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Potential Uncertainty in Total Head Loss from Bwst to Mut Tie-In
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/1996
From: Harrison D
Shared Package
ML20101M505 List:
102075DHH05, 102075DHH05-R00, 102075DHH5, 102075DHH5-R, NUDOCS 9604050439
Download: ML20101M552 (19)



MPR Associates, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 O


Page 1 of /8 Project rey'/EIL/ Of CRLCul47/ON OFA'lLOVM81E Task No.


,n,o g i

Title po,gu7,gz y,gsgygiaj7yis) yy7gt yggy t_og g Calculation No.

FAok/ BlV67* 70 AbCKEOP T4'JK nEIA/

jo397gi,yng Preparer /Date Checker /Date Reviewer /Date Rev. No.


T /Afe

- n-as,m I j

i.n.n 1 2.4 6


l l

C 9604050439 960404 PDR ADOCK 05000302 P



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MPR Associates, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 l


Prepared By Checked By


/ h/dtwo YAb) ek)

Revision Description n

1 0

Onghial /.ssac I

I l

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l l

l (v~'s l

MPR Associatos, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By WW

,$6Wa "-f tozv7swoor 4

/. Punpow

~7hc purpose o/ /fus co/cu/alion k k csfima7'd //a of errors se ouur/aiikes ih luod /oss toefeierds 6- /he //ow 6am % Blu6r ?o % Ak-tir lo & Juokcup

. foul.

,1 ma, gin or 2.o de/ is inituda/ 6 A es/ea/dia of Me insriinuws o//owa44 maAcap Youk jpessure 's & /uudiot o / / esc / in /f.ilescua /. Du /uod/uss ii es/ta/sO/tu' 8fricaa E.

f. f u u u ss r? Y Q

An a//onsna forayurfoinlics m in li dj L (onytojun&

h? tomprisc. //x Ws/ /utd /on k msd. Assed oii on assessnaet of Nairpnbob/e occursat,

%c rau9,c dok to h toperant-of & /usdloss.

J/unudain/tes. arc comkidd by sfa+.dsed

/heHuds (rm s), & tombintduvariatigin & WoIlas'] lou is akrsotn/

0 937 hef, or 7. 9 */' of % Nal Jucdloss of //.E7J.

h he a

'fhth uvutfoiHb is.

A!'1*/o of'/Ac inorgin of f.o 4 f

med /o sd //u o//catob/c mdeop fank piessuit.

Z/ a//of //u conpanen/s are ossomed h han flu samt.

/eie/ of accanaf sud /Asse ser,tornbiJud, //a ypuriaixG in /-lu

/ofo / /uad Ma/d bc :

poudainfj of eacA G. fald 4 i

/O */o 10 9a DVarinits ofeud

/.247 4 30 */o la<uVlah

'f otA

/.F7/ O

/liof.e //<a / etcn if & DVurfal.nbri ou cof tomdinec' sMs&co/hy, & margin of f b 4es' npieun/s shout O~

17 */o f L h 4/ o/eu/ab/ Jusd loss.



MPR Associatas, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 AC.

Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By h(Ab *-tl


,l tp n t

$. /WE7//0b h lusd loss dom 1'/u /fai67 h L. trioscu,o fora fie-in,soin f is oifadied Jy s ummin

& erise/s of a na%Was/ doryorupC;g y

A s s,r//x 3 Sf?a}ht' Y

/? umber of s' ie.

'fiu VoAus ersec/ sie oDs/ned ix /'.eduuec :.


,w% porRon o/ Ha hb/ /usd /oss aNdlabd /v estJi Assic hjpc sf /oss is swnmaapd in w spuodsA<efinclubd as na y /7.

fadi.2sogon.7 of Aeod / oiscusud l


YWibl6 h/f f f/2/GIO4/

0 Yo of lo Yo l f

' fin 4 bi /s'r % /srn s f f or Ron of Nu.

Ho / hesd l,osc.

'Tiu hsde vstua su sitonud Aom //a Ool.t bwek ejtmlis N, hiire4 ku &>el acr/

f mosc Mau $/+y tjpr6 ago (/f 39).

'/)ic amouni' of ' error in /6: Gob A> 20 A e 86MRsluo'; Aoterw; Q<+up>'f en No n d aaa'&,/ecpcrireenreuc<5) ht /9(!T tea /uot'<d flic c//ee,of vorious exp//c) op;;wrimaticus on & buts H<a t Ha ss' /scsca!*

CVwy te Hu. (n e,hca fotbr ob/snitd dom flu do/cbwok 8 h fpfAetnf.,

/u oddiWmh % doleIncof s9adon dstit; Hvi< usin soau tasoRon of &c/ku rGefordeauiistpie.dainh in ftp/ds Alam6x-f l

And Voe,9 ituu of Nu sar/ra, Jages. 6%) 7

  • how &

s eNukon Hu fneHm 4dw cofialaudin tuneact 1 of psasd'as

/bl lk044 fann 79/>M. Ild b/flbt $1(lrt /5 N/db*$bf /h$f//$llhc /p M.;


&ms. ar<<s-sic, n. io><>a +ci 8c <~ ?",y iii >>~~>c-amoun fs /6 /tds bu n. nu pasanf eda'up is AieA'on 6e/se, fhut is (nohably soyn/r%ufG inom (', p. ? )

MPR Associates,Inc.

Page [

320 King Street, Alesandria, VA 22314 e

Cale: 102075 Dill 105 Preparer: _ _


The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the effect of variations in Reynolds Number and surface roughness on the value of friction factor. A range as well as a typical variation in each will be evaluated. The calculation is adapted from MPR calculation 102075DHH02. Reference 2.

PARAMETERS The nominal conditions for the system are:

The dynamic viscosity of water at 100*F and approximately atmospheric pressure:

9 := 142.010 lbfE ASME Steam Tables (1967), Table 10, page 28010-20 psia,100F 4

2 f1 The density of water at 100*F and approximately atmospheric pressure:

1 lb E*


ASME Steam Tables (1967), Table 3, page 131,15 psia,100F The kinematic viscosity is then:

,=y v = 7.369 10' p

see The absolute roughness will be assumed to be that for commercial steel pipe. Since the piping is stainless steel, there should be little change in serivce. The value is the one normally identified with the Moody curve.

c := 0.00015 A The friction factor. f, is determined from the Colebrook equation.

1 Ic 2.51 )


-=- 0.86 in


where. D is the pipe diameter, ft


D 3.7 Nr-[f)


14-inch nominal oice:

D 21.1042 A Q =4291 V :=

V = 9.984 -

Nr :=

Nr = 1.49610' 2

mm D

see y

n-4 l

f := root 0.86 In '/

c 2.51 I I

I Guess value g = 0.01


,g f = 0.01384


Nr[gj hj 6-inch nominal oice Q = 600 gd-V=

V -6E4 -

Nr =

Nr = 4.57 10 Q

A DV s

D = 0.5054 A 2

mm 9

see y

x-4 l

/c 2.51 I I I Guess value g := 0.01 f := root - 0.86-ini


,g f = 0 01667


k Nr 81 8 )


The expressions used above can be evaluated for ranges of rou0hness and Reynolds number.

EFFECT OF REYNOLDS NUMBER For the 14-inch nominal pipe:

D := 1.1042 A m

Reynolds Number: range Nr := 1.0 10',1.1 10. 2.010' 6

Mathcad PLUS 6.0 PlPEDP3.MCD 7:21 PM on 1/21/96 I

MPR Associates,Inc.

Pageb 320 King Street, Alexandria,VA 22314 Cale: 102075DHH05 Preparer:

hecker:[d Print page 2 O

f(Nr) = root -0.86 Inj/

l c

2.51 I 1

I Guess value g = 0.01 i



Nr h) h,gj The nominal and the ratios of the 10 percent values to the nominal are:

14.2 f(1.496-10') = 0.01384 14




f(l.49610 0.9) l f(l.49610')


6 t

1.2 1.4 1.6 t.:

2 f(l.49610 1.1) f Nr(10)


For the 6-inch nominal pipe:

D :=0.5054 fl Reynolds Number: range Nr := 3 10',3.1 10. 6.0 10' 5


f(Nr) := root -0.86-In[. c 2.51 I 1

I Guess value g := 0.01





  • Nr fg) h)

IN The nominal and the ratios of the i 10 percent values b

to the nominal are:

17.2 17 g

N f(4.57 10') = 0.01667 R Nr) tooo i6.


f(4.5710 0.9) 5 N-16.4

=1.00809 s



3 3.6 4.2 4.s 5.4 6

5 f(4.5710 1.1 )

y, (,g 5)

= 0.99318 114.57 10')


V i

Mathcad PLUS 6.0 PIPEDP3.MCD 6:56 PM on 1/21/96 A

_= -

1 i

MPR Associates.Inc.

Page7 t

320 King Street, Alexandria,VA 22314


q Cale: 102075DilH05 Preparer:


Print page 3 EFFECT OF ROUGHNESS For the 14-inch nominal pipe:

D = 1.1042 fl Nr = 1.49610' Roughness : range c :=.0001 ft,.00011 A. 0.0002-ft f(c) := root -0.86 in ? c 2.5l \\

l 1


Guess value g := 0.01




  • Nrh) hj l

15 The nominal and the ratios of the i 40 percent values l

to the nominal are:



f(0.0001511) = 0.01384


f( * )' 3

  • 84


f(0.00015 0.6 ft) t


= 0.9368 l


f(0 00015 ft) 13.5



f(0.00015 1.4-ft) = 1.05206 l-i 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.s 2

1(0.00015 ft) c 10 A

For the 6-inch nominal pipe:

D :=0.5054 A Nr := 4.57 10' Roughness : range c := 0.0001 A,0.00011 fl. 0.0002 ft


f(c) := root -0.86 in[ c 2.51 i 1 I Guess value g := 0.01


'\\ ' '

Nr hj h,g j

The nominal and the ratios of the i 40 percent values 17.5 to the nominal are:



f(0.00015 A) = 0.01667 17


gc> im 16.5


f(0.00015 0.6 ft)


= 0.93903


16 (0.00015 A)


f(0.000151.4 A) 33,3

=1.05188 i

1.2 1.4 1.6 ts 2

f(0.00015 ft) c 10 A

('N Mathcad PLUS 6.0 PIPEDP3.MCD 6:56 PM on 1/21/96

MPR Associates, Inc.


320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 oC Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By Io.2oXoINoG' hXlau h,4'/).:-%0 S

aucaloinh; in %. toup wc4s; /tcutser, enu a 4'o',cowa' von'aken in Hu l

tvuij suss onty comspano's fu Knj si'gl%, mon Htan a Speseratacnase k

in //u /mlion rGe/cr:

do'usidtria,s sil. Hun AeArs dic tery aplikeLjh he 06

/Acir echemes af Me ssoua A e, // opsare //<st ou. st/owna fr>- Au m

peitot/ pnetrhin& tn & 61tilint tGc& ;/$i. & c't/temindA'cu d'//u thaijhf fisic /uoc/ loss sltoulo' dc odcyrua6,

(Lisow$ (90 /7 5'o, 'l5 *: 4 Vo, 7bto/ 25 fo )

& com biuatw4 c' 90 ' au d 't'5 e&wc is a

'mjcv pornon of M4 heed /ocs.

& de4+ ace 2, es/a!&m.

/o207Tb/NoZ fetcro/ rne/4oa't eNur //tst<. & case oscd fr.Nu.


d' t a l Va lti.t & a+t' & n lu rt!'fo' $>u gape Voltac chyh9 lowcr o>sc/

I d

/A.t c//ar gn *t losses ab w f Appneenf /ouce- (Se <. e a /ca/r/vd.

/o 237 Tbililoz, & ft wtca 2, fre 6for'h) H1n /b /sss e co/re,/s +c>1

//n sc/clid'nta/ Inc/ hoc / >ic!cMdclby la'e/cArX: (de4> cua. '/.'


s oho enfua &c/ de/oco (This ases to' etch,'k's i:o.stin,, se<.,, :u-119),

f = htoInst: Incx tot Aciir &


Y hf i YY=

g,. = 0.0ne g o a 5 = say s,.n4,<s.

/t. = nsui,y 4 <s,s.

Dh Ari drw //c &a meer

= D //v p.i e h a n e /er


b h 0,,!l flbo10C '

j, [*


) = ik /At &c4 i.! Atr!rt fn Shat;/ / pijc 0


rs it/ in p.p's J ga af aw :


. o tto 7 k 4-iu f:< )



4 MPR Associates. Inc.



320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By to207Surmor

/?Voin L v$'ta.)o.,)

" ** 9 ff!-

!V-in, f = o.oi?Sx/.tr 90 x o.ont =

0. 0526 6 -i-(g = o.oi7txtTx fo r o.sa7 = 0,0 39fr Vf*


(,',. = o.oi7fr J. fr YC > o.orge : o.o t b!

l-a, (S = 0.01777/ P Yr vo.oll7 ~ 0 0/975 fi,, = 4, 8, d idu <<

i 4, =

/. o (f: to ' )

o.f Sk 6'S ' '=

0. (, % Y

((: YC)


/3, Dio.gtom 6 -/,@)l'/0, = / C

0. 2 /
o. 2 /


= d,t//6


0, =

/. 0 /n circ 0far-noss seck,


' 9e

  • f'=/,0x0,/7/[Y/.O o./7/$~


45" fi,e = 0.634 y x 0 17/fxlio ~ 0 / 09/

fiu comunal volws osc :

9p *.

/9'.i k f = 0.o 32 6 + o,17/ S =

0. 20Y /

w s.pv - g,2, gate i,, M z.

0 112 0 '?)


b -/11 f = 00]f Yf + 0 i?/[

O.,P//o f, k 0:5./!O.j,j[f geh ir 6/. 2

o. it 2 )

o 't 2


Q f = o. o/to 3 + o. i of / = 0, /2 SV ] gg:"04?I. g,972 t/g o ic/-i?

u h. i <, n.</ L

= 0. i.2 /


' 'l f-n,

$ = 0.0 /973 + 0 /09/ = 0>/2!! } Chi'd? = 01 b le,,. (3 / z

= d. /.2 f O 1

MPR Associates. Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By


/hss/O 8 / h./


l On /he lusts a flue compuison a.n a//oe,,oua <f o 90 t


&. Vo>tokou "rj /L loss coef&cui/ 6 90' e/Lous sAou/d be edepao &. /b-VC *c/ bows a.smo//ee Vsetofiox si'

/o,usup) sAoutc/ k aa'tjuadj / tones-er, Co perecuf IdlI be aisuomc/' &< Aoi4.

TEES (EcucAss 22.2 & hs 0.9 "k Ibfal 2 5. / "la ]

L lows in & v'no AraucA /us are rasjV-p -/co us A & hta /.'


t</xthx & ndiciu7 4c I.!!7 4 DS. L "/, )

lo x 6x &

S/d 4e 0,7'/ 9 4. (d.l lo )

jQ A 'l2

'Elust ett ru e /<c S cr e/ Sie trn k'bu if *osi.


/v H a o+cro it her.c/ /oss is ren,.sina// (o.1 */. )..

4 i

fht bases dre flu drauc/r /r: / psst _<,<rt tortstc/

/h difail in /Z4ttau 5.

' flu hasie n(muce and de

//sc /rrauch /cc vr/tas (/W//er, /!<f f ) c/assi Ae'sA doeffiEu'+ds as 'c/ ass 2 , tyktre ' class 2 loss coef-tcukh u n te fcr norme / disep putysose s ' (i'd rp i 9 ),


Grc p

//o ybanhafise tudr'mekus<. is pam'dedn Von'sbiioG.

der alfaaa*[e im//t& is evafuate/ de'fo*w.

// sin


/k/chik.($tAV&ute 'l

, p 34/

O'apasn and

/ tis /tol0 lio H !

Ct' =

90 ANU

$ * $f kkl j


= heryM q sidi.


4 ki f, o,qg tc: y ra,


'1 i


s MPR Associates, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By I

/0: 07CP//IOS Jhb/wn

~r.f &

ll fli

/6/x/Vxb, p$s 4 tr% ?-/[



  1. ~

Jor 6 = bauclt orn., v f(o.fofy)

= f).200 4 f/

  • i (Atoy2l=095744'

& = run a m.


i hFellCl1 lloid

= b OO ff9t+1 h$


Qe = cnhauer floes ='/.2f/gyn, w

= heauch iv/wYy

4. 6 L Y fua


s l

= enhauce w/ocih, = 9. fly 4/ue We V

Qld 3 c>vss sic her, g,gggy4 o f h m c it bc Aci)ht of ness sentn = / /o92 4.



of tun l

fs/' =

Or2006 : 9,gggg

  • d s. o. G O D I, o,,,,g g, do 49576 dc 2/o92 e,/r$

ES/qc b"*



%s: 4 ' ?




04 9.pp/

r<to m 7~o b/c 7- /

5/r; $ o. ? l~

l G/q, 0 - 1,0 s id = 4 o



/>v m expit s sier>, 4 o%pam 7-![

f, A 'fi+f sf-D k% oc ) = /

/ +f0.60(),- 2 0.4i?f*


9e O


  • fg' g = /,t/t/(, $%i&'s is' Ai'9 ar M <<' Hu Va liu *f
  • 2 J


ou d hi, & n e w d tu / H ///c e. (,< a.

telawces 2. aud S') tJ/o

/. W4 : / f a


o MPR Associates, Inc.


320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 fS j

Q Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By i


/0 07501///0 [

$6tm fehena. MaiMol Aom Ne/cWk Me46<uu. 4 b Diverging wye of the type E, + Fu > F,; F, = Fc; Diagram a = 0-90*. Side branching. [10]

7 15 wt,4 Wst. Fat

1. O < a < 60* and a = 90' at h/h < 2/3:


  1. =A' 1+

-2 cos a = A'ff,

fc.s =,


2. o = 90* and h/h = 1.0 (up to w/w = 2.0):

e e

fc., =

= A' I + 0.3

= A'f;,,

h,is the height of the cross section of the side branch; where for f},,, see the curves fj,, = f(w/w ) at different a; for A. see c

hc is the height of the cross Paragraph 15.

section of the common straight channel 4

  • I I


  • f I

I Il y

t i

I i Il APs tc.:

E lllf_

  1. " pwll2 "(w/w )'

fy c

j V

u j jj!

n.s s

t o6 I

/ *Il e Oc F:

W y

! ' It il I / /l_

'I l

$,*b N Y h' jai,nt/ / //


'6 eai*/ / / If gg NWMt & / / i Y$

00 x,, w Cf 22 03 04QS 27 to 20 WsMc Table 71. Values of A F/r



>0.35 c

Q/Qc 0-1.0


>0A A

1.0 0.9 1-0.55 oa

MPR Associates, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By



~//2/JcJ lb e

i G. 4xted,

5 = dra u cl< s eer = "/y (0.Toiv)'.= o,2co!,4 s

& = run o ver

= 0.1 uo d 4

  • G

= fnuch Slo J

= boo gpm S

Qe = censua./%sa

= bo o gym ls.t 4it A lte.<

dwe.h Vel 11/g



(s.66 4 A/su We *te k t pel f,

kiId to o4.[Yfi



0. lary ft.


$o !

b/f : /. o

/~s/fg -

/, 0 Qs/,.- /o N'/y, 4

/, g

,V tase. n io %

.9, l


A ' f/ +ao3 s}*

d ' 1 %,

Tosh 7- /

5/;, = l

> a,3s Os/q, < /

> d, y 5'o A : c), f i So j} '


0 lf

/ + 0, 5

'Tus i: low %n //a n /ue o r /. i s v o, m s % i w o

tht//o/irr Mi//e< (du /&te,wa s 2 aus g) fa h:o :

O' ?'f : 0,65

/, / S

'hab hould imph on uuudenuly sj. S'1 ;ctiend..L/ diGcaua.

t isnplie's Mof //u ao/cu/ofion vatu<. ma'y k foo big. /f is A

tonsta'cocc/ antcadottab/c fo use %k oWf<reua as // Mc..

0 ta la< la t< / &alu.< ecuto' Ac /co low 4y //. cat amoun t.


MPR Associates, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 t^\\

Q Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By hA/Ll 10.'.07SDHH06 dAun k

% defrenu ce befwcw L. la'eIcA>'k (deceau u_ y-)

igsutt and the valu.e. usia.5 h> iller (t?.i kn u u. S ) -

in d.aItalaHan /02t>HbWo2 ( 2 ) Is inuch grea teo-i ih flu ase of & dxdid brauch / tow /kan

/A i / W / w ea cc.

behvcen vokas he /As.

tyx icjx g, h,,,ej,,cim,a,/ /s in a.

6%en/ dincAon.'

l 6ha. //u bu/k af f/u loss is in Hu IVx Nx la &e and stuu d oppem Md Nu lx&vi 7a' yahu6 oec ceswvahk, & unao.loirdy c) o pe+anf /n & IVrIVr 4 7tc d couv'dte & sppvvimsb vatw.


% Tees.



&iroxoce (4.S%ofhri).

&c enfyoua loss is Hro+ Ne a shwdord cliorp cnhauu. Aovuby of l

He enkn'ia douldredue: Hs to/uc sonwhat; houncq Hvi way be conc Vorter supposion et>uthsc Hrof ecctId twcasc Hu loss. 3 is tradmd f

pmdwI h allow Gia topex. tut Vodonon in Has los: Schr.

bCE INEC (C,I % of No / ) fdWGKllAt.l/6S (So I % of l0fai }

Tlie oat < teh cs ef/tr wry />P/t flow ictisfence. I): tie is no irdicsnon of /Ae accunty of f/c facb / Vo/ues. Tia clack va/rc Acadloss d 1

obfcined /Soon acfua/ fcsf data en similsr, but / tot idmhts/Vo/ns.

4 Von' anon of 20,xrant thould be op edtyucia a//owouce. A<

1 var,'a W/t h,

j O

MPR Associates, Inc.

320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.

Prepared By Checked By P 9' /f to 20'15 D1/40 S j}Q pg

%74L. VAA/A7704l T/u illtfl3 csc/loss eoi, k eomJuu$ llaSc Vers'4Np7t$ on 7Vu Us /

d oway staidsed mt/ Ads. Su, /rr twnp/t, /%rW(/Munec d)or /?9ofM (6frowa 7).

J/u 16.Jb~

&/ 4

$ = AN,ju W O'I

  • Nyotscs
  • l % trw u.

p aw,s ncs 4> mat /, & inta As>,,n A ht / Aisd loss ee 9

Y (if

  • M H,p ) & ' 4-f._. 4 k,


W et w p

/N /k earkrfa>A*mts of %'s es/ca/sd'nt ts.}isudis we (dss /n/udde Wu i>1o%Was/ wash'n's s s pia >1/s fero %tArss) os hidr <t, S,

  • 6"[

'k -

" Q,, p ' S g 4, 4 p

e u u 2.


()th s

()>tss clia $ elbows



t MPR Associates. Inc.

320 Kir.g Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.

r pared By Checked By O' lb

/020750l/IlOS pm Q,


$o mp o rt e n f_


(Ll/.S) 4.

Aukm (y >

$hedgh/ /%pe

'/. 7 T 0.10 0.225g Elbnus


p. 2 0 o.2979 Tee s

.1. ?Yo 0.20 0 5 cos

%/ecs 0 2?'? 0.0502 En/raua 0 7 7 p' O.

0 0.02yo Ql=

0. 977Y


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A S S O C I A T E S I N C.

G ENGI NEERS February 13,1996 Mr. Paul Tanguay Director, Nuclear Engineering and Projects Florida Power Corporation Crystal River Energy Complex 15760 West Power Line St.

Crystal River, Florida 34428-6708


Crystal River Unit 3-Review of Calculations of Maximum Allowable Makeup Tank Pressure

Dear Mr.Tanguay:

At your request we reviewed Florida Power Corporation calculation M94-0053, Revision 2,

" Allowable MUT-1 Indicated Overpressure vs. Indicated Level," as well as some material 3(O that is being prepared for the next revision (Revision 3) of that~ calculation. The results of that review were forwarded to you by our letters of January 11 and 22,1996. The purpose of this letter is to forward an additional calculation reporting the results of work to evaluate the impact on the calculated value of allowable makeup tank pressure of a lower temperature in the makeup tank.

A high temperature of 135'F in the makeup tank was selected in the original calculations because it maximizes the vapor pressure of the water in the gas space and should result in a higher pressure in the makeup tank as the level drops. However, there is a competing effect in that the solubility of gas in the water in the tank is higher at a lower temperature so that there is more dissolved gas available to come out of solution as the pressure in the gas space drops. The attached MPR Calculation (102075DHH06) evaluates the maximum allowable pressure for temperatures of 135'F and 100*F. As expected, the allowable pressure would be increased if the makeup tank were assumed to be at the lower temperature, i.e., the assumption of a high temperature in the makeup tank is conservative for setting the allowable pressure in that it results in a lower curve of pressure versus level.

The amount of the difference between the two assumptions varies with the level in the makeup tank; however, the higher temperature is conservative (as defined above) for any level. This effect adds some implicit conservatism to the calculated pressure versus level curve. For example, at a tank level of 80 inches, a temperature of 100* Fin the makeup 320 KING STREET ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 3238 703-519-0200 FAX: 703 619-0224

l l

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Mr. Paul Tanguay February 13,1996 i

i i

f tank instead of 135'F, would add about 6 feet of additional margin to the makeup tank level draw down.

l If you have questions on the enclosed calculation or this letter, please do not hesitate to l

contact us.

l Sincerely, l

Dwight H. Harrison


MPR Calculation 102075DHH06 cc:

Mr. R. Clauson, Florida Power, w/encls i

Mr. K. Ledzian, Florida Power, w/encls l

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