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Press Release II-96-86, NRC Reschedules Two Meetings 961031 at Crystal River Npp
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/22/1996
PR-II-96-086, PR-II-96-86, NUDOCS 9610230072
Download: ML20129B629 (1)



United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Public Affairs Region II 101 Marietta Street, Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30323 No: II-96-86 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


Ken Clark 404-331-5503 (Tuesday, October 22, 1996)

Roger Hannah 404-331-7878 NRC RESCHEDULES TWO MEETINGS OCTOBER 31 AT CRYSTAL RIVER NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has rescheduled two meetings postponed from earlier this month at Florida Power Corporation's Crystal River nuclear power plant in Crystal River, Florida.

The meetings had originally been scheduled for October 9 but were postponed for weather reasons and will now be held Thursday, October 31.

The first meeting, scheduled for 11:15 a.m.,

is a special NRC inspectjon exit meeting to discuss NRC inspection findings concerning a potential tampering event at Crystal River.

That 1

meeting will be in the plant's Nuclear Administation Building Conference Room 101.

i On September 19, Crystal River employees discovered a coin in a lube oil strainer for one of the plant's emergency diesel generators.

The exit meeting will cover the inspection related to that event.

j The second meeting, scheduled for 11:30 a.m.,

is a special meeting requested by the NRC to dicuss FPC's corrective actions to address weaknesses in engineering performance at the Crystal River plant.

That meeting will be in the same conference room as the first meeting.

Both meetings are open to public observation.

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