ML20101M511 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Crystal River |
Issue date: | 01/11/1996 |
From: | Harrison D MPR ASSOCIATES, INC. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20101M505 | List:
References | |
102075DHH01, 102075DHH01-R00, 102075DHH1, 102075DHH1-R, NUDOCS 9604050423 | |
Download: ML20101M511 (38) | |
4 e
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 CALCULATION TITLE PAGE cilent f&oftil)g /]op)Ei2 (0!?P0/?8/0U Page 1 of gg Project x)g,9y gp Qggyyy7gy gpgggggg(g Task No.
AKKTUP 7XIJE /MfSSU/!E VS. lbVEll l0 *Olb~
Title g gyisttuu A'LlowxeiE AMMejn TA/>/<
Calculation No.
/0:07?/) W D/
Preparer /Date Checker /Date Reviewer /Date Rev. No.
bhNmn k6..hlNG '
'~ll~90 g _y_ g lllll%
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i b\\
'J 9604050423 960404 i
PDR ADOCK 05000302 l
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 RECORD OF REVISIONS 1l Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By
/ hlty f;;f ffju) l
Revision Description O
/nif'o( /$ w e i
4 l
4 O
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 f.
Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By loto7CN///or sl dyucn hd</
5 MAX / mum /1Lloli)A8(2 /lkKGut' [wt /kESSUG~
/?ui?is 6L-I o
Tiu. purpusc of Hiis da/cu/af'on is /o deRac % nu/hoa' h edsblish Hx maximirm picesene in Hu. makcup onk l
e that Wil a1sw< Htst p/ //a ninheup pony):as km Ha
/sof en/tr /k cats'en s tuhtir Mic
/3tv6 7 &< c/ ecaclas ff% louu.+ opera Auy /ci.e/
Suu w:n y
% Allowiy evp>:ssibn 16e the limik; picssaic sh Hu wohcu.p Ya nk is derind:
oO u
-6jEngEs-(a e4S 2 +p,$ g-a%.-p4}~
3,e E
% =Tsut+
b tvla d.,
pm, = YnMimum allowed iAr'halpnssure in % wo.1aup%lc Ibf/fs t (obsoluk)
Ysot = SohvaHO' Ptremt la hakh % mVtupkk.
Ibfl{1' (a bsolub. )
ideusohj of I,'goid'in +1a r,ekeup fovk Ib/G3 fm a
(>s :-
1, o
9: pavifoliwal ocalevo%
4/se2 1h = pucssun at Husurfves f Hu I?tasT, /Wl4'(oholub )
Es : eleva% 4 wrfau.y wkin 13wsr, G.
r Fg : ranimum ocup1obic klevohm ej tuakein tvsup k k,+ ; p s 'n, 4.
Ej c tltvalion of Ha hp 6; % pip < at W hr-il polnl.
I MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314
Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By haud yfftJcu/
to:o7?C mto!
2)Nu = headlos s th hpijing'a/p,)
hm & didst h hL-iri point, 4
i pelocih, el lt'ow ot' At.m point, 4/u<.
$(Y, C, b ) is a (uucket deGrud in anoHtwearculak (/d r)
M ust y.w mo/c ra A'o of Ni h A/, in mskesys fouk par C : iAiWo/ pas t<olumt in hukcup fok ss A.
i dec Acn n' & foto/ i s/ume.
Ko : //unumbtr of co/cula//wto/ sf p di sca'aciuy y
&.tvabr 14/ tant in % Jushup /syk hgtoo fi ds k e us /u a b / dy /Modesd%d & usads see.
O pucaab/ on Nu,wintou/ on roages. f**/Awuph 7
fim SAows yk a//o cuo64. pressua m'hui' aud inA4 allowouct fre //u. maximum error.1/a % makeup auk.
f jere/ opo' prt+surt. (/en/ error :.7;n, pressure enw t.tzpsi, k A rm uee 3, page 33)
On 7, ages. S //re.y/1 / / a esi pnaan o,' wa usui's of Hui es/ca/stuJe are mada ra :
/Jehnriusy usa /h of Gu O/catsHom,G-exw un*sion (fe. 5) of L /P* C dshu/aMr. M94po65 (pioned
k A/M ih 44rcua F.)
fri erigc iuolo//oacMipeswe cure Aom M9+0055, P.w,2, GAcEnuuf I.L' M <aa e) fluk t.o>vpnison shows gooc/speemixf lxhas ilaw. ppdystu'.u sii/ % FM 8
tiledh hp. ht., lo t tuo,'a 9, dowb>-,vp M4.
l MPR Associates,Inc.
Page [
l 320 King Street, Alexardria,VA 22314
_j Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer _ Mm Checker: O[MtW Printpage 1
The purpose of this calculatkm is to evaluate the maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of levelin the tank. The expressions are derived in hand calculations. Some parameters are also
. established by separate hand calculations.
I Thisis the nominalreference crire.
l l
Vapor pressure of water in the makeup tank at 135 F:
Psat := 2.5375-Psat = 365.4 -
A P m := 61.4628 Ib Density of water in the makeup tank at 135 F:
Density of waterin the BWST at 100 F:
p,:= 61.9963 b A'
Acceleration of gravity: g := 32.17
- see, Minimumlevelin the BWST:
Lmin := 5.0 A Minimum elevation of the surface in the BWST:
E,:= 12nin + 119.67 A E, = 124.67 A Minimum margin between the top of the pipe at the tie-in and Xm ;" 2 A and the gasin the makeup tank:
Elevation of the top of the 64: pipe at the tie-in point:
Ed := 104.5 A + 3 in Ed = 104.75 A Minimum elevation of the levelin the pipe from the MUT to the Ex := Ed+Xm E = 106.75 A top of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point:
x Mole ratio of Nitrogen to Hydrogen in the MUT cover gas:
y := 0.1 l
Pipe flow velocity (in the 6-in pipe) at tie-in point:
u, := 6.664 - -
sec Gage pressure in the BWST:
Psg := - 1.0 A 62.4 lbf A'
Absolute pressure in the BWST:
Ps := 14.7-
+ Psg Ps = 2.054 10' -
4 A
Total head loss from the BWST to the tie-in point at the centerline of the 6-in pipe:
Allac := 11.8704 A l
Combined Henry's Law and other constants for Hydrogen and Nitrogen, respectively:
DH := 0.01892 DN := 0.01246 The number of calculational steps to reduce the liquid volume in the makeup tank to zero:
k := 20 Mathcad PLUS 6.0 EVAL 4R.MCD 1:58 PM on 01/04/96
l, Pagelo MPR Associates,Inc.
320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Printpage 2
~ O. Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer // w,*m Checker:
The expressions below for the maximum pressure in makeup tank are derived in hand calculations:
I w + (j - 1) bv + D r(1 - vo - j 8v) q 3
w + j-6v + D yy(1 - vo - j 6v) vo + (j - 1) 5v + DN'(I~V"~l'0V) f RN(l'*0 '0V) '"
vo + j 6v + D g-(1 - vo - j Sv) k k
- 1. yo\\
1, 1 - vo\\
l RH J,v,
I + y-
.R N (J.W. k j t
k 3 i
j=1 P(y,vo,k) := j = 1 l
1+y The maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of the initial gas volume fraction, vo,is as foHows:
f 2) u Ps - AHac p, f3
-p m g Ex + P s g E,- (p,- p m) g Ed + p s g-
- Psat Pmo(vo,y,k) := Psat +
k k
- 1. mi f
- 1. voi j,vo,
+ y-R I
R p(A k j N(J'V0' k j j=1 j=1 1+y The maximum pressure can also be expressed in gage units by subtracting one atmosphere:
Pmog(vo,y,k) := Pmo(vo,y,k) - 14.7144 lbf 2
A The gas volume fraction, vo, is related to the measured levelin the makeup tank, in inches, by the foHowing relation:
vo(x,) := 0.9089 - 0.0068355 in" 3 x m The aRowable pressure can be adjusted for the maximum instrument errors in the level and in the pressure of Level error = 2.7 in, l
Pressure error = 1.12 psi l
It win be assumed that both of these errors occur at the same time.
j Mathcad PLUS 6.0 EVAL 4R.MCD 1:58 PM on 01/04/96 l
MPR Associates,Inc.
Page7 j[j/
320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preparer: Av#/,'h Checker: -/,,,f,"f,/
Printpage 3
'C Calc 102075DHH01 The allowable gage pressure without and with maximum instrument errors in the makeup tank level and pressure are shown graphically below as a function of the makeup tank level:
m := 0 in,5 in.100 in Range oflevel:
x 60 55 50 l
45 I.
l Pnns(vo m),y,k) 35
,7 30 Pmos(vo(x,-,y,k)- 1.12 psi
[', '.
h psi 25 20 n
h 10
/on f,. '
Atswac f..
pag f
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Tark koc/,ih m
& ~
los Htout tushumtP f CreorS tyilh moy/ mum m shtmsesd trrors.
/" %
e i
Mathcad PLUS 6.0 EVAL 4R.MCD 1:58 PM on 01/04/96
MPR Associates,Inc.
Page f
320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 f
Printpage 1 Calc 102075DHH01 hts. Checker:
The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the maximum pressure in the makaup tank as a function of levelin the tank. The expressions are derived in hand calculations. Some parameters are also established by separate hand calculations.
This is the nominal reference case and its results are compared to the allowable pressure values from FPC calculation M94-0053, Rev. 2. Attachment 1, sheets 11 and 12 (the original values) and the i
preliminary values for Revision 3 of that calculation provided by R. Clauson (FPC) on January 3,1996.
Vapor pressure of water in the makeup tank at 135 F:
Psat := 2.5375-Psat = 365.4 -
m A
lb Density of water in the makeup tank at 135 F:
p m := 61.4628 Density of waterin the BWST at 100 F:
p, := 61.9%3-
Acceleration of gravity: g := 32.17 A j
- sec, O-j!
Minimumlevelin the BWST:
Lmin.= 5.0 A Minimum elevation of the surface in the BWST:
E,:= Lmin + 119.67 A E, = 124.67 A Minimum margin between the top of the pipe at the tie-in and Xm := 2 A and the gasin the makeup tank:
Elevation of the top of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point:
Ed := 104.5. A + 3 in Ed = 104.75 A i
Minimum elevation of the levelin the pipe from the MUT to the j
Ex := Ed+Xm E = 106.75 A top of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point:
x Mole ratio of Nitrogen to Hydrogen in the MUT cover gas:
y := 0.1 Pipe flow velocity (in the 6-in pipe) at tie-in point:
e := 6.664 - -
u see Gage pressure in the BWST:
Psg := - 1.0 ft 62.4 b 3
A N + Psg 3 b Absolute pressure in the BWST:
Ps := 14.7 Ps = 2.054 10 t-2 g
Total head loss from the BWST to the tie-in point at the centerline o!the 6-in pipe:
AHac := 11.8704 A Combined Henry's Law and other constants for Hydrogen and Nit ogen, respectively:
DH := 0.01892 DN := 0.01246 The number of calculational steps to reduce the Equid volume in the makeup tank to zero:
k := 20 Mathcad PLUS 6.0 ECOMP4R.MCD 2:04 PM on 01/04/06
MPR Associates,Inc.
[g 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preparer /Wir/
f.WMhecker: M/'lY' Printpage 2 Calc 102075DHH01-O EXPRESSIONS USED:
The expressions below for the maximum pressure in makeup tank are derived in hand calculations:
vo + (j - 1) 8v + D g(1 - w - j 8v)
vo + j 8v + D g(1 - vo - j 8v) l vo + (j - 1) 8v + DN'(I - VD -I'0V) l RN(j,vo,8v) :=
vo + j 8v + DN'(I-VO-IOV) l k
k H'tj,vo,1-yo f
- 1. vn\\
f t
R I + y-RNll We l
k i
k }
9'(y,vo,k) := j = 1 j=1 1+y The maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of the initial gas volume fraction, vo,is as foHows:
I 2) u Ps - AHac -,
- Psat
-pm g Ex + p, g E,- (p,- pm) g Ed + p, g-n (psg 2 gj
Pmo(vo,y,k) := Psat +
H I'**
k R
N I'**
R j=1 j=1 1+y
. The maximum pressure can also be expressed in gage units by subtracting one atmosphere:
Pmog(vo,y,k) := Pmo(vo,y,k) - 14.7144 lbf 2
ft The gas volume fraction, vo,is related to the measured levelin the makeup tank, in inches, by the following relation:
vo(xm) := 0.9089 - 0.00683SS in-I
'X m The allowable pressure can be adjusted for the maximum instrument errors in the level and in the pressure of Level error = 2.7 in, Pressure error = 1.12 psi it will be assumed that both of these errors occur at the came time.
!O t
Mathcad PLUS 6.0 ECOMP4R.MCD 2:04 PM on 01/04/96
MPR Associates,Inc.
Page /0 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 f
- /
. w.w_s Checker:
/.~j,'A '/ '
Print page 3 Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer:
C The original and preliminary results can be put in the form of vectors at 5 inch levelincrements:
1.49 2.00 2.05 2.65 2.65 3.35 3.30 4.11 4.01 4.93 1
l 4.78 5.83 l
5.62 6.82 The revised allowable The original aPsable 0'
l values from the prel.
values from the pbnt l
Rev. 3 of FPC Ca'c.
7.55 procedure as Estedin 9.10 M94-0053 as provided C Calc. W@53 8.68 10.44 by R. Clauson on Rev. 2, Att.1, sheets '
January 3,1996.
9.93 psi 11 and 12 of 18.
Pao :=
11.93 psi l
11.33 13.62 12.92 15.53 14.73 17.71 16.81 20.24 19.23 23.20 i
22.09 26.70 O'
25.50 30.92 29.67 36.09 34.85 42.59
,50.99, i
i v
l i
l i
l Mathcad PLUS 6.0 ECOMP4R.MCD 2:04 PM on 01/04/96
MPR Associates,Inc.
Page //
// /
j 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Preparer: /,.
MNhecker: %d (61'-/
Printpage 4 Cale 102075DHH01
The allowable gage pressures with maximum instnament errors in the makeup tank level and pressure are shown graphically below as a function of the makeup tank level. On this curve:
Pmogis the MPR calculated value, Par is the FPC revised calculated value, and @ ----
Pao is the or!ginal FPC procedure value (before revisions). @~~~~
m := 0 in,5 in.100 in Range oflevel:
x 60 55 SO I
45 f
Pmog(vo(xm-2.7 in) y,k)- 1.12 psi
j Pu f
Par 35
j 30 f
g'q) 1 Pa
Pao 25 l
20 7.-
,sg Y
To >d c
Y,-g.c -
/3asm s A
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TCtV/C bgIC/, /J1 1
1 OG Mathcad PLUS 6.0 ECOMP4R. MOD 2:04 PM on 01/04/96
MPR Associstas, Inc.
R 82o xiao siree Alexandria, VA 22314
[N Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By h u, 8/i,/h </
/n 6a'd'if'o+1 lv lltc 0$'tivel/oN of llu beSid Nl4Nott6 /N deeRoi 3, IMeMod, Nds co/culak>r o4o r*uduas Na A//owit<f' dcedois 4 cum msriff s /Ac reset /s of es/cu/shebs per/prmes' h tsis4//sh a'elaeh d'penme/crs 4r H.<
gun tilaSe ers/uo A'ms.
o dec Ak 5 sammsetg,cs & tesutf.s of co/catal,hs per,serma' h evalasfc w seucikbh, 4' /L.
I a//owobk pressurt b :
- The r>sv9a /hychope. mok vsM 7)u pas so/u S/ 4 i
T/u innber of cohulaNous/ skss i
fur %, 4 lisn s nanuas.
I i
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314
~T (d
Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By jW' l sij/}r/
/V167W00 A sc/amahl ej Ha stystism i strown on Ha.
As Hu desw down of Hu i9mr det:NHtt.c bern $/0ws Q, ducl Q, Nt: /tdocb'oH in
/3 tar kiet /oacre & hht porseuic (sud %
dfahc.pitssux)af f/u n.i-tir point G.
fisc picssuit ab d dt/.frivi!>ilS Y!u, 414/ /!def Ib /nontYo/ittd i]! //tc ///n N Ct'y b w.h.
[{ h facd$pi? Jf d WHfS loo lctd, pg Nohs llM M10A*C&f eark le'/l 2DN/~ llU-Y
/hn/ftp p(mnf. f/u frtaktup ptiny>s att H /nbM $y 0
- <ca,t'rric n> nse saa' m1e a //a inhedpeAon c/ /At 7ss.
& dcInmmdhok of Hu n'arim:nn aansWe pnssun k Wa raaktup fank ('pnbrA ffu secidti:t
' exisf) imodcs fr o n*1afcre po r/s :
4 py>ny bi //a M-in poid.
7ko inrah:s determihiu s % des / /oss la & //oca dam-l
//a f.fws/fo M f4-inpoint,
d<e co/ce/ d cr
/k to.e u u. /.
hlfPnlin0b&M f l/u (N(CCtt/ C //p //t.t/HeblO) f
/ouk as a 4nebhi ej //u imVis/ sd duo /
See c.e. /c v fcr 4'<m 64aua 2,
.O i
i f
MPR Associctos, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By h(Od.tb N
lO20750llI/Ol l
dy opu
$O/EMnld of SYSrc^y Ys i
i g
T= /0 0 */
g j
T = /3 5 'i=
r 4 I
Avf a.
.Q=c1/gpm l-p
'A G %
V iq"p,p Ec -
a i
l'ese 1
@3 '[oogpm ts l (Pomt b Q
(6cc Gsc. 2Fd 24rcua 3 )
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By
- 5 loso?ToI//,o/
g /')(f y A
,,fs 0 ' Headof /e-in /J nt SheAug si dp>Sr 60& Surfou
oi The M(CILua froint in Hu 9fs/cM1 N t/u :Curfott of N e.
Iva&r & Hu r&tu S 7, Es.i Irluk Hu skolate/risme f%
4 known.
Thc h /oI lua d oi H.e surr4ec. in //a At067* is clenwdas:
E' + YE + 5
telt es c fs c Me punuu in L dp)S7 nj;or s, tau, l"l(j1-its = Hlocs%; tu (59):7 E O Nm Es = elevaNon of ths surhu, 4. f'em :on ddum Ilu lvfo/ /u o of." i //< f ui lh /$9)!? ouHs/ in Alv fora' poiht s., ic eimilarIcf deAyud,-
lla =
fa. + $ + $'e
e.ww, non, no36 a,
o 61
snd f/wc src no /uoa' /osus hh w s e d a., c > ~ M,. = R E + ?' = E
-f b.
g fsf 89
fa =.?L +(E,- Eo. ), IA h-Ps*(HD*s-0 60 f4 Tiu l'Iow of Hu fluid Mll resuilla a lou ih hfal lasd Qt polnf b dompand fu />oin t a., t.c.,
- M. ~ dMaf r M - d //46
- 5+
~ #AS d
3 s.-
-w-., n,., u.d,.n N = E + ?4+ "$,na a So b
6 s
m z1
-' % = Es + b. +. U $
0 s
ne zo
MPR Associates, Inc.
' ~
320 King Street 1
Alexandria, VA 2231*,
Calculation No.
Prepared By Checked By to207TDit!IoI hlL/,A 4fh6)
E ~E
- ?* -d,g
") s f a'J p 2 3 fivm polnf b fu e, flunifnd'on W/I nSulf in a aMWewal /cu of h+al luad d 44se so. N = l-l$ - Lllg( g ? ana' He e E, + $ + 4_2 c M 2 3 0 now subshM fr< its a = e, r a -et-og 60 epah Uw ho erpawous fr< Mc E + b t h = E + ?' - Ma -64 e as -o av fe, but ok'ayt ,c s
- 4%.
.1a Y# E - E
- b' - A%' Y
= s c 07 d) Tg a %d of ra-a, point Sts,nus at wareuo rsa tvos< Su,&u. Now touer'de< Ha poM h'poin t c km Hu ear 4a of Hu. inakup knk, pp Hu curfou of ik wokein t/u mskap fork, Wu. l /dat Juac/is: r llrn G Em + Y'" 4 Mk />uf ttm = 0 j fm1 T1
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Pre Checked By g,, pared By pi4, j' "* * * '7 4 i io:o7T.WIWo/ j~ / Gi pciai d' (si ab. dj &ispepe., bid in '/in paru ) %. /ois I /u.o d i.s : t 'H ' E + Yd + $ ud = 0 J d A"1 2 a w 6 n an ya. en,7 riw< a no i su susp oi,,i a, ( ~ N , k re, do l4 0 Y g E, + Ym.= Eg + Yd. n Pmf A3 o sia p,c,wn at d is : Yd = Gm-bj + fm P~1 (L3 \\ (3 now const&< m stu.v tiow.y,u n 6-k e je.
- 66. ;>cini d ih Ha Mot kiod is :
~ N = G, + YJ + k5
- tioue,w, & A/s//ad d
Fsf 21 n,ust sa n cana - a e, i.e. its s - Es + n -s % t as 4+fd n - e e A _Q or re 5 Psj 2g 62 do W pursuse of d is l b = E -Eg + t' -Mtac. ul s fs1 FA 7 i 2 now epaE eqasuous & pmsue,.ra zq s - Q + p, - g j,c R3 f4 E -Ej + 5 ~ = E N m O f~ % f'2 4>
MPR Associates, Inc. Alexandr a, V 2314 ) Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By lo.'07SV///OI }}{/g,,e viYi.z1: t) Pge g / E+g 85 8 z i 15 /Lj l'~ J t6 -Ep (3 g )y* m = 3 -z .1 + Eg i. 3 t OY Nm L1 = E - Em + fs $ E - Q + 75 -Mu U.c i g s ('* ) V)g f51 b3 4 YL = (A j (Q -Em) + [4 j -6( " j 6 -GJt 5 5 - o eu fm ~ ) 0h Y w hs 5 m +(M'.f'-or-6' _M q_ C/l)
- *fm j S, je } $s 'S h1
()s)~{#~) d h + p, ( ? - o u $ ' (s) 7,,, apasi,, ums n yawns a w surna *'& y,acup fok, tr/a & dend'on cf f/u. mbufs N"/E A'"W ksd A G. O
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 V Calculation No. Prepared B Checked By 1020750Ill/0/ Jhy,,,,,'~ y 84),/
- IV e,
@la non of1*sdAmw< 6 Inc l /n order h qd on ot/owab/e inskeey, fankpressaic at A iVu ettd cf u o/rowdocm il /k tuussoq k &Ane a. minimum neuphb/c thoon e dst nolslas fy, /Acn Me inayimum hk prasm o/7er Hu /eoe/ tos d>opiudh Ex is e fx = ~Fmj b +fsj Es ~E (@sB-b j)+@sj 'Okq[ y d /?c bdkd ik o%v golcula.f'm (6(<rcarce 2-) /kL pussurc in Ha 1.ahwp forsk k s. funckcm Ha inwat gas &achh %~ ond Na imb/ pruswe ih Hu Venk p,n,, (Tius e is o/so a m,*noe spu dau m D lu sclaid< amou i.s f /z/ au / /4 in % ys.) as A//ows, wN L espassias &n>d tu 64se au .2 ie Ha A'u a l pn s snc up/a uo/ Ly px, (Su 4 Geua 2 asteuta Anr &< &&nowaus cr} hrw s. ) ?x ' Y 't l Ymo = 14st + V(y,v;,v.) i-sumu s ex s w.. P = b + e4 y+e,p,gEhM)+fs$) - A ~ "r G -fx Io; 3 O
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By to2075D/MIof / g,' 4,)7 g,kj
- A0 4', Eyuuxnod
/NouT.S rue secham summsa5is % cli%bc/ colwlakr.s M<d h dthem% % itpuis k % evalath'n usu.
- a. Ihmis tsw do' ustsa - see tsua.t a
b' # 8/ j -7 -p /b-inobil, ~ O,33Y/e/o /b go i 2 // r/O N 2.ffil ,y N' /s-mb M t*' U l= -p 9 2 y xlo = 0.220bv/0 '/>5?% ys ~N
- O tw L af /55'f 4
jichradon incssurt &! I 50m f&/mua 4, 7~ab/c /,
- f. fog =.?.55 ?S peir yosat : 3 t C '/ o / W / 4 '
- O O /600 $bm.
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MPR Associttes. Inc. R 320 ki a street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. /g,repared By pf)(Q " ** Al P Checked By lo207lbill/0/ ,L f The g>oup of emsf~ Is de su d Dn c,> vupsof car s1a v l's an dtRma' a s Allows tu 8(mua 2, /2 [,8 Oy '~ ' Dy 0
- c. 9 C, 2L so.
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- 9.
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10 ukva $Ud ['NNebN35 CR3 EP OFFICE F.d g, gor gg/1he t Pf' C*l-l0:07(bHU0/ ~ Crystal River Unit 3 Chemistry Report mapont Date:Nomiqy. Decem6er 07.1985 SAMP12 POINT DATE MODE MEASURETYPE RESULT 8 UNITS b 85.1 %VOL (*J,3l, f, " f */ m CE 118 114/9511:16:00 AM 1 %H2 GAS = 10.26 %VOL / G 118 114/9511:16:00 AM 1 %N2 GA5 = I Gellt 11/6/9511:16:00 AM 1 %O2 GAS = 0 %VOL ) 0.01 uCVcs G418 11/6/9511:16.00 AM 1 ARAL = 0.99 uCi/cc j CE41s 11/6/9511:16:00 AM 1 XE 133 = f CE 118 11/6/9511:16:00 AM 1 XE 135 = 0.571 uCFcc 3.92 uc#ce G-118 114/95 11:16:00 AM 1 Xc.Egulv = { = - - - _ _ 0.01 uCVcc CE118 11/13/95 2:10;00PM 1 AR41 = 0.975 uCFcc CE 115 11/13/95 2:10:00 FM 1 XE 133 = CE 118 11/13/95 2:10:00 PM 1 XE J35 = 0.541 uc#cc 4 3.79 uCuee CB418 11/13/95 2:10:00PM 1 Xe49uiv = E7.51 %VOL G-118 11/13/952:30:00PM 'l %H2 GAS fI.30 /f,C L = $J5 MVOL ) CE418 11/13/95 2:30;00PM 1 %N2 GAS = CE418 11/13/951:30:00 PM 1 %O2 GAS =_ 0 %VOL x -- 90 %VOL 'l CE-118 11/20/9510.45:00 AM 1 %H2 OA3 = 91 37 l,f.f) 1.37 MVOL s CE lit 11/20/9510:45 00 AM 1 %N2 GAS = = 0 %VOL CE-114 11/20/95 10:45:00 AM 1 %O2 GAS 0.007 ~ uCVcc G-118 11/20/9510:45:00 AM 1 AR 41 = CE418 11/20/9510:45:00 AM 1 XE 133 = 0.828 uCl/cc = 0.352 uCl/ce CE-115 11/20/9510:45.00 AM 1 XE-135 a 2.89 aCl/cc l CE.118 11/20/9510:45:00 AM i Xc Equiv = = 85 %VM, CE418 11/27/9512:3100 FM 1 %H2 OAS 5 i Page 1 O %d 4 "'"A ^ i i i
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MPR Associates, Inc. D 320 King Street K Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By /0:075 Dill /O/ Jh/p,.l yf,)g),, /
- N
/ '7)u. " nominal" mals< rak y 1/ h 4 oppiors h bs 2 oppn>rimalibt 84.72 gy: /0. 3H. It' appens don m AttJ loahr uainahy Msi,as/ d4tv -1315,&. l.[as the'ludedi Ae h w a 3) L t Hu 1 fak e.ould 6e as /o w a s ' 2 h /. N app <ars Ms/ /L c!./ev/ shou c/ rout / hec /0.' I a s /fe /1omo'ltn/ bu/ p/4o S klloid*y CDil6.14og//lx &n/uel-flt ' Alfn //, hl a 2:/ z 1 Os O Gn Has has/s //a,os<sw4r-y, n/ art T ' snohs M inoks //: i Chou /a' rat <jc eter 0 < y d Co f w 'lA o,/ an lo tron *;url ,i l
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Hu's 1/said noki Ha lex /nuasunnad iisn/id. nfume (adjus/<d 4r o &eladp>p'ong ad n.uway) Toia / It/ = foo3 242 ft 3 (la A4nuce 2.61 volunas) h1/hini/M A6 [rA e / @>1 6 *
- VoItapperhl'd el7,53 c
=0.07879 w bob.u z movimum ps forkm ValpfpwlU*d+VelCI,Yl'S50$0?*101,g y w t,o a.ia ~< h i I l I J
t I ~ MPR Associates. Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (' O d Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By I020H0440I $?(!w dr~ O/i):i) Picosure in dwSr l l In Hu ff ble (lbfotua 2 ) flu pousun in Hu I!!uSr th a c c u me o' fu be slig hMy /u s M ou ak:orpleni, i. e., / foot of % o de/ow o%phush pawn. Tias sow-<. anumpRon te'll k. Jush. for flusc eolculokar.s. (fu. o4.o funnua.7). y.{ = t'47 :ws - /. o Giz.o (nom &p ) i ys = / 4 7 x lH - /.ox 4:.9' = 0 OGY,9 /W/4 s- .2/i G.s - & Z. Y = I } f. Ec/ shen n' klawa &etev. 6 /.!e,inp &L %.! a 1 Re:m 4 4 a n ex. R, pm 'I/ LG = o. 9 021 - 0. oo if 35Y Xm tyhere % = lcic/in makeup huk in iuclus 1 i
MPR Associates. Inc. MPR 32o ximo street Alexandria. VA 22314 i Prepared By Checked By h Calculation No. !O2075DHH0/ k)(by -/,4sjp) Al' w l A. /??mo mum le>.</in /$k/S/ l ~ AM/ ininimum lea /in r3wsr t swihl,our = {0 g. o ihm ifefemuce 3 p :4 o/ rs : G le va A*a n o f le x / = lndicokd icec/ + //t). 67,9 (see pid i!n-3 e? r!H-oon, &/. 8, :Jutn) So of an oth<alindito&/ Gocl<;fMpu sch<a/ /eic/ 6/cyclion of f)e curfo* c in h r3 c /M.474e / } (O E, = 50 + / /9. 67 = .,,,,y =-- ~ d. /tec/ /hr.:nt s'n. /// sheep Twk 5m Opero/>i/ih; fouc.tme f6ofu Krs & p a t, / / 3, /46u. 7 f lua ler coluws a l on & d< =.?. o 4 /f &n, poinf is for ; pipe, (f + Sin flevod'av el pipe cuk hht = Jost.C 4ef /&A f/YorP5t.d,2 y dw o \\ i O l11fl4 {!$YA O l1 lA/O Y $ U f f3CA. l E Ex = lo Y,5 * / z +.l. o = _/ 0 (,. 7 5 #- ufc /cn/ in e//>o w of Ao /hur ef /}ob Mo/ Nuip% make up /sek. u t h / /u u /o i
MPR Associates, Inc. 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By l0207%4llO1 ldt/Y .ch4rp / / OG $6"u$/77t/<7Jr [t/A Lud77OAJS
- This c4 cA'oh N(Jor/S fbt N $ u /VS # / clin /a4b DH3 of Nu o//owoWe rna/cwpo foukpessure etla A* ns to cdobhi/t Hwir seusNwtfy lo donu o
q % paamtf-tes. % nsat/s ses preseuleo' th Wirte /?la//160a' dolcalafroiS iuctudeder Hu d/ o//ote>9 f;o.p c 5. /Jihuyen//1 kugiu &hh d., 9 % nsu H's y on evaluaNon of FAc tNeef /, p f/a mhusen / hya%gw rofio ou shown in (} Ha (??s/Sudprinfou/ on psps.19.//napt ?/ i Tnis ekowc % t yseuRon a y o,u.<//r tsu p g in h ust d o fu o,C (Sapap 29' ) doesnot Aan a d a//owob/e piessm.yn,&snt e//eefou >% es/cat Ou nsui/s c L. effeef i s>, evo/u 0 % ej& Als./3 coy' cjt&6 so/abi4[ty sie shown />,
- omdent a paps 31.
% upli. 34 Gu's shows ff<af gas So/ub% Yy on4,d twa s(feeis A //u Nsut/s pf ulaMl'7 QA fac/ sa //an, f!ompMi innen9 qas sal bb4 ofl<</s y a 1/2 usui/ dy n sRro// onotir.f. 161o Anis or onarfoinQ & f/ n sa'abHQ ee todudd k 0 si a minor &
MFR Associctes, Inc. ~ A exa dr a, VA 2314 4y,_ pared By a,y Pre Checked By Calculation No. e... a mmawa i b* NU0+1hf Of blCu(ab'aun / hkjfp % nsatis /1 sii evalurNon of Wa LGettsf Nu'.. num bw l/ ts/tu/ Soul shps, b, tisdik & 6hmmo% ej tiu alvwsWpmurt a e sAown iA & Mo// coo' r { l'" Nl*" f '" f'w'W ?r M"%' Sl' paath show t & nomiudn/ue 9 k as<diw NJ & A {thfhNt $ 00, /E $4 Shfh')' furNJi nie) f, & raar/s oc,n/a&& iuuus& 4 & ulae asd. l O I i ,O f e
MPR Associates,Inc. Page f/ /Mf'r/) / 320 King Street, Alexandria,VA 22314 gj Prbtpage 1 Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer: EdN4A Checker: - EVALUATION OF MAKEUP TANK MAXIMUM PRESSURE PURPOSE: The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of levelin the tank. The expressions are derived in hand calculations. Some parameters are also established by separate hand calculations. CASE COVERED: This is the nominal reference case, but with various values of the mole ratio of nitrogen to hydrogen in the makeup tank cover gas to evaluate the sensitMiy of the results to the mole ratio. i i j PARAMETERS: 5 5 Prt = 365.4 Vapor pressure of water in the makeup tank at 135 F: Psat := 2.5375 I" A P m:= 61.4628 lb Density of water in the makeup tank at 135 F: Density of waterin the BWST st100 F: p,:= 61.9963 S A' Acceleration of gravity: g := 32.17 A O see Minimum levelin the BWST: Emin := 5.0 A Minimum elevation of the surface in the BWST: E,:= Lmin + 119.67 A E, = 124.67 it Minimum margin between the top of the pipe at the tie-in and Xnu= 2 A and the gas in the makeup tank: Elevation of the too of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point: Ed := 104.5 A + 3 in Ed = 104.75 A Minimum elevation of the levelin the pipe from the MUT to the Ex := Ed+Xm B =106.75 A x top of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point: Mole ratio of Nitrogen to Hydrogen in the MUT cover gas: y := 0.1 This is the nominal value, extremes of 0.0 and 0.5 are also evaluated. Pipe flow velocity (in the 6-in pipe) at tie-in point: u, := 6.664 - - see 5 Gage pressurein the BWST: Psg := - 1.0 A 62.4 A' 85 Absolute pressurein the BWST: Ps := 14.7 - + Psg Ps = 2.054 10 '2 2 m g Total head loss from the BWST to the tiet point at the centerline of the 6-in pipe: AHac := 11.87% A Combined Henry's Law and other constants for Hydrogen and Nitrogen, respectively: D g := 0.01892 DN := 0.01246 O The number of calculational steps to reduce the liquid volume in the makeup tank to zero: k := 20 Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4RGAM.MCD 12:37 PM on 01/04/96 I
l MPR Associates,Inc. Page JO 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 f fj i Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer:. s M hecker: # '_/ J '-r Printpage 2 l l EXPRESSIONS USED: The expressions below for the maximum pressure in makeup tank are derived in hand calculations: I w + 0 - 1) 8v + D g(1 - w-j 5v) RHQ,w,5v) = w + j 6v + D g(1 - w -j 6v) i w + d - 1) 8v + D -(1 - vo - j 5v) N R pG,vo,5v) := w + j 8v + DN-(1 - w - j 6v) k k f. 1 - wi f. 1 - voi R p'i R }{i J,vo, I j,vo, I+r l k j k j 4'(y,w,k) := i" 3"' I+y The maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of the initial gas volume fraction, vo, is as foRows: - AHac -, \\ f 2 u Ps ~PmgEx + p, g E,- (p,- p m) g Ed+Psg- - Psat Pmo(vo,y,k) := Psat + I 1 - voi ,f. 1 - voi lRH ),vo, l + y-RNIJe*0 i i k j ( k j j=1 j=l' 1+y l l ' The ma::imum pressure can also be expressed in gage units by subtracting one atmosphere: [ ? ] Pmog(vo,y,k) := Pmo(vo,y,k)- 14.7144 lbf A The gas volume fraction, vo, is related to the measured level in the makeup tank, in inches, by the foRowing relation: 1 ]. w(x ) = 0.9089 - 0.0068355 in'I x m 1 V l i l B j 4 Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4RGAM.MCD 12:37 PM on 01/04/96
I MPR Associates,Inc. Page j/ eg / 320 King Street, Alexandria,VA 22314 / q Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer Wm Checker: Td C/MU/ Printpage 3 The alowable gage pressure in the makeup tank for the range of values of the mole ratio of nitrogen to hydrogen in the cover gas are shown graphically below as a function of the makeup tank level: m := 0 in,$ in.100-in Range oflevel: x Q y: 0-(y) y:0./ -- - ss $)y =o,f-- 3, ) l 45 Pmog(w(xm),0.0,k) D M i 7 2 w 3s Pmog(vo(xm),0.I,k) &8 M 30 u.. Pmon(=(xm),0.s.k) " / o 5 / V s-- Is / / hk / bt%Vil s j / 86/j 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 90 100 Yos.A:lett',fu
- m in This can also be evaluated for a specific set of conditions:
y := 0,0.05. 0.5 34.8 / 34.2s wea).,.k> 34.7 34.6s 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 7
== Conclusion:== The fraction of nitrogen in the cover gas has a maximum effect of about 0.1 psi and is, therefore, noi a significant varleble. i Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4RGAM.MCD 12:37 PM on 01/04/96 i
t MPR Associates,Inc. Page81 1 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 I Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer: Mu/. Checker: -f Printpage 1 EVALUATION OF MAKEUP TANK MAXIMUM PRESSURE PURPOSE. l The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of levelin the tank. The expressions are derived in hand calculations. Some parameters are also established by separate hand calculations. CASE COVERED: These are he same parameters as the nominal reference case except for one case the solubility of the gas in the makeup tank water is zero. This should bound the effect of gas coming out of solution and indicate the sensitivity of the solution to the assumptions of gas solubiRty. PARAMETERS: 5 Psat = 365.4 5 Vapor pressure of water in the makeup tank at 135 F: Psat := 2.5375 N A2 Density of water in the makeup tank at 135 F: Pm := 61.4628-Density of waterin the BWST at 100 F: p,:= 61.9%3 5 A' Acceleration of gravity: g := 32.17 A Minimumlevelin the BWST:
- = 5.0 A Minimum elevation of the surface in the BWST:
E, := Lmin + 119.67 A E, = 124.67 A Minimum margin between the top of the pipe at the tie-in and h;=2A and the gas in the makeup tank: Elevation of the top of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point: Ed := 104.5 A + 3 in Ed = 104.75 A 1 Minimum elevation of the levelin the pipe from the MUT to the Ex := Ed+Xm E = 106.75 A top of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point: x i Mole ratio of Nitrogen to Hydrogen in the MUT cover gas: y := 0.1 i Pipe flow velocity (in the 6-in pipe) at tie-in point: u, := 6.664 A see l Gage pressure in the BWST: Psg := - 1.0- A 62.4 Ibf l A' 5 + Psg Ps = 2.054 10' 5 Absolute pressure in the BWST: Ps := 14.7 i d A 2 Total head loss from the BWST to the tie-in point at the centerline of the 6-in pipe: Blac := 11.8704 A Combined Henry's Law and other constants for Hycirogen and Nitrogen, respectively: l DH := 0.01892 DN := 0.01246 The number of calculational steps to reduce the liquid volume in the makeup tank to zero: k := 20 j 1 Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4RSOLMCD 12:57 PM on 01/04/96
l l l l l MPR Associates,Inc. Page JJ 320 King Street. Alexandria, VA 22314
- s. / m' Checker:'f# (Cc '/
fj f M Printpage 2 y Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer: f l j i EXPRESSIDNS USED: The expressions below for the maximum nressure in makeup tank are derived in hand calculations: vo + (j - 1) 5v + D g(1 - vo - j Sv) R (I'* *0V) " H vo + j 5v + D g(1 - vo - j 8v) ) vo + (j - 1) 5v + DN-(1 - vo - j 6v) RN(3****0V)" vo +j 8v + DN-(1 - w -j 8v) k k i i i 1 - voi f Nlil*** 1 - vo l RH ',vo, i+r R k j l k j i=1 j=1 4'(y,vo,k) := ' I+y The maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of the initial gas volume fraction, vo, is as foBows: 1 2) -p gg Ex + P s g E,- (p,- p m) g Ed + P g- - AHao - - Psat (p, g 2'8 ) l Pmo(vo,y,k) := Psat + k k RH I+"a + y-Ry j,vo, {b s k j=1 j=1 1+y l The maximum pressure can also be expressed in gage units by subtracting one atmosphere: Pmog(vo,y,k) := Pmo(w.y,k) - 14.7144 lbf 1 2 i ft The gas volume fraction, vo, is related to the measured level in the makeup tank, in inches, by the following relation: vo(xm) := 0.9089 - 0.0068355 in'I x m and D are zero and i If the solubility of gas in the water in the makeup tank is zero, the constants Da N l Rs H(j,v,5v) := "
- O ~ I}' #
Rs p(j,vo,6v) := *
- 0 ~ O'
- L vo +j 8v w +J 6v I
The maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of the initial gas volume fraction, vo, is as folows: f "c) 2 Ps l -pmgEx + p, g E,- (p,- pm) g Ed + P s'B' - AHao - - Psat l Pmos(vo,y,k) := Psat + k k r l ' f, t _ vol f,
- 1. voi l
Rs N'i J,w, 1 +t Rs p1j,w, ( k 3 i k j j=1 j=1 1+y Ibf Pmosg(w,y,k) := Pmos(vo,y,k) - 14.7 1443it Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4RSOL.MCD 12:57 PM on 01/04/96 r l-l
i MPR Associates,Inc. Page 8 Y /[,/ / 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 f,/ Preparer:// Ajfv/mmChecker: 7' / LAW Printpage 3 Calc 102075DHH01 g~ l The snowable gage pressures with and without considering gas solubility are shown graphically below as a i function of the makeup tanklevel: Range oflevel: x, m 0 in,$.in 100 in 60 i @.:folubllo'hf /11eh!b$ 35 (p fohibEl*N 1 / 50 t.n on/-- - '): I 45 40 Pmog(vo(xm).7,k) @l E 35 /,' 2 a +- & ){ Pmg(w(x,),y,k)30 1 M 25 b L-~ 20 0 s a / / 'o / \\ / 5 p 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
== Conclusion:== The solubility of gas in the makeup tank Equid orh has an effect when the tank levelis high (over about 90 inches). The maximum effectis 1 to 2 psi. O Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4RSOL.MCD 12:57 PM on 01/04/96
9 MPR Associates,Inc. Pagej[ 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer: / h checker: //l Printpage 1 l EVALUATION OF MAKEUP TANK MAXIMUM PRESSURE PURPOSE: The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of l levelin the tank. The expressions are derived in hand calculations. Some parameters are also l established by separate hand calculations. l CASE COVERED: This is the nominal reference case, but with various values of the number of calculational steps, k. used in the determination of the makeup tank pressure. These cases are being run to establish that the number of steps usedis sufficient. 1 PARAMETERS: Vapor pressure of water in the makeup tank at 135 F: Psat := 2.5375-Psat = 365.4
- A Pm := 61.4628 lb Density of water in the makeup tank at 135 F:
Density of waterin the BWST at 100 F: p,:= 61.9963 5 3 ft A Acceleration of gravity: g := 32.17 2 m Minimum levelin the BWST: 12nin := 5.0 ft Minimum elevation of the surface in the BWST: E, := 12nin + 119.6711 E, = 124.67 ft Minimum margin between the top of the pipe at the tie-in and Xm := 2 A and the gasin the makeup tank: Elevation of the top of the 6-in pipe at the tie-in point: Ed := 104.5 ft + 3 in Ed = 104.75 ft Minimum elevation of the levelin the pipe from the MUT to the Ex := Ed+Xm E =106.75 A x top of the 64n pipe at the tie-in point: Mole ratio of Nitrogen to Hydrogen in the MUT cover gas: y := 0.1 This is the nominal value, extremes of 0.0 and 0.5 are also evaluated. Pipe flow velocity (in the 6-in pipe) at tie-in point: e := 6.664 u see Gage pressure in the BWST: Psg := - 1.0- A 62.4 Ibf 3 A 3 Absolute pressurein the BWST: Ps := 14.7- + Psg Ps = 2.054 10 A Total head loss from the BWST to the tie-in point at the centeriine of the 6-in pipe: AHae := II.8704.ft Combined Henry's Law and other constants for Hydrogen and Nitrogen, respectively: DH = 0.01892 DN := 0.01246 s i I The number of calculational steps to reduce the liquid volume in the makeup tank to zero: k := 20 l (This is the nominal value used in other calculations, this calculation wiB use others.) i Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4KR.MCD 11:52 AM on 01/04/96
MPR Associates,Inc. Page 3 6 J 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 !.w m, Checker: -l
- h. ;
Printpage 2 Calc 102075DHH01 Preparer: EXPRESSIONS USED: The expressions below for the maximum pressure in makeup tank are derived in hand calculations: w + (j - 1) 8v + D g(1 - w - j 8v) RH(5 **'0V) w + j 8v + D g(1 - w -j 8v) w + (j - 1) 8v + DN-(1 - w -j 8v) RN(j,v,8v) := vo +j 8v + DN-(1 - vo - j 8v) k k [ i f i H 5 ** 1 - w N(5 ** l - vo R R k j k 4'(y,vo,k) := j = 1 J=1 1+y The maximum pressure in the makeup tank as a function of the initial gas volume fraction, vo, is as follows: (Ps " 2) - AHac - c - Psat -pm g Ex + p, g E, - (p, - p m) g Ed+psg. p (P s'8 '8 ) Pmo(vo,y,k) := Psat + 1 1 - yn\\ 1, } - yn> i R g l(J,w, RH j,vo, ! + y-i k j k j .j=1 j=1 1+y l ' The maximum pressure can also be expressed in gage units by subtracting one atmosphere: b f Pmog(w,7,k) := rmo(vo,y,k)- 14.7144 lbf P i A The gas volume fraction, vo, is related to the measured levelin the makeup tank,in inches, by the foDowing relation: !i I j! vo(xm) := 0.9089 - 0.0068255 id x m 1 l. Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4KR.MCD 11:52 AM on 01/04/96 l
an 4 e MPR Associates,Inc. Pagej[ // Preparer:$ dN/w Checker: V(//bMI-r Print page 3 / f 320 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Calc 102075DHH01 J The allowable gage pressure in the makeup tank for various values of the calculational constant, k, as a function of the makeup tanklevel: m := 0 in,5s_100 in Range oflevel: x @ ks3 - 60 g:to. k = 20 - - ss A, 40 50 %s(-(.).1.3) j 0; M 4s i 2 7 h 40 r-s(-(.) / M 3s / w-- P-s(-(=.).r.20) 30 / h M 25 k' Pmog(vo(,),y,40) e 5" / 1 / 10 TOMk 2 3 fit $$t.itc [ #8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 90 100 Tork lo ef M. y The effects can also be evaluated at specific conditions for a range of k values, for example at 90 inches: k := 2,3. 50 3s.2 i 1 3s Pmog(vo(90 * ),y.k) m l-34.s 0 20 60 k Conclusion
- The number of iterations is not a significant variable and 20 is an adequately large value.
) Mathcad PLUS 6.0 E4KR.MCD 11:52 AM on 01/04/96 L. -}}