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Forwards Endorsement 5 to ANI Binder EB-73 & Endorsement 5 to ANI Binder EB-62
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1982
From: Fielder J
To: Saltzman J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8203230284
Download: ML20042A283 (5)


Marsh & .

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Marsh & McLennan, incorporated 400 North Akard Str;ct Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214 742-1941 March 16, 1982 i 'n / , q, a -- se N /t ED s 'N.. \',

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27 W;Y Q, Mr. Jerome Saltzman, Chief Office of Antitrust & Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation N tpDNo',[/

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Nuclear Regulatory Conmission Washington, D. C. 2055

  • z Alabama Power Company J. M. Farley Nuclear Plant ANI Excess Binder EB-62 Endorsement #5 ANI Excess Binder EB-73 Endorsement #8 CERTIFIED COPIES N Os

Dear Mr. Saltzman:

Enclosed for your records are two certified copies each of Endorsement #5 to ANI Secondary Financial Protection Binder EB-73 and Endorsement #8 to ANI Secondary Financial P.otection Binder EB-62 for Alabama Power Company's J. M Farley Nuclear Plant.

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Jean Fielder M&M Nuclear Consultants cc: N. Horsley P . J. Gre en Ol jf


Enclosure O!hO$$$g PDR i

Nuclear. Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIA814.lTY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION i


1. It is agreed that with respect to (i) bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear material, and (ii) contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or more binders with respect to such bodily injury or property damage is not paid:
a. The word " companies" wherever used in the means the subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.
c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the policy. '
2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from lhe beginning of the effective date of. this endorsement stated below, to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Draft flaster Policy, or this binder, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.

(see reverse side for list of subscribing ' companies)

Th10 is to certify that this is a tr.e copy of the original l Endorsement having the cadorroment number and being made part caf the Nuclear Enerdy Liability Polic: (Facility Form) as des-gnated horcon. No Insuranc,0, la affor 2ed hereunder.



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Ellective Date of ctear Inse Arnedce[anuary I,1982 Binder No.

this Encorsement St To form a part of MMSW EB-62 Issued to Alabama Poweri$nf$j anosto Time Date of lasue - March 5, 1982 For the su serielng ce panies By A

/f' General Manager Encorsement No R Countersigned by l

(1/82) .

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Sus 5CtI8t% CC=PAntt5 PA0 Poet!0N OF 100s Aetas Casvalty and Surety Co.. The.151 Farstagton Ave, m a rtford, CT 06156 Aetna f asurance Company. 55 Clm St.. Martford. CT 06115 9.957349 3.153160 Af filiated FM taturance Co.. Allendale Park. P.O. Dos 7500. Jonaston. 8I 02919 0.248934 Alltaas lasurance Company. 6435 wilshire Olvd. Los Aa9eles. (A 90054 Allstate f asurance Co.. Allstate #1 era South . 61. Northbroot, IL 60062 1.327641 4.973675 American home Assurance Co. 102 Malden Lane. New tart. Inf 10005 0.87T264 Ameettan Motortsts lasurance Co., Loa 9 Crove. IL 60049 Sitwataovs Casualty Corporattoa 32018th 5t. Rock Island. IL 61201 0.414890 Centenatal lasurance Co.. Attaatic 8vildta9 45 Wall Street. New Yore, hv 10005 0.414890 r 0.248934 Cors=ercial Union tatu ance Co.. One Beacon St.. Boston. MA 02108 3.319116 Connecticut lademalty Company. The. 9 Farm Sorta91 Ad.. Farsta$ ton. CT 06032 Coattaental Casualty Co.. ChA Plera. Chicago, IL 60685 0.414890

  • Coattaeetal lasvraace Co.. The. 80 Maidea La.. new York, mf 10038 4.148895 Federal lasvraace Co. 51 Jena F. neanedy Part ay. Short Muls. ftJ 0707a 2.475a57 Fire =aa's Twid lasurance Compantes. P.O. Ses 3395. San Franctstg. CA 94449 1.493602
  • General accident lasurance Conceaf of America. 414 Watavt 5t., entladelphia. PA 19105 5.310586 Maaover taturance Co.. The. 440 Lincola St., iscrcester, MA 01605 1.327647 Martford Accideat and ledematty Co.. Hartfors Plata. Martford. Cf 06115 0.497861
  • Martford 5 team Botter taso. & tag Co.. The 56 Prospect St.. Martford. (f 06102 , 7.053122 Mighlands tasurance Co.s 600 Jef ferson St.. Nouston, fa 77002 '

0.497867 Home tedematty Co.. The. 59 Matoea Lane. New fort. NY O.434890 10038 lasuraace Co. of lierth America. P.O. Bos 7728. Pattadelphia, PA 19101 3.651028 Monarch lasurance Co. of Onto, the,19 ecctor St.. New Fora. 47 10006 1.659558 nortaera las.rance Company of he= fort. P.O. Son 1228, 841ttrere. MD 21203 0.331912 .

no rthwestern National lag. Co. 131 he. Jacksoa St.. Mil.avtee. WI 53201 2.240404 Onto Casualt, tasurance Compaay. The.136 horth Third 5t,. Maetitoa. CH 45025 0.6638??

Pacific tadematty Co. 51 Jona F tennedy Part.ay, Short Mfils. NJ 07078 0.165956 Peerless laterance Co., 62 Maple Ave.. etene. NM 03431 0.331912 Protective Insurance Co. 3100 to. Mersdien 55.. Indtaaapoiss.14 46208 0.124467 Providence Wasntagton tasurance Co. 20 Wasniattoa place. Providence. RI 02903 0.248934 Beltance insurance Company. 4 Pean Center Ptare. Pattadelpata. PA 19103 0.165956 Boyal Insuraace Comosay of America.150 William Street. New fort. NT 10033 0.995735 5t. Paul Fire 6 Martae tas. Co. 385 Washtaqton St.. St. Pavl. M's 55102 3.389f f 6 5eaboard Surety Co., 90 ut111a= 5t. New fort. NY 10038 4.699869

  • 5 tate f are Fire & Casualty tempany, 812 [ast Washta9 ton St. 81oomtactea. IL 61701 0.165956 +

Transamerica taturance Company. P.O. 80s 54256, los A*oeles. CA 90054 0.829779 0.829779


fravelers Indenity Compacy. The. Car To=er Square. Martford. Cf 06115 United States Fidelity and Guaraaty Co. 100 tt9ht St.. Balttmore. MD 21202 10.783128 10.455217 Une ted States Fire taturance Co.. P.O. Son 2387. Morristo=a. mJ 01960 3.319116 2erten 41 faturance 82 Co. 231 ms. Martta941e ed.. Schaumoerg. IL 60196 1.244669 .


1. It is agreed that with respect to (i) bodily injury or property damage caused, during the effective period of this endorsement, by the -

radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of nuclear material, and (ii) contingent liability as provided in Condition 4 for excess incurred losses because retrospective premium due under one or more binders with respect to such bodily injury or property damage is not paid;

a. The word " companies" wherever used in the means the ' subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only. ,
c. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion designated next to its name of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the polic). '
2. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from -the beginning of the effective date of. this endorsement stated below, to the close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the Draft Master Policy, or this binder, whichever first occurs, eastern standard time.

(seci gp[3o j sptfpy 1 jkt 1 o[.;c subscribing;cogpagnieg)ygg Endornemont having the onbr :0 20n Cwr and being made part of th<l!!ucloar Enorcy Liabilit/ Policy (Fac lity Form) as desw ignat I hereon. No in afforded .ounder.


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Effective Date of January I, 1982 Inis Enocreement Binder flo.

si To forrn a part of MBHy)%X EB-73 issued to Alabama Power!2[oi0m IaYy ancara nme DMe of lasue March 5,1982 For the su scrtelng corapanies By A

/f' General Manager Endorsement No 6 Countersigned by (1/82) .


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.. 9 508'1 Cal 81mG CCueA4f ts gg, g, Aetna Casvatty and Serety Co. 14.151 Farmin9 ten Ave. Martford. CT 06l56 Aetna lasurance Company. 55 C1m St., Martford. CT 06115 1 9.957349 3.153160 -

Af filtated F88 Insurance Co.. Allendale Part. P.O. Boa 7500. Johnstoa.' Rt 02919 0.248934 '

Alltaar Insurance Company. 6435 klishlee Blvd.. Los An9eles. CA 90054 1.327647 Allstate lasurance Co.. Allstate Plaza South e C1. horthoroot. It 60062 4.978615 '

Merican Name Assurance Co. 102 Maiden Laae. New fort. NY 10005 0.871264 American Motorists lasurance Co., Leal Grove. IL 60049 8ttentaovs Casualty Corporation. 320.tath St.. Rock Islead. IL 61201 0.414890 0.414890 -

Centenatal laturance Co.. Atlantic 8vilita9 45 Wall street. how Yora.17 10005 - 0.248934 Ceaunercial Union Insurance Co.. One Beacon St.. Bostoa. mA 02108 ' 3.319116 Concetticut Indeaalty Carpany, the. 9 Face Spriegs Ad . Farmington, Cf 06032 0.414890 Contineatal Casualty Co.. ChA Plare. Chicago. [L 60685

  • 4.148895' .

3attaeatal Insuraace Co. 74. 80 Maidea ta.. hev York. NY 10038 7.675457 Feoeral Insurance Co. 53 John F. Reaaedy Parkway. Snort Mills.1J - 07078 Fireman's Fund Insurance Cosv eates. P.O. Son 1395. Sea Francisco, CA 9a t19 - 1.493602 5.310586 General Accident lasurance Company of Merica. 4I4 Walavt St.. Philadelphia. PA 19105 - 1.327647 Maaover lasurance Co.. The. 440 Llacola St., hoecester. MA 01605 Martford Accident and Indemnity Co.. Martford plass. Martford. CT C6115 ' ~ 0.497467 -

  • Martford Stesa soller Insp. 6 las. Co.. The. 54 Prospect St., martford. C1 06102 , 7.053122 0.497867 Mithlands !asurance Co.c 600 Jef ferson St.. Movston. ?s 77002
  • 0.414890 '

Home lade = atty Co.. The. 59 Maidea Lane. hew fort. NT 10038 lasurance Co. of hortn Merica. P.O. Ses 7728. Philadelphia. PA 19101 3.651028 1.659554 -

Monarch Insurance Co. of Chto. The.19 sector St.. hew York. hv 10006 -

0.331912 horthere lasurance Company of New York. P.O. Goa 1228. Battleere. MO 21203 ,

nortavestern nettonal las. Co.,131 me. Jackson St.. Milwastee. WI $1201 2.240404 ' *

, 0.663823 Chlo Casualty Insgrance tempany. The.134 horth Third 5t.. Maatlton. 0M 45025 Pacific ladeaatty Co. 51 John F. cenaedy Park =ar. Short Mills. RJ 01076 0.145354 Peerless lasvrance Co., 62 Maote Ave., seene. hd 03431- . 0.331912 Protective Insurance Co. 3100 he. Meridian St.. ladianapolis. [h 46203-0.124467 Providence Washington lasurance Co. 20 Washta9 ton place. Provt4eace. RI 02903 0.248934 9ettance Insurance Company. 4 Penn Center Plate. Phtladelanta. PA 19103 - - 0.165956 -

Royal lasurance Company of Amertta. ISO Williae Street. New fort. NY 10035 0.995135 St. Pavi f tre & Martae las. Co. 385 Washin9toa St.. St. Paul, M4 55102 3.319116 5eaboard Surety Co. 90 Willta= 5t.. New fort. NT 10038 , 4.499869

  • State Fare Fire & Casvalty Company.112 East Washington St. 31oonta9 ton. IL SITOI 0.165956 -

Transamerica lasurance Campaay. P.O. Son 54254. Los Aa9eles. CA 90054 - 0.821779  ! .g .

Travelers Indematty Company, the. One Tower Square. Martford, CY 06115  : 0.829779 '

United States Fidelity and Guaraaty Co. 100 Light St. Saltirere. MD 21202 10.787128 10.455217 Une ted States Fire lasurance Co.. P.O. Son 2387. Morristo=n. hJ 47460 3.319116 feetch taturance Co. 231 No. Martistale Rd.. Schaumburg. IL 60196 h(-42,. '

1.244669 .


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