ML20101M520 | |
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Site: | Crystal River |
Issue date: | 01/05/1996 |
From: | Harrison D MPR ASSOCIATES, INC. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20101M505 | List:
References | |
102075DHH02, 102075DHH02-R00, 102075DHH2, 102075DHH2-R, NUDOCS 9604050428 | |
Download: ML20101M520 (41) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:At MPR Associaten. Inc. PR 32o xies s><e. - Alexandria, VA.2314 CALCULATION TITLE PAGE Client flot2;pg /2 ;ygg cogpo g y,g,) 0 Page1 oft /'/ Pro)ect ggy,gy gy Qggyzgyygsj gygz(gy,ggzg Task No. Mt:rGUp TA/JK GGGSSuf!! VS. LEVEL l0E*O?f Title (4gg a (OSS jy Spigy py gjgg5yp pyg,p g7gp, Calculation No. !O20750Nh'Q1 Preparer /Date Checker /Date Reviewer /Date Rev. No. Ifkl9I h hf ;, ,Q \\ ~ 9N T'- s e l i i l l 1 5 \\ 4 l 9604050428 96G404 l ADOCK0500g2 j DR
4 ,t f I; MPR Associates, Inc. PR ~~ 32o x'"a street Alexandria, VA 22314 J RECORD OF REVISIONS Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By l0 076dUWO2-ww$ &lb l Revision Description &t}ipafl$wl h wy 6'~, !996. 0 y l ) O O
A <i MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 b Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By lo:07SbMMOL W./m i h0 llEi]O Lo6S /Al IBlu67 70 wrfop puur now /. Punose 'ilu purpou ci ffa ultula% is k gemsb. % loss th khl i luo d &< Hu 'Clow Acm Ha t?w6r k Ha point e le.tL &k W kw h3 He we k c up kk. L < s.v.-l 0>,'s u r wa y.t g y Hu c p it w it c!: w celuwa % tL; in Ha skch c-tuq< 5 Ik lu.e d locsa soc triculab d 4< dosc TF c.i 16 tcutid $7:rio'+. Sou<< Gs/eula 6ok h/99. con P.w: (fW /.) In fl< c / ca s c. ' \\ Vio w f o w t$ w ? T fv I%ith d reducing Ga = M9/ gym l' low 6cm kt to nwkco 'ila wake, hwpci.o fw.< < * % p pump /d speksn doo gpm Q ik.4)w k loo'f i i \\ 2, fuAnu ry or /feuws fs, fla sprei-%' cova'M'cuc, //ie es/a,/sb] /m in I hYol luod hem W l!bH7~ h % hrsh op Yse.l hk in 1.5 : Tolo/ hesc/ /ou / /, f 90'/A (f wi% si loo'i=) = //tes'lcu in I4lnpyc sed thepr/. %- IS)Vid 4c h % /,irpope = 4',0608 G l Noo'lossik b ik (spt. how caflo?)' dec h /ri ju pc i.d = 7,8 0 9 4 4 O o
i T ,se t-MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 lV Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /0 075bHHo2- /hy.,u v3&f) 3. Suuudy of Alemooo:.o6Y i M $ff(0$L Ydl*]Y i !l,t;;H Oh,Y N hub +4 hfl' OPY f.,1 t/l f Ahp 1,m %d on % froevings '/is/cd as A 4 rwa 9. i 'T/u losses dia h p r oddie % iL % pply or d W /osses is & ecmposar : (t/ bow vsk>, wp , )diu,ded h y c la r/p & / fron, +h cowas idis&d. % to/calo% is ihin Hv hilousu, ccekr.a i f)efetnd:rsNc.r c)/,/ is'd (?lchu ?Q(lW [LiG V) dcd!!mtuo% do!>(pr,vnf los5 wfinar f5 (Sed. d /2ipid buy es aud scerpc.uv.4 (%'. C M p 'ilu difaibd n nw,ical suwwwy is povidedin Hu spudslutf i h Mt. ( Jiyuudek 4 1 1 0
1 i, MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 'v' Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By hWan htd /0207SCW//o2- &WOAATic oF Sy3rcu D. '/) 5" 7=7 ), 3, 7'" T = 100y T= iss ar _ _ = _ - - - {. Y - elev = 120.5 4 - H A i 1 Q, = 'l !?/ gpm =0 m i i )41(r/: V e 6i.'P'P'run ies. 4a. l4fspE (2005, dx; [ p 1 (, clev = to45-l 4 s v 7M h/S00/F" jy, g,g p to. kc '6 (MopsuaioQ x Qt = 13fl + /5 05 = 3d f / 7pm
$s e., MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 C) Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /0 "o?CD////02-hajvs Y&id
- 4. Ricnou /%croAL Tin (m%1 Ackr Gr Ha fickon loss in Ha ba wl* lW'bh I""""9) A'"*p,pe tdl/ be hased on Hu.
l'- ~b = { O 'bY dr luo) loss g 9 \\ or, i ' ups:urdin pe: Son /o+s ( 'W/'n = ) bRc* 'hb l D g O tub::, { u Nu dich fchr (ku. sic:&gs) 9:ovi%%s/c,c.(:tso' ( 32.i7y #de ) p 4 H:-t twpht diusis lb /G ') Ha 3(. is is Ha lcuri k< i flu neu (G) D i.s W pybc. nv!'dt c(Joisv !' " [ fl ) V th Hu cus:a.;. ufch ils ilupyu (dace ) Gottbn>ok e9acditm? ' (, wil be dJenv6vd Th< f u eik 6u hv A \\ S = - o,P(, ln h f 51 4 3.7 Affi/ lybts c, Ak 4 $ynv/cN /k., VD y = K'ivwde USw'h' r 9 I O h8 k g gr l ddenuen 2-r, 4r trample. AC 4page /7f. ego +fY l l
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By / 0207Sbl///O'Z- /h/by 7&LL.) y~ t 6 is nu sbsstu b ivuy isus s, 4 Mr tommnics/, irtw 6/a/ptpc & i;, issuaHe, Ygiu. cs 0.000/5 4 (44nuw :,ud.y ) i t bl f, b1C$G14 (CWktL V /5 d VA lk d h Y 0 51'M G lllO ble k k Y coli c th ia /4,'/ ulok Sr f Le is /;//owiuy tup s i i
MPR Associates.Inc. Page [ Preparer:///// gW M/d Print page 1 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 sv~ Checker: Cale: 102075DHH02 (q f DETERMINATION OF FRICTION FACTORS The dynamic viscosity of water at 100F and approximately atmospheric pressure: p := 142.010.lbf ** Ref. 8: ASME Steam Tables (1967), Table 10, page 28010-20 psia,100F 4 A' The density of water at 100F and approximately atmospheric pressure: Ref. 8: ASME Steam Tables (1967), Table 3, page 131,15 psia,100F p:= 0.01613 g 3 The Idnematic viscosityis then: v := E-v = 7.36910 p see The absolute roughness will be assumed to be that for commercial steel pipe. Since the piping is stainless steel, ) there should be little change in serivce. The value is the one normally identified with the Moody curve (see Streeter 1 2nd ed.. Reference 4, page 183, for example) e := 0.00015 A The friction factor, f, is determined from the Colebrook equation (see Reference 4, Streeter,2nd ed. page 179). .I_m.0.86 in + [f (D 3.7 Nrdfj where, D is the pipe diameter, ft Nris Reynolds Number 14-inch nominal oloe: D := 1.1042 A Q := 4291 Sal Q y,9.9g4,,A-Nr := Nr = 1.496 10' i y, 2 i en 9 see v x-4 J 1 1,g f =0.01384 Guess value g := 0.01 f:= root 0.86 in + ( (D3.7 Nr h) hj 6-inch nominal oloe 8"I O 8 D := 0.5054 A Q := 600 V:= V = 6.664 - - Nr := Nr = 4.57 10 2 en D sec v x-1 f =0.01667 Guess value g := 0.01 f:= root -0.86 In + ( (D 3.7 Nr h[ h,gj O i i Mathcad PLUS 6.0 PIPEDP.MCD 3:38 PM on 01/03/96
,' s MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /O:Ot!*DHU02- / kg/w a -13/>J [, douMo/L)E7J7* LOSS doEff/C/E717'S 'fi4is Secb'oin deVctopS Nu $pto'I hcoc/ lo$6 totSc/d0ls for thc dompow1/S in Htt Stysicm etclusisc $ iks St>ca'<jM pipc. itloft Htat Ihac coe{&&n/s iutospors b Hu. fichau. lossa as port c; Ha fofo/ loss; causcpaut(9, 0 is nof luassory h /velus Hu leq.gM oj Hu floo) paHi iv> Ha Sichon loss didnm'noncu. tudde,puuva /, Nu simp /t wthods or/bibd iii cuch In e & sed teAnuas as Gnu (6 Anuu ) pic as<d' iGr comnou eowpowds such as ellone, 4//y op:s-sd pa in s, o n / Saa'dc e & p tes t d 'ost s fs~ e 'h'u p/~/ow /In o u-qk des s, & no t e corrp/u sba' w //un's ol m,'//rr (&4ww 5) sw osd. Tia chuk usfue (% usis1anu a hssedce /<d ww/~'s ss nj:or/k/ 4 F M.T & & 4xuci /,.. 9 O
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By lo2075pl/Ilo2-hb/Abnn 'f0?b.] <, B M T Ex N rhe exN uit h a ssunud A be a //us4, disrp edged ennsua, sud s yatu.e q' t= d,c a// sc w<d (% 4 4reua 2, p d-if ), Nu twksua touid ndua % cow.n.>As ; e K iounding s)Vonk d+swiu; heaaw, Me eliow a porke sup/>ms,ou gh u t htrd, /]v/ C}o nor' cAA>u }lc ccPAj+vmNou, flu Ar// loa /T> a. tle oop ev hsuo n sssum.ed 4 nccourf br lb5 Ottt cFYCHh, e C
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 1 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page // IQ20*?SbH402- / $d w/ i,-- D h 4 Etaows. '7kauqco or bu YMic/cc/ fh of Hun did.) d = /. S 9C
- l
/ en u (/ s" 2, mp-n ) h 90* K = I'/ f., irlan (r i. e, inn i,, m 1 sie - pir ri Heaf bo/h /6 aucl $ t/boh's bsic W :/af; har /Jol'c / l'/- m -f7 =.0/5 so K = t'/ x. o t? = OM b-m {T .0!S K - / </s.0 /S = 0. 2/o ~ /( = [Y)-/ ) [0.25 rrh G +0.fK) + K </5 w/> eo e n = trum6er e>/ fo %bds = f/z. r/d = /. S on d K = /'//r* /( = (l-/)(0.lin{7 /.b~
- 6.l /Vfr ) + /Y{T
/( = '{ (/, /78/[7 + 7(7) + /Y(7-9 9/ (- = /</-10 /( = 9 9/, *'. 0/3 = Of9 (, -in K = 9 9/ r. oir = 0.199 So of/ar MkW/4CC CoVVelf MM e/$o 4045p// col for t/ bold lD$$dS* t$o/4 m MMS 7hos< usettis ok /metu&duir subsaf(ian/ rapes. / p{ //o (6 Ares < cl io) aud /hi//cr &4wuen 3) itsa//is, loss tse(debef.s gewo(/9 4tver flus <. & *JoM t<o/tus. /?cuau f1 AG k'd<.sinod Me ej Me 60sa-/wc/ ond 6eesuse /by n on sonviv/<o/ervsisvorW cony >wvd h e/4e in/ Ads My W// be. O tw/in //u.o/ca/*/taus. l l
MPR Associatzs, Inc. MMPR 32o x'#a street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By hlw wad /ozo7tbiwo2-Ik (t!<4reua t's ) p><wds a com/o% far Hu Malpussinc loss ik a smooth bend, kg, as (/n. W ( rf )* > ft. e lQ = 0.002y / cc 9(Nj#f)## kk i ot a w.1oYou f $4o/ depeech on Goed !2/r. 9: bend au9 c, 4r dcenes. I A/,, = teey no /di hv m ier ff = ndias i,/ cown/:n; ej & den d. iissah endwe ejfh p,hc. y = Aq = 3. 6 ~/or /on g iso <u s cliwev.s e = /,5.:r n. (} Av 0 c Yo
- ac = 0 9 5 " i7,2 ( 9,.) ~^%
fn 8=Y.5 cc - / + /Y.:(se/,.) i.o /4 dc%c //.e /sto/ loss cae(Sciceiss 4//ows k' ' =L.L tv/ure { f' : 6 4/ lacd l'ss = k,, j No's e<pnssian n evo/uaf.ed 14e & 6ys/o/ //ner /V ou/ 4 iceA p&se en IV psjuy /keJdtod. Je com/rored /o & drosu (psgc/d 2.). /%A 90 ', //o X= 0, / VB }$7a,o./VE-n,,9 desou K= 0,i9 z ) 0 '!2 V5' Ho K= o.o93 s y,, =,,,,2 D-osu /(: O, 12 9 0./29 9 Ves loutr lc by do Ar Ha iVin pQc No k cor></o A'cu / k -2f pec u nd ...?
MPR Associates, Inc. d 6 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 IV Calculation No. repared By Checked By Pagel3 /0207[bHHO2 6 v < ~ O/1) Jim,hrly 6 d-miA p>Ne 90 ' /k % = 0,/75 f 7,;= p,93 Crasu K = 0.2/O 'f5" /4 K: O. N'/ 4Ao=0.7y Gow K = o. iv 9 do 6 4 mc.b piju /h's eonclad'rH Qiks low' k by about 20pesuus'. i l ()
e MPR Associates,Inc. Page /Y 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 a Preparer:[L. /Mm Checker. -/M/d Printpage 1 Calc 102075DHH02 (q EVALUATION OF ITO'S EXPRESSION FOR ELBOW HEAD LOSS ) This is an evaluation of the following expression from Reference 10: k(a,0,NR,R ):= 0.00241 a 0 N ' ' -(R ) t r R r For al ebows the radius ratiois: R, := 3.0 (This is a R/D of 1.5 for long radius elbows.) For 14 inch nominaloloe NR := 1.49610' 90 Degree bend: 0 := 90 I# a := 0.95 + 17.2 R / k (a,0,NR R ) =0.143 t r 45 Degree bend 0 := 45 a := 1 + 14.2 R[Id7 k (a,0,NR,R,) = 0.093 t For 6 inch nominal oloe s NR := 4.57.lo 90 Degree bend: 0 := 90 1 96 a := 0.95 + 17.2 R J k(a,0,NR,R,) = 0.175 t 45 Degree bend 0 := 45 a := 1 + 14.2 R[3d7 k(a,0,NR,R,) = 0.114 t O I Mathcad PLUS 6.0 ITOELBO.MCD 3:44 PM on 01/03/96 i
MPR Associetes, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 U Calculation No. Prepare,d By Checked By Page /j~ O LJ /02075bHWO2 wnn /h,'//ce {/adecu c_<. J , p fo ) s'n E. (Y/ p>vvi&s e f of dend loss Cat 49eduf ss et Amt A'en y rN sool & dead cupk 4, a A nolds numJee g /b. y 180 j ,p,, \\, 0.8; 0.4 0.24 .24 150 0.18 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.20 q 0.20 s // / /// N NN
- ' 6 J////
/ /A/ ~NN N /// / / As?/ N NN '// / //V NNN '///// N NN 30 50 W 0 *H d} / O a 30 / w i /
- g...
r g s en 'O ' N \\ i x Ks = 0.02 \\iii 10 i N ii i i e i i { 0.5 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 t I rid 4 Fig. 5.41. Bend performance chart - circular cross-section (Re = 10 ) 6 Se Au coucNeus A' = o. t es Kyg = 0.oer s Tuse va ha b nn lotver +hou obfadud by flu 6ow (4t* z ) iwMod ( (ve a// 4 ru*th r/ bows ou d
- VS* IV 4 t/ dows. 'T/g potws & N-iu b '
ethms ort essedb//tj MtSanu,
( ~ MPR Associates, Inc. MPR 32o xiao sireet Alexandria, VA 22314 (m) l k' Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /02076b////02. A//Artr ~ Wh](J g* 7cc s. /4x/f_y4 (khetu.+ Ge (ri) (,,ci w ) mi//er (&& epa kCA.13) providc6 a nuMoa h 9d Ma l pressurt chau.p t strem a 4c, tnM Ooa> out a rebu d Sigt brauct, The arrouginu>:t 4 ss show ti, Hu sb hh. 0 / h't; Mo inton VUlPtihl$ 15, //V l)>oVtbt 4. Q p B o 4r, P h '/ /c r c'e 4 s u s a y /f,, ss k//ou.5 [ l.[o loss c<reffcasA i g M t i srlus c hiol N = 2 + Y + $ and f r i+ $ l'$ f><) 2 N 3 {,L 2 ) \\ , $f l ~ / } - (I -/ 11, f hi i N, /.:*=- Co / D / t / C -. y I t, -~
- e X, is 9tw, frr uscious Vo/ sus <j seco. suo'//ow r* ham N9 lf.2/. < 6f 3 l
(??7. Iler judicales (p3ov ) /!< of 4r Nr > C'lo' tw cornc k L u,.is o ec dis'. Na in AoNr / </ o u d 4 ti.e J > u u s s u >:nof cu ; u Lo s u t do s o is is c< &c/.) ,4Na. Ao $4: D /y in pjpz = 5 00 -Sk01375" /3..*-[0ir! " /. IC Y 2 A. 3 Oy (o i>,,coja c = 6.6 Ef-2 x 0 2to = L.06Cira ~ 0. Colvi G = 4 = (o con:{ = /.um)' : o.2ogn / / 0 4 2. i LOW b T/o :- V boC ff!+1 &3 = 92fl fpp+1 ki 1 Qi %. 40oy2,,,=0,1397 ~
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 ,U Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By ]l&lw,, 1.2)iJ '***'7 to2075DNW62 Nung % sc Vs/w s n 13.2/ of /6 decucc 3 (kl A &Ilowntgpap Kom g K,, = /. 2 R.,i,, ll~ a run >, l}, i.e esi. ;,d S :.'<.n' An, 6 -4, _1 -2 -z f N1 b{ > 4 I/ Np } 3/ 3 - /L, = .e te c c / -? ly - k = l(,'.:% ' j a2 _. u, ) ( 9 9/ e 7/u fvfor hco/ of / a u d.' ? H = T, + 2 + Rl N=23+b+U3 i 3 e n e: Es //, = 4, + ti? Ns = A, + h ou 9 -s so & fata l /u o d at ! [hott het ths nov/J 1,o1is /ks nuournd Vahu,in</outy 1/a cppesuf Wfia effe) Iteo sm, ~ ?ob ] L H;-II, = As + "e' -k -u? = %-i, ) + ( ?s* *ln ) n $ ~N * $ 4 +fN kh >) 5 / 31 1 n 9 21 t$ 0 2 15 ll3 - N, = kg, bl = i,2 [9'ff?= i,ggy 4 ,p do< u z3
- f. ;g,2
== MPR Associates, Inc. 5 R 32o xiDo street f3 Alexandria, VA 22314 O Ca[culation No. Prepared By Checked By l0WSONN01 l l{yj,,7 'h/J dudvf of Kai Vatues r-cou daeaoxe 3. i ( /. 0 l E 10 ) l,0 ,, \\ M: 'w4 A4B : i.e i.w-a A / og '4 ,/ /, x / / 4 l / / 5 / f,/ I'/* lt/t (e breyffi ,/ 4 m Os / /,//,/ / l/// // A ,T,,-/-/ / 0,21T2-,- ,s / Ul 9tr g / ,y 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Flow ratio. Q,/03 Fig.13.21'. Dividing flow: branch angle 90, loss coefficient Ko (v/
MPR Aesociates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Jh&,iu_ -by " ** I 9 lo2075bl/Ho2 /VF /Vr /0 /$es/uc/R c; N d f7/a h flow in Me run besu ele or ly. (o// /4'tu ) k sin g }'hi //cr (r:/ J , t ; /!.: 3 ) Acc d>//civiu g fay. 7 $' r (iis //c ca id Arn.e A ] o G, -6:'/Th90
- * ( "ls + d, ) -( l9 3
4, .. lN j \\ G
- 3. /12 ?
sh oto c [: 0. O'l 1 cdra. 4, = 4 : (no bro ub Clo w ) f " Ils - Is , d,- k =k;,N 32 t ) 2, y3)3 v l fonyso c h /Ai &ik letc r.!ciu.,
- f. = l.6 ?53 4..'h /.loyi li
[DI := 0. o/3F W A 1533 - o,ot3 /,loV2 'liu fvitho>1 loss slow is eormwho f less, so use IOO,o'/ i 6172) ll06, flu Valalik $VoMko/ 20{ tvou/J'gitc 2010.O/3f(f: C.27? 'p houar Hof ib /$r A./2t)se //inoo! A/h'uy, sjef om M% A lNJ frno o //t inkn.5. // /s hof c;ytnif ob}&r 7%'s ease. d l l
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. repared By Checked By "** A U IO2076bWI402 / :/kv,,,,. ~/?)tJ ~ (dots MILLffl, b kttMC4 5, (2Ag C 0lV h 0.5 3 ---*- 0.4 45-90* 0.3 0.2 / 0.1 f '~T (O o.ov-* y-\\_ j 0 -0.1 - 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Flow ratio. Qi 03 / Fig.13.23. Dividing flow: branch angfes of 45-90*, loss coefficient Kn i I
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /0207foW/02. ha /MJ ~ d dy_A 169 (I" ) J f/ou in nin suc/ so/ 6routi, no /kough tuu !/ow. t I li:. w //u w 1f.oci in u, 9, /?it/k < ( 6 f 3 ) p 5o9' / 59 /?.2 / Re pagc /t A, = /. o y Q, - /. O Uo E, = /. / 5 g /Gi - [::+[3)-[b'+[,) y 4=k i !f 2 I s, ~ s 2 ka - I
- l. / ? b3 T
= MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street w Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /C207601/U02 / \\ </ A /n r ~ 0b(N i j d v fx (o Nt f73) 4 l flow in tion bra u ch on 19 l ,4c if, //a /WIVx/O ke, lh E /123 in }Wiler l& & 9 g/us a K g
- o. oY t % A 1 h fier>r /oss in //:.t. run bs A johse hould k '
L = 0 934 7 4 D = 0.FoEYE 4 l= 0. 0 /4 4 ' so t 0.0/$'sW 0-l?O _ on/q au all .so 9, g,:;n'g dolo!Y; f&m lo s s, a s w> vid go yy be ueecJed s K = _0.04 blWrik $K ,4 - S L [74'b ~,$W l/ floto is [h tv u s,l1 UL tu n. ln ff o 's tesc Hu Arm losses tvould hof }c h//y Na/ip/ om6'/ of4r & conpowkff Jyonesse, ho//ej Hu dr&d he /ou w'// de usul, }( = 6. 0 2 0 O
+ MPR Associates, Inc. 3 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 V Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /0:07504//O2 fe m -f0Q O3 d. Gsre VAwes i lo i>hh - (uuv-St, puv-f.z, uuv4 5) 7~hese pd Vo/t cc M// Ac. ecmph klet cren. The o'esuiu 7 !a-Inw-52 des no f chow sny +cheNon et srer h w u.; /r H.e Vs/sc. &anc (12c,c 2 , p it-:7 ) te com me < <4 E= ff, i+/are (7 co nu s S om a vs i/<.>, p x-u, ad 6 4:., n, n.'- / p)>e n , os5, so yc. o/Sx ? 0v er K
- o. i2
= O
MPR Associates, Inc. 3 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 O Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /02076bHll02. l(nw.,, -{?bt>J e. @/EcK VM f/6 biuh /MOV ( 6-on e loin Sa 14 clas>, scuing clack ) deartc [6f 2 , p t]-27 ) gnes s. /f ps/ac e wAm Hu drsk 4 &/ly /,A/.j Sof Sr Me comlikon /Gr Mis ca se, a s 4r & ps b. Vo hs, {, tur// se hkeu dom w fa th ou p x-x, id. (7 e.otr so ,g = fo<.oir = o.71 fnic vo/w is eenet/ on/ii // Hu Vs/u // /u//if opt 8. pd In E/V!/ NP 5V?9 (/k & ) octual kidas sx ei&H fJr 6 to - 6 oo /s c%>u vs/cc '/&ai show 1/ And not 5 'i.- of)ln unb'/ //u idloth, nd.k toldVnOr, tc.atli: // E d.:<.' douk9tunf4, Adult-do of etely (o '7 4/su f tvill hot be 4//y open. /n Nr.* ~' so s e :% Mys/tu & HI &//y optx t ele c M// be ho /ow, since & web //ty 7 oper, dieA W// tr4d the w //u:.a s/><ssu. nb
T , I, MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 g 'y/ Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page g "c- /02075bild C2. khs, tao -t% Som /es/ ol (c. on avoo'Is ble i, Ac41eiro-la o [t't2 l alp-S</79, /Jppeac/& D, pn Hre coid' ivoler .,d>ecwie />vp 1haour/r 4 coincn6ints/ fois< swa7 elud pa/ve s/ Vonolis o'reA sup~les. 'ilu Hvh c tvw a.1%une lo 500 /4 Vobe 7/u va/p.c ik Crysto/ 6s&., a s 6a:a (, - Boo /b en/cc. igyko;<.g/, /kc a/tt6 sic not MtnNeo/, //wie Jehnor c4ould Jc ctim '/<,r. IiMdC fr?o/ve A Y $ce f/){/h f/nll t itM$ krlltj of(;f //u </isA ha d eaning :A., 7s *.and /Ad >'/}is r4,t/c,, tvAcn sp> en ronddon tua s e %, ii., chi / Jr 1.6 to -sy a./u., \\ pelo u V pa v.pc. Ric comspm/., A itu a'sa a l.'</ m 7 0 G 3-Y irh<c4 :A ow.s //y/h d s/ shout m rnu &do.-i f&Pa (nu i.' loc aik tvu 4//y u y ~ y 4/s c<, ist Ma t point (/O-ti f/se-) & porssuic c/>vp sc<wss ffa palus (Sn680*t~sCv)&w o. Cp.ei. /]t //u esnu. n./.oa}, s pn esuie daip6L is;3oo t % 'rG tialet ovpe>kc/ u //f;-5"79 op issenRo//y & conu - of,cu. { t // Mll be a4svnuel /kaf /he l'rois c d-300 su.aue cluele hetw:s //u tonu as r% /4a'-% 4-Eso cw,.e;-clack vaha Apt cua%.b o/ A/P-GY7'i. 7/u &% / upe>r nptoli/ tu t gdes {s ffu / achQ Va/d: 9 ( // euwe (Ar,,D-7) 6} dsk o"t e es s AueNcv L. l l //ow veloc.<fy. i ' A cutyc (N /)-li) f /oto d.odf%'cuu/ 6$ e butb f / esk ough. (Sec /u 16//otolus pspes..) /H Hu ie4reyc.e celacd e.d 4 7 '/s<e i>> f/u din p.piu 3 - y l /kL OSk' 0Mtjk bok< fE ttn d-7 km.!// be b0* u i 'l
i MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /0207601lll02-l Nnsv> $4 LJ p?ou EPAZ //P-547f Ashtw b DISK POSITION vs FLOW RATE Bustw rut, 204 _ THEORETICAL gg a y,,, yoj, g,, 7,. } f ) 60 m (..? 1 I O k i so - /
- 2. /,
10 / 0 0 4 3 12 16 20 24 Tiow YeleoUy,fpe BASELINE TEST RESULTS FOR 6" SWING CHECK VALVE FIGURE D-7 /-
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /hks./Nen j?dW
- EI
/0:0750HND2. Fnou E1427 A/P-6979 frGnua f. VALVE FLOW COEFFICIENT vs. STOP ANGLE 8 Inch Sudng Check Test Yalve 1.6 1.4 e 1.s 4 / a -fgd 1.8 - e. < n 1.1 7 1 2 / 66 0.8 - r t f 0.8 !? 40 44 48 68 66 60 64 68 Duk stav Anale. Dee. Cy TEST RESULTS FOR 6* SWING CHECK VALVE FIGURE D-17 l
~. t 1. ~* MPR Associates, Inc. MMPR 320 King Street l 1 Alexandria, VA 22314 \\ Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By 1020Mblol02. / eswr~ Old 2 it,, %f c/.rk suy!< Aou< K /)-17 /e /igo yse dy t 9 0 1 & oud K on.n/aud by % Allotuiu9 apressiah (6a>u, def' 2, p 7-+') G I ' ','b' '# '' " "l" " K'= 29/ d \\ d = 4 o45 in Il (iv), ~ g = MI (4.045) 9,9jjf // fro
- 1 Ii e i
11w is sla qMi h 'nla r firsu Hte o. 75 ps/tu obtaiwc/ tosin ' dv' an e- [yA l 2) Hhit.h ne m uanda/ 50 9 1 l fu pse K = 0 9/2 !O
MPR Associates, Inc. f 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By lo:076DHil02. $lyw m 0A l>J 4. Aow6 losriis no Guswn.>r /oemncenov Tivs secf'on +obulahs Hu tomps>nin/s ana /cu7 r of shalph/ pipe l H fom w t&tv6rouHd to He-in lo s motu,,a tiek. fe/' drowt Pl4or-Hfit(off i9wir Alo$st.e. y . pi - t3wsr-r erw \\ 'm! " '1 L = 7 ' 7j - 2 / " = 769y -i.7co - s'syv 6. GI-90eisoui pga 90 eis~ h tee na,- (_ = 7 'L -al" ' f3 3 ~ =
- v. Soo - i. 7co - o. 7<7 - 9. tn n.
i 7/a. - Tee !!un IVelblo dad. 7ec ~i ~ " t'*D' % o i. l 3 P2b - fee helbo ,,).. '~} q7 _ g,,_,,^,5 'o " L er i,. = 24. 4 2 7S-: Si, Il,, '&< 2.f G ~~f 1 ft 8 l. e l_ = 24.l.E?C-2.1.f?5-o. 9ic ?.ri t9.3 ~.} T L = %. !.I'is c t <'g'b \\,. -l + a E Ger.' c 84 '3 [_- gg yp ,gg u.un t-4 E2 - dhowYS * . pg -o niesivu. cisnn heitow 1.5 g e 2./.. ~ 4 4 ( E =k tz.r
- k
<j / - }Tf-l, RI" g .7i tau :2.r = ?.si?iu e = o,725 n. - L kn,J.awip. t / L = 3'9%r - 2F = 3.101 ? ' 0 7 z r " t.3 52 4. oO /101t.: Alpo'ug ord torypow11 Itm1 wnbtvs are erlihnrg Assi e>, & drowiap W<i sic n/o&/ h :reda, tdcnkMe%pwn/S, Ad num/<rs a % 6siviup, i.c, @ th.
I MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 ) ,. m Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By lA(4 50 1020751)llH 02 (y n \\ A)ot c/co< ide&< //are is a s Aort run ofp,)>c Jehrun m. e/bou oxd W fee. t\\ s ',; i, -.k rce t---1 /d'4 /
- ou 5 /' */ '
W,} q i_._ ii I s y. G = 0 72f'G o 7 d G cA,~,w I 3/" ' 7 y - E' = // &> c te no p pe l tf / /. L4'l - 0,7:5 = 0.fEl,0 Il
- O.fi7 A -(nop,pc) 7/ - i yx ivx 4 dd 7, e l
,Ph! ~ [ Tec /v 90 t'tho cu ) IS g g,y, g, f s bud L = 5 o g - 9'- o.7 E/4 p (km ?fo) le L -*l L = 50521-o.7to -o.7tt } 5'of' k r' L = BMLf' E4 - fo'e/how f6 - Verf. run ebw-t/ bon J h hawfun is nol chor on //iejos *ou o/ 9] D l3 1 % Iru$ oFo/ p p. 6. u se etevo s us. 'gro , ('* S ~K EN beniujjAowrue,%hoMNo/W
- !g',,'.) _.h 1
t1ur< is a. vn/su 4 /8 'gl ee M ~ L ~I!'408 <,-wn,,, o,u.aaw, u ig.tst f - so rewi/ &cis ,YL - gg' g 4 ij' g 5" 'I' M # echt,,513f 2 L = l2. 6 29 - P, = /7. is! 4 v r~ . = - - O GS 90'e/ho w G Sa. ' M c/h oes 3
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. repared By Checked By 102026l)lill 02. bbt./.mn -t!8J pf, - ebw 4 t/ bow di-otuiu /5 froCltoG /Atit Af(>cw h be ybw d'tutit$icus ' howcew, j) 411ot eu'dtul telulhv May su h Ha suohh. pint i ij & t/T'emw or m wc/ s'u % sMgH,ospe. I aj ' q "
== l G, 4 i ~ Ab. / / q"S'n 45* j l ' dir<> 9" k 15' i f Y f hSV( ) ~ $ca Y[ = lA.7$tn YklM b'M1/R$ltf>f /'S lD V-l/cl J2 72 Vin - So d.'m/tisicy 15 h ncIci = Lr 't,y - 9,, = 3. 523 4. i q E 6 - 90 e/ boca l e p7-elbow e/ bout tera w ci L = 9.o - 2x9hz = 7.6oo 4 1 G 7 e/ bow __
- g' "'J' . rs,a;
"~ inu tt-St - 4 " Go ta voin ( +/-47 ) T v a% y R-?>; -H
- o:v-P47 Lefue<u. rAlves.
L= of? if 4. 4,w s o w,u(. l l MuV-do 4 " c h ek volve (Vf-Y9) T2 - lo -tet - (ou f les utir ) - i s
c MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria. VA 22314 Calculation No. repared By Checked By Page ~_-Q 102075bHH 02- ' abs OU ~ P Tz -/29 - ice h fo </40u) i i = t ' - /ce b, .eIso a % rea be sa e E ) 7 L. = 20 - 0 '/4 9 - 0. 7CO== fo.7?I}! l E129-ISI - 9o* elho w p/3/-/53 -[ the-e/f** N 'e/, / [ 7.ff/3 +.M7f // o\\ M R,. 9;., 3 t(, = 9 (w ;M* = 2 7Y/ in / 9"q L - 7.62/3 #01575 - 3329 7779 4. " / *., l '" e 5)$3-/55 - yS*ellso u)
- E
o p/35-/3f- <//sav h e/4ow s-e, = 3. 7 rem -w 1 > o.7T' N -el j i - lj,q /fo 7 + 3. V2 71 A L = //.yll 7 + 3Nt7/ - 0. 75' - P2P = /3713 4." / Z, E/57-/y/.- fo-elbow P/VI-/V2. ellsow h e/fow (_ =.9. coo - 210.7fo = 6.S*oo 4. ' ~ G/y2-/yy-Qodbou o P/VV-/S/- <))>ow h e/ bow L = 2.500 + ll. 000 + l0. 000 + lo Coo - 2>'. 0 7 c =
- 32. 50 0 G/SI-/S3-90-t/ low O
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street y Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By / 0207$ D4HO2. w> 8Alu P/54-/S2 - erb.w to fu elfwYf y N ! (.75K _ g,,y,4 I .7ffau 22 C m f o.3// # V, i i s 4_o__- w 5 [ l " /.270 + 1. 0133 + 0. 500 o 4 = YR3 4 v l e 7'Q (_ - VP!! - 0. Bil -0.750 =.$.77}4. g ~ ys. E/R-152 - 45'elbou> j~~ )#f/ }
- P/40-/S!- c/L~-<!A ~..
4 ) - o,,1 >*^ 75% M T, rm. s L = 1. 07/ 0 - 0. 7fo - 0. ? // ~~~* ~~ ~4.pio 4. c ,",. a " O' 2 # A O o G/(,0-/42 - go etto a 6/6 2 -/4V - fo'</soM ~ V;'.
- P/11-/44-L = d. coo + 72fo + 7.2fo + 7.2fo + ?. 2 To + /t.:fo + /,o - :.7Co
'c/how h r/how 1, l= 52 50 - = $o,750 4. S/77-/79 - fo* h*9/79-/P2 e/how h ethov) f l = L/,Soo + 4.:S .u,750 ?.?f-/.So = 725 4 = ~ fill-/fy - fo'etb6w g
- P/ftf73 e/Jon&+c, (as.bu;H dimn.:o*ps useJ)
?* E l
- 5,3 3 > + o.jit7 + o,0[o - o.750 - o. 93 2 Y ?$}"$'
L = 57914 T3 - Otst ra.X (h o pi e dehew te ou d Volve ) p MW-4 2 6 Gob vont $2o4-2o7 -voh c h, win L = o.9/4 7 4 (s s-bM) MOV-43 4
- 5a5 va/cc O
U P2/o -TV Mov-U h T /_ = S.Sooo + 5.S</i7 f35h = / o,S'13 4 / T4-lxk4 fee. ~
MPR Associates. Inc. M R 32o xima street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. repared By Checked By Page my /0207@//// 02 ,,,mh_. ybo /? pin 9 dom /)1sh pp Tor /c h ?)c th foim! i This tos/ormah'ou truc/ fo rshb/ah po/unse of p,* o'ay, p fe4veuce o'eswiuj PI-Jor-fis Si,It,.1 h P 77<- 9' - makeup foe k k e/La w {i e l ' /Yfo - = /V o o /7, e EleoW-90
- Pd-/2 - e/Lew h r/bo w
( = /. 0 0 4 /. 000 * ?.2 f0 - b d. loo = 6'< 7f0 4. j !ataus - 90
- TEE 4tVt3 ~ dun (4 7tuc%unisus' P29-27 kc h Va/Ve-
'" ' 070 35 4 lj ~. b 5 5 5 + 2.572 9 - o.t11/.2. L' I = muy-M '/ c/ reek vsIve. O I.itt7 4 p 3y.52.. eluck va/v< A, 'Kellosu L = 3. coo +o.svrt-o...o7 = 3 'Ist St 61 sow-f6 h A5 4 - 5 7 e/hou /v ether u' L= */, ovo - 2 x o,2u7 = 0,fts it ( , N 22.5 ,, ( I'0 # 201 4 / 0 ".M. J 0 (! 37 Vf'e/ bow us2 /3VLt/-ff elbow lo volt < t' / '= 0, V/4 7 + / JOY 2 - 0 20 7 = /.5/V N. ~ nivy-ty valyc. L 21 o. 446 7 4 o f fi-!/'l volet fu elfoso Lc 4 ibb7 + stt5 + 9.7too +.ttss +9.4tt, + V. blo +.?.o + '/.T53? + 7.?oo - o.4[6 7 N[
- l. = fl.fil $.
l SL80V/ 90' P 58-K ci6 ~ h ribow ~ L ~. E22 f + 9, foo + to. coo -. coo .1 x c,5* Lr _I. 323 6. J elbow 9po
- /.
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By iozonoue /k/wi,,L '~ A bl~b f elbosu /o e/bosa (t< se at-but // ) L = J,5 533 - 2xo,5 = /,553 4. ~ ^ ^ ~ ~'- &~Leow 90' I PTY-7/ e/Los.. h he f Ker de Ameusiax su,37)
- l. = [/04,5/oYC) - o. foo - o, yg 7
/ 3 tee 4 c 414 - Bra sse h OO l l l
- O
MPR Associates, Inc. R 32o xima street Alexandria, VA 22314 (- Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By IO20751)HND2. ftV/.y>rn Od . Sri:N/Mtb Thi d/ MEN 6/0U $ /?g(: ASA/E8//,,f (/ff3)(&f '?h Tju se dimws/ 1s are 11sid k chblah Ha leuth$ of56af Idp,5*, 0 f Tlo - /YxIV'/0 de ducipe, sic (64) ) &7 J /Vih Bo IV 00 - 0. 37f is, too// MS Jo.7f op - Oo 34 fin toa // 6rt f h fl //.0 w [D9) E.- j,g3g g'* IP av - log H (2Y9) n -l
- 0. 2YV 4 Tl
/VY / Yx d (4 a u c o's' A Tic (W) l 6 in - "4.4:f e ' A 2fo wo// /3/, 2 i t#1 i l 1-d // j /.f33I 4 7 i 9.375 (?'f} o.71! 6. O
, /;. MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 O Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By 10207CbHWO2- /kn lAfD T2 4x4xd sr. 9 ^ T3 fa m.
- l. t,75 x o zso na /1 PA, 9 I'
d ( St.25 0 9324 (l'/3) Y y I i =, 0.694. = h*II(/'/a) l l (~~x L,) Yf dxd*4 AA 9 fin Micom x 6,257 Aio// = f, o :{, /.C k) i 1 4 l 5425 '. O.f!f,G. (/'/3) L-- l i 0* V$l k 5/EC (/50) 8f. 9 75 9'Y Yx 3 Sin =
- 3. Coo ob x o. zig ua /i - ?.otalio
[ n tyrve Vo/ = Y./26 0, f,ff ft. dos) 2-02 '$bl? O + E 3.of,(*x .87{ T9.bE - O H 1 t{ 2 pr-l 0.323 4, lo5 92i + 17.3oi = l2 2,31l in'3 !.E75 ( 79 }
.i* ~ MPR Associates. In:. l 320 King Street p Alexandria, VA 22314 i l V Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By IC2075DHl./ O2 hc. hb ) 5 c~. - '/. &fseeixES /. F/on'ok /snev 6rpos$c>>, ' //owstoIc nut-l /adies[d k drerpiuurc rs. /udics&d bit /, ' 6Ic. a9v-ooS3, Ay,: tif/c ibehnicl terhic^us && Pf9f-b:?: oudt'i /fo OttA!!)~55'U2blf d 7.. $ro nd dompo n ej. f~Iow of f~/u r'c/s %vugh h/ng R$ d P,ka, Ti ck ti a l 14 p<< 4t o, Gue,s u Co rsp o n 1, Utw l 'orl<, (1988) / Inknial fiow Si s/tws pQa sud 3. D. S. /H,'//.er, i fe r f w n a n a /St d e N eri fecond Ed,%'o u, Guw A,u;/,,u yous/oir (,ca-Seuret &#psny, p fornin<, /s.Y )(i990). V d, y [. 3%c:4r, fluid Afr$ls;~s.t, fecond fd kcn, hic p ow-IC//, / Jew t or/c, (/ fff) / S~. If. Icle /c/>>k, Me. deo o/c cf //i,o'<w/r c 6si<% rix, decond Ed,%, //(misplan, lus:/>n9 vy (/964) / 7teos labd and Ed,/cd />g. 6,t'.Mo/ys yskoy4, M s,h y,er k u,si,d fe u d (o, Elechic l'su<r disisrch /ushhte, /Spp//Ls,you Guidi/nus fu l'/ude lis'/in ik >Jachsy / owr p/sv>'s,, " J EP/2l NP-547 9, fo rus e-1 l 96f. w k)Y$ $$ H ff$$ A l s' I h f/1 / ff $, -Gode lorought %//!uheidntr Rh%
- fa ehe,8/4 9 If f! /4SM6 Mew %A /ff5
I 4Skt- .OO \\ 8, Anedeen SexieH, el n'et4onics/ &%i> urn, 'YIM/E 6/com 7s~ />bs, 09/f, Utw hk /9d7. l
MPR Associates, Inc. R 32o ximo street Alexandria, VA 22314 l\\d Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /020750NU d2. l y/j YN& N rw fEFE/2&2/CVS f(omelb 4. Flor >'da l'Iowr doepodnnoN, Casin fiwn ibuT, (/vir IVo,3 i D&:tvw& S PI-305-Bib, sb. Sor 5, &v. 0 - Scismic /)isysm, 0.II, dyskm, becay // cot Atmovat Som Decsy Hest fuwp 3-B h Pen M 3YS. " PI-305-86/, sh 20f 2, &n 0 - Seismic l>Is:rse, M M. Syskm ^ Rom Borsbd bla&r %y 7s~v2 fv /Moktuh Aiw,c duchdis." 0 PZ -30f-858, :h 2 of 2, he; o - Scismic f)isgr>rr, M.U. Sejskm, "t rom MUV-49 t'u /Wakt-up Pump ~ Sucho n: 34-38-3C ^ N. Z/o, "/&cssort losu.s />> SmootA /3hc /!cus, Enusackos /o. c)/ Me /VS/W(, Sen't$ O, Journa/ o/' /3ssie F8p>cero'uy, /)1 orch /9 4 0, paps /3/-/V3. O
e' /; MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /ozo?swioz JAda 00J """
- k
<~ bpevonc /4 Tinh sppuchir <msids dj s pnktod sj Hu. cpcod ch<ef ased 4,ocr4>rm Hu p/cas s>c inpu sn M s M c is/calo hci< q Jusc/ lo s s. 7/uviajon}7h<y 1/a vo 14 om oHur ie/w/n f ws, sprod shut pirr%u s /!.i iG//u wix9 sinyik o /en f.d- & b>l=(f fl() 1 Anc/ //asi cunic /A:. Vs/tas. I 7/:t i%:^ m idn4%d a feeAou 4. Tiu toes A;ih,o e: o4focue/ rfow Se<,% S Tlu & cd c'.< ;&ehr as c obtoavc/ is Se eM '/ I l
( 4 102075DHH02 MPR ASSOCIATES,INC. j w C llem Nom. Description Ref Straight Elevaban Camp Flow Pipe Comp. Friction Velocity Velocity Combined Head Slas Dnwg Pipe Flow Diameter t/D Total Factor Head Head Lee Loes 4 ? Length Length Loes Coeff } in F1 Ft Ft Ft Coef ft/sec ft K ft N8WST 14 outlet nozzle 120.5 0 1.1042 0 0.5 0.01384 9.984 1.548 0.5 0.7730 P1 14 pipe 416 5.844 120.5 1.1042 5.292519 0.01384 9.984 1.548 0.073248 0.1134 E1 14 90 elbow 416 120.5 wrt 2.7489 1.1042 0 0.182 0.01384 9.964 1.548 0.182 02817 P2e 14 pipe 416 4.833 vertical 1.1042 4.376924 0.01384 9.984 1.548 0.060577 0.0038 T1e 14-10 14 runtee 416 vertcal 1.8333 1.1042 0 0.04 0.01384 9.964 1.548 0.04 0.0610 P2b 14 pipe 416 22.3584 vertical 1.1042 20.24851 0.01384 9.964 1.548 0280230 0.4338 3 E2 14 45 elbow 416 vert-45el 1.3744 1.1042 0 0.129 0.01364 9.984 1.548 0.129 0.1997 i i P3 14 pipe 416 2.352 45 engle 1.1042 2.130049 0.01384 9.964 1.548 0.02948 0.0456 E3 14 45 elbow 416 45el46.3 1.3744 1.1042 0 0.129 0.01384 9.984 1.548 0.129 0.1997 T1 144-14 red brlee 416 86.313 1.1042 0 1.2 0.01368 9.984 1.548 1.2 1.8574 Sum 35.3874 32.048 2.18 2.623544 4.0008 P4 6 pipe 416 3.521 86.313 0.5054 6.966750 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.116136 0.0001 E4 6 90 elbow 416 86.313-vo 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.664 0.000 0.21 0.1448 P5 6 pipe 416 17.188 verticei 0.5054 34.00871 0.01867 6.664 0.000 0.580025 0.3000 E5 6 90 elbow 416 vert 105 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01067 6.664 0.000 0.21 0.1448 E5e 6 45 elbow 416 105 0.58005 0.5054 0 0.149 0.01067 6.064 0.600 0.149 0.1027 P6 6 pipe 416 3.583 105 0.5054 7.089434 0.01067 6.664 0.000 0.118181 0.0815 E6 6 90 elbow 416 105 vert 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01067 6.664 0.000 0.21 0.1448 P7 6 pipe 416 7.5 vertical 0.5054 14.83973 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.247376 0.1706 + E7 6 90 elbow 416 vert-96 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.21 0.1448 l MW-58 6 9ete W -861 96 1.323 0.5054 0 0.12 0.01667 6.664 0.000 0.12 0.0827 P47 48 6 pipe -861 0.5729 96 0.5054 1.133558 0.01667 6.664 0.600 0.018806 0.0130 MW40 6 check
- 4 61 96 0 0.5054 0
0.912 0.01667 6.664 0.000 0.912 0.8200 l T2 644 brtee 861 96 0.5054 0 1.13 0.01667 6.664 0.000 1.13 0.7792 P129.T2 6 pipe -861 6.781 vertical 0.5054 13.4171 0.01667 6.664 0.600 0223663 0.1542 E129131 6 90 elbow 4 61 vert-104 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.664 0.600 0.21 0.1448 P131-133 6 pipe 4 61 7.778 104 0.5054 15.38979' O.01667 6.664 0.000 0.256548 0.1760 E133135 6 45 elbow 4 61 104 0.58005 0.5054 0 0.149 0.01867 6.664 0.600 0.149 0.1027 P135-130 6 pipe 4 61 13.783 104 0.5054 27.27147 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.454615 03135 Q3.130141 6 90 elbow -861 1044ert 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01067 6.664 0.000 -0.21 0.1448 yJ141142 6 pipe 4 61 0.5 vertical 0.5054 0.980315 0.01667 6.664 0.600 0.016492 0.0114 E142144 6 90 elbow 4 61 vert 106 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.21 0.1448 P144151 6 pipe 4 61 32.5 106 0.5054 64.3055 0.01667 6.064 0.000 1.071973 0.7302 E151153 6 90 elbow 4 61 106 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.21 0.1448 P156153 6 pipe -861 3.772 106 0.5054 7.463305 0.01667 6.064 0.600 0.124415 0.0858 E156-158 6 45 elbow 861 106 0.58005 0.5054 0 0.149 0.01667 6.064 0.600 0.140 0.1027 P160158 6 pipe -861 6.01 106 0.5054 11.89157 0.01867 6.064 0.600 0.198232 0.1367 E160182 6 90 elbow -861 10thert 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.664 0.000 0.21 0.1448 E162164 6 90 elbow 458 vert 104.5 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.21 0.1448 P177164 6 pipe 858 50.75 104.5 0.5054 100.4155 0.01667 6.064 0.000 1.673027 1.1543 E177-179 6 90 elbow -858 104.5 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.664 0.000 0.21 0.1448 3 P179182 6 pipe -858 7.25 104.5 0.5054 14.34507 0.01667 6.664 0.600 0.230132 0.1649 E182184 6 90 elbow 858 104.5 1.1781 0.5054 0 0.21 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.21 0.1448 P184 T3 6 pipe -858 5.781 104.5 0.5054 11.43846 0.01667 6.664 0.000 0.190679 0.1315 Sum 167.2000 330.9654 5.129 10.64619 7.3414 T3 6 runfee -858 104.5 0.9367 0.5054 0 0.04 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.04 0.0276 MW42 6 9ete W -858 104.5 1.1666 0.5054 0 0.12 0.01067 6.664 0.000 0.12 0.0827 2 2 P206-207 6 pipe -858 0.9167 104.5 0.5054 1.813811 0.01667 6.664 0.600 0.030236 0.0200 l MW43 6 gate W -858 104.5 1.1666 0.5054 0 0.12 0.01667 6.064 0.600 0.12 0.0827 P210 T4 6 pipe -858 10.573 104.5 0.5054 20.92006 0.01667 6.064 0.000 0.348737 0.2405 T4 646 half run tee -858 104.5 0.5054 0 0.02 0.01067 6.664 0.000 0.02 0.0138 Sum 11.4897 22.73387 0.3 0.678074 0.4682 Sum el 11.8704 y tv1.1 h) ' l e m J by, 6 flJ 3 QuestroProWin6.0 CRPIPE.W82 03 Jan-96 _. _.}}