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Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Ltd - Revised Response to RAI 38-7878 for the Question 07.05-1 (Rev.4)
Person / Time
Site: 05200046
Issue date: 11/27/2017
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Ltd
Office of New Reactors
Shared Package
ML17331B467 List:
Download: ML17331B470 (56)


Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 1 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP REVISED RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION APR1400 Design Certification Korea Electric Power Corporation / Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power %Q.6&

Docket No.52-046 RAI No.: 38-7878 SRP Section: 07.05 - Information Systems Important to Safety Application Section: 7.5 Date of RAI Issue: 06/18/2015 Question No. 07.05-01 APR1400 FSAR Tier 2, Section does not provide the basis or analysis for the selection of the accident monitoring instrumentation (AMI) variables.

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criteria 13, "Instrumentation and Controls,"

requires, in part, instrumentation to be provided to monitor variables and systems over their anticipated ranges for normal operation, anticipated operational occurrences, and accident conditions. APR1400 FSAR Tier 2, Table 7.5-1, "Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Variables,"

identifies a list of AMI variables and states that the design conforms to RG 1.97, Revision 4, in APR1400 FSAR Tier 2, Section However, the applicant did not clearly demonstrate how they conform with RG 1.97, Revision 4, for each variable, including the analysis or basis for the variable. Provide the basis for the AMI variable selection in accordance with RG 1.97, Revision

4. If alternative criteria to RG 1.97, Revision 4 are used, identify that criteria and the justification for why it provides a comparable level of safety to the guidance in RG 1.97, Revision 4.

Response - (Rev. 4)

The AMI variables were selected according to the selection criteria in IEEE 497-2002, which is endorsed by RG1.97, Rev.4.

The basis and analysis for selecting each AMI variable are described as follows:

Type A Type A variables are those variables that provide the primary information required to permit the control room operating staff to:

a) Take specific planned manually-controlled actions for which no automatic control is provided and that are required for safety systems to perform their safety-related functions as assumed in the plant Accident Analysis Licensing Basis.

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 2 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP b) Take specific planned manually-controlled actions for which no automatic control is provided and that are required to mitigate the consequences of an AOO.

KHNPs response to the Request for Additional Information (RAI) 294-8302, Question 07.05-6 (ref. KHNP submittal MKD/NW-16-0584L, dated June 1, 2016) provided the basis and analysis for the APR1400 Type A variables.

Type B Type B variables are those variables that provide primary information to the control room operators to assess the plant critical safety functions.

Any plant critical safety functions addressed in the emergency operation guidelines (EOGs) that are in addition to those identified above are also included.

In order to select Type B variables for meeting the requirements in IEEE Std. 497-2002 (endorsed by RG 1.97, Rev. 4), the EOGs are reviewed. The plant critical safety functions described in the EOGs include those of IEEE Std.497-2002. EOGs provide the plant critical safety functions to be verified for each event and the criteria for deciding the plant critical safety functions.

The plant critical safety functions described in the EOG are as follows:

- Reactivity control

- Maintenance of vital auxiliaries

- Reactor coolant system (RCS) inventory control

- RCS pressure control

- Core heat removal

- RCS heat removal

- Containment isolation

- Containment temperature and pressure control

- Containment combustible gas control Type C Type C variables are those variables that provide primary information to the control room operators to indicate the potential for breach, or the actual breach of the three fission product barriers (extended range): fuel cladding, reactor coolant system pressure boundary, and containment pressure boundary.

The selection of these variables represents a minimum set of plant variables that provide the most direct indication of the integrity of the three fission product barriers and provide the capability for monitoring beyond the normal operating range.

Type D Type D variables are those variables that are required in procedures and licensing basis documentation to:

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 3 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Indicate the performance of those safety systems and auxiliary supporting features necessary for the mitigation of design basis events (DBEs).

Indicate the performance of other systems necessary to achieve and maintain a safe shutdown condition.

Verify safety system status.

The Type D variables are based upon the plant accident analysis licensing basis and those necessary to implement the EOGs.

The resource tree of the EOG functional recovery guides describes the systems, including instruments and components, that are required for recovering the plant critical safety functions.

Those instruments and components, as well as the variables required for verifying the system-base safety function performance, were selected as Type D variables.

Type E Type E variables are those variables required for use in determining the magnitude of the release of radioactive materials and continually assessing such releases.

The selection of these variables include, but are not limited to the following:

Monitor the magnitude of releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways (e.g., secondary safety valves, and condenser air ejector).

Monitor the environmental conditions used to determine the impact of releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways (e.g., wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature).

Monitor radiation levels and radioactivity in the plant environs.

Monitor radiation levels and radioactivity in the control room and selected plant areas where access may be required for plant recovery.

Below is a listing of the AMI variables of the APR1400 DCD Tier 2, Table 7.5-1, along with the variables type classifications and their justifications.

Table 2.5.3-2 of APR1400 DCD Tier 1, Section 7.5 of APR1400 DCD Tier 2 has been revised as indicated in the attachment to the Rev. 1 response and Table 2.5.3-2, Table 2.5.4-6 of APR1400 DCD Tier 1, Section 7.5 of APR1400 DCD Tier 2 will be revised as indicated in the attachments to the Rev.2.

Technical Specification Table 3.3.11-1 and the associated Bases for 3.3.11 Chapter 16 of the APR1400 DCD Tier 2 will be revised as indicated in the attachment associated with this response.

The Safety I&C System Technical Report, APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP, and APR1400-Z-J-NR-14002-NP, will be revised as indicated in the attachment associated with this response.

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 4 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis Pressurizer Pressure A, B Pressurizer Pressure (Wide Range) is required for manual (Wide Range) operator action based on the Accident Analyses (Type A)

Pressurizer Pressure (Wide Range) is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Pressurizer Level A, B, D Pressurizer Level is required for manual operator action based on the Accident Analyses. (Type A)

Pressurizer Level is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function. (Type B)

Pressurizer Level verifies the status of a safety system.

(Type D)

Hot Leg Temperature A, B, D Hot Leg Temperature (Wide Range) is required for manual (Wide Range) operator action based on the Accident Analyses. (Type A)

Hot Leg Temperature (Wide Range) is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function. (Type B)

Hot Leg Temperature (Wide Range) verifies the status of a safety system. (Type D)

Cold Leg A, B, D Cold Leg Temperature (Wide Range) is required for manual Temperature operator action based on the Accident Analyses (Type A)

(Wide Range) Cold Leg Temperature (Wide Range) is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Cold Leg Temperature (Wide Range) verifies the status of a safety system. (Type D)

Steam Generator A, B, D Steam Generator Pressure is required for manual operator Pressure action based on the Accident Analyses (Type A)

Steam Generator Pressure is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Steam Generator Pressure verifies the status of a safety system. (Type D)

Steam Generator A, B, D Steam Generator Level (Wide Range) is required for manual Level (Wide Range) operator action based on the Accident Analyses (Type A)

Steam Generator Level (Wide Range) is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Steam Generator Level (Wide Range) verifies the status of a safety system. (Type D)

RCS Saturation A, B RCS Saturation Margin is required for manual operator Margin action based on the Accident Analyses (Type A)

RCS Saturation Margin is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

CET Saturation A, B CET Saturation Margin is required for manual operator Margin action based on the Accident Analyses (Type A)

CET Saturation Margin is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 5 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis RV Upper Head B RV Upper Head Saturation Margin is a primary variable for Saturation Margin monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Hydrogen B Hydrogen Concentration is a primary variable to support Concentration containment combustible gas control of critical safety function. (Type B)

Core Exit B, C Core Exit Temperature (CET) is a primary variable for Temperature (CET) monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Core Exit Temperature (CET) is an indicator for probable breach of cladding. (Type C)

Reactor Vessel Level B Reactor Vessel Level (RV Closure Head Level/RV plenum (RV Closure Head Level) is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety Level/RV plenum function. (Type B)


RCS Pressure C, D RCS Pressure is a primary variable for monitoring RCPB integrity and breach of the RCPB (Type C)

RCS Pressure verifies the status of a safety system. (Type D)

Holdup Volume B Holdup volume tank level is a variable to monitor RCS Tank Level pressure control, inventory control and RCS heat removal.

RCS pressure control, inventory control and RCS heat removal are included in the critical safety functions. (Type B)

Containment Water B Containment water level is a variable to monitor RCS Level pressure control, inventory control and RCS heat removal.

RCS pressure control, inventory control and RCS heat removal are included in the critical safety functions. (Type B)

Containment B, D Containment Pressure (Wide Range) is a primary variable Pressure for monitoring critical safety function. (Type B)

(Wide Range) Containment Pressure (Wide Range) is a primary variable for monitoring the operating status for a safety system.

(Type D)

Reactor Cavity B Reactor cavity level is a variable to monitor RCS pressure Level control, inventory control and RCS heat removal. RCS pressure control, inventory control and RCS heat removal are included in the critical safety functions. (Type B)

Containment Isolation B, D Containment Isolation Valve Position is a primary variable Valve Position for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Containment isolation valves are variables to monitor the containment integrity status. (Type D)

Logarithmic Reactor A, B Logarithmic Reactor Power (Neutron Flux) is required for Power (Neutron Flux) manual operator action based on the Accident Analyses.

(Type A)

Logarithmic Reactor Power (Neutron Flux) is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function (Type B)

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 6 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis CEA Position D These variables monitor the performance of CEDMs that affect the core reactivity. (Type D)

Containment C Containment Pressure is a primary variable for monitoring Pressure the integrity of protection barrier against fission product (Extended Wide release. (Type C)


Containment C Containment operating area radiation is a variable for Operating Area monitoring fueling handling accident during refueling Radiation (For Fuel operation inside containment. A breach of fuel cladding is Handling Accident) detected by this variable. (Type C)

Spent Fuel Pool C Spent fuel pool radiation is a variable for monitoring fueling Radiation handling accident. A breach of fuel cladding is detected by this variable. (Type C)

Containment Upper C Containment upper operating area radiation is a variable to Operating Area monitor loss of coolant accident (LOCA). A breach of RCPB Radiation is detected by this variable. (Type C)

IRWST Level B, D IRWST is the borated water source of safety injection system (SIS) and containment spray system (CSS) during the accident. IRWST level is a variable to monitor RCS pressure control, inventory control and RCS heat removal.

(Type B)

IRWST level is a monitoring variable for indicating the performance of SIS and CSS necessary for the mitigation of DBEs. (Type D)

IRWST Temperature B, D IRWST is the borated water source of SIS and CSS during the accident. IRWST temperature is a variable to monitor RCS pressure control, inventory control and RCS heat removal. (Type B)

IRWST temperature is a monitoring variable for indicating the performance of SIS and CSS necessary for the mitigation of DBEs. (Type D)

Main Steam B, D MS ADV position is a monitoring variable for verifying the Automatic RCS heat removal. Therefore, this variable meets the Depressurization criteria for the selection of Type B variable in IEEE 497-Valve (MS ADV) 2002. (Type B)

Position MS ADV position is the monitoring variable to verify safety system status. (Type D)

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 7 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis Auxiliary Feedwater B, D Auxiliary feedwater flow meters are designed as safety-Flow related and seismic Category I. It is an important parameter for monitoring the cooling capability of the RCS which is a critical safety function. Therefore, this variable meets the criteria for the selection of Type B variable in IEEE 497-2002. (Type B)

Auxiliary feedwater flow is the monitoring variable of safety system to achieve a safety shutdown condition. (Type D)

POSRV Position D POSRV Position verifies the status of a safety system. (Type D)

CS Flow D Containment spray flow is a variable for monitoring containment spray operation. Containment spray flow indicates the performance of CSS necessary for the mitigation of DBEs. (Type D)

Containment B, D Containment atmosphere temperature is a variable to Atmosphere monitor containment atmospheric conditions. (Type B)

Temperature Containment atmosphere temperature is a variable for monitoring accomplishment of cooling. This variable is used to monitor the performance of safety systems for the mitigation of DBEs. (Type D)

SI Hot Leg Injection D SI hot leg injection flow rate is a variable that monitors the Flow Rate operation status of safety injection pump (hot leg injection) in case of an accident. It is an indicator to monitor the operating status for a safety system. This variable is included in EOG functional recovery guide. (Type D)

Safety Injection D Safety Injection Tank(SIT) Level is a primary variable for Tank(SIT) Level monitoring the operating status for a safety system. (Type D)

Safety Injection D Safety Injection Tank(SIT) Pressure is a primary variable for Tank(SIT) Pressure monitoring the operating status for a safety system. (Type D)

Emergency D Emergency ventilation damper position is used to monitor Ventilation Damper the performance of safety systems for the mitigation of Position design basis events. (Type D)

Auxiliary Feedwater D The auxiliary feedwater storage tanks are designed to have Storage Tank Level sufficient feedwater to allow an orderly plant cooldown to shutdown cooling initiation without additional makeup.

During normal plant operation, the main purpose of this variable is to confirm sufficient inventory of auxiliary feedwater for accident conditions. If an accident occurs, it is not necessary to monitor water level for additional makeup to the auxiliary feedwater storage tanks. Therefore, this variable meets the criteria for the selection of Type D variable in IEEE 497-2002. (Type D)

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 8 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis DC Bus Voltage B, D DC bus voltage is a primary variable to monitor maintenance of vital auxiliaries. Maintenance of vital auxiliaries is included in the critical safety functions. (Type B)

DC bus voltage is variable for monitoring electrical power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems.

(Type D)

Instrument Power B, D Instrument power bus voltage is a primary variable to Bus Voltage monitor maintenance of vital auxiliaries. Maintenance of vital auxiliaries is included in the critical safety functions. (Type B)

Instrument power bus voltage is variable for monitoring electrical power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems. (Type D)

Emergency Diesel D Emergency diesel generator voltage is variable for Generator Voltage monitoring electrical power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems. (Type D)

Emergency Diesel D Emergency diesel generator current is a variable for Generator Current monitoring Electrical Power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems. (Type D) 4.16 kV B, D 4.16 kV switchgear voltage is a primary variable to monitor Switchgear Voltage maintenance of vital auxiliaries. Maintenance of vital auxiliaries is included in the critical safety functions. (Type B) 4.16 kV switchgear voltage is a variable for monitoring electrical power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems. (Type D) 4.16 kV D 4.16 kV switchgear current is a variable for monitoring Switchgear Current electrical power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems. (Type D) 480 V L/C Voltage D 480 V L/C voltage is a variable for monitoring electrical power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems. (Type D) 480 V L/C Current D 480 V L/C current is a variable for monitoring electrical power supplies for safety systems and safe shutdown systems. (Type D)

CCW Temperature D Component cooling water (CCW) system removes heat from all safety-related components necessary for the safe shutdown and the mitigation of DBEs. CCW temperature is a variable for monitoring CCW operation. This variable indicates the performance of the CCW system necessary for the safe shutdown and the mitigation of DBEs. (Type D)

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 9 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis CCW Flow D CCW system removes heat from all safety-related components necessary for the safe shutdown and the mitigation of DBEs. CCW flow is a variable for monitoring CCW operation. This variable indicates the performance of the CCW system necessary for the safe shutdown and the mitigation of DBEs. (Type D)

ESW Temperature D Essential service water (ESW) system removes heat from the CCW heat exchangers and transfers to the UHS. ESW temperature is a variable for monitoring ESW operation.

This variable indicates the performance of the ESW system necessary for the safe shutdown and the mitigation of DBEs.

(Type D)

ESW Flow D ESW system removes heat from the CCW heat exchangers and transfers to the UHS. ESW Flow is a variable for monitoring ESW operation. This variable indicates the performance of the ESW system necessary for the safe shutdown and the mitigation of DBEs. (Type D)

Charging Line D Charging Line Flow is a primary variable for monitoring the Flow status of boric acid flow to the RCS. (Type D)

Charging Line D Charging Line Pressure is a primary variable for monitoring Pressure the operating status for a safety system. (Type D)

Shutdown Cooling D Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchange Outlet Temperature is a Heat Exchange Outlet primary variable for monitoring the operating status for a Temperature safety system. (Type D)

Shutdown Cooling D Shutdown Cooling Pump Flow Rate is a primary variable for Pump Flow Rate monitoring the operating status for a safety system. (Type D)

SIT Discharge D SIT Discharge Isolation provides information of operating Isolation status for a safety system. (Type D)

CREACS Emergency D CREACS Emergency ACU flow verifies the status of a ACU flow safety system. (Type D)

ABCAEES D ABCAEES Emergency ACU flow verifies the status of a Emergency ACU flow safety system. (Type D)

FHAEES Emergency D FHAEES Emergency ACU flow verifies the status of a safety ACU flow system. (Type D)

SIP DVI Flow Rate B, D SIP DVI Flow Rate is a primary variable for monitoring critical safety function. (Type B)

SIP DVI Flow Rate is a primary variable for monitoring the operating status for a safety system. (Type D)

Containment Purge E Containment purge effluent is used to monitor gaseous Effluent effluent in containment building. This variable is required to monitor releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways. (Type E)

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 10 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis Auxiliary Building E Auxiliary building controlled area HVAC effluent is used to Controlled Area monitor gaseous effluent of controlled area in auxiliary HVAC Effluent building. This variable is required to monitor releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways. (Type E)

Compound Building E Compound building HVAC effluent is used to monitor HVAC Effluent gaseous effluent in compound building. This variable is required to monitor releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways. (Type E)

Condenser Vacuum E Condenser vacuum vent effluent radiation is used to monitor Vent Effluent SG tube leakage. This variable is required to monitor Radiation releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways. (Type E)

MCR and TSC Area E MCR and TSC area radiation is used to monitor radiation Radiation level and radioactivity in the control room. (Type E)

Normal primary E Normal primary sample room area radiation is used to sample Room Area monitor selected plant areas where access is required for Radiation plant recovery. (Type E)

Radiochemistry Lab. E Radiochemistry laboratory area radiation is used to monitor Area Radiation selected plant areas where access is required for plant recovery. (Type E)

Wind Direction E Wind direction is required to monitor environmental conditions used to determine the impact of releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways. (Type E)

Wind Speed E Wind speed is required to monitor environmental conditions used to determine the impact of releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways. (Type E)

Atmosphere Stability E Atmosphere stability temperature difference is required to Temperature monitor environmental conditions used to determine the Difference impact of releases of radioactive materials. (Type E)

Main Steam Line E Main steam line radiation is used to monitor the magnitude Radiation of releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways. (Type E)

High Energy Line E High Energy Line Break Area ACU Inlet Radiation is used to Break Area ACU Inlet monitor radiation releases from the breaks of high energy Radiation piping. (Type E)

Auxiliary Building E Auxiliary Building Controlled Area (I,II) HVAC Controlled Area (I,II) Normal/Emergency Exhaust ACU Inlet Radiation is used to HVAC monitor radiation leakage in the gaseous effluent from the Normal/Emergency controlled area. (Type E)

Exhaust ACU Inlet Radiation Containment Air E Containment Air Radiation is used to monitor the unidentified Radiation leakage from RCS. (Type E)

Non-Proprietary 07.05-1_Rev.4 - 11 / 11 KEPCO/KHNP Variable Type Basis and analysis Fuel Handling Area E Fuel Handling Area HVAC Effluent Radiation is used to HVAC Effluent monitor the radioactivity in the HVAC effluents from the Radiation fueling handling area. (Type E)

Compound Building E Compound Building Hot Machine Shop Radiation is used to Hot Machine Shop monitor radioactive releases of identified pathways from the Radiation hot machine shop. (Type E)

Steam Generator E Steam Generator Blowdown Radiation is used to monitor Blowdown Radiation radioactive leakage of identified pathways from SG blowdown stream. (Type E)

Post-accident Primary E Post-accident Primary Sample Room Radiation is used to Sample Room monitor selected plant area where access is required for Radiation plant recovery. (Type E)

Impact on DCD Table 2.5.3-2, Table 2.5.4-6 of the APR1400 DCD Tier 1 and Section 7.5 of the APR1400 DCD Tier 2 will be revised as indicated in Attachment.

Impact on PRA There is no impact on the PRA.

Impact on Technical Specifications Table 3.3.11-1 and the Bases for TS 3.3.11 of the APR1400 DCD Tier 2 will be revised as indicated in Attachment.

Impact on Technical /Topical/Environmental Reports.

The Safety I&C System Technical Report, APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-NP and Diversity and Defense-in-Depth Technical Report, APR1400-Z-J-NR-14002-NP, will be revised as indicated in Attachment.

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 2.5.3-2 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation VariablesG Variable Pressurizer pressure (wide range)

Pressurizer level Cold leg temperature (wide range)

Hot leg temperature (wide range)

Steam generator pressure Steam generator level (wide range) saturation Core exit temperature RCS subcooling margin CET subcooling margin Reactor vessel upper head subcooling margin Safety injection pump DVI flow rate Reactor vessel level (RV closure head level/RV plenum level)G Reactor coolant system pressure (wide range)

IRWST level water IRWST temperature Holdup volume tank level Containment level Containment pressure (wide range)

Reactor cavity level Containment isolation valve position Logarithmic reactor power (neutron flux)

Containment upper operating area radiation Containment pressure (extended wide range)

Containment operating area radiation Spent fuel pool radiation MS ADV position (for fuel handling accident)

Auxiliary feedwater flow Hydrogen concentration 4.16 kV switchgear voltage Containment atmosphere temperature DC Bus Voltage Instrument Power Bus Voltage 2.5-38 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 1 RAI 317-8271 - Question 14.03.05-30_Rev.1 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 2.5.4-6 (Wide Range) Control for Credited Manual Operator Action Variables Operator Action Control/Component

- Pressurizer Pressure Close letdown line [CVCS]

(Wide Range) containment isolation valve - Letdown Line CIV

- Pressurizer Level (Diagnosis of letdown line break)

- Pressurizer Pressure Isolation of SG atmospheric - SG 1 MSADV (Wide Range) dump valve of affected SG - SG 2 MSADV

- Pressurizer Level (Diagnosis of steam generator

- SG Pressure Level tube rupture (SGTR) )

- SG level

- Pressurizer Pressure Termination of safety [Stop SIP-1,2,3,4]

(Wide Range) injection for SGTR - SI Pump 1

- Pressurizer Level - SI Pump 2

- SG Pressure - SI Pump 3 (Wide Range) - SI Pump 4

- SG Level

- Hot Leg Temperature (Wide Range)

- Cold Leg Temperature (Wide Range)

- Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Subcooling Margin

- Core Exit Temperature (CET)

Subcooling Margin

- SG Pressure Termination of auxiliary [Stop AFWPs]

(Wide Range) feedwater (AFW) for main - AFW Pump A Motor Driven

- SG Level steam line break and main - AFW Pump B Motor Driven feedwater line break - AFW Turbine A Reset Saturation - AFW Turbine B Reset

- Logarithmic Reactor Power Stop charging pump [Stop Charging Pump 1,2]

(Terminate chemical and - Charging Pump A volume control system - Charging Pump B (CVCS) charging flow for boron dilution event)


(Neutron Flux) 2.5-64 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 LIST OF TABLES NUMBER TITLE PAGE Table 7.1-1 Regulatory Requirements Applicability Matrix ................................... 7.1-36 Table 7.2-1 Reactor Protection System Operating Bypass Permissive ................... 7.2-38 Table 7.2-2 Reactor Protection System Monitored Plant Variable Ranges ............ 7.2-39 Table 7.2-3 Reactor Protection System Sensors...................................................... 7.2-40 Table 7.2-4 Reactor Protection System Design Inputs ............................................ 7.2-41 Table 7.2-5 Reactor Protective Instrumentation Response Time ............................ 7.2-43 Table 7.2-6 Critical Function Success Path Diversity ............................................. 7.2-45 Table 7.2-7 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for the Plant Protection System .................................................................................................. 7.2-46 Table 7.3-1 ESFAS Operating Bypass Permissive.................................................. 7.3-38 Table 7.3-2 Design Basis Events Requiring ESF System Action ........................... 7.3-39 Table 7.3-3 Monitored Variables for ESFAS Signals ............................................. 7.3-40 Table 7.3-4 ESFAS Sensors .................................................................................... 7.3-41 Table 7.3-5A NSSS ESFAS Setpoints and Margins to Actuation ............................. 7.3-42 Table 7.3-5B BOP ESFAS Setpoints and Margins to Actuation ............................... 7.3-43 Table 7.3-6 ESFAS Variable Ranges ...................................................................... 7.3-44 Table 7.3-7 ESF Response Time ............................................................................. 7.3-45 Table 7.3-8 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for the Engineered Safety Features-Component Control System .................................................. 7.3-48 Table 7.4-1 Remote Shutdown Console Instrumentation and Controls for Hot Shutdown....................................................................................... 7.4-14 Table 7.4-2 Remote Shutdown Console Instrumentation and Controls for Cold Shutdown ..................................................................................... 7.4-18 Table 7.5-1 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Variables ................................. 7.5-18 Table 7.6-1 Shutdown Cooling System and Safety Injection Tank Interlock ......... 7.6-18 Table 7.6-2 CCW Supply and Return Header Tie Line Isolation Interlocks .......... 7.6-19 Table 7.7-1 Control Groups for the NSSS Control Functions................................. 7.7-43 Table 7.7-2 Control Limit and Interlocks on Digital Rod Control System ............. 7.7-44 Table 7.5-2 Basis and Analysis of Selection for AMI Variables xi 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation The AMI listed in Table 7.5-1 is provided to allow the operator to assess the state of the plant following design basis events by monitoring instruments, equipment, or systems that provide automatic action.

The AMI is designed to meet the guidance of NRC Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.97 (Reference 1), as depicted in Figure 7.5-1 and as follows:

a. The qualified indication and alarm system - P (QIAS-P) is dedicated to continuously monitor and display AMI Type A, B and C variables. The QIAS-P in each division (A or B) has one flat panel display, which is mounted on a safety console in the MCR.
b. The qualified indication and alarm system - non-safety (QIAS-N) is designed to support continuous plant operation if the information processing system (IPS) becomes unavailable. The function of the QIAS-N also includes displaying AMI Type A, B, C, and selected sets of Type D and E variables.
c. The IPS provides displays for all AMI variables. The IPS also has a historical data storage, retrieval, and trending capability.

The combined license (COL) applicant is to provide a description of the site-specific AMI variables such as wind direction, wind speed, and atmosphere stability temperature difference (COL 7.5(1)).

Insert "A" on following pages Qualified Indication and Alarm System - P The QIAS-P provides the continuous display of AMI Type A, B and C variables. The QIAS-P fulfills the requirements in NUREG-0737, Item II.F.2 (Reference 2), and NRC RG 1.97. To address these requirements, the ICC monitoring and display of the QIAS-P performs the following functions:


a. Core exit thermocouple (CET) temperature signal processing and display
b. Primary coolant subcooling margin calculation and display
c. Heated junction thermocouple (HJTC) signal processing, display and HJTC heater power control 7.5-2 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Basis and Analysis to Select AMI Variables The Table 7.5-2 provides basis and analysis of selection for AMI variables. AMI variables are selected in accordance with ,(((6WGZKLFKLVHQGRUVHGE\RG 1.97, Rev. 4

The basis and analysis for selecting each AMI variable are described as follows:

Type A Type A variables are those variables that provide the primary information required to permit the control room operating staff to:

a) Take specific planned manually-controlled actions for which no automatic control is

provided and that are required for safety systems to perform their safety-related

functions as assumed in the plant Accident Analysis Licensing Basis.

b) Take specific planned manually-controlled actions for which no automatic control is

provided and that are required to mitigate the consequences of an AOO.


RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 




























"A" (Cont.)

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Type D Type D variables are those variables that are required in procedures and licensing basis documentation to:

Indicate the performance of those safety systems and auxiliary supporting features necessary for the mitigation of design basis events (DBEs).

Indicate the performance of other systems necessary to achieve and maintain a safe shutdown condition.

Verify safety system status.

The Type D variables are based upon the plant accident analysis licensing basis and those necessary to implement the EOGs.

The resource tree of the EOG functional recovery guides describes the systems, including instruments and components, that are required for recovering the plant critical safety functions.

Those instruments and components, as well as the variables required for verifying the system-base safety function performance, were selected as Type D variables.

Type E Type E variables are those variables required for use in determining the magnitude of the release of radioactive materials and continually assessing such releases.

The selection of these variables includeV, but are not limited to the following:

Monitor the magnitude of releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways (e.g., secondary safety valves, and condenser air ejector).

Monitor the environmental conditions used to determine the impact of releases of radioactive materials through identified pathways (e.g., wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature).

Monitor radiation levels and radioactivity in the plant environs.

Monitor radiation levels and radioactivity in the control room and selected plant areas where access may be required for plant recovery.

"A" (Cont.)

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 The QIAS-P provides an unambiguous indication of ICC and advanced warning of the approach of ICC. saturation The QIAS-P calculates a representative CET temperature from the CETs.

The QIAS-P calculates reactor coolant subcooling margins based on the CET temperatures, the hot and cold leg temperatures, the HJTC temperature measurements from the reactor vessel head region, and pressurizer pressure. The QIAS-P controls the power for the HJTC heaters. The heater power control devices are located in the QIAS-P cabinet. Heater control for the HJTC is manually switched from the QIAS-P channel A only to the diverse indication system (DIS) via DIS switch on safety console. The QIAS-P also calculates the reactor vessel level based on the HJTC signals.

The QIAS-P provides backup displays for the ICC variables. The primary displays for ICC variables are implemented in the safety parameter display and evaluation system

+ (SPADES+) within the IPS.

The QIAS-P receives Type A, B and C variables from the plant protection system (PPS),

engineered safety features - component control system (ESF-CCS) via a safety system data network (SDN) and auxiliary process cabinet - safety (APC-S) and process instrumentation via a hardwired connection.

The QIAS-P has divisionalized cabinets for divisions A and B. The QIAS-P cabinets for each division are physically located in divisionalized I&C equipment rooms to meet the requirements of IEEE Std. 603(Reference 3).

The QIAS-P generates alarms and sends them to the QIAS-N and IPS.

Qualified Indication and Alarm System - Non-Safety The QIAS-N displays the safety parameters and key operating parameters to be used by the operators during both normal operation and accidents. The QIAS-N displays parameter values and alarms using signal validation, alarm filtering, alarm suppression, and alarm prioritization.

The QIAS-N consists of the following equipment:

a. QIAS-N redundant processors 7.5-3 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 saturation subcooling The signals from the resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), unheated thermocouples in the HJTC system, CET temperature, and pressure sensors are used to calculate the loss of subcooling, occurrence of saturation, and achievement of a subcooled condition following core recovery.

The reactor vessel level monitors provide information to the operator on the decreasing liquid inventory in the reactor vessel (RV) regions above the fuel alignment plate (FAP), as well as the increasing RV liquid inventory above the FAP following core recovery from the ICC.

The CETs monitor the increasing RCS temperatures associated with the ICC and the decreasing RCS temperature associated with recovery from the ICC.

SPADES+ is designed to meet the criteria for SPDS set forth in NUREG-0696 (Reference 4) and NUREG-0737, Supplement No. 1 (Reference 5). The SPADES+

displays ICC variables as a primary display. The QIAS-P provides a backup display of the ICC variables as a backup.

a. Primary ICC displays The ICC variables are incorporated into the SPADES+ and alarm logic of the IPS.

The SPADES+ is a computer applications program of the IPS, and provides a primary display of ICC information.

The critical safety functions are monitored by a set of algorithms that process the measured plant variables to determine the plant safety status relative to safety function control. If any of the critical functions are violated (by exceeding logic setpoints), a critical function alarm is initiated. The calculated ICC outputs are incorporated into the core heat removal critical function alarm logic.

The SPADES+ of the IPS has an ICC summary page as part of the core heat removal control critical function, and more detailed display pages for each of the ICC variables.

saturation The summary page includes the following information:

1) RCS/RV upper head subcooling margin - the lower value of either the RCS subcooling margin or RV upper head subcooling margin 7.5-6 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 


2) Reactor vessel level above the core
3) Representative core exit temperature
b. Backup ICC displays The QIAS-P provides Class 1E backup displays for ICC variables, and is seismically and environmentally qualified. The displays of ICC variables are dedicated and integrated following the guidance of the Style Guide (Reference 6).

The QIAS-P displays are designed as follows:

1) To provide display of ICC variables
2) To provide indications in the event that the primary display becomes inoperable
3) To provide confirmatory indication to the primary display The following information is available on the QIAS-P display pages:
1) RCS/RV upper head subcooling margin
2) Reactor vessel level above the core saturation
3) Representative core exit temperature Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication The bypass and inoperable status indication (BISI) is a non-safety system because it is not required to operate during design basis accident (DBA) conditions to mitigate the accidents.

System-level automatic bypass indication is provided based on the guidance of NRC RG 1.47 (Reference 7). Compliance with NRC RG 1.47 is described as follows:

a. Flags are provided to indicate, at the system level, the bypass or deliberate inoperability of a protection system. The system-level alarms are actuated when a component actuated by a protection system is bypassed or deliberately rendered inoperable.

7.5-7 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 7.5-1 (1 of 6)

Saturation Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Variables Required Channels Number Monitored of Ambiguity Variable Range Function or System(1) Sensors Type (Division)

Pressurizer 0 to 210.9 kg/cm2A Pressurizer 2 A, B C,D Pressure (0 to 3,000 psia) (PPS OM) A, B (Wide Range) (IPS)

Pressurizer Level 0 to 100 % Pressurizer 2 A, B, C (0 to 562.15 in) D (IPS) Hot Leg Temperature Hot Leg 0 to 400°C RCS 4 A, B, C,D Temperature D (PPS OM) (Narrow (32 to 752 °F)

(Wide Range) 2/loop Range)

Cold Leg RCS 4 A, B, C,D A, B, C, D 0 to 400°C Temperature (32 to 752 °F) D (PPS OM) (PPS OM)

(Wide Range)

Cold Leg Steam Generator 0 to 105 kg/cm2A Steam Generator 2/SG A, B, C,D Pressure (0 to 1,494 psia) D (PPS OM) Temperature (Narrow Steam Generator 0 to 100 % Steam Generator 2/SG A, B, C,D Level D (PPS OM) Range)

(0 to 1117.6cm (Wide Range) A, B, C, D (0 to 440 in tap span)


Core Exit 0 to 1260 °C Inadequate Core 2 B, C Validation Temperature Cooling (QIAS-P)

(32 to 2,300 °F)

RCS Temp. Margin : Inadequate 2 A, B Validation Subcooling -399 to 358.3°C Core Cooling (QIAS-P)

Satruation Margin Press. Margin :

-225.5 to 210.9 kg/cm2 CET Temp. Margin : Inadequate 2 A, B Validation Subcooling -1,260 to 368.3°C Core Cooling (QIAS-P)

Saturation Press. Margin :

Margin -225.5 to 210.9 kg/cm2 RV Upper Head Temp. Margin : Inadequate 2 B Validation Subcooling Saturation -1,260 to 368.3°C Core Cooling (QIAS-P)

Margin Press. Margin :

-225.5 to 210.9 kg/cm2 Reactor Vessel 0 to 100 % RCS 2 B Validation Level (RV closure (QIAS-P) head level/RV plenum level)



A, B (IPS) 7.5-18 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Required Channels Table 7.5-1 (2 of 6)

Monitored Channel Ambiguity Variable Range Function or System(1) Number Type (Division)

RCS Pressure 0 to 281.2 kg/cm2G RCS 2 C, D Pressurizer (0 to 4,000 psig) Pressure A, B, C, D (PPS OM)

IRWST Level 0 to 100 % IRWST 4 B, D C,D 2 (ESCM)

IRWST 10 to 177 °C IRWST 4 B, D C,D Temperature (50 to 350 °F) (ESCM) 2 Holdup Volume 0 to 100 % IRWST 4 B C,D Tank Level (ESCM)

Containment Water 0 to 100 % Containment 2 B C,D Level monitoring system (ESCM) A, B Containment -400 to 5,600 cmH2O Maintaining 2 B, D C,D (IPS)

Pressure ( -5.7 to 79.5 psig) containment integrity (PPS OM)

(Wide Range) 2 Reactor Cavity 0 to 100% Maintaining 4 B C,D Level containment integrity (ESCM)

Containment N/A Maintaining 1 pair/ B, D Validation Isolation Valve containment integrity valve (QIAS-P)

Position Logarithmic 2x10 -8 to 200 % power Reactor power 2 A, B C,D Reactor Power (PPS OM)

(neutron flux)

CEA Position 0 to 381 cm Reactivity control 1/rod D N/A (0 to 150 in)

Containment -500 to 14,500 cmH2O Fission product 2 C PPS Pressure ( -7.1 to 206.2 psig) release Containment (Extended Wide pressure Range) A,B,C,D (PPS OM)

Containment Refer to range Monitoring fueling 2 C C,D Operating Area information for Tag No. handling accident (ESCM)

Radiation (For RE-231A and RE-232B Fuel Handling in Table 12.3-6.


Spent Fuel Pool Refer to range Monitoring fueling 2 C C,D A, B radiation information for Tag No. handling accident (ESCM) (IPS)

RE-241A and RE-242B in Table 12.3-6.

7.5-19 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 7.5-1 (3 of 6) Required Channels Monitored Channel Ambiguity Variable Range Function or System(1) Number Type (Division)

Containment Upper Refer to range Monitoring LOCA 2 C C,D A, B Operating Area information for Tag No. (ESCM) (IPS)

Radiation RE-233A and RE-234B in Table 12.3-6.

MS ADV Position N/A Monitoring position 4 B,D A, B, C, D of MS ADV actuation 2 (QIAS-P)

Auxiliary 0 to 3,600 lpm (0 to 950 Monitoring auxiliary 4 B, D A, B, C, D Feedwater Flow gpm) feedwater flow 2 C, D POSRV Position N/A Verifying status of 1/valve D N/A (ESCM) a safety system CS Flow 0 to 28,400 lpm Monitoring CS 2 D N/A (0 to 7,500 gpm) operation 1 Containment 4.44 to 204.44 °C (40 to Monitoring 13 B, D N/A Atmosphere 400 °F) accomplishment of C, D Temperature cooling 2 (ESCM)

SI Hot Leg 0 to 5,678 lpm Monitoring the 2 D N/A Injection Flow Rate (0 to 1,500 gpm) operating status for 1 a safety system Safety Injection 0 to 100 % Monitoring a boron 4 D N/A Tank Level (402 inch full scale) injection potential 1/Tank 2

Safety Injection 0 to 53 kg/cm g Monitoring a boron 4 D N/A Tank Pressure (0 to 750 psig) injection potential Emergency N/A Prevention of 1 pair/ D N/A Ventilation Damper radiation effluent damper Position release 1 Auxiliary 0 to 100% Monitoring level of 2 D N/A Feedwater Storage auxiliary feedwater Tank Level storage tank 2 DC Bus Voltage 0 to 150 Vdc Electrical power 4 D N/A supplies for safety system and safe B, shutdown system Instrument Power 0 to 150 Vdc Electrical power 4 D N/A Bus Voltage supplies for safety system and safe 2 shutdown system CREACS 0 to 13,592 cmh Verifying the 4 D N/A Emergency ACU (0 to 8,000 cfm) status of a safety system 1

flow ac 7.5-20 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 7.5-1 (4 of 6) Required Channels Monitored Channel Ambiguity Variable Range Function or System(1) Number Type (Division)

ABCAEES 0 to 5,097 cmh Verifying the 4 D N/A Emergency ACU (0 to 3,000 cfm) status of a safety flow system 1 FHAEES Emergency 0 to 8,495 cmh Verifying the 2 D N/A ACU flow (0 to 5,000 cfm) status of a safety system 1

Emergency Diesel 0 to 5,250 Vac Electrical power 4 D N/A Generator Voltage supplies for safety 1 system and safe shutdown system Emergency Diesel 0 to 2,000 Amps Electrical power 4 D N/A Generator Current supplies for safety system and safe 1 shutdown system 4.16 kV 0 to 5,250 Vac Electrical power 4 B, D N/A Switchgear Voltage supplies for safety 2 C, D system and safe (ESCM) shutdown system 4.16 kV 0 to 2,000 Amps Electrical power 4 D N/A Switchgear Current supplies for safety 1 system and safe shutdown system 480 V L/C Voltage 0 to 600 Vac Electrical power 4 D N/A supplies for safety system and safe 1

shutdown system 480 V L/C Current 0 to 3,000 Amps Electrical power 4 D N/A supplies for safety 1 system and safe shutdown system CCW Temperature 0 to 100 °C Monitoring CCWS 1/divisio D N/A (32 to 212 °F) operation n CCW Flow 0 to 110% Monitoring CCWS 1/pump D N/A design flow operation ESW Temperature 0 to 50 °C Monitoring ESW 1/divisio D N/A (32 to 122 °F) operation n ESW Flow 0 to 120% Monitoring ESW 1/pump D N/A design flow operation Charging Line 0 to 750 lpm Monitoring the status 1 D N/A Flow (0 to 198 gpm) of boric acid flow to RCS Charging Line 0 to 220 kg/cm2G Monitoring the status 1 D N/A Pressure (0 to 3,129 psig) of boric acid flow to RCS 7.5-21 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 7.5-1 (5 of 6) Required Channels Monitored Channel Ambiguity Variable Range Function or System(1) Number Type (Division)

Shutdown Cooling 0 to 200°C Monitor the operating 2 D N/A Heat Exchange (40 to 392°F) status for a safety 1 Outlet Temperature system Shutdown Cooling 0 to 25,000 lpm Monitor the operating 2 D N/A Pump Flow Rate (0 to 6,604 gpm) status for a safety system 1 SIT Discharge N/A Monitor the operating 4 D N/A Isolation status for a safety 1 system SIP DVI Flow Rate 0 to 5,678 lpm Monitor the operating 4 B, D Validation (0 to 1,500 gpm) status for a safety (QIAS-P) system A, B, C, D Containment Purge Refer to range Monitoring gaseous 1 E N/A (ESCM)

Effluent information for Tag No. effluent in RE-037 in Table 11.5-1. containment building Auxiliary Building Refer to range Monitoring gaseous 2 E N/A Controlled Area information for Tag No. effluent of controlled 1 HVAC Effluent RE-015, 016, 019, and area in AUX.

020 in Table 11.5-1. building Compound Refer to range Monitoring gaseous 1 E N/A Building HVAC information for Tag No. effluent in compound Effluent RE-0832 in Table 11.5- building 1

Condenser Refer to range Monitoring SG tube 1 E N/A Vacuum Vent information for Tag No. leakage Effluent Radiation RE-063 in Table 11.5-1.

MCR and TSC Refer to range Monitoring area 1 E N/A Area Radiation information for Tag No. radiation level RE-275 and RE-279 in Table 12.3-6.

Normal Primary Refer to range Monitoring area 1 E N/A Sampleing Room information for Tag No. radiation level Area Radiation RE-285 in Table 12.3-6.

Radiochemistry Refer to range Monitoring area 1 E N/A Lab. Area information for Tag No. radiation level Radiation RE-257 in Table 12.3-6.

Wind Direction 0 to 360° Release assessment 1 E N/A Wind Speed 0 to 50 mph Release assessment 1 E N/A 7.5-22 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

APR1400 DCD TIER 2 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 7.5-1 (6 of 6) Required Channels Monitored Channel Ambiguity Variable Range Function or System(1) Number Type (Division)

Atmosphere -22.78 to -7.78°C Release assessment 2 E N/A Stability (-9 to +18°F) Delta-T 1 Temperature Difference Main Steam Line Refer to range Monitoring leakage 4 E N/A Radiation information for Tag No's. of steam generator 1 RE-217 through RE-220 in Table 11.5-1.

High Energy Line Refer to range Monitoring gaseous  E N/A Break Area ACU information for Tag No. effluent of high-Inlet Radiation RE-007 in Table 11.5-1. energy line break area in AUX building Auxiliary Building Refer to range Monitoring gaseous 2 E N/A Controlled Area information for Tag No. effluent of (I,II) HVAC RE-013,014,017, and controlled area in 1 Normal/Emergency 018 in Table 11.5-1. AUX.building Exhaust ACU Inlet Radiation Containment Air Refer to range Monitoring the 2 E N/A Radiation information for Tag No. un identified 1 RE-039A and 40B in leakage from Table 11.5-1. RCS Fuel Handling Refer to range Monitoring gaseous 1 E N/A Area HVAC information for Tag No. effluent of fuel Effluent Radiation RE-043 in Table 11.5-1. handling area in AUX.building Compound Building Refer to range Monitoring gaseous 1 E N/A Hot Machine Shop information for Tag No. effluent of hot Radiation RE-293 in Table 12.3-6. machine shop in compound building Steam Generator Refer to range Monitoring SG tube 1 E N/A Blowdown Radiation information for Tag No. leakage RE-104 in Table 11.5-2.

Post-accident Refer to range Monitoring area 1 E N/A Primary Sample information for Tag No. radiation level Room Radiation RE-205 in Table 12.3-6.

(1) Parameters to monitor critical safety functions in SPADES+ as described in Section 7.7 are confirmed by functional requirements analysis as described in Section 18.3 Insert "B" on following pages 7.5-23 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 










































RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 "B"(Cont.) 7DEOH



























% water













RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

"B"(Cont.) 7DEOH

































'%(V 7\SH' 







RI'%(V 7\SH' 

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

"B"(Cont.) 7DEOH






9DOYH 06$'9   %



































RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 "B"(Cont.) 7DEOH










































RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

"B"(Cont.) 7DEOH











































RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

"B"(Cont.) 7DEOH











































RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

"B"(Cont.) 7DEOH
































RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 



NOTE : FPDs INTERFACE WITH TRACKBALL UNITS FOR HSI Figure 7.7-12 HSI Information Processing Block Diagram 7.7-56 5HY

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

AMI 3.3.11 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 3.3.11-1 (Page 1 of 3)


1. Logarithmic Reactor Power (neutron flux) 2 E
2. Hot Leg Temperature 2 per loop E (Wide Range)
3. Cold Leg Temperature 2 per loop E (Wide Range)
4. Reactor Coolant System Pressure 2 E (Wide Range)

(RV Closure Head 2

5. Reactor Vessel Level 2 F Level/RV Plenum Level)
6. Reactor Cavity Level 4 E
7. Containment Pressure (Wide Range) 2 E
8. Containment Pressure (Extended Wide Range) 2 E
9. Containment Isolation Valve Position 1 per valve (a),(b) E
10. Containment Upper Operating Area Radiation 2 E
11. Pressurizer Level 2 E
12. Steam Generator Level (Wide Range) 2 per Steam E Generator
13. Holdup Volume Tank Level 4 E 2

(a) Not required for isolation valves whose associated penetration is isolated by at least one closed and deactivated automatic valve, closed manual valve, blind flange, or check valve with flow through the valve secured.

(b) Only one position indication channel is required for penetration flow paths with only one installed main control room indication channel.

APR1400 GTS 3.3.11-3 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

AMI 3.3.11 Table 3.3.11-1 (Page 2 of 3)


14. Core Exit Temperature - Quadrant 1 2(c) E
15. Core Exit Temperature - Quadrant 2 2(c) E
16. Core Exit Temperature - Quadrant 3 2(c) E
17. Core Exit Temperature - Quadrant 4 2(c) E
18. Steam Generator Pressure 2 per Steam E Saturation Generator
19. RCS Subcooling Margin 2(d) E
20. Core Exit Temperature Subcooling Margin 2(e) E
21. Reactor Vessel Upper Head Subcooling Margin 2(f) E
22. Pressurizer Pressure (Wide Range) 2 E (c) A measurement channel consists of two or more core exit thermocouples.

(d) A measurement channel consists of Reactor Coolant Cold Leg Temperature (T-Cold)

Wide Range, Reactor Coolant Hot Leg Temperature (T-Hot) Wide Range, and Pressurizer Pressure (Wide Range).

(e) A measurement channel consists of one or more Core Exit Temperature and Pressurizer Pressure (Wide Range).

(f) A measurement channel consists of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Temperature and Pressurizer Pressure (Wide Range).

APR1400 GTS 3.3.11-4 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

AMI 3.3.11 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Table 3.3.11-1 (Page 3 of 3)


23. In-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST) Level 2
24. IRWST Temperature 4 E Water
25. Containment Level 2 E
26. Containment Operating Area Radiation 2 E (For Fuel Handling Accident)
27. Spent Fuel Pool Radiation 2 4 E
28. Safety Injection Pump (SIP) Direct Vessel 2 E Injection (DVI) Flow Rate
29. Main Steam Atmospheric Steam Dump Valve 4 E Position 2
30. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow 4 E
31. Hydrogen Concentration 2 2 E
32. Containment Atmosphere Temperature 4 E
33. 4.16 kV Switchgear Voltage 4 E
34. DC Bus Voltage 2 E
35. Instrument Power Bus Voltage 2 E APR1400 GTS 3.3.11-5 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

AMI B 3.3.11 BASES LCO (continued)

Listed below are discussions of the specified instrument functions listed in Table 3.3.11-1. The following instruments are displayed on QIAS-P, QIAS-N, and IPS.

1. Logarithmic Reactor Power Logarithmic Reactor Power indication is provided to verify reactor shutdown.

Inputs are provided by two safety channels with a minimum sensor and indicated range of 2E-8 to 200% power.

2, 3. Hot Leg Temperature (wide range) and Cold Leg Temperature (wide range)

Hot leg and cold leg temperatures are variables provided for verification of core cooling and long term surveillance. They are also inputs to the Reactor Coolant System subcooling margin monitor.

saturation Reactor coolant outlet and inlet temperature inputs to the AMI are provided by two fast response resistance elements and associated transmitters in each loop. The channels provide indication over a minimum sensor and indicated range of 0 to 400°C (32 to 752°F).

4. Reactor Coolant System Pressure RCS pressure (wide range) is a variable, provided for verification of core cooling and RCS integrity long term surveillance.

Wide range RCS loop pressure is measured by pressure transmitters with a minimum sensor and indicated range of 0 to 281.2 kg/cm2G (0 to 4,000 psig). The pressure transmitters are located inside the containment. Redundant monitoring capability is provided by two trains of instrumentation.

APR1400 GTS B 3.3.11-4 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

AMI B 3.3.11 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 BASES LCO (continued)

18. Steam Generator Pressure The steam generator pressure monitor is provided to monitor operation of the steam generators and verification of Reactor Coolant System (RCS) heat removal. There are two sensed channels of the steam generator pressure per steam generator.

The minimum sensor range of these channels is 1.1 to 105.5 kg/cm2A (15 to 1500 psia). The minimum indicated range of these channels is 0 to 105 kg/cm2A (0 to 1494 psia).

19. RCS Subcooling Margin RCS Subcooling Margin is provided for verification and analysis of plant conditions.

There are two sensed channels of RCS Subcooling Margin. RCS Subcooling Margin is calculated from Wide Range Pressurizer Pressure (minimum sensor range of 0 to 210.9 kg/cm2 [0 to 3,000 psi]), Reactor Coolant Hot Leg and Cold Leg Temperatures (Minimum Sensor Range of 0 to 400°C [32 to 752°F]). RCS Temperature Subcooling Margin indicated range is from 358.3°C (677°F) subcooling to 399°C (750°F) superheated. RCS Pressure Subcooling Margin indicated range is from 210.9 kg/cm2 Saturation subcooling to 225.5 kg/cm2 superheated.

20. CET Subcooling Margin CET Subcooling Margin is provided for verification and analysis of plant conditions.

There are two sensed channels of CET Subcooling Margin. CET Subcooling Margin is calculated from Wide Range Pressurizer saturation 2

Pressure (minimum sensor range of 0 to 210.9 kg/cm [0 to 3,000 psi]) and Core Exit Temperatures (Minimum Sensor Range of 0 to 1,260.0°C [32 to 2,300°F]). CET Temperature Subcooling Margin indicated range is from 368.3°C (695°F) subcooling to 1,260.0°C (2,300°F) superheated. CET Pressure Subcooling Margin indicated range is from 210.9 kg/cm2 subcooling to 225.5 kg/cm2 superheated. subcooling APR1400 GTS B 3.3.11-9 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

AMI B 3.3.11 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 BASES RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 LCO (continued)

21. RV Upper Head Subcooling Margin subcooling RV Upper Head Subcooling Margin is provided for verification and analysis of plant conditions.

There are two sensed channels of RV Upper Head Subcooling Margin. RV Upper Head Subcooling Margin is calculated from Wide Range Pressurizer Pressure (minimum sensor range of 0 to 210.9 kg/cm2 [0 to 3,000 psi]) and Reactor Vessel Upper Head saturation Saturation Temperature (Minimum Sensor Range of 0 to 1,260.0°C [32 to 2,300°F]). RV Upper Head Temperature Subcooling Margin indicated range is from 368.3°C (695°F) subcooling to 1,260.0°C (2,300°F) superheated. RV Upper Head Pressure Subcooling Margin indicated range is from 210.9 kg/cm2 subcooling to 225.5 kg/cm2 superheated.

22. Pressurizer Pressure (wide range)

Pressurizer Pressure (wide range) is measured by pressure transmitters with a minimum sensor and indicated range of 0 to 210.9 kg/cm2A (0 to 3,000 psia).

23. IRWST Level The IRWST Level monitor is provided to sure water supply for emergency core cooling and containment spray. The in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST) consists of one torus-type tank inside containment. There are four 0 to 100% sensors and indicated range level channels.
24. IRWST Temperature IRWST temperature is provided for verification of long term decay heat removal operation. There are four 10 to 176.7°C (50 to 350°F) sensors with an indicated range temperature channels.


25. Containment Level The containment level monitor is provided for verification and long term surveillance of emergency core cooling and the containment level is measured by two instruments with a minimum sensor and indicated range of 0 to 100%.

water APR1400 GTS B 3.3.11-10 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

AMI B 3.3.11 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 BASES LCO (continued)

30. Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Items 34 and 35 to be added The Auxiliary Feedwater Flow is provided to verify the flow of Auxiliary as shown on the next page. Feedwater supplied to corresponding steam generator. The Auxiliary Feedwater System delivers the minimum required flow of 650 gpm to the affected steam generator within 60 seconds following an AFAS.

The maximum rate of auxiliary feedwater flow delivered to the steam Items 31,32 and 33 to be added as generator at 1,240 psia or less is equal to or less than 950 gpm. The shown on the next page. flowrate is indicated range of 0 to 3,600 lpm (0 to 950 gpm).

Two channels are required to be OPERABLE for all but one Function.

Two OPERABLE channels ensure that no single failure within the AMI or its auxiliary supporting features or power sources, concurrent with failures that are a condition of or result from a specific accident, prevents the operators from obtaining from being presented the information necessary for them to determine the safety status of the plant and to bring the plant to and maintain it in a safe condition following that accident.

In Table 3.3.11-1 delineates that the exception to the two channel requirements is the containment isolation valve position.

Two OPERABLE channels of core exit thermocouples are required for each channel in each quadrant to provide indication of radial distribution of the coolant temperature rise across representative regions of the core. Power distribution symmetry is considered in determining the specific number and locations provided for diagnosis of local core problems. Therefore, two randomly selected thermocouples may not be sufficient to meet the two thermocouples per channel requirement in any quadrant. The two thermocouples in each channel must meet the additional requirement that one be located near the center of the core and the other near the core perimeter, such that the pair of core exit thermocouples indicates the radial temperature gradient across their core quadrant. Two sets of two thermocouples in each quadrant ensure a single failure will not disable the ability to determine the radial temperature gradient.

For loop and steam generator related variables, the required information is individual loop temperature and individual steam generator level.

In these cases two channels are required to be OPERABLE for each loop of steam generator to redundantly provide the necessary information.

APR1400 GTS B 3.3.11-12 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4

31. Hydrogen concentration Hydrogen concentration is a variable to support containment combustible gas control during the accident. Two channel hydrogen concentration sensors are provided with a minimum sensor indication range of 0 to 15 % by volume.
32. Containment atmosphere temperature Containment atmosphere temperature is a variable to support containment temperature control during the accident. Containment atmosphere temperatures are provided with a minimum sensor indication range of 4.4 to 204.4 °C (40 to 400 °F).
33. 4.16 kV Switchgear Voltage The Class 1E 4.16 kV switchgear bus voltage is provided to verify adequate electric power which is available for ESF loads. For each bus, one voltage input is provided with a range of 0 to 5,250 V Vac
34. DC Bus Voltage The 125 Vdc bus voltage of the Class 1E DC power system is provided to verify adequate electric power which is available for monitoring and control of the safety functions. For each bus, one voltage input is provided with a range of 0 to 150 Vdc.
35. Instrument Power Bus Voltage The 120 Vac bus voltage of the Class 1E instrumentation and control power system is provided to verify adequate electric power which is available for monitoring and control of the safety functions. For each bus, one voltage input is provided with a range of 0 to 150 Vac.

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

RCS Loops - MODES 4 B 3.4.6 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 BASES LCO (continued)

Core outlet temperature is to be maintained at least 5.6°C (10qF) below saturation temperature so that no vapor bubble can form and possibly cause a natural circulation flow obstruction. The response of the RCS without the RCPs or SC pumps depends on the core decay heat load and the length of time that the pumps are stopped. As decay heat diminishes, the effects on RCS temperature and pressure diminish.

Without cooling by forced flow, higher heat loads will cause the reactor coolant temperature and pressure to increase at a rate proportional to the decay heat load. Because pressure can increase, the applicable system pressure limits (pressure and temperature (P/T) limits or low temperature overpressure protection (LTOP) limits) must be observed and forced SC flow or heat removal via the SGs must be re-established prior to reaching the pressure limit. The circumstances for stopping both RCPs or SC pumps are to be limited to situations where:

a. Pressure and temperature increases can be maintained well within the allowable pressure (P/T limits and LTOP) and 5.6°C (10qF) subcooling limits or saturation subcooling
b. An alternate heat removal path through the SGs is in operation.

Note 2 requires, before an RCP is started with any RCS cold leg temperature less than or equal to the LTOP enable temperature specified in the PTLR, that secondary side water temperature in each SG is 55.6°C (100°F) above each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.

Satisfying the above conditions will preclude a large pressure surge in the RCS when the RCP is started.

An OPERABLE RCS loop consists of at least one OPERABLE RCP and an SG that is OPERABLE in accordance with the steam generator tube surveillance program and has the minimum water level specified in SR

Similarly, for the SC System (SCS), an OPERABLE SC train is composed of the OPERABLE SC pump capable of providing forced flow to the SC heat exchanger.

RCPs and SC pumps are OPERABLE if they are capable of being powered and are able to provide flow if required. Management of gas voids is important to SCS OPERABILITY.

APR1400 GTS B 3.4.6-2 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

RCS Loops - MODE 5 (Loops Filled)

B 3.4.7 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 BASES LCO The purpose of this LCO is to require at least one of the SC trains be OPERABLE and in operation with an additional SC train OPERABLE or secondary side water level of each SG shall be 25% wide range. One SC train provides sufficient forced circulation to perform the safety functions of the reactor coolant under these conditions. The second SC train is normally maintained OPERABLE as a backup to the operating SC train to provide redundant paths for decay heat removal. However, if the standby SC train is not OPERABLE, a sufficient alternate method to provide redundant paths for decay heat removal is two SGs with their secondary side water levels 25% wide range. Should the operating SC train fail, the SGs could be used to remove the decay heat.

Note 1 permits all SC pumps to be de-energized 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> per 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> period. The circumstances for stopping both SC trains are to be limited to situations where pressure and temperature increases can be maintained well within the allowable pressure (pressure and temperature (P/T) limits or low temperature overpressure protection (LTOP) limits) and 5.6°C (10qF) subcooling limits, or an alternate heat removal path through the SG(s) is in operation.

saturation This LCO is modified by a Note that prohibits boron dilution when SC forced flow is stopped because an even concentration distribution cannot be ensured. Core outlet temperature is to be maintained at least 5.6°C subcooling (10qF) below saturation temperature, so that no vapor bubble would form and possibly cause a natural circulation flow obstruction.

In this MODE, the SG(s) can be used as the backup for SC heat removal.

To ensure their availability, the RCS loop flow path is to be maintained with subcooled liquid.

In MODE 5, it is sometimes necessary to stop all RCPs or SC forced circulation. This is permitted to change operation from one SC train to the other, perform surveillance or startup testing, perform the transition to and from the SC System, or to avoid operation below the RCP minimum net positive suction head limit. The time period is acceptable because natural circulation is acceptable for decay heat removal, the reactor coolant temperature can be maintained subcooled, and boron stratification affecting reactivity control is not expected.

APR1400 GTS B 3.4.7-2 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

RCS Loops - MODE 5 (Loops Not Filled)

B 3.4.8 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 B 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS)

B 3.4.8 RCS Loops - MODE 5 (Loops Not Filled)

BASES BACKGROUND In MODE 5 with the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) loops not filled, the primary function of the reactor coolant is the removal of decay heat and transfer of this heat to the shutdown cooling (SC) heat exchangers. The steam generators are not available as a heat sink when the loops are not filled. The secondary function of the reactor coolant is to act as a carrier for soluble neutron poison, boric acid.

In MODE 5 with loops not filled, only the SC System (SCS) can be used for coolant circulation. The number of trains in operation can vary to suit the operational needs. The intent of this LCO is to provide forced flow from at least one SC train for decay heat removal and transport. The other intent of this Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) is to require that two paths be available to provide redundancy for heat removal.

This LCO permits limited periods without forced circulation. When the SC trains are not in operation, no alternate heat removal path exists.

The response of the RCS without the SCS depends on the decay heat load and the length of time that the SC pumps are stopped. As decay heat diminishes, the effects on RCS temperature diminish. Without cooling by SCS, higher heat loads will cause the reactor coolant temperature to increase at a rate proportional to the decay heat load.

Because pressure can increase, applicable system pressure limits (pressure and temperature limits or low temperature overpressurization limits) must be observed and forced SCS flow must be reestablished prior to reaching the pressure limit. Entry into a condition with no SCS train in operation stops heat removal and should only be considered for limited circumstances such as when switching from one SCS train to the other.

With the SC pumps stopped, pressure and temperature could increase and pumps must be restored prior to exceeding pressure and subcooling limits. saturation The SC System removes decay heat from the RCS and transfers the heat to the Component Cooling Water (CCW) System. During Loops Not Filled operations the interruption or loss of SCS flow, decay heat removal (DHR) capability, can lead to bulk boiling quite rapidly.

subcooling APR1400 GTS B 3.4.8-1 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Pressurizer B 3.4.9 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 BASES BACKGROUND (continued)

The minimum steady state water level in the pressurizer assures pressurizer heaters, which are required to achieve and maintain pressure control, remain covered with water to prevent failure, which could occur if the heaters were energized uncovered.

The requirement to have two groups of pressurizer heaters ensures that RCS pressure can be maintained. The pressurizer heaters maintain RCS pressure to keep the reactor coolant subcooled. Inability to control RCS pressure during natural circulation flow could result in a loss of single phase flow and a decreased capability to remove core decay heat.

APPLICABLE In MODES 1, 2, and 3, the LCO requirement for a steam bubble is SAFETY reflected implicitly in the accident analyses. No safety analyses are ANALYSES performed in lower MODES. All analyses performed from a critical reactor condition assume the existence of a steam bubble and saturated conditions in the pressurizer. In making this assumption, the analyses neglect the small fraction of non-condensible gases normally present.

Safety analyses presented in FSAR do not take credit for pressurizer heater operation, however, an implicit initial condition assumption of the safety analyses is that the RCS is operating at normal pressure.

saturation Although the heaters are not specifically credited in accident analysis, the need to maintain subcooling in the long term during loss of offsite power, as indicated in NUREG-0737 (Ref. 2), is the reason for inclusion. The subcooling requirement for emergency power supplies is based on NUREG-0737 (Ref. 2). The intent is to allow maintaining the reactor coolant in a subcooled condition with natural circulation at hot, high pressure conditions for an undefined, but extended, time period after a loss of offsite power. While loss of offsite power is a coincident occurrence with turbine trip assumed in many accident analyses, maintaining hot, high pressure conditions over an extended time period is not evaluated as part of the accident analyses.

The pressurizer satisfies the Criteria 2 and 3 of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii).

APR1400 GTS B 3.4.9-2 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Pressurizer B 3.4.9 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 BASES LCO The LCO requirement for the pressurizer to be OPERABLE with water level 25% and 56% ensures that a steam bubble exists. Limiting the maximum operating water level preserves the steam for pressure control.

The minimum operating water level is established pressurizer heaters remain covered with water to prevent failure, which could occur if the heaters were energized uncovered in steam bubble region. The intent of the LCO is to ensure that a steam bubble exists in the pressurizer to minimize the consequences of potential overpressure transients.

The LCO requires two groups of OPERABLE pressurizer heaters, each with a capacity 200 kW (and capable of being powered from an emergency power supply). The minimum heater capacity required is sufficient to maintain the RCS near normal operating pressure when accounting for heat losses through the pressurizer insulation. By maintaining the pressure near the operating conditions, a wide subcooling subcooling margin to saturation can be obtained in the loops. The exact design value of 300 kW is derived from the use of 6 heaters rated at 50 kW each.

The amount needed to maintain pressure is dependent on the ambient saturation heat losses.

APPLICABILITY The need for pressurizer pressure control is most pertinent when core heat can cause the greatest effect on RCS temperature resulting in the greatest effect on pressurizer level and RCS pressure control. Thus, Applicability has been designated for MODES 1, 2, and 3. The purpose is to prevent solid water RCS operation during heatup and cooldown to avoid rapid pressure rises caused by normal operational perturbation, such as reactor coolant pump startup.

The LCO does not apply to MODE 5 (Loops Filled) because LCO 3.4.11, Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) System, applies.

The LCO does not apply to MODES 5 and 6 with partial loop operation.

In MODES 1, 2, and 3, there is the need to maintain the availability of pressurizer heaters capable of being powered from an emergency power supplies. In the event of a loss of offsite power, the initial conditions of these MODES give the greatest demand for maintaining the RCS in a hot pressurized condition with loop subcooling for an extended period. For MODE 4, 5, or 6, it is not necessary to control pressure (by heaters) to ensure loop subcooling for heat transfer when the shutdown cooling System is in-service and, therefore, the LCO is not applicable.

APR1400 GTS B 3.4.9-3 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

RCGV Function B 3.4.16 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.3 B 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS)

B 3.4.16 Reactor Coolant Gas Vent (RCGV) Function BASES BACKGROUND The reactor coolant gas vent (RCGV) function is to provide a safety grade means of venting non-condensible gases and steam from the pressurizer and the reactor vessel closure head. The RCGV function is designed to be used during all design bases events for RCS pressure control purposes when Main Spray and Auxiliary Spray Systems are unavailable.

The OPERABILITY of at least one RCGV path from the pressurizer and at least one RCGV path from the reactor vessel closure head to the IRWST ensures that this function can be performed.

The RCGV function is a manually operated safety grade system. It removes non-condensible gases or steam from the pressurizer and the reactor vessel closure head through vent lines to the in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST). Each vent line has two pairs of parallel isolation valves which are closed during normal operation.

During shutdown or transient conditions, if the operator judges that non-condensible gases are collected in the pressurizer or in the reactor vessel closure head, the operator vents the gases by manually opening the RCGV valves from the main control room (MCR) according to operating procedures. The RCGV function will have the capability to be manually actuated, monitored, and controlled from the MCR as required by GDC 19.

The two isolation valves in each parallel path are normally powered from the 125 Vdc buses and emergency power is provided to the valves by batteries. The RCGV System is designed to maintain a vent path after a single failure of any single valve or its power source. This design feature satisfies the requirements of GDC 17 and GDC 34.

APPLICABLE The RCGV function provides a safety grade method of RCS SAFETY depressurization that is credited during natural circulation. The operator ANALYSES uses the SI System, the pressurizer backup heaters, and the RCGV function to control RCS inventory and subcooling. The pressurizer vent line is 5.0 cm (2.0 in) nominal diameter to meet the requirement to vent one-half the RCS volume in one hour.

saturation subcooling APR1400 GTS B 3.4.16-1 Rev. 1

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-1P, Rev.1 4.5 Qualified Indication and Alarm System - P 4.5.1 Functions The QIAS-P provides a continuous display of RG1.97, Rev. 4 AMI variables (Types A, B and C) and an unambiguous indication of the approach to and the recovery from ICC as a backup to the safety parameter display system (SPDS). The recording function for Type A, B and C variables is performed in the IPS.

The QIAS-P calculates representative core exit temperature, primary coolant subcooling margins, and reactor vessel water level. saturation The QIAS-P provides output signals to the QIAS-P display via the SDN, to the MTP for the IPS (via unidirectional Ethernet datalink), and to the ITP for the QIAS-N (via the SDL). In all cases, these output signals are for display of sensor signals, ICC variables, and AMI variables.

The QIAS-P provides a backup for the SPDS for ICC variables. The SPDS is implemented in the SPADES+ application in the IPS.

8SRQUHFHLSWRIWKHDQDORJDQGGLJLWDOVLJQDOVthe QIAS-P performs signal checking. The QIAS-P displays are a major part of the overall MCR information system used for accident monitoring. The QIAS-P configuration is presented in Figure 4-19.

4.5.2 Design Features The QIAS-P has two divisionalized cabinets. The QIAS-P cabinet for each division is located in the divisionalized I&C equipment room. The QIAS-P receives AMI variables from the PPS and ESF-CCS via the SDN; and APC-S and process instrumentation via hard-wired connection. The QIAS-P also displays the status of &,9s from both QIAS-P divisions. The status of the other QIAS-P division &,9VDUH obtained from the ITP through the interdivisional SDL. Calculation The QIAS-P processes the AMI variables (Types A, B and C) as determined from RG 1.97, Rev.4, for accident monitoring guidelines.

The QIAS-P calculates representative core exit temperature from the core exit thermocouples (CETs).

The QIAS-P calculates primary coolant subcooling margins based on CET temperatures, hot and cold leg temperatures, heated junction thermocouple (HJTC) temperatures from the reactor vessel head region, and pressurizer pressure. The QIAS-P calculates reactor vessel level from the top of the core to the top of the reactor vessel (based on the signals from the HJTCs). The HJTCs are discrete level measurements throughout the height of the reactor vessel. Liquid uncovery of an HJTC is determined by the temperature difference between the heated and unheated thermocouple pair at a specific height location in the reactor vessel.


RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-1P, Rev.1 Displays The QIAS-P has two FPDs on the SC. The QIAS-P division A(B) displays division A(B) variables except


The QIAS-P division A and B FPDs DOVRGLVSOD\WKH&,9VVWDWXVIRUDOOdivisions to monitor the proper operation RI&,9V to confirm the isolation of containment penetration to enhance plant safety. The compliance to DI&C-ISG-04 of the interdivisional SDL is addressed in Appendix C of this report.

The FPD displays SURYLGHEDFNXSGLVSOD\VIRUWKH,&&YDULDEOHVSHU185(*-0737. The primary displays of ICC variables are implemented in the SPADES+ of the IPS.

Each FPD allows the operator to select the pages that display either:

x AMI variables or x ICC variables The QIAS-P displays output an unambiguous indication in accordance with Style Guide (Reference 16).

The following ICC variables are calculated and validated using an algorithm executed by the QIAS-P PLC processor, and are displayed on the QIAS-P displays in the MCR.

x Primary coolant saturation margin (temperatures calculated from RTDs, HJTCs, CETs and PZR pressure) x Coolant temperature at the core exit (calculated from CETs) x Coolant level in the reactor vessel above the top of the core (calculated from HJTCs) MTP Functions The QIAS-P allows signal substitution for failed HJTC values, signal bypass for abnormal values by operator decision. The QIAS-P allows setpoint changes for ICC calculation parameters by the operator through the MTP to prevent software modifications for simple changes to the system. These functions are manually initiated from the MTP under administrative control. Power Supply Power distribution is assigned such that the loss of a single vital instrument power bus does not result in the loss of more than one QIAS-P division. Loss of electrical power to a QIAS-P FPD display results in a blank screen. The loss of electrical power to one QIAS-P controller processor results in an indication of an inactive state on the QIAS-P displays. Alarms The QIAS-P generates alarms (visual only) for ICC parameters and send them to the QIAS-N and IPS.:

x Low reactor vessel level-head x Low reactor vessel level-plenum x Low upper head temperature subcooling margin (IPS only) saturation KEPCO & KHNP 102

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-1P, Rev.1 x Low upper head pressure subcooling margin (IPS only) x Low RCS temperature subcooling margin (IPS only) x Low RCS pressure subcooling margin (IPS only) x Low CET temperature subcooling margin saturation x Low CET pressure subcooling margin (IPS only) x Low RCS /59upper head temperature subcooling margin x Low RCS /59upper head pressure subcooling margin (IPS only) x High representative CET temperature Redundancy The QIAS-P consists of the redundant safety divisions A and B for signal processing and displays.

Redundancy is provided for both the instrument divisions supplying the signal and the displays in the MCR. Instrument channels are electrically independent and physically separated from non-safety equipment by qualified isolation devices. The QIAS-P cabinets are located in separated I&C equipment rooms. Credited redundancy for the display of RG 1.97, Rev. 4, Type A, B and C variables is provided by the QIAS-P divisions. Type A, B and C variables are also displayed on the QIAS-N and IPS.

To prevent ambiguity of the information presented to the operator, additional sensors or diverse variables are used to ensure that the information presented to the operator is correct as described in Table 7.5-1 of the DCD.

The QIAS-P monitors two redundant AMI instrument channels (A and B) for each RG1.97, Rev. 4 Type A, B and C process parameters. )RU&,9VWKH4,$6-P displays all divisions on each QIAS-P display.

4.5.3 System Interfaces The QIAS-P cabinet interfaces with the following systems and equipment:

x Process instrumentation x Auxiliary process cabinet - safety x HJTC (HJTC temperatures) x In-core instrumentation system (CET temperatures) x DIS x ESF-CCS x PPS x MTP (then to IPS),

x ITP (then to QIAS-N),


Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Safety I&C System APR1400-Z-J-NR-14001-1P, Rev.1 TS Table 4-6 Summary of QIAS-P I/O Signals KEPCO & KHNP 105

RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.2 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Diversity and Defense-in-Depth APR1400-Z-J-NR-14002-NP, Rev.1

 RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 The ESF system-level actuation and component-level MI VZLWFKVLJQDOVDUHLQSXWWRWKH&30DQGWKHQ

data linked to the ESF-CCS, i.e., the signals are susceptible to a postulated CCF.

c. Qualified Indication and Alarm System - P The QIAS-P displays the RG 1.97, Rev. 4, Types A, B, and C variables. The Types A, B and C variables are displayed on the QIAS-P display device on the MCR safety console. The QIAS-P is implemented on the same platform as the safety I&C systemEXWWKHVRIWZDUHLVFODVVLILHGDV,76.

The variables displayed on QIAS-P display device are DVIROORZV

i. Pressurizer Pressure (WR) ii. Pressurizer Level iii. Hot Leg Temperature (WR) iv. Cold Leg Temperature (WR)
v. Steam Generator 1 Pressure vi. Steam Generator 2 Pressure vii. Steam Generator 1 Level (WR) viii. Steam Generator 2 Level (WR)

(neutron flux) ix. Logarithmic 5HDFWRU3RZHU

x. Core Exit Temperature Saturation xi. RCS Subcooling Margin xii. CET Subcooling Margin xiii. RV Upper Head Subcooling Margin xiv. Reactor Vessel Level (RV closure head level/RV plenum level) xv. RCS Pressure Wide xvi. Containment Pressure (Extended Range) xvii. Containment Pressure (WR)

Water xviii. Containment Level xix. Containment Operating Area Radiation (For Fuel Handling Accident) xx. Containment Upper Operating Area Radiation xxi. Containment Isolation Valve Position xxii. IRWST Level


RAI 38-7878 - Question 07.05-1_Rev.4 Non-Proprietary 5$,4XHVWLRQB5HY $WWDFKPHQW 

Diversity and Defense-in-Depth APR1400-Z-J-NR-14002-NP, Rev.1

xxiii. IRWST Temperature xxiv. Holdup Volume Tank Level xxv. Spent Fuel Pool Radiation xxvi. 6,3'9,)ORZ5DWH xxx. Hydrogen Concentration xxvii. Reactor Cavity Level xxxi. Containment Atmosphere Temperature xxviii. MS ADV Position xxxii. 4.16kV Switchgear Voltage xxxiii. DC Bus Voltage xxix. $X[LOLDU\)HHGZDWHU)ORZ xxxiv. Instrument Power Bus Voltage In addition to the above displayed variables, several parameters are calculated from those variables and displayed on QIAS-P display device. These include:

i. Representative Core Exit Temperature ii. Highest CET Temperature (Quadrant 1, 2, 3, 4) iii. Next Highest CET Temperature (Quadrant 1, 2, 3, 4) iv. Temperature Saturation Margin (Upper Head, RCS, CET )
v. Pressure Saturation Margin (Upper Head, RCS, CET) vi. Differential Junction Temperature vii. Heated Junction Thermocouple Relative Liquid Inventory (1 thru 8) viii. Liquid Reactor Vessel Level (Head, Plenum)


i. Sensors ii. APC-S iii. QIAS-P Processor iv. QIAS-P Display Device
d. Qualified Indication and Alarm System - Non-Safety The QIAS-N displays the RG 1.97, Rev. 4, Types A, B, C, D, and E variables. The QIAS-N is implemented on the same platform as the QIAS-P, but is non-safety system and seismically qualified.

The QIAS-N variables include the Types A, B, and C variables of QIAS-P in addition to the Types D and E variables.