Keithley l 197A into the EFIC compensation module while monitoring the voltage input to the bistables (pressure  ! l switches) with a Fluke 8522A for voltage ore 1 - 5 VDC signal. Therefore, the MTE required is: MTEpst = (DPI-510 3p,' + DPI-St0m8 + 197A,u,' + 2 x (8522Am)')'/2 Dl29 8


2 (0.323' + 0.372 + 0.190' + 2 x( 0.041)')i/2

                                            * (0.2822)'/8
  • 0.531% span (4) The other loops are to be calibrated by calibrating the pressure transmitter, then inputting the I transmitter current values with a Keithley 197A into the EFIC compensation module while also monitoring the indicators, recorders, and etc .

MTEa = * (DPI-5103 ,,' + DPI-510m' + 197Ayu,')'I D129 8 2


2 (0.323 + 0.372 + 0.190')'/8


r (0.2788)'/"

                                       =    2 0.528% span (5) The EFIC - Differential Pressure Bistable (Pressure Switch) Loops are to be calibrated by calibrating the two pressure transmitter, then inputting both transmitter current values at the same time with a Keithley 197A into the two (2) EFIC compensation module within the same cabinet and monitoring the voltage input to the bistables (pressure switches) using two Keithley 197A. Therefore, the MTE required l                       Is:

l l MTEagst = 2 [(2) x (DPI-510 3g,)* + (2) x (DPI-510m)' + (2) x (197A,u,)2 + (2) x (8522Am)')i/2 Dl29 MTE . = 2 [(2) x(0.323)' + (2) x (0.372)' + (2) x (0.190)" + (2) x (0.041)']'/'


2 [(2 x 0.1043) + (2 x 0.1384) + (2 x 0.0361) + (2 x 0.001681)]'/*


I * [(0.2006) + (0.2768) + (0.0722) + (0.0034))"' l =

                                            * [0.5610]"'
  • 0.749% span (6) The EFIC Control module are to be calibrated by calibrating the pressure transmitter, then inputting
the transmitter current values with a Keithley 197A into the EFIC compensation module while monitoring the voltage input to the control module (pressure control) using a Fluke 8522A voltage on l

a 0 - 10 VDC signal. Therefore, the MTE required is: MTEot c

                                       =      (DPI-510,,8 3   + DPI-510m' + 197A,u,' + 8522A,y,,8)v2                      Dl29 l

8 8

                                            * (0.323 + 0.372 + 0.190' + 0.023')V8
                                            * (0.2793)v2
                                       =    = 0.528% span
4. For components were a drift term is not specified, it is assumed that any drift is present is bounded by the reference accuracy of the device.

9 Mglorida DOCUMt NT IDENTIFICATION NO. 192-0008 Tfl DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 FEVISION 1 HEt/MAM/$P NUMBER / FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 23 of_99 t-l

5. The Control Complex is ce".Uered a Controlled Environment; therefore, no significant changes in humidity l will be considered.

f l 6. Per Section 6.3.A of l&C Design Criteria (Reference 1); l

                                                          " Accuracy as identified in a vendor specification is usually assumed to be Reference Accuracy.
                                                             .. Reference Accuracy includes the combined effects of conformity (linearity), hysteresis and repeatability."

Where conformity Olnearity), hysteresis and repeatability values are less than the specified accuracy, the above statement is to be considered true. For conservatism, where conformity Oinearity), hysteresis and/or repeatability values are equal to or greater than the specified accuracy, then the value(s) will be combined via the SRSS method with the specified accuracy term to determine the Reference Accuracy value. IV REFERENCES m)

1. I&C Design Criteria " Instrument Sinng Error /Setpoint Determination Methodology", Revision 1, dated 03/23/92.
2. Improved Technical Specification Sections 3.3.11,3.3.12,3.3.13,3.3.14,3.3.18 and 3.7.1, Amendment 150.
3. FSAR Sections 7.2.4,, 10.3.4, and FSAR Figure 14-26, Revislor, i1.
4. Design Basis Document (DBD) for Post-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation (Section 5/ Tab 11), Revision 2.
5. Enhanced Design Basis Document (EDBD) f;r the Emergency Feedwater and Emergency Feedwater j initiation and Control System (Section 6/ Tab 13), Revision 3.
6. Enhanced Design Basis Document (EDBD) for the Main Steam System, (Section 6/ Tab 10), Revision 3.
7. Request for Engineering Assistance's (REA) 94-1255,94-1256 and 94-1257.
8. Environmental and Seismic Qualification Program Manual (E/SOPM), Revision 7.
9. FPC Calculation I-84-0005, Revision 5, dated 02/19/90, titled " Post EFW Upgrade: Limits and Precautions, EFIC Setpoints.
10. FPC Calcu'ation I-85-0001, Revision 0, dated 06/18/85, titled
  • FPC EFIC String Error Calculation ".
11. FPC Calculation I-850002, Revision 0, dated 06/13/85, titled " EFWfcF!C String Error Calculation Methodology *
12. FPC Calculation I-88-0001, Revision 1, dated 10/03/89, titled
  • EFIC Indicator Errors ".
13. FPC Calculation I-88-0003, Revision 3, dated, " Insulation Resistance of Rosemount Conduit Seal *
14. FPC Calculation 189-0004, Revision 5, dated, " Instrument Loop and insulation Resistance (lR) Accuracy Calculations' provides the bases for determination of the IR effects (error).

h,W D / I f 55

9 porida co? r!.I DOCUMENT OEN?lFCATON NO. 192-0008 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEVISCN 1 HEl/ MAR /LP NUMBER / FILE SP95 - 0002 Meet 24 of 69 i l



15. FPC Calculation 188-0009, Revision 3, dated 10/26/92, " IR Accuracy 4-20 mA Loop (Vitro Nest)".
16. FPC Calculation I-88-0015, Revision 6, dated 10/02/92, " Selection of Circuit Data for IR Accuracy Calculations ",
17. FPC Calculation 1-94-0012, Revision 1 dated 2/17/95, titled, ' Computer instrument Accuracy".
18. Vendor Qualification Package (VOP) CABL-B365-01, " Boston insulated Wire Bostrad 7E instrumentation
            & Control Cable", Revision 2.
19. Vendor Qualification Package (VQP) PEN-R369 01, "Rosemount Model 353C Conduit Seals", Revision 2.
20. Vendor Qualification Package (VOP) TERM-R098-04, "Raychem NPKC, NPKP, and NPKS Transition Splice Assemblies", Revision 2.
21. Vendor Qualification Package (VOP) INST-R369-04, *Rosemount Inc.,1154 Series H Transmitter", Revision 1.
22. Walkdown Package Numbers 27 through 34 for end devices MS-106-PT through MS-113 PT.
23. Instrument Data Sheets:
a. MS-106-Pil, Rev. 4 aa. Deleted aaa. EFV-055-LC1, Rev. 3
b. MS-106-Pl2, Rev. 3 bb. MS-110-PS1, Rev. 3 bbb. Deleted
c. MS-106-PIR, Rev. 3 cc. MS-110-PS2, Rev. 2 ccc. Deleted
d. MS 106-PS1, Rev. 3 dd. MS-110-PS3, Rev. 2 ddd. EF-100-EB2, Rev.1
e. MS-106-PS2, Rev. 2 ee. MS-110-PT, Rev. 3 eee. EF-100-JX6, Rev.1
f. MS-106-PS3, Rev. 2 ff. SP-021-LY1, Rev. I fff. EF-200-EB2, Rev.1
g. MS-106-PT, Rev. 3 gg. SP-018-LY1, Rev.1 ggg. EF-200-JX6, Rev.1
h. MS-106-PY3, Rev. I hh. SP-019-LY1, Rev.1 hhh. EF-300-EB1, Rev.1
1. MS-107-Pil, Rev.1 11. MS-111-PS1, Rev. 3 ill. EF-300-EB2, Rev. 2
j. SP-017-PY1, Rev.1 jj. MS-111-PS2, Rev. 2 jjj EF-300-EB4, Rev.1
k. MS-107-PIR, Rev. 3 kk. MS-111-PS3, Rev. 2 kkk. EF-300-JX6, Rev.1
1. MS-107-PS1, Rev. 3 II. MS-111-PT, Rev. 3 til. EF-400-EB1, Rev.1
m. MS-107-PS2, Rev. 2 mm. SP-022-LY1, Rev.1 mmm. EF-400-EB2, Rev. 2
n. MS-107-PS3, Rev. 2 nn. MS-112-PS1, Rev. 3 nnn. EF-400-EB4, Rev.1
o. MS-107-PT, Rev. 3 oo. MS-112-PS2, Rev. 2 ooo. EF-400 JX6, Rev.1
p. MS-107-PY3, Rev.1 pp. MS-112-PS3, Rev. 2 ppp. ZZ-001-JY, Rev.1
q. MS-108-P31, Rev. 3 qq. MS-112-PT, Rev. 3 qqq. ZZ-002-JY, Rev.1
r. MS-108-PS2, Rev. 2 rr. MS-113-PSI, Rev. 3 rrr. SP-023-LY1, Rev.1
s. MS-108-PS3, Rev. 2 ss. MS-113-PS2, Rev. 2 sss. SP-024-LY1, Rev.1
t. MS-108-PT, Rev. 3 tt. MS-113-PS3, Rev. 2
u. MS-109-PSI, Rev. 3 uu. MS-113-PT, Rev. 3
v. MS-109-PS2, Rev. 2 w. Deleted
w. MS-109-PS3, Rev. 2 ww. EFV-058-LC1, Rev. 3
x. MS-109-PT, Rev. 3 c. Deleted
y. SP-020-LY1, Rev.1 yy. Deleted
z. MS-110-Pl2, Rev. 3 zz. Deleted
24. Drawing 205-039. sheet MS-01, Revision 7.

l i 55 M D /1

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION ME Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 25 of 69 l DOCUMENT OENTIFsCATON NO. REVISON REl/nnAR/SP NUMOF.R/FLE 192 0008 1 SP95 - 0002
25. Drawing 205-039, sheet MS-02, Revision 7.
26. Drawing 205439, sheet MS43, Revision 4.
27. Drawing 205-039, sheet MS-04, Revision 4.
28. Drawing 205439, sheet MS-05, Revision 6.
29. Drawing 205-039, sheet MS-06, Revision 5.
30. Drawing 308-129, Revision 10.
31. Drawing 308-130, Revision 11.
32. Drawing 308-603 sheet 2, Revision 1.
33. Vendor Drawing 3801-3008, sheet 3, Revision 5.
34. Vendor Drawing 3801-3008, sheet 4, Revision 6.
35. FPC Instruction Manual No. 586, Rev!alon 6, titled,
  • Remote Shutdown Relay and Auxillary Cabinets *
36. FPC Instruction Manual No.1172, Volume 1, Revision 3, titled
  • Emergency Feedwater initiation and Control System *
37. FPC Instruction Manual No.1283, Revision 3, titled,
  • EFIC Auxillary Cabinets *
38. FPC instruction Manual No.1300, Revision 0, titled,
  • EFIC Panel Assembly ".
39. ISA-S67.04, Part 1, titled
  • Setpoint For Nuclear Safety Related instrumentation", Approved September, 1994.
40. FPC Instruction Manual No.1896, Revision 1, titled.
  • Rosemount Instruction Manual Model 1154 Series l i

H Alphaline Pressure Transmitters for Nuclear Services *

41. FPC Calculation 195 0005, Revision 0, titled
  • Measurement and Test Equipment Accuracy Calculation".
42. Letter LFM90-0006, dated 1/29/90 " Licensing interpretation Seismic and LOCA".


43. Letter SNES94-0276, dated 9/12/94 " Response to NEA94-0694 on RPS Instruments".  ;


44. Surveillance Procedure SP-146A, Revision 8, dated 12/14/94, titled,
  • EFIC Monthly Functional Test (Modes  !

1, 2 and 3) ",

45. Surveillance Procedure SP-193A, Revision 2, dated 04/14/94, titled *EFIC Transmitter Calibration during ,

Modes 4 through 6 *. I I

46. Surveillance Procedure SP-416, Revision 27, dated 05/16/94, titled,
  • Emergency Feedwater Automatic 1 Actuation
  • AAwD/1 J,

DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION I Mglorida r!! Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 26 of 69 l OOCUMLNT OENTIFICATION NQ. HEVibON REl/ MAR /SP NUMBER / Fill 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002

47. Reg. Guide 1.105, Revision 2, titled, " instrument Setpoints for Safety-Related Systems "
48. Operating Procedure OP-103A, Revision 1, dated 05/20/88, titled, " Operating Curves "
49. Surveillance Procedure SP-650, Revision 26, dated 04/14/95, titled, "ASME Code Safety Valve Test "
50. FPC design modification MAR 77-04-14, dated 10/05/77, titled,
  • Ao . circuit to provide operation of ADV's whenever steam pressure exceeds 1025 psig "
51. Deleted
52. Babcock and Wilcox Engineering Information Record (EIR) Document Identifier 51-1223786-01, titled, "FOGG Verification Study".
53. Babcock and Wilcox Engineering information Record (EIR) Document identifier 51-1138803-00, dated 11/23/82, titled, " EFIC Shutdown Bypass - Operator Action".
54. FAX Transmission to J. B. FitzGerald of Vitro Corp. from R. Iwachow of FPC dated 03/02/95 regarding error accuracy of the analog isolation input and output modules.
55. FAX Transmission to R. Iwachow of FPC from J. B. FitzGerald of Vitro Corp. dated 03/07/95 regarding the isolated analog circuity accuracy.
56. ISA-RP67.04, Part II, Methodologies for the determination of setpoints for the Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation", Approved September,1994.
57. FPC Instruction Manual No.1524, Revision 4, titled, " Foxboro Electronic Indicating Recorder "
58. Design Basis Document (DBD) for Remote Shutdown System (Section 5/ Tab 9), Revision 1.
59. Enhanced Design Basis Document (EDBD) for the Class 1E AC Systems (Section 4/ Tab 1) , Revision 2.
60. Design Basis Document for Meteorological Measurement System (Section 5/ Tab 6), Revision 1.
61. Rosemount FAX Transmission to R. Iwachow of FPC from Jane Sandstrom of Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. regarding latest product data sheet PDS 4631, Revision Date 8/93 for Model 1154 Series H transmitter.
62. Steam Une Failure Accident Analysis Basis Document for Florida Power Corporation Crystal River Unit 3, Revision 1, dated 12/20/89.
63. Drawing 206-041, Revision 15.
64. Drawing 210-769, Revision 9.
65. Drawing 210-771, Revision 6.
66. Drawing 210-772, Revision 6.
67. Drawing 210-773, Revision 8.

Mglorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION r!I Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 27 of 69 DOCUMLNT OENTIFCATON NO. HEVISON HEJ/MA8/SP NUMOLA/FLE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002

68. a) Drawing 11847310, sheet 1, Revision A.

b) Drawing 1184731D, sheet 3A, Revision B. c) Drawing 1184731D, sheet 38 Revision B. d) Drawing 11847310, sheet 3C, Revision B. e) Drawing 1184731D, sheet 3D, Revision B. f) Drawing 1184731D, sheet 9, Revision A. g) Drawing 11847310, sheet 14A, Revision A. h) Drawing 1184731D, sheet 148, Revision A.

69. Rosemount Report 78212, Revision A, titled "intemal Thermal Response of Transmitter Housing to Steam impingement of Rosemount Models 1153 Series B and D".
70. ASME Steam Tables, Fourth Edition, Copyright 1979.
71. Drawing 210-814, Revision 8.
72. Rosemount Report 108220A, Revision A, titled " Analysis of the Model 1153 Series D Transmitter to 420 F for Three Minutes".

V. DETAILED CALCULATIONS This calculation will evaluate the instrument loop accuracles associated with the main steam pressure transmitters (MS-106-PT through MS-113-PT) during Normal and Accident (HELB) conditions. COMPONENT ERRORS: Process Error: Per Design input (DI) #2, the majority of the sensing lines associated with MS-106-PT and MS-113-PT are routed within EO Zone 16, which has the following temperature ranges: Temperature - Normal: 80* to 135'F. Temperature - LOCA: The same as normal. , Temperature - HELB: 149' to 417 F. Sealed Reference Lea. Per Design input (Di #7.7), there is a need to examine the effects due to a sealed reference chamber not at existing atmospheric conditions. i The main steam pressure transmitters are calibrate on site utilizing a gauge pressure test instrument. The l measurable atmospheric conditions at Crystal River Unit 3 are between 28 to 32 inches of mercury (13.75 psi  ! to 15.77 psi) according to Reference 60. Since the transmitters are calibrated on-site and the atmospheric conditions vary between 28 to 32 inches of mercury (13.75 psi to 15.77 psi), then the maximum error due atmospheric pressure fluctuation at CR-3 resulting in transmitter inaccuracy reading is: (32 - 28)(0.4912 psi /in Hg)/1200 - 1.64 x 10 = 0.164% error i i m on

glorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION coO r?d Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 28 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTihCATION NO. REvissON RElj MARj 5P NUMBER, HLE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 This variation in atmospheric condition causes a 0.00164 error in rm ent which has an insignificant affect when compared to the magnitude of the ery 3 - M by tranmitter reference error inaccuracy of t 0.25%. Therefore, process measurement o due to the sealed reference leg will be considered as negligible and have no effect on the loop string error. Transmitter Scalina. The eight main steam transmitter sensing line configurations have their process connection routed off the top of the main steam line header and connected to the transmitter below the steam line tap connection. This configuration allows the sensing line to be filled and prevents contact of live steam with the transmitter. This configuration can be viewed as a manometer where the reference datum is the center line of the transmitter and the column of water above the datum will represent the applied static pressure. The water in the sensing line of the pressure transmitter is at the same temperature as the intermediate building. Per the EO Zone Sheet 16, the area can vary from 80 F to 135*F but a good portion of the time (32.2%) the area experiences temperature conditions of 120 F to 124'F, therefore 124*F will be used as the normal sensing line temperature. The normal operating pressure of the main steam line is 900 psig. The change in elevation between the tap connection on the main steam line and the reference datum is 20 inches (or 1.67 feet) which is typical for all of the transmitter locations. With the interpolation of the data from Table 3 of the ASME Steam Tables (Reference 70), the specific volume of water at 124'F and 914.7 psia (900 pisg) is: 130 F = 0.01620 ft'/lb,,, 124 F = x 120 F = 0.01616 ft'/lb, 4oF/10 F = x/0.00004 ft'/lb, x = 1.6 x 10-8 ft'/lb,,, At 124 F the specific volume is 0.01616 + 0.000016 = 0.01618 ft'/lb,,,. Thus, the weight density is 61.805 lb,,,/ft* (1/ 0.01618 ft'/lb,,,) and then the following correction is necessary for calibration of the transmitters: 1 (61.805 lb,,,/ft') (1ft2 /144 in') I

                                                            = 0.429 lb ,/in'-ft (0.429 lb,,,/in'-ft)(1.67 ft)        = 0.716 psig This scaling correction adjustment to the transmitter is outside the calibration limitations of the Druck which has an ability to accurately calibrate within the tolerance of 13.87 psig (Reference 41). Therefore, process measurement due to transmitter scaling will be considered as negligible and have no effect on the loop string error.

So then, TRANSMITTER SCALING e o psig'(0.00 %) to 1200 psig (100%). Sensina Line. The HELB temperature in the intermediate building peaks at 417 F where this temperature value will be used to determine the maximum error due to density changes in the sense line. The hotter, less dense post-accident i DS M DIT


      @                    cMr?!

OOCUMENT lOENTIFICArlON NO. Crystal River Udt 3 REViblON REl/ MAR /$P NUMBER / FILE Sheet 29 of 69 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 condition in the transmitter sensing lines will lower the indicated pressure. Per Table 3 of the ASME Steam Tables (Reference 70), the specific volume of water at 417 F and 914.7 psia (900 psig) must be interpolated between 0.01886 ft*/lb,,, (at 420 F and 900 psla) and 0.01871 ft*/lb,,, (410 F and 900 psia). Therefore, the 3 weight density is between 53 02 lb,,,/ft* and 53.45 lb,,,/ft'. For conservatism, a weight density of 53.02 lb,,,/ft will be selected for this calculation. I The change in pressure for the sensing lines of the pressure transmitter is related to the change in sense line density as follows: l AscuseuNr = {I(dra - dr,) / (144 in8 /1 ft')] x (L/ Span)} x 100%


{[(53.02 - 61.805)/144] x (1.67/1200)} x 100%


{[- 8.785/144] x [1.392 x 10]} x 100 %


{[- 0.061][1.392 x 10-']} x 100%

                                                       =                    - 0.00849% span As determined, the contribution due to sensing line errors is quite small in comparison to the transmitter reference accuracy error of 0.25% span. Therefore, process measurement errors due to sensing line density changes will be assumed as negligible and have no affect on the loop string accuracy.

So then, Am, 4 0.00%. Device PT: Rosemount 1154SH9RA pressure transmitter. Dl7 Span = 1200 psig URL = 3000 psig (Upper Range Limit) Normal Conditions (E,,rN) Dl41a ' Eng = Reference Accuracy = 0.25% Er = Temperature Effect = (0.15% URL + 0.35% span)/50 F A2


[(.15 x 3000 +.35 x 1200)/1200] x (130 )/50-


[(450 + 420)/1200] x 1.00


(0.725) x (1.00)

                               =                         0.725% span Ec,         =                       Overpressure Effects = 0.0%                                                                                        Dl7.2 Eps,        =                       Power Supply Effect = 0.005% span / volt                                                                           D112
                               =                       3 [0.005% span / volt x (0.0106 volts)]
                               =                       3 0.000053% span This effect will be ignored because it is negligible compared to the other effects.

Epy - Steam Pressure / Temperature Effect =

  • 0.0% Dl7.6 E, = Seismic Effect = 0.0% D17.3 E% = Radiation Effect = 3 0.0% Dl7.4 Y _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9 oucuumi u nrecerm mo. 192-0008 MrIl

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 wwsm 1

muuAs/se uuweesteos SP95 - 0002 Sheet 30 of 69 E, ry =

                                                         * [(E y ,)* + (E1 )']
                                                   =     * [(0.25)" + (0.725)' j'/*
                                                         * [(0.0625) + (0.5256)]'/8
                                                     ' t (0.5881]
                                                   = 50.767% span Normal Condition (Ew) - Low Pressure Initiate / Differential Pressure                                                                       Ol41b.

l Eg, = Reference Accuracy = i 0.25% ) 1 \ I Er = Temperature Effect = (0.75% URL + 0.5% span)/100 F A2


[(.75 x 3000 +.5 x 1200)/1200] x (158 )/100*

                                                         * [(2250 + 600)/1200] x 0.78
                                                         * (2.375) x (0.78)
  • 1.853% span E,


                                                   =     Overpressure Effect =
  • 0.0% Dl7.2 E,

ps = Power Supply Effect = 0.005% span /voit D112

                                                   =     * [0.005% span / volt x (0.0106 volts)]
                                                   =     2 0.000053% span l                                                               This effect will be ignored because it is negligible compared to the other effects.

E,fr = Steam Pressure / Temperature Effect =

  • 0.0% Dl7.6 E, = Seismic Effect =
  • 0.0% Dl7.3 Em = Radiation Effect =
  • 0.00% Dl7.4 Eg rum - [(Ey ,)* + (E,)' ]'/*

[(0.25)' + (1.853)' ]'/*

                                                         * [(0.0625) + (3.4336)]'/*
                                                         * [3.4961]'/'

M1870Kapan Accident Condtlon (E,,W Dl41c. E, nc

                                                   =     Reference Accuracy = 0.25%

Er = Temperature Effects = a 0.0% Dl7.5 E, = Overpressure Effect =

  • 0.0% Dl7.2 o

E,3c = Power Supply Effect = 0.005% span /voit 0112

                                                   =     * [0.005 span /voit x (0.0106 volts)]
                                                   =       0.000053% span This effect will ba ignored because it is negligible compared to the other effects.


9 :lorida 38E!! DOCUME NT IDENTIFICATICH NO. 192-0008 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION crystal niver Unit 3 REvlsiON 1 F0/ MAR /SP HUMkiER/ FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 31 of 69 l E,g - Steam Pressure / Temperature Effect = e (2.0% URL + 0.5% span)

                           = 2 [(2.0 x 3000 psig) + (0.5 X 1200)]/1200 psig

[(6000 + 600)]/1200

                               * [6600]/1200
                           =      5.5% span E,          =  Seismic Effect =
  • 0.0% Dl7.3 Eo y = Radiation Effect = 2 [0.2% URL + 0.2% Span] D17.1
                               * [(0.2 x 3000) + (0.2 x 1200)] /1200
[(600 + 240)/1200] ,
                           =      0.700% span E,7, ,et, = * [@ng,)* + @,,,)* + @p,0) ]*
                               * [(0.25)" + (5.5)' + (0.70)*]'/*
                               * [(0.0625) + (30.25) + (0.490)]'/'
                               * [30.8025]'/"
                           =$i5.550% span Device COMP 1: VITRO COMPENSATION MODULE - Main Control Room Indication [Pl1], Remote Shutdown indication [Pl2], Control Module, Pressure initiate Bistable and Pressure Permissive Bistable and Recording - (Ecoup,)                                         Dl11 E.f.        =  Input Buffer / Scalar inaccuracy = s 0.25% span Ec.f.       =  Output Buffer / Scalar inaccuracy =
  • 0.25% span Ecoup, = * [ (E.,,)* + (Eo f.)']'I'

2 [(0.25)* + (0.25)*]'/*

                               * [(0.0625) + (0.06:5)]'/2
                               * [0.125]'/*
                           =  2 0.354% spara Device COMP 2: VITRO COMPENSATION MODULE - Pressure Difference Bistable - (Ecoup,)                            Dl11 E.,,        =  Input Buffer / Scalar inaccuracy = a 0.25% span E,uu        =  Summer inaccuracy = 0.25% span Eo   f.
                           =  Output Buffer / Scalar inaccuracy = 2 0.25% span Ecoup,      =     [(Error from Comp Mod.)' + (Error input from PT)' + (Error Output to dP Bistable)']'/8
                           =   2 { (Ecoup,)* + [(E.,3)' + (E o ,3)'] + (Esuu)' l

s [(0.354)* + (0.25)' + (0.25)* + (0.25)']


2 [(0.1253) + (0.0625) + (0.0625) + (0.0625)]'/*


e [0.3128]'/*

                           =   a 0.559 % span

. m .o

9 m.a wo, cum ac. 192 4)08 1:lorida M 81 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 rosa 1 memafe uuin.sfen.s SP95 - 0002 ' Sheet 32 of 69 i l l Device BPS: VITRO BISTABLE MODULE - Pressure Initiate, Pressure Permissive and Pressure Difference I

                                      - (Eys)                                                                      Dili E ,,                 = Reference Accuracy = 10.20%; span Device All/AIO: VITRO ANALOG ISOLATION INPUT
                                         / ANALOG ISOLATION OUTPUT MODULE-(E yo)                                   D111 1

E go - Reference Accuracy = a 0 50% span Device Pit: INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS 1251 INDICATOR (En,) Dl14 En, = 2 [(Specified Accuracy)* + (Repeatability)']'/8 A6

                                      * [(1.5)' + (2.0)']'/*
                                      * [(2.25) + (4.0)]'/*

a [6.25]'/*

                                   =    2.5% span.

Esc = Scale Error = ,4 minor scale division

                                   =  * [(0.5 x 20 psig)/1200 psig) x 100%                                               l
  • 0.833% span i En, =
                                      * [(E ,)* + (E,c)' l'/*

[(2.5)' + (0.833) l'/*


[(6.25) + (0.6939)]'/*

                                      * [6.9439]ita
  • 2.635% span Device Pl2: INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS 1251 INDICATOR - (En,) Dl9 En, = * [(Specified Accuracy)' + (Repeatability)')'/8 A6

[(1.5)* + (2.0)')'/*


, 2 [(2.25) + (4.0))'/2


l * [6.25]'/*

                                   =    2.5% span.

E se = Scale Error = 4 minor scale division

                                   =  * [(0.5 x 20 psig)/1200 psig) x 100%

[10/1200] x 100%

                                   =    0.833% span E,n                   =     [(Ey,) + (E,c): jifa
                                      * [(2.5)' + (0.833)']'/8
                                      * [(6.25) + (0.6939))
                                      * [6.9439]'/*
  • 2.635% span A ?_____-__-__________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ ]

ida DESIGN ANALYSIS /CALCUL.ATION T Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 33 of 69 _ _ _ w.uw.m uma cum ,*a. mnsa efmfse vunnau 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Device PC: VITRO CONTROL MODULE Part No. - Pressure control portion of module - (E,c) Dl11 Esus - Subtractor inaccuracy = 0.25% span Em = Proportional Plus integral =

  • 0.25% span E = Setpoint inaccuracy = 2 0.10% span Ege =

2 [(Esus)' + (E-)* + (Em n)']'/*

                       * [(0.25)* + (0.25)* + (0.10)']'/*

2 [(0.0625) + (0.0625) + (0.01)]'/*

                       * [0.135]'/*
                   =   10.367% span D.evice PIR:     rOXBORO N227P-2R6-CS-N/SRC recorder - (E,,nn & Em )

Recording (E ,nn) g 0115 E etre = Recording Reference Accuracy =

  • 0.75% span E7 - Temperature Effect = 0.5% span /50 F A1

i (0.5/50 F) x 10 F

                   =   2 0.10% span Es       =   Humidity influence = 0.0% span                                               AS Esen
                   =   Recording Scale Error =
  • g minor scale division
                   =   * [(0.5 x 20 psig)/1200 psig) x 100%
                   =   2 0.833% span Em       =   Power Supply Effect = a 0.1% span                                          Dl16
                   =      [ 0.1% Span /5% x (1.7% Span)]

2 [0.02% x 1.7%]

                   =   2 0.034% span E,,nn    =   * [(EW' + (E,)* + (Esc)* + (Em)*]'/"
                       * [(0.75)* + 910)' + (0.833)* + (0.034)']'/2
                       * [(0.5625) + (0.01) + (0.6939) + (0.0012) J'/8

2 [1.2676]'/*

  • 1.13%' span Indicating (Em) Dl15 Entn = Indicating Reference Accuracy = 2 0.5% span
                   =   Temperature Effect = n 0.5% span /50 F                                       A1          i Er

n (0.5/50 F) x 10 F l

                   =   2 0.10% span

I p,g aMe DI1

l 9 occuutwi uwww om wo. 192 6 fida eME DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 mwww 1 m/umf se muusega.e SP95 - 0002 Sheet 34 of 69 Es = Humidity influence = 0.0% span A5 Eu = Recording Scale Error = 3 g minor scale dMslon

                                                                                                                                =                          * [(0.5 x 50 psig)/1200 psig) x 100%
                                                                                                                                =                          2 2.083% span E,,,                                                           =                          Power Supply Effect = 3 0.1% span                                                    Dl16
                                                                                                                                -                              [ 0.1% Span /S% x (1:7% Span)]
                                                                                                                                                           * [0.02% x 1.7%]
  • 0.034% span i E,,, =

2 [(E )* + (E1 )* + (E,c) + (E,,s)' ]


a [(0.5)* + (0.10)* + (2.083)* + (0.034)' ]

                                                                                                                                                           * [(0.25) + (0.01) + (4.3389) + (0.0012)]

2 [4.6001]

                                                                                                                                =                          f 2.14% span Device RECALL /SPDS:

Ems, = Recall Reference Accuracy = 0.366% FSR Dl33


(0.366%) x (20 VDC/10VDC) i

                                                                                                                               = i 0.732% of._ span                                                                                                        i I

I Insulation Resistance (IR) Errors: A, = Insulation Resistance (IR) Effect A, = IR Positive Blas = + [29.5/ (10 + 0.016R,)] x 100 Dl20

                                                                                                                                =                          IR Negative Blas = - [12.5/ (10 + 0.016R,)] x 100 R,                                                            =                          ls the total parallel leakage path (in ohms) 1/R,                                                         =                           1/Recun + 1/R, + 1/Res Rm                                                             =                          ls the insulation resistance for the Rosemount connector at the transmitter Rs
                                                                                                                                =                          ls the insulation resistance of the splice at the connector seal

, Res

                                                                                                                                =                          ls the cable IR as determined by the equation:
                                                                                                                                =                           (Re x L ,J /                                                                    Dl21 Rc                                                             =                          la the cable test specimen IR (ohms) tm                                                             =                          ls the cable test specimen length (feet)                                                          =                          is the total length of cable in the IB harsh environment (feet).

1 MS-106-PT IR Error: l for MSS 43 is 282 feet. Ol19.1


Res (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/282 feet

                                                                                                                                 =                         2.06 x 10' ohms                                                                       Dl21
                                                                                                                                 =                           1.8 x 10' ohms                                                                      Dl22 R.

m .o

1 l 9 mur unreorcm so. 192-0008 MpidaM DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 NVMW 1 HB/WWSP NUMBER /Fui SP95 - 0002 Sheet 35 of 69 Ra = 5 x 105 ohms Dl23 1/R, = [(1/2.06 x 10') + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10')]


[4.854 x 10* + 5.555 x 10* + 2.00 x 10*]

                  =  6.909 x 10*

R, = (1/ 6.909 x 10*)

                  =  1.447 x 10' ohms A,n      =
                      + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.447 x 10'))] x 100
                      + [29.5/(2325.2)] x 100
                  =  .[:1.269% span 5
                     - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 1.447 x 10 )] x 100
                     - [12.5/2325.2] x 100
                  =  - 0.538% span MS-107-PT IR Error:

6 for MSS 45 is 317 feet. Ol19.2 Ra = (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/317 feet Dl21

                  =  1.829 x 10' ohms R,      =  1.8 x 10' ohms                                                               Dl22 Ra      =  5 x 105 ohms                                                                 D123 1/R,    =

[(1/1.829 x 10') + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10')]


[5.467 x 10* + 5.555 x 10* + 2.00 x 10*]

                  =  7.523 x 10*

R, = (1/7.523 x 10*)

                  =   1.329 x 105 ohms A,      =
                      + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.329 x 10'))] x 100
                      + [29.5/(2136.4)] x 100

E M t9 @id 5

                     - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 1.329 x 10 )] x 100
                     - [12.5/2136.4] x 100
                  =  20.585%^ span MS-108.PT IR Error:

Dl19.3 6 for MSS 47 is 351 feet. Ra = D121 (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/351 feet

                  =   1.652 x 108 ohms R,       =  1.8 x 10' ohms                                                               Dl22

9 glorida cMN DOCUMENT OLNTIFICATION NO. 192-0008 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 NvissON 1 MI/ MAR /SP NUMBER/FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 36 of 69 Ra = 5 x 10' ohms Dl23 1/R, = [(1/1.652 x 10') + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10')]

                           = [6.053 x 10* + 5.555 x 104 + 2.00 x 10*]
                           =   8.109 x 10*

R, = (1/8.109 x 10*)

                           =   1.233 x 10' ohms A,,        =
                                + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.233 x 10'))] x 100
                                + [29.5/(1982.8)] x 100
                           =   {1(488% spaf1
                               - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 1.233 x 10')] x 100
                               - [12.5/1982.8) x 100
                           =   E0.630%lspary MS-109-PT IR Error:

6 for MSS 49 is 324 feet. Dl19.4 R eg - (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/324 feet

                           =   1.790 x 105 ohms                                                                  Dl21
                           =   1.8 x 10' ohms                                                                    D122 R.

Ra = 5 x 105 ohms Dl23 1/R, = [(1/1.790 x 10') + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10')]


[5.586 x 1044

                                              + 5.555 x 10' + 2.00 x 10*]
                           =    7.641 x 10 R,         =

(1/7.641 x 10*)

                           =   1.309 x 105 ohms A,n        =
                                + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.309 x 10'))) x 100
                                + [29.5/(2104.4)] x 100


                               - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 1.309 x 10')] x 100
                               - [12.5/2104.4] x 100                                                                          i
                           =   - 0.594% sparl MS-110-PT IR Error:

Dl19.5 l 6 for MSS 42 is 435 feet. R eg = (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/435 feet

                            =  1.333 x 105 ohms                                                                   Dl21 Rs          =  1.8 x 10' ohms                                                                     D122 i

l I S, 1 Florida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION  ! cNr?! Crystal River Unit 3 ' I Sheet 37 of 69 cocuueNr or.N ns cAton No. HEVISoN REUMAR/ SP NUMBEA/ FILE l 192 @ 08 1 SP95 - 0002 j R,t3t = 5 x 10' ohms Dl23 8 1/R, = [(1/1.333 x 10 ) + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10')]


[7.502 x 10* + 5.555 x 104 + 2.00 x 10*]

                         =  9.558 x 10*

R, = (1/9.558 x 10*)

                         =  1.046 x 105 ohms A,,        =
                             + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.046 x 10'))] x 100
                            + [29.5/(1683.6)] x 100
                         =  W1.752%; span    '
                             - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 1.046 x 10')] x 100
                             - [12.5/1683.6] x 100
                         =   - 0.742% span MS-111-PT IR Error:

tw for MSS 44 is 393 feet. Dl19.6


Reg (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/393 feet

                         =  1.476 x 10' ohms                                                                  D121 R,         =  1.8 x 10' ohms                                                                    Dl22 Rst,o      =  5 x 10' ohms                                                                      Dl23 5

1/R, = [(1/1.476 x 10') + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10 )]


[6.775 x 10* + 5.555 x 10* + 2.00 x 10*]

                         =  8.831 x 10*

R, = (1/8.831 x 10*)

                         =  1.132 x 105 ohms A,a        =
                            + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.132 x 10'))] x 100
                            + [29.5/(1812.2)] x 100
                         =  B619%'sper)
                             - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 1.132 x 10')] x 100
                             - [12.5/1821.2] x 100
                         =  2:0.ees% span MS-112-PT IR Error:

, la for MSS 46 is 386 feet. Ol19.7 Rc, = (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/386 feet

                         =  1.503 x 10' ohms                                                                   D121 R.         =  1.8 x 10' ohms                                                                     Dl22 e

glorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION cMN Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet _23_ of _69 DOcVMtNT OENilf CATION NO. REVISCN ret / MAR /SP NUMBER /FLE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Ra - 5 x 105 ohms Dl23 5 1/R, = [(1/1.503 x 10 ) + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10')]


[6.653 x 10* + 5.555 x 10* + 2.00 x 10*] ]

                        = 8.708 x 10*

R, = (1/8.708 x 10*)

                        =  1.148 x 10' ohms 5

A,, =

                            + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.148 x 10 ))] x 100
                            + [29.5/(1846.8)] x 100
                        =  + 1.597% span
                            - [12.5/ (10 + (0.016 x 1.148 x 10')] x 100
                            - [12.5/1846.8) x 100
                        =  .-l 0.677%. span MS-113-PT IR Error:

6 for MSS 48 is 394 feet. Dl19.8 R cE = (2.9 x 10' ohms x 20 feet)/394 feet

                        =  1.472 x 10' ohms                                                                      Ol21 R,          =  1.8 x 10' ohms                                                                        D122 Ra          =  5 x 10' ohms                                                                          D123 1/R,        =

[(1/1.472 x 10') + (1/1.8 x 10') + (1/5 x 10')]


[6.793 x 10* + 5.555 x 10* + 2.00 x 10*]

                        =  8.849 x 10*

R, = (1/8.849 x 10*)

                        =  1.13 x 10' ohms A,a         =
                            + [29.5/(10 + (0.016 x 1.13 x 10'))] x 100
                            + [29.5/(1818.7)] x 100
                        =  Rt822% span
                            - [12.5/ (10 + (3.016 x 1.13 x 10')] x 100
                            - [12.5/1818.2] x 100
                        =   -10.e87% span LOOP ERRORS:

Eemote Shutdown Indication (E.) D124 Eos, = t W,7sf + (6,f + @,,,)' ]"

                            * [ (0.767)' + (0.354)* + (2.635)']U'

1 [(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]"'



                        =   t 2.77% span = t (2.77% x 1200 psig)
  • 33.24 psig
u. m.

da DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION MU Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 39 of 69 DOQWtNT IDLNTIFICATON NO. HEVl380N FEl/MAH/SP NUMBER /t iLE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Control Room Indication ( Normal - E ; Accident - Em ). Er,u = s [(Em)' + (E ou,,)* c + (E,,,)* j'/*

                           * [ (0.767)* + (0.354)* + (2.635)']'/*

2 [(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/'

                           * [7.6568]'/*
                       =   2 2.77% span = i (2.77% x 1200 psig)
                       =  i 33.24'psig MS-106-PT/PII Emmet, -                           (Ecoupi)2 + (E,,,)* l'/* + A,n                                                                             Dl35
                       =    +   [(Emntp'+ +(0.354)* + (2.635)'] + 1.269
                            + [ (5.550)
                            + [(33.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/* + 1.269
                            + [37.871]'/' + 1.269
                       =    + 6.154 + 1.269
                       =    + 7.423% span - + (7.423% x 1200 psig)
                       =  V89.00 psig

(E Dl35

                       =  -- (((Em (5.550)
                                       ,y'+ +(0.354)* + (2.635)']'/8 - 0.538 - 0.00cou,,)* + (E,,,)* ]'/' - A,n - As
                          - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]ita - 0.538
                           - [37.871]'/8 - 0.538
                       =   - 6.154 - 0.538
                       =   - 6.692% span = - (6.692% x 1200 psig)
                       =   4 80.30 psig MS-107-PT/Pl1                                                                                                                                                l Emmet, -                          (Ecou,,)*  + (E,,,)* l'/' + A,,                                                                            D135
                       =    +
                            + (((Emmety+

(5.550) +(0.354)* + (2.635)*]'/* + 1.381

                            + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/* + 1.381
                            + [37.871]'/* + 1.381
                       =    + 6.154 + 1.381
                       =    + 7.535% span = + (7.542% x 1200 psig)


                       =                      (E co,,)* + (E,,,)' j'I - A,, - Astusem c


                       =   -- (((Emy)


                                         '+   +(0.354)*      + (2.635)']'/' - 0.585 - 0.00
                            - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/* - 0.585
                            - [37.871]'/* - 0.585
                       =    - 6.154 - 0.585
                       =    - 6.739% span = - (6.739% x 1200 psig)
                       =    F80.87 psig

__ __ _ __ _- _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .I


lorida MrIl DESIGN ANALYSIS /CALCUl.ATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEVISaON 1

HEl/ MAR /3P Hl.;MOER/ FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 40 of 69 l l MS-110-PT/Pl1 Emma= (Ecoup,)* + (En,)* ]'/* + A. Dl35

                                    +    [(Eng'+
                                 = + [ (5.550)      +(0.354)'     + (2.635)']'/* + 1.752
                                    + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/8 + 1.752
                                    + [37.871]'/* + 1.752
                                 =  + 6.154 + 1.752 l                                 =  + 7.906% span = + (7.906% x 1200 psig)
                                 =  E94.87 psig                                                                                        ,


                                 =  - [(En ,        + (Ecco,,)' + (Eni)* j'/' - A -inA cuse.usc s                                    Dl35
                                 =  - [ (5.550)y'+ (0.354)' + (2.635)']'/8 - 0.742 - 0.00
                                    - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/" - 0.742
                                    - [37.871]'/8 - 0.742
                                 =  - 6.154 - 0.742
                                 =  - 6.896% span = - (6.896% x 1200 psig)
                                 =  [82.75.'psig MS-111-PT/Pl1 D135 Emma = + [(En,,t')' + (Ecco,,)' + (En,)* ]'/' + A,
                                     + [ (5.550) + (0.354)' + (2.635)']'I + 1.619
                                     + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/2 + 1.619
                                 = + [37.871]'/* + 1 M19
                                 =   + 6.154 + 1.619
                                 =   + 7.773% span = + (7.773% x 1200 psig)
                                 =  T 93.28'psig
                                 =  - [(En,,t       + (E up,)* + (E,,2)* j'/* - A - A scuscw                                  Dl35
                                 =  - [ (5.550)y'+co(0.354)* + (2.635)']'/' - 0.686 - 0.00
                                    - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (6.9432)]'/* - 0.686
                                    - [37.871]'/' - 0.686
                                 =  - 6.154 - 0.686
                                 =  - 6.84% span = - (6.84% x 1200 psig)
                                 =  Eagwinici Control Room Recordina ( Normal - E,nnu; Accident - E,nn,)

E,nnu = 2 [(Enu)* + (Ecou,,)* + (E,,nn)']'/'


2 [(0.767)* + (0.354)' + (1.13)']'/'  ! [(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/'


2 [ 1.9905 J'/'

                                 =  a 1.41% span = 2 (1.41% x 1200 psig)
                                 =  116.92 psig MS-106-PIR E,nn,,a = + [(Ept,,m)* + (            ,)* + (Ennn)']'/* + A,                                         0135    f
                                     + [(5.550)' + (0.354) + (1.13)']'/* + 1.269
                                     + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/* + 1.269 i
 ,                                                                                                                                 mm

DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEVISaQN REl/ MAR /SP NUMBER / FILE Sheet 41 of 69 l 192 @ 08 1 SP95 - 0002 i

                              + [ 32.2047]'/* + 1.269                                                                               )
                              + 5.675 + 1.269
                      =       + 6.944% span = + (6.944% x 1200 psig)
                      =      f 83.33._ pelg
                      -                        (Ecoup,)* + (E,,nn)T/* - A,, - A                                       Dl35          !
                      =         [(E,r y) +'( +0.354)* + (1.13)*]'/8 -scuse
                            -- [(5.550                                             0.538 use
                                                                                                - 0.00
                             - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/* - 0.538
                             - [ 32.2047]'/* - 0.538
                      -      - 5.675 - 0.538
                      =      - 6.213% span = - (6.213% x 1200 psig)
                      =      - 74.56 psig MS-107.PIR E,nn,.        =     + [(E,r .)' + (Ecou,,)* + (EQ']i/2 + A,n                                              DI3S
                              + [(5.550)' + (0.354)' + (1.13)']'/* + 1.381
                              + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/' + 1.381
                              + [ 32.2047]'/8 + 1.381
                      =       + 5.675 + 1.381
                      =       + 7.056% span = + (7.056% x 1200 psig)
                      =      { 84.67 psig
                      =      - [(E,1,)* + (Eccup,)' + (E,,nn)']'/8 - A,n - Ascuse uwe                                 Dl35
                             - [(5.550)' + (0.354)* + (1.13)*]'/' - 0.585 -0.00
                             - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/* - 0.585
                             - [ 32.2047]'/* - 0.585
                      =      - 5.675 - 0.585
                      =      - 6.26% span = - (6.26% x 1200 psig)
                      =      ; 75.12lpsig MS-110-PIR Emm= + [(Erra)' + (Eop,)* + (E,,nn)']'/* + A,n                                                            Ol35
                      = + [(5.550)' + (0.354)* + (1.13)*]'/8 + 1.752
                              + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/* + 1.752
                              + [ 32.2047]'/' + 1.752
                      =       + 5.675 + 1.752
                      =       + 7.427% span = + (7.427% x 1200 psig)
                      =      E89.12 pelg
                      =      - [(Eyr )" + (E ,,)" + (E,,nn)']'/' - A,, - Ascuss.uwe                                   Dl35
                             - [(5.550)' + (0.354)' + (1.13)']'I - 0.742 - 0.00
                             - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/* - 0.742
                             - [ 32.2047]'/* - 0.742
                      =      - 5.675 - 0.742
                      =      - 6.417% span = - (6.417% x 1200 psig)
                      =        .77.00 psig UUU D /1

1 9 fida cMTIl DOGUoENT IDENT7tCATION NO. 192 @ 08 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 REVSION 1 fti/hMB/SP NUMBER / FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 42 of 69 MS-111-PIR Egnn,. = + [(En,.)* + (Ecco,,)* + (E,,nn)2]'/' + A n i Ol35

                              + [(5.550)* + (0.354)* + (1.13)']'/' + 1.619
                        = + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/* + 1.619
                              + [ 32.2047]'/* + 1.619
                         =    + 5.675 + 1.619
                         =    + 7.294% span = + (7.294% x 1200 psig)
                         =   f 87.53 pelg
                         =                       (E co,,)' + (E,,nn)']i/2 - A,n - A yug c                                        .                           Dl35
                         =  -- [(5.550

[(En .g) +* (+0.354) + (1.13)']'/* - 0.686 - 0.00

                             - [(30.316) + (0.1253) + (1.2769)]'/" - 0.686
                             - [ 32.2047]'/* - 0.686
                         =   - 5.675 - 0.686
                         =   - 6.361% span = - (6.361% x 1200 psig)
                         =   ~
                                " 76.33'psig Control Room Recorder Indication ( Normal - E,,, ; Accident - E, )

Eg,. = * [(Eny)' + (E coup,)' + (E p,n)' ]'/2

                         =    * [(0.767) + (0.354)* + (2.14)* j'/*

[(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (4.5796) ] '/"

                             * [ 5.2932]'/*
                         =    2 2.30% span =         (2.30% x 1200 psig)
                         =   s27.60 psig MS-106-PT/PIRI
                                                                     )* j'/* + A,,                                      Ol35            I Egin,      =


                         =    +    [(En,q)
                              + [(5.550       )' + (E
                                           + (0.354)*   +co,,)2 (2.15)*+]'/*(E
                                                                         + 1.269                                                        l
                              + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (4.6225) ] '/* + 1.269
                              + [35.5503]'/* + 1.269
                         =    + 5.962 + 1.269
                         =    + 7.231% span = + (7.231% x 1200 psig)                                                                    I
                         -   E M K pois
                         =                       (E    ,,)'  + (E   )' ]'/8 - A,,- Ayug ,                               Dl35
                         =   -- [(5.550

[(En,y) +' (+0.354)' + (2.15)* j'/* - 0.538 - 0.00

                              - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + /.4.6225) ] '/' - 0.538
                              - [35.5503]'/'
                         =    - 5.962 - 0.538
                         =    - 6.500% span = - (6.50% x 1200 psig)
                         =    - 78.00'psig MS-107-PT/PIRI Eg,n       =                                                                                              O!35            l
                         =     +   [(En,q)
                               + [(5.550      .)' + (Ecoo,,)'
                                           + (0.354)8                + +(E,,n,)*
                                                         + (2.15)' ]'/'    1.381 l'/' + A,n                                             I
                         =                                                                                                              !
                               + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (4.6225) ] '/2 + 1.381 IfuV O / I p , gg

ida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION ccMr! Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 43 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTfICATION NO. F4Evt510N HE!/MAA/SP NUMBER /FR.E 192 6 1 SP95 - 0002

                           = + [35.5503]'/* + 1.381
                            =     + 5.962 + 1.381
                            =     + 7.343% span = + (7.343% x 1200 psig)
                            =   '+.180.12 pelg (Ecc o,,)* + (E,,,)' F -A - ANse.uNe                                                                      GM
                           =    -- [(5.550)

[(Emycy+' (+0.354)* + (2.15)* ]'/* - 0.585 - 0.00

                                 - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (4.6225) ] '/2 - 0.585
                                 - [ 35.8025]'/' - 0.585
                            =    - 5.962 - 0.585
                            =    - 6.547% span = - (6 547% x 1200 psig)
                           =     278.56 psig MS-110-PT/PIRI Eg,n .,,su, =                       (E               )* ]'/* + A,,                                                                           D135
                            =     +   [(Emucy+' (+0.354)8 + (2.15)' ]'/* + 1.752cco,,)* + (E
                                  + [(5.550)
                                  + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (4.6225) ] '/* + 1.752
                                  + [35.5503]'/" + 1.752
                            =     + 5.962 + 1.752
                            =     + 7.714% span = + (7.714% x 1200 psig)
                            =     [92.57 'psig
                            =                                                                                                                                Dl35
                            -    -- [(5.550)

[(E,r .se/

                                              + (+0.354)* + (3.57)' j'/* - 0.742 - 0.00(6,f + @,, )' }" - A - ANss.uN
                                 - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (4.6225) ] '/' - 0.742
                                 - [ 35.5503]'/* - 0.742
                            =    - 5.962 - 0.742
                            =    - 6.704% span = - (6.704% x 1200 psig)
                            =    s80;45 psig MS 111-PT/PIRI E,,         =

(E ,,)* + (E )' j'/* + A,, Dl35

                            =     +   [(Emy) +' (+0.354)' + (2.15)* l'/* + 1.619
                                  + [(5.550
                                  + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (4.6225) ] '/8 + 1.619
                                  + [35.5503]'/* + 1.619
                            =     + 5.962 + 1.619
                            =     + 7.581% span = + (7.581% x 1200 psig)
                            =     f.90.97 psig
                                  - [(Em.,,eba)* + (Ecco,,)* + (Em)' ]'/* - A,, - AssNss.uNe N
                            =     - [(5.550) + (0.354)' + (2.15)' j'/8 - 0.686 - 0.00
                                  - [(30.8025 + (0.1253) + (4.6225) ] '/* - 0.686
                                  - [ 35.5503]'/' - 0.686
                            =     - 5.962 - 0.686 l
                            =     - 6.648% span = - (6.648% x 1200 psig)
= - 79.78 psig l

l l

 ..                                                                                                                                                               = = "

l l '

9 DOCUMENT 3DENTIFGATION NG 192 4008 MMfda DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEVISION 1 HEf/MAA/SP NUMBER / FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 44 of 69 ] l l Pressure Sianal for ADV Control (Em ) l l MSV-025 (MS-106-PT) Em , = : [(Em)' + (Ecco,,)* l'/*

                                        * [(0.767)* + (0.354)']'/'
                                        * [(0.5883) + (0.1253)]'/*
                                     = : [0.7136]'/*                                                                                                                                                                        {
                                     =  a 0.845% span = (0.845% x 1200 psig) = E1.0114fpsig MSV-026 (MS-111-PT)

Ema, = * [(Em)' + (Ecoup,)']'/*


[(0.767)' + (0.354)']'/*


[(0.5883) + (0.1253)]'/*



                                    =     0.845% span = 2 (0.845% x 1200 psig) = s.10,14fpsig l        Atmosoberic Dumo Valve Control Looo (E.)

MSV-025 (MS-106-PT) E. = n [(Em)" + (Ecco,,)" + (E,c): jifa


2 [(0.767)' + (0.354)* + (0.367)' ]'/'


[(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (0.13469)]'/*


2 [0.84829]'/8

  • 0.921% span = (0.921% x 1200 psig)
                                     =  f11. 05 psig MSV426 (MS-111-PT) i Em                      =  *[(Em)' + (Ecco,,)* + (E,c)']'/2
[(0.767)" + (0.354)' + (0.367)']'I'

2 [(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (0.13469)]'/*



                                     =    0.921% span = : (0.921% x 1200 psig)

EKos^# sis EFIC - Peiri-_'--_.: Bvoass Bistables (Ed En = [(Em)' + (Ecou,,)* + (EW']'/8

                                        * [(0.767)' + (0.354)' + (0.20)']'/'
[(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (0.04)]'/*


                                     =  a 0.868% span = (0.868% x 1200 psig) = :110.42 psig EFIC - Low Pressure Bistables (Et ,n)

Em - [(Em.c)' + (Ecou,,)' + (E '] ' /' Dl41b

                                    = * [(1.87)' + (0.354)* + (0.20)g                                          j
                                        * [(3.4969) + (0.1253) + (0.04)]'/'

[3.6622]'/* . . .

                                      = 21.914% span = (1.914% x 1200 psig) = 2 22.97 psig                                                                                                                                   j l


lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION MrIl Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 45 of 69 DOCUMENT OENTIFICATON NO. HEWHON HEl/MAft/SP NUMilEH/ FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 EFIC - Differential Pressure Bistable (E cpos)

Ec ,,, = [{2 x (E ,ct)'} + (Ecoup,)' + (E '] ' /*

                       = * [{2 x (1.87)*} + (0.559)* + J(0.20)g'/*

[(6.9938) + (0.3125) + (0.04)]'/*

                       = * [7.3463)'/*
  • 2.71% span = * (2.71% x 1200 psig) = n 32.52' psi Pressure Sianals to RECALL (E , Enc.ucto)

Ee = * [(Eny)' + (Ecoup,)* + @,,sf + @u,,of + Enc.pness)']'/2 Dl41b

                           * [(0.767)' + (0.354)' + (0.20)* + (0.50)* + (0.732)']'la
                           * [(0.5883) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358))'/'
                           * [1.5394)'/'
  • 1.241% span = t (1.241% x 1200 psig) = (14.89)sig MS-106-PT E nc .sct, = + [(En,,t co Dl35
                       =     + [ (5.550)!)*+         +(0.354)8       +(E u,,)"

(0.02)" + (0.50)' + (E,,3)'

                                                                                + (0.732)*]'/'     + 1.269+ (Eoyo): + (Enc.,nc33)']'/" +
                       = + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358)) + 1.269
                       = + [31.7536)'/* + 1.269
                       =     + 5.635 + 1.269
                       =     + 6.904% span = + ( 6.904% x 1200 psig) = $82.85~paig
                       =                       (Ecoup,)* + (E ,3)* + (E,                                           senst w e  Dl35
                       =   -- (((En,q)


                                            '+ +(0.354)* + (0.02)*                 + (0.50)*yo)'
                                                                               + (0.732)')'/"    - 0.538 -+0.00 (Enc.,nc33)']'/* - A, - A
                           - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358))'/* - 0.538
                            - [31.7536]'/* - 0.538
                       =    - 5.635 - 0.538
                       =    - 6.173% span = - (6.173% x 1200 psig) = -74.08 psig MS-107-PT Enc.uct, =                                                                                                        D135
                             + [(En,q'
                             +            + (Ecco,,)"

[ (5.550) + (E,,,)*++(0.02)'

                                                + (0.354)8            (Eu            + (0.50)',y)'


                       =                                                        + (0.732)']'/*    + 1.381 + (Enc.gocas)')'/8 + A
                             + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358))'/ + 1.381
                             + [31.7536]'/* + 1.381
                       =     + 5.635 + 1.381
                       =     + 7.016% span = +(7.016% x 1200 psig) = +.'.84.19 psig
                       =                       (Ecoup,)* + (E,,3)' + (E,yo)' + (Ee,ncs3)']'/8 - A -in kNSE.UNE                Dl35
                       =    -- (((En   ,t!)'+ +(0.354): + (0.02)* + (0.50)' + (0.732)*]'/' - 0.585 - 0.00 (5.550)
                             - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358))'/* - 0.585
                             - [31.7536]'/* - 0.585
                       =     - 5.635 - 0.585                                     '
                       -     - 6.22% span = - (6.22% x 1200 psig) = - 74.64 psig aF.A. O I 1 g gg 0

S DOCUMENT OENTIFCATON NO. 192 M 8 pida CME DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 REVlaaON 1 HEl/ MAR /SP NUMBER / FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 48 of 69 MS-110-PT E,c ,u, = u,,)* + (E.,s)' + (E, ms3)']'/2 + A,, D135

                                                                                  = ++ (((Em+n (E

(5.550)!)'+co+(0.354)* + (0.02)* + (0.50)*yo)'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    + (0.732)']'/*     + 1.752     + (E
                                                                                      + [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358)]'/' + 1.752
                                                                                      + [31.7536] + 1.752
                                                                                  =   + 5.635 + 1.752
                                                                                  =   + 7.387% span = + (7.387% x 1200 psig) = B88.64 psig                                                                                                                                       .
                                                                                  =                                                                                     (E ou,,)' + (E ,s)' + (Eu o)* + (Enc.,ng33)']'/2 - A,, - A,eN3,m c                                                                                                                            D135
                                                                                  =  -- (((Em (5.550) ny'+ +(0.354)*                                                                                                        + (0.02)* + (0.50)p+ (0.732)']'/* - 0.742 - 0.00
                                                                                      - [(30.8025) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358)]'/* - 0.742
                                                                                      - [31.7536]'/* - 0.742
                                                                                  =   - 5.635 - 0.742
                                                                                  =   - 6.377% span = - (6.377% x 1200 psig) = V78.52 'psig
                                                                    'AS-LEFT" TOLERANCES:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       D125 Pressure Transmitters (AL,r)

A6 = (PT-Ens,) Dl7

                                                                                  =   3 0.25% span = :(0.25% x 1200 psig) = 3.0 psig

(0.25% x 16 mA) = 0.04 mA Per surveillance procedure SP-193A (Reference 45) the pressure transmitters MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT, "As-Left' tolerance for calibrating all eight transmitters was e 0.013 VDC on an 5 VDC scale or 0.26%. As can be seen the calculated tolerance is approximately equal to the current assigned 'As-Left" tolerance for the devices. Therefore; AL,7 = .0.25% spanM.i3.0 psigf 0.04 mA Pressure Bistable (Initiate. Permissive Bvoass and Differential Pressure) (Alps) Dl11 AQ = (BISTABLE- Eg,)

                                                                                  =      0.20% span - i (0.20% x 1200 psig) =                                                                                                                                       2.4 psig

(0.20% x 4 VDC) = a 0.008 VDC Per Design input (Ol) #30, the "As-Left' tolerance currently used in SP-146A for the Pressure initiate Bistable (MS-106-PS1 Thru MS-113-PSI), Pressure Permissive Bypass Bistable (MS-106-PS3 thru MS-113-PS3) and Differential Pressure Bistable (MS-106-PS2 thru MS-113-PS2) is : 0.008 volts. Since the calculated is the same as the tolerance currently used, the "As - Left" tolerance will remain as e 0.008 volts. Therefore: alp, = 0.20% span V e 2;4 psigi=T*.0.008l volts l I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -  j L___-_______     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                   . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


lorida MrId DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEVIS40N 1

HEl/MAA/SP NUMBER /FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 47 of_99 Remote Shutdown Indication (AL.) AQ = * [(PT-E y ,)* + (COMP 1 - E ,)* + (P12-Ey,)']'/*

                                             * [(0.25)' + (0.354)* + (2.5)']'/'
                                             * [(0.0625) + (0.1253) + (6.25)]'/'
                                             * [6.4378]'I'                                                                                               l
                                        =       2.54% span = * (2.54% x 1200 psig) = 30.48 psig                                                          )

Since Pl2 can only be read to 10 psig (g minor dMslon), and because the calculated tolerance is close to a g minor division point, the "As-Left" tolerance for the Remote Shutdown Indication will be rounded down to 30 psig or 2.50%. Per Design input (DI) #30, the 'As-Left" tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Remote Shutdown Indication (MS-106-Pl2, MS-107-P12, MS-110-Pl2 and MS-111-Pl2) is : 15 psig. Based on past ) l l experience of being able to calibrate the indicator loop to the tighter tolerance and because the ' indicator can only be read to 10 psig increments, then the existing "As - Left" will need to be changed to a 20 psig. Therefore: A6 - 1.67%^ span Ki 20'psig Control Room Indication (AL ) AL, =

                                              * [(PT-Ey ,)* + (COMP 1-E ,)' + (Pit-Ey,)*]'/*                                                             '
                                              * [(0.25)' + (0.354)' + (2.5)*]'/2

2 [(0.0625) + (0.1253) + (6.25)]'/*

                                              * [6.4378]ita
                                        =     t 2.54% span = n (2.54% x 1200 psig) =
  • 30.48 psig Since Pl1 can only be read to 10 psig (g minor dMslon), the 'As-Left" tolerance for the Control Room Indicator will be rounded down to 30 psig or 2.50%.

Per Design input (DI) #30, the "As-Left' tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room hdication (MS-106-Pit, MS-107-Pit, MS-110 Pl1 and MS-111-Pil) is : 15 psig. Based on past experience , of being able to calibrate the Indicator loop to the tighter tolerance and because the indicator can only be ( l read to 10 psig increments, then the existing 'As - Left" will need to be changed to 20 psig. Therefore: AL,,, = {.67WapenF~E 20 psig Control Room Recordina (Al enn) Al enn =

                                              * [(PT-E y ,)* + (COMP 1-Ey,)* + (PIR-E ,)'j'/'

2 [(0.25)' + (0.354)' + (0.75)']'/*


l * [(0.0625) + (0.1253) + (0.5625)]'/*



  • 0.866% span = i (0.866% x 1200 psig) =
  • 10.39 psig Since PIR Recordings can only be read to 10 psig (g minor division), the "As-Left" tolerance for the Control Room Indicator will be rounded down to 10 psig or 0.83%.

w---__$________.__.____________._______________.________-______._____________. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 9 Mporida DOCUMENT IDENTIFCA TlON NO. 192 @ 08

                             ?d DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 FehlON 1

HEl/ MAR fSP NUMBER / FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 48 of 69 Per Design input (Dl) #30, the "As-Left" tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room Recording (MS-106-PIR, MS-107-PIR, MS-110-PIR and MS-111-PIR) is : 15 psig. As can be seen the calculated tolerance is less than the current assigned "As-Left' tolerance for the devices. Therefore; we will use the calculated tolerance since it's the more restrictive between the two. A6n = i 0.83% span = e'10.0 psig Control Room Recorder Indicatino (AQ) A6 = 2 [(PT-Ene,) + (COMP 1-Eng,)' + (PIR-E g ,)']'/*

                            * [(0.25)' + (0.354)' + (0.5)*]'/*

n [(0.0625) + (0.1253) + (0.25)]'/*

                            * [0.4378]'/*
                         =  3 0.662% span = (0.662% x 1200 psig) = 2 7.94 psig Since PIR Indicator can only be read to 25 psig (g minor division), the calculated "As-Left' tolerance as determined above is less than the scalar readatPty of 1/2 minor division and cannot be truncated downward for a
  • zero error "; therefore, the Con rol Room Indicator will be rounded up to 25 psig or 2.08% .

Per Design input (DI) #30, the 'As-Left' tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room Recorder Indication (MS-110-PIR and MS-111-PIR) is : 15 psig. Also, the procedure provided instruction to use a 1/2 division of the sma!!est scale division if the stated tolerance cannot be read on the recorder scale (MS-106-PIR and MS-107-PIR). Since the calculated tolerance of 1/2 minor division is readable, we will use the calculated tolerance of : 25 psig. Therefore: Al c,n = 2.08% spari= s'25_ psig Pressure Sional for ADV Control (AL,,ngsm) AL,334ov = 3 [(PT-Ey ,)* + (COMP 1-Enc,)']'/2


[(0.25)' + (0.354)*]ita


2 [(0.0625) + (0.1253))'/8


2 [0.1878]'/*

                         =  2 0.43% span = 2 (0.43% x 1200 psig) = a S;16'psig

(0.43% x 10 volts) = i 0.043 volts EFIC - Pressure Initiate and Permissive Bvoass Bistables (AL,3) ALos = 2 [(PT-Enc,)* + (COMP 1-E ng ,)']'/8 (BISTABLE-Enc,)


2 [(0.25)* + (0.354)*]'/* 2 (0 20)

                             * [(0.0625) + (0.1253)]'/' (0.20)
                             * [0.1878]'/'s (0.20)
                         =   20.43320.20
                         =   2 0.633% span = (0.633% x 1200 psig) =
  • 7.60 psig i l

,, nw

da DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION ME Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 49 of _ 69 OOGUMENT IDENTIFICATON NO. REMSON REl/ MAR /SP NUM.LR/f t.E 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 EFIC - Differential Pressure Bistable (AQ) A6 = [{2 x (PT-E ) } + (COMP 2-E )']'/' * (BISTABLE-E ) .

                          = * [{2 x (0.25)'} + (0.559)']'I' * (0.20)
                              * [(0.125) + (0.3125)]'/2 : (0.20)

2 [0.4375]'/* (0.20)

  • 0.661 : (0.20)
0.861% span = * (0.861% x 1200 psig) = E10.33)isi Pressure Sianals to Recall AL, ems,= i [(PT-E )' + (COMP 1-E )" + (BISTABLE E.g.)* + (ANALOG ISO-E )' +

(RECALL-E )']'/*

                              * [(0.25)* + (0.354)' + (0.20)* + (0.50)* + (0.732)']'/*

[(0.0625) + (0.1253) + (0.04) + (0.25) + (0.5358)]'/*

                              * [1.0136]'/*
                          =   21.007% span = s (1.007% x 1200 psig) =
  • 12.08 psig

(1.007% x 10 volts) = s 0.101 volts The "As-Left" tolerance for the Recall Point Indication will be rounded down to 12.00 psig or 1.00%. Per Design input (DI) #30, the "As-Left" tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room Recall Points (RCL252, RCL253 and RCL255 ) is : 24 psig. As can be seen the calculated tolerance is less than the current assigned 'As-Left" tolerance for the devices. Therefore; we will use the calculated tolerance since it's the more restrictive between the two. ALnem , = [1@W ![Rhilg I l

         'AS-FOUND* TOLERANCES:                                                                                      D127        l The only component which has a specified Drift is the Rosemount transmitter; therefore, the only drift term in the following calculations wBI be the drift associated with the transmitters (PT-E ).

PT-E., - StabRy (Drift) =

  • 0.2% URL per 30 months
                          =   a 0.2% (3000 psig/1200 psig)
                          =      0.5% span Therefore PT-E., = 0.5% span.

Pressure Transmitters (AFn) AFn = * {AL,7 + [(PT-Esa)' + (MTEn)']'/'} Dl7 & A3.1

                          =                                                                                                      l
                              *e {(0.25)

{(0.25) + [(0.5)*

                                         + [(0.25)   + (0.2430)]'I+ (0.493)']'/*l}

t {(0.25) + [0.493]'/*}


2 {(0.25) + (0.702)}

                          =    2 0.95% span = * (0.95% x 1200 psig) = 311.4 psig
                               * (0.95% x 16 mA) = 3 0.152 mA

,, - .o

Mporida DESIGN ANALYSIS /CALCUL.ATION N Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 50 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICADON PC. REMtWObs REl/MAA/SP NUMSER/Ft.E 192 4008 1 SP95 - 0002 Per surveillance procedure SP 193A (Reference 45) for MS-106-PT thru MS-113-PT the "As-Found" tolerance for calibrating all eight transmitters was t 0.042 VDC on a 5 VDC scale or 0.84%. Based on past calibration, the pressure transmitter has been able to meet the tighter tolerance and to remove additional conservatism, the "As - Left' tolerance of e 0.84% wGl be used. Therefore; AFn - i;0.84(spanXKj0.08 psigEi0.134^n% Pressure Bistable (Initiate. Permissive Bvoass and Differential Pressure) (AF,3) D111 & A3.2 AF,, = i {(AW + [(MTE,u)']'/*}


t {(0.20) + [(0.041)']'/*}

                            * {(0.20) + (0.041)}
                        = 2 0.241% span = * (0.241% x 1200 psig) =
  • 2.89 psig

4 (0.241% x 4 VDC) = 0.010 VDC Per Design input (DI) #30, the "As.Found" tolerance currently used in SP-146A for the Bistables is e 0.008 volts. Since the calculated is greater than as the tolerance currently used, the "As-Found* tolerance wul remain 3 0.008 volts. Therefore; AF,, = 0.20WapanRil0.008yolts Remote Shutdown Indication (AF.) AF,,, = 3 Dl7 & A3.4

                        =   i* {(1.67)

{(AQ + [(PT-E

                                        + [(0.5)*     ,)* + (MTg' *}']'/'}
                                                  + (0.528)']

{(1.67) + [(0.25) + (0.2788)]'/'}


t {(1.67) + [0.5288]'/*}


m {(1.67) + (0.727)}

                        =      2.40% span = 2 (2.40% x 1200 psig) = i 28.8 psig Since Pl2 can only be read to 10 psig (g minor dMsion), and because the calculated tolerance is close to a 4 minor dMslon point, the "As-Found" tolerance for the Remote Shutdown Indication wGI be rounded up to 30 psig or 2.50%.

Per Design input (DI) #30, the "As-Found* tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Remote Shutdown Indication (MS-106-Pl2, MS-107-P12, MS-110-Pl2 and MS-111-Pl2) is : 20 psig. Based on past calbration, the recorder indicator loop has been able to meet the tighter tolemnce and to remove additional conservatism, which affect the ability of the operator using the indicator, an 'As - Left' tolerance of i 20 psig wBI be used. Therefore; AFRs, = 1.6790spanX* 20 psig Control Room Indication (AFn) AF,, = 2 {(Al.,,,) + [(PT-E,,)* + (MTE ]} Dl7 & A3.4

                        =    * {(1.67) + [(0.5)* + (0.528)']g}

{(1.67) + [(0.25) + (0.2788)]'/'}


t ((1.67) + [0.5288)'/*}


a {(1.67) + (0.727)}

                         =   a 2.40% span = (2.40% x 1200 psig) = 28.8 psig

I Mporida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION r!! Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 51 of 69 oocuuva ovarcaron no. nu\ son nemmse n>uaya 192-0008 1 SP95 - (002 Since Pl1 can only be read to 10 psig (g minor dMslon), and because the calculated tolerance is close to a g minor dMslon point, the 'As-Found' tolerance for the Control Room Indication will be rounded up to 30 psig or 2.50%. Per Design input (DI) #30, the "As-Found" tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room Indication (MS-106-Pit, MS-107-Pil, MS-110-P11 and MS-111-Pil) is : 20 psig. Based on past calibration, the recorder indicator loop has been able to meet the tighter tolerance and to remove additional conservatism, which could affect the ability of the operator using the indicator, an "As - Left' l I tolerance of a 20 psig will be used. Therefore; AF,, = 1.67% span _..='

  • 20 psig j Control Room Recordina (AF )

AF. = 3 Dl7 & A3.4 2 {(AW {(0.830)++ [(PT-E )' + (MTEy' }']'/"}  ;


[(0.5)' + (0.528)']'


{(0.830) + [(0.25) + (0.2788)]}


{(0.830) + [0.5288]}


{(0.830) + (0.727)}

                                               =   31.56% span = (1.56% x 1200 psig) = 18.72 psig l                                     Since PIR can only be read to 10 psig (g minor dMsion), and because the calculated tolerance is close to a g minor dMsion point, the 'As-Found* tolerance for the Control Room Recorder will be rounded up to 20 psig or 1.67%.

Per Design loput (DI) #30, the "As-Found' tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room Recording (MS-106-PIR, MS-107-PIR, MS-110-PIR and MS-111-PIR) is 20 psig. Since the calculated is the same as the tolerance currently used, the 'As-Found' tolerance will remain : 20 psig. Therefore; , AF m = a 1.67% span =; '20.0 p ' sig Control Room Recorder indicatina (AFm) AF, = {(AL ) + [(PT-E,,)* + (MTE o f]'/'} Dl7 & A3.4


e {(2.08) + [(0.5)' + (0.528)']}


a {(2.08) + [(0.25) + (0.2788)]}

                                                   * {(2.08) + [0.5288]'/*}
                                                   * {(2.08) + (0.727)}


                                               =     2.81% cpan = (2.81% x 1200 psig) = 33.72 psig Since PIR Indicator can only be read to 25 psig (g minor dMslon), and because the calcu'ated tolerance is close to a g minor dMsion point, the 'As-Found' tolerance for the Control Room Indication will be rounded down to 25 psig or 2.08%.

I Per Design input (DI) #30, the *As-Found* tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room Recorder Indication (MS-106-PIR, MS-107-PIR, MS-110-PIR and MS-111-PIR) is 20 psig. Based on past calibration, the recorc'er indicator loop has been able to meet the tighter tolerance and because the indicator can only be read to 25 psig, then the existing 'As - Left' tolerance will need to be l changed to 25 psig. Therefore; A% = a 2 08% span = 25.0 psig ________=_____-._________________________________________ ________ _ _____ _ _______

                                                                                                                                                    ~ * "

i l I l l fda

 @                 cMrII DOCUMENT OLNTIFICATON NO.

DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 HEViblUN HD/ MAR /8P NUMBLR/ FILE Sheet 52 of . 69 I 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Pressure Slanal for ADV Control (AFma ) Dl7 & A3.6 AF = i {(AL ) + [(PT-E.)' + (MTEc uj']'/'}

                      = 3 {(0.43) + [(0.50)' + (0.528)']'/"}
                          * {(0.43) + [(0.25) + (0.2788)]}

2 {(0.43) + [0.5288]'/*}


a {(0.43) + (0.727)}

                       =  21.157% span = * (1.157% x 1200 psig) = (13.88 pelg

2 (1.157% x 10 volts) = (0.116fvolts EFIC - Pressure Initiate and Permissh/e Bvoass Bistable (AF,3) AFu = ((Aly + [(PT-E,,)' + (MTE,3)']'/2} Dl7 & A3.3


{(0.633) + [(0.50)* + (0.531)']}

                          * { (0.633) + [(0.25) + (0.2820)]'/*}

{(0.633) + [0.532]'/*} e

{(0.633) + (0.729)}
                       =  31.362% span = 2 (1.362% x 1200 psig) = T1634]sig EFIC Differential Pressure Bistable (AF      op ,)

AFo ,, = (MTE '] ' } Dl7 & A3.5

                       -  , {(ALo.3)      + x[{2

{(0.861) + [{2 x (PT-Eg} (0.50) ( '+} +0.749)']' *}


{(0.861) + [(0.50) + (0.5610)]'/'}

                          * {(0.861) + [1.0610]'/*}

{(0.861) + (1.03)}

                       =  21.891% span = t (1.891% x 1200 psig) = (22.09 pel Pressure Slanals to RECALL (AFm a)

AF at Dl7 & A3.4 ms,== 3* ((AQ ((1.00) + [(PT-Eg+' (+0.528)']}(MTE

                                    + [(0.50)                                            )']'/'}

{(1.00) + [(0.25) + (0.2788)]}


3 {(1.00) + l0.5288]'/*}


2 {(1.00) + (0.727)}

                       =  e 1.727% span = * (1.727% x 1200 psig) = 2 20.72 psig

(1.727% x 10 volts) =

  • 0.173 volts The "As-Found* tolerance for the Recall Point Indication will be rounded down to 20 psig or 1.67%.

Per Design input (DI) #30, the "As-Found" tolerance currently used in SP-193A for the Control Room Recall Points (RCL252, RCL253 and RCL255 ) is : 36 psig. As can be seen the calculated tolerance is less than the current assigned "As-Found" tolerance for the devices. Therefore; we will use the calculated tolerance since it's the more restrictive between the two. AFas, = a 1.67%f = i 20.00 psig ,- -.o

i l 1 9 :lorida Mrfl u w on M W GTM DC. 192 @ 08 DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 AEV SM 1 m/W/SP faMWERgu SP95 - 0002 Sheet __5J_ of 69 i


i CALIBRATED LOOP ERRORS: D126 Remote Shutdown Indication (CEm) CEn, - [(E ) + (AF )] l


2 [(2.77) + (1.67)]

                   =      4.44% span = (4.44% x 1200 psig) = [53.28)sig Control Room Indication (Normal - CEm, Accident - CEm)

CE , = 2 [(E ) + (AFn)]

                       * [(2.77) + (1.67)]
                   =      4.44% span = * (4.44% x 1200 psig) = s 53.28'psig MS-106-PT/Pll:

CE m = * [(Emd + (AF n)]

                        + [(7.423) + (1.67)]
                   =    + 9.09% span = + (9.09% x 1200 psig) = T+109.08'psig
                       - [(6.692) + (1.67)]
                   =   - 8.36% span = - (8.36% x 1200 psig) = fj00.32 psig MS-107-PT/Pli:

CEm = * [(Emd + (AF n)]

                       + [(7.535) + (1.67)]
                   =   + 9.21% span = + ( 9.27% x 1200 psig) = 3J10)S2"psig
                       - [(6.739) + (1.67)]
                   =   - 8.41% span = - ( 8.41% x 1200 psig) = f;100l.92 pinig MS-110-PT/Pi1:

CE - [(Emd + (AF n))

                       + [(7.906) + (1.67)]
                   = + 9.58% span = + (9.58% x 1200 psig) = V114.96'peig
                       - [(6.896) + (1.67)]                                                                !
                   =   - 8.57% span = - ( 8.57% x 1200 psig) = {1_02.84fpsig MS-111-PT/ Pit:

l CEm = * [(Emd + (AFn)] l

                       + [(7.773) + (1.67)]
                   =   + 9.44% scan = + (9.44% x 1200 psig) = 4.113.28 psig
                       - [(6.84) + (1.67)]
                   =     8.51% span = - (8.51% x 1200 psig) = {102.12 psig

'" . .n



DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 REVISO4 HB/hAAR/SP NUMBER / FILE Sheet 54 of 69 l 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 l Control Room Recordina (Normal - CE., Accident - CE ) CE. = * [(E,n.) + (AFenn)

                         * [(1.41) + (1.67)]
  • 3.08% span = (3.08% x 1200 psig) = [36.96~psig MS-106-PIR:

CEm= * [(Emd + (AFenn)]

                         + [(6.944) + (1.67)]
                     =   + 8.61% span = + (8.61% x 1200 psig) = ;+103.32 psig
                         - [(6.213) + (1.67)]
                     =     7.88% span = - (7.88% x 1200 psig) = [94.56_'psis MS-107-PIR:

CEn , = * [(EQ + (AFenn)]

                         + [(7.056) + (1.67)]
                     =   + 8.73% span = + (8.73% x 1200 psig) =N104;76,l'psig
                         - [(6.26) + (1.67)]
                     =   - 7.93% span = - (7.93% x 1200 psig) = [96;16 psig MS-110-PIR:

CE m = * [(E,nnad + (AFenn)]

                          + [(7.427) + (1.67)]
                     =    + 9.10% span = + (9.10% x 1200 psig) =9109.2 pelq
                         - [(6.417) + (1.67)]
                     =   - 8.09% span = - (8.09% x 1200 psig) = E97.08f'psig MS-111-PIR:

CE m = * [(EW + (AFenn)]

                          + [(7.294) + (1.67)]
                     =    + 8.96% span = + (8.96% x 1200 psig) = $107.52 big
                         - [(6.361) + (1.67)]
                     =   - 8.03% span = - (8.03% x 1200 psig) = %96,36f peig Control Room Recorder Indicatina (Normal - CE , Accident - CEJ CE ,    =   * [(E,, ) + (AF e,n)]
                         * [(2.30) + (2.08)]
  • 4.38% span = (4.38% x 1200 psig) = n 52.56lpsig t m .o A

fda Mrfl DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystai River Unit 3 Sheet 55 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTlf CAflON NO. NviuCN FEl/ MAR /SP NUM9LR

                                                                                              / Fui 192-0008                                                    1       SP95 - 0002 MS-106-PT/PIRl: = * [(Emma) + (AFan)]

                          = + [(7.231) + (2.08)]
                          =   + 9.31% span = + (9.31% x 1200 psig) - H111.72"psig
                             - [(6.50) + (2.08)]
                          =  - 8.58% span = - (8.58% x 1200 psig) = (102.96fpelg MS-107-PT/PIRl: = * [(E ,2) + (AFan)]

                              + [(7.343) + (2.08)]
                          =   + 9.42% span = + (9.42% x 1200 psig) =[E113.04'psy  .
                             - [(6.547) + (2.08)]
                          =  - 8.63% span = - (8.63% x 1200 psig) = (103.56 ~psig MS-110-PT/PIRl:

CE = * [(E ,2) + (AFan)]

                              + [(7.714) + (2.08)]
                          =   + 9.79% span = + (9.79% x 1200 psig) = yJ1K48 psig
                             - [(6.704) + (2.08)]
                          =  - 8.78% span = - (8.78% x 1200 psig) = (105.36psig MS-111-PT/PIRI:

CE.,m = a [(E ga) + (AFan)]

                              + [(7.581) + (2.08)]
                          =   + 9.66% span = + (9.66% x 1200 psig) = l+.;115.92.'psig
                             - [(6.648) + (2.08)]
                          =  - B.73% span = - (8.73% x 1200 psig) = y1M.76 psig Pressure Sianal for ADV Control (CE,n             )

MSV-025 CEm = * [(Ey .) + (AFm . . )]


a [(0.845) + (1.157)]

                          =  2 2.002% span = (2.002% x 1200 psig) = a 24.02 psig

(2.002% x 10 volts) = s o.200. volts MSV426 CEy. = *[(Ey. ) + (AFm )]


a [(0.845) + (1.157)] ' ~

                          =  a 2.002% span = (2.002% x 1200 psig) = i 24.02 psig

(2.002% x 10 volts) = a 0200 volts l 1 r, as suu sn

porida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION cMTIl Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 56 of 69 DOCUW6.N1 OE.NTIFsC.A710N esO. NASaON m/uAR/SP NUWHER/FLi 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Atmosoheric Dumo Valve Control Looo (CEo) MSV-025 CE. = e [(E.) + (AFm..)]

                                * [(0.921) + (1.157)]
  • 2.078% span = (2.078% x 1200 psig) = s 24.94fpsig MSV-026 CE, = * [(E ) + (AFya )]
                                * [(0.921) + (1.157)]
                            =    2 2.078% span = a (2.078% x 1200 psig) = i24.94 psig Pressure Sianals to RECALL CE               = * [(EW + (AFa y]

[(1.241) + (1.67)]

                            =    i 2.91% span = * (2.91% x 1200 psig) = i 34.92 psig MS-106-PT:

CEma = * [(EQ + (]

                                  + [(6.904) + (1.67)]
                            =     + 8.57% span = + (8.57% x 1200 psig) = }102.84'peig
                                - [(6.173) + (1.67)]
                            =      7.84% span = - (7.84% x 1200 psig) = f.94.~08 psig MS-107-PT:

CEma = * [(EQ + (AF,]

                                 + [(7.016) + (1.67)]
                            =     + 8.69% span = + (8.69% x 1200 psig) = 1104.28)sig
                                - [(6.22) + (1.67)]                               ~
                            =   - 7.89% span = - (7.89% x 1200 psig) = [94.68 pelg MS-110-PT:

CEma - : [(EW + (AF

                                  + [(7.387) + (1.67)]
                            =    + 9.06% span = + (9.06% x 1200 psig) - E108.72'psig
                                - [(6.377) + (1.67)]
                            =   - 8.05% span = - (8.05% x 1200 psig) = [96.60~pelgj

, m .o

  @                    lAMI DOCUMLNT OENTIFsCATION NQL DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION crystas never unit 3 HEVWON               HLl/ MAR /nlP NUMHER/ FILE Sheet 57 of 69 192 0008                                                                                1           SP95 - 0002 Low Pressure Initiate Bistable Setpoint.

EFIC - Pressure initiate Bistable (CEg, s) i CE g = a [(E g,J + (AF,5)] { = 3 [(22.97 psig) + (16.34 psig)] ! = i39.31lpsig Since the low steam generator SG pressure initiate setpoint actuates on a decreasing pressure at an j analytical limit of 585 psig ( per Di #36), the actual setpoint must be set high enough to be above 585 l psig. Therefore, the setpoint for the low pressure actuation will be as follows: Setpoint = Analytical Limit + CEuas

                                - 585 + 39.31
                                = 624.31 psig                                                                                                       )
                                = 624.50 psig (Setpoint rounded up for ease of setting)

Per Design input (DI) #31, the current setpoint used in SP-146A for the low pressure initiate bistable (MS-106-PS1 thru MS-113-PSI) is 617.76 psig. As can be seen the calculated low pressure initiate setpoint is greater than the current assigned setpoint setting in the bistable. Considering the existing setpoint of 617.76 psig and subtracting off the calculated 'As-Found" tolerance of 16.34 psig results in a lower 'As-Found* setpoint limit of 601.42 psig. In comparison with the improved Technical Specification (ITS) limit of 600 psig, the lower "As-Found" limit of 601.42 psig is 1.42 psig above and still assures that the iTS limit is not violated during surveillance testing. The current setpoint complies with assuring that the iTS limits aren't violated but, using the current in-plant setpoint causes the calculated loop error to shift the analytical limit below it's present value of 585 psig by 6.55 psig (578.45 psig). This is unacceptable and therefore, Low Propure initiate SetpoinrF824.5lpsig Now that the low pressure initiate setpoint has been established, then this value must now be adjusted into the EFIC bistables in each of the cabinets (MS-106-PS1 thru MS-113-PS1) in order for the EFIC Control ) system to cause main steam and main feedwater isolation along with starting the EFW. To adjust this setpoint value into the bistable we must change the setpoint Jack per the instructions outlined in the Vitro instruction Manuni (Reference 36) on page 6-21. The manual instructions provide us with an equation on how to determine the desire pressure setting in terms of a voltage setpoint as follows: Low Pressure Bistable Setpoint Voltage = [ (P) x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0 Volt


[ 624.5 x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0


[2.081] + 1.0 l


3.061? volts I Also, Test level voltage = Setpoint voltage - 0.1 volts

                                            =       3.081                 _0.1
                                            =       2.981 volts i

I __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- 7"o


   @                      prida cMN DOCUheLf6 OLNTIFICATON NO.

DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 FEVISaON RENMAR/I6P NUtdttLR/FILE Sheet 58 of .. 69 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Steam Generator Shutdown Bypass Permissive Setpoint. EFIC - Permissive Bvoass Bistable (CE tp ) CE. = * [(E ) + (AF )]

                            =  t [(10.42 psig) + (16.34 psig)]
                            =  i 26.76'psig

, The SG pressure bypass setpoint is determine in the following manner: First, using the low pressure initiate setpoint as the lowest bound limit for the bypass permissive, we find that the; Minimum Setpoint = Low pressure setpoint + CE.

                                =           624.50 psig + 26.76 psig
                                =           651.26 psig
                                =           651 psig (Setpoint rounded down for. ease of setting)

Maximum Setpoint = FSAR Value + CE.

                                =           750 psig - 26.76 psig
                                =           723.24 psig
                                =           723 psig (Setpoint rounded down for ease of setting)

Choosing the minimum setpoint does not provide adequate margin above the low pressure setpoint to avoid spurious trips resulting from a main control board operator's inability for lack of time to bypass the trip feature. Selecting the maximum setpoint gives the operator increase margin (723.00 psig - 624.5 psig

           = 98.5 psig) for bypassing the low pressure condition. Also, the maximum setpoint maintains the differential pressure between the SG's in order to distinguish the depressurtzed one and isolate it.

Therefore, the maximum setpoint is selected. l Per Design input (DI) #31, the current plant setpoint used in SP-146A for the permissive bypass bistable l (MS-106-PS3 thru MS-113-PS3) is 732.37 psi. As can be seen the calculated bypass setpoint is lower than the current assigned setpoint setting in the bistable. Considering the existing setpoint of 732.37 psl and add;ng the calculated 'As-Found' tolerance of 16.34 psi results in a high 'As-Found* setpoint limit of 748.71 psi. In comparison with the improved Technical Specification limit of 750 psig, the high 'As-Found" limit of 748.71 psi is 1.29 psig below and still provides assures that the ITS limit is not violated during surveillance testing. Therefore, the current permissive bypass setpoint as listed in SP-146A as 732.37 psig is acceptable l and complies with assuring that the limits don't violate the ITS requirements. l fW}M %E732.Rpaid Now that the bypass permissive setpoint has been established, then this value must now be adjusted into the EFIC bistables in each of the cabinets (MS-106-PS3 thru MS-113-PS3) in order for the EFIC Control system to avoid actuation of the low pressure trip on normal plant cooldowns. To adjust this setpoint value into the blstable we must change the counting dial per the instructions outlined in the Vitro Instruction Manual (Reference 36) on page 6-19. The manual instructions provide us with an equation on how to determine the desired setting in terms of a voltage setpoint as follows: Bypass Permissive Bistable Setpoint Voltage = [ (P) x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0 Volt


[732.37 x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0


[2.441] + 1.0

                                            =       3.441yolts
 "                                                                                                                        ~

fda cMTN DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet ._51_ of _g1__ DOCUMENT OENTIFCATON NO. REVl&ON REl/ MAR/ bP NUMBERjFILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Also, Test level voltage = Setpoint voltage - 0.1 volts

                                         =     3.441 - 0.1

3.341. volta Steam Generator Differential Pressure Setpoint. EFIC - Differential Pressure Bistable (CEo p..) CEops, = 1 [(E op,3) + (AFo,3)]

                       =  * [(32.52 psi) + (22.69 psi)]
                       =  t ;55.21 ~ psi Per Design input #40 the differential pressure that isolates a depressurized steam generator is listed as 150 psi. The maximum setpoint is calculate as:

Maximum Setpoint = FSAR Value - CEop ,

                                         =     150 psid - 55.21 psi
                                         =     94.79 psid
                                         =     94.5 psid (Setpoint rounded down for ease of setting)

Now determine the minimum setpoint which prevents isolation of a non-leaking /depressurized steam generator which is based a zero (0) differential across both steam generators at operation. Minimum Setpoint = Steam Generator dP + CE os .

                                         -     O psid + 55.21 psi
                                         =     55.21 psid To prevent inadverent steam generator Isolation the maximum differential pressure setpoint is selected.

Per Design input (DI) #31, the current plant setpoint used in SP-146A for the steam generator differential pressure bistable (MS-106-PS2 thru MS-113-PS2) is 106.80 psid. As can be seen the calculated differential pressure is less than the current assigned setpoint setting in the bistable. Considering the existing setpoint of 106.80 psid and adding the calculated "As-Found' tolerance of 22.69 psi results in a higher "As-Found" setpoint limit of 129.49 psid. In comparison with the improved Technical Specification limit of 125 psid, the higher limit of 129.49 psid exceeds the ITS limit. Therefore, the existing steam generator differential pressure bistable will need to be changed to 94.5 psid. SG Differential Pressure Setpoint = 94.5 paid Now that the differential pressure setpoint has been established, then this value must now be adjusted into the EFIC bistables in each of the cabinets (MS-106-PS2 thru MS-113-PS2) in order for the EFIC Control system to achieve the FOGG logic function. To adjust this setpoint value into the bistable we must change the counting dial per the instructions out!!ned in the Vitro Instruction Manual (Reference 36) on page 6-19.  ; The manual instructions provide us with an equation on how to determine the desired differential settP.ig in l terms of a voltage setpoint as follows: l 1 I , m on

l J 9 OOGUMLNT IDLNTlHCATION M3. 192 4008 eMd da DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 FIEVISION 1 HEl/ MAR /SP NUMERER/ FILE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 60 of 69 l Differential Pressure Bistable Setpoint Voltage = [ (P) x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0 Volt


[94.5 x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0


[0.315] + 1.0

                                                          =      1.315 volts Also, Test level voltage        =      Setpoint voltage + 0.1 volts
                                                          =      1.315 + 0.1
                                                          =      1.415 Volts I

Atmosphere Dump Valve Pressure Control Module Setpoint. The setpoint is determined a follows: a) the minimum ADV r.atpoint is based on the maximum operating main steam pressure where the setpoint will avd unnecessary release of steam up the vent stacks. Per Design input #39, the maximum steam pressure at full power is 916.5 psig. Therefore, i Minimum Setpoint - Maximum Steam Pressure + CE, l = 916.5 psig + 24.94 psig

                                                          =      941.44 psig b) According to Design Input #38, the low plant administrative limit on the MS Code Safeties is 1050 psig. The maximum ADV setpoint is low enough to avoid challenges and lifting of safeties; and determined as:

Maximum Setpoint - MSSV Lower Uft Setpoint - CE,

                                                          =      1050 psig - 24.94 psig
                                                          =      1025.06 psig
                                                          =      1025 psig (Setpoint rounded down for ease of setting) l l                           The current plant setpoint for the atmospheric dump valves is set at 1025 psig, as stated on page 19 of the i

Main Steam EDBD (Reference 6). It is acceptable to use current plant setpoint. At6. Valve Pressyre Control Setpoirt = 1025 psig Now that we know the setpoint value for the atmospheric dump valves, then this numeric value must now be adjusted into the EFIC pressure control portion of the control modules (MSV425-PC and MS-113-PC) in order to maintain the desired control function. To adjust this setpoint value into the two control modules, we must set the switch arrangements on dip switch

  • S1 ' which is physically mounted on the Digital / Analog Board per the instructions outlined in the Vitro Instruction Manual (Reference 36) on page 6-
9. The manual statement requires us to determine the equivalent binary expression which is done as follows:

I l The dip switch has a range setting from zero (0) to 4095 where zero (0) represents zero (0) pressure and 4095 represents 1200 pounds of pressure. So then, 0 = 0 x = 1025 4095 = 1200 i f ) .- L______________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l t 9 MU cxcuur m umwcum ec. 192 0008 da DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 esa 1

                                                                                %< mar uusms.a SP95 - 0002 Sheet 60 of 69 l

l Differential Pressure Bistable Setpoint Voltage = [ (P) x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0 Volt


[94.5 x 3.333 mV ] + 1.0


[0.315] + 1.0

                                             -     1.315 volts Also, Test level voltage          =     Setpoint voltage + 0.1 volts
 .                                           =     1.315 + 0.1

1315.Yolts Atmosphere Dump Valve Pressure Control Module Setpoint. The setpoint is determined as follows: e a) the minimum ADV setpoint is based on the maximum operating main steam pressure where the setpoint will avoid unnecessary release of steam up the vent stacks. Per Design input #39, the maximum steam pressure at full power is 916.5 psig. Therefore, Minimum Setpoint = Maximum Steam Pressure + CE,

                                             =     916.5 psig + 24.94 psig
                                             =     941.44 psig b) According to Design input #38, the low plant administrative limit on the MS Code Safeties is 1050 psig. The maximum ADV setpoint is low enough to avoid challenges and lifting of safeties; and determined as:

Maximum Setpoint = MSSV Lower Lift Setpoint - CE,

                                             =     1050 psig - 24.94 psig
                                             =     1025.06 psig
                                             =     1025 psig (Setpoint rounded down for ease of setting)

The current plant setpoint for the atmospheric dump valves is set at 1025 psig, as stated on page 19 of the Main Steam EDBD (Reference 6). It is acceptable to use current plant setpoint. 6 Vane Pressure. Control Setpoint'.= 1025 psig , Now that we know the satpoint value for the atmospheric dump valves, then this numeric value must now be adjusted into the EFIC pressure control portion of the control modules (MSV-025-PC and MS-113-PC) in order to maintain the desired control function. To adjust this setpoint value into the two control modules, l we must set the switch arrangements on dip switch

  • S1
  • which is physically mounted on the Digital / Analog Board per the instructions outlined in the Vitro Instruction Manual (Reference 36) on page 6-l 9. The manual statement requires us to determine the equivalent binary expression which is done as follows:

The dip switch has a range setting from zero (0) to 4095 where zero (0) represents zero (0) pressure and 4095 represents 1200 pounds of pressure. So then, 0 = 0 x = 1025 4095 = 1200

   ..                                                                                                                       -.o l

9 fda cMrIl DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 61 of 69 DOCUMENT OLNTIFCATON MJ. FEVISON REJ/uAR/SP NUMBLR/ FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 ( x / - 4095 ) = (- 175 / - 1200 ) x = [(- 175 x - 4095) / - 1200 ) x = - 597.188 4095 597 = 3498 The answer obtained is the value that must be converted to a binary expression in order to set the dip l switch logic. By calculator conversion, the binary value of 3498 is equated to an " S1

  • coding of:

uSB.. .. ... . . . . . .tS B 110110101010 S12. ... . .S1 On page 6-9 of the manual is a Table 6-1 that provides the relative scale value for each switch when set in the open ( 0 ) or Closed ( 1 ) position. So then mathematically we can see dip switch

  • S1
  • is at:

Switch Seament Binary Scale Value 1 (LSB) 0 0 2 1 0.586 3 0 0 4 1 2.344 5 0 0 6 1 9.375 7 0 0 8 1 37.500 9 1 75.000 10 0 0 11 1 300.000 12 MSB 1 600 000 1025.805 t PARTI AL LOOP TOLERANCE: ( Loop E Tor - Bistable) Partial Loop Error is the difference between the Total Loop Error and the Bistable (Pressure Switch) Error. Pressure initiate and Permissive BvDass Bistable Partial Loop 'As -Left" Tolerance (PL y n) PLyn = (AQ, - AL,3)

                           =     (7.60 psig - 2.4 psig)
  • 5.2 psig = * [(5.2 psig/1200 psig) x 100%) =
  • 0.433% span

a [(0.433%/100%) x 4 volts) =

  • 0.01732 volts For ease of setting. the tolerance will be rounded down to 0.017 volts. Therefore:

PLy .,, = f;0.017 voltsVi 0.425% rpanVTS.10 psig

 ,                                                                                                                                                                             -.o

_ . _ _ - - . . _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----_~

Mporida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION i r?d Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 62 of 69 cxnmur amorca e avam mew /se memfas j 192-0008 SP95 - 0002 1 Partial Loop 'As - Found" Tolerance (PL,.,5) PLyn = (AF,, - AF,5)

                       =  * (16.34 psig - 2.4 psig)
                       =  213.94 psig = 2 [(13.94/1200 psig) x 100%] = 31.16% span
                          * (1.16%/100% x 4 volts) = 2 0.0464 volts For ease of setting (and to ensure that the sum of the Partial Loop errors do not exceed the Total Loop error), the tolerance will be rounded down to 0.046 volts.Therefore:

Pl y.,, = [0.046pottsM~f 1.15%"spari {113.80 psig Differential Pressure Bistable Partial Loop 'As -Left" Tolerance (PL g .m) PLg .m = e (Alm - AL,5)

                       =     (10.33 psig - 2.4 psig)
  • 7.93 psig = a [(7.93 psig/1200 psig) x 100%] = 0.661% span
                           * [(0.661%/100%) x 4 volts] = 2 0.02644 volts For ease of setting, the tolerance wRI be rounded down to 0.026 volts. Therefore:

PLym = [0.026TmitaE(0.650%MyT7.80"psig Partla! Loop 'As - Found* Tolerance (PL y .m) ply.m = (AFm - AF,,)

                       =      (22.69 psig - 2.4 psig)
                       =     20.29 psig = 3 [(20.29 psig/1200 psig) x 100%) = 21.69% span
                           * [(1.69%/100%) x 4 volts] = t 0.0676 volts For ease of setting (and to ensure that the sum of the Partial Loop errors do not exceed the Total Loop error), the tolerance wHl be rounded down to 0.068 volts. Therefore:

PL,.m = (O'.068 WAtsMt 1.70$sMR720;40 psid l 1 l l W, M M BIl

da DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION MnTd Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet . 63 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICArlON NQ, FEVtSid i RLl/ MAR /SP NUMBLR/ FILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 VI. RESULTS/ CONCLUSIONS: The following Tables list the applicable results of this calculation. TABLEI FSAR/ Technical Specification Setpoints i END DEVICE IDE88GNi f FNITECHNdSPECIFICSTIONY

                                                              " SETPOINTi                  -        iSECTIONI MS106-PS1 thru MS-113-PS1             600 PSG                       FSAR SECTION MS-106-PS2 thru MS 113-PS2            125 PSID                      FSAR SECTION MS 106-PS3 thru MS-113-PS3            750 PSG                     FSAR SECTON TABLE ll Transmitter Scaling / Calibration TRANSMITTER s
                                                                .. SCAUNG.          .
                                                                                               . CAUSA TIONSPNN7
                                                               ? coRnECTeoNi!$ W              4Qf M $1M.i^

MS-106-PT thru MS 113-PT N/A 0PSG 1200 PSG TABLElil Transmitter Setting Tolerances LTRAN8MITTER C'

                                                  '?(t_% hh[.__<
                                                          $ PAN /4 PSIQ)i k         " , . 2jdMhNO)$ . . .,
                                                                                             . QffspgM"pggg)l!

MS-106-PT t 0.25% SPAN; 0.04 mA: 3.0 PSG t 0.84% SPAN; 0.134 mA: 10.08 PSIG MS 107-PT

  • 0.25% SPAN; 0.04 mA; 3.0 PSIG  : 0.84% SPAN; 0.134 mA; 10.08 PSIG MS 108-PT a 0.25% SPAN; 0.04 mA; 3.0 PSIG
  • 0.84% SPAN; 0.134 mA; 10.08 PSG MS 109-PT 0.25% SPAN; 0.04 mA; 3.0 PSIG 0.84% SPAN; 0.134 mA: 11.08 PSG M6110-PT 0.25% SPAN; 0.04 mA 3.0 PSG s 0.84% SPAN. 0.134 mA: 11.08 PSG MS 111-PT 0.25% SPAN; 0.04 mA; 3.0 PSG t 0.84% SPAN; 0.134 mA; 11.08 PSG MS 112M 20.25% SPAN,0.04 mA,3.0 PSIG t 0.84% SPAN; 0.134 mA; 11.08 PSG MS-113-PT 20.25% SPAN 0.04 mA,3.0 PSG  : 0.84% SPAN; 0.134 mA: 11.08 PSG 1
.-                                                                                                                                    -.o   !

fda MN DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 64 of 69 oocuuem umcArON HQ. TDft.M N/MR/SP NUMB 8/ FILE 192 @ 08 1 SP95 - 0002 TABLE IV Pressure Bistable Setting Tolerances IPNESSUNEj 'NORMECAueRETERS s [SETPOINT  ; , 57ES( [ AS LEFT3 [As)OOND$ f SWITCH t SETPOINT 1 VOLTAGES: 0 VOLTAGEV f(PSIG)$ l SETTING 6 K SETTING I - MS-106-PS1 624.5 PSG 3.081 VDC 2.981 VDC 10.006 VDC t 0.006 VDC thru MS-113-PS1 MS 106-PS2 94.5 PSID 1.315 VDC 1.415 VDC 0.008 VDC 2 0.008 VDC thru MS 113-PS2 MS 106-PS3 732.37 PSIG 3.441 VDC 3.341 VDC t 0.008 VDC t 0.006 VDC thru MS 113-PS3 TABLE V Total Loop Tolerance _ _ _ _

                    .,jLOOP3             $     (NORdCALIBRATION]i .                            : LOOPh
                    ?. END DEVICE 6 LOOP ERRORk                              ML               }(AMOUNO?".ftbopig,
                      +*          <
                                                     ~ L (a pgeg)k ; ~                      i(t PSaG);}         " 4 pggg)f MS-106-PS1 thru                     2 39.31 PSG                          t 7.00 PSG              16.34 PSG MS-113-PS1 MS 106-PS2 thru                     2 $5.21 PSG                         t 10.33 PSG          t 22.69 PSG MS-113-PS2 MS 106-PS3 thru                    a 26.76 PSIG                         2 7.60 PSIG          t 16.34 PSIG MS-113-PS3                                                        l                                         _.

TABLE VI Partial Loop Tolerance (Transmitter To input of Bistable)

               $b M h$M.f@g[O                        kLOOP/ PRESSURE. SWITCH /                          ^ LOOPj PRESSURE SWRCH/
                                - @pi i '~ dn                q-A$aLEFTs                                          yAS FOUNO_.
                 ;3f?6         5!?dm.E - >                   l' (t VDC, PSIG)/ - >                              D (t VDC PSIC) :            - -

MS-106 PS1 thru MS 113-PS1 a 0.017 VDC,5.10 PSG 0.046 VDC,13.80 PSG MS 106-PS2 thru MS-113-PS2 2 0.026 VDC,7.80 PSIG 0.068 VDC,20.40 PSG MS-106-PS3 thru MS 113-PS3 10.017 VDC,5.10 PSG t 0.046 VDC,13.80 PSG g, as puu BI T e

9 CXXXMENT IDENrlFICATION NO. 192-0008 lorida u:nwrm 30Wer DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 REVLSION 1 Mi/MAA/SP NUMiiER/Ft1 SP95 - 0002 Sheet 65 of_69 TABLE Vil ADV Pressure Control Setting LOOP END DEVICE ; e NORMAL CAUBRATION .' DtP SWITCH 'S1

                                                                        .: SETPOINT +                     " SETTING -:                ' RATE                : BAND-MSV425-PC                       1025 PSIG              MSB.                  .LSB            00333                 05000 110110101010                          (2                 (K=5)

S12. . S1 Rep / min.) MSV426-PC 1025 PSIG MSB.. .LSB 00333 05000 110110101010 Q (K=5) S12. . S1 Rep / min.) TABLE Vill Pressure Control Loop Tolerance (Transmitter to input of Control Module) LOOP NORMAL CAUBRATION ? -LOOP 1 Loop 1

                                                  . END DEVICE .                .. : LOOP ERROR L                          . .: AS-LEFT i:         . AS-FOUND f
                                                                                - (t % SPAN, VDC, PSIG) :                  (t VDC; PSIG);          (e m psto}D MSV425-PC           t 2.002% SPAN; 0.200 VDC: 24.02 PSIG                t 0.043 VDC:            20.116 VDC; 5.16 PSIG              13.88 PSG MSV426-PC           t 2.002% SPAN; 0.200 VDC; 24.02 PSIG                t 0.043 VDC;           t 0.116 VDC:

5.16 PSIG 13.88 PSG TABLE IX Total Loop Errors

                                                                             . NORMALT          .. iHEL8            ...        Loop              Loop.


LOOP ERROR CAU8 RATED .. ' (3 psto} . ~
                                                    #N . .             7(s % SPAN PSIC):              .LOOPm

li(+e % SPAN)

                                                 ;;Ybhy[Mg'Wm                                        (+r PSIG) 1                                                     MS-106-Pt2        2 4.44%,53.28 PSG                                           20             2 20 N/A l                                                (Remote Shutdown)

MS-107-Pt2 t 4.44%,53.28 PSG N/A 20 2 20 (Remote Shutdown) MS 110-P12 2 4.44%,53.28 PSIG N/A 20 t 20 (Remote Shutdown) MS-111-Pt2 t 4.44%,53 28 PSIG N/A t 20 1 20 (Remote Shutdown) MS-106-Pl1 2 4 44%. 53 28 PSIG + 9.09%, - 8.36% 120 $20 (Control Room) + 100.08 - 100.32 PSIG

lorida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION MrT[ Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 66 of 69 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION NO. HEMSION ft.1/ MAR /SP NUMBER fFILE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002
NORMALT HELS"..  ? LOOP. -! LOOPi END DEYlCf,; / Call 8RATEDf POST ACCIDENTF Ag-LffT . AS-FOUND f LOOP ERROR i.. < CALIBRATEDi: b (g pgq 7 y, pgsg).f
                                            ; {s % SPAN, PssG).;

E LOOP :4.

5. ERROR ? . ,

i (fc % SPAN) d


MS-107-P11 2 4.44%,53.28 PSIG + 9.21%, 8.41% 220 220 (Control Room) + 110.52, - 100 92 PSIG MS-110-P11 2 4 44%,53.28 PSIG + 9.58%, - 8.57% 220 220 (Control Room) + 114.96, - 102.84 PSIG MS 111-Pl1 2 4.44%,53.28 PSIG + 9.44%, -8.51% 120 120 I (Control Room) + 113.28, -102.12 PS!G MS 106-PIR

  • 3.08%,36.96 PSG + 8.61%, -7.88% 210 220 (Recording 106) + 103.32, -94.56 PSIG MS 106-PIR
  • 4.38%, 52.56 PSG + 9.31%, - 8.58% 225 125 (Indicating-106) + 111.72. - 102.96 PSIG MS-107-PIR 3.08%,36.96 PSIG + 8.73%, -7.93% 210 220 (Recording-107) + 104.76,-95.16 PSIG MS 107-PIR t 4.38%,52.56 PSG + 9.42%, - 8.63% 225 225 (Indicating-107) + 113.04, -103.56 PSG MS-110 PIR 2 3.08%, 36.96 PSG + 9.10%, -8.09% 10 120 (Recording-110) + 109.2, -97.08 PSIG MS 110-PIR 4.38%,52.56 PSG + 9.79%, -8.78% 225 125 (Indicating 110) + 117.48, -105.36 PSIG MS-111-PIR
  • 3.08%,36.96 PSIG + 8.96%, - 8.03% 210 220 (Recording-111) + 107.52 -96.36 PSIG MS 111-PtR t 4.38%,52.56 PSIG + 9 66%, - 8.73% 225 125 (Indicating-111) + 115.92, -104.76 PSG RECALL Pt. RCL252 22.91%,34.92 PSIG + 8.57%, - 7.84% 212 220 (MS-106-PT) + 102.84, - 94.08 PSIG RECALL Pt. RCL253 22.91%,34 92 PSG + 8.69%,-7.89% 12 220 (MS-107-PT) + 104.28, - 94.68 PSIG RECALL Pt. RCL255 22.91%,34.92 PSIG + 9.06%, - 8.06% 212 220 (MS-110-PT) + 108.72, - 96 60 PSG
o. mn

9 DOCUMENT CENIFGAION NO. 192-0008 ida cc8cfr'd DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION Crystal River Unit 3 REVISON 1 REl/ MAR /SP NUMtst.R/ f LE SP95 - 0002 Sheet 67 of 69 FIGURE 1 EFIC Trip /Setpoints l MSSV Uft Setpoint 1050 psig ^




1038.88 psig (+) ADV As-Found 1030.16 psig (+) ADV As-Left 1025.00 psig Calibrated ADV Setpoint 1019.84 psig (-) ADV As-Left 1011.12 psig (-) ADV As-Found d Normal MS operating 900 psig


l l


MS Permissive Bypass 750 psig i (improved Tech. Spec.) ~, 748.71 psig (+) Bypass Permissive As-Found 739.97 psig (+) Bypass Permissive As-Left 732.37 psig Calibrated Bypass Permissive Setpoint 724.77 psig (-) Bypass Permissive As-Left l , 716.03 psig (-) Bypass Permissive As-Found

                                                     ,   ,Q
                                                     ,     .y'      640.34 psig (+) Low Press. Initiate As-Found l                                                              ;     632.10 psig (+) Low Press. Initiate As-Left 624.50 psig Calibrated Low Press. Initiate Setpoint 616.90 psig (-) Low Press. Initiate As-Left 608.16 psig (-) Low Press. Initiate As-Found n4 MS Low Pressure Initiate 600 psig (Improved Tech. Spec.)

( MS Low Pressure initiate 585 psig , Analytical Umit (Artificial)

  ..                                                                                                                    -.o  i

ida DESIGN ANALYSIS /CALCUL.ATION MrII Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 68 of 69 DOCUMENT OtWTWICATION NCL REVISION El/ MAR /$P NUMBER / FILE 192 6 1 SP95 - 0002 FIGURE 2 EFIC - Differential Pressure Setpoints

                                                         ~ ~ ' "

FOGG Assessment 150 psid Analytical Umit Differential Pressure ..g SG Differential Pressure 125 psid (Improved Tech. Spec.) ., m

                                                      -                 117.19 psid (+) Differential Pressure As-Found 104.83 psid (+) Differential Pressure As-Left 94.50 psid Calibrated Differential Pressure Setpoint 84.17 psid (-) Differential Pressure As-Left 71.81 psid (-) Differential Pressure As-Found d

a 3


og j f l Minimum Steam 0.0 psid __. ; Generator Differential Pressure r, s. .uu .a 1

da DESIGN ANALYSIS /CALCUl_ATION cMT!I Crystal River Unit 3 Sheet 69 of 69 DOCUMEMT f.4NTIFsCATION NO. NVtfuCN HE6/ MAR/ SP NUMBER /FLE 192-0008 1 SP95 - 0002 Vil ATTACHMENTS

1. Main Steam Pressure Loop String Channels A and B.
2. Main Steam Pressure Loop String C aannels C and D.
3. Rosemount Specification for the 1154 Series H transmitters from IM 1896, Rev. 0 (4 pages)
4. Rosemount Report 108220A, Revision A, titled
  • Analysis of the Model 1153 Series D Transmitter to 420 F for Three Minutes *, (7 pages)
5. International instruments specification for the 1251 Indicator from IM #586, Rev. 6 and IM #1300, Rev. 0 (2 pages).
6. B&W Document identifier 51-1142173-00, EFIC System Accuracles (4 pages)
7. FAX Transmission 'sted 03/07/95 regarding isolated analog circuitry accuracy. (3 pages)
8. FAX Transmission to J. B. FitzGerald of Vitro Corp. from R. Iwachow of FPC dated 03/02/95 regarding error accuracy of the analog isolation input and output modules. (7 pages)
9. Babcock and Wilcox Engineering Information Record (EIR) Documern identifier 51 1138803-00, dated 11/23/82, titled, " EFIC Shutdown Bypass - Operator Action'. (22 pages)
10. Foxboro Product Specification PSS 9-7C1 A for N227P recorder dated 1987. (4 pages)
11. Foxboro Technical Information Tl 2AX-151 dated 1980. (2 pages)
12. Excerpt of Page 2 of Babcock and Wilcox Document Identifier 51-1123786-01, titled,
  • FOGG Verfication Study ". (1 page)
13. Deleted.
14. Deleted.
15. Lambda Electronics Instruction Manual for LCS-A Series Regulated Power Supplies (6 pages)
16. FAX Transmission dated March 16,1995 from Rosemount Nuclear Instruments regarding drift specification for 1154 Series H transmitters. (2 pages)
17. FAX Transmission dated April 03,1995 from Rosemount Nuclear instruments regardinglatest product data sheet PDS 4631, Revision Date 8/93 for Model 1154 Series H transmitters. (3 pages)
18. Rosemount Letter dated October 23,1991 regarding the applicability of Rosemount Report 78212 to Model 1154 and 1154 Series H Transmitters (14 pages)
19. Atmospheric Dump Valve Control Tuning Parameters.

900 671 p/as

a i l CoreolComptox l Control Complex EQ Zone 16 i EQ Zone 43 l EQ Zone 58 I Rosemount i Vitro w 11!}4SH9RA i 3801-1040 Instruments 0 - 1200 peig , 1251 j Comp- E 0 - 1200 poig o - 10 V pg N i Vitro E, i l E """ ~

          ""          *         ,9                                                                                                                                 MS-106-P12 l

1-5 V PS t ' MS-107-P12 nuts us-jospy1 (WI i MS-MM MS-107-PY1 E,,  ! MM MM MS-106-PT f MS-10&PS3 l g MS 107-PT ' r-

                      !                 1-5V--                                      MS-107-PS3 f

Vitro 3801-1046 l p PS 0-10 V Control i O N Mo&de i g3

                      !                                       E                                    E l                                                                        gE MS-110-PS2 i                                                                        -m 8

MSV-025-PC  ! E MS-111-PS2 l Vitm 3001-1034 i 1-i E 1, y-a 1*5 Y I 3 0 - 10 V i PS - i -^ l 0 - 10 V (Prem) 7-1-5V W j

                      }                                                  MS-106-PS1                                     D MS-107-PS1 f                     MS-106-PS2                                     380 1022 Analog              To EFIC i                     MS-107-PS2                                    EF-100-EB2 lootston           Cobinet                    W W" EF-200-EB2    input             C/D EQ Zone 13 i                                                            We 3801-tm                       E m                                                                                          "

Internationalinstruments l 1-5 V PS 5 V 1251 l E. (Bypass) 0-1200 peig Rosemount i ' as -1 V Pit 380bM MS-110-PS3 l 1154SH9RA 5 V MS-111-PS3 i _ E, 0- 1200 psig { ---) Comp E Vitro 3e01-1046 i MS-106-Pl1 4 - 20 mA Modulo 0 -10 V M M 07 M PT MB E Control Mo&de

                                                                                                                                   .f i

MS-110-P11 E m MS-111-P11

           "                                                                                      E l

E us-130.py1 MSV-020-PC i Fauboro Fomboro n N2AX-DIO 4 MS 111-PY1 Vitro l N-227P-2R6-CS-N/SRC MS-110-PT l 3e01-tm l o 3oy 412 W MS-111-PT yu PIR 1-5 V PS E (Prees.) " MAIN STEAM PRESSURE LOOP STRING l E E MS-106-PY3 * "l# CHANNELS A & B N MS-110-PS I MS-111-PSI MS-107-PY3 11 P

                                                                                                                                                                                   ,'7 p 5 p                                 MS-111-PIR

ContOlMK EQ Zone 16

.                    I                                                                       V#'O Rosemount                                                                 3801-1040                                                                      Vitro 1'154SH9RA                                                                                                                                           3801-10x g

0 -1200 psig j 4-20 mA Comp. 1-5 V PT PS

Module mp E j g SGA Eo ,,,
           ""        t
                     '                                                                                                                             MS-108-PS2 g           ;

E '- E MS-109-PS2 MS-108-PT f I MS-109-PT g i E coups 3801-1034 I>

  • c)

MS-108-PY1 1-5 V Z g MS-109-PY1 PS E l (Bypass) E 23 2 l: es MS-108-PS3 3] . f MS 109-PS3 gg  ! I g i 0- 10 V \ 3801-1034

                      ?                    h                   0-10V                                                                                                                  1-SV l                                                                                                                      1-5 V       PS         /

(Press.) E Vitro Vitro MS-108-PS1 3801-1022 3801-1030 MS-109-PS1 lootadon leoleton RECALL Vitro Vitro input Output 3801-1040 3801-1034 E E E I

  • EF-300-EB1 da EF-300-EB4 **

Rosemount l 1-5 V PS Comp. EF-400-EB1 EF-400-EB4 1154SH9RA i m (gyp,,,)

                                                             -                         Module                                                                   E o -1200 psig        4-20 mA                                                            SGB                                                                es PT                                                                                                                                                                                 1-5V MS-112-PSB E n, f                                                                                                                            MS-113-PS5 E pr e l                                                                                                                                     ,                                        Signal   3801-1030 MS-112-PT              j                                                                                                          ocupe              :e01-1034 MS-113-PT An, gag    , , 3 g y,,,,

j MS-112-PY1 From EFIC y m j MS-113-PY1 PS NM Output l (Press.) E E i MS-112-PS8 MS-113-PSI ' Vitro 3801-1034 MAIN STEAM PRESSURE LOOP STRING 15V ps CHANNELS C & D delteP E oces MS-112-PS2 un11spto

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOCID#.T 9t+oo M ATT # 3 I SHEET I OF 4 Section IV REV SPECIFICATIONS AND REFERENCE DATA Ilydrostatic Testing NUCLEAR SPECIFICATIONS (Quahfied to /EEE Std. 323 1974 and /EEE Sid 3441975 per To 150% of max imum working pressure or 2000 psi,(13.8 Rosemomat ReporrDA700096) MPa), whichever is greater. Radiation Traceability Accuracy *ithin f(0.2% of Upper Range Limit + 0.2% of in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendit B; chemical and span) during first 30 minutes; 1(0.5% Upper Range Limit physical material certification of process wetted parts.

          + 1 % span) after 55 megarads TID;i(0.75% Upper Range Limit + 1% span) after i 10 megarads TID gamma radia.             Qualified Life tion exposure.                                                    Dependent on average ambient temperature at the instal-lation site (Figure 4-1). Replacement of amplifier and Seismk calibration circuit boards at the end of their qualified life Accuracy within 10.5% of Upper Range Limit after a                permits extension of the transmitter's qustified life to the disturbance defined by a required response spectrum with          module's qualified life. Details of the test are in the a horizontal ZPA of 8.5 g's, and a vertical ZPA of 5.2 g's.       Qualification Test Report D8700096.

SteamPressure/ Temperatures Accuracy within f(1.0% o(Upper Range Limit + 1.0* of span) for Range Code 4 8; f(2.0% Upper Range Limit + 0.5% span) for range code 9 during and after sequential ex-posure to steam at the following temperatures and pres-sures, concurrent with chemical spray for the first 24 C'.. hours: 420 'F,85 psig for 3 minutes 350 'F,85 psig for 7 minutes 320 *F,75 psig for 8 hours 265 'F,24 psig for 56 hours Chemical Spray h h l l Composition is 0.28 rnotar Boric Acid,0.064 molar So-dium Thiosulfate, and Sodium Hydroxide as required to no' \  % Q FIED~ LIFE make an initial pit of 11.0 and a subsequent pit ranging fmm 8.5 to l l .0. Chemical spray is sprayed at a rate of 0.25 g itss ELECTRONICS _..QUAUFIED


s s gal / nun /ft8. UFE \ s\x Post DBE Operation g Accuracy at reference conditions shall be within 12.5 % of l ' -

                                                                                                                              \T Upper Range Limit after exposure to DDE as described above for one year following DBE.

K Quality Assurance Program In accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix B. is, , , 9, , , ,, I Nuclear Cleaning TEMPERATURE ,'F g To 1 ppm maximum chloride content. O Figure 4-1. QUALIFIED LIFE VS. AMBIENT  !. TEMPERATURE 4-1 - I:


  • 8GO ATT
  • 3 REV i SHEET 1 OF 4 Rosemount Manual FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 1154Dil AND !!54HH Service Ranges I iquid, gas or vapor. (4) 0-25 to 0-150 iniI,0 (0-6.22 to 0-37.50 kPa)

(5)0-125 to 0-750 inh,0 (0-31.08 to 0-186.50 kPa) Output (6)0-17 to 0-100 psi (0-0.12 to 0-0.69 MPa) , 4 20 mA dc (7) 0-50 to 0-300 psi (0-0.34 to 0-2.07 MPa) ' (8) 0- 170 to 0- 1000 psi (0- 1.17100-6.89 MPa) (DH Units Power Supply Only)

          - Design limits as shown below:                              Maximum Working Pressure d

tasa Static Pressure Limit 1500 Static Pressure and Overpressure Limits 1000 Model ll54DH: 0.5 psia to 2000 psig (3.4 kPa to 13.8 togo (cms) MPa) maximum rated static pressure for operation within soo -

                                                $$$                    specifications. 2000 psig (13.8 MPa) overpressure on either side without damage to the transmitter.
e. . . .

ta to 30 ao Model 1154HH: 0.5 psia to 3000 psig (3.4 kPa to 20.7 powen SUPPLY 'V de) MPa) maximum rated static pressure for operation within Span and Zero specifications. 3000 psig (20.7 MPa) overpressure on either side without damage to the transmitter. Continuously adjustable extemally. Zero Elesation and Suppression Maximum zero elevation: 600% of calibrated span. MODEL !!54SH Maximum zero suppression: 500% of calibrated span. Ranges Zero elevation and suppression must be such that neither (9) 0-500 to 0-3000 psig (0-3.45 to 0-20.68 MPa) the span nor the upper or lower range value exceed 100% of the Upper Range Limit. Maximum Working Pressure Temperature Limits Upper Range Limit. Normal Operating Design Limits: +40* to 200 'F (+4.4' to 93.3 *C). Quahfied Storage Limits:-40* to l20'F(-40.0* Oserpressure Limits to 48.9 *C)- Operaies within specifications from 0.5 psia (3.4 kPa) to Upper Range Limit. Overpressure limit is (4500 psig Humidity Limits (31.0 MPa) without damage to the transmitter. 0-100% RH. (NEMA 4X). Volumetric Displacement less than 0.01 cubic inches. (0.16cm'). Turn-On Time 2 seconds maximum. No warmup required. O 42

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID # IM*woa ATT* 8 REV _ 1 SHEET E OF_4 Model1154 Series H Alphallne Pressure Transmitter 2 Teroperature Effect O PHYSICALSPECIFICATIONS MODELS ALL 1(0.15% of Upper Range Limit + 0.35% span) per 50 *F Materials of Construction ambient temperature change between 40* F and 130' F. Oserpressure Effect Isolatin Di 316 SSf aphragms and Drain / Vent Valves Model 1154DH: Maximum zero shift after 2000 psi (13.8

     .       . .           Process Flanges                                             MPa) overpressure: 10.25% of Upper Range Limit
    * - ~ ~ -              316 SST (Range Code 4); 11.0% of Upper Range Limit (Range Process O-Rings                                             Code 5); 13.0% of Upper Range Limit (Range Codes 6,7);

316 SST 6% of Upper Range Limit (Range Code 8). Electronics Housing 0-Rings Ethylene Propylene Model l l54SH Maximum zero shift after 4500 psi (31.0 Fill Fluid MPa) overpressure:10.5% of Upper Range Limit. 8 # "* Model ll54HH: Maximum zero shift after 3000 psi ed Al y Steel,per ASTM A-540 (20.68 MPa) overpressure:11.0% of Upper Range Limit (Range Code 4); 22.0% of Upper Range Limit (Range 3]IC5 N0"5I"8 Code 5);15.0% of Upper Range Limit (Range Codes 6,7). Module Shroud Static Pressure Zero Effect l 304L SST Modeli154DH Zero Effect:10.2% of Upper Range Limit Module Shroud Potting Silicone RTV per 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) (Range Codes 4,5); 10.5% of Upper Range Limit per 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)(Range Codes

                 .                                                                     6,7,8).

Process Connections Model ll54HH Zero Effect: 10.66% of Upper. Range 3/8 in. Swagelok t compression fitting. 316 SST. (1/4 in.- Limit per 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) (all Range Codes). C) 18 NPT optional). Static Pressure Span Effect ElectricalConnections

                                                                                       ,,,            g               gg          g ,      ;

l/2-14 NPT conduit with screw terminals pressure before installation. Correction uncertainty: Weight 10.5% of reading /1000 psi. 26.6 pounds.(12.1 kg) including mounting bracket. Power Supply Effect Less than 0.005% ot' output span / volt, 1Swagelok is a trademark of Snegelok Co. Load Efrect No load effect other than the change in voltage supplied to the transminer. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Mounting Position Effect MrRc/<rence Conditioa3J No span effect. Zero shift of up to 1.5 inh,0 (372 MPa) Accuracy (Range Codes 4,5) which can be calibrated out. For higher ranges, efrect is superseded by Accuracy Specifications. 20.25% of calibrated span. Includes combined effects of Response Time linearity, hysteresis and repeatability. Fixed time constant (63%) at 100 *F(37.8 *C) as follows: Deadband 0.5 sec, for Range Code 4,0.2 sec. for all other Range None. ** p,gg Adjustable damping option available. 10.2% of Upper Range Limit for eighteen months. I 4-3 i l l 1

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION .- ._. g 000 ID # 1*91 nCor' ATT # 8 Rosemount Manual REV 1 SHEET 4 OF 4

 . u. , .&.

CCDE PRESSURE MEASUREMENT D Differential Pressure,2000 psig (13.8 MPa) Static Pressure Ratirg H Differentiai Pressure,3000 psig (20.62 MPa) Static Pressure Rating S Sealed Reference Pressure CODE SERIES H Transmitter Enclosed in a Stainless Steel Module Shroud PRESSURE RANGES MODEL1154DH MODEL1154HH MODEL1154SH CODE (DIFFERENTIAL) (DIFFERENTIAL) (SEALED REF.) 4 0-25 to 0150 inh,0 0 25 to 0-150 inh,0 N/A (0-6.22 to 0-37.5 kPa) (0-6.22 to 0-37.5 kPa) 5 0-125 to 0 750 inh,0 0-125 to 0-750 inh,0 N/A

         .                                                 @-31.08 to 0186.5 kPa)            (0-31.08 to 0-186.5 kPa) 6                0-17 to 0-100 psid              0-17 to 0-100 psid                  N/A (0-0.12 to 0-0.69 MPa)          (0-0.12 to 0-0.69 MPa) 7                0-50 to 0-300 psid              0-50 to 0-300 psid                  N/A (0-0.35 to 0-2.07 MPa)          (0-0.35 to 0-2.07 MPa) 8               0-170 to 0-1000 psid                     N/A                         N/A (0-1.15 to 0-6.89 MPa) 9                        N/A                             N/A              0-500 to 0-30Copsig (0-3.45 to 0-20.62MPa)

C, ODE OUTPUT R' Standard a-20 mA CODE FLANGE OPTION A Welded 3/8 in. SwageJon' Compression Fitting Process Connection and Vent / Drain Valve Welded to Flanges B* 1/4 in. NPT Process Connection (Vent Drain Welded to Flange) C* 1/4 in. NPT Process Connection and Drain Hole (Vent / Drain Valve Not Supplied) e y o ,, 4, p 1154 D H 4 R A: TYPICAL MODEL NUMBER

              ' The Model 1154 Senes H with the R OUTPUT CODE ELECTRONICS is also available with adjustat4 damping. This opilon is specified by appending *N0037' to the end of the complete mo: lei number. For Example: 1154DH4RAN0037


  • NOTE: Customer assumes responsbility for quahtying process interf aces on these options. Contact Rosemount Inc. for details.

4-4 L

l ANALYS'S/ CALCULATION DOC 1D af-92. coog ATT # - 4 R EV- - 1 SHEET- I OF 7 Rosemount ROSEMOUNT WC POST OFFCK tox 3513e / WNNEAPous. Me#E30TA 8643s I TEL 1812) 9414660 ' TW1. 91H5310lL TEL1x. 54183 NUCLEAR OPERATIONS GROUP ANALYSIS OF THE MODEL 1153 SERIES 0 TRANSMIT TO 420'F FOR THREE MINUTES RMT REPORT 108220A REVISION A  % o Approved by Eng. ch Date /o/2//dt , SHARON WILDGEN - Nuclear Proiect Enaineer Approved by Eng. t_ '.: * ,. [' wa , Date // $M


v- '

                                                                        ~/         / ~              .. ,,

CHUCK ODEGAARD NuclearfOperations Manaaer Approved by Q.A. <[ a4- Date # 6 JERRY ANDERSON - Ouality Assurance Suoervisor Approved by Q.A. Date /d -2[- n MIKE POLLACK - Ouality Pro.iect Enaineer y fu- a


  • 1* TT"0008 AU #


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a >* . o m i-k. E t s

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s 1.

ANALYS:S/ CALCULATION l 1 000 lo eT 9t-coco ATT

  • 4 I

REV SHEET J OF 7 ANALY9IS OF THE "0D't 1153 SEoIT.S D T?.ANS"ITT"o. TO 4 20 F F07 P'4REE MINU""9 T!* RSPORT 1032204 l "EVISION A 1 1.0 4C0?3 The 1153 Series D transmitter was testei durine cualification to the following steam temoerature/oressure orofile: 350 F, , 85 nsi, 'or 10 minutes; 320 r, 60 nsig for 3 hours; 240 F, 27

     ')s i g for 21 hours; 171.4 r,     3 osia for   30 invs.    *here are             6 numerous a7olications where a       LOCA condition will cause hiah temoerature    transients     in excess of     350  P. For    these           .

annlic1tions it {s necessary to have a transmitter that is i qualifiei to ooerate above 350 F for short time oeriods. *he i intent of this renort is to justifv raisinq the temocrature , i limit during a LOCA coniition to 421 * 'or 1 minutes, followed by 350 F for 7 minutes in 91 ace of the 1153 5 aries n steam 'rofile of 350 F for 10 minutes. l

                                                                             " "'* "~

2.0 REFERF.4Cr9 2.1 420 F Temnerature Test 7esults, *todel 3.153 9eries 4, 19T Renort 49223C, Rev. None.


2.2 1153 Series n qualification Post Renort (nend in.') . ' , DNG' 1

                                                                              ,.       I


                                                                                                                                                       'CC 0
  • I-RZ - coes_ m 7 4 RIV l _ sH3-g4 OF- 7 _ ,

2.3 Internal Thermal Response of Transmitter Housings to Steam Impingement, Rosemount models 1153 Series B and D, RMT Report l 78212, Rev. A. l 3.0 ANALYSIS, The 1153 series D transmitter is virtually identical to the 1153 Series B transmitter. The only differences are: 1) the use of an clev. /supp. switch vs. jumper wires, and 2) different electronics housings. The 1153 Series B is intended for BWR applications (and out-of-containment PWR applications) and has an aluminum housing. The 1153 Series D is intended for PWR applications and has a stainless steel

 ;                 housing.                                                                                                    Functionally, they are                        identical, therefore,                                           the 420 F temperature test performed on                                                                                                                                                  the 1153 Series B will provide the basis                                                                                                                  for justifying a 420 F temperature spike for the 1153 Series D.

A test was setup to expose seven 1153 Series B transmitters to superheated steam at 420 F for 3 minutes. The transmitters had previously been exposed to 24.4 megarads , gamma radiation and two steam temperature / pressure tests typical of a BWR. Radiation shielding for stainless steel is about twice the value for aluminum, therefore 24.4 megarads on an aluminum housing is approximately equivalent to 50 megarads on a stainless steel housing. ,

s. .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - - -             ---- J

M!ALYSiS/ CALCULATION cocjapJ.92. coo 8 ATT# 4 ( REV I SHEET._5 OF 7 During the test, thermocouple readings inside the steam i chamber indicated the transmitters were exposed to temperatures in excess of 435 F for more than four minutes. The temperature transient from room temperature to 420 F took approximately 1 minute to achieve. During the test, chamber i pressure was in excess of 115 psig for more than two minutes. ( Throughout the test all seven units continued functioning and the maximum errors were within the present LOCA specification of + 8.0% of upper range limit. Since the electronics hcusings are different, the temperature offeet on the electronics must be determined separately. During the 1153 Series a test, the maximum average electronics board temperature was 326 F. (Ref. 2.1). Since the electronics in the two models are identical, test results will be identical if the 1153 Series D electronics board does not exceed 326 F. The time constant for the stainless steel housing used on the y 1153 Series D is approximately 4.8 minutes. (Ref. 2.3). Using this value, the electronics board temperature can be determined as follows: . . , . . . . . . , , (T1 - TO) = (T2 - TO) (1 - exp(-t/TC)) i Where: l TO = Temperature of the electronics board at time = 0 ! (= 70 F) l T1 = Temperature of the electronics board at time = t T2 = Temperature of the chamber at time = t (= 420 F) t= time (= 3 minutes) TC = time constant (= 4.8 minutes) 1

                                                                                                                                 .$5*5 -
                                                                                                                                   .-               l


                                                                                                                             ..WW ~ i               !

I _ - . - - - - . . - . . - . .- _ -..-.--__a

t ANALYSIS / CALCULATION r0 :D sp92 -ooes ATT # 4 - REV I SHEST 4 OF 7 [, i T1 - 70 F = (420F - 70 F) (1 - exp(-3/4.8)) T1 = 233 F The temperature of the electronics board will be  ! approximately"233 F after the transmitter has been exposed to superheated steam at 420 F for 3 minutes. After the chamber -i temperature is lowered to 350 F, the electronics board temperature will continue to heat as follows:  ! T1 - TO = (T2 - TO) (1 - exp(-t/TC)) { Where: TO = Temperature of the electronics board at time = 0 (= 233 F) T1 = Temperature of the electronics board at time = t T2 = Temperature of the chamber at time = t (= 350 F)

  • i t= time (= 7 minutes)

TC = time constant (= 4.8 minutes) P T1 - 233 F = (350 F - 233 F) (1 - exp(-7/4.8))  ! T1 = 323 F t The temperature of the electronics board will be about 323 F  ; the temperature profile of 420 F for 3 minutes, 5 after followed by 350 F for 7 minutes. This is approximately the temperature achieved during the 1153 Series B test. l. I


There are situations where an 1153 Series D transmitter could  ; i l see a 420 F temperature for 3 minutes during a LOCA , condition. Although the 1153 Series D has never been tested to 420 F, the 1153 Series B transmitter was exposed to

                                                                                   ?$.         .

l }~ ~ PAGE 4 4.. .a

t ANALYS:S/ CALCULATION d DCC 1D # I-9T 0888 ATT #- REV_ l SHEET. 1 OF 7 temneratures in excess of 420 ' for at least 3 minutes. Durin1 the 1153 9eries 3 test, the maximum. errors were within the existinq + 8.0% of unner ran,e limit t,0C% snecification and the maximum temnerature of the electronics was 326 e.

                                                                           ""he calculated maximum temnerature is                   323      ?  for   the   1153 9eries 7 electronics exnosed to 420 ? for 3 minutes, followea                                         ' I by 350 ? for 7 minutes.                  The electronics and function of          the two models                 are identical, therefore bv similaritv, the          1153 Series                  9 would continue to function within snecification if exoosure to 420 F for 3 minutes was includei in                         the accident orofile.

8 k k j y


  • 9 REV i SHEET I OF 1


                                                                                  -s_,scMa                                             1151 1251 Single-Dual 6" Edgewise SwitchboardInstruments Description The Series 1151 is a single. edgewise, switchboard class instrument utilizing a patented flat meter movement. The exclusive cantilevered cot construction of the jeweled D'Arsonval movement produces torque to *'iSh' io* (** efficiency > four tim greater 5-        -

150 than conventional edgewise movements of equivalent size. { - The availability of this thin. high performance movement

                                                                   -                                    permits the inclusion of two fully independent enetars in 3.jn a single popular case.1251 is the Series Number 4                     RU                          for the dual unit.

The case of the Series 1151 or 1251 is made of a self-extinguishing, norHiripping plastic, and the window A is Lexan.' An external zero adjustor screw for each { f movement is located in the front. ( 3  %{ Anti.parairax. bi-ievei seaies reduce reading .rrors on A both Series 1151 and Series 1251.


0 Exclusive Features l2 E .S wDesigned for Nuclear Power Industry

e. i- . The Series 1151/1251 edgewise, switchboard instrv-g ments were initially developed to meet the demand-ing specifications of the Atomic Energy Commission with respect to **ismic au*'irications loaodi'* *ad j 30 w high accuracy. The resulting product line is Ifw most rugged and reliable instrument available.

windependent DualInstruments

                                                                       %-                                 Two independent metera can be included in one
7. O -- 0 poputar sire six inch instrument case. Thus, reisted functions from a single source can be displayed in a single unit. e g., specific gravity and temperature.

tank level and density. speed and R.P.M. etc. n ge Additionally, you save three ways with the Series l 3*Te*

         @M                          -

1251 through: Lower initial Cost per Meter [~ @gries'125(EDualW' %q Reduced Panet Space

         /*                Verticalty Mounted Instrui6eviti                                   tu. '1
                           'rVth twoIridependent inpdlW &$G4                                                    Less panel fabrication and assembly labor time
  1. FJ%JI6AhC-VY:grNL*P*eM ittidM Series 1151

( $1ngle p .....;,.. ,l..~.g.. ..... ..g...... ...; i Mounted instrument J

ANALYS:5. C ALLL;- 33 DCC 10 41-92 cood_ y 7 (_ y REV L S"w "=-- 2 "- ' Standard Engineering Legends ELECTRICAL TIME Misc. Hours Minutes Seconde Mass. AC DC , DC Amperes Hertz BBL /HR BBL / MIN - Gallons Per Minute AC Amperes Horsepower CFH CFM CFS LOS Per Minute AC Kiloamperes DC Kiloamperes Generator Amps CPH CPM - Tons Per Hour AC Kilovara DC Kilovolts DC Microamperes Percent Current FPH FPM FPS LBS/HR x 10' AC Kiloveits DC Milhamperes Percent Load GPH GPM GPS LBS/HR AC Kilowatts Phase Angle IPH IPM IPS AC Megawatts DC Mellivolts AC Milliamperes DC Volts Power Factor KPH KPM KPS LPH LPM LPS AC Millivolts MPH MPM - AC Vars PPH PPM PPS AC Volts


VOLUME / WEIGHT LEVEL (LENGTH) MISCELLANEDUS TEMPERATURE PRESSURE (VACUUM) l Degreee PSI Gallons Feet Percent LBS Feet W.C. Percent Operi l Deg.C PSIA LBS Per Gallort Feet Water Level StepsIMin. Deg. F PSID Deg.K PSIG Tons Inches VAC. IN. HG. Inches W.C. VAC.MM.HG. LevelFeet Level Gallons Levelinches Level Percent s Specifications Standard Ranges Accuracy; e14 % F S. Value for DC Ranges gp p,g g, appnog, p2.% % F.S. Value for AC Ranges RE$isTANCE RESISTANCE RANCEs (oMAss) RANCEs (oNMs) Repeatability: 22% F.S. D.C. Micreammeters D.C. MillivoltmeIers 0100 2300 4 50 12J Overload: Sustained-120% for 8 hours 25 0 Momentary-10 times rated current 0200 1540 0 100 275 l 4 500

  • 2 5 Secs. Max.* D.C. Yonmeters l Response Time:
  • 45 1000 ohms /voit i Damping Factor: $ rmnimum (Per ASA C3g.1) g,, D.C. MHHamenee,rs d "[*[ s HLPot: 2600 Volts RMS termenal to case for 1 minute 06 2T 0 50
                                                                   -20 to 50*C        0 10                    1A Temperature loperating):                                                                                  0.0 g.igo 0 50                                   0-1 M 50 G's      0 100                   0.5            S 300 Shock:                                                                            0 200                   015            m C                       8              0 500 Polnier:                            Tnangular type, color-cerise red LengtfW 5 inches                                                              AC. Miinammeter Scale:                                                                                                                   M Marking-bisch nonering on white background,                             g ypp,,,,, g Other combinations available.               15                      2R             [', ,

a.20 1450 1 15 J m 2 Standard Movement: Zero left on horizontal or aero bottom on vertical (Zeto center, right of top optional) A.C. Vonmeters D.C. Ammeters 0- 000 ob / von Mountlesg: Front of panel with captivated mounting assembly. g 03 0 0tes 0150 antaaees Terminals:  % ".28. k

  • long ( connector optsonal) 05 $0 WV 0 300 0 10 50 WV 4500 Materials of Construction: Case-Noryl8 Crystal-lenan* 0 15 50 WV
  • Over 15 Require arternal AC. Ammeters Finleh: Standard-black case Optional-gray case So uv1hune 45 k weleht: Singte Movement-25 os. Dual Movement-30 ot.

Slesmic Qualifications See international lastruments Test Report

  • SBl.2 f

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID # t-91 oco A ATT * (e i REV i SHEET I OF 4 I BWNP-20440-1 (11-82) ' BABC0CK & WILC0X - NPGD ENGINEERING INFDPf% TION RECORD Safety Related: DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER 51 - 1142173-00 ves S no O

                                                                                            \4 EFIC System Accuracies                                                (

TITLE ey e. e :p X u M :e M.E. Thistle DATE 4/// /B9 aw PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY

k. Rodgers DATE #////a REMARKS:

This document is to put in to Records the Vendor's analysis of the EFIC accuracies and provide the basis for closed loop control accuracy. The EFIC specification 08-1123898 in Section 9.7 required the vendor to provide for infonnation, the overall accuracies for the EFIC strings. The analytical method was also required. Vitro letter VL-CS-T-75(83) has been provided to ful-fill these requirements. A copy of thememo is attached for record. As stated in the memo the compensation module accuracy is fl.00% for high/ low range and 11.25% for full range. Trip functions use only the high/ low range. ( The trip accuracy will be the sum of the compensation module and the bistable accuracy (Ref. 08-1123898 section 6.2.7) of 0.2%. For trip functions the EFIC accuracy is fl.2%. For ap-The accuracy for the control module is given as open loop worst case. plication of the EFIC as a system, however, the control module is in a closed loop configuration. The system's level transmitters provide feedback through the compensation module. This is accompli-The purpose of the feedback is to reduce the response error. shed by the feedback signal returning all errors from the output to the error detection stage. Any errors introduced by the various stages are detected and corrected by the subtractor (error oetection) stage. Only errors introduced by the subtractor stage and the setpoint itself will not be corrected. Therefore for closed loop control the error of the control module can be con-sidered to be t 0.35% (t 0.255 subtractor and 0.1% setpoint). For the EFIC portion of a total string in a closed loop configuration the ac- I curacy will be the compensation module plus the control module closed loop accuracy of 0.35t. Low range accuracy =

                                            + (1.0% + 0.35%) = t 1.35:

High range accuracy = ! (1.25t + 0.35%)= + 1.60 -t s l Page / of c

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC 10 # I*tt.coog . ATT C to REV L SHEET _ t op_ g ( AtJTOMATlONINDUSTRIES,1NC. TL-Cs-T-75(83) (Job 03801) [ VfTRO LABORATORIES DMSION 14000GEO8t3 A AVE SAVERS *seNG MA8tMND20910 March 31. 1983 (3011871 7200

s. I i

Mr. C. M. Sesy. C.P.M. Group lander upCD MMG 1 The Babcock and Wilcos Campany Deility Power Generation Division APR 041983 Post office nom 1260 - Lynchburg Virginia 24505-1260 . F.D. Nos. 039233LT. 039239LF. and 039240LF l EMERCDsCT FEIDUATIE INITIATION AND CDNTROL gTSTEM Daar Mr. Sesy: As requestad by Babcock and Wilcox TER CMS-fB2-1732 dated becember 13, 1982. Titro laboratorias Division hereby clarifias the derivation of the design acesracy requirements for the EFIC Systen being supplied to Arkansas _ Declasr 1. Crystal River 3. sad Rancho Seco D=e1==e Power Flants. The sub-jact TuI references specification paragraph 6.4.5 which addresses accuracy requirements of an " Analog Cegsting Unit". The EFIC System contains no The EFIC System as

                  " Analog Campeting Smit" as described in paragraph 6.4.

designed, alw saatains no " Lee Salactor", paragraph 6.10. " Rate 1.inited l' ( pollower". paragraph 6.11. %grtianal Plus Integral". paragraph 6.12. or "Setpoint and sans Dnits", paragraph 6.15. The EFIC System does contain two high-density, custoo-designed modules which accomplish the f actions of paragraphs 6.4. 6.10, 6.11. 6.12..and 6.15. The Compensation Module performs all analog input conditioning functions. including staan generator level compenastion. The control Module performs all staan generator control

         ,         associated functions.                                    ,

noth analog and digital circuitry are stilised in the co-p.nmation Module design. The Control Module is esclusively digital in design between the input analog-to-digital conversion and the output digital-to-analog coo-version. State-of-the-art digital techniques and high-density circuit packaging techniques were required in theme modules to achieve the overall space requirement, accuracy, and spara capability of the B&W specification. This necessitated combining several functions detailed in the specification into these two single modulas. The inaccuracy of each module (21.00% of span for Coupansation Modula low and high range outputs 11.25% of span for Compensation Module full ranse output. and 1.20% of span pins 0.21 of output for control Module outputs) ws determined by algebraically adding the individ=m1 inaccuracia-of each functional stage. Algebraically adding individual inaccuracias to obtain worst came design inaccuracias is standard enginnerlag practice.1 I 5ee Curtis D. Johnson, process control Instrumentation Technology. John ( , Wiley & Sons. New York NT.1942. p.26.  ; EIR 5~/-ll42173-00 SM 2 of y .


                            -                  DCC10#J-rg.oe.g                                     I
                                                                 -- ATT #

i SHEET L ,op 3

     ,   ,.          AUTOMATION INDUSTMIES.INC.                                    h i-75(83)                  j VITRO LASORATOIES DMS8DN                                      (Job 03801)                  1 March 31. 1983 B&W/C. M. Seay For the Compensation Module these stages and saaecuracies are detailed in vitro proposal VIA-63162 dated April 20. 1981 Section           Each Computing Function within the Campensation Module is apportioned an inaccuracy of 20.25% of span as specified in paragraph 6.4.5 of specification 06-1123898-
03. Therefore, the total Compensation Module inaccuracy is as -vised .

helows i Full Ranae law /Rimb Ranae l Competins Funetion inaccursev . Inmeceracy laput Buffer / scalar 20.25% 20.251 Density Camputation 30.251 20.252 Coupensation 20.252 30.251 Full Rany Sumuning 20.25% Output Buffer / Sealer 20.251 30.252 - 21.251 11.001 , For the Control Modula, the total worst case is in the full rany mode and was determined as shown halow. 7er those Canyuting Functions not other-wise specifically identified, paragraph 6.4.5 was appliad. ((.. E Spee ation Camputinz Punction lasic 12 Den inaccurner Paranraph 12" Bias C5 (30.101) 6.15 Eisumer C4 30.251 6.4.5 RLF C7 20.202 6.11.3 Punction Generator C9 (sc.25%) 6.4.5 Multipliar - C10 (20.251) 6.4.5 Low salactor CS 20.153 6.10.2 20'/31.5' seepoint C12/C13 so.101 6.15 subtracter C6 20.251 6.4.5 Proportianal Plus Integral C3 20.252 6.4.5 11.201 The output huffer atap of the Control Module is accurate to within 20.2% of its input (reference paragraph 6.7). The total inaccuracy of the Centrol Module is 21.401. For determining total accuracy, the values in parenthesis were disregarded since they only affect the rate of chany of the rate limited follower, and therefore are not truly an additive error. - ( ,. EIR s'/- t/91/73-00 SM S tH* 4 l 1

( ANALYSIS /^ALCULAT;CN I 00010 #_% nwooos ATT


W CS-T-75(83) VITRO LABORATORIES DMS80N (Job 03801) March 31, 1983 i s&W/C. M. Sesy The above derivations provide the total open loop, worst case f inaccuracias for both the Compensation Module and the Control Module. ) ' These inaccuracias are verified in the individual sedule test procedures by taking the algebraic differences between the maasured value of the output and tbe calculated ideal value. Secause the modulae are deaigned , as integral units, the accuracy of the individual Computing Functions cannot be veriftad. Since the inaccuracy of the total module is verified to he within the inaccuracy of the above calculations, this procedure is justification of compliance with the accuracy requirements of paragraph 6.4.5. If there are any questions of a tecimical nature partaining to the above, please contact J. 3. yitacarald at (301) 251-3511. Yary truly years. .

c. E. Saar


  • Department Esad CS Department

( ssrsfa I Discributiee l 36W/CM5asy N *~ _3, gjg 5/- //42 /73# 0

  • JN 4 8f Y

l l ANALYSIS / CALCULATION , DOC 10#1 11-ooog ATT*- 7 REL I SHEET __ I __ op__ 3 MAR 7 '95 11:13 rn .01 VHro Corporadon 45 West Gude Drtvo Rockvme. MD 206601160 s Tiscorcompany 301 738- @ 0 COF FAI COVER SEEET DATE: 3/7/95 LOG # COF-F-8(95) I Eichard Iwachow TOs l Florida Power Corporation St. Petersburg, FL 33711 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 813-888-4593 M )C M f f y l l FROM: Jstsach B. FitzGerald TELEPEONE NUMBER: 301-231-1117 SENT BY: Pacr Olen , TELEPEONE NUMBER: 3 01- 2 31-2 8_Q), Per your fax request dated March 2, 1995, I have reviewed I the EFIC design data files for indormation on the accuracies for the Non-1E analog isolated outputs. The 10.5% isolated analog circuit accuracy specified by B&W Specification 08-1123898-03 is the accuracy of this circuit. This was a change from Specification 08-1123898-01 as requested by Vitro letter VL-CS-T-22(82) dated May 25, 1982, which is attached. This accuracy is frosa 1E analog isolation input to Non-12 analog isolation output (includes digital isolator accuracy). If you have any questions regarding this information, please call me at 301-231-1117. t _ _-. ___________-___ _ _____-_________



REV 1 SHEET __2 op .f MAR 7 '95 11 la PAGE.02 i f VL-Cs-T-22(82) l AUTOMATION INDUSTRIES,lNC. VITRO LABORATORIES DMSION (Job 03801.01) terr)OOt 0680lA A%T

                       $lLVER$Pred MARYLAN0209th 00007 m                                                                                                                                                          May 25, 1982 Mr. C. M. Semy. C.F.M. Seulur Buyer, NFGD Furchasing The Babcock and Wilcox Company Nuclear Power Ceneration Division 3315 Old Forent Road Lynchburg, Virginia 24505 F.O. Nos. 039238LF, 039239LF, and 039240LF EMERGENCY FEEDWATER INITIATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (EFIC)


Dear Mr. Seay:

The following clarifications and modifications are required to the j EFIC Equipnant Specification 08-1123896-01.

1. Specification paragraph 6.5.2.A requires 10.25% isolated anslug circuit accuracy. The multiplexed analog isolation scheme previously developed for B&W equipment and proposed for the i EFIC eqidpment is capable of an accuracy of 10.5%. This was i reported to Mr. Al Lloyd of B&W on March 11, 1982 who stated that the 20.5% accuracy was adequate and agreed to take
  • appropriate action.
2. Light-Emitting-Dioden located in the EFIC to annunciate test confirmation signals, will illuminate continuously if the full complement of test confirmation signals is present; will flash if one or more but icss than the full complement of test rceults is presents will not illuminate if no test confirmation signals are present. This is in accordance with specification paragraphs 5.4.5.I and 5.4.5.J. However, specification para-graph 7.5 states " Lamp failures shall be self-indicating unless justificd by the Vendor." As presented above, the specified functional operation of test confirmation indicators is not compatible with the self-annunciating f ault requirements of ,

paragraph 7.5. therefore, the test confirmation indicators are hareby requested to be exempt from the requirement of para- a graph 7.5.

 +                        3.                Specification drnving 1122948, Logic 12. depicts a time delay                                                                                                           l utilized in transfers T2, T3 and T7.                                                                                            No time delay adjust-ability range or accuracy is specified. Therefore, Vit ro will adjustrc. cat from 1/64 of a second to 64 scconds and an accuracy compatible with the accuracy requirements of the Control Module.                                                                                                                                                  .

ANALYS!S/CALCULAT!CN 000 ID #_k9]-ocod ATTs 7 REV f _ saggy _.3 ppg MAR 7 '95 11:14 PAGE.03 AUTOMATION INDUSTRIES,1NC. VL-CS-T-22(82) VITRO LABORATORIES OlVISION (Job 03801.01) May 25, 1982 Tha Babcock and Wilcox Cosipany If there are any questions of a technical nature pertaining to the above item, plcase contact J. B. FitzGerald at (301)871-4730. For questions of a contractural natura, please contact C. L. Herodith at (303)871-2382. Very truly yours. C. E. Suer Department Head C5 Department JBFttao Internal Distribution _ Distribution WLFreiensuch/JGDougherty B&W/CMSesy CESuer/PRHepner CLMaredith WCChandl LRLe ski /JBFitzGerald M e 1

                                                                                                                         -                                                            0 1

e l I J


i ANALYS!S/ CALCULATION DCC iD # I* M ~ 0808 ATT # 8 REV I SHEET I OF 7 Florida Power FROM:

                    @1 Transmi Richard Iwachow C O R PO R AT t ON ne        o. 813-866-4593 i

Nuclear Operations Engineering 3201 - 34th St. S. C2I St. Petersburg, F1 33711 , (813) 866-4703 (Fax) 866-4984 TO: Joe FitzGerald of Vitro Corporation Phone No. 301-231-1117 FAX #: 301-2312988 DATE: March 02,1995 Pages (including cover): 7 If any of the pages in this fax are not received, or not readable, please contact our office at the above number immediately. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: See next sheet for explanation our request.

                                                                                  . , . . - ~ , , .


ANALYSIS /CALCULAT!ON 000 to 4 1-9_t. ocos ATT # 8 REV l SHEET 2 OF 7 w-.4 9 Power CoR POR ATION March 2, 1995 Mr. Joseph B. FitzGerald Vitro Corporation 14000 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland 20906-2972


Crystal River Unit 3 EFIC M-dule Accuracies

Dear Mr. FitzGerald:

In March of 1983, C. E. Suer furnished a letter (VL-CS-T-75(83) dated 03/31/83; copy attached) to Babcock & Wilcox which described the error inaccuracies for the compensation and control modules. The information on the letter was used in the development of instrument loop string error calculations. Presently, our instrument loop accuracy calculations are being expanded to include other functions of the cabinets which were not addressed in our initial design. Especially those concerning the Non-lE analog isolated outputs. B&W design specification 08-1123898-03, paragraph 6.5.2, page 33 requested that these signal isolators have "an accuracy available at the Non-lE side with respect to input shall be 10.5%, worst case ". Was this specified accuracy meet or exceeded? Since the above mentioned Vitro letter did not cover the " analog isolation input (part no. 3801-1024) and the analog isolation output (part no. 3801-1030) modules, is it possible for Vitro to supply the same type of information as previously given either on a module level or on an individual sub-component level. If given for the modular sub-component level, only those IC's that take the analog signal and convert it to a digital output; and then convert it on the other side of the AIO. Also, is there any error inaccuracy associated with the IE to Non-lE digital isolator's which are part of the loop string between the analog input and analog output isolators. Your assistance in this area will be greatly appreciated and help my efforts in ) completing the necessary instrument string calculations. If there are any  ! questions or problems in providing the requested data, please call me at 813-866- .  ! 4593. l l l R. Iwachow . Sr. Nuclear !&C Engineer Attachments: 1. C.M. Suer letter VL-CS-T-75(83), 3 shts. -E.h 1 2. Excerpt from B&W Spec 08-112898-03, pages 32 & 33 1 o... [ 4. + l cc: R. E. Wagner GENERAL OFFICE: 3201 Th6rty-fourth Street South e P O. Box 14042 + St. Petersburg e Florida 33733-4042 * (813)866 5151 Q_ A nonca progress compey

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID # I*il 0008 ATTe 65 I SHEET 3 OF "I REV I vt-es.y-73 (33) ( AUTOMATIONINDUSTRIES,INC. (Job 03801) [ YlTRO LABORATORIES DMSION seacoof osoa ad y, mye na March 31,1983 swa saw4 uAMAND20eio l N 3 8"* ATTACHMENTh.6;fgefamo s Ber. C. M. Sesy. C.P.M. Grow Imader The tabcock and Wilces Campany Dtility Feuer Generatian Division APR 041983 offies nos 1260 . ,, , Lynchburg. Virgiata 24305-1260 F.O. Ros. 039233LF. 03923915, and 039240LF EMDLCDeCT FEIDUATER 13rITIAT10E dgD CDNyROL STgTEM Daar Str. 5says dated December 13. As roguested by Babcock and Wiless litt CMS-482-1782 1982. Vitro Laboratories Divisine hereby clarifies the derivation of the design acesracy requirements for the EFIC Dystaa haing supplied The sub- to Arkansas Declasr 1. Crystal River 3. and Rancho Seco Nacisar Pouer Flaats. ject 11EI referemons specificacias paragraph The EFIC 6.4.5 System which addresses contains no accuracy requirements of as " Analog Comysting thait". The EFIC System as "dmalmg Ceapettag Batt" as described is paragraph 6.4. designed alw eestatas no " tee Salacter", paragraph 6.10. " Rate 1.inited # 7 Follower", paragraph 6.11. "Proportianal Plus lategral", paragraph 6.12.The EFIC S ,

 ,                                                                                                                       l er "Setpotat and Bias lhtits", paragraph 6.15.tuo high-density ensta                                   '

paragraphe 6.4. 6.10. d.!! 6.12..and 6.15. all analog input eenditissing functises, including staan generater level l esgemastime. The Centrol laadula performs all steam generator control

       ,           aseeciated functions.

noth analog and digital ciremitry are att11aed ta the Pv==tianT Module design. l the sayat analog-to-digital caeversias and the output digital-to-analog oon-  ; worsian. State-of-the-art digital sectmiques ad high-density circuit  ; packaging techniques were required is these modules to achieve the overall ' space requiremost. accuracy, and spara capability of the B&W specificatism. I _ , This necessitated codinias several functions detailed in the specification r l 1sts these two stagle modules. The inaccuracy of each undula (21.002 of span for Cowenestime Module low sad high range estputs. 21.25I of span for Coupeasation Module is11 ramps output. sad 1.201 of apas plue 0.22 of surpst for control Modsle taaccuracias outputs) uma determined by algebratem11y adding the ladivid=m1Alg of each functional stage. 1 i obtata worst caos design saeceuracles is standard enginnerlag practice. t I f I sos Curtis D. Johnsar.. Procese Centrol tastruentation Technolony John ( .


viley & sens. new York. gl 1982, p.26. EIR S*/ ~t/42/13-00 c SN 2efy . l



VITRO LABORATORIES DMSaON (Job 03801) f F M Ped. March 31, 1983 ATTACHMENTm 34W/C. M. Seey SHEET 4 0F 7 7 For the Compensation Module, these stages and saaccuraciae are detailed in Titro proposal VL-C-63162. dated April 20. 1981 Section Each Computtag Functies within the Campensation Module la apportioned an Laaceuracy of 30.25% of span se specified in paragraph 6.4.5 of specification 06-1123896-

03. Therefore, the total Cagensation Module taaccuracy la as meised . I helows f Full Banae law /Riah tanas Couesting Function lasecurac7 lamecuracy l !apst Buffer / scalar so.25% so.251 Density Camputatssa so.252 20.25%

Campensation 30.251 30.251 Full Range Summing 20.251 Output Duffor/ sealer 20.251 30.252 - 21.251 21.001 , , 1 For the Control Modula, the total worst case is in the full range mode l and was detaruined as shoue halow. 7er those Campating Famictions not other- l vise specifically identified paragraph 6.4.5 was appliad. ((.. Spee E ation Paragraph Compution Function lasie 12 Den Inaccurney 12" 31ae C5 (30.101) 6.15  : Summer C4 20.251 6.4.5 l Elf C7 20.202 6.11.3 Punction Camerator C9 (sc.25Z) 6.4.5 Nultiplier - C10 (20.251) 6.4.5 1mv Selector CS 30.153 6.10.2 20'/31.5' Setreist C12/C13 20.10% 6.15 subtracter C6 20.251 6.4.5 -- i Proportsanal Plus Integral C3 20.252 6.4.5  : I 11.201 1 l The output hoffer stage of the Control leodule is accurate to withis 30.22 of its 1 spot (reference paragraph 6.7). The total insecuracy of the Control Module is 11.401. For determining total accuracy. the values in parenthesis were disregarded since they only affect the rate of change of the rate limited follower and therefore are not truly an additive error. ( - EIR 51- ll12/73~00 . SN 3 # 9

l i i ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID # 192.coog ATT# 8 REV I SHEET F op q i AUTOMAT 10N %,g, i N TNSDM880N YL-CS-7-73(s3) fe Fad Ped. (Job 03s01) march 31. less ATTACHMENT :r. m. mfamosato


BW/C. M. Seay SHEET 6 #7 The above derivations provide the total open loop, worst case inaccuracias for both the Campensation Module and the Control Module. These inaccuracias are verified in the individual module test procedures by taking the algebraic differences between the ==e= red value of the output and the calculated ideal value. Because the modules are designed as integral units, the accuracy of the ladividual computing Functions , cannot he verified. Since the inaccuracy of the total module is verified to he within the inaccuracy of the above calculatisas, this procedure is justification of compliance with the accuracy requirements of paragraph 6.4.5. . If there are any questimes of a technical nature pertalains to the above, please esatact J. 3. FitzGerald at (301) 251-3511. Tary truly yours. . (( C. E. Seer Department Road Cs me,-te a. JBFafa ' Discribution B W /CM5esy 1 l 64g


l l l ElR 5/- IM2 /73'

  • Jeyof 4'

I ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID #3_S2-ooo6 ATT # 8 REV l SHEET & OF 7 =a ATTACHMENT r. A s'waasta.o BVNP-20007 (6-76) I - ,

   .B.,ABCOCK & w:Lcox .o SHEET      G               OF                _

I au-sis cma e nosumuonoms 08-1123898 4 0 TECHNICAL DOCUMENT 6.4.1 General Requirements _ 4 The analog computing units shall meet the requirements of Sections  ; 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5, 6.1.6, 6.1.6.A., 6.1.6.D, 6.1.7, 6.1.8, 6.1.8. A 6.1.8.B or C, 6.1.9, 6.1.12, 6.1.13, { and 6.1.14. ( 6.4.2 Adjustment Ranges As required to meet functional requirements. 6.4.3 Inputs One or more electric analog signals in accordance with functions 1 requirements. 6.4.4 Output Electric analog signal in accordance with functional requirements. 6.4.5 Accuracy 1 20.25% of span.  ; f h 6.5 Electrical Isolation Class 1E to Non-1E All signal paths by means of which signals are conveyed from the lass 1E EFIC to equipment (such as the plant computer) in the Non-Class 1E envirotusent shall be provided with electrical isolation (see Section 4.3). We electrical isolators shall be included in and qualified as a part of the EFIC. Since one side of the electrical isolator is supplied a signal from the Class 1E EFIC circuitry and the other side supplies a signal to the Non-Class 1E equipment, the Dese electrical isolator contains both a Class 1E and Non-1E side. terne are used in the following discussions of minimum isolator requirements. In the context of this section the tern electrical isolator refers to all wiring and terminals providing for electrical connections to both sides of the isolator, all hardware for mounting, all hardware for barriers, and any other aspect of the arrangement and design which can compromise the function and integrity of the isolator as well as the isolator proper. 6.5.1 General Requirements A. We function of the isolator is to assure that electrical faults (Section at the Non-1E side has no detrimental ef fect on the Class IE portion of the EFIC supplying the input signal l to the Class IE side of the isolator. , k PAGE 32 DATE: 2-23-81



1 to fu ree. , ATTACHMENT r. m. virar.ame / BWNP-20007 (6-76) l SHEET ~1 op 7 _ w ases l BAncocK a. Wilcox HucteAs powes osmetAnow onmon Os-ti23898-03 TECHNICAL DOCUMENT B. The isolator shall be qualified to perform its function (A above) with 750 V peak ac 60 Hs or 4G0 VDC applied across the Non-lE side or between either or both terminals of the Non-lE side and ground. The only acceptable electrical effects of the fault shall be loss of ability of the Non-1E side to function. In meeting this qualification requireeent it shall be considered that the fault can occur simultaneously at any one, some, or all electrical isolators. It shall be assumed that the electrical i fault sources have essentially unlimited current capacity, C. The EFIC cabinets shall be arranged so that the viring attendent ' to the Class 1E side and the wiring attendent to the Non-1E side do not six or approach each other in accordance with the require-ments of Reference 2.7, Appendix A. , D. To the extent possible, the electrical isolation arrangement shall employ non-flamable materials. 6.5.2 Analog Isolators Analog isolators receive analog inputs at the Class 1E side and make them available to Non-Class 1E systema at the Non-1E side. Analog isolators, in addition to meeting the requirements of Section 6.5.1, shall meet the requirements of this section. A. Accuracy The accuracy of the signal available at the Non-lE side with (03) respect to the input shall be to.5% worst case through design range environmental conditions. B. Loading The analog isolator shall be capable of meeting the accuracy requirements of A above when loaded with a resistance of 5000 obss or greater. C. Output Signal Polarity The polarity of the output signal is unimportant. The output signal shall, however, be unipolar. D. Output Electrical Range The output electrical range shall be determined by the Vendor and stated in the equipment documentation. t 6 PAGE . DATE: 8-4-82 33 i


                                                                                 .BWNP-20440 (4-80
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2.0 TIIE AVAILABLE FOR OPERATOR ACTION - IETHODS 2.1 Calculations 2.1.1 Assu m tions 2.1.2 System Conditions 2.1.3 Results l 2.2 Simulator 2.2.1 Assugtions 2.2.2 Systes conditions 2.2.3 Results , l 3.0 DISCUSSION l


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For operational convenience SMUD would like to. Ig,ti ct

  • Emergency Feedwater Initiation and Control (EFIC) functions 4ngeruissive se.tpoint during plant cooldown? SMUD letter, Raasch to Holt. "AFW Upgrade Implementation; MSC Task 218; EFIC l Shutdown Bypasses Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Unit No.1,"

dated September 2,1982, requested some additional information to be used by the District in evaluating the shutdown bypass schemes.


i Specifically, "atEHiirp(WB5r49ewT4TFid'be bipassed during .. For this transient the core must remain sub-cooled and the pressurizer must not go solid." ., The purpose of this report is to respond to the operator a,ction question. Tne reactor coolant system repressurization transient as a result of loss of MFW during cooldown was examined utilizing

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two different sethods. The conditions, assumptions and results . s ..iy1 - are presented to assist SMUD in their shutdown bypass evaluation.

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ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID s_1-92 ooo& ATT f - 9 REV I S H EET.__f O F__ 1 1 f TNin;bNTWY!Y-PTDY4.MfN , page:fgf,

                                                                                                           .. .,,y .

_ . Q. 2.0 TIE AVAILABLE FOR OPERATOR ACTION - METHODS . , , .g i { 2.1 Calculations J j

                                                                                                                                 '                   I Calculations (B&W Documeat No. 32-1137010-00) were performed tc determine the times available for operator action before reaching the l

l pressurizer code safety valves' setpoint and before filling the pressuricer solid with water. %'inaMfen@lDI)ations w E j kEW4.s" 5 - l p l. 5 4 4 rrW Tetoot . The single setpoint used is 750 psig secondary OTSG pressure because the low OTSG pressure initiate function must be bypassed at this value to avoid unwanted automatic emergency feedwater initiation during shutdown. 2.1.1 Assunctions

                                          -Min feedwater_ (LNFWLis afflimtNocqqr jur101 Q

dawn.-4t :

                                            < f;.I ;-^y% kJb.


                                                                          --if tia
                                          - Primary RC tecperature is approximately equal to the secondary w,; i -

temperature for the cooldown,

                                           - Heat losses from the RC system are considered negligible.
                                           - RC systes mass includes water only.                                                                .
                                           - No pressurizer spray flow is assuned.
                                            - Power operated relief valve (PORV) block valve is assumed closed.
                                            - Heat input to the RC system includes decay heat per hts 5.1x1.0 and pump heat for four RC pumps.                                                            g d                                                                                                                                                 :



  • 9 REV 1 SHEET __k___.OF 'L'l
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2.1.2 System conditions page 6 of"22- -

                                                                                                               .Q         . . -


                               - Reactor Coolant (RC) system is in a 100 F/hr.      cooldown mode.
                               - Initial RC system temperature is 5800F.
                               - RC system pressure is 2155 psig.                                                                         ,


                               - RC system volume (hot) is 11.314 ft.3                                                                    l
                               - Steam voltane in pressurizer corresponds to a 200 inch level or approximately 636 ft.3 I
                               - Press Jrizer code safety valve setpoint is 2500 psig.


                               - Secondary side OTSG 1evel is the low load main feedwater centrol level or 24 inches on the startup range.                                               .

l l 2.1.3 Resul ts

    ,                          Under these conditions and assumptions. RC system thermal                                  .

expansion calculations estimate the time to lift the pressurizer ,


code safety valves at 5.1 minutes and the time to fill the pressurizer solid at 12.0 minutes. ' 2.2 Simulator , Since the calculated times are close to the 10 minute operator action *e criterion, and, since the calculational method is simplistic in nature, a corroborative method was desired. The 88W simulator was determined - to be an expeditious way to provide such a check. Some conditions ,' , for the simulator run were slightly different than for the calculations. i

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  • I 9f.* 0008 ATT* 9 REV l SHEET 7 OF 11 4 . $~*Y ~,  ! 55hh! & .

3 ~,

                                                                                      ' T'. :. T The following differences and their effect are noted.                                  -

Calculation Simulator Effe<:t 0 100 F/hr. cooldown Reactor trip 0 t=0 Simulator will reach then begin 1000 F/hr. 750 psig approx.10 cooldown when minutes earlier and, conditions stabilize. consequently, have a - - - slightly higher initial decay heat level. Initial OTSG level Initial OTSG 1evel Additional 6 inches of i = 24 inches on = 30 inches on inventory on simulator startup range. startup range. will take longer to boil off. Pressurizer level Pressurizer level Repressur'zation will be maintained at maintained at quicker a; the higher ' 200 inches. 220 inches. level. Both cases conservative as operator would ordinarily decrease , level setfoint with decreasing temperature to a minitus of 100 inches. 2.2.1 Asstanotions .

                       - Main feedwater pumps were tripped at approximately 750 psig secondary pressure at approximately t = 31 minutes afttr
  • reactor trip. [q. ', . .
                       - Heat balance is modeled by the simulator.                                                .
                       - No pressurizer spray.                                                         Y,                  '

l ~.~

                       - No PORY.
                                                                                                         . gr
                       - Heat input to the RC system includes decay heat per ANS                         .

5.1x1.0, 4 RC pump heat, antt pressurizer heaters. ~ 2.2.? Systee Conditions -

                        - Reactor trip at t=0.                                                                        .
                        - Initial RC system tenverature 580 F.                                         J-          ';.. ' ' ,
   -4                                                                                                  4                .?

RC system pressure is 2150 psig. .. , s-

ANAL"S!S/ CALCULATION DOCID# I st-0000 ATT # 9 9 Ev._l 5W':~T__1 _ OF '2 7.

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                             - Stabilize and start 100'F/hr. cooldown at approximately 9 minutes after reactor trip.


                             - Steam volume in pressurizer corresponds to a 220 inch level or approximately 574 f t. .
                               - Pressurizer code safety valve setpoint is 2500 psig.                                                               l l
                                - Secondary side OTSG 1evel initially at 30 inches on the                                                           t 1                                   startup range.

i 2.2.3 P45ul ts l The simulc % run resulted in lif ting the pressurizer code l l safety aim in approximately 6.5 minutes after LOMFW and , y the pressurizer going solid in approximately 11.9 minutes. ' - The response of selected system parameters was taped and is  ! l graphically represented in Figures 1 through 12. ' l { 3 , i i ..s j i e 1 . m . ,. v. ] #[ N I

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ANALYSIS /CALCLtLATiCN 9 0001D .*I H o o o 8 _ ATT s . REV I SHEET 9 OF M

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sli iniish:i ~ Ed' EY.4 I - Page 9 of 22 ,J .- 3.0 OlSCllSSION I Both the calculations and simulator run thow that the loss of main feedwater transient during cooldown causes a rapid RC system repressuri-Zation. Previcus shutdown bypass evaluations conducted by B8M bave applied the 10 minutes operator action criterion to the time before The primary reaching the pressurizer code safety valve setpoint. reason being that it is considered good engineering judgement not to The SillD request for unnecessarily challenge the code safety valves. f information and subsequent discussions at the September,1982 project review meeting indicate that SMUD feels the 10 minute criterion should be applied to the time befort the pressurizer becomes solid with water. Since no real licensing limits are violated in either case, the degree of undesirable consequences is the basic difference. l For exarple, Figure i shows the safety valves lif ting more than l twenty times before the pressurizer goes solid. i

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ANALYS:S/CALCULATiCN 00010# I*D-0005 ATT # 9 i REV I SHEET.-lO *12. OF

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Page 10 of'22

       '                  4.0 CON (.l.USi ONS,                                                                                                   SG secondary i

For the transtcnt investigated utiliz ng a d750 psig OT simulator i  !- ' pressure bypass pemissive setpoinc, d that the calculat greater than on an results show that the core mains subcooled an the pressuri-10 minutes is available for manual operator action before zer becomes solid. l Other considerations which should ss schemebe factored into t technical decision on the most appropriate 51-1134493-01, shutdown bypa 4 have been documented previously in BW Doc. rio.

                                  "5 MUD EFIC System Shutdown Bypass Sct.eme Evaluation".                                                                                                                        ,
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  • CCC8 ATT
  • to REV 1 SHEET I OF A Product Specifications PSS 9 7C1 A O

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                                                                                                             ,g c = c C3 l             SPEC 200 DISPLAY STATIONS FOR NUCLEAR SERVICE Subject to the quellfication testing and stringent controls required for nuclear applications P-NUCLEAR SERVICE QUALIFICATION                                  STRINGENT QUALITY ASSURANCE Nuclear qualified c2 splay stations, while incorporating       The design, manufacture, and documentation of minor mechan 6 cal mocifications, are virtually identical to   SPEC 200 nuclearqualified equipment is strictly con-the corresponding non-nuclear models. Testing and anal-        trolled. The Foxboro quality assurance program meets ysis per IEEE Standard 3441975 demonstrates the capa-          the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B; ANSI N45.2; bility of the SPEC 200 displays offered for Cia:s 11           ASME NOA 1 and CSA 2299.2. The program has been (structural integrity) qualification. Additional testing per   audited by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and IEEE standards 323-1974 and 3441975 demonstrates the           by a number of users in the nuclear power industry.

ability of products offered for Class 1E qualification to 1 perform their required functions before, during, and after ) a specified Desp Basis Event (DBE). ( b i toxsoa0* ammmmmmuur C 1967 tv The Foxboro Company # Registered Trademort

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID #_r.97.co08 ATT# to * - REV i SH EET_,._ { ,_ op__J.  ! PSS 9-7C1 A Page 2 i' SEISMIC TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Instruments for Class 1E quahfication are type-tested for Ambient Temperature Display stations are for use in , performance under the seismic vibration conditions control panels located in air <:onditioned control rooms / shown in Figures 1 and 2. Five Operating Basis Earth- normally operating between 16 and 30*C (61 and 86'F). auake (OBE) tests and one Safe Shutdown Earthquake Limits of 5 and 50*C (40 and 120*F) are allowed in the (SSE) test are performed. These type tests are conducted event of air conditioning failure. Testing to 57'C (135'F) with multi-frequency (random) input, biaxially, in each of is conducted to meet Qualification Class 1E require-four horizontal orientations. A shake table with 45-degree ments, thus providing a 7'C(15'F) margin over the max vectored drive i:: used. Test procedures and test reports imum anticipated temperature of 50'C (120*F). Note that are available from r*%xboro. User must determine actual margin based on the applica.

                                                                                       ,   tion.
                                                                                   .j      Humidity Display stations are tested between 50% rela-j            !

is o j tive humidity at 31*C (87'F) dry bulb temperature and camcAL D AMPsNG 95% relative humidity at 31'C (87'F) dry bulb tempera-3 1% ture.

 ..$ .             !     o3 '          .
"I ~ .-

___ \ '- Supply Voltage Nominal supply voltage values for spe- _.r. . s ? - as ' Mc Mis m lim M N el @ We m Mw [g .. "' '..' . s'.s I

1. ~
                 ~                       ~~

quent pages. Where applicable.110% and 85% of

                               , iI . .' ._. _ _._ ._ .             4
                                                                                         nominalline voltage and 105% and 95% of nominalline y __ _                                                     .a._L..         -

frequency are applied at worst-case points during on. g , _{' ,

       .                         "~~ j '. ~ ' "- '            ,                            vironmental testing. The worst case points are chosen to               1
                                                                                     'l    provide minimum power dissipation at high humidity j;i                 ( f zpA . i 54 l        levels (to reduce drying effects) and maximum power dis-
             -             l           I   !'-                                             sipation at elevated temperature levels. Similarly, where
                   ,              , FREOuf NCY, H8                  !'       ,

applicable,105% and 95% of the 15 Vde supplies are ap. plied at worst case points. The de supplies do not vary Figure 1. Generic OBE Response Spectra, Ctsee 1E more than 5 % from the 15 V nominal when the mains fluc-tuate between 110% and 85% of nominalline voltage. l , 25 o Similarly, where applicable,28 and 20 V ac are applied for the nominal 24 V ac supply at worst-case points during on-In._".__.._...__ _ . - _ cmmCAL DAMPl.N_G_._-

 '*N g                    no     /            u2                /       as               . RECORDER DISPLAY STATIONS zw                    e o //                 -

ss - ~1

g d g f. . Q Two recorder families are available. The N-227 and w 8 .]

N E27R Series are designin1 for both Class 1E and Class 11 _ ._ . i_I i._ . 1-*

                                                                                   .]       N 227P and N 227S Series Recorders accept input sig-nals at the SPEC 200 system level of 0 to 10 V dc. Signals
                                       ,;               ' ] --- zPA=2.seM                  and power are brought to the recorder from a nest-

__ ._ __.i .. . _ .

                                                                                   .d      mounted distribution component (Model N 2AX + DIO or i

N 2AX + DSP) over an N 2AK Series System Cable.

     ~                                 '

l N 227S recorders mount in an N-202S Series Shelf. Each

   ,               ,               i
                                                 .","##'      ,              ie    .J       N 227P recorder occupies an individual panel mounted housing Model N 2AX+ HSt. N-227P Senes Recorders Figure 2.        Generic SSE Response Spectra, Ctess 1E                           conform to the DIN standard (72 mm wide by The following equipment is qualified for Class IE func.                                 144 mm high) format.                                                  ;

j tional operation and structural integrity per IEEE Stan- N-E27R Series Recorders can be specified for input sig-l dards 3231974 and 3441975. nal levels of 1 to 5 V de, O to 10 V de, or 4 to 20 mA dc. l They mount in an N 202S Series Shelf at a location where

  • Recorders N E27R, N 227 Series a power cord and signal terminal board provide electrical l


  • Control Display Stations N-250H Series connections.
  • Manuel Display Stations N 255H Series Each N 227S and N-E27R Series Recorder is nomina!!y
  • SPEC 200 MICRO Display Stations N-2CDA Senes 75 x 150 mm (3 x 6 in) and requires one unit of shelf capac-
  • Indicator Display Stations N-257H Series ity. Each shelf location is indryidu1lly Configured for the j
  • Output Stations N-2AX + M Series part cular model to be installed.
  • Mounting Equipment J N 2AX + H Series Housings N 202S Series Shelves


  • le REV 1 Pas Sr SHEET 3 OF_ 4 p.

CONTROL, MANUAL, AND INDICATOR DISPLAY N 250H, N 255H. and N 257H stations,with or without an STATIONS output station, are panel-mounted by means of individual hshgs separately specined Many, atput stafions The N 250 family includes control, manual, and indicator O display stations. N 2AX + M Series Output Stations are of-fered for use in conjunction with N 250H Series stations or for independent use. All are designed for both Class 1E and Class 11 Qualification. used independently require individual housings. Up to ten housings of the same model number can occupy a single panel cutNt. fudher information on mounting is given in the section. , Housings, Models N 2AX + H048, N 2AX + H096, N 2AX + H144." All power and signal con-nections are made by plug in cables of the N-2AK Series. RECORDER DISPLAY STATIONS N 227 Series PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS (Under Reference Operating Conditions) Indicating Accuracy 10.5% of span Recording Accuracy 10.75% of span after trim of zero Repeatability 0.4% of span and/or span to match chart rather than indicator scale FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Number of Pens 1,2, or 3, as specified Mounting Nominal Pen Speed 5 s to travel from 0 to 100% of N 227S Series Each recorder occupies one unit of scale capacity in an N 202S Series Shelf. Refer to the sec-tion " Shelves for Recorders." input Signal O to 10 V dc N 227P Series Each N 227P Series recorder resides input impedance 100 kQ minimum in an individual panel-mounted Model N 2AX + HS1 Housing. The housing is retained in panel by top and Chart bottom screw clamps. A hold-down bracket at tear is S eL h150 m (4 in) fastene to a hodzontal framN meh suW W user. Speed 20 mmth, others optionti Initial Supply One 30 day chart with each recorder APproximate Moss n ecorder 2.9 kg (6.5 4 Ink 2 Reservoir Disposable snap in cartridge with fiber-tip g, g, pen provides a 915 mm (3000 ft) ink line (a nominal 3-month supply). Model Codes initial Supply 1 cartridge per pen N 227P = Housino mounted Recorder Ambient Temperature Innuence Less than 0.5% of span N 227S = Shetf mounted Recorder for 28'C(50'F) change between 5 and 50'C(40 and 120'F) Number of Pens 4 = One pen Humidity influence For a change of 50 to 95% relattve 2 = Two pens 3 humidity at maxrnum wet but) temperature of 30'C (86'F) 3 = Bree pens indication 20.3% of span Record + 0.75 to -1.5% of span (chiefly chart paper

         .,                                                                               R5 = 50 z chart d ve j          variation)                                                              R6 = 60 Hz chart drive Example: N 227&2R6 Su                   15 and -15 V dc
  • 10%

Typical Current 80 mA for 1 pen,140 mA for 2 pens, lN 2AX + HS1 = Housina for 227P Senes Recorder l 200 mA for 3 pens Chart Drive Supply 24 V,50 or 60 Hz,3 W 4.2 VA Qualification Code Supply Voltage influence Less than 0.1% of span for CS-N/SRC = Type-tested for Class 1E qualification l 15% change from nominal per IEEE Standards 3231974 and 344-Connections 30-pin receptacle for cable connector 1975 CS-N/SRD = Type tested for Class 11 (structural in-tegrity) Qualification per IEEE Standard 344 1975 l [ OPTIONAL FEATURE Altemate Chart Speed 5 mm/h or 10 mm/h


  • 10 1

Pss e 7c1 A REV i SHEET 4 OF- d Page4  ! DIMENSIONS-NOMINAL. N 2AX + HS1 Housing for N 227P S.rles Recorder e O MOUNTING PANEL N 2 AX tH&1 3 7013 mm MOUS'NG FmONT (14 701/2 in) THICK DOOM RECESSED 30-PIN MOUNisNG gm ACKit RECEPTACLE

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       . ..      .   .t g

e f.... , A

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        / :="

NAMEPLATE _a = m =

                                                                                            -s-                     ,

66 ft g

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1. Model Number
2. Qualification Code
3. Optional Feature
4. Scale Range (s)
5. Chart Range and Number
6. Nameplate Data (2 lines,21 characters or spaces per line) 7, Tag
8. Separate items N-2AX + HS1 Housing (For N 227P Series)

N 202S Series Shelf (For N-227S Series) Additional Recorder Supplies O

                              ^                      ~.     .         ,


  • 692 ooog ATT #_ (1
                                                         '             SHEET        '

OF Tl 2AX 151 Technical information

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W. ...p s 4.' 'sK. g:f;- = t ** y g t. l g,a I} - 2

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STYLE B 2AX + PS9 SERIES SINGLE NEST de POWER SUPPLIES Energize the SPEC 200 system components in one nest f overcurrent, and reverse polarity protection is incorpo. These power supplies mount in a Model 2ANU.Prated. Nest Also included are inline filters for the suppres-and provde up to 1.5 A of direct current at +15 and sion of radio frequency interference (RF1), voltage surge

       -15 V for SPEC 200 system components also mounted                   protection, and a power security turn <>ff circuit.

in the nest. When applicable, they provide power for transmitters and/or display stations connected to these An on-off switch, fuse access, and indicating lamps are components. on the front panel. When the indicating lamps are lit, both the + 15 and -15 Y outputs are energized. y For high reliabitity, industrial grade components oper-j aled well below normal ratings are used. Overvoltage. l 3 EOXBORO C 1980 by The Foxboro Company

          # Registers $ Trademark

I ANALYSIS / CALCULATION COC (D #19f-ooo8_ ATT # ll REV i SHEET 2 OF 2 Tl 2 AX 151 Page 2 SPECIFICATIONS i Outputs + 15 V (referred to common) at 1.5 A de, and Surge Voltage Protection The voltage surges described in IEEE Standard 4721974 will not affect out-

              -15 V (referred to common) at 1.5 A de                          put if applied to the input power leads, and will not trig-Regulation                                                     ger the overvoltage protection circuits if applied to the Line 0.2% output voltage change for 2 10 %                 output connections.

i change from nominalline voltage RFI Protection RFI typically produces less than 1% Load 1.5% output voltage change for load change

   '                                                                          output voltage change for a field strength at the power from 50 to 100%                                            supply of 15 Vlm at frequencies between 410 and 512 Frequency 0.1*/ output voltage change for fre-l                                                                              MHz.

Quency change from 47 to 63 Hz l Electrical Classification Ordinary locations - Ripple 20 mV maximum Mounting Occupies two units of space in a Model Power Requirements 2ANU P Nest; leaves nine units of space for other sys-Line Voltage 100,120,220, or 240 V ac + 10%

                   -15%, as specified.                                         tem components.

Line Frequency 47 to 63 Hz Ambient Temperature Maximum Consumption 100 W of 135 VA at futi Normal Operating Limits 5 and 50*C (40 and load 120*F) influence Less than 0.5% output voltage change Warm-Up Time 30 minutes for 25*C (45'F) change within normal operating limits Short Circult Protection A continuous short circuit on Humidity either the + 15 or -15 V output will not damage the sup-Normal Operating Limits 10 and 95% relatrve hu. ply. Upon removal of the short circuit, the power supply midity with a maximum wet bulb temperature of 30*C returns to normal operation. (86*F) Overvoltage Protection Both outputs are shut off if influence Less than 0.1% output voltage change any power supply f ailure raises either output above for relative humdty changes within normal operating i 39 y, limits Security Turn Off To assure the prgdictable response l of connected loads, both outputs are shut off upon loss { cf either output, i I PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The overvoltage protection circuit consists of a zener As illustrated in Figure 1, two scenhcal power supplies diode overvoltage detector, a transistor driver, and a si-are connected to provide + 15 V de referred to common licon controlled rectifier (SCR). The SCR, when fired by and -15 V de referred to common. In each supply, a an overvoltage condition, shorts the power supply out-reguistor amplifier varies the vottage drop across a se- put to common. Shunt diodes protect against extemalty-l ries pass transistor as required to rnaintain output voit-applied reverse or forward transients above 20 V. I age. The desired value of output voltage is set by the voltage adjust circuit. The overcurrent circuit takes con- The + 15. -15, and common leads to the power security l trol of the regulator starting at 110% of rated output turn off circuit include RFI filters. current. Overload or short circuit current from either output is limited to a value between 1,55 and 1.70 A.

           '       Upon removal of the overload or short circuit, normal I       operation is restored.

i  ! l l l k i i i I l 5


                                                 #                                                                            l DOC ID # 1 92 - * **8 ATT #

REV I SHEET 8 - OF I 51-1123786-01 2 l l flow to the affected generator). 'This problem has been considered for the Consumers plant (see References 1, 2, and 3). In addition, work was done on the VEPC0 plant (see Reference 4) which also showed that under certain conditions it is possible for the intact loop not to repressurize even for a large steam line break. In order to avoid the problems mentioned above, it has been suggested that the FOGG logic be modified to include a differential pressure measure-ment.. The modification would cause AFW to be terminated to one S.G. in a case in which both steam generators were belov 600 psia and the pressure difference between the generators were greater than 150 psi. If these conditions exist FOGG would direct AFW flow only to the higher pressure steam generator. The purpose of this analysis was to: (1) Detemine whether the proposed modification to FOGG would cure the known problems. (2) Identify any other possible scenarios which still would result in FOGG's inability to detamine which was the intact loop (e.g., a case in which steam generator pressure difference is less than 150 psi), and (3) Assess the consequences of any cases found under (2) above. METH005 l The following cases were studied to detenmine whether the proposed modification would avoid any previously described FOGG related problems: i (1) Consumers FSAR Steam Line Break Spectrum Analysis

      ~(2) 177 FA Overcooling Analysis cases (Reference 5)

(3) VEPC0 FOGG Analysis (Reference 4)


  • LCS-A SERIES This manual applies to units bearing serial no, prefixes A-E This manual provides instructions intended for the operation of Lambda power supplies, and is not to be reproduced without the written consent of Lambda Electronics. All information contained herein applies to all LCS-A models unless otherwise specified.

l l

            . LAMBDA ELECTRONICS                                              MELVILLE, L.I . , N.Y.      !

MAIN PLANI TELEPHONE: 516 Myrtle 4-4200 l 1

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID #132 0006_ ATT # W 's - cF.lw REV 1 SHEET T OF 6 TABLE OF CONIENTS S:stion Page SPECIFICATIONS AND FEATURES 1 THEORY OF OPERATION 5 ,- OPERATING INSTRUCIIONS 7 Basic Mode of Operation 7 Connections for Operation 7 Supply-Load Connections 7 Operation After Protective Device Shutdown 9 MAINTENANCE 10 General 10 Trouble Analysis I 10 Checking Transistors and Capacitors 10 , Printed Circuit Board Maintenance Techniques 10 Trouble Chart 11


Performance Checks 13 SERVICE 13 PARTS ORDERING 13 l l < l i ! 11 IM-LCS- A

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID #F97 dico8 ATT#. 49 6 REV i SHEET 3 OF_-. & SPECIFICATIONS AND FEATURES Specifications apply for a11'models. DC OUTPUT--Voltage regulated for line and load. i TABLE I VOLTAGE AND CURRENT RANCES MiutIMUM CURRENT (AMPS) AT AMBIENT TEMPERATURE VOLTAGE MODEL RANGE 40'c 50'c 60*C 71*C LCS-A-2 2*5% 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.4 LCS- A-3 3*5% 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.4

               ,     LCS-A-3P6     3.6*5%             2.9          2.4         1.9        1.3 i                     LCS-A-4       4*5%               2.9          2.4         1.9        1.3
j. LCS-A-4P5 4. 5*5% 2.8 2.3 1.8 1.2

( LCS-A-5 5*5% 2.7 2.3 1.8 1.2 LCS-A-6 6*Si, 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.2 LCS-A-8 &*5% 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.1 LCS-A-10 10*5% 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.0 LCS-A-12 11*5% 1.9 1.7 1.3 0.9 LCS-A-15 15*$% 1.'8 1.5 1.2 0.9 LCS-A-18 18i5% 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.8 LCS-A-20 20*5% 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 LCS-A-24 24*5% 1.1 1.0 0.85 0.70 LCS-A-28 28*5% 1.0 0.9 0.75 0.60 l LCS-A-36 36*5% - 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.50 LCS-A-48 48*5% 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 1 LCS-A-100 100*5% 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18

   -(                LCS-A-120     120*5%            0.15         0.15        0.15        0.15 LCS-A-150     150*5%            0.10         0.10        0.10        0.10 IM-L CS-A g



ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC JD #I*939008 ATTd- 49" d'4h* _ REV _ I- SHIET_4 OF__ 6 TABLE I (Cont'd) , l MAXIMUM CURREKI (AMPS) AT VOLTAGE AMBIENT TEMPERAnfRE MODEL RANGE 40*C 50*C 60*C 71'C LCS-A-01 0-7 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.1 LCS-A-02 0-18 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 LCS-A-03 0-32 0.69 0.64 0.60 0.45 LCS-A-04 0-60 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.25 LCS-A-05 0-120 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10  ; I l Current range must be chosen to suit the appropriate maximum ambient tem-perature. Current ratings apply for entire voltage range, i REGULATED VOLTAGE OUTPUT Regulation (line) . . . . . . . . 0.01 percent plus 1.0 millivolt for input variations from 105-132 or 132-105 volts AC

                                                                                                   , (
  • Regulation (load) . . . . . . . . 0.01 percent plus 1.0 millivoit for load ,

variations from no load to full load or full load to no load Remote Progransning External Resistor . ..... Nominal 1000 ohms / volt output Programming Voltage . . . . . . One-to-one voltage change Ripple and Noise ........ 250microvoltsras;1miliivoitpeaktopeak with 57-63 Hz input Temperature Coefficient . . . . . Output change in voltage (0.017. + 0.3%my)/'C using an external programming resistor, less than (0.015%g 0.3%my)/*C with internal resistor

                                                                ,e Remote Sensing .........                   Provision is made for remote sensing to elim-inste effect of power output lead resistance on DC regulation AC INPUT--105-132, 205-265 or 187-242 ("V" option) volts AC at 47-440 Hz.           Maximum input power *: 80 Watts. Ratings apply for 57-63 Hz.; at 47-57 Hz input                   '

derate current 10% for each ambient temperature given in table I. For # 63-440 Hz, consult factory for details of operation. ,

  • With output loaded to full 40*C rating and input voltage 132 volts AC, 60 Hs, 2 IM-LCS- A


  • 49' 3 4fw OVERLOAD PROIECTION REV I SHEET-- I-- O F_-_ G Electrical External. . . . . . . . . . . Automatic electronic current limiting circuit, ifmits output current to a preset value less
 ,                                                 than 140% of 40*C current rating. Automatic current limiting protects the load and power supply when external overloads and direct shorts occur Internal. . . . . . . . . . . Fuse F1 provides protection against internal circuit failure in conjunction with over-voltage protector option OVERVOLTAGE PROTECIION*--Model LCS-A-5-0V includes a fixed built in overvoltage protection circuit which prevents damage to the load caused by excessive power supply output voltage. Overvoltage protection range varies between 6.4 and 6.8 volts D.C.
    *Not applicable to units bearing serial no. prefixes A-D.

INPUT AND OUTPUT CONNECIIONS--Terminal block on rear of chassis. OPERATING AMBIENI TEMPERATURE RANGE AND DUTY CYCLE--Continuous duty from -20'C to 71'c ambient with corresponding load current ratings for all modes of operation STORAGE TEMPERATURE - -55'c to 85'c (non-operating) CONTROLS { DC output contro?. . . . . . . . Voltage adjust control permits adjustment of DC output voltage via access hole located in nameplate PHYSICAL DATA Size. ....... . . . . . . 3-3/16" x 3-5/16" x 6-1/2" Weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 lbs. net ; 7 lbs. shipping wt. Finish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grey, FED STD 595 No. 26081 MOUNTING - Three surfaces, each with tapped mounting holes, can be utilized for mounting this unit. All LCS-A power supplies can be mounted with the Top, Front, or Right Side facing up. Top, Front, or Right Side must be in a horizontal plane. Refer to figure 12 for mounting details. MODEL OFTIONS Suffix "V" Input Option. . . . . Standard LCS-A power supplies can be ob-tained for 205-265 VAC, 47-440 Hz input or 187-242 VAC, 47-440 Hz input. See nameplate  ; for AC input rating. See schematic diagram for rewiring of AC input. At 47-57 Hz input, derate current '10% for each ambient temperature given in Table I. For 63-440 Hz  ! ( , consult factory for details of operation. IM-LCS A 3 i

ANALYS!S/ CALCULATION occ ID #A'12-ooos_ m7 ( e . .t-aEv-- 1 esg37_ _ s, gy ( Suffix "S" Option . . . . . . . . Fixed voltage LCS-A power supplies, used (LCS-A-3 through LCS-A-48 Only) in conjunction with Lambda Systems Power Sequencer or System Power Protector, must be specified with the "S" option. ACCESSORIES Rack Adapter . . . . . . . . . . Rack adapters LRA-8, LRA-10, LRA-11, LRA-12, or LRA-13 with or without chassis slides are available. Overvoltage Protector . . . . . . Externally mounted, L-20-0V series overvoltage protectors are available for use with models LCS-A-5, -6, -12, -15,

                                            -20, -24, -28. On models LCS-A-2, -3,
                                            -3P6, -4, -4P5, -8, -10, -18, -36, -48; use overvoltage protectors LMOV-1,    -2,  -3.

On models LCS-A-01 through LCS-A-04, use - overvoltage protectors LHOV-4, -5, -6. Control Panel . . . . . . . . . . All LCS-A power supplies may be obtained with a Systems Power Control Panel, SP-3 or SP-5. This unit, mounted on rack adapters LRA-8, LRA-10, or LRA-11, and used with a Systems Cable or Auxiliary Cable, provides an on-off switch, voltage control and pilot light. ( Metering Panel . . . . . . . . . A Systems Metering Panel, SMP-3 or SMP-5 may be used in conjunction with the LCS-A power supplies. The panel, mounted in rack adapters LRA-8, LRA-10, or LRA-11, and used with a Systems Cable contains a . voltmeter and an ammeter, each with thrt: ranges and a push button selector switch. - The selector switch allows monitoring of the voltage and current of any of up to 8 outputs. Metered and Non-Metered Panels . .Hetered panels MP-3, HP-5 and non-metered panels P-3, P-5 are available for use with Lambda rack adapters LRA-4, LRA-6 or LRA-7. 4 IM-LCS-A

                                               /,u- !' ~ T ' . ? _ uA' C N DCC C ::]*')lt0008        r, a      w gy f1AR 16 '95 03:17PM ROSEMOLNT ftCLEAR        p3      j        ,

g 4/8" P.1/2 FISHER-ROSEMOUNT  %"".?""4"'"""*

  • Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3695 l

, usa 1 DATE: March 16,1995 PAGE(S) INCLUDING LEAD SHEET: 2 M COMPANY: FPC FAX NUMBER: (612) 828-8280 ATTENTION: Richard F.vachow SENDER: Tun Layer FAX NUMBER: (813) 866-4984 PHONE NUMBER: (612) 828-8240


Model 1154 Series H Drift Specification CC: i

DAL' M, C A LNLATiCN R DCC e d 97.pgl*0 ATT *_hur es Mm is '95 as:20PM ROSD' CUNT r0C1.Em R EV_.__l

                                                                    -- SHEET 1 OF___f Rosemount Nuclearinstruments                                                                %u 13001 Toshnology Ddwe soon PreMc. MN 96344 USA March 16,1995                                                         m i mir)ene.sasa Fan 1 (412) 826 4200 Mr. Richard lwechow Florida PowerCorporation Fax- (813) 806 4984 Subj: Model 1154 Series H Transmitter Drift Specirmation

Dear Mr. Iwachow,

The Rosemount model 1154 Series H transmitter Drift Specification is published rs 10.20% URL for 30 months. This specification will be included in aR future revisions of Instruction Manual MAN 4631 and product literature PDS 4631. Older revisions of model 1154 Series H transmitter product data sheets and instruebon manuals indcated a drift specification for only 18 months. The reason was due to the pubile.ation data. When these documents were published, the drift specification test conducted by Rosemount to develop the 30 month specification was not yet complete. The 30 month drift spedf-+0en is based on a 36 month drift test completed by Rosemount. The results of the testing is published in Rosemount Report D8900126. Although the title of the report states applicability to Model 1152.,1153, and 1154 transmitters, this data is applicable to all Model 1154 Series H transmitters by similartty. The Model 1154 Series H Transmitter utilizes the same Electronics Package and Sensor Module as the Model 1154 transmitter. Although there are differences 'm the physical design of the two model types, there are no differences between units which impact drift. Therefore, the results of the Drift Specirmation testing is directly applicable to the model 1154 Series H by similarity. Sincerehr T. J. Layer Product Marketing Manager Rosemount Nuclear instruments, Inc. TJU FBIER4stSHNET i

i l 1 ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID # I*M-oooS ATT # f1 REV I SHEET- 1 OF 3 Product Data Sheet PDS 4631 MODEL 1154 SERIES H a <. am , l ALPHALINES NUCLEAR , PRESSURE TRANSMITTER e TestedperIEEE Std. 323-1974 and 344-1975 - e 1.1 x 10* rads TfD gamma radiation e 8.5g'sZPA seismic e 420*F(215.6*C) steam temperature e 0.25% accuracy Post-it' Fax Note 0** "' 7671

  • b ck 7 Wa c.M **M y QM, -
         "F PC                                                    C*

R.M g Phone # %g

       ' h b T[., h a                                      h      Fan s FEATURES Model 1154 Series H Abhs/Ine* Pressure Transmitters are                             compact design and 2 mire system compatibihty. Winng ces6 grad for precision pressure measurements in nuclear                               terminste and electronics are in separate compartments. so appocations requinng reliable performance and safety over an                           the electronics remain sealed during installation.

extended service tife These transmitters have been qualified to IEEE 323 and IEEE 344 to radiation levels of 110 megarads TIO gamrna radation, seismic levets of 8.5 g's, and steam-pressure performance up to 420 'F. Stringent quality control dunng the manufactunng process heludes traceability of OPERATION g g s* g is the key to the unequalled performance and reliability of the Modet 1154 Series H transmitte's its simple design concept is Model 1154 Senes H transmitters are of a design unque to recogntzed as a landmark in transmitter engineenng Process , . . , i Class 1 E nuetear sendee while retaining the wonung concept pressure is transmeed through an isolating diopnragm and  ? 1 and design paramete's of the Modet 1151 transmitters that sliieone oil fit fluid to a sensing diaphragm en the cereer of the I have set industry standards for reliable service Transmitters 8-Cet A reference pressure is transmitted in Oke manner to are available in sealed page (S), differential (D), and high line the other see of the sensing diaphragm. Displacement of the 1 differential (H) configurations, with a variety of pressure range sensing diaphragm, a rnaximum mocon of 0.004 nches (0.1 cWces- l mm), is proportional to the pressure differential across it. The i Direct electronic sensing wtth the completely sealed posinon of the sensing diaphragm is detected ey capacitor 5 Ces" capacitance sensng element eliminates mechanecal plates on both sides. Dif'erental capacitance between the force transfer and problems associated with shock and senseng d:aphragm eM the capacitor plates is converted vt> ration. Installatran and commissioning are simpitfied by the electrontCalty to a 2-Wire. 4-20 mA de signal. ROSEMOUNT'

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC lD r191.ocos ATTo n REV I SHEET 7. OF 3 Model 1154 Series H Alpflatine' Nuclear Pressure Transmitter e SPECIFICATIONS- => ^ N Nuclear Specifications Quanfied to IEEE Std. 3231974 and 3441975 por Rosemount


{ o *N - Report D8700096 ss4 - tiectronk:s owened

                                                                                                                   ,m g     e  - Life                N N Radiation                                                                         >      .                             nN      \

l Accuracy *sthan 2(0.2% of upper range limit + 02% of span) [ , E \' during first 30 trunutes; (0.5% of upper range limit + 1.0% of span) after 55 rnegarade total integrated dosage (TID); T i(0.75% of upper range limit + 1.0% of span) amer 110 rnegarads TIO gamma rad stion exposure. Selsmic . ,, ,. ,,. . ,as in .m Accuracy within to.5% of upper range limit during and after a temperature , *ir defined Dy a required response spectrum with a FIGURE 3. Qualified Life vs. Temperature 8'** * " " **" # *

  • P* *'" Performance Specifications Acruracy within 2(f.0% of upper range hmit + 1.0% of span) (Zero-bano Spene. Reference Conditions) for range codes 4 8: t(2.0% of upper range kmit +0.5% of span) for range code 9 during and after sequential exposure to Accur9ey steam at the following temperatures and pressures concurrent 20.25% of cafibrated span. Includes combined effects of with chemical spray forine first 24 hours. linear ty, hysteresis and repeatability.

420 4* (215.8 *C), 85 psig for 3 minutes 350 *F (176.6 *C),85 psig for 7 minutes Deadband 320 *F (160 *C),75 psig for 8 hours


265 *F (129 4 *C).24 poig for 56 hours Drm Chemical Spray 20.2*,'. of uppenange arndor My months. Chemical spray composioon is 0.28 molar borte acid. 0 064 sodium thiosulf ate, and sodium hydroxide to make an initial pH Temperature Effect of 11.0 and a subsequent pH ranging 8.5 to 11.0. Chemical spray is sprayed at a rate of 0.25 gownirvft'. r(0.15% of upper range limit + 0.35% span) per 50 *F (27.8 *C) ambient temperature change between 40 *F Post DBE Operation 4.4 *Cl and 130 *F (54.4 *C). Accuracy at reference conditions shall be within 12 5% of -f175% ueper range limit + 0 5% scan) per 100 *F upper range hmit for one year following 08E. g55.6 *C) ambient temperature change behueen 40 *: (4 4 "C) and 20C *F @3 3 *Ct Quality Assurance Program in accordare,e wrth NOA 1 a ,o 10CFR50. Appendiz B- Overpressure Effect , Model 1154D: Maxirnum zero shift after 2.000 pse Nuclear Cleaning (13 8 MPa) overpressure: To i ppm maximum chlanda content. Range 4: 20.25% of upper range lim;t. Range 5: s10% of upper range limit. 1 Hydrostatic Testing Ranges 6 and 7; 23 0% of upper range hmit . To 150% of maximum wortung pressure or 2000 psi (13 8 Range 8: 26 0% of upper range hmit. - - MPa) whichever is greater. M del 1154S: Maximum zero shift af:er 4.500 psi TmMU (31.0 MPa) overpressure: in accordance with NOA 1 and 10CFR50. Append!n 8; Range 9:20.5% of upper range limit. chemeal and physical matenal certification of pressure retaining parts. Model 1154H: Maximum zero shift after 3.000 psi (20 68 MPa) ove pressure: Qualified Life Range 4::10% of upper range limit. Dependent on continuous ambent temperature at the insta!!a- Range 5:12 0% of upper range lirnit. tion site. Illustrated in Figure 3. Replacement of amplifer and Ranges 6 and 7: 5 0% of upper range limit.

 ,  calibration circuit boa'os at the end of their qualtfed life                                                                             ,

permits extension of the transmitter's cualifed llte to the rnodule's Qualified li's. See Rosemours Report 08700096 3 ra, ~ ,-,,.. .,. ~ ~,.y ..,. - , .

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID of-91go__g__ g33 ,_ gy REV f-SHEET __ J _ op 3 Model 1154 Series H Alphaline* Nuclear Pressure Tiansmitter Static Pressure Zero Effect Zero Elevation and Suppreselon Model 11540: 10.2% of upper range limit per 1,000 psi Maximum rero elevation : 800% of cattbrated span. (6.9 MPa)(ranges 4 and 5); 20.5% of upper range ret per Maximum zero suppreselon : $00% of calibrated span . 1.000 psi (6.9 MPa) (ranges 8,7 and 8). Zero ekvation and suppression must be such that no!!her the span nor me upper ow range vabe exe 1M. He Model 1154H: *0 66% of upper range limit per 1.000 pal (6 9 MPa) for afi ranges. # '*" # " Static Pressure Span Effect Temperature Limits Normal Operating Limits:40 to 200 *F (4.4 to 93.3 'C). i ENect es systematic and can be calibrated out for a particular pressure before installation. Correct on uncertainty 20.5% of Qua'ified Storage Limite: -40 to 120 *F (-40 0 to 48 9 *C). readingf1,000 psi. }. Humidity Limits Power Supply Effect 0100% relative humidity (NEMA (X). Less than 0 005% of output span / volt. Volumetric Displacement Load Effect Less than 0.01 in'(0.16 cm'). No load eNect other than the change in voltage supplied to the transminer Turn-On Time Two seconds maximum. No warm-up required. Mounting Position Effect No span eMect. Zero shrft of up to 1.5 inh,0 (372 Pa) for ranges Model1154D and 1154H 4 and 5. which can be calibrated out. For higher ranges, ef'ect is Codes / Ranges superseded by accuracy specificatens. (4) 0-25 to 0150 inh,0 (0 622 to 0-37.50 kPa). (5) 0-125 to 0 750 inh,0 (0 31.08 to 0186 50 kPa).  : Response Time (6) o 17 to 0-100 psi (0-0.12 to 0-0.69 MPa). , Fixed time constant (63%) at 100 'F (37.8 'C) as follows: (7) 0 50 to 0 300 pai(04 34 to 0-2.07 MPa). Range 4:0.5 seconds or less. (8) 0-170 to 01000 psi (D units only) All other ranges: 0 2 seconds or less. (0-1.17 to 0-6.89 MPa). g, .


Adjustabte damping option available through special N-Option- Maximum Working Pressure Functional Specifications 8t*"* P***"" # Service Static Pressure and Overpressure Limits Uquid, gas. or vapor. Model 1154D: 0.5 psis to 2,000 psig (3.4 kPa to 13.8 MPa) maximum rated static pressure for operatton within Output spec (ications. Overpressure limit is 2,000 psig (13.8 MPa) on erther $sde without damage to the transmitter. 4-20 mA de. Model 1154H: 0.5 pale to 3,000 psig (3.4 kPa to 20.7 MPs) Power Supply maximum rated static preseure for operation within Design limits as shown in Figure 4, specifications. Overpressure emit is 3,000 poig (20.7 MPa) on either side without damage to the transmitter. 4-se 'na de Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"' Model 1154S Codes / Ranges - 5000- (9) 0-500 to 0 3000 poig (0-3.45 to 0-20.68 MPa), tonene soo - o ien Maximum Working Pressure

                                                    -                  u ,,e,,an ,e m e            .          .        .  .
                     '8                 8'          ** '8 Overpressure Limits                                                    !
  • Ope <ates within specifications from 0.5 psia (3 4 kPa) to l FIGUAE 4. Lead Limitations y range hmit. Overpressure limit is 4500 poig (31.0 j MPa) for range code 9, without damage to the transmitter.

Span and Zero Continuously adjustable extemajty. 4

        --.                                                                 ,.,~,,,,,,-,,.u,,.-                      ~-   ~.,,,o

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION 000 to # t 91 oeos ATT # 16 REV I SHEET I OF %d y Drwe AWcal go,n p,,,,e, MN $5344 U S A. Vm Tel (612) 941-5560 T**

  • m'2 .

Faa (612) 828-3006


October 23, 1991 Florida Power Corporation P.O. Box 14042 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Att: David Owen, M/C C2I

Dear Mr. Owen:

Enclosed please find a copy of Report 78212 as requested. This report will apply to the Model 1154 and 1154 Series H transmitters as well. If you have any further questions please feel free to call me at (612) 828-3100. Sin ely

g.  !

eil P. Lien Marketing Engineer Rosemount Nuclear Products ., . h 1 enc: Report 78212 t

ANALYSIS / CALCULATION DOC ID # f*91 ooob ATT# 86 REV i SHEET T OF 14 Rosemount ROSEMOUNT INC.,12001 WEST 78th STREET / EDEN PRAIRIE. MINNESOTA 55344 Meolmg Address P.O BOX 35129 i MINNEAPOLl$, MINNE50 7A $5425 TEL: (612) 9415560 TWX 910 $76-3103 TELEX. 29-0183 1



                          . INTERNAL THERMAL RESPONSE OF TRANSMITTER HOUSINGS TO STEAM IMPINGEMENT ROSEMOUNT MODELS 1153 SERIES B AND D ROSEMOUNT REPORT 78212 REVISION A Approved by Eng.                     /                        Date       I/E7       &

I ') / LYLE LOFGREN - Senior Enaineer. Desian _. Approved by Eng. -

                                                  - ~

Date [ 70 / 7 7 CHUCK ODEGAARD - Mfnacer. Nuclear Ooerations Groun


Approved by Q.A - J __ Date MIKE POLLACK - Pro 3ect Enoineer. Qualitv Approved by Q.A. SM der , Date f -/bA s:Ee,-,0N.,- ,,,,..a.. _ .


    .T.                g Tw                N                                                                 **

Oo a b . \


w a h" j

   .: a 2 .

333h $  : 4%** . l 30hh .

                    ' .b 4h s %

2 f s >t -L 3 s 4 - - . . w tn % f E* 4 ' Sh ,W e m 5 E E N 1 e 3 . L E i  ; 6 5 2 8

                                                                                           /       I
                                                                                       /          i i

2 I 8 8 I l 2






5. CONCLUSIONS 5 FIGURE 1 7 FIGURE 2 8 FIGURE 3 9 Figure 4 10
                                                              %4 e$en ~




  • 18 REV I SHEET 5 op 4
                                                                                                                                    .a INTERNAL THERMAL RESPONSE OF TRANSMITTER HOUSINGS TO STEAM IMPINGEMENT, ROSEMOUNT MODELS 1153 SERIES B AND D.



Several previous reports have been written on the thermal response of Rosemount nuclear qualified and related transmitters to the temperature transients expected in a High Energy Line Break (HELB) accident (see refs. 2.1 through 2.6). However, none of the previous tests were conducted using high energy steam as the heat transfer medium. This report summarises the results of recent tests of the internal temperature response of Rosemount Models 1153 Series B and Series D pressure transmitters when exposed to sudden high-temoerature steam impingement. s


l, 2.1 Rosemount Report 47422. " Response of 1151 Transmitter to Transient Temperature Field." (1974). 2.2 Rosemount Report 1775C. " Temperature Transient Ef fect, Mod el


ll52GP9A." (1975;. I'

                                                                                                                                 ..      I


  • OF I4 2.3 Rosemount Report 27718A. " Transient Response of 1151DP Transmitter to Rapid Changes in Temperature." (1977). i 2.4 Rosemount Report 37718. "Effect of Elevated Temperatures on -

Pressure Transmitter Electronics for Aluminum and SST Housings." (1977). 2.5 Rosemount Report 17912B. " Temperature Transient Test Results for Rosemount Pressure Transmitter, Model 1153 Series A." (1979). 2.6 Rosemount Report 118017. " Thermal Time Constant Analysis for Stainless Steel Electronics Housings, Rosemount Model 1153 Series A and Series D." (1980). i 2.7 Rosemount Report 48223C. "420 F Temperature Test Results, Model 1153 Series B." (1982). 2.8 Anderson, Norman A. " Step Analysis Method of Finding Time Constant." Instruments & Control Systems, J6 , 130 (1963). i l e 2.9 Rosemount Report 67817. " Steam Chemical Facility for Nuclear l Qualification Testing." (1978). 1 l


The Rosemount Model 1153 Series B pressure transmitter uses 2- - '


  • 080 b ATT # 4 REV l SHEET I OF IM an aluminum electronics housing. Tests were conducted to establish if the unit could withstand short excursions to 420 F. The tests, described in ref. 2.7, were conducted in Rosemount's Steam chamber (ref. 2.9). As part of this test, a non-operating unit was placed in the chamber. It contained a thermocouple located on one of the screws holding the amplifier board in place. Since the amplifier board contains most of the sensitive components of the unit, the  :

thermocouple readings give a good indication of the effect of external temperature transients on the unit. A test series was subsequently run using the Rosemount Model 1153 Series D transmitter, which uses a housing made of 316 stainless steel. A similar non-operating unit with an internal thermocouple was used, and the output recorded during a simulated HELB transient to 350 F. The temperature inside the chamber, as determined by thermocouples placed close to the test housings, rose from room temperature to the desired temperature within approximately 30 seconds. i

4. ANALYSIS. ' ~'

Fig. 1 shows the steam temperature and internal housing temperature vs. time for the Series D (stainless steel housing). The steam temperature change is very close to a step function, and, if the housing behaves as a "one-time-constant system," the thermal time constant can be

                                                                                        . ..y     ,.

determined by measuring the time required for the internal l

                                                                                   %d,;0 M M '



  • REV t SHEET 8 OF 14 temperature to achieve 63.2% of its final temperature. As can be seen from Fig. 1, this is approximately 5 minutes.

A more precise analysis, however, can be made using a technique (called Step Analysis) described in ref. 2.8. The response of a one-time-constant system to a step input is given by 1-exp(-t/ 6 ), where t is elapsed time and 6 is the time constant. If the response is calculated in terms of the percentage of the step response which has not yet appeared inside the system (t incomplete), this exponential function yields a straight line on semi-log paper, with the line intersecting t=0 at 100  % incomplete response. In a multi-time-constant system, however, a graph of 4 incomplete response vs. time will show a deviation from a straight line initially, with the data more closely resembling a straight line as time increases. A straight line through the data at large time values, when extended back to t=0, represents the time constant of the slowest responding thermal element of the system. This is shown by the solid line in fig. 2. The i time constant of the slowest element can then be determined by noting the intersection of this line with t=0 (130% in l this case), calculating the point at which this line would be 36.8% incomplete (=63.2% complete) , and finding the time along the line at which this response would occur. The calculation shown on fig. 2 gives 4.8 minutes, which is very I close to the 5 minute value determined from fig. 1. A calculation of the time constant of the next-slowest thermal element can be made by plotting the difference between the 6 , - 44* .1 I

t ANALYSIS / CALCULATION i Doc to # I-97 oco8 ATT * (& REV I SHEET 9 OF 14 unit's response and the straight line extrapolation. This is shown by the x's in fig. 2, with the dashed line being a straight line extrapolation through these points. The points follow a straight line all the way to t=0, so there are no other significant thermal elements involved between the steam i outside and the amplifier board inside the housing. A calculation of 36.8% incomplete time on this line results in a second time constant of 1.4 minutes.


Fig. 3 shows the steam temperature input and response of~ the > thermocouple inside the aluminum 1153 Series a housing, as replotted from ref. 2.7. The step function was held for only  ; about 5 minutes, which is not long enough to plot a reliable  ; time constant value from this graph. However, the Step i


Analysis technique, shown in fig. 4, still works. In this case, the Step Analysis technique must be repeated twice,  ! resulting in calculated time constants of 3, 1.2 and 0.6 i minutes. The 1.2 minute result here agrees quite closely with the 1.4 minute result of fig. 2. This indicates a common thermal element, probably the standoffs on which the amplifier board is mounted. The first time constant in each , ,, case is obviously due to the housing, resulting in a thermal time constant of 4.8 minutes for the Series D and 3 minutes , for the Series B.


the stainless steel housing of * '- The thermal time constant of 1 n .- n - 3p.

l ANAL (SIS / CALCULATION DOC !D # I 91 ooo8 ATT # 18 REV l SHEET to OF I4 the Model 1153 Series D is approximately 4.8 minutes. The time constant of the aluminum housing of the Model 1153 Series 3 is approximately 3 minutes. Although postulated HELB events usually specify a rise time of 10 seconds from room to HELB temperatures, this data shows that slower rise times can be used during testing without affecting results, as long as rise times are short compared with housing response. Thus, a 30-second rise time (16% of the time constant of the fastest unit) is an acceptable simulation, since the internal components see the same transient. Previous tests with very fast rise times, such as described in ref. 2.5, prove qualification of the external part of the housing for 10-second rise-time HELB events. e ' Y A .m *

                                                                            <.o v         . o . .. . . . . . . . .                                    coa.o-e o
                                                                                          .a=.o-.c                                                             -- --=*

FIGURE 1 - THERftAL RESPONSE TEST, 1153 SERIES D HOUSING 400 --- r-Tested in conjunction----r-------- with output Code r-R tests. , group _1, 6/12 - 6/14/32. ' ._

                                                                                                                                                ;                     F -                                                                                  g i

ij i I i i Steam, I.n.put Tem >erature I 350 -- Pv s >- s n - x i j i


300 ----- - y J: u 250 - n m o m o y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              < o $

T. eF  ! r# 5 minutes (63 Pf complete'l

  • U r-<
  • u_)

M U) 200' 3 l y3> (o a I o r m o o O m g HSG interior tem -4 W  % measured at Amp.perature. Bd. standoff > 150 - --- - -- -- -- t' DdO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -4 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ! O
  • Z

_ ._ . _  :.p m 30o _, - 3L 5 .,_ . . _ .. ._._. .._. .. . ..-.. .-.- - --- - - - - -.- - - r 50

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        't 0                            5                           10                       15                     20              25                    30                              35             40 t, min.
    ~                                .                                                  ;

_ .y , l -

ANALYS!S/CALCULAT!ON DOC ID # D92-coo 5 ATT* I f* REV 1 SHEET 12 OF 14-FIGURE 2 - STEP ANALYSIS - THERMAL RESPONSE - 1153 SERIES D HOUSING isMa n;==---=t2 = : A:a a g1;;wg g = ===gm =. _ + y -pt.g_2_; + ry pqg;5 45. g y n: eda; 7 _ . _ .: _ _ r;;.=_==_ g;;_;m _ _ _ _...._; _ ,_;;;.;; g - - - - - . 4=.y. ggw c _ _ ._ ..

                                                                                                                                                                   . . a= . --.. . . . ._
                                                                                                                                                                                         - - - - - - + - - - - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,_ _... .. _ O            _

6 - * - - - - * ' ~ ~ - - ' - - - - T ~ ~ 4

~.- z._ -
                                                                                              .~._ r                                   - . . .               _
                                                                                                      ~ ~ - -

__: == 36.8% of 130 = 47.8 . 01 = 4. 8 mi n == . ~:~--4 36.8% of 30 = 11.0 . 92 " I'4 "I"* 2 - - ____o g I -N o

  • x .

I 4 N* . i , 100% g g d y 4 , g , __ ___;._ . . _ ., . u! ,tfr ---- %;_;;= 5 f=~ ___ y-3._ _ _ .gr--y.r;_-ag gg.3_ g-p= - = s . . _ _3 e . . , ,


T3 - gi 7 -N--- _ -


____2 _ _ . r: :__ _ ___ _ g . _ - - 4 y a __'m _ s;-  ; __- - r r -'m -

g. a
                     !                                                                                            'm    ~
                                                                                                     -~ '* __ - -                                                                     . - - -2 Z~EZZ~~~~--__~

INCOMPLETE 1 _ ._._ :

                         .                                                                                                                               =g                                                                                            4 s

1 ^

  !l I&

2 ( '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~ - ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                 'x gut i.

6'. l , A, 38  : .s , i a363 i o 4 i i

' 8 o T

_,_'.\' l , e t i s . t i .

                                                                                                                                                      !                               I aya 10%                                                                                                               ,

a g!! n _;;.:;;;;m2-- _ _ _

                                                                                              -r ---                              (a)                  ,e Thermal response calculated as %

e :_.__

                                                                                                                - -_:                                             incomplete 7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '



e (b) - = Linear extrapolation of data in low i "a *

                                                                                                                                                                 % incomplete area to 100% incomplete f            *

(c) X = (b) - (a) (d) - = Linear extrapolation of (c)

                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,a-. . _ - . . - . . ._ . - _ . . _ _

3 a


I  ! t I f I l I k I l a 8 i i .  ; . 4 , ,, , . i 4 . , .

                                         .         i   ,       .               i                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,   ;

i 1%,  ! i , i.i! . is jiii i ,,i . . > 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RMT REPORT 78212 t, min. -8


                                                                                                                              ' ANALYS!S/ CALCULATION DOC ID # 1*91 o008 ATT #      IS REV      I SHEET _13 OF 14 FIGURE 3 - THERMAL RESPONSE, 1153 SERIES B HOUSING Reference R.M_T__ Report 48223C ,                                  ,
                                                                                                                                     '             I e

l l --- i


l i, l i, f I  ! I I Steam Input Temperature --- l 450 _ r i w- i x . i I f 1 _i .\  ! f x . f \ 1 f 1  ! I i \ l )  !

                      ._.I           '
                                                       '                                                      \

i 1 i 400 '. .-- -

                                                                                                                \ _ __


       ;;                                                                                                             Vs r

2, , f, _~ _ _ _ _ _C _ 1, . - j - _

                                                          ~ - ~Z :~_'t                                                   AN,             -_[
       ;       350 ;                                                                                                                               .                           i 5                                                                                                           i                  i
                                                                                      ,i                          I l

i f. - -- b_' . _. s - Y 3 i

                                                        ;                             7 i                                 i     !

300 n - i

                                                                                                      ^                                                   ,

2  !  !

                                                                                                                                                   !      i L,                                                              i i
                                                                                                                                      ,i i

I --

       ;V2 250 ,F__

s* e. L.

                                                                                                                 ,                                                              i 3'                                                                                                        ;

I g g.  ; , l

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ANALYSIS / CALCULATION 000 ID # I- M 034 8 ATT# 18 REV. I SHEET I4 OF 14 FIGURE 4 - STEP ANALYSIS - THERMAL RESPONSE - 1153 SERIES B HOUSING s:+Maawmi 2==T :au;;aum=-=1 =nt==tt+w .  ; 511Yi3=+i23 i =i:" - -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .ix1 = 3
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             &                                                                               1                                   ,

_==-a 36.8% of 230 = 84.6 . 0 = 3 min. ,".:..m - de 1 36.8% of 215 = 79.1. 92 = 1.2 min. --6 . 36.8% of 85 = 31.3 . 9 3 = 0.6 min. _ as s



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                                                                                                                        .                            ,                                 i                                i H    0                                                   e                               l'     I        i l                                .

10 { g_- -- -- -- 15 5 (a) .

                                                                                                                                                                  =  Thermal response calculated as %
           * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                                                                                                                                               ineomp1ete 3XD                                                                                                        c- r 8d        '

(b) - = Linear extrapolation of data in low Ak e  % incomplete area to 100% incomplete E o (c) X = (b) - (a) 4 (d) - - = Linear extrapolation of (c) to 100% incomplete 3 (e) 9 = (d) - (c) (f) -- = Linear e,xtrapol.ation. of_le). a ,

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3, i 0 1 2 3 t,4 min 5 6 7 8 RMT REPORT 78212 -10

l 9orida DESIGN ANALYSIS / CALCULATION  ; M$f Crystal River Unit 3 j Sheet 1 of I AEV6 SON REijMAR/SP MMH /flLE (JOGUheENT OLNTIFCATON NO. 1 SP95 - 0002 192-0008 l ATTACHMENT 19 Atmospheric Dump Valve Control Valve Tuning Parameters Prior to the advent of the Emergency Feedwater Initiation and Control (EFIC) system, the atmospheric dump valve (ADV) control logic was a part of the Integrated Control System (ICS). The ADV control circuitry was housed modular cards which occupied cabinet positions 4-4-3 and 4-412 (Reference 50). The control function was removed from ICS and transferred to the EFIC control logic. Since no operational occurrences were experienced or identified with the ICS control valve tuning parameters, these same parameters were set-up for the EFIC control logic. The following tuning parameters as transferred from ICS and translated to binary setting for placement on the front panels of the EFIC control modules for the pressure control function (MSV-025-PC and MSV 026-PC). a) Translation of Intearaf Rate. Previously, ICS module 4-4-3 had an integral setting of 2 repeats / minute. To adjust this rate into the front panel, we set the 5 digit thumbwheel switch per the Instructions outlined in the Vitro manual (Reference 36) on page 6-16. To match the EFIC setting, the ICS values must be converted as: A = B/60 where B = the ICS setting of repeats / minute A = the EFIC setting of repeats / seconds So then, the setting for the ADV repeat /second is 2 repeats / minute or A = 2/60 A = 0.0333 the thumbwheel setting should be as100333 ", b) The Procortional Band. The proportional band setting in the in ICS module 4-4-12 had a " K " setting of

  • 5 ". To adjust this rate into the front panel, we set the digit thumbwheel swltch per the instructions outlined in the Vitro manuel (Reference 36) on page 616.

To match the EFIC setting, the ICS value of ' 5

  • is set as: ADV K!'{06000 000 671 0/ta}}