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December 2002-301 Exam Final Sample Plans/Outlines, JPMs & Simulator Scenarios
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/2002
From: Ernstes M
Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch
To: Scalice J
Tennessee Valley Authority
50-327/02-301, 50-328/02-301 50-327/02-301, 50-328/02-301
Download: ML030430601 (206)


Final Submittal SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT EXAM 2002-301 50-327 & 50-328 DECEMBER 2 - 6, 2002 FINAL SAMPLE PLANS / OUTLINES

PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: 11/15/2002 ES-401 Form ES-401-4 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Exam Date: 12/02/2002 Exam Level: RO K/A Category Points Kb Kb I Al

  • . I AZ I A Alt, t AA tilt I C' Point Tier Group K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 Al A2Z A3 JJ Total K6O I 4 4 3 2 0 16 1 3 1.

3 0 2 16 Emergency 2 3 5 3 Abnormal 0 0 0 1 3 Plant 3 1 1 Evolutions 2 2 6 35 Totals 7 10 &

Tier 2 2 23 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 2

2. 2 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2

Plant I ________ I........-1-I II t Systems 3 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 8 0 0 1 Tier Totals 5 4 4 7 4 4 7 4 6 4 3 52 Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4

3. Generic Knowledge And Abilities 4 3 3 3 13 the "Tier Totals" in Note: 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every K/A category are sampled within each teir (i.e.,


2. Kcs°l o!akIsnmtubSt e °Iecified in the table.


3. Select topics from many systems; avoid selecting more than two or three K/A topics from a given unless
4. hpt$-f* W8kBtti Brie°p are identified on the associated outline.
5. The shaded areas are not applicable to the category /tier.

topics must be

6. The generic K/As in Tiers I and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the K/A Catalog, but the relevant to the applicable evolution or system.


7. On the following pages, enter the K/A numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics' ratings for be justified on the RO license level, and the point totals for each system and category. K/As below 2.5 should the I

PWR RO Examination Outline 1'rmteu: 1/t UUZUVZ Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Form ES-401-4 ES - 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 Imp. Points E/APE Name / Safety Function K1 K2 K3A1 A G G KA Topic 3.3 1 E/APE #

X AA2.01 - Stuck or inoperable rod from in-core and 005 Inoperable/Stuck Control Rod / 1 ex-core NIS, in-core or loop temperature measurements AK2.08 - CCWS 2.6 1 015 1 Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Malfunctions / 4 AAl.17 - Emergency borate control valve and 3.9 1 X

024 Emergency Boration / I indicators AK1.02 - Expansion of liquids as temperature increases 2.8 j 027 1Pressurizer Pressure Control (PZR PCS) Malfunction X

/3 I

AK1.01 - Consequences of PTS 4.1 040 ISteam Line Rupture / 4 X X AK3.01 - Loss of steam dump capability upon loss of 1 2.8* 1 051 1 Loss of Condenser Vacuum / 4 condenser vacuum 067 1Plant Fire on Site / 9 X AA2.17 - Systems that may be affected by the fire 3.5 j 1 AK2.07 - ED/G 3.3 1 068 1Control Room Evacuation / 8 X AA 1.03 - Fluid systems penetrating containment 1 069 Loss of Containment Integrity / 5 I

PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: L/13/ZUoZ Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Form ES-401-4 ES - 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 A2 G KA Topic Imp.

4.3 Points 1

E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function K1 K2 K3 Al X EKI.01 - Methods of calculating subcooling margin 074 Inadequate Core Cooling / 4 X EK2.06 - Turbine bypass and atmospheric dump valves 074 Inadeauate Core Cooling / 4 AK3.05 - Corrective actions as a result of high 076 High Reactor Coolant Activity / 9 -X fission-product radioactivity level in the RCS EK3.2 - Normal, abnormal and emergency operating -3.67 _

E08 Pressurized Thermal Shock / 4 -X procedures associated with Pressurized Thermal Shock EA1.1 - Components, and functions of control and 3.5 E09 1 Natural Circulation Operations / 4 XT safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features EK3.1 - Facility operating characteristics during 3.4 1 Elo Natural Circulation with Steam Void in Vessel -X transient conditions, including coolant chemistry and with/without RVLIS / 4 the effects of temperature, pressure, and reactivity changes and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics E14 High Containment Pressure / 5 X

KK EK2.1 - Components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, featrocs, features anan manua 3.4 1 Group Point Total: 16 K/A Category Totals: 3 4 4 3 2 0 2

Printed: IYUUZ 11I/

PWVR RO Examination Outline Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Form ES-401-4 ES - 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 Imp. Points Ki K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic 3.9 1 E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function 001 Continuous Rod Withdrawal / I X AK1.03 - Relationship of reactivity and reactor power to rod movement 4.2 1 EK1.01 - Natural circulation and cooling, including 009 j Small Break LOCA / 3 X reflux boiling AK2.05 - Reactor building sump 2.6 1 025 1Loss of Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS) / 4 EK2.06 - Breakers, relays, and disconnects 2.9* 1 029 Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) / 1 M-AAI.11 - PZR level indicator 3.4 1 037 Steam Generator (S/G) Tube Leak / 3 Xr 037 1 Steam Generator (S/G) Tube Leak / 3 X 2.1.7 - Ability to evaluate plant performance and make j 3.7 1 operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

X EK3.08 - Criteria for securing RCP 4.1 1 038 1 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) / 3 X AK3.01 - Use of dc control power by ED/Gs 3.4* 1 058 ILoss of DC Power / 6 2.7 I AK2.02 - Auxiliary building ventilation system 060 I Accidental Gaseous Radwaste Release / 9 1

PWR RO Examination Outline irmtCU iJ/13*, ...

Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Form ES-401-4 ES - 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2

.mp. Points K1 K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic 2.5* 1 E/APE Name / Safety Function X AAK2.01 - Detectors at each ARM system location Area Radiation Monitoring (ARM) System Alarms /

'7 3.7 1 Rediagnosis / 3 X EALI.1 - Components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features 2.2.25. -Knowledge of bases in technical specifications

-Rediagnosi/3X 2.57 1 for limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

-LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization /4 X EK1.3 - Annunciators and conditions indicating signals, 3.5T I and remedial actions associated with the LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization 3.3 1 X EK3.1 - Facility operating characteristics during LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization 1 4 transient conditions, including coolant chemistry and the effects of temperature, pressure, and reactivity changes and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics 3.8 I 1 X EK2.2 - Facility's heat removal systems, including LOCA Outside Containment / 3 primary coolant, emergency coolant, the decay heat removal systems, and relations between the proper operation of these systems to the operation of the facility 3.8 1 X EA1.3 - Desired operating results during abnormal and Loss of Secondary Heat Sink / 4 emergency situations 0 2 Group Point Total: 16 K/A Category Totals: 3 5 3 3 2

PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: L1/15/20U2 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant P.S - 401 Rnmeraenc~v and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 3 Form ES-401-4 Ki K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic Imp. Points E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function Loss of Offsite Power / 6 X AK3.01 - Order and time to initiation of power for the 3.5 1 056 load sequencer X EKI.1 - Components, capacity, and function of 2.8 1 E15 Containment Flooding / 5 emergency systems X EK2.2 - Facility's heat removal systems, including 2.7 1 E15 Containment Flooding / 5 primary coolant, emergency coolant, the decay heat removal systems, and relations between tile proper operation of these systems to the operation of the facility K/A Category Totals: 1 1 1 0 0 0 Group Point Total: 3 I

PWR RO Examination Outline Prmted: 11/15/21uu2 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant rC Afll Plant Sies-Te ru Form ES-401-4 A2 A3 A4 G KA Topic Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System / Evolution Name Ki K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Al X K3.01 - CVCS 2.9* 1 001 Control Rod Drive System / I X -K5.30 - Effects of fuel burnout on reactivity in 2.9 1 001 Control Rod Drive System / I the core X K4.02 - Prevention of cold water accidents or 2.5 1 003 Reactor Coolant Pump System (RCPS) / 4 transients X A1.03 - RCP motor stator winding temperatures 2.6 1 003 Reactor Coolant Pump System (RCPS) / 4 X A3.07 - S/G level and pressure 3.3 1 004 Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) / 1 X K4.01 - SIS reset 3.9 1 013 Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS) / 2 X A2.03 - Xenon oscillations 3.2 1 015 Nuclear Instrumentation System / 7 K6.01 - Sensors and detectors 2.7 1 017 In-Core Temperature Monitor (ITM)--

System / 7 X 1K2.01 - Containment cooling fans 3.0* 1 022 Containment Cooling System (CCS) /

5 X 2.4.27 - Knowledge of fire in the plant 3.0 1 022 Containment Cooling System (CCS) /

5 procedure.

X K5.02 - Heat transfer 2.6* 1 025 Ice Condenser System / 5 I

PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: 11/15/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant PI.,,+trc~nic- Tr) Ifl¢rnin1 Form ES-401-4 ES-401

  • anL sem - +/-.r' L!

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Al A2 A3 A4 G KATopic Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System / Evolution Name 025 Ice Condenser System / 5 X 2.2.13 - Knowledge of tagging and clearance 3.6 1 procedures.

056 Condensate System / 4 X K1.03 - MFW 2.6* 1 056 Condensate System / 4 X K1.03 - MFW 2.6* 1 Main Feedwater (MEW) System / 4 059 -K1.04 X - S/GS water level control system 3.4 1 059 Main Feedwater (MFW) System / 4 X A4.01 - MWW turbine trip indication 3.1* 1 061 Auxiliary / Emergency Feedwater X K2.01 - AFW system MOVs 3.2* 1 (AFW) System / 4 061 Auxiliary / Emergency Feedwater -K6.01 - Controllers and positioners 2.5 1 (AFW) System / 4 068 Liquid Radwaste System (LRS) / 9 X A3.02 - Automatic isolation 3.6 1 068 Liquid Radwaste System (LRS) / 9 X K4.01 - Safety and environmental precautions 3.4 1 for handling hot, acidic, and radioactive liquids 071 Waste Gas Disposal System (WGDS)-X A1.06 - Ventilation system 2.5 1

/9 071 Waste Gas Disposal System (WGDS) X A4.26 - Authorized waste gas release, 3.1 1 1/9 conducted in compliance with radioactive gas I I discharge permit 2

PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: tL/I1:t,2tU2 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Plant Systems - Tier 2 / Group 1 Form ES-401-4 ES - 401 Sys/Ev# System / Evolution Name KI1 K2 [K3 [K4 K5 K6 A[ [2 A3 [A4 IG IKATopic Imp. Points X A1.01 - Radiation levels 3.4 1 072 Area Radiation Monitoring (ARM)

System / 7 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 Group Point Total: 23 K/A Category Totals:


PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: I I/tLzoIoz Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 7

Dh+V.,e+ancTior)/Crfliifl Form ES-401-4 ES - 401 ,ran, vs ems - er L:

G KATopic Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System / Evolution Name K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Al A2 A3 A4 X A1.07 - Pressure, high and low 3.3 1 006 Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) / 2 X K6. 19 - HPI/LPI systems (mode change) 3.7 1 006 Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) / 2 X - Spray valve failures 3.9 1 010 Pressurizer Pressure Control System -A2.02 (PZR PCS) / 3 X K6.07 - Core protection calculator 2.9* 1 012 Reactor Protection System / 7 X K2.01 - RPS channels, components, and 3.3 1 012 Reactor Protection System / 7 interconnections K1.01 - RCS 3.4* 1 016 Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System X (NNIS) / 7 X - Relationship between meter readings 2.9* 1 016 Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System -A3.02 (NNIS) / 7 and actual parameter value X A1.02 - Radiation levels 3.4 1 029 Containment Purge System (CPS) / 8 X K5.01 - Effect of secondary parameters, 3.4 1 035 Steam Generator System (S/GS) / 4 pressure, and temperature on reactivity X K3.04 - MFW pumps 2.5* 1 039 Main and Reheat Steam System (MRSS) / 4 X K5.05 - Bases for RCS cooldown limits 2.7 1 039 Main and Reheat Steam System (MRSS) / 4 I

PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: 1l/15/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Plknt ~eem-Te ru Form ES-401-4 Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System/ Evolution Name K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Al A2 A3 A4 G KA Topic X A4.03 - Synchroscope, including an 2.8 1 062 A.C. Electrical Distribution System / 6 understanding of running and incoming voltages X K4.04 - Trips 2.6? 1 063 D.C. Electrical Distribution System / 6 X A2.01 - Grounds 2.5 1 063 D.C. Electrical Distribution System / 6 X K2.02 - Fuel oil pumps 2.8* 1 064 Emergency Diesel Generator (ED/G)

System / 6 X A3.06 - Start and stop 3.3 1 064 Emergency Diesel Generator (ED/G)

System / 6 X A4.01 - Effluent release 3.9 1 073 Process Radiation Monitoring (PRM)

System / 7 X K 1.01 - SWS 2.5 1 075 Circulating Water System / 8 X K4.01 - Cross-connect with JAS 2.9 1 079 Station Air System (SAS) / 8 X 2.1.1 - Knowledge of conduct of operations 3.7 1 079 Station Air System (SAS) / 8 requirements.

X K3.01 - Shutdown capability with redundant 2.7 1 086 Fire Protection System (FPS) / 8 equipment I I K/A Category Totals: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Group Point Total: 21 2

rwi. Ku Lxamination uunrne rrmgeu: 1111JZvvý Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant DI'..+ C',c+nnic - 'r;ar) I tZrniin Form ES-401-4 ES - 401 Fan, vsjesI- r K1 K2 1K3 K4 K5 K6 Al A2 A3 A4 G KATopic Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System / Evolution Name X A 1.01 - Heatup/coolduwn rates 3.5 1 005 Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS) / 4 X K4.02 - Operation of the surge tank, including 2.9 1 008 Component Cooling Water System (CCWS) / 8 the associated valves and controls 008 Component Cooling Water System X -A2.04 - PRMS alarm 3.3 1 (CCWS) / 8 034 Fuel Handling Equipment System---K4.02-Fuelmovement 2.5 1 (FHES) / 8 034 Fuel Handling Equipment System X A 1,02 - Water level in the refuelin (FHES) / 8 X K3.03 - Cross-tied units 3.0 1 078 Instrument Air System (IAS) / 8 X A3.01 - Air pressure 3.1 1 078 Instrument Air System (IAS) / 8 X A3.01 - Containment isolation 3.9 1 103 Containment System / 5 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 Group Point Total: 8 K/A Category Totals: 0 0 1 I

Printed: 11/15/2002 PWR RO Examination Outline Form ES-401-5 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Imp. Points Generic Category KA KA Topic 2.1.16 Ability to operate plant phone, paging system, and two-way radio. 2.9 1 Conduct of Operations 2.1.24 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings. 2.8 1 2.1.31 Ability to locate control room switches, controls and indications and to determine that 4.2 1 they are correctly reflecting the desired plant lineup.

2.1.32 Ability to explain and apply all system limits and precautions. 3.4 1 Category Total: 4 2.2.4 (multi-unit) Ability to explain the variations in control board layouts, systems, 2.8 1 Equipment Control instrumentation and procedural actions between units at a facility.

2.2.14 Knowledge of the process for making configuration changes. 2.1 1 2.2.26 Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements. 2.5 1 Category Total: 3 2.3.9 Knowledge of the process for performing a containment purge. 2.5 1 Radiation Control 2.3.10 Ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive levels of radiation and guard against 2.9 1 personnel exposure.

2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases. 2.7 1 Category Total: 3 2.4.4 Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters which are 4.0 1 Emergency Procedures/Plan entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures.

2.4.20 Knowledge of operational implications of EOP warnings, cautions, and notes. 3.3 1 2.4.39 Knowledge of the RO's responsibilities in emergency plan implementation. 3.3 1

~a~vgu 1 3ua' tengury otal:

Generic Total: 13 I

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 ES-401 Form ES-401-3 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Exam Date: 12/02/2002 Exam Level: SRO I-K/A Category Points Point Total Tier Group I I I K2 WA WdI;15 K6 I A3 IAdA 0 KI K3 SAl A2 LG 5 4 4 5 3 24 1 3 3 2 16

1. 2 3 3 3 2 Emergency 0 2 0 0 0 3

& 3 1 Abnormal Plant Tier 6 10 5 43 Evolutions Totals 7 8 7 1 2 1 2 2 3

..........1 2 1 2 19 1

7 I A____

1. I - t

2. 1 2 17 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 Plant Systems 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 4 3

Tier 3 3 2 5 3 4 6 2 5 2 5 40 Totals Cat I Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4

3. Generic Knowledge And Abilities 4 4 5 4 17 the "Tier Totals" in Note: 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every K/A category are sampled within each teir (i.e.,


2. W/caftpenenta I nout Iemletcctta¶ noste *"ecified in the table.

from a given system unless

3. Select topics from many systems; avoid selecting more than two or three K/A topics they relate to plant-specific priorities.
4. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline.
5. The shaded areas are not applicable to the category/tier. but the topics must be
6. The generic K/As in Tiers I and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the K/A Catalog, relevant to the applicable evolution or system.

the topics' importance

7. On the following pages, enter the K/A numbers, a brief description of each topic, ratings for be justified on the RO license level, and the point totals for each system and category. K/As below 2.5 should the 1

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant

- 401 r*merorenev and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 Form ES-401-3 K1 12 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic Imp. Points E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function X AKI.03 - Relationship of reactivity and reactor power 4.0 1 001 Continuous Rod Withdrawal / I to rod movement X 2.4.4 - Ability to recognize abnormal indications for 4.3 1 003 Dropped Control Rod / I system operating parameters which are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures.

X AK2.08 - CCWS 2.6 1 015 Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Malfunctions / 4 X AA2.07 - Calculation of expected values of flow in the 2.9 1 015 Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Malfunctions / 4 loop with RCP secured X AA1.17 - Emergency borate control valve and 3.9 1 024 Emergency Boration / 1 indicators X AA2.01 - Location of a leak in the CCWS 3.5 1 026 Loss of Component Cooling Water (CCW) / 8 X EK2.06 - Breakers, relays, and disconnects 3.1* 1 029 Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) / 1 X AA2.01 - Occurrence and location of a steam line 4.7 1 040 Steam Line Rupture / 4 rupture from pressure and flow indications X AK1.01 - Consequences of PTS 4.4 1 040 Steam Line Rupture / 4 I

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ES - 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier I / Group 1 Form ES-401-3 E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function KI K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic Imp. Points 051 Loss of Condenser Vacuum / 4 X AK3.01 - Loss of steam dump capability upon loss of 3.1* 1 condenser vacuum 069 Loss of Containment Integrity / 5 X 2.1.14 - Knowledge of system status criteria which 3.3 1 require the notification of plant personnel.

069 Loss of Containment Integrity / 5 X AA1.03 - Fluid systems penetrating containment 3.0 1 074 Inadequate Core Cooling / 4 X EK1.01 - Methods of calculating subcooling margin 4.7 1 074 Inadequate Core Cooling / 4 X EK2.06 - Turbine bypass and atmospheric dump valves 3.6 1 076 High Reactor Coolant Activity / 9 X AK3.05 - Corrective actions as a result of high 3.6 1 fission-product radioactivity level in the RCS E01 Rediagnosis / 3 X EA2.1 - Facility conditions and selection of appropriate 4.0 1 procedures during abnormal and emergency operations E01 Rediagnosis / 3 X EA1.1 - Components, and functions of control and 3.7 1 safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features E04 LOCA Outside Containment / 3 X EK2.2 - Facility's primary heat removal systems, including coolant, emergency 4.0 coolant, the decay heat removal systems, an relations between tbe proper operation of these systems to the operation of the facility 2

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant cc _ AAI Irni, asncv rind Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 Form ES-401-3 K1 K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic Imp. Points E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function X EK3.2 - Normal, abnormal and emergency operating 4.0 1 E08 Pressurized Thermal Shock / 4 procedures associated with Pressurized Thermal Shock X EA2.1 - Facility conditions and selection of appropriate 3.8 1 E09 Natural Circulation Operations / 4 procedures during abnormal and emergency operations 1X - Components, and functions of control and EA1.1 3.5 1 E09 Natural Circulation Operations / 4 safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features X EK3.1 - Facility operating characteristics during 3.7 1 E 10 Natural Circulation with Steam Void in Vessel with/without RVLIS / 4 transient conditions, including coolant chemistry and the effects of temperature, pressure, and reactivity changes and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics X 2.4.16 - Knowledge of EOP implementation hierarchy 4.0 1 E12 Uncontrolled Depressurization of all Steam Generators / 4 and coordination with other support procedures.

X EK2.1 - Components, and functions of control and 3.7 1 E14 High Containment Pressure / 5 safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, tailure modes, and automatic and .manual features K/A Category Totals: 3 5 4 4 5 3 Group Point Total: 24 3

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ES - 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 Form ES-401-3 E/APE# E/APE Name / Safety Function KI K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic Imp. Points 009 Small Break LOCA / 3 X EK1.01 - Natural circulation and cooling, including 4.7 1 reflux boiling 022 Loss of Reactor Coolant Makeup / 2 X AA2.01 - Whether charging line leak exists 3.8 1 025 Loss of Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS) / 4 X AK2.05 - Reactor building sump 2.6 1 025 Loss of Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS) / 4 X AA2.07 - Pump cavitation 3.7 1 027 Pressurizer Pressure Control (PZR PCS) Malfunction - X AA2.04 - Tech-Spec limits for RCS pressure 4.3 1

/3 027 Pressurizer Pressure Control (PZR PCS) Malfunction X AKI.02 - Expansion of liquids as temperature increases 3.1 1

/3 037 Steam Generator (S/G) Tube Leak / 3 X AA 1.11 - PZR level indicator 3.3 1 037 Steam Generator (S/G) Tube Leak / 3 X 2.1.7 - Ability to evaluate plant performance and make 4.4 1 operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

038 Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) / 3 X EK3.08 - Criteria for securing RCP 4.2 1 058 Loss of DC Power / 6 X AK3.01 - Use of dc control power by ED/Gs 3.7 1 1

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ES - 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 Form ES-401-3 E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function K1 K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic Imp. Points 060 Accidental Gaseous Radwaste Release / 9 X AK2.02 - Auxiliary building ventilation system 3.1 1 061 Area Radiation Monitoring (ARM) System Alarms/ X AK2.01 - Detectors at each ARM system location 2.6* 1 7

E03 LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization / 4 X EK1.3 - Annunciators and conditions indicating signals, 3.8 1 and remedial actions associated with the LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization E03 LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization / 4 X EK3.1 - Facility operating characteristics during 3.7 1 transient conditions, including coolant chemistry and the effects of temperature, pressure, and reactivity changes and operating limitations and reasons for these operating characteristics E05 Loss of Secondary Heat Sink / 4 X EA1.3 - Desired operating results during abnormal and 4.2 1 emergency situations E16 High Containment Radiation / 9 X 2.4.41 - Knowledge of the emergency action level 4.1 1 thresholds and classifications.

K/A Category Totals: 3 3 3 2 3 2 Group Point Total: 16 2

PIWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant

- AOl Rnmpruenc'v nnd Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 /Group 3 Form ES-401-3 Ki1K2 K3 Al A2 G KA Topic Imp. Points E/APE # E/APE Name / Safety Function X AA2.18 - Reactor coolant temperature, pressure, and 4.0 1 056 Loss of Offsite Power / 6 PZR level recorders El5 Containment Flooding / 5 - - - - X -EA2.1 - Facility conditions and selection of appropriate 3.2 1 procedures during abnormal and emergency operations Containment Flooding / 5 X EKI.1 - Components, capacity, and function of 3.0 1 E15 emergency systems K/A Category Totals: 1 0 0 0 2 0 Group Point Total: 3 I

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Plant stes - Tier 2 Group 1 Form ES-401-3 ES - 401 Points System / Evolution Name K1 K2 K3

-n 1(5 K6 AAl I IAA3 A4 G KATopic Imp.

Sys/Ev # X 3.0*

K3.01 - CVCS 001 Control Rod Drive System I Fmi- I I I I - - I £1 I

MX K5.30 - Effects of fuel burnout on reactivity in 3.1 1 001 Control Rod Drive System / 1 the core

.1 1ffiW1-4-4-1-V Al .03 KUP motor stator wincing teInperdLuR's

. rt

,.O I

003 Reactor Coolant Pump System X ALOT-ator RCPmotor st winding temperatures 1 (RCPS) / 4 x '4.0 X 2.4.1 - Knowledgesteps. of EOP entry conditions and 460 1 004 Chemical and Volume Control System immediate action (CVCS) / 1 x A3 .07 SIG level and pressure j .j I FX A3.07 - S/G level and pressure 3.35 1 004 Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) / 1 I(4.01

- SIS reset 4.3 1 rX 013 Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS) / 2

.1 tWA WI-1-t-14---------.. X 12.4.2 Knowledge or system set pums,

- l-nr . l 013 Engineered Safety Features Actuation A 2.2 -,1 Knowledge of system set points, interlocks and automatic actions associated with System (ESFAS) / 2 EOP entry conditions. Note: The issue of setpoints and automatic safety features is not specifically covered in the systems sections.

X 16.01 - Sensors and detectors 3.0 1 017 Inr-Core Temperature Monitor (ITM)

System / 7 K2.01 - Containment cooling fans 3.1 1 022 Containment Cooling System (CCS) / Er 5

K5.02 - Heat transfer 2.8* 1 025 Ice Condenser System / 5 I X 1

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant D1.-.,,+ C'cae fat rnu Form ES-401-3 ES - 401 k~aIILTie 2 / rou I _________________________

r I Points K5 Al Al G Imp. Points KI K2 A4~ KA Topic Svs/Ev # System / Evolution Name KI.04 - S/GS water level control system 3.4 I 059 IMain Feedwater (MFW) System /4 X X A4.01 - MFW turbine trip indication 3.1* 1 059 Main Feedwater (MFW) System / 4 K2.01 - AFW system MOVs 3.3 1 061 IAuxiliary / Emergency Feedwater (AFW) System / 4 K6.01 - Controllers and positioners 2.8* 1 061 Auxiliary / Emergency Feedwater (AFW) System / 4 063 D.C. Electrical Distribution System / 6 K4.04 - Trips 2.9"? I tirouncis .z x A2.U I -

l X A2.01 - Grounds JA, 063 D.C. Electrical Distribution System / 6 I II IrI I I I I J.V £ X A3.02 - Automatic isolation 068 Liquid Radwaste System (LRS) / 9 X A1.06 - Ventilation system 2.8 1 071 Waste Gas Disposal System (WGDS)

/9 X A1.01 - Radiation levels 3.6 1 072 Area Radiation Monitoring (ARM)

System / 7 1:

1 2 1 2 Group Point Total: 19 K/A Category Totals: 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Form ES-401-3 Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System / Evolution Name K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Al A2 A3 A4 G KA Topic X K6.19 - HPI/LPI systems (mode change) 3.9 1 006 Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) / 2 X - Pressure, high and low 3.6 1 006 Emergency Core Cooling System-AI.07 (ECCS) / 2 A2.02 _ Spray valve failures 3.9 1 010 Pressurizer Pressure Control System (PZR PCS) / 3 010 Pressurizer Pressure Control System X 2.4.47 - Ability to diagnose and recognize 3.7 1 (PZR PCS) / 3 trends in an accurate and timely manner utilizing the appropriate control room reference material.

X 2.1.6 - Ability to supervise and assume a 4.3 1 011 Pressurizer Level Control System (PZR LCS) / 2 management role during plant transients and upset conditions.

X K6.07 - Core protection calculator 3.2* 1 012 Reactor Protection System / 7 X K1.01 - RCS 3.4* 1 016 Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System (NNIS) / 7 X A3.02 - Relationship between meter readings 2.9* 1 016 Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System (NNIS) / 7 and actual parameter value X--4.02 - Fuel movement 3.3 1 034 Fuel Handling Equipment System (EHES) / 8 X A 1.02 - Water level in the refueling canal 3.7 1 034 Fuel Handling Equipment System (FHES) / 8 I

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant re ANj Phnt S~tems- Tier 2/ ru Form ES-401-3 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Al A2 A3 A4 G KATopic Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System/ Evolution Name 035 Steam Generator System (S/GS) / 4 X K5.01 - Effect of secondary parameters, 3.9 1 pressure, and temperature on reactivity 039 Main and Reheat Steam System X K3.04 - vFW pumps 2.6* 1 (MRSS) / 4 062 A.C. Electrical Distribution System / 6 X A4.03 - Synchroscope, including an 2.9 1 understanding of running and incoming voltages 064 Emergency Diesel Generator (ED/G) X K2.02 - Fuel oil pumps 3.1 1 System / 6 075 Circulating Water System / 8 X K1.01 - SWS 2.5 1 079 Station Air System (SAS) / 8 XK4.01 - Cross-conect with IAS 3.2 1 103 Containment System / 5 X A3.01 - Containment isolation 4.2 1 K/A Category Totals: 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 Group Point Total: 17 2

PWR SRO Examination Outline Printed: 11/19/2002 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant

.In1 Plbnt Svdernn . Tier 2 I Grouln 3 Form ES-401-3 rt K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 At A2 A3 A4 G KA Topic Imp. Points Sys/Ev # System/ Evolution Name Residual Heat Removal System X A 1.01 - Heatup/cooldown rates 3.6 1 005 (RI*-RS) / 4 Pressurizer Relief Tank/Quench Tank X 2.1.32 - Ability to explain and apply all system 3.8 1 007 System (PRTS) / 5 limits and precautions.

008 Component Cooling Water System X K4.02 - Operation of the surge tank, including 2.7 1 (CCWS) / 8 the associated valves and controls Instrument Air System (IAS) / 8 X A3.01 - Air pressure 3.2 1 078 K/A Category Totals: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Group Point Total: 4 I

Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)

Printed: 11/19/2002 PWR SRO Examination Outline Form ES-401-5 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Generic Category KA KA Topic Imp. Points Conduct of Operations 2.1.7 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on 4.4 1 operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

2.1.10 Knowledge of conditions and limitations in the facility license. 3.9 1 2.1.22 Ability to determine Mode of Operation. 3.3 1 2.1.24 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings. 3.1 1 Category Total: 4 Equipment Control 2.2.4 (multi-unit) Ability to explain the variations in control board layouts, systems, 3.0* 1 instrumentation and procedural actions between units at a facility.

2.2.9 Knowledge of the process for determining if the proposed change, test or experiment 3.3 1 increases the probability of occurrence or consequences of an accident during the change, test or experiment.

2.2.14 Knowledge of the process for making configuration changes. 3.0 1 2.2.25 Knowledge of bases in technical specifications for limiting conditions for operations and 3.7 1 safety limits.

Category Total: 4 Radiation Control 2.3.1 Knowledge of 10 CFR: 20 and related facility radiation control requirements. 3.0 1 2.3.2 Knowledge of facility ALARA program. 2.9 1 2.3.3 Knowledge of SRO responsibilities for auxiliary systems that are outside the control 2.9 1 room (e.g., waste disposal and handling systems).

2.3.9 Knowledge of the process for performing a containment purge. 3.4 1 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases. 3.2 1 C~ategory Total: 5 I

Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) prne:1/920 Printed: 11/19/2002 PWR SRO Examination Outline Form ES-401-5 Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Imp. Points Generic Category KA KA Topic which are 4.3 1 Emergency Procedures/Plan 2.4.4 Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures.

normal, 3.6 1 2.4.5 Knowledge of the organization of the operating procedures network for abnormal, and emergency evolutions.

2.8 1 2.4.33 Knowledge of the process used track inoperable alarms.

3.1 1 2.4.39 Knowledge of the RO's responsibilities in emergency plan implementation.

Category Total: 4 Generic Total: 17 2

Final Submittal f~hIin Pnin~r)

SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT EXAM 2002-301 50-327 & 50-328 DECEMBER 2 - 6, 2002

1. Administrative Questions/JPMs
2. In-plant JPMs
3. Control Room JPMs (simulator JPMs)

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Sequoyah Date of Examination: 12-02-02 Examination Level (circle one): SRO Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Describe method of evaluation:

Topic/Subject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative Questions A.1 Plant JPM # 161, Calculate Subcooling Margin Parameter Verification Maximum # of fuel assemblies in refueling canal.

Refueling 2.2.30/3.5 Operations Unexpected increase in count rate during fuel load.

2.2.30/3.5 A.2 Equipment Work Request Priority. 2.2.19/3.1 Control Releasing equipment for maintenance. 2.2.17/3.5 A.3 Radiation JPM (NEW" Calculate Stay Time Control A.4 Emergency JPM #164, (NEW) Classify the REP Plan

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Sequoyah Date of Examination: 12-02-02 Examination Level (circle one): RO Operating Test Number: I Administrative Describe method of evaluation:

Topic/Subject 1. ONE Administrative JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative Questions A.1 Plant JPM # 161, Calculate Subcooling Margin Parameter Verification Maximum # of fuel assemblies in refueling canal.

Refueling 2.2.30/3.5 Operations Unexpected increase in count rate during fuel load.

2.2.30/3.5 A.2 Equipment Abnormal Seal leakoff. 2.2.2/4.0 Control Rod Thermal Lockup. 2.2.1/3.7 A.3 Radiation JPM (NEW) Calculate Stay Time Control A.4 Emergency JPM #156, Monitor Status Trees Plan

  • - Industry OE importance item

JPM 1#161 Page of 6 REV. 1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 161 Calculate Subcooling Margin PREPARED/ Date/


, Date/




(Operations Training Manager)

,, Date/


(Operations Representative)

Rev changes that do not affect the

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure the flow of the JPM.

3PM, or individual step changes that do not affect

    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).

JPM 2#161 Page of 6 REV. I V - Specify ifthe JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.


Calculate Subcooling with no Subcooling Monitors and NO Plant computers available.

JAITA task #: (ROISRO)

KIA Ratings: 002K5.09 (3.7/4/2) 002A1.04 (3.9/4.1)

Task Standard:

Determine actual subcooling margin based on Control Board Indicators and calculated results using Steam Tables.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X_ In-Plant Performer:

NAME Start Time Performance Rating : SAT UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time Evaluator: /



1. Critical steps identified by an asterisk (*)
2. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
3. Any UNSAT requires comments
4. Initialize the simulator in IC-92. Trip the Reactor, and FREEZE the simulator when RCS pressure is -2110 psig and RCS HL temperature is - 550°F (if necessary open PZR spray valve to lower pressure). Place covers over the Saturation Monitor Displays.
5. Supply Examinee with a Steam Table and hand held calculator.

Validation Time: CR. 15 mins Local Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:


I Reference Title Rev No.

1. Steam Tables Combustion Engineering Steam Tables 15 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


The Unit has tripped from 100% power and all system have responded normally.

The ICS computers and Saturation Monitor Displays were out of service just before the trip and have not been returned to service.


You are the Unit 1 RO and the US has directed you to determine the amount of Subcooling in the RCS if any. Report your findings to the US when your calculations are complete.

JPM #161 Page 5 of 6 REV. 1 Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 1.: Operator obtains a copy of Steam Tables and a Hand held SAT calculator.

UNSAT NOTE: Calculator and Steam Tables are located on Simulator Desk.

Start Time NOTE: If JPM is performed in the Main Control Room, the examiner should provide a Calculator and Steam Tables.

STANDARD: Operator locates Steam Tables and a Hand held calculator.

STEP 2.: Obtain RCS Hot Leg Temperature. SAT UNSAT Cue: If JPM is performed in the Main Control Room, Examiner will give the examinee a temperature of 5500 F.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator observes RCS Hot Leg Temperature Indicators marked as PAM and determines HL Temperature is approximately 550 degrees F. (1-TI-68-1, I-TI-68-24, 1-TI-68-43, 1-TI-68-65)

STEP 3.: Obtain RCS Pressure. SAT Cue: If JPM is performed in the Main Control Room, Examiner will __ UNSAT give the examinee a pressure of 2100 - 2150 psia.

STANDARD: Operator observes RCS Pressure Indicators marked as PAM and Critical Step determines RCS Pressure is approximately 2100 - 2150 psia. (1 PI-68-66A, 1-PI-68-62, 1-PI-68-69)

STEP 4.: Determine Saturation Temperature for RCS Pressure of 2110 __ SAT psig.

UNSAT STANDARD: MCR calculation: Operator refers to Steam Tables and Critical Step determines Saturation temperature for 2100 - 2150 psia is approximately 642.8 - 649.5 degrees.

Simulator Calculation: May be different based on simulator RCS pressure and temperature.

JPM #161 Page 6 of 6 REV. 1 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 5.: Determine subcooling margin for given parameters.

SAT NOTE: Subcooling calculation results in- 94.5 degrees F subcooled. __ UNSAT (92.8 to 99.5 degrees will be acceptableif no cues for temperature or pressureare given by the examiner.)

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator determines subcooling is approximately 94.5 degrees F.

based on calculation from given information. Stop Time End of JPM

Directions to Trainee:

Iwill explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


The Unit has tripped from 100% power and all system have responded normally.

The ICS computers and Saturation Monitor Displays were out of service just before the trip and have not been returned to service.


You are the Unit 1 RO and the US has directed you to determine the amount of Subcooling in the RCS if any. Report your findings to the US when your calculations are complete.

A.2 Q.1I Equipment Control On Unit 1, what is the concern with using Alternate Dilute additions to the VCT?

Reference Allowed Yes Answer:

The concern is thermal gradients across the RCP seals.

Additional information to clarify answer:

Alternate dilution in small amounts is acceptable on a regularbasis, provided no significant changes in seal water temperatureor seal leakoff are indicated. Batches of 5 to 10 gallons may be addedthrough FCV-62-144 on afrequency not to exceed once per 30 minutes. ICSpointsfor No. I seal leakoffs andseal water temperatures on the RCPs should be monitored during and after dilution This allows mixing of incoming water and less temperature changes on the RCP seals.


O-SO-62-7, p. 18 K/A: 2.2.2 (4.0/3.5)

A.2 Q.2 Equipment Control

a. Describe the cause of rod thermal lockup.
b. How is the possibility of rod thermal lockup minimized?

Reference Allowed Yes Answer:

a. Rod thermal lockup can occur from a 50 degree RCS temperature decrease if the rods are fully inserted and the reactor trip breakers are closed.
b. The possibility of rod thermal lockup is minimized by withdrawing shutdown and control rods at least 5 steps prior to the RCS temperature change.


0-GO-l, p.9 K/A: 2.2.1 (3.7/3.6)

A.1 Q.1 Fuel Handling A fuel assembly is stored in the upender A fuel assembly is in the RCCA Change Fixture flange) is on its way to the upender A fuel assembly in the manipulator (over the core A containment high radiation alarm is actuated in the manipulator?

Where can the Refueling SRO put the fuel assembly currently Reference Allowed Yes Answer:

changing fixture.

Two fuel assemblies are permitted in the rod cluster control Fixture or put back in the core.

The fuel assembly can either be placed in the RCCA


FHI-3, Movement of Fuel, P.15 K/A: 2.2.30 (2.6/3.5)

A.1 Q.2 Fuel Handling Refueling operations are in progress on Unit 1. The core has been completely off-loaded and 10 new assemblies have been loaded. Count rate on all nuclear instrument channels are 60 cps. After loading the 11h fuel assembly, neutron count rate increases to between 180 and 320 cps on all nuclear instrument channels (with no movement of neutron detectors or source).

What, if any, restrictions are placed on fuel movement?

Reference Allowed Yes Answer:

Fuel loading may continue because there are no restrictions on nuclear instrumentation readings until after the first 12 fuel assemblies are loaded.


FHI-3, Movement of Fuel, P.7 K/A: 2.2.30 (2.6/3.5)

A.2 Q.1 Equipment Repair Unit 2 is operating at 100% power steady state when the following alarm actuates:

"COMPUTER ALARM ROD DEV & SEQ NIS PWR RANGE TILTS" Upon investigation it is determined that control rod H4 is mis-aligned from its bank by 20 steps, immovable, and un-trippable. When the Work Request for control rod H4 is prepared, what priority is appropriate for these conditions?

Reference Allowed Yes Answer:

Priority P-2 (Note: if they choose P-1 they need to justify reasoning, Hot channel factors, cannot repair an un-tripable rod at power, etc), the SM may assign a P-I if he deems it an emergency


SPP-7.1, Appendix B K/A: 2.2.19 (2.1/3.1)

May refer to: TS ARP 1-AR-M4-B, D4 SPP-6.1

A.2 Q.2 Equipment Repair Unit 2 is operating at 100% steady state. The TDAFW pump is scheduled to be removed from service for routine cleaning, inspection, and lubrication. It is expected to be returned to service within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Prior to SM releasing the pump for maintenance, who else must review and approve the planned work?

Reference Allowed Yes Answer:

The WCC SRO performs the initial review of the WO, the Operations Designee (US, SM, or WCC SRO) approves the work to begin.


ODM-1.0, Appendix M SPP-7.1 TS K/A: 2.2.17 (2.3/3.5)

A.1 Q.1 Fuel Handling A fuel assembly is stored in the upender A fuel assembly is in the RCCA Change Fixture A fuel assembly in the manipulator (over the core flange) is on its way to the upender A containment high radiation alarm is actuated Where can the Refueling SRO put the fuel assembly currently in the manipulator?

Reference Allowed Yes

A. 1 Q.2 Fuel Handling Refueling operations are in progress on Unit 1. The core has been completely off-loaded and 10 new assemblies have been loaded. Count rate on all nuclear instrument channels are 60 cps. After loading the 11fh fuel assembly, neutron count rate increases to between 180 and 320 cps on all nuclear instrument channels (with no movement of neutron detectors or source).

What, if any, restrictions are placed on fuel movement?

Reference Allowed Yes

A.2 Q.l Equipment Control On Unit 1, what is the concern with using Alternate Dilute additions to the VCT?

Reference Allowed Yes

A.2 Q.2 Equipment Control

a. Describe the cause of rod thermal lockup.
b. How is the possibility of rod thermal lockup minimized?

Reference Allowed Yes

A.2 Q.1 Equipment Repair Unit 2 is operating at 100% power steady state when the following alarm actuates:

"COMPUTER ALARM ROD DEV & SEQ NIS PWR RANGE TILTS" by 20 Upon investigation it is determined that control rod H4 is mis-aligned from its bank rod H4 is steps, immovable, and un-trippable. When the Work Request for control prepared, what priority is appropriate for these conditions?

Reference Allowed Yes

A.2 Q.2 Equipment Repair Unit 2 is operating at 100% steady state. The TDAFW pump is scheduled to be removed from service for routine cleaning, inspection, and lubrication. It is expected to be returned to service within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Prior to SM releasing the pump for maintenance, who else must review and approve the planned work?

Reference Allowed Yes




, Date/



(Operations Training Manager)


(Operations Representative) affect the

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM. of the JPM
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow (if not driven by a procedure revision).



NUMBER D 0 Initial Issue N 9/25/02 All JP Kearney V - Specify if the JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.


Using a Survey Map JA/TA task#: 3430290302 (RO)

K/A Ratings: 2.3.2 (2.5/2.9) 2.3.10 (2.9/3.3)

Task Standard:

Using a radiation survey map and an RWP, the examinee will determine:

  • required anti-contamination clothing requirements;
  • available stay time for an operator to perform routine surveillance in lower containment; and
  • contact reading, 30cm reading, and general area reading in the vicinity of the RCDT.

Evaluation Method: Simulator In-Plant X Performer:

NAME Start Time UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time Performance Rating: SAT Evaluator: /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any UNSAT requires comments
3. Initialize the simulator in IC-10 and leave in FREEZE. Simulator is NOT required to complete this JPM.
4. Provide Operator with a calculator and equation sheet if required.
5. The simulator is not needed to complete this JPM.

Validation Time: CR. Local 7 min.

Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

Survey #041602-4, RWP # 02027020


Reference Title Rev No.


I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. All steps of this JPM shall be simulated. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return, the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit 2 is in Mode 5.

You are an extra AUO assigned to perform routine surveillance inside the polar crane wall of U2.

You have received 50 mr this year no dose this quarter INITIATING CUES:

You are to review the radiological conditions for the area. Using the radiation survey map and RWP provided, determine:

1. required anti-contamination clothing requirements;
2. maximum available stay time for you to perform routine surveillance in lower containment; and
3. contact reading, 30cm reading, and general area reading in the vicinity of the RCDT.

JPM 166 Page 5 of 5 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:


STEP I.: Determine the required anti-contamination clothing requirements SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator determines that work step 2 (OPS INSPECTION) of the RWP applies and determines the following clothing is required: Start Time_

  • modesty clothing
  • one pair of cloth booties
  • one pair of gloves with cloth inserts
  • one pair of coveralls
  • one pair shoe covers
  • hood Critical Step
  • secure wraps for gloves and booties STEP 2.: Determine the available stay time for an operator to perform routine __ SAT surveillance in lower containment.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator determines that general area radiation inside the polar crane wall is 10 mrem/hr and the dose alarm is set at 100 mrem. Thus the available stay time is 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />.

Critical Step Stay time = [100 mrem]/[10 mrem/hr] = 10 hrs.

STEP 3.: Determine the contact reading, 30cm reading, and general area reading in the __ SAT vicinity of the RCDT.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator determines:

contact reading = 3.5 rem/hr 30cm reading = 300 mrem/hr general area reading = 25 mrem/hr Critical Step Stop Time END of JPM


I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. All steps of this JPM shall be simulated. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return, the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit 2 is in Mode 5.

You are an extra AUO assigned to perform routine surveillance inside the polar crane wall of U2.

You have received 50 mr this year no dose this quarter INITIATING CUES:

You are to review the radiological conditions for the area. Using the radiation survey map and RWP provided, determine:

1. required anti-contamination clothing requirements;
2. maximum available stay time for you to perform routine surveillance in lower containment; and
3. contact reading, 30cm reading, and general area reading in the vicinity of the RCDT.

JPM Page#1164 of 10 Rev. 0 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 164 Classify the Event per the REP (LOCA with Significant Fuel Failure and Potential Loss of Containment Integrity)




  • Date/


(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



REVISION AFFECTED NUMBER y 10/1/02 All J P Kearney 0 New V - Specify if the JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.


Classify the Event per the REP (LOCA with Significant Fuel Failure and Potential Loss of Containment Integrity)

JAJTA task #: 3440030302 (SRO) 3440190302 (SRO)

K/A Ratings:

2.4.29 (2.6/4.0) 2.4.38 (2.2/4.0) 2.4.44 (2.1/4.0) 2.4.30 (2.2/3.6) 2.4.40 (2.3/4.0) 2.4.37 (2.0/3.5) 2.4.41 (2.3/4.1)

Task Standard:

The event is classified as a GENERAL EMERGENCY based on Loss of Both Fuel Clad and RCS Barriers, and Potential Loss of Containment. The event's protective action recommendation is Recommendation 1 based on a projected dose at greater than 5 miles.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant

  • This JPM will be simulated Performer:

NAME Start Time Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time Evaluator: /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any UNSAT requires comments
3. Initialize the simulator in IC-10 and leave in FREEZE.
4. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.
5. Caution: DO NOT LET THE EXAMINEE FAX THE NOTIFICATION FORM Validation Time: CR. 17 mins Local Tools/EquipmentiProcedures Needed:



Reference Title Rev No.


1. EPIP-1 Emergency Plan Initiating Conditions Matrix 33 EPIP-5 General Emergency 29 PROVIDE THIS AS HANDOUT AND REVIEW WITH OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All steps of this JPM shall be simulated.

provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task when you successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me task return the handout sheet I understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned provided you The simulator is NOT representative of the scenario you are about to address.



1. Approximately 50 minutes ago, Unit 1 experienced an AUTO SI from a small RCS leak which escalated to a LOCA and a high containment pressure.
2. RCS pressure has stabilized at 600 psig. The CLAs are injecting.

ECCS pumps

3. The ONLY ECCS pump available and in service is the 18-B RHR pump. The last of the other tripped off shortly after the RCPs were removed from service per procedure.

psi, prior to

4. The break size is such that partial core uncovery occurred during saturation blowdown at -1100 CLAs starting injection.

30 minute

5. Containment hydrogen concentration is 6% as indicated on the H2 Analyzers Oust completing analyze mode).
6. Containment pressure is 1.8 psi and relatively stable.
7. Unit 2 is at 100% RTP and stable.
8. For purposes of this JPM the TSC has not been staffed.


9. CECC EPIP-9, "Emergency Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedures" has been INITIATING CUES:
1. You are the US and have assumed the SED position.
2. The STA reports a RED path condition exists on Core Cooling.

in E-1 at

3. The operating crew is taking appropriate actions per the emergency procedures, they are currently Step 15 and are now transitioning to FR-C.1.


4. You are to classify and document this event per the appropriate EPIP AND perform all required

JPM # 164 Page 5 of 10 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:


STEP 1.: Refers to EPIP-1 to determine level of event. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator refers to EPIP-1, Section 1, Fission Product Barrier Matrix.

Operator determines that they have met the conditions of 1.1.1 Loss, "Core Cooling Red" Critical Step 0

1.2.2 Loss "RCS leak results in subcooling <40 F" 1.3.2 Potential loss, "Cntmt H2 increases to greater >4%"

Task Start Utilizing "Emergency Class Criteria", operator determines the need to Time declare a General Emergency based on Loss of two barriers and Potential loss of third barrier.

-- r-STEP 2.: Implements EPIP-5 GENERAL EMERGENCY. SAT Enter time Declaration made: UNSAT Time from Task Acceptance to Declaration: Critical Step STANDARD: Operator Implements a GENERAL EMERGENCY per EPIP-5, Section 3.1.

Operator should classify the event within 15 minutes of the time the task was accepted. Declaration Time should be consistent with the time the examinee transitions from EPIP-1 to EPIP-5.

STEP 3.: ANNOUNCE to the operating crew: "A GENERAL EMERGENCY has been SAT declared based on (Core Cooling Red Path) AND (RCS leak results in UNSAT subcooling <40 0 F) AND (Cntmt H2 increases to greater >4%). I will be the Site Emergency Director'.

STANDARD: Operator makes announcement to the crew.

STEP 4.: IF the Emergency Paging System (EPS) has not been previously initiated, SAT THEN activate EPS. UNSAT Cue: If requested, the clerk/MSS will activate/monitorthe EPS.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator utilizes "Touch Screen" or directs the ClerkIMSS to activate the EPS.

IF EPS fails, THEN ..... SAT STEP 5.:

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator N/As this step

JPM # 164 Page 6 of 10 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:


STANDARD: Operator makes the PA announcement.

STEP 7.: If personnel accountability has not been previously initiated, THEN __ SAT

[a] Notify Security Shift Supervisor to implement EPIP-8.

[b] ACTIVATE emergency sirens for personnel assembly. __ UNSAT Cue: Role play as Security Shift Supervisor and acknowledge.

STANDARD: 1. Operator calls Security Shift Supervisor to implement EPIP-8.

2. Operator activates the emergency sirens. Critical Step STEP 8.: EVALUATE the appropriate protective actions (page 17). __ SAT UNSAT Cue: When asked "Rx coolant activity priorto the event was 0.5 micro curiesper gram Dose EquivalentIodine 131".

Cue: If Operatorchecks Cntmt HI Rad monitors, tell operator "There is no significantchange in theirreadings".

Cue: When asked, "The measureddose at 5 miles is 4.5E6 micro curriesper cc Iodine-131". Critical Step STANDARD: Operator determines from page 17, logic chart in EPIP-5, that appropriate protective action recommendation is RECOMMENDATION 1. This should be done on the notification form in the next JPM step.

JPM # 164 Page 7 of 10 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT Complete the GE Notification Form (page 18) and notify the Operations Duty __ SAT STEP 9.

Specialist (ODS).

UNSAT NOTE: Enter time call is made to the ODS: Critical Step Time from Declaration (step 2) to ODS Notification:

a. This is a Real Event
b. Their name, Shift Manager at SQN Plant.
c. General Emergency declared on UNIT 1
d. EAL No. LOSS 1.1.1, LOSS 1.2.2, and Potential LOSS 1.3.2.
e. Brief description of incident: [Core Cooling Red Path AND RCS leak results in subcooling <40OF AND Cntmt H2 increases to greater >4%].
f. Radiological Conditions [Airborne Release Offsite]
g. Event Declared: [Time and Date]
h. Protective Action Recommendation: [1 - Evacuate 2 mile radius and 10 miles downwind and shelter remainder of 10 mile EPZ].
i. Wind speed at 46 meters [5 mph] AND wind direction at 46 meters

[Southwest at 235 degrees]

j. Ask the ODS to repeat the information he has received to ensure accuracy.

Cue: 1. When examinee on properICS screen, "Wind speed at 46 meters is 5 mph".

2. When examinee on properICS screen, "Wind direction at 46 meters is Southwest at 235 degrees".
3. Role play as the ODS and acknowledge report.

is made STANDARD: Operator should notify the ODS within 5 minutes after declaration giving the above information from page 18.

FAX Notification Form (page 18) to the ODS. - SAT STEP 10.:

- UNSAT Cue: The support AUO will send the FAX for you.

Caution: DO NOT LET THE EXAMINEE FAX THE FORM STANDARD: Operator addresses FAXing the Notification Form to the ODS.

IF ODS CANNOT be contacted within 10 minutes of declaration..... SAT STEP 11.:

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator N/As this step and continues.

JPM # 164 Page 8 of 10 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:



NOTE: This notification may be delegated to an extra SROIRO.

Cue: As the Radcon Shift Supervisor,acknowledge the report.

Cue: If delegated, reportthat the notification has been completed.

STANDARD: Operator makes the notification and directs the Radcon Shift Supervisor to implement EPIP-14 AND CECC EPIP-9.


NOTE: This notification may be delegated to an extra SROIRO.

Cue: As the Chemistry Shift Supervisor,acknowledge the report.

Cue: If delegated,report that the notificationhas been completed.

STANDARD: Operator makes the notification and directs the Chemistry Shift Supervisor to implement EPIP-14.

SAT STEP 14.: MONITOR radiation monitors. When indication of an unplanned radiological release, Then perform Dose Assessment. UNSAT Cue: When examinee uses ICS or RM indication to determine radiation levels, cue the operator: "All RM reading - normal and Fieldsurveys are in progress".

STANDARD: 1. Since a radiological release is indicated by the field surveys, the Operator directs the Chemistry Shift Supervisor to perform a dose assessment per EPIP-13.

2. Operator should use either ICS or the RP-30 modules to determine effluent radiation conditions. No additional classifications determined.
3. Operator should provide the Chemistry Shift Supervisor the following:

Type of Event: LOCA Release Path: Unknown or Containment Leakage Expected Duration: 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />

JPM Page#9164of 10 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:


__ SAT STEP 15.: IF there are any personnel injuries THEN, IMPLEMENT EPIP-10.

UNSAT Cue: There have been no reports of personnel injury.

STANDARD: Operator should N/A this step.

SAT IF there has been a security threat THEN, NOTIFY Security Shift Supervisor STEP 16.:

to IMPLEMENT SSI-1. UNSAT Cue: There have been no reports of a security threat.

STANDARD: Operator should N/A this step.

SAT STEP 17.: Notify the Plant Management in accordance with SPP-3.5. UNSAT of the NOTE: Activation of the EPS will make the Plant Management aware procedures require notification.

REP actuation, however administrative NOTE: This notification may be delegated to an extra SROIRO.

Cue: As the NRC, acknowledge the report.

Cue: If delegated,report that the notification has been completed.

him of the REP STANDARD: Operator contacts Plant Management and informs classification and provides GE information from page 18.

-- SAT STEP 18.: Notify the NRC via ENS in accordance with SPP-3.5. UNSAT Note: This notification may be delegated to an extra SROIRO.

Critical Step Cue: As the NRC, acknowledge the report.

Time of Cue: If delegated,report that the notification has been completed.


rn-r*.., as practicable, soon as flF but infnrmi~tion STANDARD: Operator should notify the NRC (headquarters)

..... ,-,r nrni,,l.Q within 1 Hr. of declaration o01 e eveIL Ope,,ra or, I,,vides.. ..........

from page 18.

JPM # 164 Page 10 of 10 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 19.: MONITOR plant conditions AND EVALUATE using EPIP-1 ...... __ SAT UNSAT Cue: If operatorbegins Monitoringplant conditions, THEN tell him "The TSC is staffed and will COMPLETE GE follow-up Form".

Stop Time:

STANDARD: Operator addresses completing GE follow-up Form (page 19).

End ofJPM

JPM # 164 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 0 Directions to Trainee: All steps of this JPM shall be simulated. I will I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be you. When you complete the task provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you successfully, the objective for this job performance measure your assigned task return the handout sheet I understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed provided you you are about to address.

The simulator is NOT representative of the scenario INITIAL CONDITIONS:

an AUTO SI from a small RCS leak which quickly

1. Approximately 50 minutes ago, Unit 1 experienced escalated to a LOCA and a high containment pressure.

are injecting.

2. RCS pressure has stabilized at 600 psig. The CLAs 1B-B RHR pump. The last of the other ECCS pumps
3. The ONLY ECCS pump available and in service is the service per procedure.

tripped off shortly after the RCPs were removed from during saturation blowdown at -1100 psi, prior to

4. The break size is such that partial core uncovery occurred CLAs starting injection.

on the H2 Analyzers Gust completing 30 minute

5. Containment hydrogen concentration is 6% as indicated analyze mode).
6. Containment pressure is 1.8 psi and relatively stable.
7. Unit 2 is at 100% RTP and stable.


8. For purposes of this JPM the TSC has not been Environmental Radiological Monitoring Procedures" has been implemented.
1. You are the US and have assumed the SED position.


2. The STA reports a RED path condition exists on Core the emergency procedures, they are currently in E-1 at
3. The operating crew is taking appropriate actions per Step 15 and are now transitioning to FR-C.1.

the appropriate EPIP AND perform all required actions.

4. You are to classify and document this event per

JPM 156 Page 1 of 12 Rev. 1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 156 Monitor Status Trees - Degraded Core Cooling PREPARED/




(Operations Training Manager)


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



0 New JPM Y 2/15/U1 All SR ITaylor Added setup for IC-86 and minor changes N 12/17/01 4 L. Pauley pen/ink to setup. Updated K/As.

N 8/22/02 4 J P Kearney 1 Incorporated pen/ink change V - Specify ifthe JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.

JPM 156 Page 3 of 12 Rev. 1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT ROISRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Monitor Status Trees and Identify Degraded Core Cooling Conditions Requiring Implementation FR-C.2 JA/TA task #: 3110450601 (RO) 3110460602 (SRO) 3520950305 (STA)

K/A Ratings:

E06EA2.1 (3.4/4.2) E14EA2.1 (3.3/3.8) E08EA2.1 (3.4/4.2)

E04EA2.1 (3.4/4.3) EO5EA2.1 (3.4/4.4) E07EA2.1 (3.2/3.4)

E10EA2.1 (3.3/3.5) E13EA2.1 (2.9/3.4) E15EA3.1 (2.7/3.2)

E16EA2.1 (2.9/3.3) and determine Task Standard: Monitor Status Trees and identify Orange Paths to FR-C.2, FR-P.1, and FR-Z.1 that FR-C.2 is the highest priority and should be implemented.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer:

NAME Start time

_ UNSAT Performance Time Finish time Performance Rating: SAT Evaluator: /



1. Critical steps identified by the Words "Critical Step" in the SAT/U NSAT Column.
2. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
3. Any UNSAT requires comments and
4. Initialize Simulator to IC #93 (100% If IC-86 is not available THEN Initialize to IC 12 EOL) enter the actions below to set up the JPM and Tag
5. Activate malfunction cs0la (Containment spray Pump IA Trip). Pull to lock Containment Spray pump 1A-A.
6. Activate Malfunction thola @ 100% (LOCA Hot Leg break Loop 1)
7. Ensure power on 1-FCV-63-1 with remote function RHR14
  1. 4 SG when the #4
8. Control AFW as necessary by perform EA-3-8 and CLOSE ALL AFW flow to SG NR level is 5%. This will ensure one SG level is < 25% during performance of the Status Trees.

the manual ECCS

9. Place simulator in run until auto sump swapover is complete, then complete Spray alignment to sump is not required). Trip RCPs swapover actions of ES-1.3 (Containment when Phase B occurs.

ed0l (Loss of

10. After Sump swapover is complete, activate Malfunctions eg02b (DIG 1B-B Trip),


Offsite Power), RHOIA (RHR pump IA Trip). Lock out 1A CCP and IA SI Acknowledge alarms and clear white lights.

NOTE: The loss of power will cause the Saturation Margin Alarm to go DARK (XA-55-4B). psid.

pressure >2.81

11. Run simulator until RVLIS Lower Range is less than 40%, and containment 1 S/G NR level is Ensure SR is re-instated and at least 1 SIG NR Level is >25% and at least are >191 OF.

<25%. Also, verify that at least 1 Tcold is less than 250 and all Tcold channels Startup Rate

12. Acknowledge alarms and place simulator in Freeze when all SR and IR range during indicators show zero or Negative SUR. The simulator will remain in freeze performance of the JPM.
13. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR 10 min. Local Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed: FR-0, Status Trees.


Title Rev No.

Reference A. FR-0 Status Trees11 Task Number Task Title Y

3110450601 Monitor Status Trees to ensure that the Critical Safety Functions are maintained Y 3110460602 Monitor Status Trees to ensure that the Critical Safety Functions are maintained Y

3520950305 Monitor status trees to ensure that the critical safety functions are maintained (LICENSE PROGRAM}

JPM 156 Page 5 of 12 Rev. I READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. All steps shall be simulated for this task, the simulator will remain in freeze during performance of this JPM. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Approximately 30 minutes ago, Unit 1 was at 100% power EOL with the 1A Containment Spray Pump Tagged for maintenance when a Large Break LOCA occurred. Just after ECCS pump sump swapover was completed per ES-1.3, a total loss of offsite power occurred and Diesel Generator 1B-B failed.

Subsequently RHR pump 1A tripped on overcurrent. Alarms have been acknowledged and pumps have been placed in pull-to-lock as appropriate. The Crew is currently in E-1. Typical crew actions to this point have been performed.


You are an RO and have been assigned to monitor status trees. Monitor the Status trees for the current conditions and inform the Unit Supervisor of the results.

JPM 156 Page 6 of 12 Rev. I Job Performance Checklist:

SAT/UNSAT STEP/STANDARD STEP 1: Perform the Subcriticality Status Tree (F-0.1) SAT UNSAT NOTE: The following steps are from performance of the subcriticality Status Tree. Start Time__

STEP 2: Power Range less than 5%. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks power range less than 5% on 1-M-13 Power Range Drawer Indicators (1-XI-92-5005B, 5006B, 5007B, &

5008B) and determines Power Range is less than 5%.


STEP 3: Intermediate Range SUR Zero or Negative. SAT UNSAT Cue: if simulatorwas not frozen with Zero or Negative SUR cue that it is when checked.

STANDARD: Operator checks Intermediate Range SUR Zero or Negative Using 1-M-13 Comparator and Rate Drawer (1-XX-92-5041)

Indicator with the Startup Rate Selector Switch to in both the N35 and N36 positions and determines it is Zero or Negative.

Source Range Reinstated. SAT STEP 4:

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks Source Range Reinstated by observing 1-M-13 Source Range indicators (1-XI-92-5001B & 50028) responses and determines it is Reinstated.

JPM 156 Page 7 of 12 Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:

SAT/UNSAT STEPISTANDARD STEP 5: Source Range SUR Zero or Negative. __ SAT Cue: If simulatorwas not frozen with Zero or Negative SUR cue that it is __ UNSAT when checked.

STANDARD: Operator checks Source Range SUR Zero or Negative Using 1 M-13 Comparator and Rate Drawer (1-XX-92-5041) Indicator with the Startup Rate Selector Switch to in both the N31 and N32 positions and determines it is Zero or Negative.

STEP 6: Perform the Core Cooling Status Tree (F-0.2) __ SAT UNSAT NOTE: The following steps are from performance of the Core Cooling Status Tree.

0 SAT STEP 7: Core Exit thermocouples less than 1200 F.

UNSAT NOTE: Operator must use the Exo Sensor "Next" button to see page 2 of some TIC quadrants. Quadrants 3 & 4 on 1-XI-94 101 have 2 pages, Quadrants I & 2 on I-XI-94-102 have 2 pages STANDARD: Operator Checks thermocouples in all quadrants Exo-sensors (1 XI-94-101 & 102) on 1- M-4 using the Quad buttons to determine if 5 T/Cs have exceeded 1200°F as follows: One TIC near the core center and the hottest TIC in each quadrant (this can be verified by ensuring no TICs are above the limit without identifying a specific TIC near the core center). The Operator should determine that the limit has not been exceeded.

0 SAT STEP 8: RCS Subcooling Based on Core Exit TIC greater than 40 F. __

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks Subcooling on both Exo sensor "Margin" Displays (1-XI-94-101 & 102) on 1-M-4 to determine ifsubcooling is greater than 400 F. The Operator should determine that 0

subcooling is not greater than 40 F.

JPM 156 12 Page 8 of Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:

SAT/UNSAT STEPISTANDARD STEP 9: At least one RCP running. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks RCPs Running and determines that No RCPs are running.

Core Exit TICs Less than 700°F SAT STEP 10:

UNSAT NOTE: Operator must use the Exo Sensor "Next" button to see page 2 of some T/C quadrants. Quadrants 3 & 4 on 1-XI-94 101 have 2 pages, Quadrants I & 2 on 1-XI-94-102 have 2 pages STANDARD: Operator Checks thermocouples in all quadrants on Exo sensors (1-XI-94-101 & 102) on 1-M-4 using the Quad buttons to 0

determine if 5 TICs have exceeded 700 F as follows: One TIC near the core center and the hottest TIC in each quadrant (this can be verified by ensuring no TICs are above the limit without identifying a specific TIC near the core center). Operator should determine that core exit TIC are also less than 700 OF.

1 RVLIS Lower Range Greater than 40%. SAT STEP 11:

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks both PAM RVLIS Lower Range Channels (1-L 68-368 & 371) on 1-M-4. Operator should determine RVLIS is Critical Step not greater than 40% and identify that an Orange Path to FR-C.2 exists. However, operator should continue checking status trees to ensure Red path does not exist on another status tree.

SAT STEP 12: Perform the Heat Sink Status Tree (F-0.3)

UNSAT NOTE: The following steps are from performance of the Heat Sink Status Tree.

JPM 156 Page 9 of 12 Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:


STEP 13: Narrow range level in at least one S/G greater than 10% [25% SAT ADV]. UNSAT NOTE: Adverse Setpoint will be required.

STANDARD: Operator Checks S/G Narrow Range level on all PAM S/G NR level instruments on 1-M-4 and determines at least one S/G NR Level is greater than 25%.

I STEP 14: Pressure in All S/Gs less than 1117 psig. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks S/G Pressure on all PAM S/G Pressure instruments on 1-M-4 and determines all S/Gs are less than 1117 psig.

STEP 15: Narrow Range level in all S/Gs less than 81%. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks S/G Narrow Range level on all PAM S/G NR Level instruments on 1-M-4 and determines that all S/G levels are less than 81%.

STEP 16: Pressure in All S/Gs less than 1064 psig. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks S/G Pressure on all S/G PAM Pressure instruments on 1-M-4 and determines all S/Gs are less than 1064 psig.

JPM Page 156 10 of 12 Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:

SATIUNSAT STEP/STANDARD Narrow Range level in all S/Gs greater than 10% [25% ADV]. SAT STE P 17:

UNSAT NOTE: Adverse Setpoint will be required.

S.TANDARD: Operator Checks S/G Narrow Range level on all PAM S/G NR level instruments on 1-M-4 and determines that at least one S/G level is not greater than 25% and notes that a yellow path to FR H.5 exists.

Perform the Pressurized Thermal Shock Status Tree (F-0.4) SAT STEP 18:

UNSAT NOTE: The following steps are from performance of the Pressurized Thermal Shock Status Tree.

SAT STEP 19: All T-Colds dropped less than 100°F in the last 60 minutes.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks all RCS PAM T-Cold instruments on 1-M-5 (1 TI-68-18, 41, 60, and 83) and determines that All T-Colds have not dropped less than 100°F in the last 60 minutes. (i.e. Any T Cold has exceeded the Cooldown limit)

SAT STEP 20: All RCS Pressure Vs T-Cold points to the right of limit A on Curve

3. UNSAT STANDARD: Operator should use the lowest RCS PAM T-Cold on 1-M-5 (1-TI 68-18, 41,60, and 83) and highest RCS pressure reading from Exo sensors or PAM pressure instruments on 1-M-6 (1-PI-68 66A, 62, & 69) and determine that Limit A has not been exceeded on curve 3.


JPM 156 Page 11 of 12 Rev. I Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 21: All T-Colds Greater than 2500 F. SAT IUNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks All RCS PAM T-Cold instruments on 1-M-5 (1 TI-68-18, 41, 60, and 83) and determines that All T-Colds are not Greater than 250°F and identifies that an Orange path to FR-P.1 Critical Step exists. However, operator should continue checking status trees to ensure Red path does not exist on another status tree.

STEP 22: Perform the Containment Status Tree (F-0.5) __ SAT UNSAT NOTE: The following steps are from performance of the Containment Status Tree.

STEP 23: Containment Pressure Less than 12.0 PSID. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks PAM Containment pressure instruments on 1 M-6 (1-PDI-30-45 & 44) and determines that Containment Pressure is Less than 12.0 PSID.

STEP 24: Containment Pressure Less than 2.81 PSID. SAT IUNSAT Examiner Note: Operator may report highest Orange path to US before checking inventory since the highest path available in inventory is Yellow. Critical Step STANDARD: Operator Checks PAM Containment pressure instruments on 1 M-6 (1-PDI-30-45 & 44) and determines that Containment Pressure is not Less than 2.81 PSID and identifies that an Orange path to FR-Z.1 exists. However, operator should continue checking status trees.

JPM 156 12 Page 12 of Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:

SAT/UNSAT STEPISTANDARD STEP 25: Perform the Inventory Status Tree (F-0.6) SAT UNSAT NOTE: The following steps are from performance of the Inventory Status Tree.

STEP 26: Pressurizer Level Less than 92% SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks PAM Pressurizer level instruments on 1-M-4 (1 PI-68-333A, 335A, & 320) and determines that Pressurizer Level is Less than 92%.

t-STEP 27: Pressurizer Level Greater than 17%. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator Checks PAM Pressurizer level instruments on 1-M-4 (1 PI-68-333A, 335A, & 320) and determines that Pressurizer Level is not Greater than 17% and notes that a yellow path to FR-1.2 exists.

  • 1 Inform the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor that status trees have been SAT STEP 28:

monitored and that Orange paths exist on the Core cooling (to UNSAT FR-C.2), PTS (to FR-P.1) and Containment (to FR-Z.1) Status trees requiring transition to FR-C.2 the highest priority path.

Stop Time Cue: USISRO acknowledges the report.

Critical Step NOTE: Operator may also report Yellow paths on Heat Sink (FR-H.5) and Inventory (FR-1.2). Reporting the yellow paths to the USISRO is optional.

STANDARD: Operator Informs the Unit 1 Unit Supervisor that status trees have been monitored and that Orange paths exist on the Core cooling (to FR-C.2), PTS (to FR-P.1), and Containment (to FR-Z.1)

Status trees requiring transition to FR-C.2 the highest priority path.

Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. All steps shall be simulated for this task, the simulator will remain in freeze during performance of this JPM. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Approximately 30 minutes ago, Unit 1 was at 100% power EOL with the IA Containment Spray Pump Tagged for maintenance when a Large Break LOCA occurred. Just after ECCS pump sump swapover was completed per ES-1.3, a total loss of offsite power occurred and Diesel Generator lB-B failed. Subsequently RHR pump IA tripped on overcurrent. Alarms have been acknowledged and pumps have been placed in pull-to-lock as appropriate. The Crew is currently in E-1. Typical crew actions to this point have been performed.


You are an RO and have been assigned to monitor status trees. Monitor the Status trees for the current conditions and inform the Unit Supervisor of the results.

Form LS-iU1-Form ES-301-2[

ES-301 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline Date of Examination: 12-02-02 Operating Test No.: 1 System / JPM Title 201R AP1, Local Isolation of Charging with Local Control of Seal Injection Flow path, (C)ontrol

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA

ES-301 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through Test Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Sequoyah Date of Examination: 12-02-02 Exam Level (circle one): SRO (U) Operating Test No.: 1 B.1 Control Room Systems System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function 150, Flush Unit I Blender Piping D, S I 34AP, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink D, S, L, A, 4S PSA 014, Control Room Inaccessibility N, S, L 8 42, Placing Vital Inverter 1-11 Back in Service D 6 201 R AP1, Local Isolation of Charging with Local Control N, P, R, L, 2 of Seal Injection Flow A

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, (L)ow-Power, (R)CA

JPM 150 Page 1 of 9 Rev. 1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM 150 Flush Unit 1 Blender Piping Original Signatures on File PREPARED/


  • Date/



(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



0 New Y 10/7/98 All JP Kearney pen/ink 0-SO-62-7 rev change only N 9/21/99 4 SR Taylor pen/ink 0-SO-62-7 rev change only N 8/28/00 4 SR Taylor 1 Incorporated pen/ink changes; revised per N 8/21/02 All J P Kearney recent revisions to 0-SO-62-7; no impact on JPM flow V - Specify if the JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.

JPM 150 Page 3 of 9 Rev. 1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Flush Unit 1 Blender Piping JAITA task#: 0040450101 (RO)

K/A Ratings: 004A2.06 (4.2/4.3) 004A2.25 (3.8/4.3) 004A4.10 (3.6/3.2)

Task Standard: Complete flush of Blender piping per 0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration Control, section 8.8.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer:

NAME Start Time Performance Rating: SAT_ UNSAT Performance Time FinishTime Evaluator: /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any UNSAT requires comments
3. Simulator setup: IC-8
4. Place 1-HS-62-230A, A Boric Acid Pump, in PTL and tag with a hold order.
5. Place hold order ( or orange sticker) on 1-FQ-62-142, Primary Water Batch Counter.
6. Booth operator needed to simulate opening and closing 1-62-1051B at steps 17 and 19.
7. Freeze the simulator until the operator has been briefed and is ready to perform task.
8. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. 15 mins ToolslEquipment/Procedures Needed:

0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration Control, Section 8.8


Reference Title Rev No.

A. 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control 19 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. Iwill provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. Unit is in mode 1.
2. Maintenance has completed unplugging of the boric acid system and has returned the system to service.
3. The "A"Boric Acid Pump is tagged for breaker inspection.
4. The Primary Water Batch Counter (1-FQ-62-142) was damaged during the recent outage and currently out of service.
5. All prerequisites for 0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration Control, have been met.


1. You are the CRO and are directed to perform the post-maintenance flush of the Unit 1 Blender piping with primary water per 0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration Control.
2. Inform US when any required action(s) associated with the performance of this task has been completed.

JPM 150 Page 5 of 9 Rev 1 JOB PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 1.: Obtain a copy of the appropriate procedure. SAT UNSAT Cue: Two AUOs are stationedat valves62-936 and 62-948 and have establishedcommunications with the control room. Start Time STANDARD: A copy of the 0-SO-62.7 has been obtained and goes to section 8.8.

STEP 2.: Check the available capacity of the HUT(s) to receive the blend. __ SAT UNSAT CUE: The HUT tank levels are: A 10%, B 20%.

Cue: (If Asked) The Unit Supervisor will review Technical Requirements Manual.

STANDARD: Operator records the level of the A and B HUT.

STEP 3.: Ensure AUOs are stationed at valves62-936 and 62-948 and check __ SAT communications.

UNSAT Cue: AUOs report they are stationedat valves62-936 and 62-948.

STANDARD: Operator establishes radio communications.

STEP 4.: STOP the operating Boric Acid Pump. __ SAT STANDARD: Positions 1-HS-62-232A, Boric Acid Pump 1B-B to stop. __ UNSAT STEP 5. Ensure the following handswitch in Pull-to-Lock. __ SAT STANDARD: Positions 1-HS-62-232A, Boric Acid Pump 1B-B in Pull-to-Lock __ UNSAT

JPM 150 Page 6 of 9 Rev 1 JOB PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST STEP/STANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 6.: CLOSE 1-62-1050B, Boric Acid Pump Suction Valve __ SAT UNSAT CUE: AUO reports1-62-1050B is CLOSED.

Critical Step STANDARD: Directs AUO to Close valve 1-62-1050B. [PREVENTS FLOW DIVERSION]

STEP 7.: CLOSE 1-FCV-62-237, A Bat recirc valve. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Closes 1-FCV-62-237, A Bat Recirc. [PREVENTS FLOW DIVERSION]

Critical Step STEP 8.: UNLOCK and CLOSE 1-62-1057, A Bat Recirc. SAT UNSAT CUE: AUO reports 1-62-1057 is CLOSED.

STANDARD: Directs AUO to Unlock and Close 1-62-1057, A Bat Recirc valve. Critical Step


STEP 9.: Place 1-HS-62-140A, Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the __ SAT STOP position.

UNSAT STANDARD: Positions 1-HS-62-140A, Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to STOP.

STEP 10.: CLOSE 1-FCV-62-140D, Boric Acid to Blender. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Positions 1-FCV-62-140D to CLOSE

JPM 150 Page 7 of 9 Rev 1 JOB PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST STEP/STANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 11.: CLOSE 1-FCV-62-143, Primary Water Valve to Blender. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Positions 1-FCV-62-143 to CLOSE STEP 12.: ENSURE valves 0-62-1077 and 1-62-938 are CLOSED. __ SAT UNSAT CUE: AUO reports0-62-1077 and 1-62-938 are CLOSED.

STANDARD: Directs AUO to check that valves 0-62-1077 and 1-62-938 are closed.

STEP 13.: ENSURE valves 1-FCV-62-144 and 1-FCV-62-128 are CLOSED. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Checks that valves 1-FCV-62-144 and 1-FCV-62-128 are positioned to CLOSED STEP 14.: OPEN valves 1-62-936 and 1-62-948. __ SAT UNSAT Cue: AUO's reportthat 1-62-936 and 1-62-948 are OPEN.

STANDARD: Directs AUO's to OPEN 1-62-936 and 1-62-948. [ESTABLISHES FLOW Critical Step PATH]

STEP 15.: ENSURE that 1-62-951 is open. -SAT UNSAT CUE: AUO reports 1-62-951 is OPEN STANDARD: Operator directs AUO to check that 1-62-951 is OPEN.


Critical Step STEP 17.: UNLOCK and OPEN one of the primary water suction valves. __ SAT UNSAT NOTE: Booth operator inserts IOR zaofi62139 5. This will give a 25 gpm flow indication on FI-62-139.

Critical Step CUE: AUO reports 1-62-1051B is OPEN STANDARD: Directs AUO to unlock and open 1-62-1051B, 1B-B Boric Acid Pump Primary Water Suction valve. [ESTABLISHES FLOW PATH]

STEP 18.: FLUSH piping with about 50 gallons of primary water into the HUT. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator monitors 1-F1-62-139, Boric Acid Flow Meter for flow indication.

STEP 19.: After flushing is complete (about 50 gals.) CLOSE 1-FCV-62-140D and __ SAT 1-62-1051 B, Boric Acid Pump 1B-B Primary Water Suction Valve.

UNSAT NOTE: Booth operator deletes IOR zaofi62139 5. This will delete the 25 gpm flow indication on FI-62-139 Critical Step CUE: AUO reports 1-62-1051B is CLOSED.

STANDARD: Operator closes 1-FCV-62-140D and directs AUO to close 1-62-1051 B.


JPM 150 Page 9 of 9 Rev 1 JOB PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST STEPiSTANDARD SAT/IUNSAT STEP 20.: VERIFY valves 1-62-936 and 1-62-948 are closed. __ SAT UNSAT Cue: AUO's report that 1-62-936 and 1-62-948 are CLOSED.

Critical Step STANDARD: Directs AUO's to close valves 1-62-936 and 1-62-948. [STOPS FLOW]

STEP 21.: THROTTLE OPEN 1-FCV-62-237, A BAT Recirc. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator throttles open 1-FCV-62-237.

STEP 22.: OPEN 1-62-1057, A BAT Recirc SAT UNSAT CUE: AUO reports 1-62-1057 is open.

STANDARD: Operator directs AUO to open 1-62-1057.

STEP 23.: ENSURE Boric Acid Pump Suction Valve OPEN. __ SAT UNSAT CUE: AUO reports 1-62-1050B is OPEN STANDARD: Directs AUO to open 1-62-1050B, IB-B Boric Acid Pump suction valve.

STEP 24.: Inform US of completion of the performance of 0-SO-62-7, section 8.8 __ SAT UNSAT Cue: The US is evaluatingLCOs Stop Time_

Cue: NOTE: When the next step is addressedinform candidate that the OA TC will realign the blender controls for A UTO makeup and verify valve positionsper steps 26 and 27 of section 8.8 of the procedure for Boric ConcentrationControl.

STANDARD: SM is informed that Flushing of Unit 1 Blender per 0-SO-62-7 has been performed.

JPM # 136 Page 1 of 12 Rev. 2 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 136 Recovery From Safety Injection and Solid Water Conditions Original Signatures on File Original Signatures on File PREPARED/


  • Date/



(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



0 Initial Write Y 12/13/94 All HJ Bircn 1 Incorporate Rev B changes. Validate Y 9/18/95 All HJ Birch since original was not.

pen/ink EA-62-5 Rev Change only N 9/23/99 4 SR Taylor pen/ink ES-1.1 Rev Change only N 9/27/99 4 SR Taylor N 8/22/00 all SR Taylor pen/ink EA-62-5 Rev Change only Incorporated pen/ink changes; revised to N 8/20/02 All J P Kearney 2

latest revision to EA-62-5; no impact on JPM flow I______ I.....- __________

V - Specify if the JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.

JPM # 136 Page 3 of 12 Rev. 2 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT ROISRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Terminate SI and Stabilize the JAITA task #: 0001000501 (RO)

Plant K/A Ratings:

006050A1.01 (4.0-4.3) 011000A1.02 (3.3-3.5) 006050A4.02 (4.1-4.2) 011000A4.01 (3.5-3.2) 011000A1.01 (3.5-3.6) 011 000A4.05 (3.2-2.9)

Task Standard:

Terminate Safety Injection and Stabilize the Plant.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer:

NAME Start time Performance Rating : SAT UNSAT Performance Time Finish time Evaluator: I SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS


1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Initialize simulator to IC 10. (Use IC 89 if available) Actuate Safety Injection Signal. Close TDAFW valves.

Allow the Pzr to go solid and the PORV to start OPENING. Freeze the simulator.

3. The Console operator will be required to acknowledge simulator alarms
4. Any UNSAT requires comments
5. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. 16 mins Local Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

ES-1.1 EA-62-5


Reference Title Rev No.

1. ES-1.1 SI Termination 7 2 EA-62-5 Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown 6 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you and to indicate completion of your answer to a knowledge question return the written copy of the question to me.


1. Unit 1 has experienced a Safety Injection from 100% power.
2. During the performance of E-0 the operators experienced multiple problems with AFW and were required to implement FR-H.1.
3. FR-H.1 has been completed and all problems corrected.
4. During the performance of FR-H.1 the pressurizer level went off scale and the PORVs have lifted several times.


1. The operators have just determined that the SI was spurious and E-0 has directed them to ES-1.1 "SI Termination.
2. You are the OATC and the SRO has directed you to perform ES-i.1.

He has cautioned you to minimize the Pzr level reduction rate to minimize the RCS pressure excursions during this recover.

3. Notify the SRO when CCP suction has been realigned to the VCT and letdown is greater than charging flow.

JPM # 136 Page 5 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATiUNSAT STEP 1.: Obtain a copy of the procedure. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator obtains a copy of ES-i.1 SI Termination.

Start Time STEP 2.: Reset SI and Check the following - SAT SI ACTUATED permissive DARK.

AUTO SI BLOCKED permissive LIT. __ UNSAT Critical Step STANDARD: Checks that the "SI ACTUATED" permissive is DARK and that the "AUTO SI BLOCKED" permissive is lit (panel M-4 XA-55-4A)

STEP 3.: MONITOR shutdown boards continuously energized. __ SAT UNSAT Cue: The CRO will monitor the shutdown boards energized.

STANDARD: Operator addresses monitoring the SD Bds continuously energized.

STEP 4.: Reset Phase A & Phase B. SAT UNSAT NOTE: Phase B reset NOT required since Phase B has NOT actuated.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator depresses Train A & Train B Phase A reset push-buttons.

(HS-30-63E & D). (May reset Phase B also)

STEP 5.: ESTABLISH control air to containment USING EA-32-1. __ SAT UNSAT Cue: The CRO will perform this EA.

STANDARD: Operator initiates EA-32-1.

JPM # 136 Page 6 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 6.: STOP all BUT one CCP and PLACE in A-AUTO. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Checks both CCPs running. Places the control switch for one of the charging pumps in the STOP position, (HSs-63-108 or 104), verifies pump stops - green light comes "on", amps go to zero, and then RETURNS the Critical Step handswitch to the A-AUTO position.

STEP 7.: CHECK RCS pressure stable or rising. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks RCS pressure to ensure it is STABLE OR RISING (PAM INSTRUMENTS)

STEP 8.: CLOSE inlet isolation valves FCV-63-39 and FCV-63-40. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator closes FCV-63-39 and FCV-63-40 as indicated by green light only lit on HSs.

Critical Step STEP 9.: CLOSE outlet isolation valves FCV-63-25 and FCV-63-26 __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator closes FCV-63-25 and FCV-63-26 as indicated by green light only lit on HSs. Critical Step STEP 10.: CLOSE seal water flow control valve FCV-62-89. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator closes FCV-62-89 by dialing controller to zero.

Critical Step STEP 11.: OPEN alternate or normal charging isolation valve FCV-62-85 or 86. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies FCV-62-85 or 86 is open.

JPM # 136 Page 7 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 12.: OPEN charging flow isolation valves FCV-62-90 and 91. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator opens both FCV-62-90 and 91.

Critical Step STEP 13.: ESTABLISH desired charging flow USING FCV-62-89 and FCV-62-93. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator adjusts FCV-62-89 & 93 to establish:

1) Seal injection flow 6-10 gpm (FIs-62-1, 14, 27, 40)
2) Charging flow should be approx. 60 gpm to prevent letdown Critical Step flashing when it is placed in service. (It is permissible to set charging at minimum at this time)

STEP 14.: CONTROL charging flow to maintain pressurizer level.. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator ensures FCV-62-89 & 93 to establish:

1) Seal injection flow 6-10 gpm (FIs-62-1, 14, 27, 40)
2) PZR level stable or increasing (LR-68-339)
3) Charging flow should be approx. 60 gpm to prevent letdown flashing when it is placed in service. (It is permissible to set charging at minimum at this time)

STEP 15.: Determine if SI pumps should be stopped. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies:

that RCS pressure Ž>1500 psig (PAM Instruments)

RCS pressure stable or increasing SI pump flow on FI-63-151 ZERO SI pump flow on FI-63-20 ZERO STEP 16.: STOP SI pumps and PLACE in A-AUTO. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator places control switches to the STOP position, verifies green lights "ON" HSs-63-10 & 15, then places both switches to the A-AUTO position.

JPM # 136 Page 8 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATiUNSAT STEP 17.: Determine if RHR pumps should be stopped. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Checks ECCS pumps aligned to RWST, FCV-74-3 & 21 open.

THEN places control switch in the STOP position for both pumps verify green lights "ON", and amps go to zero, then return switches to the A-AUTO position.

STEP 18.: Monitor ECCS flow NOT required. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator monitors the following:

a) RCS subcooling based on core exit TICs> 40°F (PAM Instruments) b) PZR level> 10% (PAM Instruments)

STEP 19.: MONITOR ifcontainment spray should be stopped: -SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator determines not CS pumps running and goes to next step.

STEP 20.: MONITOR if letdown can be established: SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies pressurizer level greater than 20% and transitions to EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown.

NOTE: The following steps will be performed in EA-62-5 section 4.3. __ SAT STEP 21.: VERIFY pressurizer level greater than 17%. - UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies pzr level greater than 17%.

JPM # 136 Page 9 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 22.: ENSURE letdown orifice isolation valves CLOSED: __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies FCV-62-72, 73, 74 closed as indicated by green light ON HSs.

STEP 23.: OPEN letdown isolation valves: SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies open FCV-62-69 and 70. Opens FCV-62-77 as indicated by Red light ON all HSs. Critical Step STEP 24.: PLACE HIC-62-78 in MANUAL and open to -50%. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: HIC-62-78 controller placed in MANUAL and opened to -50%.

STEP 25.: PLACE letdown pressure controller PCV-62-81 in MANUAL and ADJUST __ SAT output between 40% and 50% open (meter reading).

U UNSAT STANDARD: PCV-62-81 controller placed in manual and its output adjusted between Critical Step 40% and 50% open (meter reading).

STEP 26.: ADJUST charging flow as necessary to prevent flashing in the letdown __ SAT line.

U UNSAT STANDARD: Operator adjusts charging flow to approximately 60 gpm. (this amount will prevent flashing)

STEP 27.: OPEN letdown orifice isolation valves as needed: SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator opens either FCV-62-72, 73, OR, 74 as indicated by Red light ON that HS. Critical Step

JPM # 136 Page 10 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 28.: ADJUST letdown pressure controller, PCV-62-81, output to obtain desired __ SAT pressure, Match setpoint to existing pressure and THEN place PCV-62-81 in AUTO. UNSAT Critical Step STANDARD: PCV-62-81 adjusted to get letdown pressure to approximately 325 psig and the controller placed in AUTO.

0 SAT NOTE: Normal letdown temperature is -110 F. __

STEP 29.: ADJUST HIC-62-78 to obtain desired letdown temperature, as indicated __ UNSAT on TI-62-78, and place HIC-62-78 in AUTO.

0 STANDARD: Operator adjusts letdown temperature to -11 0 F..

STEP 30.: IF necessary to stabilize letdown temperature on Unit 1, place HIC __ SAT 78A in Man and adjust in open direction. WHEN letdown HTX outlet temperature stabilized at approximately 11 00F, PLACE in auto. __ UNSAT STANDARD: Operator ensures letdown temperature is stabilized.

STEP 32.: ENSURE high temperature divert valve, HS-62-79A, in DEMIN position. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator ensures or places HS-62-79A is in DEMIN position and the right RED light ON.

JPM # 136 Page 11 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:


STEP 33.: ADJUST charging and letdown as necessary to maintain RCP seal SAT injection flow and pressurizer level.

UNSAT NOTE: Since pressurizer level is off scale, it will be necessary to control RCS pressure to determine if level is rising / stable I or increasing.

Operator may use cold cal level indicator for trend.

STANDARD: FCV-62-89 and 93 adjusted to stabilize pzr pressure or slowly decrease pressure.

Note: The following steps are in ES-I.1 SAT UNSAT STEP 34.: CHECK VCT makeup control system: Makeup set for> RCS boron Conc.

And set for automatic control.

Cue: The CRO will ensure check RCS boron and perform this step.

STANDARD: Operator addresses setting VCT makeup controls.

STEP 35.: DETERMINE ifCCP suction can be aligned to VCT: CHECK CCP __ SAT suction aligned to RWST.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator determines that CCP is aligned to RWST (FCV-63-135 & 136 open).

STEP 36.: OPEN VCT outlet valves LCV-62-132 and 133 and PLACE in __ SAT PULL A-P-AUTO UNSAT STANDARD: Operator opens LCV-62-132 and 133 verifies red lights ON, THEN Critical Step places handswitches to PULL A-P-AUTO

JPM # 136 Page 12 of 12 Rev. 2 Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 37.: Close RWST valves LCV-62-135 and 136 and PLACE in __ SAT PULL A-P-AUTO UNSAT STANDARD: Operator closes LCV-62-135 and 136 verifies green lights ON, THEN Critical Step places handswitches to PULL A-P-AUTO STEP 38.: When Pzr pressure is stable (or slightly decreasing) with a slightly __ SAT increasing VCT level, Inform SRO that SI is terminated, normal charging and letdown has been established, and Pzr conditions indicate that level __ UNSAT is decreasing Stop Time_

Cue: When conditions indicatethat pressureis decreasingslowly, cold cal decreasing,and/or VCT level is increasingslowly; inform operatorthatpzr level indicatorsare startingto show level below 100%.

STANDARD: Operator informs SRO that SI is terminated, normal charging and letdown is established, and Pzr level in less than 100%.

JPM #77-4AP2 Page 1 of 9 Rev. 1 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 77-4AP2 Perform DIG Load Test on 1A-A DIG (Erratic Voltage)







(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



Al i JL... tppers..n 0 New, written from #077-4AP, changed to 7/6/00 All JL ,-pperson 1A-A DG.

4, 6-9 L. Pauley pen/ink Updated for procedure rev., minor N 12/19/01 changes. Validation N/A based on JPM 77-4AP.

N 8/21/02 4, 6-9 J P Kearney 1 Incorporated pen/ink changes; no impact on JPM flow i-I V - Specify if the JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.


Perform DIG Load Test on 1A-A D/G JA/TAtask#: 0640020101 0640040101 0640060101 (RO)

K/A Ratings:

064A4.01 (4.0/4.3) 064A2.02 (2.7/2.9) 064A4.02 (3.3/3.4) 064A4.03 (3.2/3.3)

Task Standard:

Perform D/G Operability Test per 1-SI-OPS-082-007.A, specifically manually start and load the D/G. Trip DIG due to erratic voltage control.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer:

NAME Start Time UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time Performance Rating: SAT Evaluator: /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any UNSAT requires comments
3. Acknowledge any associated alarms.
4. Initialize Simulator in IC: #8.
5. A Console operator will be required to play role of AUO on Radio.
6. Insert malfunction IMF EGOA to cause voltagelvars to be erratic.
7. Operator may request assistance during D/G start and loading at step 5 and 18. A simulator operator needs to be present to perform this timing.
8. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. 14 minutes Local Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

1. 1-SI-OPS-082-007.A, Through Section 6.1 and Appendix"C".
2. "Signed off' copy of entire section 4.


Reference Title Rev No.

1-Sl-OPS-082-007.A Electrical Power System Diesel Generator 1A- 28 A

JPM Page#77-4AP2 5 of 9 Rev. I READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. Unit 1 is -57% and unit 2 is 100% RTP.
2. All systems are OPERABLE, except for the lA-A D/G, 0-GO-16 has been completed on all the B Tr. equipment.
3. Maintenance has been completed on the lA-A D/G and the clearance has been removed.
4. The D/G has been rolled and is in standby alignment using 0-SO-82-1.
5. The AUO at the DIG building has completed Appendix A of 1-SI-OPS-082-007.A and all parameters are within limits.
6. The U1 Control Room AUO has verified breaker 1932 is in the Disconnect position.
7. D/G-DAQ has been installed per Appendix J
8. Room fire protection is in service INITIATING CUES:
1. The U1 US/SRO has reviewed the completed work package for the lA-A D/G, all that remains is to perform 1-SI-OPS-082-007.A for the PMT.
2. You are an extra unit operator and have been assigned to perform the SI on lA-A DIG.
3. The PMT requires the AMBIENT MANUAL START method for testing.
4. Notify the US when the test is complete.
5. Preliminary actions are complete, US has granted permission to perform the SI.
6. Start at Appendix "C"

JPM #77-4AP2 Page 6 of 9 Rev. I Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 1.: Operator obtains a copy of the appropriate procedure. __ SAT UNSAT NOTE: Initial conditions cover steps up to transition to App "C".

Start Time STANDARD: Operator obtains a copy of 1-SI-OPS-082-007.A. Performance of task will start with Appendix C.

Ensure 0-HS-82-18 IA-A DIG mode selector switch in the UNIT position. __ SAT STEP 2.:

UNSAT STANDARD: 0-HS-82-18 in UNIT position on O-M-26. Green light ON.

Place 1-HS-57-47 D/G 1A-A Synchronize Switch in the SYN position. __ SAT STEP 3.:

UNSAT NOTE: O-EI-82-5 and O-XI-82-3 will indicate running voltage & frequency.

Critical Step position on O-M-26 STANDARD: 1-HS-57-47 in "SYN"

__ SAT STEP 4. NOTIFY D/G-DAQ Operator to START the D/G-DAQ UNSAT NOTE: Operator should coordinate the start of the D/G-DAQ just prior to DIG start actuation.

Cue Console operatorPlay role of D/G-DAQ operator: D/G-DAQ computer is running.

STANDARD: Operator notifies the D/G-DAQ operator to start the DIG-DAQ.

JPM #77-4AP2 Page 7 of 9 Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:


STEP 5.: Proceed with the countdown: 3,2,1, start and DEPRESS 0-HS-82-16A SAT DG 1A-A Emergency Start Switch. UNSAT NOTE: Role play as extra operator with stop watch and start watch when 0 HS-82-16A is depressed.

Critical Step STANDARD: 0-HS-82-16A momentarily depressed. Green light will go "out" and red light will come "on" above DIG mimic. [Not critical: DIG running alarm will ANN to indicate DIG > 40 rpm. Incoming voltage and frequency are verified on O-EI-82-4 and O-XI-82-2.]

STEP 6.: ENSURE 1-FCV-67-66, ERCW cooling water supply valve is OPEN. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: ERCW valve 1-FCV-67-66 red light comes "on" and green light goes "out" on 0-M-27A panel.

STEP 7.: RECORD the steady state values for the following: - SAT 0-EI-82-4, DG 1A-A incoming Voltage.

O-XI-82-2, DG IA-A incoming Frequency. __ UNSAT Time from stop watch.

NOTE: Volt meter will be erratic and not steady.

Cue: If operatorasks for SRO direction: Act as SRO and ask for their recommendation and concur with it.

STANDARD: Operator observes D/G voltage (0-EI-82-4) is erratic and not steady.

Frequency (0-XI-82-2) is > 58.8 Hz and < 61.2 Hz STEP 8.: RECORD Voltage Regulator Control Current. SAT UNSAT Cue: Voltage Regulator Control Currentis 1.8 dc amps.

STANDARD: Operator records Voltage Regulator Control Current.

JPM #77-4AP2 Page 8 of 9 Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:

SAT/UNSAT STEPISTANDARD STEP 9.: Emergency stop Diesel Generator IA-A using 0-HS-82-17A. SAT UNSAT NOTE: Operator may elect to do a normal stop. This will require the performance of steps 10 thru 13 to gain manual control. If Emergency stop is used NIA JPM steps 10 thru 13. Critical Step STANDARD: Operator depresses emergency stop button for Diesel Generator 1A-A, or initiates a normal stop.

SYANDARD 0 STEP II Al 01 STANDARD 8( S.............




JPM #77-4AP2 Page 9 of 9 Rev. 1 Job Performance Checklist:


. . .. . ........ ~~.. .

S7K STEP 1A4. Infoerm ome mergency Oi norl tthes eGenrto SAT CuEP Toepeie.h:JM Inform O atcortat stheo DiGes40Gnrpmtoru1A-er opSOofE _nSA A.

UNSAT Cue: USISRO instructs operatorto return to his/hers normal duties until Stop Time maintenance requests assistance.

STANDARD: Operator informs US/SRO of Emergency stop of Diesel Generator 1A-A.



  • Date/




(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



5 Transfer from WP. Minor enhancements. N 8/19/94 All HJ Birch Y 9/15/95 All HJ Birch 6 Incorporate Rev B changes. Chgd performance time to 6 min based on validation time.

pen/ink FR-H.1 Rev chg only 1/16/96 4 HJ Birch 5/13/98 4 HJ Birch pen/ink FR-H.1 Rev chg which chgd criteria loss of heat sink.

8/22/00 4 SR Taylor pen/ink FR-H.1 Rev chg only 11/28/01 4,6 L. Pauley pen/ink FR-H.1 Rev change only, correct typo 8/22/02 4,6 J P Kearney 7 Incorporated pen/ink changes V - Specify if the JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.

JPM # 34AP Page 3 of 7 Rev. 7 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Loss of Secondary Heat Sink JAITAtask#: 3110060601 (RO) 0100040101 (RO)

K/A Ratings:

E05EK1.2 (3.9/3.5) E05EK1.3 (3.9/4.1) E05EK2.1 (2.7/3.9)

E05EK2.2 (3.9/4.2) E05EK3.1 (3.4/3.8) E05EK3.2 (3.7/4.1)

E05EK3.3 (4.0/4.1) E05EAI.1 (4.2/4.0) E05EA1.2 (3.7/4.0)

E05EA1.3 (3.8/4.2) E05EA2.1 (3.4/4.4) E05EA2.2 (3.0/3.3) 194K1.02 (3.0/3.3)

Task Standard:

Reactor Coolant System feed path established via ECCS injection and both pressurizer PORVs and BLOCK VALVES open to establish a bleed path.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer:

NAME Start Time Performance Rating : SAT UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time Evaluator: /



1. Critical steps are identified within the step
2. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
3. Any UNSAT requires comments
4. Acknowledge any associated alarms.
5. Initialize Simulator in IC: #9. (Use IC 90 if available) Activate MFs FW07A, B, & C to inop all AFW pumps
6. Activate MF ED01, to initiate a total loss of offsite power.
7. Activate OVERRIDES ZAOLI343A 20 (and 56, 98, 111) to hold wide range S/G level indicators at

-20%. ZAOLR34311] 20 (and [2], [3], [4]) to hold recorder at 20%.

8. Acknowledge alarms and FREEZE simulator until the operator has been briefed
9. Console operator will role play as CRO and acknowledge/clear alarms as needed.
10. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. 6 mins Local Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

FR-H.1, steps 5-23.


I Reference Title Rev No.

FR-H.1 Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink 14 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. Unit 1 has experienced a Reactor Trip due to a total loss of offsite power.
2. A "red path" on "Heat Sink Critical Safety Function" has directed the crew to FR-H.1, "Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink".
3. All four S/G levels have been decreasing.
4. Flow to the S/Gs can NOT be established.


1. You are the OATC and the US directs you to reestablish RCS cooling.
2. You are to perform FR-H.1 beginning at step 5.
3. Inform the US when an RCS cooling method has been established.

JPM # 34AP Page 5 of 7 Rev. 7 STEP 1: Obtain copy of the appropriate procedure. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator obtains a copy of FR-H.1 Start Time__

STEP 2: MONITOR heat removal capability: At least two S/G wide range levels __ SAT greater than 25%. (or Pzr press less than 2335)

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks LI-3-43, 56, 98 and/or LR-3-43 and determines that 1, 2, and 3 S/Gs are less than 25%.

STEP 3: STOP RCPs. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator determines RCPs previously stopped.

STEP 4: GO TO Caution prior to Step 16. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator goes to Caution prior to Step 16.

STEP 5: ACTUATE SI. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator actuates the SI from HS-63-133B on M-4 OR HS-63-133A on M-6 Critical Step STEP 6: VERIFY RCS feed path: CHECK at least one CCP OR SI pump __ SAT running.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator ensures at least one CCP as indicated by red light LIT on HS 62 108A or 104A (and amps indicated on EI-62-108A or 104A) OR at least one SI pump is running as indicated by red light LIT HS-63-10 or 15 (and amps indicated on EI-63-12 & 16). (not critical items)

JPM # 34AP Page 6 of 7 Rev. 7 I

STEP 7: CHECK ECCS valves ALIGNED as appropriate: SAT REFER TO EA-63-5, ECCS Injection Mode Alignment.

REFER TO ES-1.3, Transfer to RHR Cntmt Sump. UNSAT REFER TO ES-1.4, Transfer to Hot Leg Recirc.

Cue: The CRO has verified ECCS valve alignment STANDARD: Operator identifies alignment should be verified via EA-63-5.

NOTE: The next steps ESTABLISH RCS Bleed path SAT STEP 8: CHECK power to pressurizer PORV block valves AVAILABLE and block __ UNSAT valves OPEN.

STANDARD: Operator verifies power is on Block Valves FCV-68-332 and FCV-68 333 and that both Block Valves OPEN as indicated by red lights ON STEP 9: OPEN pressurizer PORVs. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator ensures BOTH PZR PORVs FCV-68-340 & 334 OPEN by placing HS-68-340A & 334A in the open position and verifies red lights Critical Step ON.

STEP 10: CHECK RCS bleed path ADEQUATE: __ SAT Pzr PORVs OPEN Pzr PORV block valves OPEN UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies the actions of the previous steps were completed.

NOTE: The following 2 steps may not be performed. The task has been __ SAT met at this point.

UN SAT STEP 11: Perform Steps 1 through 12 of E-0, WHILE continuing with this procedure.

Cue: The CRO will perform E-G 1st 12 steps.

STANDARD: Operator notifies the US/SRO of the need to perform steps 1 thru 12 of E-0 while he/she continues with FR-H.I.

JPM # 34AP Page 7 of 7 Rev. 7 STEP 12: MAINTAIN RCS heat removal: SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies flow thru the CCPIT on FI-63-170 and Pressurizer PORVs OPEN.

STEP 13: Inform the US/SRO when feed and bleed of the RCS has been __ SAT established.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator informs the US/SRO when feed and bleed of the RCS has Stop Time_

been established.

End of JPM

JPM # 21 Page 1 of 8 Rev. 9 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 21 Respond to a Failure of PRM N-41 Original Signatures on File PREPARED/


  • Date/




(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



7 Transfer from WP. Minor enhancements. N 8/94 All HIJ Birch 8 Incorporate pen/ink chg which made cue 11/3/95 All HJ Birch to "cmplt AOl". Also chgd JPM due to AOP upgrade. Changed initiating cues to monitor board. Malf not already in. Chgd performance time based on validation.

7/16/97 4 HJ Birch pen/ink AOP Rev chg 2/2/98 4 HJ Birch pen/ink AOP Rev chg 10/16/98 All JP Kearney pen/ink AOP revision change had no impact.

Revised K/A ratings. Reformatted critical steps.

8/29/00 4 SR Taylor pen/ink AOP Rev chg only 2/5/01 2,4 GS Poteet pen/ink pen/ink 11/27/01 5,7 L. Pauley pen/ink Step 5 chgd defeat light from off to on and added step to notify Rx Eng, added use of ARP 8/22/02 All J P Kearney 9 Incorporated pen/ink changes I

V - Specify ifthe JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.


Respond to a Failure of PRM N-41 Note: This JPM satisfies Simulator Manipulation "AA".

JAITA task # : 3210140401 (RO) 0150050101 (RO) 0150040101 (RO)

K/A Ratings:

015A4.03 (3.8/3.9) 015A4.02 (3.9/3.6) 01 5A2.01 (3.5/3.9) 01 5A3.03 (3.9/3.9) 015A4.01 (3.6/3.6)

Task Standard:

Recognize failure of Power Range Monitor, N-41, defeat its control functions, and prepare for its removal from service.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer: Start Time NAME Performance Rating: SAT_ UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time Evaluator: /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s".
2. Any UNSAT requires comments.
3. Acknowledge any associated alarms.
4. Initialize simulator in IC #8.
5. Place one NR45 selector switch to the N-41 (P-i) position.
6. Approximately 1 minute after operator assumes shift, Activate MF # NI07A @ 0%.
7. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. 8 mins Local Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

AOP-I.01, Section 2.0 & 2.3, AR-M6-A


I Reference Title RevNo.

1. AOP-1.01 Nuclear Instrument Malfunction 4
2. 1-AR-M6-A Reactor Protection and Safeguards 12 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit 1 is operating at 57% reactor power, all controls are in AUTOMATIC.


1. You are the OATC and are to monitor the control board and respond per licensed duties to operating conditions.
2. Your US is currently assisting in tagging unit 1 125V spare charger.
3. You will be required to respond, as a reader/doer, to any abnormality that occurs.
4. When any required actions/procedures have been completed notify the SM.

JPM # 21 Page 5 of 8 Rev. 9 Job Performance Checklist:


SAT STEP 1: Respond to alarm on XA-M6-A window B-1 AND: m IF no reactor trip, PLACE rod control in Man.

UNSAT Checks for dropped rod (rod bottom lights LIT or RPIs on bottom.

Checks 1-XX-55-5 trip status panel for tripped bistables. Start Time -

Examiner Note: Operatormay use M4-B3 or E3 in lieu of M6-B1 STANDARD: Operator responds to alarm, places rod control in Man, checks for dropped rods, checks bistable trip status and GOTO AOP-I.01.

STEP 2: Obtains a copy of AOP-l.01 and determines the appropriate section. __ SAT UNSAT Cue: SM will evaluate Tech Specs.

STANDARD: Operator obtains a copy of AOP-l.01 and determines appropriate section to be 2.3 STEP 3: Place rod control in Man. SAT UNSAT NOTE: The rods may have been placed in manual in Step 1.

STANDARD: Operator place HS-85-51 10 to manual.

STEP 4: STABILIZE reactor power at current level. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks other power range instruments and determines that reactor is stable.

STEP 5: PLACE "UPPER SECTION" switch to failed detector, panel M-13 __ SAT (Upper Detector current comparator defeat switch).(XX-92-5037)

UNSAT STANDARD: Detector Current comparator "Upper Section" switch in the PRN-41 position. Channel defeat light on. Critical Step

JPM # 21 Page 6 of 8 Rev. 9 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 6: PLACE "LOWER SECTION" switch to failed detector, panel M-1 3 __ SAT (Lower detector current comparator defeat switch). (XX-92-5037)

UNSAT STANDARD: Detector Current comparator "Lower Section" switch in the PRN-41 position. Channel defeat light on. Critical Step STEP 7: PLACE ROD STOP BYPASS switch to failed detector, panel M-1 3 __ SAT (C-2 interlock defeat switch) (XX-92-5037)

UNSAT STANDARD: Rod Stop Bypass switch in "BYPASS PRN-41" position.

Critical Step STEP 8: PLACE Power Mismatch Bypass switch to failed detector, Panel M-1 3 __ SAT (automatic rod control input defeat switch) (XX-92-5037)

UNSAT STANDARD: Power Mismatch Bypass switch in the "Bypass PRN-41" position. Critical Step STEP 9: DEFEAT failed Power Range channel Using Comparator Channel __ SAT defeat switch, Panel M-13 (Comparator and Rate Drawer)

(XX-92-5041) __ UNSAT STANDARD: Comparator Channel Defeat switch in the N-41 position. Comparator Critical Step defeat light on.

STEP 10: RESTORE T-avg to T-ref. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator compares T-avg to T-ref at TR-68-2B verifies NO difference

(<1.5 0 F).

STEP 11: ENSURE Nuclear Power Recorder, NR-45, to operable channel. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks position of Hand Switches, 1-HS-92-5009 and 1-HS-5010. Ensures neither of these is selected for N-41 (P-I).

JPM # 21 Page 7 of 8 Rev. 9 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 12: ENSURE RCS Temp AT recorder, XS-68-2B, to operable channel. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks position of XS-68-2B. Ensures it is NOT selected for LOOP ONE.

STEP 13: RETURN rod control to AUTO if desired. __ SAT UNSAT Cue: SM would like the rods placed back in AUTO.

STANDARD: Operator places HS-85-51 10 to AUTO.

STEP 14: CHECK reactor power greater than 75%. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator verifies power less than 75% (current power is - 57%), goes to RNO and to appropriate step.

STEP 15: NOTIFY Reactor Engineering to perform 0-SI-NUC-000-01 1.0, __ SAT Moveable Detector Determination of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio.

UNSAT Cue: The SM will notify Reactor Engineering.

STANDARD: The step is N/A due to plant power level.

STEP 16: NOTIFY IM to remove failed power range channel from service using __ SAT Appendix "A"of AOP-I.01.

UNSAT Cue: Role play as MSS or IM, inform operatorthat a crew will be to the MCR within the hour to perform Appendix "A" of AOP-I.01.

STANDARD: Operator communicates with IMs or MSS to request performance of Appendix "A"of AOP-I.01 for removal of N-41 from service.

JPM # 21 Page 8 of 8 Rev. 9 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 17: Notify SM that N-41 failed, its control functions have been defeated, __ SAT Rx Eng and IMs have been notified to remove it from service.


FROM : SEQUCYAH OPERATOR TRAINING PHONE NO. : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:09PM P8 JPM #65-1 Page 1 of 9 Rev, 0 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 65-1 Re-establishment of CNTMT Pressure Control Following High Pressure Conditions Original Signatures on File PREPAREr REVISED IWO I Date/



(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.

"- Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



V - Specify ifthe JPM change Will require another Validation (Y or N). See cover sheet for criteria.


Re-establishment of CNTMT Pressure Control Following High Pressure Condition JAiTAtitak# : 00601801 (RO)

KIA Ratings; 103A1.01 (3.7/4.1) 103A4.01 (3.2/3.3) 2.1.31 (4.2/3.9) 103A4.09 (3.1/3.7) 2.1.20 (4.3/4.2)

Task Standard:

Vent the containment pressure down to normal range (within -0.1 to +0.3 psig) and then place the

,mcntainment automatic Pressure Control System in service.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer: NAME Start time Performance Rating: SAT _ UNSAT Performance Time Finish time Evaluab)r /


FROM : SEQUOYqH OPERATOR TRAINING PHONE NO.  : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:11PM PI1 JPM #65-1 Page 4 of 9 Rev. 0 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO EVALUATOR:

1. Sequeinced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any 1UNSAT requires comments
3. Acknowledge any associated alarms.

4, Initialize Simulator in IC#91 or IC: #10 with steps 5,6 below.

5. IMF CH01A, CHOIB, CHOIC, CHO1D at 15, to fail the containment pressure indicators at - 1.4 psid.

IORZAOPDIR30133.5 to put PDIR-30-133 upscale. IORZAOPDI301334.5 to put PDI-30-133 near top scale.

6. CLOSE FCV-30-46, 47,48 and FREEZE simulator until turnover completed.
7. Note; A console operator will be needed for JPM step 21.
8. View ('Cntmt Ventilation diagram to see when FCV-30-54 is open. When the operator begins venting containment delete malfunctions CH01A, B, C, & D to return cntmt press to normal. AND Delete overrdes on PDIR-30-133 &PDI-30-133.
9. Insure, operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Re3views the intended action and expected response.
c. C.*mpares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR 25 mrin Local ToolslEquipment/Procedures Needed:

0-80-30-8 Sections 3.0,4.0, 5.1, and 7.2


ReferencfeCt Title Rev No.

containment Pressure Control 13 READ TO OPERATOR Directionsa to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure w IIbe satisfied, Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


UuitI is in Mode I recovering from an Air Line break in containment.; The air leak was discovered oi a section of the header that allowed isolation without affecting any equipment. During isolation elforts, cntmt pressure increased to approx. 1.5 paid.


1. The LS directs you, the Unit I CRO, to vent containment per Section 5.2 of 0-SO-30-8 using the normail flow path to within normal operating limits.
2. Infomr the US when Containment has been vented.

Rev. 0 Job Perfoimance Checklist:


STEP 1. OBTAIN the appropriate procedure __ SAT SUNSAT STANDARD: Operator obtains a copy of 0-SO-30-8, starting with Section 5.2.

Start Time STEP 2.: ENSURE power checklist complete for the appropriate unit- __ SAT UNSAT Cu.: Power checklist 1-30O8.02 is complete with NO deviations.

STANDARD: Operator checks configuration log to ensure power checklist 1-30-8.02 is complete.

STEP 3.: ENSURE that the check valve portion of the containment _ SAT vacuum relief assembly is capable of closing by observing monitor lights on panel XX-55-9C (panel M-9). _ UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks XX-55-9C to ensure valves are closed, green lights ON.

NOTIFY the US/SRO that the EAM will be placed in the Adverse _ SAT STEP 4.:

Cntmt condition for venting containment and EVALUATE LCO 3.6.6. UNSAT Cu.: Play role of SRO, State you will evaluate the LCO.

STANDARD; Operator informs the US/$RO that the EAM will be placed in the Adverse Cntmt condition for venting containment and addresses LCO 3.6.6.

IF the EAM is not in the Adverse Cntmt condition, THEN: PLACE - SAT STEP 5.1:

the EAM in the Adverse Cntmt condition by depressing the ACTUATE button in each rack as follows. _ UNSAT STAt DARD: Operator recognizes that the EAMs are in the Adverse Cntmt condition (verifies the blue lights are ON above the NR S/G level indicators, and verifies XA-56-3C window 30 illuminated) and N/As this step.

FROM : SEQUCYAH OPERATOR TRAINING PHONE NO.  : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:13PM Pi JPM #65-1 Page 6 of 9 Rev. 0 Job Perfcrmance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP6.: VERIFY Radiochemical Laboratory has a current weekly SAT performance of 0-SI-CEM-030-41 0.1. UNSAT Cu,; I8410.1 has been completed andsigned by the SRO and Red Chem Supervisor, STAIDARD Operator verifies $1-410.1 and approved by SRO and Radiochemical Laboratory Supervisor approval.

I STEP 7.: IF the noble gas count rate for the lower containment radiation SAT monitor has increased by more than 50% since the last sample UNSAT time, THEN TRANSMIT the release permit to the Chem Lab to obtain another (noble gas and tritum) set of samples.

Cu19: S1.410.1 sample datashows RM-90.106 indicates Gas = 4.0 E3 STANDARD: Operator looks at RM-90-1 06 and determines that conditions have not changed by 50% and N/As this step, ENSURE that the Shield Building Annulus Vacuum Control __ SAT STEP 8-;

System is in service and maintaining a negative 5.0 inches of UNSAT H2 0 as indicated on M-9 PDI-30-126 or PDI-30-127 OR EGTS __

in service OR EGTS testing in progress.

STANDARD: Operator obtains reading from PDI-30-126 or 127 on panel M-9, OR if EGTS is in service verifies filter bank AP is between 1 and 7 inches water.

STEP 9.: VERIFY no abnormal or unexplainable radiation levels exist __ SAT inside containment.

__UNSAT STANDARD: Operator checks RM-90-106 and 112 for abnormal radiation levels In containment.

VERIFY that no containment vent isolation signal exists. -- SAT STEP 10.:

SUNSAT STANDARD, Operator checks XA-55-6C windows C5 & C6 to verify that a cntmt vent isolation signal is not present.

PHONE NO,  : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:13PM P2 FROM : SEQUOYqH OPERATOR TRAINING JPM #65-1 Page 7 of 9 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

ST PISTA N ARlD SAT/UNSAT STEP/STANDARD SAT STEP 11i.: ENSU RE at least ONE of the following radiation monitors in service for the appropriate unit: UNSAT

"* U-1 Containment 1-RM-90-130

"* Purge Exhaust Monitors 1-RM-90-131

"* U-2 Containment 2-RM-90-1 30

"* Purge Exhaust Monitors 2-RM-90-131 STANCARD: Operator verifies the RM-90-130 or 131 is in service.

SAT STEP 12.: VERIFY that all personnel have been evacuated from the annulus and that all doors are closed. UNSAT Cu._ Role play as NSS or Rad Con and verify all personnel are out of the annulus and the doorsare closed.

STANDARD: Operator calls Nuclear Security or Rad Con and verifies that all personnel have been evacuated from the annulus and that all doors are closed.

"P 13.: ENSURE at least one of the following radiation monitors in SAT STE service for the appropriate unit:: UNSAT AS Vent. O-RM-90-1t01 Upper Compartment. 1-RM-90-I 12 A, B 2-RM-90-112 A, B Lower compartment 1-RM-90-106 A, B 2-RM-90-106 A, B STANDARD: Operator verifies the absence of applicable instrument malfunction alarms on 0-M-12 and block switch for RM-90-101 is in the off position.

SAT STEP 14.: LOG time in 1-SI-OPS-030-286.0 UNSAT Cue: The GRO will log appropriatedata NOTE- 81-286 is NOT available on the simulator, it will he sufficient for the operator to address logging of the time in the SI.

STAN.)ARD* Operator logs time in SI-286.

3PM #65-1 Page 8.of 9 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEPISTANDARD STEP 1-5.: IFaligning the lower compartment purge isolation valves using the NORMAL flow path THEN PERFORM steps [a] thru ifl, NOTE: This step will be satisfied in steps 16 thru 19.


UNSAT STANA..L. Operator verifies green light ON for FCV-30-37 I

SAT STEP 17.: ENSURE FCV-30-40 is CLOSED, UNSAT STAN[tAR: operator verifies green light ON for FCV-30-40 SAT STEP 18.: OPEN FCV-30-14 & 56 with HS-30-14 and VERIFY FCV-30-14

& 56 OPEN __ UNSAT Operator places HS-30-14 in the OPEN position and verifies red Critical Step lights ON FCV-30-14 & 56 indicator lights and places HS-30-14 in the A-AUTO position.

SAT STEP 19. OPEN FCV-30-15 & 57 with HS-30-15 and VERIFY FCV-30-15

& 57 OPEN, UNSAT STANDARD: Operator places HS-30-15 in the OPEN position and verifies red lights ON indicating lights for FCV-30-15 & 57 and places Critical Step HS-30-15 in the A-AUTO position.

i-SAT STEP 20.: IF aligning the lower compartment purge isolation valves using the Alternate flow path THEN PERFORM steps [a] thru [h]. UNSAT STANDARD: Operator should NA this step since the NORMAL flow path is being used.

FROM : SEQUOYAH OPERATOR TRAININO PHONE NO. : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:15PM P4 JPM #65-1 Page 9 of 9 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT OPEN Annulus exhaust isolation valve FCV-30-54 with SAT HS-30-54.

UNSAT NOCTE. View Cntmt Ventilation diagram to see when FCV-30-54 Is open.

When operator opens FCV-30-54 delete malfunctions Critical Step CHO1A, B, C, & D AND delete override ZAOPDIR30133. and ZAOPDI30133 (These can be deleted by clearing MALF &

OVRD tables)

STANDARD: Operator opens FCV-30-64 with HS-30-54. Verifies valve open by observing red light ON.

STEP 22.: IFthe Annulus Vacuum Control System is in service and the _ SAT standby Annulus Vacuum Control Fan is available, THEN START the standby Annulus Vacuum Control Fan. __ UNSAT STANDARD: Operator starts the standby Annulus Vacuum Control Fan STEP 23.: IF a high radiation alarm occurs on any of the following Radiation __ SAT monitors, THEN Radiation levels remain normal during venting operation STANDARD: Operator addresses step and potential for action required if radiation levels increase.

STEP 24.: WHEN containment vent is completed, THEN perform [Section 7.21. __ SAT Cu.e: After Booth operatordeletes failures above, Inform operator __ UNSAT that containmentventing is complete NOrE: JPM steps 25 through 31 will satisfy section 7.2 of Critical Step procedure.

STANDARD: Operator monitors containment pressure by observing Pdl-30-133. When pressure differential within -0.1 and +0.3 psig, then go to Section 7.2.

JPM # 14 Page 1 of 7 Rev. 0 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 14 Control Room Inaccessibility (Fire in the Spreader Room)

Original Signatures on File PREPARED/


  • Date/



(Operations Training Manager)


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
  • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).

JPM # 14 Page 2 of 7 Rev. 0 NUCLEAR TRAINING REVISION/USAGE LOG REVISION NUMBER 0 New 1-i V - Specify ifthe JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.


Control Room Inaccessibility (Fire In the Spreader Room)

JA/TA task # : 0000680501 (RO)

K/A Ratings:

068AA1.23 (4.3/4.4)

Task Standard:

Unit I MCR has been abandoned per AOP-C.04 for an Appendix R fire in the spreading room.

Evaluation Method: Simulator X In-Plant Performer:

NAME Start Time Performance Rating : SAT UNSAT Performance Time__ Finish Time Evaluator: /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any UNSAT requires comments
3. Initialize in IC # 10 with all controls aligned normally.
4. FREEZE the simulator until the operator has been briefed.
5. Provide an additional board operator as CRO to handle the actions of ES-0.1 while the OATC addresses the actions of AOP-C.04.
6. Ensure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. 18 mins Local Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

AOP-C.04, Section 2.0 & 2.1.


SReference Title Rev No.

A. AOP-C.04 Control Room Inaccessibility 5 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit 1 is at 100% power.

A fire is in progress in the Control Building spreading room. The SM has declared an Appendix R fire and has decided to abandon the control room.


You are the Unit 1 OATC and are to perform the required actions of AOP-C.04 to abandon the main control room.

Inform the US when you are prepared to leave the main control room.

JPM # 14 Page 5 of 7 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 1.: Obtains a copy of the appropriate procedure. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator obtains AOP-C.04, Section 2.0 and determines that section 2.1 will be required to address abandoning the control room. Start Time STEP 2.: ENSURE reactor tripped. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator TRIPS the Reactor and VERIFIES reactor tripped.

Critical Step STEP 3.: ENSURE MSIV and MSIV bypass valve handswitches in CLOSE. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: After the reactor is tripped, the operator places (4) HSs for MSIV in the closed position and verifies Red light OFF and Green and Blue light ON. Critical Step STEP 4.: IF abandoning MCR due to Appendix R fire, THEN ALIGN the __ SAT following switches:

  • PLACE one CCP in STOP/PULL TO LOCK. __ UNSAT Cue: SM has declared an Appendix R fire in the spreadingroom.

Critical Step STANDARD: The operator places HS for the 1A CCP in Stop/PTL.

STEP 5.: IF abandoning MCR due to Appendix R fire, THEN ALIGN the __ SAT following switches:

  • PLACE pressurizer PORV handswitches in CLOSE position. __ UNSAT STANDARD: The operator places pressurizer PORV handswitches in CLOSE Critical Step position.

STEP 6.: IF abandoning MCR due to Appendix R fire, THEN ALIGN the __ SAT following switches:

  • PLACE pzr spray controllers in MANUAL and ADJUST output to zero. __ UNSAT STANDARD: The operator places pzr spray controllers in MANUAL and adjusts Critical Step output to zero.

JPM # 14 Page 6 of 7 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 7.: IF abandoning MCR due to Appendix R fire, THEN ALIGN the __ SAT following switches:

@PLACE S/G atmospheric relief valve handswitches in CLOSE __ UNSAT position..

Critical Step STANDARD: The operator places S/G atmospheric relief valve handswitches in CLOSE position.

STEP 8.: IF abandoning MCR due to Appendix R fire, THEN ALIGN the __ SAT following switches:

  • PLACE S/G atmospheric relief valve controllers in MANUAL and __ UNSAT ADJUST output to zero.

Critical Step STANDARD: The operator places S/G atmospheric relief valve controllers in MANUAL and adjusts output to zero.

STEP 9.: PLACE RCP handswitches in STOP/PULL TO LOCK __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: The operator places RCP handswitches in STOP/PULL TO LOCK.

Critical Step STEP 10.: PLACE TD AFW LCV handswitches in CLOSE/PULL-TO-LOCK. __ SAT UNSAT STANDARD: The operator places TD AFW LCV handswitches in STOP/PULL TO LOCK.

Critical Step STEP 11.: ENSURE the following handswitches placed in TRIP: [1-M-15] __ SAT

"* 0-HS-13-204 UNSAT

"* 0-HS-13-205 Critical Step STANDARD: The operator places handswitches in TRIP.

JPM # 14 Page 7 of 7 Rev. 0 Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 12.: ANNOUNCE "Unit 1 Reactor trip, abandoning the Main Control Room" __ SAT USING PA System.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator announces over the P.A. that the unit has been tripped and that the Main Control Room is being abandoned. He should repeat the message a second time.

ENSURE the following items are taken to the Auxiliary Control Room __ SAT STEP 13.:

when Main Control Room is evacuated: UNSAT flow prints radios CUE: Unit 2 operatorreportedthey will take these prints and the radios with them.

STANDARD: Operator ensures the flow prints and radios are taken to the ACR.

STEP 14.: EVACUATE Main Control Room. SAT UNSAT CUE: When Operatorreports or starts to leave tell him JPM is complete. Stop Time_...

STANDARD: Operator reports to the US he is ready to abandon the MCR or starts to leave MCR.

PHONE NO.  : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:14PM P3 FROM : SEOUCYAH OPERATOR TRAINING JPM #9SAP Page 1 of 7 Rev. 4 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 99AP Locally Align 11B-B CCS Pump to Supply the B Train Header Original Signatures on File PREPARED/ Datel REVISED BY:



  • Date/


(Operations Training Manager)



(Operations Representative) that

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes the flow of do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the JPM.

affect the

" Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



S.. ....... L TV EE i

  • L 3 Chgd to AP since one MOV will not N 814*1d All HJ Bir'ch operate electrically, must open manually.

Incorp previous pen/inks which added cues to step 2,4,5 and chgd performance time based on requal performance 0-40-70-1 Rev chg only 8/11 /97 4 HJ Birch N 9/22t97 5 HJ Birch pen/ink step 2 chg light from green to red in cue per requal feedback.

N 4 HJ Birch 0-SO-70-1 Rev chg only 2/2/98 N 5/13/98 4 HJ Birch Requal comment - No HS in MCR. Chg cue to MOV bd N 9/25/98 All JP Kearney pen/ink SO-70-1 revision had no impact. Revised K/A ratings. Reformatted critical steps.

N 4 JP Kearney SO-70-1 revision update only 10116198 pen/ink N 9/21199 4 SR Taylor pen/ink SO-70-1 revision update only N 8/29/00 4 SR Taylor pen/ink SO-70-1 revision update only N 12/4/01 4 L, Pauley pen/ink SO-70-1 rev, Update N 8M21/02 ALL J P Keamey 4 Incorporated pen/ink changes: revised to recent revision of 0-SO-70-1; no impact on JPM flow 1....... 1 V - Specify Ifthe JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See rover sheet for criteria.


Locally Align 18-B CCS Pump to Supply the B Train Header JAITA TASK #:0080060101 (RO) 0080010104 (AUO)

KIA Ratings:

008A2.01 (3.3/3.6) 008A4.01 (3.3/3.1) 008A4,06 (2.5/2.5)

Task $1Sandard:

Perform local (manual) alignment of the IB-B pump to supply the S train CCS header.

Evaluailon Method: Simulator - in-Plant X Performner NAME Start Time Perfoniiance Rating: SAT _ UNSAT _ Performance Time Finish Time Evaluator /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "a"
2. Ani UNSAT requires comments
3. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc,
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. I Local 13 mins Tools/Ffqulpment/Procedures Needed; 0-SO-70-1 Section 8,3, step Sc ("Initial"steps that had been completed)


Reference Title Rev No.

1EIC-SO-70-1 Component Cooling Water System B Train 23 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. Both units are operating at full power.
2. The C-S CCS pump tripped on over current, WCG has been notified to initiate maintenance. LCO 3.7.3 was entered, parts are being delivered, 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> remain in the LCO.
3. The 1A-A CCS pump is in service through the A train OCS HXs.
4. The I B-B CCS pump is aligned for standby but the control switches have been placed iti the PULL TO LOCK position.
5. The U2 CRO has verified that U2 is supplying the SFP HXs.
6. Section 8.3 steps 5a and 5b of 0-SO-70-1 have been completed.
7. Power has been aligned to the Appendix R valves, INITIAT ;NG CUES:
1. You are the U1 Aux. Bldg. AUO, the U2 CRO has directed you to complete alignment of the I B-B CCS pump to supply the S train header per 0-SO-70-1, Section 8.3 step So.
2. Complete all valve alignments at the local control stations.
3. When you have completed the alignment of the IB-8 CCS pump, Inform the U2 CRO.

FROM : SEQUOYAH OPERATOR TRAINING PHONE NO.  : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:iPM P3 JPM #9SAP Page 5 of 7 Rev. 4 Job Pelformance Checklist; STEP/STANDARD RaTII IPMqhT STEP : Operator obtains a copy of the procedure. __ SAT

___U NSAT Sections 8.3, STANDARD: Operator obtains a copy of O-SO-70-1, to perform step 5c Start Time___

STEP 2: CLOSE O-FCV-70-34 1A-A and 1 B-B suction crosstie. __ SAT

_ UNSAT NOT.E: Valve Is located on the mezzanine above the CCS pumps directly in front and to left of the access ladder.

Critical Step C1.f': if operatorgoes to the MOV Bd OR the local control switch to operate the valve, state; RED light only (local: No movement in valve)

COe-: HW turned severaltimes in the CW direction and is now snug,position indicatoris pointing at CLOSED, STANDARD: Operator locates 0-FCV-70-34, engages manual operation lever, turns HW in CW direction until snug and verifies position indicator pointing at CLOSED.

STEP 3. CLOSE 1-70-507 IA-A and 1 B-B discharge crosstie. _ SAT UNSAT NOT-: Valve is located on the 2nd level of the mezzanine above the CCS pumps approx. 10 It to the right of the ladder. Critical Stop Cue: HW tumed severalUmes in the CW directionand is now snug. Pointeris pointing to CLOSED posWtion.

STA.. DARD: Operator locates 1-70-507 turns HW in CW direction until snug.

STEP 4, Open 1-FCV-70-64, Suction Header Isol Between CCS Pumps - SAT 18-B and C-S.

U UNSAT Cup: Green light goes out, Red light comes on, Critical Step STAIDARD: Operator locates I -FCV-70-64 switch on local control station and goes to the open position. Closed (green light) goes out and Open (red light) comes on.

FROM : SEQUOYAH OPERPTOR TRAINING PHONE NO.  : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02:18PM P4 JPM #99AP Page 6 of 7 Rev. 4 Job Pejformance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP ti: Open 1-FCV-70-74, Suction Header Isol Between CCS Pumps _ SAT 1B-B and C-S.

U UNSAT Cue; Green light goes out, Red light comes on.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator locates I-FCV-70-74 switch on local control station and goes to the open position. Closed (green light) goes out and Open (red light) comes on.

TT_ Open 1-FCV-70-26, C0S Pumps 1A-A and 18-B Discharge S__

AT Crosscie to C-S Outlet Isol.

SUNSAT Cme: Green lightgoes out, Red light comes on.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator locates 1-FCV-70-26 switch on local control station and goes to the open position, Closed (green light) goes out and Open (red light) comes on.

STEP 7: Open 1-FCV-70-27, C0S Pumps 1A-A and 11-6 Discharge SAT Crosstie to C-S Outlet Isol.

CUe_: Green lightgoes out, Red light comes on.

Critical Step

.IB ARD: Operator locates I -FCV-70-27 switch on local control station and goes to the open position. Closed (green light) goes out and Open (red light) comes on, STEP 8 VERIFY open 1-70-503B, CCS Pump 1B-B suction. SAT UNSAT Cue: Handwheel moves CW, but will not move CCW, Indicator points to open.

STAr DARD: Operator locates 1-70-503B and verifies valve open by no movement of handwheel in CCW direction.

FROM : SEQUCYAH OPERATOR TRAINING PHONE NO. : 423 843 4339 Nov. 25 2002 02: 19PM PS JPM #99AP Page 7 of 7 Rev. 4 Job Pelformance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UJNSAT STEP VERIFY open 1-70-505B, CCS Pump 1B-B discharge. _ SAT SUNSAT Cue: Handwheel moves CW, but will not move CCW, Indicator points to open.

STANDARD: Operator locates 1-70-505B and verifies valve open by no movement of chain operated handwheel in CCW direction and pointer indication open.

STEP 10: Inform the U2 CRO that the 1B-8 CGS pump Is aligned to supply _ SAT the B train CCS header.

UNSAT STANDARD: Operator informs the U2 CRO that the I B-B CC$ pump is aligned Stop Time_

to supply the B train CCS header.

JPM # 42 Page 1 of 12 Rev 12 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE JPM # 42 Placing Vital Inverter 1-11 Back in Service Following Maintenance Original Signatures on File PREPARED/


  • Date/



(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



11 Revised to rev 23 of 0-SO-250-2 which utilizes the Y 08/07/01 ALL WR Ramsey Spare inverter 0-11 as operable replacement for 1-11 or 2-11 Inverters N 8/21/01 4 WR Ramsey pen/ink 0-SO-250-2 Rev 24 update only Y 9/4/02 All J P Kearney 12 Revised based on changes to 0-SO-250-2

______________________________________________ 1-J V - Specify ifthe JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.


Placing Vital Inverter 1-11 Back in Service Following Maintenance JA/TA task #: 0620030104 (AUO)

K/A Ratings:

062000 A2.03 (2.9/3.4) 000057 EA2.17 (3.1/3.4) 062000 A2.10 (3.0/3.3) 000057 G6 (3.5/3.8) 062000 G9 (3.2/3.3) 000057 EA1.01 (3.7/3.7) 194001 A1.02 (4.1/3.9)

Task Standard:

120V ac Vital Instrument Board "1-11" powered from 120V ac Vital Inverter "1-11".

Evaluation Method: Simulator In-Plant X Performer:

NAME Start Time Performance Rating : SAT UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time Evaluator: /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any UNSAT requires comments
3. SM approval will be required to enter the "Trip Hazard Zone" in the Vital Battery Rm and Vital Inverter area.
4. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. Local 55 minutes Tools/EquipmentlProcedures Needed:

0-SO-250-2, Section 8.10


I Reference Title Rev No.

0-SO-250-2 120V AC Vital Instrument Power System 35 READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. WHEN ENTERING A UNIT TRIP HAZARD ZONE ENSURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH ANY SWITCHES WITHIN THAT ZONE. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Both units are operating at power (MODE 1) and maintenance on 120V ac Vital Inverter 1-11 has been completed.

Inverter "1-11" is currently shutdown and out of service with its respective 120V AC Vital Instrument Power Board "1-11" supplied from its alternate supply, Inverter 0-11, in accordance with 0-SO-250-2.


1. Maintenance has cleaned and inspected the 120V AC Vital Inverter 1-11"
2. The Unit 1 SRO has directed you, the Control Room AUO to return the 120V AC Vital Inverter "1-11" to service and align it to 120V AC Vital Instrument Board 1-11 per 0-SO-250-2 section 8.10.
3. Inform the Unit 1 SRO when 120V AC Vital Instrument Board 1-11 has been realigned to its normal supply.

JPM # 42 Page 5 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 1.: Obtain copy of the appropriate procedure. SAT UNSAT STANDARD: Operator obtains a copy of SO-250-2 Section 8.10 Start Time NOTE: If operator asks, acknowledge that a Concurrent Verifier __ SAT would be present during performance of this S.O. (For JPM purposes have him continue as if a CV was present) UNSAT STEP 2.: VERIFY 120V AC Vital Instrument Board 1-11 is ENERGIZED by observing transfer switch 1-SW-250-NE-E in ALTERNATE position and normal board voltage on 1-EI-250-NE-E.

Cue: Board voltage is NORMAL and the transferswitch is in the ALTERNATE position. Voltage is 123V AC.

STANDARD: Operator identifies Vital Instrument Board 1-11 and verifies board voltage normal and the transfer switch in the ALTERNATE position.

STEP 3.: ENSURE 120V AC Vital Inverter 1-11 DC supply breaker __ SAT 1-BKRC-250-KF /326-E on 125V DC Vital Battery Board II is in ON position. - UNSAT Cue: Breaker 326 is in the ON ,UP, position.

STANDARD: Operator identifies breaker 326 on 125V Vital Batt Bd II and ensures it is in the ON, UP, position.

STEP 4.: ENSURE [0-BCTB-250-DM/9A-B1, 120V AC Vital Inverters 1-11 & __ SAT 2-11 CLOSED at 480 V SDBD 182-B compt. 9A.

UNSAT Cue: Breaker is in the closed position.

STANDARD: Operator verifies breaker is closed.

JPM # 42 Page 6 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 5.: IF 1-11 Inverter is NOT already in service, THEN ENSURE all breakers SAT on 120V AC Vital Inverter 1-11 are OFF UNSAT NOTE Per initiating cues, the inverter is not in service.

Cue: As each breakeris addressedstate "The breakerswitch is in the OFF, down position.

STANDARD: Operator identifies each breaker on Vital Inverter 1-11 and ensures it is in the OFF, down, position.

STEP 6.: ENSURE [1 -BKRA-250-KS/1 1-El, 120V AC Vital Inverter 1-11 __ SAT Disconnect Bkr ON at 480V AC Vital Disconnect Panel II,el. 749 Aux Bldg. UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates placing the disconnectbreakerin the ON, cue him the breaker is in the ON position Critical Step STANDARD: Operator places [1-BKRA-250-KS/11-EI in the ON position.

STEP 7. S: PRESS AND HOLD precharge pushbutton [1-HS-250-QN/S4-E]. __ SAT Verify PRE-CHARGE light is lit.

UNSAT Cue: The pro-chargelight is lit.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator identifies 1-11 Vital Inverter and presses the PRECHARGE pushbutton and verifies pre-charge light is LIT.

STEP 8. S: PLACE BATTERY INPUT breaker [1-BKR-250-QN/B1-E] In ON __ SAT position.

UNSAT NOTE: After the PB is released the capacitors begin to discharge.

Waiting more than 5 seconds after the PB is released could cause high charging currents that could blow the Inverter fuses making the Inverter Inop.

Cue: Breaker handle is in the ON, up, position.

STANDARD: Operator places the Battery input circuit breaker on Vital Inverter Critical Step cabinet 1-11 in the ON, up, position.

JPM # 42 Page 7 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 9. S: RELEASE precharge pushbutton [1-HS-250-QN/S4-E]. __ SAT Cue: The pre-chargelight is lit. - UNSAT STANDARD: Operator releases pre-charge button. Critical Step STEP 10.: PLACE [1-BKRA-250-QN/B301-E1, AC Input To Rectifier Bkr in __ SAT ON position.

UNSAT Cue: Breaker handle is in the ON position.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator places the breaker in the ON position.

STEP 11.: ENSURE [1-HS-250-QN/S5-E1 Remote sync switch on 1-11 __ SAT Inverter in OFF position.

UNSAT Cue: Remote sync switch on 1-11 Inverteris in OFFposition.

STANDARD: Operator verifies the Remote sync switch on 1-11 Inverter in OFF position..

STEP 12.: ENSURE [1-BKRA-250-QN/B701-E1, AC Input To Isolimiter Bkr __ SAT in ON position.

UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates placing[1.BKRA-250-QN/B701-El, A C Input To IsolimiterBkr in the ON position, cue him/her that it is ON.

STANDARD: Operator places the [1-BKRA-250-QN/B701-E1, AC Input To Critical Step Isolimiter Bkr in ON position STEP 13.: ENSURE [1-BKRA-250-QN/B4-E1, Bypass Source AC Input Bkr __ SAT in ON position.

UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates [1-BKRA-250-QN/B4-EI, Bypass Source AC Input Bkr in the ON position, cue him/her that it is ON.

STANDARD: Operator [1-BKRA-250-QN/B4-E], Bypass Source AC Input Bkr in Critical Step the ON position.

JPM # 42 Page 8 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SAT/UNSAT STEP 14.: PLACE [1-BKRA-250-QN/B2-E], Inverter Output Bkr in ON __ SAT position.

UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates [1-BKRA-250-QN/B2-EI, Inverter Output Bkr in ON position.the ON position, cue him/her that it is ON.

STANDARD: Operator places [1-BKRA-250-QN/B2-E1, Inverter Output Bkr in Critical Step the ON position.

STEP 15.: ENSURE [1-HS-250-QN/S1-EI Manual Bypass Sw is in the __ SAT INVERTER TO LOAD position.

UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates [1-HS-250-QN/S1-El Manual Bypass Sw in the INVERTER TO LOAD position, cue him/her that it is in the LOAD position.

STANDARD: Operator places [1-HS-250-QN/SI-E1 Manual Bypass Sw in the Critical Step INVERTER TO LOAD position.

PRESS rl-HS-250-QN/S201-E1, Inverter To Load Pushbutton AND __ SAT STEP 16.:

VERIFY "Inverter Supplying Load" light ON and "Bypass Source UNSAT Supplying Load" light OFF.

Cue: "InverterSupplying Load" light ON and "Bypass Source Supplying Load" light OFF STANDARD: Operator presses 1l-HS-250-QNIS201-E1, Inverter To Load j Critical Step Pushbutton and verifies "Inverter Supplying Load" light ON and "Bypass Source Supplying Load" light OFF PERFORM the following on Annunciator Pnl 1: __ SAT STEP 17.:

1. PLACE [1-HS-250-QN/S2-E], AN1 Annunciator Disable Sw in ON.


2. PRESS button A (Acknowledge)
3. PRESS button R (Reset).

Cue: After operatorsimulatesplaces [1-HS-250-QN/S2-EI, ANI AnnunciatorDisable Sw in ON, cue him/her that it is in the ON position.

STANDARD: Operator places [1-HS-250-QN/S2-E1, ANI Annunciator Disable Sw ON; presses button A (Acknowledge); and presses button R (Reset).

JPM # 42 Page 9 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:

STEP/STANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 18.: PERFORM the following on Annunciator Pni 2: SAT

1. PLACE [1-HS-250-QN/S3-E], AN2 Annunciator Disable Sw in ON.


2. PRESS button A (Acknowledge).
3. PRESS button R (Reset).

Cue: After operatorsimulates places [1-HS-250-QN/S3-EI, AN2 Annunciator Disable Sw in ON, cue him/her that it is in the ON position.

STANDARD: Operator places [1-HS-250-QN/S3-E1, AN2 Annunciator Disable Sw ON; presses button A (Acknowledge); and presses button R (Reset).

STEP 19.: ENSURE alarms clear in the MCR (1-XA-55-1C, windows B-6 and B-7) __ SAT Cue: As the CRO, acknowledge that the alarms are clear. __ UNSAT STANDARD: Operator calls the MCR to determine the alarms are clear.

STEP 20.: IF [INVERTER OUTPUTJ voltage is < 120.6 volts or > 126.5 volts OR __ SAT frequency is < 59.4 Hz or > 60.6 Hz, THEN NOTIFY Electrical Maintenance for support. UNSAT Cue: AC OUTPUT voltage is 121 volts and frequency is 60 Hz.

STANDARD: Operator checks AC OUTPUT voltage and frequency to ensure within required limits.

STEP 21.: PLACE rl-HS-250-QNIS5-E1, Remote Sync switch on 1-11 Vital __ SAT Inverter to SYNC OUT position.

UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulatesplacing [1-HS-250-QN/SS-EI, Remote Sync switch on 1-11 Vital Inverter to SYNC OUTposition, cue him/her that it is in the SYNC OUT position.

STANDARD: Operator places [1-HS-250-QN/S5-E1, Remote Sync switch on 1-1l Vital Inverter to the SYNC OUT position. Critical Step

JPM # 42 Page 10 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 22.: ENSURE [0-HS-250-QW/SW4-E1 Remote Sync Input Switch, in UNIT 1 SAT Position. UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates placing [O-HS-250-QW/SW4-EI Remote Sync Input Switch, in the UNIT I Position,cue him/her that it is in the Unit I position.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator places [0-HS-250-QW/SW4-EI Remote Sync Input Switch, in the UNIT 1 Position STEP 23.: ENSURE [0-HS-250-QW/SW5-E1, Remote Sync Light Switch, in __ SAT UNIT I position.

UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates placing [O-HS-250-QW/SW5-EI Remote Sync Input Switch, in the UNIT 1 Position, cue him/her that it is in the Unit I position. Critical Step STANDARD: Operator places [0-HS-250-QW/SW5-E] Remote Sync Input Switch, in the UNIT 1 Position STEP 24.: VERIFY In Sync light LIT on 1-11 Inverter.. SAT U

UNSAT Cue: In Sync light LIT STANDARD: Operator verifies In Sync light LIT.

STEP 25.: VERIFY 120V AC Vital Instrument Power Board 1-11 amber [NOR __ SAT SUPPLY AVAIL] light LIT. UNSAT Cue: 120VAC Vital Instrument PowerBoard 1-Il amber [NOR SUPPLY AVA ILlight LIT.

STANDARD: Operator verifies 120V AC Vital Instrument Power Board 1-11 amber


STEP 26.: VERIFY 120V AC Vital Instrument Power Board 1-11 blue sync __ SAT light LIT to show Inverter 0-11 is in synchronism.

UNSAT Cue: 120VAC Vital Instrument PowerBoard 1-11 blue sync light LIT.

STANDARD: Operator verifies 120V AC Vital Instrument Power Board 1-11 blue sync light LIT.

JPM # 42 Page 11 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:

STEPISTANDARD SATIUNSAT STEP 27.: OPERATE 120V AC Vital Instrument Board 1-11 Transfer switch SAT 1-SW-250-NE-E to NORMAL position.

UNSAT NOTE: Switch must travel 150-1800 for breaker to close (This is past the NORMAL position indication).

Cue: Transferswitch is aligned to the NORMAL (Vertical) position.

Critical Step STANDARD: Operator identifies the transfer switch on the 1-11 Vital Instrument Power Distribution Board and rotates the switch swiftly to the normal position.

STEP 28.: VERIFY 120V AC Vital Instrument Board 1-11 voltage remains __ SAT stable on the voltmeter 1-EI-250-NE-E.

UNSAT Cue: Board voltage is stable.

STANDARD: Operator checks board voltmeter to verify voltage is stable.

STEP 29.: PLACE F1-HS-250-QN/S5-E1, Remote Sync Switch on 1-11 __ SAT Inverter to OFF position UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates placing[1-HS-250-QN/S5-EI, Remote Sync Switch on 1-11 Inverterto the OFFposition, cue him/her that it is in the OFFposition.

STANDARD: Operator places fl-HS-250-QN/S5-E1, Remote Sync Switch on 1 II Inverter to OFF position.

STEP 30.: ENSURE r0-HS-250-QWlSW4-E] Remote Sync Input Switch, in OFF __ SAT Position.

UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulates placing[O-HS-250-QWISW4-EI Remote Sync Input Switch to the OFFposition, cue him/her that it is in the OFFposition.

STANDARD: Operator places [rO-HS-250-QWISW4-E1 Remote Sync Input Switch to OFF position.

JPM # 42 Page 12 of 12 Rev 12 Job Performance Checklist:


STEP 31.: ENSURE r0-HS-250-QW/SWS-E1, Remote Sync Light Switch, in OFF SAT position. UNSAT Cue: After operatorsimulatesplacing [O-HS-250-QWISW -El Remote Sync Light Switch to the OFFposition, cue him/herthat it is in the OFFposition.

STANDARD: Operator places [r0-HS-250-QW/SW5-E1 Remote Sync Light Switch to OFF position.

STEP 32.: ENSURE i0-HS-250-QWISW3-E1 Remote Alarm Switch in OFF. __ SAT Cue: After operatorsimulatesplacing [O-HS-250-QW/SW3-EI Remote __ UNSAT Alarm Switch to the OFFposition, cue him/her that it is in the OFFposition.

STANDARD: Operator places ((0-HS-250-QW/SW4-E] Remote Alarm Switch to OFF position.

STEP 33.: ENSURE alarms clear in the MCR (1-XA-55-1C, window B-6 and B-7). __ SAT Cue: As the CRO, acknowledge the alarms are clear. __ UNSAT STANDARD: Operator contacts the main control room to determine alarm light status.

STEP 34.: Inform the Unit I SRO that the 1-11 Vital Inverter is back in service __ SAT and that the 1-11 Vital Power Board is back on the NORMAL supply from the 1-11 Inverter. __ UNSAT Cue: If asked, Vital Inverter0-1l will be removed from service by the on-coming shift.

Stop Time_

STANDARD: Operator informs the Unit I SRO that the 1-11 Vital Inverter is back in service and that the 1-11 Vital Power Board is back on the NORMAL supply from the 1-11 Inverter. (Only lacks IV)



  • Date/




(Operations Training Manager)

    • Date/


(Operations Representative)

  • Validation not required for minor enhancements, procedure Rev changes that do not affect the JPM, or individual step changes that do not affect the flow of the JPM.
    • Operations Concurrence required for new JPMs and changes that affect the flow of the JPM (if not driven by a procedure revision).



0 New Y 8/1/2002 All JP Kearney V - Specify ifthe JPM change will require another Validation (Y or N).

See cover sheet for criteria.

JPM 201RAP1 Page 3 of 6 Rev. 0 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Local Isolation Of Charging With Local Control Of Seal Injection Flow JA/TA task #: 3010070401(RO) 3010070402(SRO)

K/A Ratings: 2.4.27 (3.0/3.5) 2.1.30 (3.9/3.4) 067AA2.16 (3.3/4.0) 067AK3.04 (3.3/4.1) 004A4.08 (3.8/3.4) 004A4.11 (3.4/3.3)

Task Standard: Locally isolate Charging With Local Control Of Seal Injection Flow Evaluation Method: Simulator In-Plant X Performer:

NAME Start Time Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time Finish Time LFnluntun*r! /



1. Sequenced steps identified by an "s"
2. Any UNSAT requires comments
3. Task should begin in the SM office.
4. Supply the operator with a copy of AOP-N.08 (appropriate section), when he is given initial conditions and cues.
5. Insure operator performs the following required actions for SELF-CHECKING;
a. Identifies the correct unit, train, component, etc.
b. Reviews the intended action and expected response.
c. Compares the actual response to the expected response.

Validation Time: CR. 12 mins Tools/EquipmentlProcedures Needed:

AOP-N.01, Appendix R Fire Safe Shutdown, Appendix B (Do not give operator until discussion of equipment in JPM step 1 is complete.

SCBAs, portable lanterns, radio (These items are simulated. The operator should be able to explain where they are located)


Reference Title Rev No.

A. AOP-N.08 Appendix R Fire Safe Shutdown READ TO OPERATOR Directions to Trainee:

I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


1. Unit 2 has experienced an Appendix R Fire located in area 734-A24, 6.9 KV Shutdown Board Rm B.
2. The operating crew has entered AOP-N.08, section 2.44.
3. The AUOs are in the SM's office with SCBAs, portable lanterns, and radios prepared to be dispatched as directed by the MCR.


1. You are an AUO located in the SM office and been directed to locally isolate Unit 2 charging and throttle seal injection flow using Appendix B of AOP-N.08.
2. Inform the US/CRO when charging has been isolated.
3. This is a time critical JPM. Timing will start when the evaluator provides you with AOP N.08, Appendix B.

JPM 201RAP1 Page 5 of 6 Rev. 0 STEP 1.: OBTAIN radio, SCBA, and portable lantern. SAT NOTE Evaluator should complete the discussion of where the operator UNSAT may obtain a radio, SCBA, and portable lantern before providing the Critical step operator AOP-N.08, Appendix B. The time critical step begins in the SM's office when the operator is given Appendix B.

Start Time Cue Ask operatorwhere these items may be obtained.

Time operator STANDARD: Operator should be able to explain where he can obtain these items. given App B SCBAs available for operator use are located in the MCR Chart cabinets.

STEP 2.: Proceed to AB el. 669 Pen Rm - SAT Cue: If operatorattempts to open fire door to the 6.9KV Shutdown Board __ UNSAT Room B, inform the operatorthe door is hot to the touch.

STANDARD: Operator proceeds to AB el. 669 Pen Rm. via a route other than through the 6.9KV Shutdown Board Room B. Critical Step STEP 3.: ISOLATE charging header by closing one of the following: __ SAT

"* VLV-62-537, Reach rod in AB el. 669 Pen Rm, OR

"* VLV-62-539, Reach rod in AB el. 669 Pen Rm __ UNSAT Cue: When the operatorattempts to close the first valve, inform him/her that it does not move. After operatorsimulates closing the second Time to isolate valve, inform him that the valve on its closedseat.. charging STANDARD: Close either 2-VLV-62-537, Reach rod in AB el. 669 Pen Rm, OR min.

2-VLV-62-539, Reach rod in AB el. 669 Pen Rm. Critical step timing starts after discussion of where radio, SCBA, and portable lantern may be located. This step must be completed within 10 minutes of being Time Critical given Appendix B. Operator notifies US/CRO that charging is isolated. Step and AP Critical Step

JPM 201 RAP1 Page 6 of 6 Rev. 0 STEP 4.: IF MCR directs throttling seal injection flow THEN THROTTLE one SAT of the following valves to control pressurizer level and seal injection UNSAT flow:

"* VLV-62-535, CCP B-B Room, or

"* VLV-62-536, CCP B-B Room NOTE A step ladder and valve cheater will be required for this step. An EOI ladder is outside 1B-B or 2B-B CCP Room.

Cue: As the CRO, direct the operatorto throttle 2-VLV-62-535-or 2-VLV 62-536 until the valve is approximately half closed.

STANDARD: Throttle 2-VLV-62-535-or 2-VLV-62-until the valve is approximately half closed. Critical Step STEP 5.: NOTIFY US/CRO that Appendix B of AOP-N.08 is complete. __ SAT STANDARD: CRO notified. __ UNSAT Stop Time -

End of JPM

Final(BlueSubmittal Paper)

As Given Simulator Scenario Operator Actions ES D-2 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT EXAM 2002-301 50-327 & 50-328 DECEMBER 2 -6, 2002

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: I Op-Test No.:

Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: Plant is at 58% power following a trip after a refueling outage. 40 gpd leakage in #3 S/G Turnover: Increase power to 85%. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Hamilton and Rhea counties for the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. There is general increased security due to validated threats in the US Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description Set up simulator to IC- 8.

Preinsert "A" Containment Spray Pump OOS Preinsert "A" MDAFW Pump OOS Preinsert FW07B C "B" MDAFW fails to auto start Preinsert RP16K C Phase "A" fails to actuate 612A N Start 2nd MFP (BOP) 2 R Increase power to 85%

(RO) 2a I NI Channel Deviation 3 RX05A I PZR Level Channel 339 fails High (RO) 44RXI2B I PT-1-73, Impulse Pressure Transmitter, Fails low (BOP) 5 IA02 C Air system rupture, can be isolated (BOP) 6 TH05C M #3 S/G Tube Rupture (All) 7 MS12C C #3 Atmospheric Relief valve fails open after SGTL (RO)

Terminate at transition to ECA

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C;)omponent, (Muajor, kr-)iv-J%, kL)W rouwer

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 1_lof 1 Event


Start a 2 nd Main Feed Pump Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CRO RECORD MFPT selected to be started second. _ MFPT CRO ENSURE applicable Trip Test Prior to Startup has been COMPLETED CRO ENSURE MFPT Speed Control Bias dial at 50%.

CRO ENSURE MFPTs H-P and L-P steam isolation valves for the MFP being started are OPEN CRO IFMFPT is rolling greater than 200 rpm once HP ISOL is OPEN, THEN CONTACT Maintenance to check and adjust dashpot settings as necessary CRO THROTTLE [1-FCV-3-70] OR R-FcV-3-841 MFP Recirc valve between 30%-50% OPEN (for pump to be started) with [1-FlC-3-70] or [1-FIC-3-841.

CRO RESET the Standby MFPT CRO ENSURE the Condenser inlet and outlet valves OPEN CRO OPEN the Stop Valves for the MFPT to be started by placing either the H/P or UP handswitch to the RAISE position CRO VERIFY the MFP turning gear motor has STOPPED CRO/OATC NOTIFY MIG to adjust the MFPT hand changer for the proper rpm as the second MFPT is accelerated CRO MONITOR the following parameters during MFWP startup: Vibration and thrust bearing wear, MFWP Condenser vacuum/drain temperature, Oil system and bearing temperatures the CRO PLACE the governor valve positioner to the RAISE position to open the steam chest valves and accelerate MFPT CRO SLOWLY LOAD the second MFPT to raise MFPT speed until demand on MFPT speed controller matches the demand output of the first MFPT CRO ENSURE MFP Injection Water Intermediate Leakoff Pressure for pump started is 200-260 psig CRO ENSURE MFP Injection Water Differential Pressure for pump started is equal to or greater than 25 psid CRO WHEN the master controller has zero deviation, PLACE the second MFPT inAUTO CRO CLOSE the second MFPT drain valves CRO ENSURE 1-FCV-3-70] or [1-FCV-3-841 MFP Recirc valve is CLOSED and in MANUAL WHEN MFWP speed controllers [S[C-4_6-20_A] and [aSI-46-20B] are inAUTO, THEN, PERFORM the following to CRO adjust the minimum speed on the second MFWP; VERIFY both MFWP speed controller bias settings at 50%,

NOTIFY MIG to slowly adjust the hand speed changer on the second MFWP so that the MFWP speeds are equal speed CRO IFan adjustment of the flow balance between the MFPTs isdesired, THEN, SLOWLY ADJUST one MFPT control bias in downward direction (0%to 50%) until desired flow balance is achieved NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 1

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page of 1 Event Description :Increase Power to 85%

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior GO-5 Steps CRO PRIOR to increasing load above 729 MWe ENSURE at least one bus duct cooler is in service USING Q-SO-58-1 CRO PRIOR to increasing turbine load above 60%, ENSURE all #3and #7 heater drain tank systems are pumping forward CRO PRIOR to increasing turbine load above 65%, ENSURE second MFPT is in service CRO WHEN approximately 70% turbine load, THEN, PLACE the third #3 heater drain pump in service in accordance with 1,2-SO-5-2, ENSURE valves LCV-6-106A and LCV-6-106B are controlling #3 heater drain tank level properly SO-62-7 Steps

  • steps may be repeated to add additional water OATC ENSURE unit isNOT in a Tech Spec action that prohibits positive reactivity additions OATC ENSURE sufficient capacity available in the HUT selected to receive large amounts of CVCS letdown OATC ENSURE makeup system is aligned for AUTO operation in accordance with Section 5.1 OATC* RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration OATC* PLACE fl-S-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position OATC* PLACE HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position OATC* ENSURE FHS-62-140D1, Boric Acid Valve to the Blender is CLOSED (Green light is LIT)

OATC* SET [FQ-62-1-421, Batch Integrator for the desired quantity OATC* ADJUST FfC-62-1421, Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate OATC* PLACE IHS-62-140A1, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position OATC* VERIFY the following; Inlet to top of VCT FFCV-62-1281 isOPEN, Primary Water flow by rFl-62-142A1 or

[FQ-62-1421 OATC* IFprimary water addition to the bottom of the VCT [FCV-62-1441 isdesired, THEN, CLOSE [FCV-62-128 with IHS-62-128], OPEN [FCV-62-144 with rHS-62-144., VERIFY Primary Water flow by fFI-62-42A or rFQ-62-1421.

OATC* MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution is achieved OATC* IFiLI-62-1291, Volume Control Tank Level, increases to 63 percent, THEN; ENSURE [LCV-62-1181, Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tanks OATC* WHEN dilution iscomplete, THEN, PLACE FS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position, IF F 4 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE IFCV-62-144 with [H-62-144, VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A. or FFQ-62-1421, ENSURE [FCV-62-1281 is CLOSED OATC REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS inaccordance with Section 5.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 2

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: _3 Page 1 of 1 Event


-PZR Level Channel Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Crew enters AOP-I.04 US Evaluate TS (STA)

US Evaluate EPIP-1 Emergency Plan (Shift Manager)

Crew DIAGNOSE the failure, IF... Pressurizer Level Instrument Malfunction, Go To Section 2.2 OATC CHECK LI-68-339 indicates NORMAL (NO)


OATC ENSURE pressurizer heaters restored to service US NOTIFY IMto remove failed pressurizer level channel from service USING appropriate Appendix (E)

US GO TO appropriate plant procedure NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 3

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 1 Event


_ PT-1-73 Fails Low Time Position ý Applicant's Actions or Behavior US/OATC ARP-M5-C-6 actions, IFcontrols are in AUTO when alarm occurs, THEN PLACE rod control system in manual and match Tavg with Tref, AOP-l.08 Steps CRO CHECK P1-1-73 indicates normal (NO)

OATC PLACE rods inMAN CriticalTask CREW STABILIZE reactor power CRO EVALUATE placing Main Reg Valves inMAN to maintain SG level on program (S/G levels will go to 33%)

CRO PLACE steam dumps inSTEAM PRESSURE mode OATC DETERMINE Program T-avg for current reactor power USING TI-28 Figure A.9 CREW RESTORE T-avg to program; POSITION control rods, ADJUST turbine load, ADJUST RCS boron concentration US NOTIFY IMto remove P-1-73 from service USING Appendix B,Removing Turbine Impulse Pressure Instrument Loop P-1-73 (P-505) from Service OATC/CRO CHECK P1-1-72 indicates normal US/STA EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US GO TO appropriate plant procedure CREW may go to AOP-C.01 will be directed to AOP-I.08 after rods in manual NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 4

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 1 Event


_ Air System Rupture Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ARP M15, D-7, E-7 CRO Dispatch and operator to verify PCV-33-4 closed CRO Investigate the cause, dispatch operators to search for the leak CRO Locate and isolate the leak CRO Monitor air pressures US Refer to AOP-M.02 Only applicable steps from the AOP will be performed US/CRO DISPATCH personnel US/CRO VERIFY 6900V and 480V Shutdown Boards ENERGIZED CRO MONITOR PI-33-199, service air header pressure greater than 88 psig (NO), ENSURE O-PCV-33-4, Service Air Isol Valve, CLOSED CRO/AUO START Control Air Compressors as required to maintain system pressure CRO/AUC VERIFY Aand BControl Air Compressors LOADED as required CRO/AUO VERIFY Control Air Dryers and Filters operating properly US NOTIFY Maintenance to initiate repairs to source of air leakage CRO MONITOR PI-32-200, control air header pressure, greater than 77 psig (Pressure should recover when 33-4 closes)

I I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 5

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: -1 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 3 Event


S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ARP-M12-C-1 Steps CR( Check RM US/CRO Notify Chem Lab, align SGBD to FDCT, Evaluate Pri-Sec leakage US/CRO Notify RADCON to survey for hazards AOP-R.01 Steps US Evaluate TS US Evaluate the REP OATC Control Charging flow as necessary to maintain PZR level on program US/OATC Monitor PZR level stable or rising (NO)

OATC Trip the reactor US/OATC Initiate SI and go to E-0 I. I-I1 I.

_ I_


_ I_



I I I i I I

___ j _______

NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 6

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 3 Event


_ S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-0 Actions OATC VERIFY reactor TRIPPED CRO VERIFY turbine TRIPPED CRO VERIFY shutdown boards ENERGIZED CRO/OATC DETERMINE ifSI actuated (Yes)


  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig (NO)

OATC VERIFY ESF systems ALIGNED, Phase AACTUATED, Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED, Status monitor panels, Train Astatus panel 6K, Train Bstatus panel 6L. CriticalTask - Complete CTMT


OATC MONITOR containment spray NOT required (Yes)

OATC CHECK ifmain steam lines should be isolated (NO)


CRO CHECK AFW valve alignment CRO DETERMINE ifsecondary heat sink available (Yes)

OATC MONITOR RCS temperatures OATC IFany RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 547°F and 552°F (NO)

OATC/CRO IFtemperature less than 5470F and dropping, THEN PERFORM the following; ENSURE steam dumps and atmospheric reliefs CLOSED (NO)

CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, PERFORM the following; CONTROL total feed flow USING EA-3-8, Manual Control of AFW Flow, MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV] in at least one S/G US/CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CRO DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-0-1, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 7

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: Event No.: 6 Page 3 of 3 Event


_ S/G Tube Rupture T I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior OATC CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves EMOTER

  • Depending on crew speed, the crew may go back to step 7c when RCS pressure goes below 1500 psig OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig (NO*)

CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT (NO)

US MONITOR status trees, GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.

_ I_ _ _ _

__ _I I _ _ _

I I.

I I I 4 I I I___ _ _ I

__ _I I_ I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 8

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 3 Event


__ S/G Tube Rupture T I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-2 Steps (Starts Event 7)

CRO CHECK MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED CRO CHECK S/G secondary pressure boundary integrity CRO IDENTIFY Faulted S/G(s): CHECK S/G pressures, Any S/G pressure DROPPING in an uncontrolled manner CRO ISOLATE Faulted S/G(s): CriticalTask Isolate #3 SIG CRO

  • ISOLATE AFW 3-148 and 3-172A are closed CRO
  • VERIFY S/G blowdown valves CLOSED

° VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSED (NO), CLOSE atmospheric relief, IFFaulted S/G(s) atmospheric relief CRO can NOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnel to close atmospheric relief USING EA-1-2, Local Control of S/G PORVs CRO MONITOR CST level greater than 10%.

CRO VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL (NO), GO TO E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 9

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 SO-eto: Scenario No.: _1 _ Event No.: -7 Page of -3 EvenDecripion __ S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-3 Steps OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria (NO)

CRO BYPASS condensate DI CRO MONITOR indications of Ruptured S/G(s): IDENTIFY Ruptured S/G(s) as indicated by any of the following, Unexpected rise in any S/G narrow range level (Loop 3)

CRO ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s):


  • ADJUST Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief controller setpoint to 87% in AUTO. (1040 psig)

CRO 0 CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief hand switch in P-AUTO and valve(s) CLOSED (NO) atmospheric relief CRO WHEN Ruptured S/G(s) pressure less than 1040 psig, THEN PERFORM the following: VERIFY CLOSED, IFatmospheric relief NOT closed, THEN CLOSE atmospheric relief.

to close atmospheric CRO IFRuptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief CANNOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnel relief USING EA-1-2, Local Control of S/G PORVs.

CRO VERIFY Ruptured S/G(s) blowdown isolation valves CLOSED CRO CLOSE Ruptured S/G(s) MSIV and MSIV bypass valve CRO MAINTAIN Ruptured S/G(s) level in narrow range: CHECK narrow range level greater than 10%, WHEN ruptured S/G level isgreater than 10% [25% ADV], THEN STOP feed flow to ruptured S/G CRO VERIFY Ruptured S/G ISOLATED from Intact S/G(s CRO CHECK either of the following conditions SATISFIED: Ruptured S/G be MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED OR MSIV(s) and MSIV bypass valve(s) CLOSED on Intact S/G(s) to used for RCS cooldown.

CRO CHECK Ruptured S/G pressure greater than 380 psig (YES)

OATC CHECK at least one RCP RUNNING CRO INITIATE RCS cooldown OATC DETERMINE target core exit T/C temperature based on Ruptured S/G pressure CRO DUMP steam at maximum achievable rate USING Intact S/G(s) atmospheric relief(s).

WHEN RCS pressure less than 1920 psig, THEN PERFORM the following: BLOCK low steamline pressure CRO BLOCK RATE ISOL ENABLE permissive LIT. [M-4A, A4]


CRO WHEN core exit TICs less than target temperature determined in Substep 9.a, THEN PERFORM STOP RCS cooldown, MAINTAIN core exit TICs less than target temperature I I I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 10

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of 3 Event


_ S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior E-3 Steps Continued CRO MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels, Greater than 10%, Between 10% [25% ADV] and 50%.

OATC MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves, Power to block valves AVAILABLE, Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED, At least one block valve OPEN OATC RESET Sl and CHECK the following: AUTO S.1. BLOCKED permissive LIT [M-4A, 04], S.I. ACTUATED permissive DARK [M-4A, D41.

CRO MONITOR AC busses energized from start busses OATC RESET Phase Aand Phase B CRO ESTABLISH control air to containment USING EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to Containment DETERMINE ifRHR pumps should be stopped: CHECK RHR pump suction aligned from RWST, CHECK RCS OATC pressure greater than 180 psig, STOP RHR pumps and PLACE inA-AUTO, MONITOR RCS pressure greater than 180 psig OATC CHECK ifRCS cooldown should be stopped OATC CHECK core exit TICs less than target temperature CRO STOP RCS cooldown CriticalTask Cooldown RCS to targettemp.

CRO MAINTAIN core exit T/Cs less than target temperature CRO CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) pressure STABLE or RISING (NO)

US/CRO IFRuptured S/G(s) pressure drops to less than 250 psig above pressure of Intact S/G(s) being used for cooldown, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA- Subcooled Recovery TERMINATE THE EXERCISE AT ECA TRANSITION NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 11

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: Plant is at 100% power EOL proceeding to a refueling outage. 10 .qpd leakage in

  1. 3 S/G Turnover: A Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Hamilton and Rhea counties for the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. There is general increased security due to validated threats in the US.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description Set up simulator to IC- 12.

Preinsert "B"Containment Spray Pump OOS Preinsert "B"MDAFW Pump GOS Preinsert FW07C C TDAFW pump fails Preinsert RP16K C Containment Spray Pump "A" Fails to Auto Start 1 N Swap CCP's for maintenance preps (RO) 2 RX10B I Loop #2 Steam Flow Channel Fails Low (BOP) 3 RX02 I T Cold Fails High (RO) 4 CV17B C #2 RCP - #1 Seal Failure (Below Trip Criteria)


R Shutdown the plant lAW AOP-C.03. Let power decrease for 10-15%

(RO) (Normal for CRO) 6 CN09 C Loss of Condenser Vacuum (Slow Ramp to Trip)

(BOP) 7 MS01B M #2 S/G Break I/S Containment (All)

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (P)RA, (L)ow Power

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: -1 Page 1 of I Event


._Swap CCP's for Maintenance Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SO-62-1 Steps Section 8.10 CRO ENSURE an "A'Train Component Cooling Water Pump isinservice CRO/OATC NOTIFY appropriate operator to locally inspect IA-A pump to ensure itis ready for operation OATC WHEN ready to start 1A-A CCP, THEN PLACE [r-HS-62-108A] inSTART US REFER to LCO 3.4.12 OATC WHEN ready to shutdown 1B-B CCP, THEN PLACE [l-HS-62-104A] in STOP NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 1

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 1 Event Description :-Loop #2 Steam Flow Channel Fails Low Time [Position [ Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5-A A-7 Steps CRO IFS/G level is low, THEN ENSURE MFP and reg. valves are responding to return level to program CRO/US IFMFP and reg. valves cannot return level to program, THEN EVALUATE turbine runback criteria and/or load reduction with SRO CRO/US IFsteam generator feedwater flow is high and level is normal or increasing to hi level, THEN PERFORM the following: PLACE affected steam generator Reg Valve in MANUAL, RESTORE level to program, GO TO AOP-S.01, Loss of NormalFeedwater.

AOP-S.01 Steps US DIAGNOSE the failure, IFLoss of Normal Feedwater Control, GO TO Section 2.1 CRO MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program CRO PLACE affected level controller(s) in MANUAL, FIC-3-48A, S/G-2 CRO CONTROL feedwater flow on affected S/G(s) USING main feedwater regulating valve controller(s) to restore level to program CRO CHECK Steam Flow and Feed Flow Channels NORMAL [M-4]: (NO)

CRO TRANSFER associated Steam Flow or Feed Flow selector switch to alternate channel (FI-I-10B)

CRO MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program CRO VERIFY failure due to steam flow/feed flow instrument malfunction CRO PLACE main feedwater regulating valve(s) inAUTO CRO CHECK S/G pressure instruments NORMAL US INITIATE repairs on failed equipment NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 2

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Pagel of 1 Event


_T Cold Fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5A D-7 Steps Crew may refer to A6, B6, or C6 OATC CHECK 1-XX-55-5, Trip status, AND EVALUATE Rx trip criteria US IF reactor trips, THEN GO TO E-0, Reactor TriporSafetyInject/on US GO TO AOP-l.02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument Malfunction AOP-I.02 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability OATC STABILIZE reactor power USING manual rod control CriticalTask OATC CHECK loop 1 temperature channel OPERABLE (YES)

OATC CHECK loop 2 temperature channel OPERABLE (NO)

OATC PULL-TO-DEFEAT TAVG CHANNEL DEFEAT switch to LOOP 2 OATC PULL-TO-DEFEAT AT CHANNEL DEFEAT switch to LOOP 2 OATC PLACE LOOP TAVG AT REC/SEL switch in LOOP 1, 3, or 4 US NOTIFY IMto remove failed TAVG AT instrument loop from service USING appropriate Appendix B OATC RESTORE rod control to AUTO NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 3

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 1 Event


_#2 RCP, #1 Seal Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-R.04 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Initiating Conditions Matrix OATC DIAGNOSE the failure: RCP #1 Seal Leakoff high flow (high flow Alarm), GO TO Section 2.2 OATC MONITOR #1 seal leakoff less than 6 gpm per pump (NO)

OATC MONITOR RCP lower bearing temperature and seal temperature OATC CHECK #1seal leakoff flow OATC IF#1 seal leakoff flow greater than 8 gpm, THEN PERFORM the following CREW INITIATE plant shutdown at 2-5% per minute USING AOP-C.03, Emergency Shutdown US WHEN reactor is tripped, THEN GO TO Section 2.1, RCP Tripped or Shutdown Required.

I_ _ _ 1 I I I I I I

_ I_ _ _ _ I I I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 4

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 55 Page 1 -of 2 Event


-Shutdown the Plant lAW AOP-C.03 Time (Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-C.03 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Initiating Conditions Matrix US NOTIFY following personnel of emergency shutdown: Load Coordinator, Chemistry, RADCON, Plant Management CRO MONITOR reactor/turbine trip NOT required USING Appendix A,Reactor and Turbine Trip Criteria CREW INITIATE load reduction at rate between 2% and 5% per minute OATC IFborating from the BAT, THEN PERFORM the following OATC DETERMINE recommended boration flowrate and volume OATC INITIATE emergency boradon to maintain control rods above low-low insertion limit SO-62-7 Steps OATC ENSURE Boric Acid Storage Tank level is within requirements of Technical Requirements Manual LCO's or, as applicable OATC RECORD the quantity of boric acid required to achieve desired boron concentration using Appendix D OATC MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from the boration is achieved OATC ENSURE Boric Acid Pump aligned to the blender is in FAST speed by right red light LIT on FHS-62-230A] or FHS-62-232A1.

OATC ADJUST FFCV--1381, Emergency Borate Valve, to maintain boric acid flow between 35 and 150 gpm, OR flow rate as directed by AOP-C.03 or 1,2-AR-M4-B OATC RECORD the time started OATC CALCULATE time for boration OATC IFVolume Control Tank level increases to 63 percent, THEN, ENSURE [LCV-62-1181, Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tank OATC WHEN itistime to terminate boration, THEN, COMPLETE the following substeps: ENSURE the boric acid transfer pumps in slow speed, THROTTLE recirculation valve for applicable BAT as needed for pump protection, ENSURE [EFOV-23, Emergency Borate valve is CLOSED, NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample OATC WHEN evolution is complete, THEN, ENSURE requirements of Technical Requirements Manual LCO's and are met NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 5

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Page 2 of 2 Event


Shutdown the Plant lAW AOP-C.03 Sj Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time ýAp~cn, AOP-C.03 Steps Continued OATC ENERGIZE one set of backup heaters to reduce boron concentration differences between pressurizer and RCS OATC MONITOR automatic rod control maintaining T-avg/T-ref mismatch less than 5°F CRO STOP secondary plant equipment USING Appendix B,Secondary Plant Equipment Loss of Vacuum (Event 6) insertedat this point I I

_ I_ _ _ _ I I 4-I I I I I I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 6

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page 1 - of 1 Event


Loss of Condenser Vacuum (Slow Ramp Time to Trip)

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR M2C C-6 Actions Verify alarm on recorder Verify required CCW pumps running Check condenser in-leakage on ICS Ifalarm valid, Go to AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser Vacuum AOP-S.02 Steps CRO MONITOR condenser pressure for turbine trip criteria CRO CHECK generator load greater than or equal to 350 MWe CRO I-CHECK condenser pressure less than or equal to 2.7 psia CRO ENSURE condenser vacuum pumps RUNNING CRO ENSURE condenser vacuum breaker CLOSED CRO CHECK required CCW Pumps RUNNING [M-15].

CREW Crew should trip the unit per the RNO instep 1a. IFcondenser pressure can NOT be restored within 5 minutes, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 7

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 3 Event


Faulted S/G I/S Containment Time j Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-0 Actions OATC VERIFY reactor TRIPPED CRO VERIFY turbine TRIPPED CRO VERIFY shutdown boards ENERGIZED CRO/OATC DETERMINE ifSI actuated (Yes)

Operator stops Loop 2 RCP and closes 62-22 within 30 seconds CRO VERIFY CCS pumps RUNNING CRO CHECK ERCW system operation, VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING, VERIFY DIG ERCW supply valves OPEN CRO/OATC VERIFY ECCS pumps RUNNING OATC VERIFY CCP flow through CCPIT OATC

  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig (NO)

OATC VERIFY ESF systems ALIGNED, Phase AACTUATED, Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED, Status monitor panels, Train Astatus panel 6K, Train Bstatus panel 6L OATC MONITOR containment spray NOT required (NO)

OATC ENSURE containment spray INITIATED Critical Task OATC Containment spray pumps RUNNING (NO), Operator starts Containment Spray Pump OATC Containment spray header isolation valves FCV-72-39 and FCV-72-2 OPEN OATC Containment spray recirculation valves to RWST FCV-72-34 and FCV-72-13 CLOSED OATC Containment spray header flow greater than 4750 gpm per train OATC Panel 6E LIT OATC ENSURE Phase Bvalves CLOSED, Panel 6K PHASE BGREEN, Panel 6L PHASE B GREEN OATC STOP RCPs CrticalTask: Stop RCP's w1thin 2 minu/es OATC MONITOR containment air return fans, RECORD present time, WHEN 10 minutes have elapsed, THEN ENSURE containment air return fans are running OATC CHECK ifmain steam lines should be isolated (NO)

CRO VERIFY MFW Isolation NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 8

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of 3 Event


_ Faulted S/G I/S Containment Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-0 Steps Continued CRO VERIFY AFW pumps RUNNING, MDAFW (NO)

CRO CHECK AFW valve alignment CRO DETERMINE ifsecondary heat sink available (Yes) Should Use adverse numbers OATC MONITOR ROS temperatures 0

OATC IFany RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 547 F and 552°F (NO) 0 0 OATC IFRCPs stopped, THEN CHECK T-cold stable at or trending to between 547 F and 552 F OATC IFtemperature less than 547 0 F and dropping, THEN PERFORM the following CRO ENSURE steam dumps and atmospheric reliefs CLOSED CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN PERFORM the following CRO CONTROL total feed flow USING EA-3-8, Manual Control of AFW Flow CRO MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADVI in at least one S/G CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CRO DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-0-1, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation OATC CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves NERe

  • Depending on crew speed, the crew may go back to step 7c when RCS pressure goes below 1500 psig OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig Critical Task CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT (NO)

US MONITOR status trees, GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.

NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 9

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of 3 Event


Faulted S/G I/S Containment Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior FR-Z.1 Steps Monitor RWST > 27%

Verify Containment Ventilation dampers closed Verify Phase Avalves closed Verify Phase Bvalves closed Verify Containment Spray Actuation Verify EGTS Operation Monitor Containment Air Return fans Verify MSIV's and bypasses closed Determine any intact S/G E-2 Steps CRO CHECK MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED CRO CHECK S/G secondary pressure boundary integrity CRO IDENTIFY Faulted S/G(s): CHECK S/G pressures, Any S/G pressure DROPPING in an uncontrolled manner CRO ISOLATE Faulted S/G(s): Critical Task. Isolate #2 S/G CRO

  • ISOLATE MFW CRO 0 ISOLATE AFW CRO 0 VERIFY S/G blowdown valves CLOSED VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSED (NO), CLOSE atmospheric relief, IFFaulted S/G(s) atmospheric relief CRO
  • atmospheric relief USING EA-1-2, Local Control of can NOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnel to close SIG PORVs CRO MONITOR CST level greater than 10%.

CRO VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL (YES), GO TO E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant TERMINATE THE EXERCISE AFTER SI TERMINATION IS CHECKED INE-1 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 10

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.:

Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: Plant is at 94% power following a trip after a refueling outage. 10 qpd leakage in

  1. 3 S/G.

Turnover: Increase power to 100%. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Hamilton and Rhea counties for the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. There is general increased security due to validated threats in the US.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description Set up simulator to IC- 9. Place "A" CCP in-service Preinsert "B" Containment Spray Pump 0OS Preinsert "B" RHR Pump OOS Preinsert CV01B C "B" CCP fails on start Preinsert EG03A C "A" EDG fails to auto start Preinsert 8P16k6 C "A" Train SI Fails 1 N Transfer "B"Shutdown Board to Alternate Supply (BOP) 2 R Increase Power to 100%

(RO) 3 RX06A I PZR Level channel fails Low I (RO) 4 RW01H C ERCW Pump Trips (BOP) 5 RX20 I PT-1-33, Steam Pressure Channel, fails High (BOP) 6 CV03 C 25 GPM leak in Containment (RO)

TH03A M Small Break LOCA 20-80%


When RHR pumps are stopped in ES-I.I

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (P)RA, (L)ow Power

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 1 Event


Transfer "B"Shutdown Board to Alternate Time [ Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SO-202-4 Section 8.2.1 Steps US SM APPROVAL to perform this section US ENSURE Section 8.2 of this Instruction has been PERFORMED (SM cue section 8.2 has been completed)

CRO/OATC ENSURE normal 3 phase voltage AVAILABLE on alternate feeder breaker [I 7281, compartment 16, via local voltmeter and selector switch on door CRO ENSURE 1-XS-57-661, 6.9kV Shutdown Board 1B-B voltmeter selector switch is on BUS VOLTAGE position CRO PLACE [1-HS-57-71A], control switch for 17[28], in CLOSE position and HOLD CRO PLACE [1-HS-57-68A], control switch for 17[261, inTRIP position momentarily CRO VERIFY breaker 11726] OPEN and breaker l 281 CLOSED CRO VERIFY l1-EI-57-61, 1B-B 6.9kV Shutdown Board Bus Voltmeter INDICATES normal voltage (6560-7260)

CRO RELEASE M]-HS-57-71A] to MID position CRO VERIFY all loads previously inservice remain in service CRO ENSURE any annunciators illuminated due to transfer are DARK (located panel 1-XA-55-IB or 0-XA-55 26B)

NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 1

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of Event Description : - Increase Power to 100%

Time Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior GO-5 Steps CRO MONITOR NIS, AT and calorimetrics on plant computer (pt. U2118) while increasing reactor power.

CRO IFUnit isreturning to full power after a turbine load reduction to less than 50%, THEN PERFORM the following prior to exceeding 98% reactor power:

CRO CONTACT Engineering to determine ifcheck for Feedwater Venturi Unfouling is required CRO RECORD power ascension ramp rate from TI-40, CONTINUE power ascension to 100% RTP OATC IFdiluting the RCS to increase TAVG, THEN CONTINUE the dilution and increase turbine load to maintain TREF with TAVG. (Control rods may be used along with dilution to increase reactor power and maintain AFD within the target control band).

CRO MONITOR the turbine load increasing AND MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10% above the current governor control indication as turbine load is changed CRO ADJUST governor valve position limiter - 2%above governor valve position CRO IFunsatisfactory load swings are experienced as the unit approaches full power, THEN CRO WITH the turbine load set for a maximum of 100% power, SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY PULSE the governor VALVE POSITION LIMIT in the LOWER direction while monitoring megawatts for a decrease and the VALVE POS LIMIT light to ILLUMINATE.

WHEN the unit stabilizes at 100% reactor power, THEN US NOTIFY load coordinator that the power increase is complete US NOTIFY RADCON that unit power has stabilized at 100%.

_ I_ __ _ __'

NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 2

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of Event


-Increase Power to 100%

T I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SO-62-7 Steps

  • steps may be repeated to add additional water OATC ENSURE unit is NOT in a Tech Spec action that prohibits positive reactivity additions OATC ENSURE sufficient capacity available inthe HUT selected to receive large amounts of CVCS letdown OATC ENSURE makeup system isaligned for AUTO operation in accordance with Section 5.1 OATC* RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration OATC* PLACE FHS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position OATC* PLACE FHS-62-140B1, CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position OATC* ENSURE FHS-62-140D], Boric Acid Valve to the Blender is CLOSED (Green light is LIT)

OATC* SET FF-6-4, Batch Integrator for the desired quantity OATC* ADJUST FF-62-1421, Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate OATC* PLACE lHS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position OATC* VERIFY the following; Inlet to top of VCT IFCV-62-1281 is OPEN, Primary Water flow by [FI-62-142A1 or FFO-62-1 421 OATC* IFprimary water addition to the bottom of the VCT [FCV-62-1441 is desired, THEN, CLOSE fFCV-62-1281 with

[HS-62-1281, OPEN [FCV-62-1441 with [HS-62-1441, VERIFY Primary Water flow by [FI-62-142A] or IFFQ-62-1 421.

OATC* MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution is achieved OATC* IF[LI-62-1291, Volume Control Tank Level, increases to 63 percent, THEN; ENSURE [LCV-62-1181, Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tanks OATC* WHEN dilution is complete, THEN, PLACE HS-62-140A1, Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position, IF FV-2 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE [FCV-62-1441 with _, VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A] or FQ-62-1142, ENSURE [FCV-62-1281 is CLOSED OATC REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 3

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page - of 2 Event


- Pressurizer Level Channel Fails Low Time 1Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5-A (E-3) Steps OATC VERIFY the following automatic operations: Pressurizer heaters OFF, Letdown orifice valves FCV-62-72, 73 and 74 CLOSED, Letdown isolation valves FCV-62-69 and 70 CLOSED US IF level channel failed, THEN, GO TO AOP-I.04, Pressurizer Instrument Malfunction AOP-I.04 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix OATC DIAGNOSE the failure OATC CHECK LI-68-339 indicates NORMAL (NO)

PER FORM the following:


OATC RESTORE letdown USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown CrilicalTask OATC ENSURE pressurizer heaters restored to service US NOTIFY IMto remove failed pressurizer level channel from service USING Appendix E NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 4

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 2 Event


- Pressurizer Level Channel Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EA-62-5 Steps OATC IFcharging flow NOT established, THEN PERFORM Section 4.2 QATC VERIFY pressurizer level greater than 17%.

OATC ENSURE letdown orifice isolation valves CLOSED OATC OPEN letdown isolation valves, opens 62-70 OATC PLACE [HIC-62-781 inMANUAL, AND OPEN fTC V -1921to - 50%.

between 40% and 50%, (50%

OATC PLACE letdown pressure controller F]CV-62-81] in MANUAL and ADJUST output 60% open).

OATC ADJUST charging flow as necessary to prevent flashing inthe letdown line OATC OPEN letdown orifice isolation valves as needed OATC ADJUST letdown pressure controller IPC-62-81] output to obtain desired pressure OATC ADJUST letdown pressure controller fPCV-62-81 setpoint to match existing pressure OATC PLACE letdown pressure controller [PCV-6281] in AUTO on R-2-781].

OATC ADJUST [HIC.62-78A] to obtain desired letdown temperature, as indicated OATC PLACE [HIC-62-78A] inAUTO OATC ENSURE high temperature divert valve I]-62-79A] inDEMIN position OATC ADJUST charging and letdown as necessary to maintain RCP seal injection flow and pressurizer level NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 5

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 4 Page 1_1of Event


ERCW Pump R-A Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M27-A (82) Steps CRO ENSURE sufficient pumps running for system configuration CRO VERIFY ERCW pump R-A running US/CRO IFR-A ERCW pump is failed, THEN GO TO AOP-M.01, Loss of Essential Raw Cooling Water AOP-M.01 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs and TRM for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix CRO DIAGNOSE the failure CRO IDENTIFY and LOCK OUT failed ERCW pump CRO START additional ERCW pumps as required to maintain supply header pressure between 78 psig and 124 psig CRO CHECK two ATrain ERCW Pumps AVAILABLE CRO/ DISPATCH personnel to INSPECT failed pump(s) and determine cause for failure OATC CRO CHECK 1A and 2A ERCW supply header pressures and flows NORMAL CRO CHECK 1B and 28 ERCW supply header pressures and flows NORMAL CRO CHECK ERCW pump loading amps NORMAL CRO TRANSFER emergency power selector switch away from failed pump CRO/ CLOSE manual discharge valve for failed pump(s) [ERCW Pumping Station]. 2-67-746A OATC NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 6

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of Event


PT-1-33 Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M3C (Cl) Steps CRO DISPATCH operator to #1feedwater heaters to verify the valves open CRO REDUCE feedwater pressure to *1100 psig CRO WHEN pressure reduces to - 1100 psig, THEN VERIFY the above PSV's closed US IFalarm still illuminated or by SRO decision, THEN GO TO AOP-S.01, Loss of Normal Feedwater AOP-S.01 Steps CRO DIAGNOSE the failure - Loss of Main Feedwater Pump Control CRO MAINTAIN feedwater pressure on program CRO PLACE affected MFP speed controller(s) inMANUAL -PC-46-20, MFPT 1A(2A) &

1B(2B) Speed Control CRO CONTROL speed on affected MFP(s) to restore feedwater pressure to program CriticalTask CRO MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program US INITIATE repairs on failed equipment NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 7

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page 1_l of Event


Leak inContainment Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5C (B3) Steps OATC CHECK dew point temperature by observing 1-MR-30-240 on 1-M-10 OATC MONITOR containment pressure via i-PDI-30-45, 44, 43, 42 on 1-M-6 for increase US IFa small RCS leak is indicated, THEN GO TO AOP-R.05, RCS Leak andleakSource/dentifIcation AOP-R.05 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix US EVACUATE all personnel from containment DIAGNOSE the failure, go to section 2.1 OATC CONTROL charging flow as necessary to maintain pressurizer level greater than 10%. 1B CCP trips when attempted to start OATC MAINTAIN VCT level greater than 13% using automatic or manual makeup OATC MONITOR containment pressure STABLE or DROPPING (NO)

OATC IFcontainment pressure is approaching 1.54 psig, THEN PERFORM the following: IFin MODE 1, 2 or 3, THEN TRIP the reactor, INITIATE Safety Injection, and GO TO E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection CRO MONITOR condenser vacuum and S/G radiation monitors NORMAL OATC MONITOR containment conditions STABLE (NO)

OATC PLACE spare upper and lower compartment coolers INSERVICE as required CRO CHECK containment radiation RISING CREW DETERMINE leakage source OATC ISOLATE letdown: CLOSE letdown orifice valves FCV-62-72, FCV-62-73, FCV-62-74 OATC CLOSE letdown isolation valves: FCV-62-69, FCV-62-70, FCV-62-77 OATC EVALUATE need to CLOSE FCV-62-83, RHR Letdown Isolation us NOTIFY Chemistry Shift Supervisor to ENSURE all primary side sample points in Hot Sample Room CLOSED NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 8

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of Event


__ Leak in Containment Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-R.05 Continued us CHECK leak IDENTIFIED and ISOLATED US EVALUATE placing excess letdown inservice using EA-62-3, Establishing Excess Letdown US INITIATE leak repairs EA-62-3 Steps OATC IFexcess letdown is only letdown flowpath, THEN CONTROL charging flow as necessary to prevent high pressurizer level us IFhigh activity levels inRCS are suspected, THEN NOTIFY Radiological Control (Radcon) section to monitor plant radiological conditions as required CRO ENSURE CCS inlet to excess letdown heat exchanger FFC-70143 OPEN CRO ENSURE CCS outlet to excess letdown heat exchanger FCV-70-851 OPEN CRO VERIFY CCS flow to excess letdown heat exchanger greater than 230 gpm, as indicated on.F.-70-84 OATC ENSURE excess letdown divert valve iFC-62-59] in NORMAL OATC OPEN excess letdown isolation valve [FCV-62-54].

OATC OPEN excess letdown isolation valve [FCV-62-551.

OATC ADJUST excess letdown flow control valve IFCVY-2-561 as necessary to control flow WHILE maintaining heat 0

exchanger outlet temperature less than 200°F (240 F on Unit 1), as indicated on FI-62-581.

US NOTIFY RADCON excess letdown has been placed inservice NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 9

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of Event


Small Break LOCA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Crewshould use MonitorStep 3 In AOP-R.05 to rip the reactorwhen containmentpressureapproaches 1.54

_________ps/p E-0 Steps OATC VERIFY reactor TRIPPED CRO VERIFY turbine TRIPPED CRO VERIFY shutdown boards ENERGIZED CRO/OATC DETERMINE ifSI actuated (Yes)

CRO VERIFY CCS pumps RUNNING (AManual Start 1B-B)

CRO CHECK ERCW system operation, VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING, VERIFY DIG ERCW supply valves OPEN (1A EDG didnotstart)

CRO/OATC VERIFY ECCS pumps RUNNING, "A"train CCP, SIP, and RHR Pumps will fail to start. "A"Train control room isolation also fails OATC VERIFY CCP flow through CCPIT OATC

  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig (NO)

OATC VERIFY ESF systems ALIGNED, Phase A ACTUATED, Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED, Status monitor panels, Train A status panel 6K, Train B status panel 6L OATC MONITOR containment spray NOT required (Yes)

OATC CHECK ifmain steam lines should be isolated (NO)

CRO VERIFY MFW Isolation CRO VERIFY AFW pumps RUNNING CRO CHECK AFW valve alignment CRO DETERMINE ifsecondary heat sink available (Yes)

OATC MONITOR RCS temperatures 0

OATC IFany RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 547°F and 552 F (NO)

OATC/CRO IFtemperature less than 5470F and dropping, THEN PERFORM the following; ENSURE steam dumps and atmospheric reliefs CLOSED (NO)

CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, PERFORM the following; CONTROL total feed flow USING EA-3-8, Manual Control of AFW Flow, MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV] in at least one SIG NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 10

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of Event


Small Break LOCA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-0 Steps Continued US/CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CRO DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-0-1, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation OATC CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves EMMINERV07E

  • Depending on crew speed, the crew may go back to step 7c when RCS pressure goes below 1500 psig OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig (NO-)

A phase Bsignal should be generated during this portion of the procedure OATC STOP RCPs Cri/icalTask: Stop RCP's wiftin 2 minutes CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT: All S/G pressures controlled or rising, All S/G pressures greater than 140 psig (YES)

CRO CHECK ifS/G tubes are INTACT (YES)

OATC CHECK ifRCS is INTACT: Containment pressure NORMAL (NO)

US PERFORM the following: MONITOR status trees, GO TO E-i, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 11

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of Event


- Small Break LOCA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-1 Steps OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig (NO*)

CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT: All S/G pressures controlled or rising, All S/G pressures greater than 140 psig (YES)

CRO MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels: > 25%, Between 25 - 50%

CRO VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL: CHECK the following radiation monitors, including available trends prior to isolation: Main steamline NORMAL, Condenser exhaust NORMAL, S/G blowdown recorder RR-90-120, pen #1 and pen #2 NORMAL, Post-Accident Area Radiation Monitor recorder RR-90-268B, points 3 (blue), 4 (violet),

5 (black), and 6 (brown) NORMAL. [M-31 (back of M-30)]

US NOTIFY chem lab to take S/G activity samples every 60 minutes US NOTIFY RADCON to survey main steamlines and S/G blowdown OATC MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves: Power to block valves AVAILABLE, Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED, At least one block valve OPEN CRO ENSURE Reactor Building auxiliary floor and equipment drain sump pumps (pocket sump pumps) STOPPED OATC MONITOR SI termination criteria OATC RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs greater than 40°F Or Total feed CRO Secondary heat sink: Narrow range level inat least one Intact S/G greater than 10% [25% ADV].

flow to Intact S/Gs greater than 440 gpm OATC RCS pressure stable or rising OATC Pressurizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV].

us GO TO ES-1.1, SI Termination NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I 12

Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page 4 of Event


Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ES-1.1 Steps OATC RESET SI and CHECK the following: AUTO S.I. BLOCKED permissive LIT. [M-4A, C4], S.I. ACTUATED permissive DARK. [M-4A, D4]

CRO MONITOR shutdown boards continuously energized OATC RESET Phase Aand Phase B CRO ESTABLISH control air to containment USING EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to Containment OATC STOP all BUT one CCP and PLACE in A-AUTO OATC CHECK RCS pressure stable or rising isolation valves OATC ISOLATE CCPIT: CLOSE inlet isolation valves FCV-63-39 and FCV-63-40, CLOSE outlet FCV-63-26 and FCV-63-25 OATC ESTABLISH normal charging flow OATC CLOSE seal water flow control valve FCV-62-89 OATC OPEN alternate or normal charging isolation valve FCV-62-85 or FCV-62-86 OATC OPEN charging flow isolation valves FCV-62-90 and FCV-62-91 and OATC ESTABLISH desired charging flow USING seal water and charging flow control valves FCV-62-89 FCV-62-93 OATC CONTROL charging flow to maintain pressurizer level OATC DETERMINE ifSI pumps should be stopped Fl OATC CHECK RCS pressure and SI flow: Pressure stable or rising, Pressure greater than 1500 psig, SI pump flow on 63-151 ZERO, SI pump flow on FI-63-20 ZERO OATC STOP SI pumps and PLACE inA-AUTO and OATC DETERMINE ifRHR pumps should be stopped: CHECK RHR pumps ALIGNED to RWST, STOP RHR pumps PLACE inA-AUTO TERMINATE THE EXERCISE AFTER THE RHR PUMPS ARE STOPPED NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 13