Category:Environmental Monitoring Report
MONTHYEARML24128A0642024-05-0707 May 2024 2023 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report ML24114A2282024-04-23023 April 2024 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML23132A1852023-05-12012 May 2023 2022 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report L-23-004, HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 20222023-04-24024 April 2023 HDI Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Data Reports - 2022 ML22182A0762022-07-0101 July 2022 Resubmittal of the 2021 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML22123A2062022-05-0303 May 2022 2021 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report ML22118A4932022-04-28028 April 2022 2021 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML22109A1062022-04-19019 April 2022 2021 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report ML21167A1882021-05-0606 May 2021 2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report NL-21-030, Submittal of 2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2021-05-0606 May 2021 Submittal of 2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report ML21168A0242021-04-30030 April 2021 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML19252A2822019-08-28028 August 2019 Jones Day to NMFS, Sturgeon Monitoring Pursuant to Biological Opinion for Indian Point NL-19-039, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2019-04-23023 April 2019 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report NL-18-029, 2017 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report2018-04-26026 April 2018 2017 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report ML18051A3122018-02-16016 February 2018 Revised Incidental Take Statement for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3, Appendix a, Incident Report for Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeon NL-17-066, Submittal of 2016 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2017-05-15015 May 2017 Submittal of 2016 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report NL-17-047, Submittal of 2016 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2017-04-26026 April 2017 Submittal of 2016 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report NL-17-045, Submittal of 2016 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report2017-04-14014 April 2017 Submittal of 2016 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report NL-16-058, Transmittal of 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2016-05-12012 May 2016 Transmittal of 2015 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report NL-16-043, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 20152016-04-28028 April 2016 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2015 NL-15-061, Submittal of 2014 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2015-05-12012 May 2015 Submittal of 2014 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report NL-15-048, 2014 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2015-04-28028 April 2015 2014 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML15114A0482015-04-0606 April 2015 Reply to Request for Additional Information Regarding the License Renewal Application Environmental Review ML15114A0812015-04-0606 April 2015 2006 Year Class Report for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program ML15114A0822015-04-0606 April 2015 2007 Year Class Report for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program ML15114A0832015-04-0606 April 2015 2008 Year Class Report for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program ML15114A0802015-04-0606 April 2015 2009 Year Class Report for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program ML15114A0842015-04-0606 April 2015 2010 Year Class Report for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program ML15114A0852015-04-0606 April 2015 2011 Year Class Report for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program ML15091A0932015-04-0101 April 2015 Figures from Indian Point Quarter 3 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report - Part 2 ML15091A0962015-04-0101 April 2015 Figures from Indian Point Quarter 3 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report - Part 3 ML15091A0852015-04-0101 April 2015 Figures from Indian Point Quarter 3 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report - Part 1 ML15091A0972015-04-0101 April 2015 Figures from Indian Point Quarter 3 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report - Part 4 ML14217A2182014-08-0404 August 2014 Sturgeon Impingement Quality Assurance Plan and Standard Operating Procedures NL-14-039, Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2014-04-28028 April 2014 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML14097A3262014-03-31031 March 2014 Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certification in Support of Renewal of Operating Licenses NL-13-027, Submittal of 2012 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2013-05-15015 May 2013 Submittal of 2012 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report NL-13-026, 2012 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report2013-04-18018 April 2013 2012 Annual Environmental Protection Plan Report ML13093A2612013-03-29029 March 2013 Draft Monitoring Plan Required by Reasonable and Prudent Measure 1 of the Final Biological Opinion for Continued Operation of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 2 and 3 ML13157A1322012-12-31031 December 2012 Enclosure 1 to NL-13-028 - Radioactive Effluent Release Report: 2012 ML11249A0122011-08-26026 August 2011 Letter from P. Kurkul, NMFS, to D. Wrona, NRC, Draft Biological Opinion for License Renewal of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 NL-11-068, 2010 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Revision 12011-06-10010 June 2011 2010 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Revision 1 NL-11-068, Indian Point, Units 1, 2 and 3 - 2010 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Revision 12011-06-10010 June 2011 Indian Point, Units 1, 2 and 3 - 2010 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Revision 1 NL-11-038, 2010 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2011-05-16016 May 2011 2010 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report NL-11-038, Indian Point, Units 1, 2 and 3 - 2010 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report2011-05-16016 May 2011 Indian Point, Units 1, 2 and 3 - 2010 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report NL-11-039, 2010 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report2011-04-22022 April 2011 2010 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ML11195A1582011-01-31031 January 2011 Final Report, 2010 Field Program & Modeling Analysis of the Cooling Water Discharge from Indian Point Energy Center. Cover Page to Page 51 ML11195A1592011-01-31031 January 2011 Final Report, 2010 Field Program & Modeling Analysis of the Cooling Water Discharge from Indian Point Energy Center. Page 52 to 119 ML11195A1612011-01-31031 January 2011 Final Report, 2010 Field Program & Modeling Analysis of the Cooling Water Discharge from Indian Point Energy Center. Appendices a to D ML11195A1602011-01-31031 January 2011 Final Report, 2010 Field Program & Modeling Analysis of the Cooling Water Discharge from Indian Point Energy Center. Appendix E to End 2024-05-07
[Table view] Category:Memoranda
MONTHYEARML23356A0212023-12-0101 December 2023 American Nuclear Insurers, Secondary Financial Protection (SFP) Program ML23103A2742023-04-25025 April 2023 04-25-23 - Letter to the Honorable Charles Schumer, Et Al., Responds to Concerns Regarding Holtec Decommissioning Internationals Plans to Release Effluents at the Indian Point Energy Center ML21232A2342021-08-20020 August 2021 Memo - Revised Transcript for Public Meeting Held on July 29, 2021, in Tarrytown, Ny, Re IP Energy Center Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report ML21056A0772021-04-0707 April 2021 Memo to File: Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Initial and Updated Decommissioning Funding Plans for Indian Point ISFSI (Docket: 72-51) ML20104A3882020-04-13013 April 2020 Tasking in Response to the Concerns Pertaining to Gas Transmission Lines at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Follow Up Activities Agency Level ML20104A7232020-04-13013 April 2020 Tasking in Response to the Concerns Pertaining to Gas Transmission Lines at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant; Follow Up Activities; Office Level ML20099F7752020-04-0909 April 2020 Report Transmittal Memo to the Commissioners, from: Margaret M. Doane ML20058E3542020-02-27027 February 2020 Tasking Memo to Dskeen Re Concerns Identifed in Report Pertaining to Gas Transmission Lines ML20056F0952020-02-13013 February 2020 Concerns Pertaining to Gas Transmission Lines at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant ML18046B4412018-02-23023 February 2018 Review of Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 7 ML17298A5442017-11-13013 November 2017 Summary of Meeting with the National Marine Fisheries Service Related to Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 License Renewal ML17271A0532017-09-29029 September 2017 2017 Summary of Annual Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Reactors in Decommissioning ML17180A5032017-09-21021 September 2017 Summary of Teleconference with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Indian Point Unit Nos. 2 and 3 License Renewal Application ML17157B5422017-06-20020 June 2017 Conference Call on 2nd Round RAIs - Final ML17128A3352017-05-23023 May 2017 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between the NRC and Entergy Concerning RAIs Pertaining to IP2 and IP3 ML17060A6602017-04-12012 April 2017 Potentially Cost-Beneficial SAMAs ML17082A3112017-04-11011 April 2017 Summary of Clarification Call with Entergy Regarding Follow-Up RAIs on ISG-2012-02 ML16336A4992017-01-18018 January 2017 Notice of Significant Licensing Action ML17052A3092017-01-11011 January 2017 Atlantic Sturgeon Distribution Memo ML17052A3002017-01-11011 January 2017 Security Exclusion Zone Acoustic Tag Detection Study, 9 November 2016 ML16274A0272016-10-0404 October 2016 2016 Summary of Annual Review of Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Plants in Decommissioning ML16088A2042016-03-28028 March 2016 Memo T Bowers from Ruffin, Technical Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations W/ Encl 2 (Template) ML16088A2052016-03-28028 March 2016 Enclosure 1 - (72.30 DFP Reviews to Be Completed 2015) - Memo T Bowers from Ruffin, Technial Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML15190A2912015-07-22022 July 2015 070115, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Safety Review ML15139A1952015-05-19019 May 2015 Special Inspection Team Charter - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit 3 - Water Accumulation in Safety-Related Switchgear Room Following Deluge of Main Transformer Fire ML15107A1752015-04-28028 April 2015 041615, Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Environmental Review ML15091A0972015-04-0101 April 2015 Figures from Indian Point Quarter 3 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report - Part 4 ML14344A9652014-12-18018 December 2014 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held Between NRC and Entergy Concerning the RAIs Pertaining to the Indian Point LRA Environmental Review ML14269A1972014-10-0303 October 2014 LTR-14-0463-1 - Proposed Comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions Draft Environmental Impact Statement Algonquin Incremental Market Project (Docket No. CP14-96-000) ML13247A3342013-10-0909 October 2013 Summary of Trip to Indian Point Units 1, 2, and 3, June 10, 2013 Regarding Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation ML13256A0432013-09-10010 September 2013 Request for Additional Information to Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Indian Point Units 2 and 3, Regarding NTTF Recommendation 9.3 Phase 1 Staffing Assessments Submittal ML13218A0862013-08-0808 August 2013 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. and Netco to Discuss the Goals and Objectives of the Long-Term Spent Fuel Pool Improvement Program for Indian Point Unit 2 and 3 ML13102A1242013-04-15015 April 2013 Summary of April 11, 2013, Telephone Conference Call Between NRC and Entergy Entry of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2 Into the Period of Timely Renewal ML12361A1552012-12-26026 December 2012 Summary of Entergy Drop-In on December 19, 2012 ML12296A9292012-10-23023 October 2012 Memo Draft Request for Additional Information for Indian Point Units 1 and 2 Memo ML12215A2482012-09-17017 September 2012 Summary of Conference Call Held on June 4, 2012, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning the Reactor Vessel Internals Program at Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 ML12213A0612012-08-0101 August 2012 8/16/12 Forthcoming Conference Call with NextEra Energy and Florida Power & Light Concerning Generic Letter 2004-02 and Request for NRC Staff Review of Draft Proposed Guideline for Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Protocol ML13196A2202012-06-0606 June 2012 Memo from B. Balsam, NRR and D. Logan, NRR to J. Susco, NRR on Summary of Section 7 Consultation Activities Related to the National Marine Fisheries Services Final Rule to List the Atlantic Sturgeon ML12137A0602012-05-29029 May 2012 Nuclear Regulatory Commissions Analysis of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2 & 3; and Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML1122701452011-08-30030 August 2011 Summary of Conference Call Between NRC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Regarding Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program for Indian Point Units 2 & 3 ML11201A3062011-07-29029 July 2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Calls Held on June 20, June 22, and June 29, 2011, Regarding the Ongoing Endangered Species Act Consultation for the Proposed Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 License Renewal NL-11-093, Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Waiver2011-07-29029 July 2011 Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Waiver ML1118703442011-07-0606 July 2011 Memorandum and Order (Ruling on Pending Motions for Leave to File New and Amended Contentions) ML1115704052011-06-0606 June 2011 Notice of Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Implementation of Quality Oversight and Verification Programs at Entergy Sites Including Actions Being Taken to Enhance Effectiveness ML11102A0062011-05-0909 May 2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Between Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Concerning the Final SEIS for the Proposed License Renewal of Indian Point, Units 2 and 3 ML1110909492011-04-25025 April 2011 Notice of Meeting G20110221/EDATS:OEDO-2011-0226- with the State of New York Attorney Generals Office (the Petitioner) Requesting Action Under 10 CFR 2.206 Regarding Fire Protection at Indian Point ML1110909052011-04-22022 April 2011 NRC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Held a Category 1 Public Meeting on April 18, 2011, to Discuss the Shortnose Sturgeon ML1110103962011-04-11011 April 2011 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to Discuss the License Amendment Requests to Permit the Transfer of Spent Fuel from the Indian Point Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool to the Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool ML1109803932011-04-0808 April 2011 Forthcoming Meeting with NRC and Entergy Operations, Inc ML11223A0412011-03-23023 March 2011 Memorandum from J. Boska, NRR to T. Quay, NRR on Review of 10 CFR 2.206 Petition on Gas Pipelines Near the Indian Point Reactors 2023-04-25
[Table view] |
MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Patrick Donahue - Entergy Nuclear Northeast FROM: Matthew Barvenik - GZA REVIEWED BY: Michael Powers - GZA DATE: January 25, 2008 RE: Memorandum - Synopsis of Long Term Monitoring Plan Bases As requested, the following provides a synopsis of the bases' which underpin the Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) currently being implemented at the Indian Point Energy center (IPEC)
Site. These bases were derived from the Conceptual Site Model (CSM) 2 which was developed and refined during over two years of comprehensive hydrogeologic investigations completed at the Site, and as described in the Final Report3. During the progress of the investigations4, Entergy also conducted regular and frequent meetings where GZA presented existing data and exchanged concepts with representatives of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission New York (NRC), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and the New York State Department of Two Pennsylvania Plaza Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). This interchange of concepts, as well as information Suite 1860 NewYork, NY 10121 garnered during stakeholder and public meetings, was used to help set the course of the then Phone: 212-594-8140 ongoing investigations. Based on the outcome of these investigations and the resulting CSM, Fax: 212-279-8180 GZA has formulated and recommended to Entergy a LTMP design, which Entergy has adopted.
Connecticut 27 Naek Road The overall LTMP design was formulated to satisfy four primary objectives:
Vernon, CT 06066 Phone: 860-875-7655 Fax: 860-872-2416 1. Monitor groundwater to both detect and characterize current and potential future off-Site Massachusetts groundwater contaminant migration to the Hudson River from abnonnal radionuclide One Edgewater Duive releases of liquid effluents, so as to allow computation of potential radiation dose to the Norwood, MA 02062 Phone: 781-278-3700 public; Fax: 781-278-5701 2. Monitor groundwater along the southem property boundary to confirm that contaminated groundwater is not migrating off of the property in that direction; 1It is noted that the sampling installations referenced herein are a compilation of the LTMP as well as the 80-1 0/Effluents Programs.
2 GZA used the Observational Method (see Section 2.0 of the Final Report) to guide our investigations, identify and fill data gaps, assess the reasonableness of findings, and develop parameters controlling contaminant transport, and ultimately to formulate the CSM. This is inherently an iterative process and, as studies progressed, the CSM was refined to better fit observed conditions.
With completion of the investigations, the CSM was consistent with both the Site-specific project data and published data for the area (see Section 3.0 of the Final Report).
3 Final Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc; January 7, 2008 4 The investigations included approximately 60 shallow and deep, overburden and bedrock, single and multi-level instrument installations, as well as footing drain and man hole sampling points, which encompass approximately 150 individual sampling intervals. A subset of this overall monitoring installation network, as summarized on Figure LTMP 1, is used to provide the data for the LTMP. The level of redundancy designed into the LTM network anticipates and allows for the loss of a number of monitoring zones without significant impact to the adequacy of the monitoring system.
Indian Point Energy Center January 25, 2008 File No. 17869.10 Page 2
- 3. Monitor groundwater proximate to Systems, Structures and Components (SSCs) which exhibit a credible probability of resulting in a visually undetected release of radionuclides to the subsurface carrying an activity level of significance; and
- 4. Monitor the groundwater plumes identified on-Site to demonstrate overall reductions in total activity over time as is consistent with the requirements of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA)5 , the selected remediation for the IPEC Site.
These objectives are consistent with and fully encompass the guidance provided in the NEI Groundwater Protection Initiative.
To address objectives 1) and 2) above, groundwater monitoring installations have specifically been installed, and are currently being monitored, to both detect and characterize current and potential future off-Site groundwater contaminant migration to the river, both directly and through the Discharge Canal 6 . Additional installations have also been installed specifically for monitoring of the southern Site property boundary7 .
The IPEC Site was subdivided into six individual groundwater flow zones, with each including a separate shallow and deep flow zone. The instrument installations specifically targeted to monitor these individual zones, and the associated discharge pathways to -the Hudson River, are outlined in the attached Dose Computation Monitoring Installation Matrix. As shown on Figure LTMP-1 (included herewith), the multi-level sampling network is concentrated in the Unit 2 and Unit 1 areas given that this is where contaminant concentrations are by far the highests.
To address objective 3) above, monitoring installations have also been installed downgradient 9 of, and in close proximity to, both identified and potential critical Structures, Systems and Components (SSCs). The specific monitoring installations which target locations where identified and credible potential future sources of leakage might exist' 0 are outlined on the attached PotentialSource Monitoring InstallationMatrix. These installations, in concert with specific footing drain monitoring, provide earlier detection of potential future leaks associated with the power generating units than would be possible with boundary wells alone.
To address objective 4) above, monitoring installations have been strategically placed to monitor the behavior of the plumes identified on the Site (see Figure LTMP- I). Because of the nature and age of the releases; groundwater contaminant migration rates, and interdictions by Entergy to eliminate/control releases, the groundwater contaminant plumes have reached their maximum 5The selection of MNA as the remediation for the Site is more fully discussed in Section 11.0 of the Final Report.
6 The methods used to monitor and compute the magnitude of radiological release to the river, and justification for their selection, are more fully discussed in Section 6.0 of the Final Report.
7 Selection of appropriate installations to monitor the southern property boundary in light of groundwater elevation transients are more fldly discussed in Section 6.6 of the Final Report.
8 The monitoring installations located downgradient of Unit 3 are judged sufficient for monitoring and computations in this area given the low contaminant concentrations measured, even in the typically more contaminated shallow flow regime.
9 Groundwater flow contours are provided on Figure LTP.-1, attached herewith, to demonstrate the groundwater flow 0athway relationships between the potential source and the monitoring installation locations.
The identification of contaminant sources and release mechanisms on the Site is more fully discussed in Section 8.0 of the Final Report.
Indian Point Energy Center January 25, 2008 File No_ 17869_ 10 Page 3 spatial extent and should now decrease over time". The specific instrument installations which target the monitoring of these ,plumes are summarized on the attached Plume Attenuation Monitoring Installation Matrix. This monitoring is intended to verify that reductions are occurring in an anticipated manner.
Groundwater testing is performed quarterly on the majority of the LTMP installations, with G.
some sampled semi-annually and the rest remaining on standby to provide added detail, if required. The sampling frequencies, targeted analysis suites, radionuclide analyses MDCs, and investigation trigger levels and associated action procedures are provided in the Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Procedures12. During long term monitoring, GZA anticipates that contaminant concentrations in individual monitoring wells will fluctuate over time (increasing at times as well as decreasing, as potentially related to precipitation events), and that a future short term increase in concentrations does not, in and of itself, indicate a new leak. In addition, it is also expected that some areas within the plumes~will exhibit faster decay rates than others. Both behaviors are commonly observed throughout the industry with groundwater contamination sampling and analyses, and therefore, conclusions pursuant to plume behavior and the potential for new leaks must be evaluated in the context of all of the Site-wide monitoring data. Overall, however, GZA believes that the continuing monitoring will demonstrate decreasing long term trends in groundwater contaminant concentrations over time given the source interdictions completed by Entergy.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to.contact me (781) 278-3805.
Matthew J. Barvenik, LSP Michael Powers, PE Senior Principal Consultant/Reviewer Attachments: Figure LTMP -1 Potential Dose Computation Monitoring Installation Matrix Potential Source Monitoring Installation Matrix Plume Attenuation Monitoring Installation Matrix.
The temporal and spatial behavior of the plumes identified on the IPEC site are more fully discussed in Section 9.0 of the Final Report.
12 Radiological Ground Water Monitoring Program; IPEC Site Management Manual; IP-SMM CY- 110; January 11, 2008.
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Dose Computation Monitoring Installation Matrix 1 2 2
<Groundwvyater Flow Zone Ac tivi,ty Ito DischarqeýCanal Activity to Hudsc-n River Northern Clean Zone NA NA --
Unit 2 North .6~ ~MW-52 MW_______60____
MR-i 6 '< ~MH-126*~
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____________________________ MW-55 ~- - ~ -MW-.49<- >--
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__________________________MW-32 ~6 6MW-67>
_________________________________MW-53 __________
SMH-4A ~<MH-14<
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- .... ~<MW-58 MW-63'~
CB-34 6 6
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k MWm,44 6 MW-41 6 ~U3-CB-BB Southern Clean Zone . i*A- </6MW-51 . .:CB-E13 6 6 ~MW-40 <CB-C2
'Additional Long Term Monitoring Plan information isprovided inthe Hydrogeologic, Site Investigation Report; GZA GecEnvironmental, Inc.;
January 7. 2008.
2Itisnoted that the sampling installations referenced herein are a compilation of the LTMP as well as the 80-10/lEffluents Programs.
Potential Source Monitoring Installation Matrix nitoring Installation I
MH-5 MW-33 7
- 4. -52 MW-33 -3~6~
Potential Source Monitoring Installation Matrix Potential Source Monitoring Installation Matrix NOTES:
Potential Sources are Systems, Structures or Components which exhibit a credible probability of resulting in a visually undetected release of radionuclides to the subsurface with an activity of significance.
Additional Long Term Monitoring Plan information is provided in the Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report; GZA GeoEnvironmental.
Inc.; January 7, 2008.
Primary Monitoring Installations are those generally closest to a potential source and most likely to-initially detect a release. 4 Secondary Monitoring Installations are those that are located futher down or cross gradient from a potential source.
Itis noted that the sampling installations referenced herein are a compilation of the LTMP as well as the 80-1 0/Effluents Programs.
Plume Attenuation Monitoring Installation Matrix
'Direct Groundwater Flow designates that portion of the Unit 2 Tritium release that enters the groundwater below the IP2-SFP and then n*avesdowngradient to the West Unsaturated zone flow designates those portions of the Trttium release that first migrate above the water table along fracture orientations in directions other than that of the groundwater flow prior to entering the groundwater, with migration along groundwater flow oaths, thereafter.
3Additional Long Term Monitoring Plan information is provided in the Hydrogeologic Site Investigation Report; GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.; January 7, 2008.
4 It is noted that the sampling Installations referenced herein are a compilation of the LTMP as well as the 80-10/Effluents Programs.