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LER 90-002-00:on 900105,containment H2/O2 Analyzer Declared Inoperable During Containment Inerting.Caused by Reversed Tubing Connections in Installation of Analyzer Due to Mislabeling.Analyzer restored.W/900207 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/1990
From: Madsen G, Mccormick M
LER-90-002, LER-90-2, NUDOCS 9002220515
Download: ML20006E285 (7)


e-10 CPR 50.73 .

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February 7, 1990 (21s) 3:71200 ext. 2000 Docket No. 50-353 -!

u. s. u.c o n mic a, s.., p.e.'

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License No. NPF-85  !

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i f: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn Document Control Desk. .

i' Washington, DC 20555 i 1,


Licensee Event Report i Limerick Generating Station - Units-1 and 2 )

This'LER reports the discovery of the inoperability of a containment H2/02 analyzer without the associated Technical  :

Specification required ACTION being met due to incorrect tubing i connections caused by mislabeling by the vendor / supplier of the .


References. Docket No. 50-353 Report Number 2-90-002 Revision Number: 00  ;

Event Date: January 8,.1990 l

Report Date: February 7, 1990 .:

Facility:' Limerick Generating Station P.O. Box A,cSanatoga, PA 19464 This LER is being submitted pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1)(B). .

Very truly yours, h

A '

3 t .

.DCStaj. 0 6-cc: W. T. Russell, Administrator, Region I, USNRC  ;

T. J. Kenny, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, LGS

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9002220535 900207 .II PDR ADDCK OD000353 4 S PNV ,g {

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$JLff Y as&Mt (1) DOCEOT NUMS$m (2) PAGE33 Lim rick Cenerating Station, Unit 2 -

0151010 l 0 l3 l 5 l3 1 lOFl 016 TITLS 446

' Hydrogen /0xygen Analyzer Inoperability due to Installation Error I 1

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On January 5, 1990, at 0050 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br />, a Unit 2 containment H2/02 enalyzer was declared inoperable due to'high H2/02 concentration indication during containment inerting. Following i troubleshooting, on January 8, 1990, we determined that the a; analyzer had been inoperable since its installation. The H2/02 analyzers have been required to be operable in accordance with Technical Specifications (TS) since initial criticality of the unit. Tne cause of the event was reversed tubing connections in

-installation of the analyzer due to mislabeling by the analyzer -

vendor / supplier. At no time during the inoperability of the -

analyzeY was there a condition which would have resulted in increased H2/02 concentrations in the containment. Containment sampling revealed decreased H2/02 concentrations as an expected result of the nitrogen inerting. A supervisory block was used to

' temporarily correct the installation error and the analyzer was declared operable at 0001 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> on January 6, 1990; approximately 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> after being declared inoperable. The analyzer was permanently restored to its designed installation configuration on Januar" 17, 1990. This event is considered an isolated occurrenc e and no further actions to prevent recurrence are planned. The event is being reported in accordance with 10CFR 50.73(a),2)(1)(B) as operation in a condition prohibited by

. Technical. Specifications.

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= Limerick-Generating = Station, Unit 2 IENT M mafe ausse A - " esse esue.nel44C Fenn M6Cas(17t o l5 l0 l0 lo l 3l5 l3 9l 0 -

0l0l2 -

0l0 _0l 2 0F 016 ]


-Unit Conditions Prior to'the Event:

Operating Condition,: 1 (Power Operation) -
Power Levels 100% l s

Description of the' Event:-


J On January 4, 1990,.at approximately 2246 hours0.026 days <br />0.624 hours <br />0.00371 weeks <br />8.54603e-4 months <br />, licensed ,

operators began nitrogen inerting of the Unit 2 Drywell (DW)-and ,

Suppression Pooln(SP) in preparation for Commercial Operation of: .!

the. unit. As-the,inerting continued, operations personnel _

m -identified that the indication of Oxygen (02)'and Hydrogen (H2) concentration in.the SP atmosphere was higher than expected land

'was not decreasing as anticipated during inerting. The .

containment H2/02 analyzer (EIIS IK) (20S206) was declared inoperable ~at 0050 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> on January 5, 1990 due to'the' unusually high' readings. This placed the plant in a seven day. Technical-

~3 Specifications (TS).3.3;7.5 Limiting Condition of Operation-(LCO)

. ACTION' statement.

During troubleshooting-of the analyzer a Health ~ Physics (HP) i technician; requested an Instrumentation and' Controls (I&C)  !

technician to. remove the return gas sample point line cap to j

, enable'him to obtain:a_ direct sample of the SP atmosphere (see p  : attached sketch). .'At-this time, approximately 1845 hours0.0214 days <br />0.513 hours <br />0.00305 weeks <br />7.020225e-4 months <br /> _on -

January 5,jl990,Jthe IGC technician determined that the ports on the sample: skid for-the sample line the  ;


containment were incorrectly tubed. . This resulted in a

?  ; recirculation; path back through the analyzer'rather.than an

-exhaust path to the SP as designed. A sample of the SP atmosphere was obtained to verify that the nitrogen inerting was 0 - progressing as planned. A Maintenance-Request Form (MRF) was

! generated to correct the reversed tubing and the designed sample 3' line-isolation valve 57-2063 was blocked open with a supervisory blocking tag attached. The open valve resulted in an exhaust b path to the SP as designed and the analyzer was recalibrated and p

restored _to operable status at 0001 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, January 6, 1990, ,

-approximately 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> after discovery of the-inoperable -

y condition. >

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"' c . LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) TEXT CONTINUATION annevio oue moimo oio. ]

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! Li:nrick Generating station, Unit 2 o ls lo lo lo 3l5l3 9l 0 -

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. 1 On January 8, 1990, after further' investigation we determined I that the analyzer would not have provided accurate indicatlon of H2/02 concentrations in the discovered configuration. Therefore,

-the analyzer had never been operable since it was first required to be=(i.e.-initial criticality of the unit). The seven day TS ACTION forione of two analyzers being inoperable-was never met.

Accordingly, this event is being reported in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1)(B) as operation in a condition prohibited by TS . -


Consequences of the Event: '

l Th'e H2/02 analyzers are installed to give indication of and alarm on high H2/02 concentrations in the DW or SP thereby avoiding -

potentially explosive mixtures.

I During the inoperable time of the analyzer, no condition existed that would have caused hydrogen or oxygen generation in the DW or SP. Sampling performed by HP technicians after determination of-the analyzer inoperability indicated that the nitrogen inerting was serving to reduce the H2/02 concentrations in the DW and SP.

Therefore, we have concluded that the plant was at no time in a seriously degraded condition.

There is a redundant H2/02 analyzer installed (20S205) which can l also sample-either from the'SP or DW.- However, low H2/02

. concentration indications on this redundant analyzer caused it to l

l be declared inoperable approximately 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> after analyzer L 20S206 was declared inoperable. With both H2/02 analyzers L inoperable, the TS LCO 48-hour ACTION statement was entered.

20S206 was restored to operability prior to completion of the 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> thereby placing the plant back within the constraints of the1previously mentioned seven day TS ACTION. The low H2/02 l concentration indications on 20S205 were caused by internal

' leakage in the analyzer. Therefore, we could not depend on the redundant analyzer indications being accurate.

l eoau uss .


hJ 8pIIC Perm 2004 t U 8 IsVCLl A3 8 80VLATORY COktMin810N

, ' LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) TEXT CONTINUATION unovio ous no sino-oio4 soiRes eme.

FAC64 sty feanet 111 00CK51 NUMG4R W pggg ggg ggg gggggg gg, ,

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[ Li= rick' Generating Station. Unit- 2 o 15 l0 l0 l0 f 315 9ll30 -

0l012 -

0l0 0l4 0F 0l6

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'Cause of the Event:

.The cause of this event was an error in the labeling of the connection ports'on a' vendor supplied analyzer. The H2/02 analyzers are supplied by Comsip-Delphi (model-K). ' Installation j of the analyzer was accomplished by connecting the labeled  :

outlet / inlet ports to the desired locations / lines in the plant.

LIn this instance (see-attached sketch) the port on the panel for connection to the sample ~line was the port for connection to the exhaust to containment and vice-versa. As a result of the reversed installation, the>normally closed sample i point iso,lation valve, 57-2063, was in the line exhausting to j containment while the sample point line had only a cap. This 4 resulted in an indeterminate percentage of sample recirculation through the analyzer rather than normal exhaust to the SP or DW.

s During the pre-operational test phase analyzer calibration was. .

considered to have been achieved because, during calibration,  !

PCV-57-299A-(see attached sketch) acts as a stop valve forcing

.the exhaust gases back to the SP through the sample.line. This configuration, although not a designed exhaust path to the SP, ,

would allow sufficient exhaust flows to achieve calibration of the analyzer. 'The problem was not suspected because flow through l the analyzer-was observed. During normal operation PCV-57-299A would allow recirculation due to the closed exhaust path preventing accurate indication of the SP H2/02 concentration.

l4 i

Corrective Actions:

i The return gas. sample point valve 57-2063 was opened and then a supervisory block was applied. The analyzer was calibrated by I&C-technicians and declared operable at 0001 on January 6, 1990.

A MRF was initiated to correct the reversed tubing to agree with i

' approved design. The physical work was completed January 17, '

'1990, the supervisory block on 57-2063 was removed,_and the sample valve was restored to its normally closed position.

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J Literick Generating Station Uniti 2 o ls jo lo jo f 3l5l3 9l 0 -

0l0l2 -

0l0 015 0F 0 l6 sorrw . ,- se w n co- w ,>nn Actions Taken-to' Prevent-Recurrence: '

This considered to'be an. isolated occurrence. There are.

.only.four.H2/02 analyzer panels in the plant-.(two on each unit) and the remaining three were verified'to be properly labeled'and tubed. Therefore, no further actions to prevent recurrence are planned.

Previous Similar Occurrences: I n ..

No previous'similar occurrences have been experienced at either unit at-Limerick Generating Station. ,



Tracking Codes: B9-Construction / Installation error ,




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