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LER 89-009-02:on 890820 & 0925,RCIC Sys Injections Into RCS Occurred During Startup Test.From 891023-26,three HPCI Sys Injections Into RCS Occurred During Test.Injections Anticipated.Startup Tests performed.W/891229 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/29/1989
From: Endriss C, Mccormick M
LER-89-009-01, LER-89-9-1, NUDOCS 9001050051
Download: ML20042D196 (9)


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(2 s) 327.isoo xv. aooo December 29 , 1389

- M. J. M cCO RM SC K. Ja.. P.E. ,

s. . . ./." "I.^.",1*.' ". , . v .. Docket No. 50-353- ,

License-No. NPF-85 j U.S.. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-Attn: Document Control Desk' -

' Washington, DC 20555 i SUBJECT . Special Report Limerick Generating Station --Unit 2 This Special Report concerns preplanned Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system and High Pressure Coolant Injection system injections into the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) during the' Unit 2 Start-Up Test Program.



Docket No. 50-353 Report Number: 2-89-009 Revision-Number: 02 Event Date: August 20, 1989 j.. Report Date: December , 1989 ,

t Facility: Limerick Generating Station

[ P.O. Box A, Sanatoga, PA 19464 t

This revised Special Report is being submitted pursuant to Technical Specifications Reporting Requirement 6.9.2, as required by-Technical Specifications Actions 3.7.3.b and 3.5.1.f. Changes are identified by revision bar markers in the righthand margin..

Very truly yours, r i

t WGS:ch cc: W. T. Russell, Administrator, Region I, USNRC T. J. Kenny, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, LGS i \

9001050031 891229 /

PDR ADOCK 05000353 S PDC 1

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Between August 20, 1989 and September 25, 1989, eight Reactor

- Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system injections into the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) occurred under the purview of the Unit 2 Start-Up Test Program (STP). Between October 23, 1989 and October 26, 1989, three High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system injections into the RCS occurred under the purview of the Unit 2 STP. Additionally,_on December 1, 1989, one RCIC and three HPCI system injections into the RCS occurred under the purview of the Unit 2 StP. These RCIC and HPCI system tests were completed satisfactorily. This Special Report is being submitted pursuant to Technical Specifications (TS) Reporting Requirement 6.9.2, as required by TS Actions 3.7.3 b and 3.5.1.f. This Special Report revision reports the last of all expected RCIC system and HPCI system' injections planned to be performed during the-Unit 2 Start-Up Test Program.

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' Reporting Requirements:

Technical Specifications (TS) 3/4.7.3, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, Limiting Conditions for Operation Action.

3.7.3.b In the event the RCIC system is actuated and injects water into-the Reactor Coolant System, a Special Report shall be '

prepared and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 90 days describing the circumstances of the actuation and the total. accumulated actuation cycles:to date.

Technical Specifications (TS) 3/4.5.1, Emergency Core Cooling i Systems, Limiting Conditions for Operation Action 3.5.1.f In the event the ECCS system is actuated and injects water into the reactor coolant system, a Special Report shall be i

prepared and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 90 days describing the circumstances of the actuation and the total accumulated actuation cycles-to date. The current value of the usage factor for each affected safety injection nozzle shall be provided in this Special Report whenever its value exceeds 0.70.

1' l- Special Reports 6.9.2 Special reports shall be submitted to the Regional Administrator of the Regional Office of-the NRC wi. thin the time period specified for each report. <

Description of Events:

The'following events are associated with Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system and High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system injections into the Reactor Coolant System (RCS). These injections were anticipated and performed under the purview of

- the Unit 2 Start-Up Test Program and conducted in accordance with Start-Up Test Procedures. These events were not the result of abnormal plant conditions requiring safety system actuations.

These are all of the expected RCIC system and ECCS injections j planned to be performed during the Unit 2 Start-Up Test Program.



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Lirerick Generating Station. Unit 2

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On August 20, 1989,-the Unit 2 Startup Test Procedure (STP),

" Controller Optimization During Injection at Rated Pressure -

Subtest 14.4," was performed with the reactor in Test Condition 1 (Heatup). The test involved two preplanned RCIC system injections into the RCS. J The first injection was achieved by a manual startup of the RCIC system with the flow controller in the manual mode (i.e. operator i flow control required), resulting in an injection flow rate of l 600 gpm into the RCS. The second RCIC system injection into the i RCS was achieved by a manual startup with the flow controller in '

the automatic mode (i.e. no operator flow control required) to '

demonstrate system response and stability.

In both RCIC system injections, the pump suction was lined up to l the Condensate Storage Tank (CST). The reactor parameters for '

both injections were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power: 97.4 MWT/2.95% Rated Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 920 PSIG Core Moderator Temperathre: 520 Deg. F Core Flow: .37.0 Mlbm/Hr.

o Feedwater Flow:. 0.4 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater. Temperature: 95 Deg. F These two injections represent the first and second RCIC system j actuation cycles.

Event 2:

L On August 28, 1989, the Unit 2 STP, "RCIC Cold Quick Start at Rated Pressure CST to Reactor Pressure Vessel - Subtest 14.6,"

was performed with the reactor in Test Condition 1. This first performance of STP Subtest 14.6 was to demonstrate the operation of the RCIC system under anticipated operational conditions of a manual quick start with discharge to the RCS at rated temperature and pressure.

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L12erick Generating Station, Unit 2 olslololol3l'5l3 8l9 0l0l9 O2g 0 fe op 0l8 von a me. ..e a .mem w sc an= menwim The RCIC system injection was achieved by a manual startup with the flow controller in the automatic mode. This action resulted

'in an injection flow rate of 600 gpm into the RCS.

The reactor parameters for the injection were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power: 317 MWT/9.6% Rated Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 921 PSIG '

Core Moderator Temperature: 524 Deg. F.

Core Flows 37.0 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Flow: 0. 4 - Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Temperature: 95 Deg. F This injection represents the third RCIC system actuation cycle.

L i

-Event 3:

On September 4, 1989, the Unit 2 STP Subtest 14.6 was performed a second time in conjunction with STP Subtest 14.8, "RCIC Endurance Run," with the reactor in Test Condition 2. These two tests were per formed to demonstrate:RCIC system operation, establish the high steam flow isolation setpoint, and verify that the system cm operate for extended pericids of time.

, Performance of STP Subtest 14.6 was initiated by a manual startup l resulting in an injection into the RCS at a flow rate of 600 gpm.

Following this injection, the RCIC system was realigned to discharge back into-the CST and run for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> with an average flow of 60/1 gpm. -

L The reactor parameters for the injection were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power: 755 MWT/23% Rated l Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 925 PSIG H Core Moderate Temperature: 515 Deg. F Core Flow: 44.7 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Flow: 2'.68 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Temperature: 293 Deg. F This injection represents the fourth RCIC system actuation cycle.

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0l 2 0l5 o, 0 l8 Event 4:

On September 10, 1989,'and September 11, 1989, the Unit 2 STP Subtest 14.9, " Loss of AC Power," was performed with the reactor in Test Condition 2. This subtest demonstrated the ability of the RCIC system to start and run for an extended period of time with a loss of AC power.

The RCIC system was initiated per STP Subtest 14.9 on September '

10, 1989, and September 11, 1989. During these two separate manual startups, the RCIC system injected into the RCS as required by the procedure and served to demonstrate the ability of the system to start.without-the aid of AC power (with the exception of the RCIC DC/AC inverters). The RCIC system was then secured in accordance with STP Subtest 14.9. The average RCIC system flow was approximately 600 gpm.

The reactor parameters for these two injections were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power: 895.5 MWT/27.2% Rated Resctor Vessel Dome Pressure: 928 PSIG Core Moderator Temperature: 520 Deg. F Core Flow: 44.5 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Flow: 3.27 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Temperature 303 Deg. F These two injections represent the fifth and sixth RCIC actuation cycles.

Event 5:

On-September 21, 1989, the Unit 2 STP Subtest 14.5, " Stability Check CST to RPV at 150 psig," was performed with the reactor in Test Condition 2. As directed by the procedure, a manual startup with the RCIC flow controller in the automatic mode was performed followed by flow demand step changes to demonstrate system l


The RCIC system injected into the RCS with a flow rate of 300 gpm.

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Limerick Generating Station,. Unit 2 * - " '


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0l0l9 0; 2 0l6 0l8 The reactor parameters for the. injection were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power 46 MWT/1.4% Rated Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 149 PSIG Core Moderator Temperature 365 Deg. F Core Flow: 42 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Flow: 0.3 Mlbm/Hr.

Feedwater Temperature: 120-Deg. F

-This injection represents the seventh RCIC system actuation cycle.

Event 6:

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On September 25, 1989,-the Unit 2 STP Subtest 28.1, " Reactor .

-Shutdown to Hot Standby Demonstration," was performed with the '

reactor-in Test Condition 2. This subtest demonstrates that the reactor can be safely shutdown and maintained in a Hot Standby Condition from outside the. Main Control Room (MCR). During the L performance of this subtest, the RCIC system injected-into:the RCS to aid in a controlled depressurization/cooldown of the reactor. The avsrage RCIC system flow was approximately 450 gpm.

The reactor parameters'for the injection were as follows:

Reactor Thermal' Power: 0.0 MWT/0.0 Rated Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 920 -PSIG Core Moderator Temperature: 521 Deg. F. -

Core Flow: 35.4 Mlbm/Hr.

. Feedwater Flow: 0.0 Mlbm/Hr.

y Feedwater Temperature: 116 Deg. F.

This injection represents the eighth RCIC system actuation cycle to date.

l Event 7:

On October 23, 1989, the Unit 2 STP 15.4, " Controller Optimization During Injection at Rated Pressure," w'as performed  !

with the reactor in Test Condition 3. The test involved two

. preplanned HPCI system injections into the RCS with the HPCI pump ~

lined up to take suction from the condensate storage tank (CST).

The first injection was achieved by a manual startup of the HPCI system with the flow controller in the manual mode (i.e., -

operator flow control required), resulting in an injection flow rate of 5650 gpm into the RCS through the Feedwater (FW) and Core Spray (CS) nozzles for approximately three minutes. The second HPCI system injection into the RCS lasted three minutes and was yee. mu

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, achieved by a manual startup with the flow controlled in the

, automatic mode (i.e. no operator flow control required) to demonstrate-system response and stability.


l The reactor parameters for the-injection were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power: 2350 MWT/74.1% Rated f . Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 953 PSIG Core Moderator Temperature: 526 Deg. F.


Core Flows 98.5 Mlba/Br.

Feedwater Flow: 8.7 Mlbm/Hr.

1 Feedwater Temperature: 380 Deg. F.


. I These injections represent the first and second HPCI system ]

actuation cycles with safety injection nozzle usage factors less _

than 0.7.

b l 1g Event 8:

  • On October 26, 1989, the Unit 2 STP Subtest 15.5, " Cold Quick k

Start at Rated Pressure - CST to RPV," was performed.with the reactor in Tent Condition 3. As directed by the procedure, a

. manual startQ of the HPCI system with the flow controller in the u automatic mode was performed followed by flow demand step changes to demonstrate system response.

4 The HPCI system injected into the RCS through the FW and CS L nozzles with a flow rate of 5600 gpa for approximately ten lt minutes and was then reduced by 600 gpm increments each minute for an additional 10 minutes.

] The reactor parameters for the injection were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power: 2192 MWT/66.6% Rated Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 950 PSIG Core Moderator Temperature: 528 Deg. F.

3 Core Flow: 99.8 Mlbm/Hr.

lf - Feedwater Flow: 8.8 Mlbm/Br.

Feedwater Temperature: 384 Deg. F.

, . This injection represents the third HPCI system actuation cycle .

1 with safety injection nozzle usage factors less than 0.7.




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Limerick' Generating Station, Unit 2

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Event 9:

On December 1,-19.89, the Unit 2 STP Subtest 25.3, " Full Main Steam Isolation Valve Isolation," was performed with the Unit 2 reactor in Test Condition 6. As directed by the procedure, two

Rosemount trip units (B21-N676Ai,B) were tripped simulating a low L steam line pressure signal. a preplanned Main Steam Isolation valve closure and Unit 2 reactor SCRAM.

j Following the SCRAM, MCR operators utilized the RCIC and HPCI systems to control reactor coolant level and pressure.

The RCIC system injected into the RCS for approximately 220 minutes at varying flow rates not exceeding 600 gpa. The reactor l parameters for this injection were as follows:

l Reactor Thermal Power: 0.0 MWT/0.0% Rated

' Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 850 PSIG i

. Core: Moderator Temperature: 519 Deg. F.

i Core Flow: 10.0 M1ba/Br.

-Feedwater Flow: 0.0 Mlba/Br.

Feedwater Temperature: 429 Deg. F.

The HPCI system was used by MCR operators to inject into the RCTI c three times following the Unit 2 SCRAM. The duration of the L injections were 30 seconds (through the FW and CS nozzles), 64

[ seconds (through the FW nozzle), and approximately 120 seconds

(through the CS nozzle) respectively. Additionally, for all-three injections, the flow rate was approximately 5300 gpm.


Y The reactor parameters for these injections were as follows:

Reactor Thermal Power: 0.0 MWT/0.0% Rated Reactor Vessel Dome Pressure: 850 PSIG _

< Core Moderator Temperature: 519 Deg. F.

F Core Flow: 10.0 Mlbm/Hr.

[ Feedwater Flow: 0.0 Mlba/Br.

, Feedwater Temperature: 429 Deg. F.


These injections represent the ninth RCIC system actuation cycle

> and the fourth, fifth, and sixth HPCI system actuation cycles.

The HPCI system safety injection nozzle usage factors are less

, , than 0.7. .

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