ML20203F128 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Crystal River |
Issue date: | 11/28/1997 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20203F106 | List: |
References | |
HAFPC-11-97-013, HAFPC-11-97-13, M97-0121, M97-0121-R00, M97-121, M97-121-R, NUDOCS 9712170293 | |
Download: ML20203F128 (128) | |
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j Nuclear Engineering NT60 240-1505 Off ce MAC
- Telephone
Crystal River Unit 3 Quality Document Transmittal-Analysis / Calculation To: Records Management NH2A The following analysis / calculation package is submitted as the OA Record copy:
SW,RC 127 ftTLE 5
Use Tag number only for valid tag numbers (i.e., RCV-8. SWV 34, DCH 99), otherwise; use Part number field li.e., CSC14599. AC1459). If more space is required, write "See Attachment" and list on separate pheet.
D dcQLtdQ 40tsic1 tNcerrn DAtt veniric AricN tNoiNttR DAtt sVPt
'I OR, h (ARg DATI lt/ M k 7 dd r./ ~7., W~I
2 cc; Nuclear Projects (if MAR /CGWR/PEERE Calculation Review form Pait 11. actions rea ired Oyes @ No Return to Service Related)
O Yes G No lif Yes. send copy of the forrn to Nuclear Regulatory Assurance and a Supervisor, Config. M t. info, copy of the Calculation to the Responsible Organization (s) identified in 0
Mgr., Nuct. Operations Eng. (Original) w/ attach Part til on the Calculation Review form.)
9712170293 971213 PDR ADOCK 05000302 P
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' DESIGN ASSUMPTION / INPUT REVIEW: APPLICABLE IYes O No The following organizations have reviewed and concur with the design assumptions and inputs i
L identified for this calculation:
i Nuclear. Plant Technical Support System Engr s s=v.zon Nuclear Plant Operations
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- The following organizations have reviewed'and concur with the results of this calculation and understand the actions which the organizatiens must take to implement the results.
f Nuclear Plant Technical Support System Engr s.9~w. cm Nuclear Plant Operations s.,=w.m.
t Nuclear Plant Maintenance O Yes O N/A Nuclear Licensed Operator Training
"*' ~
O Yes N/A i
Manager, Site Nuclear Services
. O Yes O N/A Sr. Radiation Protection Engineer
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~P 2d2' CALCWAtlON No A4V. -
M 97 0121, REVISION O
- The following is a list of Plant procedures / lesson plans /other documents and Nuclear Engineenng -
calculations which require updating based on calculation results review':
Document Da e Recuired Responsible Oraanization 9
.Upon completion, forward a copy to the Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Assurance Group for tracking of actions if any items are identified in Part ill, if calculations are listed, a copy shall be sent to the original file and the calculation log updated to reflect this impact.
PART IV - NUCLEAR ENGINEERING DOCUMENTATION REVIEW The responsible Design Engineer must thoroughly review the below listed documents to assess if the calculation requires revision to these documents. if "Yes," the change authorizations must be listed below and issued concurrently with the calculation.
Enhanced Desen Basis Document O ves ENo trcst Vendor Qualification Packago (V0P O Tep:ca! Design Basis Doc, O ves d c: >
FS Att C ves 2 No r.*"~ 't OvesdNotTC81 1mproved Tech. Specification O ves PINo iL*"*')
E/SOPM Improved Tech. Spec. Bases O ves E No 8L*"*o Other Documents revtewed:
Config. Mgmt. Info. System O ves 2 No co'a O ves O No (CMANGE TOC. MFERENCEI Analysis Basis Document Oves $Notien O ves O No tCHANGE OcC #Ef LRiftCD Design Basis Document O Yes @ No 'Tc'>
0 ves O No iCsAuG occ. notaswo Appenda R Fire Study O ves MNo ITC81 O ves O No CHANGE COC 8tFt*ENCD Fne Hazafdous Analysis O ves M No ca O ves O No iCHANGE 00C. R184RE'4CD
' NFPA Code Conumance Document O ves B No (tcai
,] Yes O No iC=Ance coc, aan=tsCo
. PART V PLANT REVIEWS / APPROVALS FOR INSTRUMENT SETPOINT CHANGE PRC/DNPO approvalis required if a setpoint is to be physically changed in the plant through the NEP 213 process.
PRC Review Required O Yes b No PRC Chairman
/Date DNPO Review Required O Yes
[3 -No DNPO
/Date or ucN tr.ctnwwoara ogs,un grotetm. rniNrto rews A
%L' Ild7/97 '
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Crystal River Unit 3 C ALvtRRP P RM Page 1 of 2
Are inputs, including codes, standards, regulatory requirements, procedures, data, and Engineering methodology correctly selected and applied?
- 2. C
@ Have assurnptions been identified? Are they reasonable and justified? (See NEP 101, V c, for discussion on references),
3, B 0
0 Are references properly identified, correct, and completet (See NEP 101, V.c., for discussion on assumptions and justification.)
- 4. O O
Have applicable construction and operating experiences been considered?
- 5. S 0
0 Was an appropriate Design Analysis / Calculation method used?
- 6. S 0
0 in cases where computer software was used, has the program been verified or rev jrified in accordance with NEP 135 for safety related design applications and/or are inputs, formulas, and outputs associated with spreadsheets accurate?
- 7. S O
is the output reasonable compared to inputs?
O Has technical design information provided via letter, REA, IOC or telecon by other disciplines or programs been verified by that discipline or program?
- 9. O O
@ Has technical design information provided via letter or telecon from an external Engineering Organization or vendor been confirmed and accepted by FPC?
C Do the calculation results indicate a non-conforming condition exists? If *Yes."
immediately notify the responsible Supervisor.
-11. C Do the results require a change to other Engineering documents? If "Yes," have these documen's been identified for revision on the Calculation Review Form?
I have performed a verification on the subject calculation package and find the results acceptable tsee page 2),
R*C 3 SI Rrr:Cotiessai RESP; hutteer ICqpetetq Si2 24) i
..........e C ALVtARP FRM Page 2 of 2 Tha verification report has been completed only because the calculatioii includes computer pipe stress analysis runs (Attachments A, B & C) and to clarify the relevance of these analyses to the overall calculation.
Ths calculation performs an inelastic analysis of the SW pipework shown on drawings 305-706 and 305 711 in order to determine the extent of plastic strain when the pipes are subject to impingement loading due to a worst case circumferential rupture of the pressurizer surge line. Since a seismic event is not postulated concurrently with a LOCA for Engineering Safeguards systems, there is no seismic contribution to overall strain levels.
The values for jet impingement pressures used in the calculation are derived from FPC calculation S 97-0133, which used the relative' geometries of the RCS and SW piping in order to calculate fluid pressures at specific distances from the rupture location.
,ients A and B document linear elastic stress analyses carried out for the effects of the jet impingement on SW piping shown on drawing 305 706. Again, these arialyses are based on inputs from calculation S 97-0133.
Since impingement occurs at two different elevations, two different jet pressures apply which cannot be modeled simultaneously. Therefore, the maxirnum computed primary stress of 52 ksi relates to stresses combined from Attachments A & B at node 115. A similar condition exists for the SW piping shown on drawing 305 711, but since the 305 706 geometry produces maximum stresses, a single analysis has been performed for 305 711 using the maximum impingement pressure (Attachment C).
The arbitrary allowable strain of 50% of ultimate strain is chosen because of its consistency with strain limits used for stress analysis of tha RCS (as described in the FSAR) and b the design of pipe whip restraints. The margin between the calculated strain level and the allcwable strain still provides reasonable assurance that the pressure boundary of the SW piping will not be breached during a LOCA, although permanent deformations will occur.
Verification of vendor information for the Armstrong Armaflex pipe insulation is not required due to the negligible effect on the overall analysis results. The caiculation shows that the insulation behavas elastically, transferring all the jet impulse energy to the pipir.g. This is the most conservative condition that can exist with respect to the final strain in the piping.
IU RET: OcteW RESP: Nucte4r (pgieseri,ig 912 247
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HCPPER AND AssoclATES ENGINEERS 300 Vista Del Mar FAX: (310)791 7308 Redondo Beac:1, CA 90277 E MAIL (310) 373 5573 November 21,1997 HAFPC 1197-013 Mr. Andy Dewhurst, Structural Project Engineer Florida Power Corporation Crystal River Unit 3 15760 W. Power Line Road Crystal River, FL 34428 6708
Evaluation of Effects of Pressurizer Surge Line LOCA Break on Service We*
Piping Systems at Crystal River Unit 13 Bounding Dynamic Response Calculations
Dear Mr. Dewhurst:
We have completed and enclose the subject calculations. Minimal localized service water piping system inelasticity is possible from a pressurizer surge line LOCA break. Maximal strains will be approximately 0.004 in/in, which is close to 2% of ultimate.
Our boundir.g evaluation uses the static analysis results and impingement loads provided by Florida Power Corporation. Charted solutions for the maximum response of one degree undamped elasto plastic systems characterize the anticipated global system ductility from which corresponding maximal strains are established.
Detalled dynamic elastic plastic piping system analyses are being completed now more precisely to quantify inelastic strains. These results will eliminate any concern for the sensitivity of ductility to global system resistance.
A courtesy copy of this transmittal is being provided to Mr. Robert E. Nickell for independent review.
Ve truly y rs.
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' N0 avid M. Hopper Professional Enginecr Enclosure cc: Mr. R. E. Nickell
l HAFPC 11/97 013. ' V E.
- 4
, ENGINEER $ "' -
4' e ' * + - s M 97-ol2,t R.6V.o
Florida Power Corporation -
15760 W. Power Line Road Crystal River, FL 34428 6708 Prepared by:
=Hopperand Associates 300 Vista Del Mar Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Noveinber 1997 FPC002
~.cyd.: HAFPC 11/97 013
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H:PPER AND AssbetATas S'E>N N bbIEE M Y '
P19 7-o t2.t ' FEV.O '
DATE 11/70/97 PACE:
1.1' Problem Statement 1
' l'. 2 Investigation Approach 1
l'.3 Result Summary 2
-3.1 System Representations and Assumptions 6
3.2 Material Properties 9
4.0 ANAL'YSIS 10 4.1 System Frequency 10
'4. 2 Buckling Load 11
-4.3 Excitation Pulse Effects 12 4.4 Energy Verification 17
-4.5-Maximum Response.;
18 4.6 Local Piping Strength 23
25 6.0 REE'EREtlCES 26 PREPARED BY: N M X. [//8/d k
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-1,l' Problem Statement r
Florida Power Corporation evaluated the effects of Crystal River Unit #3 (CR3) Pressurizer Surge line LOCA break on Service Water (S.W.) piping by static analysis.
Stresses were-found-to be greater than allowable stresses (1).
This calculation package will calculate the Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) associated with a pressure surge line LOCA break and establish bounding anticipated piping system dynamic inelastic deformation and strain 4
1.2 Investigation Approach' The S.W. piping system will be represented as a single degree of freedom dynamic system.
Dynamic excitations will be defined considering the characteristics of a wave: impinging on the piping system.
The pressure pulse duration time is prescribed by the traveling wave form.
The pulse rise time will-be. considered as the time to
,crusn the insulation.
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sNCMEW M 9'T-ol2.( REv.o.
- 11/21/97 PACE:- 2
-Dynamic--response characteristics will be bounded:by use of-' charted:.solutionsEfor-maximum response of one-degree i
undamped'elasto-plastic systems-(2,3).._ _ Inelastic
-deformations;will be characterized by the ductility t
ratio,-p, from which corresponding _ maximum strains will; be established.
1.3 Result Summary The calculated-elastic DLF is 2.
Thus, the S.W.
piping-systems will likely respond inelastically to pressurizer i
surge 11ne LOCA jet impingement forces.
The systems will experience a maximum ductility ratio of 3.3.
Corresponding strains will be 0.004 in/in, which is well within~the allowable strain, i
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HAFPC 11/97 013
.:,;. d H2PPER AND ASS N
Emms y cg.l-ol2.l fEV.O CALCULATION SHEET -
a l2.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION There are eight piping systems that run from the reactor coolant pumps to the secondary shield wall.
Two of These eight piping systems are statically overstressed with-respect to the impingement pressure loading.
These two piping systems are' identified as PI-305-706, and PI-305-711.
The systems ate-comprised primarily of 3" O with some 2" O schedule 40 c.s. pipes (1).
The pipe is jacketed with 1" Armstrong-Armaflex foam rubber insulation shrouded with a 0.01" thick 304 stainless 4
steel covering.
The piping runs are approximately 38' long for PI-305-706, and 45' long for PI-305-711, from the pump to the
. shield wall.
Please refer to the attached Fig 2.0.1 and Fig 2.0.2 for detailu.
The impingement loads are applied vertically upward'as shown in the abov'e' figures.
The-static analysis showed a. stress value of 52 ksi (1) based on. a - SIF of 1. 3' at the critical pump attachment location.
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$$0CRU$j{gt*;4prif)),h!{.y?;p HOPPER N g,7-j CALCULATION SHEET /t /20/F - nes:
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HAFPC.11/97 013 ,.,g - My j.,. y; " ' W rirt a " M ?I HOPPER AND A$50CIATES e-
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THOPPER AND AssSC Mftlj$4y4gyArdff $ k ENGINEERS ~ cal.CULATION SHEET - Ema: 01l-PIPl/4 ///4PIMEMEA)T 1/ /20/7?' onn: pace: // susact:4.Oi A/MIYs@ ^ _d[C CK:~ Mf ISHT: k F,d. BY: f42 Sd chltr$ coad
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7A.c Pr.uwgw tlIntsi i%e acrvc o) cleFnes it zo sec ealse } AtItadicn. A rise timC v>i!I be GM1FkcA baceci on k kmt W compress the ekstic .?su.Ieon, Ti(us, de M4Mn and skinless % d pch+ Can be qwleled q.s << one deyre e/ssfa-Plesdic cys4em. o~,, M ( ,, g FM) s a J j'ee Elashi%*c ty s4em R9 4.LI vD + b .t . \\ u.. + + n +
.~ 4 },3[$ d;9fryp@*AM MF i HAFPC 11/97 013 l. {. g ' HOPPER AND Ass 2C 5 ENCINEERS ~ CALCULATION SHEET. /IMO/N d - mie: s.w. P/P/M IMPW4ENENT care: pace: sus;ect:4:6 8)/LY4/4' . 8Y: N/C-CK: . sHT: OF Iv$_' Nn-Orc!Cr-AU' COrnpak 4\\1 nc5x(ct{ kWjt!Ct\\(^ Gluk. j Pefioc(a flice effecfive. wet $d anel stiffnecs 6{ ik e-O p }e m aec( fq-bc.- calcu.(cdco(, a) v)ci$ of f/:e_ ctctMlees S(cei jetched: P)m i(e. of "x i x ) ") 'M 0 l W = d,002 64. Ibs, r/M,WP m t) 10c 3/if of flic Msulcthon ioam er,'- 4N N 4.,. = (l" r i "x t " ) 172 in /fp = 0 0o231 lbs. i C) Estth t tVei3lb (Aree Ob. Peltdt es tw fke respnre) M \\@g = 0. 00229 + f(;Lb I) = 0, o o q lbS.. c0 sk(6vss of insulah (.1;=o yoce /,g/ vo.w r-ho) t k k : ' '^
- 16 lb%n e) Actfara(
Per% r lT:lIi 12T) C 0 008 3et 3g, 6 N h f" ? '"CY ! n = yT = l 'Tl 'P' U . An E.ne19&hincy w,'\\\\ 'be Sqhsquesdly c{one fo j ' venif de'syslemarespnse )s not rifloenceof; ly/ tite: timcit G/v.s fa} lonips de insula:/ ton.
.m - g #p;g.').L' HAfPC 11/97 013' i ;i,-p/5 HOPPER AND ASSOCIATES f pA e J"di% h -vr.ny kPkk ' ENCINEERS : e . CALCULATION SHEET iffits: -4.v1; PIPl#6 ' TNPl46EMENT ' o ATE: _ fl hB I Y nce:
40I -AM M Sl$ BY:'AYS-CK: SHT: Y OF D. $.inic_ :ht' -l%htet(; (e$fonS Q b{ ntes{ kj deyns I1st s it. lCltttf AC YCf!SkiC GnM toiclct{ knt$ tun, he m e-feGQck M Ae insuletdun oct 3cteket cd o.oos sec. is tiert toqarect h +kt frequency vf ee. eaure. P'pn3 spfem uArcIt 33 calculaded rn sec.4.1.
- There6re,
' ne. Ost he ta vey smou, o>u4 can h e. APProRmdeck to be : ol5 tr 0
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= Tke eyohh pulse can be. represeded ,,31 t b i A I h b t 0 N
- k lsec) o,on5*
...n sick - Siendy Pyna>nic.
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s. 8 tifdN5.C ~ 8f 5f on 5C ke52['>tt f f (Vo.cs sec. minimur - Res?pr'sc dim f#. 41; 1 z
... ~ ~ HAFPC 11/97 013
- 7 c. N 4.:, : ' ' '. ' 3 h[$'d, th d' I qi 5... J '
HOPPER AND ASSOCIATES 'y' 'i LN0lNEER$ CALCULATION SHEET 181LE: ( !0. }l?UYN Ibl,hlAlbfNEYI Y 0 . P ACE: D AT E: suaJECT:hd AM/dfil$ 1M )6_ BY:A/C CK: SHT:_. or ft effetd1 cf th eychaport P" h m d'"e niv{ niva/ ton can be. citaracler.3 e4 by ico Wcj x6 oPhf,'ecdim gecim (Dpnue tool Facdor) for .6:ne Paltec twh varyli@ clarafinis anl(UC f;"&
- l
.3,. '?;Q L '. Q.'.k.'.), K / ,. e. I o' x _L; i - +/. 2"._ w;Lg4 i, 22 f,4 y <.:6.ts,e/ \\,.i ,.ts,z/ N,.i lg,ll [ Q,l*s ,.. i. 'o* f. O 1 n 3 4 5 0 . n,. +. Frq 4.3.3 Amplifwdion Speelrq For A 5tsple Sine lahe. p) A 5ccla A vH{Redson 7 = I3 "* C Ppo<ec /*1 Fack.) atro k.a u p Trent
_m_ [ l d.,3,r, }'.;.M ' HAFPC 11/97 013 m a l HOPPER AND AssoctATas fH.I s ty b@ r<n@iv.O sNCINesas M Ti-ol21 F CALCULATION SHEET ll/Jo/ 97 16 TifLE:.s.W P/P/e6 / n p/ ed;E N E N T care: nace: sus >sCf:dC AMAO3K sy: //X 6 _ CK:- SHT:j_OF @ I %wUs, F,o s3 3, muel im<ta<d Parainfe.a neeol % he cow.pwjed. at /At roA r (- %% %e to g p x w ie Rue Twe. 0,002$ i O Am +,we half renod rdo 2f fm = 2 f fr = u(an)(o.oo.25) =. o. I o7 6 (htm Fu 43 3, ne sislern ti ku{ in hcwe a PLF af 2 4 cudh & Ot.F -2 m ked & de tyden., . ' prna +/>+ 4!'c (Ut
- l nq pf TYe SfSlem.
1,5 ne3ltyr}lg, k 7Ac Pressur16er hwI rea be -br1%<< ido hs cel <rs i (T redaiyc(ccr foasf f5, bom&g eq {}e,( etkleem p ,oeirpses a). F 1Fm 4.14 4 Acc % der D w c N (. ~ .;,~,..._,.--,,,. .,-..-,...-,,,,__..._..-.,-,,,,--, <,, _,.., _,, ~. -.. -.,,
gl%@"4$%ggypMgzg30s.$ i jQ HAFPC 11/97 013 p. sci <ij l McepaR AND Assoq$ pH ' M97-oer.r giv.o, i CALCULATION SHERf l i m e: $. 9). PIPIM6, IMPlM 4EMENT / //20/7E pace: 'I l oate: sunsecs: %o ANNYSIS ar. A YC ex: N sus: lor 15 i 4.4 Eners y Venlicdion l t K srenp/e ater9y 6.twae nelysu on 4k /9e sysle% 13 afpkcol io veMy ihe system redronse, q Y H 4 W Ins.Mton> Sr,4 macs auf d6 ness nyq V80'4.4.l: Eneiss Represekten ( iffffM 616+em.
- O////
W A >w = { ["Y i kl. AI -2 At dm.w : o.
- L h wu = 1 &t A nn.
hmm = 2. Ast, %s, DLF = 2.O is hw>whq hof a>y/tpcatten + i 4 i n.- =.. - -. -... -.. -. -. -... - - -..
l .s. HAFPC 11/97 013 .v, 2. HOPPER AND AssoctATES n-Wawgd gj ENGINtlR$ gj,gm l CALCULATION SHEET WhMS 9 pact: lh TifLE:.J. pl PlPINA lAlPIA1AFA1EA]T ., oatt: SusJECT: 4.0 NMM'Sk6 SY: M CK: $HT: OF_ 4.s Hoimm bs90nse i tyta[YCliS j $C fr3 E lI)nC Ad PLF-T~f0m
- llu:.
f(CWC4 S Y of he pipig sysJem kne been ce>apadec(, tlc _ Precsusged ord h.u been ec,hp( h he reciangala.c /onc{. A% dee may/amn a fC.$fontse. Of Urts elets-lo - Pla chc ou dA) re c-i 3 ein enn ht cdctddd, o 'o 'o ix '_ . 'o rif$U i j [l li il 7 .C ) { l / / [ / / / 'er j - q/ y _,ff-l: l l tos l sq _,. - ~j- -.. j
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( / / / 1.10 ~ l l l l // L: !/ ~.. - -..-t y=+-t as m= L1 ;; - 6Har h 7' I' H ~ p, y t . y, ~_ I l t, ~'. Ig # yog Pecteaggior Repitonce 0 placement ,, d'# i !"*C[*,,,ii
- "Ch'"
I C.1 1 t OI to to 40 7 'tauler iRu.fanpdar Load 'Pttlses (3') t y.~.. .7 c,, ..,..,,..,-.m. ,,...-...m,,,,,,,__ ,m,m.,,,m,,,Emm,..%,,,,...-,,,,._,.w.,_,,,,,.,,,,,.vy cy,___e
... 1,, HAFPC 11/97 013 dIMih,ig' gajg;agw- <. u y* H:PPER AND ASSOCIATES h
- t M 9 7-012 ENCINEER$
CALCULATION SHEET TITLE: S W. PIPING IMPINQEMENT' , _ DATE 11r?0/97 PACE: suc>tci: 4 0 ANALYSIS ny:, M.,,,,,cx: sHT: (O or /f In order to find the maximum response (p), the ratio Rm/F3 needs to be determined. In an elasto-plastic system, Rn represents the maximum load needed to achieve the elastic limit ( y 1, c i) in the system. F1 represents o the external load applied to the system. From the static analysis, a stress value of 52 ksi (1) is in the pipe at the pump connection. This value i-based on a SIF of 1.3. Since this is a one time loading problem (no fatigue issues), the stress need not be intensified, therefore: 52 ksi 6
- 4-o kr.:
Due to the geometry of the piping, which can be modeled as a thin tube, a shape factor has to be accounted for when computing *.he effective stress on the piping system.
- -. ~...-._-._...._.~. - -. -. - _- ~. -.. . ~.... t .... H.AFPC.11/97 013....._ .y?k.,% ;a. ; '() 4-a 'U h i :5; ~ 41 st.f@. i 1 HOPPER AND ASSOCIAYES f 'A 1 M M ol21 REV.O CALCULATION SHEET 6.W. PiPIN(I 1/4Pl44914GNT < //2 /)/ 77 race: 'M 17te: onte: u . set: 4., O ANAlI81$ A$ cx: sHi / / or @ f s. sy: bc cc 1 kin-tu13 e, %e stafe. G& or \\ v c4aded<c{ q.c : 3 .S _ 2 :. 3 5 '- 3 04.'
- 2. s 6
i i 5 - # CA dI : '" I ' ' '3 "#I :: /,72 32,1
- 32. ca. s) bafe $ Vbr: h=,2 6
= t.3 6 4 %( : 8
- $ = 27. t3 pr 1.35 12.5 Fi : Grf =
2% 6 3 P5r 1 I E ( O'. Tka s: e-u asr I' 1 F~ ,q. b ks t i Fom At. T compd ed. in sec. 4.1, .!ii' = 0 51 : 41 10 7 Frwn ilese tw vcdu es,. eind 'Feg. 4.r.I, the chictild.y is t fiu4 it, be : i A = 33 f -l
~ i y.s 'l '.HAFPC 11/97 013 l s c.'. HOPPER AND AS$0ddT ! $)Gj!)$$N%!GY8,,D... l M q7Ethi Etw.o CALCULATION SHEET r Il ld O l 1 % race: O tsun: S VI. PIPIMh IMPINAFMENT onn: susact: 4.0 ANAL'fm av: A E w: 5HT: llor II i By ddlndiarr,,# i.s df4vc/ os: l A = yn.. .m. y '^ Q l 40, kke !?tt$Ir???t o
- A I fb*n $r $bt C/1$t*
fG Ct M cludidt of Snicar be m 4/ as; fy =/h = 3.3({} 35, oon Pst. ~3'3(\\ 27,6m 4 /N) { D. 9 0 4 Ir[n, O T 1 h 4 w 7 r - --e e -w,, +.. - -. -m ,+ ,,ys- ....--,-..-,.*.-n-- ,w , --+
~' 4pfd. int,, ; - HAFPC 11/97 013 ,/ ,y 4. HOPPER AND A350CIATES2I,T; 7 + j # "' ',-
- I ' '* ' # @ '"F
/ Y20 l49. Fact:
- 2 2.
title:$lU. ElPlAin IFlOINhFMF-A I7~ DAtt: sus >ect: 4.D /WAlYf sY: M. _ CK: SHT: b 0F 60 B .E ~ G A 10 A b e b en l 0" 0.020 0.20 0.(61+ Strain, e, in./in. R 4.El $if'c.sS - $d % n di q fou n b r SIecl. b 0) 3 pm b a. ben. dasrea+, & u.It&c Skdn i s foud 6 se : Em = 6, 2c) in/,% l is cd 9. +. idocL is less M~r 2-14 y s u--,p+-vr.,- ,e- ,.,~,,,,-,-- ,--wy--- ,.=-,-=r- --3 -w-,
HAFPC.11/97 013 HOPPER AND ASSOClk' ES k U C M}fp':' '. T ENCINEERS CALCULATION SHEET ///M/ff fntE: s V) P!Pv/A iMPl#fEA13w7 CATE: PACE: N sus >EcT:40 ///40'l/I sy: A/C cx: M_oFI sHT: 4,6 bced PP!'y Sh cg tn'. 7/a scutieg siw>,,e.x on & p,pe is deteri<iiiiel /15 : bl,fl4) (( l 1 ff = DJ R'O. ht3 (dS t Ss't $ 5 C.h ! 5 0 \\I / 6 = N. =? 3 = Sin e =- I. O 3 f( w T C :- (059 : p.o. M: WR * [ 0 3 f f'3 ( y 1 I ) - 0.S] = 0. uw n' 9lres.s is func4 % b e.. 6h q= & ( o,2rwn') p 6 x o. 2 C x c. t F6 x ( i 7r[ (O. z o b)' = 5\\ \\ Wi << Gy Piercrec %Lon u pre.
- /5 bl) 26 ('
9 Yc= ?S t* t = 3 ( 36poo ) ( 0.216[ 4900 Ils
s 81.4 r 'qpg;. HAFPC 11/97 013,4 gr.,s i.,v a ,4 HOPPER AND ASSOCIATES 9* 4. :.: ' @ 1 (gf'g f, h,,iy aNosunnas. f O CALCULATION SHEET ///ap/p g Tafts:-- S. N.
- PlPIF6, fxpl u s A s-g
,,, c,. c susJact:A0 ANdl8 SIS /)g. CK: N sHT: dor )6 _ y. i Gy h For A fA:n sked A = Trpt, ?c Y O C> o I .1L = @6'in d') 3,5 i ~ f E X 5.5 A$.l(h .i i or, l . P = TT (3.4) x Co.ur) = 20 h pst n G,tgi psi f bud fela 'dtCi'f1 is no( cmOcipoded -f f Tke pre wou s 3 ot,al cowly crs a t agropr <de. 1 i e I t s .t -,.2,,.,- -.,.:- -, ,.--.-,, w -..--,.---- _..:.-.,-.-.. -. u ~..-.;..-.._..--..- .... ~..
f Oj;. $M HAFPC 11/97 013
- .; t. A; *;
The twenty second (1) pressurizer jet impingement thrust pulse duration is long (40-400 times) relative to the service water piping dynamic periods. Furthermore, the pulse rise time is correspondingly short because the foam rubber insulation surrounding the pipe re'sponds elastically to the pressure wave impinging on it. The service water piping responds dynamically to the pressurizer surge line LOCA jet impingement force. The excitation will likely occasion system inelastic behavior. When the initial plastic hinge forms in the piping and global inelasticity occurs, the systeni resistance is 1.18 times the static applied load. Inelastic deformation is anticipated with a ductility ratio p, of 3.3. It gives a corresponding plastic strain of 0.004 in/in, which is less than the ultimate strain of carbon steel. In conclusion, such a plastic strain value is negligible with respect to the design allowable strain of 50% of ultimate strain (1). The piping can withstand the jet impingement force.
..;.j, HOPPER AND Asshgqy $,z;f6.4. ' HA MSh [W,tc. 7 v ancamens M 97-oi2.8 Rev.o CALCULATION SHEET 4 TITLE: S.W. PIPING IMPINGEMENi 2 DATE 11/20/97 PACE: susa cT:
sy: Axe ck: SHT:10Fd 6.0 RETERENCES References-are parenthetically noted in the calculation package: 1). Dewhurst/Hansrouni; Telecon and System Data Transmittal Piping Isometrics PI-3_05-706 & PI-305-71?.. Pipe support , sketches, and Misc. Informati on; -October 21, 1997 2) Barton, Chobotov, and Fung; A collection of Information on Shock Spectrum of A Linear System; EM11-9; Space Technology Laboratories, LA; July 1961 3) Biggs; ' Introduction to Structural Dynamics; McGraw-Hill l .NY; 1964 1 4) Armstrong/Chen; Telecon; October 28, 1997
- 5) _
'Baumeister, Avallone and Baumeister III; Mark's Standard Handbook for. Mechanical Engineers, 8th Edition; McGraw-Hill, NY; 1978-6)- Blevins; Formulas'for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape; - Krieger; Malabar, FL;~1984
4 ""l,, ' HAFPC 11/97 013" U :. & i H:PPER AND AS bb W b h N'N m uessas y qq. o12.t REV. o CALCUI #. TION SHEET-N. I TITLE: !LW. PIPING IMPlNGEMENT DAte 11/70 m PACE: $NT:$ OFM . sus >sCT:
sY: AVC CK: i 7) AISC; Manual of Steel Construction; Ninth Edition; 1989 8) W.C.. Young; Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain; i Sixth Edition; McGraw-Hill, NY; 1987 9). 1992 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section II Materials, Part D - Properties; July 1992 10) Popov; Mechanics of Materials; Prentice-Hall Inc., NJ; i 1961 E ~ W.C. Young; Roark's Formulas for StLass and Strain; 11) Fourth Edition; McGraw-Hill, NY; 1965 12) Johnson, Reid, and Ghosh; Piercing of Cylindrical Tubes, Transactions ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 103 No. 3, pp. 255-260; August 1981
HOPPER AND A .... /,,Kg_11/97 013 $..j if l HAFPC c.<... i,..g. encasemes M 7-0111 f.EV,p s 4 9 References 1 and 4 i - C $,.,,,.,
.._-.~..,. .46' 6, m*J, HAFPC 11/97 013 1 1
- e HOPPER AND All2CIAIES ",1MV Il'@', T '.3 7.U.h.
'aa'as s 9 7 0,deev.o CALCULATION SHEET istle: Y.IN. ftth M C / M r*/ N 4~ G M E N T lb? FACE: DATE: l-sussect: 86 FEM FNC C sy: MC _ CK: $HT: / OF. 2 _ i - 71 +fr. Hansrount n. Andy Dewhwst fiorn (Ref. I) l Florida ibW forpehrk on Odpler % l985 n) Yrom Sialic aulysts, Acre ts e s Ftt ss A n w Sh. 1 d( s I F d I. 3, l
- 2) Admo maJJe.
Sfrain. T0fl ef 4 W I m a le nr rirt. i
- 4) Instdchuw :
Armsfrono Ar/nn9er, /* neA dfA i +/Pe 34 cfainless Reel Jackef o.ol M:ch
- 4) Impingemed prwtire is appImcd verfo'may
- qpioauf, s) 3d 7ulse :
. H 's incialee( rn a neef /atc, O Pye bonekta, ge, ~l wets /d i he/<r
- RJ 2 0. /,,,4 pd 2.o.2
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CAEPIPE 305 706';f Page 1 of 29 l Version 3.75 M-97 0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,9? t r CAEPIPE Version 3.75 Client FPC Project File Number 305-706W Report Number : y Model Name 305-706W Title
- M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Subtitle Analyzed
- Thu Oct 16 09:49:28 1997 Prepared by Nk Dater
/0 p/97 (Terry'[ haul /J[N['? 7 Checked by 8'% diarA, - Date: II r
l i CAEPIPE 305 7000 Pogo 2 Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16.97 i Options l Piping code = B31.1 (1967) Do not use liberal allowable stresses Include axial force in stress calculations Reference temperature - 70 (F) Number of thermal cycles a 7000 Us* temperature dependent rodulus Do not include hanger stiffness Do not include Bourdon effect Do not use pressure correction for bends Pressure stress FD / 4t Peak pressure factor = 1.00 Cut off frequency = 50 Hz i -Number of modes = 0 Include missing mass correction Do not use friction in dynamic analysis Vertical direction Y i
- Node Type DX(feet)
DY(feet) DZ(feet) Mat Sec Load Data 1 10 Frcm - 139.458 Anchor 2 10 Location Fillet Wold 3 20 Bend 3.481 4.62 CS 3IN 3N 4 5.656 CS 3IN 3N 5 30 Bend 5.5 CS 3IN 3N 6 9 0.573 CS 31N 3N Y restraint 7 40 Bena 0.568 CS 3IN 3N 8 50 Bend 2.593 2.593 C5 3IN 3N 9 16 1.0 CS 3IN 3N 10 15 4.0 CS 31N 3N 11 18 0.3333 CS 3IN 3N 12 17 0.4377 CS 3IN 3N Force 13 51 0.25 CS 31N 3N 14 52 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 15 53 0.25 CS 31N 3N 16 54 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 17 55 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 18 56 0.25 CS 31N 3N 19 $7 0.2 CS 3IN 3N 20 60 Bend 0.3 LS 3IN 3N 21 23 0.56 -0.56 CS 3IN 3N 22 70 Bend 0.56 -0.56 CS 3IN 3N 23 75 3.43 CS 31N 3N 24 80 Bend 0.4030 CS 3IN 3IP i 25 81 0.38 C5 3IN 3IP 26 82 0.25-CS 3IN 3IP 27 83 0.25 ) CS 3!N 3IP 28 84 0.25 CS 3IN 3IP 29 05 0.25 CS 3IN 31P 30 86 0.25-CS 31N 31P 31 87 0.2 CS 3IN 3IP 32 90 Bend 0.3783 CS 3IN 3IP 33 100 0.003 -0 375 CS 3IN 3IP 34 -110 - Reducer 0.003 -0.292 CS 3IN 3IP-35 111 0.0024 -0.2604 CS IIN 2IP 1
I CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 3 [ Version 3.75 M-97 0121 REV. O ATTACHMERT A Oct 16.97 i
- Node Type DX(feet)
DY(feet) DZ(feet) Mat Sec Load Data l 36 112 0.0024 0.2604 CS 21N 2IP. 1 37 115 0.0014 -0.1469 CS 2IN 2N i 38 120 0.0008 -0.0833 CS 2F 2N Conc mass i 39 115 Location Fillet Weld i 40 120 Location Anchor Bends Bend Radius Thickness Int. Angle Int. Angle i Node (inch) (inch) Node (deg) Node (deg) 20 4.5 L 30 4.5 L I 40 4.$ L 4 fd 4.5 L 60 4.5 L 61 15.00 62 30.00 10 4.5 L 71 30.00 72 60.00 1 30 4.5 L 78 30.00 79 60.00 '1 90 4.5 L 91 30.00 92 60.00 keducers i OD1 Thk1 002 Thk2 Cone Angle Knut Delta From To (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (deg) kles (inch) 100 110 3.5 0.216 2.375 0.154 0.00 Anchors (1b/ inch) (in-lb/deg) Releases Node KX KY KZ KXX KYY WZZ X Y Z XXYYZZ 10 Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid 120 Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Specified Displacements Node Type Load X(inch) Y(inch) Z(inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 120 Anchor T1 -1.125 1.375 -0.500 4.............................................. Restraints Nodo X Y Z 9' Yes Welds . Node Tyne 10 Fillet weld 115 Fillet weld-4 + yW+ n--* ,w--- --,+n-,, ,e*,.-c -+-=e+-- ~ s-,-v- --r~ e. v +- ,-e----'*
CACPIPE 305-70Gd Pago 4 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 3.................................................................. Forces FX FY FZ MX MY MZ Node (1b) (1b)_ (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 17 148 Concentrated Masses Weight DX D( DZ Node (1b) (inch) (inch) (inch) 120 6.50 Coordinates Node X (feet) Y (feet) Z (feet) 10 0.0- -139.458 0.0 20A 3.2553 139.458 4.3205 20 3.481 139.458 4.62 20B 3.481 139.833 4.62 5 3.481 145.1140 4.62 30A 3.481 150.2390 4.62 30 3.481 150.6140 4.62 300 3.856 150.6140 4.62 9 4.054 150.6140 4.62 40A 4.247 150.6140 4.62 40 4.622 150.6140 4.62 400 4.622 150.8792 4.8852 50A 4.622 152.9418 6.9478 50 4.622 153.2070 7.213 SOB 4.997 153.2070 7.213 16 5.622 153.2070 7.213 15 9.622 153.2070 7.213 18 9.9553 153.2070 7.213 17 10.393 153.2070 7.213 51 10.643 153.2070 7.213 52 10.893 153.2070 7.213 53 11.143 153.2070 7.213 54 11.393 153.2070 7.213 55 11.643 153.2070 7.213 56 11.893 153.2070 7.213 57 12.0930 153.2070 7.213 60A 12.2377 153.2070 7.213 60 12.393 153.2070 7.213 608 12,-5023 153.2070 7.1032 61' _12;3347 153.2070 7.2002 -62 12.4252 153.2070 7.1628 23 12.953 153.2070 6.653 70A 13.2478 153.2070 6.3582 70 13.513 153.7070 6.093 70B 13.513 152.8320 6.093 71 13.3804 153.1567 6.2256 72 13.4775 153.0195 6.1285 75 13.513' 149.7770 6.093 m
i CAEPIPE 305-706d Pago 5 Version 3.75 M.97-0121 REV. 0 ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 [ Coordinates Node 'X (feet) Y (feet) Z (feet) 80A 13.513 149.7540 6.093 i 80 13.513 149.374 5.093 80B 13.893 149.374 6.093 78 13.5632 149.5658 6.093 79 13.7005 149.4267 6.093 81 13.893 149.374 6.093 82 14.143 149.374 6.093 83 14.393 149.374 6.093 84 14.643 149.374 6.093 85 14.893 149.374 6.093 86 15.143 149.374 6.093 87 15.3430 149.374 6.093 90A 15.3463 149.374 6.093 90 15.7213 149.374 6.093 908 15.7243 149.374 5.718 91 15.5342 149.374 6.0428 92 15.6725 149.374 5.9055 100 15.7243 149.374 5.718 110 15.7273 149.374 5.426 111 15.7297 149.374 5.1655 112 15.7322 149.374 4.9052 115 15.7335 149.374 4.7583 120 15.7343 149.374 4.6750 t Pipe material CS: A106 Grade B Density = 0.2800 (1b/in3), Nu = 0.300, Joint factor - 1.00, Type = CS Temp E Alpha Allowable (F) (psi) (in/in/F) (psi) 70 27.9E+6 6.07E-6 15000 200 27.7E+6 6.38E-6 15000 300 27.4E+6 6.60E-6 15000 400 27.0E+6 6.82E-6 15000 500 26.4E+6 7.02E-6 15000 Pipe Sections Nominal 0.D. Thk Cor.Al M.Tol Ins. Dens-Ins.Th Lin. Dens Lin.Th Name Dia. Sch (inch) (inch) (inch) (%) (1b/f t3) (inch) (1b/f t3) (inch) 3IN 3" 40 3.5 0.216 0.0 0,0 0.0 1.0 21N 2" 40 2.375 0.154 0.0 0.0 0,0 1.0 2F Non 5td 2.875 0.308 0.0 0.0 4
P CAEPIPE Vers.on 3.75 - 305 706W Pago 6 M-97-0121 REV, O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Loads i-Acceleration load: X = 0.00, Y = 0.00, Z = 0.00 (g's) Acceleration-load combination = Square Root of Sum of Squares i Wind velocity = 374 (mph) Shape factor = 1.00 Wind direction: X comp = 0.000, Y comp = 1.000. Z comp = 0.000 Number of thermal loads = 1 Pipe Loads Load T1 P1 T2 P2 T3 P3 Specific Add.Wgt Wind Name (F) (psi) (F) (psi) (F) (psi) gravity (lb/ft) Load ...........n............................................................... 3N 150 125 1.000 1.803 3IP 150 125 1.000 1.803 Y 2IP 150 125 1.000 1.422 Y 2N 150 125 1.000 1.422 .....................4...................................................... 031.1 (1967) Code Compliance (sorted stresses) ...... Sustained -.---- --..-- Expansion --...- ------ Occasional ----- SL SE SL+50 SL+50/ Node (psi) SL/SH Node (psi) SE/SA Node (psi) 1.20SH 17 1593 0.11 115 9528 0.42 115 19402 1.08 115 1521 0.10 10 89?4 0.40 112 13048 0.72 51 1450 0.10 20B d926 0.40 111 9657 0 54 18 1408 0.09 112 8278 0.37 110 6553 0.36 3nA 1357 0.09 111 8046 0.36 120 6384 0.35 52 1313 0.09 .110 7829 0.35 80A 3049 0.17 15 1278 0.09 20A 7284 0.32 70B 3022 0.17 53 1182 0.0L 70B 5009 0.22 78 3010 0.17 112 1160 0.08 72 4516 0.20 72 2989 0.17 10 1144 0.08 60A 4494 0.20 79 2979 0.17 72 1090 0.07 61 4169 0.19 80B 2944 0.16 70B 1077 0.07 90A 4009 0.18 71 2751 0.15 54 1055 0.07 91 3944 -0.18 92 2546 0.14 71 1022' O.07 71 3876 0.17 91 2458 0.14 50A 969 0.06 0 A 3782 0.17 70A 2448 0.14 111 962 0.06 62 3710 0.16 30A 2407 0.13 1 55' 938 0.06 92 3467 0.15 61 2365 0.13 40A 903 0.06 120 3300 0.15 62 2310 0.13 62 894 0.06 608 3218 0.14-60A 2304 0.13 60B 894 0.06 908 3138 0.14 908 2221 0.12 70A. 885 0.06 808 3060 0.14 608 2140 0.12 61 876 0.06 79 2956 0.13 17 2113 0.12 60A 842 0.06 23 2838 0.13 51 2011 0.11 .80A 835 0.06' 54 2837 0.13 90A 1981 0.11 56. 828 0.06 78 2836 0.13 75 1934 0.11 408~ 818 0.05 -80A 2834 0.13 .52 1915 0.11 110 .807 0.05. 57-2617 0.12 .81 1878 0.10 9 804- 0.05
- 56 2550 0.11 18 1857 0.10 xL
~. - -. -.--m
{ i CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 7 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 i B31.1 (1967). Code Compliance (sorted stresses) ...... Sustained...--- ------ Expansion.........--. Occasional ----- SL SE-St+SO SL+50/ Node (psi) SL/SH Node (psi) SE/SA Node (psi) 11.20SH f 20B 791 0.05 55 2474 0.11 82 1757 0.10 808 789 0.05 $4 2399 0.11 50A 1744 0.10 78 787 0.05 SOB 2353 0.10 54 1741 0.10. 79 768 0.05 53 2325 0.10 408 1718 0.10 57 748-0.05 87 2267 0.10 15 1673= 0.09-20A 717 0.05 52 2253 0.10 55 1664-0.09 l - 90A 710 0.05 40A 2251 0.10 56-1595 0.09 =91 702 0.05 86 2192 0.10 57 1548 0.09 75 691 0.05 51 2183 0.10 40A 1547 0.09 t 92 683 0.05 SOA 2124 0.09 83 1546 0.09 81 665 0.04 17 2114 0.09 100 1488 0.08 908 -664 0.04 85 2099 0.09 23 1434 0.08 -30B 659 0.04 84 2006 0.09 508 1360 0.08 82 652 0.04 18 1999 0.09 308 1358 0.08 508 636 0.04 15 1916 0.09 87 1814 0.07 83 636 0.04 83 1912 0.08 208 1294 0.07 120 630- 0.04 82 1819 0.08 10 1286 0.0/ 23 624 0.04 308 1761 0.08 84 1249 0.07 87 621 0.04 81 1726 0.08 9 1200 0.07 l 84 620 0.04 75 1718 0.08 5 1143 0.06 86 609 0.04 16 1487 0.07 86 910 0.05 85 608 0.04 9 1383 0.06 16 893 0.05 100 595 0.04 40B 1293 0.06 85 888 0.05 16 584 0.04 30A 1167 0.05 20A 815 0.05 Loads on Anchors: Sustained (W+P) Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) XX(ft-lb) YY(ft-lb) ZZ(ft-lb) 10 6 -42 -1 46 42 -32 120 -6 -49 1 40 6 19 Loads on Restraints: Sustained (W+P) Node X (lb) Y (1b) Z (lb) 1 9 -230 Pipe element forces in local' coordinates: Su stai ned - (W+P). .........................................In plane....Out of plane..------ Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend.Momeit-SL Node (lb) -(lb)- -(lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lbi SIF- - (f t-lb)- SIF (psi) ~ 10 3 -42 -6 2 -56 1.30 42 1.30 1144-20A 3 26 -6. 2 12 625-i 3 20A. 3 26 -6 2 -12 1.78 12 1.78 .717 20B 33- -3 -6 10 21 1.78- -4 1.78 -791 4 h 1 _..._,-u, m._, ,_..--...o_,.- .-,4., ,,r,, ,..e. r 7 ,-s-.m_-.m
i CAEPIPE 305-706W Pags 8 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces _in local coordi9ates: Sustained (W+P) .......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n c. - - - -- - Axial y shear z shear Torque Hend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node (1b) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 208 33 -6 -1 10 9 -20 673 5 99 -6 -1 10 22 -27 793 5-99 -6 -1 10 22 -27 793 30A 163 -6 -1 10 53 -33 1017 30A 163 6 1 10 -53 1.78 33 1.78 1357 308 6 -170 1 34 7 1.78 -10 1.78 659 308 6 170 -1 34 -7 10 593 9 6 173 -1 34 -41 9 804 9 6- -57 -1 34 -41 9 804 40A 6 -55 -1 34 -31 9 731 40A 6 -40 38 34 -28 1.78 -15 1.78 903 40B -34 -6 33 -2 -12 1.78 -21 1.78 818 408 -34 -33 -6 -2 -21 12 6.1 50A -9 -7 -6 -2 37 -6 769 SOA -9 6 -7 -2 -6 1.78 -37 1.78 969 508 6 4 -2 -38 -10 1.78 0 l'.78 636 50B 6 -4 -1 -38 7 -7 580 16 6 4 -1 -38 7 -8 584 16 6 4 -1 -38 7 -8 584 15 6 54 -1 -38 -110 -14 1278 15 6 54 -1 -38 -110 -14 1278 18 6 58 -1 -38 -128 -14 1408 18 6 58 -1 -38 -128 -14 1408 17 6 64 -1 -38 -155 -15 1593 17 6 -84 -1 -38 -155 -15 1593 S1 6 -81 -1 -38 -134 -15 '450 $1 6 -81 -1 -38 -134 -15 1450 52 6 -78 -1 -38 -114 -15 1313 52 6 -78 -1 -38 -114 -15 1313 53 6 -75 -1 -38 -95 -16 1182 53 6 -75 -1 -38 -95 -16 1182 54 - S -72 -1 -38 -77 -16 1056 54 6 -72 -1 -38 -77 -16 1056 55 6 -69 -38 -59 -16 938
- ~. _ _ .__.__.._____y i CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 9 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. 0 - ATTACitMENT A Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) ......................................... I n pl a n e... 0u t o f pl a n e.. - - - - -- Axial y shear r shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) ( SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 55 .6 -59 -1 -38 -59 -16 938 56 6 -66 -1 -38 -43 -17 828 i 56 6 -66 -1 -38 -43 -17 828 57 6 -63 -1 -38 -30 -17 748 i 57 6 -63 -1 -38 -30 -17 748 60A 6 -61 -1 -38 -21 -17 696 i I 60A 6 1- -61 -38 -17. 1.78 21 1.78 842 61 6 0 -60 --33 -17 1.78 24 1.78 876 l 61 6 0 -60 33 -17 1.78 24 1.78 876 62 6 -2 -59 -26 -17 1.78 26 1.78 894 62 6 -2 -59 -26 -17 1.78 26 1.78 894 608 5 -3 -58 -19 -17 1.78 26 1.78 894 P 608 5 -58 3 -19 -26 -17 725 23 5 -50 3 .-19 8 -15 624 ) 23 5 -50 3 -19 8 -15 624 70A 5 -44 3 -19 27 -13 721 70A-5 44 -3 -19 -27 1.78 13 1.78 885 71 25 34 -3 -10 -35 1.78 20 1.78 1022 71 25 34 -3 -10 -35 1.78 20 1.78 1022 i 72-37 15 -3 1 -40 1.78 22 1.78 1090 72 37 15 -3 1 -40 1.78 22 1.78 1090 708 37 -5 -3 12 -41 1.78 18 1.78 1077-70B 37 -6 1 12 -42 -16 835 75 -1 -6 1 12 -23 -12 691 75 -1 -6 1 12 -23 -12 691 80A -1 -6 1 12 -23 -12 690 80A -2 6 -1 12 23 1.78 13 1.78 83! 5 78 0 7 17 22 1.78 5 1.78 785 78 0 7. -1 17-22 1.78 5 1.78 -787 79. 2 9 -1 17 21 1.78 -5 1.78 768 4 79 2 9 1 17 20 1.78 -5 1.78 766 80B. 6 9 -1 12 19 1.78 -13 1.78 789 81 6 9 -1 12 19 -12 665 82 6 12 12 16 -13 652 a . ~., - - -, - - -.. ~,,, ,J.,-_.--,,--..,,. ,,..=-,_.-n,,. , - - +
CAEPIPE .305-706d Page 10 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 j Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) .......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node (1b) (1b) (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) i i 82 6-12 -1 12 16 -13 652 83 6 15 -1 12 13 -13 636 [ t 83 6 15 -1 12 13 -13 636 -84 6 18 12 8 -13 -620 84 6 18 -1 8 -13 620 85 6 21 -1 12 4 -14 608 i 85 6 21 -1 12 4 -14 608 i 86 6 24 -1 12 -2 -14 609 86 6 24 -1 12 -2 -14 609 87 6 27 -1 12 -7 -14 621 1 87 6 27 -1 12 -7 -14 621 90A 6 27 -1 12 -7 - 14 622 90A 6 1 27 12 -14 1.78 7 1.78 710 91 6 -2 29 15 -14 1.78 6 1.78 701 91 6 -2 30 16 -14 1.78 6 1.78 702 92 4 -5 32 18 -14 1.78 3 1.78 683 92 4 -5 32 18 -14 1.78 3 1,78 682 900 1 6 34 19 -13 1.78 0 1.78 664 100 1 34 6 19 0 1.00 -13 1.00 595 110 1 37 6 19 -11 1.00 -11 1.00 807 110 1 37 6 19 -11 -11 807 111 1 39 6 19 -20 -9 962 111 1 39 6 19 -20 -9 962 112 1 40 6 19 -31 -8 3160 112 1 40 6 19 -31 -8 1160 115 1 41 6 19 -37 1.30 -7 1.30 1521 E 115 1 41 6 19 -37 1.30 -? 1.30 695 120 1 42 6 19 -40 -6 630 Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) -10. -6 42 1 -46 -42 32 20A 6 26 -1 11 -12 -5 e s ,,..m~ -,-4,m.-, 4- -w-- .o
CAEP1PE 305-706d Pago 11 version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P) Node-FX (lb) FY (1b) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 20A -6 -26 1 -11 -12 5 20B 6 33 -1 20 10 -9 i 208 -6 -33 1 20 -10 9 4 5 6 99 -1 27 10 22 5 -6 -99 1 -27 -10 -22 30A 6 163 -1 33 10 53 30A -6 -163 1 -33 -10 -53 308 6 170 -1 34- 'O -7 308 -C -170 1 -34 -10 7 9 6 173 -1 34 9 -41 9 -6 57 1 -34 -9 41 40A 6 -55 -1 34 9 -31 -40A -6 55 1 -34 -9 31 40B 6 -47 -1 21 7 -9 408 -6 47 1 -21 -7 9 50A 6 -11 -1 -37 -5 3 50A -6 11 1 37 5 -3 508 6 -4 -1 -38 -7 7 508 -6 4 1 38 7 -7 16 6 4 -1 -38 -8 7 16 -6 -4 1 38 8 -7 15 6 54 -1 -38 -14 -110 15 -6 -54 1 38 14 110 18 6 58 -1 -38 -14 -128 18 -6 -58 1 38 14 128 17 6 64 -1 -38 -15 -155 17 -6 64 1 38 15 155 51 6 -81 -1 -38 -15 -134 51 -6 81 1 38 15 134 52 6 -78 -1 -38 -15 -114 52 78 1 38 15 114 53 6 -75 -1 -38 -16 -95 53 -6 75 1 38 16 95 54 6 -72 -1 --38 -16 -77
CAEPIPE-305-706W _Page-12 Version 3.75-M-97-0122.REV. 0- ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P) Node FX (lb) .FY (lb)_ FZ (lb) _MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 54 -6 72-1 38 16 77 55 6 -69 -1 -38 -16~ -59 55 -6 69 1-38 16 59 56-6 -66 -1 38 -17 -43 56 -6 66 1 38 17 43 57 6 -3 -1 -38 -17 -30 ~ 57 -6 63 1 38 17 30 60A 6 -61 -1 -38 -17 -21 60A -6 61 1 38 17 21 61 6 -60 -1 -38 -17 --15 61 -6 60 1 38 17 15 62 6 -59 -1 -35 -17 -10 62 -6 59 1 35 17 10 60B 6 -58 -1 -32 -17 -5 i 608 -6 58 1 32 17 5 23 6 -50 -1 -8 -15 19 23 -6 50 1 8 15 -19 70A 6 -44 -1 6 -13 33 L 70A -6 44 1 -6 13 -33 71 6 -42 -1 12 -13 38 71 -6 42 1 -12 13 -38 72 6 -39 -1 15 -12 41 72 -6 39 1 -15 12 -41 708' 6 -37 -1 16 -12 42 708 -6 37 1 -16 12 -42 75 6 1 -1 12 -12 23 75 -6 -1 1 -12 12 -23 80A 6 1 -1 12 -12 23 80A -6 -1 1 -12 12 -23 78 6 4 -1 12 -12 22 78 -6 -4 1 -12 12 -22 79 6 6 -1 12 -12 20 79 -6 -6 1 -12 12 -20 808 6 9 -1 12 -13 19
CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 13 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A. Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P). Node FX (lb) FY~(lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 81 -6 -9 1 12 -19 82 6 12 12 -13 16 82 -6 -12 1 -12 13 -16 83 6 15 -1 12 -13 13 83 -6 -15 1 -12 13 -13 84 6 18 -1 12 -13 8 84 -6 -18 1 -12 13 -8 85 6 21 -1 12 -14 4 85. -6 -21 1 -12 14 -4 86 6 24 -1 12 -14 -2 86 -6 -24 1 -12 14 2 87 6 27 1 12 -14 -7 87 -6 -27 1 -12 14 7 90A 6 27 -1 12 14 -7 90A -6 -27 1 -12 14 7 91 6 29 -1 10 -14 -13 91 -6 -29 1 -11 14 13 92 6 32 -1 6 -14 -17 92 -6 -32 1 -6 14 17 90B 6 34 -1 0 -13 -19 100 -6 -34 1 0 13 19 110 6 37 -1 -10 -11 -19 110 -6 -37 1 10 11 19 111 6 39 -1 -20 -9 -19 111 -6 -39 1 20 9 19 112 6 40 -1 -30 -8 -19 112 -6 -40 1 30 8 19 115 6 41 -1 -36 -7 -19 115 -6 -41 1 36 7 19 120 6 42 -1 -40 -6 -19 Displacements: Sustained (W+P) Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20A 0.008 -0.003 -0.006 0.0024 0.0146 0.0002
CAEPIPE 305-706W Pago 14 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 15,97 Displ5 cements: Sustained 04+P) Node = X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg)
- 208 0.009-
-0.004 .-0.006 0.0062 0.0163 -0.0028 5 0.012 -0.003 0.007 0.0182 0.0231 0.0006 30A 0.002- -0.003 0.034 0.0334 0.0297 0.0197 30B 0.000 -0.001 0.035 0.0385 0.0294 0.0282 9 0.000 0.000 0.034 0.0394-0.0296 0.0277 40A 0.000 0.001 0.032 0.0402 0.0297 0.0271 408 0.001 0.001 J.032 0.0453 0.0309 0.0214 50A 0.005 -0.019 0.052 0.0413-0.0310 0.0204 508 0.006 -0.019 0.051 0.0349 0.0310 0.0235 16 0.006 -0.016 0.047 0.0318 0.0305 0.0240 15 0.006 0.002 0.023 0.0121 0.0262 0.0103 18 0.006 0.002 0.022 0.0105 0.0258 0.0064 17 0.0C6 0.003 0.019 0.0083 0.0251 0.0003 51 0.006 0.002 0.018 0.0071 0.0248 -0.0033 52 0.006 0.002-0.017 0.0058 0.0244 -0.0063 53-0.006 0.002 0.015 0.0046 0.0240 -0.0089 54 0.006 0.001 0.014 0.0034 0.0236 -0.0110 55 0.006 0.001 0.013 0.0022 0.0232 -0.0127 56 0.006 0.000 0.012 0.0009 0.0228 -0.0140 -57 0.006 -0.001 0.011 -0.0001 0.0225 -0.0147 60A 0.006 -0.001 0.010 -0.0008 0.0223 -0.0150 608 0.005 -0.002 0.009 0.0031 0.0200 -0.0176 61 0.006 -0.001 0.010 -0.0014 0.0215 -0.0160 62 0.006 -0.002 0.009 -0.00 1 0.0208 -0.0169 2 23 0.004 -0.004 0.007 -0.0045 0.0190 -0.0169 70A 0.002 -0.006 0.006 -0.0047 0.0185 -0.0157 708 0.001 -0.006 0.005 -0.0006 0.0152 -0.0060 71 0.002 -0.006 0.006 0.0033 0.0171 -0.0131 72 0.001 -0.006 0.005 -0.0020 0.0158 -0.0098 75 0.000 -0.006 0.004 0.0038 0.0105 0.0038 80A 0.000 -0.006 0.004-0,0038 0.0105 0.0038 .80B 0.001 -0.006 0.003 0.0052 0.0090 0.0096 78 0.000 -0.006 0.004 0.0047 0.0103 0.0059 79 0.001 -0,006 0.003 0.0050 0.0099 0.0078 81 0.001 -0.006 0.003 0.0052 0,0090 0.0096 82 0.001 -0.005 0.002 0.0056 0.0087 0.0100 83 0.001 -0.005 0.002 0.0060 0.0084 0.0104 84 0.001 -0.004 0.002 0.0063 0.0011 0.0106 85 0.001 -0.004 0.001 0.0067 0.0078 0.0108 86 0.001 -0.003 0.001 0.0071 0.0074 0.0108 87 0.001 -0.003 0.000 0.0074 0.0071 0.0107 90A 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.0074 0.0071 0.0107 908 0.000 -0.001 0.000 0.0076 0.0034 0.0090 91 0.001' -0,002 0.000 0.0076 0.0058 0.0100 92 0.001- -0.002- -0.000 0.0076 0.0046 0.0094 100 0.000 -0.001 0.000 0.0076 0.0034 0.0090 110 0.000 -0.001 0.000 0.0073 0.0027 0.0076 111 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0056 0.0015 0.0047 112 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0026 0.0006 0.0019 115 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0005 0.0001 0.0003 120 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 e w
CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 15 - Version-3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Loads on Anchors: Expansion (TI) Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) XX(ft-lb) YY(ft-lb) ZZ(ft-lb) 110 -57 -278 -25 949 -110 -315 120 57 -47 25 82 242 302 Loads on Restraints: Expansion (T1) Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) 9 325 Pipe elenient forces in local coordinates: Expansion (TI) .............__..___........__....----...Inplane... .Out of plane..------ Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (lb) (ib) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 10 -54 -278 30 320 -948 1.30 110 1.30 8939 20A -54 -278 30 320 556 52 4506 20A -54 -278 30 320 556 1.78 52 1.78 -7284 208 -278 54 30 63 640 1.78 -309 1.78 8926 208 -278 57 -25 63 632 325 5092 5 -278 57 -25 63 333 192 2837 5 -278 57 -25 63 333 192 2837 30A -278 57 -25 63 43 63 816 SOA -278 -57 25 63 -43 1.78 -63 1.78 1167 308 -57 278 25 -54 -126 1.78 -54 1.78 1761 308 -57 -278 -25 -54 126 54 1050 9 -57 -278 -25 -54 181 49 1383 9 -57 47 -25 -54 181 49 1383 40A -57 47 -25 -54 172 44 1316 40A -57 16 -51 -54 90 1.78 153 1.78 2251 408 16 57 -51 134 63 1.78 34 1.78 1293 40B 16 51 57 134 34 -63 1063 SOA 16 51 57 134 -115 102 1425 50A 16 -57 51 134 102 1.78 115 1.78 2124 50B -57 -16 51 134 129 1.78 -114 1.78 2353 508 -57 47 -25 134 -10 172 1547 16 -57 47 -25 134 -40 156 1487 16 -57 47 -25 134 -40 156 1487 15 -57 47 -25 134 -229 55 1916 4 ~_
-s .a .i CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 16 version-3,75 M-97-0121 REV. 0 -ATTACHMENT A Oct-16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (T1) ......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (1b) (lb)- (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) -15 -57 47- -25 134 -229 55-1916 18 -57 47 -25 134 -245 47 1999 18 -57 47 -25 134 -245 47 1999 17 -57 47 -25 134 -266 36 2114 17 -57 47 -25 134 -266 36 2114 51 -57 47 -25 134 -278 -30 2183 51 -57 47 -25 134 -278 30 2183 52 -57 47 -25 134- -290 23 2253 52 -57 47 -25 134 -290 23 2253 '53 -57 47 -25 134 -301 17 2325 53 -57 47 -25 134 -301 17 2325 54 -57 47 -25 134 -313 11 '2399 54 ~57 47 -25 134 -313 11 2399 55- -57 47 -25 134 -325 5 2474 55 -57 47 -25 134 -325 5 2474 55 -57 47 -25 134 -337 -2 2550 56 -57 47 -25 154 -337 -2 2550 57 -57 47 -25 134 -346 -7 2612 57 -57 47 -25 134 -346 -7 2612 60A -57 47 -25 134 -353 -10 2657 60A -57 25 47 334 -10 1.78 353 1.78 4494 61 -48 39 47 222 -14 1.78 311 1.78 4169 61 -48 39 47 222 -14 1.78 311 1.78 4169 62 -36 50 47 295 -18 1.78 248 1.78 3710 62 -36 50 47 295 -18 1.78 248 1.78 3710 60B -22 58 47 350 -23 1.78 167 1.78 3218 60B -22 47 -58 350 -167 -23 2715 23 -22 47 -58 350 -197 -60 2838 23 -22 47 -58 350 -197 -60 2838 70A -22 47 -58 350 -217 -84 2936 70A -22 -47 58 350 217 1.78 84 1.78 3782 71 -43 -30 58 348 225 1.78 -91 1.78 3876 71 -30 58 348 225 1.78 -91 1.78 3876 72 -52 -4 58 259 228 1.78 -242 1.78 4516
- CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 17 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 t
Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (T1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... I n pl a.; e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (lb) (lb) (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF-(ft-lb) SIF (psi) 72 -52 -4 58 259 228 1.78 -242 1.78 4516 -708 -47 22 58 106 .227 1.78 -328 1.78 5009 708 -47 57 25 106 392 -72 2894 75 -47 57 25 106 219 5 1718 75 -47 57 25 106 219 5 1718 80A -47 57 25 106 218 6 1710 80A -47 -57 -25 107 -219 1.78 -4 1.78 2834 78 -69 -26 -25 89 -211 1.78 -62 1.78 2820 78 -70 -26 -26 90 -212 1.78 -62 1.78 2836 79 -74 13 -26 45 -211 1.78 -104 1.78 2956 79 -74 13 -25 44 -210 1.78 -103 1.78 2939 808 -57 49 -25 -17 -216 1.78 -116 1.78 3060 81 -57 47 -25 -15 -215 -116 1726 82 -57 47 -25 -15 -227 -122 1819 82 -57 47 -25 -15 -227 -122 1819 83 -57 47 -25' -15 -238 -128 1912 83 -57 47 -25 -15 -238 -128 1912 84 -57 47 -25 -15 -250 -135 2006 84 -57 47 -25 -15 -250 -135 2006 85 -57 47 -25 -15 -262 -141 2099 85 -57 47 -25 -15 -262 -141 2099 86 -57 47 -25 -15 -274 -147 2192 86 ~57 47 -25 -15 -274 -147 2192 87 -57 47 -25 -15 -283 -152 2267 87 -57 47 -25 -15 -283 -152 2267 .90A .-57 47 -25 -15 -284 -152 2268 90A -57 25 47 -18 -153 1.78 283 1,78 4009 91 -37 50 .47 129 -160 1.78 263 1.78 3929 91 -37 50 48 131 -161 1.78 264 1.78 3944 92 - 62 48 248 -172 1.78 171 1.78 3467 92 -7 62 47 248 -172 1.78 171 1.78 3466 908 25 57 47 303 -184 1.78 33 1.78 3138 100 25 47 -57 301 1.00 -183 1.00 2476 110 25 '47 57 301 -50 1.00 -200 1.00 7829
CAEPIPE. 305-7060-Page 18 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (TI) ......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb)' SIF (psi) 110-- 25 47 -57 301 -50 --200 7829 111 25 47 -57 301 -62 -214 8046 111-25 47 -57 301 -62 214 8046 112 25 47 -57 301 -74 -229 8278 112 25 47 -57 301 -74 -229 8278 115 25-47 -57 301 -81 1.30 -238 1.30 9528 115 25 47 -57 301 -81 1.30 -238 1.30 3701 120 25 47 -57 301 -85 -242 3300 Element forces in global coordinates:- Expansion (T1) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 10 57 278 25 -949 110 315 20A -57 -278 -25 -252 52 590 20A 57 278 25 252 -52 -590 208 -57 -278 -25 -325 63 632 208 57 278 25 325 -63 -632 5 -57 278 -25 -192 63 333 5 57 278 25 192 -63 -333 30A -57 -278 -25 -63 63 43 30A 57 278 25 63 -63 -43 308 -57 -278 -25 -54 54 126 308 57 278 25 54 -54 -126 9 -57 -278 -25 -54 49 181 9 57 -47 25 54 -49 -181 40A -57 47 -25 -54 44 172 40n 57 -47 25 54 -44 -172 408 -57 47 -25 -34 50 139 408 57 -47 25 34 -50 -139 SOA -57 47 -25 115 166 22 50A 57 -47 25 -115 -166 -22 508 -57 47 -25 134 172 -10 508 57 -47 25 -134 -172 10 16 -57 47- -25 134 156 -40 i
CAEPIPE 305-706d Page 19 Version.3.75 M-97-0121 REV. 0 ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (T1) Node FX (lb) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 16 57 --47 25- -134 -156 40 15 -57 47 -25 134 55 -229 15 57 -47 25 -134 -55 229 18 -57 47 -25 134 47 -245 18 57 -47 25 -134 -47 245 17. -57 47 -25 134 36 -266 17 57 47 25 -134 -36 266 51 -57 47 -25 134 30 -278 51 57 47 25 -134 -30 1/8 52 -57 47 -25 134 23 -290 52- -57 -47 25 -134 -23 290 53 -57 47 -25 134 17 -301 53 57 -47 25 -134 -17 301 54 -57 47 -25 134 11 -313 54 57 -47 25 -134 -11 313 55 -57 47 -25 134 5 -325 55 57 -47 25 -134 -5 325 56 -57 47 -25 134 -2 -337 56 57 -47 25 -134 2 337 57 -57 47 -25 134 -7 -346 57 57 -47 25 -134 7 346 60A -57 47 -25 134 -10 -353 60A 57 -47 25 -134 10 353 61 -57 47 -25 134 -14 -358 61 57 -47 25 -134 14 358 62 -57 47 -25 132 -18 -362 62 57 -47 25 -132 18 362 608 -57 47 -25 129 -366 608 57 -47 25 -129 23 366 23 -57 47 -25 108 -60 -387 23 57 -47 25 -108 60 387 70A -57 47 -25 94 -84 -401 70A 57 -47 25 84 401 71 -57 47 -25 86 -95 -404
CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 20 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. 0 -ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Element forces. in global coordinates: Expansion CT1) Node FX (lb) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb)- MZ(ft-lb) 71 -57 -47 25 -86 95 404 72 -57 47 -25 78 -103 -401 72 57 -47 25 -78 103 401 708 -57 47 -25 72 -106 -392 708 57 -47 25 -72 106 392 75 -57 47 -25 -5 -106 -219 75 57 -47 25 5 106 219 80A -57 47 -25 -6 -106 -218 80A 57 -47 25 6 106 218 78 -56 47 -25 -11 -107 -210 78 57 -47 25 10 107 210 79 -56 48 -25 -14 -111 -208 79 57 -47 25 14 111 208 808 -57 48 -25 -15 -116 -215 81 57 -47 25 15 116 215 82 -57 47 -25 -15 -122 -227 82 57 -47 25 15 122 227 83 -57 47 -25 -15 -128 -238 83 57 -47 25 15. 128 238 84 -57 47 -25 -15 -135 -250 84 57 -47 25 15 135 250 85 -57 47 -25 -15 -141 -262 85 57 -47 25 15 141 262 86 -57 47 -25 -15 -147 -274 86 57 -47 25 15 147 274 87 -57 47 -25 -15 -152 -283 87 57 -47 25 15 152 283 90A -57 47 -25 -15 -152 -284 90A 57 -47 25 15 152 284 91 -56 .47 -25 -18 -160 -291 91-57 -47 25 18 160 292 92 -57 47 -25 -24 -171 -298 92 57 -47 25 24-171 299 908 -57 47 -25 -33 -183 -302
.CAEPIPE 305-706d Page 31 ' Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. Of ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97-Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (T1) Node FX (lb) FY (lb)~ FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 100-57 -47 25 33 183 301 110 -57 47 -25 -47 -200 -302 110 57 -47 25 47 200 302 111 -57 47 25 -59 -214 -302 111 57 -47 25 59 214 302 112 -57 47 -25 71 -229 -302 112 57 -47 25 71 229 302 115 -57 47 25 -78 -238 -302 115 57 -47 25 78 238 302 120 -57 47 -25 -82 -24? -302 Di splacements: Expansion (T1) Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20A 0.006 0.136 0.036 0.2156 -0.0154 0.1138 208 -0.009 -0.137 0.051 0.1158 -0.0246 0.2514 5 -0.440 0.106 0.098 -0.0182 0.0181 0.5011 30A -1.042 -0.075 0.038 -0.0824 0.0596 0.5955 308 -1.087 -0.025 0.026 -0.0959 0.0730 0.6133 9 -1.085 0.000 0.023 -0.0972 0.0740 0.6163 40A -1.084 0.025 0.020 -0.0986 0.0749 0.6196 408 -1.113 0.082 0.009 -0.1145 0.0793 0.6535 50A -1.562 0.143 -0.027 -0.1030 0.1183 0.6846 508 -1.391 0.203 -0.041 -0.0894 0.1497 0.6721 16 -1.387 0.291 -0.062 -0.0787 0.1598 0.6706 15 -1.363 0.836 -0.216 -0.0101 0;2013 0.6178 18 -1.361 0.879 -0.230 -0.0044 0.2030 0.6100 17 -1,358 0.935- -0.249 0.0031 0.2048 0.5990 51 -1,357 0.966 -0.259 0.0074 -0.2056 0.5924 52 -1.355 0.997 -0.270 0.0116 0.2062 0.5854 53 -1,354 1.027 -0.281 0.0159 0.2067 0.5782 54 -1.352 1.057 -0.292 0.0202 0.2070 0.5707 55 -1.351 1.087 -0.303 0.0245 0.2072 0.5628 56 -1.349 1.116 -0.314 0.0288 0.2073 0.5547 57 ~1.348 1.139 -0.322 0.0322 0.2072 0.5480 60A -1.347 1.156 -0.329 0.0347 0.2071 0.5431 608 -1.350 1.186 -0.341 0.0310 0.2049 0.5058 61 -1.347 1.167 -0.333 0.0350 0.2065 0.5282 62 -1.348-1.177 -0.337 0.0333 0.2058 0.5155 23 -1,367 1.236 -0.363 0.0431 0.2023 0.4776 70A -1,377 1.268 -0.377 0.0502 0.1994 0.4585 708 -1.354 1.292 -0.393-0.0446 0.2038 0.3799 71 -1.377 1.281 -0.384 0.0430-0.1972 0.4382 72 -1.369 1.290 -0.389 0.0405 0.2019 0.4124 75 -1.144-1.274 -0.426 0.0547 0.1625 0.2883
r CAEPZPE. 305-706W Page 22 Version 3.75' M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A-Oct.16,97 Displacements: Expansion (T1) ' Node . X (inch) Y (inch) -Z (inch) LXX(deg) .YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 80A -1.142 1.273 0.426 0.0547 0.1622 0.2878' 808 -1.119 1.291 -0.442 0.0462 0.1421 0.2302-78 -1.131 1.275 -0.430 0.0524 0.1588 0.2687 79 -1.123 1.282 -0.436 0.0484 0.1521 0.2496 81 -1.119 1.291 -0.442 0.0462 0.1421 0.2302 82 -1.117 1.303 -0.450 0.0457 0.1392 0.2248 83. -1.116 1.315 -0.457 0.0452 0.1361 0.2191 84 -1.114 1.326 -0.464 0.0448 0.1329 0.2131 85- -1.113 1.337 -0.471 0.0443 0.1295 0.2069 86 -1.111 1.348 .-0.478 0.0438 0.1260 0.2003 87- -1.110 1.356 -0.483 0.0434 0.1230 0.1948 90A -1.110 1.356 -0.483 0.0434 0.1230 0.1948 908 -1.115 1.372 -0.494 0.0215 0.0785 0.1432 91 -1.110 1.364 -0.488 0.0386 0.1091 0.1706 92 -1.112 1.369 -0.492 0.0284 0.0943 0.1529 100 -1.115 1.372 -0.494 0.0215 0.0785 0.1432 110 -1.120 1.373 -0.495 0.0193 0.0677 0.1210 111 -1.123 1.374 -0.497 0.0132 0.0437 0.0756 112 -1.125 1.375 -0.499 0.0058 0.0181 0.0302 115 -1.125 1.375 -0.499 0.0009 0.0028 0.0047 120 -1.125 1.375 -0.500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Loads on Anchors: Wind Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) XX(ft-lb) YY(ft-lb) ZZ(ft-lb) 10 8 -1 4 -24 15 -34 120 33 594 -4 -689 23 -249 Loadsnon Restraints: Wind Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) 9 25 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind ........... _ _ _ _ _............ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... I n p l a n e....0ut of plane..------ Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+SO Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 10 7 -1 -4 -42 -1 1.30 15 1.30 1286 20A 7 -1 -4 -42 4 -6 682 20A -7 -1 -4 -42 4 1.78 -6 1.78 815 -208 -1 -7 -4 -8 7 1.78 40 1.78 1294 208 -1 -8 4 -8 -28 30 957 5- -1 -8 4 -8 13 48 1143 5- -1 -8 4 -8 13 48 1143 -30A= -8 4 8 53 67 1608
CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 23 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Pipe element. forces in local coordinates: Wind ......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment-SL+50 Node (1b) (lb) (lb) (f t-lb) (f t-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 30A -I 8 -4 -8 -53 1.78 -67 1.78- -2407 308 8 1 -68 -56 1.78 7-1.78 1358 308 8 -1 4 -68 56 -7 989 9 8 -1 4 -68 56 -6 1200 9 8 24 4 -o8 56 -6 1200 40A 8 24 4 -68 52 -5 1095 40A 8 19 -14 -68 40 1.78 33 1.78 1547-40B 19 -8 -14 27 36 1.78 62 1.78 1718 40B 19 14 -8 27 62 -36 1199 50A 19 14 -8 27 21 -58 1208 50A 19 8 14 27 -58 1.78 -21 1.78 1744 SOB 8 -19 14 -16 -54 1.78 -22 1.78 1360 50B 8 24 4 -16 54 -23 990 16 8 24 4 -10 39 -20 893 16 8 24 4 -16 39 -20 893 15 8 24 4 -16 -56 -6 1673 15 8 24 4 -16 -56 -6 1673 18 8 24 4 -16 -- 6 4 -5 1857 18 8 24 4 -16 -64 -5 1S57 17 8 24 4 -16 -74 -4 2113 17 8 24 4 -16 -74 -4 2113 51 8 24 4 -16 -80 -3 2011 51 8 24 4 -16 -80 -3 2011 52 8 24 4 -16 -86' -2 1915 52 8 24 4 -16 -86 -2 1915 53 8 24 4 -16 -92 -1 1825 53 8 24 4 -16 ~92 -1 1825 54 8 24 4 -16 -98 0 1741 54 8 24 4 -98 0 1741 55 8. 24 4 -16 -104 1 1664 55 8 24 4 -16 -104 1 1664 56 8 24 4 -16 -110 2 1595 56 8 24 4 -16 -110 2 1595 57 8 in 4 -16 -114 2 1548
~CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 24 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates:' Wind- ......................................... I n p l a n e.... O u t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial-y shear z ' shear Torque Bend. Moment-Bend. Moment 1SL+SO Node (1b) (1b) (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 57 8 24 4- -16 -114 2' 1548 60A 8 24 4 -16 -118 3 1521 60A 8 -4 24 -16 3 1.78 118-1.78 2304 61 7 -5 24 16 3 1.78 120 1.78-2365 61 7 -5 24 16 3 1.78 120 1.78 2365 62 5 -7 24 47 4 1.78 114 1.78 2310 62 5 7 24 47 4 1.78 114 1.78 2310 608 3 -8 24 75 5 1.78 101 1.78 2140 60B 3 24 8 75 -101 5 1428 23 3 24 8 75 -116 10 1434 23 3 24 8 75 -116 10 1434 70A 3 24 8 75 -126 13 -1601 70A 3 -24 -8 75 126 1.78 -13 1.78 2448 71 -9 -22 -8 58 130 1.78 -50 1.78 2751 71 -9 -22 -8 58 130 1.78 -50 1.78 2751 72 -19 -14 -8 25 134 1.78 -74 1.78 2989 72 -19 -14 -8 25 134 1.78 -74 1.78 2989 708 -24 -3 -8 -16 136 1,78 -78 1.78 3022 70B -24 -8 -4 -16 151 41 1934 75 -24 -8 -4 -16 175 30 1934 75 -24 -8 -4 -16 175 30 1934 80A -24 -8 -4 -16 175 30 1935 80A -23 2 4 -16 -176 1.78 -30 1.78 3049 78 -18 13 4 -28 -177 1.78 -17 1.78 2997 78 -16 -5 4 -29 -178 1.78 -18 1.78 3010 79 -16 4 - 4 -34 -178-1.78 0 .1.78 2979 79 -15 -29 4 -34 -177 1.78 0 1.78 2964 80B -28 -17 4 -29 -172 1.78 18 1.78 2944 81 -33 -62 4 -29 -171 17 1878 82 -33 -62 4 -29 -156 18 1757-82 -33 -114 4 -29 -156 18 1757 83 -33 -114 4 -29 -127 19 1546 83 -33 -165 4 -29 -127 19 1546 84- -33 -165 4 -29 -86 20 1249 m w e -we
CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 25 Version 3.75 vM-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind ..................................... -... I n pl a n e.... O u t o f pl a n e... - - - - - Axial y-shear z sh:'r Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+SO' Node (1b) (lb)- (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 84 -33 -216 4 -29 -86 20 1249 85 -33 -216 -4 -29 -32 21 888 85 -33 -268 4 -29 -32 21 888 86 -33 -268 4 -29 35 22 910 1 86 -33 -314 4 -29 35 22 910 87 -33 -314 4 -29 98 22 1334 87 -33 -335 4 -29 98 22 1334 90A -33 -335 4 -29 99 22 1342 90A -33 -4 -356 -28 22 1.78 -99 1.78 1981 91 -30 13 -356 -92 22 1.78 -139 1.78 2451 1 91 -30 13= -398 -93 22 1.78 -139 1.78 2458 92 -20 27 -398 -171 18 1.78 -149 1.78 2543 92 -20 27 -436 -171 18 1.78 -149 1.78 2546 908 -4 33 -436 -244 12 1.78 -125 1.78 2221 100 -4 -482 -33 -242 128 1.00 11 1.00 1488 110 -4 -482 -33 -242 268 1.00 2 1.00 6553 l'10 -4 -530 -33 -242 268 2 6547 111 -4 -530 -33 -242 406 -7 9657 111 -4 -572 -33 -242 406 -7 9656 112 -4 -572 -33 -242 555 -15 13048 112 -4 -594 -33 -242 555 -15 13048 115 -4 -594 -33 -242 642 1.30 -20 1.30 19402 115 -4 -594 -33 -242 642 1.30 -20 1.30 7640 120 -4 -594 -33 -242 692 -23 6384 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node FX (lb) FY O b) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 10 -8' 1 -4 24 -15 34 20A 8 -1 4- -28 -6 31 20A -8 1 -4 '28 6 31 20B 8 -1 4 -30 -8 -28 208 -8 1 -4 30-8 28 5' 8 -1 4 -48' -8 13 n
c - CAEPIPE - 305-706W P c ?> Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 10,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind' Node' FX (1b) FY-(lb) FZ (lb)- MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 5 -8 1 -4 48 8 -13 30A 8 -1 4 - -67 -8 53 30A -8 1 -4 67 8 -53 308 8 -1 4 -68 -7 56 30B -8 1- -4 68 7 - 9 8 -1 4 -68 -6 56 9 -8 -24 -4 68 6 -56 40A 8 24 4 ~68 -5 52 40A -8 -24 -4 68 5 -52 40B 8 24 4 -62 -6 45 408' -8 -24 -4 62 6 -45 50A 8 24 4 -21 -22 61 SOA -8 -24 -4 21 22 -61 50B 8 24 4 -15 -23 54 SOB -8 -24 -4 16 23 -54 16 8 24 4 -16 -20 39 16 -8 -24 -4 16 20 -39 15 8 24 4 -16 -6 -56 15 -8 -24 -4 16 6 56 18 8 24 4 -16 -5 -64 18 -8 -24 -4 16 5 64 17 8 24 4 -16 -4 -74 17 -8 -24 -4 16 4 74 51 8 24 4 -16 -3 -80 51' -8 -24 -4 16 3 80 52 8 24 4 -16 -2 -86 52 -8 --24 -4 16 2 86 53 8 24 4 -16 -1 -92 - 53' -8 -24 -4 16 1 92 54 8 24 4 -16 0 -98 54 -8 -24 -4 16 0 98 55 8 24 4 -16 1 -104 55 .-8 -24 -4 16 -1 104 5 6 __ 8 24 4 -16 2 -110
i CAEPIPE 305-706W Pcga 27 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT.A-Oct 16,97-Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node _ FX (lb) FY (lb) LFZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 56 -8 -24 -4 16 -2 110 57 8 24 4- -16 2 -114 j 57- -4 16 -2 114 60A' 8 24 4 -16 3 -118 60A -8 -24 -4 16 -3 118 61 8 24 4 -16 3 -120 61 -8 -24 -4 16 -3 120 62 8 24 4 -17 4 -122 62 -8 -24 4 17 -4 122 60B 8 24 4 -18 5 -124 60B -8 -24 -4 18 -5 124 23 8 24 4 -29 10 -135 23 -8 -24 -4 29 -10 135 70A 8 24 4 -36 13 -142 70A -8 -24 -4 36 -13 142 71 8 24 4 -39 14 -145 71 -8 -24 -4 39 -14 145 72 8 24 4 -41 16 -149 72 -8 -24 -4 41 -16 149 70B 8 24 4 -41 16 -151 708 -8 -24 -4 41 -16 151 75 8 24 4 -30 16 -175 75 -8 -24 -4 30 -16 175 80A 8 24 4 -30 16 -175 80A -3 -22 -4 30 -16 175 78 3 22 4 -29 16 -176 78 12 -4 29 -16 176 79 -12 11 4 -29 17 -176 79 28 18- -4 29 -17 176 808- -28 -18 4 -29 18 -171 81 '33 62 -4 29 -17 171 82. -33 -62 4 -29 18 -156 82 33 114 -4 29 -18 156 83 --33 -114 4 -29 19 -127 h
CAEPIPE 305-706W Page 28-Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT A Oct 16.97 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node-FX (1b) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 83 33-165 -4 29 -19 127 S4 -33 -165 4 -29 -20 84 33 216 -4 29 -20 86 85 -33 -216 4 -29 21 -32 85 33 268 -4 29 -21 32 86 -33 -268 4 -29 22 35 86 33 314 -4 29 -22 -35 87 -33 -314 4 -29 22 98 87 33 335 -4 29 -22 -98 90A -33 -335 4 -29 22 99 90A 33 355 -4 29 -22 -99 91 -33 -355 3 -11 21 165 91 33 395 -4 11 -21 -166 92 -33 -395 4 43 17 220 92 33 435 -4 -43 -17 -221 90B -33 -435 4 125 11 244 100 33 482 -4 -125 -11 -243 110 -33 -482 4 266 2 245 110 33 530 -4 -266 -2 -245 111 -33 -530 4 404 -7 246 111 33 572 -4 -404 7 -246 112 -33 -572 4 553 -15 247 112 33 594 -4 -553 15 -247 115 -33 -594 4 640 -20 248 115 33 594 -4 -640 20 -248 ( 120 -33 -594 4 689 -23 249 Displacements: Wind Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -20A 0.002-0.000 -0.001 -0.0180 0.0024 -0.0224 200 0.004 0.000 -0.003 -0.0230 0.0036 -0.0268 5 0.038 0.000 -0.039 -0.0434 -0.0018 -0.0305 30A 0.063 0.000 -0.100 -0.0724 -0.0070 -0.0139 30B 0.064 0.000~ -0.106 -0.0834 -0.0042 0.0006 9 0.064 0.000 -0.106 -0.0851 -0.0043 0.0017 40A 0.064 0.000 -0.106 -0.0868 -0.0044 0.0027 s li
CAEP2PE-305-705W Page 29 o f 2,9 Version 3.75_ M 97-0121 REV. 0 ATTACHMENT A Oct 16,97 Displacements: Wind Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) -ZZ(deg) -50A 0.050 0.052 -0.157 -0.1117 -0.0072 0.0328 50B 0.048 0.062 -0.162 -0.1163 -0.0142 0.0473 16 0.048 0.068 -0.160 -0.1175 -0.0156 0.0501 15 0.048 0.111 -0.145 -0.1255 -0.0208 0.0468 18 0.048 0.115 -0.143 -0.1261 -0.0210 0.0448 17 0.048 0.119 -0.141 -0.1270 -0.0212 0.0418 51 0.048 0.121 -0.140 -0.1275 -0.0213 0.0399 52 0.048 0.123 -0.139 -0.1280 -0.0214 0.0379 53 0.048 0.125 -0.138 -0.1285 -0.0214 0.0357 54 0 048 0.127 -0.137 -0.1290 -0.0214 0.0334 55 0.048 0.128 -0.136 -0.1295 -0.0214 0.0309 56 0.048 0.130 -0.134 -0.1300 -0.0214 0.0283 57 0.048 0.131 -0.134 -0.1304 -0.0213 0.0261 60A 0.048 0.132 -0.133 -0.1307 -0.0213 0,0244 60B 0.048 0.130 -0.132 -0.1353 -0.0208 0.0099 61 0.048 0.132 -0.132 -0.1313 -0.0212 0.0192 62 0.048 0.131 -0.132 -0.1330 -0.0210 0.0142 23 0.050 0.117 -0.130 -0.1357 -0.0204 0.0008 70A 0.051 0.109 -0.129 -0.1364 -0.0199 -0.0055 708 0.050 0.100 -0.316 -0.1513 -0.0128 -0.0401 71 0.052 0.105 -0.127 -0.1426 -0.0176 -0.0153 72 0.052 0.101 -0.122 -0.1475 -0.0145 -0.0269 75 0.010 0.100 -0.016 -0.1619 -0.0066 -0.0890 80A 0.009 0.100 -0.015 -0.1620 -0.0065 -0.0894 80B 0.001 0.090 -0.001 -0.1661 -0.0054 -0.1374 78 0.005 0.099 -0.008 -0.1642 -0.0065 -0.1052 79 0.002 0.096 -0.003 -0.1654 -0.0064 -0.1213 81 0.001 0.090 -0.001 -0.1661 -0.0054 -0.1374 82 0.001 0.083 -0.001 -0.1670 -0.0049 -0.1414 83 0.001 0.076 -0.001 -0.1679 -0.0045 -0.1449 84 0.001 0.068 -0.001 -0.1688 -0,0040 -0.1475 85 0.001 0.060 0.000 -0.1697 -0.0035 -0.1490 86 0.001 0.052 0.000 -0.1706 -0.0030 -0.1489 87 0.001 0.046 0.000 -0.1714 -0.0025 -0.1476 90A 0.001 0.046 0.000 -0.1714 -0.0025 -0.1476 908 0.001 0.022 0.000 -0.1523 0.0025 -0.1169 91 0.001 0.038 0.000 -0.1699 -0.0005 -0,1368 92 0.001 0.030 0.000 -0.1630 0.0012 -0.1252 100 0.001 0.022 0.000 -0.1523 0.0025 -0.1169 110 0,000 0.013 0.000 -0.1412 0.0029 -0.0988 111 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.1024-0.0027 -0.0619 112 0.000 ~ 0.001 0.000 -0.0469 0.0014 -0.0246 115 0,000 0.000 0.000 -0.0079 0.0003 -0.0038 120 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.n000 0.0000 0.0000 -+
e .CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 1 ef 2.9 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT.B Oct 16,97 CAEPIPE Version 3.75 Client FPC Proj ect File Number 305-706X Report Number : Model Name 305-706X Title M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Subtitle Analyzed Thu Oct 16 09:54:40 1997 /0[/4/p7 Prepared by AAf ' o Date: erry [ Pdal U Ok At42n Date: /C/t/{97 Checked by / /
CAEPIPE-305-706X Page 2 f Varsion 3.75 M-97 0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Options Piping code = B31.1 (1967) Do not use liberal allowable stresses Include axial force in stress calculations Reference temperature = 7C' (F; Number of thermal cycles = 7000 Use temperature dependent modulus Do not include hanger stiffnest Do not include Bourdon effect Do not use pressure correction for bends Pressure stress = PD / at Peak pressure factor = 1.00 Cut off frequency = 50 Hz Number of modes = 0 Include missing mass correction Do not use friction in dynamic analysis Vertical direction. Y
- Node Type DX(feet)
DY(feet) DZ(feet) Mat Sec Load Data 1 10 From 139.458 Anchor 2 10 Location Fillet Weld 3 20 Bend 3.481 4.62 CS 3IN 3N 4 5 5.656 CS 3IN 3N 5 30 Bend 5.5 CS 3IN 3N 6 9 0.573 CS 3IN 3N Y restraint 7 40 Bend 0.568 CS SIN 3N 8 50 Bend 2.593 2.593 CS 3IN 3N 9 16 1.0 CS 3IN 3N 10 15 4.0 CS 3IN 3N 11 18 0.3333 CS 3IN 3IP 12 17 0.4377 CS 3IN 31P Force 13 51 0.25 CS 3IN 3IP 14 52 0.25 CS 3IN 31P 15 53 0.25 CS 3IN 3IP 16 54 0.25 CS 31N 3IP 17 55 0.25 CS 3IN 3IP 18 56 0-25 CS SIN 3IP 19 57 0.2 CS 3IN 3IP 20 60 Bend 0.3 CS 3IN 3IP 21 23 0.56 -0.56 CS 3IN 3IP 22 70 Bend 0.56 -0.56 CS 3IN 3IP 23 75 3.43 CS 3IN 3N 24 80 Bend -0.4030 CS 3IN 3N 25 81 0.38 CS 3IN 3N 26 82 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 27 83 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 28 84 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 29 85 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 30 86 0.25 CS 3IN 3N 31 87 0.2 CS 3IN 3N 32 90 Bend 0.3783 CS 3IN 3N 33 100 .0.003 0.375 CS 3IN 3N 34 110 Reducer 0.003- -0.292 CS 3IN 3N 35 111 0.0024 -0.2604 CS 21N 2N
+ CAEPIPE 305 706X .Page 31 Version-3.75 M-97-4.21 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97
- Node Type DX(feet)
DY(feet) DZ(feet) Mat Sec Load Data 36' 112 0.0024 -0.2604 lCS 2IN 2N 3/ 115 0.0014 -0.1469 CS 2IN 2N 38-120 0.0008 -0.0833 CS 2F 2N Conc mass 39 1J5 Location Fillet Weld 40.120 Location Anchor Bends Bend Radius Thicknets Int. Angle int. Angle Node (inch) linch) Node (deg) Node (deg) 20 4.5 L 30 4.5 L 40 4.5 L 50 4.5 L 60 4.5 L 61 15.00 62 30.00 70 4.5 L 71 30.00 72 60.00 80 4.5 -L 78 30.00 79 60.00 90-4.5 L 91 30.00 v2 60.00 Reducers 001 Thk1 002-Thk2 Cone Angle Knuc Delta From To (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (deg) kles (inch) 100 110 3,5 0.216 2.375 0.154 0.00 Anchors (lb/ inch) (in-lb/deg) Releases Node KX KY KZ KXX KYY KZZ X Y Z XXYYZZ 10 Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid 120 Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Specified Displacements Node. Type Load X(inch) Y(inch) Z(inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 120 ' Anchor T1 -1.125 1.375 -0.500 Restraints Node-X Y Z 9 Yes Welds Node Type 10 Fillet weld 115 Fillet weld r
'CAEPIPE-305-706X Page 4 Version 3.75' M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Forces FX FY FZ MX MY MZ Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft.lbb (ft-lb)- (ft-lb) 17 148 Concentrated Masses Weight DX DY OZ Node (lb) (inch) (inch) (inch) 120 6.50 Coordinates Node X (feet) Y (feet) Z (feet) 10 0.0 139.458 0.0 20A 3.2553 139.458 4.3205 20 3.481 139.458 4.62 208 3.481 139.833 4,62 5 3.481 145.1140 4.62 30A 3.481 150.2390 4.62 30 3.481 150.6140 4.62 30B 3.856 150.6140 4.62 9 4.054 150.6140 4.62 40A 4.247 150.6140 4.62 40 4.622 150.6140 4.62 408 4.622 150.8792 4.8852 50A 4.622 152.9418 6.9478 50 4.622 153.2070 7.213 50B 4.997 153.2070 7.213 16 5.622 153.2070 7.213 15 9.622 153.2070 7.213 18 9.9553 153.2070 7.213 17 10.393 153.2070 7.213 51 10.643 153.2070 7.213 52 10.893 153.2070 7.213 53 11.143 153.2070 7.213 54 11.393 153.2070 7.213 55 11.643 153.2070 7.213 56 11.893 153.2070 7.213 -57 12.0930 153.2070 7.213 BOA 12.2377 153.2070 7.213 60 12.393 -153.2070 7.213 60B 12.5028 153.2070 7.1032 61' 12.3347 153.2070 7.2002 62 12.4252 153.2070 7.1628 23 12.953 153.2070 6.653 70A 13.2478 153.2070 6.3582 70 11.513 153.2070 6.093 70B 13.513 152.8320 6.093 71 13.3804 153.1567 6.2256 72 13.4775 153.0195 6.1285 75 13.513 149.7770 6.093
i CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 5 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 RFV O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Coordinates Node X (feet) Y (feet) Z (feet) 80A 13.513 149.7540 6.093 80 13.513-149.374-6.093 80B 13.893 149.374 6.093 78 13.5632 149.5658 6.093 79 13.7005 149.4267 6.093 81' 13.893 149.374 6.093 -82 14.143 149.374 6.093 83 14.393 149.374 6.093 84 14.643 149.374 6.093 85 '14.893 149.374 6.093 86 15.143 149.374 6.093 87 15.3430 149.374-6.093 90A 15.3463 149.374 6.093 90 15.7213 149.374 6.093 908 15.7243 149.374 5.718 91 15.5342 149.374 6.0428 92 15.6725 149.374 5.9055 100 15.7243 149.374 5.718 110 15.7273 149,374 5.426 111 15.7297 149.374 5.1656 112 15.7322 149.374 4.9052 115 15.7335 149.374 4.7583 120 15.7343 149.374 4.6750 1 Pipe material CS: A106 Grade B Density = 0.2800 (1b/in3), Nu = 0.300, Joint factor - 1.00, Type - CS Temp E Alpha Allevable (F) (psi) (in/in/F) (psi) 70 27.9E+6 6.07E-6 15000 200 27.7E+6 6.38E-6 15000 300 27.4E+6 6.60E.6 15000 400 27.0E+6 6.82E-6 15000 500 26.4E+6 7.02E-6 15000 Pipe Sections Nominal 0.0. Thk Cor.Al M.Tol Ins. Dens Ins.Th Lin. Dens Lin.Th Name Dia. Sch (inch) (inch) (inch) (%) (lb/ft3) (inch) (lb/f t3) (inch) 3kh ~ '~ b "~h " ~ $ Ib b$b bb b b " 5$b ^ "~ 2IN 2" 40 2.375 0.154 0.0. 0.0 0.0 1.0 2F Non Std-2.875 0.308 0.0 0.0 i
- = _. CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 6 -Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Loads Acceleration load: X = 0 00, Y = 0.00, 2 = 0.00 (g's) Acceleration load combination - Square Root of Sum of Squares Wind velocity - 330 (mph) Shape factor = 1.CJ Wind direction: X comp = 0.000, Y comp = 1.000, Z comp = 0.000 _ Number.of thermal loads = 1 Pipe Loads Load T1 P1 T2 P2 T3 P3 Specific Add.Wgt Wind Name (F) (psi) (F) (psi) (F) (psi) gravity (lb/ft) Load 3N 150 125 1.000 1.803 3IP 150 125 1.000 1.803 Y 2IP 150 125 1.000 1.422 Y 2N 150 125 1.000 1.422 B31.1 (1967) Code Compliance (sorted stresses)
Sustained ------ ------ Expansion ------
Occasional -----
SL SE SL+SO SL+SO/ Node (psi) SL/SH Node (psi) SE/SA Node (psi) 1.20SH 17 1593 0.11 115 9528 0.42 115 34836 1.94 115 1521 0.10 10 8939 0.40 112 25313 1.41 51 1450 0.10 20B 8926 0.40 111 22488 1.25 18 1408 0.09 112 8278 0.37 110 19732 1.10 30A 1357 0.09 111 8046 0.36 92 11928 0.66 52 1313 0.09 110 7829 0.35 91 1108'i 0.62 15 1278 0.09 20A 7284 0.32 120 10916 0.61 53 1182 0.08 70B 5009 0.22 90B 9848 0.55 112 1160 0.08 72 4516 0.20 60A 9680 0.54 10 1144 0.08 60A 4494 0.20 61 9307 0.52-72 1090 0.07 61 4169 0.19 80A 8643 0.48 708 1077 0.07 90A 4009 0.18 30A 8389 0.47 54 1056 0.07 91 3944 0.18 78 8366 0.46 71 1022 0.07 71 3876 0.17 62-8326 0.46 50A -969 0.06 70A-3782 0.17 90A 7603 0.42 111 962 0.06 62 3710 0.16 17 7454 0.41 55 938 0.06 92 3467 0.15 51 7412 0.41 40A 903 0.06 120 3300 0.15 52 7307 0.41 62 894. 0.06 608 3218 0.14 53 7139 0.40 60B-894 0.06 908 3138 0.14 408 7096 0.39 70A 885 0.06 808 3060 0.14 708 7028 0.39 61 -876 0.06 79 2956 0.13 18 6925 0.38 60A' 842 0.06 23 2838 0.13 54 6908 0.38 80A 835 0.06 5 2837 0.13 608 6804 0.38 5'6 828 0.06 78 2836 0.13 72 6669 0.37 40B 818 0.05 80A 2834 0.13 55 6615 0.37 110 807 0.05 57 2612 0.12 15 6392 0.36 9' 804 0.05 56 2550 0.11 79 6285 0.35
~ CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 7 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 B31.1-(1967) Code Compliance (sorted stresses)
Sustained ------ ------ Expansion.----- ------ Occasional -----
SL SE SL+50 SL+SO/- Node (psi) SL/SH Node (psi) SE/SA Node (psi) 1.20SH 5 793 0.05 100 2476 0.11 56 6260 0.35 20B 791 0.05 55 2474 0.11 57 5935 0.33 80B 789 -0.05-54 2399 0.11 100 5807-0.32 -78 787 0.05 509 2353 0.10 75 5171 0.29 79 768 0.05 53 2325 0.10 50A 5034 0.28 57 748 0.05 87 2267 0.10 71 4775 0.27 20A' 717 0.05 52 2253 0.10 87 4520 0.25 90A 710 0.05 40A 2251 0.10 30B 4411 0.25 91 702 0.05-86 2192 0.10 20B 4331 0.24 75 691 0.05 51 2183 0.10 40A 4202 0.23 92 683 0.05 50A 2124 0.09 508 3916 0.22 81 665 0.04 17 2114 0.09 86 3860 0.21 908 664 0.04 85 2099 0.09 5 3439 0.19 308 659 0.04 84 2006 0.09 808 3163 0.18 82 652 0.04 18 1999 0.09 85 3066 0.17 SOB 636 0.04 15 1916 0.09 9 2938 0.16 83 636 0.04 83 1912 0.08 23 2597 0.14 120 630 0.04 82 1819 0.08 70A 2545 0.14 23 624 0.04 30B 1761 0.08 84 2322 0.13 87 621 0.04 81 1726 '0.08 20A 2253 0.13 84 620 0.04 75 1718 0.08 81 2030 0.11 86 609 0.04 16 1487 0.07 16 1783 0.10 85 608 0.04 9 1383 0.06 83 1709 0.09 100 595 0.04 40B 1293 0.06 82 1550 0.09 16 584 0.04 30A 1167 0.05 10 1363 0.08 Loads on Anchors: Sustained (W+P) Node V. (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) XX(ft-lb) YY(ft-lb) ZZ(ft-lb) 10 6 -42 -1 46 42 -32 120 -6 -49 1 40 6 19 Loads on Restraints: Sustained (W+P) Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) 9 -230 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) ...In plane....Ou t of pl ane.. ------ Axial ~ y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node. (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 10 3 -42 -6 2 -56 1.30 42 1.30 1144 20A 3 26 -6 2 -12 12 625 20A 3 26 -6 2 -12 1.78 12 1.78 717 20B-33 -3 -6 10 -21 1.78 -4 1.78 791
CAEPIPE 305-70SX ~ Page 8 Version 3.75-M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct.16,97 Pipe element forces-in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -... I n pl a n e... 0u t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend.Momert . SL-Node. (16) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF-(ft-lb) SIF (psi)- 20B 33 -6 -1 10 -9 -20 673 5' 99 -6 -1 10 22 -27 793 5 99- -6 -1 10 22 -27 793 30A 163 -6 -1 10 53 -33 1017 30A 163 6 1 10 -53 1.78 33 1.78 1357 30B 6 -170 1 34 7 1.78 -10 1.78 659 308 6 170 -1 34 -7 10 593 9 6 173 -1 34 -41 9 804 9 6 -57 -1 34 -41 9 804 40A 6 -55 -1 34 -31 9 731 40A 6 -40 38 34 -28 1.78 -15 1.78 903 408 -34 -6 33 -2 -12 1.78 -21 1.78 818 408 -34 -33 -6 -2 -21 12 689 50A -9 -7 -6 -2 37 -6 769 50A- -9 6 -7 -2 -6 1.78 -37 1.78 969 50B 6 4 -2 -38 -10 1.78 0 1.75 636 SOB 6 -1 -38 7 -7 580 16 6 4 -1 -38 7 -8 584 16 6 4 -1 -38 '7 -8 584 15 6 54 -1 -38 -110 -14 1278 15 6 54 -1 -3d -110 -14 1278 18 6 58 -1 -38 -128 -14 / 1408 18 6 58 -1 -38 -128 -14 1408 17 6 64 -1 -38 -155 -15 1593 17 6 -84 -1 -38 -155 -15 1593 51 6 -81 -1 -38 -134 -15 1450 51 6 -81 -1 -38 -134 -15 1450 52 -6 -78 -1 -38 -114 -15 1313 52 6 -78 -1 -38 -114 -15 1313 53 - 6 -1 -38 -95 -16 1182 15 3 6 -75 -1 -38 -95 -16 1182 54 6 -72 -1 -38 -77 -16 1056 54-6 -72 -1 -38 -77 -16 1056 55 6 -69 -1 -38 -59 -16 938
CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 9 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. 0; ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - Axial y' shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment- ' Bend. Moment . SL Node (1b) (lb)- (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 55 6 -69 -1 -59 -16 938 56 6 -1 -38 -43 -17 828 56 6 -66 -1 -38 -43 -17 .828 57 6 -63 -1 -3o -30 -17 748 57 6 -63 -1 -38 -30 -17 748 60A 6 -61 -1 -38 -21 -17 696 60A-6 1 -61 -38 -17 1.78 21 1.78 842 61 6 0 -60 -33 -17 1.78 24 1.78 876 61 6 0 -60 -33 -17 1.78' 24 1.78 876 62 6 -2 -59 -26 -17 1.78 26 1.78 894 62 6 -2 -59 -26 -17 1.78 26 1.78 894 608 5 -3 -58 -19 -17 1.78 26 1.78 - 894 60B 5 -58 3 -19 -26 -17 725 23 5 -50 3 -19 8 -15 624 23 5 -50 3 -19 8 -15 624 70A 5 -44 3 -19 27 -13 721 70A 5 44 -3 -19 -27 1.78 13 1.78 885 71 25 34 -3 -10 -35 1.78 20 1.78 1022 71 25 34 -3 -10 -35 1.71 20 1.78 1022 72 37 15 -3 1 -40 1.73 22 1.78 1090 72 37 15 -3 1 -40 1.76 22 1.78 1090 70B 37 -5 -3 12 -41 1.78 18 3.78 1077 70B 37 -6 1 12 -42 -16 835 75 -1 -6 1 12 -23 -12 691 75 -1 -6 1 12 -23 -12 691 -80A -1 -6 1 12 -23 -12 690 80A -2 6 -1 12 23 1.78 13 1.78 835 78 0 7 -1 17 22 1.78 5 1.78 785 78-0 7 -1 17 22 1.78 5 1.78 787 79 2 9 -1 17 21 1.78 -5 1.78 768 79 2 9 -I 17 20 1.78 -5 1.78 766 808 6 9 -1 12 19 1.78 -13 1.78 789. 81 6 9 -1 12 19 -12 665 82 6 12 -1 12 16 -13 652
CAEPZPE .305-706X Page 10 Version 3.75-M-!.-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97. Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) ..........................................In' plane....Ou t of pl an e.. ------ Axial y shear ~z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node (1b) (lb) (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF_ (psi) 182 6 12 -1 12 16 -13 652 83 6 15 -1 12 13 -13 636 83 6 15 -1 12 13 -13 636 84 6 18 -1 12 8 -13 620 84 6 18 -1 12 8 -13 620 85 6 21 -1 12 4 -14 608 85 6 21 -1 12 4 -14 608 86 6 24 -1 12 -2 -14 609 86 6 24 -1 12 -2 -14 609 87 6 27 -1 12 -7 -14 621 87 6 27 -1 12 -7 -14 621 90A 6 27 -1 12 -7 -14 622 90A 6 1 27 12 -14 1.78 7 1.78 710 91 6 -2 29 15 -14 1.78 6 1.78 701 91 6 -2 30 16 -14 1.78 6 1.78 702 92 4 -5 32 18 -14 1.78 3 1.78 683 92 4 -5 32 18 -14 1.78 9 1.78 682 908 1 -6 34 19 -13 1.78 0 1.78 664 100 1 34 6 19 0 1.00 -13 1.00 595 110 1 37 6 19 -11 1.00 -11 1.00 807 110 1 37 6 19 -11 -11 807 111 1 39 6 19 -20 -9 962 111 1 39 6 19 -20 -9 962 112 1 40 6 19 -31 -8 -1160 112 1 40 6 19 -31 -8 1160 115 1 41 6 19 -37 1.30 -7 1.30 1521 115-1 41 6 19 -37 1.30 -7 1.30 695 120 1 42 6 19 -40 -6 630 Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 10 -6 42 1 -46 -42 32 -20A 6 26 -1 11 12 -5
..__._._._.._._...__._...3 i l t CAEP2PE 305.F06X Pago 11 Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16.97 i l a Element forces in global coordinatest Sustained (W+P) j Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX( MY( t4Z(ft-lb) c l 20A -6 -26 1 -11 -12 5 i s 20B 6 33 1 20 10 -9 t - 208 -6 -33 1 -20 10 9 i 5-6 99 -1 27 10 22 i I 5 -6 -99 1 -27 -10 -22 30A 6 163- -1 33 .0 55 30A -6 -163 1 -33 -10 -53 l 30B 6 170 -1 33 10 -7 i I-308 -6 -170 1 34 -10 7 l 9 6 173 -1 34 9 -41 9 -6 57 1 -34 -9 41 40A 6 -55 -1 34 9 -31 40A -6 55 1 -34 -9 31 408 6 -47 21 7 -9 400 -6 47 1 -21 -7 9 50A 6 -11 -1 -37 -5 3 4 h SOA -6 11 1 37 5 -3 j $0B 6 -4 -1 -38 -7 7 1 508 -6 4 1 38 7 -7 i 16 6 4 -1 -38 -8 7 16 -6 -4 1 38 8 -7 15 6 54 -1 53 -14 110 15 -6 -54 1 38 14 110 18 6 58 -1 -38 -14 -128 18 -6 -58. 1 38 14 128 17 6 64 -1 -?8 -15 -155 17 -6 84 1 38 15 155 i 51 6 -81 -1 -38 -15 -134 51 81-1 38 15 134 52-6 -1 -38 -15 -114 ~ 52 -6 78 1 38' 15 114 i 53; 6 -75 -1 -38 -16 --95 $3 -6 75: 1 38 16 95 54 6 -72 -1 38 -16 -77 1 i . _. ~.,,,,. _ _ _ _. -... -_...._..-.._,..m.,-.. _ - - - -.. _. -. -,.... ~, ~. ..,....--...-._.._....._..s._,_,
CAEPIPE 305-P06X Page la Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 54 -6 -72 1 38 16 77 55 6 69 -1 38 -16 -59 55 -6 69 1 38 16 59 56 6 -66 -1 -38 -17 -43 56 -6 66 1 38 17 43 57 6 -63 -1 -17 -30 57 -6 63 1 38 17 30 60A 6 -61 -1 -38 -17 -21 60A -6 61 1 38 17 21 61 6 60 -1 -38 -17 -15 61 -6 60 1 38 17 15 62 6 -59 -1 -35 -17 -10 62 -6 59 1 35 17 10 60B 6 -58 -1 -32 -17 -5 600 -6 58 1 32 17 5 23 6 -50 -1 -8 -15 19 23 -6 50 1 8 15 -19 70A 6 -44 -1 6 -13 33 70A -6 44 1 -6 13 -33 71 6 -42 -1 12 -13 38 71 -6 42 1 -12 13 -38 72 6 -39 -1 15 -12 41 72 -6 39 1 -15 12 -41 70B 6 -37 -1 16 -12 42 708 -6 37 1 -16 12 -42 75 6 1 -1 12 12 23 75 -6 -1: 1- -12 12 -23 SOA 6 1 -1 12 -12 23 80A- -6 -1 1 -12 12 -23 78 6 4 -1 12 -12 22 78 - -6 -4 1 -12 12 -2? 79 6-6 -1 12 12 20 79 -6 -6 1 -12 12 -20 80B 6 9 -1 12 -13 19
t CAEPIPE 305 706X Page 13 l Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT 8 Oct 16,97 t Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P). Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 81 -6 -9 1 12 12 -19 82 6 12 -1 12 -13 16 82 -6 -12 1 -12 13 -16 l -83 6 15 -1 12 -13 13 83 -6 -15 1 -12 13 -13 84 6 18 -1 12 -13 8 84 -6 18 1 12 13 -8 t 85 6 21 -1 12 -14 4 85 -6 -21 1 -12 14 -4 86 6 24 -1 12 -14 -2 86 -6 -24 1 -12 14 2 87 6 27 -1 12 -14 -7 87 -6 -27 1 -12 14 7 90A 6 27 -1 12 -14 -7 90A 6 -27 1 -12 14 7 r 91 6 29 -1 10 -14 -13 91 -6 -29 1 -11 14 13 92 6 32 -1 6 -14 -17 ? 92 -6 -32 1 -6 14 17 908 6 34 -1 0 -13 -19 100 -6 -34 1 0 13 19' 110 6 37 -1 -10 -11 -19 110 -6 -37 1 10 11 19 111 6 39 -1 -20 -9 -19 111 -6 -39 1 20 9 19 112 6-40 -1 -30 -8 -19 112 -6 -40 1 30-8 19 r 115 '6 41 -1 -36 -7 -19 115 -6 41 1 36 7 19 -120 6 -42 -1 -40 -6 -19 Displacements: Sustained (W+P) Node X (inch)- Y'(inch). Z (inch)- XX(deg) YY(deg) 22(deg) .......e...................................................................- L10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20A 0.008 -0.003 -0.006 0.0024 0.0146 0.0002 ). :.-
I CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 14 i ? Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 i Displacements: Sustained (W+P) l Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) ( 208 0.009 -0.004 -0.006 0.0062 0.0163 -0.0028 5-0.012 -0.003 0.007 0.0182 0.0231 0.0006 l 30A 0.002 -0.003 0.034 0.0334 0.0297 0.0197 308 0.000 -0.001-0.035 0.0385 0.0294 0.0282 9 0.000 0.000 0.034 0.0394 0.0296 -0.0277 40A 0.000 0.001 0.032 0.0402 0.0297 0.0271 i 40B 0.001 0.001 0.032 0.0453 0.0309 0.0214 l $0A 0.005 -0.019-0.052 0.0413-0.0310 0.0204 SOB 0.006 -0.019 0.051 0.0349 0.0310 0.0235 16 0.006 -0.016 0.047 0.0318 0.0305 0.0240 15 0.006 0.002 0.023 0.0121 0.0262 0.0103 i 18 0,006 0.002 0.022 0.0105 0.0258 0.0064 i 37 0.006-0.003 0.019-0.0083 0.0251 0.0003 51 0.006 0.002 0.018 0.0071 0.0248 - -0.0033 - $2 0.006 0.002 0.017 0.0058 0.0244 -0.0063 53 0.006 0.002 0.015 0.0046 0.0240 -0.0089 l 54 0.006 0.001 0.014 0.0034 0.0236 -0.0110 55 0.006 0.001 0.013 0.0022 0.0232 -0.0127 i - 56 0.006-0.000 0 012 0.0009 0.0228 -0.0140 57 0.006 -0.001 0.011 -0.0001 0.0225 -0.0147 60A 0.006 -0.001 0.010 -0.0008 0.0223 -0.0150 60B 0.005 -0.002 0.009 -0.0031 0.0200 -0.0176 61 0.006 -0.001 0.010 -0.0014 0.0215 -0.0160 i 62 0.006 -0,002 0.009 -0.0021 0.0208 -0.0169 23 0.004 -0.004 0.007 -0.0045' O.0190 -0.0169 70A 0.002 -0.006 0.006 -0.0047 0,0185 . 0.0157 i 708 0.001 -0.006 0.005 -0.0006 0.0152 -0.0060 j 71 0.002 -0.006 0.006 -0.0033 0.0171 -0.0131 72 0,001 -0.006 0.005 -0.0020 0.0158 -0.0098 75 - 0.000 0.006 0.004 0.0038 0.0105 0.0038 80A-0.000 -0_.006 0.004 0.0038 0.0105 0.0038 1 808 0.001 -0.006 0,003 0.0052 0.0090 0.0096 78 0.000 -0.006 0.004 0.0047 0.0103 0.0059 79 0.001 -0.006 0.003 0.0050 0.0099 0.0078 81 0.001 -).006 0.003 0.0052 0.0090 0.0096 82 0.001 -0.005 0.002 0.0056 0.0087 0.0100 ' 83 0.001 -0.005 0.002 0.0060 0.0084 0.0104 84 0.001 -0.004 0.002 0.0063 0.0081 0.0106 85 0.001 -0.004 0.001 0.0067 0.0078 0.0108 i 86 0.001 -0.003 0.001 0.0071 0.0074 0.0108 87-0.001 -0.003 0.000 0.0074 0.0071 0.0107 q 90A 0.001 -0.003 0.000 0.0074 0.0071 0.0107 908. 0.000 - -0.001 0,000 0.0076-0.0034 0.0090 91 ' 0.001 -0.002-0.000 0.0076 0.0058 0.0100 92-0.001 -0.002 0.000 =0.0076 0.0046 0.0094 100 0.000 -0.001 0.000. 0.0076 0.0034 0.0090 110 0.000- -0.001 0.000 0.0073 0,0027 0.0076 111 0.000_ 0.000 0.000 0.0056 0.0015 0.0047 112-115 . 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.0026 0.0006 O.0019 - 0.000-0.000-0.000 0.0005-0.0001 0.0003 -120 0_.000 .0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i e e -;a, - -+-n
e n
.n. w-,-n. L-- -,,,.-.,,-----,n--,,,-.,-n-,,c-,.,-n ,,...--n.,e..-_,,,,m,,.,,.,.w,..-
1 l CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 15 Version 3.75 M-97-0121'REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Loads on Anchors: Expansion (TI) Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (1b) - XX(ft lb) YY(ft-lb) ZZ(ft-lb) 10 -57 -278 -25 949 .L.0 -315 120-57 -47 25 82 242 302 { s Loads on Restraints: Expansion (T1) i 1 Node X (lb) Y (1b) Z (lb)' [ .l 9 325 i Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (T1) ...In plane.,. 0ut of plane...----- 5 Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (1b) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb)-(ft-lb) -SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) L 10 -54 -278 30 320 -948 1.30 110 1.30 8939 [ 20A -54 -278 30 320 556 52 4506 r 20A -54 -278 30 320 556 1.78 52 1.78 7284-l 208 -278 54 30 63 640 1.78 -309 1.78 8926 l 208 -278 57 -25 63 632 325 5092 5 -278 57 -25 63 333 192 2837 4 1 5 -278 57 -25 63 333 192 2837 30A -278 57 -25 63 43 63 816 4 t 30A -278 -57 25 63 -43 1.78 -63 1.78 1167 30B -57 278 25 -54 -126 1.78 -54 1.78 1761 303 -57 -278 -25 -54 126 54 1050 l 9 -57 -278 -25 -54 181 49 1383 9 -57 47 -25 -54 181 49 1383 i 40A -57 47 -25 -54 172 44 1316 40A 57 16 -51 -54 90 1.78 153 1.78 2251 40B 16 57 -51 134 63 1.78 34 1.78 1293 i 400 16 51 57 134 34 -63 1063 50A 16 51 57 134 -115 102 1425 i 50A 16 -57 51 134 .102 1.78 115 1.78 2124 50B -16 51 134 129-1.78 114 1.78 2353-i 500- -57 47 -25 134 -10 172 1547 '16- -57 47 -25 134 -40 156 1487-16 -57 47 25 134 -40 156 1487 15- -57; 47. -25 134 -229 55 1916 i f l 5 ,------+-..,.v-,..,-,,.,--- n,---_.,,,.,__-..,-,,,.-_---_,--,__.i...----,
CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 16 Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (TI) .......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE { Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 15 -57 47 134 -229 1916 [ 18 -57 47 -25 134 -245 47 1999 l 18 -57 47 -25 134 -245 47 1999 17 -57 47 -25 134 -266 36 2114 17 -57 47 -25 134 -266 36 2114 51 -57 47 -25 134 -278 30 2183 $1 -57 47 -25 134 -278 30 2183 52 -57 47 -25 134 -290 23 2253 52 -57 47 -25 134 -290 23 2253 53 -57 47 -25 134 -301 17 2325 53 -57 47 -25 134 -301 17 2325 54 -57 47 -25 134 -313 11 2399 t $4 -57 47 -25 134 -313 11 2399 55 -57 47 -25 134 -325 5 2474 t 51 -57 47 -25 134 -325 5 2474 $6 -57 47 -25 134 -337 -2 2550 4 56 -57 47 -25 134 -337 -2 2550 57 -57 47 -25 134 -346 -7 2612 57 -57 47 -25 134 -346 -7 2612 4 '60A -57 47 -25 134 -353 -10 2657 60A -57 25 47 134 -10 1.78 353 1.78 4494 i 61 -48 39 47 .222 -14 1.78 311 1.78 4169 61 -48 39 47 222 -14 1.78 311 1.78 4169 62 -36 50 47 295 -18 1.78 248 1.78 3710 d 62 -36 50 47 295 -18 1.78 248 1.78 3710 608 -22 58 47 350 -23 1.78 167 1.78 3218 608 -22 47 -58 350- -167 -23 2715 23 -22 47 -58 350 -197 -60 2838 23 -22 47 -58 350 -197 -60 2838 70A- -22 47 -58 350 -217 -84 2936 70A -22 -47 58 350 217 1.78 84 1.78 3782 71 = -43 -30 58 348 225 1.78 -91 1.78 3876 71 -43 -30 58 348 225 1.78 -91 1.78 3876 72 -52 -4 58 259 228 1.78- -242 1.78 4516 _, _ _ _. ~ ~. _ _ _ _ _, _
CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 17 Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16.97 Pipe element: forces in local coordinates: Expansion (TI) ..........................................In plane...,0ut of plane...----- Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (1b) (1b) (1b) (ft-1b) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 72 - -4 58 259 228 1.78 -242 1.78 4516 70B -47 22 58 106 227 1.78 -328 1.78 5009 70B -47 57 25 106 392 -72 2894 /5 -47 57 25 106 219 5 1718 75 -4' $7 25 106 219 5 1718 80A -47 57 25 106 218 6 1710 80A -47 -57 -25 107 -219 1.78 -4 1.78 2834 78 -69 -26 -25 89 -211 1.78 -62 1.78 2820 78 -70 -26 -26 90 -212 1.78 -62 1.78 2836 79- -74 13 -26 45 -211 1.78 -104 1.78 2956 79 -74 13 -25 44 -210 1.78 -103 1.78 2939 808 -57 49 -25 -17 -216 1.78 -116 1.78 3060 81 -57 47 -25 -15 -215 -116 1726 82 -57 47 -25 -15 -227 -122 1819 82 -57 47 -25 -227 -122 1819 83 -57 47 -25 -15 -238 -128 1912 83 -57 47 -25 -15 -238 -128 1912 84 -57 47 -25 -15 -250 -135 2006 84 -57 47 -25 -15 -250 -135 2006 85 -57 47 -25 -15 -262 -141 2099 85 -57 47 -25 -15 -262 -141 2009 86 -57 47 -25 -15 -274 -147 2192 86 -57 47 -25 -15 -274 -147 2192 87 -57 47 -25 -15 -283 -152 '267 87 -57 47 -25 -15 -283 -152 2267 ~90A -57 47 -25 -15 -284 -152 2268 90A -57 25 47 -18 -153 1.78 283 1.78 4009 91 -37 50 47' 129 -160 1.78 263 1.78 3929 91- -37 50 '48 131 .-161 1.78 264 1.78 3944 92 -7 62 48 248 -172 1.78 171 1.78 3467 92 ' 62 47 248 ' 172 1.78 171 1.78 3466 90B 25 57 47 303 -184 1.78 33 -1.78 3138 100 25 47 -57 301 -36 1.00 -183 1.00 2476 110 25 47 -57 301 -50 1.00 -200 1.00 7829
-. ~ -. -. _ _ - i i CAEPfPE 305-706X Pege 18 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O A1TACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (TI) ..........................................In plane....Out of plane...---.- Axial y.snear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (1b) -(1b) (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF. ( SIF (psi) 110 25 47 -57 301 -50 -200 7829 111 25 47 -57 301 -62 -214 8046 111 25 47 -57 301 214 8046 112 25 47 -57 301 -74 -229 8278 -i 112 25 47 -57 301 74 -229 8278 115 25 47 -57 301 -81 1.30 -238 1.30 9528 115 25 47 -57 301 -81 1.30 -238 1.30 3701 I 120 25 47 -57 301 -85 -242 3300 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (T1) Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 10 57 278 25 -949 110 315 20A -57 -278 -25 -252 52 590 20A 57 278 25 252 -52 -590 208 -57 -278 -25 -325 63 632 208 57 278 25 325 -63 632 5 -57 -278 -25 -192 63 333 5 57 278 25 192 -63 -333 30A -57 -278 -25 -63 63 43 30A 57 278 25 63 -63 -43 308 -57 -278 -25 -54 54 126 4 30B $7 278 25 54 -54 -126 9 -57 -278 -25 -54 49 181 9 57 -47 25 54 -49 -181 40A -57 47 -25 -54 44 172 40A 57 -47 25 54 -44 -172 40B -57 47 -25 -34 50: 139 400 -57 -47 25-34 -50 -139 '50A -57 47 -25 115 166 22 50A 57- -47 25 -115 -166 -22 508 -57 47 -25 134 172 -10 508 57 -47 25 -134 - -172 10 16 -57 -47 -25 134 156 - u.. -
.~- -... -. -. - - - -.. ~... CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 19 l Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (T1) Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 16 57 25 -134 -156 40 15- -57 47 -25 134 55 229 I 15 57 47 25 -134 -55 229 18 -57 47 -25 134 47 245 } 18 57 -47 25 -134 -47 245 17 -57 47 -25 134 36 266 17 57 -47 25 -134 -36 266 51 -57 47 -25 134 30 278 51 57- -47 25 -134 --30 - 278 52 -57 47 -25 134 23 250 52 57 -47 25 -134 -23 290 53 -57 47 -25 134 17 301 53 57 -47 25 -134 -17 301 54 -57 47 -25 134 11 313 54 57 -47 25 -134 -11 313 55 -57 47 -25 134 5 325 55 57 -47 25 -134 -5 325 56 -57 47 -25 134 -2 337 56 57 -47 25 -134 2 337 57 -57 47 -25 134 -7 346 57 57 - 25 134 7 346 60A -57 47 -25 134 -10 353 60A $7 -47 25 -134 10 353 61 -57 47 -25 134 -14 358 61 57 -47 25 -134 14 358 62 -57 4? -25 132 -18 362 62 57 -47 25 -132 18 .362 608 -57 47 -25 129 -23 366 608-57 25 -129 23 366 23 -57 47 -25 108 -60 387 23 57 -47 25 -108 60 387 i <70A -57 47 -25 94 84 401 -70A 57 -47 25 -94 84 401 -71 47 -25 86 -95 404 4 -,n, g .,e,,ewn,,,e~,www.n,m-,,-..nw.,,,,,,-,n.,yn .,e,+.w,,u..ww.-----
e CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 20 Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (TI) Node FX (lb) FY (1b) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 71 57 -47 25 -86 95 404 72 -57 47 -25 78 -103 -401 72 57 -47 25 -78 103 401 708 -57 47 -25 72 -106 -392 708 57 -47 25 -72 106 392 75 -57 47 -25 -5 -106 -219 75 57 -47 25 5 106 219 80A -57 47 -25 -6 -106 -218 80A $7 -47 25 6 106 218 78 -56 47 -25 -11 -107 -210 78 57 -47 25 10 107 210 79 -56 48 -25 -14 -111 -208 79 57 -47 25 14 111 208 800 -57 48 -25 -15 -116 -215 81 57 -47 25 15 116 215 82 -57 47 -25 -15 -122 -227 82 57 -47 25 15 122 227 83 -57 47 -25 -15 -128 -238 83 57 -47 25 15 128 238 84 -57 47 -25 -15 -135 -250 84 57 -47 25 15 135 250 85 -57 47 -25 -15 -141 -262 85 57 -47 25 15 141 -262 86 -57 47 -25 -15 -147 -274 86 57 -47 25 15 147 274 87 -57 47 -25 -15 -152 -283 87 57 -47 25 15 152 283 90A -57 47- -25 -15 -152 -284 90A $7 -47 25 15 152 284 '91 -56 47 -25 -18 -160 -291 91 57 -47 25 18 160 292 92 -57 47 -25 -24 -171 -298 92 57 -47 25 24 171 299 90B -57 47 -25 -33 -183 -302
CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 21 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (TI) Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 100 57 -47 25 33 183 301 110 -57 47 -25 -47 -200 -302 110 57 -47 25 47 200 302 111 -57 47 -59 -214 -302 111 57 -47 25 59 214 302 112' -57 47 -25 71 -229 -302 112 57 -47 25 71 229 302 115 -57 47 -25 -78 -238 -302 115 57 -47 25 78 238 302 120 -57 47 -25 -82 -242 -302 Displacements: Expansion (T1) Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20A 0.006 -0.136 0.036 0.2156 -0.0154 0.1138 20B -0.009 -0.137 0.051 0.1158 -0.0246 0.2514 5 -0.440 -0.106 0.098 -0.0182 0.0181 0.5011 30A -1.042 -0.075 0.038 -0.0824 0.0596 0.5955 308 -1.087 -0.025 0.026 -0.0959 0.0730 0.6133 9 -1.085 0.000 0.023 -0.0972 0.0740 0.6163 40A -1.084 0.025 0.020 -0.0986 0.0749 0.6196 40B -1.113 0.082 0.009 -0.1145 0.0793 0.6535 50A -1.362 0.143 -0.027 -0.1030 0.1183 0.6846 SOB -1.391 0.203 -0.041 -0.0894 0.1497 0.6721 16 -1,387 0.291 -0.062 -0.0787 0.1598 0.6706 15 -1.363 0.836 -0.216 -0.0101 0.2013 0.6178 18 -1.361 0.879 -0.230 -0.0044 0.2030 0.6100 17 -1.358 0.935 -0.249 0.0031 0.2048 0.5990 51 -1.357 0.966 -0.259 0.0074 0.2056 0.5924 52 -1.355 0.997 -0.270 0.0116 0.2062 0.5854 53 -1.354 1.027 -0.281 0.0159 0.2067 0.5782 54 -1.352 1.057 -0.292 0.0202 0.2070 0.5707 55 -1,351 1.087 -0.303 0.0245 0.2072 0.5628 56 -1.34s 1.116 -0.314 0,0288 0.2073 0.5547 57 -1.348 1.139 -0.322 0.0322 0.2072 0.5480 60A -1.347 1.156 -0.329 0.0347 0.2071 0.5431 600 -1.350 1.186 -0.341 0.0310 0.2049 0.5058 61 -1.347 1.167 -0,333 0.0350 0.2065 0.5282 62 -1.348 1.177 -0.337 0.0333 0.2058 .0.5155 23 -1.367 1.236 -0.363 0.0431 0.2023 0.4776 70A -1.377 1.268 -0.377 0.0502 0.1994 0.4585 708 -1.354 1.292 -0.393 0.0446 0.2038 0.3799 71 -1,377 1.281 -0.384 0.0430-0.1972 0.4382 72 -1.369 1.290 -0.389' 0.0405 0.2019 0.4124 75 -1.144 1.274- -0.426 0.0547 0.1625 0.2883
t CAEPZPE 305-F06X Paee 33 l Version 3.?S M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT 8 Oct 16,97 i l Displacements: Expansion (TI) 1 Node X (inch) Y (inch) 2 (inch) XX(deg) .YY(deg) ZZ(deg) l [ 80A -1.142 1.273 -0.426 0.0547 0.1622 0.2878 i 808 -1.119 1.291 -0.442 0.0462 0.1421 0.2302 ~ 78 -1.131 1.275 -0.430 0.0524 0.1588 0.2687 79 -1.123 1.282 0.436 0.0484 0.1521 0.2496 81 -1.119 1.291 -0.442 0.0462 0.1421 0.2302 l 82 -1.117 1.303 -0.450 0.0457 0.1392 0.2248 83 -1.116 1.315 -0.457 0.0452 0.1361 0.2191 84 -1.114 1.326 -0.464 0.0448 0.1329 0.2131 1 85 -1.113 1.337 -0.471 0.0443 0.1295 0.2069 86 -1.111 1.348 -0.478 0.0438 0.1260 0.2003 87 -1.110 1.356 -0.483 0.0434 0.1230 0.1948 90A -1.110 1.356 -0.483 0.0434 0.1230 0.1948 908 -1.115 1.372 -0.494 0.0215 0.0785 0.1432 91 -1.110 1.364 -0.488 0.0386 0.1091 0.1706 92 -1.112 1.369 -0.492 0.0284 0.0943 0.1529 i, 100 -1.115 1.372- -0.494 0.0215 0.0785 0.1432 110 -1.120 1.373 -0.495 0.0193 0.0G77 0.1210 111 -1.123 1.374 -0.497 0.0132 0.0437 0.0756 112 -1.125 1.375 -0.499 0.0058 0.0181 0.0302 115 -1.125 1.375 -0.499 0.0009 0.0028 0.0047 120 -1.125 1.375 -0.500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 loads on Anchors: Wind Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) XX(ft-lb) YY(ft-lb) ZZ(ft-lb) 10 40 -19 25 -147 -2 -231 120 -18 477 -47 -1209 -221 -718 3 LoaJs on Restraints: Wind i Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) 9 221 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind ...In plane....Out of pl ane.. ------ Axial y shear : shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+50 i Node (lb) (1b) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 10 44 -19 -17 -273 -22 1.30 -2 1.30 1363 20A 44 -19 -17 -273 79 -94 1499 20A 44 -19 -17 -273 79 1,78 94 1.78 2253 208 -19 44 17 -100 103 1.78 266 1.78 4331 208 -19 -40 25 -100 -151 242 2669 -5 -19 -40 25 -100 61 374 3439 5 -19 -40 25 -100-61 374 3439 30A -19 40 25 -100 266 502 4979 i
I CAEP!PE 305-F06X Pago 23 Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind .......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e... -. - -. Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+50 i Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 51F (ft-lb) SIF (psi) i 30A -19 40 -100 -266 1.78 502 1.78 8389 308 40 19 -25 -511 -288 1.78 91 1.78 4411 308 40 -19 25 -511 288 -91 2713 9 40 -19 25 -511 292 -86 2938 '9 40 202 25 -Sil 292 -86 2938 40A 40 202 25 -511 253 -81 2596 40A 40 161 125 -511 236 1.78 122 1.78 4202 40B 161 -40 125 75 191 1.78 464 1.78 7096 40B 161 125 -40 75 464 191 4253 SOA 161 125 -40 75 98 308 3088 SOA 161 40 125 75 -308 1.78 -98 1.78 5034 SOB 40 -161 125 -51 -262 1.78 -28 1.78 3916 t SOB 40 202 25 -51 205 166 2434 16 40 202 25 -51 79 150 1783 16 40 202 25 -51 79 150 1783 15 40 202 25 -51 -730 -51 6392 15 40 176 25 -51 -730 -51 6392 18 40 176 25 -51 -789 -42 6925 18 40 114 25 -51 -789 -42 6925 17 40 114 25 -51 -839 -32 7454 17 40 59 25 -51 -839 -32 7454 4 51 40 59 25 -51 -854 -25 7412 51 40 19 25 -51 -854 -25 7412 .52 40 19 25 -51 -858 -19 7307 52 40 -21 25 -51 -858 -19 7307 53 40 -21 25 -51 -853 -13 7139 53 40 -61 25 -51 -853 -13 7139 54 40 -61 25 -51 -838 -7 6908 54 40 -101 25 -51 -838 -7 6908 55 40 -101 25 -813 0 6615 55 40 -141 25 -51 -813 0 6615 56 40 --141 25 -51 -778 6 6260 e 56-40 -176-23 -51 -778 6 6260 57 40 -176 25 -51 -743 11 5935 F Y 4 .. ~.. - -... a m, -,m,,,,--,...- --.a -,n ~-- ~.., -
i CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 24 ? Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind [ .........................................In plane....Out of plane..------ i Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+50 Wode (1b) (1b) (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-1b) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 57 40 -204 25 -51 .43 11 5935 [ 60A 40 -204 25 -51 -713 14 5679 e 60A 40 -25 -223 -51 14 1.78 713 1.78 9680 61 32 -34 -223 132 17 1.78 680 1.78 9307 61 32 -34 -239 132 17 1.78 680 1.78 9307 62 22 -42 -239 301 21 1.78 600 1.78 8326 j '62 22 -42 -255 301 21 1.78 600 1.78 8326 608 11 -46 -2$5 442 25 1.78 477 1,78 6804 608 11 -313 46 442 -477 25 4054 23 11 -313 46 442 -277 55 2597 23 11 -397 46 442 -277 55 2597 70A 11 -397 46 442 -112 74 1658 '70A 7 445 -46 442 112 1.78 -74 1.78 2545 71 229 382 -46 344 29 1.78 -294 1.78 4774 71 230 407 -46 344 29 1.78 -294 1.78 4775 72 402 '238 -46 149 -36 1.78 -435 1.78 6668 72 404 252 -46 149 -36 1.78 -435 1.78 6669 708 476 16 -46 -91 -63 1.78 -460 1.78 7028 708 477 -18 -47 -91 280 -370 4278 75 477 -18 -47 -91 336 -513 5171 i 75 477 18 -47 -91 336 -513 5171 80A 477 -18 -47 -91 336 -514 5178 80A 480 24 47 -98 -338 1.78 513 1.78 8643 78 427 -220 47 175 -318 1.78 501 1.78 8322 78 432 -220 47 179 -320 1.78 504 1.78 8366 79 261 -408 47 411 -256 1.78 354 1.78 G285-791 259' -406 47 412 -255 1.78 355 1.78 6282 l 808 .13 -481 47-538 -163 1.78 101 1.78 3163 81' 18 -477 47 532 -162 109 2030 82 18 -477 47 532 -42 121 1550 82 18 -477 47 532 -42 121 1550 83 -18 .-477 47 532 77 132 1709
- 83 18
-477 47' 532 77 132 1709 84 -18 -477. 47-532 196 144 2322 ..m. . m
1 t CAEPIPE 305 706X Pago 35 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 16,97 } Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind ...In plane....Out of plane..------ Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+50 i Node (1b) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) ( SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) E4 18 -477 47 532 196 144 2322 5 85 18 -477 47 532 316 156 3066 r 85 18 -477 47 532 316 156 3066 86 18 -477 47 532 435 167 3860 l t 86 18 -477 47 532 435 167 3860 i 87 18 -477 47 532 530 177 4520 i 87 18 -477 47 532 530 177 4520 1 90A 18 -477 47 532 532 177 4531 90A 19 -47 -479 538 178 1.78 -528 1.78 7603 91 -7 -50 -479 176 187 1.78 -816 1.78 11062 91 -7 -50 -481 177 188 1.78 -818 1.78 11087_ j 92 -32 -39 -481 -284 197 1.78 -887 1.78 -11928 92 -32 -39 -479 -286 196 1.78 -886 1.78 11917 900 -47 -18 -479 -716 202 1.78 -713 1.78 9848 100 -47 -477 19 -706 718 1.00 201 1.00 5807 110 -47 -477 19 -706 857 1.00 207 1.00 19732 110 -47 -477 19 -706 857 207 19716 111 -47 -477 19 -706 981 212 22488 111 -47 -477 19 -706 981 212 22488 112 -47 -477 19 -706 1105 217 25312 112 -47 -477 19 -706 1105 217 25313 115- -47 -477 19 -706 1175 1.30 219 1.30 34836 115 -47 -477 19 -706 1176 1.30 219 1.30 13636 120 -47 -477 19 -706 1215 221 10916 -Element forces in global coordinates: Wind -j Node FX (lb) FY (lb)- FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 10 -40 19 -25 147 2 231 20A 40 -19 25 -227 -94 -170 20A -40 19 -25 227 94 170 5 20B 40 -19 25 -242 -100 -151 208 -40 19 -25 242 100 151 i 5' 40- -19 25 -374 -100 61 l 1 .r. m _.. _, _.
CAEPIPE 305-706X Page 36 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B Oct 10.97 ~ Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 5-19 -25 374 100 -61 30A 40 -19 25 -502 -100 266 30A -40 19 -25 502 100 -266 30B 40- -19 25 -511 -91 288 30B -40 19 25 511 91 -288 9 40 -19 25 -511 -86 292 9 -40 -202 -25 511 86 -292 40A 40 202 25 -511 -81 253 40A -40 -202 -25 511 81 -253 40B 40 202 25 -464 -82 188 400 -40 -202 -25 464 82 -188 50A 40 202 25 -98 -165 270 50A -40 -202 -25 98 165 -270 500 40 202 25 -51 -166 205 50B -40 -202 -25 51 166 -205 16 40 202 25 -51 -150 79 16 -40 -202 -25 51 150 -79 15 40 202 25 -51 -51 -730 15 -40 -176 -25 51 51 730 18 40 176 25 -51 -42 -789 18 -40 -114 -25 51 42 789 17 40 114 25 -51 -31 -839 17 -40 -59 -25 51 32 839 51 40 59 25 -51 -25 -854 51 -40 -19 -25 51 25 854 52 40 19 25 -51 -19 -858 52 -40 21 -25 51 19 858 53 49 -21 25 -51 -13 -853 53 -40 61 -25 51 13 S$3 54 40 -61 25- -51 -- 7 -838 54 -40 101 -25 5: 7 838 - 55 40 -101 25 -51 0 -813 55 141 -25 51 0 813 56-40 -141 25 -51 6 -778 i 1l_
a i CAEPIPE-305-706X Page 27 Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT 8 Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 56 -40 176 25 51 -6 778 57-40 176 25 -51 11 -743 57 -40 204 25 51 -11 743 60A 40 204 25 -51 14 -713 60A -40 223 25 51 -14 713 61 40 223 25 -49 17 -691 61 -40 239 - - 25 49 -17 691 62 40 239 25 -40 21 -670 j 62 -40 255 25 40 -21 670 255 25 -24 25 -6$0 600 40 25 24 -25 650 l 608 -40 313 23_ 40 313 25 117 $5 -509_ i 23 -40 397 25 -117 -55 509 397 25 234 74 -392 70A 40 28 -234 -74 392 70A -37 445 f' 71 37 -445 28 294 82 -335 71 -29 467 36 -294 -82 335 72 29 -467 36 345 89 -293 72 -21 476 44 -345 -89 293 70B 21 -476 44 370 91 -280 70B -18 477 47 -370 -91 280 75 18 -477 47 513 91 -336 75 -18 477 47 -513 -91 336 80A 18 -477 47 $34 91 -336 -80A- -18 477 47 -514 -91 336 -78 17 -475 47 519 94 -316 78 -18 477 47 -523 -93 316 79 18 -480 47 526 100 -253 79 -18 477 47 -529 -100 253 SOB 19 -481 47 534 108- -162 81 -18 477 47 -532 -109 162 82 18 -477 47 532 121 -42 4 '82 -18 477 47 -532 -121 42 83-18 -477 ~ 47 532 132 77 sw-*. v--,,,,,- v n - e-y w -,,r.w .i-m-,-- ++wi-, ,y-v-e----,w-, y---,-w,-wv,-,--,,-w-w--h-----,--~--r-,,-w.--ew.,-*,%eme,v w
? CAEPIPE Version 3.75-305-706X Page 38 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT 8 Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node. FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 83 -18 477 -47 -532 -132 -77 E4 18 -47/ 47 532 144 196 84 -18 477 -47 -532 -144 -196 85 18 -477 47 532 156 316 i 85 -18 477 -47 -532 156 -316 86 18 -477 47 532 167 435 86 -18 477 -47 -532 -167 -435 87 18 -477 47 532 177 530 87 -19 477 -47 -532 -177 -550 90A 18 -477 47 532 177 $32 90A -18 477 -47 -532 -177 -532 91 18- -477 47 555 187 620 i 91 -18 477 -47 -555 -187 -622 97 18 -477 47 623 196 686 92 -18 477 -47 -621 -196 -689 900 18 -477 47 713 201 714 100 -18 477 -47 -711 -201 -713 { 110 18 -477 47 850 207 714 110 -18 477 -47 -850 -207 -714 i 111 18 -477 47 974 212 716 111 -18 477 -47 -974 -212 -716 112 18 477 47 1099 217 717 112 -18 477 -47 -1099 -217 -717 115 18 -477 47 1169 219 717 115 -18 477 -47 -1169 -219 -717 120 18 -477 47 1209 221 718 Displacements: Wind Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20A -0.008 0.003 0.006 -0.1258- -0.0253 -0.1417 l 208 0.002 0.005 -0.005 -0.1690 -0.0255 -0.1593-5 0.202 '0.005- --0.274 -0.3292 -0.0930 -0.1828 30A 0.363 0.005 -0.740 -0.5502 --0.1586 -0.1004 308 0,369 0.001 -0.774 -0.6306 -0.1441 -0.0265 9 0.369 0.000 -0.768 -0.6436 -0.1458 -0.0209
- 40A 0.369
-0.001 -0.763 -0.6562 -0.1474 -0.0157 r
i i CAEPIPE 3DS-F06X Page 29 o47 29 l Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT B _ 0ct 16,97 l Displacements Wind 1 } Node X (inch) Y (inch)' 2 (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) j i 408 0.359 0.039- -0.790 0.7449 -0.1526 0.0553 SOA-0.249 0.383_ -1.133 -0.8257 -0.1835 0.1255 508 0.230 0.442 -1.163 0.8419 -0.2298 0.1900- - 16. 0.230 0.468 -1.132 0.8460 -0.2395 0.1988-15 0.23" 0.604 -0.912 '-0.8723 -0.2791 0.0704 18 0.230 0.608 0.892 -0.8745 -0.2807 0.0455 17 0.230 0.611 -0.867 -0.8773 -0.2823 0.0104 51 0.230 0.611 -0.852 -0.6790 -0.2830 -0.0104 52-0.230 0.609 -0.837 -0.8806 -0.2835 -0.0315 f - 53 0.230 0.607 -0.822 - -0.8823 -0.2839 -0.0526 i 54 0.230 0.604 -0.807 -0.8839 -0.2841 -0.0734 l 55 0.230-0.600 -0.792 -0.8856 -0.2842 -0.0937 i 56 0.230 0.594 -0.777 -0.8872 -0.2842 -0.1133 4: 57 0.270' O.589 -0.765 -0.8885 -0.2840 -0.1282 60A 0.230 0.585 -0.757 -0.8895 -0.2838 -0.1386 i 600-0.236 0.554 -0.741 -0.9120 -0.2812 -0.2186 ) 61 0.231 0.579 -0.751 -0.8930 -0.2831 -0.1694 1 62 0.233 0.569 -0.746 -0.9012 -0.2823 -0.1967 'i 23 0.263 0.446 -0.715 -0.9032 -0.2787 -0.2608 l 70A 0.280 0.373 -0.698 -0.8922 -0.2761 -0.2832 - 700 0.269 0.307 -0.615 -0.8348 -0.2349 -0.3417 - 71 0.284 0.340 -0.681 -0.8861 -0.2629 -0.2979 72 0.281 0.316 -0.650 -0.8658 -0.2445 -0.3173 75 0.022 0.307 -0.121 -0.7021 -0.1993 -0.4343 80A 0.020 0.307 -0.118 -0.7009 -0.1990 -0.4351 l 800 -0.017 0.268 -0.052 -0.6037 -0.1495 -0.5105-i 78 0.00% 0.302 0.089 -0.6561 -0.1885 -0.4648 l 79 -0.012 0.289 -0.065 -0,6223 -0.1667 -0.4912 81 -0,017 0.268 -0.052 -0.6037 -0.1495 -0.5105 - 82 -n.017 0.241 -0.044 -0.5S67 0.1467 -0.5130 l 83 -0.017 0.214 -0.036 -0.5697 -0.1436 -0.5126 84 -0.017 0.187 -0.029 +0.5527 -0.1402 -0.5092 85 -0.017 0.161 -0.022 -0.5356 -0.1365 -0.5029 . 86 -0.017 0.134 -0.014 -0.5186 -0.1325 -0,4937 87 -0.017 0.114 -0.009 -0.5050 -0.1291 -0.4842 i 90A -0.017 0.114 -0.009 0.5048 -0.1291 -0.4840 908 -0.009 0.046 0.000 -0.3586 -0.0777 -0.3402 91 -0,016 0.090 -0.004 -0.4794 -0.1128 -0.4278 92 -0.013 0.065 -0.001 -0.4253 -0.0955 -0.3720 ' 100 -0.009 0,046 0.000 -0.3586 -0.0777 -0.3402 i 110 -0.005 0.025 0.000 -0.3143 -0.0661 -0.2875 111 -0.002 0.010 0,000- -0.2085 -0.0418 -0.1798 112 0,000 0.002-0.000 -0.0883 -0.0169 -0.0719 115 0.000 - 0.000 0.000 -0.0141 -0.0026 -0.0111 120 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 l q i I 'I e ye ,y y,.fm.- -eny,r-- qv,y,-w w. v,, e g p re,. w e c,w r- .v ,-,y%.-r-w,--. ..-.,.-e.-.,-,yw---,---w--- ,y,w y-,i.,me.. sww.. m wn ,e y
CAEPIFE 305 711 Page 1 cF49 Versicn 3.75 M-97 0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 CAEPIPE Version 3.75 Client i FPC Project File Number 305-711 Report Number : Model Name 305-711 Title
- M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Subtitle Analyzed
- Thu Oct 16 11:14:44 1997
/0[/9/f7 M, c4 Date: Prepared by Terry (f. Paul /e[//h 7 /O*4 MAtfA Date: Checked by i/
i CAEPIPE 305 711 Page 2 l Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 t i Options 1 Piping code = 831.1 (1967) Do not use liberal allowable stresses i Include axial force in stress calculations l Reference temperature = 70 (F) i Number of thermal cycles = 7000 4 Use modulus at reference temperature 1 Do not include hanger stiffness i l'o not ir.clude Sourdon effect Do not use pressure correction for bends Pressure stress = PD / 4t i Peak pressure factor - 1.00 Cut off frequency = 33 Hz Number of modes = 0 Include missing mass correction Do not use friction in dynamic analysis Vertical direction = Y
- Node Type DX(feet)
DY(feet) DZ(feet) Mat Sec Load Data 1 10 Frer Anchor 2 20 Bend 3.78 4.349 1 3N 3N 3 30 Bend 11.823 1 3N 3N 4 28 1.849 1 3N 3N force 5 40 Bend 0.5677 1 3N 3N 6 50 1.583 1 3N SN Flange 7 60 Bend 1.0 1 3N 3N 8 70 Bend 4.0 1 3N 3N 9 17 6.4167 1 3N 3N Z restraint 10 16-2.583 1 3N 3N Force 11-75 1.*608 1 3N 31P 12 76 0.25 1 3N 3IP 13 77 0.25 1 3N 3IP 14 78 0.25 1 3N 3IP 15 80 Bend 0.2059 1 3N 3IP 16 84 V.176C 0.1768 1 3N 3IP 17 85 0.1768 0.1768 1 3N 3IP 18 86 0.1768 0.1768 1 3N 3IP 19 87 0.1768 0.1768 1 3N 31P 20 88 0.085 0.0849 1 3N 3If 21 90 Bend 0.2681 0.2680 1 3N 3IP 22 91 2.0 1 3N 3N 25 98 -1.595 1 3N 3N 24 100 Bent - 0.405 1 3N 3IP 25 102 0.383 1 3N 3IP 26-103 0.2500 1 3N 3IP 27 -104 0.25 1 3N 3IP 28 -105 0.25 1 3N 31P 29 106 0.25 1 3N SIP ~ 30 107 0.25 1 3N 3IP 31 108 0.25 1 3N 3IP 32 110 Bend 0.4500 1 3N 31P 33 120 - 0.0032 -0.375 1 3N 3IP 34 - 130 Peducer 0.003 -0.292 1 3N 3IP 35 135-0.0213. 0.2005 1 2N 2IP ei-c wrv
- r-9 girr
-g-g y-faw=y =.mpr pyf e w vimr+.-%~,wvem---igri9 ey yF +w.-=pm., pts =*M m'*sq .gi- -t >,psy=-rm+e-9mirm.,eei9 a 817 t*+1rme.="e e s.ib-, i 1
- +w-:i rw-w&
. ~. - _. - _ - - _. _ _. - - - ~.t t CAEPIPE 305 711 Page 3 .Vorsion 3.P5 M.9F-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 +
- Node Type DX(feet)
OY(feet) DZ(feet) Mat Sec Load Data 36 140 0.01' -0.0912 1 2F 21P Anchor 37 10 Location User SIF f 38 135 Location User SIF l Bends I Bend Radius Thickness Int. Angle Int. Angle Node (inch) (inch) Node (deg) Node (deg) [ 20 4.5 L i 30 4.5 L 40-4.5 L 60 4.5 L 70 4.5 L r 80 4.5 L 81 15.00 82 30.00 90 4.5 L 901 30.00 902 60.00 100 4.5 L 99 30.00 101 60.00 110 4.5 L 111 30.00 112 60.00 Reducers 001 Thk1 002 Thk2 Cone Angle Knuc Delta From To (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (deg) kles (inch) 120 130 3.5 0.216 2.375 0.154 0.00 Anchors (lb/ inch) (in-lb/deg) Releases Node KX KY KZ KXX KYY KZZ X Y Z XXYYZZ 10 Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid 140 Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Rigid Restraints Node X Y Z 17 Yes Flanges Node Type Weight Gasket Dia Allowable pressure (lb) (inch) (psi) 50 Weld neck -20 User SIFs LNode-In plane Outofplane-10 1.30 1.30-135 1.30 1.30
~CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 4 . Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Forces FX FY FZ MX MY MZ Node (1b) (1b) (1b) (ft-1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 28 227 16 166 Coordicates Node X (feet) Y (feet) Z (feet) 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 20A 3.5340 0.0 4.0660 20 3.78 0.0 4.349 208 3.78 0.375 4.349 30A 3,78 11.448 4.349 30 3.78 11.823 4.349 300 4.155 11.823 4.349 28 5.629 11.823 4.349 40A 5.8217 11.823 4.349 40 6.1967 11.823 4.349 400 6.1967 11.823 4.724 50 6.1967 11.823 5.932 60A 6.1967 11.823 6.557 60 6.1967 11.823 6.932 60B 6.1967 12.198 5.932 70A 6.196'/ 15.448 6.932 70 6.1967 15.823 6.932 70B 6.5717 15.823 6.932 17 12.6134: 15.823 6.932 16 15.1964 15.823 6.932 75 16.6572 15.823 6.932 76 16.9072 15.823 6.932 77 17.1572 15.823 6.932 78 17.4072 15.823 6.932 80A 17.4577 15.823 6.932 80 17.6130 15.823 6.932 800 17.7229 15.823 7.0418 81 17.5548 15.823 6.9448 82 17.6452 15.823 6.9822 84 17,7898 15.823 7.1088 85 17.9666 15.823 7.2856 86 18.1434 15.823 7.4623 87 18.3201 15.823 7.6391 88-18.4051 15.823 7.7240 90A-18.4051 15.823 7.7240 90 18.6733 15.823 7.992 908 18.6733 15.4439 7.992 i 901 18.5381 15.7728 7.8569 902 18.6363 15.6355 7.9550 91 18.6733 13.823 7.992 98 18.6733 32.228 7.992 100A .18,6733 12.198 7.992 100 18.6733 11.823 7.992 100B 19.0483 11.823 7.992
i r CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 5 t Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97. Coordinates l . Node-X (feet) Y (feet) Z (feet) 99 18.7235 12.0105 7.992 101 18.8608 11.8732 7.992 102 19.0563 11.823 7.992 i 103 19.3063 11.823 7.992 104 19.5563 11.823 7.992 105 19.8063 11.823 7.992 106 20.0563 11.823 7.992 107 20.3063 11.823 7.992 108 20.5563 11.823 7.eS2 110A 20.6313 11.823 7.992 110 21.0063 11.823 7.992 ~ 110B 21.0095 13 C23 7.617 111 20.8192 11.823 7.9418 112 20.9576 11.823 7.8045 120 21.0095 11.823 7.617 130 21.0125 11.823 7.323 135 21.0338 11.823 7.1245 140 21.0438 11.823 7.0333 Pipe material 1: A106 Grade B Density = 0.2800 (1b/in3), Nu a 0,300, Joint factor = 1.00 Type = C5 l Temp E Alpha Allowable (F) (psi) (in/in/F) (,> ai) -20 28.5E+6 5.87E-6 15000 70 27.9E+6 6.07E.6 15000 200 27.7E+6 6.38E-6 15000 300 27.4E+6 6.60E.6 15000 400 27.0E+6 6.82E-6 15000 -500 26.4E+6 7.02E 15000 600 25.7E+6 7.23E-6 15000 650 25.3E+6 7.34E-6 15000 700 24.8E+6 7.44E-6 14400 Pipe Sections Nominal 0.D. Thk-Cor.Al M.Tol Ins. Dens Ins.Th Lin. Dens Lin.Th Name Dia. Sch (inch) (inch) (inch) (%) (lb/ft3) (inch) (1b/ft3) (inch) 3N 3" 40 3.5 0.216 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2N 2" 40 2.375 0.154 0.0 0,0 0.0 1.0 2F Non 5td 2.375 0.308 0.0 0.0 .n, ... -. ~,.-
=.. CAEPIPE 305 711 Page 6 Version 3.75 M-9P.0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 i Loads j Acceleration load: - X = 0.00, Y = 0.00, Z = 0.00 (g's) [ Acceleration load combination = Square Root of Sua of Squares Wind velocity = 350 (mph) Shape factor = 1. 00 -Wind direction: X comp = 0.000 Y comp = 1.000, Z comp = 0.000 h Number of thermal loads = 1 Pipe Loads E Load T1 P1 T2 P2 T3 P3 Specific Add.Wgt Wind Name (F) (psi) (F) (psi) (F) (psi) gravity (1b/ft) Load 3N 150 125 1.000 1.800 31P 150 125 1.000 1.800 Y 2N-150 125 1.000 1.420 21P -150 12$ 1.000 1.420 Y 831.1 (1967) Code Compliance (Lorted stresses)
Sustained ------ ------ Expansion -....-
..---- Occasional ----- SL SE SL+SO SL+50/ Node (psi) SL/5H Node (psi) SE/SA Node (psi) 1.20SH 10 5175 0.35 135 949 0.04 135 19756 1.10 30A 2561 0.17 130 929 0.04 110A 13943 0.77 208 2223 0.15 708 581 0.03 111 12119 0.67 36 2328 0.14 140 572 0.03 130 10686 0.59 135 2027 0.14 70A 565 0.03 140 10656 0.59 20A 2014 0.13 20B 531 0.02 80A 1029' O.57 608 1954 0.13 110A 515 0.02 81 9861 0.55 408 1842 0.12 20A 511 0.02 10 9301 0.52 60A 1665 0.11 111 479 0.02 82 8843 0.49 17 1628 0.11 1006 429 0.02 16 8282 0.46 130 1590 0.11 101 413 0.02 108 7568 0.42 902 1485 0.10 99 394 0.02 75 7498 0.42 908-1462 0.10 30B 393 0.02 30A 7406 0.41 901 1361 0.09 30A 389 0.02 808 7371 0.41 75 1314 0.09 100A 379 0.02 100A 7302 0.41 80A 1287 0.09 112 374 0.02 112 7302 0.41 -76 1193 0.08 60B 317 0.01 76 7117-0.40 30B 1193 0.08 40A 308 0.01 908 6853 0.38 90A 1161 0.08 1108 304 0.01 77 6664 0.37 112 1123 0.07 120 301 0.01 208 6611 0.37 81 1119 0.07 108 289 0.01 99 6407 0.36 111 1119 0.07 107 281 0.01 78 6140 0.34 110B 1108 0.07 106 274 0.01 107 6026 0.33 40A 1099 0.07 105 266 0.01 902 5679 0.32 77 1077 0.07-104 258 0.01 20A 5650 0.31 110A 1077 0.07 10 257 0.01 30B-5440 0.30 70A 1050 0.07 103 251 0.01 17 5382 0.30 28 1018 0.07 102 243-0.01-70A 5068 0.28
t CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 7 - Version 3.75 M-97 0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct.16,97 i B31.1 (1967) Code Compliance (sorted stresses) ...... Sustained ---.--.----- Expansion.........-.. Occasional..... SL SE SL+50 SL+50/ Node (psi) SL/SH Node (psi) SE/SA Node (psi) 1.20SH 140 997 ).07 98 213 0.01-60B 4791 0.27 82 968 0.06 60A 190 0.01 306 4569 0.25 78 957 0.06 28 185 0.01 98 4432 0.25 800-905 0.06 40B 176 0.01 101 4415 0.25 88 877- 0.06 50 159 0.01 708 4356 0.24 120 849 0.06 91 143 0.01 91 4244 0.24 87 847 0.06 17 142 0.01 84 4159 0.23 i 108 807 0.05 908 129 0.0J 60A 4010 0.22 I 50 792 0.05 902 108 0.00 85 3541 0.20 i 86 789 0.05 80A 85 0.00 105 3202 0.18 91 781 0.05 81 b. 0.00 901 3195 0.18 -708 756-0.05 901 79 0.00 86 2881-0.16 + 107 747 0.05 82 79 0.00 90A 2872 0.16 i 85
- i4 0.05 800 75 0.00 40B 2868 0.16 84 729 0.05 16 74 0.00 40A 2666 0.15 99
-699 0.05 90A 63 0.00 1008 2601 0.14 100A 697 0.05 78 57 0.00 87 2177 0.12 106 692 0.05 77 55 0.00 28 2078 0.12 101 686 0.05 75 54 0.00 104 1941 0.11 1008 657 0.04 76 54 0.00 88 1835 0.10 f 105 645 0.04 84 53 0.00 1108 1657 0.09 t 98 613 0.04 88 50 0.00 102 1653 0.09 104 607 0.04 85 50 0.00 50 1484 0.08 i 102 591 0.04 87 49 0.00 120 1120 0.06 103 587 -0.04 86 48 0.00 103 984 0.05 l Flange Loading Report r Bending Axial Casket Flange Allowable Flange Node Pressure moment force diameter pressure pressure pressure (psi) (ft-lb) (lb) (inch) (psi) (psi) / Allow. 50 -125 38 24 3.068 208 1.00 208.454 [ Loads on Anchors: Sustained (W+P) Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) XX(ft-lb) _YY( ZZ(ft-lb) 10 2 -148 -22 380 114 -329 140 2 45 -24 28 -47 39 4 Loads on Restraints: Sustained (W+P) Node X (1b) Y (lb) Z (lb) = } 17 46 4 i '+~v- '-'~"mnwn~* 'v ' 'E _,m w ,,w-,w,v, e m-m e -
3 l CAEPIPE 305 711 Page 8 i Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 1 Pipe einment forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) { ........................................... I n pl a n e... 0u t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial-y shear z-shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node. (1b) _ (1b) (1b) (f t-1b). (f t-1b) SIF (ft-1b) SIF (psi) j 10- -18 -148 -13 1 -502 1.30 114 1.30 '5175 1 20A -18 -81 -2: 1 113 43 1358 I 20A -18 -81 -13 1 113 1.78 43 1.78
- 14 208
-73 18 -13 38 136 1.78 -6 1.78 /223 ) 208 -73 2 -22 38 94 99 1487 30A 65 2 -22 38' 74 -146 1676 i 30A 65 -2 22 38 74 -1.78 146 1.78 2561 308. -2 -72 22 155 1.78 -30 1.78 1193 300 -2 -72 -22 155 47 30 893 28 -2 91 -22 155 -73 -3 1018 28 -2 -136 -22 155- -73 -3 1018 l 40A -2 -134 -22 155 -47 -7 640 40A -2 -22 134 155 7 1.78 -47 1.78 1099 400 -22 2 126 2 15 1.78 -106 1.;d 1842 40P -22 -126 2 2 -106 -15 1263 I 50 -22 -111 2 2 38 1.00 -13 1.00 792 50 -22 -91 2 2 38 1.00 -13 1.00 792 60A -22 -84 2 2 92 -12 1163 60A -22 -84 2 2 92 1.78 -12 1.78 1665 60B -76 22 2 -11 114 1.78 -1 1.78 1954 l 608 -76 2 -22 -11 1 114 1336 70A -36 2 -22' -11 -5 42 819 70A -36 -2 22 -11 5 1.78 -42 1.78 1050 708 -2 28 22 -34 .-6 1.78 19 1.78 756 708 -2 -28 -22 -34 6- -19 647-17 -2 47 -22 -34 -51 -153 1628 17 2 -47' 24 -34 51 -153 1628 16 -2 79 24 -34 -214 -92 .2128-16 -2 -87 24 -34 -214 -92 2128 l -75 -2 -68 24 -34 -101 -57 1314 75- -2 -68 24 -34 -101- -57 1314 76 -2 -65 24 -34 -84 -51 1193 76 -2 -65 24 34 -84 -51 1193 77' -2 -62 24 -34 -68 -45 1077 I i
i i CAEPIPE 305-711 Pego 9 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) ..........................................In plane....Out of plane..------ i Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node (1b) (1b) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) j 77 -2 -62 24 -34 -68 -45 1077 78 -2 -59 24 -34 -53 -39 967 j 78 -2 -59 24 -34 -53 -39 967 80A -2 -58 24 24 -50 -38 946 80A -2 24 58 -34 38 1.78 -50 1.78 1287 81 4 23 57 45 36 1.78 -34 1.78 1119 l i 81 4 23 57 -45 36 1.78 -34 1.78 1119 82 10 21 56 -52 33 1.78 -16 1.78 968 3 82 10 21 56 -52 33 1.78 -16 1.78 968 80B 15 18 55 -53 31 1.78 3 1.78 905 808 15 -55 18 -53 3 ?1 734 84 15 -53 18 -53 9 -s) 729 84 15 -53 18 ~53 9 -30 729 85 15 -50 18 -53 22 -25 744 85 15 -50 18 -53 22 -25 744 86 15 -47 18 -53 34 -21 789 86 15 -47 18 -53 34 -21 789 87 15 -44 18 -53 45 -16 847 87 15 -44 18 -53 45 -16 847 88 15 -43 18 -53 50 -14 877 90A 15 '3 -18 -54 -51 1.78 13 1.78 1161 901-33 27 -18 -41 -58 1.78 35 1.78 1357 901 34 27 -18 -41 -58 1.78 35 1.78 1361 902 /1 5 -18 -19 -61 1.78 48 1.78 1485 902 41 6 -18 -18 -61 1.78 48 1.78 1481 908 35 -16 -18 8 -60 1.78 47 1.78 1462 908 35 2 -24 7 -9 75 1049 91 15 2 -24 7 -12 37 781 91 15 2 -24 7 -12 37 781 98 -5 2 -24 7 -15 -1 613 I 98 -5 2 -24 7 -15 -1 613 100A- -5 2 -24 7 -15 -2 614 100A -5 -2 '24 7 15 1.78 2 1.78 697 99 -8 2' 24 .8 15 1.78 -3 1.78 699
~- CAEPIPE:. 305-711 PageIb Version-3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Pipe. element forces in local coordinates: Sustained (W+P) .. In plane.....Out of plane...----- Axi al. y shear z shear Torque. Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL Node (1b) (1b). (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb)- SIF (psi) 99 -8 2 24 8 15 1.78 3 1.78 599 101 -7 8-24' -10 14 1.78 2 1.78 686 101 -7 8 24 10 14 1.78 2 1.78 63E 1008 -2 13 24 11-12 1.78 2 1.7B SS: 1006 -2 13 24 11 12 2 592 102 -2 13 24 11 12 2
- 9' 102
-2 13 24 11 12 2 J E. 103 -2 16 24 11 8 8 387 103 -2 16 24 11 8 8 18T i 104 -2 19 24 11 4 14 507 104 -2 19 24 11 4 14 50 .105 -2 22 24 11 -1 20 1 105 -2 22 24 11 -1 20 .106 -2 25 24 11 -7 26 C 106 -2 25 24 11 -7 26 9: 107 -2 28 24 11 -14 32 'U 107 -2 23 24 11 -14 32 /4 108 -2 31 24 11 -21 38 SC' 108 -2 31 24 11 21 38
- CT 110A
-7 32 24 11 -24 39 'T 110A 2 -24 33 11 39 1.78 24 1. '07 111 -20 35 23 44 1.78 22 1,73 1"' 111 -13 -20 35 23 44 1.78 22 1.73
- .11; 112
-22 -10 38 33 47 1.78 14 1.73 1121 11' -22 -10 37 33 47 1.78 14 1.78 1121 1106 ti 2 40 37 48 1.78 3 1.78 110: 120 -24 40 -2 37 -3 1.00 48 . 00 3M 130 -24 43 -2 37 -15 1.00 47 1.00 156. 130 -24 43 1 35 -19 47 159C 135 -24 44 1 35 -28 1.30 47 1.30 2027 135 -24 44 1 35 -28 1.30 47 1.30 1182 140 -24 45 1 35 -32 47 997
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page-11 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. 0 ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces-in global-coordinates: Sustained (W+P) Node-FX (lb) FY-(1b) FZ (lb) 'MX(ft-lb). MY(ft-lb)- MZ(ft-lb) 10 2 148: 22 -380 -114 329 20A -2 -81 -22 -85 43 75 20A 2 81 22 85 -43 -75 20B -2 -73 -22 -99 38 94 20B 2 73 22 39 -38 -94 30A -2 65 -22 146 38 74 30A 2 -65 22 -146 -38 -74 308 72 -22 155 30 47 30B 2 -72 22 -155 -30 -47 28- -2 91 -22 155 -3 -73 28 2 136 22- -155 3 73 '40A -2 -134 -22 155 -7 -47 4 40A 2 134 22 -155 7 47 408 -2 -126 -22 106 -15 2 40B 2 126 22 -106 15 -2 50 -2 -111 -22 -38 -13 2 50 2 91 22 38 13 -2 60A -2 -84 -22 -92 -12 2 60A 2 84 22 92 12 -2 60B -2 -76 -22 -114 -11 1 60B 2 76 22 114 11 -1 t-70A -2 -36 -22 -42 -11 -5 i 70A 2 36 22 42 11 5 708 -2 -28 -22 -34 -19 6 708 2 28 22 34 19 -6 17 -2 47 -22 -34 -153 -51 17 2 -47 -24 34 153 51 16 -2 79 24 -34 -92 -214 16 2 87 -24 34 92 214 75 -2 -68. 24 -34 -57 -101 75 2 68 -24 34 57 101 76 -2 -65 24 -34 -51 -84 76 2 65 -24 34 51 84 77 -2 -62 24 -34 -45 -68 I
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 12 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in _ global coordinates: Sustained Od+P) Node _ FX (1b) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 77 2 62 -24 34 45 68 78 -2 -59 24 -34 -39 -53 78 2 59 -24 34 39 53 80A- -2 -58 24 -34 -38. -50 80A 2 58 -24 34 38 50 81 -2 -57 24 -35 -36 -45 81 2 57 -24 35 36 45 82 -2 -56 24 -37 -33 -40 82 2 56 -24 37 33 40 808 -2 -55 24 -40 -31 -35 80B 2 55 -24 40 31 35 84 -2 -53 24 -44 -30 -32 84 2 53 -24 44 30 32 85 -2 -50 24 -53 -25 -23 85 2 50 -24 53 25 23 86 -2 -47 24 -62 -21 -14 -86 2 47 -24 62 21 14 87 -2 -44 24 -70 -16 -6 87 2 44 -24 70 16 6 88 -2 -43 24 -73 -14 -2 90A 2 43 -24 73 14 2 901 -2 -40 24 -78 -11 4 901 2 40 -24 78 11 -3 902 -2 -38 24 -78 -8 7 902 2 38 -24 78 8 -8 908 -2 -35 24 -75 -7 9 908 2 35 -24 75 7 -9 91 -2 -15 24 -37 -7 12 91 2 .15 -24 37 7 -12 98 -2 5 24 1 -7 15 98 2 -5 -24 -1 7 -15 100A -2 5 24 2 -7 15 100A 2 -5 -24 -2 7 -15 99 2 8 24 6 -6 15 l l
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 13-Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Sustained (W+P) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb)- MZ(ft-lb) 99 -2 -8 -24 -6 6 -15 101 -2 10 24 10 -3 14 101-2 -10 -24 -10 3 -14 1008 -2 13 24 11 2 '2 1008 2 -13 -24 -11 -2 -12 102 -2 13 24 11 2 12 102 2 -13 -24 -11 -2 -12 103 -2 16 24 11 8 8 103 2 -16 -24 -11 -8 -8 - 104 -2 19 24 11 14-4 104 2 -19 -24 -11 -14 -4 105 -2 22 24 11 20 -1 105 2 -22 -24 -11 -20 1 106 -2 25 24 11 26 -7 106 2 -25 -24 -11 -26 7 107 -2 28 24 11 32 -14 107 2 28 -24 -11 -32 14 108 -2 31 24 11 38 -21 108 2 -31 -24 -11 -38 21 110A -2 32 24 11 39 -24 110A 2 -32 -24 -11 -39 24 111- -2 35 24 9 44 -30 111 2 -35 -24 -9 -44 30 112 -2 37 24 4 47 -35 112 2 -37 -24 -4 -47 35 1108 -2 40-24 -3 48 -37 120 2 -40 -24 3 -48 37 130 -2 43 24 -15 47 -37 130-2 -43 -24 15 -47 37 135- -2 44 24 -24 47 -38 135 2 -44 -24. 24 47 38 140 -2 45 24 -28 47 -39 -e
CAEPZPE 305-711 Page 14 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Displacements: Sustained (W+P) Node-X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -20A 0.020 -0.080 -0.018 0.0660 0.0413 -0.0563 20B 0.026 -0.086 -0.016 0.0390 0.0480 -0.0351 30A -0.002 -0.086 0.053 0.0649 0.1014 0.0558 308 -0.007 -0.081-0.051 0.0883 0.0981 0.0727 28 -0.007 -0.058 0.020 0.1174 0.1000 0.0711 40A -0.007 -0.055 0.016 0.1212 0.0999 0.0700 40B 0.001 -0.061 0.008 0.1443 0.0966 0.0580 50 0.025 -0.098 0.008 0.1481 0.0950 0.0583 60A 0,037 -0.117 0.008 0.1441 0.0943 0.0584. 608 0.040 -0.128 0.018 0.1154 0.0923 0.0593 70A 0.000 -0.128 0.087 0.0905 0.0878 0.0588 708 -0.005 -0.123 0.087 0.0848 0.0875 0.0586 17 -0.005 -0.040 0.000 0.0586 0.0366 0.0679 16 -0.005 -0.010 -0.011 0.0474 0.0057 0.0361 75 -0.005 -0.002 -0.011 0.0410 -0.0050 0.0139 76 -0.005 -0.002 -0.010 0.0400 -0.0063 0.0116 77 -0.005 -0.001 -0.010 0.0389 -0.0075 0.0098 78 -0.005 -0.001 -0.010 0.0378 -0.0085 0.0083 80A -0.005 -0.001 -0.009 0.0376 -0.0087 0.0080 808 -0.005 -0.001 -0.009 0.0368 -0.0132 0.0042 81 -0.005 -0.001 -0.009 0.0373 -0.0103 0.0061 82 -0.005 -0.001 -0.009 0.0371 -0.0118 0.0048 84 -0.005 -0.002 -0.009 0.0363 -0.0135 0.0038 85 -0.006 -0.003 -0.008 0.0348 -0.0142 0.0028 86 -0.006 -0.004 -0.008 0.0331 -0.0148 0.0021 87 -0.007 -0.005 -0.007 0.0312 -0.0152 0.0016 88 -0.007 -0.006 -0.007 0.0303 -0.0154 0.0014 90A -0.007 -0.006 -0.007 0.0303 -0.0154 0.0014 908 -0.008 -0.007 -0.007 0.0125 -0.0203 0.0060 901 -0.008 -0.007 -0.007 0.0256 -0.0172 0.0036 902 -0.008 -0.007 -0.007 0.0195 -0.0193 0.0051 91 -0.005 -0.007 -0.010 0,0037 -0.0218 0.0077 98 -0.003 -0.007 -0.010 0,0009 -0.0232 0.0098 100A -0.002 -0.007 -0.010 0.0009 -0.0233 0.0098 1000 -0.002 -0.006 -0.009 0.0018 -0.0233 0.0136 99 -0.002 -0.007 -0.010 0.0012 -0.0234 0.0112 101 -0.002 -0.007 -0,010 0.0015 -0.0234 0.0125 102 -0.002 -0.006 -0.009 0.0018- -0.0233 0.0136 103 -0.002 -0.005 -0.007 0.0021 -0.0231 0.0139 104 -0.002 -0.005 -0.006 0.0025 -0.0229 0.0140 105 -0.002 -0.004 -0.005 0.0028 -0.0225 0.0141 106 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 0.0032 -0.0219 0.0140 107 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 0.0035 -0.0212 0.0137 108 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 0.0039 -0.0204 0.0133 110A -0.002 -0 001 -0.001 0.0040 -0.0201 0.0131 110B -0.001 0.000 0.000 0.0028 -0.0081 0.0083 111 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 0.0039 -0.0164 0.0110 112 -0.001 -0.001 0,000 0.0033 -0.0123 0.0094 120 -0.001 0.000 0.000 0.0028 -0.0081 0.0083 130 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0022 -0.0054 0.0055 135 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0006 -0.0012 -0.0012
CAEPIPE-305-711 Page 15 -Version 3.75 M 97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Displacements: Sustained (W+P) Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 140- -0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Loads on Anchors: Expansion (T1) Nodo X (lb) Y (lb), Z (lb) XX( YY(ft-lb) ZZ( 10 -6 -4 -2 0 -18 24 140 6 4 0 -3 6 -43 ..........................................t.......................__..__... Loads on. Restraints: Expansion (T1) Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) 17 2 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (T1) ...................................__....Inplane... . 0ut of pl ane.. ------ Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment 5E Node (1b) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-1b) SIF (psi) 10 -6 -4 3 18 16 1.30 -18 1.30 257 20A -6 -4 3 18 40 -1 307 20A -6 -4 3 18 40 1.78 -1 1.78 511 20B -4 6 3 0 39 1.78 -17 1.78 531 20B -4 6 -2 0 39 18 300 30A -4 6 -2 0 -31 -7 220 30A -4 -6 2 0 31 1.78 7 1.78 389 30B -6 4 2 8 31 1.78 1 1.78 393 30B -6 -4 -2 8 -31 -1 227 28 -6 -4 2 8 -25 -4 185 28 -6 -4 -2 8 -25 -4 185 40A -6 -4 -2 8 -24 -4 180 40A -6 -2 4 8 4 1.78 -24 1.78 308 408 -2 6 4 22 3 1.78 -6 1.78 176 408 -2 -4 6 -22 6 3 162 50-2 -4 6 -22 -1 1.00 5 1.00 159 50 -2 4 6- -22 -1 1.00 5 1.00 159 60A -2 -4 6 -22 2 8 167 60A- -2 -4 6 -22 1.78 8 1.78 190 608 4 2 6 11 3 1.78 25 1.78 317 l
CAEPIPE -305-711 Page 16 Version 3.75-M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in-local coordinates: Expansion (TI)- ......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl an e.. - - - - - - Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend Moment SE Node
- (1b)
(1b) (lb) (f t-lb) (f t-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi): 608 -4 6 -2 11~ -25 3 190 -70A -4 6 -2 11 -45 -4 325 70A -4 -6 2 11 45 1.78 4 1.78 565 708 -6 4 2 5 46 1.78 -10 1.78 581 708 -6 -4 -2 5 -46 10 329 17- -6 -4 -2 5 -19 -4 142 17 -6 -4 0 5 -19 -4 142 16 -6 -4 0 5 -8 -5 74 16 -6 -4 0 5 -8 -5 74 75 -6 -4 0 5 -1 -5 54 75 -6 -4 0 5 -1 -5 54 76 -6 -4 0 5 0 -5 54 76 -6 -4 0 5 0 -5 54 77 -6 -4 0 5 1 -5 55 1 77 -6 -4 0 5 1 -5 55 78 -6 -4 0 5 2 -5 57 78 -6 -4 0 5 2 -5 57 80A -6 -4 0 5 2 -5 58 80A -6 0 4 5 5 1.78 2 1.78 85 81 -6 1 4 6 5 1.78 1 1.78 82 81 -6 1 4 6 5 1.78 1 1.78 82 82 -6 3 4 6 5 1.78 0 1.78 79 82 -6 3 4 6 5 1.78 0 1.78 79 808 -5 4 4 6 5 1.78 -1 1.78 75 808 -5 -4 4 6 -1 -5 55 84 -5 -4 4 6 0 -4 53 84 -5 -4 4 6 0 -4 53 85 -5 4 6 1 -3 50 85 -5 4 6 1 -3 50 86 -5' -4 4 6 2 -2 48 86 -5 -4 4 6 2 -2 48 87 -5 -4 4 6 3 -1 49 87 -5. -4 4 6 3 -1 49 88 -5 -4 4 6 4 -1 50 o
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 17 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion CTI) .......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial _ y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment-SE Node. (lb) (lb). (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 90A -5 4 -4 6 -4 1.78 1 1.78 63-901 -2 6 -4 5 -5 1.78 -3 1.78 78 901 -2 6 -4 5 -5 1.78 -3 1.78 79 902 1 6 -4 3 -6 1.78 -6 1.78 108 902 1 6 -4 3 -6 1.78 -6 1.78 107 90B 4-5 -4 -1 -7 1.78 -8 1.78 129 90B 4 6 0 -1 -10 0 73 91 4 6 0 -1 -20 0 143 91 4 6 0 -1 -20 0 143 98 4 6 0 -1 -30 1 213 98 4 6 0 -1 -30 1 213 100A 4 6 0 -1 -30 1 214 100A 4 -6 0 -1 30 1.78 -1 1.78 379 99 1 -8 0 -1 32 1.78 0 1.78 394 99 1 -8 0 -1 32 1.78 0 1.78 394 101 -3 -7 0 -1 33 1.78 0 1.78 413 101 -3 -7 0 -1 33 1.78 0 1.78 413 1008 -6 -4 0 -1 34 1.78 1 1.78 429 1008 -6 -4 0 -1 34 1 243 102 -6 -4 0 -1 34 1 243 102 -6 -4 0 -1 34 1 243 103 -6 -4 0 -1 36 1 251 103 -6 -4 0 -1 36 1 251 104 -6 -4 0 -1 37 1 258 134 -6 -4 0 -1 37 1 258 105 -6 -4 0 -1 38 0 266 -105 -6 -4 0 -1 38 0 266 106 -6 -4 0 -1 39 0 274 106 -6 -4 0 -1 39 0 274 107 -6 -4 0 -1 40 0 281 107 6 -4 0 -1 40 0 281 108 -6 -4 0 -1 41 0 289 108 -6 -4 0 -1 41 0 289 110A -6 -4 0 -1 41 0 291
3 'j CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 18 Version 3.75 M.97-0121 REV. 0' ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Expansion (T1)
.Out of plane..------ Axial y-shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SE Node (lb) (1b) (1b) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 110A -6 .0 -4 0 0 1.78 -41 1.78 515 i 111 -5 3 -4 -21 0 1.78 -36 1.78 477 111 -5 3 -4 -22 0 1.78 -37 1.78 479 112 -3 6 -4 -37 -1 1.78 -22 1.78-374 112 -3 6 -4 -37 -1 1.78 -22 1.78 374-110B 0 6 -4 -43 -2 1.78 -1 1.78 304 120 0 -4 -6 -43 1 1.00 -2 1.00 301 130 0 -4 -6 -43 3 1.00 -4 1.00 929 130 0 -4 -6 -43 7 -4 929 135 0 -4 -6 -43 8 1.30 -5 1.30 949 135 0 -4 -6 -43 8 1.30 -5 1.30 579 140 0 -4 -6 -43 8 -5 572 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (T1) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 10 6 4 2 0 18 -24 20A -6 -4 -2 -18 -1 40 20A 6 4 2 18 1 -40 208 -6 -4 -2 -18 0 39 208 6 4 2 18 0 -39 30A -4 -2 7 0 -31 30A 6 4 2 -7 0 31 308 -6 -4 -2 8 -1 -31 300 6 4 2 -8 1 31 28 -6 -2 8 -4 -25 28 6 4 2 -8 4 25 40A -6 -4 -2 8 -4 -24 40A 6 4 2 -8 4 -24 408- -6 -4 -2 6 -3 -22 408 6 4 2 -6 3 22 50 -6 -2 1 5 -22 50 6 4 2 -1 -5 22 60A -6 -4 -2 -2 8 -22
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 19 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O. ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (TI) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 60A 6 4 2 2 -8 22 60B -6 -4 -2 -3 11 -25 60B 6 4 2 3 -11 25 70A -6 -4 -2 4 11 -45 70A 6 4 2 -4 -11 45 70B -6 -4 -2 5 10 -46 708 6 4 2 -5 -10 46 '17 -6 -4 -2 5 -4 -19 17 6 4 0 -5 4 19 16 -6 -4 0 5 -5 -8 16 6 4 0 -5 5 8 75 -6 -4 0 5 -5 -1 75 6 4 0 -5 5 1 76 -6 -4 0 5 -5 0 76 6 4 0 -5 5 0 77 -6 -4 0 5 -5 1 77 6 4 0 -5 5 -1 78 -6 -4 0 5 -5 2 78 6 4 0 -5 5 -2 80A -6 -4 0 5 -5 2 80A 6 4 0 -5 5 -2 81 -6 -4 0 5 -5 3 81 6 4 0 -5 5 -3 82 -6 -4 0 5 -5 3 82 6-4 0 -5 5 -3 808 -6 -4 0 5 -5 4 80B 6. 4 0 -S 5 -4 84 -6 -4 0 4 -4 4 84 6 4 0 -4 4 -4 85 -6 -4 0 4 -3 5 85 6 4 0 -4 3 -5 86 -6 -4 0 3 -2 5 86 6 4 0 -3 2 -5 '87 -6 -4 0 2 -1 6
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 20 version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Expansion (T1) Node FX (1b) FY (lb) FZ (lb) _MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) -87 6 4 0 -2 1 -6 88 -6 -4 0 2 -1 7 90A 6 4 0 -2 1 -7 901 -6 -4 0 1 0 8 901 6 4 0 -1 0 -8 902 -6 -4 0 1 1 9 902 6 4 0 -1 -1 -9 90B -6 -4 0 0 1 10 90B 6 4 0 0 -1 -10 91 -6 -4 0 0 1 20 91 6 4 0 0 -1 -20 98 -6 -4 0 -1 1 30 98 6 4 0 1 -1 -30 100A -6 -4 0 -1 1 30 100A 6 4 0 1 -1 -30 99 -6 -4 0 -1 1 32 99 6 4 0 1 -1 -32 101 -6 -4 0 -1 1 33 101 6 4 0 1 -1 -33 1008 -6 -4 0 -1 1 34 1008 6 4 0 1 -1 -34 102 -6 -4 0 -1 1 34 102 6 4 0 1 -1 -34 103 -6 -4 0 -1 1 36 103 6 4 0 1 -1 -36 104 -6 -4 0 -1 1 37 104 6 4 0 1 -1 -37 105 -6 -4 0 -1 0 38 105 6 4 0 1 0 -38 106 -6 -4 0 1 0 39 106 6 4 0 1 0 -39 107 -6 -4 -0 -1 0 40 107 6 4 0 1 0 -40 108 -6 -4 0 -1 0 41 r
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 21 Version 3.75' M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in plobal coordinates: Expansion (T1) Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) .108 6 4 0 1 0 -41 110A -6 -4 0 0-41 110A-6 4 0 1 0 -41 111 -6 4 0' 1 0 42 111 6 4 0 1 0 -42 112 -6 4 0 0 -1 43 112 6 4 0 0 1 -43 1108 6 -4 0 1 -2 43 120 6 4 0 1 2 -43 130 -6 4 0 2 -4 43 130 6 4 0 -2 4 -43 135 -6 -4 0 3 -5 43 135 6 4 0 -3 5 -43 140 -6 -4 0 3 -6 43 Displacements: Expansion (T1) Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20A 0.018 0.007 0.027 -0.0029 -0.0051 0.0191 208 0.018 0.011 0.028 -0.0089 -0.0063 0.0283 30A -0.068 0.077 -0.005 -0.0154 -0.0061 0.0326 308 -0.068 0,082 -0.006 -0.0142 -0.0066 0.0243 28 -0.059 0.089 -0.004 -0.0128 -0.0069 0.0203 40A -0.058 0.089 -0.003 -0.0126 -0.0070 0.0198 408 -0.056 0.092 -0.001 -0.0101 -0.0081 0.0155 50 -0.058 0.094-0.007 -0.0097 -0.0080 0.0121 60A -0.059 0.095 0.010 -0.0097 -0.0076 0.0103 608 -0.060 0.098 0.012 -0.0105 -0.0046 0.0057 70A -0.061 0.118 0.005 -0.0103 -0.0001 -0.0053 708 -0.058 0.119 0.004 -0.0101 0.0014 -0.0174 17 -0.021 0.083 0.000 -0.0061 0.0032 -0.0365 16 -0.006 0.063 -0.001 -0.0044 0.0021 -0.0399 75 0.003 0.050 -0.002 -0.0035 0.0014 -0.0405 76 0.004 0.048 -0.002 -0.0033 0.0013 -0.0405 77 0.006 0.046 -0.002 -0.0031 0.0012 -0.0405 78 0.007 0.044 -0.002 -0.0030 0.0010 -0.0404 80A 0.008-0.043 -0.002 -0.0029 0.0010 -0.0404 80B 0.009 0.041 -0.002 --0.0028 0.0003 -0.0402 81 0.008 0.043 -0.002 -0.0029 0.0008 -0.0403 82 0.009 0.042 -0.002 -0.0028 0.0005 -0.0403 84 0.010 0.041 -0.001 -0.0027 0.0003 -0.0402 85 0.011 0.039 0.000 -0.0026 0.0002 0.0400 86 0.012 0.038 0.001 -0.0025 0.0001 -0.0399 i
CAEPIPE 3's.711 Page 32 Version-3.75 M-97-0121 REV. 1 ATTACHMENT-C Oct 16,97 Displacements:: Expansion (TI) Node' X (inch) Y (inch)f Z (inch) XX(deg)- YY(deg)- ZZ(deg) 87-0.013 0.037 0.002 -0.0024 -0.0001 -0.0397 88 0.013 0.036 0.003- -0.0023 0.0001 -0.0396 90A 0.0,13 0.036 0.003 -0.0023 0.0001 -C.0396 908 - 0.07.2 0.032 0.004 -0.0025 0.0005 -0.0378 901 0.014 0.035 0.003 0.0025 0.0001 -0.0392 902 0.013 0.033-0.004 -0.0025 0.0003 -C.0386 91 0.000 0.022 0.005 -0.0025 0.0006 -0.0354 98 -0.012 0.012 0.006 -0.0026 0.0008 -0.0314 100A -0.012 0.012 0.006 -0.0026 0.0008 -0.0313 1008 -0.012 0.008 0.006 -0.0026 0.0009 -0.0227 99 -0.013 0.011 0.006 -0.0026 0.0008 -0.0286 101 -0.013 0.009 0.006 -0.0026 0.0008 -0.0257 102 -0.012 0.008 0.006 -0.0026 0.0009 -0.0227 103 -0.010 0.007 0.006 -0.0027 0.0009 -0.0218 104 -0.009 0.005 0.006 -0.0027 0.0009 -0.0209 105 -0.007 0.004 0.006 -0.0027 0.0009 -0.0200 106 -0.006 0.003 0.006 -0.0027 0.0009 -0.0191 107 -0.004 0.002 0.006 -0.0028 0.0009 -0.0181 108 -0.003 0.001 0.036 -0.0028 0.0009 -0.0171 110A- -0.002 0.001 0.006 -0.0028 0.0009 -0.0168 1108 0.000 0.000 0.004 -0.0002 0.0007 -0.0096 111 -0.001 0.001 0.006 -0.0022 0.0010 -0.0134 112 0.000 0.000 0.005 -0.0009 0.0009 -0.0109 120 0.000 0.000 0.004 -0.0002 0.0007 -0.0096 130 0.000 0.000 0.002 -0,0002 0.0006 -0.0064 135 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.0000 0.0001 -0.0014 140 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Loads on Anchors: Wind Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) XX(ft-lb) YY(ft-lb) ZZ(ft-lb) 10 62 133 24 -421 162 161 140 -2 1077 10 -587 -39 -1425 Loads on Restraints: Wind Node X (lb) Y (lb) Z (lb) 17 -10 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind ...............................-------...Inplane.... Ou t of pl ane.. ------ Axial y shear z shear Torque Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+50 Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 10 59 133 -31 -154 423 1.30 162 '1.30 9301 20A 59 133 -31 -154 -292 -4 3416 20A 59 133 -31 -154 -292 1.78 -4 1.78 5650 208 133 -59 -31 -16 -320 1.78 143 1.78 6611 i-
CAEPIPE-305 711. Page 23 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 . Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind .......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - -- - -- Axial y shear z shear Torque-Bend. Moment Bend. Moment SL+SO Node-(lb) -(lb) (lb) (ft-lb) f.ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 20B 133 -62 24 -16 -317 -147 3983 30A 133 -62 24 -16 368 120 4428 30A 133 62 -24 -16 -368 1.78 -120 1.78 7406 308 62 -133 -24 .-129 -341 1.78 7 1.78 5440 308 62 133 24 -129 341 -7 3296 28 62 133 24 -129 145 29 2078 28 62 133 24 -129 145 29 2078 40A 62 133 24 -129 120 33 1734 40A 62 24 -133 -129 -33 1.78 120 1.78 2666 40B 24 -62 -133 70 -19 1.78 80 1.78 2868 40B 24 133 -62 70 80 19 1844 50 24 133 -62 70 -81 1.00 -55 1.00 1484 50 24 133 -62 70 -81 1.00 -55 1.00 1484 60A 24 133 -62 70 -164 -94 2487 60A 24 133 -62 70 -164 1.78 -94 1.78 4010 608 133 -24 -62 -117 -204 1.78 -93 1.78 4791 60B 133 -62 24 -117 93 -204 2959 70A 133 -62 24 -117 294 -126 3107 70A 133 62 -24 -117 -294 1.78 126 1.78 5068 708 -62 -133 -24 117 -268 1.78 108 1.78 4356 70B -62 133 24 117 268 -108 2686 17 62 133 24 117 -534 38 5382 17 62 133 15 117 -534 38 5382 16 62 133 15 117 -877 76 8282 16 62 2 15 117 -877 76 8282 75 62 2 15 117 -879 97 7498 75 62 -252 15 117 -879 97 7498 76 62 -152 15 117 -841 101 7117 76 62 -197 15-117 -841 101 7117 77-62 -197 15 117 -792 105 6664 77 2 -242 15 117 -792 105 6664 6 78 62 -242 15 117 -731 .108 6140 78 62 -269 15 117 -731 108 6140 80A 62 -269 15 117 -718 109 5026
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 24 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Pipe element. forces in local coordinates: Wind ...In plane....Out of plane..------ Axial y shear.z shear Torque-Bend. Moment Bend. Moment St+50 Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF-(ft-lb) SIF (psi) 80A 62 15 282 117 -109 1.78 -718 1.78 10291 81 64 -2 282 -70 -110 1.78 -696 1.78 9861 81 64 -2 300 -110 1.78 -696 1.78 9861 82 <61 -18 300 -243 -109 1.78 -625 1.78 8843 82 61 -18 318 -243 -109 1.78 -625 1.78-8843 808 54 -33 318 -393 -106 1.78 -510 1.78 7371 808 54 -335 -33' -393 -510 106 4384 84 54 -335 -33 -393 -478 103 4159 84 54 -366 -33 -393 -478 103 4159 85 54 -366 -33 -393 -387 95 3541 85 54 -411 -33 -393 -387 95 3541 86 54 -411 -33 -393 -284 86 2881 86 54 -456 -33 -393 -284 86 2881 87 54 -456 -33 -393 -170 78 2175 87 54 -489 -33 -393 -171 78 2177 88 54 -489 -33 -393 -112 74 1835 90A 44 516 34 -394 112 1.78 -78 1.78 2872 901 298 424 34 -378 17 1.78 137 1.78 3193 901 303 455 34 -382 17 1.78 136 1.78 3195 902 491 240 34 -259 -53 1.78 317 1.78 5679 902 493 258 34 -257 -53 1.78 315 J.78 5653 908 556 -31 34 -58 -77 1.78 409 1.78 6853 90B 553 -37 10 -61 223 341 4168 91 553 -37 10 -61 293 357 4244 91 553 -37 10 -61 293 357 4244 98 553 -37 10 -61 351 374 4432 93 553 -37 10 -61 351 374 4432 100A 553 -37 10 -61 353 374 4440 -100A 554 -33 -10 -61 -353 1.78 -374 1.78 7302 99 496 -249- -10 -241 331 1.78 -295 1.78-6406 99 498 -265 -10 -241 -331 1.78 -295 1.78 6407 101 299 -478 -10 -357 -256 1.78 -137 1.78 4415 101 -300 -507 -10 -357 -256 1.78 -137 1.78 4415 1008 6 -589 -10 -378 -146 1.78 57 1.78 2601
=_ CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 25 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. 0 ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Pipe element forces in local coordinates: Wind ......................................... I n pl a n e.... Ou t o f pl a n e.. - - - - - - Axial.y shear z shear Torque-Bend. Moment 8end. Moment SL+50 Node (lb) (lb) (lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) SIF (ft-lb) SIF (psi) 1000 2 -606 -10 -378 -146 57 1685 102 2 -606 -10 -378 -141 57' 1653 102 2 -629 -10 -378 -141 57 1653-103 2 -629 -10 -378 16 55 984 103 2 -674 -10 -378 16 55 984 104 2 -674 -10 -378 184 52 1941 104 2 -719 -10 -378 184 52 1941 105 2 -719 -10 -378 364 49 3202 105 2 -763 -10 -378 364 49 3202 106 2 -763 -10 -378 555 47 4569 106-2 -808 -10 -378 555 47 4569 107 2 -808 -10 -378 757 44 6026 107 2 -853 -10 -178 757 44 6026 108 2 -853 -10 -378 -970 42 7568 108 2 -882 -10 -378 970 42 7568 110A 2 -882 -10 -378 1036 41 8047 110A 2 10 -910 -370 41 1.78 -1040 1.78 13943 111 7 8 -910 -888 39 1.78 -885 1.78 12069 111 7 8 -949 -897 39 1.78 -888 1.78 12119 112 10 3 -949 -1271 38 1.78 -495 1.78 7265 112 10 3 -980 -1270 38 1.78 -498 1.78 7302 1100 10 -2 -980 -1398 38 1.78 22 1.78 1657 120 10 -1018 2 -1389 -6 1.00 38 1.00 1120 130 10 -1018 2 -1389 292 1,00 38 1.00 7869 130 10 -1056 1 -1355 423 38 10686 135 10 -1056 1 -1355 636 1.30 39 1.30 19756 135 10 -1074 1 -1353 640 1.30 - 39 1.30 12G70 140 10 -1074 1 -1353 739 39 10656 Elemerit forces in global coordinates: Wind Node FX (lb) FY-(lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 10 -62 -133 -24 421- -162 -161 20A-62 133 24 119 -4 -308
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 26 Version'3.75. M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node FX (lb) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) 20A -62 -133 -119 4 308-208 62 133 24 147 -16 -317 208 -62 -133 -24 -147 16 317 30A 62 133 24 -120 -16 368 30A -62 -133 -24 120 16 -368 30B 62 133 24 -129 -7 341 308 -62 -133 -24 129 7 -341 28 62 133 24 -129 29 145 28 -62 -133 -24 129 -29 -145 40A 62 133 24 -129 33 120 40A -62 -133 -24 129 -33 -120 408 62 133 24 -80 19 70 408 -62 -133 -24 80 -19 -70 50 62 133 24 81 -55 70 50 -62 -133 -24 81 55 -70 60A 62 133 24. 164 -94 70 60A -62 -133 -24 -164 94 -70 60B 62 133 '4 204 -117 93 608 -62 -133 'l -204 117 -93 70A 62 133 14 126 -117 294 70A -62 -133 -24 -126 117 -294 700 62 133 24 117 -108 268 708 -62 -133 -24 -117 108 -268 17 62 133-24 117 38 -534 17 -62 -133 -15 -117 -38 534 16 62 133 15 117 76 -877 16 -62 -2 -15 -117 -76 877 75 62 2 15 117 97 -879 75- -62 152 -15 -117 -97 879 76 62 -152 15 117 101 -841 76 -62 197 -15 -117 -101 841 77 62 -197 15 117 105 -792 77 -62 242 -15 -117 -105 792 78 62 -242 15 117 108 -731 =
CAEPIPE 305-711 Pago 27 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node FX (lb) FY (lb) FZ (lb) MX(ft-lb) MY(ft-lb) MZ(ft-lb) ................-4......................................................... 78 -62 269 -15 -117 -108 731 80A 62 -269 13-117 109 -718 80A -62 282 -15 -117 -109 718 81 62 -282 15 113 110 -690 -81 -62 300 -15 -113 -110 ~O 82 62 -300 15 102 109 -o63 82 -62 318 -15 -102 -109 663 808 62 -318 15 83 106 -638 80B -62 335 -15 -83 -106 638 84 62 -335 15 60 103 -616 84 -62 366 -15 -60 -103 616 85 62 -366 15 -4 95 -551 85 -62 411 -15 4 -95 551 86 62 -411 15 -77 86 -479 86 -62 456 -15 77 -86 479 87 62 -456 15 -157 78 -398 87 -62 489 -15 157 -78 398 88 62 -489 15 -199 74 -357 90.\\ -59 516 -12 199 -74 357 901 58 -513 11 -266 66 -290 901 -50 541 -2 267 -68 291 902 50 -539 2 -321 63 -246 902 -40 551 7 320 -63 245 90B 41 -553 -6 -342 62 -235 908 -37 553 10 341 -61 233 91-37 -553 -16 -357 61 -293 91 -37 553 10 357 -61 293 98 37 -553 -10 -374 61 -351 98 -37 553 10 374 -61 351 100A 37 - -553 -10 -374 61 -353 100A -33 554 10 374 -61 352 99-33 -554 -10 -376 61 -331 99 -19 564 10 376 -61 331 101 19 -564 -10 -377 59 -256
CAEPIPE 305 711 Page 28 = Version-3.75 M-97-0121 REV. O ATTACi: MENT C Oct 16,97 Element forces in global coordinates: Wind Node FX (1b) FY (1b) FZ (1b) MX(ft-lb) AY(ft-lb) MZ( 101 -6 589 10 377 -59 256 1008 6 -589 -10 -378 57 -146 1008 -2 606 10 378 -57 146 102 2 -606 -10 -378 57 -141 102- -2 629 10 378 -57 141 103 2 -629 -378 55 16 103 -2 674 10 378 -55 -16 -104 2 -674 -10 -378 52 184 104' -2 719 10 378 -52 -184 105 2 -719 -10 -378 49 364 105 -2 763 10 378 -49 -364 106 2 -763 -10 -378 47 555 106 -2 808 10 378 -47 -555 107 2 -808 -10 -378 44 757 107 -2 853 10 378 -14 -757 108 2 -853 -10 -378 42 970 108 -2 882 10 378 -42 -9'/ 0 110A 2 -882 -10 -378 41 1036 110A -2 907 10 378 -41 -1036 111 2 -907 -10 -331 39 1202 111 2 942 10 334 -39 1208 112 2 -942 -10 -204 38 1335 112 -2 977 10 204 -38 -1340 110B 2 -977 -10 -22 38 1393 120 -2 1018 10 20 -38 -1389 130 2 -1018 -10 277 38 1392 130 -2 1056 10 -277 -38 -1392 135 2 -1056 -10 489 39 1415 135 -2 1074' 10 -489 -39 -1415 140-2 -1074 -10 587 39 1425 Displacements: Wind Node-X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 10 0.000 0.000-0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20A 0.024 0.056 -0.021 -0.0957 0.0416 -0.0573 n.
CAEPIPE 305-711 Page 29 ef 29 Version 3.75 M-97-0121 REV O ATTACHMENT C Oct 16,97 Displacements: Wind Node X (inch) Y (inch) Z (inch) XX(deg) YY(deg) ZZ(deg) 20B 0.035 0,056 -0.028 -0.0489 0.0489 -0.1305 30A 0.450 0.057 -0.068 -0.0342 0.0264 -0.1032 30B 0.455 0.053 -0.074 -0.0547 0.0321 -0.0069 28 0.455 0.058 -0.084 -0.0790 0.0337 0.0282 40A 0.455 0.059 -0.085 -0.0822 0.0343 0.0307 40B 0.458 0.0/0 -0.088 -0.1053 0.0424 0.0535 50 0.469 0.097 -0.088 -0.1052 0.0403 0.0643 60A 0.474 0.110 -0.088 -0.0978 0.0357 0.0699 60B 0.470 0.117 -0.093 -0.0470 0.0130 0.0903 70A 0.391 0.117 -0.106 0.0055 -0.0355 0.1520 70B 0.377 0.133 -0.101 0.0329 -0.0619 0.2290 17 0.377 0.423 0.000 0.1227 -0.0827 0.1501 16 0.377 0.460 0.041 0.1610 -0.0683 -0.0285 75 0.377 0.433 0.060 0.1827 -0.0559 -0.1542 76 0.377 0.424 0.063 0.1865 -0.0534 -0.1753 77 0.377 0.414 0.066 0.1902 -0.0509 -0.195.7 78 0.377 0.403 0.069 0.1939 -0.0483 -0.1139 80A 0.377 0.401 0.069 0.1946 -0.0478 -0.2175 80B 0.376 0.382 0.071 0.2203 -0.0334 -0.2987 81 0.377 0.396 0.070 0.1990 -0.0430 -0.2485 82 0.377 0.389 0.071 0.2083 -0.0382 -0.2763 84 0.376 0.374 0.072 0.2202 -0.0324 -0.3053 85 0.375 0.355 0.073 0.2188 -0.0300 -0.3216 86 0.374 0.334 0.074 0,2158 -0.0278 -0.3363 87 0.373 0.313 0.075 0.2109 0.0258 -0.3491 88 0.372 0.303 0.075 0.2078 -0.0249 -0.3545 90A 0.372 0.303 0.075 0.2078 -0.0249 -0.3545 908 0.341 0.272 0.062 0,1595 -0.0372 -0.3990 901 0.368 0.288 0.074 0.2040 -0.0248 -0.3663 902 0.357 0.276 0.069 0.1878 -0.0331 -0.3797 91 0.198 0,271 0.017 0.1041 -0.0246 -0.4407 98 0.043 0.271 -0.008 0.0469 -0.0122 -0.4911 100A 0.040 0.271 -0.008 0.0458 -0.0120 -0.4921 1008 -0.001 0.228 -0.008 -0.0144 -0.0246 -0.5666 99 0.020 0.266 -0.009 0.0157 -0.0158 -0.5226 101 0.005 0.250 -0.009 -0.0038 -0.0237 -0.5488 102 -0.001 0.227 -0.008 -0.0148 -0.0245 -0.5667 103 -0.001 0.197 -0,007 -0.0263 -0.0232 -0.5633 104 -0.001 0.167 -0.005 -0.0389 -0.0219 -0.5658 105 -0.001 0.138 -0.004 -0.0509 -0.0206 -0.5591 106 -0.001 0.109 -0.003 -0.0629 -0.0194 -0.5478 107 -0.001 0.080 -0.002 -0.0750 -0.0183 -0.5318 108 -0.001 0.053 -0.001 -0.0870 -0.0173 -0.5106 110A -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.0906 -0.0170 -0.5032 110B 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.0498 -0.0066 -0.3098 111 -0.001 0.025 0.000 -0,0847 -0.0134 -0.4152 112 -0.001 0.012 0.000 -0.0612 -0.0099 -0.3501 120 0.000 0.006 0.000 -0.0498 -0.0066 -0.3098 130 0.000 0.003 0.000 -0.0427 -0.0044 -0.2072 135 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.0123 -0.0010 -0.0453 140 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 .........._____.. __......._____....... _____...... ____....._...____...}}